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Edward G. Garland v. J. D. Cox, Superintendent Virginia State Penitentiary, 472 F.2d 875, 4th Cir. (1973)

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472 F.

2d 875

Edward G. GARLAND, Appellant,

J. D. COX, Superintendent Virginia State Penitentiary,
No. 14820.

United States Court of Appeals,

Fourth Circuit.
Argued Sept. 15, 1972.
Decided Jan. 16, 1973.

Edward L. Hogshire, Washington, D. C., for appellant.

William A. Carter, III, Asst. Atty. Gen. (Andrew P. Miller, Atty. Gen.,
William P. Robinson, Jr., Asst. Atty. Gen., on brief), for appellee.
Before SOBELOFF, Senior Circuit Judge, WINTER, Circuit Judge, and
THOMSEN, Senior District Judge.
SOBELOFF, Senior Circuit Judge:

Edward G. Garland, a Virginia prisoner, seeks a certificate of probable cause to

appeal from an order of the District Court, 311 F.Supp. 1290, dismissing his
petition for a writ of habeas corpus. We grant the certificate, and reverse.

It is uncontested that counsel was not appointed to represent Garland until the
day of his trial. In the past, we have held that such late appointment of counsel
is inherently prejudicial, and "constitutes a prima facie case of denial of
effective assistance of counsel, so that the burden of proving lack of prejudice
is shifted to the state." Twiford v. Peyton, 372 F.2d 670, 673 (4 Cir. 1967).
Stokes v. Peyton, 437 F.2d 131 (4 Cir. 1970); Fields v. Peyton, 375 F.2d 624 (4
Cir. 1970). The State of Virginia, however, urges this court to retreat from this
rule of presumptive prejudice wherever there has been a showing of late
appointment of counsel, and to look instead to the "totality of the
circumstances." See Moore v. United States, 432 F.2d 730 (3 Cir. 1970);
Rastrom v. Robbins, 440 F.2d 1251 (1 Cir. 1971). The state also contends that

Garland unreasonably and unjustifiably delayed raising his claim of ineffective

representation of counsel to its material prejudice, and that under such
circumstances the doctrine shifting the burden of proof of prejudice to the state
should not be applied.

Garland appeared for trial on November 14, 1955, in the Circuit Court of the
City of Waynesboro, Virginia, charged with six counts of forgery. Counsel was
then appointed and conferred with the defendant for fifteen to twenty minutes.
He advised Garland to plead not guilty to one count, guilty to the other five,
and to waive his right to a jury trial; all of which the defendant did. As a
consequence, Garland was convicted of five counts of forgery on his guilty
pleas and sentenced to five consecutive two-year terms of imprisonment.

Petitioner fully served the sentences imposed on him for the forgery
convictions, which, together with two other convictions not now in issue,
formed the basis of a 1963 recidivist conviction-the cause of his present
confinement. He was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment, nine of which were

After being discharged from prison in 1964, Garland was convicted of yet
another charge in 1965, and the suspension of nine years on the recidivist
conviction was revoked. On May 28, 1968, he filed a petition for a writ of
habeas corpus in the Circuit Court for the City of Waynesboro, attacking the
1955 forgery convictions, alleging ineffective assistance from his counsel due
to the attorney's appointment on the day of trial. Subsequently, in August, 1968,
prior to the initial habeas hearing, the counsel who had represented Garland in
1955 died at the age of forty-nine, thus rendering it an impossible task to detail
the attorney's participation. After exhausting all state remedies, Garland filed a
federal petition for a writ of habeas corpus on March 6, 1970.

The District Court, per Judge Dalton, while recognizing the applicability of
Twiford and Fields, nonetheless dismissed the petition, stating:

7 unreasonable and unjustified delay by a petitioner in making a claim may not be

used to the disadvantage of the state. See Wade v. Peyton, 378 F.2d 50 (4 Cir. 1967).
The present claim was not presented until almost 15 years after the conviction, and
after the death of petitioner's counsel. It is clear that the state has been prejudiced
with regard to petitioner's delay in making this claimits chance for effective rebuttal
evidence died with petitioner's counsel.

All parties agree that the lower court's reliance on Wade v. Peyton was
misplaced as that case was decided on the issue of exhaustion. See Appellee's
Brief at p. 4. Nevertheless, the state argues that Garland unreasonably delayed
for thirteen years raising the issue of late appointment of counsel, and that now
as a result of trial counsel's death, it will be unable to rebut the presumption
that ineffective assistance of counsel was rendered. Under these limited
circumstances, the state contends the burden of persuasion on the issue of
prejudice should remain with the defendant.

