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Innovations at Siemens

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A view to the future

Innovation at Siemens



Innovations that set standards
for the future


A view to the future

Interview with Joe Kaeser
and Siegfried Russwurm


Fueling the new age of power


Shaping the Fourth Industrial


Shaping the digital enterprise


Open Innovation
Reinventing the way we invent




that set
standards for
the future

For close to 170 years, groundbreaking technologies, and the business

models built on them, have been the foundation of our success
innovations that do not simply remain inventions but set new benchmarks and achieve market success as products, solutions and services.
They are what have transformed our company from a start-up in a
Berlin backyard into a leading global group. And they will enable us to
build a successful future for our company, our customers and society.




Conversion of mechanical energy
into electrical energy the Siemens
dynamo is steadily putting electricity
into peoples daily lives.

1816 1892
Founder of Siemens, visionary businessman, pioneer in electrical engineering
and an initiator of the modern economy.

Werner von Siemens

1847 innovations
covering about 170 years

In the pointer telegraph, Werner von Siemens
created a reliable system for transmitting messages
and also laid the foundation for the Siemens & Halske
Telegraph Construction Company and therefore for
the global company Siemens.




In launching the Simatic controllers
on the market, Siemens laid the
foundation for a leading position
in automation technology, which
lasts until today.

Siemens started field testing of the

worlds largest rotor at a 6 megawatt
offshore wind farm near sterild in
Denmark, allowing 6,000 households
to be supplied with clean electricity.

The Magnetom was the firstmagnetic
resonance imaging scanner from
Siemens toenter service in Germany.

Our key fields

The Irish Free State awarded Siemens thecontract
for electrification of the entire country. Thecore
was the hydroelectric power plant on the river
Shannon with three 30 MVA generators.


Breakthrough for Siemens in high-voltage
direct-current (HVDC) transmission
firstused along the1,400 km route from
Mozambique to South Africa.

The next stage in automation technology:

Siemens introduced the Totally Integrated
Automation Portal (TIA Portal), which
improves all operating, machine andprocessflows.

Siemens presents its digitalization strategy.
One result is that all Siemens digital services
will run via Sinalytics (platform for industrial
data analytics) in the future.

What are the requirements of the electricity market

ofthe future? Siemens provides answers forEnergie
wende 2.0.


The real and virtual manufacturing worlds are

converging. Siemens is working on technologies
fortheFourth Industrial Revolution.


Digitalization is the most important growth driver

forthe future. Siemens already makes it possible
toplan products on a digital basis using a digital twin.



CKI Universities
In the Center ofKnowledgeInter
change (CKI) program Siemens
collaborates with world-renowned
universities on long-term research
projects on key technologies.

R&D intensity

Ratio of R&D expenses

and revenue

Research and
development (R&D)

Principal Partner
Siemens maintains an intensive
strategic cooperation with top
universities in the area of research
and development.





Operating figures relating to Siemens innovative capacity in financial year 2015

Patent first filings

Employees in
research and development


Patents granted






171 major research locations1 in 27 countries

Czech Republic
United Kingdom

With 15 or more employees


Interview with Joe Kaeser and Siegfried Russwurm

A view to
the future
Interview with Joe Kaeser and Siegfried Russwurm

Digitalization is changing the world. And it is changing Siemens, too.

Whether its smart factories, decentralized energy systems or tomorrows
mobility systems, Siemens engineers are increasingly closing the gap
thatonce separated hardware from software. Cloud technologies and
data analytics are helping in this process. So are agile start-ups and our
legendary entrepreneurship. Joe Kaeser and Siegfried Russwurm discuss
Siemens innovative power and our ideas for the future.

Joe Kaeser

Prof.Dr.Siegfried Russwurm

President and Chief Executive Officer

of Siemens AG

Member of the Managing Board

and Chief Technology Officer of Siemens AG

Interview with Joe Kaeser and Siegfried Russwurm


Is Siemens still innovative?

Of course. The Company has been living from good ideas that
earn us money for almost 170 years. We have stayed profitable because
we have reinvented ourselves several times. We cant afford to slacken
when it comes to our innovative power, and we wont! This is why we are
stepping up our investments in R&D to 4.8 billion euros in fiscal year
2016 an increase of 20 percent over the figure for 2014. A large portion
of this funding will flow into our core fields of electrification, automation
and digitalization.

SIEGFRIED RUSSWURM Pioneering technologies and the business models that

build on them are the foundation of our success. Without a doubt, the
speed of innovation has increased dramatically. That affects the way we
develop new things. Our innovation processes are much more open
nowadays. Instead of hatching ideas behind locked doors, we are now
collaborating with external partners, including small start-ups that
havelittle money but good ideas.


Siemens matured in a world ofhardware, in other words of tangible

products. However, today, exciting
growth business is increasingly
arising in the digital world.
JOE KAESER Thats right. We have therefore devised our own digitalization
strategy and are implementing it consistently. At seven to nine percent,
we expect the greatest growth potential for Siemens to be in the field of
digitalization. And we want to achieve that over our entire portfolio,
forexample with our digital services for remote maintenance of a wide
range of systems. Our software for design, prototyping and simulation
inthe virtual world was even used successfully in the development
ofthe Mars rover Curiosity, and also helped the Italian car manufacturer
Maserati to bring a new vehicle to market in just 16 months.

As a broad-based technology group, we have a key

advantage: we can leverage our size, for instance by investing once and
building uniform platforms for our Divisions and Business Units. This
includes an extensive IT security concept, a plan for using cloud technologies and with Sinalytics a platform for industrial data analytics that
everyone at Siemens will be able to use. And our customers will be the
primary beneficiaries of these steps.



Interview with Joe Kaeser and Siegfried Russwurm

Our energy business, in particular,

has been subject to major changes
allover the world. What are the
innovations with which you want to
bring Siemens forward here?

The market has indeed changed dramatically in recent years.

Energy systems are becoming decentralized. We must be self-critical
andrecognize that we did not always keep up with these developments
in the past. We have learned from that. We want to become a leading
player in the area of decentralized energy supply. The acquisition
ofDresser-Rand and Rolls-Royces turbine business is a significant step.
Wehave set our sights on optimum interplay between various energy
sources in a multimodal energy system. This includes new ways of
generating electricity as well as new chemical energy storage systems
forsurplus green power, innovative transmission technologies,
smartgrid concepts and information and communication technologies.
After all, digitalization is also gaining ground in the energy sector.


Siemens has a strong position in

theindustry automation business.
Can this lead be extended?

We are the only company in the world that already

unites the real and virtual manufacturing worlds under one roof
oneofthe key aspects of Industrie 4.0. We began to orchestrate all
components and closely integrate software and hardware 20 years ago,
the buzzword being smart factory. At our Amberg Electronics Plant,
products and machines communicate with each other and all processes
are optimized and controlled in terms of IT. The plant has achieved
aquality rating of 99.99885 percent. And at the Electronics Manu
facturing Plant in Erlangen, we have devised new concepts for highly
flexible manufacturing systems using lightweight robots and 3D printers.

