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C Questions

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Latest subjective C questions asked in placement

Comment on the output of following C code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
const int x=10;
int *p;
printf("%d %d",*p, x);
return 0;

Answer: We are trying to change the value of a const variable. Such code may
lead to unknown behaviour in program depending on compiler used. In Dev C++ code compiles with
warning and produces output 20 20. Thus value of a constant is being changed through pointers. Such
error can be prevented if we make use of pointer to constant to store the address of x instead of a
simple integer pointer. If we use int const *p=&x; then *p=20 will produce a compilation error.

Question: What is output of following code snippets

printf("a%d%d%d"+2,1,2); //Q
Answer & Explanation

P : tandon
+1 removes 1 char from format specifier string.
Q: d12


Question: Explain #ifndef. Is there any alternative to it?

Answer: #ifndef is used to execute a piece of c code if particular macro is not defined.
#ifndef RSA
<code written here will execute only if we have defined constant RSA as #define RSA {some value}>
We can also use

Question: What is the use of # in macro functions?

Answer: It is used to return the string equivalent of the passed parameter. Consider the following
example:#define debug(exp) printf(#exp " =%f",exp);
Now debug(x/y); will convert to printf("x/y" " =%f",x/y);

Question: Explain use of ## in macros.
let's say you have

#define dumb_macro(a,b) a ## b
Now if you call the above macro as dumb_macro(hello, world)
It would result in
which is not a string, but a symbol(token) and you'll probably end up with an undefined symbol error
'helloworld' doesn't exist unless you define it first. To make this legal you first need to declare the
symbol like this.
int helloworld;
dumb_macro(hello, world) = 3;
printf ("helloworld = %d\n", helloworld); // <-- would print 'helloworld = 3'

Question: Find output of following code snippet in C++

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int foo1(){
cout<<"foo1 ";

return 1;
int foo2(void* a, void* b){
cout<<"foo2 ";
return 2;
int main(){
int x=~foo1()&~foo2(cout<<"a ",cout<<"b ");//foo1 b a foo2
foo1 b a foo2


Question: What value is returned by cout<<"Hello";

Answer: cout is an object to represent standard output stream. << operator associated with it returns
a reference to same standard output stream object. This allows chaining of << operators and thus
cout<<"hello"<<" world";


Question: Which library function will you use to convert a string to

equivalent integer?
Answer: int atoi(const char*)
Write a c program to implement your own version of above function?
Answer: Refer
The C Programming Language, second edition,
by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie

Question: What is fall through? How is it useful?

Answer: Flow of control to following cases after the matching case in absence of break statement after
the matching case is known as fall through.
Fall-through allows multiple labels to be associated with a single action.
Question: What is the significance of break statement after default?


Find output of following code:

#include <stdio.h>
printf ("%*d\n", 10, 20);
// P
printf ("%*d\n", 20, 10);
// Q
In P, 10 is substituted in place of * and it indicates putting the value 20 in 10 columns.




Question: What is difference between a character stored in a char variable eg. char ch='x' and a
simple character constant x?
Look at the following code
char b = 'c';
printf("size of char constant %d\n", (int)sizeof('a'));
printf("size of char variable %d",(int)sizeof(b));
size of char constant 4
size of char constant 1

Question: What is the significance of value returned by main in C?

Answer: It tells the environment about the status of program execution. 0 signifies normal termination
and non-zero value tells some error in execution. The value returned can be displayed using echo
%errorlevel% in Windows and echo $? in UNIX.
Question: In JAVA main function doesn't return any value so how can you tell the environment
about the status of program execution?


Question: getchar() is a library function to input a character from console. What data type you
should use to store the value returned by this function?
Answer: int !!!


Question: If we have given a pre-processor directive in a c program as "#define <name>

<replacement-text>", every occurrence of <name> in program will be replaced by the
corresponding <replacement-text>
Answer: False


Question: What is the output for following code snippet?

float d=22.44;

Answer: %X.Yf prints a float value right justified in X columns up to 1 digit after decimal. Minus can be
used in format specifier to make the text left justified. Thus the code tells to print 22.44 as 22.4 left
justified in a column whose width is eight.

