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My Story2013

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Cancer Is Not the Enemy

By Nelson Berman
Last revised 3/23/13
There are hundreds of books published every year regarding
cancer. So the question why is this one different and why should
you read it. First you should know that I am not selling anything,
not this book, not lectures, not supplements nothing. I only
want to relate what I have learned as a result of choosing to heal
my body of cancer without surgery or radiation.
In this age of transparency I would like to disclose that I am
neither a physician nor a dietician just a person who has learned
much as a result of my diagnosis. You should know that while I
feel passionate about people improving their lifestyle; I would
not suggest this method for treating all types of cancer especially
aggressive ones. My hope is that you might think differently
about your health, your diet and how you look at things as a
result of reading my book.
"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I
am wise, so I am changing myself."

Discovery consists of seeing what everyone has seen,

and thinking what no one has thought.
Albert Szent-Gyorgi

I would like to dedicate my story to Shelly Berman, my
partner in everything for the last forty-three years. Shelly
is my best friend, lover, confidant, advisor, partner, and
companion. When I told her that I decided to change
virtually every aspect of my life, Shelly joined me in this
total transformation. For this and for everything else, I
dedicate this to my wife.
I would also like to thank my editors.
Jordan Berman
Stacey Rose
Dr. Leonard Berman

My story

First day of my new life

Everyone who has cancer knows exactly what happened the day
they were diagnosed. My story, in that respect, is not unique.
What is important is what I decided to do about it, and how it
has transformed my life. I am putting this to pen so that others
might consider an alternative course of action.
I was home recovering from a week in intensive care. This came
about as a result of a prostate biopsy gone badly. I was never
informed that 1% of prostate biopsies result in sepsis with 4%
being admitted to the hospital. Sepsis is blood poisoning, which
if untreated immediately, can result in the major organs shutting
down resulting in death. Normally you would hear the results of
your biopsy in the doctors office. As a result of my near death
experience, the urologist granted my request to hear the results
as soon as he received them. My hands became sweaty when he
declared calmly that the test was positive. Funny how positive
is normally a good word but not when it describes biopsies.
He told me we would discuss my options at our scheduled
appointment ten days later. For the doctor, ten days was a
reasonable amount of time, but not to a person who has just been
told they had cancer. I fought back the feeling of being
overwhelmed and of self-pity. I couldnt wait ten days, and I
began thinking what I had to do on my own. There is a little

maxim in my tradition that teaches Pray as if everything

depends on G-d, and act as if everything depends on you. I
resolved to consider all conventional as well as alternative
In researching treatment my options I found myself drawn to
holistic approaches for treating prostate cancer. By the time of
my appointment I had already made up my mind to change my
lifestyle as my course of action. My wife, Shelly, and I are now
sitting with the urologist on the initial cancer assessment
appointment. This is where the doctor tells you what you should
do. I let him make his presentation even though I had already
made up my mind regarding my course of action. He concluded,
Given your relatively young age of sixty, you should have your
prostate removed. When I responded that I have done my
research and have decided on active surveillance with a strong
emphasis on dramatic lifestyle changes, he became very
defensive as well as agitated. He then produced what he thought
was his one page closing argument: A sheet that showed a
better ten-year survival rate for people who had surgery than
ones who did nothing. When I told him my strategy was far
from taking no action, he reluctantly wished me good luck and
suggested strict monitoring of my PSA. The Prostate-Specific
Antigen (PSA) test measures an enzyme produced almost
exclusively by the glandular cells of the prostate. An increase in
the PSA is an indication of a worsening situation. It has now
been just shy of five years and I do not regret my course of
action, because my life has changed for the better in every


I do not blame doctors with regard to their evaluations since

they are only following medical guidelines and thus reducing
the likelihood of being sued for malpractice. In their defense,
if you were not taught about alternatives to surgery and
radiation in medical school, it is highly unlikely one would be
recommending them to a patient. In this age of transparency,
doctors should be required to disclose that their goal is to treat
your symptoms so that your issue will not result in death in the
near term. Their recommendations invariably call for surgery
or radiation with no regard to causation. To treat the whole
body as opposed to the symptom is the holistic approach. The
blinder approach of just treating the symptom, the tumor, often
leads to a later reoccurrence. Now having seen four different
urologists and having spoken to many more, I have come to
the conclusion that physicians tend to recommend invasive
procedures, and that the recommended procedure is the one
in which they specialize.
Front pages of the NY Times and the Philadelphia Inquirer
report it has been shown that urologists have conspired to
scare patients into getting expensive risky procedures while at
the same time covering up the great successes patients have
had in making lifestyle changes while avoiding dangerous
procedures. My hope is with recent changes in medical panel
recommendations that overtime they will become less likely to
recommend procedures especially as more peer reviewed