Is it sufficient to expand existing

business? Shouldnt Siemens also
beexperimenting with disruptive
JOE KAESER We not only need disruptive ideas but also the courage to
realize them. But here, too, we have made considerable progress.
Wearemore daring. And we are actively looking around. Many concepts
fornew technologies originate at start-up companies. And they,
in turn, are often looking for financially strong partners with expertise


Interview with Joe Kaeser and Siegfried Russwurm

inextensive development work partners like Siemens. That is why

wedeploy specially trained technology scouts in Silicon Valley, Shanghai,
Munich and soon in Tel Aviv.
At present, we have intensified our search for very
young companies working on 3D printing and robotics. We havea
specific support program for this. For example, one of the companies
isdeveloping software that optimizes 3D designs. By supporting such
companies, we get very early access to new technologies in return.
Butwe also found start-ups ourselves, make use of the entrepreneurshipof external managers and later bring applications of strategic
interest into the Group.

Should Siemens act more like

astart-up itself?
SIEGFRIED RUSSWURM We can certainly learn a lot about innovative power,
inventive spirit and speed from start-ups, and we do. We are working on
making the Group faster and more open both internally and externally.
Our plans for the Innovation AG are the logical next step. We aim to
build an environment in which pioneering ideas can prosper and where
there is room for creativity supporting even disruptive innovations that
are outside the scope of our current portfolio, and implementing these
by means of unconventional approaches. This is our understanding of
consistent innovation management in the 21st century.
JOE KAESER What makes start-ups so special? Theyre creative, often
disruptive, remarkably fast and very solution-oriented. Siemens, on the
other hand, is excellent at continuously improving its products. We have
clout, global reach, and are process-oriented. Our aim is to combine the
best of both worlds, while keeping any disadvantages to an absolute
minimum! The Innovation AG will be free of the hierarchical processes
and structures that shackle major corporations, yet it will be able to
leverage all the opportunities and clout afforded by our Group. This is
how we will set the stage for enhanced freedom to experiment, as well
as innovation and growth. We expect this to strengthen our ownership
culture. Siemens itself began as a start-up in a backyard in Berlin. A piece
of this entrepreneurship is inside all of us and that is what lies at the
core of our claim Ingenuity for life.

Thank you very much for this interview.





thenew age


The requirements for a stable electricity supply

have been evolving ever since Siemens got
started in a Berlin backyard about 170 years ago.
Today, however, faced with climate change
andthe need for decarbonization, they have
become far more urgent. Siemens is introducing
technologies that will help to make a transi
tionto a sustainable energy economy possible.
Siemens is facing up to the challenges posed by climate
change. For instance, our researchers have designed a
simulation model called the Energy System Development Plan
that illustrates how things would change if 80 percent of
energy were generated from renewables. What impact would
such a change have on the generation and transmission
ofpower and on energy markets? Their answer: In the future,
theenergy landscape will be characterized by countless
decentralized, distributed and networked power generators.
In view of this prediction, Siemens is looking to innovative
transmission technologies such as direct current full bridge
technologies and smart grid concepts as well as information
and communication technologies (ICT). We also want
tobecome the leading vendor and partner in tomorrows
decentralized electricity supply system. We are therefore
working in parallel on new chemical energy storage systems
to make use of surplus green power and to stabilize the
grid.Atthe same time, Siemens committed itself to cut its
global CO2 emissions in half until the year 2020 and to
achievea net-zero carbon footprint by 2030.



driving on
electricity super

An energy system in which a majority of electrical power

comes from renewable sources will place very high
demands on the supply structures of the future. High-
voltage transmission lines that transmit direct current
across long distances have a vital role to play in a distrib
uted and volatile environment. Three Siemens engineers
have worked on the important pieces of the puzzle that
make this possible.


Siemens developers Michael Vieth (left)

and Dr. Gnter Ebner

Heart of an HVDC
transmission system
These special modules make it
possible to transmit the power
generated by entire wind farms
from the north of Germany to
thesouth without interruption.



the complex structure of our future energy landscape into a reliable, flexible
power supply system is closing. In other
words, the long term is very quickly becoming the short term.

A world in which leading economic powers proclaim the

ageof decarbonization. AEuropean energy landscape in
whicha highly developed, very
densely populated country
turnsits back on nuclear power.
And anational supply network
inwhich the numberof power
suppliers has increased from
some hundreds toseveralmillions.
That is a world in which thedemands placed ona stable power
supply forproduction plants,
public infrastructure, and private
households are greater than
ever.That world is a reality.
The future is now

Developers for power super highways

Innovations are
their job
Michael Vieth, Dr. Gnter Ebner
and Dr. Christian Siegl (clockwise)
have revolutionized HVDCtechnology with their innovation.

Small size, enormous impact

Michael Vieth, Christian Siegl, and Gnter
Ebner are part of a development team
that is already one step ahead. Based scenarios of a future power supply, the three
Siemens engineers from Nuremberg and
Erlangen have worked for the past two
years on hardware, software and an operational management concept. Part of it is
power electronics the size of a shoebox
with a silver sheen. But dont let the small
size fool you: Integrating thousands of
such boxes into the overall system will
make it possible for population centers
and industrial clusters throughout Germany to receive precisely the amount of
energy they need in precisely the right
dose from external sources whenever
their local sources are not currently meeting demand.

Vieth holds one of these boxes in his

hands. He knows exactly whats inside this
Siemens researchers got ahead of the piece of the puzzle. But he wouldnt quite
future years ago with the Energiewende say that this is a sensation. Innovation is
2.0 project. Thats why they can already just his job, he says. He prefers to talk
say what exactly this energy environment about the technical specifications. Once
will look like and what this means for in- you strip away the technical jargon, what
frastructure and markets. The core ques- he has achieved actually sounds almost
tion that everything comes down to in the simple: If one of these modules malfuncend is how to guarantee the stability of a tions, it cannot be allowed to interrupt the
grid in which most of or even all of your power transmission.
energy comes from fluctuating sources.
The heart of the electricity
One thing is clear: Its not enough to build superhighway
more wind turbines, solar installations,
and combined heat and power plants Combined in packages of six, built into
the energy produced by these sources tower-like converter stations, and intermust reach the consumer. Storage media, connected by the thousands, the modules
including chemical technologies, are an make it for example possible for the cumuessential part of the equation. Power elec- lative energy of Germanys offshore wind
tronic components will also play an im- farms to be transmitted into more southportant role, including new converter ern areas without interruption. They are
technologies. The time window for find- the heart of the high-voltage direct curing the technologies that will transform rent transmission, or HVDC.



