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Doctrine 3 Class Notes

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© New Tribes Mission, Inc.

I. INTRO - OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................. 3
A. DEFINITION OF PNEUMATOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 3
B. HISTORY OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT .................................................................................................. 3
1. Recognized a limitation on the duration of sign gifts and revelation............................................................... 3
2. Sabellianism (Emanations) ............................................................................................................................. 3
3. Arianism (Tri-Theism) ..................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Soteriological Views........................................................................................................................................ 4
5. Priests instead of the Holy Spirit for the common man................................................................................... 4
6. Reformation Views.......................................................................................................................................... 4
7. Sanctification Views........................................................................................................................................ 5
8. Summary Chart............................................................................................................................................... 5
C. W HO IS HE?......................................................................................................................................................... 6
1. Person ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Deity................................................................................................................................................................ 6
D. W HAT DOES HE DO? ............................................................................................................................................ 7
1. Relationships .................................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Ministries......................................................................................................................................................... 7
II. WHO IS HE? ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
A. PERSON ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Emotions......................................................................................................................................................... 8
2. Mind / Intellect................................................................................................................................................. 8
3. Will.................................................................................................................................................................. 8
4. Unique Spirit Being (Gender Neutral) ............................................................................................................. 9
5. Relates to other beings................................................................................................................................... 9
B. DEITY ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
1. Characteristics of Deity................................................................................................................................. 10
2. Referred to as Deity...................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Third Person of the Trinity ............................................................................................................................ 10
III. WHAT DOES HE DO? ............................................................................................................................................ 12
A. RELATIONSHIPS AND MINISTRIES… ..................................................................................................................... 12
1. To the Godhead............................................................................................................................................ 12
2. To OT Individuals.......................................................................................................................................... 13
3. To Jesus in His humanity.............................................................................................................................. 14
4. To the Disciples ............................................................................................................................................ 15
5. To the Apostles............................................................................................................................................. 16
6. To the Church ............................................................................................................................................... 18
7. To the Tribulation individuals ........................................................................................................................ 30
8. To the Millennium Kingdom .......................................................................................................................... 30
9. To the Lost.................................................................................................................................................... 31
IV. RECOMMENDED BOOK LIST............................................................................................................................... 32
1. Websites....................................................................................................................................................... 32
2. Books............................................................................................................................................................ 32

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© New Tribes Mission, Inc.

I. Intro - Overview
A. Definition of Pneumatology
Pneumatology is specifically the study of all things dealing with spirits. However, the common concept
of Pneumatology among theologians is the study of the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
DEFINITION = the theological study of the person and work of God the Holy Spirit.

B. History of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

John F. Walvoord, The Holy Spirit, Chapter 26
Henry Thiessen, Introductory Lectures in Systematic Theology, pg. 145
Charles Ryrie, Basic Theology, Chapter 68

The early church did hold to a proper doctrine of the Holy Spirit. There were heretical groups
(Gnostics, Ebionites and followers of Simon Magnus ) but they were not considered part of the
The early church reverenced the Holy Spirit first and foremost in its devotional literature. As time
progressed, it became more necessary to document what they believed and accepted from their
studies of scripture. Thus the writings of the early church fathers began to provide specific doctrines
of the Holy Spirit in the second and third centuries.
1. Recognized a limitation on the duration of sign gifts and revelation
One heretical group was Montanism.

In response, the early church stood against special revelation outside of the Word of God and that the
sign gifts were never promised to be the Church’s permanent possession. This was around the 1
2. Sabellianism (Emanations)
This view from the first century rejected 3 separate persons. It viewed the Son and Holy Spirit as only
modes of manifestation. One God who appeared in different forms for specific purposes.

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Today’s Unitarian views are a modified form of this early heresy. It was also the first major error to
gain a following in the early church.

John F. Walvoord, The Holy Spirit – A Comprehensive Study of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, Zondervan
©1991, pg 237
John F. Walvoord, pg 238
John F. Walvoord, pg 239
John F. Walvoord, pg 239
John F. Walvoord, pg 241
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These views would fall into the category of Emanations.
3. Arianism (Tri-Theism)
This early church heresy held the opinion that Christ and the Holy Spirit were created beings. It even
went on to teach that Christ created the Spirit. This view resulted in the logical conclusion that a
being created by another being cannot be equal and eternal with the first being. Thus they were three
distinct individuals with hierarchy of quality. Father – Son – Holy Spirit. These views would fall under
the category of Tri-Theism – the View that there are three distinct gods rather than three persons who
are also one God (3 in 1).
The position of the early church fathers was to declare a belief in the Holy Spirit. They did not attempt
to combat this view until the 4 century.

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4. Soteriological Views
Augustine was influential in developing views on the salvation influence of the Holy Spirit. Again, this
attention was stimulated by a heretical view which was on the arise in the 5 century. Pelagius, a
British monk who traveled to Rome, believe that there was a little good in every man that allowed him
to do good works apart from God’s grace - Pelagianism. The pendulum swing against this view was
to believe that man was so depraved that he was not only unable to do good, but was unable to
mentally trust in God without a regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.
A separate view, held by the Roman Catholic church, believed that man was in able to do good until
the Holy Spirit did a first work in the man, then he was able to do good. This view was referred to as
Semi-Pelagianism and ultimately became the view of Roman Catholicism. However there was a time
in the 6 century when it was rejected

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5. Priests instead of the Holy Spirit for the common man
During the middle ages, the development of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit came to a standstill. The
church expressly denied that the Spirit of God could teach all Christians through the Word of God.
The priest was the sole explainer of the Word of God and took the place of the Spirit of God.
6. Reformation Views
When the Roman Catholic Church was challenged by the reformation, much focus was turned again
to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. As before, when refuting false doctrine, correct doctrine becomes
At this time, the reformers rejected the priests as the sole explainer of the Word of God. They rather
turned back to the Holy Spirit as the illuminator of the Word.

