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2016 Comput Biol Chem 64 403-13

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Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413

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Assessing the similarity of ligand binding conformations with the

Contact Mode Score
Yun Dinga , Ye Fangb,d , Juana Morenoa,d , J. Ramanujamb,d, Mark Jarrella,d ,
Michal Brylinskic,d,*

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Center for Computation & Technology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA


Article history:
Received 20 May 2016
Received in revised form 17 August 2016
Accepted 25 August 2016
Available online 6 September 2016
Contact Mode Score
eXtended Contact Mode Score
Root-mean-square deviation
Molecular docking
Ligand binding conformations


Structural and computational biologists often need to measure the similarity of ligand binding
conformations. The commonly used root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) is not only ligand-size
dependent, but also may fail to capture biologically meaningful binding features. To address these issues,
we developed the Contact Mode Score (CMS), a new metric to assess the conformational similarity based
on intermolecular protein-ligand contacts. The CMS is less dependent on the ligand size and has the
ability to include exible receptors. In order to effectively compare binding poses of non-identical ligands
bound to different proteins, we further developed the eXtended Contact Mode Score (XCMS). We believe
that CMS and XCMS provide a meaningful assessment of the similarity of ligand binding conformations.
CMS and XCMS are freely available at and http://
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Molecular docking is a computational technique routinely used
in protein function analysis and drug discovery (Cheng et al., 2012;
Yuriev et al., 2015). Docking calculations usually consist of two
successive stages, the prediction of the favorable orientation of a
small molecule when bound to its target protein followed by the
estimation of binding afnity and/or free energy of binding.
Scoring functions widely used in molecular docking evaluate
protein-ligand conformations in terms of the shape and electrostatic complementarity, as well as the presence of stabilizing
interactions such as hydrogen bonds, salt bridges, and hydrophobic
contacts (Yusuf et al., 2008). Since these factors hinge on the ligand
binding mode, accurately predicted protein-ligand conformations
are required for meaningful scoring.
A common practice in benchmarking docking programs is to
evaluate predicted conformations against experimentally solved

* Corresponding author at: Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State

University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Ding), (Y. Fang), (J. Moreno), (J. Ramanujam), (M. Jarrell), (M. Brylinski).
1476-9271/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

complex structures using the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD)

(Kabsch, 1978). Typically, predictions within an RMSD of 2 are
considered successful, whereas values higher than 3 indicate
docking failures. A standard RMSD function quantifying the
difference between two poses of the same molecule is computed
as follows:
1 N
S k a  bi k2
N i1 i
where molecule poses A={a1, a2, ......, an} and B={a1, a2, ......, an} are
dened by sets of Cartesian coordinates ai and bi of individual
heavy (non-hydrogen) atoms. This formulation shows that the
RMSD is calculated based on a predened one-to-one correspondence between atoms in poses A and B. Although equivalent atoms
can be found by matching atom indices, the presence of symmetric
functional groups may result in inated RMSD values (Allen and
Rizzo, 2014). Several modied RMSD calculation methods were
developed to handle symmetric molecules (Allen and Rizzo, 2014;
Trott and Olson, 2010). These techniques re-index atoms dynamically instead of using the predened order of atoms.
Further, a strong dependence of the RMSD on the number of
atoms complicates the assessment of molecules with different
sizes (Reva et al., 1998; Stark et al., 2003). On the other hand, the


