An Formation Algorithm of The Synthetic Aperture in An Automotive Radar With Use of The MUSIC Algorithm
An Formation Algorithm of The Synthetic Aperture in An Automotive Radar With Use of The MUSIC Algorithm
An Formation Algorithm of The Synthetic Aperture in An Automotive Radar With Use of The MUSIC Algorithm
Since the middle XX century a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is an important tool to obtain
a radar image of terrain with objects located on it. The radar image is close in quality to the
aerial photographs over long distances regardless of the time of day and weather conditions [1, 2].
In recent years the interest in the development of SAR systems operating on small distances has
been increased [26]. These systems allow solving many problems in the field of earth observation,
such as: monitoring flows and flood water or areas in which gas pipes and electrical power lines
are buried. Operation in small ranges extends the list of possible platforms which can be used to
arrange on them this system including unmanned drones, vehicles [610]. Moreover, this system
can be applied for automatic control of the vehicle where it is important to monitor the side looking
area during the movement.
In classic mode of operation the SAR use pulse signals. The use of the pulse radar by small
distances imposes a number of considerable limitations. One of them is locking of receiver during
transmission time of radiated signal and as a result the formation of dead zone in the range direction. Further the signal processing requires enough fast ADC which leads to the increase of system
cost. Systems with FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) signal require less high-speed
ADC, consumes less power and removes dead zones. Thus the combination of FMCW radars and
SAR systems allows implementing compact, low-power, low-cost earth observation systems which
can be placed on different types of mobile platforms.
The problem of increase of the azimuth resolution can be overcome by applying the synthetic
aperture radar processing techniques. Range resolution depends on the bandwidth of the transmitted signal and therefore is limited by radar hardware components. The most intuitive way in order
to enhance the range resolution the probe signal bandwidth can be increased or the interferometric
wavenumber shift principle can be used. At the same time it is necessary to apply two different
acquisitions with different viewing angles [11]. In addition there is alternative way based on the
modern spectral estimation techniques like MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification) which was first
proposed to determine the angle of the arrival of signal [12]. Direct application of this algorithm
to the problem has a number of drawbacks. Firstly it is desirable to know a priori the number of
echo signals. Secondly the method requires high computational costs. Thirdly the MUSIC response
does not give a true estimation of the power spectral density, i.e., the algorithm will give the exact
position of the target but does not retain an information about power of signal reflected from the
target. This paper proposes an algorithm for SAR data processing using MUSIC method implemented on the basis of the finished image obtained by Wavenumber Domain Algorithm (WDA) at
the expense of the post-processing of specified cut-out of window within the image.
The radar signal at the out-put of FMCW transmitter can be presented as:
4R (t, taz )
j4fc R (t, taz )
j4R2 (t, taz )
S (t, taz ) = exp j
t exp
The first exponent in (3) determines the range to the target, the second exponent is a Doppler
shift in the spectrum along the azimuth, and the third exponent is called the residual video phase
(RVP) [5]. For processing of the beat signal the method WDA can be used [5]. A block diagram
of this algorithm is shown in Fig. 2. All formulas describing the algorithm are presented in [5].
The formula which describes the final image for a single target is shown below (4) where is a
reflection coefficient; f0 is a beat frequency; taz is a azimuth time by which the distance between
radar and target is minimal:
S (fr , taz ) = sinc (fr f0 ) sinc (taz t0 ) .
The simulation result of the considered algorithm for the two point targets with coordinates in
range and azimuth [23 m, 5.5 m] for the first target and [26 m, 5.5 m] for the second target is
shown in Fig. 4(a). Simulation parameters are presented in Table 1. These parameters are taken
according to available equipment for the experimental proof. Simulation results show that targets
cant be resolved in range direction due to the fact that the range resolution which is defined as
x = c/2F = 3.75 m and it is greater than the distance between targets. To solve this problem we
have performed the post-processing of the final image using the method MUSIC described below.
As previously mentioned this method has been proposed for estimation of the angle of arrival of
the signal which is generally described in the following way. Lets assume that there is a parameter
200 kHz
10 GHz
320 s
40 MHz
11.1 m/s
11.1 m
which has to be evaluated in the input array X. Data model with L different values of at the
input of such system can be presented as:
X = A S + W,
where A = (a(1 ) a(2 ) . . . a(L )) are directing vectors which are corresponded to L values and
described the signal shape depending on L (for the frequency estimation a(k ) = exp(j 2 L t)),
S = (s1 s2 . . . sL ) is an array of complex envelopes of the signal, W is the white Gaussian noise.
Before calculation of the correlation matrix for the signal model two main assumptions are done:
signal and noise must be uncorrelated;
full rank of autocorrelation matrix of the signal must be greater than the number of L.
After calculation of the correlation matrix R = E{XXH } a singular decomposition of the matrix
gives a matrix of the eigenvectors V where the first L columns correspond to the signal subspace,
the remaining T -L columns where T is the size of the array X correspond to the noise. On the
basis of the orthogonality property of the noise and signal the noise eigenvectors are used to obtain
a final function (6) for estimation values :
P() =
aH ()
VT -L VTH-L a()
Accordingly, the output should give L peaks with the corresponding values L .
Now we should consider this method as applied to the SAR system. After the imaging it is
necessary to obtain a more detailed picture within a given piece of an image of size N M . At first
it is essential to estimate the correlation matrix of the signal in a given window. Before evaluation
of the correlation matrix we must restore its rank because just one measurement was done [11]. A
method of Spatial Smoothing is used to restore rank of the matrix. This method is represented in
Fig. 3.
Matrix X(N, M ) in Fig. 3 represents the result of 2D inverse Fourier transform of window of the
function S(N, M ) by the use of (4). Further a window is formed with size m1 < N and m2 < M and
then every possible position K is scanned by this window. For each position an one-dimensional
vector is formed as shown in Fig. 3 and then the correlation matrix is calculated according to (7):
K = (N m1 + 1) (M m2 + 1) ,
(f0 , t0 ) Vn VnH a (f0 , t0 )
Then to obtain the final image like Fig. 3 but in reversed order it is essential to form a matrix of
size N M from one-dimensional vector P (f0 , t0 ). The results of simulation with the same system
parameters before and after the post-processing by the MUSIC method are shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: SAR image (a) before and (b) after the image post-processing using the MUSIC method.
The post-processing of the final image obtained by the synthetic aperture using the MUSIC method
provides a more accurate picture and increases the range resolution more than two times in comparison with the original image.
One of the drawbacks of the MUSIC method is a disproportion of the power of signal reflected
from the target to the output function of the method. Further researches will take into account
the different reflection coefficients to obtain an accurate picture for 3-dimensional targets with
a complex shape. In addition the simulation results show that it is not necessary to estimate
the number of targets separately by the use of the Spatial Smoothing method and as a result a
requirement to have a priori information about the number of targets is eliminated. According
to [14] this statement is true only for the cases when the window size is approximately equaled
m1 2N/3 and m2 2M/3. Therefore in the future it is necessary to assess more accurately a
formula for calculation of the optimal window size.
To compare results an experiment by the conditions presented in Table 1 is planned to perform in
a following research. Taking into consideration the high computational costs simplified algorithms
will also be developed to get an accurate picture in real time. In addition it is planned to consider
features of the image processing in the slanting SAR mode for imaging in other sector of view.
This research has been carried out in the framework of the project 8.909.2014/K funded by the
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
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