Living For God S Cause
Living For God S Cause
Living For God S Cause
Paul prays for the Saints in Ephesus, that God would grant them strength.
The Greek word pneuma (pnyoo-mah) means a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze; by
analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle,
mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christs spirit, the
Holy Spirit. It is also translated as ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind.
As we get older, our souls age as well as our bodies. Age and disease affect our minds and
bodies. The soul is subject to brain injury, Alzheimers disease, and physical exhaustion. The
emotions (soul) can grow unstable with age, stress, and trauma. Even the human will, which is
part of the soul, can become tired and we lose the drive and determination we once had in youth.
So the soul is linked with the outer man, which is perishing day by day.
Paul says that we should not lose heart because even though our outer humanity is aging,
decaying, and deteriorating, there is a part of us that can get better, fresher, stronger, and more
vital with each passing day. That is our inner being.
Paul desired them to have a strength that would keep them going in spite of the
tribulations of verse 13! The spirit is the eternal aspect of man. It does not age.
Paul did not want the Ephesian believers to get discouraged and faint. He desired that
they would keep their spirit!
Turn to Luke chapter eleven where we see the Lord teaching His disciples to pray.
Luke 11:1113
11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he
ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?
13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more
shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
God wants to strengthen our inner man with the fruit of the Spiritlove, joy, peace,
longsuffering, etc.
Paul says, I will pray that God would grant you to be strengthened by His Spirit in the inner man.
Do you KNOW the love of God? Do you live in it, do you consider it, do you share it with
others, do you speak of it, do you demonstrate it to others, is your life consumed by it?
Romans 11:36
For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
Word study: The words exceeding and above in verse twenty are both translated from the Greek word
huper. Which is where we get our English word hyper. Who or what do you know that is hyperover
the top?
True victory comes through Christ who loves us and makes us more than conquerorsthrough Christ
we are hyper victorious!
Some Christians are just hanging on. They are limping into eternity. That is not what God intended for
your life! He intended for you to be a conqueror! And you and I can be conquerors through the amazing
power of His love!
Conclusion: There is a song entitled It Is No Secret What God Can Do. Stuart Hamblen was a popular singer,
songwriter, actor, poet, and radio personality from the 1930s through the 1950s. He was first a hit on radio, but
appeared in films with Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, and John Wayne and wrote several chart-topping country
songs. Some have called him radios first singing cowboy.
Billy Graham came to Los Angeles in 1949 for what became an historic evangelistic crusade. Grahams
appearance on Hamblens radio show was arranged as part of the publicity for the crusade. Hamblen was known
for his hard living and drinking, but he warmly welcomed Graham as a guest. It was at that interview that
Graham extended an invitation to Hamblen to attend the crusade and he accepted. Hamblen later contacted
Graham at his hotel and asked to talk. The result was that he surrendered his life to Christ. Hamblens became
the first publicized conversion from the 1949 crusade and contributed to the decision to extend the event, which
lasted for eight weeks.
Hamblen later ran into John Wayne who asked him about the rumor around town that hed changed his ways.
Hamblen told Wayne that it was no secret what God had done for him and that he could do it for Wayne too.
Wayne said it sounded like a song and suggested he write one. The result was one of Hamblens best known
tunes, It is No Secret What God Can Do.
It is no secret what God can do.
What Hes done for others, Hell do for you.
With arms wide open, Hell pardon you.
It is no secret what God can do.
The chimes of time ring out the news,
Another day is through.
Someone slipped and fell
Was that someone you?
You may have longed for added strength,
Your courage to renew.
Do not be disheartened,
For I have news for you.
It is no secret what God can do.
What Hes done for others, Hell do for you.
With arms wide open, Hell pardon you.
It is no secret what God can do.
There is no night for in His light
You never walk alone.
Always feel at home,
Wherever you may roam.
There is no power can conquer you
While God is on your side.
Take Him at His promise,
Dont run away and hide.
It is no secret what God can do.
What Hes done for others, Hell do for you.
With arms wide open, Hell pardon you.
It is no secret what God can do.