Y. Ding et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413

development and optimization of scoring functions for molecular

docking often involves tuning force eld parameters against
diverse datasets of protein-ligand complexes. For example, weight
factors can be adjusted to maximize the capability to recognize
near native conformations amongst a large set of docking decoys
(Brylinski and Skolnick, 2009a, 2008; Ding et al., 2015). An
imprecise classication of near native and decoy conformations,
e.g. by using a xed RMSD threshold, may lead to suboptimal
weight factors. Even though the number of ligand atoms can be
taken into account by calculating the statistical signicance of
RMSD values (Reva et al., 1998; Stark et al., 2003), statistical testing
is rarely employed in the development and optimization of docking
algorithms and scoring functions.
Another issue is that ligand RMSD does not account for the
protein environment (Kroemer et al., 2004). Depending on the
ligand size and complexity, low RMSD values can be obtained even
if key interactions with the protein are absent. Conversely, a
substantial deviation from the experimental structure of a moiety
that is irrelevant to binding (e.g., a solvent-exposed group) can
notably increase the RMSD even when crucial binding features are
recovered by docking calculations (Yusuf et al., 2008). To address
this problem, the relative displacement error (RDE) (Abagyan and
Totrov, 1997) was developed. The RDE down-weights large
deviations, therefore, it is less sensitive to a small number of
misplaced atoms compared to the RMSD. Nevertheless, similar to
RMSD, the RDE takes no account of the protein environment.
Although conventional docking methods employ a single, static
structure of the receptor, more recent approaches incorporate
protein exibility by docking against protein ensembles or using
rotamer libraries for binding residue side chains (Chang et al.,
2007; Lill, 2011; Meiler and Baker, 2006). The traditional ligand
RMSD cannot be used to assess the accuracy of fully exible
molecular docking, where not only ligands, but also receptors
change their internal conformations. For that reason, an alternative
measure based on real space R-factors was proposed to compare
electron density rather than to calculate the RMSD from Cartesian
coordinates (Yusuf et al., 2008). Moreover, predicted binding
modes can be visually inspected in order to identify key proteinligand interactions recovered by docking calculations (Kroemer
et al., 2004). However, the lack of automation makes this approach
inapplicable to large datasets of docked ligand conformations.
The calculation of RMSD is straightforward and has a low
computational complexity, therefore, it is still frequently used as
the assessment measure, particularly across large datasets of
protein-ligand complexes. Nevertheless, new techniques are
highly desired to evaluate not only purely geometrical features,
but also biological aspects of binding. On that account, we
developed the Contact Mode Score (CMS), which effectively
quanties the similarity of ligand binding conformations. CMS
compares the sets of interatomic contacts formed by a ligand and
its receptor rather than ligand Cartesian coordinates. Such an
approach also allows for the protein environment to be included in
the assessment. Further, we developed the eXtended Contact Mode
Score (XCMS), which provides a convenient template-based
method to compare those protein-ligand complexes composed
of different proteins and non-identical ligands. In contrast to the
RMSD, CMS and XCMS are less dependent on the ligand size and
have a well-dened statistical signicance.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Experimental datasets
Three datasets of protein-ligand complexes are used in this
study. The rst dataset was compiled from the eFindSite library
(Brylinski and Feinstein, 2013) by clustering template proteins at

40% sequence identity using PISCES (Wang and Dunbrack, 2003),

and then selecting representative chains that non-covalently bind
small organic molecules at distinct locations. This procedure
produced a set of 14 059 non-redundant structures of proteinligand complexes, referred to as the eFindSite dataset, which was
used to develop a mixed-resolution model of complex structures.
In addition, we used the Astex/CCDC dataset (Nissink et al., 2002)
comprising the high-quality experimental structures of 201
pharmacologically relevant proteins co-crystalized with drug
molecules. The dependence of CMS and RMSD on the number of
ligand atoms was examined against the Astex/CCDC dataset.
Finally, the XCMS was developed and tested on the BioLiP database
(Yang et al., 2013). BioLiP provides a comprehensive collection of
protein-ligand complex structures curated specically for studies
focusing on biologically relevant interactions and template-based
modeling approaches. From the entire database comprising 94 887
ligands bound to 71 359 proteins, we randomly selected 2200
protein-ligand complexes as query structures. In XCMS benchmarking, we searched the complete BioLiP database for nonidentical templates for each query structure. A complex was used
as the template if the Pocket Similarity score (PS-score) against the
query pocket is <0.9, the ngerprint Tanimoto coefcient (1D-TC)
against the query ligand is >0.5, and the number of ligand heavy
atoms is greater than 6. Using these criteria produced a dataset of
802 058 query-template pairs to benchmark the XCMS. The PSscore measures the structural similarity of two ligand binding
sites; it ranges from 0 to 1 with higher values indicating higher
similarity (Gao and Skolnick, 2013a). 1D-TC employs 1024-bit
molecular ngerprints to quantify the chemical similarity of two
small molecules. The calculations of 1D-TC were conducted with
OpenBabel (OBoyle et al., 2011), which supports ngerprint
indexing to accelerate searches against large databases.
2.2. Simulated datasets
In addition to experimental datasets, three sets of computergenerated structures were compiled for benchmarking purposes.
The rst simulated dataset is based on Astex/CCDC (Nissink et al.,
2002) and it was prepared to assess the dependence of RMSD and
CMS on the number of ligand heavy atoms. A series of systematic
perturbations were applied to co-crystalized ligands, each
comprising random translations and rotations about the x, y and
z-axis of up to 0.02 and 5 , respectively. After each round of
perturbation, RMSD and CMS were computed against the native
conformation of a ligand. The second simulated dataset contains
Metropolis Monte Carlo (MMC) trajectories constructed by
GeauxDock (Ding et al., 2015) for Astex/CCDC complexes.
GeauxDock employs a mixed-resolution representation of protein-ligand complexes and a hybrid scoring function comprising
physics-, evolution-based energy terms and statistical potentials.
GeauxDock effectively nds the near native structures of proteinligand complexes by exploring low-energy congurations according to a dimensionless scoring function. Here, binding ligands were
initialized at random conformations and GeauxDock simulation
engine (Ding et al., 2015) was used to generate docking trajectories
through 800 MMC cycles. The CMS was calculated for each
accepted conformation against the ligand bound in the crystal
complex structure.
The last simulated dataset was built on BioLiP (Yang et al., 2013)
to benchmark RMSD, CMS and XCMS using predicted and random
ligand conformations. First, query ligands were randomized within
receptor binding pockets to produce a set of 2200 random
conformations of query ligands. Subsequently, each randomized
ligand was re-docked to the protein with AutoDock Vina (Trott and
Olson, 2010). The docking box was set to an optimal size based on
the radius of gyration of the ligand (Feinstein and Brylinski, 2015)

