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Testing and Validation

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Revised Printing
MIRON ABRAMOVICI, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murra.v Hill
MELVIN A. BREUER, University ofSouthern California, Los Angeles
ARTHUR D. FRIEDMAN, George Washington University
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, lnc., NewYork
This is the IEEE revised printing. of the book previously published by W. H. Fr
eeman and
Company in 1990 under the title Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design.
1990 by AT&T. All rights reserved.
3 Park Avenue, 17
Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107
108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior writte
permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the
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ISBN 0-7803-1062-4
Printed in the United States of America
10 9 8
To our families, who were not able to see their spouses and father
for many evenings and weekends, and who grew tired of hearing
"leave me alone, I'm working on the book." Thank you Gaby,
Ayala, Grit, Sandy, Teri, Jeff, Barbara, Michael, and Steven. W
love you.
How This Book Was Written
2.1 Basic Concepts
2.2 Functional Modeling at the Logic Level
2.2.1 Truth Tables and Primitive Cubes
2.2.2 State Tables and Flow Tables
2.2.3 Binary Decision Diagrams

2.2.4 Programs as Functional Models

2.3 Functional Modeling at the Register Level
2.3.1 Basic RTL Constructs
2.3.2 Timing Modeling in RTLs
2.3.3 Internal RTL Models
2.4 Structural Models
2.4.1 External Representation
2.4.2 Structural Properties
2.4.3 Internal Representation
2.4.4 Wired Logic and Bidirectionality
2.5 Level of Modeling
3.1 Applications
3.2 Problems in Simulation-Based Design Verification
3.3 Types of Simulation
3.4 The Unknown Logic Value
3.5 Compiled Simulation
3.6 Event-Driven Simulation
3.7 Delay Models
3.7.1 Delay Modeling for Gates
3.7.2 Delay Modeling for Functional Elements
3.7.3 Delay Modeling in RTLs
3.7.4 Other Aspects of Delay Modeling
3.8 Element Evaluation
3.9 Hazard Detection
3.10 Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation

3.10.1 Transition-Independent Nominal Transport Delays
3.10.2 Other Logic Values Tristate Logic MOS Logic
3.10.3 Other Delay Models Rise and Fall Delays Inertial Delays Ambiguous Delays
3.10.4 Oscillation Control
3.11 Simulation Engines
4.1 Logical Fault Models
4.2 Fault Detection and Redundancy
4.2.1 Combinational Circuits
4.2.2 Sequential Circuits
4.3 Fault Equivalence and Fault Location
4.3.1 Combinational Circuits
4.3.2 Sequential Circuits
4.4 Fault Dominance
4.4.1 Combinational Circuits
4.4.2 Sequential Circuits
4.5 The Single Stuck-Fault Model
4.6 The Multiple Stuck-Fault Model
4.7 Stuck RTL Variables
4.8 Fault Variables
5.1 Applications
5.2 General Fault Simulation Techniques
5.2.1 Serial Fault Simulation
5.2.2 Common Concepts and Terminology
5.2.3 Parallel Fault Simulation
5.2.4 Deductive Fault Simulation Two-Valued Deductive Simulation Three-Valued Deductive Simulation
5.2.5 Concurrent Fault Simulation
5.2.6 Comparison
5.3 Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits
5.3.1 Parallel-Pattern Single-Fault Propagation
5.3.2 Critical Path Tracing
5.4 Fault Sampling

5.5 Statistical Fault Analysis 169
5.6 Concluding Remarks 172
6.1 Basic Issues 181
6.2 ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 182
6.2.1 Fault-Oriented ATG 182 Common Concepts 189 Algorithms 196 Selection Criteria 213
6.2.2 Fault-Independent ATG 220
6.2.3 Random Test Generation 226 The Quality of a Random Test 227 The Length of a Random Test 227 Determining Detection Probabilities 229 RTG with Nonuniform Distributions 234
6.2.4 Combined Deterministic/Random TG 235
6.2.5 ATG Systems 240
6.2.6 Other TG Methods 246
6.3 ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits 249
6.3.1 TG Using Iterative Array Models 249
6.3.2 Simulation-Based TG 262
6.3.3 TG Using RTL Models 264 Extensions of the D-Algorithm 265 Heuristic State-Space Search 269

6.3.4 Random Test Generation 271
6.4 Concluding Remarks 272
7.1 The Bridging-Fault Model 289
7.2 Detection of Nonfeedback Bridging Faults 292
7.3 Detection of Feedback Bridging Faults 294
7.4 Bridging Faults Simulation 297
7.5 Test Generation for Bridging Faults 301
7.6 Concluding Remarks 302
8.1 Basic Issues 305
8.2 Functional Testing Without Fault Models 305
8.2.1 Heuristic Methods 305
8.2.2 Functional Testing with Binary Decision Diagrams 309
8.3 Exhaustive and Pseudoexhaustive Testing 313
8.3.1 Combinational Circuits 313 Partial-Dependence Circuits 313 Partitioning Techniques 314
8.3.2 Sequential Circuits 315
8.3.3 Iterative Logic Arrays 317
8.4 Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models 323
8.4.1 Functional Fault Models 323
8.4.2 Fault Models for Microprocessors 325 Fault Model for the Register-Decoding
Function 327 Fault Model for the Instruction-Decoding and
Instruction-Sequencing Function 328 Fault Model for the Data-Storage Function 329 Fault Model for the Data-Transfer Function 329 Fault Model for the Data-Manipulation
Function 329
8.4.3 Test Generation Procedures 330 Testing the Register-Decoding Function 330 Testing the Instruction-Decoding and InstructionSequencing Function 332 Testing the Data-Storage and Data-Transfer
Functions 336
8.4.4 A Case Study 337
8.5 Concluding Remarks 337
9.1 Testability
9.1.1 Trade-Offs
9.1.2 Controllability and Observability
9.2 Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques
9.2.1 Test Points
9.2.2 Initialization
9.2.3 Monostable Multivibrators
9.2.4 Oscillators and Clocks
9.2.5 Partitioning Counters and Shift Registers
9.2.6 Partitioning of Large Combinational Circuits
9.2.7 Logical Redundancy
9.2.8 Global Feedback Paths

9.3 Controllability and Observability by Means of Scan Registers

9.3.1 Generic Boundary Scan
9.4 Generic Scan-Based Designs
9.4.1 Full Serial Integrated Scan
9.4.2 Isolated Serial Scan
9.4.3 Nonserial Scan
9.5 Storage Cells for Scan Designs
9.6 Classical Scan Designs
9.7 Scan Design Costs
9.8 Board-Level and System-Level DFf Approaches
9.8.1 System-Level Busses
9.8.2 System-Level Scan Paths
9.9 Some Advanced Scan Concepts
9.9.1 Multiple Test Session
9.9.2 Partial Scan Using I-Paths
9.9.3 BALLAST - A Structured Partial Scan Design
9.10 Boundary Scan Standards
9.10.1 Background
9.10.2 Boundary Scan Cell
9.10.3 Board and Chip Test Modes
9.10.4 The Test Bus
9.10.5 Test Bus Circuitry The TAP Controller Registers
10.1 General Aspects of Compression Techniques
10.2 Ones-Count Compression
10.3 Transition-Count Compression
10.4 Parity-Check Compression
10.5 Syndrome Testing
10.6 Signature Analysis
10.6.1 Theory and Operation of Linear Feedback Shift
10.6.2 LFSRs Used as Signature Analyzers
10.6.3 Multiple-Input Signature Registers
10.7 Concluding Remarks
11.1 Introduction to BIST Concepts
11.1.1 Hardcore

11.1.2 Levels of Test

11.2 Test-Pattern Generation for BIST
11.2.1 Exhaustive Testing
11.2.2 Pseudorandom Testing
11.2.3 Pseudoexhaustive Testing
x Logical Segmentation 462 Constant-Weight Patterns 463 Identification of Test Signal Inputs 466 Test Pattern Generators for Pseudoexhaustive
Tests 471 Physical Segmentation 476
11.3 Generic Off-Line BIST Architectures 477
11.4 Specific BIST Architectures 483
11.4.1 A Centralized and Separate Board-Level BIST
Architecture (CSBL) 483

11.4.2 Built-In Evaluation and Self-Test (BEST) 483

11.4.3 Random-Test Socket (RTS) 484
11.4.4 LSSD On-Chip Self-Test (LOCST) 486
11.4.5 Self-Testing Using MISR and Parallel SRSG
(STUMPS) 488
11.4.6 A Concurrent BIST Architecture (CBIST) 490
11.4.7 A Centralized and Embedded BIST Architecture with
Boundary Scan (CEBS) 490
11.4.8 Random Test Data (RTD) 492
11.4.9 Simultaneous Self-Test (SST) 493
11.4.10 Cyclic Analysis Testing System (CATS) 495
11.4.11 Circular Self-Test Path (CSTP) 496
11.4.12 Built-In Logic-Block Observation (BILBO) 501 Case Study 510
11.4.13 Summary 513
11.5 Some Advanced BIST Concepts 514
11.5.1 Test Schedules 515
11.5.2 Control of BILBO Registers 517
11.5.3 Partial-Intrusion BIST 520
11.6 Design for Self-Test at Board Level 523
12.1 Basic Concepts 541
12.2 Fault Dictionary 543
12.3 Guided-Probe Testing 549
12.4 Diagnosis by DDT Reduction 554
12.5 Fault Diagnosis for Combinational Circuits 556
12.6 Expert Systems for Diagnosis 557
12.7 Effect-Cause Analysis 559
12.8 Diagnostic Reasoning Based on Structure and Behavior 564
13.1 Basic Concepts 569
13.2 Application of Error-Detecting and Error-Correcting Codes 570
13.3 Multiple-Bit Errors 577
13.4 Checking Circuits and Self-Checking 578
13.5 Self-Checking Checkers 579
13.6 Parity-Check Function 580
13.7 Totally Self-Checking min Code Checkers 581
13.8 Totally Self-Checking Equality Checkers 584
13.9 Self-Checking Berger Code Checkers 584
13.10 Toward a General Theory of Self-Checking Combinational
Circuits 585
13.11 Self-Checking Sequential Circuits 587
14.1 Introduction 593
14.2 PLA Testing Problems 594
14.2.1 Fault Models 594
14.2.2 Problems with Traditional Test Generation Methods 597
14.3 Test Generation Algorithms for PLAs 597
14.3.1 Deterministic Test Generation 598
14.3.2 Semirandom Test Generation 599
14.4 Testable PLA Designs 600
14.4.1 Concurrent Testable PLAs with Special Coding 600 PLA with Concurrent Error Detection by a

Series of Checkers 600 Concurrent Testable PLAs Using Modified
Berger Code 601
14.4.2 Parity Testable PLAs 603 PLA with Universal Test Set 603 Autonomously Testable PLAs 605 A Built-In Self-Testable PLA Design with
Cumulative Parity Comparison 606
14.4.3 Signature-Testable PLAs 608 PLA with Multiple Signature Analyzers 609 Self-Testable PLAs with Single Signature
~ ~ ~ ~
14.4.4 Partioning and Testing of PLAs 610 PLA with BILBOs 611 Parallel-Testable PLAs 614 Divide-and-Conquer Strategy for Testable PLA
Design 614
14.4.5 Fully-Testable PLA Designs 615
14.5 Evaluation of PLA Test Methodologies 618
14.5.1 Measures of TDMs Resulting Effect on the Original Design Requirements on Test Environment
14.5.2 Evaluation of PLA Test Techniques
15.1 A Simple Model of System-Level Diagnosis
15.2 Generalizations of the PMC Model
15.2.1 Generalizations of the System Diagnostic Graph
15.2.2 Generalization of Possible Test Outcomes
15.2.3 Generalization of Diagnosability Measures
This book provides a comprehensive and detailed treatment of digit
al systems testing
and testable design. These subjects are increasingly important, as th
e cost of testing is
becoming the major component of the manufacturing cost of a new
product. Today,
design and test are no longer separate issues. The emphasis
on the quality of the
shipped products, coupled with the growing complexity of VLSI

designs, require
testing issues to be considered early in the design process so
that the design can be
modified to simplify the testing process.
This book was designed for use as a text for graduate student
s, as a comprehensive
reference for researchers, and as a source of information for engin
eers interested in test
technology (chip and system designers, test engineers, CAD develo
pers, etc.). To
satisfy the different needs of its intended readership the book
(1) covers thoroughly
both the fundamental concepts and the latest advances in this r
apidly changing field,
(2) presents only theoretical material that supports practical app
lications, (3) provides
extensive discussion of testable design techniques, and (4) exami
nes many circuit
structures used to realize built-in self-test and self-checking feature
Chapter 1 introduces the main concepts and the basic terminolog
y used in testing.
Modeling techniques are the subject of Chapter 2, which discus
ses functional and
structural models for digital circuits and systems. Chapter 3 pre
sents the use of logic
simulation as a tool for design verification testing, and desc
ribes compiled and
event-driven simulation algorithms, delay models, and hardware acc
elerators for
simulation. Chapter 4 deals with representing physical faults by
logical faults and
explains the concepts of fault detection, redundancy, and the
fault relations of
equivalence and dominance. The most important fault model - the
single stuck-fault
model - is analyzed in detail. Chapter 5 examines fault simulation
methods, starting
with general techniques - serial, parallel, deductive, and concurre
nt - and continuing
with techniques specialized for combinational circuits - parallel-p
attern single-fault
propagation and critical path tracing. Finally, it considers appro
ximate methods such
as fault sampling and statistical fault analysis.
Chapter 6 addresses the problem of test generation for single s
tuck faults. It first
introduces general concepts common to most test generation algor
ithms, such as
implication, sensitization, justification, decision tree, implicit e
numeration, and
backtracking. Then it discusses in detail several algorithms the D-algorithm, the
9V-algorithm, PODEM, FAN, and critical path test generation - an
d some of the
techniques used in TOPS, SOCRATES, RAPS, SMART, FAST, and the
D-algorithm. Other topics include random test generation, test g
eneration for
sequential circuits, test generation using high-level models, and te

st generation systems.
Chapter 7 looks at bridging faults caused by shorts between no
rmally unconnected
signal lines. Although bridging faults are a "nonclassical" fault
model, they are dealt
with by simple extensions of the techniques used for single stuck f
aults. Chapter 8 is
concerned with functional testing and describes heuristic methods,
techniques using
binary decision diagrams, exhaustive and pseudoexhaustive testing, and t
esting methods
for microprocessors.
Chapter 9 presents design for testability techniques aimed at si
mplifying testing by
modifying a design to improve the controllability and observabil
ity of its internal
signals. The techniques analyzed are general ad hoc techniques,
scan design, board
and system-level approaches, partial scan and boundary scan (inclu
ding the proposed
JTAG/IEEE 1149.1 standard).
Chapter lOis dedicated to compression techniques, which consider
a compressed
representation of the response of the circuit under test. The te
chniques examined are
ones counting, transition counting, parity checking, syndrome checkin
g, and signature
analysis. Because of its widespread use, signature analysis is disc
ussed in detail. The
main application of compression techniques is in circuits featur
ing built-in self-test,
where both the generation of input test patterns and the com
pression of the output
response are done by circuitry embedded in the circuit under test. C
hapter 11 analyzes
many built-in self-test design techniques (CSBL, BEST, RTS, LOCS
CBIST, CEBS, RTD, SST, CATS, CSTP, and BILBO) and discusses sev
eral advanced
concepts such as test schedules and partial intrusion built-in self-t
Chapter 12 discusses logic-level diagnosis. The covered topics i
nclude the basic
concepts in fault location, fault dictionaries, guided-probe testin
g, expert systems for
diagnosis, effect-cause analysis, and a reasoning method using a
rtificial intelligence
Chapter 13 presents self-checking circuits where faults are detec
ted by a subcircuit
called a checker. Self-checking circuits rely on the use of coded i
nputs. Some basic
concepts of coding theory are first reviewed, followed by a
discussion of specific
codes - parity-check codes, Berger codes, and residue codes and of designs of
checkers for these codes.
Chapter 14 surveys the testing of programmable logic arrays (PLAs