John F. Walvoord, pp 240-241
John F. Walvoord, pp 242-243
John F. Walvoord, pg 245
John F. Walvoord, pg 246
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Christ. These views were more clearly developed by the movement of the Plymouth Brethren in the
Finally developed were the views that the Holy Spirit enables the believer to present the full life of

in God and thus receive the Holy Spirit.

to this view was the view that man had not ability to do good works, but could mentally assent to trust
God chooses someone for salvation and then the Spirit regenerates them) was defined. In opposition
The soteriological views became much more of an issue at this time. The doctrine of Election (where
Had a proper doctrine of

Summary Chart

Sanctification Views
the Holy Spirit in an
undefined state.
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Montanism (believed that God was

giving new revelation through the
sign gifts) was rejected - 1st Century

Sabbellianism (An Emanation View

that God appeared in different form
for specific purposes) - 261 a.d.

Arianism (One of the Tri-Theistic

views) said that the Father created
Christ and Christ the Spirit. -
381 a.d.
Soteriological v iews were defined
during the 5th Century. These views
defined His regenerating work.

Priests replaced Holy S pirit during

the middle ages

Reformation - Illuminati on was re-

emphasized allowing for each
believer to study God’s Word.

Sanctification - The Plymouth

Brethren began to emphasize the
ministry of revealing Christ in every
believer during the 19th Century.

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C. Who is He?
The Holy Spirit is a unique person. He is not a mode of emanation from God. He is not a created being. He
has all of the characteristics of a person and is referred to as a person in God’s communication to us.
He is also part of the Trinity. He is Deity. He has the characteristics that are only ascribed to deity. He is also
referred to as God throughout scripture.
1. Person
The Holy Spirit has a personality.
a) Personality
As a person, we see that the Holy Spirit has a mind that is described as able to plan and
communicate. He also has emotions like grieving. We know that He makes his own personal
choices, which indicates that He has a will.

b) Unique Spirit Being (Gender Neutral)

We refer to Him as “He”, but in actuality He is a spirit and spirit’s do not have gender.
However, Scripture does refer to Him with a personal pronoun because a Spirit is not an “IT”
but a person. In our language (as well as the Hebrew and Greek languages) we have no way
of referring to a being that is gender neutral.
c) Relates to other beings
He does have relationships with other individuals. We know that He has interacted with
individuals through history. He has demonstrated the ability to communicate, empower and
direct individuals.
2. Deity
As Deity, we see that the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity.
a) Characteristics of Deity
Scriptures tell us that the Holy Spirit is everywhere present at once, knows all things of the
mind of God, and is able to create. This is only possible if He is God.
b) Referred to as Deity
Scripture has referred to the Holy Spirit and then in a second reference to Him use the term
c) Third Person of the Trinity
Scripture is clear that the Holy Spirit is subordinate in function to the Father and the Son. He
does the will of the Father in directing Jesus’ earthly ministry. Once Jesus ascended, He said
that He would send the Spirit back to us. The Spirit is equal with the rest of the Godhead in
quality and character, but he is subordinate in function.

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D. What does He do?

Since the Holy Spirit is a person, then we can look at his actions and communication to understand more
about who he is. He can be known. If we want to know a person, than we look at how they relate to others
and how they live their lives.
1. Relationships
a) To Godhead
We know that He glorifies the Father and communicates the will of the Father. We also know
that he proceeds from the Father. He communicates to the Father in our behalf.
We also know that he ministered to the Son. He communicated to the Son and points others
to the Son. He is working to glorify the Son in our lives today. He is obedient to the Son.
b) To Humans in General
He has communicated God’s word to Humans. He has directed Humans. We know that
there are times when He has empowered Humans for a specific job. Today, he is convicting
humans for the fact that they are separated from God.
c) To Church in General
He is responsible for personally indwelling every believer and placing us in the Body of Christ.
He is has made each believer alive and given them specific spiritual gifts just as He desires
for each individual. He has emotions that are effected by the decisions of each individual
d) To Lost in General
We know that He is revealing God to the Lost but not necessarily every individual. We know
that He is convicting them of their condition.
2. Ministries
a) To Godhead
The Holy Spirit obeys the Father and the Son. He strengthened and empowered the Son
during Christ’s earthly ministry. He gave the direction of the Father to the Son during His
earthly ministry. He performed the will of the Father in creation.
b) To Humans in General
The Holy Spirit only has one ministry to Humans in general (that crosses all time). That is the
ministry of communicating God’s Word to us. He has several ministries that are different
depending on God’s program. He has empowered individuals for service, he will be poured
out on Israel in the future and will enable them to recognize that Jesus, whom they crucified,
is God.
c) To Church in General
The Holy Spirit has several ministries to the Church. These include: Regeneration, Baptism
into the Body of Christ, Indwelling and empowering with the Life of Christ, Sealing until we can
be glorified, Gifting each individual, Adopting us as sons, helping us in our prayers,
Illuminating us to understand the Mind of God, etc.
d) To Lost in General
The Holy Spirit has communicated God’s Word and is drawing/convicting individual lost
people through the lives of the individuals who make up the church.

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II. Who is He?

A. Person
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The fact that the Spirit has emotions, mind and will (the characteristics of a personality) shows that He is a
person. He is not a human but He is a Spirit (hmmm…Holy SPIRIT…).
1. Emotions
Eph 4:30 – It says that we should not grieve the Holy Spirit indicating that He can be grieved.
The Greek word used here is a word that speaks of a deep sorrow. It is used commonly to refer to
2. Mind / Intellect
Romans 8:27 – refers to the “mind set” of the Spirit
The Greek word that is used for mind really refers to a mind set or way of thinking. It shows that the
Spirit thinks in a particular manner.
1 Cor 2:10-12 – These verses show that the Spirit of God knows the mind of God and teaches us.
Caution - If you were to wrongly think of God like a human (body, soul and spirit) than this might
sound like He is talking about God’s spirit rather than God the Holy Spirit. This is confusing
because of the comparison in the context that refers to man’s spirit. However, this confusion arises,
because this verse is using the word spirit of man to refer to all of the immaterial part of man rather
than referring to the third element of man. There are several passages that do this – this was
probably brought out in Anthropology (The study of the makeup of man).
If we take all of scripture into account than we see that God is not a human but is three in one. One of
the persons of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit and that is whom He is talking about here. This
complete understanding allows us to see from this verse that the Holy Spirit is able to understand and
know the will and thinking of God and is able to relate it to us.

