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ROLL NO: - ( 108 )

ROLL NO: - ( 90 )

A practical study is an important part of the syllabus of BBA-2

semester program. It gives us an opportunity to relate theoretical
knowledge with real corporate situations. It also helps to improve our
analytical skill, communication skill and knowledge.

We have done the project on industrial training of GUJCOMASOL.

This project is totally based on secondary data. We have gathered
information about Marketing Department, Finance Department. Human
Resource Department and other organization processes from the
company it self and from the internet.

In this project, we have tried to analyze financial situations in

context of ratios and different organizational processes of GUJCOMASOL

Practical training is one of the most important requirements in

B.B.A. through this acknowledgement, I express our sincerer gratitude
towards all those people helped in the preparation of this project,
which been a learning experience

I am thankful to owners of the company and

I am also thankful to our college authorities for conducting this

training. I would sincerely thank or principal Prof. krishanaraj
chudasma for imparting me an opportunity to put me in the stream of
practical management. I would also like to the thank our Prof

Gujarat state co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd. Is co-

operative producing pesticides, seeds, pulse, rice, oil, cotton, fertilizer
at their different processing units.

Gujarat state co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd. Is popularly

known as GUJCOMASOL and sell its products on this name.

The Federation is located at Relief Road in Ahmedabad and

produces its product at Narol in Ahmedabad . It is basically established
for the welfare of farmers.

The Federation has good market in the state and is very famous for
best management. Being co-operative, the Federation has tendency to
weight more on service than profit.

Gujarat state comes into existence as a result of the bifurcation of

the erstwhile bilingual Bombay- State in to Gujarat and Maharashtra on
1st May 1960.

Gujarat State Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd., which is

popularly know as GUJCOMASOL was registered under Bombay Co-
operative Society Act, 1925 on 19th April 1960 and under 24090/07
registration number. It began to function thereafter immediately. The
organization was established by the effort of Mr. Tribhuvandas Patel
and Mr. Maganbhai Patel.

Originally the name registered was “Gujarat State Co-operative

Marketing Society Limited”. However looking to federal structure of
co-operative marketing in the state and the country, the name was
modified as “Gujarat State Co-operative Marketing Federation Limited”
on 3rd January, 1976 as approved by the registrar of co-operative
societies, Gujarat State.

From 1st May 1961, GUJCOMASOL began distribution of

fertilizer. With the inception of GSFC in 1976 was appointed as its
principal distributors. GUJCOMASOL is principal distribution of
federation adopted the policy of distribution of fertilizers through co-
operative only and Govt. of Gujarat had accepted this policy. In 1961,
the federation was appointed as sole distributor for pool fertilizers. The
distribution channel is exclusively through co-operative societies.
Federation has thus a pyramid type of set up with primary societies at
village level which forms the broad base which includes multipurpose
and service co-operative society.

Since 1967, the federation is engaged in production of seeds of

various grains, pulse, cotton and castor oil seeds. Sales network consist
of more then 200 co-operative as whole sale agent and so the seeds are
available at all the centers in the state at the same rate in proper tome.

The federation also produces bio-fertilizers decides seeds. for the

development of crop, nitrogen is an essential element but crop can’t
utilize it directly from atmosphere, so the bacteria live in land are used
for this purpose. Bio-fertilizer is a culture containing such micro-
bacteria. The federation has set up a laboratory in its Kankaria estate.

The federation is also engaged in processing of agricultural

product at three processing complexes at Amreli, Mahesana, and Unja.
At Amreli groundnut oil, at Mahesana castor seed at Unja rapeseed
processing is done. Besides federation has a rice mill and a pulse mill
at Narol.

In 1968-69, the federation has began pesticides formulation at its

Narol complex with an annual production of 4000 MT of dust and 400
Kilo liter capacity.

It is systematic and a well defined organization structure always

plays a vital role and provides accurate information.

The top level management organization structure defines a clear

out line of an authority and responsibility among the employees
management. Authority goes from top level to bottom level and
responsibility goes from bottom to top level.

The following is the information regarding the Board of director of

the organization.