HVDC lines are overland electricity superhighways that span great distances. The
new Siemens technology that the three
brilliant engineers in Nuremberg and Erlangen worked on achieves this through a
full bridge, known in technical circles as
HVDC PLUS with full bridge topology. Unlike its half bridge counterpart, the full
bridge makes it possible to discover and
clear up faults more quickly and keep
them from spreading in web-like transmission systems. And it does so during live
operation, even in branching grid structures, while taking up very little space.
When lightning strikes
Full bridge technology offers crucial advantages, especially with overhead lines.
Because the power needs to keep flowing
even during rain, snow, and storms and
it needs to come back online quickly even
after a direct lightning strike. Siemens engineers came up with an idea for keeping
the direct current superhighways moving
even in this scenario. Or to stay with the
highway metaphor: to ensure that an accident on one section of road does not
lead to a multicar pile-up or even a traffic jam. If lightning strikes a line, the clever
new converters in Erlangen allow the system to attempt up to three restarts in just
450 milliseconds and keep faults local.
optimized, using as little material as possible. Together, the trio made it possible
Vieths modesty is also shared by his two for the mass of electrons moving from A
colleagues in Erlangen who gave the silver to B along the direct current superhighways to do something akin to autonoshoebox this capability. Christian Siegl
was responsible for the control technol- mous driving.
ogy in other words, adapting the software code. In the end, he says, it works Thinking one level further, from the techusing algorithms, as always. The algo- nical to the abstract, this means: Together,
rithms ensure that power and voltage are they are responsible for technical realizaregulated and kept within limits across the tion of a requirement brought to a comentire system. He sees no need to men- pany like Siemens as a result of political
tion that these algorithms can be rather targets, and for ensuring that it works and
tricky. Last but not least, Gnter Ebners is cost-effective. An important piece of
job was to ensure that the overall system the puzzle for the sustainable power
works. How many of these modules need supply of tomorrow.
to be interconnected? Which main com
ponents are needed? Which voltages can
theoverall system accommodate, and
whathappens when there are faults? He

Against the domino effect

Unimpeded flow of
power in any weather
Unique selling point: if lightning
strikes the power line, a full bridge
system will bring about a restart
within 450 milliseconds.



Gigantic converter stations

Tower of Nuremberg
Bundled in packages of six and with
thousands of them interconnected,
the modules are part of a sustainable
energy supply for the future.




Enhancing power supply stability

in a decentralized energy world
At the beginning of the 1990s, only a few hundred medium-sized and large power plants were
operating in Germany. In the meantime, the number of electricity suppliers has increased
toseveral millions. And this trend is set to intensify around the globe. Future electricity supply
systems will consist of millions of small andlarger decentralized generation units. The result
will be a vast increase incomplexity, thus demanding an infrastructure based on an advanced
clean energy modelthat will make Energiewende 2.0 possible.

In parallel to this, the companys researchers have developed technologies that support energy stability and resource conservation in tomorrows energy landscape.
That landscape will consist of millions of
small and larger decentralized generation
units. To ensure these cover demand reliably, electronics, power electronics and
information and communication technologies will be integrated more than ever, for
example through new converter technologies and ever more powerful software.















Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Source: EIT KIC InnoEnergy Strategic Roadmap

Energiewende 2.0 Transformation of the energy market

Energiewende 2.0

f re
newable energy


The more volatile power generation becomes as a result of renewables, the more
urgently we will need technologies in the
future that enable large volumes of electricity to be stored over a long period.
Siemens is focusing on chemical solutions
and also using green electricity to transform CO2 into valuable resources. Researchers use carbon dioxide and green electricity
in an electrolysis process to create valuable
raw materials, such as carbon monoxide,
ethylene and alcohols for industry.

Global market for smart grids

almost 600 billion euros until 2020

From sustainable generation through

resource-saving transmission to demand-
oriented distribution in networked buildings, production facilities and mobility
applications Siemens portfolio already
includes electrification solutions that cover
the entire energy value chain.










generation and

Predictable regional
area generation
(topological plants)

Interaction of all
energy carriers





 apacity markets





All fired up for

supplying electricity
and heat
Dr. Ghenadie Bulat
Combustion specialist at Power and Gas,
Lincoln, United Kingdom
That Siemens gas turbines work so efficiently is
partly due to Ghenadie Bulat and his inventions:
Only when the burner is functioning perfectly can
electricity and heat be generated reliably.


From the land of fjords

to the deep sea
Ove B
Head of Development at Energy Management,
Trondheim, Norway
Supplying electricity to deep-sea oil and gas rigs? No longer
aproblem thanks to the subsea technology of Ove B. His components have been designed to withstand the pressure of
hugemasses of water. Our country is too small to invent mass
produced items. We have always had to look for innovative




the Fourth


The technologies that drive industrial competi

tiveness forward are the foundation for inno
vation, growth and even social stability. But they
are also being subjected to intense competition.
As product cycles continuously shrink, customers
are demanding higher-quality products and
more customized options. The solution lies in
smart, digital automation culminating in the
vision of a high-tech strategy for the future of
industry in other words, Industrie 4.0.
For Siemens, Industrie 4.0 means connecting the real and
virtual manufacturing worlds through integrated solutions.
This includes innovative automation and drive technologies,
industry software, and services and solutions for resource
efficiency. After all, only those industrial companies that get
bywith fewer resources and make manufacturing more
efficient and more flexible can boost their productivitysustainably and stay ahead of the competition.
The name Siemens is inseparably linked with the future of
industry. With our Simatic controllers, in particular, we have
been consistently driving technological progress in the field
ofindustrial automation for over 50 years. Our automation
systems cover all requirements in industry and set benchmarks
in their respective application areas.
As they were in the past, automation solutions from Siemens
are still the future-proof answer to the steadily growing
demands placed on machinery and systems in all sectors
andalso within our company itself. For instance, Industrie 4.0
has already become reality at our Electronics Manufacturing
Plant in Erlangen.



of the Future

Simulation, 3D printing, lightweight robots these are

some of the innovative technologies driving the Fourth
Industrial Revolution or Industrie 4.0. And they are
already a reality at Siemens Electronics Manufacturing
Plant in Erlangen, Germany. A key reason for the success
of this plant is that people and machines work hand


Stefan Krug, responsible for digital

planning methods at Siemens
Electronics Manufacturing Plant
inErlangen, Germany

Before we build a
new product, we
create and optimize
its digital twin.
Product development and
roduction planning are tightly
interlacedthanks to end-to-end



Schorsch assembles small

converters. Hannes does the
bigones; he inserts a fan
andaheat sink in the housing
andfastens them with four
screws several hundred times
aday. When Hannes takes
abreak, Schorsch keeps on
working unwaveringly. When
Hannes goes home, Schorsch
goes on working. Hannes is
atemporary factory worker.
Schorsch is a lightweight robot.
At Siemens Electronics Manufacturing
Plant in Erlangen, Germany (GWE), people
and machines work hand in hand. Manfred Kirchberger, Plant Manager, says the
efficiency there is unique: We produce
industrial drives and controllers for manufacturing equipment. At our customers
plants, the quantities often reach millions. At the GWE, however, annual output lies between 5,000 and a quarter of a
million. That is not enough to warrant investments in a fully automatic production
line. But manual work on its own would
be too expensive.
Michael Brucksch, Technical Business

Automating with
common sense
Robots support people.