). First it reviews
the fault models specific to PLAs and test generation methods f
or external testing of
these faults. Then it describes and compares many built-in self-test
design methods for
Chapter 15 deals with the problem of testing and diagnosis of
a system composed of
several independent processing elements (units), where one unit c
an test and diagnose
other units. The focus is on the relation between the structure
of the system and the
levels of diagnosability that can be achieved.
In the Classroom
This book is designed as a text for graduate students in c
omputer engineering,
electrical engineering, or computer science. The book is self-co
ntained, most topics
being covered extensively, from fundamental concepts to advanced
techniques. We
assume that the students have had basic courses in logic design,
computer science, and
probability theory. Most algorithms are presented in the form o
f pseudocode in an
easily understood format.
The progression of topics follows a logical sequence where mos
t chapters rely on
material presented in preceding chapters. The most important pre
cedence relations
among chapters are illustrated in the following diagram. For example,
fault simulation
(5) requires understanding of logic simulation (3) and fault mode
ling (4). Design for
testability (9) and compression techniques (10) are prerequisites
for built-in
self-test (11).
2. Modeling
3. Logic Simulation 4. Fault Modeling
5. Fault Simulation
6. Testing for Single Stuck Faults
8. Functional Testing
9. Design for Testability 10. Compression Techniques
13. Self-Checking Design
14. PLA Testing
11. Built-In Self-Test
15. System-Level Diagnosis
Precedence relations among chapters
The book requires a two-semester sequence, and even then some materia
l may have to
be glossed over. For a one-semester course, we suggest a "sk
inny path" through
Chapters 1 through 6 and 9 through 11. The instructor can hope to
cover only about
half of this material. This "Introduction to Testing" course sh
ould emphasize the
fundamental concepts, algorithms, and design techniques, and make
only occasional
forays into the more advanced topics. Among the subjects that co
uld be skipped or

only briefly discussed in the introductory course are Simulation Engines

(Section 3.11),
The Multiple Stuck-Fault Model (4.6), Fault Sampling (5.4), Stati
stical Fault
Analysis (5.5), Random Test Generation (6.2.3), Advanced Scan Techniq
ues (9.9), and
Advanced BIST Concepts (11.5). Most of the material in Chapter 2
and the ad hoc
design for testability techniques (9.2) can be given as reading assi
Most of the topics not included in the introductory course can be
covered in a second
semester "Advanced Testing" course.
We have received considerable help in developing this book. We want
to acknowledge
Xi-An Zhu, who contributed to portions of the chapter on PLA
testing. We are
grateful for the support provided by the Bell Labs managers
who made this work
possible - John Bierbauer, Bill Evans, Al Fulton, Hao Nham, a
nd Bob Taylor.
Special thanks go to the Bell Labs word processing staff Yvonne Anderson,
Deborah Angell, Genevieve Przeor, and Lillian Pilz - for their
superb job in
producing this book, to David Hong for helping with troff and r
elated topics, to Jim
Coplien for providing the indexing software, and to John Pautler
and Tim Norris for
helping with the phototypesetter. We want to thank our many c
olleagues who have
been using preprints of this book for several years and who h
ave given us invaluable
feedback, and especially S. Reddy, S. Seth, and G. Silberman.
And finally, many
thanks to our students at the University of Southern California and
the Illinois Institute
of Technology, who helped in "debugging" the preliminary versions.
Miron Abramovici
Melvin A. Breuer
Arthur D. Friedman
How This Book Was Written
Don't worry. We will not begin by saying that "because of the
rapid increases in the
complexity of VLSI circuitry, the issues of testing, design-for-test
and built-in-self-test,
are becoming increasingly more important." You have seen this
type of opening a
million times before. Instead, we will tell you a little of the backg
round of this book.
The story started at the end of 1981. Miron, a young energ
etic researcher (at that
time), noted that Breuer and Friedman's Diagnosis & Reliable D
esign of Digital
Systems - known as the "yellow book" - was quickly becoming obsolet
e because of
the rapid development of new techniques in testing. He suggested co-a
uthoring a new

book, using as much material from the yellow book as possible and
updating it where
necessary. He would do most of the writing, which Mel and
Art would edit. It all
sounded simple enough, and work began in early 1982.
Two years later, Miron had written less than one-third of the book
. Most of the work
turned out to be new writing rather than updating the yellow bo
ok. The subjects of
modeling, simulation, fault modeling, fault simulation, and test
generation were
reorganized and greatly expanded, each being treated in a separate c
hapter. The end,
however, was nowhere in sight. Late one night Miron, in a
state of panic and
frustration, and Mel, in a state of weakness, devised a new cou
rse of action. Miron
would finalize the above topics and add new chapters on bridg
ing faults testing,
functional testing, logic-level diagnosis, delay-faults testing, and
RAM testing. Mel
would write the chapters dealing with new material, namely, PLA test
ing, MOS circuit
testing, design for testability, compression techniques, and builtin self-test. And Art
would update the material on self-checking circuits and system-level di
The years went by, and so did the deadlines. Only Art completed
his chapters on time.
The book started to look like an encyclopedia, with the chap
ter on MOS testing
growing into a book in itself. Trying to keep the material up to
date was a continuous
and endless struggle. As each year passed we came to dread the publ
ication of another
proceedings of the DAC, lTC, FTCS, or ICCAD, since we knew it
would force us to
go back and update many of the chapters that we had considered done.
Finally we acknowledged that our plan wasn't working and adopted a
new course of
action. Mel would set aside the MaS chapter and would concentra
te on other, more
essential chapters, leaving MaS for a future edition. Miron's chap
ters on delay fault
testing and RAM testing would have the same fate. A new final comp
letion date was
set for January 1989.
This plan worked, though we missed our deadline by some 10 months.
Out of love for
our work and our profession, we have finally accomplished what we h
ad set out to do.
As this preface was being written, Miron called Mel to tell him
about a paper he just
read with some nice results on test generation. Yes, the book i
s obsolete already. If
you are a young, energetic researcher - don't call us.
Testing and Diagnosis
Testing of a system is an experiment in which the system is exercised

and its resulting

response is analyzed to ascertain whether it behaved correctly. If inc
orrect behavior is
detected, a second goal of a testing experiment may be to diagnose, or locate,
the cause of
the misbehavior. Diagnosis assumes knowledge of the internal structure
of the system
under test. These concepts of testing and diagnosis have a broad applicabil
ity; consider,
for example, medical tests and diagnoses, test-driving a car, or
debugging a computer
Testing at Different Levels of Abstraction
The subject of this book is testing and diagnosis of digital system
s. "Digital system"
denotes a complex digital circuit. The complexity of a circuit is
related to the level of
abstraction required to describe its operation in a meaningful
way. The level of
abstraction can be roughly characterized by the type of information
processed by the
circuit (Figure 1.1). Although a digital circuit can be viewed
as processing analog
quantities such as voltage and current, the lowest level of abstraction we will
deal with is
the logic level. The information processed at this level is represente
d by discrete logic
values. The classical representation uses binary logic values (0 and
1). More accurate
models, however, often require more than two logic values. A further dist
inction can be
made at this level between combinational and sequential circuits. Unlike a com
circuit, whose output logic values depend only on its present input
values, a sequential
circuit can also remember past values, and hence it processes sequences of logi
c values.
Data Level of abstraction
Logic values
Logic level
(or sequences of logic values)
Logic values Words Register level
Instructions Words Instruction set level
Programs Data structures Processor level
Messages System level
Figure 1.1 Levels of abstraction in information processing by a digital syste
We start to regard a circuit as a system when considering its
operation in terms of
processing logic values becomes meaningless and/or unmanageable. Usually,
we view a
system as consisting of a data part interacting with a control par
t. While the control
function is still defined in terms of logic values, the information
processed by the data
part consists of words, where a word is a group (vector) of logic values.
As data words
are stored in registers, this level is referred to as the register level

. At the next level of

abstraction, the instruction set level, the control information is also
organized as words,
referred to as instructions. A system whose operation is directed by a set
of instructions
is called an instruction set processor. At a still higher level of abstra
ction, the processor
level, we can regard a digital system as processing sequences
of instructions, or
programs, that operate on blocks of data, referred to as data structures.
A different view
of a system (not necessarily a higher level of abstraction) is to co
nsider it composed of
independent subsystems, or units, which communicate via blocks o
f words called
messages; this level of abstraction is usually referred to as the system level
In general, the stimuli and the response defining a testing experimen
t correspond to the
type of information processed by the system under test. Thus testin
g is a generic term
that covers widely different activities and environments, such as
one or more subsystems testing another by sending and receiving messages;
a processor testing itself by executing a diagnostic program;
automatic test equipment (ATE) checking a circuit by applying and observ
ing binary
In this book we will not be concerned with parametric tests, which
deal with electrical
characteristics of the circuits, such as threshold and bias voltages,
leakage currents, and
so on.
Errors and Faults
An instance of an incorrect operation of the system being tested (or UU
T for unit under
test) is referred to as an (observed) error. Again, the conc
ept of error has different
meanings at different levels. For example, an error observed at
the diagnostic program
level may appear as an incorrect result of an arithmetic operation, while for
ATE an error
usually means an incorrect binary value.
The causes of the observed errors may be design errors, fabrication er
rors, fabrication
defects, and physical failures. Examples of design errors are
incomplete or inconsistent specifications;
incorrect mappings between different levels of design;
violations of design rules.
Errors occurring during fabrication include
wrong components;
incorrect wiring;
shorts caused by improper soldering.
Fabrication defects are not directly attributable to a human error; rathe
r, they result from
an imperfect manufacturing process. For example, shorts and opens are com
mon defects
in manufacturing MOS Large-Scale Integrated (LSI) circuits. Other fab
rication defects

include improper doping profiles, mask alignment errors, and poo

r encapsulation.
Accurate location of fabrication defects is important in improvi
ng the manufacturing
Physical failures occur during the lifetime of a system due to component wea
r-out and/or
environmental factors. For example, aluminum connectors inside an IC packag
e thin out
with time and may break because of electron migration or corrosi
on. Environmental
factors, such as temperature, humidity, and vibrations, accelerate
the aging of
components. Cosmic radiation and a-particles may induce failures in c
hips containing
high-density random-access memories (RAMs). Some physical failures,
referred to as
"infancy failures," appear early after fabrication.
Fabrication errors, fabrication defects, and physical failures are collecti
vely referred to as
physical faults. According to their stability in time, physical faults can
be classified as
permanent, i.e., always being present after their occurrence;
intermittent, i.e., existing only during some intervals;
transient, i.e., a one-time occurrence caused by a temporary
change in some
environmental factor.
In general, physical faults do not allow a direct mathematical t
reatment of testing and
diagnosis. The solution is to deal with logical faults, which
are a convenient
representation of the effect of the physical faults on the operation of
the system. A fault
is detected by observing an error caused by it. The basic assu
mptions regarding the
nature of logical faults are referred to as afault model. The most widel
y used fault model
is that of a single line (wire) being permanently "stuck" at a logic
value. Fault modeling
is the subject of Chapter 4.
Modeling and Simulation
As design errors precede the fabrication of the system, design verifica
tion testing can be
performed by a testing experiment that uses a model of the des
igned system. In this
context, "model" means a digital computer representation of the system
in terms of data
structures and/or programs. The model can be exercised by stim
ulating it with a
representation of the input signals. This process is referred to as
logic simulation (also
called design verification simulation or true-value simulation). L
ogic simulation
determines the evolution in time of the signals in the model in
response to an applied
input sequence. We will address the areas of modeling and lo
gic simulation in
Chapters 2 and 3.
Test Evaluation

An important problem in testing is test evaluation, which refer

s to determining the
effectiveness, or quality, of a test. Test evaluation is usually done in the
context of a fault
model, and the quality of a test is measured by the ratio between the
number of faults it
detects and the total number of faults in the assumed fault universe;
this ratio is referred
to as the fault coverage. Test evaluation (or test grading) is carr
ied out via a simulated
testing experiment called fault simulation, which computes the response
of the circuit in
the presence of faults to the test being evaluated. A fault is detected whe
n the response it
produces differs from the expected response of the fault-free circuit.
Fault simulation is
discussed in Chapter 5.
Types of Testing
Testing methods can be classified according to many criteria. Figure 1.
2 summarizes the
most important attributes of the testing methods and the associated terminolog
Criterion Attribute of testing method Terminology
When is
Concurrently with the normal On-line testing
system operation Concurrent testing
As a separate activity Off-line testing
Where is
Within the system itself Self-testing
the source of
Applied by an external device External testing
the stimuli?
Design errors Design verification
Fabrication errors Acceptance testing
What do we Fabrication defects Burn-in
test for? Infancy physical failures Quality-assurance
Physical failures Field testing
Maintenance testing
What is the
Board-level testing
object being
System-level testing
How are the Retrieved from storage Stored-pattern
stimuli testing
and/or the
expected Generated during testing Algorithmic testing
response Comparison testing

How are the
In a fixed (predetermined) order
Depending on the results Adaptive testing
obtained so far
Figure 1.2 Types of testing
Testing by diagnostic programs is performed off-line, at-speed, and at
the system level.
The stimuli originate within the system itself, which works in a
self-testing mode. In
systems whose control logic is microprogrammed, the diagnostic progr
ams can also be
microprograms (microdiagnostics). Some parts of the system, referred
to as hardcore,
should be fault-free to allow the program to run. The stimuli are generat
ed by software or
Criterion Attribute of testing method Terminology
How fast
Much slower than the normal DC (static) testing
are the
operation speed
At the normal operation speed AC testing
At-speed testing
What are
The entire output patterns
the observed
Some function of the output Compact testing
Only the I/O lines Edge-pin testing
What lines
I/O and internal lines Guided-probe testing
are accessible
Bed-of-nails testing
for testing?
Electron-beam testing
In-circuit testing
In-circuit emulation
The system itself Self-testing
Who checks Self-checking
the results?
An external device (tester) External testing
Figure 1.2 (Continued)
firmware and can be adaptively applied. Diagnostic programs are usually ru
n for field or
maintenance testing.
In-circuit emulation is a testing method that eliminates the need for
hardcore in running
diagnostic programs. This method is used in testing microprocessor (Jl
P)-based boards
and systems, and it is based on removing the J..lP on the
board during testing and
accessing the JlP connections with the rest of the DUT from an external tester
. The tester

can emulate the function of the removed J..lP (usually by using a J

lP of the same type).
This configuration allows running of diagnostic programs using t
he tester's JlP and
In on-line testing, the stimuli and the response of the system are n
ot known in advance,
because the stimuli are provided by the patterns received during
the normal mode of
operation. The object of interest in on-line testing consists not of the
response itself, but
of some properties of the response, properties that should remain invariant
throughout the
fault-free operation. For example, only one output of a fault-free
decoder should have
logic value 1. The operation code (opcode) of an instruction word in
an instruction set
processor is restricted to a set of "legal" opcodes. In gener
al, however, such easily
definable properties do not exist or are difficult to check. The general appr
oach to on-line
testing is based on reliable design techniques that create invariant prop
erties that are easy
to check during the system's operation. A typical example is the u
se of an additional
parity bit for every byte of memory. The parity bit is set
to create an easy-to-check
invariant property, namely it makes every extended byte (i.e., the
original byte plus the
parity bit) have the same parity (i.e., the number of 1 bits, taken
modulo 2). The parity
bit is redundant, in the sense that it does not carry any information use
ful for the normal
operation of the system. This type of information redundancy i
s characteristic for
systems using error-detecting and error-correcting codes. Another
type of reliable
design based on redundancy is modular redundancy, which is based
on replicating a
module several times. The replicated modules (they must have t
he same function,
possibly with different implementations) work with the same set
of inputs, and the
invariant property is that all of them must produce the same
response. Self-checking
systems have subcircuits called checkers, dedicated to testing i
nvariant properties.
Self-checking design techniques are the subject of Chapter 13.
Guided-probe testing is a technique used in board-level testing. If
errors are detected
during the initial edge-pin testing (this phase is often referred to
as a GOINO GO test),
the tester decides which internal line should be monitored and inst
ructs the operator to
place a probe on the selected line. Then the test is reapplied. T
he principle is to trace
back the propagation of error(s) along path(s) through the circuit. After
each application
of the test, the tester checks the results obtained at the moni

tored line and determines

whether the site of a fault has been reached and/or the backtrace should co
ntinue. Rather
than monitoring one line at a time, some testers can monitor a group of lines
, usually the
pins of an IC.
Guided-probe testing is a sequential diagnosis procedure, in which a subset o
f the internal
accessible lines is monitored at each step. Some testers use a fixture
called bed-of-nails
that allows monitoring of all the accessible internal lines in a single step.
The goal of in-circuit testing is to check components already moun
ted on a board. An
external tester uses an IC clip to apply patterns directly to the
inputs of one IC and to
observe its outputs. The tester must be capable of electronically is
olating the IC under
test from its board environment; for example, it may have to overdri
ve the input pattern
supplied by other components.
Algorithmic testing refers to the generation of the input patterns during t
esting. Counters
and feedback shift registers are typical examples of hardware used to
generate the input
stimuli. Algorithmic pattern generation is a capability of some
testers to produce
combinations of several fixed patterns. The desired combination i
s determined by a
control program written in a tester-oriented language.
The expected response can be generated during testing either from a known g
ood copy of
the UUT - the so-called gold unit - or by using a real-time emul
ation of the UUT.
This type of testing is called comparison testing, which is somehow
a misnomer, as the
comparison with the expected response is inherent in many other testing methods.
Methods based on checking some functionf(R) derived from the response R of
the UUT,
rather than R itself, are said to perform compact testing, and
f(R) is said to be a
compressed representation, or signature, of R. For example, one can count
the number of
1 values (or the number of 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 transitions) obtained at
a circuit output and
compare it with the expected l-count (or transition count) of the fault-free
circuit. Such a
compact testing procedure simplifies the testing process, since
instead of bit-by-bit
comparisons between the DDT response and the expected output, one n
eeds only one
comparison between signatures. Also the tester's memory requirements are
reduced, because there is no longer need to store the entire
expected response.
Compression techniques (to be analyzed in Chapter 10) are mainly used
in self-testing
circuits, where the computation of f(R) is implemented by special hard
ware added to the
circuit. Self-testing circuits also have additional hardware to

generate the stimuli.