Chairman :- Shri Natwarlal P. Patel

Vice chairman :- Shri Dahyabhai F. Patel
Chief executive :- Shri M.R.Shah
Others :- Shri Rasiklal M. Patel
Shri Dilibhai N.Patel
Shri Dalsukhbhai J.Godhani
Shri Lilachandbhai V. Patel
Shri Dilipsinh H. Gohil
Shri J.D.Ptel
Shri Lilabhai S. Khunti
Shri Amrutbhai R. Desia
Shri Ajitsinh B. Rathod
Shri Pankajbhai J. Patel
Shri Lakshmanbhai R. Chawda
Shri Govindbhai V. Parmar
Shri Navneetbhai B. Patel
Shri Ameechandbhai H. Patel
Shri Vaghjibhai R. Patel
Shri Bhikhabhai Z. Patel
Shri Dipakbhai K. Patel
Shri Chimanbhai M. Patel
Shri Manojbhai R. Patel
Shri Ratanshibhai L. Patel
Shri Tejaskumar B. Patel
Shri Gatorbhai B. Patel
Shri Dilipbhai N. Patel
Director of Gujarat State
Co-op. Bank Ltd. :-Shri Popatlal M. Vyas

Registrar :- Shri G.C.Murmu

Director of National co-
Op. development
Corporation, New Delhi :- Shri S.K.Anand


Joint registrars, co-operative societies (Audit),

Gujarat State Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd.,


Gujarat State Co-operative Bank Ltd., Ahmedabad.

Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank Ltd., Ahmedabad.
ICICI Bank Ltd., Ahmedabad.
HDFC Bank Ltd., Ahmedabad.
State Bank Ltd., Pattharkuwa, Ahmedabad.
Kenera Bank, Ahmedabad.
Sindiket Bank, Ahmedabad.


GUJCOMASOL, Sahakar Bhavan,

Relief Road, Ahmedabad-380001.


The future planning of GUJCOMASOL is to develop agricultural

market when the policy of Govt of Gujarat which is to be introduced as
Agro- vision 2010 as under:

1. To do agricultural activities through greenhouse.

2. To produce various vegetables, food etc. and to do export so

that farmer can get good price of the product.
3. To give demonstration to the farmers for modernization of
Agricultural activities and to construct cold storage for long
term storage of farmer’s agriculture produces.

Production is the conversion of raw materials into finished

products and is also spoken of as manufacture of good. In productive
enterprise, it is essential that production is carried on in the best
manner at the lowest cost, and the goods are of right
quality and are produced at the proper time. This can be ensured
through proper planning of production. The control of production is one
of the important problems of the production management. Production
control is concerned with direction and ruiding production along the
line set by the planning department. To achieve the objective, the
management plans production in advance of operations, sets the exact
route or path of each individual items or part, fixes the starting and
finishing dates for each items assembly , or finished product, release
the necessary order, and initiates the required follow-up to ensure the
smooth functioning of the enterprise. The time taken for the completion
of a single production process is termed as gestation period. This time
differ or it is based on the type of product to be manufactured


since 1968-69 the federation has began its activity in its own
formulation plant at Narol (Ahmedbad) wlth an annual(200 days
working) production capacity of 4000 MT for dust formulation and 400
KL for liquid formulation. The federation has also participated in the
aerial spraying programme of the state Agro-industries corporation in
the past by supplying the pesticides. The pesticides formulated
are sold in Gujarat and the Pradesh in past. Efforts are on to extend the
south Indian sates like A.P.,Tamilnadu and Kerala.
Pesticides are packed in plastic bag, plastic bottle and in different
packing like 250ml, 500ml, 1ltr, 5ltr, 10ltr, 20ltr. From Kharif-2000,
the federation started sales of some pesticides with ISI mark also for
which products subsidy has been granted by the state Government and
for thet the laboratory is equipped with necessary instruments.


In dust pesticides the basic media is soap stone and china

clay. Soap stone lamps are crushed in crusher. Desired quantities
of crushed soap stone and chinaclay are fed into Raymond

The grinded material from the Raymond mill/pulveriser are

fed into blender. When the desired quantity of soap stone and
china clay powder reached in the blender. The feeding from the
Raymond mill/pulverize is stopped and the spray of technical is
carried out by the soray pump, while mixing is being carried

The mixing is further continues for 45 to 60 minutes for

homogenious blending. After blending material is discharged and
sample is tested for conformating to specification. Material is
then packed as required. If the material is failing it is
reprocessed and checked again.
Soap Stone Chaina Clay


Raymond Mill

Storage Tank



Pass Fail


Details of manufacturing process and intermediate points of

process quality control along with flow chart.
+ Technical

Electronic Weighing

Process Pump

Vassel Tank Liguid


Pass Filter Machine Fail

Filling Machine


The federation is engaged in production and marketing of

seeds of various crops since 1967. presently Gujcomasol produces
and distributes seeds of various crops grown in Gujarat.

So far as marketing of seed is concerned, the district and

taluka levels cooperative purchase and sales union are appointed
as a wholesale agents. At per the requirement received from
them, the seeds are dispatched to them or F.O.R. destination
basis in the purpose. Hence by, the seeds are available to all
the centres in the state at the same rate and in proper time.

