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Heat Recovery and Compressed Air Systems: by Frank Moskowitz For The Compressed Air Challenge

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Heat Recovery and

Compressed Air Systems
By Frank Moskowitz for the
Compressed Air Challenge

Having a fundamental understanding of how your plants

compressed air system works and what forces influence it will
help you improve its performance. The overall efficiency of a
compressed air system can be as low as 1015%. The figure
below shows two main components of inefficiency one is
from the wasted air due to losses through leaks, artificial demand
and inappropriate uses, the other is due to heat of compression.
With some basic understanding, as much as 90% of this heat
can be recovered for use in your operation.
Its simple physics that compressing air gives off heat. The heat
energy is concentrated in the decreasing volume of air. To maintain
proper operating temperatures, the compressor must transfer
excess heat to a cooling media before the air goes out into the pipe
system. As much as 90% of that heat can be recovered for use in
your operation. If you can supplement or replace the electricity, gas
or oil needed to create hot water for washrooms, or direct warm
air into a workspace, warehouse, loading dock or entryway, the
savings can really add up. The possibilities to recover this waste
heat via hot air or hot water are good. The return on investment
for energy recovery is usually as short as one to three years. In
addition, energy recovered by means of a closed loop cooling
system (for water-cooled compressors) is advantageous to the
compressors operating conditions, reliability and service life due
to an equal temperature level and high cooling water quality to
name but a few.




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Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems WE

The Compressed Air Challenge (CAC) is pleased
to announce that the Winter 2010 session of
Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems WE
(web-edition) is coming soon. Led by our experienced
instructors, this web-based version of the popular
Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems training
uses an interactive format that enables the instructor to
diagram examples, give pop quizzes and answer students
questions in real time. Participation is limited to 25
students. Please visit
to access online registration and for more information about the training.
If you have additional questions about the new web-based training or other CAC training
opportunities, please contact the CAC at or call

The temperature level of the recovered energy

determines the possible application areas and
thereby, the value.
This diagram illustrates some of the typical
application areas for energy recovery available
from the compressors cooling water in
different temperature ranges. In the highest
temperature levels (from oil-free compressors)
the degree of recovery is the greatest. The
highest degree of efficiency is generally
obtained from water-cooled installations, where
the compressor discharge cooling water can
be connected directly to a continuous-process
heating requirement. For example, the heating
boilers return circuit. Surplus energy can then
be effectively utilized all year round. Most new
compressors from the major suppliers can
be adapted to be supplemented with standard
equipment for recovery.
Compressors are better at producing heat
then compressed air, says Tom Taranto
of Data Power Services.

Air-to-air and air-to-oil Coolers for
Air Compressor Applications

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H eat R eco v er y and C ompressed A ir S y stems

ducted outside the building. The vent can also be thermostatically
regulated to provide a constant temperature for a heated area.
Hot air can be used for space heating, industrial drying, preheating
aspirated air for oil burners or any other application requiring
warm air.

Heat Recovery with Air-Cooled Lubricant Injected Rotary

Screw Compressors
Air-cooled, packaged, rotary screw compressors are very amenable
to heat recovery for space heating or other hot air uses. Ambient
atmospheric air is heated by passing it across the systems aftercooler
and lubricant cooler, where it extracts heat from both the compressed
air and the lubricant that is used to lubricate and cool the compressor.
This is relatively low-temperature heat (under 100 F) and is therefore
pretty limited in its application.
As a rule, approximately 50,000 British thermal units (BTU) per hour
of energy are available for each 100 cfm of capacity (at full load). This
value is based on 80% recoverable heat from the compressor and a
conversion factor of 2,545 BTU/bhp-hr. Air temperatures of 3040 F
above the cooling air inlet temperature can be obtained. Recovery
efficiencies of 8090% are common. Caution should be applied if the
supply air for the compressor is not from outside and the recovered
heat is used in another space, because this can cause a decrease in
the static pressure in the cabinet or room and reduce the efficiency
of the compressor. A decrease in static pressure or negative pressure
has the same effect as throttling the inlet of the compressor, which
changes the compression ratio, thus reducing efficiency. If outside
air is used, some return air may be required to avoid damaging the
compressor with below freezing air.
Because packaged compressors are typically enclosed in cabinets and
already include heat exchangers and fans, the only system modifications
needed are the addition of ducting and possibly another fan to handle
the duct loading and to eliminate any back pressure on the compressor
cooling fan. These heat recovery systems can be modulated with a
simple, thermostatically controlled hinged vent. When heating is not
required such as in the summer months the hot air can be


Energy recovery from air-cooled compressor installations will not always

give heat when it is required and perhaps not in sufficient quantities.
The quantity of recovered energy will vary if the compressor has a
variable load. In order for recovery to be possible, a corresponding
energy requirement is needed, which is normally met through an
ordinary system supply. Recovered energy is best utilized as additional
energy to the ordinary system, so that the available energy is always
utilized when the compressor is running.