Design techniques for circuits with Built-In Self-Test (BIST) feature
s are discussed in
Chapter 11.
Diagnosis and Repair
If the UUT found to behave incorrectly is to be repaired, the cause of
the observed error
must be diagnosed. In a broad sense, the terms diagnosis and
repair apply both to
physical faults and to design errors (for the latter, "repair" means "re
design"). However,
while physical faults can be effectively represented by logical fault
s, we lack a similar
mapping for the universe of design errors. Therefore, in discussing
diagnosis and repair
we will restrict ourselves to physical (and logical) faults.
Two types of approaches are available for fault diagnosis. The
first approach is a
cause-effect analysis, which enumerates all the possible faults (causes) e
xisting in a fault
model and determines, before the testing experiment, all their cor
responding responses
(effects) to a given applied test. This process, which relies on fa
ult simulation, builds a
data base called a fault dictionary. The diagnosis is a dictionary
look-up process, in
which we try to match the actual response of the UUT with one
of the precomputed
responses. If the match is successful, the fault dictionary indicates the
possible faults (or
the faulty components) in the UUT.
Other diagnosis techniques, such as guided-probe testing, use an e
ffect-cause analysis
approach. An effect-cause analysis processes the actual response of the UUT (
the effect)
and tries to determine directly only the faults (cause) that could p
roduce that response.
Logic-level diagnosis techniques are treated in Chapter 12 and system-le
vel diagnosis is
the subject of Chapter 15.
Test Generation
Test generation (TG) is the process of determining the stimuli necessary
to test a digital
system. TG depends primarily on the testing method employed. On-line testi
ng methods
do not require TG. Little TG effort is needed when the input patterns
are provided by a
feedback shift register working as a pseudorandom sequence generator. In
contrast, TG
for design verification testing and the development of diagnostic programs inv
olve a large
effort that, unfortunately, is still mainly a manual activity. Automatic TG (A
TG) refers to
TG algorithms that, given a model of a system, can generate tests for
it. ATG has been
developed mainly for edge-pin stored-pattern testing.
TG can be fault oriented or function oriented. In fault-oriented TG, one
tries to generate
tests that will detect (and possibly locate) specific faults. In f
unction-oriented TG, one

tries to generate a test that, if it passes, shows that the

system performs its specified
function. TG techniques are covered in several chapters (6, 7,8, and 12).
Design for Testability
The cost of testing a system has become a major component in the
cost of designing,
manufacturing, and maintaining a system. The cost of testing reflects man
y factors such
as TG cost, testing time, ATE cost, etc. It is somehow ironic that a
$10 JlP may need a
tester thousands times more expensive.
Design for testability (DFf) techniques have been increasingly use
d in recent years.
Their goal is to reduce the cost of testing by introducing testabilit
y criteria early in the
design stage. Testability considerations have become so important tha
t they may even
dictate the overall structure of a design. DFT techniques for
external testing are
discussed in Chapter 9.
About This Chapter
Modeling plays a central role in the design, fabrication, and testin
g of a digital system.
The way we represent a system has important consequences for the way
we simulate it
to verify its correctness, the way we model faults and simulate
it in the presence of
faults, and the way we generate tests for it.
First we introduce the basic concepts in modeling, namely behavioral
versus functional
versus structural models and external versus internal models. Th
en we discuss
modeling techniques. This subject is closely intertwined with som
e of the problems
dealt with in Chapter 3. This chapter will focus mainly on
the description and
representation of models, while Chapter 3 will emphasize algorith
ms for their
interpretation. One should bear in mind, however, that such a cl
ear separation is not
always possible.
In the review of the basic modeling techniques, we first discuss
methods that describe
a circuit or system as one "box"; circuits are modeled at the l
ogic level and systems at
the register level. Then we present methods of representing an inte
rconnection of such
boxes (structural models).
2.1 Basic Concepts
Behavioral, Functional, and Structural Modeling
At any level of abstraction, a digital system or circuit can b
e viewed as a black box,
processing the information carried by its inputs to produce its output
(Figure 2.1). The
I/O mapping realized by the box defines the behavior of the sys
tem. Depending on
the level of abstraction, the behavior can be specified as a mappi
ng of logic values, or

of data words, etc. (see Figure 1.1). This transformation occur

s over time. In
describing the behavior of a system, it is usually convenient
to separate the value
domain from the time domain. The logic function is the I/O mappin
g that deals only
with the value transformation and ignores the I/O timing relati
ons. A functional
model of a system is a representation of its logic function.
A behavioral model
consists of a functional model coupled with a representation of t
he associated timing
relations. Several advantages result from the separation between
logic function and
timing. For example, circuits that realize the same function but
differ in their timing
can share the same functional model. Also the function and the
timing can be dealt
with separately for design verification and test generation. Thi
s distinction between
function and behavior is not always made in the literature, where
these terms are often
used interchangeably.
A structural model describes a box as a collection of interconne
cted smaller boxes
called components or elements. A structural model is often hierar
chical such that a
component is in tum modeled as an interconnection of lower-level c
omponents. The
bottom-level boxes are called primitive elements, and their functiona
l (or behavioral)
model is assumed to be known. The function of a component is shown
by its type. A
block diagram of a computer system is a structural model in wh
ich the types of the
Figure 2.1 Black box view of a system
components are CPUs, RAMs, I/O devices, etc. A schematic diagram o
f a circuit is a
structural model using components whose types might be AND, OR
, 2-to-4
DECODER, SN7474, etc. The type of the components may be denoted gr
aphically by
special shapes, such as the shapes symbolizing the basic gates.
A structural model always carries (implicitly or explicitly) info
rmation regarding the
function of its components. Also, only small circuits can be
described in a strictly
functional (black-box) manner. Many models characterized as "funct
ional" in the
literature also convey, to various extents, some structural info
rmation. In practice
structural and functional modeling are always intermixed.
External and Internal Models
An external model of a system is the model viewed by the use
r, while an internal
model consists of the data structures and/or programs that represent
the system inside a

computer. An external model can be graphic (e.g., a schematic diagr

am) or text based.
A text-based model is a description in a formal language, referre
d to as a Hardware
Description Language (HDL). HDLs used to describe structural mode
ls are called
connectivity languages. HDLs used at the register and instructio
n set levels are
generally referred to as Register Transfer Languages (RTLs). Like
a conventional
programming language, an RTL has declarations and statements. Usually,
convey structural information, stating the existence of hardware
entities such as
registers, memories, and busses, while statements convey functiona
l information by
describing the way data words are transferred and transformed
among the declared
Object-oriented programming languages are increasingly used for mo
deling digital
systems [Breuer et ale 1988, Wolf 1989].
2.2 Functional Modeling at the Logic Level
2.2.1 Truth Tables and Primitive Cubes
The simplest way to represent a combinational circuit is by its truth
table, such as the
one shown in Figure 2.2(a). Assuming binary input values, a c
ircuit realizing a
function Z (x 1, X 2, ... , x
) of n variables requires a table with 2
entries. The data
structure representing a truth table is usually an array V of dimensio
n Z", We arrange
the input combinations in their increasing binary order. Then
V(O) = Z(O,O,... ,O),
V(l) = Z(O,O,... ,l), ... , V(2
= Z(l,l,... ,l). A typical procedure to determine the
value of Z, given a set of values for Xl' X 2, ... , X
' works as follows:
Functional Modeling at the Logic Level
1. Concatenate the input values in proper order to form one binary word.
2. Let i be the integer value of this word.
3. The value of Z is given by V(i).
Xl x2 x3
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
Xl x2 x3

X 1 0 0
1 1 X 0
x 0 X 1
0 X 1 1
Figure 2.2 Models for a combinational function Z(XI, x2, X3) (a) truth
(b) primitive cubes
For a circuit with m outputs, an entry in the V array is an m-bit vector defi
ning the output
values. Truth table models are often used for Read-Only Memori
es (ROMs), as the
procedure outlined above corresponds exactly to the ROM addressing mechanism.
Let us examine the first two lines of the truth table in Figur
e 2.2(a). Note that Z = 1
independent of the value of X 3. Then we can compress these two l
ines into one whose
content is OOxI1, where X denotes an unspecified or "don't care" value. (Fo
r visual clarity
we use a vertical bar to separate the input values from the output
values). This type of
compressed representation is conveniently described in cubical notation.
A cube associated with an ordered set of signals (a I a2 a
3 ... ) is a vector
(vI V2 V3 ... ) of corresponding signal values. A cube of a function
Z(x I, X 2, X 3) has
the form tv, V2 V3 I vz), where Vz = Z(VI' V2, V3). ThusacubeofZc
entry in its truth table. An implicant g of Z is represented
by a cube constructed as
1. Set vi = 1(0) if Xi (x i ) appears in g.
2. Set Vi = x if neither x i nor x i appears in g.
3. Setvz=l.
For example, the cube OOx 11represents the implicant xI x2.
If the cube q can be obtained from the cube p by replacing one or more x valu
es in p by 0
or 1, we say that p covers q. The cube OOx 11covers the cubes 000 11 and
A cube representing a prime implicant of Z or Z is called a primitive cube. Fi
gure 2.2(b)
shows the primitive cubes of the function Z given by the truth table in Figure
To use the primitive-cube representation of Z to determine its valu
e for a given input
combination (VI V2 . v
) , where the Vi values are binary, we search the primitive
cubes of Z until we find one whose input part covers v. For exampl
e, (v I V2 V3) =010
matches (in the first three positions) the primitive cube xl0 I0; thus Z(010)
=O. Formally,
this matching operation is implemented by the intersection operator, defined
by the table
in Figure 2.3. The intersection of the values 0 and 1 produce
s an inconsistency,
symbolized by 0. In all other cases the intersection is said to be
consistent, and values

whose intersection is consistent are said to be compatible.

n 0 1 x
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
x 0 1 x
Figure 2.3 Intersection operator
The intersection operator extends to cubes by forming the pairwise intersec
tions between
corresponding values. The intersection of two cubes is consisten
t iff* all the
corresponding values are compatible. To determine the value of Z
for a given input
combination (VI V2 .. V
), we apply the following procedure:
1. Form the cube (VI V2 .. vnl x).
2. Intersect this cube with the primitive cubes of Z until a co
nsistent intersection is
3. The value of Z is obtained in the rightmost position.
Primitive cubes provide a compact representation of a function.
But this does not
necessarily mean that an internal model for primitive cubes consumes
less memory than
the corresponding truth-table representation, because in an internal model for a
truth table
we do not explicitly list the input combinations.
Keeping the primitive cubes with Z =0 and the ones with Z = 1 in sep
arate groups, as
shown in Figure 2.2(b), aids in solving a problem often encountered i
n test generation.
The problem is to find values for a subset of the inputs of Z to produ
ce a specified value
for Z. Clearly, the solutions are given by one of the two sets of primitive
cubes of Z. For
* if and only if
Functional Modeling at the Logic Level 13
example, from Figure 2.2(b), we know that to set Z = 1 we need
either X2 = or
XIX3 = 01.
2.2.2 State Tables and Flow Tables
A finite-state sequential function can be modeled as a sequential ma
chine that receives
inputs from a finite set of possible inputs and produces outpu
ts from a finite-set of
possible outputs. It has a finite number of internal states (or
simply, states). A finite
state sequential machine can be represented by a state table that has a row
to every internal state of the machine and a column corresponding to every possi
ble input.
The entry in row q i and column L; represents the next state and the ou
tput produced if I m
is applied when the machine is in state q i- This entry will
be denoted by N(q i ,1
) ,
) . Nand Z are called the next state and output function of th

e machine. An
example of a state table is shown in Figure 2.4.

1 2,1 3,0
2 2,1 4,0
3 1,0 4,0
4 3,1 3,0
N(q,x),Z( q,x)
Figure 2.4 Example of state table (q = current state, x = current input)
In representing a sequential function in this way there is an
inherent assumption of
synchronization that is not explicitly represented by the state
table. The inputs are
synchronized in time with some timing sequence, t( 1), t(2), ...
, t(n). At every time
t(i) the input is sampled, the next state is entered and the ne
xt output is produced. A
circuit realizing such a sequential function is a synchronous sequential circui
A synchronous sequential circuit is usually considered to have a canon
ical structure of
the form shown in Figure 2.5. The combinational part is fed by the pri
mary inputs x and
by the state variables y. Every state in a state table corre
sponds to a different
combination of values of the state variables. The concept of synchronizati
on is explicitly
implemented by using an additional input, called a clock line. Events
at times t(I), t(2),
..., are initiated by pulses on the clock line. The state of the circ
uit is stored in bistable
memory elements called clocked flip-flops (F/Fs). A clocked F/F can c
hange state only
when it receives a clock pulse. Figure 2.6 shows the circuit symbols and
the state tables
of three commonly used F/Fs (C is the clock).
More general, a synchronous sequential circuit may have several
clock lines, and the
clock pulses may propagate through some combinational logic on their way to
Sequential circuits can also be designed without clocks. Such
circuits are called
asynchronous. The behavior of an asynchronous sequential circuit can
be defined by a
flow table. In a flow table, a state transition may involve a sequ
ence of state changes,
circuit C
Figure 2.5 Canonical structure of a synchronous sequential circuit

K y
(a) JK flip-flop
y 0 1
T y
1 1 0
(b) T (Trigger) flip-flop
y 0 1
D y
1 o 1
(c) D (Delay) flip-flop
Figure 2.6 Three types of flip-flops
caused by a single input change to I
, until a stable configuration is reached, denoted
by the condition N (qi,I
) =qi. Such stable configurations are shown in boldface in the
flow table. Figure 2.7 shows a flow table for an asynchronous machine,
and Figure 2.8
shows the canonical structure of an asynchronous sequential circuit.
Functional Modeling at the Logic Level
00 01 11 10
1 1,0 5,1 2,0 1,0
2 1,0 2,0 2,0 5,1
3 3,1 2,0 4,0 3,0
4 3,1 5,1 4,0 4,0
5 3,1 5,1 4,0 5,1
Figure 2.7 A flow table
y ~
Figure 2.8 Canonical structure of an asynchronous sequential circuit
For test generation, a synchronous sequential circuit S can be
modeled by a
pseudocombinational iterative array as shown in Figure 2.9. This mod
el is equivalent
to the one given in Figure 2.5 in the following sense. Each cel
l C(i) of the array is
identical to the combinational circuit C of Figure 2.5. If an
input sequence
x (0) x (1)...x (k) is applied to S in initial state yeO), and gen

erates the output sequence

z (0) z (1) ...z (k) and state sequence y (1) Y(2) ...y (k + 1), th
en the iterative array will
generate the output z(i) from cell i, in response to the input
xCi) to cell i (1 ~ i ~ k).
Note that the first cell also receives the values corresponding t
o yeO) as inputs. In this
transformation the clocked FIPs are modeled as combinational elements,
referred to as
pseudo-F/Fs. For a JK F/F, the inputs of the combinational mod
el are the present
state q and the excitation inputs J and K, and the outputs are the
next state q+ and the
device outputs y and y. The present state q of the F/Fs in cell
i must be equal to the
q+ output of the F/Fs in cell i-I. The combinational element mo
del corresponding to
a JK F/F is defined by the truth table in Figure 2.10(a). N
ote that here q+ = y.
Figure 2.10(b) shows the general FIP model.
time frame 0
cell 0
time frame 1
cell 1
time frame i
cell i
Figure 2.9 Combinational iterative array model of a synchronous seque
present state
ormal norma
nputs output
- y - q+
q J K