After, fulfilling the requirement of the state on the basis

of the demand from the state, if the seeds are held up in
surplus quality with the federation, then that quantity are being
sold outside the state alos.

So far as production of seeds are concerned, the quality

of produced seeds is our prime concern and the federation never
compromise with the quality of seed in any case, so that we
can supply quality seeds to the farmers and have better bravest
from the same.

For thet purpose, the seed growers are selected on the

basis of availability of suitable land, source of irrigation,
experience of seed production and technical knowledge, etc. seed
production programme requires continuous supervision at various
stages of seed production, right from distribution of material to
distribution of packed seed which includes, sowing, roughing,
maintenance of required isolation distance, bravesting threshing,
sampling, grading and packing of the seed. For that purpose
technical staff preferably agricultural Graduates/post-graduates are
being appointed by the federation. The Federation’s staff and
staff of Guj. State seed certification Agency are continuously
supervise the seed production plots and gives necessary guidance
to the producers.
The Govt. of Gujarat entrusted the work of production and
sales of hybrids and varietals seeds to the Federation in the
year 1967. Accordingly, actual production of hybrid seed was
undertaken in the kharif of 1867. Right from 1967 Federation is
engated in multiplication of seeds by taking seed production
programme of the hybrids and varieties developed by Guj. Agri.
Universities. The Guj. Agri. University provides basis parent
material i.e. breed/seed on the basis of our Indent and then we
production breeder to foundation and foundation to certified
seeds as per the norms laid down by seed certification Agency
of Gujarat. Hence by, till today our federation is carrying out
this work satiafactorily.

The state Govt. incorporated the Gujarat state seed

corporation Ltd. in the year 1975. this has naturally oreated an
atmosphere of competition. However, this federation went ahead
with its own programmer of seed production and distribution.
There is always a great demand for the GUJCOMASOL brand
seed in the state among the farmers, from time to time the
federation has also undertaken seed production programme for
other sates like Mabarashtra for specified quantities and

The federation has processing centre for seed at NAROL

and KALOL. The processing and packing of seeds has been
carried out at these both centres. All these operations have been
carried out under direct supervision of staff from the seed
certification Agency as wall as federation’s staff. The sample of
seed lot has been tested by seed certification Agency and the
lots which meet all the prescribed standards of seeds are
declared pass by the Agency and only these pass/ lots are to be
packed and fail lots are rejected, so that farmers can get
quality seed for better bravest.

An important decision, which has a bearing on the efficiency of

production management, relates to the suitable location of the plant.
The chief objective of an industrial concern is to maximize profit
through minimization of cost of production. This is possible when the
firm is of right size and is located at a place, which provides economies
of all kind of production. In other words optimum size has to be
combined with optimum location if profit is to be maximized. Therefore
every entrepreneur of a business unit must give full consideration to
the location of his enterprises. Optimum location is expected to give
the lowest unit cost of production as well as of distribution and hence
it can be most profitable for the business. An enterprise. Serving the
market from good location can make the difference in the federation’s

Plant location of gujcomasol

GUJCOMASOL is located at NAROL in Ahmedabad & also in

Amreli, Mahesana & Unja. The plant is located at proper place because
it is far away from residential area. The federation can easily get cheap
labour from nearly area. Federation has many machine to produces its
products and also expert workers to run machinery.
Products of federation


GUJCOMASOL is engaged in supplying fertilizer to farmers.

Fertilizer distribution has highest share in sales that order items. Since
June 1961, the federation began distribution of fertilizer in the state.
With the inception of GUJCOMASOL State Fertilizers Co. Ltd (GSFC) in
1967, the federation was appointed as its principal distribution. This
position is being continued even today. For IFFCO fertilizers, also the
federation is principle distributor. While for Krishak Bharat Co-op.
Ltd. (KRIBHCO) GUJCOMASOL acts as sole distribution. Besides this,
the federation is also principal distribution for Gujarat Narmada Valley
fertilizer Ltd. (GNFC), Bharuch. Fertilizers from other leading
manufactures like Indian Potash Ltd. Rashtriya Chemical & Fertilizers,
Bombay, Dipak fertilizer, Indo-Gulf Corporation etc. are also being
distributed by the federation. Thus, this federation for distribution of
federation represents even national level companies. This federation
adopted the policy of distribution of fertilizers through co-operative
only and Govt. of Gujarat has accepted this policy. In 1961 the
federation was appointed as sole distribution for pool fertilizers.

Types of fertilizers distributed by the federation are as


Nitrogen type --- Urea

---- Ammonium sulphate

Phosphate type -----Diammonium phosphate



Since 1967, the federation is engaged in production of seeds of

various grains and pulse. Whenever found necessary production of seeds
in other states decides GUJARAT has also been undertaken. Presently,
GUJCOMASOL distributes following seeds for various crops.

