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Advanced Java Manual

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B Tech 5th Semester (Information Technology)

IT-317 Advanced Java Pr

Installation of JDK(1.7)
Eclipse IDE
Apache tomcat Server(7),
MySQL database
1. Write a java program that will connect to Microsoft Access database.
2. Write a java program that will connect to MySQL database
3. Write a JDBC Application to select values from table using prepared statement
4. Write a JDBC Application to find out all the tables in the database
5. Write a JDBC Application reading dates and null values from data base
6. Write a JDBC Application for SQL Procedure execution with both IN and OUT parameter
using callable statement.
7. Write a JDBC Application for SQL function execution using callable statement
1. Write a Servlet Program to print Hello World using HttpServlet class.(This program will
help to make the infrastructure required to compile & run the servlets/jsps programs ) Optional:
This program can be written using (i) By implementing Servlet interface (ii) By extending
GenericServlet class (iii) By extending HttpServlet class.
2. Write a Servlet program that will communicate with a HTML page. i.e. The servlet will take a
parameter from the HTML page(by form tag ) and process(print) that parameter. (HTMLServlet communication)
3. Write a Servlet program that will interact with a HTML page & a Model class. i.e. The servlet
will take a parameter from the HTML page(by form tag ) and process that parameter with the
help of the Model class. ({HTML, Model class }-to- Servlet communication )
4. Write a Servlet program that will interact with a HTML page, a Model class & a JSP page.
i.e. The servlet will take a parameter from the HTML page(by form tag ) and process that
parameter with the help of the Model class and forward the result to the JSP page for displaying.
({HTML, Model class , JSP}-to- Servlet communication) (complete MVC pattern)
5. Write a Servlet program that will demonstrate the usage of the following methods on a request
object: (i) getHeader() (ii) getMethod() (iii) getIntHeader() (iv) getCookies (v) getSession()
1. Write a Servlet program that will download the JAR file.
2. Write a Web Application that will demonstrate the usage of redirect the request Vs
dispatch the request .
3. Write a Web Application that will demonstrate the usage of : (i) servlet init parameters (ii)
context init parameters.

4. Write a Servlet program that will demonstrate the usage of the ServletContextListener
Optional: The Servlet program can be written for various other listeners such as: (i)
ServletRequestListener (ii) ServletRequestAttributeListener (iii) ServletContextAttributeListene
(iv) HttpSessionListener (v) HttpSessionAttributeListener etc
5. Write a Servlet program that will demonstrate the usage of session handling.
1. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the simple usage of the following jsp elements:
(i) scriptlet (ii) expression (iii) declaration.
2. Write a JSP program that displays how many times its been accessed? (i) By using only
scriptlet (ii) By using declaration
3. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the simple usage of the page directive with
import attribute.
4. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate how to configure the init parameters to a jsp.
5. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of overriding the jspInit() method.
6. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of setting/getting attributes from the
following implicit objects: (i) application (ii) request (iii) pageContext
7. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of <scripting-invalid> & <el-ignored>
8. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of the page directive with isELIgnored
1. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of the <jsp:useBean> ,
<jsp:getProperty> & <jsp:setProperty> standard actions with various attributes such as id,
class , scope, type, param.
2. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of Expression Language(EL) with both
operators . and [].
3. Write a JSP program that will get cookies and context init parameter using ELs implicit
objects cookie & initParam.
4. Write a JSP program that will simulate roll dice using EL function call. The following steps
are needed for this program:
Step I: Write a Java class with a public static method.
Step II: Write a Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) file.
Step III: Put a taglib directive in your JSP.
Step IV: Use EL to invoke the function .
5. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of Expression Language (EL) with
Arithmetic, logical and Relational operators.
6. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of include directive.

7. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of <jsp:include> standard action.
8. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of <jsp:forward> standard action.
1. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of following tags from the JSTL:
(i) <c:forEach> (ii) <c:if> (iii) <c:set> (iv) <c:import> (v) <c:url>
2. Write a web application that will demonstrate the configuration of error pages in DD by using
<error-page> tag.
3. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of the page directive with isErrorPage
4. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of an extra implicit object excepton
with a error page.
5. Write a JSP program that will demonstrate the usage of the a tag library that is not from the
EXPERIMENT 7: (Design Patterns in java)
1. Write a program to implement the Singleton Design Pattern .
(i) By Eager Initialization
(ii) By Lazy Initialization
2. Write a program to implement the Factory Design pattern & Abstract Factory Design Pattern.
3. Write a program to implement the Adaptor Design Pattern .
4. Write a program to implement the Decorator Design Pattern.
1. Write a Program for RMI Application
2. Write an RMI Application for invoking the data base to retrieve the results.
1. Write a Client/Server Application using stream sockets
2. Write a Client /Server Application using datagram sockets


Head First Servlets and JSP.

Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Programming, 3rd Edition ,Pearson Education.
Java Tutorials on:
Head First Design Patterns in java.

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