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Unsteady Wave Structure Near Separation in A Mach 5 Compression Ramp Interaction

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VOL. 29, NO. 5


Unsteady Wave Structure near Separation in a Mach 5

Compression Ramp Interaction

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Mehmet E. Erengil* and David S. Dollingt

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712
Fluctuating wall-pressure measurements have been made under the unsteady separation shock and the separated shear layer in a Mach 5 compression ramp-induced turbulent interaction. The freestream unit Reynolds
number was 49.6 X 106 m" 1 and the turbulent boundary layer developed on the tunnel floor under approximately adiabatic wall-temperature conditions. Conditional sampling and "variable-window" ensembleaveraging techniques have been used to determine ensemble-averaged pressure distributions for different separation shock-wave positions. The results show that 1) the region in which the separation shock foot translates is
characterized by a compression system whose strength is a function of the separation shock position; 2)
ensemble-averaged wall-pressure distributions for "shock-upstream" and "shock-downstream" conditions are
characteristic of large- and small-scale separated flows, respectively, indicative of an expanding and contracting
bubble; and 3) ensemble-averaged wall-pressure histories under the separated shear layer rise and fall as the separation shock translates downstream and upstream, respectively.


T has been known since the early 1950s that shock-induced

turbulent boundary-layer separation, which is a feature of
strong shock interactions, is unsteady.1'2 Initial observations
of the unsteadiness were made using optical methods that provided very little quantitative information other than approximate estimates of the shock motion length scale and its frequency. Kistler,3 in 1964, was probably the first to make
quantitative measurements in one such interaction induced by
a for ward-facing step, at Mach numbers of 3 and 4.5. Measurements of wall-pressure fluctuations near separation
revealed the intermittent nature of the wall-pressure signal,
which was attributed to the unsteady separation shock wave.
Several experimental studies in the late 1960s and early
1970s confirmed Kistler's findings and helped establish a
database. The results of these studies and others are summarized in a recent review.4 Much of this early work was motivated by the need to predict the fluctuating pressure field
around high-speed vehicles, whereas the research of the past
few years has focused more on the unsteadiness of the shockinduced separation process. Most of the recent work has been
in unswept compression ramp flows at Mach numbers of 3 and
5,5~9 and in interactions induced by blunt fins,10 circular
cylinders,11"13 and sharp fins at angle of attack.14'16 Some additional work, particularly relevant to the current study, has
been done at Mach 2.85 in an interaction generated by a cylinder-flare model.17
This research has shown that a common feature of shockinduced turbulent separation is the low-frequency, large-scale
motion of the separation shock. In this context, * 'lowfrequency " means relative to the typical large eddy frequency
in the incoming boundary layer. The term "large-scale" is
used because the length of this "intermittent" region can be
several boundary-layer thicknesses, <50, depending on the
model geometry being tested.

For the two-dimensional compression ramp flows at supersonic speed, the generally accepted model of the flowfield is
sketched in Fig. 1. This was determined by Settles18 from pitot
pressure, static pressure, and total temperature surveys. These
measuring techniques have essentially zero frequency response, so this model represents a time-averaged picture. Since
the separation shock wave is unsteady,5 the question is raised
as to whether Fig. 1 is an accurate representation of the flow
structure, since it is the result of time-aver aging different
flowfields corresponding to different shock positions.
Kussoy et al.17 have addressed this question, for the
cylinder-flare interaction. In that study, simultaneous wallpressure fluctuations, high-speed shadow movies, and LDV
data were taken. Using a conditional sampling method, mean
streamlines were calculated for "shock-forward" and "shockback" positions and for the overall time-averaged cases. The
shock-forward and shock-back cases were defined as when
Ps(t) > Ps + aps andP 5 (0 < Ps - 0.5 c^, respectively.
Here, Ps(t) is the5instantaneous wall pressure, Ps the mean
value, and oPs the standard deviation, all measured at the
mean shock position. The results showed that the separated
bubble "expanded and contracted like a balloon." Gramann
and Dolling have observed a similar phenomenon in flows induced by circular cylinders19 and by unswept compression
ramps.9 In the latter studies, the instantaneous separation
point was determined to be at, or just downstream of, the instantaneous shock foot, showing that the separation process
itself is intermittent. The separation line determined by


Received July 10, 1989; revision received Feb. 26, 1990. Copyright
1990 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Inc. All rights reserved.
*Graduate Student, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. Student Member AIAA.
t Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and
Engineering Mechanics. Associate Fellow AIAA.

