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Using Signaltap Ii Embedded Logic Analyzers in Sopc Builder Systems

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Using SignalTap II Embedded

Logic Analyzers in SOPC

Builder Systems

Application Note 323

November 2007, ver. 1.1


The SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer (ELA) is a system-level

debugging tool that captures and displays real-time signals in a
system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) design. By using a SignalTap II
ELA in systems generated by SOPC Builder, designers can observe the
behavior of hardware (such as peripheral registers, memory buses, and
other on-chip components) in response to software execution.

This application note explains how to use a SignalTap II ELA to monitor
signals located inside a system module generated by the SOPC Builder.
The examples described in this document use the standard hardware and
count binary software. A simplified version of a block diagram of the
system is shown in Figure 1. This system contains a Nios II processor, an
on-chip memory, and an interface to external DDR SDRAM memory,
among other things. The count binary program counts from 0 to 0FF
repeatedly. Output of the counting process is displayed on the LEDs, the
seven segment display, and the LCD. Four push buttons are used to
control output to these devices.
Figure 1. An Example SOPC Builder System


LCD Controller


SDRAM Controller


PIOs (2)





On-Chip Memory

Notes to Figure 1:

This is the external memory interface.

These are the parallel I/O (PIO) internal registers.
This is the on-chip memory interface.

Altera Corporation


Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems

This application note explains how to connect the SignalTap II Embedded

Logic Analyzer to three different types of signals (see Figure 1) that are
useful to monitor:

Signals connected to an external I/O interface, in this case an

external SDRAM memory.
Internal registers of a peripheral inside the system module, in this
case the PIO.
Avalon interfaces between the System Interconnect Fabric logic and
a peripheral inside the system module, in this case an on-chip

This document does not discuss the contents of the standard design
example, but you can explore the design in SOPC Builder and refer to the
readme.txt in the design directory to gain a better understanding.

System Requirements
To complete the steps in this document, you need the following:

Quartus II software, version 7.2 or higher

Nios II Embedded Development Suite 7.2 or higher
Nios II Development Kit, Cyclone II, or Stratix II Edition

Design Files
The design files that accompany this application note are included in the
examples directory installed with the Nios II Embedded Design Suite.
The default location is:
<Altera tools install dir>\<version>\nios2eds\examples

Designing with
SignalTap II and
SOPC Builder

The following steps guide you through opening a Quartus II project that
includes an SOPC Builder-generated system module, and creating a
SignalTap II ELA to analyze signals in the system.

Open and Generate the SOPC Builder System


Copy the entire folder for the Nios II standard example design for
your particular board to a location where it can be edited. This
folder is located in the following path:


If you are using Verilog as your primary HDL: <Altera tools


Altera Corporation

Designing with SignalTap II and SOPC Builder Systems


Open the Quartus II software.


On the File menu, click Open Project.


Browse to the location where you copied the standard example

design. Select the NiosII_<board name>_standard.qpf file and click


On the Assignments menu, click Settings.


In the Settings dialog box, under the Compilation Process Settings

section, select Incremental Compilation. Set the Incremental
Compilation option to Off as shown in Figure 2.

Altera Corporation

If you are using VHDL as your primary HDL: <Altera tools install

By turning off the Incremental Compilation option,

pre-synthesis signals can be added to the SignalTap II ELA in the
later sections. Pre-synthesis signals exist after design
elaboration, but before any synthesis optimizations are done.
This set of signals should reflect your register transfer level
(RTL) signals.


Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems

Figure 2. Compilation Process Settings



Click OK.


In the Quartus II software, open the Tools menu and select SOPC
Builder. The SOPC Builder software opens as shown in Figure 3.

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Designing with SignalTap II and SOPC Builder Systems

Figure 3. Example of SOPC Builder System Software


Click on the System Generation tab inside the SOPC Builder and
then click Generate, which is the button located at the bottom of the
screen. (This may take a few minutes to complete.)

10. Return to the Quartus II software when the system generation is


Do not close the SOPC Builder.

11. Go to the Processing menu, point to Start and select Start Analysis
& Elaboration to compile the design.

Altera Corporation

Before you can connect the ELA to signals in your design, you
must first compile the design to build the node database. For this
step, you do not need to fit the design completely. The Start
Analysis & Elaboration command builds the node database,
but stops before the fitting step.


Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems

12. Click OK when analysis and elaboration completes successfully.

Create a New Project in Nios II IDE


Go to the SOPC Builder and open the SOPC Builder System

Generation tab. Click the Nios II IDE button to launch the Nios II
IDE software.


Open the File menu, point to New and click Project to create a new


Expand the Altera Nios II Folder and select Nios II C/C++

Application, then click Next.


Select Count Binary from the Select Project Template list as shown
in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Nios II IDE New Project Wizard


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Designing with SignalTap II and SOPC Builder Systems


Click Finish to create the software application and system library.

Modify the System Library and Compile

In this section, you change the location of the exception stack to on-chip
memory so that it can be analyzed in the later sections. Placing the
exception stack in a separate fast physical memory improves the
performance of exception handling. In this tutorial, you put the system
exception stack into the on-chip RAM by performing the following steps:

Right-click on your system library, count_binary_0 located in the

Nios II C/C++ Projects panel of the Nios II IDE and select System
Library Properties.


In the newly opened dialog box, turn on the Use a separate

exception stack option.


Scroll to onchip_ram for exception stack memory.


The maximum exception stack size should default to 0x400. Your

settings should resemble those presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5. System Library Properties Dialog Box

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Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems


Click OK.


Right click on count_binary_0 project and select Build Project. This

creates the necessary executable and linked format (.elf) file. (This
may take a few minutes to complete.)

Create a New SignalTap II File and Add Signals to Monitor

In this section, you create a new SignalTap II file, then add signals to it
that you want to monitor.

Return to the Quartus II software. On the Tools menu, click

SignalTap II Logic Analyzer to bring up the SignalTap II File


Set the synchronization clock for the ELA in the Signal

Configuration area.




Click the Browse button next to Clock to bring up the Node



Inside Node Finder, click on the Browse button that is next to

the Look in field to bring up the Select Hierarchy Level dialog


Expand the hierarchy list under NiosII_<board name>_standard

_sopc:NiosII_<board name>_standard_sopc_instance by
clicking on the + icon.


In the expanded hierarchy list, click on the entity pll:the_pll.


Click OK to close the list.


In the Node Finder, click on List to list all of the nodes.


Double-click on the node c0 to add it to the Selected Nodes



Click OK.

Specify 256 for the Data Sample depth as shown in Figure 6. Leave
the other settings at their default values.

Altera Corporation

Designing with SignalTap II and SOPC Builder Systems

Figure 6. SignalTap II Signal Configuration Settings

In steps 4-11, you specify the signals you wish to monitor by searching in
the Node Finder and adding signals to the Selected Nodes list. The
signals to be monitored in this tutorial are selected from three major
entities within the system: the interfacing signals for DDR SDRAM,
signals within internal registers of PIO, and the signals for on-chip RAM.
Steps 4 - 8 describe how to add DDR SDRAM interfacing signals to your
SignalTap II file by searching through the Node Finder and adding the
appropriate signals to the Selected Nodes list.

In the SignalTap II window, double-click in the Setup area to open

the Node Finder. The Node Finder window appears with Filter set
to SignalTap II: pre-synthesis.


Bring up the Select Hierarchy Level dialog box and search for the
entity named ddr_sdram_0:the_ddr_sdram 0.


Click OK to close the list.


List all the nodes by clicking List in the Node Finder.


Add the following nodes to the Selected Nodes list, as shown in

Figure 7. Click OK and you return to the SignalTap II window with
all the selected signals listed in the Setup area.
a. ddr_a (bus node only)
b. ddr_ba (bus node only)
c. ddr_cas_n

Altera Corporation


Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems

d. ddr_cke
e. ddr_cs_n
f. ddr_ras_n
g. ddr_we_n
h. local_rdata (bus node only)
i. local_rdata_valid
j. local_read_req
k. local_wdata (bus node only)
l. local_write_req
Figure 7. DDR SDRAM I/O Pins Selected in the Node Finder

Step 9 explains how to add PIO internal register signals to your SignalTap
II file by searching in the Node Finder for appropriate signals, then
adding them to the Selected Nodes list.