3. Will
Acts 15:22-28 – It seemed good or best to the leaders, people and Holy Spirit to send these men
giving only a specific set of guidelines. The Holy Spirit chose or decided to do this action.
1 Cor 12:11 – This basically says that He does as he chooses. He has a will and operates according
to it.

Ryrie, Charles C., Basic Theology,Victor Books, © 1986 by SP Publications, Inc.
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4. Unique Spirit Being (Gender Neutral)
John 16:13,14 – Uses masculine pronouns, which emphasizes the person aspect of the Holy Spirit.
This is an unusual case, which adds emphasis. Usually a pronoun agrees with the gender of the word
it is replacing, however, the Greek word for Spirit is a neuter word. It does not emphasize gender.

Spirits did not have bodies and commonly indwelt human bodies. We see several times in the life of
Christ where He is casting them out.
Luke 24:37-43 – This passage shows that Jesus was a human and not a spirit – even after
the resurrection. The Holy Spirit would not have had a body and thus no gender per se.
5. Relates to other beings
Judges 3:10; Matthew 4:1, etc. - We see the Spirit leading individuals in scripture
Luke 12:12 – The Holy Spirit would teach the disciples
John 14:26 – We are promised that the Holy Spirit would teach us.
Acts 13:2 – The Holy Spirit said
Acts 20:23 – Paul said that the Holy Spirit warned Him
We will look at this much more in later sections.

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B. Deity
The Spirit is a person, but not just any person. He is God. We can see this because He has the
characteristics, which can only be God. He is also referred to as God and then thirdly He can be seen as part
of the Trinity of God.
1. Characteristics of Deity
ETERNAL - Heb 9:14 tells us that He is the Eternal Spirit. Eternal is the idea of no beginning and no
end. Several things are ever lasting (no end) but only God is eternal.
OMNISCIENCE - John 16:12,13 show that He will guide us into all truth and even tell us the future.
We know that He is responsible for inspiration and the communication of all of God’s Word. This
would require that He know all that has happened and will happen. Only God is omniscient.
OMNIPOTENT – The works that He has done have been the actions of Deity:
a) Creation – Gen 1:2
The words used here might be referred to as the Breath of God, but this isn’t consistent with
other passages of scripture that use the same phrase to only refer to God the Spirit. (Ex 31:3;
35:31; Num 24:2; 1 Sam 10:10, etc.)
This shows that He was involved in the supernatural work of Creation.
b) Regeneration – John 3:5 / Titus 3:5
When we take these two passages together, we can see that it is the Work of the Holy Spirit
to regenerate (create a new version of us) at salvation.
c) Inspiration – 2 Peter 1:21
It was the Spirit of God who empowered men to write the Words of God.
d) Raising of the Dead – Rom 8:11 / 1 Peter 3:18
It was the work of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.
He has the power to create earth, a new version of us and to raise the dead. All of these indicate that
His power is limitless. Only God is All-Powerful.
OMNIPRESENCE – Ps 139:7-10 this passage shows that God the Holy Spirit is everywhere present.
2. Referred to as Deity
He has all the characteristics of Deity and this is enough for us to confidently say that the Holy Spirit is
God. However, a more clear indication than this is the fact that God says that He is God!
Isaiah 6:8-10 / Acts 28:25-27 – The passage in Isaiah says that these Words are God. The passage
in Acts says that these words are from the Holy Spirit.
Ex 16:7 / Ps 95:8-11 / Heb 3:7-9 – Both of these OT passages refer to God and the Heb passages
says about the same event that it is the Holy Spirit.
Acts 5:3-4 – these verses both refer to the same person only once as the Holy Spirit and once as God.
3. Third Person of the Trinity
He is the third person of the Trinity, a separate individual person who is still God. He will be seen in
separate ministry than the Father or Son, but yet when he is referred to the others are assumed to be
involved as well.
John 14:16-18 – Christ says that He will send another (separate but of the same kind) and this other is
the Holy Spirit. But then in verse 18 he makes it clear that in this action He will be coming to them as
2 Cor 3:17 – this passage refers to both Christ and the Spirit and says that where the Spirit is, so is
Matt 3:16, 17 – these verses refer to the Baptism of Christ and show that all three persons are
separate at the event.

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Matt 28:19 – When Christ gives the great commission, He says that they are to baptize in the one
name (singular) of the three individuals (Father, Son and Spirit).
Thus we can clearly see that the Holy Spirit is a person, that He is God and yet He is a separate person of the Trinity
of God.

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III. What does He do?

A. Relationships and Ministries…
As a person, the Holy Spirit ministers in unique ways depending on the relationship He has with another
1. To the Godhead
As part of the trinity, there are two other persons that the Holy Spirit is uniquely related to. This
relationship is one of submission.
a) Submissive
Psalm 104:30 – Seems to indicate that the Father sent the Spirit to perform some act of
At the end of Christ’s earthly ministry, He said that the Holy Spirit would come. Several
passages equate this action as taking place by Christ, but ultimately by the Father.
John 15:26 – Tells us that Christ “sent” the Holy Spirit.
Caution – 14:26 is almost the opposite – make sure the student is looking at the right
John 14:16-17 – Tells us that God the Father would send the Holy Spirit.
Gal 4:6, 1 Peter 1:12 – both of these show that God the Father did send the Spirit of
Christ to minister to believers.
John 16:13-14 – These verses certainly indicate that the Spirit will be obedient to
Christ asked the Father to send the Spirit back so that believers would not be alone. He sent
the Spirit to form His body here on earth. It seems that the Son was asking the Father to
send the Spirit so that the Spirit could continue to exercise Christ’s ministry here on earth
through believers. His role is one of ministering in the behalf of the Father and the Son.
b) Active

Generally we see that creation was the work of GOD and usually this is assumed to
focus on the Father. However, throughout scripture we see references to each
member of the trinity being involved.
The plurality of Elohim as the word is used in Gen 1:1 may give indication to the
trinity’s involvement.
Gen 1:2 – The Spirit clearly had some part in the creation.
Job 26:13, 33:4 – These passages indicate that Job and Elihu both thought that
God’s Spirit was involved in his creation.
Psalm 33:6 – Says that the Spirit was involved in creating the Heavens.
Psalm 104:30 – Again the Spirit was sent by the Father to perform some act of

1 Peter 1:11 / 2 Peter 1:21 – both of the passages indicate that the Spirit was
communicating God’s Word through them. He was the instrument through which
God’s will was to be given.
c) Glorifying
We know of many passages that talk about how God’s glory is revealed through creation. By
the Holy Spirit’s ministry in creation, He has brought Glory to God. (Ps 33:6 – Spirit created
the heavens / Ps 19:1 – the Heavens declare God’s Glory.)