Fig. 1 Time-averaged flowfield (from Ref. 18).

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MAY 1991


surface-tracer techniques was at, or close to, the downstream

boundary of the region of intermittent separation.
The focus of the current work was to examine some of these
same questions in a Mach 5, 28 deg separated compression
ramp flow. This paper focuses on the flowfield upstream of
the corner; this includes the region of separation shock motion
and intermittent separation, and the continuously separated
flow upstream of the corner. The specific questions addressed
are as follows:
1) As the separation shock translates streamwise is its
strength constant, or is it a function of its position and/or its
direction of motion?
2) What is the flow structure in the intermittent region?
How does the strength of the compression waves just downstream of the separation shock vary with separation shock
position and its direction of motion?
3) As the separation shock translates are there changes in
the flow structure or are the changes simply in flowfield length
scale? Do the ensemble-averaged pressures throughout the
flowfield vary with separation shock position or are the
unsteady effects local and confined largely to the intermittent
4) Is there any correlation between the separation shock
motion and the ensemble-averaged pressure histories under
the separated shear layer?

Experimental Program
Wind Tunnel and Model

The experiments were conducted in the Mach 5 blowdown

tunnel of The University of Texas at Austin. This tunnel has a
constant-area test section, which measures 17.78 x 15.24 cm
( 7 x 6 in.) in cross section and 30.48 cm (12 in.) in length. An
8.57 cm (3.375 in.) diameter brass plug, centered at 10.16 cm
(4 in.) from the nozzle exit, was mounted flush with the tunnel
floor as shown in Fig. 2. This plug has a row of 26 transducer
ports along its centerline, spaced 0.292 cm (0.115 in.) center to
center. During the tests, dummy brass plugs were mounted
flush in any unused transducer ports.
The model used was a 28 deg unswept aluminum compression ramp, 12.70 cm (5 in.) wide and 3.81 cm (1.5 in.) high at
the trailing edge. Aerodynamic fences with sharpened leading
edges were attached to the ramp sides to avoid spanwise spillage and to isolate the interaction from the sidewall boundary
layers. The leading edges of the fences extended 7.4 cm (2.9
in.) upstream of the compression corner on the tunnel floor.
The model and the plug with transducer ports are sketched in
Fig. 2.


Flow Conditions

The freestream total pressure and total temperature were

2.17 x 106 N/m 2 (315 psia) and 350 K (630R), respectively.
The freestream unit Reynolds number was 49.6 x 106 m" 1
(15.1 x 106 ft" 1 ) and at the test station the freestream Mach
number was 4.95. The incoming turbulent boundary layer underwent natural transition and developed under approximately adiabatic wall-temperature conditions. At the test station it was 1.75 cm (0.7 in.) thick. The boundary-layer and
freestream flow properties were determined from pitot surveys
made with a probe having a tip orifice 0.020 cm (0.008 in.)
high and 0.038 cm (0.015 in.) wide. In the data reduction, the
static pressure and total temperature were assumed constant
through the boundary layer, with no heat transfer at the wall.
Detailed information about the turbulent boundary-layer
properties is given in Ref. 20.