Y. Ding et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413

and the binding pocket center was set to the geometric center of
the compound bound in the experimental complex. This procedure
produced 2200 docked conformations of query ligands. For each
simulated conformation, RMSD and CMS were calculated against
the experimental structure, whereas the XCMS was calculated
using a template. Similar to the experimental BioLiP dataset, we
included only those templates having more than 6 heavy atoms, a
PS-score of <0.9, and a 1D-TC of >0.5. For the template-based
assessment with XCMS, suitable templates were identied for a
subset of 695 targets.
2.3. Molecular representation
Fast computation without compromising molecular details is
achieved by describing protein-ligand complex structures at a
mixed-resolution. A heavy-atom representation is used for ligands
with the following chemical types according to SYBYL (Clark et al.,
1989): carbon sp (C.1), carbon sp2 (C.2), carbon sp3 (C.3), aromatic
carbon (, carbocation in guadinium groups (, nitrogen sp
(N.1), nitrogen sp2 (N.2), nitrogen sp3 (N.3), positively charged
nitrogen sp3 (N.4), amide nitrogen (, aromatic nitrogen (N.
ar), trigonal planar nitrogen (N.pl3), oxygen sp2 (O.2), oxygen sp3
(O.3), oxygen in carboxylate and phosphate groups (O.co2),
phosphorous sp3 (P.3), sulfur sp2 (S.2), sulfur sp3 (S.3), sulfoxide
sulfur (S.O), sulfone sulfur (S.O2), and halogens (Br, Cl, F, I). Proteins
are represented at the coarse-grained level. In CMS, two effective
backbone points per residue are placed at the position of its Ca
atom (CA) and the geometrical center of the peptide plane (PP).
Small side chains of Ala, Asn, Asp, Cys, Ile, Leu, Pro, Ser, Thr and Val
are reduced to one pseudo atom located at the geometric center,
whereas longer side chains of Arg, Gln, Glu, His, Lys, Met, Phe, Trp
and Tyr are described by two effective points corresponding to the
middle of a virtual Cb-Cg bond and the geometric center of the
remaining side-chain atoms (Zacharias, 2003). It is noteworthy
that this model is already implemented in a molecular docking
program, GeauxDock (Ding et al., 2015). In XCMS, two effective
points per residue are used at the positions of its Ca and Cb atoms
(CA and CB, respectively), except for glycine that has only the CA
2.4. Intermolecular contacts
Contacts between ligand heavy atoms and protein effective
points in the mixed-resolution model are calculated using type-


dependent distance thresholds. These threshold values were

optimized against the exact interatomic contacts extracted from
high-resolution complex structures in the eFindSite dataset,
dened as pairs of heavy atoms within a distance of 4.5 . This
cutoff is commonly used to determine the rst hydration shell for
proteins; when solvent molecules are present within this shell,
proteins atoms have less freedom to interact with ligand atoms
(Beck et al., 2002). For each unique combination of a ligand atom
type l and an amino acid effective point type p, we found an
optimal distance, Dcnt
ip , that reproduces high-resolution interatomic
contacts by maximizing the Matthews correlation coefcient
(MCC) (Matthews, 1975):

Here, TP is the number of true positives, i.e. interatomic contacts

that are correctly reproduced in the mixed-resolution model. TN is
the number of true negatives, i.e. heavy atom pairs farther away
than 4.5 from each other in high-resolution structures and also
above the corresponding type-dependent distance threshold for
ligand atoms and protein effective points in the mixed-resolution
model. FP and FN are the numbers of false positives and false
negatives, respectively, i.e. those contacts that are over- and
underestimated by using the mixed-resolution description. Note
that ligand atoms in our model are treated equally when counting
interatomic contacts. Although some methods prioritize certain
parts of the ligand to better capture important aspects of binding
(Kroemer et al., 2004), these approaches largely depend on manual
inspection and thus cannot be automated.
2.5. Contact Mode Score
Essentially, the CMS quanties the overlap of interatomic
contacts in protein-ligand complex structures. Fig. 1 illustrates a
procedure to calculate the CMS for three conformations of a
simplied system, in which the ligand has 3 heavy atoms (L1L3)
and the protein has 4 effective points (P1P4). The rst step is to
construct the Global Contact Matrix (GCM) encoding the interaction pattern for a particular ligand binding conformation (Figs. 1A
C). Here, the distance between each ligand atom L of type l and each
protein point P of type p is compared with the Dcnt
ip threshold to
determine whether L and P are in contact. The corresponding entry
in the GCM matrix is set to 1 if the distance is below Dcnt
ip , otherwise

Fig. 1. Calculation of the Contact Mode Score (CMS). First, intermolecular contacts calculated between ligand atoms L and protein effective points P are stored in binary
matrices (1contact, 0no contact). Contact matrices for two arbitrary ligand conformations are shown in A and C, whereas B is a contact matrix constructed for the reference
conformation. Next, a confusion table is computed for a pair of contact matrices; tables D and E are calculated for pairs AB and CB, respectively. Finally, CMS is calculated as
the Matthews correlation coefcient for a given confusion table.


