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The Homeopathic Treatment of Ear Infections

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The Homeopathic Treatment

of Ear Infections

Otitis Media

Otitis Media
Otitis media is the most frequent diagnosis
made by pediatricians. The total cost per year
runs into the billions of dollars to society.

Otitis Media

Otitis Media Gut Flora

One course of antibiotics given prior to the
age of four results in a 3.5 fold increase to risk
of Crohns disease. One course of antibiotics
taken before the age of six months results in
a 52% increased risk of asthma by age six

Otitis Media Risk Factors

Age 3 months 3 years (peak 3-18 months)

Native American, Inuit
History of seasonal allergies
Adenoidal hyperplasia
Chronic serous otitis media
Gastro-esophageal reflux
Cystic fibrosis
Autumn, winter
Daycare exposure
Bottle feeding
Pacifier use
Household smoking
Air pollution
Allergens food and dietary

Otitis Media - Complications

Tympanic membrane rupture.
Chronic suppurative otitis media.
Intracranial abscess.

Otitis Media
Otitis media has increased rapidly both in
numbers of children affected and in resistance
to antibiotics. Many allopaths understand that
medical intervention has caused this problem.

Otitis Media
Studies have shown that antibiotics do little to
influence the outcome of otitis media either in
length of illness or in long-term complications
such as hearing loss or speech problems.

Otitis Media
A conflict between homeopaths and allopaths is
the strong injunction regarding the treatment of
ruptured tympanic membranes. This is
prompted by fear of long-term consequences
from repeated rupture and scarring of the drum.

Otitis Media
However, spontaneous ruptures almost always
heal spontaneously, following the natural seams
in the tympanic membrane and are rarely
associated with any kind of long-term sequelae.

Otitis Media
The result of the strong injunction against leaving an ear
discharge untreated has many homeopathic consequences.
One important consequence is that much of our repertory
information regarding ear infections has become nearly
useless - that is, our entire section concerning ear discharges
and their quality and character. Furthermore, the suppression
of these discharges often sets the stage for chronic serous
otitis ("glue" ear). Another consequence is on the patient
himself - often resulting in suppression to other deeper
conditions on either the physical or emotional levels. We must
certainly pay attention to the rubric, "Ear, Discharge,
Suppression, of." This rubric applies to virtually every patient
who has been treated with frequent or long-term antibiotics
for otitis media.

Otitis Media
Homeopathic treatment for acute otitis media is
often rapid and gentle. The correct remedy can
provide relief to a child within a few minutes to
one hour and sometimes in only a few seconds.


Otitis Media

Otitis Media

Otitis Media
Though rare, one should watch for extension of
otitis media into meningitis. Rising fever, any
sign of debility or toxicity and neck or head pain
are indications for immediate reexamination.

Otitis Media
We generally choose an acute remedy based
upon the local symptoms of the ear and the
acute symptoms of fever, thirst, mentals, etc.

Otitis Media
During the acute crisis we are often confronted
by a very distressed and even shrieking child.

Otitis Media
Warmed mullein or garlic oil drops in the ear
often relieves the pain. Dont use the oil in
children with tympanostomy tubes or ruptured
tympanic membranes. Instill two to three drops
using a cotton ball to hold the liquid in place.

Verbascum for Otitis

Howard P. Bellows, M.D. , of Boston, Mass., read a paper on
Verbascum Thapsus before the last Institute, an abstract of which is
given in the New England Medical Gazette, in which he concludes,
from provings and from chemical tests, that "Mullein oil," or
Verbascum, has a very limited field of usefulness. Of the proving he
says: "I felt conscious of the left ear to an unwonted degree, an
inclination to move it frequently on account of the slight uneasiness
and sense of fullness. The hearing-distance remained normal, and no
decided pains of any sort were felt." In practice, he tried it in chronic
catarrh of the middle ear, acute suppuration, inflammation of the
middle ear, otorrhoea, chronic dry catarrh of the tympanum - in all
which he met with indifferent success, or none at all. The remedy
would sometimes give prompt relief, but effects were not
permanent, and other remedies would have to be resorted to.

