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RV Enhancers Inhibitors

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Current Report on RV Enhancers / Inhibitors

Ver. 02090701 Sept 02, 07

Report by rvcommunity user: Jaybird

I would like to clear up some issues as I seem to be wrapped around them ever since Ed Dames gave me some cues relative
to enhancers/inhibitors of the RV process. It would seem that professionals in the remote viewing community have to keep
saying the same thing over and over in their forum about this issue, there is NO contradiction here.
These are some of my findings and hope this will calm things until I finish my research & sessions on the topic. What follows is
what I have learned so far. This file will be updated as the data is collected.
Listening to sound waves or taking the best that money can buy of vitamin or mineral focus aids will not make you a
race car driver anymore than it could give you God-like RV skills or any other skills. I use this analogy because a race car
driver has to focus second by second on the track or it could end his life. The only way you will ever get that type of accuracy
from RV is from study and practice.
Outside of the rigor of training, and practice, we understand that RV is simply an attention management skill; attention
management is the ability to manage your attention i.e. Mentally Focus on a given point. I have seen Brent Miller liken it to
doing a math problem. Therefore, anything that enhances or inhibits the ability to mentally focus is what I would like to discuss.
From my latest findings there seems to be solutions to aid in gaining clarity of mind, some cases to the extreme. This is also
true with inhibitors although this would seem more obvious as in the case of drugs or alcohol.

A focus inhibitor.
Garlic has a very odd ability to act in the same way as DMSO. DMSO is a carrier for solutions. You can mix a bit of this liquid
with lemon juice, put it on the bottom of your foot and you will smell it on your palm in less than a minute. Garlic will do the
same thing. What is wrong with this you may ask? Any fungus, pathogen, toxin or bacteria on your foot may also surface
through the bloodstream and end up on your hand too! Taken internally, any toxins or pathogens in the food, stomach or
intestines that merge with the solution and make it to your skin cells may work its way into the rest of your system including
your brain. You will be surprised how many different foods and condiments contain garlic. Its everywhere.
Quote from Dr. Bob Beck from Nexus Magazine, Feb/Mar 2001,
We discovered this, much to our horror, when I (Bob Beck, DSc) was the world's largest manufacturer of ethical
EEG [electroencephalography] feedback equipment.
We'd have people come back from lunch that looked clinically dead on an encephalograph, which we used to
calibrate their progress. "Well, what happened?" "Well, I went to an Italian restaurant and there was some garlic in my
salad dressing!" So we had them sign things that they wouldn't touch garlic before classes or we were wasting their
time, their money and my time.
I guess some of you ... are pilots or have been in flight tests... I was in flight test engineering in Doc Hallan's group in
the 1950s. The flight surgeon would come around every month and remind all of us: "Don't you dare touch any garlic
72 hours before you fly one of our airplanes, because it'll double or triple your reaction time. You're three times slower
than you would be if you'd not had a few drops of garlic."
Well, we didn't know why for 20 years later, until I owned the Alpha-Metrics Corporation. We were building
biofeedback equipment and found out that garlic usually desynchronizes your brain waves.

My personal experience:
After avoiding garlic for almost 2 weeks and then trying some, the effects were horrendous. It tasted wonderful! I was in
ecstasy (I love garlic); some sort of garlic sauce on a well roasted chicken sandwich. I was in almost an immediate brain fog
like some sort of wonderful drug. I could, of course, drive and function normally, (except for my bowels and we wont go into
that ugly scene). The inability to focus was staggering. My mental to-do list for the day had vanished as well as other important
things from my mind that were important to focus on that day. I was not aware of how much clarity I had gained by excluding
this from my diet until clarity vanished almost instantly.
Garlic, onions, and leeks, (the whole family) seems to be forbidden in Ashrams and other institutions that are rumored to
practice forms of RV. Do simple Google searches on garlic Ashram and garlic poison then draw your own conclusions!