Question: What are the input and output functions defined in C language?
Answer: There is no input or output function defined in c language. printf & scanf are parts of
standard input output library that is normally accessible to a c program. The behaviour of standard
input output functions are defined in ANSI standard and its properties should be same in any compiler
that follows the standards.

Question: Find the output of following snippet

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int c,f=100;
c=5/9*(f-32); //A


Posted by Abhas Tandon at 10:25 PM No comments:
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Thursday, October 3, 2013

10 C Interview Questions and Answers

In this post you can find 10 Latest c interview questions and answers. These are some of the best c
language questions asked to freshers in technical interviews. I have tried to provide answers with full
explanation. If you are looking for simple c questions then you can have look at my previous posts. You
may ask all your doubts by commenting in the post. I'll try my best to answer your questions at

C Placement questions answers for beginners

Question 53. Compare arrays and pointers {Give both similarities and difference}.
Answer: Array is nothing but a pointer in disguise. Array name stores base address of array. Thus we
can say array points to a memory location of fixed size of a particular data type.
arr[1] is same as *(arr+1)
{In fact 1[arr] is same as arr[1] because they both are converted into *(1+arr) and *(arr+1)}
However array is not same as pointer. We may make a pointer point to an arbitrary location however an
array always points to a constant memory location.
int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
int *p=a;
=>p=&a[2]; or p++; are both correct but similar statements for array 'a' will invoke error.

C Pointer placement question answer with explanation

Question 54. Find output of C snippet given below (Assume address of variable a is 100):
int main(){
int a=5;
int *p=&a;
int x=(*p)++;// P
printf("%d %d %u ",a,x,p);
x=*p++; //Q
printf("%d %d %u",a,x,p);
6 5 100
6 6 104
P: Increments a by one and stores old value in x => x=5 a incremented to 6
Q: This will make pointer move ahead and give value at the location pointed by it previously =>x=6, a
remains 6

Advanced c programming question answer on strings

Question 55. Explain the difference between a character array and a character pointer.
int main(){
char *cp = "Hello world";//Character pointer
//will place Hello world in the read-only parts of the memory
//and making cp a pointer to that, making any writing operation on this memory illegal. While
//*(cp+1)='a'; is runtime error

char s[] = "Hello world";//array of characters

//puts the literal string in read-only memory and copies the string to newly allocated memory on
the stack.
s[0] = 'J';//correct

Tricky C Interview question on dangling pointers

Question 56. Find output of following C code:
char *getString()
char str[] = "Will I be printed?";
return str;
int main()
printf("%s", getString());
Output: Some garbage value
(PS:On running in Dev C++ I am getting warning in compilation "Function returns address of local
variable" and no output)
The above program doesn't work because array variables are stored in Stack Section and have a definite
lifetime. So, when getString returns, value at str are deleted and str becomes <dangling pointer>.

C Interview question on library function

Question 57. C library function to find the data type of variable
int main(){

int a=2;
typeof(a) b=1;
printf("%d %d",a,b);//2 1

C Tricky interview question with answer and explanation

Question 58
void change()
// Add a statement here such that printf in main prints 5

int main()
int i;
printf("%d",i); /* this should print 5*/
#define printf(x,y) printf("5")
You can use macro to change the default behaviour of library functions as well.

C interview question answer on pointer to function

Question 59. Find Output of following code:
int fun(int a){
printf("In fun %d\n",a);
return a+1;
int fun2(int a){
printf("In fun %d\n",a);
return a-1;
int main(){
int (*ptr)(int);
int x=(*ptr)(3);
printf("In main %d\n",x);

printf("In main %d\n",x);

In main 4
In main 2

C Interview question on structure

Question 60. Find output of following C code
int main(){
struct test{
char a;
int b;

Answer: Size might be 8 and not 5 as expected
Explanation: Size of structure might NOT be sum of size of its elements. It is large enough to hold all
the members. There might be unnamed holes in memory due to alignment requirements.

C placement question answer for technical interviews

Question 61. Find output of following code:
short func(short x) {
printf(Hello World");
return x;

// P

int main() {
printf("%d", sizeof(func(3)));
return 0;
P: This statement is not executed since fun() is not called.
sizeof is a compile time operator. Operand is evaluated only if it is a variable length array. In above
case all that matters to sizeof is the return type of the function.