Up to eight Kulite pressure transducers were used to

measure the wall-pressure fluctuations. These transducers
have a nominal outer diameter of 0.159 cm (0.0625 in.) and a
pressure-sensitive diaphragm 0.071 cm (0.028 in.) in diameter.
Three of the transducers were model XCW-062-15A with a
pressure range of 0-15 psia, and a diaphragm natural frequency of about 250 kHz. The other five transducers were
model XCQ-062-50A with a pressure range of 0-50 psia, and a
diaphragm natural frequency of about 500 kHz. Perforated
screens protecting the diaphragms from dust particles limit the
effective frequency response to about 50 kHz. The transducers
were calibrated statically since it has been shown21 that static
calibrations differ from more accurate dynamic calibrations by
only 2-3%. A Heise digital pressure gauge (Model 710A), accurate to within 7 N/m 2 (0.001 psia), was used for calibration.
Output from the pressure transducers was amplified by
either Dynamics (Model 7525), Measurements Group (Model
2311) or PARC (Model 113) amplifiers, and then low-pass
filtered using Ithaco (Model 4113 or Model 4213) analog
filters, with the cut-off set at 50 kHz. Amplifier gain settings
varied from 1500 to 9000, depending on the transducer type
and its position in the interaction. Gain settings were adjusted
before every calibration in order to maintain the maximum
amplitude resolution, which was about 5 N/m 2 (0.0007 psia).
The filtered signals were then digitized by the MASSCOMP
12-bit A/D converter equipped with sample-and-hold that
outputs 0-4095 counts for inputs of 0-10 V. Noise on the dataacquisition system was typically 7 A/D counts, resulting in
signal-to-noise ratios that varied from about 10 (for measurements in the incoming boundary layer) to several 100 in most
Data Acquisition

Fig. 2 Model and coordinate system.

The measurements were made in two parts. In the first part,

100 records (1024 datapoints per record) per channel were simultaneously sampled from eight transducers at a rate of 110
kHz per channel. The spacing between two adjacent transducers f was 0.292 cm (0.115 in.), and the eight transducers were
aligned stream wise spanning the intermittent region. In the
second part, 200 records of data per channel were taken using
only four transducers sampled at 200 kHz per channel. First,
the general features of the interaction were obtained from several tests in which the four transducers, spaced 0.292 cm
(0.115 in.) apart, were shifted progressively upstream from the
compression ramp corner. Then, two transducers, also spaced
0.292 cm (0.115 in.) apart, were held fixed in the intermittent
region and the other two (with a fixed separation distance)
were moved downstream toward the ramp in increments of
0.58 cm (0.23 in.). The procedure was then repeated by moving the first two transducers to a new position in the intermittent region and moving the other two toward the corner, again
in increments of 0.58 cm (0.23 in.). This was done to obtain simultaneous pressure measurements in the intermittent region
and under the. separated shear layer.



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Fig. 3 Boxcar conversion technique.

Analysis Techniques
Standard time-series analysis techniques, and conditional
sampling and ensemble-averaging techniques have been used
to analyze the data. The latter techniques are discussed below.
Conditional Sampling

Wall-pressure signals in this type of flow have frequencies

and amplitudes representative of different flow phenomena,
such as the relatively low-frequency, large-amplitude fluctuations generated by the unsteady separation shock superimposed on the high-frequency, low-amplitude fluctuations of
the undisturbed boundary layer, and the high-frequency,
large-amplitude fluctuations generated by the separated turbulent shear layer superimposed on the lower-frequency global
motion of the separation "bubble." Conditional sampling
algorithms have been used to isolate the different phenomena,
study them separately, and then piece the results back together
into a coherent physical picture.
One such algorithm, which separates the relatively lowfrequency, large-scale separation shock motion from both the
high-frequency, low-amplitude pressure fluctuations in the incoming boundary layer, and the high-frequency, higher-amplitude pressure fluctuations of the separated shear layer
downstream of the separation shock, is based on a two-threshold method (2TM) boxcar conversion technique. This conversion, which is shown in Fig. 3, permits calculation of the shock
zero-crossing frequency fc and other statistics of the shock
motion. The zero-crossing frequency is given by
f c =