Production planners in Erlangen are therefore constantly looking for the optimum
course for each product line. What should
a worker do? What should a machine do?
How can their interactions be optimized?
There is no economical off-the-shelf automation system for production on our
scale, says Kirchberger. As a result, we
have to systematically build up experience
and share it with other Siemens plants all
over the world.
Why flexible production is a must
On top of that, customer requirements are
changing faster than ever, making it increasingly important for production lines
to be flexible. Here in the production
halls, nothing is where it was just a few
years ago, Kirchberger points out. The
GWE is a classic example of the art of


change in manufacturing. Constant and

rapid adaptation is only possible as a result of the workforces willingness to embrace change, coupled with state-of-theart technologies such as product design
and production planning simulation, 3D
printing and intelligent evaluation of data
from end to end. At the GWE and other
plants, for example at Siemens Digital
Factory in Amberg, Germany, the company is setting new benchmarks for advanced manufacturing.
In a plain building next to the Erlangen
plant, product developers, production experts and old hands from manufacturing
immerse themselves in the virtual world
together. Stefan Krug, responsible for digital planning methods at the GWE, explains the approach: Before we build a
new product, we first create and optimize
its digital twin using Siemens PLM software.
Product developers and production experts can view the digital twin a realistic
representation of a product or process
before it is produced in the real world in
detail as a three-dimensional animated
model. In this digital space, they can rotate and turn it and test associated assembly processes in a simulated manufacturing environment. The upshot is that
design teams can identify problems and
make improvements at the earliest stage.
Anton Huber, Head of Siemens Digital
Factory Division, puts it this way: No
phase of the value-added process will be
implemented in the future without first
developing and testing its digital counterpart, starting at the idea phase and extending to product and production engineering, commissioning, use and new
services. As a result, products will reach
their market faster and in a more targeted
manner. But no matter how good a model
is in the digital world, a person or a machine or a combination of the two will ultimately put the components together.
Robots that work with people
In the Electronics Manufacturing Plant
Michael Brucksch, a Technical Business

Administrator, is guiding the arm of a

lightweight robot called R2-D2 and teaching it a new task in the facilitys robotics
experimental lab. A major advantage of
lightweight robots is that even skilled production workers can program them. In
addition, the robots do not have to work
in areas cordoned off from humans.
Thanks to their design and smooth movements, they pose no hazard to people.
Nearby, Sebastian Wiemann is building a
gripper device the robotic equivalent of
a hand. We used to utilize milled components for projects like this, he says. Now
we print them. That is faster and cheaper
than conventional methods. Last week,
this enabled us to reduce the cost of a part
from about 500 euros to around 80. Plant
Manager Kirchberger does not need to
instruct his employees to make improvements like this. Our people like to try
things out. We give them the scope to
come up with innovative ideas and turn
those ideas into a success, he states.
Many processes associated with factory
automation that have undergone successful trials in Erlangen are entering everyday
use at Siemens factories throughout the
world and at Siemens customers facilities.
Many of these developments are examples
of the Fourth Industrial Revolution which
Siemens is helping to shape with determination, courage and the necessary vigor.
But in spite of all this, experts expect that
human beings will continue to play a major role in production for the foreseeable
future. We are not automating like crazy
but with common sense, says Michael
Brucksch. And his colleague Florian Riedrich, who is responsible for robotic technology at the Electronics Manufacturing
Plant, adds: We dont want a factory that
is devoid of people. What we foresee is a
combination of people and machinery.

R2-D2, A lightweight robot

Lifting 7 tons
a day
Employees were skeptical initially.
Even more robots? But nowalight
weight robot has relieved them
ofheavy loads they would not like
to do without it.




Ownership Culture

Trying things out

Employees at the Electronics Manu
facturing Plant in Erlangen have the
scope to come up with innovative ideas
and turn them into successful projects.



Manufacturings evolving
paradigm shift
In order to increase industrial value creation, leading companies are working at top speed
torealize the next stage of manufacturing with the aid of digital automation.Companies
areaiming to achieve advantages through networked, flexible manufacturing operations
thatdynamically organize themselves to create extremely customizable products.

Over the course of the next 15 to 20 years,

Industrie 4.0 is expected to bring about
aparadigm shift that can justifiably be
called the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Long before Industrie 4.0 became a buzzword, Siemens recognized that manufacturing companies needed to reduce their
throughput times drastically and increase
their flexibility massively. The reason for
this is the ever growing trend toward customized mass production coupled with
the need to reduce the use of raw materials and energy demands that are being
driven by competition.
Our Company set a course for such digital
automation of production systems back
in1996 when we introduced the Totally
Integrated Automation (TIA) portal. It enabled companies to orchestrate the components of their production activities and
tightly integrate software and hardware
using, among other things, our programmable Simatic controllers, the global leaders ever since the first system was launched
in 1958.
Since then, Siemens has not only constantly enhanced its Simatic range and
the features of the TIA portal but is now
also pursuing complete digital representation of the physical value chain as its ultimate goal. Specifically, this means providing a portfolio of hardware and software
products that supports seamless connection of development, production and suppliers in all areas that are based on data

Manufacturing: the heart

of a strong economy
by contributing to:

Manufacturing has a 77% share
of global research and development.

Manufacturing is responsible for 70%
of entire global trade.


Manufacturing provides 17%
of global GDP.

The road to the Fourth

Industrial Revolution


Source: Siemens


1784 based on mechanical

production equipment driven
by water and steam power.


1870 based on mass production

enabled by the division of labor
and the use of electrical energy.


1969 based on the use of

electronics and IT to further
automate production.


on the use ofcyber-
physical systems.

Source: Siemens

As manufacturing evolves, complexity

and benefits increase


Growing desire for individual products.

Becoming a growth engine

in the global economy.



You can have it in

any color as long as it
is black. Henry Ford



There is an almost
infinite number of
variations possible.



Siemens employs about 17,500 software

developers with in-depth industry expertise.



Digitalization is the deciding factor for success


Industry is creating jobs and thus making

animportant contribution to society.



worldwide expect digital technology to cause

a significant change in their industry.
Source: Siemens


in manufacturing


in other




A safe connection
orwind turbines
Steffen Fries
Principal Engineer at Corporate
Technology, Munich, Germany
Innovative security solutions are needed
tomake Industrie 4.0 and smart grids work.
Theydo not arise in an ivory tower but
throughthe exchange of information with
colleagues. We shoot ideas back and
forthlike ping-pong balls to really put them
tothe test.


Rapid introduction
of innovations to the
Ming Li
Director of Venture Technologies at TTB
(Technology to Business), Shanghai, China
Ming Li and her colleagues in Shanghai, Berkeley
and Munich monitor the world of start-ups.
Iftheir technologies are relevant to Siemens,
the TTB experts, together with Siemens' business
units, quickly introduce them to the marketplace.




the digital


The world has never been as networked as it

isnow. Whether its gas turbines, manufacturing
systems or medical imaging technologies,
ourreal world is being enriched with a digital
dimension. The ongoing convergence of the real
and digital worlds is giving rise to previously
undreamed-of potential in both technology and
business. Siemens is in a good position to exploit
these opportunities.
For Siemens, digitalization is not just a line of business but our
biggest growth driver. With it, we are leading our company
toasuccessful future. We do not need to fear comparison with
our competitors. We have a broad basis along the electrification
and automation value chains a world of hardware and
physics. With our IT expertise, we are linking this real world
with the virtual one. We are ideally positioned to shape the
digitalization age.
What is good for Siemens is also good for our customers, as
their business cannot be imagined without digitalization.
Thatthey are using our products is proof of their trust in our
innovative power. For instance, more than 77,000 customers
throughout the world are working with our PLM software,
enabling them to plan products faster on a digital basis. That
isjust one example we are proud of. Part of the reason for
thissuccess is that our development teams consistently
takeone of the traits of the digital age to heart they enjoy
tryingthings out.



hinking beyond
the next bend
inthe road

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software from

Siemens makes it possible to digitally plan products long
before production begins a business worth millions
forSiemens. Part of Siemens success comes from a startup mentality as a visit to a PLM workplace in Tel Aviv


Tali Segall, Head of innovation

forSiemens PLM Softwares Manu
facturing Engineering solutions
business segment in Israel

Its always fun to

learn new things.
A company that simply continues
torely on whatever was successful
inthe past can no longer survive
intodays business environment.
Those who are standing still will
soon be left in the dust.



available to everyone involved. Simple as

it may sound, this process is crucial. An
engineer who has all the data he or she
needs in a single, secure system can make
faster, smarter, information-driven decisions at every stage in the product lifecycle.

