Kashmir Tourism
Kashmir Tourism
Kashmir Tourism
Jammu and Kashmir is the sixth largest State in India including the area occupied by
Pakistan and China. Jammu and Kashmir is also known as Paradise on Earth and also
known as most important tourist destination of the world. It consists of three regions
Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh with population of 1.25 crores as per census 2011
The Crown of india lies in the extreme north of the country and shares international
boundary on three sides with China, Akghanistan and Pakistan. It is bounded in the south
by Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. The mountainous state is blessed with lofty snow called
pikes, deep gorges, Glaciers, lush green meadows and verdant villages full of chinar trees,
beautiful silvery lakes, charming flora and fauna, making it a paradise on earth, it is an
excellent base for leisure and adventures holidays amidst breath taking scenery. Jammu
and Kashmir has a very rich history and distinct culture where people of all faiths live in
perfect harmony and has some of the most scared temples, mosques, monasteries and
caves. Kashmir handicrafts are well known all over the world. The ancient tradition of
crafting paper Mache, wood carving, carpet and shawl making etc generates substantial
amount of foreign exchange. A visit to this paradise resplendent in nature glory will remain
long in the memory of the visitor.
the tourism potential of the State at national as well as globally, besides the huge pilgrim
rush to Shri Amarnathji Cave.
The Directorate of Tourism Jammu takes care of the tourism of Jammu region and mainly
regulates the pilgrim tourism arrivals in the region. JKTDC undertakes commercial activities
like construction of accommodation facilities, running of cafeterias, restaurants and
organization of the food festivals, tours and travel activities in and outside the State.
J&K Cable Car Corporation is responsible for construction of passenger rope ways and
chairlifts in the State. Prestigious project (GulmargGandola) is run by the Cable Car
Corporation and has proved a good earner to the State exchequer and a big attraction for
the tourists at the destination.
The responsibility of the Royal Springs Golf Course Society is to maintain the world famous
Royal Spring Golf Course located in the foot hills of Zabarwan and banks of the Dal Lake.
Golf course attracts golfers from all over the world. It is a stark reality that till late 1980s the
State of J&K used to attract huge number of national as well as foreign tourists, but the
tourism sector received a serious jolt with the outbreak of militancy in the year 1989.
The tourist influx declined considerably upto 2002 during which period the State heavily
suffered in this sector due to militancy related incidents. The tourist rush in the year 1988
was recorded as the highest. The infrastructure created over the years suffered colossal
damage, besides the destruction of the gardens and parks. With the improvement in the
security scenario, the government made all possible efforts and took all possible steps for
the revival of the tourism sector by raising the requisite infrastructure for restoration of the
pristine glory of the places of the tourist attraction.
The tourism department of Jammu and Kashmir under the central of Tourism minister
leaves no stone unturned for the development of tourism in Kashmir. In addition to this
department J.K.T.D.C which was established on 13-02-1970 takes major steps for the
promotion of tourism in Kashmir. The Jammu and Kashmir Tourist Development Corporation
shortly known as J.K.T.D.C was established on 13-02-1970. It is a company of J and K govt.
which is fully owned by the Government. Following are the main objective of J.K.T.D.C:
1:- To run, manage and administer govt. hotels properly on smooth lines.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
kashmiri tradition, is treated with great respect. Its preparation is considered an art.
Almost all the dishes are meat based (Lamb, chicken, beef) Wazwan is mostly
restricted to the Muslims of Kashmir and they regard it as the pride of their culture
and identity. It is popular throughout the country and served internationally too at
Kashmiri food festivals. Kashmiri Tea :- Nun chai . Traditionally, a good friend of
Nun chai is Chochwor or Tilwor and Lawasa made by kaandur (Baker) can
give a run to the best bagles anywhere on this planet. Highly recommended on a
cold afternoon with the very Kashmiri Somovar Nun chai. List of main dishes
prepared by waza are
Maith maaz.
Rista (meatballs in a fiery red gravy )
Waza Kokur :- Two full chicken cooked whole.
Dudha Ras (mutton cooked in sweet milk)
Rogan Josh (Tender lamb cooked with kashmiri spices)
Tabak maaz (ribs of lamb fried).
Daniwal Korma :- a mutton carry with lots of coriander ).
Aab Gosht :- mutton cooked with milk curry.
Marchawagan Korma :- an extremely spicy lamb.
a. Kabab :- minced meat roasted on skewers over hot coals.