where 7", is the /th shock period, as defined in Fig. 3, and N is

the number of shocks. This method is explained in detail in
Ref. 12. In brief, the two thresholds are set at Tl = Pwo +
3o> o and T2 = Pwo + 6<*pwo* where Pwo is the mean pressure
of the undisturbed turbulent boundary layer and ap the rms
value of the turbulent boundary-layer fluctuations. These
threshold settings were recommended following a sensitivity
analysis of the effects of Tl and T2.12 It should be noted that
these settings provided an optimum discrimination between
the relatively low-frequency, large-amplitude pressure fluctuations due to shock motion and the high-frequency turbulent
fluctuations in the downstream boundary layer (see also Ref.
12). The boxcar is generated when Pw(t) > T2 and is terminated when Pw (t) < Tl. Thus, when the boxcar assumes a
value of 1, this signifies a shock passage in the upstream direc-


tion and is called the rise time (or "rise"). Similarly, when the
boxcar assumes a value of 0, this signifies a downstream shock
passage and is called the fall time (or "fall"). Hence, each
shock passage is characterized by a rise time and a corresponding fall time. These times are the only pertinent information in
the analysis of the separation shock motion.
In the current study, a third threshold T3 was introduced in
addition to Tl and T2. This third threshold is needed to determine the shock fall times more accurately. In prior analyses,
most of the separation shock statistics were calculated using
only the rise times, which are more easily determined than the
fall times. In the current study, however, an accurate measurement of the fall times is imperative, because they directly influence separation shock statistics. Since the rise time is used
to determine when the shock is at a specific position (this is
discussed in more detail in the next section), T3 was set equal
to T2 so that the fall time would correspond to exactly the
same shock position. In this case, T3 was used to monitor the
fall times as follows. Once a shock passage was detected using
T{ and T2, and an initial fall time was assigned, a counter was
then used to march backward in time until the instantaneous
value Pw(t) was found that was just below T3. The fall time
was then reassigned to this new value. The significance of this
improvement will be clearer later, when the statistics of the
upstream and downstream shock passages are compared.
Variable-Window Ensemble-Averaging

Ensemble-averaging was performed on all channels and was

triggered by a shock passage, either in the upstream direction
(rise) or downstream direction (fall) over the transducer(s) in
the intermittent region. The purpose was to determine if there
was a correlation between the separation shock position and
the ensemble-averaged pressure level under the separated
shear layer, and between the separation shock motion and
ensemble-averaged pressure history under the separated shear
layer. Since the separation shock has a wide range of periods,
a "variable-window" ensemble-averaging technique was used
to ensure that data corresponding to upstream shock passages
were separated from those for downstream passages. The
width of the window W for any particular shock passage was
set by considering both the preceding and following shock passages. For example, in the case of an upstream passage, a rise
is preceded by a fall and followed by another fall, as shown by
the two examples in Fig. 4a. The variable-window extends from
the middle of the fall-rise pair to the middle of the rise-fall pair
and is "centered" at the rise time, which is assigned the value of
T = 0, as indicated. Therefore, for a fixed transducer the r = 0
value corresponds essentially to the "freezing" of the separation shock at a given position as it sweeps upstream (i.e., that of
the transducer indicated in the schematic at the top of Fig. 4a).
Hence, r < 0 corresponds to times when the shock is downstream of that position, and r > 0 corresponds to times when it
is upstream of that position. It should be noted that r is not normalized by the window width W.
Once the center and width of the window are determined
from a given shock passage, the data spanning the window are
extracted from all channels to form one ensemble for each
channel. The procedure is then repeated for all subsequent
shock passages, and the corresponding ensembles are averaged
to form ensemble-averaged pressure histories at each station.
For example, Figs. 4a and 4b show simultaneously sampled
signals on the triggering channel and on the measuring channel
downstream of separation, respectively. The two ensembles
corresponding to the two windows shown in parts (a) and (b)
are extracted from the original signals, and are shown for the
triggering channel in Fig. 4c, and for the measuring channel in
Fig. 4d, in the relative time domain T. Finally, the pressure
histories of the two channels, ensemble-averaged over many
windows (of order several hundred), are shown in parts (e) and
(f) of Fig. 4, respectively. It should be noted that, for any
value of r, the number of ensembles that the final result is