Repeat steps 4-8, this time searching for the

button_pio:the_button_pio entity, and adding the PIO nodes below
as shown in Figure 8.
a. address (bus node only)
b. chipselect
c. edge_capture (bus node only)


Altera Corporation

Designing with SignalTap II and SOPC Builder Systems

d. in_port (bus node only)

e. irq

readdata (bus node only)

Figure 8. Button PIO Peripheral Registers Selected in the Node Finder

Steps 10-11 describe how to add on-chip RAM signals to your SignalTap
II file by searching in the Node Finder for appropriate signals, then
adding them to the Selected Nodes list.
10. Repeat steps 4-8, this time searching for the
onchip_ram:the_onchip_ram entity and selecting the following
nodes as shown in Figure 9.

address (bus node only)

b. write
c. writedata (bus node only)
Figure 9. On-Chip Memory Signals Selected in the Node Finder

11. Next, set the ELA trigger condition. Right-click on the row
NiosII_<board name>_standard_sopc:NiosII_<board
local_read_req in the Trigger Conditions column. Select
Rising Edge as shown in Figure 10.

Altera Corporation


Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems

Figure 10. Selecting the Trigger Condition

For more information about using SignalTap II, see the Design Debugging
Using the SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer chapter in volume 3 of the
Quartus II Handbook.

Recompile the Design in the Quartus II Software

Now that you have defined the properties of the ELA, you must
recompile and fit the design to include the ELA logic.



On the File menu, click Save in order to save your SignalTap II file.


Click Yes when a dialog box asks you if you want to enable the
SignalTap II ELA for the current project.


On the Processing menu, click Start Compilation to start

compilation and fit the design. Return to the SignalTap II file after
compilation completes.


Set up your Nios II Development board:

Altera Corporation

Designing with SignalTap II and SOPC Builder Systems



Connect the power supply to the board.


Connect the board and PC via the USB-Blaster TM JTAG

download cable.

Set up the Quartus II software to use the USB-Blaster download

cable, if necessary.

Click Setup... in the JTAG Chain Configuration area of your

SignalTap II file.


When the Hardware Setup window appears, choose the option

for USB-Blaster.


Click Close.

After the programming hardware is selected, the Quartus II software

automatically scans the JTAG chain and updates the Device field in the
SignalTap II window.

Click the ... button next to the SOF Manager field in the JTAG
Chain Configuration area, select the file Nios II_<board
name>_standard.sof as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. SignalTap II JTAG Chain Configuration Settings

Arm the ELA, Acquire Data, and Analyze Waveforms

At this point, the hardware design has been recompiled to include the
SignalTap II ELA, and the SignalTap II window is connected to the target
board via the USB-Blaster download cable. Perform the following steps to
download an .sof image to the FPGA, arm the ELA, and acquire real-time
signal data:

Click the Program Device button next to the SOF Manager field to
download the .sof configuration file.

When the .sof finishes downloading, the Instance Manager field displays
Ready to acquire as shown in Figure 12.

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Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems

Figure 12. SignalTap II Instance Manager: Ready to Acquire


Click the Run Analysis button to arm the ELA. The Instance
Manager field should change to Acquisition in progress as shown
in Figure 13.

Figure 13. SignalTap II Instance Manager: Acquisition in Progress

At this point, the ELA is armed and waiting for the trigger condition to


In the Nios II IDE, right click on the count_binary_0 project. Point to

Run As and click Nios II Hardware as shown in Figure 14.

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Designing with SignalTap II and SOPC Builder Systems

Figure 14. Running the Project in Nios II IDE


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After the program starts running, it triggers the ELA to capture data
when there is read operation from the DDR SDRAM memory. In our
example, the read operation is performed when the Nios II
processor begins executing from DDR SDRAM. The Data tab in the
SignalTap II window displays the captured waveforms as shown in
Figure 15.


Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems

Figure 15. Successful Waveform Acquired in SignalTap II Data Tab



Take some time to view the signals. You can left-click the waveforms
to zoom in or right-click to zoom out. Figure 16 shows the zoomed
in version of the waveform shown in Figure 15. For Figure 16, the
read operation can be summarized as follows:

The read operation is started by asserting the

local_read_req signal.


The DDR SDRAM controller issues an active (ACT) command

to the SDRAM device to open the SDRAM banks before reading
the data from it. This is done by asserting the ddr_ras_n and
ddr_cs_n signal.


The read (RD) command is issued after that by asserting the

ddr_cas_n and ddr_cs_n signal.


The controller returns the data requested by asserting the

local_rdata_valid signal with the data on the
local_rdata bus.
Note that the values for some of the address and data buses that
you get might vary from what they may look like in Figure 16.