0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 1
next state
Figure 2.10 (a) Truth table of a JK pseudo-F/F (b) General model of
This modeling technique maps the time domain response of the sequentia
l circuit into a
space domain response of the iterative array. Note that the model
of the combinational
part need not be actually replicated. This transformation allows
test generation
methods developed for combinational circuits to be extended to synchr
onous sequential
circuits. A similar technique exists for asynchronous sequential circui
Functional Modeling at the Logic Level 17
2.2.3 Binary Decision Diagrams
A binary decision diagram [Lee 1959, Akers 1978] is a graph model of
the function of
a circuit. A simple graph traversal procedure determines the va
lue of the output by
sequentially examining values of its inputs. Figure 2.11 gives
the diagram of
f =abc + ac. The traversal starts at the top. At every node,
we decide to follow the
left or the right branch, depending on the value (0 or 1) o
f the corresponding input
variable. The value of the function is determined by the value e
ncountered at the exit
branch. For the diagram in Figure 2.11, let us compute f for a
bc=OO1. At node a we
take the left branch, then at node b we also take the left bra
nch and exit with value 0
(the reader may verify that when a=O and b=O, f does not depend
on the value of c).
If at an exit branch we encounter a variable rather than a valu
e, then the value of the
function is the value of that variable. This occurs in our example
for a=l; heref=c.
o c
Figure 2.11 Binary decision diagram of f = abc + ac
When one dot is encountered on a branch during the traversal of
a diagram, then the
final result is complemented. In our example, for a=O and b=1
, we obtain f=c. If

more than one dot is encountered, the final value is complem

ented if the number of
dots is odd.
Binary decision diagrams are also applicable for modeling sequen
tial functions.
Figure 2.12 illustrates such a diagram for a JK F/F with asyn
chronous set (S) and
reset (R) inputs. Here q represents the previous state of the F
/F. The diagram can be
entered to determine the value of the output y or Y. For examp
le, when computing y
for S=O,y=O, C=I, and q=l, we exit with the value of K inverted
(because of the dot),
i.e., y=K. The outputs of the F/F are undefined (x) for the
"illegal" condition S = 1
and R = 1.
The following example [Akers 1978] illustrates the construction o
f a binary decision
diagram from a truth table.
Example 2.1: Consider the truth table of the function f =abc
+ ac, given in
Figure 2.13(a). This can be easily mapped into the binary dec
ision diagram of
Figure 2.13(b), which is a complete binary tree where every path cor
responds to one of
the eight rows of the truth table. This diagram can be simplified
as follows. Because
both branches from the leftmost node c result in the same va
lue 0, we remove this
C q
o 1
Figure 2.12 Binary decision diagram for a JK F/F
node and replace it by an exit branch with value O. Because the l
eft and right branches
from the other c nodes lead to 0 and 1 (or 1 and 0) values, we r
emove these nodes and
replace them with exit branches labeled with c (or C). Figur
e 2.13(c) shows the
resulting diagram. Here we can remove the rightmost b node (F
igure 2.13(d)).
Finally, we merge branches leading to c and c and introduce

a dot to account for

inversion (Figure 2.13(e)). D
2.2.4 Programs as Functional Models
A common feature of the modeling techniques presented in the pr
evious sections is
that the model consists of a data structure (truth table, stat
e table, or binary decision
diagram) that is interpreted by a model-independent program. A diff
erent approach is
to model the function of a circuit directly by a program.
This type of code-based
modeling is always employed for the primitive elements used in a str
uctural model. In
general, models based on data structures are easier to develop
, while code-based
models can be more efficient because they avoid one level of interp
retation. (Modeling
options will be discussed in more detail in a later section).
In some applications, a program providing a functional model o
f a circuit is
automatically generated from a structural model. If only binary valu
es are considered,
one can directly map the logic gates in the structural model
into the corresponding
logic operators available in the target programming language. Fo
r example, the
following assembly code can be used as a functional model of
the circuit shown in
Figure 2.14 (assume that the variables A,B, ...,Z store the binar
y values of the signals
A,B, ...,Z):
Functional Modeling at the Logic Level 19
a b c
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1
o o 1 o
o 1 0
c c

c o
Figure 2.13
Constructing a binary decision diagram
/* load accumulator with value of A */
/* compute A.B */
r compute A.B.C */
/* store partial result */
/* load accumulator with value of D */
/* compute D */
/* compute A.B.C + D */
/* store result */
A ------I
B -------i
C -------i
D ------I
Figure 2.14
Using the C programming language, the same circuit can be modeled by
the following:
Z = ElF
As the resulting code is compiled into machine code, this ty
pe of model is also
referred to as a compiled-code model.
2.3 Functional Modeling at the Register Level
2.3.1 Basic RTL Constructs
RTLs provide models for systems at the register and the instruction
set levels. In this
section we will discuss only the main concepts .of RTL models; the r
eader may refer to
[Dietmeyer and Duley 1975, Barbacci 1975, Shahdat et ale 1985]
for more details.
Data (and control) words are stored in registers and memories org
anized as arrays of
registers. Declaring the existence of registers inside the model
ed box defines a
skeleton structure of the box. For example:
register IR [ O ~ 7]
defines an 8-bit register IR, and

memory ABC [ O ~ 2 5 5 ; O ~ 15]

denotes a 256-word memory ABC with 16-bit/word.
The data paths are implicitly defined by describing the processing
and the transfer of
data words among registers. RTL models are characterized as functiona
l, because they
emphasize functional description while providing only summary structural
Functional Modeling at the Register Level 21
The processing and the transfer of data words are described by
reference to primitive
operators. For example, if A, B, and C are registers, then the sta
denotes the addition of the values of A and B, followed by the
transfer of the result
into C, by using the primitive operators "+" for addition and
"=" for transfer. This
notation does not specify the hardware that implements the additi
on, but only implies
its existence.
A reference to a primitive operator defines an operation. The
control of data
transformations is described by conditional operations, in which
the execution of
operations is made dependent on the truth value of a control conditio
n. For example,
if X then C =A + B
means that C = A + B should occur when the control signal X
is 1. More complex
control conditions use Boolean expressions and relational operators; fo
r example:
if (CLOCK and (AREG < BREG)) then AREG =BREG
states that the transfer AREG = BREG occurs when CLOCK = 1 and
the value
contained in AREG is smaller than that in BREG.
Other forms of control are represented by constructs similar to the o
nes encountered in
programming languages, such as 2-way decisions (if...then...else)
and multiway
decisions. The statement below selects the operation to be performed
depending on the
value contained in the bits 0 through 3 of the register fR.
case 0: operations
case 1: operation1
case 15: operation.,
This construct implies the existence of a hardware decoder.
RTLs provide compact constructs to describe hardware addressing
mechanisms. For
example, for the previously defined memory ABC,
denotes the word at the address 3, and, assuming that BASEREG
and PC are registers
of proper dimensions, then
denotes the word at the address obtained by adding the curre
nt values of the two

Combinational functions can be directly described by their equat
ions using Boolean
operators, as in
Z =(A and B) or C
When Z, A, B, and Care n-bit vectors, the above statement i
mplies n copies of a
circuit that performs the Boolean operations between corresponding bit
Other primitive operators often used in RTLs are shift and c
ount. For example, to
shift AREG right by two positions and to fill the left positions w
ith a value 0, one may
shift_right (AREG, 2, 0)
and incrementing PC may be denoted by
iner (PC)
Some RTLs allow references to past values of variables. If time
is measured in "time
units," the value of X two time units ago would be denoted by X(2) [Chappell et ale
1976]. An action caused by a positive edge (0 to 1 transition) of X c
an be activated by
if (X(-l)=O and X=l) then ...
where X is equivalent to X(O) and represents the current valu
e of X. This concept
introduces an additional level of abstraction, because it implies
the existence of some
memory that stores the "history" of X (up to a certain depth).
Finite-state machines can be modeled in two ways. The direct appro
ach is to have a
state register composed of the state variables of the system.
State transitions are
implemented by changing the value of the state register. A more abs
tract approach is
to partition the operation of the system into disjoint blocks repres
enting the states and
identified by state names. Here state transitions are described
by using a go to
operator, as illustrated below:
state Sl, S2, S3
Sl: if X then
go to S2
go to S3
S2: ...
Functional Modeling at the Register Level 23
Being in state S1 is an implicit condition for executing the ope
rations specified in the
Sl block. Only one state is active (current) at any time.
This more abstract model
allows a finite state machine to be described before the state a
ssignment (the mapping
between state names and state variables) has been done.
2.3.2 Timing Modeling in RTLs
According to their treatment of the concept of time, RTLs ar

e divided into two

categories, namely procedural languages and nonprocedural languages.
A procedural
RTL is similar to a conventional programming language where st
atements are
sequentially executed such that the result of a statement is imm
ediately available for
the following statements. Thus, in
the value transferred into C is the new value of A (i.e.,
the contents of B). Many
procedural RTLs directly use (or provide extensions to) conventi
onal programming
languages, such as Pascal [Hill and vanCleemput 1979] or C [Frey
By contrast, the statements of a nonprocedural RTL are (concep
tually) executed in
parallel, so in the above example the old value of A (i.e.
, the one before the
transfer A = B) is loaded into C. Thus, in a nonprocedural RTL,
the statements
accomplish an exchange between the contents of A and B.
Procedural RTLs are usually employed to describe a system at the i
nstruction set level
of abstraction. An implicit cycle-based timing model is often
used at this level.
Reflecting the instruction cycle of the modeled processor, during w
hich an instruction
is fetched, decoded, and executed, a cycle-based timing model assur
es that the state of
the model accurately reflects the state of the processor at the end
of a cycle.
More detailed behavioral models can be obtained by specifying th
e delay associated
with an operation, thus defining when the result of an opera
tion becomes available.
For example:
C = A + B, delay = 100
shows that C gets its new value 100 time units after the initiation
of the transfer.
Another way of defining delays in an RTL is to specify del
ays for variables, rather
than for operations. In this way, if a declaration
delay C 100
has been issued, then this applies to every transfer into C.
Some RTLs allow a mixture of procedural and nonprocedural interpretati
ons. Thus, an
RTL that is mostly procedural may have special constructs to
denote concurrent
operations or may accept delay specifications. An RTL that is
mostly nonprocedural
may allow for a special type of variable with the property th
at new values of these
variables become immediately available for subsequent statements.
2.3.3 Internal RTL Models
An RTL model can be internally represented by data structures or

by compiled code.
A model based on data structures can be interpreted for diffe
rent applications by
model-independent programs. A compiled-code model is usually applic
able only for
Compiled-code models are usually generated from procedural RTLs.
The code
generation is a 2-step process. First, the RTL description is tra
nslated to a high-level
language, such as C or Pascal. Then the produced high-level co
de is compiled into
executable machine code. This process is especially easy for a
n RTL based on a
conventional programming language.
Internal RTL models based on data structures are examined in
[Hemming and
Szygenda 1975].
2.4 Structural Models
2.4.1 External Representation
A typical structural model of a system in a connectrvity lan
guage specifies the
I/O lines of the system, its components, and the I/O signals o
f each component. For
example, the following model conveys the same information as the sc
hematic diagram
in Figure 2.15 (using the language described in [Chang et al. 1974]
AND E, (A,C)
AND F, (B,D)
OR Z, (E,F)
The definition of a gate includes its type and the specificatio
n of its I/O terminals in
the form output, input_list. The interconnections are implicitly descr
ibed by the signal
names attached to these terminals. For example, the primary input
A is connected to
the inverter D and to the AND gate E. A signal line is also refer
red to as a net.
Gates are components characterized by single output and functionally equ
ivalent inputs.
In general, components may have multiple outputs, both the inp
uts and the outputs
may be functionally different, and the component itself may have a
distinct name. In
such a case, the I/O terminals of a component are distinguished
by predefined names.
For example, to use a JK F/F in the circuit shown in Figure
2.16, the model would
include a statement such as:
Structural Models
B (}--- -------------l

Figure 2.15 Schematic diagram of an XOR circuit
}----------l C U1
Figure 2.16
which defines the name of the component, its type, and the name of
the nets connected
to its terminals.
The compiler of an external model consisting of such statement
s must understand
references to types (such as JKFF) and to terminal names (such as
Q, J, K). For this,
the model can refer to primitive components of the modeling system (
system primitive
components) or components previously defined in a library of componen
ts (also called
part library or catalog).
The use of a library of components implies a bottom-up hiera
rchical approach to
describing the external model. First the components are modeled
and the library is
built. The model of a component may be structural or an RTL m
odel. Once defined,
the library components can be regarded as user primitive compo
nents, since they
become the building blocks of the system. The library componen
ts are said to be
generic, since they define new types. The components used in a
circuit are instances
of generic components.
Usually, structural models are built using a macro approach ba
sed on the macro
processing capability of the connectivity language. This approach is
similar to those
used in programming languages. Basically, a macro capability is
a text-processing
technique, by means of which a certain text, called the macr
o body, is assigned a
name. A reference to the macro name results in its replacement
by the macro body;
this process is called expansion. Certain items in the macro bo
dy, defined as macro
parameters, may differ from one expansion to another, being re
placed by actual
parameters specified at the expansion time. When used for modeling,
the macro name
is the name of the generic component, the macro parameters a
re the names of its

terminals, the actual parameters are the names of the signals

connected to the
terminals, and the macro body is the text describing its str
ucture. The nesting of
macros allows for a powerful hierarchical modeling capability for the
external model.
Timing information in a structural model is usually defined by
specifying the delays
associated with every instance of a primitive component, as exemplifie
d by
AND X, (A,B) delay 10
When most of the components of the same type have the same
delay, this delay is
associated with the type by a declaration such as
delay AND 10
and this will be the default delay value of any AND that d
oes not have an explicit
delay specification.
Chapter 3 will provide more details about timing models.
2.4.2 Structural Properties
A structural model of a system can be represented by a graph.
This is useful since
many concepts and algorithms of the graph theory can be appl
ied. Initially we will
consider only circuits in which the information is processed b
y components and is
unidirectionally transmitted along signal lines. In cases when every
net connects only
two components, a natural representation of a structural model is
a directed graph in
which the components and nets are mapped, respectively, into nodes
and edges of the
graph (Figure 2.17). The primary inputs and outputs are mapped into
nodes of special
types. In general, however, a net may propagate a signal from one
source to more than
one destination. Such a signal is said to have fanout. A circ
uit in which no signal
has fanout is said to be fanout-free. The graph model of a fano
ut-free combinational
circuit is always a tree. A general way to represent a circ
uit with fanout is by a
bipartite directed graph, in which both the components and the ne
ts are mapped into
nodes such that any edge connects a node representing a comp
onent to a node
representing a net, as illustrated in Figure 2.18. (The nodes marke
d with X correspond
to nets.) This model also allows multioutput components.
Reconvergent fanout refers to different paths from the same signal
reconverging at the
same component. This is the case of the two paths from ERRDET to B
in Figure 2.18.
Structural Models 27
Figure 2.17 Fanout-free circuit and its graph (tree) representation

x x
Figure 2.18 Bipartite graph model for the circuit of Figure 2.16
The next chapters will show that the presence of reconvergent
fanout in a circuit
greatly complicates the problems of test generation and diagnosis.
In circuits composed only of AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and NOT gates,
we can define
the inversion parity of a path as being the number, taken modulo
2, of the inverting
gates (NAND, NOR, and NOT) along that path.
In circuits in which every component has only one output it
is redundant to use
separate nodes to represent nets that connect only two components.
In such cases, the
graph model used introduces additional nodes, called fanout nodes
, only to represent
nets with fanout. This is illustrated in Figure 2.19. A net con
necting one component
(the source) with k other components (destinations or loads) i
s represented by one
fanout node with one edge (the stem) from the node corresponding
to the source and
with k edges (fanout branches) going to the nodes corresponding to
the destinations.
Figure 2.19 (a) Graph model for the circuit of Figure 2.15 (b) A
fanout node
The (logic) level of an element in a combinational circuit is a mea
sure of its "distance"
from the primary inputs. The level of the primary inputs .is defined
to be O. The level
of an element i, I(i), whose inputs come from elements k 1, k2,
... , k
, is given by
I (i) = 1 + mqx I (kj ) (2.1)

The following procedure computes levels via a breadth-first traversal of

the circuit:
1. For every primary input i set I(i) =O.
2. For every element i not yet assigned a level, such that al
l the elements feeding i
have been assigned a level, compute I(i) by equation (2.1).
The concept of level is extended to sequential circuits by c
onsidering the feedback
lines to be pseudo primary- inputs and hence at level O. For exam
ple, for the circuit of
Figure 2.20, the following levels are determined:
level 1: E, D, J
level 2: F, K
level 3: G
level 4: W
Instead of explicit levels, we can use an implicit leveling of the c
ircuit by ordering the
elements such that for any two elements numbered i 1 and i 2,
i 1 < i 2 if I(i 1) ~ I(i 2)'
These numbers can then be used as internal names of the elements (s
ee next section).
Structural Models
CLK __---L...- ----,
C ----1------1
R --+------r-----t
C y
D 4
1-------; L\ 1___-------------'
Figure 2.20 Logic levels in a circuit
2.4.3 Internal Representation
Figure 2.21 illustrates a portion of typical data structures used t
o represent a structural
model of the circuit shown in Figure 2.16. The data structure co
nsists of two sets of
"parallel" tables, the ELEMENT TABLE and the SIGNAL TABLE, and
also of a
FANIN TABLE and a FANOUT TABLE. An element is internally identifie
d by its
position (index) in the ELEMENT TABLE, such that all the infor
mation associated
with the element i can be retrieved by accessing the i-th entry i
n different columns of
that table. Similarly, a signal is identified by its index in t
the element i, the ELEMENT TABLE contains the following data:
1. NAME(i) is the external name of i.
2. TYPE(i) defines the type of i. (PI denotes primary input;
PO means primary
3. NOUT(i) is the number of output signals of i.