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John 16:14 – This clearly says that the Spirit’s ministry today is to bring glory to Christ.
John 4:23 – Seems to indicate that the Spirit of God will be active in leading others to Worship
God the Father. (Notice that they will worship in Spirit and in Truth – this is a key designation
of the Spirit – The Spirit of Truth).
2. To OT Individuals
There are many instances in the Old Testament where the Spirit of God came upon men. We will not
separate the Old Testament into separate Dispensations. The ministry of the Spirit seems to be the
same throughout this time period.
a) Empowering for Service
Exodus 28:3 – The craftsman of the temple were empowered by the Spirit.
Numbers 11:16,17 – Moses was going to give the Spirit to the men who were helping to lead
Judges 6:34 – Several of the Judges, including Gideon, Samson and others were empowered
by the Spirit to accomplish some specific task.
1 Samuel 16:13 – The Spirit of God was upon David when he became anointed King.
2 Kings 2:9,10 – Elisha asked for the Spirit so he could minister as a prophet.
b) Come and Go
1 Samuel 16:14 – Saul had the Spirit for ministry as King, but God took the Spirit back as he
removed him from office and

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3. To Jesus in His humanity
There are several indications that the Holy Spirit was very active in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Part
of the importance and application we can get from this is to recognize that Jesus in His Humanity had
all of the same resources we now have in the Person of the Holy Spirit. We are empowered to live the
same life that Christ was empowered to live!
a) Involvement with the Virgin Birth
Luke 1:35 – Mary asks how she can have a baby since she has not had sexual relations with
any man. God’s answer is that the Holy Spirit is going to come upon her (this is the basic
meaning of “overshadow”) and cause her to have a baby who would be Christ. We do not
understand this any further. (Mt 1:20)
(Interesting Note: The Holy Spirit was active in the birth of Christ and in the raising of
Christ from the dead.)
Heb 10:5 tells us that God prepared Jesus a Body – This was probably the work of
the Spirit.
Heb 2:14 indicates that Christ took this body on His own will.
Definitely the Holy Spirit was active in the birth of Jesus.
b) Anointed at Baptism – No indication that He left until the end
John 1:28-34 – It is clear in this passage that the Holy Spirit descended upon him. I believe
that this is a picture of His anointing for ministry. It is after this point that He begins to minister
in his office as Messiah.
Messiah means the anointed one. Christ is the English transliteration of the Greek
transliteration of Messiah! - It means ANOINTED ONE.
Anointed is the ceremonial action of appointing someone to an office. Usually by pouring
something on the head.
(This is similar to the knighting of an Englishman to the office of Knighthood.)
In Luke 4:18 – Jesus quotes Isaiah (42:6,7) and is calling Himself the anointed one.
In Isaiah 42:1-4 and 61:1-6 clearly indicate that God is placing His Spirit upon the
coming Messiah.
Acts 4:27 and 10:38* - Show that Christ was anointed by God for service.
When the time came for Christ to start His ministry, we have a picture of God the Father in
heaven pouring the Spirit out upon Christ’s head as a picture of anointing for office.
There is no indication that the Spirit ever left him until the point that Christ cries out “My God,
My God, why have You forsaken me?”
c) Direction
Luke 4:1 tells us that He was led of the Spirit. We can assume that He was led more than just
on this occasion.
d) Empowering for Service
Luke 10:21 – indicates that Christ rejoiced by the Spirit. (Remember that the Spirit had
emotions). This probably means that the Spirit’s rejoicing influenced Jesus’ rejoicing.
Luke 4:18 – Certainly Christ is claiming here that He will do works because of the Spirit’s
Matt 12:28 – Here Christ implies that he has been casting out Demons by the Spirit.
NOTE: There is some indication that possibly Jesus performed some of His ministry by His
own power, but the evidence is very inconclusive. Mark 5:30, Luke 5:17, Luke 6:19, John 18:6
When we take into account the Anointing of Christ for ministry and look at the
summary in Acts 10:38 – There is good reason to believe that the entire ministry of
Christ was under the empowerment of the Holy Spirit!

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e) Raised from the Dead
Romans 8:11 – Talks about the Spirit giving life to our mortal bodies. This isn’t specifically
saying that the Spirit will raise us from the dead physically, but spiritually. However it seems
to say that the reason we can trust the Spirit for this is tied to the fact that God raised Christ
from the dead. There seems to be good reason to say that He is implying that the Spirit was
involved in that action and is therefore able to empower our lives.
1 Peter 3:18 – This is much clearer in indicating that the Spirit raised Jesus from the Dead.
4. To the Disciples
The Spirit did not indwell and maintain a consistent ministry in the Disciples. There is no indication
that they had the Spirit until Christ gave Him to them. However, there is indication that He would work
in their behalf when necessary.
a) Received at Jesus’ command
Matt 10:1, 20 – In this passage, Christ sends His disciples out among the nation to cast out
demons and minister to the nation of Israel. He indicates that this power is from the Spirit.
However, we know that He gives them the Spirit again later, indicating that the Spirit must
have left them.
b) Empowering for Service
John 20:22 – Christ breathed the Spirit upon them just before He left, but this was only
temporary during the 10 days until Pentecost.
Matt 10:19, Mark 13:11, Luke 12:12 all say that the Spirit would give them the words to speak
if they were ever judged for preaching.
The Primary ministry of the Spirit among the Disciples was to empower them to minister in
Christ’s behalf. Probably to stir the peoples interest in Christ and give authority to His
c) Left
John 7:39 – seems to indicate that prior to Christ’s ascension and sending of the Spirit back to
earth the Spirit could come and go from believers.

