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Basant Rakesh: Educational Qualifications

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Basant Rakesh


Basant Rakesh


Economics (ECO)


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Research and Publications

MDP courses


Educational Qualifications

Ph.D. Economics (Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India, 1990)

M.Phil. Applied Economics (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 1981)
M.A. Economics (Rajasthan University, Jaipur, India, 1979)

Academic Affiliation

Chairperson, Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (since 2003)

Coordinator, Small and Medium Enterprise Programme (SMEP) (since 2002)
Member, Faculty Recruitment Committee, RJMCEI (2001 onwards)
Member, FPM Executive Committee (since 2002)
Member, Management Development Programmes Committee (since 2002)
Faculty Advisor, IIMACTS (2001 onwards)
Faculty Advisor, Entre Club (2001 onwards)
Faculty Advisor SOMA (2001 onwards)

Professional Affiliation

Member, Board of Trustee, Institute for Development, Education and Learning

(IDEAL) (since 1999)
Member, Governing Body, Society for Promotion of Rational Thinking (SPRAT) (since
Member, Research Advisory Committee of CREED, Entrepreneurship Development
Institute of India, Ahmedabad (since 2002)
Member, International Advisory Board for UO-MBA, University of Geneva (since 2003)

Area Of Research

Technology Change and Management, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), Industrial

Organization, Public Policy (especially competition & technology policies), Inter-firm Alliances,
Industrial Clusters and Labour Markets.

Current Research

Research work funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST),

Government of India to understand innovation and capability building processes in a few IT
and electronic clusters in India.
Research funded by the Wadhwani Foundation on the Emerging Intellectual Property
Policy Needs in India. Taking the modified IP legislation as a starting point, the work focuses
on the on pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, information technology and auto-component
sectors to analyze if further modifications are required to facilitate the growth of these
sectors in India.
Research work for the World Bank (in collaboration with Jean Lanjouw of Yale
University) focuses on the impact of IPRs on the pharmaceutical Sectors in India and
Pakistan. Apart from other issues, this research explores the impact of IPRs on prices of
pharmaceutical products. The earlier hypothesis was that that the prices of pharmaceutical
products are high in Pakistan because they permit product patents. Recent cases at the WTO,
however, contradict this view. The study analyses the role of industrial structure,
technological capability, imports and multinational activity to explain the price differentials
between India and Pakistan.
Continuation of work on Competition Policy in Liberalizing Economies with special
reference to India. This research analyses the role of competition policy in the context of
macro and other economic policies that a liberalizing economy adopts. It also involves a
detailed understanding of entry barriers in such economies.
Another ongoing research interest relates to the determinants of inter-firm alliances.
More recently, the focus of work in this area has been the IT sector. Implications of such
alliances on capability building and the labour market are being explored.

Publications/ Articles/ Cases

Agricultural Activities in Gujarat: An Exploratory Analysis. A preliminary report of the

Industrial Development Bank of India project, prepared at the Gujarat Institute of
Development Research, Ahmedabad, India, 1991.


Technology Diffusion in an Agrarian Economy: A Study of Agro Mechanical Technology

in Gujarat, Ph.D. Thesis Submitted to the Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India in February,
Agro Mechanical Technology in a Developed Area : A Study of Its Diffusion, Report of
an Indian Council of Social Science Research project prepared at The Gujarat Institute of
Development Research (erstwhile Gujarat Institute of Area Planning), Ahmedabad, India,
Diffusion of Agro Mechanical Technology in a Backward Region, Report of an Indian
Council of Social Science Research project (Jointly with K.K. Subrahmanian), prepared at
Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research, Ahmedabad, India, 1987.
Attached Labour in Indian Agriculture, M.Phil Thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi, India, 1981.
D) Select Other Papers
Role of Small Scale Industries in the Age of Liberalisation (Co-author
Sebastian Morris). Paper presented at the Second Technical Workshop of the Policy Group on
Trade and Industry of the Asian Development Bank. Indian Institute of Management,



Bangalore, January 24-25, 2005.

