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Oag Report - Putnam County

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New York State Office of the Attorney General

Special Investigations and

Prosecutions Unit
Report on the Investigation into
The Death of Joseph Seguin

Eric T. Schneiderman
NYS Attorney General

On July 8, 2015, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed Executive Order No. 147 (the
Executive Order), appointing the Attorney General as the special prosecutor to investigate,
and if warranted, prosecute certain matters involving the death of an unarmed civilian . . . caused
by a law enforcement officer. On Monday, November 30, 2015, Joseph Seguin (Mr. Seguin)
died following an interaction with members of the Carmel Police Department (CPD).
Governor Cuomo subsequently issued Executive Order No. 147.3, which expressly conferred
jurisdiction upon the Attorney General to investigate any potential unlawful acts or omissions by
any law enforcement officers relating to Mr. Seguins death. 1
Pursuant to Executive Orders No. 147 and 147.3, the investigation by the Office of the
Attorney General (OAG) included, among other investigative steps:

Review of the Putnam County Coroner / Medical Examiner Report including

autopsy, microscopy, and toxicology records;

Interviews of civilian witnesses who saw or heard various parts of the incident;

Interviews of responding Carmel Police Department officers and Emergency

Medical Technicians;

Review of video and audio captured by a taser used during the incident;

Review of video captured by a civilian witness; and

Review of 911 dispatch recordings. 2

The evidence shows that CPD officers use of force against Mr. Seguin was justified
under the New York Penal Law. In response to a 911 call, three officers responded to Mr.
Seguins home, where they observed him assaulting a woman. After Mr. Seguin ignored their
demands to release the woman, officers pulled Mr. Seguin away from her. As observed by
several civilian witnesses, Mr. Seguin then violently resisted arrest. He kicked and punched
officers and grabbed a dog cage containing a pit bull. When officers were able to free Mr.
Seguins hands from the dog cage, he locked his hands beneath his body so that the officers
could not handcuff him and continued to struggle with the officers. An officer warned Mr.
Seguin that he was going to be tasered and then tried to deploy his taser in drive-stun mode (by
pressing the instrument directly against Mr. Seguins skin), but it malfunctioned and had no
effect. Officers continued to struggle with Mr. Seguin and again advised him that he would be

Attached hereto as Exhibit A are Executive Orders No. 147 and 147.3.

Attached hereto are: (1) CPD policies on the use of force and the use of tasers (Exhibit B); (2) the User Manual for
the Taser Model X26 (Exhibit C); (3) the entries for November 29-30, 2015 on the Taser Evidence Sync Report, a
usage report generated by the taser that reflects information about utilization of the taser (Exhibit D); and (4) the
autopsy report (Exhibit E). The audio of the 911 call and the video and audio captured by the taser and the civilian
witness are available for review at the OAG.

tasered if he did not stop resisting arrest. One officer used a pain compliance technique whereby
he pinched the skin on the back of Mr. Seguins arm. After that technique did not work, another
officer tasered Mr. Seguin in his lower waist/back area; although the taser functioned properly,
Mr. Seguin continued to fight with the officers. Finally, an officer used a taser in dart-probe
mode (i.e., rather than just pressing it into Mr. Seguin, the taser released darts designed to cause
temporary neuromuscular incapacitation into Mr. Seguins side-abdomen). 3 The device was
activated eight times over the course of 91 seconds before the officers were able to handcuff Mr.
Seguin. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Seguin lost consciousness, stopped breathing, and died. The
coroner found that the cause of death was cardiac arrest during [an] excited state, while under
the influence of phencyclidine [PCP], after being Tasered and handcuffed.
Under New York law, a police officer is permitted to use reasonable force when that
officer reasonably believes that such force is necessary to effect an arrest. Under CPD policy, to
the extent possible, officers should first use lower levels of force and then escalate to more
forceful techniques if the lower levels of force are ineffective. As discussed below, use of a taser
is widely regarded as a nonlethal form of force, equivalent to the use of pepper spray (i.e.,
Oleoresin Capsicum) or batons. Here, officers appropriately used escalating force techniques.
Prior to using the taser in dart-probe mode, the officers (a) physically removed Mr. Seguin from
the assault victim; (b) repeatedly gave verbal commands and warned Mr. Seguin that he would
be tasered; (c) attempted a pain compliance technique (i.e., pinched the skin on the back of Mr.
Seguins arm); and (d) used the taser in drive-stun mode, which does not result in neuromuscular
As discussed more fully below, the officers use of force was justified under New York
State Penal Law due to Mr. Seguins violent assault, which necessitated police intervention, and
his subsequent vigorous attempts to resist arrest. Accordingly, the OAG has concluded that no
criminal charges against any CPD officers are warranted.
Executive Orders No. 147 and 147.3 provide that the OAG may offer any
recommendations for systemic reform arising from the investigation. We recommend that the
CPD develop policies specifically addressing taser use on individuals suspected of being under
the influence of drugs. A number of law enforcement agencies have established guidelines for
the use of tasers on such persons. As a general matter, these guidelines suggest that officers
must have a proper justification for exposing persons under the influence of a drug to any
increased risk. Here, the justification for exposing Mr. Seguin to any increased risk was clear:
Officers appropriately escalated their use of force in an effort to effect the arrest of a person
violently resisting arrest for what appeared to be an attempted sexual assault. Nonetheless, in
order to give CPD officers more clarity concerning under which circumstances tasers may be
used on individuals suspected of being under the influence of drugs, we recommend that the
CPD develop policies specifically addressing taser use on individuals suspected of being under
the influence of drugs. In addition, further scientific study is warranted on whether persons under

Tasers are used in drive-stun mode (i.e., where two electrodes are pressed directly against the suspect) or dartprobe mode (i.e., where darts are released from the instrument, pierce the skin, and can cause temporary
neuromuscular incapacitation, causing an individual to be unable to move). Drive-stun mode delivers an electric
shock, but does not cause the override of an individuals central nervous system.

the influence of PCP or other drugs may have a higher risk of serious injury or death when
subjected to a taser.
This incident can be divided into three segments: the events leading to law enforcement
officers being called to Mr. Seguins apartment; the interaction between the officers and Mr.
Seguin up to and including Mr. Seguin being tasered; and the response of law enforcement
personnel after Mr. Seguin was tasered.
A. Events Preceding the Arrival of Law Enforcement
F.M. 5 knew Joseph Seguin because she previously dated his brother. After that
relationship ended, F.M. remained friendly with Mr. Seguin. On November 29, 2015, Mr.
Seguin called F.M. and arranged to meet her. He picked her up at a train station in Croton Falls,
New York around 2:00 p.m., and the two proceeded to a location in Yonkers, New York. There,
Mr. Seguin entered a residence while F.M. stayed in the vehicle. According to F.M., Mr. Seguin
purchased three or four bags of PCP at this location. 6
The pair immediately smoked one-half of one of the bags of PCP before driving to Mr.
Seguins rented room on the second floor of a rooming house in Mahopac, New York; they
arrived around 10:00 p.m. F.M. recalls that she and Mr. Seguin were the only people in the room
and that the two smoked more PCP after arriving in the room. The last thing F.M recalls is
making a call from her cell phone in Mr. Seguins room while he was using his phone. She has
no recollection of what occurred in the room between that time and the time the police arrived.
F.M.s next memory is seeing police lights illuminating the room and police officers
trying to pull Mr. Seguin out. F.M. was disheveled and bore evidence of an assault. When
police officers entered the room they noted that F.M.s shirt was off. She sustained a black eye,
scratches, and bruising on her face, back, and shoulders that she did not have prior to her
encounter with Mr. Seguin. F.M. remained inside the room until the entire incident was over and
did not witness the police taser Mr. Seguin, which occurred outside of the room. F.M. was
ultimately transported to Putnam Hospital, where she was treated for her injuries.
E.E. and T.C. rented rooms in the same house where Mr. Seguin resided; additionally, on
the night of this incident, S.S. was staying overnight with E.E. M.R. owned the residence, and
he and his son, M.R. Jr., were present on the night of the incident. During the late evening and
early morning hours of November 29 and November 30, 2015, E.E., M.R. Jr, S.S., and T.C.
heard the sounds of an altercation coming from Mr. Seguins room. T.C. heard what he
described as moaning and groaning, things being broken, and some type of a struggle. E.E.

None of the information referenced in this report was obtained through the use of grand jury subpoenas. Any
subpoenas issued were pursuant to New York State Executive Law Section 63(8).

All civilian witnesses are identified by initials in order to protect their privacy.

Phencyclidine (PCP) is an illegal, Schedule II drug, classified as a dissociative hallucinogen.

heard Mr. Seguin screaming, I am God, I am God. Take it, take it bitch, banging, and a woman
crying. S.S. also heard Mr. Seguin screaming, I am God, I am God, banging and a woman
crying. M.R. Jr. heard yelling, banging, and what he described as a woman being thrown
T.C., concerned that a woman was being hurt inside the room (and armed with a 20
pound hand weight) knocked on Mr. Seguins door. Mr. Seguin replied, among other things,
Fuck you. Fuck you. Shortly thereafter, M.R., the owner of the home, joined the others
outside of Mr. Seguins room. The residents advised M.R. that they believed that Mr. Seguin
was assaulting a woman in his room. M.R. knocked on the door and asked Mr. Seguin to open it.
Receiving no response, M.R. knocked again and told Mr. Seguin that if he did not answer the
door, M.R. would call the police.
When Mr. Seguin refused to open the door, M.R. Jr. called 911. The call was made at
1:34 a.m. The OAG reviewed the dispatch recording of M.R. Jr.s call for assistance. M.R. Jr.
told the dispatcher that there was an issue with one of the tenants, that there is a lot of banging
going on and that a woman was being thrown around the room. M.R. Jr. further stated that
the woman is being hurt and smacked, right now as we speak.
B. Law Enforcement Interaction with Mr. Seguin
CPD Officer James Terrazas was the first officer to arrive. While outside of the home,
Off. Terrazas spoke to E.E. and S.S., who reported what they had seen and heard up to that point.
Off. Terrazas entered the home and spoke with M.R., the landlord, who said that his tenant had
been yelling and screaming for over an hour.
By this time, Sergeant Robert Behan had also arrived. The two officers made their way
to the hallway directly outside of Mr. Seguins room, where they could hear mumbling and what
they believed to be a struggle. The officers announced their presence, knocked on the door, and
ordered Mr. Seguin to open it. Despite repeated requests, Mr. Seguin would not open the door.
At this point, M.R. gave the officers a key to unlock Mr. Seguins room.
The officers had difficulty opening the door completely because a chair had been placed
behind the door. T.C. saw the officers try to enter the room; although he could not see into the
room he said it sounded like Mr. Seguin rushed the officers. When the officers were able to
open the door, they found that the room was somewhat dark and that a broken lamp was on the
floor. They were able to see Mr. Seguin wrestling with F.M.; his face was red, he was sweating
profusely, and he had a blank stare. Having learned Mr. Seguins name from M.R., Off.
Terrazas attempted to reason with him, stating, Joe, stop it. Let her go Joe. Whats going on?
Despite repeated instructions that he release F.M., Mr. Seguin refused to do so. According to the
officers, they then warned Mr. Seguin that if he did not release F.M., he would be tasered. Still
Mr. Seguin did not release her. M.R. confirmed that, during the incident, he heard officers
repeatedly warn Mr. Seguin that they would taser him if he did not stop resisting them.
Working together, the officers were able to wrestle Mr. Seguin away from F.M. Mr.
Seguin continued to flail, kick, and fight with the officers as they then tried to remove him from

the room. The officers repeatedly directed Mr. Seguin to lie on the floor and put his hands
behind his back, but Mr. Seguin did not comply. After struggling with Mr. Seguin, Off. Terrazas
and Sgt. Behan were able to remove Mr. Seguin from the room and away from F.M., but he
continued to fight with them. The officers moved him down the hall and into a living room area.
While the officers and Mr. Seguin were in the living room, M.R., M.R. Jr., and T.C. were
standing in a doorway down the hallway and E.E. and S.S. were on the landing of the split stairway,
midway down the stairs. M.R., M.R., Jr., and T.C. observed Mr. Seguin continuing to fight with and
resist the officers at this time, while E.E. and S.S. heard Mr. Seguin resisting the police officers and could
see the tops of the officers heads from their vantage point.