No Crop Type
1 Hybrid cotton Sankar 6, Sankar 8, Sankar 10.
2 Hybrid Bajara M.H.179,M.H.169 (Pusa-23), GHB-235, SHB (Sardar-1)
3 Hybrid Castor G.A.U.C.H.-1, G.C.H.-4,2,5
4 Ground nut G.G.-2, G.G.-20, G.G.G.-11, G.A.U.G.-10, G.G.-4
5 Sesame Gujarat-1, Gujarat-2
6 Urad T-9
7 Toor B.D.N.-2
8 Moong K-815
9 Paddy G.R.-11, G.R.-4, jaya, mansoori, G.R.-3, G.R.-103 Gurjari

For the sale of seeds, the district and taluka level co-operatives
purchase and sales unions appointed whole sale agent. Nearly 200 co-
operative are working as whole sale agent. As per the requirement
received from them, seeds sold to them on F.O.R destination basis in
conformity with the terms and conditions laid down in the official
circulars issued by federation for this purpose. Accordingly, the seeds
are available at all the center in the state at the same rate and in proper

Besides this the surplus seeds that may be with the federations
and/or varieties of cotton seeds that may not be permitted to sell in the
state, are being sold outside the state of Gujarat

The seed growers are selected on the basis of the availability of

suitable land, experience, technical knowledge etc. Seed productions
require continuous supervision at various stages and accordingly,
technical staff (B.S.C.Agri.) is being arranged as under:

For Hybrid Bajara :1 Supervisor per 200 acres and 1 officer per 100 acres
For Hybrid Castor :1 Supervisor per 100 acres and 1 officer per 500 acres
For Hybrid cotton :1 Supervisor per 50 acres and 1 officer per 250 acres

Besides this, for other crops the area of sowing and arrangement
regarding supervisors and officers are being made as per the need. In
such operations, arrangement are made for supplying the requisite items
beginning with the parent seed, its sowing, isolation, rouging,
harvesting, cleaning of sample seeds, packing and scaling of seeds that
are produces, etc. For such work, the federation’s own staff and state
seeds corporation’s staff offer continuous supervision and necessary
guidance to the producers

The Govt. of Gujarat entrusted the work of production and sales of

Hybrid seeds to the federation in the year 1967. Actual production of
hybrid seed was undertaken from the Kharif of 1967. This scheme has
made unique tremendous progress during the last 23 years period. As
and when other verities of hybrid seed were developed, their work was
also undertaken by the federation. The federation was carrying off this
work satisfactorily
The state Govt. incorporated the Gujarat State Seeds Corporation
Ltd., In the year 1975. This has naturally created an atmosphere of
competition. However, this federation went ahead whit its own
programme of seed production and distribution. The federation tried to
impress the seeds corporation to concentrate on the production of
hybrid seed and the federation offered to handle the marketing part of
it . But this proposal did not work for long

There is always a great demand for the GUJCOMASOL brand

seeds in the state among the farmers. The federation is having its own
seeds programme and every year will produce and distributes various
hybrid and high yielding varieties of seeds

Form time to time the federation has also undertaken seeds

production for other states like Maharashtra for specified quantities and


Since 1968-69 the federation has began its activity in its own
formulation plant at Narol (Ahmedabad) with an annual (200’ days
working ) production capacity of 4000 MT, for duct formulation and
400 KL for liquid formulation. The federation has also participated in
the aerial spraying programme of the state Agro Industries Corporation
in the past by supplying the pesticides. The pesticides formulated are
sold in Gujarat and the federation has attended our area of sales to
other states like Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in past. Efforts are
on to extent the sales to south Indian like A.P., Tamilnadu and Kerala

The following are the products for which the federation holds

1 D.D.V.P 76%EC
2 Monocrotophos 36%SL
3 Quinalphos 25%EC
4 Gujcofen 20%EC
5 Cypermethrim 10%EC
6 Cypermethrim 25%EC
7 M.Parathion 50%EC
8 Endosulphan 35%EC
9 Chlorpyriphos 20%EC
10 Malathion 50%EC
11 Acephote 75%SP

Dust / DP and Granule formulations:

1 M.Parathoion 2 DP
2 Lindane 0.65 DP
3 Quinalphos 1.5 DP
4 Gujcofen 0.4 DP
5 Thiram 75 DS
6 Gujcozim 50 WP

The basic raw materials used in producing pesticides are as


For liquid product:

 Technical
 Solvent
 Cycolhexanone
 Aromax
 Xylene
 Emulsifier
 Ionic
 Non- Ionic
For dust formulation:-

 Soap stone
 Chinaclay
 Oil colour
 Solvent

Pesticides are packed in plastic bag, plastic bottle and plastic

carbon in different packing like250ml, 500ml, and 11tr. 5ltr., 10ltr.,
20ltr. From Kharif – 2000, the federation started sales of some
pesticides with ISI mark also for which products subsidy has been
granted by the state Government and for that the laboratory is equipped
with necessary instrument. Besides the formulation produced by the
federation, it had sold other popular brands in the past.