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5. To the Apostles
The apostles were men who had been with Christ from the time of His Baptism (anointing of the Spirit)
until his Resurrection. They were eyewitnesses. When Judas betrayed Christ, we know that they
replaced him with Matthias.
a) Received at Pentecost
Acts 1:8 - We know that Christ had told them to wait for power before setting to complete His
final commission to them – The Great Commission. This is consistent with everything we
have seen thus far regarding God’s will to empower those who have a specific function in His
Acts 2:1-11 – This was the feast of Pentecost. 10 days after Christ’s resurrection – they are
gathered together in one place with many other Jews. It is on this day that the Holy Spirit
empowers them. This is not a private action but a very public spectacle. It brought attention
to them.
The sign of Tongues is displayed (Known Languages in this case). This causes everyone to
be amazed. The wording here seems to be so strong as to indicate that they may have so
baffled that they weren’t paying attention even to what was being said.
The people do tell us what they were saying – they were talking about the greet deeds God
had done.
Acts 2:33 – This is the event that Christ had promised in John 14. He promised he would
send the Spirit and this is it.
Acts 2:38 – Here Peter promises that anyone who would believe would receive the Spirit.
This was the beginning of the Apostles ministry in the Spirit, but it was also the offering of the
Spirit to any who would believe. He is speaking to the House of Israel primarily.
It seems he believed that this was the program that God promised in Joel. If so, then
he is saying that all could receive the Spirit, but the program would be that of the Mill
Kingdom (Christ -> Israel -> Nations).
b) Empowering for Service
Peter – The same guy who was ready to go back to fishing on a few days earlier. The same
guy who denied he knew Christ so that he could save his own skin. This same Peter is now
ready to boldly speak against the Jews. He goes so far as to say – “You killed God’s promise
Messiah, the descendent for David’s throne.”
Acts 2:43 – We know that the Apostles did many signs and wonders. It does not say that
everyone was doing this, but the Apostles in particular.
Acts 4:8 – Again when Peter goes to speak, it says that he is filled with the Spirit. It does not
say that the Spirit came upon him. I do not believe that this is indicating that Spirit received
the Spirit again and again for ministry. I think it is indicating that the ministry of the Spirit
specially influenced him on this occasion.
Acts 4:31 – All of the believers who are gathered and praying become filled with the Spirit and
begin to speak courageously.
As we consider filling, a good passage to keep in mind is Acts 5:3. Here we see
Ananias filled by Satan. This seems to indicate that Satan had communicated an
idea to Ananias and he had set about to follow that course.
Acts 5:17 is also a near context to these early passages in Acts and it indicates that
these men were filled with Jealousy. This does not mean that Jealousy is some being
that they allowed to control them. It does mean that they allowed Jealousy to fill their
thinking and thus were influenced by it.
Acts 5:28 – You have filled Jerusalem with your teaching. Here is another passage
on filling and it seems to indicate that all of Jerusalem was contemplating the
message of the apostles and were being influenced by them.

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c) Authenticated their Messages
In Acts 14:1-4 we see the Apostles preaching. Signs and wonders accompanied their
preaching. Christ seemed to be indicating that this would be the case when He told them to
wait until they received power and they would witness.
2 Cor 12:12 – Paul states that apostles had specific signs that indicated who they were.
We know that there are two meanings for Apostles. The word specifically means a sent one.
However, there was also a specific function of being an eyewitness of Christ. There were 13
of these. We have 12 specifically mentioned in Acts chapter 1 and then Paul was also an
eyewitness of the resurrected Christ (probably saw his execution as well).
Romans 15:18,19 – Paul clearly states here that His message was accompanied by the
power of the Spirit in signs and wonders.
*Heb 2:3,4 I- And finally, this is the clearest passage where the author of Hebrews refers to
those men who were eyewitnesses of Christ and their message was authenticated by the
signs and wonders of the Spirit. (Side note – this probably indicates that Paul nor any other
Apostle was the author of Hebrews.)
d) Sign to Israel that God was working through a unique program apart from Israel
1 Cor 1:21-23 talks about how the Jews require a sign. It then goes on to talk about how He
preached the gospel, which is considered foolishness. They rejected it.
Back in Genesis, we learned how God judged by confounding the languages.
Later in Isaiah 28:11-13 there is a prophecy referring to the day when God’s program
would be withdrawn from Israel and it says that God’s words would be gibberish to
them and that He would speak in a different language. In Chapter 29, He goes on to
describe how he would take His word away from Israel and would deal with others.
1 Cor 14:21-22 quotes this passage from Isaiah and says, “Here is a general
principle, THE LANGUAGES (tongues) are a sign for unbelievers.” It has the idea of
a judgment or warning.

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There is good reason to believe that the Sign Gifts (especially Tongues) are just this - a sign
to the Jews that God was now working through a different channel.
The Apostles had the unique ministry of building the foundation of the Church (Eph 2:20). As
such, they needed:
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The Holy Spirit ministered through the Apostles to accomplish this.

Richard C. Schwab, Let the Bible Speak…About Tongues, ©1985, pg. 94
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© New Tribes Mission, Inc.
6. To the Church
The Apostles ushered in a new program apart from Israel, The Church. The Spirit is involved in
almost every aspect of the Church.
a) Received at moment of Salvation
Acts 11:16-17 is a passage that shows Gentiles also received the Spirit of God, not just Jews.
John 7:37-39 clearly shows that any who would believe in Christ would receive the Holy Spirit.
There do not seem to be any conditions placed on this except belief.
Rom 8:9 indicates that anyone who is a believer has the Spirit. If you do not have the Spirit,
than you are not saved. Pretty clear.
Every believer receives the Holy Spirit at the moment they believe.
b) Regeneration
Titus 3:5 is the only NT reference to Regeneration in the sense of our salvation.