Its dark out. Night fell over Tel

Aviv hours ago, and mostof the
citys residents are sleeping.
Notso the six women and men
incasual dress who are sitting
inanoffice at Airport City east
ofthe Ben Gurion airport.

Tel Aviv

Fast, creative, and

results oriented
Distilling Start-up Culture.
The challenge is to give
a large corporation the agility
of a start-up.

The pale light from monitors illuminates

their faces, the coffee cups next to the
computers are empty. One man is tugging
at his hair in frustration. A woman stares
at her monitor, the expression on her face
indicating that her mind is moving full
speed ahead. Sometime later, as the sun
rises, the tired faces begin to relax. Its
done. Theyve finished programming the
new user interface. The Siemens programmers hackathon has produced results.
It was incredible, says Tali Segall, tapping
a desk with the index finger of her right
hand to emphasize each of the three
words. We put this step off for months.
They were worried it would be extremely
complicated and expensive. But then it
happened: six people, one night, and
thecode was ready. We broke through
ourmental barrier. She beams. As
Headof Innovation in the Manufacturing
Engineering business segment at
Siemens PLM Software, she is responsible
for her employees permanently developing something cool for customers as she
puts it in deliberately informal words.
PLM software supplies the framework for
projects in which a great deal of data from
extremely complex products must be very
quickly integrated, analyzed and made

Thanks to simulation using digital twins

virtual objects that are identical to their
real-world counterparts PLM makes it
possible to test all kinds of objects in realistic situations ahead of time and to optimize their production processes. This
applies to high-volume parts, such as
those produced in the automotive industry, as well as special fabrications, such as
a catamaran that competes for the Americas Cup title, a rocket such as an Atlas V,
or a space taxi such as the Dream Chaser,
all of which were created with PLM software. It even applies to winning cars on
the Formula One circuit, which share a
characteristic with the competition-level
catamaran: Each is a constantly-changing
prototype that continues to be optimized
during use, which means that it is continuously redesigned.
Companies that wish to thrive on
global competition must implement
digital technologies.
The same technological advances that
drive and enable product innovations also
lead to new ways of producing products;
we call this digitalization, says Chuck
Grindstaff, President and CEO of Siemens
PLM Software. For manufacturers who
wish to take advantage of digitalizations
opportunities, the journey begins with
establishment of a solid PLM backbone.
Considering the rate of change going on
today, companies are under pressure to
innovate not only their products but their
business models as well. Becoming a truly
digital enterprise with PLM software lets
manufacturers do just that, regardless of
their industry, and to develop the very innovations that will give them a crucial
competitive edge, he adds.
But the underlying software must in principle also be designed just like a Formula


One car: as a constantly-evolving prototype, a race car that cannot be left in the
dust by competition from smaller, more
agile start-ups. We have to think beyond
the next bend in the road, says Segall.
Segall, the mother of four children, is the
ideal person for handling the task of helping give a large business the agility of a
start-up. More than twenty years ago,
while still a computer science student, she
began working with Tecnomatix, which at
the time was a small start-up in Tel Aviv.
Today, the technology that the company
brought to Siemens through an acquisition has b
ecome a comprehensive product portfolio of digital manufacturing solutions and an essential facet of Siemens
overall PLM offerings. The hackathons, five
of which have already been held worldwide, are only one of the ways in which
she has turbocharged the creativity of her
team. But they are the methods that deliver the most results. Atthe same time,
they reflect the two m
axims that Segall
holds upto her staff: Everything is possible in software. And itsalways fun to
learn newthings.
Taking a page from the start-up
scene, hackathons are turbo
charging innovation.
During the hackathons, the software regularly learns something new. The biggest
event to date, which was held in Pune,
India with the participation of 600 local
Siemens employees, resulted in an application that can be used to control PLM 3D
software with voice recognition. You just
tell the product on the screen to turn 90
degrees and it turns 90 degrees, explains
Segall, who still finds this exciting today.
The application has not yet been turned
into a product. But when that time comes,
it will have met Segalls stated goal: to
have produced a new, cool tool that
brings value to the customer or possibly
even solves a problem the user was not
aware of.


Developing something
cool for the customer
Hackathons involving hundreds
ofparticipants can turbocharge the
innovation process.




Software development

Everything is possible
with software
During the hackathon, Siemens
programmers had 36 hours to write
a software program for their idea.




Growth engine of the future

Is data the 21st centurys equivalent of oil? Will machines plan their interactions themselves
inthe production environments of the future? Questions like these are occupying the minds
ofspecialists at Siemens and its customers. What is already clear, however, is that digitalization is the most important growth driver for the future.

Data is not valuable in itself. Only in context is it useful and able to help us reshape
the world. What counts is not big data
butsmart data. One example is Sinalytics,
Siemens company-wide platform for industrial data analytics, which we are already using to monitor and check some
300,000 systems all over the world systems such as gas turbines, traffic control
centers in more than 200 cities and entire
skyscrapers using advanced IT measures
to ensure data security.
Digitalization is one of Siemens specialties. Power plant technology, electrification and automation through self-learning
programs, self-diagnostics and state-based
maintenance the digital transformation
covers all of these businesses.
Whats more, we have given substance to
the concept of the Internet of Things for
Siemens. In our electrification and automation domains the real world we
have invaluable expertise that we link to
the virtual world of digitalization. In our
approach, which we call the Web of Systems, we use web technologies to turn
devices and machines into the starting
point for digitally-networked industries.
Specifically, this means that such technologies do not send unfiltered data to
cloudapplications, but that they interact
with each other and understand each
other b
ecause the transmitted data includes itsmeaning. We connect our
knowledge from the devices and link it
toour expertise from all other sectors.
Whether itsenergy suppliers, traffic control centers, buildings, manufacturing or

process industries, we can generate added

value for our customers with the aid of the
Web of Systems.
We want to build on advanced technologies like these. We recently polled hundreds of our customers about this. Many

said that Siemens is a thought leader

when it comes to digitalization. It is, of
course, even better to realize the future
than think about it. We are already working on this together with our customers
in the digital and real worlds.

As digital technologies take hold,

output in many areas increases



Siemens TIA portal reduces

engineering costs by up to 30%.


Thanks to PLM software and

automation, products get
tomarket up to 50% faster.




Smart grid technologies enable

the integration of renewable
energy sources into the grid at
up to 40% lower costs.


Self-learning software can

predict the electricity output
from renewable sources
overa72-hour period with 90%



Intelligent buildingtech
nologies reduce energy costs
byup to 40%.


Intelligent data management

systems can reduce laboratory
test errors by 73%.


Thanks to intelligent traffic

solutions, there are up to 20%
fewer traffic jams, accidents
and CO2 emissions.


Software accelerates cardiac

CT examination reporting
by an average of 77%.

Source: Siemens



Digital modeling
made easy
Douglas King and
Howard Mattson
Software experts at Digital Factory,
Cambridge, United Kingdom
With synchronous technology, on-screenmodeling has become easier and faster. Tobereally
innovative, Mattson and King needtheirfreedom: Innovative ideas donotonly arise in
theoffice but also in thepark or in the pub.