Heat Recovery with Water-Cooled Lubricant Injected

Heat recovery for space heating is not as common with water-cooled
compressors because an extra stage of heat exchange is required and
the temperature of the available heat is lower. Because many watercooled compressors are quite large, however, heat recovery for space
heating can be an attractive opportunity. Recovery efficiencies of
5060% are typical. With water-cooled, lubricant-injected rotary screw
compressors using a heat exchanger, it is possible to extract waste
heat from the lubricant coolers and produce hot water. (Because of
the possibility of a tube failure, a double-wall lubricant cooler is often
recommend.) Depending on design, heat exchangers can heat nonpotable (gray) or potable water. When hot water is not required,
the lubricant is routed to the standard lubricant cooler.
Hot water can be used in central heating or boiler systems, industrial
cleaning processes, plating operations, heat pumps, laundries or any
other application where hot water is required. Heat exchangers also
offer an opportunity to produce hot air and hot water, and enable
the operator some ability to vary the hot air/hot water ratio.
The key to the value of heat recovery is that there must be a thermal
match between the heat recoverable and needed, and an hourly match
between when its produced and needed. The installation cost must
also be considered. Just because there is heat available does not mean
that it is economical to recover it. Often on small units, it just doesnt
pay to spend a lot of money on heat recovery systems there just
arent enough BTUs there. Also, a heat bypass system should still be
installed for times when the air compressor is running and the heat
is not needed.


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Heat Recovery with Engine-Driven Compressors

Engine-driven compressors have the same kind and
volumes of low-grade heat available off the air end, but
there is also a higher-temperature option off the engine.
Depending on the size of the engine, it is even possible
to generate low-pressure steam off the exhaust. Engine
jacket water is available at 180220 F. A general rule
of thumb is that 30% of the gas input energy is available
as high-temperature heat. If the application temperature
is low enough, up to 90% of the input energy could be

Heat Recovery with Water-Cooled Oil-Free Compressors

Oil-free rotary screw compressors offer a much better opportunity for heat
recovery. As is typical with all compressors, the input electrical energy is
converted into heat. Discharge temperatures from the low- and high-pressure
elements can be over 300 F. This heat appears at the low-pressure and highpressure compression elements, the oil cooler, the intercooler and the aftercooler.
Some manufacturers offer built-in energy recovery systems, which circulate cooling
water through all four of these components and, as a result of the heat transfer,
can yield hot water at up to 194 F.

A typical engine-driven air compressor requires about

11,000 BTUs/horsepower input. Therefore, a 200 hp unit
would require about 2.2 million BTUs input and the heat
recovery potential would be at least 660,000 BTUs. That
is comparable to a small boiler, running the same hours
as the air compressor. Larger industrial-grade engines
(greater than 250 hp) can have gas inputs as low as
7,500 BTUs/hp.

CAC Qualified Instructor Profile

Frank Moskowitz
Draw Professional Services
4108 East Molly Lane
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Office: 480 563-0107
Fax: 480 626-1172
Cell: 602 809-4195

Mr. Frank Moskowitz has an extensive background, with more than 30 years of
experience in plant engineering. He has a degree in mechanical engineering and
education, including the refrigeration, electrical and plumbing trades. For the past
20 years, Frank has been an associate of Draw Professional Services, primarily in
the auditing, consulting, training and system design fields. His specialty consists of
compressed air systems (oil-flooded and oil-free), vacuum systems, contaminate
removal, system design and energy management. Frank is a Compressed Air Challenge
instructor for the Fundamentals and Advanced levels of training, an AIRMaster+
instructor and a Department of Energy (energy-savings) expert on compressed air
systems. Frank is also vice-chair for ASME Standard EA-4-2010 Energy Assessment
for Compressed Air Systems and is a member of International Standards Organization
(ISO) technical committee for air compressors and compressed air systems energy
management TC118/SC6/WG4.

The instructors featured here are available to lead a Compressed Air Challenge seminar at your facility. Visit for more information.


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H eat R eco v er y and C ompressed A ir S y stems

Calculating Energy Savings


When calculating energy savings and payback periods for heat recovery units,
it is important to compare heat recovery with the current source of energy for
generating thermal energy, which may be a low-price fossil fuel, such as natural
gas. The equations in the text box below illustrate the annual energy and costs
savings available by recovering heat for space heating from an air-cooled, rotary
screw compressor. Applications where the existing heater is less than 85%
efficient will see proportionally higher savings.

Your compressed air system represents an

excellent source for heat recovery and could
improve the efficiency of the system overall.
Improving the performance of your compressed
air system reduces your plant-wide energy costs.
It can reduce downtime, increase your production
throughput, lower your scrap rate, improve
product quality and create longer equipment life.

These equations appear in the CAC Best Practices for Compressed Air
Systems. (This 325-page manual is available at the CAC bookstore)

Annual Energy Savings (BTU/yr)=

0.80 x Compressor bhp x 2,545 BTU/bhp-hour x hours of operation
Example: A 100 hp compressor running two shifts, 5 days per week
(0.80) x (100 bhp) x (2,545 BTU/bhp-hour) x (4,160 hours per year) =
846,976,000 BTU per year
0.80 is the recoverable heat as a percentage of the units output
2,545 is a conversion factor
Cost Savings ($/yr) =
([Energy Savings in Btu/yr]/[Btu/unit fuel] x [$/unit fuel])/Primary Heater Eff
Example: Waste heat will be displacing heat produced by a natural gas
forced-air system with an efficiency of 85%
([846,976,000 BTU per year]/[100,000 BTU/therm] x [$0.40/therm])/0.85 =
$3,986 per year
* Cost of operating an additional fan for duct loading has not been included.

Source: Compressed Air Challenge


You can find much more information on

improving plant compressed air system
performance and regaining the lost energy
This web site provides details on the Compressed
Air Challenge, a voluntary collaboration of
industrial compressed air users, compressed air
equipment manufacturers, distributors and their
associations, compressed air consultants, state
research and development agencies, organizations
for efficient energy use and power utilities.
This group has one purpose in mind helping
you obtain and enjoy the benefits of improved
performance of your compressed air system.

Frank Moskowitz
Draw Professional Services
Source of Information:
Compressed Air Challenge
Atlas Copco Compressors
Draw Professional Services

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