The federation is engaged in procurement, processing and

marketing of various agricultural products such as food grains, paddy,
pulse, groundnut, castor, rape/mustard seed spices, sesame seed, cotton,
onion, garlic, etc. on a massive scale. Till 1978, the federation was
mainly engaged in trading activities. However, to serve the farmers
still better and also to attain effective control in the market. On these
consumer products, it was feel necessary to have on processing unit at
various places in Gujarat. Thus from 1978-79 onwards the federation
has set up its own small, medium and large sized agro processing
plants, numbering total eight during a short span of five years.
Manufacturing/processing activities of the federation is increasing
manifold every year and it is playing a vital role at present. This
federation’ s agro processing activities have also contributed to various
social-economic benefits and employment opportunities in the
respective areas of operation.


The federation has set up very modern and large capacity

Groundnut oil mill complex, one of the very few in the co-operative
sector. The complex was set up initially wit oil mill and other
infrastructure of 100 Ton per day capacity during 1978. Subsequently
this unit was expanded in phases and by 1983 it has become a large size
complex with the following installed capacity

A. 150 Ton per day oil mill capacity (3000 tins/day)

B. 10000 MT storage capacity “Muskogi” type mechanized bulk
storage silo for storage of Groundnut pods.
C. 100 Tons per day continuous type solvent extraction plant.
D. 15 Ton per day continuous type vegetable oil refineries.

The entire complex is in full commercial production since 1982-

83. It has been set up in phases as above under the NCDC’s sponsored
and financed scheme for processing units. The State Govt. also
supported this project and granted cash subsidy of 15% on fixed cost,
as eligible to the backward districts. The stage-wise total block capital
is under.

1 Oil mill Rs. 125 lacs (NCDC loan-Rs 82 lacs)

2 Mechanized seed silo Rs. 42 lacs (NCDC loan-Rs 27 lacs)
3 S.E.plant-refinery Rs. 167 lacs (NCDC loan-Rs 100 lacs)

The complex with its full expansion as above now process @

30000 MT p.a. of pods and produces.
7500 MT Groundnut (Expeller) oil p.a.
1300 MT Refined Groundnut oil p.a.
16500 MT Groundnut Extractions p.a. and
200 MT soap stock.

The federation had also set up additional solvent plant capacity

Groundnut oil is largely consumed in A’BAD and other cities of the
state ; whereas refined GN oil is sold mainly in North Indian market.
Groundnut extractions, (De-oiled cake) were largely exported to
countries like Russia, Poland, Czechoslovia, Syria, etc

The complex has the entire basic infrastructure like office,

godowns, factory, buildings, own water supply, canteen, guesthouse,
laboratory, workshop, etc. It provides employment to more than 125

Mechanized silo type godown is a very large size singly godown

(length 142 MT width 34 MT and height 18.5 MT). About 3 month
requirement of raw material (i.e. Groundnut pods) can be conveniently
stores in loose bulk duly cleaned. All the silo operations such as
unloading, loading and emptying, etc. are mechanized by using devices
like elevators, belt conveyors and screw conveyors, pneumatic
conveyors, where in Groundnut pods are transported through a steel
pipeline under air presser, is doing silo unloading up to oil mill. Such
scientific ways of storage minimize the losses/spoilage due to insects,
bird, rodents, etc. moreover usage of gunny bags in considerably
minimized and saving thereon are greater. Due to mechanization, labour
costs are also reduces considerably on handling of raw material which
can be computer Rs. 100 PNP GN pods. Such bulk storage system is
widely used abroad

The federation has ginning nit comprising of 66 Gins and a
processing machine with an installed capacity of 10000 FP bales per sat
Mahesana in North Gujarat.