Finding the code

that saves lives
Mamadou Diallo
Software engineer at Healthcare,
Princeton NJ, USA
Ultrasound images that integrate with CT or MRI
images: The innovation eSieFusion imaging
provides physicians with an unparalleled
glimpse into the human body. Thanks to Diallos
invention, biopsies and tissue ablations can
beconducted in a safer, more precise manner.



New paths to new ideas and new businesses

the way


The research laboratories at which people

worked behind locked doors years ago are not
where the innovations of the 21st century
willcome from. Today, a new, more open kind
ofcollaboration is needed.
Crowdsourcing of ideas and, in the field of software, hackathons now belong to day-to-day life at Siemens, as does active
cooperation with universities, research institutes and small,
agilestart-up companies. Not only Siemens profits from this
itspartners also benefit from the experience, resources and
global presence of an international group.
Start-ups often have a good idea and motivated employees
butlack the resources needed to make successful products.
Thefact of the matter is: most newcomers fail. The money
often runs out. And the ideas are not ready for prime time.
If,on the other hand, a start-ups ideas are very good, other
companies are sometimes faster to market. Here, it is helpfultocollaborate with a strong partner. Open innovationprocesses benefiteveryone, including customers and consumers,by letting good ideas turn into products more quickly.


New paths to new ideas and new businesses

New paths to new ideas and new businesses

make it,

The frames of two half-ready drones are Here, on the left, are two of our 3D printlying in the corner and one of the 3D ers for building plastic parts. Back there, in
printers is humming away, building a the corner, you can see a printer for larger
structure from a thin spray of blue plastic. parts made of gypsum. We also have a
At the workbench, a young Siemens re- computer numerically-controlled mill and
searcher is assembling a robotic arm from a laser cutter. The only thing thats missing
the components. Engraved by a laser cut- is a couch to relax on, says Ryashentseva
ter in a garish green sheet of acrylic glass, as she adjusts a solderingiron.
the motto of this high tech lab for tinkerers hangs resplendently at the entrance: The whole environment has the feel of the
Dream it. Make it. Share it.
proverbial garage in Silicon Valley a place
where ideas can be tried out without comDream it. Make it. Share it. These words pulsion, without instructions, and somedescribe the goal of the Maker Space, times without a specific goal. But often
which Siemens Corporate Technology (CT) with amazing success. That is what freehas set up at its research site in Munich. All dom of research looks like at a largegroup.
of the companys employees can use this
space with its high tech tools not just the Innovation cycles have become much
roughly 32,100 researchers and develop- shorter, says Falk Wottawah, Head of
ers. And it does not matter whether they Visioning and Scouting at Siemens Cor
are tackling a tricky task for a Siemens porate Technology. Thats why we are
project or want to print plastic toys for breaking up conventional research and
development processes at many points.
their children.
We are also mixing teams far more. To get
The main thing is that people use the a good result fast, you need more than a
latest technologies and have fun, says single perspective.
Oxana Ryashentseva, a CT employee.

New paths to new ideas and new businesses

Opening perspectives and forging


Drones that inspect rotor blades


Increasingly, new perspectives are coming

from outside. Siemens Venture Capital
(SVC) has been collaborating intensively
with start-ups for years. SVC identifies
young companies and supports them
during the start-up phase and, when it
comes to established companies in an expansion phase, it provides capital for further growth. In this way, SVC gains access
to new technological solutions and taps
new markets for Siemens. The investments
are coordinated closely with the Siemens
operating units in order to provide optimum support for business.

Another way to open the door to innovations lies in idea contests. Siemens held its
inaugural Quickstarter contest in 2015.
This was not about getting ideas from outside but from employees of Siemens Corporate Technology. The thinking behind
the contest was to allow everything, including ideas for which the market seems
too small at present or which may never
be realized. In all, 111 suggestions were
submitted within six weeks. One of them
was the idea to have drones fly up close to
wind turbines to inspect the huge rotor
blades for damage.

To date, SVC has invested more than 800

million euros in 180 companies throughout the world, thus making an important
contribution to Siemens innovative power.
Ralf Schnell, CEO of SVC, explains: Of
course it is particularly important for
Siemens to enter into a dialog with leading vendors as early as possible. By exchanging experiences and knowledge, we
want to help companies in which we hold
a stake to exploit their full potential. Both
parties profit from this our partners and
Siemens. Thats exactly what counts in the
struggle for the most innovative solutions.

The special thing about Quickstarter is that

the best suggestions are not chosen by department heads but by employees. Some
250 researchers and developers were able
to spread half a million euros over the projects. This gave rise not only to astonishing
prototypes but also to real projects that are
already in progress, such as a cooling enclosure for cameras inside a gas turbine.

Only a plastic model with fine cooling

ducts on the surface exists at present, but
when the metal enclosure has been made
it will hopefully be possible to film in the
interior of a gas turbine, where temperaA good example is SVCs latest investment tures can reach 1,300 degrees Celsius. The
in Materials Solutions Limited, a British goal is to optimize these technological
company that is a global leader in high- wonders and detect damage on the spot.
temperature-alloy-based additive manu- The model of the cooling enclosure came
facturing. Such technologies are gaining from one of the 3D printers at Maker Space.
in importance for production of gas turbines. Thanks to a partnership agreement, Examples like these do not harmonize
both companies are profiting Siemens with traditional innovation processes
from the start-ups expertise and Materials which is why they are so valuable. It is not
Solutions from our capital and knowledge the first time that companies have had
of the industry, which are helping it to toreinvent the way they invent. Innovation models have changed often. Some
expand further.

A key technology
forthe Energiewende


capacity ofCatervas decentralized electricity storage system

Catervas innovations end up in
houses equipped with photovoltaic
panels. The idea is to capture the
energy generated by the panels in
powerful batteries that are, in turn,
networked via a revolutionary energy
management system. Via Caterva,
homeowners can lease part of the
unused capacity of their battery
storage to energy suppliers so that
suppliers can park electricity there.
At present, a total capacity of more
than one megawatt is available. This
is worth good money to electricity
suppliers because it enables them to
stabilize their grids at low cost.
Caterva works closely with utilities
such as N-ERGIE AG, which is based
inNuremberg. The concept of a
decentralized, virtually connected
electricity storage system consisting
of private solar panels originated
atSiemens Novel Businesses. The
technology was developed as far
asabasic version of the software at
anumber of Siemens Corporate
Technology departments. At that
point it became clear that only a
start-up would be flexible enough to
quickly try out a completely new
business model of this kind. Experts
atSiemens Novel Businessesthere
forehelped found Caterva. Today,
Siemens Novel Businesses is a
minority shareholder in the company.



New paths to new ideas and new businesses

Maker Space: Munichs Creativity Workshop

A place where ideas can fly

That is what freedom of research looks like
at a large group. At Maker Space, creative
use of the latest manufacturing tools is not
limited to the companys 32,100 researchers
and developers. Any employee can give
hisor her dreamsa chance to fly without
pressure but often, with surprising success.