Y. Ding et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413

it is set to 0. Next, a confusion matrix is generated for a pair of

GCMs, where one GCM represents a query (Figs. 1A and 1C) and the
other is the reference (Fig. 1B). Confusion matrices consist of the
numbers of true positives (TP), true negatives (TN), false positives
(FP), and false negatives (FN). TP are interatomic contacts that are
present in both conformations and TN are pairs of ligand atoms and
protein effective points not in contact in both conformations. FP
and FN are over- and under-predicted contacts in the query
conformation. Finally, Eq. (2) is used to calculate the CMS whose
values range from 1 to 1, with greater values indicating a higher
similarity between two conformations. Since relative distances
between interacting points are used in CMS calculations, the
resulting similarity score is independent of the absolute coordinate
frames of query and reference structures. Furthermore, CMS
correctly handles any degrees of freedom associated with the
molecular exibility, therefore, it can be applied to evaluate
complex structures generated by ensemble docking and exible
receptor docking protocols.
2.6. eXtended Contact Mode Score
CMS requires a predened one-to-one atomic correspondence,
therefore, it can be used to measure the similarity of different
conformations of the same protein-ligand pair. In order to compare
non-identical complexes formed by different proteins and ligands,
we developed the eXtended Contact Mode Score. In XCMS,
equivalent atoms in two different ligand molecules are identied
with the kcombu program (Kawabata, 2011). Kcombu implements
a fast and accurate build-up algorithm to perform chemical
structure alignments and reports the similarity between ligands in
terms of the topological Tanimoto coefcient (2D-TC). Further, the
local structure alignment algorithm APoc (Gao and Skolnick,
2013a) is employed to match ligand-binding pockets in a given pair
of proteins in order to nd equivalent residues. APoc uses the
geometrical and physicochemical features of binding sites and
provides a PS-score value, which measures the local similarity of
ligand binding sites. Since equivalent residues reported by APoc for
two proteins may have different types, we use a Ca-Cb coarsegrained model in XCMS. Moreover, XCMS employs Local Contact
Matrices (LCMs) because alignments generated by APoc are local,
covering only ligand binding sites.
XCMS calculations are illustrated in Fig. 2. Three non-identical
complexes are shown in Fig. 2AC. L1L3 represent ligand heavy

atoms matched by kcombu, so that an atom L1 in the rst complex

is equivalent to L1 atoms in the second and third complexes and so
on. Protein residues are classied as ligand binding if any ligand
atom is found within a distance of 7 from any protein atom. This
distance was selected to ensure that a sufcient number of binding
residues are used for local alignments with APoc. Protein residues
matched by APoc are stored in the LCM as rows arranged according
to the pocket alignment. LCM entries are the distances between
ligand atoms L and protein effective points P corresponding to the
CA and CB atoms of binding residues. Next, LCMs are unrolled into
1D vectors maintaining the order of P:L pairs (Fig. 2D and E). The
XCMS is then calculated as non-parametric Spearmans rank
correlation coefcient between two vectors (Fieller et al., 1957).
Similar to the CMS, XCMS ranges from 1 to 1 with higher
values indicating a higher similarity between two conformations.
However, in contrast to the CMS calculated from a 4  4 confusion
matrix, XCMS depends on the length of distance vectors. Therefore,
XCMS values are assigned a statistical signicance under a null
hypothesis that XCMS is zero for a pair of randomly generated
LCMs; the alternative hypothesis is that two LCMs are signicantly
similar. The one-sided p-value is computed using the scipy package
(Oliphant, 2007) based on the Fisher transformation method
(Fisher and Fisher, 1915). Given a positive XCMS, lower p-values
indicate a higher statistical signicance of the conformational
similarity of protein-ligand complexes.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Mixed-resolution contacts
Many all-atom models dene interatomic contacts using a
distance threshold of 4.5 corresponding to the second solvation
shell (Beck et al., 2002). In the mixed-resolution model used to
calculate the CMS, type-dependent distance thresholds are
optimized against the eFindSite dataset of protein-ligand complexes to reproduce all-atom contacts. Fig. 3A shows the
distribution of 720 (24 types of ligand atoms  30 types of protein
effective points) contact distances, Dcnt
ip . The majority of contact
distances fall within a range of 46 . Those effective points
comprising more protein atoms, e.g. the side chains of Trp-2, Arg-2
and Tyr-2, typically have larger Dcnt
ip thresholds than small amino
acids, such as Ala-1, Ser-1 and Cys-1, as well as Cb-Cg virtual bonds

Fig. 2. Calculation of the eXtended Contact Mode Score (XCMS). First, Cartesian distances calculated between ligand atoms L and protein effective points P are stored in
distance matrices. Matrices for two arbitrary ligand conformations are shown in A and C, whereas B is a distance matrix for the reference conformation (distances are given in
). Next, two matrices are converted to distance vectors whose elements correspond to pairs of protein effective points and ligand atoms (P:L). Finally, XCMS is computed as
Spearmans rank correlation coefcient for a given set of vectors.