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John 1:13 refers to this new birth and says that we are “born of God”.
John 3:3-5 says that we must be born of Water and used this to refer to the Spirit.
Titus 3:5 – certainly indicates that the Spirit regenerates us.
Regeneration is unique for the Church.
If regeneration accompanied OT belief and justification, it does not require that God
empowered every believer to live righteously. They may have had a new spirit or life
imparted through which they could have fellowship and relationship to God – but
empowerment for righteousness seems to have been only when the Spirit came upon
them – and we already know that He could leave.
Joel 2:28, 29 indicates that the Spirit of God will be poured out on all flesh during the
Mill Kingdom. This may indicate regeneration. However, this also would be a
different work that that of the Church’s regeneration.
Eph 2:4-7 – We are “made alive” in Christ.
Eph 2:10 – We are created unto good works “in Christ”.
Our regeneration is one of giving us the VERY life of Christ! Col 1:27; 3:4; 2 Cor
3:17. The Spirit regenerated us with the life of Christ and we now have all of His life
to live out here on earth. We are the Body of Christ.
c) Baptizes into the body of Christ
Baptism of the Spirit is probably one of the greatest sources of confusion regarding the
ministries of the Spirit.
One night, around the year 1992, my wife and I, after reading a book on the Holy Spirit, knelt
by our bed and genuinely and earnestly prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We got up,
looked at each other and then asked, “Do you feel any different?” The answer from both of us
was, “I don’t think so.” I have seen this concept tied to the ministry of the “Filling of the Holy
Spirit”, the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” and it has been referred to as the “Second Blessing”.
Extreme wings of the Christian faith were not the only ones to hold these views. D. L. Moody
(evangelist, pastor and founder of Moody Bible Institute), R. A. Torrey (prolific writer,

John Walvoord, pg 128
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evangelist and president of Moody Bible Institute), C. T. Studd (missionary to China and
founder of the African Inland Mission) and many others besides me believed these
John 14:20 – considers: Christ in us and Us in Christ. Christ in Us - refers to the work of
Regeneration. Us in Christ - refer to the Work of Baptism by the Holy Spirit.

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The central passage for clarity on the Baptizing Ministry of the Holy Spirit is – 1 Cor 12:13
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Several things we can see from this passage:

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This indicates every believer is baptized. This must occur at the moment of salvation.
This would explain why there is no exhortation in the Bible for a believer to become
baptized in the Spirit.
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We are all part of the same body. We each may fill a different role within that body
but it is still one body with unity. There are no distinctions because of race, gender,
age, work, etc. Disunity is not a work of the Spirit.
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We all have the same resource. God does not show favoritism. Each is different but
each is the same.
Rom 6:1-4 sheds more light on this baptism. Here it indicates how we are identified with
Christ. In water baptism, we are not showing a picture of salvation as it concerns justification.

Stanford, Miles Stanford
Stanford, Miles Stanford
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But we are showing a picture of our identification. We look at what happened to Christ, and
then because of our belief, we become identified with Christ in every aspect (Death, Burial
and Resurrection) of His life.

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There are three phrases used in scripture that can create some of the confusion. “With”, “By”
and “IN”.
When Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit, he was baptized WITH or IN water BY John
the Baptist.
John 1:33 – Most versions translate this as saying Christ would baptize “WITH” the Holy
Acts 1:4 – Again, most versions translate this as saying the Apostles would be baptized
“WITH” the Holy Spirit.
This seems to have the same idea if we were to say they were baptized “IN” the Holy Spirit. It
seems to refer to the medium that they would be immersed into – that which they have
become forever changed because of their union to.
However, this could also mean “BY” the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor 12:13 certainly is more clear when
taken as “by”. This verse refers to what we were baptized into and calls it a body. This would
not be a reference to the Spirit. It must be a reference of who baptized us into the body. It is
by the Spirit that we are baptized into the body of Christ (which is a common term used
repeatedly in Pauline teaching).
It is possible that Christ referred to Pentecost as the act of His Baptizing the Apostles with the
Holy Spirit, but it is more likely that He was referring to the time when He would send the Spirit
who would baptize us into His body and thus glorify Himself as he stated in John 14 and 16.

2 1 Christ prayed to the Father to

send the Spirit.
2 The Father sent the Spirit, thus
Baptizing the Church with the

3 3 The Spirit Baptizes the

individual believer into the
Body of Christ.

L. S. Chafer, Grace, pp. 307-308
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d) Illuminates our understanding of Christ

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e) Empowered for Service – Reveals Christ to the World

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f) Gifting
1 Cor 12:1 – Paul says that he did not want the Church at Corinth to be uninformed regarding
the Spiritual things (from the context we recognize that he is talking about Gifts). It is
important to know that the Spirit has given us gifts for a purpose and how this should affect

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The Spirit has given special gifts to each person because each person is a member
of the body of Christ and has a purpose in ministering here on earth. The Spirit is
making us the earthly Body of Christ. What does Christ want to accomplish in the
world today? This is why we have been gifted - to carry out His plans today.
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Not every person has every gift. But they have them as the Spirit purposes to give
them for the particular need of the Church. It stands to reason then that not every
point in time must have every gift active. Nor must every congregation have every gift
active. If the Holy Spirit ever gifted one individual with the gift at any point in time, this
would have had benefit for the whole church throughout time. (The Holy Spirit gifted
Apostles for the founding of the Church; we experience the results of that gift to this
Every believer has A gift if not several.
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There are two types of Gifts. The first is the gifting of offices (or ministries)
that men can function in.

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This aspect is specifically for the purpose of equipping the individual
members of the body of Christ to function.
Apostles and Prophets were offices that specifically connected with founding
of the Church.
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Once the Church was established and functioning, these offices were no
longer necessary. The ministries that build up and enlarge the established
Church continue to be necessary (Evangelists and Pastor-Teachers).

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Summary of the Gifts of Office.

1 Christ gave the Church

Apostles and Prophets
to build the foundation.

