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Projectile Motion

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Projectile Motion

Oblique projection on a horizontal surface

Let a particle (body) be projected with certain velocity v0-> at an angle 0 to the horizontal.
The horizontal component of its velocity
(vox) = v0cos0
The vertical component of its velocity
(voy) = v0sin0
The particle moves simultaneously in both horizontal and vertical directions under earths
gravitational field (no other external forces like wind drag are small and therefore their effect
Change in Position Vector (Displacement) :
Let the particle acquire a position P having the coordinates (x , y) just after time t from the
instant of projection . The corresponding position vector of the particle at time t is as shown in
the Figure

Since no external force acts upon the particle horizontally, its horizontal acceleration is zero, that
means, the particle moves horizontally with constant velocity of magnitude (v0)x = v0cos0 .
vx = v0cos0


The horizontal distance covered during time t is given as

x = (v0x)t
x = (v0cos0)t .(3)
If we consider the vertical motion of the particle, the external force acting on the particle is
gravitational force mg.
Consequently the particle accelerates downwards (towards the centre of earth) with an
acceleration of magnitude g = 9.8 m/sec2
In the other words we can say that the particle decelerates upward with g = 9.8 m/sec2
Consequently the vertical velocity of the particle at time t is given as
vy = (v0)y gt ,
putting (v0)y = v0sin0 we obtain
vy = v0sin0 gt ..(4)
The vertical velocity of the particle at any height y is given as
vy2 = (voy)2 2gy , putting (voy) = vo sin we obtain
Now the vertical displacement y is given as
y = (v0)y t -(1/2) gt2
y = v0sin0t (1/2)gt2 .(6)
Putting the values of x and y from equation (3) and equation (6) in equation (1) we obtain the
position vector at any time t as

Illustration : A boy throws a stone with an speed V0 = 10 m/sec at an angle 0 = 30 to the

horizontal. Find the position of the stone w.r.t. the point of projection just after a time t = 1/2 sec.

The position of the stone is given by

where x = (v0 cos 0)t

= (10 cos30)(1/2)
= 4.33 m.
and y = v0sin0 (1/2)gt2
= (10 sin30)(1/2) (1/2)10(1/2)2
= 1.25 m

r-> = 4.33 i^ + 1.25 j^

Exercise : Referring to the previous illustration find the position of the particle as t = v0/g.
Average Velocity

Therefore the average velocity of the particle during time t can be found as Vav-> = r-> /t
We have assumed the point of projection as the origin of the coordinate system.
That means, the initial position vector of the particle has a magnitude equal to zero r-> = r->
.Putting t = t we obtain,

Substituting the obtained value of | r->| we obtain.

Instantaneous Velocity

The velocity of the particle at time t is equal to the vector sum of the velocity components along
x and y axis
Putting the values of vx and vy using equations (2) and (3) in above Equation , we obtain

= tan-1 {tan0 (gt/v0)sec0}

Substituting the values of vx and vy by equations (2) and (5) in equation (7) we obtain

Equation of trajectory

Substituting t by equation (3) in equation (6), we obtain

This is the equation of a parabola. Therefore the path of the particle is parabolic when the
particle passes the level of projection. The horizontal distance covered is known as its range R
and the time of motion is known as time of flight T.
For this range R = Vxt, t = T; X = R, y = 0 (as shown in Figure).
Time of Flight :

Substituting these values in equation (6), we obtain.

Maximum Height :

When the particle is at the highest position, Vy = 0 and y = H, putting Vy = 0 and y = H in

equation (5), we obtain

=> H is maximum when o = 90 => Hmax = Vo2/2g

Range :
When x = R, y =0, putting this value in locus equation or equation of trajectory we obtain,

=> R is maximum when Sin2o is maximum => o = 45

Illustration : A body is projected up such that its position vector varies with time as = 6t i^ + (8t5t2)j^ . Find the (a) initial velocity (b) time of flight (c) range of the body.
Solution: (a) The position of the body at any time t is given as
r-> = 6t i^ + (8t-5t2)j^ . When t = 0, r = 0. That means the body is projected from the origin of the
coordinate system. Differentiating both sides w.r.t. time t, we obtain
dr->/dt = 6 i^ + (8-10t) j^

v-> = 6 i^ + (8-10t) j^ . Putting t = 0, we obtain the initial velocity (velocity of projection) given as
v-> |t=0 = vo-> = 6 i^ + 8j^
=> vo = 10 m/sec;
(b) The time of flight T = 2vo Sino/g
=> T = 2(vy)o/g where (vy)o = 8
=> T = 28/10 = 1.6 sec.
Exercise : Referring to the previous illustration,
(a) Find the maximum height attained by the body.
(b) Find the equation of trajectory of the body.
Angle of Projection for Given Ratio of Range and Maximum Height

When the range R is times greater than the maximum height H.

Then R = H

=> coto = /4 => tano = 4/

=> o = tan-1 4H/R = 76 (when H = R or = 1).
Therefore, the angle of projection will be 76 for H = R.
Illustration : A cricketer of height 2.5 m throws a ball at an angle 30 with the horizontal such
that it is received by another cricketer of same height standing at a distance of 50 m from the first
one. Find the maximum height attained by the ball.


Let the ball rise to an additional height H.

The distance between the cricketer is equal to R = 50 m.
The angle of projection, o = 30 , we know that
tan o = 4H/R
tan 30 = 4H/50
=> H = 50/43 m 7.2 m.
Therefore the maximum height attained by the ball = H = 2.5m + 7.2m.
=> H = 9.7 m.
Exercise : Referring to the previous illustration, find the time of flight of the ball.
Projectile Passing through Two Different Points at Time t1 and t2

If the particle passes two points situated at equal height y at t = t1 and t = t1 , then referring to the
Figure we obtain
y = (vo sino) t1 (1/2) gt12
= (vosino) t2 (1/2) gt22 .(1)

vo sino (t2 t1) = g (t22 t12 )

vo sino =
=> t1+ t2 = T
Substituting vo sino = g(t1+ t2)/2
y = (vo sino) t1 (1/2) gt12
we obtain

Speed and Angle of Projection so that projectile Passes through Two Given Points

Speed and Angle of Projection so that projectile Passes through Two Given Points :

Referring the Figure, we see that the particle passes through two points P and Q having
coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) respectively. Setting these values of the coordinates in the
equation of locus of the particle (trajectory equation) we obtain,


=> y1 x22 y2 x12
= tano (x1 x22 x2 x12)

The speed of projection

Putting the value of

we can obtain vo

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