C Interview question answer on structure pointer

Question 62. Find output of following C code
struct a{
int b;
int c;
int d;
int main(){
struct a *p=&i;
printf("%d %d ",*p);
If we change the printf statement to printf("%d %d %d",*p); then 7 2 3 is displayed

Simple C Interview questions answers for freshers (TCS,

Accenture, Wipro)
See more C Interview Questions and Answers
Posted by Abhas Tandon at 7:16 PM 1 comment:
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Sunday, September 15, 2013

C Debugging Interview question

Find output of following code:

register int a=5;

int *rp=&a;
int **rpp=&rp

int main(){

Answer: Error
Explanation: We cant request address of a register variable. It is illegal to apply & operator to a
variable declared as a register.
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Basic C interview questions for Mass companies like

Accenture, TCS, Infosys & Wipro
In this post freshers seeking job in IT sector can find some basic definitions related to c language.
Such definitions are usually asked by companies such as TCS, CTS, Infosys, Accenture and Wipro
during mass recruitment.

Collection of Simple C Interview Questions:

#1 Variable: named memory location used to store value of particular data type.
#2 Data type: Means to identify the type of data. Eg. int, float, char
#3 Pointers: A special type of variable that stores address of another variable.
#4 Compound Statement: Group of statements enclosed in {}

#5 Identifier: Names given by programmer to various parts of program. Eg. In int a=5; a is an
#6 Token: Smallest individual unit of a program. Eg. variable, constants.
#7 function: Group of statements used to perform a particular task. It may or may not accept
parameters and may or may not return a value. They help in code re-usability.
#8 Keyword: Words which convey special meaning to compiler. Eg. for, int, while etc.
#9 Recursion: When a function calls itself.
#10 Array: Collection of similar data type stored in contiguous memory location.
#11 structure: Collection of data of any data type stored in contiguous memory space.
#12 String: Array of character.
Other simple C language questions asked in mass companies:
#13 Difference between = and == operator
#14 Differences between C and C++
#15 Difference between for(), while and do while loops.
#16 Types of storage class in C (auto, register, extern and static)
#17 Program to reverse a number
#18 C program to swap numbers with and without temporary variable.
#19 Difference between structure and union.
#20 What is typedef.
#21 What is void pointer.
#22 What is null pointer.
#23 Differences between actual parameter and formal parameter.
#24 What is a function definition?
#25 What is a function signature?
#26 Differentiate between call by address and call by value.
#27 Differentiate between switch and if statement.
#28 Difference between malloc() and calloc()
#29 C Program to print factorial of a number.
#30 C Program to find sum of matrix
#31 C sorting programs: bubble, insertion and selection
#32 C code for linear and binary search
#33 What are type casting and type promotion?
Posted by Abhas Tandon at 9:51 PM No comments:
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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pointers in c questions for interview

In this article I will be posting some good c pointer interview questions answers. Pointers in C are
special type of variables that are used to point the value of particular data type by storing address of
that particular data type. Pointers in c play role in call by reference when we want any change in
formal parameter to get reflected in actual parameters. In this post you can find some basic pointer
questions in c.

C pointers questions and answers subjective type

What is a pointer?

How to make a pointer to pointer data type?

Explain call by reference using pointers in c.

Explain pointer to functions in c language.

Function pointers in C
Function Pointers are variables, which point to the address of a function. A running program
gets a certain space in the main-memory. Both, the executable compiled program code and
the used variables, are put inside this memory. Thus a function in the program code is
nothing more than an address.
Syntax to create function pointers in c
return type (*fnPointer) (arguments-list);
We can assign address of similar function (with same arguments list, return type) by writing
fnPointer=&fnName; // or fnPointer=fnName;
Now we can call the function being pointed as

Explain the use of generic pointers/void pointer in C.