studies show no advantage in treatments over active

Options offered by physicians
There are many procedures and if you are willing to go
abroad, there are even more. Most procedures will be
initially successful. The problem is they are using a
sledgehammer to kill an ant, while doing nothing to have
another ant reappear somewhere close by. See if this is
helpful. Lets say you have a small wound on your arm.
There are several techniques that could be utilized to
remedy your problem: washing, A&D ointment, a BandAid, etc. or even doing nothing. On the other hand, if it is
a rather deep long nasty gash, it may require much more
serious attention, i.e. stitches, surgery or even amputation.
The problem with prostate cancer treatment is most
everyone is being offered the most radical of solutions,
surgery or radiation regardless how small or slowgrowing their cancer might be. Also, please note the
cancer surgeon will always hedge when speaking to the
patient after a successful procedure. You are likely to hear
I believe we got it all. What B.S.!!! They might have
gotten the entire tumor but there are billions of cancer
cells not attached to the tumor.

Early detection and over diagnosis

The cancer industry, meaning those who derive an
economic benefit from treating cancer, have a vested
interest in early detection. Curing cancer is defined by
having survived five years after being diagnosed.
Promoting early detection will skew the numbers with a
higher percentage of low-grade cancers, and therefore
increase the likelihood of a successful outcome regardless
the procedure. A pathologist at Wayne State University,
Dr. Wayne Sakr, performed careful sectioning of prostate
glands removed from over five hundred men dying from
unrelated events. He found that spots of cancer were
present in 8% of men in their 20s, 31% of men in their
30s, and a further increase with each decade up to 80% of
men in their 70s. Over detection is the detection and
treatment of cancer, which would have never been
detected during the patients lifetime. Dr. Peter Scardino
of Sloan-Kettering is a courageous physician who now
lectures on the benefits of active surveillance over current
protocol, for less aggressive cases. In a lecture before a
group of his contemporaries he admitted that after
studying the research, he now regrets many of the
procedures he has done in the past on people with low
grade prostate cancer.

Back to my story
People usually have an astonished look when I tell them
G-d has blessed me with prostate cancer. At first I said it
because, considering all the cancers you could get,
prostate seems to be the least likely to die from if some
action is taken. I often hear the expression you are more
likely to die with prostate cancer rather than from prostate
cancer. What scares many into a procedure is the amount
of deaths from prostate cancer. While the number of
deaths from prostate cancer is high, it is extremely low as
a percentage of men who have prostate cancer. My biopsy
showed 5% cancer in one probe out of twelve. A biopsy is
a crapshoot. I firmly believe that the majority of men who
are told that their biopsy was negative really do have
cancer. The cells may not have reached the critical mass
for the tumor to be detected or the probes could have
missed hitting the tumor. Picture putting twelve tiny
needles into something the size of a golf ball, depending
on the size of the tumor, it could be the proverbial needle
in a haystack.
Most people will tell you they eat somewhat healthfully,
fit in exercise when they can, and do a decent job of
managing the stresses of life. Perhaps they feel they are
doing well by comparing themselves to their

contemporaries. Unfortunately, we are using a poor

measure. You would think, living in a country with an
abundance of clean water, access to healthful food, a high
standard of living, allowing for plenty of time for
exercise, that you would think people would be thin, fit,
healthy and relatively free from cancer and heart disease.
In reality, the American lifestyle is a perfect breeding
ground for chronic disease.
The fast pace of life often puts us in situations where we
are dining out or consuming processed foods. The food is
loaded with salt, sugar and very often devoid of nutrients.
Our consumer driven economy puts great pressure on us
to earn more and acquire more. Squeezing out time for
exercise, while ramping up stress and worrying how to
pay for more new things, makes the American lifestyle
dangerous to your health. These risk factors attack the
immune system that would normally keep our body in
With this in mind, I began to change every aspect of my
life that had to do with my immune system. If it
strengthened my immunity I welcome it, and if not I
avoided it. I wanted to attract positive energy while
avoiding negative energy. I now choose the following:
spiritual food and drink, yoga and tai chi and people with
positive energy and spirituality.