2 2 Christ gave the Church

Evangelists and
1 Pastor-Teachers to
enlarge and equip the

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There are also personal gifts that enable each individual to function within the
body of Christ.
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God gives these gifts for service.
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Here is a general list as given in scripture:
(i) Apostleship (1 Cor 12:28)
(ii) Prophecy (Rom 12:6; 1 Cor 12:10)
(iii) Miracles (1 Cor 12:28)
(iv) Healing (1 Cor 12:9, 28, 30)
(v) Tongues (1 Cor 12:10)
(vi) Knowledge (1 Cor 13:8)
Typically the above gifts are referred to as Sign Gifts – associated with the
founding of the Church and the Judgment on Unbelieving Israel.
(vii) Ministering (Rom 12:7; 1 Cor 12:28)
(viii) Teaching (Rom 12:7; 1 Cor 12:28)
(ix) Faith (1 Cor 12:8-10)
(x) Exhortation (Rom 12:8)
(xi) Discerning Spirits (1 Cor 12:10)
(xii) Showing Mercy (Rom 12:8)
(xiii) Giving (Rom 12:8)
(xiv) Administration (Rom 12:8; 1 Cor 12:28)
There may be more gifts than these, but there is no indication one way or the
other from Scripture.

Charles C. Ryrie, pg. 83
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There are several views regarding the sign gifts.
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This has already been covered under the Apostolic Ministry. This is the view
that NTM holds to. We believe that the Sign gifts had a purpose in the
foundation of the Church by confirming the message of the Apostles which
has been recorded in the Scriptures for us.
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There are some who believe that these gifts have the potential of creating
confusion and division. They believe that we still are gifted with these gifts
today, but that they must be exercised in order and should not usurp the
greater gifts.
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The real question is the duration. If these gifts were not temporary, then they
are still available today and must follow these guidelines. But are they still
available today?
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The gifts in relationship to the Church must have a limited duration. At the very
minimum they will end when the Church is raptured and the individuals are glorified.
There is definitely a sooner stopping point for Prophecy, Knowledge and Tongues.
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The question in this passage is what is the “perfect” that is coming? This can be in
reference to the glorification of the Church. If it were, than it would include all of the
gifts to the Church.
We know that several gifts were specifically connected to the Authentication of the
Apostles Ministry.
We know that Paul says that the gift of Tongues was specifically to show judgment on
unbelieving Israel.
This passage seems to indicate that there may be two different times when these
gifts would end. (And we don’t have to limit the ceasing of gifts to just these 3).
We have seen that the gifts were give for service. Once the service is complete, why
would the gifts still be given? If judgment on Israel has been declared and the
Program has now transitioned to the Church, the gift of Tongues is no longer
necessary. This probably petered out, as they got closer to the year 70 A.D. when
Jerusalem was destroyed.
Since the Church is complete in the sense of founding, it is no longer necessary to
have the gift of Prophecy, Apostle, miracles, and the other signs connected to the
apostolic ministry. These probably ended when Scripture was completed.

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He uses the concept of maturity in the context of discussing “part” and “perfect”. This
is a common term for maturity. This probably refers to the maturing of the Church.
At that time the foundation of the Body of Christ was still being formed and thus the
Body was not seen as clearly as it is once the Church was better established and the
whole doctrine as presented in Scripture was complete.
When we look at the Spirit being poured out on other individuals besides the Church,
we can see that the gifts of prophecy and miracles (and possibly other gifts) will be
given to individuals during the millennium kingdom. This can be seen from Joel
2:28,29. However, this is not for the edification of the Church. This will be for Israel
and the Nations to obey and worship God.
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There are a lot of tools available today to help people discover their gifts. We know
that gifts are important and necessary for the ministry of the Church. However, it is
possible to get so caught up in attempting to discover the gift or pride in the gift that
we do not minister.
The greater issue is ministering and loving one another. This is the emphasis of 1
Cor 13 (The Love Chapter).
Don’t shun the tools that gifted men have developed to help equip the body. But the
best way to discover our gifts is to get out and function. As we minister, others will
clearly see where our gifts are. Allow others to have comment on where you fit in.
Don’t wait to confirm your gift before you minister. If you are frustrated in ministry,
ask others where they think you might better fit.
Once we know what our gifts are, trust God to exercise them.
1 Peter 4:10,11 – Peter tells us the Importance of Stewardship of the gifts. God has a
purpose. We have the gifts. We are expected to trust Him and get busy! We are
empowered for Service, so serve!

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g) Intervening
Intervening is in reference to the Spirit’s ministry of praying in our behalf.
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This is the only passage that clearly deals with this concept. It does speak to one key area
that we know the Spirit is praying in our behalf on. It is possible that there may be other
This passage specifically is dealing with the Spirit’s prayer that God’s will of perfecting us will
be completed, even though we don’t know specifically how that should be worked out. We
might pray “Thy will be done.” The Spirit is praying, “Thy will of … be done.” Where He is
able to fill in exactly what that should be in our behalf.

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This passage is a little less clear. It does show that the Spirit is to have a part in our praying
for the body – specifically, in this case, for evangelism. This does not have to mean that the
Spirit directs our prayers or leads in our prayers. It is a command that we can reject and does
mean that our prayers should be affected by the Spirit’s ministry to us.

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h) Sealing / Earnest of the Believer’s Hope
Sealing refers to one of the purposes in giving us the Spirit – specifically the purposes of
guaranteeing that we will be glorified.

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Guarantee/ Earnest has the idea of a down payment. When you put a down payment on
something, it proves that you will come back and complete the transaction. We are still
awaiting the final transaction in our salvation. We have been justified. We are being
sanctified. And we have the Spirit as a down payment that we will be glorified.
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i) Adoption – Future
This is basically the same concept as sealing. We have the Spirit of Adoption.
Adoption is the act by which the Father gives all the privileges of an adult son. We already
have these privileges and can refer to our Father as a direct member of His family.

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One day our adoption will be fully revealed, when we are glorified.

