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Assessment of The Thorax and Lungs 2014

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The key takeaways are the anatomy of the lungs, mechanics of respiration, anatomical landmarks of the chest, subjective and objective assessment of the lungs.

Some important anatomical landmarks of the lungs include the apex being located 3/4-1 1/2 inches above the clavicle anteriorly and at the level of the first thoracic vertebrae posteriorly. The lung bases are at the level of the 6th rib midclavicular line anteriorly and the 8th rib midaxillary line. Posteriorly, the bases are at the level of the 10th thoracic vertebra on expiration and the 12th on deep inspiration.

The steps involved in assessing the lungs are inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Inspection looks at chest symmetry, ventilatory pattern, and skin color. Palpation assesses chest expansion, tactile fremitus, and tenderness. Percussion identifies areas of dullness or hyperresonance. Auscultation listens to breath sounds and adventitious sounds over the lung fields.

Anatomy of Lungs

Assessment of the
Thorax and Lungs
Myung-Hee Pak, RN, MSN, CNS

Organs of respiration
Located in thoracic cavity
Right lung-3 lobes
Left lung- 2 lobes
Important to know landmarks of
Composed of trachea, bronchioles &

Structures of the Respiratory System

Mechanics of Respiration (cont.)

Pat Thomas, 2006.

Figure 6-7.
Pneumonia Diagram

Figure 6-9.
Pneumothorax Diagram

Figure 6-11.

Figure 6-8.
Atelectasis Diagram

Anatomical Landmarks
Anteriorly: Apex of lung -1 and
(2-4cm) above clavicle.
Anteriorly: Base to 6th rib
midclavicular, 8th rib midaxillary.
Posterior: Apex- first thoracic
Posterior: Base T-10 expiration and T
-12 deep inspiration.

Posterior Thoracic Cage

Anterior Lobes of the Lung

Figure 6-13.

Anterior Thoracic Cage

Posterior Lobes of the Lung

Figure 6-15.

Reference Lines (Lateral)

Chest Landmarks

Figure 6-17.

Subjective Data

Shortness of Breath (SOB)
Past Hx respiratory disorders
Environmental factors
Self-care behaviors

Inspection of Thorax and

With patient sitting up- uncovered
Observe for lesions, chest symmetry,
ventilatory pattern, depth, rate and rhythm,
muscles used & skin color
Note both posterior view and anterior view.
Note spinal deformities
AP (anteroposterior) diameter should be
less than transverse (1/2)

Figure 6-21.
Normal Anteroposterior-to-Transverse
Chest Diameter Ratio


Figure 6-22.
Increased Anteroposterior Diameter


Palpation of Posterior Thorax

Using fingers palpate chest wall note:
Any Bulging or retractions
Palpate for masses
Palpate for any crepitus- coarse,
crackling sensation palpable over skin
surface in subcutaneous emphysema.
May follow thoracic injury or surgery.

Figure 6-27.

Palpate Tactile Fremitus

First say ahhhh and feel own neck =
Palpate the patients back to right and left
of spine as the pt. says 99 and examiner
palpates with palm of hand, compare
Decreased fremitus- anything obstructs
transmission of vibrations, e.g.,obstructed
bronchus, pneumothorax, emphysema. It
is decreased when space is filled with air
or fluid.

Palpate Chest Expansion/

Posterior- place hands along outer edge of
costal margin with thumbs toward middle
of spine
Have patient take a deep breath
Should observe yours hands moving
equally far apart.
Unequal expansion could be due to
marked atelectasis, pneumonia, trauma to
thorax. Or pneumothorax.

Figure 6-29.

Chest excursion
How to Assess Posterior Chest Expansion
or Excursion

Percuss the Thorax

Apices to bases
Posterior- fold arms across chest
Hear resonance and dullness
alternately with lung or ribs.
Avoid percussion over scapulae and

Hyperresonance found when too much air is present (emphysema,

pneumothorax) Dullness signals abnormal density (pneumonia, tumor)

Expected Percussion Notes Posterior


Diaphragmatic Excursion

Figure 6-34.
Percussion of the Chest

Diaphragmatic excursion

Distance between deep

inspiration and full expiration.
Normally ranges from 3-6 cm
Exhale and hold, percuss and
mark location of diaphragm:
change dull-resonance
Deep inspiration and hold it,
percuss + mark change again

Beginning at apices to base, compare
Listen for full cycle, note quality and
Instruct patient to breathe through
mouth, a little deeper (but not faster)
than usual
Use stethoscope diaphragm firmly vs
chest wall

Normal Breath Sounds

Bronchial- heard over trachea and larynx.
High pitch, loud, harsh. Inspiration <
Bronchovesicular- heard over major
bronchi. Moderate pitch and
Vesicular- heard over lung fields. Low
pitch, soft sound. Inspiration>expiration

Figure 6-41.
Breath Sounds Anterior View

Figure 6-38.

Figure 6-40.
Normal Breath Sounds

Figure 6-42.
Breath Sounds Posterior View

Adventitious sounds

Figure 6-44.

Crackles- (rales) rub hair between fingers

cracking/popping sound. Secondary to fluid in
airway or to opening of collapsed alveoli in
Wheezes- continuous musical and high pitched,
due to constricted bronchi.
Rhonchi- lower pitched, coarse, snoring, due to
thick secretions.
Pleural friction rub- rough, grating, inflamed
surfaces, as in pleurisy.

Assess Lungs

Increased Breath Sounds

Note:decreased or absent breath sounds

Bronchial tree obstructed at some point by
secretions, mucus plug or foreign body
Anything that obstructs sound
transmission: pleurisy, pleural thickening,
air (pneumothorax), fluid (pleural effusion),
in pleural space.

Sounds are louder than they should

be, e.g., bronchial sounds heard over
peripheral lung fields.

Further Assessment

Sample Charting

Bronchophony- say 99, if heard loud

and distinct, it is abnormal
Whispered pectoriloquy- whisper
1,2,3should be muffled. Abnormal= loud
&distinct means there is consolidation.
Egophony say E, the E changes to an
A sound over area of consolidation,
pleural effusion or abscess.

They occur when consolidation e.g.,

pneumonia or compression creates a
denser lung area that enhances
sound transmission.

No cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain
with breathing. No history of respiratory
diseases. Has one or no colds per year.
Has never smoked. Works in well-ventilated
office-smoking coworkers are restricted to
smoke in lounge. Last TB skin test 4 years
PTA, negative. Never had chest x-ray.

Sample Charting (cont.)

Inspection AP < transverse diameter. Respirations
16/min, relaxed and even
Palpation. Chest expansion symmetric. Tactile
fremitus equal bilaterally and decrease at the base.
No tenderness to palpation. No lumps or lesions.
Percussion. Resonant to percussion over lung fields.
Diaphragmatic excursion 5 cm and = bilaterally.
Auscultation. Vesicular breath sounds clear over lung
fields. No adventitious sounds.

Respiratory Assessment
Respiratory rate and rhythm
Lung sounds
Use of accessory muscles?
Nasal flaring?
Color- skin, nail beds, lips.
Clubbing of nails.
Pulse Ox +/or ABG
Orthopnea?, SOB?, Dyspnea?

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