MAY 1991








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t (ms)

t (ms)


















0.4 -0.4





Fig. 4 Variable-window ensemble averaging.

based on will vary, since W changes from one ensemble to


Discussion of Results
Basic Features of the Interaction

Distributions of the normalized mean wall pressure PW/PWO

and the standard deviation crPw vs the nondimensional streamwise distance x/80 from the corner are shown in Fig. 5. Subscript "o" refers to undisturbed conditions just upstream of
the interaction. For clarity, aPw has been multiplied by 10 and
then shifted upward two units. Also, o> has not been normalized by op since the latter value is almost certainly underestimated due to the frequency-response limitations of the
transducer. The theoretical inviscid pressure ratio is indicated
by the solid line. The scatter in the mean pressure distribution
is indicative of the difficulties of measuring low pressures (i.e.,
a few psia) using high-frequency response transducers with
ranges up to 50 psia. The consistency in the rms measurements, on the other hand, show the good repeatability of the
experiments from run to run. Detailed span wise measurements
in the same flowfield have shown that the intermittent region is
two-dimensional in a time-averaged sense.22 Also shown in the
figure are the locations of the separation line S and the reattachment line R as deduced from surface flow patterns obtained using a mixture of diesel fuel and blue chalk powder.22 The
upstream influence line UI is also indicated.
The intermittency 7 at a given station is defined as the
percentage of time that the separation shock is upstream of
that station. Discrete values of 7, as well as those of the zerocrossing frequency fc, are plotted vs x/d0 in Fig. 6. The solid
lines pass through the average values at each station. The
dashed line is the error function fit to the intermittency data.
The good fit shows that separation shock crossings are essentially randomly distributed within the intermittent region.
Thus, the probability of finding a shock passage is at a maximum near 7 = 0.5, and it decreases to zero upstream of UI

and downstream of S. This result is also seen in the zerocrossing frequency distribution that has a maximum value of
about 1.0 kHz at 7 0.5. In this flow, the length of the intermittent region is about 1.6 d0. It should be noted that the
streamwise distance has been expressed in terms of 50 for convenience, not because 50 is the appropriate scaling parameter.
Power spectra at five different positions in the interaction
are shown in Fig. 7. The normalized form, G(f) 'f/0pw, has
been used except for the incoming turbulent boundary layer
that is shown in dimensional form, G(f) -f, due to the difficulties of accurately measuring op^ . The incoming boundary
layer (curve 1) has a broadband spectrum; however, the coni

aPw [x 10+21 (psia)











Fig. 5 Standard deviation and normalized mean pressure distributions.





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Fig. 6 Intermittency and zero-crossing frequency distributions.





,_ G(fH/a2Pw

Figure 8 shows ensemble-averaged pressure histories at

three stations in the intermittent region for the case of an upstream motion of the separation shock. The intermittency values
at these stations are indicated in the insert. The schematic at
the top of the figure shows the transducer stations upstream of
the ramp corner. Filled markers indicate the positions for
which ensemble-averaged pressure histories are shown in the
figure, and the crossed ones indicate positions of the other simultaneously sampled channels. Also shown in the sketch is
the separation shock, the foot of which, for this case, is at station n. The counter / indicates the distance from the shock
foot to the position of interest and is given in terms of the
number of transducer spacings, f. At r = 0, the shock has just
crossed channel n, moving in the upstream direction. For T <
0, the shock is downstream of channel , and for t > 0, it is