Verbascum for Otitis

The only case reported where it worked well is the following:
"Mrs. - - , age 38. For several months this patient had complained
of a feeling of fullness and pressure in the ears, with few other
symptoms. No especial direction of pressure was discriminated.
The hearing was acute on both sides, the tympanic membranes
normal in appearance, and only very slightly depressed in
position, if at all. There was no tinnitus or pain of any sort, and no
dizziness. The throat was catarrhal, but the Eustachian tubes were
not obstructed The third decimal attenuation, one disk four
times a day, removed these feelings of discomfort in less than a
week. In conclusion the doctor says the remedy "is not harmful,"
and "seems capable of affording marked relief in cases of simple
neuralgic otalgia, and in slight attacks of catarrhal inflammation."

Otitis Media
Chronic middle ear infections ("catarrh" in our
repertories) are also easily treated with
homeopathy. The evaluation of the remedy's
action should be based on the general condition
of the child rather than upon the ear symptoms.

Otitis Media
With recurring or chronic otitis cases in young
children make certain that the parents know not
to allow the child to bottle feed while lying
down. This practice can turn the eustachian
tubes into an almost perfect culture medium.

Otitis Media
Removing dairy from the diet can greatly assist
some children. Frequently goat milk is much
better tolerated than cow milk or cow cheese.

Otitis Media
Rotation or elimination diets can also be
extremely helpful, especially in refractory cases.
As a first step ask the parent to eliminate dairy,
wheat, corn, citrus fruits, soy and peanut butter.

Otitis Media
Tympanostomy tubes have not been found to
interfere with good homeopathic treatment.

Otitis Media
Most of the important rubrics are listed under
the heading, "Ear, Pain." Also of great
importance are the rubrics for ear discharges,
although these rubrics are often less valuable
in cultures which over-prescribe antibiotics.

Otitis Media
Other important rubrics
Ear, Abscess in meatus.
Ear, Adhesions, Middle ear, in.
Ear, Boring fingers in, ameliorates.
Ear, Boring fingers in, child.
Ear, Caries, Threatened.
Ear, Caries, Threatened, Mastoiditis.
Ear, Catarrh, Eustachian tube.
Ear, Coldness, Meatus, in.

Otitis Media
Ear, Discharges (many subrubrics).
Ear, Hearing, Impaired, Catarrh, Eustachian tube,
Ear, Inflammation, media.
Ear, Inflammation, Media, Suppurative, acute.
Ear, Inflammation, Media, Suppurative, chronic.
Ear, Perforation of tympanum. Ear, Pulsation.
Ear, Stopped sensation (many subrubrics).
Ear, Suppuration, middle ear.
Ear, Wind, Sensitive to.
Hearing, Impaired, Catarrh, Eustachian tube, of.

Aphorism 88
If nothing has been mentioned in these
voluntary statements about several parts or
functions of the body, or about the patient's
emotional mood, the physician should then ask
what is still to be recalled with respect to these
parts and functions and the mental and
emotional state. The physician should do this in
general expressions only, so that the
commentator is obliged to respond with

Otitis Media Symptoms

Main Homeopathic Remedies

Main remedies
Chronic Otitis: Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Silica,
Calcarea Carbonica,Lycopodium, Medorrhinum,
Sulphur, Tuberculinum.
Acute Otitis: Chamomilla, Belladonna, Ferrum
Phosphoricum, Hepar, Mercurius, Pulsatilla.
Right Otitis: Mercurius, Mercurius Iodatus
Flavus, Belladonna,Lycopodium, Nitric Acid.
Left Otitis: Mercurius Iodatus Ruber, Sulphur,
Lachesis, Medorrhinum,Kali Bichromicum.