Focus Enhancer & Inhibitor
Some information paraphrased from Wikipedia:
Tryptophan is a precursor for serotonin (a neurotransmitter), melatonin (a neurohormone), and niacin.
Many people found tryptophans to be a safe and reasonably effective sleep aid, probably due to its ability to increase brain
levels of serotonin (a calming neurotransmitter when present in moderate levels) and/or melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone
secreted by the pineal gland in response to darkness or low light levels).
Although it would seem that ingesting something that would facilitate the operation of neurotransmitters is a good thing, in the
absence of strong light, tryptophans may put you to sleep. Notice that the chemical indirectly activates the pineal gland in the
absence of light. A groggy state of mind is not conducive to tasks that require sharp mental focus. If you intake tryptophans
make sure you get lots of light, fresh air and exercise.
Dietary Sources:
Tryptophan, found as a component of dietary protein, is particularly plentiful in, oats, bananas, dried dates, milk, yogurt,
cottage cheese, eggs, fish, poultry, sesame, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and red meat. It is found in
turkey at a level typical of poultry in general. Alcoholic beverage consumption at holiday feasts is likely to compound the effect
to where a shady day or dimly lit room will put the whole family to sleep for the common holiday afternoon nap.

Focus Inhibitor
What mercury does to the mind is phenomenal and oddly enough easy to find information about. The term Mad as a Hatter
was originally from old England when they used to spin the tall black hats in a plate of mercury to give it the nice shiny rim.
The hatters would eventually go crazy from mercury poising and thus got that name.
My experience:
When I had 3 mercury fillings removed, I felt like I had been living in a fog my whole life; the gain in clarity was almost instant.
Three days after the dentist visit I was astounded at how mentally blind I had been. I could not believe the things I once
thought and ignored before I had the fillings removed. I realized there were many things right in front of my face I had not
acknowledged. Everything including, but not limited to, politics, my research, relationships and the way I treated people was a
distorted view of reality. I was ashamed. It was as if a light was turned on in my brain awaking me from a blind insanity.
Do your own Google re-search: (include all words inside the quotes)
mercury fillings.

Focus Inhibitor
Do your own Google re-search: (include all words inside the quotes)
fluoride I.Q.
fluoride mental effects Germany.
fluoride memory
This is too controversial a subject to go into further and stands on its own if you do the simple searches.
My experience:
Personally I find my mental clarity much better if I stay away from soda and other liquids that may have been created with
fluoridated water.


Avoid toxins
Distilled and ozoneated cold water.
Exercise in fresh air.
Coral calcium
Charcoal Therapy
Organ Cleansing
Compresses, Poultices and Packs
In the book entitled "Baths to Detoxify" Dr. Hazel Parcells, ND., Ph.D., recommends a bath for general
detoxification that is very helpful and easy to follow. This bath helps to increase the acid level in the body
and build immunity. All you have to do is...
o To fill your bathtub with hot water, as hot as you can tolerate. Add and mix 2 cups of pure apple
cider vinegar and stay in the bath until the water cools down; do not take a shower for at least 4
hours. Dr. Parcells recommends taking this type of bath before going to bed so your body
detoxifies while you sleep. You can repeat it as many times as you feel it's needed, even once a
o Hot tubs/spas are also a nice alternative.
Drink plenty of water; eight to ten glasses a day. Distilled water is good but do not drink it for more than
14 days consecutively. You can use filtered or Reverse Osmosis water the rest of the time.
Squeeze the juice of one-half lemon into the water every time you drink it. Do this for 7 days and then cut
back the remaining days. Only use the juice of of the lemon and only in one glass of water a day.
Have 10 gr. of soluble fiber before going to bed. It can be oats or psyllium.
Eat light and include lots of fresh raw fruits and cruciferous vegetables during the cleansing. Do not
consume heavy proteins as they slow down the detoxification process.
Eat nuts and fish as your protein source. Fish provides Omega-3 and nuts provide many vitamins
including B, E, magnesium, potassium as well as antioxidants such as selenium. Selenium is a potent
antioxidant that is essential in the detox processes.
Natural solutions used in a colon cleanse.

Most effective method:

Dr. Robert Becks Blood electrification & pulser protocols with ozoneated distilled water therapy. Coral
calcium and charcoal therapy should be alternately taken to help remove toxic metals and pathogens.