While Mr. Seguin and the officers were in the living room area, Mr. Seguin, as observed
by M.R. Jr., grabbed a cage containing a pit bull. Mr. Seguin kicked and fought with the
officers, and refused to let go of the cage. After a struggle, Off. Terrazas was able to free Mr.
Seguins hands from the dog cage. At this point, Mr. Seguin locked his hands beneath his body
so that the officers could not handcuff him.
By this time, Officer Jeffrey Eagan had arrived at the scene. Off. Eagan saw Off.
Terrazas and Sgt. Behan trying unsuccessfully to gain control of Mr. Seguin, and Off. Eagan
tried to assist them. The three officers were unable to remove Mr. Seguins hands from beneath
his body, and each concluded that Mr. Seguin was acting under the influence of drugs. Off.
Terrazas warned Mr. Seguin that he would be tasered if he did not stop resisting. Obtaining no
compliance, Off. Terrazas attempted to drive-stun Mr. Seguin with his taser (by pressing the
instrument directly against Mr. Seguins skin as opposed to deploying its darts), but the taser
The officers continued to struggle with Mr. Seguin and repeatedly advised him that he
would be tasered if he did not stop resisting arrest. Sgt. Behan pinched the skin on the back of
Mr. Seguins arm (a technique used by police officers in order to obtain compliance from a
resisting subject), but it had no effect. Off. Eagan again warned Mr. Seguin that he would be
tasered if he did not stop resisting. Again, after obtaining no compliance, Off. Eagan used his
taser and drive-stunned Mr. Seguin on the lower, right side of his back. The instrument
functioned properly and Mr. Seguin called out Oww, but he continued to fight with the
officers. Mr. Seguins continued resistance despite having been drive-stunned surprised the
officers, who had all been drive-stunned as part of their taser training and described the resulting
pain as substantial. 7
Mr. Seguin continued to resist the officers attempts to handcuff him. Off. Eagan warned
Mr. Seguin that he would be tasered again if he did not stop resisting. Despite the fact that he
had been drive-stunned, Mr. Seguin continued to be combative. He refused to comply with the
officers orders to place his hands behind his back and stop resisting arrest. In response to Mr.
Seguins continued reaction to the officers efforts to subdue him, Off. Eagan made the decision
to deploy his taser in dart-probe mode. Two taser prongs struck Mr. Seguin in his left abdomen,
roughly three inches apart. Despite the fact that Mr. Seguin was tasered six additional times, the

As discussed above, F.M. told the CPD that she and Mr. Seguin smoked PCP on the night of the incident. PCP
affects a persons perception of pain. See National Institute of Health, PCP (Phencyclidine), May 2006.

transmitted electric current did not incapacitate him. 8 Instead, he continued to struggle against
the officers and refused to put his hands behind his back, although he did yell in pain. Only after
Off. Eagan activated his taser for a final, eighth time, were the officers able to secure Mr.
Seguins hands behind his back and take him into custody. 9
The Carmel Police Department Taser Evidence Sync Report, indicates that, at 1:32:0410,
Off. Egans taser was activated for three seconds, which appears to correspond to Off. Egans
unsuccessful attempt to incapacitate Mr. Seguin by drive-stunning him. (Exhibit D at 1.) The
Taser Evidence Sync Report states that, at 1:32:12, the taser was deployed for 8 seconds, which
appears to correspond to Off. Egans deployment of the taser in dart probe mode. (Exhibit D at
1.) Between 1:32:21 and 1:33:03, the taser was activated five times for 5, 9, 10, 5, and 5
seconds, respectively. (Exhibit D at 1.) Twenty-seven seconds later, at 1:33:30, Off. Eagan
again tasered Mr. Seguin for 5 seconds. (Exhibit D at 1.) At that point, the officers were able to
handcuff Mr. Seguin and take him into custody. As noted above, Mr. Seguin did not display the
type of pain responsiveness or neuromuscular incapacitation that would normally accompany
drive-stun or dart-probe taser use, respectively; he remained combative throughout the incident
until the final taser activation occurred.
The civilian witnesses were not positioned in a manner such that they could see the
entire incident, but they made several observations that confirm key parts of the officers account
of the incident: (1) E.E. stated that she heard Mr. Seguin continue to struggle with the officers
after he had been tasered; (2) S.S. heard the officers taser Mr. Seguin twice and then heard him
continue to fight; (3) M.R. saw that Mr. Seguin did not stop struggling until after he was tasered;
and (4) M.R. Jr. saw that while Mr. Seguin was being tasered, he was still fighting and was just
not stopping.

Once taser darts connect with an individual, electrical pulses are conducted through wires each time the instrument
is deployed. The pulses normally incapacitate an individual by causing muscles to contract, resulting in the loss of
body control. See, e.g., Optimally, when a taser is used in
dart-probe mode, there should be between nine and 18 inches separating the darts, and the darts should connect with
major muscle groups. See generally The Physiologic Effects of Multiple Simultaneous Electronic Control Device
Discharges, West J Emer Med 2010 11(1), and (The probes are less effective on fatty tissues than on major
muscle groups.) Here, because Mr. Seguin and Off. Eagan were close to one another and because Mr. Seguin was
moving, the prongs were separated by only approximately three inches and were embedded in fatty tissues, which
may be why the instrument never produced the type of neuromuscular incapacitation one would normally expect.

When the safety was removed from Off. Eagans taser (Model X26P), its video capabilities were activated. The
video is of poor quality and does not provide a clear, comprehensive view of the incident. However, the captured
audio shows the officers directing Mr. Seguin to put his hands behind his back and Mr. Seguin calling out Oww in
pain. The video captured the wires connecting the darts to Mr. Seguin, the dog cage, the hallway, and some of the
civilian witnesses. Off. Terrazas taser (Model X26) was older than Off. Eagans, and it malfunctioned completely.

The 911 call system indicates that M.R. Jr.'s call to 911 was made at 1:34 a.m. The taser report indicates that the
time of the first taser engagement was 1:32 a.m. Unquestionably, the 911 call was made well before the first use of
the taser. Based upon the evidence in this matter, it appears that the 911 timekeeping system was accurate and that
the time on the taser clock was not accurate.

C. Law Enforcement Actions After Mr. Seguin Was Tasered

Once Mr. Seguin was handcuffed and subdued, the officers noticed that he did not appear
to be breathing. The officers turned Mr. Seguin over to see whether his chest was rising, and
Sgt. Behan checked him for a pulse. At about this time M.R. Jr. captured a short (seven second)
videotape on his cell phone that only captured Mr. Seguins feet and legs on the hallway floor.
Detecting neither breathing nor a pulse, Sgt. Behan directed Off. Terrazas to call for an
ambulance and retrieve an Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) and Narcan 11 from his
police vehicle, while he and Off. Eagan began administering CPR. According to M.R., the CPD
officers commenced life-saving efforts immediately.
Sgt. Behan explained that while the officers suspected Mr. Seguin was under the
influence of an illicit drug, they did not know what substance Mr. Seguin may have ingested.
Off. Terrazas returned from his patrol vehicle and administered Narcan to Mr. Seguin. The
officers administered Narcan because Mr. Seguin was not breathing, which can be indicative of
an opioid overdose. The officers also attached AED pads to Mr. Seguins chest, but received a
No Shock Advised 12 message and continued CPR.
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Kevin Skakel of Transcare was the first
paramedic to arrive. He noted that the officers were rendering CPR to Mr. Seguin when he
entered the home. Mr. Skakel administered an intra-venous line and connected Mr. Seguin to a
heart monitor; Mr. Seguin had no heart beat and, according to Mr. Skakel, was in full cardiac
Shortly thereafter, various EMT members of the Mahopac Volunteer Fire Department
arrived. Matthew Bondi was the EMT in charge. When he arrived, he found Kevin Skakel and a
CPD officer performing chest compressions on Mr. Seguin, who was lying face up on the floor.
Mr. Bondi and his partner EMTs began to suction Mr. Seguins airway and check for vital signs.
No signs of life were detected.
The EMTs placed Mr. Seguin on a stretcher and into an ambulance. As they traveled to
the Putnam Hospital Center, they alternated performing chest compressions and rescue
breathing, but Mr. Seguin never displayed any signs of improvement. They arrived at the


Narcan is a nasal spray indicated for the emergency treatment of a known or suspected opioid overdose. See

An automated external defibrillator is a portable device that checks the heart rhythm and is capable of sending an
electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm. AEDs are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest. Most
sudden cardiac arrests result from ventricular fibrillation, a rapid and unsynchronized heart rhythm, which can lead
to death. The heart can sometimes be defibrillated to restore a normal rhythm. Sticky pads with sensors are
attached to the chest of the person who is experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. The electrodes send information about
the person's heart rhythm to a computer in the AED. The computer analyzes the heart rhythm to find out whether a
shock (defibrillation) is advised (shock indicated) or not (no shock advised). When the machine indicates no
shock advised on a person without a pulse, it has not detected a shockable rhythm.;

hospital at approximately 2:33 a.m. Mr. Seguin was pronounced deceased by hospital staff at
approximately 2:40 a.m.
Joseph Seguins body was autopsied by Dr. Kunjlata Ashar, the Westchester County
Medical Examiner, 13 at approximately 6:40 p.m. on November 30, 2015 (approximately sixteen
hours after the time of death). Gross external examination revealed EKG patches present on Mr.
Seguins chest and abdomen and AED pads on his chest. Mr. Seguin was 68 inches tall and
weighed 280 pounds. Two puncture marks were found on Mr. Seguins left middle area one
on the left side of the abdomen, three inches above the umbilicus, and another above the left hip
area which correspond to the area where the taser darts made contact with Mr. Seguins skin.
Otherwise, Mr. Seguins gross external examination was unremarkable.
Samples of Mr. Seguins blood and bodily fluids were submitted for toxicological
analysis. A number of legal and illicit substances were found in Mr. Seguins blood, including
Naloxone (which is the generic name for Narcan) and high levels of Phencyclidine (PCP). The
report reflects that Phencyclidine is a DEA Schedule II controlled dangerous hallucinogenic
The final autopsy report notes as the cause of death: Cardiac arrest during [an] excited
state, while under the influence of phencyclidine, after being Tasered and handcuffed.
Mr. Seguin was 38 years old when he died.
The evidence shows that CPD officers used force against Mr. Seguin that was justified
under the New York Penal Law. New York State Penal Law Section 35.30(1) provides that a
police officer may: (1) in the course of effecting or attempting to effect an arrest . . . of a person
whom he or she reasonably believes to have committed an offense (2) use physical force when
and to the extent he or she reasonably believes such to be necessary to effect the arrest . . . . 14
CPD officers clearly had a reasonable belief that Mr. Seguin committed an offense. They
saw him violently grabbing a partially-clothed woman, and he refused to heed their commands
for him to release her. Clumps of F.M.s hair were apparent on the floor; she was disheveled and
bore scratches and bruises.


Pursuant to an inter-county agreement, the Westchester County Medical Examiner performs autopsies in Putnam
County as needed.

The Carmel Police Departments use of force policy parallels and makes specific reference to Article 35:
Officers of the Carmel Police Department are expected to use only such force as is reasonable and necessary in
making an arrest. They may only use the level of physical force necessary to effect lawful objectives in the
performance of their duties within the limits established in Article 35 of the New York State Penal Law . . . .
(Exhibit B at 1.)

The operative question, therefore, is whether the officers had a reasonable belief that the
force they used was necessary to arrest Mr. Seguin. The United States Supreme Court has held
that a determination of whether police use of force is reasonable is a fact-specific inquiry that
requires balancing the nature of the use of force with the countervailing government interests at
stake. Relevant considerations include the severity of the crime at issue, whether the suspect
poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others, and whether he is actively
resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight. See Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386, 396
(1989). 15
Here, the severity of the crime at issue Mr. Seguins assault on F.M. was significant,
and Mr. Seguin actively resisted arrest. The use of force was therefore warranted, and the nature
of the CPDs use of force was measured and graded. It progressed through verbal commands;
hands-on engagement; attempted use of a taser in drive-stun mode; use of a pain compliance
technique (i.e., pinching the skin on the back of Mr. Seguins arm); actual use of the taser in
drive-stun mode; and, finally, to the use of the taser in dart-probe mode. When the taser was
ultimately deployed in dart-probe mode, Mr. Seguin was still actively resisting. The officers
escalating use of force was consistent with the CPD policy on the use of force. See Town of
Carmel Police Department General Order A-15, Use of Force, attached hereto as Exhibit B at 2
(When the use of force is necessary and appropriate, officers shall, to the extent possible, utilize
an escalating scale of options and will not use more forceful measures unless it is determined that
a lower level of force is inadequate.); see generally Crowell v. Kirkpatrick, 400 Fed. Appx. 592,
595 (2d Cir. 2010) (officers used a taser in drive-stun mode only as a last resort when other
means to effect arrests had proven infeasible).
Taser use is non-lethal force. 16 See Buckley v. Haddock, 292 Fed. Appx. 791, 796 (11th
Cir. 2008) (use of a taser is at most-moderate, non-lethal force); Whitfield v. City of
Newburgh, 2015 WL 9275695, *11 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 17, 2015) (discussing where on the force
continuum taser use should be and describing the use of a taser as a significant amount of
force); Negron v. City of New York, 976 F.Supp.2d 360, 367 (E.D.N.Y. 2013) (Common sense
suggests that, in the ordinary case, the likelihood of sustaining serious, permanent injuries from a
taser is relatively low); People v. Patterson, 115 A.D.3d 1174, 1175 (4th Dept. 2014) (use of a
taser is non-lethal force); see also Jeff Fabian, Dont Tase Me Bro! A Comprehensive
Analysis of the Laws Governing Taser Use by Law Enforcement, 62 FLA. L. REV. 763, 766
(2010) (Research shows that the large majority of Taser incidents result in mild or no injuries to

In Graham, the United States Supreme Court set the minimum standard of care which a police officer must
exercise in making an arrest to avoid violation of the arrestees Fourth Amendment rights. See McCummings v.
New York City Transit Auth., 81 N.Y.2d 923, 927 (1993).