Main Otitis Remedies


Sudden onset of pulsing, unbearable ear pain.
Ear: Terrible, throbbing pains, especially on the right side.
Worse: 3 PM. Child at night after midnight screaming with pain.
Drafts. Noise. Lying down. Jarring.
Better: Warm wraps.
Tympanic membrane bright red, injected and bulging.
External ear often red.
General: Associated with very high fever, red face and glassy,
glistening eyes, dilated pupils.
Hot, flushed face but cold hands and feet.
Thirstless. Craves lemonade.
Disposition: Excited, twitchy or even delirious with fever.


Acute otitis (or chronic), especially in infants and toddlers.
Ear: Exquisitely painful otitis. Very sensitive to pain.
Worse: Touching the ear. Hates to be examined or touched.
9 to 10 PM. Night. 9 to 10 AM.
Cold air. Wind. Stooping.
Better: Being carried. Warm wrapping. Motion.
Local: One cheek red and hot and the other pale and cold.
Inclined to arch backwards.
Disposition: The child is screaming, unbearably irritable and
demanding, must be carried.

Hepar sulphur

Hepar sulphur
Acute otitis or acute flares of painful otitis in long- smoldering cases.
Ear: Catarrh of ear leading to hearing loss. Mastoiditis.
Splinter sensation inside the ear. Often associated with sore throats.
The physician is awakened by a frantic parent and in the background a
shrieking child is heard throughout the phone call.
Worse: Late at night. Cold or open air. Wind. Drafts.
Especially sensitive to dry, cold weather. Touch. Lying on painful side.
Better: Warmth. Wrapping the ear.
General: Must be well covered; especially the ear must be covered.
Sometimes uncovering even one hand or foot aggravates the ear.
Disposition: Very sensitive to pain; screams with the pain. Hates to be
examined or touched.

Lycopodium clavatum

Lycopodium clavatum
Otitis media and chronic "glue ear."
Ear: Right-sided infection. Begins right and goes to left
Worse: 4 to 8 PM. Cold or open air. Wind. Swallowing.
Warm applications, even to the throat or body.
General: Desires open air but it may aggravate locally.
Craves: Sweets. Warm drinks - cold drinks aggravate.
Disposition: Anxious. Desires company nearby.

Mercurius solubilis

Mercurius solubilis
Acute and recurrent otitis media with marked suppuration.
Clear rhinitis ("cold") followed by thick discharge, then earache.
Ear: More often affecting the right ear. Pain, discharge, hearing
Yellow-green offensive discharge from ear with difficulty hearing.
Inflammation of external ear canal.
Worse: Night. Damp weather. Heat of the bed. Swallowing.
Better: Cold application.
Local: Sore throat with acute otitis.
Tongue with dirty coating and tooth imprints.
General: Patient is sweaty, has excess saliva and a "sick" odor
(especially the breath).
Often with serious conditions: Sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Pulsatilla pratensis

Pulsatilla pratensis
A frequent remedy in both acute and chronic otitis.
Begins with a "cold" that develops into otitis media.
Ear: Painful fullness or bursting sensation, especially in the left ear
(however, also the right ear can be affected).
Ear stopped with pulsing sensation or even pulsing, rushing noises.
Pain can extend to face and teeth.
Worse: Heat. Night. Upon blowing the nose.
Better: Open or cool air. Motion, gentle walking.
General: Usually warm and better open air.
Fever, thirstlessness, changeable condition; now playing, now sick.
Discharges are thick, bland, copious, green or yellow.
Disposition: Weepy and needs affection and caresses and wants to be
carried slowly and tenderly.

Silica marina

Silica marina
Main remedy for chronic serous otitis ("catarrh") often leading to hearing
loss and chronic pain.
Ear: Drain and rupture. Pain relieved from rupture of drum.
Stopped ears, often with popping, crackling noise in ear, better from yawning
or swallowing.
First remedy in chronic hearing loss from serous otitis.
Discomfort makes the child bore in the ears, even in his sleep.
Cheesy-smelling ear discharge. Thick, purulent discharge.
Considered a remedy for mastoiditis.
Worse: Night. Change of weather. Cold. Uncovering the ear. Motion.
Drafts. Wind. Change of position. Loud noises. Blowing the nose.
Better: External heat. Covering the ears.
General: Chilly and craves warm wraps.
Seems to catch every cold and flu.
Disposition: Slender, fragile-looking, quiet children who lack stamina.