Determinants of Entry in the Indian Manufacturing Sector (Co-author:
Subhendra Nath Saha), Working Paper No.2005-01-01, January 2005.
Empirical Assessment of Coherence in Information Technology Firms, (Coauthor: Karthik, D.), Working Paper No.2004-12-01, December 2004.
Labour Market Deepening in the Indian Information Technology Industry: An
Exploratory Analysis, (co-author Uma Rani) Working Paper No 2004-06-06, Indian Institute
of Management Ahmedabad, June (2004).
Communication Standards Adoption in Developing Economics: Issues and
Options for India, (Co-author: GR Ramadesikan), Working Paper No. 2003-02-03, IIMA,
February 2003.

Chakrabarti Anindya - Unavailable


Chakrabarti Anindya


Economics (ECO)


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Research and Publications

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Educational Qualifications
Ph.D. in economics from Boston University, M.S. (Q.E.) from ISI, Kolkata, B.Sc. from
Presidency College, University of Calcutta

Academic Affiliation

Professional Affiliation

Area Of Research

Current Research


1. A. S. Chakrabarti, Dispersion in macroeconomic volatility between the core and periphery of the inte
This paper had earlier been circulated as 'Globalization of volatility'.

2. A. S. Chakrabarti and A. Sengupta, Economic incentives and institutional frictions: explaining crossUnion.

Abstract and paper

3. A. S. Chakrabarti, Inflationary effects of monetary policies in newly industrialized economie

capital mobility. Abstract and paper
4. A. S. Chakrabarti, A. Chatterjee, T. Nandi, A. Ghosh and A. Chakraborti,

inequality in consumption across groups. Abstract and paper

Quantifying inv

Work in progress
1. A. S. Chakrabarti, Persistence of inequality on networks.
2. A. S. Chakrabarti, Wage dynamics in a multi-sector economy with directed technological change.
3. A. S. chakrabarti and R. Lahkar, Investment overshooting and inefficiency.
4. A. S. chakrabarti and R. Lahkar, Technology adoption and endogenous oscillation.

Economic and social complexity

1. A. S. Chakrabarti, Topology of international trade network: disentangling size, asymmetry

2. A. S. Chakrabarti, Cross-correlation patterns in social opinion formation with sequential data

3. A. S. Chakrabarti, S. Sinha, Self-organized coordination in collective response of non-inter

box-office success.

4. A. Chatterjee, A. S. Chakrabarti, A. Ghosh, A. Chakraborti, T. Nandi, Invariant features of spatial in

India, Physica A (forthcoming).

5. A. S. Chakrabarti, Stochastic Lotka-Volterra equations: a model of lagged diffusion of techn


6. A. S. Chakrabarti, Scale-free distribution as an economic invariant: a theoretical approach

Coordination, (forthcoming).

7. A. Ghosh, A. Chatterjee, A. S. Chakrabarti, B. K. Chakrabarti, Zipfs law in city size from a

Review E, 90 (2014) 042815.

D'Souza Errol


D'Souza Errol


Economics (ECO)


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Educational Qualifications

Ph.D. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

Academic Affiliation

Prior to joining the Institute in 2001, was the IFCI Chair Professor at the Department
of Economics, University of Mumbai and was also a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University,
New York, and a Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies, National
University of Singapore. Was the India Chair Professor at Sciences Po in Paris in 2009 and a
Visiting Professor at the institute for Advanced Study, Shimla in 2009.
Has worked on academic committees of the University Grants Commission and the
Indian Council of Social Science Research, and has been associated with the Planning
Commission and the Reserve Bank of India.
Is a Consultant to industry, the banking sector, UNDP, ILO, and government. Is a
Director on the board of the National Housing Bank

Professional Affiliation

Member Indian Econometric Society, Indian Society of Labour Economics, and

Econometric Society

Area Of Research
Besides consulting to industry and commercial banks is engaged in research in the areas of
macroeconomics, development finance and public policy.

Current Research
Current academic interests include tax reforms and fiscal/monetary policy, the structure of
corporate finance, social security and livelihood issues in the informal sector, personnel
economics and governance issues.