4. OUT(i) is the position (index) in the SIGNAL TABLE of the fir

st output signal
of i. The remaining NOUT(i)-l output signals are found in the next
U1 JKFF 2 1 3 1
B OR 1 8 2 4
U3 AND 1 3 2 6
CLOCK1 PI 1 4 0 NOTERR PO 0 - 1 8
ERR 1 2 1
NOTERR 1 1 3
ERRDET 3 2 4
CLOCK1 4 1 6
E1 ... 1 7
E2 ... 1 8
A ... 1 9
B 2 ... ...
1 3 1 2
2 4 2
3 7 3 5
4 1 4 1
5 3 5 2
6 5 6 1
7 6 7 3
8 2 8 3
9 1
Figure 2.21 Typical data structures for the circuit of Figure 2.16
5. NFI(i) is the fanin count (the number of inputs) of i.
6. FIN(i) is the position in the FANIN TABLE of the first inp
ut signal of i. The
remaining NFI(i)-1 input signals are found in the next NFI(i)-1 posit
For a signal j, the SIGNAL TABLE contains the following data:
1. NAME(j) is the external name of j.
2. SOURCE(j) is the index of the element where j originates.
3. NFO(j) is the fanout count of j (the number of elements fed by

4. FOUT(j) is the position in the FANOUT TABLE of the first
element fed by j.
The remaining NFO(j)-1 elements are found in the next NFO(j)-l posi
If every element has only one output, the data structure can b
e simplified by merging
the ELEMENT and SIGNAL tables.
The described data structure is somewhat redundant, since the FA
be constructed from the FANIN TABLE and vice versa, but it is ver
satile as it allows
the graph representing the circuit to be easily traversed in both dir
Structural Models 31
This data structure is extended for different applications by add
ing columns for items
such as delays, physical design information, signal values, or inte
rnal states.
Although the macro approach allows hierarchical modeling for a
structural external
model, it does not carry this hierarchy to the internal model.
This is because every
reference to a defined macro (library component) results in its expan
sion, such that the
final model interconnects only primitive elements.
An alternative approach, referred to as the subsystem approach, allo
ws a hierarchical
internal structural model. We will consider only two levels of
hierarchy. The
components of the top level are called subsystems, and the int
ernal model describing
their interconnections is similar to that described in Figure 2
.21. The ELEMENT
TABLE has an additional column pointing to a set of tables de
scribing the internal
structure of the subsystem as an interconnection of primitive elements.
Thus in the subsystem approach all the instances of the same type of
a subsystem point
to the same data structures representing the subsystem. This i
s helpful for systems
containing many replicas of the same type of subsystem, such as bit-s
lice architectures.
By contrast, the use of a macro approach would result in replicating
the same structure
as many times as necessary. Hence the subsystem approach can
realize important
memory savings for systems exhibiting repetitive structure.
On the negative side, the subsystem approach is more complicated
to implement and
many applications based on following connectivity incur a slight
overhead by
alternating between the two levels of hierarchy. This is why
more than two levels
appear to be impractical.
2.4.4 Wired Logic and Bidirectionality
The modeling techniques described so far rely on two basic assumptions:
The information is processed by components and transmitted by signals.
The information flow is unidirectional, that is, from input(s)
to output(s) within a

component and from source to destination(s) along a signal line.

These assumptions, however, are not generally valid. For example
, in many
technologies it is possible to directly connect several outputs s
uch that the connecting
net introduces a new logic function. This mechanism is referred t
o as wired logic, to
denote that the logic function is generated by a wire rather
than a component. An
AND function realized in this way. is called a wired-AND. Figur
e 2.22(a) shows a
schematic representation of a wired-AND. A simple modeling techni
que for wired
logic is to insert a "dummy" gate to perform the function of the
wire, as illustrated in
Figure 2.22(b). Although its output values are logically correct,
the unidirectionality
implied by the dummy gate may lead to incorrect values for its inpu
ts. In the model in
Figure 2.22(b), A and B may have different values, say A=O and B=I
. This, however,
cannot occur in the real circuit (where A and B are tied together)
and will cause further
errors if B has additional fanout. A correct modeling technique
should always force
the value of C back onto A and B. One way to achieve this is to m
ake A and B appear
as special fanouts of C, as suggested by the dashed arrows in Figur
e 2.22(b). Then for
every wired signal X we should maintain two values:
the driven value, which is the value computed by the element drivin
g X;
the forced value, which is the value resulting from the wired logic.
Figure 2.22 Wired-AND (a) schematic representation (b) modeling by a
"dummy" gate
Note that the arguments for the wired logic function (which produce
s the forced value)
are the driven values of the wired signals. Modeling of a tri
state bus is similar and
will be discussed in Chapter 3.
The insertion of dummy components for wired logic is a "work-arou
nd" introduced to
maintain the basic modeling assumptions. The insertion of dummy
components for
modeling complicates the correspondence between the model and the
real circuit and
thus adversely affects fault modeling and diagnosis. A direct model
ing technique that
allows logic functions to be performed by bidirectional wires is
therefore preferable.
This is especially important in MOS circuits where wired logic
is commonly
employed. MOS circuits deviate even more from the basic modeli
ng assumptions.
The MOS transistor is a bidirectional component that acts like

a voltage-controlled
switch. The capacitance of a wire can be used to store information a
s charge (dynamic
memory). The behavior of a MOS circuit may also be influence
d by the relative
resistances of transistors (ratioed logic). Although several workaround techniques
[Wadsack 1978, Flake et al. 1980, Sherwood 1981, Levendel et
ale 1981, McDermott
1982] have been devised to extend a conventional modeling fram
ework to
accommodate MOS technology, these methods offer only limited acc
uracy in their
ability to model MOS circuits. Accurate solutions are based on
switch-level models
(see [Hayes 1987] for a review), which use transistors as primitive
2.5 Level of Modeling
The level of modeling refers to the types of primitive components u
sed in a model. A
model that (after expansion) contains only gates is called a
gate-level model.
Similarly, there is a transistor-level model. The lowest-level primitiv
e components in a
modeling system are those that cannot be structurally decomposed
into simpler
Level of Modeling 33
components; usually at the lowest level we have either gates or
transistors. Any other
primitive component is said to be a functional (or a high-level)
primitive component.
Hence, in a modeling system that uses transistors as the low
est-level primitive
components, a gate can be considered a functional primitive component.
Nonprimitive components whose function is described using RTL prim
itive operators
are also characterized as functional. In the literature, a com
ponent modeled at the
functional level is also called a module, or a functional block.
Let us review what alternatives one may have in modeling a sys
tem. First, one can
have a specialized program to represent the system. This type of app
roach is used, for
example, to provide a model of a processor to support its soft
ware development. In
this way the entire system is viewed as a primitive (top-leve
l) component. Second,
one may develop an RTL model of the system. Third, one can struc
turally model the
system as an interconnection of lower-level components. The same
three alternatives
exist for modeling every component (except those at the lowest
level): primitive
functional model, RTL model, or further structural decomposition.
Note that a primitive functional model of a component is usu
ally provided by the
developer of the modeling system, while an RTL model of a component
is provided by
the user. In general, the effort involved in developing primitive f
unctional models for

complex components is larger than that involved in developing

the corresponding
RTL models. In addition, an RTL model is more adequate for fault
simulation and test
generation than is a procedure invisible to the user. This is w
hy primitive functional
models are usually provided only for components of low to moderate
complexity that
can be used as building blocks of many other different compo
nents. The ability to
define and interconnect user-specified functional blocks is very
important since
low-level models may not be available, either because they are
not provided by the
Ie manufacturers or because they have not yet been designed.
Some simulation systems allow physical models to replace functio
nal models of
existing ICs [Widdoes and Stump 1988]. A physical model uses a
hardware device as
a generic model for all its instances in a circuit. The use of phy
sical models eliminates
the effort involved in developing software models for complex devices.
Figure 2.23 illustrates different levels of modeling used in des
cribing a 2-bit counter.
The highest level is an RTL model. The next lower level is
a structural model
composed of F/Fs and gates. The D F/F can be a functional primitiv
e, or a functional
block described by an RTL model, or it can be expanded to
its gate-level model.
Finally, a gate can be regarded as a primitive component, or it
can be expanded to its
transistor-level model.
Different levels of modeling are needed during the design proc
ess. Following a
top-down approach, a design starts as a high-level model representin
g the specification
and progresses through several stages of refinement toward its
final implementation.
The transition from specification (what is to be done) toward implem
entation (how it is
done) corresponds to a transition from a higher to a lower level of
A high-level model provides a more abstract view of the system than
a corresponding
low-level model (gate or transistor-level), but it involves a lo
ss of detail and accuracy,
especially in the area of timing modeling (this subject will be
further discussed in the
next chapter). At the same time, the size and amount of det
ail of a low-level model
register CTR [ l ~ O ]
if (CLK (-1) = 0 and CLK) then incr CTR

[}-----41....--- Q
" .....
Figure 2.23 Levels of modeling for a 2-bit counter
require large computing resources, in terms of both memory capaci
ty and processing
time, for any application using that model. The need for lar
ge computing resources
has become critical because of the increasing complexity of VLSI circuit
We can observe that the level of modeling controls the trade-off be
tween accuracy and
complexity in a model. An efficient solution of this problem is off
ered by hierarchical
mixed-level modeling different, which allows different levels of mo
deling to be mixed
in the same description of a system. Mixed-level modeling is
usually coupled with
multimodeling; which consists of having more than one model for the
same component
and being able to switch from one model to another.
Level of Modeling 35
With mixed-level modeling, different parts of the system can be
modeled at different
levels. It is also possible to mix analog electrical models
with digital ones. Thus,
parts in different stages of development can be combined allowing m
embers of design
teams to proceed at different rates. Also, mixed-level modeling allow
s one to focus on

low-level details only in the area of interest, while maintaining

high-level models for
the rest of the system for the sake of efficiency.
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2.1 Determine whether the following cubes can be cubes of a
Z (Xl ,X2,X3,X4).
0 X 1 X 0
X 1 0 1 0
1 x 1 1 0
0 1 0 x 1
x 0 1 0 1
2.2 Construct a binary decision diagram for the exclusive-OR f
unction of two

2.3 Derive a binary decision diagram for the function given in Figur
e 2.2(a).
2.4 Write two RTL models for a positive edge-triggered D flip-flop
(the output takes
the value of D after a 0 to 1 transition of the clock). First
assume an RTL that does
not allow accessing past values of signals. Remove this restri
ction for the second
About This Chapter
First we review different aspects of using logic simulation as
a tool for design
verification testing, examining both its usefulness and its limi
tations. Then we
introduce the main types of simulators, compiled and event-driven. We
analyze several
problems affecting the accuracy and the performance of simulators,
such as treatment
of unknown logic values, delay modeling, hazard detection, oscil
lation control, and
values needed for tristate logic and MOS circuits. We discuss in
detail techniques for
element evaluation and gate-level event-driven simulation algorithms. T
he last section
describes special-purpose hardware for simulation.
3.1 Applications
Logic simulation is a form of design verification testing that
uses a model of the
designed system. Figure 3.1 shows a schematic view of the simulatio
n process. The
simulation program processes a representation of the input stimuli a
nd determines the
evolution in time of the signals in the model.
Figure 3.1 Simulation process
The verification of a logic design attempts to ascertain that
the design performs its
specified behavior, which includes both function and timing. The ve
rification is done
by comparing the results obtained by simulation with the expected res
ults provided by
the specification. In addition, logic simulation may be used to verif
y that the operation
of the system is
correct independent of the initial (power-on) state;
not sensitive to some variations in the delays of the components;
free of critical races, oscillations, "illegal" input conditions, a
nd "hang-up" states.
Other applications of simulation in the design process are
evaluation of design alternatives ("what-if' analysis), to improve

evaluation of proposed changes of an existing design, to verify
that the intended
modifications will produce the desired change without undesired side e
documentation (generation of timing diagrams, etc.).
Traditionally, designers have used a prototype for the verificat
ion of a new design.
The main advantage of a prototype is that it can run at operatin
g speed, but building a
prototype is costly and time-consuming. Prototypes built with di
screte components
lack accuracy as models of complex ICs. Simulation replaces th
e prototype with a
software model, which is easily analyzed and modified. Simulatio
n-based design
verification benefits from additional features not available to a prot
otype-based process,
such as
checking error conditions (e.g., bus conflicts);
ability to change delays in the model to check worst-case timing co
checking user-specified expected values during simulation;
starting the simulated circuit in any desired state;
precise control of the timing of asynchronous events (e.g., interrupts
the ability to provide an automated testing environment for the sim
ulated circuit, by
coupling it with an RTL model that drives and/or observes th
e circuit during
Interestingly, simulation has also been used during the debugging of
the prototype of a
new system. As reported in [Butler et ale 1974], designers fou
nd that tracing some
problems on the simulated model was easier than tracing them
on the prototype
hardware. Although simulation runs much slower than the hardware,
debugging using
simulation provides the user with the ability to suspend the
simulation on the
occurrence of user-specified conditions and to display the value of
any desired signal,
including lines not directly observable on the hardware. Such a fea
ture becomes more
valuable in LSI-based designs, where the number of signals not di
rectly observable is
Debugging software or microcode to run on hardware still under de
velopment can be
started using a simulation model before a prototype is available.
Another use of logic simulation is to prepare the data base f
or guided-probe testing,
consisting of the expected values of the lines accessible for probing.
Problems in Simulation-Based Design Verification
3.2 Problems in Simulation-Based Design Verification
Three interrelated problems in simulation-based design verification test
ing (and in any

type of testing experiment as well) are

How does one generate the input stimuli? (test generation)
How does one know the results are correct?
How "good" are the applied input stimuli, i.e., how "complet
e" is the testing
experiment? (test evaluation)
The input stimuli are usually organized as a sequence of test cases,
where a test case is
intended to verify a certain aspect of the behavior of the
model. The results are
considered correct when they match the expected results, which are
provided by the
specification of the design. Initially, the specification consists o
f an informal (mental
or written) model of the intended behavior of the system. Durin
g a top-down design
process, the highest-level formal model (usually an RTL model) is ch
ecked against the
initial informal model. After that, any higher-level model define
s the specification for
its implementation at the next lower level. Checking that the impl
ementation satisfies
the specification is reduced to applying the same test cases t
o the two models and
using the results obtained from the higher level as the expected
results for the lower
level. An example of such a hierarchical approach is the design
verification process
described in [Sasaki et ale 1981].
It is important to understand the difference between test gene
ration for design
verification, where the objective is to find design errors, an
d test generation for
detecting physical faults in a manufactured system. Most types of
physical faults can
be represented by logical faults, whose effects on the behavior of
the system are well
defined. Based on the difference between the behavior in the presence
of a fault and
the fault-free behavior, one can derive a test for that fault. Ma
ny logical fault models
allow the possible faults to be enumerated. The existence of a set
of enumerable faults
allows one to determine the quality of a test by computing the f
ault coverage as the
ratio between the number of faults detected by that test and the t
otal number of faults
in the model. In contrast, the space of design errors is not well
defined and the set of
design errors is not enumerable. Consequently, it is impossible
to develop test
generation algorithms or rigorous quality measures for design verificat
ion tests.
Although the set of design errors is not enumerable, experience shows
that most design
errors are related to the sequencing of the data transfers and transfo
rmations rather than
to the data operations themselves. The reason is that data (i.e.,
arithmetic and logic)
operations are more regular and "local," while their control and