Level Otitis Remedies

Aconitum napellus

Aconitum napellus
Sudden onset of otitis after chill or exposure to
cold wind.
Ear: Exquisite pain, especially the left ear.
Local: One cheek red and one pale (Cham).
Pupils constricted.
General: High fever, flushed face, great thirst.
Disposition: May be anxious or even terrified,
restless, frantic.

Arum tryphyllum

Arum tryphyllum
Excoriating watery discharges. Cracks at the
mucocutaneous junctions lips, corners of lips,
wings of nose. Hoarseness is a quite common.

Baryta carbonica

Baryta carbonica
Frequent infections including otitis media.
Ear: Pain often on the right side or beginning
right and going to left.
Worse: Blowing the nose. Lying on painful side.
Marked enlargement of the tonsils; "kissing"
tonsils causing mouth breathing.
Disposition: Quiet, timid, innocent, passive.
Slow development.

Calcarea carbonica

Calcarea carbonica
Every cold leads to ear infection.
Ear: Chronic serous otitis with severe hearing loss.
Worse: Cold weather or changes of weather.
Blowing the nose. Sneezing. Swallowing.
General: Children are not as cold as adult Calcarea,
often warm-blooded.
Large head. Sweats on head at night.
Craves: Eggs. Sweets.
Disposition: Stubborn, methodical, solid but insecure
away from home.

Calcarea sulphurica

Calcarea sulphurica
Chronically draining ear, mainly right ear.
Thick and yellowish discharge which shows no
tendency to heal.

Capsicum annuum

Capsicum annuum
Many patients requiring Capsicum end up
getting Belladonna or Calcarea carbonica.
Mastoiditis which develops rapidly from
an aggressive case of otitis media.


Ear infection coming on after cold, wet weather.

Ferrum phosphoricum

Ferrum phosphoricum
Acute otitis media, sudden onset with
severe pain and high fever.
Ear: Right-sided otitis media.
Worse: Night.
Better: Open air. Cold applications.
General: Acute crisis clearly requiring
treatment but few confirmatories.


Chronic otitis and external otitis, often together.
Ear: Left-sided otitis nearly always draining.
Chronic discharge from the ear, often thick, gluey and
Hearing problems. Hearing better in a noisy
General: Chronic complaints after suppressed ear
Disposition: Stocky, thick-skinned, phlegmatic, heavy,
slow, chilly.

Kalium bichromicum

Kalium bichromicum
Nasal obstruction (as in Kali Sulphuricum) with
thick, stringy, yellow or yellow green mucus.
Left-sided otitis media and chronic serous otitis.

Kalium muriaticum

Kalium muriaticum
Chronic glue ear. Ear: Crackling and popping in
the ears on swallowing or movement of jaw.

Kalium sulphuricum

Kalium sulphuricum
Deep catarrhal conditions with sinusitis, bronchitis
and otitis or "glue ear."
Ear: Hearing loss from chronic serous otitis.
Catarrh with chronic yellow discharge.
General: Uncomfortable and irritated in a warm room,
though the local symptoms of obstruction and mucus
may improve.
Mouth breathing and snoring.
Disposition: Irritable yet timid with those outside the

Lachesis muta

Lachesis muta
Acute and chronic otitis, often associated with sore throat.
Ear: Severe left-sided otitis media, excruciating pains and
Especially at night requiring the physician to be wakened.
Pain throbbing with the pulse.
Left-sided discharge, sometimes a dark, bloody discharge.
Also a remedy in very aggressive, painful cases of external otitis.
Worse: Night. Heat. Swallowing. Touch. Lying on left side.
Better: Boring with finger. Cold or open air. Sitting-up.
Disposition: Intense, jealous, loquacious.