Deadly physical force is defined as physical force which, under the circumstances in which it is used, is readily
capable of causing deadly or other serious physical injury. Penal Law 10.00(11). An officer may use deadly
physical force if he or she reasonably believes that the person to be arrested committed a felony or an attempt to
commit a felony involving the use or attempted use or threatened imminent use of physical force against a person.
Penal Law 35.30(1)(a)(i). Here, it appears that Mr. Seguins unlawful conduct may qualify as a felony or an
attempted felony involving the use or threatened imminent use of physical force against F.M. Accordingly, the CPD
may have been entitled to use deadly force to the extent a reasonable belief could have been held that such force was
necessary to effect the arrest. Because tasers are recognized to be a use of non-lethal force, we do not address the
use of deadly physical force.

the suspect.); Town of Carmel Police Department, General Order 0-46, Electronic Energy
Device (Taser) (Exhibit B at 13, 18) (classifying tasers as nonlethal weapons equivalent to the
use of OC Spray [i.e., Oleoresin Capsicum or pepper spray]); U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, May 2011, Police Use of Force, Tasers,
and Other Less-Lethal Weapons, available at
(tasers have been studied extensively and found to reduce injuries to both suspects and officers
alike when compared with other use of force alternatives).
Several courts have held, for purposes of civil liability, that the use of a taser is
reasonable where a suspect actively resists arrest. 17 See, e.g., Crowell, 400 Fed. Appx. at 595
(drive-stun tasering deemed reasonable where plaintiffs actively resisted arrest by chaining
themselves to a several hundred pound barrel drum); Draper v. Reynolds, 369 F.3d 1270, 1278
(11th Cir. 2004) (holding that use of a taser was not excessive force where a suspect who was
stopped because his license plate was not illuminated was hostile, belligerent, and
uncooperative); Neal-Lomax v. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept., 574 F. Supp.2d 1170,
1185-86 (Dist. Ct. D Nevada 2008) (noting vigorous resistance in finding reasonable taser use on
an individual under the influence of PCP who died of cardiac arrest, including five taser strikes
after the decedent had been restrained); Wright v. Deghetto, No. 5:06CV-133-R, 2008 WL
199890 (W.D. Ky. Jan. 23, 2008) (holding that it was reasonable to taser a suspect who was
verbally combative and who resisted officers attempts to handcuff him); Johnson v. City of
Lincoln Park, 434 F. Supp.2d 467, 479-80 (E.D. Mich. 2006) (holding that the use of a taser was
reasonable where a fourteen-year old, who was handcuffed and surrounded by four police
officers, still violently resisted arrest).
The number of times a taser is used and the duration of the taser applications are relevant
to whether the use of force was reasonable. Here, Mr. Seguin was tasered eight times, within a
span of 91 seconds, for a total taser application time of 50 seconds. Mr. Seguin was combative
with the officers throughout the incident and could not be subdued prior to the use of a taser.
Courts have determined that multiple taser applications may be reasonable when necessary to
subdue a subject. See Neal-Lomax., 574 F. Supp.2d at 1187-88 (holding that it was reasonable
to taser the defendant seven times for a total of 31 seconds including five times after he was
handcuffed, because he resisted an officers attempts to place him in an ambulance); Sanders v.
City of Fresno, 551 F. Supp. 2d 1149, 1168-76 (E.D. CA 2008) (holding that ten total taser
applications for a total of a maximum of 70 seconds by three officers were not unreasonable


Courts have placed emphasis on whether, like here, officers warned a civilian that he or she would be tasered if
the civilian did not stop certain conduct. See Negron, 976 F.Supp.2d at 367 (noting the importance of giving a
warning before a taser is used); Neal-Lomax v. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept., 574 F. Supp.2d 1170 (Dist.
Ct. D Nevada 2008) (officers gave warnings); cf. Brown v. City of Golden Valley, 574 F.3d 491 (8th Cir. 2009) (use
of a taser on a car passenger for refusal to exit a car stopped for speeding constituted excessive force because the
officer tasered the passenger without warning and the tasering was disproportionate to the underlying crime); Casey
v. City of Federal Heights, 509 F.3d 1278 (10th Cir. 2007) (use of a taser on a passively resisting suspect was
unreasonable because the officer tasered the suspect without warning and the use of force was disproportionate to
the underlying crime (removing from the courthouse court records that the suspect showed an officer on the way
back into the courthouse and the officer refused to take them)).


due to the suspects apparent physical threat to his wife, his continued resistance against officers,
and the inability of multiple officers to physically subdue him). 18
Finally, courts have found the use of Tasers to be reasonable under circumstances
involving no resistance and far less resistance than Mr. Seguin engaged in. See, e.g., Buckley v.
Haddock, 292 Fed. Appx. 791, 795 (11th Cir. 2008) (holding that it was reasonable to taser a
handcuffed arrestee as the arrestee sat on the side of a road during a traffic stop, refusing to stand
up and walk to the patrol car); Edwards v. City of Martins Ferry, 554 F. Supp.2d 797, 807-08
(S.D. Ohio 2008) (holding that it was reasonable for an officer to taser an eighty-two year old
man with Alzheimers disease because the man struggled with an officer during an arrest for
public urination); Campos v. City of Glendale, No. CV-06-610-PHX-DGC, 2007 WL 4468722
(D. Ariz. Dec. 14, 2007) (holding that it was reasonable for police to taser an unconscious man,
because the man pulled his arms away as officers tried to handcuff him).
For the foregoing reasons, the CPD officers use of force against Mr. Seguin was justified
under the New York Penal Law and, therefore, no charges are warranted.
Scientific studies regarding the use of tasers on persons under the influence of drugs are
limited. 19 Additional research is warranted. Consequently, as a general matter, police agencies
should be mindful of concerns about the use of tasers on those under the influence of drugs and
take these concerns into account when developing use-of-force policies.
A number of law enforcement agencies have addressed taser use on individuals under the
influence of drugs. For example, in a 2011 report, the United States Department of Justice
Community Oriented Policing Services and the Police Executive Research Forum established


The CPD Taser policy, attached hereto as Exhibit B, states: Officers should attempt to limit the number of
repeated 5-second Taser cycles applied to any one suspect to three (3). However, the policy does not mandate that
the cycles be limited to five seconds, and it clearly contemplates that the Taser may be deployed for more than three
cycles, as it states that EMS must be called anytime there are 3 or more Taser exposures. Training materials
provided to the CPD by the manufacturer of the Taser model X26P used here state that exposure . . . for longer than
15 seconds (whether due to multiple applications or continuous cycling) may increase the risk of death or serious
injury. TASER X26P Conducted Electrical Weapon (CEW) Training Materials, April 2013; see also DOJ
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and Police Executive Research Forum. 2011 Electronic Control
Weapon Guidelines at 13, DOJ COPS Washington, D.C. (March 2011) (noting as increased risk factors cycling
time that exceeds 15 seconds in duration, whether the time is consecutive or cumulative).

See U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice Special Report. Study of Deaths Following Electro
Muscular Disruption, (May 2011), available at See also ACLU of
Northern California, Stun Gun Fallacy: How the Lack of Taser Regulation Endangers Lives, September 2005 Taser
Study (emphasizing the need for data on the effects of Taser use on people under the influence of drugs); Dont
Tase Me Bro! A Comprehensive Analysis of the Laws Governing Taser Use by Law Enforcement, 62 FLA. L. REV.
763 (2010) (noting a dearth of studies on vulnerable individuals, including children, the elderly, the mentally ill,
and those under the influence of drugs).


guidelines for use-of-force practices and policies governing tasers. 20 The report notes that
officers should be made aware that certain vulnerable populations, including those under the
influence of drugs, may be at heightened risk of serious injury or death when subjected to a taser.
Similarly, the Maryland Attorney General has recommended that police departments adopt useof-force models recognizing that persons consuming drugs may be at a heightened risk. 21
According to the Maryland Attorney Generals report, when deciding whether to use a taser, an
officer should consider the greater potential risk and be able to articulate the justification for
exposing a person to increased risk. 22
Here, the justification for exposing Mr. Seguin to any increased risk was clear: Officers
appropriately escalated their use of force in an effort to effect the arrest of a person violently
resisting arrest for what appeared to be an attempted sexual assault.
Nonetheless, in order to give officers more clarity concerning under which circumstances
tasers may be used on individuals suspected of being under the influence of drugs, we
recommend that the CPD develop policies specifically addressing taser use on individuals
suspected of being under the influence of drugs.


DOJ Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and Police Executive Research Forum. 2011 Electronic
Control Weapon Guidelines, DOJ COPS: Washington, D.C. (March 2011), available at
%20guidelines%202011.pdf. Cf. generally TASER X26P Conducted Electrical Weapon (CEW) Training Materials,
April 2013 (use of a taser in dart probe mode can be effective on subjects affected by chemical or mental influences
because it is not solely dependent on pain for effectiveness.).

Maryland Attorney General. Report of the Maryland Attorney Generals Task Force on Electronic Weapons, 3536 (December 2009).

Id. at 70.


Executive Orders 001

No. 147


WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of New York obliges the Governor to take care that the

laws ofNew York arc faithfully executed; and

WHEREAS, I have solemnly sworn, pursuant to Article 13, Section 1 of the Constitution, to support
the Constitution and fuithfully discharge the duties of the office of Governor; and
WHEREAS, there have been recent incidents involving the deaths of unarmed civilians that have
challenged the public's confidence and trust in our system of criminal justice; and
WHEREAS, public concerns have been raised that such incidents cannot be prosecuted at the local
level without conflict or bias, or the public perception of conflict or bias; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to ensure that a full, reasoned, and independent investigation and
prosecution of any such incident is conducted without conflict or bias, or the perception of conflict or bias;


WHEREAS, the foregoing compels me to conclude that my constitutional obligations provide that in
cases where an issue of a real or perceived conflict of interest exists, 8Jld to ensure full confidence in our
system of criminal justice, a special prosecutor should be appointed with respect to such incidents. Such
appointment of a special prosecutor will supersede in all ways the authority and jurisdiction of a county
district attorney to manage, interpret, prosecute or inquire about such incidents; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, ANDREW M. CUOMO, Governor of the State of New York, by virtue of
the authority vested in me by the Constitution and LaWl! of the State ofNew Yorlc, and particularly by
subdivision 2 of section 63 of the Executive Law, hereby require the Attorney General (hereinafter, the
"special prosecutorj to investigate, and if warranted, prosecute certain matters involving the death of an
unanned civilian, whether in custody or not, caused by a law enforcemMt officer, as listed in subdivision 34
of section 1.20 of the Criminal Procedure Law. The special prosecutor may also investigate and prosecute in
such instances where, in his opinion, there is a significant question as to whether the civilian was armed and
dangerous at the time of his or her death;
FURTHER, for any matter covered herein, the special prosecutor shall have the powers and duties
specified in subdivisions 2 and 8 of section 63 of the Executive Law for purposes of this Ordt!!, and shall
possess and exercise all the prosecutorial powers necessary to investigate, aod if warranted, prosecute the
incident The special prosecutor's jurisdiction will displace and supersede the jurisdiction of the county
district attorney where the incident occurred; and such county district attorney shall have only the powers and
duties designated to him or her by the special prosecutor as specified in iSUbdivision 2 of section 63 of the
Executive Law;

Executive Orders 002

FURTIIER. for any matter covered herein, the special prosecutor shall conduct a full, reasoned, and
independent investigation including, but not limited to, (i) gathering lllld analyzing evidence, (li) conducting
witness interViews,.and (iii) reviewing investigative reports, scientific reports, and audio and video
FURTHER. for any matter covered herein, the special prosecutor shall, (i) attend in person, a term or
terms of the County or Supreme Court to be held in and for the County of such appropriate jurisdiction
consistent with this Order, (ii) appear in person before any grand jury drawn for any term(s) of said court, for
the purpose 'of conductiog any and all proceedings, examinations, and inquiries, and (iii) bring any and all
criminal actions and proceedings which may be had or taken before said grand jury and other grand juries
concerning or relating to any and all alleged unlawful acts llS described by this Order;
FURTHER, for any matter covered herein, the special prosecutor will provide to me, or my designee,
a report on all cases where, (i) the specia1 prosecutor declines to present evidence to a grand jury regarding
the death of a civilian as described io this Order, whether in custody or cot, allegedly caused by a law
enforcement officer, or (ii) the grand jury declines to return an indictment on any charges. The report will
include, to the extent possible and lawful, an explanation of that outcome and any recommendations for
systemic reform. arising from the investigation.
This Executive Order shall continue until modified, suspended or terminated by the Governor.

G I V E N under my hand and the Privy Seal of the

State in the City of Albany this eighth
day of July in the year two thousand



Secretary to the Governor

Executive Orders 003

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 001

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 002

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 003

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 004

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 005

use deadly physical

the Depanment to





CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 006

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 007

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 008

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 009

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 010

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 011


inch barrel,


a factory trigger pull or a Glock Model 21 .45 caliber with an 8 pound

trigger pull, with fixed

and be of a black matte finish with black hand grips.

2. The weapon and the following accessory equipment: a Type II basket weave black
holster; a basket weave black magazine pouch capable of holding two magazines and he
two additional magazines will be purchased by

individual officer who wishes to avail

himself/herself of this option.

3. The weapon may be equipped with a

approved weapon-mounted flashlight

as long as the officer voluntarily becomes certified in its use and maintains such

taking a


course at a minimum

every year.

Members of the ERT Team who normally train with weapon-mounted flashlights, must
in lowlight conditions and be certified annually be the ERT firearms instructor. The
Administrative Lieutenant-will certify annually a list of officers who are permitted to
have their weapons equipped with a weapon light. The weapon flashlight will


utilized in possible deadly physical force confrontational situations, and is not to take the
place of the department issued flashlight used in normal patrol situations.

Only department certified ammunition


Upon being certified in the use and proficiency


use, the officer will return the department

.40 caliber Glock pistol to the



AU rn rn1strai:1ve

be utilized in the weapon.

caliber weapon for on-duty

ueui:ena m.

6. The departments firearms instructors ann

will recommend, certify, and submit a

written report to the Administrative Lieutenant, who will record the serial numbers and
names of the officers, who are certified to be proficient with their personal .45 caliber
pistol for patrol use. The Chief of Police will have final approval and authorization for
the officers' who are interested in availing themselves of this option.


CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 012


CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 013

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 014

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 015

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 016


, or

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 017

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 018

CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 019



CPD Use of Force and Taser Policies 020

Taser User Manual 001


User Manual

Models 11000, 11001, 11002, 11003


Read all warnings and instructions. Save these instructions.
MMU0042 Rev: A

Taser User Manual 002



Chapter 1: Warnings
Important Safety and Health Information
Use of Force Policy
Firmware Update


Chapter 2: General Information

What is the TASER X26P ECD?
Neuro Muscular Incapacitation (NMI)
Common Effects of NMI
Basic X26P ECD Electrical Theory

8 Chapter 3: Features
8 X26P ECD Features
8 Safety Switch
9 Mechanical Sights
9 Tactical Accessory Power Interface
9 Performance Power Magazine (PPM) Battery Pack
10 Changing the Battery Pack
11 Tactical Performance Power Magazine (TPPM) Battery Pack
11 eXtended Performance Power Magazine (XPPM) Battery Pack
11 Automatic Shut-Down Performance Power Magazine (APPM) Battery Pack
12 Advanced Central Information Display (CID)
12 System Status Icons
13 Battery Level Icons
14 Spark Duration
14 Sample CID Displays
15 LED Flashlight
15 Selector Switch (LASER and LED Flashlights)
16 Trigger Switch
17 Ergonomic Grip Design

Chapter 4: Cartridges & ECD Operation

Removing the Shipping Cover from the Cartridge
15, 21, LS, and XP25 TASER Cartridges
Load the TASER Cartridge

Taser User Manual 003


Aiming and Probe Placement
"Silence Is Golden"
Potential Causes of Reduced or No Effectiveness
Drive-Stun Backup
Recommended Drive-Stun Areas for Maximum Effect


Chapter 5: Maintenance/Troubleshooting
Function Test
Function Test Instructions
What to Do Following ECD Use
Considerations for Handling Used Probes
Effects On Animals
Police/Military K-9 Caution
Uploading Firmware Revisions
Dataport Download Kit
USB Connection Status
EVIDENCE Sync Offline Software
Trilogy Log
Event Log
Pulse Log
Engineering Log
Time Synchronization
X26P ECD Maintenance and Care
Dropped or Wet X26P ECD
TASER Online Troubleshooting Guide
Product Returns


Chapter 6: Optional Accessories
EVIDENCE Sync Offline Software


Chapter 7: Additional Items

Additional Information
TASER Training Academy
Medical Research


Taser User Manual 004


Important Safety and Health Information

Read, understand and follow the most current product warnings, safety instructions, and training materials.
All product warnings are not included in this Manual. A Product Warnings document is included with this
electronic control device (ECD) and the most current warnings are posted on our website at
The most current training materials are available by contacting TASERs Training Department. Do not attempt
to use this ECD until you have completed training with a TASER International, Inc. (TASER) Certified Instructor.

Complete Training First

Significant differences exist between each of the TASER ECD models. Do not use or attempt to use any ECD model unless you
have been trained and certified by a Certified TASER Instructor on that particular model.

Read and Obey

Read, study, understand, and follow all instructions, warnings, information, training bulletins and TASER training materials
before using the TASER X26P ECD. Failure to comply with the product instructions, warnings, information, training
bulletins, and TASER training materials could increase the risk of or result in death or serious injury to the user, force
recipient, and others.

Obey Applicable Laws

Use the ECD only in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and other regulations or legal requirements.
Your agencys guidance must also be followed. Any ECD use must be legally justifiable.

Electronic Control Device

Can temporarily incapacitate target.

Can cause death or serious injury.
Obey warnings, instructions and all laws.
Comply with current training materials and requirements.

TASER ECDs are designed in probe-deployment mode to temporarily incapacitate a person from a safer
distance while reducing the likelihood of serious injuries or death. When used as directed, TASER ECDs have
been found to be safer and more effective than other traditional use-of-force tools and techniques. However,
it is important to remember that the use of force and physical incapacitation, by their very nature, involve risk
that someone will get hurt or may even die from factors that include, but are not limited to: physical resistance,
exertion, individual susceptibilities, and/or unforeseen circumstances. Any use of force or physical exertion
involves risks that a person may get hurt or die.

Use of Force Policy

Each agency is responsible for creating its own use-of-force policy and determining how TASER ECDs fit into
their use-of-force matrix based on legal and community standards. Make sure your agency has a use-of-force

Taser User Manual 005

policy that addresses TASER ECD use and that this policy is clearly addressed during end-user training.

Firmware Update
Before using your X26P ECD, confirm with your armorer or other qualified person that the X26P firmware has
been updated.

Chapter 1


Taser User Manual 006

General Information

What Is the TASER X26P ECD?

The X26P ECD is a software upgradable weapon manufactured by TASER International, Inc.
The X26P ECD uses a replaceable cartridge containing compressed nitrogen to deploy two small probes that
are attached to the X26P ECD cartridge by insulated conductive wires. The cartridges are available with various
wire lengths from 15' to 25' (4.6 m to 7.6 m). Sale of cartridges with wire length longer than 15' is limited to law
enforcement and military only.
The X26P ECDs Trilogy log can be uploaded securely to The X26P ECD has an internal memory
that stores the operating software and a deployment record. See the Trilogy Log section in this manual for
more details. Those who do not have an account can use the Offline EVIDENCE Sync software
to download a simplified log to a local computer.
The X26P ECD has an estimated useful life of 5 years.

Neuro Muscular Incapacitation (NMI)

TASER technology is designed to use electrical impulses similar to those in your bodys nervous system to cause
stimulation of the sensory and motor nerves. Neuro Muscular Incapacitation (NMI) occurs when an ECD is able
to cause involuntary stimulation of both the sensory nerves and the motor nerves. It is not dependent on pain
and can be effective on subjects with a high level of pain tolerance.
Previous generations of stun guns primarily affected the sensory nerves only, resulting in pain compliance.
A subject with a very high tolerance to pain (e.g., a drug abuser, person in serious psychological distress, or
a trained, focused fighter) may not be affected by the pain or might be able to fight through the pain of a
traditional stun gun.

Taser User Manual 007

Common Effects of NMI

The use of TASER technology is designed to cause incapacitation and strong muscle contractions
making secondary injuries a possibility. These potential injuries include but are not limited to: cuts,
bruises, impact injuries, and abrasions caused by falling, and strain-related injuries from strong muscle
contractions such as muscle or tendon tears, or fractures. These injuries are secondary in nature and
not directly attributable to the electric output of the ECD, but are possible consequences of the strong
muscle contractions the ECD may induce.

Some of the effects may include:

Falls immediately to the ground and be unable to catch oneself;
Risk of drowning if ability to move in water or wet environments is restricted;
Yelling or screaming;
Involuntary strong muscle contractions;
Freezing in place with legs locked;
Dazed feeling for several seconds or minutes;
Potential vertigo;
Temporary tingling sensation; or
May experience critical stress amnesia (may not remember any pain).
For a full list of warnings, visit

Basic X26P ECD Electrical Theory

Electricity must be able to flow between the probes to deliver an electrical charge and will generally
follow the path of least resistance between the probes.
The greater the spread between the probes on the target, generally the greater the effectiveness.
Electricity will generally not pass to others in contact with the subject unless contact is made directly
between or on the probes, or the wires are touched.
Electricity can arc through most clothing, and even some bullet-resistant materials.
Exposure to water will not cause electrocution or increase the power to the subject (the electrical
charge is fixed inside the TASER ECD, and will not increase significantly even with environmental
The Current Metering technology is designed to deliver optimal charge.
Medical studies have found that modern pacemakers and implanted cardiac defibrillators withstand
external electrical defibrillators many orders of magnitude stronger than the TASER ECD conducted
energy pulses.

Chapter 2

General Information

Taser User Manual 008


X26P ECD Features

Get to know the X26P ECD:
Illumination Selector
Safety Switch

Mechanical Sights
TASER Cartridge

PPM Release Button
Textured Grip Zones


Performance Power
Magazine (PPM)
Cartridge Release Tab



Blast Door

Low Intensity Lights (LEDs)

NOTE: The serial number is located inside the cartridge bay.

Ensure the ECD is unloaded, the safety is in the down (SAFE) position, and your fingers are away from the
trigger before reading the serial number.

Safety Switch
Ambidextrous safety can be operated from either side of the ECD.
Safety switch down (SAFE).
Safety switch up (ARMED) and ready to deploy.
Do not block the safety on one side of the X26P ECD while attempting to move it on the other side. This
can break the safety and disable the ECD.
With default settings, if the X26P ECDs safety switch is left in the up (ARMED) position for more than 20
minutes, the system goes into low power mode to reduce the amount of power consumed, and the ECD
will not fire. The ECD will not fire, but power is still consumed and will eventually drain the battery if the
safety switch remains in the ARMED position. (This feature can be turned off, which then will cause the
X26P ECD to be left on indefinitely when the safety is up (ARMED). See the Setting Auto Power Down
(Power Save) section in this manual for more information.) To re-arm the ECD, shift the safety to the
down (SAFE) position, and then shift it back to the up (ARMED) position.

Taser User Manual 009


Down (SAFE)

The LASER installed in the X26P ECD is oriented with the mechanical sights. At 15 feet (4.6 m), the aiming point
is aligned to the approximate trajectory of a cartridges top probe.

Mechanical Sights
The mechanical sights on the X26P ECD are molded to provide manual aiming of the ECD. The mechanical
sights are set to coincide with a top probes trajectory at a 15' (4.6 m) distance.
Front Mechanical Sight

Rear Mechanical Sight

Tactical Accessory Power Interface

This is a power plug for future X26P accessories.

Performance Power Magazine (PPM) Battery Pack

The Performance Power Magazine is a lithium energy cell power supply system for the X26P ECD.

NOTE: X26P battery packs will not work with the X3 or X26 ECDs, and battery packs designed for the X3 or
X26 ECDs will not work with the X26P ECD. Battery packs designed for the X2 ECD will work in the X26P ECD.
Do not store the PPM anywhere that the gold contacts on the top of the PPM may touch metal objects. If you

Chapter 3


Taser User Manual 010

cause an electrical short between these contacts, the short will drain the battery and may cause the pack itself
to become dangerously hot.
The PPM battery has enough power for approximately 500 five-second discharges depending on temperature,
environment, use of the flashlight, and other factors. The PPM battery will deplete faster in colder weather than
warm weather. Likewise, the battery will deplete faster with the flashlight active.
For more information on installing the PPM, see the Changing the PPM Battery Pack section in this manual.
NOTE: Other battery pack options are available for the X26P ECD. See the Tactical Performance Power Magazine
(TPPM) Battery Pack, Automatic Shut-Down Performance Power Magazine (APPM) Battery Pack, and eXtended
Performance Power Magazine (XPPM) Battery Pack sections in this manual.

Changing the Battery Pack

The X26 ECD is shipped with the DPM battery pack pre-installed. To change the battery pack:
1 Point the ECD in a safe direction.
2 Ensure the safety switch is in the down (SAFE) position.
3 Safely remove the TASER cartridge (do not place any body parts in front of the cartridge). See the Unloading
section in this manual for more information.
4 To unload the battery pack, depress the battery pack release button and remove the battery pack from the
handle of the ECD.

Release Button

5 Inspect the battery contacts. Ensure that they appear in working order and are free from dirt or other
residue that may interrupt the battery connection to the ECD.
6 Install the new battery pack and ensure that it is fully inserted into the X26P ECD. Apply sufficient force to
ensure the battery pack is fully seated. When the battery pack seats properly, the release button should
pop out from the recessed position with an audible click.

Chapter 3



Taser User Manual 011

Tactical Performance Power Magazine (TPPM) Battery Pack

The optional TPPM has an extension to provide a larger grip on the ECD. The TPPM does not hold an extra

eXtended Performance Power Magazine (XPPM) Battery Pack

To install a cartridge in an XPPM:

1 Keeping your hand away from the blast doors, depress the tabs on the sides of the cartridge.
2 Insert the cartridge in the XPPM so the blast doors face forward, toward the front of the ECD. You should
hear a click when the cartridge seats in the XPPM.
To remove the cartridge, keeping your hand away from the blast doors, depress the tabs again and pull the
cartridge out of the XPPM.

Automatic Shut-Down Performance Power Magazine (APPM) Battery Pack

The optional APPM is a modified battery pack that shuts down the output of the X26P ECD after 5 seconds and
also contains a built-in speaker that alerts you to the impending shut down.

Under stressful situations, audio exclusion might prevent you from hearing the alert from the APPM.

The APPM provides an audible beeping alert for the last 2 seconds of a trigger-initiated cycle before automatically
shutting down the cycle. After 5 seconds deployment duration, the energy burst will stop even if your finger
is still pulling the trigger switch. To reenergize the deployed cartridge, first ensure that your finger is off the
trigger switch, and then press the trigger again.


Chapter 3


Taser User Manual 012

Your ECD will recognize the APPM as a unique type of battery pack. If you remove the APPM and replace it
with a different type of battery pack, the X26P ECD will return to its normal configuration. That is, there will
no longer be an audio alert, and the energy cycle will continue after 5 seconds if your finger is still holding
down the trigger switch. Always confirm that the ECD performs as expected before returning it to duty after
changing any battery pack.

Remove the cartridge before testing the ECD function. See the Unloading section in this manual for
more information.

Advanced Central Information Display (CID)

The CID is a monochrome organic light emitting display on the back of the X26P ECD. When the safety switch
is shifted into the up (ARMED) position, the CID will display the battery status.

Energy Cell Indicator:

61-80% Remaining

System Status Icons

The system status icons are designed to inform you of the system status of the X26P ECD. It is the users
responsibility to conduct proper maintenance and repair, and ensure that the ECD is working properly
before any use. Failure to heed the system status icons could cause serious injury or death.

Major Fault indication. A yellow triangle indicates that the logging or date and
time functions are not working properly. The ECD will still produce an electrical
output (e.g., the ECD should still arc and deploy cartridges), but the accountability
functions are compromised.
Shift the safety switch to the down (SAFE) position and then to the up (ARMED)
position; the fault may clear. If the fault does not clear, it may still be possible to use
the ECD for a short time.
Whether the fault clears or not, it will be recorded in the Engineering log. If the
fault does not clear, and the ECD is still under warranty, send the ECD to TASER
International for repair.