timing in a complex
system may depend on other operations occurring concurrently. Theref
ore, the usual
strategy in design verification is to emphasize exercising the
control. For example,
minimal test cases for an instruction set processor consist of
executing every
instruction in the repertoire. In addition, the test designer must
consider sequences of
instructions that are relevant to the operation of the processo
r, interactions between
these sequences and interrupts, and so on.
Design verification via simulation suffers from several limitations.
As there are no
formal procedures to generate tests, producing the stimuli is
generally a heuristic
process that relies heavily on the designer's intuition and understa
nding of the system
under test. A system that passes the test is shown to be correc
t only with respect to
the applied test cases, and hence only a partial correctness can b
e proved. Moreover,
the completeness of the tests cannot be rigorously determined.
(Some heuristic
measures used to determine the quality of a test with respect to th
e control flow of the
system will be presented in Chapter 8.)
In spite of these limitations, simulation is an effective technique for
design verification,
and experience (for example, [Monachino 1982]) has shown that it help
s discover most
design errors early in the design process. For LSINLSI circuits,
where design errors
are costly and prototypes are impractical, logic simulation is an inval
uable aid.
3.3 Types of Simulation
Simulators can be classified according to the type of internal model
they process. A
simulator that executes a compiled-code model is referred to a
s a compiler-driven
simulator, or a compiled simulator. The compiled code is genera
ted from an RTL
model, from a functional model written in a conventional programmin
g language, or
from a structural model. A simulator that interprets a model bas
ed on data structures
is said to be table-driven. The data structures are produced from a
n RTL model or a
structural model. The interpretation of the model is controlled by
the applied stimuli,
and results in a series of calls to the routines implementing primit
ive operators (for an
RTL model) or primitive components (for a structural model).
Let us consider a circuit in operation and look at the signals
changing value at some
arbitrary time. These are called active signals. The ratio between the
number of active
signals and the total number of signals in the circuit is
referred to as activity. In

general, the activity of a circuit is between 1 and 5 percent. Thi

s fact forms the basis
of activity-directed simulation [Ulrich 1965, 1969], which simulate
s only the active
part of the circuit.
An event represents a change in the value of a signal line. Wh
en such an event on
line i occurs, the elements having i as input are said to be a
ctivated. The process of
determining the output values of an element is called evaluatio
n. Activity-directed
simulation evaluates only the activated elements. Some of the activat
ed elements may
in tum change their output values, thus generating new events. As
activity is caused
by events, activity-directed simulation is also referred to as e
vent-driven simulation.
To propagate events along the interconnections among elements, a
n event-driven
simulator needs a structural model of a circuit. Hence event-d
riven simulation is
usually table driven.
Compiled simulation is mainly oriented toward functional verificat
ion and is not
concerned with the timing of the circuit. This makes it appl
icable mostly to
synchronous circuits, for which timing can be separately verified [Hi
tchcock 1982]. In
contrast, the passage of time is central to event-driven simulation,
which can work with
accurate timing models. Thus event-driven simulation is more general
in scope, being
also applicable to asynchronous circuits.
Event-driven simulation can process real-time inputs, that is, inpu
ts whose times of
change are independent of the activity in the simulated circuit.
This is an important
feature for design verification testing, as it allows accurate
simulation of
nonsynchronized events, such as interrupts or competing requests f
or use of a bus.
Types of Simulation 43
Compiled simulation allows inputs to be changed only when the circuit
is stable. This
is adequate when the input stimuli are vectors applied at a
fixed rate. Note that
real-time inputs include the fixed-rate vectors as a particular case.
Often, the two simulation types are combined, such that an e
vent-driven algorithm
propagates events among components, and the activated components are
evaluated by
compiled-code models.
The level of simulation corresponds to the level of modeling employed
to represent the
simulated system. Thus, we can have
register-level simulation, for systems modeled entirely in RTL
or as an
interconnection of components modeled in RTL;
functional-level simulation, for systems modeled as an interconnection
of primitive

functional blocks (sometimes this term is also used when the

components are
modeled in RTL);
gate-level simulation;
transistor-level simulation (we consider only logic-level and not cir
cuit-level analog
mixed-level simulation.
3.4 The Unknown Logic Value
In general, the response of a sequential circuit to an input
sequence depends on its
initial state. However, when a circuit is powered-up, the init
ial state of memory
elements such as F/Fs and RAMs is usually unpredictable. This
is why, before the
normal operation begins, an initialization sequence is applied w
ith the purpose of
bringing the circuit into a known "reset" state. To process the
unknown initial state,
simulation algorithms use a separate logic value, denoted by u
, to indicate an
unknown logic value. The u logic value is processed together with
the binary logic
values during simulation. The extension of Boolean operators to
3-valued logic is
based on the following reasoning. The value u represents one value
in the set {O,l}.
Similarly, we can treat the values and 1 as the sets {O} and {
I}, respectively. A
Boolean operation B between p and q, where p,qE {a, l,u}, is consid
ered an operation
between the sets of values representing p and q, and is defined as
the union set of the
results of all possible B operations between the components of
the two sets. For
OR(O,u)=OR({O},{O, I})={OR(O,O),OR(O, 1)}={0,1 }=u
Similarly, the result of NOT(q), where qe {O,l,u}, is defined a
s the union set of the
results of NOT operations applied to every component of the set
corresponding to q.
NOT(u)=NOT({O,l})={NOT(O),NOT(l)}={ 1,O}={O,1 }=u
Figure 3.2 shows the truth tables for AND, OR, and NOT for
3-valued logic. A
general procedure to determine the value of a combinational functi
on f(XI' X2, ... ,x
for a given input combination (VI V2 V
) of 0, 1, and u values, works as follows:
1. Form the cube (VI V2 V
I x).
2. Using the modified intersection operator given in Figure 3.3, i
ntersect this cube
with the primitive cubes of f. If a consistent intersection is found,

then the value

off is obtained in the right-most position; otherwise set t=u.
AND 0 1 u
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 u
u 0 u u
OR 0 1 u
0 0 1 u
1 1 1 1
u u 1 u
Figure 3.2 Truth tables for 3-valued logic
0 1 x u
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0
x 0 1 x u
0 u u
Figure 3.3 Modified intersection operator
To understand this procedure, recall that an x in a primitive
cube denotes a "don't
care" value; hence an unknown value is consistent with an x
in a primitive cube.
However, a binary input value specified in a primitive cube is a req
uired one, so a u on
that input cannot generate the corresponding output value. For ex
ample, for an AND
gate with two inputs, the cube u 0 I x matches a primitive cube, but
u 1 I x does not.
There is a loss of information associated with the use of 3-valued l
ogic [Breuer 1972].
This can be seen from the NOT truth table: in the case where
both the input and the
output have value u, we lose the complementary relation between
them. The same
effect occurs between complementary outputs of a F/F whose sta
te is u. In the
presence of reconvergent fanout with unequal inversion parities,
this loss of
information may lead to pessimistic results. This is illustrated in
Figure 3.4, where the
output of NAND gate is actually 1, but is computed as u ac
cording to the rules of
3-valued logic.
It may appear that the use of complementary unknown values u and i
i, along with the
rules u.u=O and u+u=l, would solve the above problems. This is tru
e, however, only
The Unknown Logic Value
Figure 3.4 Pessimistic result in 3-valued simulation

when we have only one state variable set to u. Figure 3.5 illustrat
es how the use of u
and ii may lead to incorrect results. Since it is better to be pe
ssimistic than incorrect,
using u and uis not a satisfactory solution. A correct solution woul
d be to use several
distinct unknown signals u 1, U2, ... , Uk (one for every st
ate variable) and the rules
Ui,Ui=O and ui+ui=l. Unfortunately, this technique becomes cumbers
ome for large
circuits, since the values of some lines would be represented
by large Boolean
expressions of Ui variables.
Figure 3.5 Incorrect result from using U and Ii
Often the operation of a functional element is determined by decodi
ng the values of a
group of control lines. A problem arises in simulation when a
functional element
needs to be evaluated and some of its control lines have u
values. In general, if
k control lines have u values, the element may execute one of 2
possible operations.
An accurate (but potentially costly) solution is to perform all 2
operations and to take
as result the union set of their individual results. Thus if a vari
able is set to 0 in some
operations and to 1 in others, its resulting value will be {
O,l} = u. Of course, this
solution is practical if 2
is a small number. For example, assume that two bits in the
address of a ROM have u values. This leads to four evaluatio
ns, each accessing a
different word. The resulting output will have a binary value b
in those bit positions
where every accessed word has value b, and u values wherever the ac
cessed words do
not match.
In an asynchronous circuit, the presence of u values may indic
ate an oscillation, as
shown in Figure 3.6. Signals involved in a high-frequency oscillation
often assume a
voltage between the levels corresponding to logic 0 and 1. Thus, in a
ddition to a static
unknown value, U may also represent a dynamic unknown value or
an indeterminate
logic value.

Figure 3.6 Oscillation indicated by u values

3.5 Compiled Simulation
In compiled simulation, the compiled-code model becomes part of t
he simulator. In
the extreme case, the simulator is nothing but the compiled-cod
e model. Then this
code also reads the input vectors and outputs the results. In general,
the compiled-code
model is linked with the simulator's core, whose tasks include
reading the input
vectors, executing the model for every vector, and displaying the resu
We will illustrate the operation of a compiled simulator using the cir
cuit of Figure 3.7.
It is a synchronous circuit controlled by the periodic clock si
gnal eLK. We assume
that, after a new input vector is applied, there is enough time
for the data input of the
F/F to become stable at least (setup before the F/F is clocked,
where (setup is the setup
time of the FIF. This assumption can be independently verified
by a timing
verification program [Hitchcock 1982]. If this assumption is satis
fied, the simulation
can ignore the individual gate delays, as the exact times wh
en signals in the
combinational logic change are not important. Then, for every ve
ctor, the simulation
needs only to compute the static value of F and to transfer this value
to Q.
The code model is generated such that the computation of values
proceeds level by
level. This assures that whenever the code evaluates a gate, th
e gates feeding it have
already been evaluated. The values of the primary inputs A and B (which
have level 0)
are read from a stimulus file. The only other signal with level
0 is the state variable
Q; first we assume that its initial value is known. Then th
e simulator must process
Compiled Simulation 47
Figure 3.7 Synchronous circuit
only binary values, which are stored in the variables A,B,Q,E, and
D. The following is
the assembly code model of the circuit:

Note that a compiled simulator evaluates all the elements in the c
ircuit for every input
If the initial value of Q is unknown, the simulator must process
the values 0, 1, and u.
These values are coded with 2-bit vectors as follows:
1 - 11
u - 01
We can easily observe that an AND (OR) operation between 2-bit vec
tors is correctly
done by ANDing (ORing) the individual bits. However a NOT ope
ration cannot be
done only by complementing the bits, because the complement of u wo
uld result in the
illegal code 10. The solution for NOT is to swap the two bits aft
er complementation.
Let us consider the evaluation of an AND gate with inputs A an
d B and output C by
an operation C =A.B, where "." represents the AND instruction of t
he host computer.
If we restrict ourselves to 2-valued logic, we need only one bit
to represent the value
of a signal. In parallel-pattern evaluation [Barzilai et ale 1
987], we use a W-bit
memory location of the host computer to store the values of
the same signal in W
different vectors. If the "." instruction works on W-bit opera
nds, then C = A.B
simultaneously computes the values of C in W vectors. Of course, thi
s is valid only in
combinational circuits, where the order in which vectors are ap
plied is not relevant.
This method speeds up 2-valued compiled simulation by a factor
of W (typically,
W =32). For three logic values, only W/2 vectors can be simulated conc
Compiled simulation can also be used for asynchronous circuits,
using the model
shown in Figure 3.8, which assumes that delays are present only on
the feedback lines.
In response to an input vector x, the circuit may go through a seri
es of state transitions,
represented by changes of the state variables y. We assume that
an input vector is
applied only when the circuit is stable, i.e., y=Y. Feedback lines
, which have level 0,
must be identified before the code model for the combinational circ
uit C is generated.
Figure 3.9 outlines the general procedure for simulating an asynchr
onous circuit. The
execution of the model computes the values of z and Y based on x a
nd y.
r - - -,

'-------; delay 1-------'

L __ ..J
Figure 3.8 Asynchronous circuit model
This type of simulation is not accurate for asynchronous circui
ts whose operation is
based on certain delay values. For example, the circuit of Figure 3
.10(a) could be used
as a pulse generator: when A has a O ~ 1 transition, the delay
of the inverter B creates
an interval during which both inputs of C have value 1, thus causi
ng a O ~ 1~ O pulse
on C. Without careful modeling, this pulse cannot be predicted
by a compiled
simulator, which deals only with the static behavior of the
circuit (statically, C is
always 0). To take into account the delay of B, which is e
ssential for the intended
operation of the circuit, B should be treated as a feedback
line, as shown in
Figure 3.10(b). With this model, the circuit can be correctly
simulated. In general,
however, deriving such a "correct" model cannot be done automat
ically and requires
input from the user.
Even when the structure of the circuit allows the identification of
the feedback loops,
different models can be derived from the same circuit (see Figure
3.11). Because the
different models have different assumptions about the location of
the delays, they may
respond differently to the same stimuli. For example, consider th
e simulation of the
latch given in Figure 3.11(a) for the vector 00 followed by 11. U
sing the model with
Q as the feedback line, we determine that QN changes from 1 to 0,
while Q=1 in both
vectors. However, using the model with QN as the feedback line,
we would compute
that Q changes from 1 to 0, while QN=1. The reason for the di
fferent results is that
Compiled Simulation
y = Y?
Figure 3.9 Asynchronous circuit simulation with compiled-code model
c A
B (b)
Figure 3.10 (a) Circuit used as pulse generator (b) Correct model for
the two vectors cause a critical race, whose result depends on t
he actual delays in the
circuit. This example shows that a compiled simulator following
the procedure
outlined in Figure 3.9, cannot deal with races and hazards wh

ich often affect the

operation of an asynchronous circuit. Techniques for detecting h
azards will be
discussed in Section 3.9.
3.6 Event-Driven Simulation
An event-driven simulator uses a structural model of a circuit to propag
ate events. The
changes in the values of the primary inputs are defined in the stim
ulus file. Events on
the other lines are produced by the evaluations of the activated element
Figure 3.11 (a) Latch (b)&(c) Possible models for compiled simulation
An event occurs at a certain (simulated) time. The simulation
time-flow mechanism
manipulates the events such that they will occur in a correc
t temporal order. The
applied stimuli are represented by sequences of events whose t
imes are predefined.
The events scheduled to occur in the future (relative to the curr
ent simulated time) are
said to be pending and are maintained in a data structure called an e
vent list.
Figure 3.12 shows the main (conceptual) flow of event-directed
simulation. The
simulation time is advanced to the next time for which event
s are pending; this
becomes the current simulation time. Next, the simulator retrieves
from the event list
the events scheduled to occur at the current time and updates th
e values of the active
signals. The fanout list of the active signals is then follo
wed to determine the
activated elements; this process parallels the propagation of changes
in the real circuit.
The evaluation of the activated elements may result in new e
vents. These are
scheduled to occur in the future according to the delays associated
with the operation
of the elements. The simulator inserts the newly generated even
ts in the event list.
The simulation continues as long as there is logic activity in t
he circuit; that is, until
the event list becomes empty.
The evaluation of an element M modeled by a nonprocedural RTL
may generate a
state event that denotes a change in the value of an internal
state variable of M. (In
procedural RTL, changes of state variables occur immediately, with
out processing via

the event list.) When such a state event occurs, it activates

only the element M that
has generated it; that is, it causes M to be reevaluated.
For simplicity, in the above description we have assumed that al
l the events defining
the applied stimuli were inserted in the event list before s
imulation. In fact, the
Event-Driven Simulation
no more
Advance simulation time
Determine current events
Update values
Propagate events
Evaluate activated elements
Schedule resulting events
Figure 3.12 Main flow of event-driven simulation
simulator has periodically to read the stimulus file and to
merge the events on the
primary inputs with the events internally generated.
In addition to the events that convey updates in signal valu
es, an event-driven
simulator may also process control events, which provide a con
venient means to
initiate different activities at certain times. The following ar
e some typical actions
requested by control events:
Display values of certain signals.
Check expected values of certain signals (and, possibly, stop
the simulation if a
mismatch is detected).
Stop the simulation.
3.7 Delay Models
Many different variants of the general flow shown in Figure 3
.12 exist. The
differences among them arise mainly from different delay models as
sociated with the
behavior of the components in the model. Delay modeling is a key element
the trade-off between the accuracy and the complexity of the simulation al
3.7.1 Delay Modeling for Gates
Every gate introduces a delay to the signals propagating through
it. In modeling the
behavior of a gate, we separate its function and its timing as ind
icated in Figure 3.13.
Thus in simulation an activated element is first evaluated, then th
e delay computation
is performed.
~ z
-----11 )......---Figure 3.13 Separation between function and delay in modeling a gate
Transport Delays
The basic delay model is that of a transport delay, which
specifies the interval d
separating an output change from the input change(s) which caused it.

