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Munn v. Illinois

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The case established that businesses 'affected with a public interest' can be regulated by the state. It also affirmed the ability of states to regulate commerce within their own boundaries.

The case was about Munn & Scott operating a grain warehouse in Chicago without a license and charging rates beyond what was prescribed by an Illinois law regulating public warehouses. They argued the law was unconstitutional.

The Court established the doctrine that when private property is devoted to 'a use in which the public has an interest,' the owner in effect grants the public an interest in that use, and must submit to control for the common good.


March 1, 1877| C.J. Waite . |
Digester: Endaya, Ana Kristina R.
Munn & Scott were found guilty with operating a public
warehouse in Chicago in which they unlawfully transacted
business without procuring a license and charging rate beyond
what is prescribed by the Grain Act of Illinois (An Act to Regulate
Public Warehouses and the Warehousing and Inspection of Grain,
and to Give Effect to Const. art. XIII (Grain Act). They now appeal
to the SC of US arguing that the Grain Act is unconstitutional
since it contravenes (1) due process and equal protection clause
(2) Congress has power to regulate commerce (3) No preference
shall be given by any regulation of commerce to the ports of one
state over the other.

SC held that the statute in question was not unconstitutional

because they were engaged in a public business to such an extent
that the state was permitted to regulate, and the statute did not
impermissibly interfere with the Commerce Clause of Constitution
because the state's regulation of commerce was within its own
When private property is "affected with a public interest, it ceases
to be juris privati (of private right; not clothed with a public
interest) only.
Property does become clothed with a public interest when used in
a manner to make it of public consequence, and affect the
community at large.
When one devotes his property to a use in which the public has an
interest, he, in effect, grants to the public an interest in that use.
As consequence, he must submit to be controlled by the public for
the common good, to the extent of the interest he has thus
created. He maw withdraw his grant by discontinuing the use; but,
so long as he maintains the use, he must submit to the control.

Art. XIII of the Constitution of Illinois speaks of inspection of
grain and its storage in public warehouses.

Meanwhile, the Grain Act (An Act to regulate public

warehouses and the warehousing and inspection of grain, and
to give effect to art. 13 of the Constitution of Illinois) was
o Required licensing and imposed what companies may
charge for warehousing services.
Munn & Scott leased the ground occupied by the Northwestern elevator and erected a grain warehouse or elevator.
Ever since, they carried the business of storing and handling
grain for hire, for which they charged and received, as a
o The rates had been agreed upon and established by the
different elevators and warehouses in the city of Chicago
on a year to year basis and published in one or more
An information against Munn & Scott was filed in the Criminal
Court of County wherein it was alleged that plaintiffs:
o As managers and lesses of a public warehouse, known as
the "North-western Elevator," stored grain in bulk, and
mixed the grain of different owners together in said
o The warehouse was located in city of Chicago which
contained more than 100,000 inhabitants
o That plaintiffs unlawfully transacted the business of public
warehousemen, as aforesaid, without procuring a license
from the Circuit Court of said county, permitting them to
transact business as public warehousemen, under the laws
of the State
o Plaintiff complied with all the requirements of the said act
They had not taken out a license, nor given a bond, as
required by sects. 3 and 4; and,
They had charged for storage and handling grain the
rates which were higher than those fixed by sect. 15.
They were found guilty and fined $100
Munns arguments: The law is contrary to:
1. No State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or
property, without due process of law, nor deny to any
person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the
laws (14th Amendment).
2. Congress has the power to regulate commerce with foreign
nations and among the several States;(Const. Art. I, Sec. 8)

3. No preference shall be given by any regulation of

commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those
of another (Const. Art. I, Sec. 9)

RULING: Statute in question is NOT REPUGNANT to the

Constitution of the United States, and that there is no error in the
Every statute is presumed to be constitutional unless it is
clearly so.
The Constitution contains no definition of the word "deprive,"
as used in the 14th Amendment. To determine its signification it
is necessary to ascertain the effect which usage has given it,
when employed in the same or a like connection.
Tracing the appearance of the provision
This is new in the US constitution but this limitation on the
power of the states is as old as a principle of civilized
o Found in Magna Charta
o Adopted in constitution of several states of the union (in
substance not in form)
o 5th amendment introduced in into the US Constitution as
limitation upon powers of the national government
o 14th amendment guaranty against any encroachment upon
an acknowledged right of citizenship by the legislatures of
the States.

The separation of the United Colonies from Great Britain

When they separated, they changed the form, but not the
substance, of their government.
o They retained for the purposes of government all the
powers of the British Parliament
o Through their State constitutions, or other forms of social
compact, undertook to give practical effect to such as they
deemed necessary for the common good and the security of
life and property.
o All the powers which they retained they committed to their
respective States, unless in express terms or by implication
reserved to themselves.