Chapter 3



Taser User Manual 013

Critical Fault indication. A yellow stop sign in the upper-right side of the CID
indicates a system failure. The ECD is NOT to be used.
Do NOT attempt to use the ECD. Contact TASER International customer service.
Invalid Battery Pack. If you see a blinking exclamation point and battery icon, this
indicates that the ECD did not recognize the battery correctly. Remove the battery
pack and reinsert it. If the error is still present, try another battery pack. If the icon
still displays, the ECD should be sent in for service if it is still under warranty.
An APPM battery pack is installed in the ECD.

A TASER CAM HD recorder is installed in the ECD.

A TASER CAM HD recorder with the automatic shut-down feature is installed in the
ECD. This recorder offers an audio warning and shut-down feature like that of an
APPM battery pack.
The USB connection status icon displays when the USB connection is good.

Battery Level Icons

When the safety switch is in the up (ARMED) position, the CID will display the percentage of battery power
remaining. Remaining capacity will display in 19 percent increments.
When the battery level drops to 20 percent, TASER International recommends that the battery pack be replaced.

81 100%

61 80%

41 60%

21 40%

When the battery capacity is at 120 percent, the CID will flash the
warning LO BATT on the CID when the safety switch is cycled to the
up (ARMED) position.


Chapter 3


Taser User Manual 014

If the battery capacity is at 120 percent, and the ECD is being

discharged, this icon displays in the lower-right portion the CID.
01 20%

If the battery is depleted, a zero percent indication (00%) will flash

on the CID when the safety is shifted to the up (ARMED) position.
The ECD then will shut down and not operate.

Spark Duration
The CID displays a count indicating how many seconds the deployment cycle lasts. The ECD will count up from
the number 1 up to 99. At 99 seconds, the count will restart at 1.

Sample CID Displays

The CID below shows the X26P ECD with a TASER CAM HD recorder installed and a battery capacity of 6180 percent.
61-80% Remaining

The CID below shows an ECD that has been discharging for 4 seconds, with a battery pack that is at 4160
percent capacity.

41- 60% Remaining

The CID below shows an ECD with an APPM battery pack installed that has a battery capacity of 6180 percent.

Chapter 3



Taser User Manual 015

APPM Installed
61-80% Remaining

The CID below shows an ECD with a battery pack error.

Battery Pack

The CID below shows an ECD that is 4 seconds into an energy burst, has a battery pack that is 81100 percent
charged, and a major fault with the ECD.
Major Fault
81- 100% Remaining

LED Flashlight
The X26P ECD has a high intensity white LED to aid the user in dark environments.

Selector Switch (LASER and LED Flashlights)

You can select four modes of illumination when using the X26P ECD. To change the illumination setting:
1 Point the ECD in a safe direction.
2 Ensure the safety switch is in the down (SAFE) position.
3 Keeping your hand away from the blast doors, depress the tabs on the sides of the cartridge and remove.
4 Press and hold the selector switch for approximately 1 second until the CID display illuminates.


Chapter 3


Taser User Manual 016

NOTE: Using pens or paper clips to press the selector switch may damage it. Only use your finger to press the
selector switch.
5 Press and release the selector switch to toggle through the four available settings until the setting you
desire is designated on the CID. Stop when the setting you desire is displayed.

OO: Neither the LASER nor the Flashlight will illuminate.

LO: Only LASER will illuminate
OF: Only Flashlight will illuminate
LF: LASER and Flashlight both illuminate
The selected mode displays for 5 seconds, and will be the default mode the next time the safety switch is
moved to the up (ARMED) position.
The selector switch may also be used to activate the Stealth Mode, which will shut off the LASER and flashlight,
and dim the CID display. To do this, press the selector switch when the safety is in the up (ARMED) position. To
take the ECD out of Stealth Mode, press the selector switch again or shift the safety to the down (SAFE) position.
You will have to reactivate the Stealth mode each time you place the safety in the up (ARMED) position.

Do not place your fingers or any part of your body in front of the cartridge when activating the Stealth

Trigger Switch
Unlike a firearm trigger, the X26P ECD trigger is a momentary electrical switch. The switch is operational only
when the safety switch is in the up (ARMED) position. Pulling and releasing the trigger switch will result in
an approximately 5-second discharge cycle unless the safety switch is shifted to the down (SAFE) position to
discontinue the 5-second cycle. Pulling and holding the trigger switch for more than 5 seconds will result in
a continuous discharge until the trigger switch is released, or the battery is depletedwhichever comes first.

Chapter 3



Taser User Manual 017

An X26P ECD equipped with the APPM battery pack is limited to 5-second discharges and emits an audio alert
2 seconds before the end of the cycle. See the Automatic Shut-Down Performance Power Magazine (APPM)
Battery Pack section in this manual for more information.

In the event of an accidental discharge, immediately move the safety switch to the down (SAFE) position
to stop the discharge cycle.

Trigger Switch

Ergonomic Grip Design

The handle of the X26P ECD is optimized for comfort with specific features for safe and effective use for people
of most sizes.


Chapter 3


Taser User Manual 018

Cartridges & ECD Operation

Removing the Shipping Cover from the Cartridge

Cartridges are shipped with a shipping cover in place. Carefully remove these covers before attempting to
load a cartridge into the X26P ECD. Be careful to not allow any body part to be in front of the cartridge. Static
electricity can discharge a cartridge, and injuries have occurred. A cartridge cannot be loaded into the ECD with
the cover in place. Once the cartridge cover is removed, it can be disposed of.
1 Before removing the covers, make sure the front of the cartridge does not point at any body part or at
2 Carefully place the cartridge with cover face down (blast door down) onto a stable/solid surface, i.e., a table.
3 Place your index and middle fingers onto the sides of the cartridge where the wedges/electrodes are
located and place your thumbs onto the locking portions of the cover.
4 Push in with your fingers and pull outward with your thumbs and the cartridge will pop upward, releasing
it from the cover.
NOTE: The cartridge may pop upward quickly when the pressure is released from the locking portions of the

15, 21, LS, and XP25 TASER Cartridges

Never attempt to open or modify a TASER cartridge. Tampering with a live TASER cartridge could cause
it to fire or malfunction (which may result in serious injury).
Handle all TASER cartridges with care. Probes may deploy unexpectedly if exposed to physical shock, or
static electricity.


Taser User Manual 019

TASER cartridges should be kept away from conditions known to create an electrostatic discharge, such as
rubbing cloth (e.g., jacket liner or uniform pants) across a cartridge in an environment known to create static
Cartridge blast doors can be knocked off the front of a cartridge. Because those cartridges cannot be relied
upon to consistently discharge, TASER recommends removing those cartridges from service. Attempting
to deploy a cartridge with no blast doors could result in a charge being created and held in the wires. Any
conductive material that comes into contact with the front of the cartridge, even after the cycle has ended,
could draw the charge to the ignition pin and deploy the probes.
TASER offers a Blast Door Repair Kit that can be used to replace blast doors that come off. Cartridges with
replaced blast doors should only be used for training and should not be deployed to the field. Go to www. for more information on the Blast Door Repair Kit.

Every time a TASER cartridge is deployed, approximately 2030 small confetti-like Anti-Felon Identification
(AFID) tags are ejected. Cartridges can be assigned to individual users, as each is serialized. Each AFID tag is
printed with the corresponding serial number of the cartridge deployed, allowing determination of which user
deployed the particular cartridge.

Load the TASER Cartridge

Never place your hands or fingers in front of the cartridge. This is especially important when loading
and unloading the cartridge. Serious injury could result. When loading and unloading always hold the
cartridge on the sides or top.

TASER cartridges are shipped with a shipping cover in place. Remove these covers before attempting to load
a cartridge into an X26P ECD. See the Removing the Shipping Cover from the Cartridge section in this manual
for more information.


Chapter 4

Cartridges & ECD Operation

Taser User Manual 020



Load the TASER Cartridge

1 Point the ECD in a safe direction.
2 Ensure that the safety switch is in the down (SAFE) position.
3 Make sure the protective shipping cover is removed from the TASER cartridge.
4 Keeping your hand away from the blast doors, place the cartridge (with the cartridge cover removed) into
the front of the ECD until an audible click is heard.
5 Verify that the cartridge is secure by pulling on the sides of the cartridge.

Load the TASER Cartridge

1 Point the ECD in a safe direction.
2 Ensure that the safety switch is in the down (SAFE) position.
3 Keeping your hand away from the blast doors, depress the tabs on the sides of the cartridge and remove.
The 15-, 21-, and 25-foot (4.6- , 6.4-, and 7.6-meter, respectively) TASER cartridges are specifically designed so
there is no up or down position enabling you to quickly reload one in a stressful situation without worrying
about putting it in upside down.

Aiming and Probe Placement



Chapter 4

Cartridges & ECD Operation


Taser User Manual 021

For most deployments, hold the ECD level. Do not tilt the ECD unless it is necessary to do so to align the ECD
with the target.
All TASER ECD deployments should be in accordance with current TASER training and warnings, and department
training, policies, and procedures.
Normally, aim the LASER at the preferred target areas of the body, which are the lower center-mass (below the
chest) and legs when the subject is facing you, or the subjects back if the subject is turned away from you.

When possible, avoid intentionally targeting the ECD on sensitive areas of the body such as the head,
throat, chest/breast, or known pre-existing injury areas without legal justification.

The top probe impacts the target near the LASER beam; however, the probe impact distance from the LASER
will vary depending on the distance between the ECD and the target, type of cartridge, etc. At 15' (4.6 m), the
LASERs position corresponds to the trajectory of a 25' (7.6 m) cartridges top probe at the same range.

The bottom probe impacts at an 8-degree angle from the top probe. This results in a spread of approximately
1' (0.3 m) for every 7' (2.1 m) of distance from the ECD. Greater probe spread increases effectiveness.

Silence Is Golden
The TASER ECDs electrical current is relatively quiet when both probes make direct contact with a human or an
animal. In contrast, some practice conductive targets are loud because the energy is arcing in the air.
If electrical current is loud during field deployment and the subject is not reacting as expected, the electrical
circuit may not be completed or the current may be shorting out and may not be effective. Deploy a second
cartridge or consider other options in accordance with your agency's policies.

Potential Causes of Reduced or No Effectiveness

Loose or Thick Clothing. If the probes lodge in clothing and are too far away from the subject, ECD
effectiveness is reduced and can be eliminated.
Miss or Single Probe Hit. The current must pass between the probes. If one probe misses, a second
cartridge should be deployed if practical and legally justifiable. Also, using the X26P ECD in the drivestun mode as described below may complete the circuit between the single probe and the ECD electrode.


Chapter 4

Cartridges & ECD Operation

Taser User Manual 022

Low Nerve or Muscle Mass. If the probes impact in an area where there is very little muscle mass (e.g.,
the side of the rib cage), the effectiveness can be significantly diminished.
Limited Probe Spread. Probe spreads of less than 4 inches (10 cm) (including drive-stun) may result in
little or no effect and become primarily a pain compliance option.
Wires Break. If a wire breaks (e.g., during a struggle), the current will not flow to the probes and an
additional deployment may be required. Drive-stun may still be available.

Do not become over-dependent on the TASER ECD. No force option, including ECDs, is 100% effective
in every situation. Do not deploy the ECD without following your department policies and procedures.

The front of the X26P ECD has two metal electrodes. These electrodes direct the charge to the electrodes on
the cartridge to initiate deployment of the probes. In addition, the electrodes provide the ability to use the
X26P ECD in a drive-stun mode as a traditional stun-gun type ECD.



Drive-Stun Backup
Drive-stun capability is available with or without a TASER cartridge installed. To apply a drive-stun, place the
safety in the up (ARMED) position and pull the trigger. The drive-stun mode is not designed to cause NMI and
generally becomes primarily a pain compliance option. Probe deployment is usually considered more desirable
if NMI is the desired objective, even at close range. Some of the advantages of probe deployment include:
Drive-stun is only effective while the ECD is in contact with the subject or when pushed against the
subjects clothing. As soon as the ECD is moved away, the energy being delivered to the subject stops.
Deploying the probes allows the user to separate from the subject while maintaining control.
Due to automatic reflex actions, most subjects will struggle to separate from the ECD. Each time the ECD
comes back in contact with the subject, another set of marks may be visible on the subjects skin. Using
the probes allows for one point of discharge.
If the probes are deployed, even at very close range, the user may drive-stun to another portion of the
body that is further away from the probes, thereby increasing the possibility of inducing NMI.

Chapter 4

Cartridges & ECD Operation


Taser User Manual 023

If the drive-stun is not effective, evaluate the location of the drive-stun, consider an additional cycle to a
different pressure point, or consider alternative force options in accordance with your agency's policies.
When using the drive-stun, push (drive) the front of the X26P ECD firmly against the body of the subject. Simply
touching the X26P ECD against the subject is not sufficient. The subject is likely to recoil and try to get away
from the ECD. It is necessary to aggressively drive the front of the ECD into the subject for maximum effect.

Recommended Drive-Stun Areas for Maximum Effect

Only use the X26P ECD pursuant to your agencys policies and guidance. Drive the X26P ECD into the following
areas for maximum effectiveness:

Carotid (sides of neck) (see warning below).

Radial (forearm).
Pelvic triangle (see warning below).
Outside of thigh.
Tibialis (calf muscle).