The more I study, the more I conclude that we all have

cancer cells. They are nothing more than defective cells.
In a healthy body with good immunity, the healthy cells
overwhelm the defective ones and cancer never becomes
an issue. The problem arises when over time, with the
cumulative assaults on the immune system; our bodies are
not strong enough to kill off the invading cells. This is all
happening unbeknownst to us until the tumor becomes
detectable. I counsel people to live your life as if you have
cancer because you most likely do. Doctors will not tell
you that you should dramatically change your lifestyle to
build your immune system and thus rid your body of
cancer cells.
I dont expect many to believe or follow my way of
thinking for two main reasons: Number One -- The
A.M.A and the American Cancer Society, along with
medical schools, have invested fortunes in promoting
their procedures referred to as standard protocol. Please
note that protocol has a way of changing over time.
Seventy years ago castration was standard protocol for
treating prostate cancer. Of course we all look back and
laugh at bloodletting, but remember that was highly
respected at the time. Perhaps fifty years from now, we
will think it absurd that people put poison in their bodies
to kill cancer. Massive investments have been made to
promote present protocol, while ridiculing alternative
treatments. Some brave doctors espouse the wisdom of

not radiating or removing the prostate. The system is

slowly adjusting to the notion that active surveillance
might be more beneficial, without all the unintended
harmful side effects of following traditional protocols.
Number Two -- Most men will not be willing to transform
their lifestyle to eliminate the cancer cells from their
bodies and improve their immune systems. Habits
reinforced over decades are not easily altered.
Psychologically, it is devastating for most people to think
of cancer growing in them without treating or attempting
to rid the body of cancer. A prominent person in my town
had written a four-part series in a local newspaper on his
ordeal with prostate cancer. The line that stood out in my
mind and still does I was glad to be finished with the
radiation treatments so I could get on with my life. Right
or wrong, I interpreted that as let me get rid of the cancer
so I can continue with the same lifestyle that produced it
in the first place. This provided the impetus for my
journey to find another way.
Why one organ and not another
Most cancers are found in the abdomen area, whether it is
stomach, prostate, uterine, ovarian, testicular, bladder,
colon, etc. My research led me to the following theory.
The American diet cannot be easily processed through the
digestive system. Food that is not easily digested leads to

the production of toxins. Eventually these toxins help

create cancer cells. The patient then has a procedure that
does not deal with the root cause and remains vulnerable
to another form of cancer in the future. Since I became a
vegan, I have found that I produce bowel movements at
least three times per day. Most people believe it is normal
to go once daily. Sixty million Americans are treated
regularly for constipation. Vegans and vegetarians tell a
much different story.
The Changing face of Cancer in our Country
In 1900, very few people died of cancer. Most medical
books did not even discuss it. The cynics and defenders of
the cancer industry will tell you that people did not live
long enough to develop cancer. The truth is child
mortality and women dying during childbirth skewed life
expectancy. In reality a fifty-year-old had the same
chance of reaching age seventy back then as they would
today. Deaths from cancer or heart complications were
low on the list of leading causes of death. Scientists tell us
the ancient humans died from wear, famine or accident
and not from chronic disease.
If you charted the incidence of cancer and heart disease
vs. changes in the American diet away from plant based
to animal based over the last one hundred years, you
would see a strong correlation. As the standard of living

improved, meat, sugar and animal fat consumption

expanded. We have added additional issues of pesticides,
hormones, antibiotics, chemicals and genetic modification
to our foods. To make a bad situation even worst, we eat
outside the home more than ever with restaurants offering
unhealthful portions loaded with excessive salt and sugar
to appeal to our taste buds. The further we move from
simple natural foods guarantees greater health issues
going forward. Sorry for the digression and back to my
The game plan: diet
Like most people, I used to think of food in terms of taste.
I now think of food as fuel for my body to burn. I evaluate
every food offering in terms of will this improve my
health or not. A fairly good percentage of my food is
eaten raw. If cooked, I try to apply the least amount of
heat for the shortest period of time attempting to maintain
the highest amount of nutritional value. Heating food
above a certain temperature kills the beneficial enzymes.
I try to eat all fresh food, unrefined food and avoid canned
food, which I call dead food. My foods consist of
vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds and some fruits.
When I tell people of my regimen I am often questioned
about my limited options. I will admit that in the
beginning I did miss meat and cheese. Once I fully
accepted and understood the harm these foods cause, I

never missed them. In actuality, sometimes I think it vile

just seeing meat. Regarding limitations, it is like most
things in life. You can dwell on what you dont have or be
amazed at what you do have. This way of living has
introduced me to dozens of foods that I have previously
ignored. I find that most restaurants are happy to
accommodate my requests for eliminating sugar, salt and
butter in the preparation.
Juicing - I will typically start each day with raw
vegetables that I put through my Vita Mix. I prefer a Vita
Mix to a juicer because I am then drinking the entire
vegetable as opposed to extracting only the juice.
Spices - I only use garlic, ginger root, cumin, oregano,
pepper and turmeric. I never use sugar or salt. Some
caution me about the absence of salt. Since sodium is
essential, they fear I could be endangering myself. I test
my blood every three months and my sodium level is
normal. It appears that a good diet offers adequate sodium
without adding more.
Bread - there is only one to be considered as a mainstay.
That is the Ezekiel brand. It is made from sprouted
organic grains with no flour.
Do not be afraid of carbohydrates and fats, your body
need them both. The key is to have complex

carbohydrates, good fats and protein. Do not wait to be

real hungry to eat. This causes the body to enter starvation
mode which produces overeating. Rather try to eat five or
six smaller meals per day. Drink tons of water or
decaffeinated green tea just prior to but not during the
meal. Please know that it is not how much you eat but
rather what you eat that causes weight gain. I eat large
quantities of food but my weight remains the same. When
I began my new life I was 227. In the 1st six months I lost
over fifty pounds. I have maintained that weight since