To simplify the simulation algorithm, delay values used in sim

ulation are usually
integers. Typically they are multiples of some common unit. For e
xample, if we are
dealing with gate delays of 15, 20, and 30 ns, for simulatio
n we can scale them
respectively to 3, 4, and 6 units, where a unit of delay represents
the greatest common
divisor (5 ns) of the individual delays. (Then the times of the
changes at the primary
inputs should be similarly scaled.) If all transport delays in
a circuit are considered
equal, then we can scale them to 1 unit; this model is called a un
it-delay model.
The answers to the following two questions determine the natur
e of the delay
Does the delay depend on the direction of the resulting output transi
Are delays precisely known?
For some devices the times required for the output signal to r
ise (0 to 1 transition*)
and to fall (1 to 0) are greatly different. For some MOS dev
ices these delays may
* We assume a positive logic convention, where the logic level 1 rep
resents the highest voltage level.
Delay Models 53
differ by a ratio of 3 to 1. To reflect this phenomenon in
simulation, we associate
different rise and fall delays, d, and d
, with every gate. The delay computation
selects the appropriate value based on the event generated for the
gate output. If the
gate delays are not a function of the direction of the output chan
ge, then we can use a
transition-independent delay model. Figures 3.14(a) and (b) illustr
ate the differences
between these two models. Note that the result of having different
rise and fall delays
is to change the width of the pulse propagating through the gate.
A ---J<





C (c)



C (e) d[=2, d=2
Figure 3.14 Delay models (a) Nominal transition-independent transport dela
(b) Rise and fall delays (c) Ambiguous delay (d) Inertial delay (pul
suppression) (e) Inertial delay
Often the exact transport delay of a gate is not known. For ex
ample, the delay of a
certain type of NAND gate may be specified by its manufacturer as va
rying from 5 ns
to 10 ns. To reflect this uncertainty in simulation, we associate
an ambiguity interval,
defined by the minimum (d
) and maximum (d
) delays, with every gate. This model,
referred to as an ambiguous delay model, results in intervals
(Rl and R2 in
Figure 3.14(c)) during which the value of a signal is not precis
ely known. Under the
assumption that the gate delays are known, we have a nominal dela
y model. The rise
and fall delay model and the ambiguous delay model can be c
ombined such that we
have different ambiguity intervals for the rise (d
drMl and the fall (dIm' djM) delays

[Chappel and Yau 1971].

Inertial Delays
All circuits require energy to switch states. The energy in a signa
l is a function of its
amplitude and duration. If its duration is too short, the signal w
ill not force the device
to switch. The minimum duration of an input change necessary for
the gate output to
switch states is called the input inertial delay of the gate,
denoted by d[. An input
pulse whose duration is less than d[ is said to be a spi
ke, which is filtered (or
suppressed) by the gate (Figure 3.14(d)). If the pulse width
is at least d[, then its
propagation through the gate is determined by the transport delay(s) o
f the gate. If the
gate has a transition-independent nominal transport delay d, then
the two delays must
satisfy the relation
(Problem 3.6). Figure 3.14(e) shows a
case with d[=d.
A slightly different way of modeling inertial delays is to associa
te them with the gate
outputs. This output inertial delay model specifies that the gate
output cannot generate
a pulse whose duration is less than d[. An output pulse may b
e caused by an input
pulse (and hence we get the same results as for the input ine
rtial delay model), but it
may also be caused by "close" input transitions, as shown in Fi
gure 3.15(a). Another
case in which the two inertial delay models would differ is
illustrated in
Figure 3.15(b). With the input inertial delay model, the input
pulses are considered
separately and they cannot switch the gate output. However, under
the output inertial
delay model, the combined effect of the input pulses forces the ou
tput to switch.

C _....L...- .1--__--L- _
Figure 3.15 Output inertial delay
3.7.2 Delay Modeling for Functional Elements
Both the logic function and the timing characteristics of functional

elements are more

complex than those of the gates. Consider, for example, the
behavior of an
edge-triggered D F/F with asynchronous set (S) and reset (R), des
cribed by the table
given in Figure 3.16. The symbol i denotes a 0-to-1 transitio
n. The notation d/lo
Delay Models 55
represents the delay in the response of the output 0 to the change
of the input I. The
superscript (r or j) distinguishes between rise and fall delays,
where necessary. For
example, the third row says that if the F/F is in initial st
ate q = 1 and Sand R are
inactive (1), a O-to-l transition of the clock C causes the o
utput Q to change to the
value of D (0) after a delay dtlQ =8. Similarly, the output Q
N changes to 1 after a
delay d
=6. The last row specifies that the illegal input condition SR =0
0 causes
both outputs to be set to u.
q S R C D
QN Delays
0 0 1 x x 1 0 d
=4 d
1 1 0 x x 0 1 d
=3 d
1 1 1 r 0 0 1
dtlQ =8 d
0 1 1 i 1 1 0 d
dtlQN =8
x 0 0 x x u u
Figure 3.16 I/O delays for a D F/F
Similar to the input inertial delay model for gates, the speci
fications of the F/F may
include the minimum pulse widths for C, S, and R required to ch
ange the state of the
Additional timing specifications deal with requirements for avoidi
ng race conditions
between C and D. The setup time and the hold time are th

e minimum intervals
preceding and following an active C transition during which D should
remain stable in
order to have a correct (i.e., predictable) F/F operation. Some
simulation systems can
detect improper operation with respect to setup and hold condi
tions [Evans 1978,
Tokoro et ale 1978]. Rather than having these checks done by the
simulator, a better
approach is to include them in the functional models developed for F/F
3.7.3 Delay Modeling in RTLs
Different ways of specifying delays in RTL models have been discus
sed in Chapter 2.
In general, RTLs offer a more abstract view of the system,
and hence the delay
modeling is less detailed. Many RTLs use a cycle timing mode
l. If delays are
assigned to individual operations, they have the meaning of nominal tran
sport delays.
3.7.4 Other Aspects of Delay Modeling
In high-speed circuits, the delays introduced by the propagation of
signals along wires
become as significant as the delays of components. Since these delay
s depend on wire
lengths, they are known only after the routing of the circui
t is performed (at least
tentatively). Many design automation systems are able to extract
automatically from the layout data and to update the simulation data
base. The delay
introduced by a signal line i with only one fanout can be ass
imilated in the delay of
the gate that generates i. However, if i has several fanouts
, each one of its fanout
branches may involve a different propagation delay. These are
usually modeled by
inserting delay elements in the appropriate places (see Figure 3.17
). A delay element
realizes an identity logic function, and its purpose is only
to delay the signal
Figure 3.17 Wire delays modeled by delay elements
Another factor that affects delay modeling is the loading of
a signal, where the
apparent delay of a gate grows with the fanout count of its output s
3.8 Element Evaluation
The evaluation of a combinational element is the process of
computing its output
values given its current input values. The evaluation of a seq
uential element is also
based on its current state and computes its next state as wel
l. Evaluation techniques
depend on many interrelated factors, such as the system of l
ogic values used in
simulation, the way values are stored, the type of the elements,
and the way they are

As the evaluation of a combinational element G must analyze the in

put values of G, a
first question is how are these values made available to the evaluatio
n routine. First let
us assume that signal values are stored in a table parallel
to the signal tables (see
Figure 2.21). Then finding the input values of G is an indirec
t process, which first
determines the inputs by following the fanin list of G and then
accesses their values.
A second way is to maintain the input values of G in a conti
guous area of memory
associated with G (see Figure 3.18). Although this scheme may appear
wasteful, since
it replicates the value of a signal with k fanouts in the valu
e area of every one of its
fanout elements, it presents several advantages:
The evaluation routines are faster, because they can directly
access the needed
Values can be "packed" together, which allows more efficient
Element Evaluation 57
Since the evaluation routines no longer need to determine th
e inputs of the
evaluated elements, storage can be saved by not loading the fanin d
ata in memory
during simulation.
The separation between the value of a signal and the values of its
fanout branches
is useful in fault simulation, as these values can be differ
ent in the presence of
faults (in logic simulation they are always the same).
Figure 3.18 Input values maintained per element
In the following, we assume that input values are maintained per eleme
nt (as illustrated
in Figure 3.18) and that values of the state variables of s
equential elements are
similarly stored.
Truth Tables
Let n be the number of inputs and state variables of an
element. Assuming only
binary values, a truth table of the element has 2
entries, which are stored as an array
V, whose elements are vectors of output and state variable values.
For evaluation, the
n values of the inputs and state variables are packed in t
he same word, and the
evaluation uses the value of this word - say, i-as an index
to retrieve the
corresponding output and next state stored in V[i].
Truth tables can also be generalized for multivalued logic. Let
k be the number of
logic values, and let q be the number of bits needed to code the
k values. That is, q is
the smallest integer such that k ~ 2

Then the size of the array needed to store a truth

table of a function of n k-valued variables is 2
For example, a truth table for an
element that depends on five binary variables requires 2
=32 entries. For 3-valued
logic, the truth table has 3
=243 entries, and the size of the array needed to store it is
= 1024.
Evaluation techniques based on truth tables are fast, but beca
use of the exponential
increase in the amount of memory they require, they are limit
ed to elements that
depend on a small number of variables.
A trade-off between speed and storage can be achieved by using a on
e-bit flag in the
value area of an element to indicate whether any variable has a nonb
inary value. If all
values are binary, then the evaluation is done by accessing the trut
h table; otherwise a
special routine is used. This technique requires less memory,
since truth tables are
now defined only for binary values. The loss in speed for n
onbinary values is not
significant, because, in general, most of the evaluations done d
uring a simulation run
involve only binary values.
Zoom Tables
An evaluation technique based on truth tables must first use the
type of the evaluated
element to determine the truth table to access. Thus checking the
type and accessing
the truth table are separate steps. These two consecutive steps can
be combined into a
single step as follows. Let t be the number of types and let S be
the size of the largest
truth table. We build a zoom table of size tS, in which we sto
re the t individual truth
tables, starting at locations 0, S, ..., (t-l )S. To evaluate an
element, we pack its type
code (in the range 0 to t-l) in the same word with its values, suc
h that we can use the
value of this word as an index into the zoom table (see Figure 3.19
typet-l D
I type Ivalues I index
type 1
type 0
Figure 3.19 Zoom table structure
This type of zoom table is an instance of a general speed-up t
echnique that reduces a
sequence of k decisions to a single step. Suppose that every decision
step i is based on
a variable Xi which can take one of a possible set of m, values.
If all Xi'S are known

beforehand, we can combine them into one cross-product variable

Xl x X2 x...x Xk
which can take one of the possible mI m2 .. .m, values. In this
way the k variables are
examined simultaneously and the decision sequence is reduced to
one step. More
complex zoom tables used for evaluation are described in [Ulrich et
al. 1972].
Element Evaluation 59
Input Scanning
The set of primitive elements used in most simulation systems
includes the basic
gates - AND, OR, NAND, and NOR. These gates can be character
ized by two
parameters, the controlling value c and the inversion i. The value
of an input is said
to be controlling if it determines the value of the gate output
regardless of the values
of the other inputs; then the output value is c()i. Figure 3.20
shows the general form
of the primitive cubes of any gate with three inputs.
cxx c()i AND 0 0
x c x c()i OR 1 0
x x c c()i NAND 0 1
c c c c@i NOR 1 1
Figure 3.20 Primitive cubes for a gate with controlling value c and in
version i
Figure 3.21 outlines a typical gate evaluation routine for 3-va
lued logic, based on
scanning the input values. Note that the scanning is terminate
d when a controlling
value is encountered.
evaluate (G, c, i)
u values = FALSE
for every input value v of G
if v = c then return c@i
if v =u then u values = TRUE
if u values return u
return c@i
Figure 3.21 Gate evaluation by scanning input values
Input Counting
Examining Figure 3.21, we can observe that to evaluate a gate using
3-valued logic, it
is sufficient to know whether the gate has any input with c value,
and, if not, whether
it has any input with u value. This suggests that, instead of
storing the input values
for every gate, we can maintain a compressed representation of the v
alues, in the form
of two counters - c_count and u_count - which store, respectively,
the number of
inputs with c and u values [Schuler 1972]. The step of updating t
he input values (done
before evaluation) is now replaced by updating of the two counter

s. For example, a
1~ O change at an input of an AND gate causes the c_count to be inc
remented, while a
O ~ u change results in decrementing the c_count and incrementing
the u_count. The
evaluation of a gate involves a simple check of the counters
(Figure 3.22). This
technique is faster than the input scanning method and is independent
of the number of
evaluate (G, c, i)
if c count> 0 then return c@i
if u count > 0 then return u
return c@i
Figure 3.22 Gate evaluation based on input counting
3.9 Hazard Detection
Static Hazards
In the circuit of Figure 3.23, assume that Q = 1 and A changes
from 0 to 1, while B
changes from 1 to O. If these two changes are such that there
exists a short interval
during which A=B=I, then Z may have a spurious I ~ O ~ 1 puls
e, which may reset the
latch. The possible occurrence of a transient pulse on a signal li
ne whose static value
does not change is called a static hazard.
1 S
Figure 3.23
To detect hazards, a simulator must analyze the transient behavior
of signals. Let S(t)
and S(t+ 1) be the values of a signal S at two consecutive time u
nits. If these values
are different, the exact time when S changes in the real circuit
is uncertain. To reflect
this uncertainty in simulation, we will introduce a "pseudo time unit
" t' between t and
t+l during which the value of S is unknown, i.e., Stt') = u
[Yoeli and Rinon 1964,
Eichelberger 1965]. This is consistent with the meaning of u as
one of the values in
the set {O,I}, because during the transition period the value of S
can be independently
Hazard Detection
observed by each of its fanouts as either 0 or 1. Then t
he sequence
S(t) Stt') S(t+l) = Oul represents one of the sequences in t
he set {001,011}. These
two sequences can be interpreted, respectively, as a "slow" and a
"fast" 0 ~ 1 transition.
Returning now to the example of Figure 3.23, the corresponding
sequences are
A =Oul and B =luO. The resulting sequence for Z, computed by
bitwise NAND

operations, is luI. This result shows that a possible output se

quence is 101, and thus
it detects the unintended pulse.
The general procedure for detecting static hazards in a combinat
ional circuit C works
as follows. Assume that C has been simulated for time t and now
it is simulated for
time t+1. Let E be the set of inputs changing between t and t+1.
Procedure 3.1
1. Set every input in E to value u and simulate C. (The o
ther inputs keep their
values.) Let Zit') denote the value obtained for a signal Z.
2. Set every input in E to its value at t+1 and simulate C. D
Theorem 3.1: In a combinational circuit, a static hazard exists on
line Z between the
times t and t+l if and only if the sequence of values Z(t
) Zit') Z(t+l) (computed by
Procedure 3.1) is Iul or OuO.
Proof: Clearly, a sequence OuO or luI is a sufficient condition
for the existence of a
static hazard. To prove that it also a necessary one, we r
ely on the following two
facts, easily derived from the 3-valued truth tables of the basic gates
1. If one or more gate inputs change from binary values to u,
then the gate output
either remains unchanged or changes from a binary value to u.
2. If one or more gate inputs change from u to binary values,
then the gate output
either remains unchanged or changes from u to a binary value.
Hence any gate whose value in t' is not u has the same binary
value in t, t', and t+1,
and therefore cannot have a static hazard. D
Because Procedure 3.1 ignores the delays in the circuit, it p
erforms a worst-case
analysis whose results are independent of the delay model. Hence, w
e say that it uses
an arbitrary delay model.
The next example illustrates how different delay models (O-delay
, unit-delay, and
arbitrary delays) affect hazard detection.
Example 3.1: Consider again the circuit of Figure 3.10(a) and
the input sequence
A=010. For the O-delay model we obtain B=101 and C=OOO. Thus
no hazard is
predicted. This is because a O-delay model deals only with the
static behavior of a
circuit and ignores its dynamic behavior.
For the unit-delay model, the signal sequences are B=1101 and C=001
0. Thus a pulse
is predicted in response to the O ~ 1 transition of A.
For the arbitrary delay model, the signal sequences (obtained wit
h Procedure 3.1) are
A=OuluO, B=luOul, and C=OuOuO. Thus a hazard is predicted for b
oth the rise and
fall input transitions. This is an overly pessimistic result, s
ince in general either the
path through the inverter or the direct path from A to C has th
e most delay, and then

only one of the input transitions should cause a hazard. However,
under an arbitrary
delay model it is not known which path has the most delay, and
hazards are predicted
for both transitions. 0
The analysis based on sequences of consecutive values underlies
the hazard detection
mechanism of most simulators [Hayes 1986]. Many simulators use m
ultivalued logic
systems that represent (implicitly or explicitly) different sets of
sequences. Figure 3.24
shows such a set of values and their corresponding sequences. T
he result of a logic
operation between these values (Figure 3.25) can be obtained by perf
orming the same
operation bitwise between the corresponding sequences.
Value Sequence(s) Meaning
0 000 Static 0
1 111 Static 1
0/1, R {OOl,Oll} = Ou1 Rise (0 to 1) transition
1/0, F {110,100} = 1uO Fall (1 to 0) transition
0* {OOO,010} = OuO Static O-hazard
1* {111,101} = luI Static l-hazard
Figure 3.24 6-valued logic for static hazard analysis
AND 0 1 R F 0* 1*