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j) Common Misconceptions
There are several misconceptions regarding the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Most of these are
the result of taking a passage out of context and then throwing it around as a cliché. We
need to make sure that we understand the passage in it’s context and then be very cautious
when we attempt to connect it to other passages.
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Nowhere in scripture to you see people acting out side of their will. We are told not to
grieve the Holy Spirit. If I asked my kids to be home by 10:00 and at 1:00am I am still
waiting up for them to get home, I would be grieved that they did not obey.
Obedience is an act of the will.
I must make a choice when it comes to the present work of the Spirit in my life.
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There are some who look to the leading of the Spirit as that of telling us specific every
day actions we should carry out. However, leading of the Spirit (as it is
communicated to us) is always connected to receiving information, not control. There
is nothing in scripture that says we can flip a switch and give the puppet controls to
the Holy Spirit.
It is possible that the Spirit will give us special direction at time that we know is of
God. Paul said that the spirit led them to not go to certain places just before he
received the Macedonian call. However, this was not the norm in his life nor will it be
in our lives. This appears to be a special work of the Spirit on occasion.
If you refuse to minister until you receive special instructions from the Spirit, you will
be exercising a subtle form of disobedience, even as you may mean well.
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This term is often times pulled out of the context in order to prove that the Spirit
should control us. This is a common concept of many of the books on your
recommended book list.

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Notice that the context refers to light, Christ giving them light and to understanding
the will of God. The context is in reference to knowledge.
The statement “be filled with the Spirit” is based on the Greek preposition that can
mean “by, with or in”. There is very good reason to take this as “by”.
(You can access a very good article from the Internet at:
This action would be one of being filled with something other than the Spirit, by the
I believe the clearest way to understand this is to consider the ministry of the Spirit of
leading us into all truth. As the Spirit leads us to truth, if we think on these things and
accept them by faith, we will be influenced by that truth in our actions. This is not

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control and requires that we appropriate the truth the Spirit is revealing. Thus the
Spirit would fill us.
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Often times this passage from Galatians is used as equivalent of being controlled by
the Spirit or being in fellowship with God or Abiding in the vine.
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This passage is saying that by walking in the Spirit, we will not do that which our flesh
is lusting to accomplish.
In this particular context, Paul is writing to the Churches of Galatia in order to correct
their misunderstanding of sanctification. They are attempting to be sanctified by the
Law. Paul tells them that this is not of God, but is rather a desire of their flesh. The
law stirs up our flesh, not the Spirit.
You cannot do what you would wish is in reference to their desire to be sanctified by
the Law. If this way of sanctification is a desire of the flesh (that which is corrupt)
than it cannot be a means of sanctification.
The only means of sanctification is the way that the Spirit is leading us into. Does the
Spirit lead us to focus on Him and what He would have us do? NO. One of the first
principles is that the Spirit is leading us to understand and focus on what we already
have in Christ. If we walk in these truths, than we will be sanctified and will not fulfill
the lust of the flesh.
This has nothing to do with control.
k) Summary
The Spirit has ministries that were accomplished the moment we were justified:
The Spirit has ministries that are going on while we are being sanctified:
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And the Spirit has ministries that are preserving us for glorification:
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There are no passages that indicate the Spirit should CONTROL the Believer.
It seems that the primary way the Church should cooperate with Spirit is that of believing what
He is teaching us. Everything we need for life and godliness has already been provided in the
new life He has given us. He will reveal this life in our walk as we walk by faith in what he is
revealing to us.
He will show us Christ; we believe that this is true of our life and then the Spirit will empower.

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7. To the Tribulation individuals
During the Tribulation the Spirit will have stopped His ministry of indwelling every believer. It seems
that this will not be instituted again until the Millennium Kingdom. Also, there will be a ominous
decrease in the ministry of the Spirit during this time.
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There are several reasons to consider this as referring to the Spirit’s ministry through the Church.
a) This man of Lawlessness is empowered by Satan. For there to be a personal
restrainer, this restrainer must be stronger than Satan and thus Deity.
b) We know that the Spirit of God is active in convicting the world of sin. We also
know that He will not always strive with them. There is a day coming when the Spirit
will allow them to have free reign of sin.
c) The Church age is distinctly the greatest time and ministry of the Spirit in all
dispensations previous to the Millennium Kingdom.
It would seem that when the Church is raptured out, the world will have a unique time of very little
ministry of the Spirit. There is only one place during the tribulation when it is clear that individuals will
have some special empowerment.

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This seems to be a extremely unique situation. On the contrary, Revelation records many instances
of their being false signs and miracles by which the people will be deceived.
8. To the Millennium Kingdom
With the introduction of the Millennium Kingdom, there is every indication that the Spirit will be poured
out on all flesh. EVERYONE. This will be the greatest outworking of the Spirit during all time.

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This ministry of the Spirit will be specifically for the purpose of empowering people to keep the laws of
the Millennium Kingdom.
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9. To the Lost
The last ministry of the Spirit we want to look at is the ministry that seems to cross all dispensations.
It is the ministry to the lost.
a) This ministry is through revealing the truth of God’s Word.
Through the inspiration ministry of the Spirit, the truth of God’s saving plan has been recorded
and is available to every generation. There is no generation that did not have the message
that God is willing to justify all who turn to Him in faith.
b) This ministry is through conviction.
The Spirit has striven with man for many years. This is through the means of convicting,
either through His word, the life of believers empowered by the Spirit, or through His ministry
directly to the heart of them.
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It seems that God will one day stop striving with man. This is probably in reference to the
tribulation period.
In the meantime, men are convicted. The Holy Spirit can regenerate them. We have a
message to share with them. Don’t believe that they are callous without ever having been
convicted. There is not a lost person who cannot be convicted, or has not been convicted.
Reach out to them where they hurt.

10/6/2004 9:59 AM Thomas Freeman Pneumatology-F04.doc Page 31

© New Tribes Mission, Inc.

IV. Recommended Book List

1. Websites

2. Books
*The Holy Spirit – A Comprehensive Study of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit –
*The Holy Spirit – Ryrie
Basic Theology – Ryrie
Systematic Theology Vol. 6 – Chafer
*Let the Bible Speak…About Tongues – Schwab
The Line Drawn – Stanford
Person and Work of the Holy Spirit – Ridout
The Holy Spirit – Torrey
Lectures in Systematic Theology – Thiessen
He that is Spiritual – Chafer
The Holy Spirit in Today’s World – Criswell

*These books are highly recommended because of the clarity and reference material they provide.

10/6/2004 9:59 AM Thomas Freeman Pneumatology-F04.doc Page 32

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