Sugar - it should be classified as a narcotic. Once you stop

eating sugar you will find that you have to go through
withdrawal for a week or more. Sugar substitutes might
eliminate the calories but do nothing to lessen the craving.
It has recently revealed that sugar substitutes have been
manufactured in such a way to heighten your desire for
sugar. Please note that virtually all processed food is
manufactured with sugar and salt knowing your body will
desire additional fixes and thus creating a loyal user.
Cooked foods-I try to reduce the percentage of cooked
foods I consume each month. Temperature helps to
destroy the natural enzymes & nutrients. Many experts
believe 80% raw-20% cooked is an ideal mix.

Beans - I buy them raw and soak them overnight.

Recently I learned about how much more beneficial the
sprouted form of the seeds and beans we eat. Sprouting
only takes a few days and requires only an inexpensive
hemp bag. This food is alive. It is still growing until the
time we consume it.
Nuts I only eat raw almonds and walnuts. Make sure to
soak them before consuming. They along with avocado
are my main sources of fat.
Grains I eat grains every day, either quinoa, barley, oats
or brown rice. They are cooked quickly in a pressure
Vegetables Always fresh, a wide variety and organic if
Fruits I realize we always hear about fruits and
vegetables. I would not classify them as nutritional
equals. Fruit is very overrated in terms of nutritional value
with large quantities of sugar albeit natural. Therefore, I
try to limit fruit consumption. Make sure to consume fruit
at the beginning of the meal because of the digestive
properties of fruit. Please note that the seeds of grapes as
well as the leaves from strawberries are extremely
beneficial in fighting prostate cancer. Berries appear to be
the most beneficial.

Milk This product should come with a warning label.

Because of all the problems with milk consumption, it
should only be given to young children. There are other
excellent sources for calcium. Milk produces mucus,
which is an energy source for cancer. Daily consumption
in general has been found to have a direct correlation to
breast and prostate cancer. We are the only species that
drinks another animals milk. An excellent substitute for
milk is almond or rice milk. I make my own almond milk
in my Vita-Mix simply by blending almonds with water.
Protein When veganism comes up in a conversation,
invariably the 1st question is how do you get protein. I
complement the F.D.A and the meat and dairy lobbies for
a job well done. While all the science shows that we only
require 2 to 5 % of our calories to come from protein,
they have everyone worried about getting 15% or more.
Funny how Americans having one of the worst diets in
the world are worried vegans lack of protein. Most would
be surprised to know that spinach has more protein than
steak. Would you rather buy wholesale or retail. The
animals get their protein from eating plants. Buy your
protein directly from the source. Beans are my main
source of protein.
Desserts I limit mine to almond butter and occasionally

Exercise - I would consider exercise a very close 2nd to

food in the quest for optimum health. We know our body
will produce endorphins, dopamine, oxygenates our
blood, and helps prevent loss of muscle and bone density
when we satisfy its thirst for exhilarating exercise. To
assure myself the best chance of beating cancer, I have
made exercise a higher priority than work. Make and keep
exercise appointments as if they were doctors
appointments. If you prioritize the exercise, you wont
need the doctors appointment!!
My exercise focuses on walking, stretching, dance,
Pilates, yoga and Tai chi. They are all extremely
beneficial without any negative side effects.
Walking a great way to get your body parts moving
without any strain. I find it to be very helpful for blood
circulation and personal reflection.
Yoga this is my favorite. When I began five years ago, I
was always the worst in the class. Yoga is the type of
exercise that intimidates you in the beginning, because
you cant do certain poses. This issue prompted me to
discover my theory on exercise. All exercise is
incremental. It does not matter at what level you began or
what you can do. As long as you improve (even a very
little) each time, you have time on your side. Yoga

attracts positive energy and is therefore essential in

fighting cancer.
Tai Chi I was advised to do tai chi shortly after being
diagnosed. In the beginning I did not like it. In time I
found the movements took me to an extremely peaceful
place. For thousands of years it has been helping to
provide optimum health and in 2009 Harvard Health did
an article on Tai Chi that stated, There is growing
evidence that this mind-body practicehas value in
treating or preventing many health problems.
Supplements I take several each day. Their purpose is
either to help kill cancer cells and to build the immune
system. I believe vitamin D3 is the most beneficial. Blood
tests show that most people are significantly deficient in
vitamin D. I take the following not listed in any particular
375mg of Beta Sitosterol
600mg of NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine)
150mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid
300mg of a multi-spectrum raw Vitamin c
500mg of Quercretin
1,000 IU Vitamin D3
250mcg of Sodium Selenite
100mg of CoQ10
250mg of Beta Glucan
500mg of L-Carnosine