Generic pointers in C are useful when we want same variable to point to different variables at
different times.
Example c program for generic pointer (source:
int i;
char c;
void *the_data;
i = 6;
c = 'a';
the_data = &i;
printf("the_data points to the integer value %d\n", *(int*) the_data);
the_data = &c;
printf("the_data now points to the character %c\n", *(char*) the_data);
return 0;
Generic pointers cant be dereferenced directly. We cant write *the_data in above code. We need to
first do type casting and then dereference them
More interview questions on pointers in c (Multiple choice type objective questions)
C pointer interview questions
You can also download this post as pdf at
Pointer questions in C PDF
Posted by Abhas Tandon at 12:50 PM No comments:
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Labels: c, c interview questions, c language, pointers

Friday, July 13, 2012

C interview Programs and Programming related questions

answers [PDF]
In this post I will try to answer some common c interview questions related to coding or programming
as a sample. You will find links to several solved c programming questions answers in this post that
can help you to prepare for c interview. I will try my best to provide as many c interview programs as
C in one of the first language taught to engineering students. Therefore knowledge of c is judged in
interviews of both freshers as well as experienced programmers. C programs listed here can help
freshers and even people with 1-3 years of experience in programming. Some typical c programs
questions asked in interview are mentioned below:

C Interview code snippets | Good c interview question with

answers for test

Calculate and display sum of two matrix

C language program to add numbers using pointers
C Program to show use of command line arguments
Find factorial of a number
Data Structure in C Algorithm Programs
Find sum of digits in number using recursion
Compute transpose of matrix
Addition of matrix
Produce a substring from given string
C program to implement Binary Search
C program to remove duplicates from an array
C program To reverse the contents of an Array
More commonly asked c interview question programs
Pattern questions asked in technical c interviews
***** *****
6 7 8 9 10

Free download c interview programs as pdf
Free download c interview programs as doc
Most common C Interview questions for beginners
Posted by Abhas Tandon at 12:11 PM No comments:
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Labels: c, c interview questions, c language, simple c programs

Friday, June 1, 2012

Very common C Interview questions answers programs

In this post you can find some very general and basic commonly asked c interview questions programs
solved. If you are properly trained in C language and have good knowledge of basic concepts of your
programming in c course content then it would be easy for you to crack such cool interview question.
For more help on C Interview questions you must check out this page which has huge collection of best
c interview puzzles.
Sample program questions with code :

Write a program in C to display a message without using semi colon anywhere

in program
#include< stdio.h>
void main()
We can write the printf inside while or switch as well for same result.
Write a c program to add two numbers without add operator?
Use two subtract operators together to work as add operator.
#include< stdio.h>
#include< conio.h>
int main(){
int a=1,b=2,c;

return 0;
continue reading click here for good c interview questions with code and










Click here for advanced C Interview questions answers

Posted by Abhas Tandon at 1:22 PM
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C Interview Questions | Common C pointer Interview

question with solution
C Pointer/string interview questions answers

What is Output of following c snippet?

int main(){
char *s="Abhas";
Reason: In the above program role of %s is to display the string whose address is
passed as an argument. This is how a standard printf statement works in c
language. Now since we have passed s- s[1]+ s[3] as an argument therefore first
value of this expression is evaluated. Here s would refer to address of first
character in string s. Since we are subtracting s[1] from s[3] characters at
corresponding position (that are a and b) would be subtracted. On subtracting
a from b (ASCII Value) we get 1 which is added to address of first character in
s (also referred as s). Now printf would get address of second character (address
of first character + 1) as argument so it will display the string starting from second
position. Hence output is bhas.
Check out more related posts :
c interview job questions

c interview lang questions

c interview general questions

Posted by Abhas Tandon at 1:02 PM No comments:

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Monday, May 28, 2012

C Interview debugging questions | Find error in snippet

type C Interview questions
Debugging questions are common in C Language interviews. In this post you
can find some example c interview questions related to debugging.
Find error in following c snippet?
#include< stdio.h>
#include< conio.h>
int x;
int x=0;
int x;
int main(){
return 0;
No error. Global variables can have several declarations in C. Same is true for
function declarations.
Find error in following c snippet?
#include< stdio.h>
#include< conio.h>
int x;
int x=0;
int x;
int x=1;
int main(){
return 0;

Error in Line number 6. Global variables can have several declarations in C but
only one definition. Same is true for function declarations.
Also check out C interview example programs Questions exercises
You can find more such c interview question in related post mentioned below:
Posted by Abhas Tandon at 8:29 PM No comments:
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C interview example programs Questions exercises

Here are some common C Interview programming exercise technical questions answers usually asked
from freshers in B.Tech Computer science or Information technology by most IT companies.