Publications/ Articles/ Cases

Has published articles in the above areas in various journals and books.

Topic Name

File Size

File Type

Capital Flows and Monetary Policy



Public Investment Reversals, Inequality & Borrowing



Community Failures



Are Retrenchment Laws Inefficient?



Labour Market Institutions in India



Wage disparity & Human capital accumulation



Collusion in Government & Corruption



Secure Livelihoods



Employment & HR in Public Sector Banks in the 90s



The Pervasiveness of Self Employment



Contractual Arrangements in Academia



Budget 2004 Presentation



The WTO and the Politics of India's Textiles

Das Abhiman

Das Abhiman


Economics (ECO)


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Educational Qualifications

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),

Department of Economics, Cambridge, 2004-05.
Ph.D. (Population Studies), International Institute for Population Sciences, Bombay,
M. Sc. (Population Studies), International Institute for Population Sciences, Bombay,
1994 (Gold Medalist).
M. Sc. (Statistics), Calcutta University, 1991 (Gold Medalist).

B. Sc. (Honours in Statistics, with Mathematics and Physics), Calcutta University,


Academic Affiliation

Professor, IIM Ahmedabad from August 2015.

Recipient of Prof. C. R. Rao National Award in Statistics for Young Statisticians for
2012-13 in recognition of his outstanding contribution in the field of Statistics.
Recipient of the Prof. P. C. Mahalanobis Medal for 2008 instituted by the Indian
Econometric Society for his outstanding contribution in Quantitative Economics.
Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Banks (CAIIB), 2006.
CSIR-UGC NET Lecturer Fellowship, 1992.

Professional Affiliation

He has worked in various capacities in the Department of Statistics and Information

Management (Research Department) of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) over two decades.
Before Joining the IIMA, he was holding the post of Director (General Manager) at the RBI.
Member of the Indian Econometric Society.
Editor, The Data Envelopment Analysis Journal.
Member, Editorial Committee, Reserve Bank of India Working Paper Series, 2014-15.
Member, Editorial Committee, Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers, 2010-12.

Area Of Research
Monetary Economics, Applied Econometrics and Time Series Analysis, Theory of Firms,
Banking Efficiency and Productivity Analysis using both Parametric and Nonparametric
methods, Survey Data Analysis, Measurement of Macro-Economic Indicators, and Economic

Current Research
Transmission of Monetary Policy, Measurement of Inflation Expectations, Economic
Development and Banking, Efficiency and Productivity of Banking

Publications/ Articles/ Cases





Mark-up and Efficiency of Indian Banks: An Input Distance Function Approach (with
Subal Kumbhakar), Empirical Economics, 2015 (revised and re-submitted).
Effects of Derivatives usage and Financial Statement accounting items on Indian
Banks Stocks Unsystematic and Systematic Risk Measures (with G. Banerjee, S. Shetty and
K. Jana), Journal of Economics and Finance, 2015 (revised and re-submitted).
An Application of Quah and Vahey's Structural Vector Auto Regression Methodology
for Estimating Core Inflation in India (with Joice John and Sanjay Singh), Journal of
Quantitative Economics, 2015 (forthcoming).
Real Time Business Conditions Index: A Statistically Optimal Framework for India

(with Dipankar Biswas and Nivedita Banerjee), Reserve Bank of India Occasional Paper, 33(1
& 2), 2014.
An earlier version in the same title was published in the RBI Working Paper Series,
WPS(DEPR), 3/2011.

Sensitivity of Investment and Growth to Changes in Real Interest Rates in India (with
Pattanaik, H. Behera, R. Kavediya, A. K. Shrivastava and H. Joshi) , Prajnan (NIBM), Journal
of Social and Management Sciences, XLIII (1), April-June 2014.
An earlier version titled Real Interest Rate impact on Investment and Growth What the
Empirical Evidence for India Suggests? was published as RBI Project Research


Estimation of Counterfeit Currency Notes in India Alternative Methodologies, (with

Sanjoy Bose), RBI Working Paper Series, WPS(DEPR), 03/2013 .
Corporate Pricing Power, Inflation and IIP Growth: An Empirical Investigation (with
Angshuman Hait and Joice John), RBI Working Paper Series, WPS(DEPR), 09/2013 .