For more information about the operation of this controller, refer to the
DDR and DDR2 SDRAM Controller Compiler User Guide.

Altera Corporation

Designing with SignalTap II and SOPC Builder Systems

Figure 16. Read Operation of DDR SDRAM

To look at the interrupt operation, select the Setup tab and change the
previous trigger condition to Dont Care. Next, set the
Trigger Conditions to be Falling Edge of NiosII_<board name>
_standard_sopc:NiosII_<board name>_standard_sopc_instance
|button_pio:the_button_pio|in_port[0] as shown in Figure 17.

Altera Corporation


Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems

Figure 17. Changing the Trigger Condition for Monitoring Interrupt Operation

While the program is running, press button SW0 on the development

board. This triggers the ELA to acquire data where exceptions occurred in
the system. This action makes only the LED display the counting result
instead of all devices (seven segments display, LCD, and Nios II Console).
Figure 18 shows the operation when interrupt occurred. Notice that the
PIO button IRQ register goes high after two clock cycles from the point
where the in_port[0] goes low (corresponds to pressing SW0 on the
board). The edge_capture register has value of 1h when this interrupt
occurs. The readdata register will read the value of the edge_capture
register when the chipselect signal is high (not shown because the
event occurs after all the trace data has been captured). When the
interrupt occurred, the values of some internal registers of the Nios II
processor were saved into the exception stack, which in this case is the
onchip_ram. On the trace, these write events correspond to the write
signal of onchip_ram being asserted. Not much changes on the DDR
SDRAM signals during this interrupt operation.
Also, because the push button interrupt event is asynchronous to the state
of other peripherals in the system, the values on some of the address and
data buses might vary from what they look like in Figure 18.


Altera Corporation

Helpful Hints for Using SignalTap II Effectively

For more information about the internal registers of a PIO core, see the
PIO Core chapter in volume 5 of the Quartus II 7.2 Handbook.

Figure 18. Waveforms Captured When Interrupt Occurred

Helpful Hints
for Using
SignalTap II

The following helpful tips will improve your efficiency when you use the
SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer in SOPC Builder systems.

Searching for Nodes with Wildcards

When searching for specific signals inside an SOPC Builder system
module, it is easy to open the Verilog or VHDL source code created by the
SOPC Builder to find signal names that you want to analyze. However,
the full node name will be much longer in the Quartus II database. To
make the search easier using the Node Finder, use a wildcard (*) at the
beginning of the search. For example: *<component name>|<signal name>.

Preserving Nodes in the System

In the logic synthesis stage, the Quartus II software may optimize away
signals that you are trying to analyze with the SignalTap II Embedded
Logic Analyzer. If this occurs, you will see a compilation error. You can

Altera Corporation


Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems

force the Quartus II software to preserve these signals by adding the keep
or preserve attribute in the source HDL to the signals you want to
The keep attribute is used for a wire or net node. For example:
In Verilog:
wire my_wire /* synthesis keep = 1 */:
signal my_signal: bit;
attribute syn_keep : boolean;
attribute syn_keep of my_signal: signal is true;
The preserve attribute is used for a register. For example:
In Verilog:
reg my_reg /* synthesis preserve = 1 */:
signal my_reg: stdlogic;
attribute preserve : boolean;
attribute preserve of my_signal: signal is true;


This document references the following documents:


AN 446: Debugging Nios II Systems with the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer

DDR and DDR2 SDRAM Controller Compiler User Guide
Design Debugging Using the SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer
chapter, volume 3 of the Quartus II 7.2 Handbook
PIO Core chapter, volume 5 of the Quartus II 7.2 Handbook

Altera Corporation

Revision History

Revision History
Table 1. Document Revision History
Date and Document
November 2007 v1.1

Changes Made

September 2003 v1.0

101 Innovation Drive

San Jose, CA 95134
Technical Support:
Literature Services:

Altera Corporation

Updated the sections Objective, System Requirements,

Design Files, Designing with SignalTap II and SOPC
Builder Systems- Revision History.
Updated Figure 1-Figure 18.

Initial Release

Summary of Changes
Major content
additions and updates
throughout the bulk of
the document.

Copyright 2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company,
the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as
trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera
Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending
applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products
to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability
arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described
herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers
are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.


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