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Word Order in English (For Spanish Speakers)

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English with Vicky 2016

WORD ORDER in English

Word order is very important in English. The usual word order is:

subject + verb + object + additions (Manner+Location+Time) (MaLeTa)

Note the following:
1. If a sentence has got both a direct and an indirect object, there are two possibilities:
She gave Peter a gift.
She gave a gift to Peter.
But when the nouns are replaced by pronouns there is only one possibility:
She gave it to him.
NOT: She gave him it
2. Time expressions can come at the beginning or the end of the sentence.
Every Tuesday he goes swimming.
He goes swimming every Tuesday.
3. Never separate the verb from its object(s). We cannot say:
NOT- He goes every Tuesday swimming BUT- He goes swimming every Tuesday.
4. Adverbs of manner can come in many positions, but not between the verb and the
Slowly, he closed the door.
He closed the door slowly.
He slowly closed the door.
NOT- He closed slowly the door.
5. Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb but after the verb to be. They can also
go at the beginning of the sentence.
We sometimes play in the park.

BUT- We are sometimes late.

Sometimes we play in the park

NOT- We play sometimes in the park.

Note: Always and never cannot begin or end a sentence. We cannot say:
NOT- Always we go swimming.

NOT- We go swimming never.

BUT- We always go swimming.

BUT- We never go swimming.

The subject and verb have to agree in number.
Our dog eats a lot. (singular)
Our dogs eat a lot. (plural)
Note the following:
1- Singular nouns that refer to groups can have either singular or plural verbs.
The team has/have won the championship.
2- Amounts and quantities usually have singular verbs.
Five thousand dollars was found in a suitcase.
3- Words like anybody, everyone and nobody have got singular verbs.
Is anybody there?
Nobody likes Jack.
Everyone is going to the party.
4- Most uncountable nouns have got singular verbs.
Toxic waste is a problem.
5- Some uncountable nouns have got plural verbs.
My jeans are not new.

English with Vicky 2016

1. Adjectives come before nouns and after certain verbs.
a noisy room
NOT- a room noisy
I feel sad.
2. The adjective form for singular and plural nouns is the same.
a big house/big houses
NOT- bigs houses
3. Adjectives follow a specific order:

opinion + size or age + colour + form + origin + material

a beautiful white Persian cat

NOT- a white, Persian beautiful cat.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1- Mi madre compra flores todos los sbados para mi abuela.
2- Mi jefe me pide siempre que le traduzca los correos electrnicos de nuestra oficina
central en Londres.
3- Le cuento una historia a mi hijo todas las noches.
4- En verano siempre voy a la playa con mis amigos del instituto.
5- Mi hermana va todos los domingos al cine.
6- Mi jefe de departamento habla muy bien ingls y alemn.
7- Petra habla raramente con su hermana, pero hoy se estn tomando un caf juntas.
8- Peter y Tom van con frecuencia a nadar en invierno.
9- Mis amigos y yo jugamos a veces al padel , pero hoy estamos jugando al tenis.
10- Nunca pierdo el tiempo haciendo crucigramas, pero hoy estoy haciendo un sodoku para
pasar el rato mientras espero a mi hijo.
11- A nadie le gusta disculparse, pero todos hacen lo mejor que pueden.
12- Casi nunca como fuera, pero de vez en cuando cojo comida para llevar.
13- Soy muy puntual, y odio cuando otra gente no llegan a tiempo.
14- Vivo en una casa blanca y pequea.
15- Marta tiene una perra pastor alemn muy bonita.
16- Las vacas blancas dan ms leche que las vacas negras.
17- No me gusta la gente chismosa/curiosa.
18- A todo el mundo le gustan los zapatos de piel marrn.
19- Cien mil euros es caro para un piso en las afueras de una sola habitacin.
20- Paso muchas horas en casa viendo la tele, pero a veces tambin leo.

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