In the same estate the federation has up a most modern Integrated

castor seed processing complex under National Co-operative
Development Co-operative, New-Delhi sponsored an financial assistance
scheme. The complex is the first of its kind in the country in the co-
operative sectors. The complex was set up during 1981-82 and it went
into commercial production from the middle of 1982. The total block
capital of the project is Rs. 16.1 Million out of which Rs. 10.5 million
have been given as long term loan by NCDC through the apex Co-
operative Bank, A’BAD. The state Govt’s. industries department has
granted cash subsidy of Rs. 8 lacs for project, as mahesana is declared
as an industrially backward district. This unit provides employment to
over 100 people

The complex comprises of seed cleaning, mechanized seed bulk

storage silo, oil mill, and refinery and complex infrastructure of office
building , godown, factory, laboratory, stores, workshop etc.

The install capacity of the complex is as under:

1) 20000 MT of castor seed as raw-material.

2) 10000 MT British Standard Specification Grade Refined Castor
oil ( pharmaceutical grade ).
3) 20000 MT British Pharmacopoeia Grade Refined Castor oil
4) 12000 MT castor cakes as by product.
5) 12000 MT oil cakes processing S.E.plant.
6) 2500 MT refinery

The complex has 100 ton per day oil mill, 50 TDP continuous
Solvent plant, 50 ton per day refinery and facility to produce BP and
BSS grade castor oil 2400 MT. oil storage capacity, 6000 MT.

Mechanized silo godown for seeds storage and 4500 MT silo

godown fro storage of cakes
The processing for production are as follows: After cleaning,
castor seed is crushed in expellers and crude castor oil is produce. This
oil contains considerable gunny matters, which needs to be removed
before refining. Crude castor oil is taken into vessels and gums are
removed with the help of indirect steam heating and open steaming
process. Digummed oil is know as “Commercial Grade Castor Oil”.

Digummed oil is taken into the Bleacher to reduce the color to

desired level with the help of activated carbon and Fuller’s
Earth/Tonsil Optimum, under vacuum condition. Digummed and
bleached oil is then taken to deodorizing vessel where all volatile
matters contributing order are removed under very high vacuum
condition and specific temperatures. Bleached oil is termed as British
Standard Specification Grade Castor oil and when deodorized it is
termed as British Pharmacopoea Grade Castor oil suitable for
pharmaceuticals use.

Refined castor oil was exported in past through canalizing agents.

It has domestic market for the use in soap industry and for lubricant
manufacturing etc. Castors cakes are sold in domestic market in the
state as organic manure.

Now the basic oil mill and refinery unit has reached stability level
in operations since 1982-83, and hence further expansion work was
taken up on hand during the year1984. The castor cakes produced in the
exiting oil mills contains oil @ 6% which could be further solvent
extracted to recover maximum oil and the be-oiled castor cakes thus
produces further improved in its value as manure.

Solvent extraction plant with 60 ton per day capacity has recently
gone into commercial production. Mahesana complex of the federation
is handling about 10 % of the total crop in the state. But it has helped
greatly to the castor seeds growers of North Gujarat

The rapeseeds crop is one of the important crops especially in
North Gujarat and now in Saurashta side also. There was not a single
rapeseeds processing plant before it in Gujarat on large scale and with
the result most of rapeseeds growers are not getting remunerative price.

Keeping this view the federation has undertaken to set up an

integrated rapeseeds processing complex at Unja in the backward
district of Mahesana. This is to achieve following direct and indirect

1. Cropping of rapeseeds will get boosted up.

2. Rapeseed growers shall get better remunerative district.
3. Employment to over 100 people in backward district.
4. Availability of edible oils shall increase.

The complex is set up under NCDC sponsored and financed scheme

on 13 acres of land. This plant has gone into commercial production in
1986, the complex has the entire infrastructure and modern facilities
required for efficient and successful operations of such large size. Agro
based oilseed processing unit.

The refinery rapeseed oil would be used as edible oil like

groundnut oil cottonseed oil etc. the complex was set up during 1985-
1986 and it was into commercial production in the middle of 1986.
However in the year 2001 solvent plant has been sold and oil mill
machinery expeller is transferred to Amreli unit.

The installed capacity of the complex was as under:

1. 25000 MT of rapeseed as raw material p.a.

2. 28000 MT of rapeseed oil cake processing SE plant p.a.
3. 10000 MT of rapeseed commercial oil refining plant p.a.