Manganum aceticum

Manganum aceticum
Recurring infections and pains in the ear.
Ear: Especially stitching pains in the ears.
Every stress or infection ends up in the ear.
Progressive hearing loss.
Worse: Change of weather. Walking, especially in open
air. Laughing. Talking. Blowing the nose.
Better: Lying down.
General: Pains extend to the ear from distant
Disposition: Desire to be helpful.


Chronic sinusitis and rhinitis with frequent colds and ear
Ear: Left-sided otitis media.
Chronic glue ear and hearing loss.
General: Children who have health problems from birth.
All of the catarrhal symptoms recede at the seaside.
Craves: Sour. Ice cubes. Fat. Oranges and orange juice.
Sleeps abdomen or in the knee-chest position.
Disposition: Excitable. Restless and even hyperactive
Wants to stay up late.

Mercurius idodatus (ruber & flavus)

Similar to Mercurius solubulis except ruber
is used in cases which are more left sided and
flavus is used in cases which are right sided.


Ear problems after suppressed head or scalp eruptions.
Ear: Pain, cold sensation and blocked sensation.
Coldness inside the ear canal.
Ear feels too open, as if air blew inside.
Thick tympanic membrane and deafness from
suppressed eruption.
Worse: Cold. Cold winds or drafts.
Better: Boring with finger.
General: Chilly and worse drafts.
Craves: Fat. Ham fat. Bacon.

Nitricum acidum

Nitricum acidum
Chronic pain and inflammation in the right ear.
Ear pains extending upward from the throat on
Ear: Severe pain; stitching pains.
Ears cracking when patient chews.
Thin, offensive, acrid discharges.
Threatened mastoiditis.
Worse: Night. Cold. Swallowing.
Better: Warm applications.
Disposition: Irritable and demanding.


Itching and catarrh deep in the eustachian
Ear: Chronic and purulent discharge from ear.
Progressive hearing loss from serous otitis.
Stitching pains in ears when swallowing.
General: Chilly. Worse all winter long.
Marked loathing for fats.
Local: Cracks on the fingers, especially the tips.


Chronic otitis or even chronic drainage from the ear.
Ear: Pain and offensive discharge mainly from left ear.
Chronic, often offensive discharge from the ears.
Discharge with headache or chronic diarrhea.
Worse: Change of weather. Cold weather. Drafts. Swallowing.
Better: Heat and warm clothing. Motion.
Local: Hay fever leading to catarrh of the eustachian tubes.
Dry coryza with stoppage of nose or post-nasal drainage.
General: Marked chilliness.
Profuse sweating which may be offensive.
Ear troubles from suppressed eczema or associated with
eczema. Well-selected remedies fail to act.
Disposition: Poor stamina and resistance.


Chronic otitis, often associated with secondary infections after
Ear: Left-sided or bilateral otitis media. Painful, stopped ears.
Serous otitis after antibiotics, often with significant hearing loss.
Worse: Night in bed. Loud noises. Eating. Blowing the nose.
Ears are often bright red.
General: Warm and sweaty. Worse from heat.
Sleeps with feet out of covers.
Craves: Sweets. Ice cream. Cold drinks.
Averse: Eggs.
Local: Bright red lips.
Disposition: Stubborn, must be the center of attention,

Tarentula hispanica

Tarentula hispanica

Tarentula hispanica

Tarentula hispanica
The child is frequently clingy with their acute.
Otorrhea which is thin to thick brown. Very
painful earache. Epistaxis and boring in the nose.
Should be compared with Pulsatilla.

Tellurium metallicum

Tellurium metallicum
Markedly inflamed ear, often the external ear.
Ear: Chronic, excoriating discharge of the ear
with fishy odor.
Pinna dark or even bluish with peeling and
Injuries to the tympanic membrane.
Excoriation, crusts and inflammation of the
entire area below the ear.

Viola odorata

Viola odorata
Chronic otorrhea since birth.
Cough only during the day while ameliorate at
nighttime. Should be compared with Silica.

Otitis Remedy Comparisons

Otitis Remedy Comparisons

Otitis Remedy Comparisons

Otitis Remedy Comparisons

Otitis Remedy Comparisons

Otitis Remedy Comparisons

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