Y. Ding et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413


Fig. 3. Parameterization of mixed-resolution intermolecular contacts. The distribution of (A) contact distance thresholds Dcnt
ip and (B) the Matthews correlation coefcient
(MCC) values calculated vs. exact interatomic contacts across the eFindSite dataset.

and backbone CA and PP groups. In general, optimized distance

thresholds in the mixed-resolution model reliably reproduce the
exact interatomic contacts. As shown in Fig. 3B, MCC values for
most interacting pairs are larger than 0.5 with an average MCC of
0.7. Such accuracy in calculating intermolecular contacts in the
mixed-resolution model is sufcient to develop a contact-based
similarity measure. The complete set of Dcnt
ip values is provided as
Supplementary material.
3.2. Ligand size dependence of RMSD and CMS
The dependence of RMSD and CMS values on the ligand size was
evaluated in a perturbation experiment. Table 1 shows the average
RMSD and CMS after the rst round of perturbation for Astex/CCDC
complexes grouped based on the number of ligand heavy atoms.
Both CMS and RMSD show some dependence on the ligand size
because small ligands yield lower RMSD and higher CMS values
compared with larger molecules. In Fig. 4A, we plot similarity
(CMS, light gray circles) and dissimilarity (RMSD, dark gray
squares) values against the ligand size. The dependence of the (dis)
similarity on the ligand size is assessed by the Pearson correlation
coefcient (PCC) (Pearson, 1895). The PCC is 0.850 for the RMSD
and 0.780 for the CMS. In addition, we estimate the Mutual
Information (MI) between the RMSD and CMS, and the ligand size.
It has been shown that the MI can quantify the strength of a
statistical association without bias for relationships of a specic
form with higher MI value indicating a stronger association
(Kinney and Atwal, 2014). The MI against the ligand size is 0.714 for
the RMSD and 0.512 for the CMS. Overall, the absolute values of PCC
and MI are lower for CMS, indicating that it is less dependent on the
ligand size than RMSD.
Next, we performed ve rounds of perturbation of ligands in the
Astex/CCDC dataset. Table 2 reports 25, 50 and 75 percentiles of
RMSD and CMS as well as the quartile coefcient of dispersion
(QCD) (Bonett, 2006) after each perturbation round. The percentile
values are also plotted in Fig. 4B for the CMS and Fig. 4C for the

Table 1
Dependence of RMSD and CMS on the ligand size. Ligand conformations from the
Astex/CCDC dataset were subjected to one round of perturbation comprising a set of
forward translations and clockwise rotations. The mean values of RMSD and CMS
are reported for each size range.
Ligand sizea






The number of heavy atoms.

RMSD. Higher QCD values indicate larger uctuations of a given

measure. Although the QCD for the CMS increases with the number
of perturbation rounds, it is systematically smaller than that for the
RMSD demonstrating that the CMS is more stable.
3.3. Examples of CMS calculations
The CMS is a convenient measure not only to assess docking
accuracy, but also to analyze docking trajectories and the quality of
scoring functions. On that account, we generated MMC trajectories
for the Astex/CCDC dataset using GeauxDock (Ding et al., 2015) and
calculated CMS values against the experimental structure for the
accepted congurations. Two examples are shown in Fig. 5,
aspartyl proteinase penicillopepsin complexed with a pepstatin
analogue (PDB-ID: 1apt, chain A, Fig. 5A and B) (James et al., 1983)
and urokinase-type plasminogen activator complexed with an
inhibitor (PDB-ID: 1c5x, chain B, Fig. 5C and D) (Katz et al., 2000).
Fig. 5A and C show that at the beginning of docking simulations,
pseudo-energies are high and CMS values are low suggesting that
initial ligands are far away from experimental binding poses. Blue
lines in both plots show that MMC simulations in GeauxDock are
driven by the pseudo-energy to reach low-energy states. Encouragingly, the CMS increases as the pseudo-energy gradually
decreases indicating that ligands are moving toward native-like
conformations. This correlation between the pseudo-energy and
the native-likeness is a desired characteristic of a scoring function,
which is shown as scatter plots in Fig. 5B and D. It is noteworthy
that our previous benchmarks of GeauxDock demonstrated that
the pseudo-energy and CMS are correlated for about threequarters of Astex/CCDC complexes (Ding et al., 2015).
Three representative snapshots selected from each docking
trajectory are shown in Fig. 6. These binding poses shown in blue
were generated at the beginning (Figs. 6A and D), in the middle
(Figs. 6B and E), and at the end (Figs. 6C and F) of GeauxDock
simulations. The corresponding CMS values calculated against
experimental complex structures shown in orange are 0.286, 0.366
and 0.601 for penicillopepsin, and 0.424, 0.583 and 0.771 for
plasminogen activator, respectively. It is clear that high CMS values
correspond to docking conformations that are close to experimental structures, thus the CMS is a good indicator of the nativelikeness.
3.4. Algorithm complexity of CMS and RMSD
We compare the time to calculate CMS and RMSD using the
Astex/CCDC dataset. Specically, for each complex, CMS and RMSD
values for 8 variational conformations were calculated against the
experimental structure, resulting in 1632 (204  8) individual
calculations. Using one thread on a 2.6 GHz Sandy Bridge Xeon 64-