A careful examination of the chronology and circumstances of this case leads

us to the conclusion that Garland did not unreasonably or unjustifiably delay
making a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel. The claim was filed three
months before trial counsel's untimely death at a young age, forty-nine years. It
is this death which the state maintains has foreclosed its ability to prove that
Garland was adequately represented at trial.


Furthermore, Garland's delay in presenting his claim was reasonable both in

light of the fact that his suspended sentence was not revoked until December
22, 1965, and the fact that the decisions in Twiford and Fields, which can be
characterized as changes in the law, were not rendered until February 6, 1967,
and March 7, 1967. Garland began habeas proceedings in May, 1968-certainly
within a reasonable period following the decisions. The Supreme Court has said
that an intervening change of law is sufficient justification for failing to raise a
claim, even if the failure to raise the point occurred in a prior habeas hearing.
"If purely legal questions are involved, the applicant may be entitled to a new
hearing upon showing an intervening change in the law or some other
justification for having failed to raise a crucial point or argument in the prior
application." Sanders v. United States, 373 U.S. 1, 17, 83 S.Ct. 1068, 1078, 10
L.Ed.2d 148 (1962).


The state makes a broader attack against the rule prevailing in this circuit that
where the record reveals inadequate preparation time due to late appointment of
counsel, the burden of proving that the defendant was not thereby prejudiced
shifts to the state. The suggestion is proffered that we rethink the TwifordFields doctrine in light of recent judicial developments. See Chambers v.
Maroney, 399 U.S. 42, 90 S.Ct. 1975, 26 L.Ed.2d 419 (1970); Moore v. United
States, 432 F.2d 730 (3 Cir. 1970); Rastrom v. Robbins, 440 F.2d 1251 (1 Cir.
Reviewing these decisions we are not inclined to alter the rule we promulgated


Reviewing these decisions we are not inclined to alter the rule we promulgated
in Twiford and Fields. The Supreme Court in Chambers v. Maroney, 399 U.S.
42, 90 S.Ct. 1975, 26 L.Ed.2d 419 (1970), left undisturbed a Third Circuit rule
similar to the one we follow. In the course of the lengthy opinion, the Court

the courts should make every effort to effect early appointments of
counsel in all cases. But we are not disposed to fashion a per se rule requiring
reversal of every conviction following tardy appointment of counsel or to hold that,
whenever a habeas petition alleges a belated appointment, an evidentiary hearing
must be held to determine whether the defendant has been denied his constitutional
right to counsel. 399 U.S. at 54, 90 S.Ct. at 1982.

The language of the Court permits adoption of either a presumption or a totality

of the circumstances approach. Certainly this circuit's rule placing upon the
state the burden of providing evidence that a defendant was not prejudiced by a
tardy appointment of counsel is not at odds with the Supreme Court's stricture
in Chambers. Establishing a presumption that late appointment results in
ineffective assistance of counsel does not automatically mandate any particular
result; nor does it dictate an evidentiary hearing every time late appointment is
alleged. The doctrine of Twiford-Fields is not "a per se rule requiring the
reversal of every conviction following the late appointment of counsel." It is an
evidentiary rule, affecting the distribution of the burden of persuasion between
two parties. See McCormick on Evidence, Sec. 343 (2d ed. 1972). See also
Wigmore on Evidence, Secs. 2483, 2485-2487, 2489-2493 (3rd ed. 1940).


Since either approach, presumption of prejudice or totality of the

circumstances, is constitutionally acceptable, we must determine which in our
view best serves our notions of justice and fair play. In adopting the totality of
the circumstances approach, the Third Circuit stated in Moore v. United States,
432 F.2d 730 (3 Cir. 1970) that since late appointments were no longer a
problem in the circuit a prophylactic rule was no longer needed. It was
preferable, the court declared, to decide on a case by case basis the factual
question of whether the defendant received adequate assistance of counsel from
the totality of the circumstances. The Third Circuit, however, still retains a
presumption-only it is recast into one favoring the state over the defendant. "If
it be said that [it] will cast the burden of proof on the defendant, the answer is
that [the totality of the circumstances approach] applies to the lawyer the
presumption of the regularity of his conduct and that . . . one who claims his
counsel had inadequately represented him should have the burden of proving
the charge." Moore, supra, at 735. (Emphasis added.) The Third Circuit
envisions an inquiry into the ability, experience and zeal with which counsel
acted, both at the trial and in preparation-in other words, an evaluation of the