Use care when applying a drive-stun to the neck or groin. These areas are sensitive to mechanical injury
(such as crushing to the trachea or testicles if applied forcefully). However, these areas have proven
highly effective targets. These areas should only be targeted when users are defending themselves from
violent attacks. Refer to your departments policy regarding drive-stuns in these and other sensitive


Chapter 4

Cartridges & ECD Operation

Taser User Manual 024


Function Test
TASER recommends conducting a function test every 24 hours or prior to the start of your shift for your
individually issued X26P ECD. The function test is done to verify that the ECD's core electronics are working
There is no need to use an extended duration. As long you see a visible spark between the electrodes (2 to 3
seconds), the X26P ECD is functional.

Function Test Instructions

1 Point the ECD in a safe direction.
2 Shift the safety switch to the down (SAFE) position.
3 Remove the TASER cartridge. A function test should never be conducted with a TASER cartridge in the ECD.
4 Ensure that that your fingers and no other part of your body are in front of the X26P ECD.
5 Shift the safety switch to the up (ARMED) position.
6 Pull the trigger and visually confirm sparking across the electrodes.

View the arc from the top or side of the ECD. Do not point the ECD at your face or have it near your face.

7 Look at the CID display and verify the following:

No fault icons display on the CID.
The battery icon displays a 20 percent or greater capacity.
If any of the above verifications fail, return the unit to your agencys ECD technician for service.
8 Shift the safety switch to the down (SAFE) position.


Taser User Manual 025

What to Do Following ECD Use

Considerations for Handling Used Probes

Each agency will establish its own procedure for probe removal, collection, biohazards, evidence collection and
maintenance. Treat probes that have penetrated the body as contaminated needles (biohazard). Remember,
however, that the probes may also be valuable evidence.
If the probes must be removed from the subject, follow all department policies and procedures, including for
handling biohazards.
Below are suggested methods for probe removal.
Grab the probe firmly and quickly pull it straight out. Do not twist the probe as the barbed tip may cause
additional injury.
If the probes are not going to be collected and maintained for evidence, carefully place used probes
sharp-tip first into a sharps container, secure in place, and place in a secure location where no one will
accidentally touch the probes.
Once the subject is restrained, prior to removing the probes, evaluate the need for medical attention as
you would with any other use-of-force incident.*
Take photos of any injuries, place the photos into evidence.*
Collect the expended cartridge, probes, and AFIDs and place them into evidence.*
* As directed by department policy. The TASER training materials provide additional information on forensic
evidence collection procedures. The probes, wires, AFIDs, and cartridge can yield important forensic evidence
if properly collected, maintained, and analyzed. Ensure that the ECD is downloaded and the downloaded logs
are collected per your agencys policy.

Effects on Animals
The M26 and X26 ECDs can be an effective option for dealing with aggressive animals and have generally been
successful in most deployments. The X26P ECD uses similar technology, but does not yet have the same service
record as the previous models.
NOTE: If a probe deployment completed circuit is initiated and maintained, the aggressive animals are usually
incapacitated/stunned momentarily in M26 and X26 deployments, but recover quickly. The vast majority of the
animals quickly left the scene and broke the wires.
If deployed on a domestic animal, consider having animal control available to restrain the animal.


Chapter 5


Taser User Manual 026

Police/Military K- 9 Caution
ECD operators and K-9 officers must work closely together to develop policies and procedures for deploying the
ECD when a K-9 is present. If a K-9 bites a probe or bites the suspect between the probes, the K-9 could receive
a shock. This could have a negative impact on the future duty use of the K-9.

Uploading Firmware Revisions

The X26P ECD internal firmware provides functionality for all aspects of the ECD. The firmware can be upgraded
to the most recent version by using an X26P/X2 ECD Dataport Download Kit (purchased separately) and
EVIDENCE Sync software (Online or Offline).

Do not remove the USB cable or shift the safety switch to the up (ARMED) position during the
reprogramming cycle.

Dataport Download Kit

Optional download kits are available to permit agencies to access the deployment information in the X26P ECD
memory through the EVIDENCE Sync software (Online or Offline).
NOTE: If you have a TASER CAM HD recorder, please see the TASER CAM HD Operating Manual for downloading
The X26P ECD uses a USB adapter (download cable) to connect to any Windows XP or Windows 7 computer.
The simplicity of USB makes using the dataport download kit an easy, fast process. The cable connects to the
ECD through the battery compartment.

USB Connection Status

The USB icon will blink at a 1-second rate when the connection is good.

EVIDENCE Sync Offline Software

If you do not have an account, the EVIDENCE Sync software can be used in the Offline mode to
download the simplified Event Log to your local computer and print it. The EVIDENCE Sync Offline software will
not enable you to download the full Trilogy Log.

Chapter 5



Taser User Manual 027

Trilogy Log
Upon upload to, the system displays the information into 3 related data logs called the Trilogy
Event Log
Pulse Log
Engineering Log
The data set from the Trilogy Log is uploaded securely to , where the information is encrypted,
stored securely, and organized into dashboards that allow your agency to easily monitor the usage and system
status of your entire arsenal of X26P ECDs.
Upon upload to, the system displays the information from the Event and Pulse Logs.

Event Log
The Event Log tracks events and may help protect a user from claims of excessive use of force by providing
documentation of the time and date for each ECD deployment. The Event Log also provides agencies with a
powerful management tool to track usage patterns and help prevent misuse. You do not need to download
the X26P to services to obtain the Event Log this can be downloaded directly to your PC using
the EVIDENCE Sync (Offline) software.

The Event Log includes the following information for the most recent 10,000+ records:
Date, time, and duration of each discharge in local time.
The beginning (safety switch up [ARMED]) and end of (safety switch down [SAFE]) of each session
Temperature and battery percentage remaining.
Record of any time changes made to the X26P ECDs memory.
X26P ECD serial number and current firmware version.

Pulse Log
The Pulse Log records any pulse activity. The records include how long the ECD was discharged, and the charge
of every pulse.


Chapter 5


Taser User Manual 028

Engineering Log
The Engineering Log monitors the performance of key sub-systems within the X26P ECD. It provides alerts if a
subsystem is not performing properly and if maintenance is advisable. Any internal circuitry errors that occur
inside the X26P ECD are written to this log. This information is used for diagnostics.

Time Synchronization
The ECD has a real-time clock powered by the battery pack and an internal battery as well. The ECD should keep
accurate time even when the battery pack is removed.
Every time the X26P ECD is connected to services, the system will perform a time synchronization.
The conversion to local time, including adjustments to daylight savings time, are all computed by EVIDENCE
Sync software. There is no need to program the X26P ECD to local time or to reprogram the ECD to daylight
savings time.
NOTE: In EVIDENCE Sync Offline mode, if your computer time is incorrect, the incorrect time will be displayed
in your EVIDENCE Sync-generated report.

X26P ECD Maintenance and Care

Each agency should establish a maintenance and handling program.

The X26P product is a sensitive piece of electronic equipment, and should be handled with care. Avoid
dropping an X26P ECD. Do not use an X26P ECD that has a cracked handle.

Check the battery pack regularly. Replace it when the battery percentage reaches 20%.
Occasionally wipe out the X26P cartridge deployment bay with a dry cloth. Multiple cartridge firings
create carbon build-up (particularly after training courses) that should be removed.
Secure the X26P ECD in a protective holster when the ECD is not in use.
Function test the ECD regularly.
Update the ECDs firmware when updated firmware is released.
Download your X26P ECD data to services or your local PC at least once per quarter and
always before sending the ECD to TASER International.
Avoid immersing the X26P ECD in water or exposing the X26P ECD to excessive moisture or water.
See the troubleshooting guide at for additional maintenance instructions.
Check expiration of TASER cartridges (5-year expiration date is listed on the base of the cartridge). Do not use
an expired TASER cartridge in the field. They should only be used for training.

Chapter 5



Taser User Manual 029

Dropped or Wet X26P ECD

1 Point the ECD in a safe direction and away from your body.
2 Shift the safety switch to the down (SAFE) position.
3 Safely remove the battery pack.
4 Safely remove the TASER cartridge.
5 Let the ECD dry out.

Dry the X26P ECD thoroughly (at least 24 hours). Do not use an external heat source such as a
microwave oven or hair dryer to dry the X26P ECD.
6 Point the ECD in a safe direction and away from your body and ensure that the safety switch to the down
(SAFE) position.
7 Safely reinstall the battery pack.
8 Shift the safety to the up (ARMED) position.
9 Look at the CID to ensure the X26P ECD is functioning properly and the CID is not showing any fault icons.
10 Press the trigger switch to test the functioning. See the instructions under Function Test for more

TASER Online Troubleshooting Guide

A troubleshooting guide is available by visiting If you need product support on accessories
or have any other questions, please contact customer service online at or at:
U.S.: 1.800.978.2737
International: +1.800.978.2737

Product Returns
To return a TASER product for service, first follow the procedures at

Always perform a complete download from the X26P ECD before returning it for RMA. Any data
information will be lost during servicing work performed by TASER.
If the TASER ECD has been exposed to bodily fluids or other bio-hazards, please contact the customer
service department at 1.800.978.2737 for specific instructions BEFORE returning the X26P ECD.


Chapter 5


Taser User Manual 030

Optional Accessories
You can upload the data from your X26P ECD to or Lite services.
Lite is free and allows downloading the X26P ECD, viewing the Event and Pulse logs, and updating the ECD
The full pay service allows you to manage video records in addition to your ECD records. Visit for details.

EVIDENCE Sync Offline Software

The EVIDENCE Sync software can be used in the Offline mode for ECD users who do not have an
account. EVIDENCE Sync Offline enables you to download the Event Log to your local computer and print it.
Visit or for details.


The TASER CAM HD recorder allows users to capture vital information prior to, during, and after deployment
or potential deployment of the X26P ECD. The TASER CAM HD recorder is an audio-video recording device
inserted into a rechargeable X26P ECD power supply that replaces the standard battery pack and is compatible
with all X26P ECDs. The TASER CAM HD recorder is activated when the safety switch is in the up (ARMED)
position. There is a boot-up time delay of approximately 2 seconds after the safety switch is moved to the up
(ARMED) position before it starts to record.


Taser User Manual 031

The TASER CAM HD battery is rechargeable and is capable of approximately 100 5-second firings when
completely charged. Charging is accomplished through a 110-volt wall adapter through the USB cable.
The TASER CAM HD can record approximately 1 hour of video at maximum resolution before recording over
previous files (continuous loop system).
Video and audio is downloaded via a USB cable and EVIDENCE Sync software to your local computer or to services.
There also is an automatic shutoff (AS) version of the TASER CAM HD recorder that emits an alarm and shuts
down the energy cycle after 5 seconds, like the APPM battery pack.

Several holsters are designed for use with the X26P ECD. Both right- and left-handed configurations are
available. Visit our website at for details.


Chapter 6

Optional Accessories

Taser User Manual 032

Additional Items

Additional Information
New TASER brand products are under development. Visit our website at for the latest
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for lithium batteries are available by contacting TASER International.

TASER Training Academy

The TASER Training Academy is designed to provide training on the use of TASER-brand ECDs. Training is geared
toward the special needs of law enforcement officers, correctional officers, medical personnel, the military,
professional security, and private citizens. ECD functions, medical issues, device maintenance, and personal
safety are just a few of the topics covered in the offered courses.
Located at TASERs headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, the TASER Training Academy features a state-of-the-art
classroom facility complete with 48 work stations equipped with power and Internet access, safety mats, and
the Ti Training interactive training simulator.
We fight like we train. It is for this reason that we emphasize hands-on, interactive and scenario-based training.
Most of our courses involve some degree of physical activity and participation. We make reasonable efforts to
simulate real-life stress and circumstances, to provide realistic training to better prepare the student for success
in the field. Through the use of our Ti Training interactive force simulator and Simulation Training Suits, we
promote sound use of force judgment, tactics and follow up procedures.
Our cadre of instructors consists of active and former law enforcement officers and military trainers. Many are
internationally recognized experts in use of force at all levels with extensive training backgrounds.
All of our instructors are committed to providing high-level training and to forming lasting relationships to
support our students long after they leave the TASER Training Academy.
For more information visit our website or give us a call at 1.800.978.2737.
TASER Electronic Control Device Instructor Course
TASER Online User Course
TASER Master Instructor Course
TASER Technician Course
TASER Evidence Collection and Analysis Course


Taser User Manual 033

TASER Use of Force, Risk Management and Legal Strategies Seminar

Medical Research
TASER ECDs are among the most extensively studied force options. Numerous ECD-related medical and field
studies have been published. For more information go to
See the current product warnings, training materials, licensing agreements, and specification sheets for more
information about your TASER product.
Product functions and specifications may change without notice and the actual product may vary from the
illustrations in this manual.