If you try to get rid of too many toxins at one time, your organs may not be able to expel them fast
enough; causing them to be re-absorbed into the blood stream and re-poison you all over again.
Rashes, flu like symptoms, diarrhea or nausea may occur when following a detox. These are normal
symptoms that indicate the body is getting rid of unwanted toxins at a rate higher than they can handle.
If your systems are too harsh, cut back a little, especially when using Dr. Becks methods because when
using a blood electrifier & pulser; your body is also trying to get rid of dead parasites and fungus as well.
Make sure you are getting lots of freshly ozoneated distilled water (6-8 glasses a day, plus 1 glass turned
into silver colloid) and exercise in fresh air. Oxygen and water help flush toxins. Rest is also important;
your organs are overworked and need rest.

M-State Minerals:
Extreme Focus Enhancers
Amongst the fringe science research areas in ascension studies is the phenomenal nature of monatomic elements. Recent
research lends theory that Egyptian Hieroglyphic references point to a substance supposedly made from noble metals with
amazing properties. Mention of its ability to give the pharaohs superior mental clarity to do spectacular things and rule the
people was its implied purpose. I do not propose this is any kind of magic potion, but instead a collection of minerals that has
proven to provide dramatic improvement on mental clarity and test scores on general subjects.
Other notable effects were the immediate balance of the brains hemispheric activity and a possible drug free answer for
people who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorders. Specifically using gold for the solution (also known as White Powder Gold
or WPG) it seemed to give the best results. Most mental disorders seem to share the same feature, high activity on one side of
the brain suppressing the other side. This is where we get the term mentally balanced or that person suffers from mental
imbalance. WPG is also suggested before taking a test and seemed to help when remote viewing.
What is it and where can I get some? Mineral based supplements may have been used for centuries to aid in mental focus.
You can pay a hundred dollars for a small 1 oz bottle sold on websites everywhere or use the cheap and easy Bob Beck do it
yourself version. I find it despicable that colloids and ionic solutions are being sold at top dollar while people suffer needlessly
and can easily make their own very inexpensively.
Organic sources for WPG:
Concord grape juice, green tea, aloe.
My Personal Experience using myself as a guinea pig:
I have tried some of the commercial products available, some very expensive, others not so much. The Dr. Bob Beck Do-ItYourself method (my preference) is cheap and very effective. Silver is a great place to start because it is inexpensive and
easy to find the .9999 pure silver wires. (Yes, thats 4 Nines.) Gold works the best for this and as my personal experience,
clarity is noticed the next day for a full 12 hours. This is not only my experience but joint personal research from associates.
While taking the gold, my perceptions of time seemed weird. I prefer just drinking lots of grape juice and green tea, it is also
cheap but much less hassle.
How I make my own.
Use pure gold or silver wires (.9999 pure) with the largest gauge you can afford; 18ga-12ga works great. Attach 3 nine volt
batteries to get 27 volts and run them to the wires. Insert them in a glass of distilled hot water, (distilled water has no
electrolyte so it needs to be hot to work if you want it pure) and watch it roll off the wires like smoke. You want it as close to
boiling with out going over it. A coffer maker/warmer works great for this. Every 10 minutes wipe the wires clean, if you were
not fast enough it will get black murky with particulate, dump it and start again. You may also just set it aside in a refrigerator
for a couple days until all the particulate falls to the bottom and pour out the golden or purple water into a clean glass to drink.
Do your own research; there are many methods and opinions on the subject.
Word of caution: Not a good thing to mix with alcohol, especially when using higher quantities of WPG. The side effects were
very disturbing and lasted for days. We experienced not being able to reference time as you normally would and severe
irritability. It was difficult to assign current happening events into any kind of timeline. If you need to be responsible or nice at
all and you drink alcohol while taking m-state minerals, be prepared for the consequences. Things could get ugly. I would quit
any kind of alcohol period; while consuming any type of M-State materials.
For other health reasons I suggest not using Tobacco & ANY medication before venturing here. Dr. Bob Beck has a complete
set of protocols that compliments this type of research. A simple Google search, either web or video, will provide lots of
answers and thousands of dollars worth of research.
Additionally, know what you are doing. Do your own research. I have found timing to be the most important issue in developing
my own solutions.
To quote one of Ed Dames favorites sayings, Life is tough, but its even tougher when youre stupid. Sergeant Stryker
Sands of Iwo Jima.
Do your own Google re-search: (include all words inside the quotes)
monatomic platinum bob beck
nanoparticles mental acuity
colloidal silver
white powder gold

DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol)
Focus Enhancer

DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol) is a naturally occurring substance, found mainly in fish (sardines and anchovies)
and is produced in small amounts within the human brain.
DMAE when taken turns into neural transmitters in the brain. Neural transmitters are signals directly from the
nervous system to an endocrine gland. They are responsible for mood, increase intelligence, improve memory
and learning. It is not known if the body becomes deficient or can produce it just fine without DMAE intake.
According to Truestar Health Inc., no deficiencies of DMAE are reported or believed to occur and at the time of
writing, there were no well-known drug interactions with DMAE.
Clinical studies of DMAE have used up to 1,600 mg per day with no reports of side effects.(1) For this reason,
DMAE is believed to be relatively nontoxic. However, one study using higher intakes for Alzheimers disease
patients did report symptoms of drowsiness and confusion with the use of DMAE.(2) A possible side effect of lucid
dreaming (in which the dreamer is conscious and in control of a dream) is suggested with DMAE use.(3)
Depression and hypomania (moderate symptoms of mania) have been reported as side effects of DMAE.(4)
I would imagine anything capable of giving you enough focus to take control in a dream would also help you focus
while conscious.
Anyone for sardines and anchovies? I have no personal experience with this supplement at this time.
DMAE References:
1. Casey DE, Denney D. Dimethylaminoethanol in tardive dyskinesia. N Engl J Med 1974;291:797.
2. Fisman M, Mersky H, Helmes E. Double-blind trial of 2-dimethylaminoethanol in Alzheimers disease. Am J Psychiatry 1981;138:9702.
3. Sergio W. Use of DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol) in the induction of lucid dreams. Med Hypotheses 1988;26:2557.
4. Casey DE. Mood alterations during deanol therapy. Psychopharmacology 1979;62:18791.

Organic Vegetarian Diet

Focus Enhancer
The vegetarian diet has been known for years to provide a healthier lifestyle and sharper mental focus. Vegetarians live
longer too. This is all documented and not difficult to find. A simple experiment would be to eat a hamburger or fresh fruit 45
minutes before a mental exam. I have done this myself.
As a child, I was raised on a mostly red meat diet until about 10 years of age. Then I was a vegetarian until 18. After 18 I
returned to eating meat resulting in increased brain fog. I had to stay away from meat for a short time and noticed a huge
difference. I am trying to get back to a vegan diet to enjoy a more fog free brain.
Obvious search engine data aside, there are a few references to vegetarianism on the RVcommunity forum as well.

Vitamin B-12 is found helpful as remote viewers burn up a lot of it and it is mostly known to be found in animal
source foods. Vegetarian diets are often deficient in B12. If you are a vegetarian, be sure to replenish your B12.