10.Gushtaba (a velvety textured meatball in white yogurt gravy, a specialty)
11.Yakhni (delicately spiced yogurt curry)
12.Dum aelva :-potatoes
13.Kashmiri Kehwa (Herb Tea)
CLOTHES:- Traditional clothing for Kashmir men and women is Wollen tunic
called pheran and womens wear heavily embroidered pheran
Chapter 5
Jammu and Kashmir Tourist Development Corporation was established on 13-021970 as a fully owned company of Jammu and Kashmir government. The objective
of the corporation is to run, manage and administer government hotels and catering
establishment for promotion of tourism and providing best transport facilities to the
tourist. The aim of JKTDC is to provide best possible services/facilities to the
esteemed guest. The tourist facilitation managed by JKTDC is in all the important
tourist destination of Jammu And Kashmir State.
The corporation has accommodation capacity of 2200 rooms and runs 37
restaurants and cafeterias across the state. The corporation has also a fleet of luxury
vehicle which caters the transportation needs of the tourist. JKTDC invites tourist
to Jammu and Kashmir, the crowning glory of India.
The Department of Tourism, J&K is the main developmental, promotional and
regulatory arm of the J&K Government. Its main role comprises of: Overall
planning and execution of schemes for the development, up-gradation and
improvement of the tourism infrastructure in different parts of the State.
Support to the private sector industry in the form of incentives for setting up
various tourist facilities as well as for promotion and marketing of their products
Promotion and marketing of various tourist destinations and products of the State.
Regulation of the travel-trade by enforcement of provisions of J&K Registration
of Tourist Trade Act.
The Department of Tourism has Tourist Offices in all the tourist resorts of the
State. In addition, there are 6 promotional offices outside the State, one each at
New Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chennai and Kolkata. Also, there is
one provincial Director of Tourism each for Jammu and Kashmir Divisions. The
Department also has Engineering Division under its control for the implementation
and execution of various schemes. For formulating and monitoring the plan
schemes, the Department has a Planning Wing and for overall marketing and
promotion the Department has a Publicity Wing.
For safeguarding the interests of tourists visiting Jammu and Kashmir, the State
has enacted a special legislation titled the "Jammu and Kashmir Registration of
Tourist Trade Act, 1978/1982". Under this act, all the Tourist Officers posted in
different resorts have been vested with special powers as Prescribed Authorities to
register and regulate the tourist trade in their respective areas of jurisdiction, and to
look into complaints from tourists visiting the State, the Department has an
Enforcement Wing headed by a Superintendent of Police on deputation from the
Police Department who is designated as Deputy Director Tourism (Enforcement).
For cases requiring prosecution, written complaint of a tourist is admissible as
evidence even if he may have left the State.
The commercial activities in the tourism sector from the Government side are
looked after by a public sector corporation, Jammu and Kashmir Tourism
Development Corporation (J&K TDC). It operates and manages Government
accommodation in Tourist Centres at Srinagar and Jammu, and the Tourist
Complexes, Hotels, Tourist Bungalows in various resorts. The Corporation also
runs a Travel Division, which organizes package tours to various parts of the State
and also arranges transport facilities for the tourists.
Other related organizations of the Tourism Department are the Jammu and Kashmir
State Cable Car Corporation (J&K CCC) and the Sher-e-Kashmir International
Convention Centre (SKICC).
During September 2014 floods, some properties of the corporation also got
severally damaged like TRC Srinagar, Hotel Heemal, Hotel Lalarukh, Nehru Park
and Civil Secretariat Canteen. Due to dedication of employees and liberal funding
by the govt.the corporation was able to restore the glory of these damaged units in
a record preserved before onset of the tourist season and made them functional in
all respects.
Staff Strength
Revenue/Expenditure for the last three
Year Revenue
Group strength
Chapter 6
Tourism has played an important role in the employment generation from past with
a great potential to increase it further in the coming decades. Wilson and John 2001
in their study found that tourism provided income and employment opportunities to
the local people in rural areas. J&K possesses lot of tourist attractions in the form
of Pilgrimage, leisure, Heritage and Eco-tourism with enormous scope to transform
the whole economy as a tourist driven economy by providing jobs. As per World
Travel and Tourism council (WITC) estimates, an investment of 10 lakh in travel
and tourism industry will generate about 90 jobs which are much higher than its
competing sectors like Agriculture and Manufacturing which generate 45 & 13
jobs per 10 lakh respectively. Tourism in J&K is a multi segmental industry by
providing different types of jobs like hotel managers, guides, tour operators, chefs
etc which further strengthens the J&K economy by increasing income and standard
of living of the people.
Tourism and income generation:Tourism industry in J&K is also of much significance in the sense that J&K is
considered as one of the industrially backward states of the country. Apart from
Agriculture, tourism industry is the most popular source of income in J&K R.