At Narol, on the outskirts of A’BAD, the federation has many

storage godown for the storage of various commodities such as
fertilizer, seed, food grain, etc. in the same estate it has three
processing units-namely Rice Mill, Pulse Mill and pesticides dust
formulation plant. In fact, the federation made a humble beginning with
these processing units as a start in manufacturing activities. All the
three units are working very well

Pesticides dust formulation plant has three Raymond Roller Mill of

1 ton per hour capacity. Under the expansion scheme liquid formulation
plant been set up. The federation has also up jet Mill to cover all the
three varieties of pesticides dust, liquid and watable

Marketing can be defined as ‘ A business function whose

responsibilities relate to the assessment of potential sales for the
business’ product and services through market research; The conversion
of potential into effective demand through promotional and selling
activities; The organization of the distribution of goods to customers
via retailers and wholesalers of directly. Marketing is a social and
managerial process by which individuals and group obtain what they
need and want through creating, offering and exchanging product of
value with other. Marketing is a concept, which starts with the
‘consumers’ and ends with the ‘consumers’

Marketing undertakes following criteria for designing and

implementing strategies, which are the major instrument of marketing
in the hands of management. The four p’s of marketing are:

1. Product mix
2. Price mix
3. Place mix
4. Promotion mix

According to Philip Koltar, the management of marketing is very

essential for survival of the unit. If the management of marketing is in
trouble, the whole unit may come into position of liquidation.

Managing director is administrative head of the organization. He

reports to chairman in the organizational structure. Below managing
director, there are manager, dypt, manager, asst. manager, class, 1, 2
officers, clerical staff and subordinates staffs. The organization chart
is as under:-


Managing Director


Dypt. Manager

Asst. Manager
Class-1,2,3 officers

Clerical staff

Subordinate staff


The federation is an apex organization of co-operative marketing

societies of the state and also works as sole distributor for pool
fertilizers. The distribution channel is exclusively through cooperative
societies a sunder:


District co-operative purchase & sale union Ltd.

(District wholesalers)

Taluka co-operative purchase & sale union Ltd.

( Taluka Agents)

village co-operative

The federation has thus a pyramid type of set up with primary

societies as the village level, which from the broad base. These
includes multipurpose and service co-operative societies.

The federation has recognized DPSU (District co-opeative Purchase

and sale union) as our District wholesales. They in tern appoint Taluka
union (TPSU) as they Taluka agents. Societies have to place their
indents through TPSU. Change has been brought in effect from April,
1978 so as to insure that the link of co-operative has to get their
supplies only from Taluka purchase & sales union. They don’t have
direct connection with DPSU or GUJCOMASOL

In the same manner IDSU work through only TPSU work through
only TPSU & in absence of TPSU through their own branch office at
taluka level whereas GUJCOMASOL appoints only DPSUs as direct
wholesales and stop working directly through TPSU on village co-
operatives. This is with a view that co-operative discipline and
financial discipline is well maintained. It would also being
decentralization & efficiency.

In Gujarat three-tie system has developed and apex federation is at

hole of affairs. As already explained earlier distribution system work
effectively and do not find any one agency roundant in the channel.
TPSU are acting as medium sized buffer stocking agencies at Taluka
level, which support small village co-operative that are unable to place

Hence agency or TPSU is also necessary in the link; whereas DPSU

as direct wholesalers have played very important role in sound
development of fertilizer business in the state. Operational procedure
are devised in such a manner that there is no question of undue delays
at any tire and system works with efficiency quickness. Rather this
distribution system in the state has proved to be most effective and
efficient system throughout Indian as compared to system prevailing in
the other states.

Up to 1971 was no allotment system & hence GUJCOMASOL aimed

at providing fertilizers to each one according to their requirement and
societies were allowed to place their indents accordingly. But since Feb
1973. The system has been introducing that of allotment. It is as

State quota is decides in the zonal conference. It is divided into

two seasons, Kharif starting from April to Sep. & Rabi form Oct. to
March. Before start of each of each seasons, Zonal conference take
place and state wise quota or supply of fertilizers from each
manufacturer and pool fertilizer is decided and accordingly State
Department of Agriculture allocates district wise quota by Govt. of
Gujarat, where the Jilla panchayat President is the chairman of the
Committee District Development officer and District Agriculture officer
are the members of the committee. They make society wise allotment of
fertilizers remaining within the quota allotment to them. Allocations
made by the committee are communicated to apex marketing federation
and GUJCOMASOL has to make arrangement for supply of fertilizers
accordingly. The system of allotment has been relaxed from Kharif 75.,
restraints of card system, permits allotments, etc. have come in the way
of smooth sales of fertilizers and hence it has been banded i.e. change
has been made to suit requirement of time. However, it will be
noteworthy to know that nitrite fertilizers i.e. urea and ammonium
sulphate are kept under control. These fertilizers are now supplied to
societies only against the allotment form District Agriculture officer.

During year 1978-79 the GUJCOMASOL had exported cottonseed

highest in the country. All India Cottonseed Crusher’s Association,
Bombay has awarded Rolling trophy for highest export of Cottonseed.
The federation has received National Productivity Council Award for
best utilization of co-operative processing plant in the country for the
year 1986-1987. thereafter trend in international market has been
changed and demand for Soya bin cake is increased and demand for
groundnut the federation’s export business. So in recent years the
federation has no exports.

