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Speech and Language Impairments Fact Sheet

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Speech & Language

✧ Definit
efinit ion ✧
inition (including speech, language, and
hearing disorders) affect one of every
Speech and language disorders refer 10 people in the United States.
Disability Fact Sheet—No.11

to problems in communication and

related areas such as oral motor
✧ Char acterist
Characterist ics ✧
function. These delays and disorders
range from simple sound substitu- A child’s communication is
tions to the inability to understand or considered delayed when the child is
use language or use the oral-motor noticeably behind his or her peers in
mechanism for functional speech and the acquisition of speech and/or
feeding. Some causes of speech and language skills. Sometimes a child will
language disorders include hearing have greater receptive (understand-
loss, neurological disorders, brain ing) than expressive (speaking)
injury, mental retardation, drug language skills, but this is not always
abuse, physical impairments such as the case.
cleft lip or palate, and vocal abuse or
misuse. Frequently, however, the
cause is unknown.

✧ Incidence ✧
is the
More than one million of the National Dissemination Center
students served in the public schools’ for Children with Disabilities.
special education programs in the
2000-2001 school year were categorized
as having a speech or language P.O. Box 1492

impairment. This estimate does not Washington, DC 20013

include children who have speech/ 1.800.695.0285 (Voice / TTY)
202.884.8200 (Voice / TTY)
language problems secondary to other
conditions such as deafness. Language
disorders may be related to other
disabilities such as mental retardation,
autism, or cerebral palsy. It is estimated
that communication disorders

Disabi lit
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Disabilit act S
Fact heet, N
Sheet, o. 11
January 2004
Speech disorders refer to difficulties producing speech
sounds or problems with voice quality. They might be
characterized by an interruption in the flow or rhythm of
speech, such as stuttering, which is called dysfluency.
Speech disorders may be problems with the way sounds are
formed, called articulation or phonological disorders, or
they may be difficulties with the pitch, volume, or
quality of the voice. There may be a combination of
several problems. People with speech disorders have
trouble using some speech sounds, which can also be
a symptom of a delay. They may say “see” when they
mean “ski” or they may have trouble using other
sounds like “l” or “r.” Listeners may have trouble
understanding what someone with a speech disorder is
trying to say. People with voice disorders may have
trouble with the way their voices sound.

A language disorder is an impairment in the ability to

understand and/or use words in context, both verbally and
nonverbally. Some characteristics of language disorders
include improper use of words and their meanings, inabil-
ity to express ideas, inappropriate grammatical patterns,
reduced vocabulary, and inability to follow directions. One
or a combination of these characteristics may occur in
children who are affected by language learning disabilities
or developmental language delay. Children may hear or see
a word but not be able to understand its meaning. They
Don’t Be Shy! may have trouble getting others to understand what they
are trying to communicate.
All of our publications and
resource lists are online—
help yourself! Visit us at: ✧ Educat ional IImplicat
ducational mplications ✧
Because all communication disorders
If you’d like personalized carry the potential to isolate individuals
assistance, email or call
from their social and educational
surroundings, it is essential to find
appropriate timely intervention. While
1.800.695.0285 many speech and language patterns can
be called “baby talk” and are part of a
young child’s normal development, they

NICHCY: 1.800.695.0285 2 Fact Sheet on Speech/Language Disorders (FS11)

can become problems if they are not outgrown as Ot her H
Other elpf
Helpf ul
expected. In this way an initial delay in speech and Things to Know
language or an initial speech pattern can become a
disorder that can cause difficulties in learning. Because of These NICHCY
the way the brain develops, it is easier to learn language publications talk about
topics important to
and communication skills before the age of 5. When parents of a child with a
children have muscular disorders, hearing problems, or disability.
developmental delays, their acquisition of speech, Parenting a Child
language, and related skills is often affected. with Special Needs

Speech-language pathologists assist children who have Your Child’s

communication disorders in various ways. They provide
individual therapy for the child; consult with the child’s Parent to Parent Support

teacher about the most effective ways to facilitate the Questions Often Asked
by Parents About Special
child’s communication in the class setting; and work
Education Services
closely with the family to develop goals and techniques for
Developing Your Child’s
effective therapy in class and at home. The speech-
language pathologist may assist vocational teachers and
All are available in
counselors in establishing communication goals related to
English and in Spanish—
the work experiences of students and suggest strategies that on our Web site or by
are effective for the important transition from school to contacting us.
employment and adult life.

Technology can help children whose physical

conditions make communication difficult.
The use of electronic communication
Because of the way
systems allow nonspeaking people and
people with severe physical disabilities the brain develops, it is
to engage in the give and take of shared easier to learn language
and communication skills
Vocabulary and concept growth
continues during the years children are before the age of 5.
in school. Reading and writing are taught
and, as students get older, the understanding
and use of language becomes more complex.
Communication skills are at the heart of the
education experience. Speech and/or language therapy
may continue throughout a student’s school years either in
the form of direct therapy or on a consultant basis.

NICHCY: 1.800.695.0285 3 Fact Sheet on Speech/Language Disorders (FS11)

✧ Resources ✧
Cleft Palate Foundation
104 South Estes Drive, Suite 204
Brice, A. (2001). Children with communication disorders (ERIC Digest
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
#E617). Arlington, VA: ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted
919.933.9044; 800.242.5338
Education. (Available online at:
Charkins, H. (1996). Children with facial differences: A parents' guide.
Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. (Phone: 800.843.7323.
Web: Easter Seals—National Office
230 West Monroe Street, Suite 1800
Cleft Palate Foundation. (1997). For parents of newborn babies with Chicago, IL 60606
cleft lip/cleft palate. Chapel Hill, NC: Author. 312.726.6200; 312.726.4258 (TTY);
(Phone: 800.242.5338. Also available online at: 800.221.6827
Gruman-Trinker, C. (2001). Your cleft-affected child: The complete
book of information, resources and hope. Alameda, CA: Hunter House.
Learning Disabilities Association of America
Hamaguchi, P.M. (2001). Childhood speech, language, and listening (LDA)
problems: What every parent should know (2nd ed.). New York: John 4156 Library Road
Wiley. (Phone: 800.225.5945. Web: Pittsburgh, PA 15234-1349
✧ Organizat ions ✧

Scottish Rite Foundation

Alliance for Technology Access
Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc.
2175 E. Francisco Blvd., Suite L
1733 Sixteenth Street, N.W.
San Rafael, CA 94901
Washington, DC 20009
415.455.4575; 800.455.7970
Trace Research and Development Center
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
University of Wisconsin- Madison
10801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852
1550 Engineering Dr.
301.897.5700 (V/TTY); 800.638.8255
2107 Engineering Hall
Madison, WI 53706
608.262.6966; 608.263.5408 (TTY)
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America
123 Eisele Road, Cheswick, PA 15024

FS11, January 2004

Publication of this document is made possible through Cooperative Agreement #H326N030003

between the Academy for Educational Development and the Office of Special Education Programs of the
U.S. Department of Education. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views or policies
of the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations
imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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