New paths to new ideas and new businesses

Working together

leading universities worldwide
as strategical partners
You can try to do everythingyour
selfbut you will never be able to
doeverything perfectly. This is why
Siemens conducts research and
development together with many
partners, institutes, leadinguniver
sities and start-ups. Our research
projects mostly have a time horizon
ofjust three to ten years whereas
universities tend to look further into
the future in the course of their
basicresearch, says Natascha Eckert,
Headof University Relations at
Siemens. Siemens strategic partners
include the University of California
atBerkeley and Georgia Tech (both
inthe U.S.), Tsinghua University
(China), the Technical University
ofBerlin, the Technical University
ofMunich, RWTH Aachen University,
Friedrich-Alexander University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg (all in Germany),
the Technical University of Denmark
and the Technical University of Graz
(Austria). It is not only Siemens
thatprofits from these relationships.
Academic institutions are exposed
topractical applications of their
technologies. Professors can develop
practical subjects for their students
theses. And doctoral candidates can
establish contact with potential
employers. The recruitment of highly
qualified young people is animportant
goal of our research partnerships,
Eckert points out.

170 years ago, geniuses like Werner von

Siemens could still undertake innovations
almost singlehandedly. But just 50 years
later, most inventions had become so complex and required so many resources that
they could only take shape in the laboratories of large corporations. Now, small and
agile start-up companies frequently have
the ideas that shake up entire industries.


All of this adds up to is a huge opportunity

for Siemens. With product lifecycle management (PLM) software, for example,
Siemens customers can simulate their
own products before going to the trouble
of making physical prototypes. Many
Siemens specialists developing PLM software began at start-up companies themselves.

Golden path to sustained growth

Rapid answers to tricky questions

The underlying principle is always the

same: creation of the new and destruction
of the old. The Austrian economist Joseph
Schumpeter described creative destruction
as the golden path to sustained growth.
New technologies break the ground for
superior business models that put an end
to the old ones. In days gone by, this was
the invention of the steam engine or the
automatic loom. Today, we use Internet
and cloud solutions and gain knowledge
through the intelligent use of smart data
and the ubiquity of smart phones. Only by
combining these technologies and applying them creatively can companies like
Google, Amazon, Uber and Airbnb come
about and grow into international giants
within a few years.

Regardless of the challenge, the knowledge resources that Siemens can focus on
solving it are formidable. If particularly
difficult questions arise, employees can
use the companys TechnoWeb social network to request support from over 43,000
in-house experts. Urgent requests are particularly popular.

Such companies have made life easier for

all of us in one way or another, and many
services have become cheaper. E-mail is
free. Books arrive without a delivery
charge. Taxis can be ordered by mobile
phone. Similar revolutions are emerging
in industry and power generation. Product
development, manufacturing and logistics
chains technological disruption will not
leave these fields untouched either. There
will be losers and winners in this process.

An ear to the ground

Who can install a radio antenna on a service ship? Where can I get bearings that
can withstand temperatures of minus 40
degrees Celsius? The trickier the question,
the better! It takes just half an hour on
average to get the first answer on TechnoWeb somewhere in the world there is
always a Siemens employee awake to help
with an urgent problem.

We need employees who can hear the

grass grow, says Bernd Blumoser. Together
with his colleagues, Blumoser runs a kind
of listening station for weak signals as he
puts it. Which hot topics are being discussed in technology blogs? Is the number
of posts about a certain subject rising?
What issues of the future are the most important think tanks looking into? Sometimes the impetus for a promising project
comes from this direction.


New paths to new ideas and new businesses

Agile, complex, diverse:

The new world of innovation
From electrical grids to global social networks not only the nature of inventions has changed
over the past 170 years but also the way we invent. While in the past it was individuals like
Werner von Siemens, Henry Ford and other thought leaders who developed pioneering ideas,
in more recent decades it has mostly been corporate groups that have created the environment in
which innovations thrive.
Today, the world is much more diverse than it used to be, and everything happens faster. Small,
flexible start-ups focusing on a very specific business idea are redefining the market rules with
trailblazing innovations. For a long time now, universities have not just researched for the sake
of deeper understanding and discovery, but have been actively looking for ways to realize their
findings on the market. And ever more extensive networking is opening up completely new
innovation models. With the Innovation AG, Siemens is creating a framework in which it can
drive forward the next generation of innovations demonstrating even greater speed, flexibility
and creative resolve.


Individual inventors

Corporate researchers
The innovator as employee

The lone inventor

as innovator
Werner von Siemens, Henry Ford, Thomas
Alva Edison: three names that stand for
pioneering inventions that brought about
epochal changes in the private and working
lives of their fellow human beings. Whether
electrical engineering, the production line
orthe light bulb, what unites these different
inventions is the fact that a clever mind came
up with them.

Innovations are becoming more complex

and more expensive. As a result, they can
hardly be realized by individualstinkering
on their own any more. The visionaries
andpioneers of this second age of invention
work in corporate labs and at research

New paths to new ideas and new businesses

Crowdsourcing of ideas
For years, Siemens has been looking for
exciting ideas on public crowdsourcing
platforms and in internal idea contests.
One example is Quickstarter, where
researchers and developers at Corporate
Technology distribute money to projects
for which their colleagues came up
with the ideas. Adequately financed
ideas are implemented without any
further decision by management. In
2015, 111 suggestions were submitted
within six weeks.

Interchange and collaboration

Who can help? Innovators at Siemenscan
use the structure of a large group and,
within seconds, request support frommore
than 44,000 experts worldwide simply
by clicking on the companys TechnoWeb
social network. The same applies to
protected groups on the Siemens Social
Network (SSN), an internal network.

Partnerships with universities

and research institutes
Siemens conducts long-term research into
key technologies together with universities
of global renown via the CKI program
(Center of Knowledge Interchange).
These strategic partnerships are supplemented by individual scientific work
thatSiemens commissions at universities
and research institutes around the world
and by many publicly sponsored joint
research projects.

More open innovation processes

Founding start-ups
Investments in start-ups
The Siemens Venture Capital (SVC) unit
identifies young companies and finances
them during their start-up phase. Siemens
has been investing in innovative start-up
companies for 20 years. With more than
800 million euros invested in over 180
start-ups to date, SVC was one of the top
10corporate venture capitalists in 2014.


Siemens Novel Businesses (SNB) founds

start-ups in areas that Siemens is not
currently active in, but which could be
relevant to its activities in the future. SNB
also rapidly and flexibly tests new business models that hold the potential to
integrate them in the Company if needed.
As is the case with Siemens Technology
toBusiness, SNB is part of Innovative
Ventures, a unit of Siemens Corporate
Technology, which is akey interface
between Siemens itself and the world of

Cooperation with start-ups

Siemens works closely with start-ups
throughout the world via its Technology
toBusiness (TTB) unit, which is based
inBerkeley, Shanghai, Munich and soon
inTel Aviv. To find thebest ideas with
aview to cooperation, TTB scouts contact
over 1,000 young companies every
year,hold conferences inthe context
ofso-called New Ventures forums, attend
network meetings and entrepreneur
events, and offer accelerator programs
such as Rescale and Frontier.


New paths to new ideas and new businesses

We mostly start with a working hypothesis. We trawl the web on the basis of our
search algorithms and, when we find
something, we approach our research
teams as well as the appropriate Business
Units. Together, we then clarify whether
the trend has business potential for
Siemens, Blumoser explains, adding that
if you recognize and pick up trends at an
early stage, you can turn them into opportunities. But if one waits too long, they
can become a problem. That is one of the
basic rules of disruptive innovation.
Start-ups and innovations
that fit Siemens
Start-ups are important for Siemens. For us,
they are a look into the future. Thats why
we work closely with start-ups throughout
the world via our Siemens Technology to
Business Centers, says Rudolf Freytag, CEO
of Siemens Innovative Ventures. And via
Siemens Novel Businesses, we establish
start-ups outside the Group and can thus
test business models that might be relevant for Siemens in the future.