Subsequently, when it was found necessary to establish a

national government for national purposes, a part of the
powers of the States and of the people of the States was
granted to the United States and the people of the United
o This grant operated as a further limitation upon the powers
of the States, so that now the governments of the States
possess all the powers of the Parliament of England, except
such as have been delegated to the United States or
reserved by the people.
o The reservations by the people are shown in the
prohibitions of the constitutions

Parting with some rights or privileges for the common good

When one becomes a member of society, he necessarily parts
with some rights or privileges which, as an individual not
affected by his relations to others, he might retain.
A body politic (defined in the preamble of the Constitution of
Massachusetts) is a social compact by which the whole people
covenants with each citizen, and each citizen with the whole
people, that all shall be governed by certain laws for the
common good.
o This does not confer power upon the whole people to
control rights which are purely and exclusively private
o But it does authorize the establishment of laws requiring
each citizen to so conduct himself, and so use his own
property, as not unnecessarily to injure another.
Common good gave rise to police power
This is the very essence of government, and has found
expression in the maxim sic utere tuo ut alienum non loedas
(use your own property in such a way that it does not harm
o From this source come the police powers, which, as was
said by C.J. Taney are nothing more or less than the
powers of government inherent in every sovereignty. The
power to govern men and things."
o Under these powers the government regulates the conduct
of its citizens one towards another, and the manner in
which each shall use his own property, when such
regulation becomes necessary for the public good.

History shows that police power did not necessarily deprive

owners of his property without due process of law
It has been customary in England from time immemorial, and
in this country [US] from its first colonization, to regulate
ferries, common carriers, hackmen, bakers, millers,
wharfingers, innkeepers.
o They fix a maximum of charge to be made for services
rendered, accommodations furnished, and articles sold.
There has been no successful contention that such legislation
came within any of the constitutional prohibitions against
interference with private property. (Note: They use we think)
5th Amendment Congress conferred power upon the city of
Washington "to regulate the rates of wharfage at private
wharves, the sweeping of chimneys, and to fix the rates of fees
and the weight and quality of bread, to make all necessary
regulations respecting hackney carriages and the rates of fare
of the same, and the rates of hauling by cartmen, wagoners,
carmen, and draymen, and the rates of commission of
Down to the time of the adoption of the 14th Amendment, it was
not conceived that statutes regulating the use, or even the
price of the use, of private property necessarily deprived an
owner of his property without due process of law.
o Under some circumstances they may, but not under all.
The amendment does not change the law in this particular: it
simply prevents the States from doing that which will operate
as such a deprivation.
Principle: When ones private property is clothed with
public interest, the public may control it for common
good so long as he maintains the use of said property.

Common law: When private property is "affected with a

public interest, it ceases to be juris privati (of private
right; not clothed with a public interest) only.
o This was said by Lord Chief Justice Hale1, and has been
accepted without objection as an essential element in the
law of property ever since.
o Property does become clothed with a public interest when
used in a manner to make it of public consequence, and
affect the community at large.

1more than 200 hundred years ago, in his treatise De Portibus

Maris, 1 Harg. Law Tracts, 78

When one devotes his property to a use in which the

public has an interest, he, in effect, grants to the public
an interest in that use
o Consequence: He must submit to be controlled by the
public for the common good, to the extent of the
interest he has thus created.
o He maw withdraw his grant by discontinuing the use; but, so
long as he maintains the use, he must submit to the control.
This principle was enunciated by C.J. Hale in his treaties which
covered ferries, wharves and wharfingers; Also for warehouses
and warehousemen in Aldnutt v. Inglis. Summary are as
follows: (See notes for the full discussion please go through
it din pero medyo redundant yung ibang points)
o A man may set up a business and charge rates that he and
his customers may agree upon. He is only making most of
what he owns.
o But once the business is affected by public interest (like if
a ferry becomes common use of a kings subject or wharf
used by public) it becomes a thing of public interest and
every man must pay a reasonable toll which cannot be
arbitrary only reasonable.
o A man cannot use his property for public use (like his own
banks for public ferry) because common good requires
that public ways are under control of public authorities.
Unless body politic imposes sch terms and conditions
o When private property is affected with a public interest it
ceasesto be juris privati only; and, in case of its
dedication to such a purpose as this (affects public), the
owners cannot take arbitrary and excessive duties, but
the duties must be reasonable.