Y. Ding et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413

Fig. 4. Comparison of RMSD and CMS in the perturbation experiment. (A) Scatter plot of RMSD (dark gray squares) and CMS (light gray circles) vs. the number of ligand atoms
after a single perturbation round. Boxplots of (B) CMS and (C) RMSD calculated for ligand conformations generated through multiple perturbation rounds. Boxes end at the 25
and 75 percentiles, a horizontal line in a box is the 50 percentile (median).

Table 2
Changes in RMSD and CMS in the perturbation experiment. Ligand conformations
from the Astex/CCDC dataset were subjected to multiple rounds of perturbation,
each comprising a set of forward translations and clockwise rotations. 25, 50, and 75
percentiles as well as the quartile coefcient of dispersion (QCD) calculated across
the dataset are reported for each perturbation round.



















bit processor, the wall time to nish RMSD (CMS) calculations is

17 s (5389 s), thus computing RMSD is about 317 times faster than
CMS. The reason for a longer wall time required to calculate CMS is
that it considers a protein environment and iterates over all pairs of
ligand atoms and protein points, whereas the RMSD iterates only
over ligand atoms. From the perspective of algorithm complexity,
the CMS calculation is O (P  L) and the RMSD calculation is O (L),
where P and L are the total number of protein points and ligand
atoms, respectively. Although both RMSD and CMS calculations are
based on Euclidean distances, CMS requires a longer computing
time due to the relatively large number of 838 effective points per
protein on average.
3.5. Dependence of XCMS on the ligand and pocket similarity
XCMS was developed as an extension of the CMS to measure the
similarity of ligand binding conformations among complexes
formed by different proteins and ligands. In order to establish
when a similar ligand binding conformation can be expected, we
investigate the dependence of XCMS on the pocket and ligand
similarity in experimental complex structures. Specically, XCMS,
PS-score and 2D-TC values were calculated for all query-template
pairs across the BioLiP database. Heat maps in Fig. 7 were
constructed by dividing query-template pairs into 400 groups
based on 2D-TC and PS-score values and then averaging XCMS and
p-values within each group. Note that those pairs having a PS-score
between the query and the template of >0.9 were excluded in order
to examine only non-identical systems. As expected, Fig. 7A
demonstrates that the conformational similarity of protein-ligand
complexes captured by XCMS increases as their pockets and

binding ligands become more similar. Fig. 7B shows the statistical

signicance of query-template XCMS as a function of PS-score and
2D-TC. The signicance of XCMS increases with the increasing
similarity of ligands and binding pockets in query and template
structures. A clear boundary in Fig. 7A and B at a PS-score of 0.4
corresponds to a threshold separating statistically similar and
dissimilar binding pockets in proteins (Gao and Skolnick, 2013a).
Overall, these results corroborate previous studies reporting the
conservation of ligand binding across structurally similar pockets
occupied by chemically similar ligands (Brylinski and Skolnick,
2009b; Gao and Skolnick, 2013b; Ito et al., 2012a, 2012b). It is
important to note that both pocket similarity and ligand similarity
should be taken into account when selecting a template to
calculate XCMS. In practice, we rst rank templates by the product
of 2D-TC and PS-score and then take the top-ranked structure to
assess the target conformation using XCMS.
3.6. Large-scale benchmarking of molecular docking
Molecular docking with AutoDock Vina was performed for a
subset of 2200 query complexes selected the BioLiP dataset. In
Fig. 8, we rst use this simulated dataset to investigate the
relationship between RMSD, CMS and XCMS. Here, the strength of
association is measured with the maximal information coefcient
(MIC) (Reshef et al., 2011). The MIC belongs to the maximal
information-based nonparametric exploration class of statistics
and quanties linear and non-linear associations by applying
mutual information to continuous random variables. Fig. 8A shows
the correlation between CMS and RMSD, both of which are
calculated against the experimental structures of query complexes; the MIC between the CMS and RMSD is as high as 0.91.
Fig. 8B shows the correlation between CMS and XCMS, where the
XMCS is calculated using template structures. Encouragingly, these
two contact-based measures are also highly correlated with a MIC
of 0.88. Both MIC values are statistically signicant at p-values of
<1.28  106 (Reshef et al., 2011) demonstrating a strong association between RMSD, CMS and XCMS.
Next, we use the RMSD, CMS and XCMS to evaluate the accuracy
of molecular docking for the BioLiP dataset. In Fig. 9 and Table 3,
docking poses generated by AutoDock Vina are compared to
random ligand conformations generated within receptor binding
pockets. Regardless of the evaluation metric, Vina constructed
native-like conformations for a signicant number of complexes,
whereas the vast majority of random conformations are far away
from experimental structures. For instance, the median (50%