The Siemens Technology to Business Centers in Shanghai, Berkeley, Munich and

soon in Tel Aviv actively approach small
technology companies and look for exciting innovations that could foster Siemens
business. The companys activities here
extend from initial contact through the
test phase to cooperation on a contractual
basis. Experts at Siemens Technology to
Business (TTB) talk to more than 1,000
start-ups each year,resulting in about 20
research partnershipsa year.
This enables Siemens to recognize trends
and new business models faster and gain
early access to promising innovations and
to the people behind them. Rescale, for

Toru comes to grips

with things



are needed by Toru to perform

its tasks in the warehouse
In the premises of the startup
Magazino, Toru demonstrates how it
can help its human colleagues:
therobots arm picks up the top book
from a stack of them, moves to
another shelf and deposits the book
there (toru is Japanese for grip
orgrab). There is huge demand for
robots that can autonomouslyrecog
nize objects in a warehouse and
takethem to the dispatch station
forfurther processing. Magazino,
ayoung company based in Munich,
isalready close to having a system
that is ready for the market. Siemens
Novel Businesses has participated
inthis as a shareholder. Coordination
of the eyes and hands is easy for
people but it is highly complex for
robots, explains Frederik Brantner,
who founded Magazino together
withLukas Zanger and NikolasEngel
hard. Ten drives enable the robot
totravel and grip things. Toru is being
developed entirely in the startups
very small office and workshop, where
software, electrical and mechanical
engineers work with great concentra
tion and motivation. Once Toru has
become established as a product and
if there are signs of large potential
sales, Siemens can decide to integrate
the startup in the Group in order to
market this robot with the resources
that a large group has at its disposal.

example, is a small company that offers a

simulation environment in the cloud and
consequently supplements Siemens portfolio of PLM software.
Since they have no legacy technology or
business to protect, start-ups can move
quickly in new and disruptive markets. The
Frontier Partner program, a collaboration
between Siemens PLM Software and TTB,
is designed to involve Siemens in some of
this fast innovation. The program grants
manufacturing-focused start-ups access
to Siemens industry-proven PLM software.
Start-ups selected for the program can
build on this software to accelerate their
time to market. In addition, they can join
the Siemens PLM Software technology
partner program and receive additional
development resources.
Fifteen start-ups are currently taking part
in the initiative, which was launched
inJune 2015. Sven Scheuble, Head of
Siemens Technology to Business, explains
the benefits of such cooperation: We
hope the Frontier partners will give us
better insight into aspects of the rapidly
changing robotics and 3D printing markets. We also hope that they will provide
us with valuable feedback regarding the
Siemens PLM portfolio. The input from
these start-ups means that a greater
range of solutions is available for our customers.
A long time ago, Siemens was a start-up
too. Driven by good ideas, hard work and
a bit of patience, it evolved into a global
company one that keeps reinventing itself. Whats more, it keeps reinventing
how it invents.

New paths to new ideas and new businesses

Claudia-Camilla Malcher,
Siemens Novel Businesses, Munich,

Start-ups with poten

tial for Siemens
Having ideas that can revolutionize
existing markets. Generatingbusiness that could be relevant for
Siemens in the future, particularly
with the help of start-ups. This
isClaudia-Camilla Malchers job
description. A venture manager at
Siemens Novel Businesses (SNB),
Malcher is responsible for disruptive
business ideas.



New paths to new ideas and new businesses

Jerome S. Engel, a player in Silicon

Valleys start-up scene

Large companies must

take a more playful and
courageous approach
to innovation.
Large companies have to learn to
operate ambidextrously, and
continue to pursue their core areas
ofexpertise while experimenting

New paths to new ideas and new businesses

Wherever new technologies or new trends

develop, Siemens is
there. An interview
with innovation expert
Jerome S. Engel.
Is it possible for large, established
corporations to be as innovative as
JEROME S. ENGEL No, not in such a disruptive
manner. Innovations, such as the ones
developed by start-ups in Silicon Valley
and elsewhere, dont fit easily into the relatively rigid structures of large companies,
because they rely on constant experimentation, and theyre accompanied by a lot
of uncertainty. On the other hand, the
innovations supplied by established companies have been incremental, consisting
in small steps. They generally only improve on whats already successful. As a
rule, a corporation will also take care not
to promote innovations that undermine its
own business model. To make up for this,
however, large companies are masters at
putting plans into action whether it be
for improving their products, manufacturing them efficiently, or global sales and
marketing. If companies manage to use
this backbone to take a more playful approach to innovation in individual fields
and pursue a strategy of relying on their
strengths for support while taking some
risk then they can be very successful too.
But courage is needed to take that step.
How can established companies and
start-ups benefit from one another?
JEROME S. ENGEL Corporations and start-ups
can complement one another with their
own particular strengths. But there is still
room for improvement in the open innovation model with regard to the interaction
of large companies and recently established market participants. Large companies have to learn to operate ambidextrously, and continue to pursue their core
areas of expertise while experimenting
elsewhere. Many companies have already

started to go this route by acquiring startups that might not involve their core business and letting them operate largely on
their own. Siemens, for example, does
this very well with its Technology to Business (TTB) centers in Shanghai, Munich,
Berkeley or soon in Tel Aviv. Whenever
new technologies or new trends emerge
whose development holds great potential,
the TTBs scouts are on the lookout for
start-up companies that may be of interest
to Siemens. There has to be room in established companies for this kind of true
open innovation.
When it comes to innovation
in the digital age everyone thinks
of Silicon Valley. Many have tried
to copy it. Why has no place been
so successful as the original?
JEROME S. ENGEL Silicon Valley is not the
only innovation cluster, although its a very
successful one. There are also innovation
clusters in Israel, Germany, Taiwan, and
other places. They all have similar characteristics. And that goes beyond just a certain set of components and players, such
as start-up founders, venture capitalists,
and established companies. These ecosystems are characterized above all by a
certain behavior: highly mobile resources,
money, people, and knowledge. Think,
for example, of Mark Andreessen, who
founded the web browser company Netscape and is now a venture capitalist. The
people involved in Silicon Valley are constantly striving to create and drive forward
innovations that have the potential to
change the world and they are willing to
experiment and also fail. And ultimately,
theyre pursuing goals that they cant
achieve alone but only collectively. Entrepreneurship and innovation are the order
of the day here, and it can pay off in a big
way for many not just those at the top.
The Twitter IPO created about 1,600 millionaires at one stroke; the Facebook IPO
over 1,000. Add to that the ripple effect as
that wealth is consumed and you can see
that it can have a massive effect in terms
of energizing and motivating an entire

Jerome S. Engel
Venture capitalist, company founder,
and university professor Jerome S.
Engel is an innovation expert and
senior fellow at the University of
California at Berkeley, where he established the Lester Center for Entrepreneurship in 1991. He founded startups
himself and now heads a venture
capital fund together with a partner.
In recent years, Jerome S. Engel
has mainly been involved in innovation clusters. He is convinced that
large companies and startups can help
each other.




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2016 by Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich

at Siemens

Pictures of
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