400-500 Hz, regardless of the position in the intermittent region. This dominance by the relatively low-frequency, highamplitude pressure fluctuations is preserved even at the downstream end of the intermittent region, where the highfrequency, high-amplitude pressure fluctuations of the turbulent shear layer are a larger fraction of the signal and begin to
contribute more to the variance. Even though the high-frequency content of the shear-layer fluctuations becomes more
and more dominant (curves 4 and 5), the low-frequency unsteadiness persists as far downstream as the compression ramp
In the incompressible turbulent separated flow experiments
of Kiya and Sasaki,23'24 the characteristic Strouhal number, St
( =fLs/Uw), of the separation bubble unsteadiness was 0.12,
where Ls is the bubble length, U^ the freestream velocity, and
/the center frequency of the spectrum of the wall-pressure signal. In the current experiment, the Strouhal number, formed
the same way, is about 0.03. If the maximum zero-crossing
frequency is used instead of the center frequency, then the
value is about 0.06. In Refs. 23 and 24, the Strouhal number
of the low-frequency unsteadiness was less than about 0.2 with
a peak of 0.12 as stated above. In the current experiment, in
which the shock and bubble frequencies are less than 3-4 kHz,
the corresponding Strouhal numbers are about 0.18-0.24.
However, it should be noted that at this stage there is little evidence to suggest that in the high-speed case, /, and Ls are appropriate normalizers. More work under different flow conditions is needed to evaluate this.
Separation Shock Wave Strength as a Function of Position


















Fig, 7 Streamwise evolution of power spectral densities.

tribution to the variance from the low frequencies is quite

small, and as expected, most of the energy is in the highfrequency fluctuations. In the intermittent region (curves 2
and 3), the wall-pressure signal is dominated by the relatively
low-frequency, high-amplitude pressure fluctuations due to
the shock motion. More than 90% of the variance is from frequencies less than 20 kHz. The center frequency, which indicates the characteristic frequency of the higher-amplitude
pressure fluctuations due to shock passages, occurs at about









Fig. 8 Ensemble-averaged pressure histories in the intermittent


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MAY 1991


upstream of channels n, n + 1, and n + 2. Since r = 0 corresponds essentially to the "freezing" of the shock at channel n,
the ensemble-averaged pressure value at r = 0 at station n + 1
can be used to define the separation shock strength at position
n. Hence, separation shock strength at station n, (APs1)?, is
defined as the difference between the ensemble-averaged pressure at T = 0 on channel n +1 and the pressure of the undisturbed boundary-layer component of the signal as measured by the same channel, n + \. Defining the shock strength
in this way avoids any ambiguities with respect to whether the
shock has actually crossed the transducer and eliminates any
transducer zero-shift and temperature drift problems that may
occur. This process can also be carried out for the shock moving in the downstream direction. It should be noted that, with
this definition, (APs1)? includes not only the pressure rise due
to the separation shock, but also the small increase in pressure
due to any compression between the separation shock and the
next transducer downstream.
In Fig. 9, shock strength (APs1)? for both upstream and
downstream motions of the separation shock is plotted vs the
normalized distance x/b0 from the corner. The importance of
the third threshold T3 should now be clear, because if it were
not introduced, the shock position at fall times would have
been slightly different than that at rise times. However, this is
not the case using T3, and the separation shock strength for
upstream motion can be compared directly with that of downstream motion. Also shown in Fig. 9 are the average intermittency values at each station. At low 7, the separation shock
strength increases rather gradually, but is followed by a more
rapid increase at higher intermittencies. Overall, the separation shock strength increases by about 50% as the shock
moves from the lowest 7 to the highest. This result is independent of the direction of motion of the shock.
Ensemble-Averaged Compression Structure in Intermittent Region

It had been concluded in earlier work, Ref. 7, that the mean

pressure distribution in the intermittent region is generated by
a single shock of constant strength undergoing random motion. Current results from the ensemble-averaging technique
show very clearly that not only does the separation shock vary
in strength as it translates, but so do the compression waves
following the separation shock.
In Fig. 8, it can be seen that the pressure rise above the undisturbed boundary-layer value at station + 2, (AP)J, is due
to the shock at n [i.e., (APs)"], and compression waves between stations n + 1 and n + 2. The contribution from the com-



_ (APs)n! (psia)

u/s motion (T=0)





Fig. 10 Ensemble-averaged compression wave structure.