Frequently asked c programs interview questions

1. Write a program to display a message without using semi colon anywhere in program.
2. Write a program in C language to swap two numbers without using third variable or any
mathematical operator.
(Hint: Use logical operator XOR)
3. Write a C data structure implementation of link list and code a function that can reverse the singly
linked list without using any additional link list.
(Hint: You must reverse each link as you are traversing the link list and you must keep note of next
element in some variable (before reversing the link) because when you reverse the link address of its
old next element would be lost.)

4. C Interview Programs to print patterns :

1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
1 2 3 4
12 13 14 5
11 16 15 6
10 9 8 7
1 1
2 2
4 4

5. Write a program in c language to concatenate two strings without using library functions.
For more c interview question programs etc. click here
Check out more C interview questions in related posts below. In this blog you can also find number of
free pdf which you can download and read later.
C interview basic questions and answers for freshers
Free download c interview programs as pdf
Posted by Abhas Tandon at 8:12 PM No comments:
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Labels: c, c interview questions, c language

Friday, April 27, 2012

C interview basic questions and answers for freshers

Latest collection of interview questions on C for freshers. Find output type c interview question
involving string concept.

What is Output of following c snippet?

int main(){
char *s="Abhas";
printf("%s",s+ 2);
Explanation: In the above program role of %s is to display the string whose
address is passed as an argument. This is how a standard printf statement works in
c language. Now since we have passed s + 2 as an argument therefore first value of
this expression is evaluated. Here s would refer to address of first character in
string s. Now printf would get address of third character (address of first
character + 2) as argument so it will display the string starting from third position.
Hence output would be has.
50 C Interview Questions Answers

Logical C Interview Questions Answers

Find more objective c interview questions answers. Download latest pdf on c
interview questions and answers, Test your c skills.

Free download c interview programs as pdf

Simple C Interview questions and definitions

Read more related posts below.

Posted by Abhas Tandon at 7:46 PM No comments:
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C interview test Questions and Answer in DOC

Test type subjective logical C interview questions answers

Give two use of bitwise and (&) operator?

It can be used to check whether particular bit is set or not. Eg suppose we have a
number 101. Now if we want to check whether its second bit is on or off. To know
this we must simply do bitwise and operation on this number with 010. Since result
is 0 therefore we can acknowledge that second bit is low in our case.
It can be used to unset particular bit. Eg if you want to unset second LSB of any
number then you must simply do bitwise operation between that number and

Click here to checkout more subjective C Interview question answers

You can see the related posts for more c interview questions answers.
Also you can find some questions mentioned in this website in doc and
pdf format uploaded at in one of these related blog post.
Posted by Abhas Tandon at 7:40 PM No comments:
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C interview interesting questions | C interview Questions

Interesting C interview question inspired from GATE exam.

What is Output of following c snippet?

int main(){

char *s="Abhas";
Reason/Solution: In the above program role of %s is to display the string whose
address is passed as an argument. This is how a standard printf statement works in
c language. Now since we have passed s- s[1]+ s[3] as an argument therefore first
value of this expression is evaluated. Here s would refer to address of first
character in string s. Since we are subtracting s[1] from s[3] characters at
corresponding position (that are a and b) would be subtracted. On subtracting
a from b (ASCII Value) we get 1 which is added to address of first character in
s (also referred as s). Now printf would get address of second character (address
of first character + 1) as argument so it will display the string starting from second
Click here to checkout more subjective C Interview question answers
You can see the related posts for more c interview questions answers.
Posted by Abhas Tandon at 7:34 PM No comments:
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

C language Interview Questions Answers on basics of C

In this post you can find some very basic C language interview questions. The questions answers in
this post are concise and very basic. You can find more detailed and complex c interview questions
answers and pdf at
Q) What standard of C language was popular before ANCI C?
A) K&R standard
Q) Who were the two main individuals involved in development of K&R standard for C language?
A) Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
Q) Is C a compiled language or interpreted language?
A) Compiled language
Q) Why C Programming Language Has Been Named as C?

A) Because it is based on another language called B

Q) What are applications of C programming language?
A) C language is considered ideal language for learning basics of programming to students. Many
educational boards have C language as first language taught to computer science students. C language
is used for creating computer applications and also used a lot in writing embedded software/firmware
for products which use micro-controllers.
You can find more C interview questions and answers in related posts shown below.

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