Y. Ding et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413


Fig. 5. Analysis of docking trajectories with the CMS. Docking simulations were conducted using GeauxDock for (A, B) penicillopepsin/pepstatin analogue (PDB-ID: 1apt,
chain A) and (C, D) plasminogen activator/inhibitor (PDB-ID: 1c5x, chain B). (A, C) Metropolis Monte Carlo trajectories for CMS (green) and pseudo-energy (E, blue). (B, D)
Scatter plots of CMS vs. the pseudo-energy; each dot represents an accepted protein-ligand conformation. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 6. Examples of docking poses from GeauxDock simulations. (A-C) penicillopepsin/pepstatin analogue (PDB-ID: 1apt, chain A) and (DF) plasminogen activator/inhibitor
(PDB-ID: 1c5x, chain B). Three docking poses are shown in blue for each system, (A, D) initial, (B, E) intermediate, and (C, F) nal conformations. The corresponding
experimental complex structures are colored in orange. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

quartile) RMSD, CMS, and XCMS for Vina is 2.89 , 0.574, and 0.694,
respectively, compared to 7.60 , 0.152, and 0.198 for random
conformations. Overall, these results demonstrate that when
suitable templates can be identied in the BioLiP database, a
retrospective assessment with RMSD and CMS against experimental structures can be replaced with a template-based evaluation
using the XCMS.

3.7. Examples of XCMS calculations

Finally, we discuss two representative examples illustrating
how XCMS can be used to evaluate docking conformations,
mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 (MAPK14, PDB-ID: 2yiw,
ligand: YIW, chain: A) (Millan et al., 2011) and ribose-5-phosphate
isomerase (RpiA, PDB-ID: 1o8b, ligand: ABF, chain A) (Zhang et al.,
2003). Both query ligands (YIW and ABF) were docked into their


Y. Ding et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413

Fig. 7. XCMS and its statistical signicance for the BioLiP dataset. Query-template pairs are grouped based on the similarity between their ligands (measured by the 2D
Tanimoto coefcient) and pockets (measured by PS-score). Heat maps of (A) the arithmetic mean values of XCMS and (B) the geometric mean of the p-value for positive XCMS.

Fig. 8. Correlation between RMSD, CMS, and XCMS. Docking conformations generated for the BioLiP dataset by AutoDock Vina are used to calculate RMSD and CMS against
experimental binding poses. XCMS was computed against a holo template selected from the BioLiP database based on the highest value of the product of PS-score and the 2D
Tanimoto coefcient. Scatter plots of (A) CMS vs. RMSD and (B) CMS vs. XCMS.

Fig. 9. Assessment of docked and randomized ligand conformations across the BioLiP dataset. The similarity to experimental binding poses is assessed with (A) RMSD, (B)
CMS, and (C) XCMS. RMSD and CMS were calculated against experimental complex structures. XCMS was calculated against a holo template selected from the BioLiP database
based on the highest value of the product of PS-score and the 2D Tanimoto coefcient. Dark gray violins correspond to ligands docked by AutoDock Vina, whereas light gray
violins are calculated for randomized ligand conformations. Black horizontal lines are median values.

target binding pockets by AutoDock Vina (Trott and Olson, 2010)

starting from random conformations. We rst calculated the RMSD
and CMS against native complexes to evaluate the docking
accuracy. Table 4 shows that docking simulations were successful
in both cases and the predicted conformations are highly similar to
experimental structures; for instance, the RMSD is 0.42 and the
CMS is 0.94 for MAPK14. Next, we evaluate docking conformations

with the XCMS. Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src (c-Src,

PDB-ID: 3f3u, ligand: 1AW, chain A) (Simard et al., 2009) was
selected from the BioLiP database as a template for MAPK14,
whereas central glycolytic gene regulator (CggR, PDB-ID: 3bxh,

ligand: F6P, chain A) (Rez9
cov et al., 2008) was selected as a
template for RpiA. XCMS values calculated against template
complexes reported in Table 4 demonstrate that the template-

Y. Ding et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413

Table 3
Assessment of docked and randomized ligand conformations across the BioLiP
dataset. RMSD and CMS were calculated against experimental complex structures.
XCMS was calculated against a holo template selected from the BioLiP database
based on the highest value of the product of PS-score and 2D Tanimoto coefcient.
Mean values as well as 25%, 50% and 75% quartiles are reported.