services rendered to the client. But this type of inquiry accompanied by the
presumption of regularity that is accorded prior judicial proceedings works a
hardship on a class of petitioners, such as Garland, who, through no fault of
their own, are prevented from rebutting the presumption established by the
Third Circuit. Where counsel and records are no longer available, as in
Garland's case, the defendant, as a practical matter, would be foreclosed from
challenging the adequacy of the representation received, regardless of shortness
of preparation time.

Most recently, the First Circuit also adopted a totality of the circumstances test.
Rastrom v. Robbins, 440 F.2d 1251 (1971). In Rastrom, Judge Coffin pointed
out that Fields and Twiford both involved evidence of prejudice beyond the
mere shortage of preparation time. Thus, he minimized the substantive
difference between the approaches of circuits. Any remaining variance in these
theories, he wrote, "may best be described as attitudinal," there being "a lower
threshold of tolerance toward stringently limited preparation time" in the Fourth
Circuit. Rastrom, supra, at 1253.


Judge Coffin is correct in observing that in Fourth Circuit late appointment

cases other evidence of prejudice existed in addition to mere shortage of
preparation time. It is our belief that these other deficiencies of trial counsel are
not independent of the circumstance of late appointment of counsel but rather
emanations therefrom. In Twiford, for example, there were defense witnesses
who were not located because of a paucity of time-caused by a late
appointment. Just as a pattern of concentric circlets emanates outward from a
pebble dropped in a pool of water, a variety of shortcomings seems to radiate
from appointment of counsel not made until the day of trial. One is the source
of the other. It is this observed relationship between late appointment and
ineffective representation upon which our persumption rule is chiefly bottomed.


The most important consideration in the creation of presumptions is probability.

McCormick, supra, Sec. 343. Evidentiary presumptions exist because the
establishment of an intermediate fact more probably than not establishes the
ultimate fact, and the intermediate fact is more capable of proof. McCormick,
supra. In a situation where the ultimate fact-the question of adequacy of
counsel-is difficult to prove, but the intermediate fact-late appointment of
counsel-is established, we hold that it is appropriate to presume ineffective
assistance of counsel. This presumption is not irrebuttable; it compels the
conclusion that ineffective assistance of counsel was rendered only in the
absence of evidence to the contrary. As soon as this calculus is altered and the
state adduces evidence to the contrary, the presumption disappears as a rule of
law. Wigmore, supra, Sec. 2491; for "presumptions . . . may be looked on as

the bats of the law, flitting in the twilight, but disappearing in the sunshine of
actual facts." Stumpf v. Montgomery, 101 Okl. 257, 226 P. 65 (1924).

The primary input of the attorney to his client's case is that of professional
expertise. Even in a simple criminal case, meticulous investigation and
thoughtful legal analysis will often reveal a panoply of issues-to which the
defendant, a layman, will be oblivious. Both our approach and that of the Third
and First Circuits require an inquiry into whether counsel has adequately
considered the facts of the case and explored the various avenues of defense.
Usually the result of the two approaches will coincide. The value of our own
rule is in those relatively rare situations where because of passage of time or the
unavailability of material witnesses, a defendant can show late appointment and
no more. In such cases, it comports with notions of fair play to expect the state,
with its greater resources, to bear the burden of demonstrating regularity,
especially since a court of the state, not the defendant, produced the unhappy
situation by originally making the late appointment.


Where a petitioner demonstrates late appointment of counsel, we will continue

to employ the presumption of ineffective assistance of counsel, remembering
that it is merely a procedural device dictating a particular result only in the
absence of contradictory evidence. The moment that contravening evidence is
presented from any source, the presumption vanishes completely-as if it had
never existed. Our continued adherence to a rule of presumption of prejudice
avoids potential injustice in a case such as the one before us today. Garland's
attorney is dead, and all concede that it is now impossible to properly determine
the adequacy of his representation of the client. If we accorded, as would the
Third Circuit, a presumption of regularity to the conduct of Garland's attorney,
we would be closing all avenues of appeal to the petitioner. It is more probable
and more fair to presume that fifteen to twenty minutes' preparation time
resulted in ineffective performance of counsel.



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