Apple Cider Vinegar

3mg of Boron

G-d has blessed me

When I tell people I have cancer followed by G-d has
blessed me, I am greeted with dumbfounded looks. I
believe I have been blessed because G-d gave me a type
of cancer that is curable. He also gave me the impetus to
change my life in virtually every way. Lastly, he gave me
a mission. I believe he gave me cancer, so that I might
help others. I am always trying to give helpful suggestions
to all that are willing to listen. My proudest
accomplishment was to change the food offerings at our
Synagogue in Florida. Four hundred people have a buffet
meal after the Shabbos morning service. The food, for the
most part, was extremely unhealthful. There was tons of
mayonnaise, globs of unhealthful oils, sugary soda, potato
chips and mounds of cookies on the childrens table. I met
with the catering committee, and after some initial
opposition, the meeting ended with the caterer being
asked to follow my recommendations.
I am proud to tell you that water, club soda have replaced
Coke and Sprite. Instead of chips and pretzels on the
childrens table, there are now carrots and slices of

apples. Tabouleh salad and chickpeas have replaced

potato salad.

Cancer is a scary word

Live your life as if you have cancer because most likely
you do!! Cancer is a scary word. Like most scary things,
there are misconceptions, misunderstanding, anxiety and
overall fear fueled by the beneficiaries of the cancer
industry. First you must reduce this scourge to its most
basic component. It is nothing more than a defective cell.
We all have them. Cells are constantly being produced
and constantly dying. Like all cells, they have a very short
life span. For most, the problem only gets our attention
once it is diagnosed. The discovery comes from lab work
generated as a result of symptoms, sometimes from the
lab results alone. The diagnosis usually comes after one
billion or more cells have joined to form a tumor. So if
you assume we all have cancer cells and they are only
diagnosed once they reach critical mass, why not live our
lives in such a way that causes cancer cells die without
presenting a problem as they do in people whom are not
diagnosed with cancer. This is why I advocate live your
life as if you have cancer. Not in fear, but rather in an
enlightened way, knowing what promotes your defective
cells and what kills them.

People who have food allergies know certain foods cause

them to break out in hives and they may have trouble
breathing. They are on guard because of the obvious
cause and effect. This is how we must live our lives when
it is not so obvious because the harmful impact is not seen
until years later. If hives were known to be a precursor of
cancer, and we developed hives when we weakened our
immune system, then surely cancer would be less
Attitude is everything. This is a frequently used
expression and this could not be more accurate than when
it applies to cancer. Every cell in your body is
eavesdropping on your thoughts according to Deepak
Chopra. Study after study show if you perceive that you
are ridding yourself of cancer, you are well on your way
to becoming cancer-free. Someone once said If you think
you can do something you are right, and if you think you
cant you are also right. Wayne Dyer says not to fear or
hate your cancer. I have found it very helpful to envision
the cancer cells leaving my body.
Act your age
If someone says act your age, I say, G-d forbid. At
sixty, you want to be doing things people do at age thirty.

At eighty, you want to be doing the things people do at

sixty. This is the way you live to one hundred and
beyond. You ask most people and they will tell you they
would be happy to make it to eighty, if they were healthy.
Why? Because they see so many unhealthy people at age
eighty and thus become victim of their own negative
perspective. Remember - you are your thoughts!!
Scientists tell us there is nothing stopping us from living
healthy lives to one hundred and beyond. I ride my bike to
work every day and at age sixty-five, my wife and I
walked from Cherry Hill NJ to Longport NJ, a total
distance of 52 miles. The prior year we biked the same
Back to the Doctors
If you are younger than seventy and have prostate cancer,
doctors are going to suggest a procedure. This is a given.
It is based on many factors. I will give them the benefit of
the doubt, and say they truly believe it is in your best
interest. My other explanations are much more cynical.
They have been brainwashed in medical school that
recommended protocols are the only acceptable options.
A doctor will never be sued for doing a currently
acceptable procedure done properly. However, he could
be found l libel if he was to tell his patient to continue to
monitor the situation and the patient subsequently dies.
Surgeons are paid to perform surgery!! If you do not do