Chapter 7

Additional Items

Taser User Manual 034

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Windows Vista is either a
trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

M26, TASER CAM HD, X2, X26, X26P, XP25, Protect Life and are trademarks of TASER International, Inc.,
and TASER and X3 are registered trademarks of TASER International, Inc., registered in the U.S. 2012 TASER International, Inc.
All rights reserved.
MMU0042 Rev: A

Taser Evidence Sync Report 001

TASER Information
Firmware Version
Application Version

Report Generated by
- NY
Badge ID
Local Timezone
Rev. 04.010
Generated On

Brown, Neil
Eastern Standard Time (UTC -05:00)
30 Nov 2015 18:04:47

Dates from : Sun Nov 29 22:00:00 2015 to : Mon Nov 30 23:00:00 2015
Device (X26P)
Seq #

Local Time




Batt Remaining

[DD:MM:YYYY hh:mm:ss]

[Event Type]


[Degrees Celcius]



29 Nov 2015 22:51:56





29 Nov 2015 22:51:59



29 Nov 2015 22:52:05



30 Nov 2015 01:32:00



30 Nov 2015 01:32:04



30 Nov 2015 01:32:07



30 Nov 2015 01:32:11



30 Nov 2015 01:32:12




30 Nov 2015 01:32:21




30 Nov 2015 01:32:29




30 Nov 2015 01:32:39





30 Nov 2015 01:32:51




30 Nov 2015 01:32:58




30 Nov 2015 01:33:03




30 Nov 2015 01:33:04



30 Nov 2015 01:33:30



30 Nov 2015 01:34:13




30 Nov 2015 16:27:39

USB Connected















Page 1 of 17

Taser Evidence Sync Report 002

Seq #

Local Time




Batt Remaining

[DD:MM:YYYY hh:mm:ss]

[Event Type]


[Degrees Celcius]



30 Nov 2015 16:46:37

Time Sync

30 Nov 2015 16:32:52 to 30 Nov 2015 16:46:37


30 Nov 2015 17:08:54

Time Sync

30 Nov 2015 17:08:53 to 30 Nov 2015 17:08:54

Page 2 of 17

Camera Information
Firmware Version

Report Created
30 Nov 2015 18:04:47
Local Timezone
Eastern Standard Time (UTC -05:00)

Taser Evidence Sync Report 003



Local Time


[DD:MM:YYYY hh:mm:ss]



30 Nov 2015 01:33:07



30 Nov 2015 01:32:13



30 Nov 2015 01:32:01


29 Nov 2015 22:51:58


26 Nov 2015 07:01:24


24 Nov 2015 07:08:54


23 Nov 2015 15:22:04


23 Nov 2015 00:06:17


22 Nov 2015 06:57:42



21 Nov 2015 06:54:28




20 Nov 2015 14:53:39



19 Nov 2015 07:10:37



17 Nov 2015 22:59:01



17 Nov 2015 11:07:48



15 Nov 2015 15:04:59



14 Nov 2015 23:08:40



14 Nov 2015 07:02:24



13 Nov 2015 15:03:05



11 Nov 2015 09:06:27



10 Nov 2015 23:01:21



10 Nov 2015 14:51:53



07 Nov 2015 07:01:14



06 Nov 2015 07:03:11



05 Nov 2015 15:08:22



05 Nov 2015 00:16:59



03 Nov 2015 07:57:10



01 Nov 2015 08:47:03



31 Oct 2015 07:01:44



30 Oct 2015 06:58:25



28 Oct 2015 15:09:50



27 Oct 2015 23:39:34



27 Oct 2015 14:36:22




26 Oct 2015 23:08:41



26 Oct 2015 15:05:13



25 Oct 2015 07:11:10



24 Oct 2015 22:55:03



23 Oct 2015 14:56:41



21 Oct 2015 16:39:15



21 Oct 2015 15:04:32



18 Oct 2015 14:58:50

Page 3 of 17


Autopsy Report 001

STATE FILE# _ _ _ __




Medical/Burial Death Correction Report

Name of Deceased

Date of Death Place of Death

TION; (C;/fy a town and $fa/11}




Affirmation to be completed by Funera.I Director (Item


I affirm. under penalties~ perju~ that the information giv_e~ in the

above is true and
ect information to be added to the ong1nal certifies

Certifying Physician Qtem 25A-338):

i . of th$ certific:ate of de~lh for the deceased person identified
and the local regtstrar's record.

I \



To be completed by registrar of vital statisti~:

The above information has been added to the local record of death on file in this office.

DOH-1999 (02/2003)

Autopsy Report 002


-- - - --- Putnam Hospila1 Center


Department of Pathology
670 Stonelelgh Avenue
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: 845-279-5711 x3243
Fax: 845-279-2513
Putnam County Coroner Autopsy


--*- Preliminary t
DOB/ Sex:
Coples To:

Accession #:

Seguin, Joseph
(Age: 38) M

Submitting Phys:

Joseph Malakian
Ashar Kunjlata M.D.
Ashar Kunjlata M.D.



11/30/2015 02:40
11/30/2015 18 :40

Coroner: Michael Nesheiwat, MD

Present at Autopsv:
Joseph Malaklan, Diener.
Detective Sergeant Nagel, Carmel Police Department.
Detective Loplccolo, Carmel Police Department.










Seguin, Joseph
Tl11ue proceHed and llldeo preperad by BlaRefarence Laboratories, 431 Edward H. Ro11 Drive, Elmwood Par!<, NJ 07407.

02/11/2016 14:29 Printed

Page 1 of4

Autopsy Report 003



Seguin, Joseph

Gross Description
The body Is received clad in a hospital gown with the following therapeutic procedures:
I. An endotracheal tube is present In the mouth.
II. EKG patches are present over the chest and abdomen.
Ill. Defibrillator pads are present over the chest.
IV. The left wrist has a hospital identification bracelet with the deceased's name on it.
V. The left big toe has a tan colored tag with the deceased's name on it.
VI. An intravenous catheter is present on the ventral surface of the right forearm.
A coiled up taser is present in the bag which is given to Detective Sergeant Nagel.
The body is that of a white male measuring about 68 inches in height, weighing approximately 280 pounds and
appears to be the stated age of 38 years. The body is cold and has full rigidity. Non-blanching purplish-red lividity is
present on the back. The scalp hair i~ mainly brown and some grey. Hair is short in temporal and occipital region.
The facial bones are symmetrical. The eyes show equal round pupils measuring 5 mm in diameter, blue-grey Irides
and slightly congested conjunctivae without petechial hemorrhages. The nasal bones are intact on inspection' and
palpation. The nasal septum is intact. The moustache and beard are clean shaven. Some natural teeth are
present in the mouth, The external auditory canals and earlobes are unremarkable. The neck shows centrally
located trachea and Is free of trauma or deformity. The chest is well expanded and is symmetrical. The abdomen Is
moderately protuberant. The left side of the abdomen 3 inches above the umbilicus shows a puncture mark
surrounded by a red ecchymosls. The puncture mark measures less than 1/16 inch In diameter and the surrounding
ecchymosis Is 1/8 Inch In thickness. Above the left hip area In the flank is another puncture mark measuring less
than 1/16 inch In diameter. The external genitalia are those of and adult male. The foreskin is short. Both upper as
well as lower extremities are free of deformity. The fingernails are cyanotic. The dorsum of the left Index finger
below the nall shows a rec! abrasion measuring 1/8 Inch In greatest dimension. The anterior aspect of the right upper
arm in its midportlon shows a blue-purple ecchymosis measuring 2 x 1 Inch. The left flank has a 1/4 Inch
hyperpigmented hyperkeratotlc skin lesion. The back shows normal curvature and is free of trauma or deformity.
The body is opened by the usual Y-shaped, thoracoabdominal incision. The abdominal pannus measures up to 2 3/4
inches in thickness. The pleural cavities, pericardia! sac and peritoneal cavity are free of excess fluid or adhesions.
All the abdominal viscera are in their usual anatomical site. The vermiform appendix Is present.
The soft tissues and muscles of sides and the back of the chest are reflected through the same Incision and they fail
to reveal hemorrhage. Multiple Incisions are placed on the inner aspect of the anterior abdominal wall and no
hemorrhage is seen.

A Y-shaped incision is placed on the back and is forked over both buttocks. There Is no hemorrhage In the soft
tissues or muscles of the back except at the back of the left shoulder where there is 1 inch hemorrhage In the
underlying muscle.
The scalp is reflected by the usual intermastold coronal incision. The soft tissues of scalp are unremarkable. The
underlying skull bones and dura are Intact. The brain weighs 1,450 grams. The leptomenlnges are thin and
transparent. There Is no evidence of epidural, subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhage. The sulcl and gyri are
unremarkable. The grey and white matter Is well delineated. No lesions are seen within the brain parenchyma.
The cerebellum, midbraln, pons and medulla are unremarkable. The blood vessels at the base of the brain are
thin-walled and widely patent.
The soft tissues and muscles of the back of the neck in upper cervical region are reflected through the same incision
and they fail to reveal hemorrhage. The tectorial membrane is incised and no hemorrhage Is seen in the ligaments.
There is no hemorrhage in the anterior paraspinal muscles. The cervical spine is intact on inspection and palpation.

Page 2of 4

Seguin, Joseph
Tiuue proceued and alldea prepared by BloRaference Laboratories, 4181 Edward H. Roes Drive, Elmwood Park, NJ 074107.

02/11/2016 14:29 Printed

Autopsy Report 004



Seguin, Joseph

The heart weighs 510 grams. The epicardium contains the usual amount of adipose tissue. There is no dilatation of
chambers. The valves are soft and pliable. The chordae tendinea are unremarkable. The papillary muscles are
hypertrophic. The measurements of the valvular circumferences are as follows: tricuspid - 12 cm, pulmonic - 9 cm,
mitral -10 cm and aortic - 8 cm. The endocardium is smooth and glistening. The myocardium is brown and meaty.
The right ventricle is 0.5 cm in thickness while the left ventricle is 1.6 cm in thickness. The coronary ostia are widely
patent. The coronary arteries are normal in distribution, are thin-walled and widely patent. The aorta and its major
branches reveal a few yellow streaks on the intimal surface. The inferior vena cava is unremarkable.
The hyoid bone and thyroid cartilages are intact. The strap muscles are free of hemorrhage. The thyroid is of usual
adult size and has brown, colloidal parenchyma. The laryngeal and tracheal mucosa is unremarkable. No foreign
material is present in their lumina.
Ttie right lung weighs 910 grams while lhe left lung weighs 810 grams. The visceral pleura is smooth and glistening.
The lung parenchyma is red, soft and oozes frothy fluid on cut surface. The bronchi and pulmonary arteries are
The esophagus is lined by Intact mucosa. The stomach contains about 100 cc of dark brown liquid. No food
particles are present. The gastric mucosa is intact and shows the usual rugal pattern. The duodenum is free of
ulceration. The jejunum, ileum and large intestines are unremarkable. The vermiform appendix is present.
The liver weighs 2,750 grams: Its capsule is smooth and glistening. The free edges are blunted. The cut surface
shows preserved lobular architecture, is brown and is of usual consistency. The gallbladder contains about 30 cc of
bile. The gallbladder mucosa is green and velvety.

The spleen weighs 220 grams. Its capsule Is smooth and glistening. The cut surface Is dark purplish-red and shows
the usual trabecular and follicular pattern.
The pancreas lies in the usual anatomical site, is of usual adult size and has tan, lobular parenchyma.
The adrenats lie in their usual anatomical site, are of usual adult size and have golden yellow cortices and brown
Each kidney weighs 200 grams. Their capsules strip with ease. The cortical surfaces are smooth. The
corticomedullary junction is well delineated. The calyces, pelves and ureters are patent. The urinary bladder
contains about 200 cc of clear, yellow urine. The urinary bladder mucosa is unremarkable. The prostate is of usual
adult size and is grossly unremarkable. The testes are descended in scrotum. Their cut surfaces are tan. The
seminiferous tubules can be strung out with ease.
The muscles are well developed. No fractures are noted on inspection and palpation.
There is no evidence of lymphadenopathy.
Joseph Malaklan

Page 3 of4

Seguin, Joseph
TI1aue processed and aUdea prepared by BloRelarenca Laboratories, 481 EdWard H. Roaa Drive, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407.

02/11/201614:29 Printed


Autopsy Report 005



Seguin, Joseph

CPT / ICD-9 Code(s)


SNOMED Code(s)
1: M36100 (Congestion, nos), M36500 (Edema, nos), M71000 (Hypertrophy, nos), T28000 (Lung, nos), T32000
(Heart, nos), TY4100 (Abdomen, nos)
~.: E5512 (Ethyl alcohol), E7000 (Drug, nos), TOXOOO (Blood, nos), T49410 (Femoral vein, nos), T56000 (Liver, nos),
T63000 (Stomach, nos), T7X100 (Urine), TX2000 (Brain, nos), TXXOOO (Eye, nos)
5: F70340 (Cardiac arrest), FY1800 (Death, nos)

Provisional Anatomic Diagnosis




Electronically Signed By: Kunjlata Ashar, M.D., proxy for Ashar Kunjlata M.D.
Datemme Reported: 12128/2015 18:27:57

Seguin, Joseph


Tl81U8 procaaaed and llldea prapared by BloReference Laboratories, 481 Edwwd H. Rosa Drive, Elmwood Palk, NJ 07407.

02/11/201614:29 Printed

Page 4 of 4

Autopsy Report 006



3701 Welsh Road, PO Box 433A, Willow Grove, PA 19090-0437

Phone: (215) 657-4900 Fax: (215) 657-2972
Robert A Mlddleberg, PhD, F-ABFT. DABCC-TC, Laboratory Director

Toxicology Report
Report Issued



NMS Labs


Patient Name
Patient ID
Age 38Y

12/15/2015 08:59

Putnam County Coroner's Office
Attn:Dr. Michael J. Nesheiwat
112 Old Route 6
Carmel, NY 10512


Page 1 of6

Positive Findings:


Mlt[il Sgy[~I

Buprenorphlne - Free
Norbuprenorphlne - Free




- Peripheral Blood
- Peripheral Blood
- Peripheral Blood
- Peripheral Blood
- Peripheral Blood
- Peripheral Blood
- Peripheral Blood
- Peripheral Blood
- Peripheral Blood

See Detailed Findings section for additional information

Testing Requested:
Analysis Code



Postmortem Toxicology - Expanded, Blood (Forensic)

Specimens Received:




Matrix Source


Gray Vial
Gray Vial
Red Vial
Red Vial

4.75 ml
8.75 ml
8.25 ml

11/30/2015 19:00
11/30/2015 19:00
11/30/2015 19:00
11/30/2015 19:00




All sample volumes/weights are approximations.

Specimens received on 12102/2015.