This principle applies to the power to regulate the charges

of common carriers
Common carriers exercise a sort of public office, and have
duties to perform in which the public is interested



Whether the warehouses of these plaintiffs in error,

and the business which is carried on there, come
within the operation of this principle? YES

Whether the general assembly of Illinois can, under the

limitations upon the legislative power of the States imposed
by the Constitution, fix by law the maximum of charges for
the storage of grain in warehouses at Chicago and other
places in the State having not less than 100,000 inhabitants,
"in which grain is stored in bulk, and in which the grain
of different owners is mixed together, or in which grain is
stored in such a manner that the identity of different lots
or parcels cannot be accurately preserved? YES
Situation in Chicago
The quantity of grain received in Chicago has made it the
greatest grain market in the world. This business has created a
DEMAND FOR MEANS by which the immense quantity of grain
can be handled or stored, and these have been FOUND IN
In this way the largest traffic between citizens of North, West
of Chicago, country lying on the Atlantic coast is in grain
which passes through the elevators of Chicago.
The trade in grain is carried on by the inhabitants of 7 or 8 of
the great States of the West with 4 or 5 of the States lying on
the sea-shore, and forms the largest part of inter-state
commerce in these States.
The grain warehouses or elevators in Chicago are
immense structures
o Holding from 300,000 to 1,000,000 bushels at one time,
according to size.
o Divided into bins of large capacity and great strength.
o They are located with the river harbor on one side and the
railway tracks on the other; and the grain is run through
them from car to vessel, or boat to car, as may be demanded
in the course of business.
It has been found impossible to preserve each owner's grain
o Given rise to a system of inspection and grading, by which
the grain of different owners is mixed, and receipts issued
for the number of bushels which are negotiable, and
redeemable in like kind, upon demand.

Their business most certainly "tends to a common
charge, and is become a thing of public interest and
use." Every bushel of grain for its passage "pays a toll,
which is a common charge," and, therefore, according
to Lord Hale, every such warehouseman "ought to be
under public regulation, that he take but reasonable
toll. Certainly, if any business can be clothed "with a
public interest, and cease to be juris privati only," this
has been.
It may not be made so by the operation of the
Constitution of Illinois or this statute, but it is by the

2 Because the grain is elevated from the boat or car, by machinery

operated by steam into the bins prepared for its reception, and
elevated from the bins, by a like process, into the vessel or car
which to carry it on.

This mode of conducting the business was inaugurated more

than 20 years ago, and has grown to immense proportions.
Railways have found it impracticable to own such elevators,
and public policy forbids the transaction of such business by
the carrier; the ownership has, therefore, been by private
individuals, who have embarked their capital and devoted their
industry to such business as a private pursuit.
Although in 1874, there were in Chicago 14 warehouses
adapted to this particular business, and owned by about 30
persons, 9 business firms controlled them.
o Prices charged and received for storage were such "as have
been agreed upon from year to year and established by the
different elevators or warehouses and which rates have
been annually published in one or more newspaper.
o Thus it is apparent that all the elevating facilities through
which these vast productions may be a "virtual" monopoly.

Whether the fact that the business were established

before the regulation matters NO, irrelevant.
It matters not in this case that these plaintiffs had built their
warehouses and established their business before the
regulations complained of were adopted.
What they did was from the beginning subject to the power of
the body politic to require them to conform to such regulations
as might be established by the proper authorities for the
common good. They entered upon their business and provided

themselves with the means to carry it on subject to this

If they did not wish to submit themselves to such interference,
they should not have clothed the public with an interest in their
Whether owner of property is entitled to a reasonable
compensation for its use, even though it be clothed
with a public interest, and that what is reasonable is a
judicial not legislative question, as plaintiffs argued?
For those matters which public has interest, what is
reasonable is fixed by legislature, while those private
contracts, what is reasonable is ascertained judicially.
In countries where the common law prevails, it has been
customary from time immemorial for the legislature to
declare what shall be a reasonable compensation under
such circumstances, or, perhaps fix a maximum beyond which
any charge made would be unreasonable.
In private contracts (matters in which the public has no
interest) what is reasonable must be ascertained judicially.
o This is because the legislature has no control over such a
o So in matters which do affect the public interest, and as to
which legislative control may be exercised, if there are no
statutory regulations upon the subject, the courts must
determine what is reasonable.
The controlling fact is the power to regulate at all. If that
exists, the right to establish the maximum of charge, as
one of the means of regulation, is implied.
o In fact, the common-law rule, which requires the charge to
be reasonable, is itself a regulation as to price.
o Without it the owner could make his rates at will, and
compel the public to yield to his terms, or forego the use.
But a mere common-law regulation of trade or business may be
changed by statute.
o A person has no property, no vested interest, in any rule of
the common law. That is only one of the forms of municipal
law, and is no more sacred than any other.
o Rights of property which have been created by the common
law cannot be taken away without due process; but the law
itself, as a rule of conduct, may be changed at the will, or
even at the whim, of the legislature, unless prevented by
constitutional limitations.


The great office of statutes is to remedy defects in the

common law as they are developed, and to adapt it to the
changes of time and circumstances.
To limit the rate of charge for services rendered in a public
employment, or for the use of property in which the public
has an interest, is only changing a regulation which existed
before. It establishes no new principle in the law, but only
gives a new effect to an old one.