your homework, turning down a doctor's recommendation

is difficult. After all they are the respected professionals
who urge you not to delay in remedying the situation for
fear of a more tragic outcome. Given these factors, most
people acquiesce. One interesting observation, doctors are
much less likely to have any surgery performed on them
than the general public. In a recent survey completed by
oncologists, nearly 75% said that if they were diagnosed
with cancer, they would never submit to chemotherapy nor let any of their family members do the same. Why?
According to the same study, it is because the drugs that
make up the treatment are ineffective and
unacceptably toxic. My main objection to present
protocol for treating prostate cancer is the same as my
criticism of medical treatment in general. The practitioner
seems to be treating the symptoms and never the root
cause. Someone who is diagnosed with cancer has an 80%
likelihood of having a future bout with cancer. This is
what happens when you do not deal with the root cause.
My suggestion is to be well informed prior to discussing
treatment options. In the end, you might still choose to
proceed since many might not do well psychologically
knowing they have cancer growing inside them or other
risk factors.

Three near death experiences

Three different times in my life I have been close to death
as a result of medical mistakes. Perhaps this might explain
my reluctance to go the conventional route. At age fifty, I
had pancreatitis. This came about by having gallstones
that were undetected by doctors over the previous three
years. The next experience was with sepsis, caused by
having the prostate biopsy I mentioned earlier. The
expression one thing can lead to another is exactly what
happened here. As soon as I was released from the
hospital, my body produced two pulmonary embolisms. A
pulmonary embolism is caused by a blood clot that has
dislodged and traveled to the lung or heart. Immediate
medical intervention is necessary to prevent death.
Doctors explained to me that the pulmonary embolism
was caused by laying stationary in the hospital from the
sepsis! I should point out that no one in the hospital ever
warned me about that possibility. (By the way, I was very
lucky that I told a friend who happens to be an emergency
room physician about some chest pain I was experiencing.
He was the one who suspected that it was an embolism
and told me to go immediately to the emergency room,
where it was indeed confirmed.)
As a result of having sepsis, I have been able to warn
others of what to look out for. Since then, two of my
friends have gotten sepsis. One later told me I saved his

life because he immediately went to the hospital after his

initial symptom.
There are one million prostate biopsies done every year.
This number should continue to increase based on the
medical industrys strong emphasis on early detection.
Bloomberg News reports four percent end up going to the
hospital as a result of the biopsy. This percentage has
doubled in the last ten years. As a result of coming within
one hour of death in my severe case, I am strongly
encouraging men to consider a non-invasive PCA3 urine
test or a power color Doppler sonogram vs. a highly
invasive potentially lethal biopsy. While taking the PCA3
might require a biopsy if the score exceeds a certain
number, it will save thousands the torture I endured.

In 2011 a taskforce on psa testing came to the conclusion
that on balance the recommendation for psa testing is not
beneficial. They concluded that the amount of people
helped does not justify the number of people negatively
impacted via sepsis, impotence, incontinence and other
problems resulting from invasive procedures.

Times are A CHANGIN

More and more there are cracks appearing in which some
doctors and respected medical centers are questioning the
merit of performing procedures on low-grade prostate
cancer patients. Clinical trials are often times showing
that the active surveillance group does as well as or better
than those having a procedure. Active surveillance is
the name given to those not having a procedure. Everyone
is thrown into that same basket, the person who makes no
lifestyle changes and the person who changes his entire
life. I would strongly encourage all patients who choose
not to have procedure to be proactive. There should be a
name for people who choose lifestyle changes and
alternative medicine from the start. Perhaps they could be
called counter intuitive. Unfortunately, the medical
community dismisses the successes of the counter
intuitive as anecdotal and therefore non-scientific.

A brilliant radiation oncologist, Dr. William Li speaks
about Angiogenesis the bodys ability to build blood
vessels. His contention is cancerous tumors release
proteins that stimulate blood vessels to grow into the
tumor providing it with oxygen and nutrients. Excessive

angiogenesis occurs when diseased cells produce

abnormal amounts of antigenic growth factors,
overwhelming the effects of natural angiogenesis
Antiangiogenic therapies are used to starve the tumor of
its blood supply. His research had shown that certain
foods and supplements could prevent angiogenesis
naturally by reducing the blood vessels that are feeding
the cancer. Pharma and the American Cancer Society are
championing drugs that inhibit angiogenesis while
ignoring natural foods and supplements that accomplish
the same goal. Dr. Li shows that some of natural solutions
are even more effective.
The correlation between food and cancer
Cancer cells have a coating that makes them invisible to
the immune system. Normally, the pancreas produces
enzymes that dissolve the coating. However, the digestion
of animal protein requires significant enzymes causing a
shortage of pancreatic enzymes. This is not the case with
plant-based food. It should be obvious to everyone that
the incidence of cancer and heart disease compared to
other countries can only be explained by the differences
in diet.