Deodhar Satish

Deodhar Satish


Economics (ECO)


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Research and Publications

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Educational Qualifications

Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics), The Ohio State University, USA

M.S. (Economics), The Ohio State University, USA
B.A. (Economics), Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, India

Academic Affiliation

Professor, Economics Area, Indian Instiute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA)

Professional Affiliation

Life Member, Asso. of Food Scientists and technologists (India)

Area Of Research

Research interests in agricultural trade, imperfectly competitive market structures,

food quality management, and micro-finance.

Current Research

Evaluation of Mid Day Meal Scheme

Phytosanitary issues in international agricultural trade

Publications/ Articles/ Cases

Publications include books, cases and journal articles. For more information visit my Personal

Contact details
Email: sanket.mohapatra at
sanketm at


Welcome to my personal website!

I am an Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmedabad. I was earlier a Senior Economist with the World Bank's
Global Macroeconomics Team in Washington, DC. My research interests
include international finance, capital flows, sovereign and sub-sovereign
ratings, financial liberalization, corporate financing patterns in emerging

economies, poverty, inequality and economic growth, and migration and

remittances. I have contributed to various issues of the World Banks
such asGlobal
Prospects and Global
Development Finance. I was a core team member of the Africa regional
flagship report Leveraging Migration for Africa: Remittances, Skills, and
Investments and co-edited a volume on Remittance Markets in Africa,
published as part of the World Banks Directions in Development Finance

Selected research papers and publications

Impacts of Sovereign Creditworthiness on Sub-sovereign Debt Ratings in Emerging and
Developing Economies, January 2016, with M. Nose and D. Ratha
Peer-reviewed articles, edited volumes, and book chapters
Quantitative Easing and the Post-Crisis Surge in Financial Flows to Developing
Countries, with J. Lim,Journal of International Money and Finance (forthcoming)
Remittances and Natural Disasters: Ex-post Response and Contribution to Ex-ante
Preparedness, with G. Joseph and D. Ratha, Journal of Environment, Development and
Sustainability 2012, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4972.
Shadow Sovereign Ratings for Unrated Developing Countries, with D. Ratha and P.
De, World Development, March 2011 (World Bank Policy Research working
paper version, Economic Premise August 2011 with O. Canuto and D. Ratha here)
Forecasting Migrant Remittances During the Global Financial Crisis, with
D. Ratha in Migration Letters, Oct 2010 (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
version here)
Remittance Markets in Africa, with D. Ratha (Introduction chapter of edited volume),
World Bank Directions in Development: Finance series. Download entire book (4.9 MB)
Migration and Remittances in South Asia 2009, with C. Ozden, Chapter 5 in The
Services Revolution in South Asia, Oxford University Press.


International Trade, Development Economics, Empirical IO, Applied





Imported Intermediate Inputs and Workforce Composition:

Evidence from India's Tariff Liberalization"


"Information Technology and Productivity in Indian

Manufacturing," with Nirvikar Singh. India Policy Forum 2012-13, 2013,
Vol. 9, pp. 189-231, Edited by Shekhar Shah, Barry Bosworth and Arvind
Panagariya, An NCAER and Brookings Publication.

"Case Study: India" Chapter 5 in "Trade Liberalization and

Poverty in South Asia," with Rashmi Banga, Routledge Studies in Growth
Economies in Asia, Routledge Publication, July 2011

"Have Unskilled Labour benefited from International

Trade?", Chapter 4 in "How Are the Poor Benefited from
International Trade in India: An Empirical Approach," with Rashmi
Banga, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Study,
October 2008

"Panchayat and the Community Based Monitoring System in

Sehore District, Madhya Pradesh,"with Sameer Chaturvedi, Marissa
Larma and Seth Schindler, UNICEF KCCI Case Study, February 2006

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