Whether it contravenes on the power of Congress to

regulate commerce NO, it is not repugnant to that.
It is not every thing that affects commerce that amounts to a
regulation of it, within the meaning of the Constitution.
o The warehouses of these plaintiffs are situated and their
business carried on exclusively within the limits of the State
of Illinois. They are used as instruments by those engaged
in State as well as those engaged in inter-state commerce,
but they are no more necessarily a part of commerce itself
than the dray or the cart by which, but for them, grain
would be transferred from one railroad station to another.
o Incidentally they may become connected with inter-state
commerce, but not necessarily so.
o Their regulation is a thing of domestic concern, and,
certainly, until Congress acts in reference to their
inter-state relations, the State may exercise all the
powers of government over them, even though in so
doing it may indirectly operate upon commerce
outside its immediate jurisdiction.
We do not say that a case may not arise in which it will be
found that a State, under the form of regulating its own
arrairs, has encroached upon the exclusive domain of
Congress in respect to inter-state commerce, but we do say
that, upon the facts as they are represented to us in this
record, that has not been done.
Whether it violates the prohibition on giving preference to
the ports of one State over those of another? NO, it does not

The provision operates only as a limitation of the powers of

Congress, and in no respect affects the States in the regulation
of their domestic affairs.

C.J. Hales discussion as to ferries
The king has a right of franchise or privilege, that no man may
set up a common ferry for all passengers, without a
prescription time out of mind, or a charter from the king.
He may make a ferry for his OWN use or the use of his family,
BUT NOT for the common use of all the king's subjects passing
that way
o If for common use, it becomes a thing of public interest and
use, and every man for his passage pays a toll, which is a
common charge, and every ferry ought to be under a public
regulation that it give attendance at due times, keep a
boat in due order, and take but reasonable toll; for if he fail
in these he can be fined.
If one owns the soil and landing-places on both banks of a
stream, he cannot use them for the purposes of a public ferry
because the common good requires that all public ways shall
be under the control of the public authorities.
o Except upon such terms and conditions as the body politic
may from time to time impose; and this
This privilege or prerogative of the king is not primarily for his
profit, but for the protection of the people and the promotion of
the general welfare.

C.J. Hale in his treatise De Portibus Maris as to wharves and

A man, for his own private advantage may set up a wharf or
crane, and may take what rates he and his customers can
o He is doing no more than is lawful for any man to do
which is to make the most of his own.
If the king or a subject has a public wharf, unto which all
persons that come to that port must come and unlade or lade
their goods because they are the wharfs only licensed by the
king, or because there is no other wharf in that port, as it may
fall out where a port is newly erected
o Duties cannot be arbitrary and excessive nor an
immoderate rate. It must must be reasonable and
moderate, though settled by the king's license or charter.

The wharf and crane and other conveniences are affected

with a public interest, and they cease to be juris privati
only; as if a man set out a street in new building on his
own land, it is now no longer bare private interest, but is
affected by a public interest.

Aldnutt v. Ingllis (1810) for warehouses and warehousemen

FACTS: The London Dock Company had built warehouses in
which wines were taken in store at such rates agreed by the
company and owners. The company then obtained authority,
under the general warehousing act, to receive wines from
importers before the duties upon the importation were paid
ISSUE: Whether they could charge arbitrary rates for such
storage, or must be content with a reasonable compensation.
HELD: Reasonable compensation.
o General principle is that every man may fix what price he
pleases upon his own property, or the use of it
o But if for a particular purpose the public have a right to
resort to his premises and make use of them, and he have a
monopoly in them for that public purpose, if he will take
the benefit of that monopoly, he must perform the duty
attached to it on reasonable terms. The question then is,
whether, circumstanced as
o According to the doctrine of Lord Hale
If private only or monopoly: Not obliged to limit
themselves to a reasonable compensation for such
If company has the benefit of having a legal monopoly
of landing goods in a public port: Confined to take
reasonable compensation only for the use of the wharf.

Principle applied in a case before SC of Alabama

ISSUE: Whether the power granted to the city of Mobile to
regulate the weigh and price of bread was unconstitutional
ARGUMENT: it would interfere with the right of the citizen to
pursue his lawful trade or calling in the mode his judgment
might dictate
HELD: Constitutional
RATIO: There is no motive for this interference on the part of
the legislature with the lawful actions of individuals, or the
mode in which private property shall be enjoyed, UNLESS
such calling affects the public interest, or private property is

employed in a manner which directly affects the body of the

How the grains are transferred

The great producing region of the West and North-west sends its
grain by water and rail to Chicago, where the greater part of it is
shipped by vessel for transportation to the seaboard by the Great
Lakes, and some of it is forwarded by railway to the Eastern ports.
Vessels, to some extent, are loaded in the Chicago harbor, and
sailed through the St. Lawerence directly to Europe.

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