Vitamin B12
Focus Enhancer & Inhibitor

There is also much evidence mounting to suggest a connection between Alzheimer's disease and prolonged lack
of B-12 as one ages as it also seems to be involved as an essential ingredient in the actual thinking process
hence it gets burned up quickly when you are in deep thought (or taking a final exam - or remote viewing).
Since any mental activity quickly burns B-12 it's probably not a bad idea to make sure your vitamins have it as a
daily supplement. The quickly burning off of the B-12 when doing an RV session is what probably makes some
people feel tired after a long session. (11)
Too much B12 and you end up feeling disorientated and even cause headaches. Perhaps Remote Viewing is a
cure for some headaches.
Vitamin B-12 is necessary for the formation and regeneration of red blood cells which prevents anemia, promotes
growth and increases appetite in children, increases energy and maintains a healthy nervous system.
Many elderly people suffering from neurological impairment find that B-12 supplementation greatly improves their
cognitive function. Published studies show that vitamin B-12 in supplement form is absorbed better by elderly
people than vitamin B-12 that is bound to food. Vitamin B-12 is mainly found in animal source foods and is often
deficient in vegetarian diets.
Reliable Vegan Sources of Vitamin B12
A number of reliable vegan food sources for vitamin B12 are known. One brand of nutritional yeast, Red Star T6635+, has been tested and shown to contain active vitamin B12. This brand of yeast is often labeled as
Vegetarian Support Formula with or without T-6635+ in parentheses following this new name. It is a reliable
source of vitamin B12. Nutritional yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a food yeast, grown on a molasses
solution, which comes as yellow flakes or powder. It has a cheesy taste. Nutritional yeast is different from
brewers yeast or torula yeast. those sensitive to other yeasts can often use it.
The RDA for adults for vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms daily (1). About 2 rounded teaspoons of large flake
Vegetarian Support Formula (Red Star T-6635+) nutritional yeast provides the recommended amount of vitamin
B12 for adults (2). A number of the recipes in this book contain nutritional yeast.
Another source of vitamin B12 is fortified cereal. For example, Natures Path Optimum Power cereal does contain
vitamin B12 at this time and about a half cup of this cereal will provide 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 (3). We
recommend checking the label of your favorite cereal since manufacturers have been known to stop including
vitamin B12.
Other sources of vitamin B12 are vitamin B12 fortified soy milk, vitamin B12 fortified meat analogues (food made
from wheat gluten or soybeans to resemble meat, poultry, or fish), and vitamin B12 supplements. There are
vitamin supplements that do not contain animal products.
Vegans who choose to use a vitamin B12 supplement, either as a single supplement or in a multivitamin should
use supplements regularly. Even though a supplement may contain many times the recommended level of
vitamin B12, when vitamin B12 intake is high, not as much appears to be absorbed. This means in order to meet
your needs, you should take a daily vitamin B12 supplement of 5-10 micrograms or a weekly vitamin B12
supplement of 2000 micrograms (4).
We store between 2 and 5 micrograms of vitamin B12 and only excrete a very small fraction of this each day.
Nevertheless, over time, vitamin B12 deficiency can develop if stores are not replenished with vitamin B12 from
the diet or from supplements. Although bacteria in the large intestine of humans do produce vitamin B12, this
vitamin B12 does not appear to be absorbed (5) and is not adequate to prevent a vitamin B12 deficiency (6).
Although some vegans may get vitamin B12 from inadequate hand washing, this is not a reliable vitamin B12

Tempeh, miso, sea vegetables, and other plant foods are sometimes reported to contain vitamin B12. These
products, however, are not reliable sources of the vitamin. The standard method for measuring vitamin B12 in
foods measures both active and inactive forms of vitamin B12. The inactive form (also called analogues) actually
interferes with normal vitamin B12 absorption and metabolism (7). When only active vitamin B12 is measured,
plant foods including fermented soy foods and sea vegetables do not contain significant amounts of active vitamin
B12 (8).
Very small amounts of vitamin B12 have been found in plants grown in soil treated with manure (9). It is not clear
whether this vitamin B12 is the active form or the inactive analogue. In any case, the amounts are so small that
more than 23 cups of organically grown spinach would have to be eaten every day in order to meet the adult RDA
for vitamin B12 (9,10).

Vitamin References
1. Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board: Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline. Washington, DC: National Academy press, 1998.
2. Lesaffre Yeast Corporation. Vegetarian Support Formula. Accessed
October 19, 2005.
3. Nature's Path. Cold Cereals. Accessed October 19, 2005.
4. Messina V, Melina V, Mangels AR. A new food guide for North American vegetarians. J Am Diet Assoc 2003;103:771-5.
5. Armstrong BK. Absorption of vitamin B12 from the human colon. Am J clin nutr 1968; 21:298-9.
6. Callender ST, Spray GH. Latent pernicious anemia. Br J Haematol 1962;8:230-240.
7. Herbert V. Vitamin B12: Plant sources, requirements, and assay. Am j clin nutr 1988;48:852-858.
8. van den Berg H, Dagnelie PC, van Staveren WA. Vitamin B12 and seaweed. Lancet 1988;1:242-3.
9. Mozafar A. Enrichment of some B-vitamin in plants with application of organic fertilizers. Plant and Soil 1994;167:305-11.
10. Mozafar A. Is there vitamin B12 in plants or not? A plant nutritionist's view. Vegetarian Nutrition: An International Journal 1997;1/2:50-52.
11. Brent Miller RVCommunity Forum Website

This document is NOT endorsed by Remote Viewing Products Inc., Ed Dames or any other remote viewing group and is simply a personal
research document provided as is with no warrantees as to its accuracy. You are responsible for what you do with this information. This is a
private personal document and is not for sale.

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