In short, the processing activities of this federation are going on

well in the interest of farmers and the consumers.

Human Resource Department is the most important in organization.

The management of this department helps in achieving the established
good in a well manner. Human Resource Department is the key part of
the management. The main function of human resource department is to
managing the manpower of the workers. The workers are the assets of
the firm and hence for the goal requirement, the man power planning is
necessary. Thus, human resource department plays a vital role in
development of an impurity.

Human Resource Department is one of the most significant parts

of managerial status because without man power, we can’t do anything.
There must be good relationship helps to achieve the federations’ set
Because of the unique importance of human resources and Its
complexity, due to ever-changing psychology, behavior, attitudes of
men and women at work, personnel function is becoming increasingly

The personnel function can be broadly defined as the management

of people at work i.e. the management of managers and the management
of workers. Personnel function is particularly related to personnel;
relationships and interaction of employees-human relation


“Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective

employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization”

After determining the type and number of employees needed the

next problem of the personnel management is the procurement of
employees. It is one of the major operative functions of PM.
Procurement function involves recruitment, selection and placement of
employees. The success or failure of an organization depends upon the
extent to which Efficient, experienced and capable employees are
procured and recruited. Hence recruitment is an important function.
Recruitment follows HR planning and goes hand in hand with the
selection process by which organization evaluates the suitability of
candidates for various jobs. Without accurate planning, organization
may recruit the wrong number or type of employees
And rate selection system is of little use.

The process of recruitment begins with seeking of new recruit and

ends when the candidates submit their applications and seek
employment in the organization. The main purpose is to create a pool of
capable and potential candidates and prospective job seeker
For selection new recruits.

In modern and lager enterprises, recruitment is a continuous

function and is usually the responsibility of their personnel department
who has specialists called recruiters for this purpose. The
responsibility of the personnel department and the recruiter is of
utmost Importance because the quality of human resource in an
organization depends on the quality of human resource in an
organization depends on the quality of its recruits.

Selection is the second step in the process of procurement of

people. It is the process of choosing the individuals who possess the
necessary skill, abilities and personality to successfully fill specific
jobs in the organization. Thus, in other words, it is a problem of
matching a man to the job. Unlike recruitment, it is a negative process
as it seeks to eliminate the least promising candidates and to discover
those that appear most likely to succeed. Selection procedure in any
business concern is a matter of choice. In may be very simple. As such,
it may consist of merely referring applicants, to the supervisor with
whom they are to work. On the other hand, in some other concerns, it
may be quite complicated and extensive involving several steps or
stages. However, a proper and thorough selection policy must be
followed by the management in selection of employees.


The time keeping system plays an important role in every

organization today. It is called time is money but at this time, time is
more valuable then money. It is more valuable for the unit also. Time
keeping is the basic function which held under the supervision of
personnel department.
GUJCOMASOL is a very organization. Therefore naturally there
is many personnel staff of the federation, so it is necessary to maintain
the time keeping system of all the employees.

There is only a single shift. The main time of the work is 11:00
a.m. to 6:00 p.m. there are 588 employees in the federation. The
federation has all the information about their employees.


a) Newly joined person

Transferred form other units
New recruitment officers

They required making familiar with is plant, culture, instruments,

rules & regulation administration, and work environment.

b) Skill developments
It is done for the person who is directly recruited from
collage of study. so they just have bookish knowledge into practical
work training is given.

Trainings for existing employees

They develop skill among employee for new expansion,

developments of firm, projects works, medication, change in process

Redevelopments: it mean they are job of different departments to a

persons will go for instruments plants etc. so this is the kind of
redevelopment where instruments plant etc. so this is the kind of
redevelopment where the person is being put in various departments.
Purpose is to make him perfects in every kind of activities. Which
makes him confident & would increase satisfaction & the person dose
not get tier out his job.

Job relation: They rotate the person in their own departments like
example in personal departments in welfare will be transferred to
transport of industrial Relation (IR). IR will look for other department
like administrative work. So this way they get knowledge of every
Leadership qualities
Team buildings
Group behavior
Positive work culture development
Health, safety
Stress management

There are the areas of subjects on which they give lectures or

conduct seminars. This all things play a very vital role in developing
good culture in the organization. That will give employees satifaction
from their job. For giving such lectures,

They bring some outside who is professor or having a great

industrial exposure. Otherwise sometimes they conduct lectures. Any
senior officer or any employee who have good knowledge is alos
allowed to deliver lecture.

GUJCOMASOL do not provide all training to the worker .this is

only gave the higepost employees. It is not any training policy.

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