Patient ID

PME 15-68

Autopsy Report 007


Page 2 of6

Detailed Findings:
Analysis and Comments




Specimen Source

Analysis By





001 - Peripheral Blood






001 - Peripheral Blood






001 - Peripheral Blood


Buprenorphine - Free




001 - Peripheral Blood


Norbuprenorphine - Free




001 - Peripheral Blood






001 - Peripheral Blood






001 - Peripheral Blood






001 - Peripheral Blood






001 - Peripheral Blood


Other than the above findings, examination of the speclmen(s) submitted did not reveal any positive findings of
toxicological significance by procedures outlined In the accompanying Analysis Summary.
Reference Comments:

Amphetamine (Benzphetamine Metabolite)- Peripheral Blood:

Amphetamine (Adderall, Dexedrine) is a Schedule II phenethylamine CNS-stimulant It is used therapeutically
in the treatment of narcolepsy and obesity and also in the treatment of hyperactivity in children. Amphetamine
has a high potential for abuse. When used in therapy, initial doses should be small and increased gradually. In
the treatment of narcolepsy, amphetamine is administered in daily divided doses of 5 to 60 mg. For obesity and
children with attention deficits, usual dosage is 5 or 1O mg daily.
Following a single oral dose of 1O mg amphetamine sulfate, a reported peak blood concentration of 40 ng/ml
was reached at 2 hr. Following a single 30 mg dose to adults, an average peak plasma level of 100 ng/ml was
reported at 2.5 hr. A steady-state blood level of 2000 - 3000 ng/ml was reported In an addict who consumed
approximately 1000 mg daily.
Overdose with amphetamine can produce restlessness, hyperthermia, convulsions, hallucinations, respiratory
and/or cardiac failure. Reported blood concentrations in amphetamine-related fatalities ranged from 500 - .
41000 ng/ml (mean, 9000 ng/mL). Amphetamine is also a metabolite of methamphetamine, benzphetamine
and selegiline.


Buprenorphine - Free (Buprenex) - Peripheral Blood:

Buprenorphine is a Schedule Ill controlled synthetic opioid that has both analgesic and opioid antagonist
effects. Clinically it is used for pain treatment and as a pharmacotherapy for opioid dependence. Because
buprenorphine has mixed agonist-antagonist activity, there is a ceiling to the subjective and adverse effects of
the drug. Buprenorphine is metabolized in the liver by N-dealkylation to inactive norbuprenorphine and both
buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine undergo glucuronide conjugation.
Sublingual tablets are commonly prescribed as a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone to discourage
intravenous administration. Typical doses are 12 to 16 mg buprenorphine per day, although higher doses can
be prescribed. Maximum plasma buprenorphine concentrations in patients maintained on varying
buprenorphine doses were:
2 mg/day: 0.3 +/- 0.1 nglml
16 mg/day: 6.3 +/- 0.9 ng/ml
32 mg/day: 13 +/- 4.2 ng/ml
Symptoms of overdose include confusion, dizziness, respiratory depression and lethargy. While buprenorphine
is well tolerated, even at high doses, fatal interactions with benzodiazepines have been reported. In 20
fatalities where buprenorphine was detected, blood concentrations were 1.1 - 29 ng/ml (mean=B.4 ng/ml).
Other drugs were present in 19 cases, 18 of which were positive for benzodiazepines, primarily nordiazepam.
The blood to plasma ratio of buprenorphine is approximately 1.0 - 1.4.




Patient ID

PME 15-68

Autopsy Report 008


Page 3 of6

Reference Comments:

Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) - Peripheral Blood:

Chlorpromazine is the prototype of the major phenothiazine tranquilizers, and is used for the symptomatic
management of psychotic disorders, and the treatment of severe behavioral problems in children. It is also
used for the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting .
Chlorpromazine has an average half-life of 18 - 30 hours (range 7 to 119 hours). Thirteen schizophrenic
patients receiving 150 mg/day chlorpromazine achieved average peak blood concentrations following a 50 mg
test dose of 19 ng/ml (SD 10 ng/ml). A patient receiving 500 mg/day achieved a peak blood concentration of
22 ng/ml. These considerable variations likely reflect genetic differences in metabolism.


Toxic symptoms of chlorpromazine are manifest at levels in excess of 500 ng/ml. Deaths due to excessive
concentrations of the substance are rare but do occur at concentrations in excess of 2000 ng/ml. A syndrome
known as 'phenothiazine sudden death' has been seen in subjects receiving large daily doses of the
Fluoxetine (Prozac) - Peripheral Blood:
Fluoxetine is a chemically-atypical antidepressant used to help control major depressive disorders.
Norfluoxetine, the major metabolite of fluoxetine, is also active pharmacologically. Recommended daily doses
range between 20 to 80 mg.
Following a single 40 mg dose, reported peak plasma levels were between 20 - 60 ng/ml after 6 to 8 hr.
Chronic daily doses of 40 mg for 1 month produced reported plasma concentrations ranging from 90 - 300
ng/ml for fluoxetine and 70 - 300 ng/ml for norfluoxetine. There is, however, no clear relationship between
plasma concentrations of fluoxetine and/or norfluoxetine and efficacy.


Toxicity with fluoxetine is not routinely observed at pre-mortem combined concentrations of fluoxetine and
norfluoxetine below 2000 ng/ml. Concentrations much greater than 2000 ng/ml are not necessarily fatal.
There have been reports of survived overdose involving fluoxetine with combined blood or plasma
concentrations of parent compound and metabolite over 4000 ng/ml. In deaths attributable to fluoxetine
overdose, reported blood or plasma combined concentrations range from 2000-11000 ng/ml.
Naloxone (Narcan) - Peripheral Blood:
Naloxone is a narcotic antagonist used to counter the central nervous system depression effects of opioids,
including respiratory depression. It is also used for the diagnosis of suspected acute opioid overdosage.
Naloxone is available as a 0.4 mg/ml solution of the hydrochloride for parenteral injection.
Naloxone is also available in combination with buprenorphine (Suboxone) for the treatment of opioid
dependence. This combination is available in tablets of2 mg buprenorphine with 0.5 mg naloxone or 8 mg
buprenorphine with 2 mg of naloxone for sublingual administration.


The reported qualitative result for this substance was based upon a single analysis only. If confirmation testing
is required please contact the laboratory.
Nicotine - Peripheral Blood:
Nicotine is a potent alkaloid found in tobacco leaves at about 2 - 8% by weight. It is also reportedly found in
various fruits, vegetables and tubers, e.g., tomatoes and potatoes, but at a smaller per weight fraction. As a
natural constituent of tobacco, nicotine is found in all commonly used smoking or chewing tobacco products. It
is also in smoking cessation products. Nicotine has been used as a pesticide, although not as widely since the
advent of more effective agents.
Nicotine is extensively metabolized, the primary reported metabolite is the oxidative product cotinine. Many
factors influence the levels found in an individual, including: frequency of use; amount of nicotine exposed to;
route of administration; etc.




Patient ID


Autopsy Report 009


Reference Comments:
Toxic effects of nicotine overdose include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, miosis, EEG and ECG
changes, tachycardia, hypertension, respiratory failure, seizures and death. Death from nicotine exposure
usually results from either a block of neuromuscular transmission in respiratory muscles or from seizures.
Anabasine is a natural product occurring in tobacco, but not in pharmaceutical nicotine. A separate test for
anabasine in urine can be used to distinguish tobacco from pharmaceutical nicotine use.


The reported qualitative result for this substance was based upon a single analysis 'only. If confirmation testing
is required please contact the laboratory.
Norbuprenorphine - Free (Buprenorphine Metabolite) - Peripheral Blood:
Buprenorphine is a Schedule Ill controlled synthetic opioid that has both analgesic and opioid antagonist
effects. Clinically it is used for pain treatment and as a pharmacotherapy for opioid dependence. Because
buprenorphine has mixed agonist-antagonist activity, there is a ceiling to the subjective and adverse effects of
the drug. BuprElflorphine is metabolized in the liver by N-dealkylation to inactive norbuprenorphine and both
buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine undergo glucuronide conjugation.
Sublingual tablets are commonly prescribed as a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone to discourage
intravenous administration. Typical doses are 12 to 16 mg buprenorphine per day, although higher doses can
be prescribed. Maximum plasma buprenorphine concentrations in patients maintained on varying
buprenorphine doses were:
2 mg/day: 0.3 +/- 0.1 ng/ml
16 mg/day: 6.3 +/- 0.9 ng/ml
32 mg/day: 13 +/- 4.2 ng/ml


Symptoms of overdose include confusion, dizziness, respiratory depression and lethargy. While buprenorphine
is well tolerated, even at high doses, fatal interactions with benzodiazepines have been reported. In 20
fatalities where buprenorphine was detected, blood concentrations were 1.1 - 29 ng/ml (mean=8.4 ng/ml).
Other drugs were present in 19 cases, 18 of which were positive for benzodiazepines, primarily nordiazepam.
The blood to plasma ratio of buprenorphine is approximately 1.0 - 1.4.
Norfluoxetine (Fluoxetine Metabolite) - Peripheral Blood:


Daily therapy with 40 mg fluoxetine/day: Steady-state concentration at 4 to 8 hr after dosing ranges from 72 258 ng/ml serum.
Phencyclidine (Angel Dust; PCP; Sherm) - Peripheral Blood:
Phencyclidine (PCP) is a DEA Schedule II controlled dangerous hallucinogenic drug. There exists a dearth of
pharmacokinetic data of PCP usage in humans; however, it has been reported that blood levels of
phencyclidine ranged from 7 - 240 ng/ml (mean, 75 ng/ml) in individuals stopped for driving under the
influence of drugs or for being intoxicated in public.
Ataxia, agitation, combativeness, seizures, spasticity, coma and respiratory depression are associated with
phencyclidine concentrations ranging from 90 - 220 ng/ml plasma.
The physiological effects of PCP can be classified as low or high dose. In low doses, PCP can elicit visual
disturbances, drowsiness, agitation, hallucinations, aggressiveness, increased pulse rate and blood pressure,
bronchospasm, increased respiratory rate and hyperthermia. In high doses, PCP can elicit convulsions,
opisthotonos, coma, arrhythmias, decreased blood pressure and respirations and rhabdomyolysis.
There appears to be no relation between plasma levels of phencyclidine and degree of intoxication. Even so,
death has been reported following the use of only 120 mg of phencyclidine. Blood concentrations in
phencyclidine-related fatalities have been reported to range from 300- 25000 ng/ml (mean, 5000 ng/ml).

Unless alternate arrangements are made by you, the remainder of the submitted specimens will be discarded six (6)
months from the date of this report; and generated data will be discarded five (5) years from the date the analyses were




Patient ID


Autopsy Report 010


Page 5 of6

Workorder 15362418 was electronically

signed on 12115/2015 08:44 by:

Susan Crookham,
Certifying Scientist

Analysis Summary and Reporting Limits:

All of the following tests were performed for this case. For each test, the compounds listed were included in the scope. The
Reporting Limit listed for each compound represents the lowest concentration of the compound that will be reported as being
positive. If the compound is listed as None Detected, it is not present above the Reporting Limit. Please refer to the Positive
Findings section of the report for those compounds that were identified as being present.
Acode 50017B - Phencyclidine Confirmation, Blood (Forensic)- Peripheral Blood
-Analysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/
TandemMass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for:

Rpt Limit


Rpt Limit

5.0 ng/mL
Acode 52407B - Synthetic Opioids - Free (Unconjugated) Confirmation, Blood (Forensic) - Peripheral Blood
-Analysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/
TandemMass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for:

Rpt Limit


Buprenorphine - Free
0.50 ng/mL
Nalbuphine - Free
Butorphanol - Free
0.50 ng/mL
Norbuprenorphine - Free
Acode 52409B -Amphetamines Confirmation, Blood (Forensic) - Peripheral Blood

Bpt Limit
0.50 ng/mL
0.50 ng/mL

-Analysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/

TandemMass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for:

Rpt Limit


5.0 ng/mL
5.0 ng/mL
5.0 ng/ml
10 ng/ml
5.0 ng/ml
5.0 ng/ml
Acode 52450B - GC Confirmation Set 1, Blood (Forensic) - Peripheral Blood

Rpt Limit
10 ng/mL
5.0 ng/mL
10 ng/mL
5.0 ng/mL
5.0 ng/mL

-Analysis by Gas Chromatography (GC) for:


Rpt Limit


Rpt Limit


20 ng/ml
20 ng/mL
40 ng/ml
20 ng/mL
20 ng/mL
20 ng/mL
20 ng/mL
20 ng/mL
100 ng/mL


20 ng/ml
20 ng/ml
10 ng/ml
20 ng/mL
20 ng/ml
20 ng/mL
40 ng/mL
0.20 mcg/ml
20 ng/mL



Patient ID


Autopsy Report 011


Page 6 of6

Analysis Summary and Reporting Limits:

Acode 8052B - Postmortem Toxicology - Expanded, Blood (Forensic) - Peripheral Blood

-Analysis by Enzyme-Linked lmmunosort>entAssay (ELISA) for:

Rpt Limit


Rpt Limit


0.040 mcg/ml
10 ng/ml


120 mcg/mL

-Analysis by Headspace Gas Chromatography (GC) for:


Rpt Limit


Rpt Limit


5.0 mg/dl
10 mg/dl


5.0 mg/dl
5.0 mg/dL

-Analysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/

lime ofFlight-Mass Spectrometry (LC/TOF-MS) for: The following is a general list of compound classes included
in this screen. The detection of any specific analyte is concentration-dependent Note, not all known analytes in
each specified compound class are included. Some specific analytes outside these classes are also included.
For a detailed list of all analytes and reporting limits, please contact NMS Labs.
Amphetamines, Anticonvulsants, Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Antipsychotic Agents, Benzodiazepines, CNS
Stimulants, Cocaine and Metabolites, Hallucinogens, Hypnosedatives, Hypoglycemics, Muscle Relaxants, NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Opiates and Opioids.


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