pression waves will be defined as (APc)^. Clearly, (APc)2 is

simply the difference between (AP)^ and (APs)f. Similarly, at
station + 3 the pressure rise is due to (APs)f and the compression waves between stations n + 1 to n + 3 that, if we use
the preceding terminology, is given by (APc)?. In general,
(APc)f can be obtained for 1 < n < TV and 0 < / < (N-n),
where N is the total number of simultaneously sampled channels of data, n the shock position indicator (i.e., the triggering
channel), and / the number of transducer spacings from the
shock foot. In an example case, shown in the schematic at the
top of Fig. 10, with eight streamwise transducers, the shock
foot is sketched at n = 4. For this case, N = 8, therefore,
1 < / < 4.
In Fig. 10, (APc)f is plotted for 1 < / < (N-n) with the
shock position n as the parameter. It is clear that, for a fixed
n, the pressure downstream of the shock foot increases with
distance from the shock, but at a decreasing rate. At any fixed
position in the intermittent region, the separation shock is followed by compression waves that decrease in strength with distance from the shock. The increase in the slopes of these
curves with increasing n further shows that the compression
waves following the shock become stronger as the shock
moves downstream (i.e., as n increases). It should be noted
that this figure is only for those ensemble-averaged pressures
for the separation shock moving upstream. Similar results
were obtained for the downstream motion of the separation
Ensemble-Averaged Wall Pressures


Q d/s motion (i=0)




Fig. 9 Separation shock wave strength variation with position.

Ensemble-averaged pressures PE/A from the shock foot to

the ramp corner, generated by freezing the shock at various
positions in the intermittent region, are plotted vs x/50 in Fig.
11. In the schematic at the top of the figure, filled markers
show an example of four simultaneously sampled transducer
positions. (The "crossed" markers indicate the other positions
at which ensemble-averaged pressures were obtained.) Again,
n represents the position of the shock in the intermittent region, and / is used to indicate the distance from the foot of the
separation shock to the position of interest. Also shown by a
solid line in the same figure is the mean pressure distribution,
obtained by averaging at each station the mean pressure values
that were presented earlier (Fig. 5). Each one of the dashedline curves was generated by freezing the shock at a given position in the intermittent region as it moved upstream. Two features are evident. First, PE/A in the separated flow within
about 1 d0 upstream of the ramp corner is relatively insensitive
to the shock position in the intermittent region (i.e., the differ-




ence between the shock-upstream and shock-downstream

values is only a few percent). Second, for the shock-upstream
case, the ensemble-averaged pressure distribution has a welldefined plateau region, consistent with a large-scale separated
flow. As the shock moves toward its most downstream position, the ensemble-averaged pressure distribution progressively changes, finally resembling that typical of a small-scale
separated flow. This picture is entirely consistent with the
work of Gramann and Dolling,19 in which it is shown that the
instantaneous separation point essentially follows the shock
foot. Again, the data presented are for upstream motion of
the separation shock, but similar results were obtained for
downstream motion as well.

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Ensemble-Averaged Pressure Histories

Up to this point, the discussion of the ensemble-averaged

results has focused on the shock position only (i.e., the "frozen" flowfield, or r = 0 values). It should be noted that this
does not properly address the question of any correlation between the separation shock motion and dynamics of the separation bubble. The reason for this is the following. The unsteadiness of the separation shock is characterized by random
motions with a range of speeds and length scales. The length
scale as defined here means the distance the shock moves
before it changes its direction of motion. Just knowing the
position of the shock and its direction of motion does not provide specific information about the unsteady behavior at stations further downstream. In other words,. T = 0 values
measured at different stations downstream for different fixed
shock positions cannot be used to discuss the dynamics of the
interaction, because these values do not have any history associated with them. For example, in Fig. 11, it is obvious that
there must be large-scale motion of the separation shock, but
the dynamics of the flowfield cannot be deduced from this
figure, because it cannot be inferred that the ensembleaveraged pressure distributions occur sequentially (i.e., they
have no history).
To address the question of a correlation between the separation shock motion and the pressures under the separated shear
layer, rather than the separation shock position and the
pressures under the separated shear layer, the ensembleaveraged pressure histories under the separated bubble must
be examined, rather than the one particular value (i.e., r = 0)
corresponding to a single separation shock position. Typical
ensemble-averaged pressure histories in the intermittent region
are shown in Fig. 12 for upstream and downstream motions of





Fig. 12 Ensemble-averaged pressure histories in the intermittent region for upstream and downstream shock motions (simultaneous data
in Fig. 13).