Dube (1987) in his study confirmed that tourism contributes to better income
Revenue Generated by J&K Tourism Development Authorities:The revenue generated by J&K Tourism Industry is not upto the mark from last 2-4
years but it can be expanded through proper maintenance of the existing sites and
development of new unexplored tourist sites, paving way for better standard of
living and thus making environment conducive for tourists. On the basis of number
of domestic tourists, J&K is ranked 15th and has attained 19th position in case of
foreign tourist that the amount revenue generated by tourism mainly in the form of
Taxes, Foreign exchange, Export earnings in more that Rs.3000 crore (Expert
Group Reprot 2011, GOI) and contributes about 15% -20% to the State Gross
Domestic Product (SGDP) Choudhary, 2002) which is expected to rise further
provided the situation in Kashmir remains normal. Jammu , Kashmir and Ladakh
are experiencing the stage of boom from past few years with Jammu region having
the highest share among the three because of the Vaishno Devi Yatra which
generates about Rs 475 crore annually to Katra economy. This trend is believed to
continue with an expectation of crossing the mark of 20 million till 2020 as
projectd by Santek Consultants pvt ltd New Delhi.
Tourism and infrastructure Development:Tourism and development of infrastructure are interrelated sectors in the sense that
better infrastructure, will provide the way for more tourism related activities. Lack
of infrastructure is among the main causes of underdevelopment of tourism (A.K.
Bhatia, 1997). Development of infrastructure includes good infrastructure
facilities, better sanitary conditions and more intake capacity during peak seasons
and proper human resource development.
Projection of infrastructure requirement in J&K.
Guests Houses
Transport (Buses Taxis)
Apart from the requirements shown above, it is essential to put more stress on the
maintenance of existing tourist spots because tourists are attracted to a particular
place only if they feel that the arrangements being made at a tourist destination are
sufficient to satisfy them.
Chapter 7
engaged in tourism related activities like guides, tour operators and chefs etc
so that they may be better equipped in handling tourist inflow.
8. There are number of unexplored tourist destinations in J&K because of
which it is also known as PARADISE ON EARTH. Such new unexploited
attractive destinations need to be explored more and more.
9. J&K tourism needs enough measures to provide proper security to tourist so
that a sense of safeness will be felt by the tourist.
10.J&K is one of the best destinations with regard to some new areas which
include Adventure tourism, Medical Tourism, Polo tourism etc which needs
to explored and thus giving a new sense of hope to tourism.
11.Most of the tourist destinations with lot of tourist potential are occupied by
armed forces thus incurring a heavy loss on govt. exchequer and
environment. State should make sure that such tourist spots are not misused
at any cost by anyone.
12.State should take steps to revive the traditional Handicrafts sector via new
innovative methods which will regain its old reputation in the international
13.All the new projects, having an impact on tourism and environment should
be carried out in a sustainable way without damaging the fragile ecology of
the state.
It is evident from the above summary that tourism has been an important source of
economic development for J&K economy from over several decades and will
continue to be a significant contributor in future also because of the changes taking
place on both demand and supply sides. Supply side changes are due the growth of
new areas like Adventure tourism, Science tourism, Spiritual tourism and Medical
tourism. Moreover the factors which increases its scope from demand side include,
change in the standard of living, rise in disposable income, late marriages, long
leisure time and better education. Owing to the growth of tourism industry in J&K,
economic parameters like employment, income, infrastructure and competition will
improve, leading to the entry of new products in the market and thus resulting in
better services and more satisfaction to the people of the state as whole. This will
be possible only if the situation in the state remains normal and the organizations
mainly responsible for the development of tourism like, Jammu and Kashmir
Tourism Development Corporation (JKTDC) and Directorate of Tourism
Jammu/Kashmir are able to identify new tourist destinations, beautify and maintain
the existing attractive tourist spots by providing better and affordable facilities to
the visitors in the form of good infrastructure, better sanitary conditions, decent
entertainment avenues and proper security measures which are presently lacking .
While several plans and programmes have already been framed for tackling these
challenges, successful implementation would be critical to accelerate them. All the
stakeholders whether from center or state should work in a coordinated manner and
effective measures need to be taken in exploring strengths and reducing
weaknesses, thus providing new opportunities to the state in becoming an attractive
tourist destination all over the world.
Ahmad, IM & Hussain, NA 2011
Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Development corporation.
An introduction to tourism (N.Jaya Palan)
Kashmir first Vol II. A collection of commentaries environment and Tourism.
Tourism Industry in Kashmir (A.K Raina)
Magazine. (the Kashmir walla, Kashmir observer)
Daily News Paper (Greater Kashmir Kashmir uzma, rising kashmir )
Research papers and Journals etc.