Rationalization and pragmatism

How many times have you heard as we age we tend to
get., or who wants to live that long anyway, or its
inevitable that you are going to get cancer or heart disease
in your seventies and the one I love best you got to die of
something. These are the misconceptions of doctors and
their patients. The goal in life is to die young as late as
possible. Do not buy into conventional wisdom. What if
you changed your mindset to think in terms of living to
age 100 but genetically being age 50? All that it takes is
living a lifestyle that is conducive to obtaining that goal.
In our copycat society all it takes is seeing some role
models. Perhaps you can be the role model in your peer
Many have written about the importance of ones need for
certainty. As I begin my sixth year of my new life I had a
chance to reflect on this issue. It appears to me that
physicians try to provide certainty while at the same time
question your certainty about contrary beliefs to theirs. I
have seen four urologists each suggesting a procedure to
create certainty in my mind about my health. That is their
job to make you feel confident in your decision. My
problem is how they consciously or unconsciously tried to

make me feel uncertain about my decision to change my

lifestyle as my course of action.
Only now is it apparent their way of undermining my
certainty was by using words like risky, dangerous,
unproven and unscientific along with dismissing studies
showing positive results of certain foods and supplements.
Even after seeing nine consecutive reductions in my PSA,
doctors spoke to me about men with a high PSA who did
not have cancer while others with a low PSA who did
have cancer.
I just had an ultrasound because I was curious about the
status of my tumor. Prior to the test the physician made it
clear that even if the test shows everything to be normal;
he would not be able to say with 100% certainty that there
was no tumor. Perhaps in the past, having much less
clarity than now, his statement would have bothered me. I
now realize there is no such thing as 100% certainty. It is
only a state of mind. By the way the test showed no
evidence of a tumor.
I do not want to be critical of physicians since I believe
they are saying what they believe. I do believe in their
own need for certainty and therefore they cannot question
the present protocol for fear of becoming conflicted about
the necessity to radiate and perform surgery.

My hope is that as the evidence continues to mount

questioning the efficacy of performing procedures on men
with low-grade prostate cancer those physicians will be
encouraged to recommend non-active treatments along
with monitoring. Until then become well informed and
stay true to your own beliefs.
Crawl before you walk
It has been suggested to me that it is unrealistic to expect
people to change their lives upside down especially if
they have not yet been diagnosed with cancer. Especially
considering that your dietary habits have been in place for
fifty or more years and are constantly nurtured and
reinforced by our culture and the media. With regards to
diet I would like to offer some small changes one can
make that may be deemed less onerous and hopefully
built upon over time.
Substitute Veganaise for mayonnaise. You will not notice
a difference but you avoid some harmful ingredients.
Substitute club soda mixed with grape or orange juice for
Coke or Sprite.
Substitute seitan for meat. I defy you to taste any

Substitute Braggs Liquid Aminos for salad dressing.

Substitute coconut oil for butter or margarine.
These small changes will have a great impact on your
health and hopefully motivate you to do more.
Being cured of cancer
If you are diagnosed with cancer the best you can do is
manage it; I do not believe in the concept of a cure for
cancer. It might be harmful to believe that you are cured
as a result of successful surgery and/or radiation. These
procedures when they are successful suggest that the
immediate assault on your body have been thwarted. They
say nothing of the underlying causes for the uncontrolled
growth of cancer cells in your body. Instead of thinking
cure, beating or eradicating; think in terms of managing
and coexisting. Is there anything wrong with having
cancer if you are not in pain, have no side effects and do
not die from it? Cancer that has been surgically removed
or radiated produces many side effects, limitations and
often returns with a vengeance if lifestyle changes do not
accompany the procedure.

Not always a bowl of cherries

I do not want to give the reader a false impression. There
are times when I have questioned my decision as to
whether I am doing right. Whenever I had something
wrong with me physically, I would ask myself is it
related to the cancer. Twice, after long walks, I had
significant blood in my urine. The spreading of the cancer
was ruled out after I had an ultrasound. Once my PSA
rose and again I questioned myself. This also turned out
to be a non-issue. Whenever I would hear about a young
man dying from prostate cancer it used to unnerve me.
Thankfully those occurrences and thoughts are less
infrequent. My guess is because I feel so good everyday it
reassures me that I am in a good place. I once met a wellrespected cardiologist who is known for devising a very
healthful diet. I told her I had an interest in knowing more
about her diet because I was treating myself for prostate
cancer. When she asked whether I had radiation or a
prostatectomy, I told her neither, and that I was treating
myself holistically. At that point she became furious and
called me a fool. Things like that can test your resolve but
I have concluded that I am taking the right approach for
my wellbeing.
Some other techniques I am utilizing:

Fasting Fifteen years ago I almost died from

undiagnosed gallstones that resulted in pancreatitis. This
caused my liver enzymes to increase tenfold. I was told
this would be permanent. My son, Adam, advised me to
do a four-day fast only consuming water. It took me two
years to finally heed his advice. Shortly after my first fast
my liver functions were all normal. Since then, we fast
three times each year for several years. Fasting greatly
helps the body release harmful toxins. I have given up
fasting mainly because I believe what I am consuming is
at such a pure level that my body is free of toxins.
Far infrared sauna I had known from my research that
hyperthermia performed primarily in Germany was
extremely successful at curing cancer. It appears that
excessive heat focused on the tumor is able to kill the
cancer cells without harming the good cells. While I do
not believe going into my far infrared sauna is equivalent
to hyperthermia, I believe it has many beneficial qualities.
Massage They tell me it helps release toxins. I just
know it feels great.
Prayer - I have never asked G_d to help me beat cancer.
Often I pray to him asking only for good judgment on
taking the best course of action.

People to thank
While many people are very private about their cancer, I
feel it has helped me to speak about it freely with others.
It helps to have their support and their prayers. I would
like to single out some people who have made this
journey possible.
My family has been very supportive. Perhaps not 100% at
first, but once they began seeing the positive results, they
quickly got on board.
Friends have been caring and for the most part supportive
of my approach. Some have expressed cynicism and
thought that I was being nave about my healing process. I
fully understand where they are coming from, based on
their full acceptance of western medicine.
Brenda Cobb has survived breast and cervical cancer as a
result of changing to a diet consisting of mainly raw food.
She is now helping others with her wisdom at her The
Living Foods Institute, in Atlanta.
Her book The Living Foods Lifestyle has been a godsend.
Roger Mason is the author of The Natural Prostate Cure.
This book can be downloaded from his web site, Roger is a very decent unselfish

person who has helped me immeasurably.
Dr. Scott Greenberg is an alternative MD who has always
given me good council.
The late Dr. Edward Wagner is a nutritionist who has
aided me through the confusing world of supplements.
Special thanks to all of my yoga and tai chi teachers: Pam,
Nancy, Joanne, Marlen, Hernan, Joanna, Ann Marie,
Katie and Morris. They all offer the gifts of calmness and
inner peace.
Dr. Israel Barken is a retired urologist who founded the
Prostate Cancer Research and Education Foundation. He
is a strong proponent of the utilization of various noninvasive techniques in the cure of prostate cancer. He also
hosts a weekly radio show in which callers from
throughout the country call in to ask their prostate
Suzanne Somers wrote the book Knockout, in which she
interviews courageous physicians who have challenged
conventional treatments for cancer. I would strongly
recommend this book whether or not you have cancer.

Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra both have inspired me.

Anything you read from these men will only help you in
every aspect of your life.
Mike Anderson the author of Healing Cancer From
Inside Out. After reading the book or watching the
companion DVD, you will never think the same way
about your health or your health practitioners.
Lastly and most importantly: my wife of 43 years Shelly.
It is difficult to change every aspect of your life at age
sixty, and virtually impossible if your spouse is not on
board. Shelly not only has changed her diet to that of
mine, but also supplies me with an abundance of healthful
soups. She also scrutinizes what I eat outside the home.
For all of this and countless more, I am forever in her
Closing thoughts
I guess it is safe to say that our personal perspectives are
shaped by a lifetime of experiences. Perhaps, if I did not
almost die three times as a result of medical procedures, I
might have reached a different decision on how to treat
myself. I believe there is something to be said for the
obvious physical and psychological benefits of a
procedure that goes right. I also believe that we must be
aware of the chances for medical mistakes, the negative

byproducts, as well as the long-term consequences. In the

end, everyone has to make the decision that is right for
them. I only ask that you are knowledgeable regarding all
aspects of the issue.
As for myself, I am extremely happy with my decision. I
continue to monitor the situation. If for some unforeseen
reason my situation changes, I will gladly choose a
conventional treatment. Yoga teachers emphasize that it is
so important to be in the present. I feel better than I did
twenty years ago, and hope to continue to do so. Since the
start of my new life, my PSA went from 4.7 to 2.1, my
PCA3 went from 65.7 to 15.4 and more recently under
9(35 and above shows a strong indication of cancer), my
weight went from 227 to 180 and my cholesterol went
from 190 to 108. Please remember preventing cancer is
easier than reversing it. Thank you for your time and I
hope there was something you read that will be beneficial.
Nelson Berman

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