Fig. 13 Ensemble-averaged pressure histories under the separated

shear layer for upstream and downstream shock motions (simultaneous data in Fig. 12).

PE/A(^=O) (psia)


-3.0 -2.5


-1.5 -1.0 -0.5

Fig. 11 Ensemble-averaged pressure distributions.


the separation shock, respectively. The relative position of the

transducer is indicated in the schematic at the top of the figure. The pressure histories in Fig. 12 were calculated from the
unfiltered signals. The corresponding simultaneous pressure
histories measured under the separated shear layer are shown
in Fig. 13 for upstream and downstream motions of the separation shock, respectively. The signal under the shear layer
was first low-pass filtered at 10 kHz and then ensemble-averaged. It should be noted that the same trends are evident with
or without filtering the original signal; however, the results
become more pronounced when the signal is low-pass filtered.
Further, since the wall-pressure signal under the separated
shear layer is dominated by high-frequency, high-amplitude
pressure fluctuations generated by turbulence, it was sometimes necessary to filter out these fluctuations, particularly in
those cases calculated from a small number of ensembles. The
filter cut-off frequency was set at 10 kHz, because the shock
frequency distributions, calculated earlier, from the boxcar
signals showed that the maximum shock frequencies were
always substantially less than this value.

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Clearly, as the separation shock wave moves upstream and

weakens, the ensemble-averaged pressure under the separated
shear layer drops. Conversely, as the shock moves downstream and strengthens, the ensemble-averaged pressure under
the separated shear layer rises. This shows distinctly the correlation between the separation shock motion and the ensemble-averaged pressure histories under the separated shear
layer. As mentioned earlier, the separation shock undergoes
motions with a range of velocities and length scales, and each
type of motion influences the ensemble-averaged pressure
histories differently. For example, in the case of faster-moving
shocks, the gradient of the ensemble-averaged pressure histories around T = 0 is steeper. Examples of these specific correlations are not presented here, but rather the overall picture
is presented. Even so, the ensemble-averaged pressure histories of Figs. 12 and 13, which include data for a wide range of
shock speeds and length scales, show very clearly that the separated bubble pressure levels fall and rise as the separation
shock moves upstream and downstream, respectively.

Fluctuating wall-pressure measurements have been made
upstream of the corner in a separated Mach 5 compression
ramp interaction. The objective was to examine the unsteady
compression wave structure near separation and its influence
on the pressure levels and histories under the separated shear
layer. The results can be summarized as follows.
1) The separation shock wave strength is a function of position in the intermittent region and increases with increasing inter mittency. This result is independent of the direction of motion of the separation shock wave.
2) The flow structure in the intermittent region is not that of
a single shock front undergoing random motion, as speculated
in earlier work. In this region, the separation shock wave is
followed by compression waves whose strength decreases with
distance from the shock foot. Further, the compression following the separation shock becomes stronger as the shock
moves downstream. This structure is also independent of the
direction of motion of the separation shock.
3) Ensemble-averaged pressure distributions show how the
mean flowiield is generated through the time-averaging of the
different flowfields corresponding to different shock positions. Ensemble-averaged pressure distributions for shockupstream and shock-downstream cases resemble typical mean
pressure distributions for large- and small-scale separated
flows, respectively.
4) Finally, there is a correlation between the separation
shock motion and the ensemble-averaged pressure histories
under the separated shear layer. The separation bubble
pressures rise and fall as the separation shock moves downstream and upstream, respectively, showing that the separation shock motion correlates with the low-frequency pressure
fluctuations of the separated bubble.

Support from AFOSR under Grant 86-0112, monitored by
L. Sakell, is gratefully acknowledged.

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