AutoDock Vina














Table 4
Assessment of ligand binding poses docked by AutoDock Vina. Two case studies are
presented, MAPK14 complexed with triazolopyridine inhibitor (PDB-ID: 2yiw,
ligand YIW, chain A) and ribose-5-phosphate isomerase complexed with the
inhibitor arabinose-5-phosphate (PDB-ID: 1o8b, ligand ABF, chain A).

Case study


Calculated against experimental complex structure



Template-based assessment
p-value of PS-score
Query EC#
Template EC#
p-value of XCMS



Calculated for the global structure alignment by Fr-TM-align.

Calculated for the local pocket alignment by APoc.
2D Tanimoto coefcient calculated for query- and template-bound ligands by


based assessment is consistent with the direct evaluation using

CMS and RMSD; for instance, the XCMS is 0.96 with a highly
signicant p-value of close to 0 for MAPK14.
Table 4 also includes various similarity scores for querytemplate pairs as well as their functional classication. MAPK14
and c-Src belong to the same class of transferase enzymes
transferring phosphorus-containing groups (Enzyme Commission,
EC number 2.7.-.-) and have globally similar structures with a
Template Modeling score (TM-score) of 0.76. TM-score is a lengthindependent measure of the structural similarity between proteins
(Zhang and Skolnick, 2004); it ranges from 0 to 1, with values 0.4
and higher indicating a statistically signicant similarity. In
contrast, RpiA and CggR have unrelated structures with a TMscore of 0.27. RpiA is an enzyme, ribose-5-phosphate isomerase
(EC#, whereas non-enzyme CggR belongs to the SorC/DeoR
family of prokaryotic transcriptional regulators. In both cases,
template-bound ligands are similar to query ligands with a 2D-TC
of 0.41 for MAPK14/c-Src and 0.88 for RpiA/CggR. In order to
visually compare ligand binding conformations, global and local
structure alignments constructed for MAPK14/c-Src and RpiA/
CggR are shown in Fig. 10. Ligands bound to MAPK14 and c-Src
adopt a similar conformation when protein structures are
superposed according to the global alignment by Fr-TM-align
(Pandit and Skolnick, 2008) (Fig. 10A) and the local alignment by
APoc (Gao and Skolnick, 2013a) (Fig. 10B). Since the global
structure alignment between RpiA and CggR is random, it cannot
be used to provide equivalent residues for XCMS calculations
(Fig. 10C). Nonetheless, APoc constructed a statistically signicant
local alignment of binding pockets in RpiA and CggR with a PSscore of 0.46 and the corresponding p-value of 4.9  105. When
protein structures are superposed according to the local alignment,
binding ligands in RpiA and CggR adopt a similar conformation
(Fig. 10D). These examples demonstrate that although XCMS
calculations do not require globally similar templates, the chemical
similarity of bound ligands as well as the similarity of binding sites

Fig. 10. Examples of the superposition of query and template structures. The query protein is ice blue with its binding residues marked by red dots and the bound ligand
shown as red sticks. The template protein is cyan with its binding residues marked by green dots and the bound ligand shown as green sticks. (A, B) The superposition of
MAPK14 (PDB-ID: 2yiw, chain A) and c-Src (PDB-ID: 3f3u, chain A). (C, D) The superposition of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (PDB-ID: 1o8b, chain A) and central glycolytic
gene regulator (PDB-ID: 3bxh, chain A). For each pair, two superpositions are shown, (A, C) the global structure alignment by Fr-TM-align and (B, D) the local pocket alignment
by APoc. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)


Y. Ding et al. / Computational Biology and Chemistry 64 (2016) 403413

in query and template structures should be high enough to ensure

a meaningful template-based assessment.
4. Conclusions
The Contact Mode Score, or CMS, was developed in this study to
quantify the conformational similarity of protein-ligand complexes based on intermolecular contacts. Its major advantages over
the traditional root-mean-square deviation include less dependency on the ligand size and taking into account the protein
environment. Consequently, the CMS can be used to measure the
ligand binding similarity across diverse protein-ligand datasets as
well as to evaluate exible docking methods simulating receptor
conformational changes upon ligand binding. In order to effectively compare binding poses of non-identical ligands bound to
different proteins, we further developed the eXtended Contact
Mode Score, or XCMS. The XCMS capitalizes on the conservation of
ligand binding across structurally similar pockets occupied by
chemically similar ligands. For instance, it can be used to
systematically evaluate complex structures constructed by virtual
screening, where a retrospective assessment cannot be performed
because the experimental structures of the majority of complexes
are unavailable. CMS and XCMS are freely available at http://
Research reported in this publication was supported by the
National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National
Institutes of Health under Award Number R35GM119524. The
content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not
necessarily represent the ofcial views of the National Institutes of
Health. The authors are grateful for discussions and comments
from the members of the Technologies for Extreme Scale
Computing (TESC) team formed within the Louisiana Alliance
for Simulation-Guided Materials Applications (LA-SiGMA). Portions of this research were conducted with high performance
computational resources provided by Louisiana State University
(HPC@LSU, and the Louisiana Optical
Network Institute (LONI,
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