0 0 0
1 0 1 R F 0* 1*
R 0 R R 0* 0* R
F 0 F 0* F 0* F
0* 0 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*
1* 0 1* R F 0* 1*
Figure 3.25 AND truth table for 6-valued logic
Some simulators combine the values 0* and 1* into a single
value that denotes a
hazard. Sometimes this value is also combined with the unknown
(u) value
[Lewis 1972].
Dynamic Hazards
A dynamic hazard is the possible occurrence of a transient pu
lse during a O ~ 1 or
1~ O signal transition. The analysis for detecting dynamic haz
ards requires 4-bit
sequences. For example, the sequence 0101 describes a l-pulse
during a O ~ 1
transition. The "clean" 0 ~ 1 transition corresponds to the
set {OOOl,OOll,Olll}.
Figure 3.26 shows an 8-valued logic system used for static and
dynamic hazard
Hazard Detection 63
analysis [Breuer and Harrison 1974]. We can observe that it includ
es the six values of
Figure 3.24, to which it adds the values R* and F* to represent dyn
amic hazards.
Value Sequence(s) Meaning

o o
1 1111 Static 1
0/1, R {OOOl,OOll,Olll} Rise transition
1/0, F {1110,1100,1000} Fall transition
0* {OOOO,0100,OO10,0110} Static O-hazard
1* {1111,1011,1101,1001} Static I-hazard
R* {OOOl,0011,0111,0101} Dynamic I-hazard
F* {1110,1100,1000,1010} Dynamic O-hazard
Figure 3.26 8-valued logic for static and dynamic hazard analysis
A Boolean operation B between p and q, where p and q are among
the eight values
shown in Figure 3.26, is considered an operation between the
sets of sequences
corresponding to p and q and is defined as the union set of the res
ults of all possible B
operations between the sequences in the two sets. For example:
AND(R,l*) =AND({OOOl,0011,0111},{1111,1011,1101,1001}) =
= {0001,0011,0111,0101} = R*
Hazard Detection in Asynchronous Circuits
We will analyze hazards in an asynchronous circuit of the form
shown in Figure 3.8
using an arbitrary delay model. Assume that all values at ti
me t are known (and
stable); now we apply a new vector x at time t+1. Let E be the
set of primary inputs
changing between t and t+1.
Procedure 3.2
1. Set every input in E to value u and simulate C. For every
feedback line Y
changes to u, set the corresponding state variable Yi to u
and resimulate C.
Repeat until no more Y
changes to u.
2. Set every input in E to its value at t+1 and simulate
C. For every Y
changes to a binary value hi, set the corresponding Yi to
hi and resimulate.
Repeat until no more Y
changes to a binary value. 0
Theorem 3.2: If the final value of Y
computed by Procedure 3.2 is binary, then the
feedback line Y
stabilizes in this state (under the given input transition), regar
dless of
the delays in the circuit.
Proof: Exercise.
The following is an important consequence of Theorem 3.2.
Corollary 3.1: If the final value of Y

computed by Procedure 3.2 is u, then the given

input transition may cause a critical race or an oscillation. D
Procedure 3.2 does not require the feedback lines to be identified.
It can work with an
event-driven simulation mechanism by propagating first the changes that
occur between
t and t' until values stabilize, then the changes occurring betwe
en t' and t+1. In each
simulation pass the values are guaranteed to stabilize (see Problem
3.17). Because of
the arbitrary delay model, the order in which elements are evaluate
d is not important.
Note that while executing step 1, any element whose value is curren
tly u need not be
reevaluated. Also, in step 2, any element whose current value is
binary need not be
Example 3.2: Consider again the latch given in Figure 3.11(a). Assum
e that at time
t, R=S=O and Q=QN=1, and that at time t+1 both R and S chang
e to 1. Following
Procedure 3.2, in step 1 we set R=S=u, and as a result we obtain
Q=QN=u. In step 2
we set R=S=1, and Q and QN remain stable at u. This shows tha
t under an arbitrary
delay model the operation of the circuit is unpredictable. Dep
ending on the actual
delays in the circuit, the final state may be Q=O, QN=1 or Q=
1, QN=O or the circuit
may oscillate. D
An important assumption of Procedure 3.2 is that the circuit is operat
ed in fundamental
mode, that is, stimuli are applied only when the values in the
circuit are stable. This
assumption precludes the simulation of real-time inputs (see Problem 3.18
3.10 Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation
3.10.1 Transition-Independent Nominal Transport Delays
Now we will particularize the general simulation algorithm given i
n Figure 3.12 for
gate-level simulation using a transition-independent nominal transport dela
y model.
First we consider that the event list is organized as shown in Figure
3.27, where events
scheduled to occur at the same time in the future are stored in the
same list. The time
order is maintained by chaining the list headers in appropriate or
der, i.e., t
< t
< t..
An entry (i, v/) in the list associated with t
indicates that at time t
the value of line i
is scheduled to be set to Vi'.
We assume that values and delays are kept in tables similar
to those depicted in

Figure 2.21; v(i) denotes the current value of gate i and d(i) d
enotes the nominal delay
of i.
Figure 3.28 shows the general structure of the event-driven sim
ulation algorithms
discussed in this section. Algorithm 3.1, given in Figure 3.29,
provides a first
implementation of the line "process entries for time t" of Figu
re 3.28. Algorithm 3.1
employs a two-pass strategy. In the first pass it retrieves the entri
es from the event list
associated with the current time t and determines the activated
gates. In the second
pass it evaluates the activated gates and schedules their computed valu
es. This strategy
assures that gates activated by more than one event are evaluated on
ly once.
Note that in Algorithm 3.1, an entry (i, v/) in the event list
does not always represent
a change in the value of i. The problem of determining when a n
ew output value of
an activated gate is indeed an event is illustrated in Figure 3
.30. In response to the
Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation 65
~ ...
Figure 3.27 Event list implemented as a linked list structure
while (event list not empty)
t =next time in list
process entries for time t
Figure 3.28 General structure for event-driven simulation
event (a,l) at time 0, (z,l) is scheduled for time 8. Since
now the gate is in a
transition state (Le., the scheduled output event has not yet
occurred), there is a
temporary logic inconsistency between the current output value (0
) and the input
values (both 1). Thus when the next input event (b,O) occurs at
time 2, Algorithm 3.1
cannot determine whether setting z = at time 10 will represent a
change. The
strategy employed is to enter in the event list all the new values
of the activated gates
Activated = 0 /* set of activated gates */
for every entry (i.v/') pending at the current time t
if v/ i:- v(i) then
begin /* it is indeed an event */
v(i) = v/ /* update value */
for every j on the fanout list of i
update input values of j
add j to Activated
for every j E Activated
Vj' =evaluate (j)
schedule (j, Vj') for time t+d(j)

Figure 3.29 Algorithm 3.1
and to do the check for activity when the entries are retrie
ved. For the example in
Figure 3.30, (z.O) will be scheduled for time 12 as a result of
(a,O) at time 4, but z will
already be set to at time 10.
a_I 8)"'--z
Figure 3.30 Example of activation of an already scheduled gate
Algorithm 3.2, given in Figure 3.31, is guaranteed to schedule only
true events. This
is done by comparing the new value Vj', determined by evaluat
ion, with the last
scheduled value of j, denoted by lsv(j). Algorithm 3.2 does fewer
schedule operations
than Algorithm 3.1, but requires more memory and more bookkeeping
to maintain the
last scheduled values. To determine which one is more efficient, w
e have to estimate
Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation 67
how many unnecessary entries in the event list are made by
Algorithm 3.1. Our
analysis focuses on the flow of events in and out of the event list.
Activated = 0
for every event (i, v;') pending at the current time t
v(i) = v;'
for every j on the fanout list of i
update input values of j
add j to Activated
for every j E Activated
vj' =evaluate (j)
if Vj' * lsv(j) then
schedule (j, Vj') for time t+d(j)
lsv(j) =Vj'
Figure 3.31 Algorithm 3.2 - guaranteed to schedule only events
Let N be the total number of events occurring during a simulation
run. If we denote
by f the average fanout count of a signal, the number of gate ac
tivations is Nf. A gate
that has k > 1 simultaneously active inputs is activated k times, but
it is evaluated only
once. (The entries in the set Activated are unique.) Hence t
he number of gate
evaluations is bounded by Nf. Because most gates are evaluated a
s a result of only
one input change, we can approximate the number of evaluations by Nf
. Let q be the
fraction of gate evaluations generating output events. Then

=qNf (3.1)
represents the total number of events scheduled during simulatio
n. To these N 1
events, we should add N 2 events corresponding to the changes o
f the primary inputs
entered in the event list before simulation. The equation
states that all the events entering the event list are eventually
retrieved. Since usually
N1, we obtain
qNf=N (3.3)
Hence, qf=1. This result shows that on the average, only one ou
t of f evaluated gates
generates an output event. Thus Algorithm 3.1 schedules and retrie
ves f times more
items than Algorithm 3.2. Typically the average fanout count! is in
the range 1.5 to
3. As the event list is a dynamic data structure, these operations
involve some form of
free-space management. Also scheduling requires finding the proper
time slot where
an item should be entered. We can conclude that the cost of the un
necessary event list
operations done by Algorithm 3.1 is greater than that involved
in maintaining the
lsv values by Algorithm 3.2.
One-Pass Versus Two-Pass Strategy
The reason the two-pass strategy performs the evaluations only after
all the concurrent
events have been retrieved is to avoid repeated evaluations of gates
that have multiple
input changes. Experience shows, however, that most gates are evaluat
ed as a result of
only one input change. Hence a one-pass strategy [Ulrich 1969],
which evaluates a
gate as soon as it is activated, would be more efficient, since it
avoids the overhead of
constructing the Activated set. Algorithm 3.3, shown in Figure 3.32
, implements the
one-pass strategy.
for every event (i.v/') pending at the current time t
v(i) =v;'
for every j on the fanout list of i
update input values of j
Vj' = evaluate (j)
if Vj' *lsv(j) then
schedule (j, vj') for time t+d(j)
lsv(j) =Vj'
Figure 3.32 Algorithm 3.3 - one-pass strategy
Figure 3.33 illustrates the problem associated with Algorithm 3.3. In

puts a and b are

scheduled to change at the same time. If the events are retrieved in th
e sequence (b,O),
(zz.L), then z is never scheduled. But if (a,l) is processed
first, this results in (z,l)
scheduled for time 4. Next, (b,O) causes (z.O) also to be schedule
d for time 4. Hence
at time 4, Z will undergo both a O-to-l and a l-to-O transiti
on, which will create a
zero-width "spike." Although the propagation of this spike may not p
ose a problem, it
is unacceptable to have the results depending on the order o
f processing of the
concurrent events. Algorithm 3.4, shown in Figure 3.34, overcomes
this problem by
detecting the case in which the gate output is repeatedly scheduled
for the same time
and by canceling the previously scheduled event. Identifying this
situation is helped
by maintaining the last scheduled time, lst(j), for every gate j.
Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation
: J - 4 ~ Figure 3.33 Processing of multiple input changes by Algorithm 3.3
for every event (i.v/') pending at the current time t
v(i) =v;'
for every j on the fanout list of i
update input values of j
Vj' =evaluate (j)
if Vj' * lsv(j) then
t' = t+d(j)
if t' = lst(j)
then cancel event (j,lsv(j)) at time t'
schedule (j, Vj') for time t'
lsv(j) =Vj'
lst(j) = t'
Figure 3.34 Algorithm 3.4 - one-pass strategy with suppression of zero
Let us check whether with this extra bookkeeping, the one-pass st
rategy is still more
efficient than the two-pass strategy. The number of insertions
in the Activated set
performed during a simulation run by Algorithm 3.2 is about Nf, the
se are eliminated
in Algorithm 3.4. Algorithm 3.4 performs the check for zero-width
spikes only for
gates with output events, hence only N times. Canceling a previousl
y scheduled event
is an expensive operation, because it involves a search for
the event. However, in
most instances t + d(j) > lst(j), thus event canceling will oc
cur infrequently, and the

associated cost can be ignored. Therefore we can conclude that th

e one-pass strategy
is more efficient.
The Timing Wheel
With the event list implemented by the data structure shown in Figu
re 3.27, scheduling
an event for time t requires first a search of the ordered
list of headers to find the
position for time t. The search time is proportional to the l
ength of the header list,
which, in general, increases with the size of the circuit and its
activity. The header list
is usually dense, that is, the differences between consecutive times fo
r which events are
scheduled are small. This suggests that employing an array of
headers (see
Figure 3.35), rather than a linked list, would be more effici
ent, since the search is
avoided by using the time t to provide an index into the array.
The disadvantage is
that the process of advancing the simulation time has now to scan
all headers (which
follow the current time) until the next one with activity is
encountered. But if the
headers are dense, this represents only a minor overhead.
(mod M)
... ~
Figure 3.35 Timing wheel
The array of headers and their associated lists store events schedul
ed to occur between
the current simulation time t
and t, +M-l, where M is the size of the array. The
header for the events scheduled for a time t in this range
appears in the array in
position t modulo M. Because of the circular structure induced
by the modulo-M
operation, the array is referred to as a timing wheel [Ulric
h 1969]. Any event
scheduled for time tc+d, where d<M, can be inserted in the event
list without search.
Events beyond the range of the wheel ( d ~ are stored in an ov
erflow "remote" event
list of the type shown in Figure 3.27. Insertions in the remote
list require searching,
but in general, most events will be directly processed via the t
iming wheel. To keep
the number of headers in the remote list at a minimum, events from
that list should be
brought into the wheel as soon as their time becomes included in the

wheel range.
Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation 71
3.10.2 Other Logic Values Tristate Logic
Tristate logic allows several devices to time-share a common wire, ca
lled a bus. A bus
connects the outputs of several bus drivers (see Figure 3.36).
Each bus driver is
controlled by an "enable" signal E. When E=I, the driver is enab
led and its output 0
takes the value of the input I; when E=O, the driver is d
isabled and 0 assumes a
high-impedance state, denoted by an additional logic value Z. O
=Z means that the
output is in effect disconnected from the bus, thus allowing other bus
drivers to control
the bus. In normal operation, at most one driver is enabled at a
ny time. The situation
when two bus drivers drive the bus to opposite binary values is
called a conflict or a
clash and may result in physical damage to the devices invol
ved. A pull-up
(pull-down) function, realized by connecting the bus to power (groun
d) via a resistor,
provides a "default" 1 (0) logic value on the bus when all the bus dr
ivers are disabled.
: pull-up or
I ~
I I pull-down
if E = 1 then 0 = I
2 if E =
then 0 = Z
3 (b)
Figure 3.36 (a) Bus (b) bus driver

A bus represents another form of wired logic (see Section 2.4.4)

and can be similarly
modeled by a "dummy" component, whose function is given in Figure 3.
37. Note that
while the value observed on the bus is the forced value computed by
the bus function,
for every bus driver the simulator should also maintain its own driv
en value, obtained
by evaluating -the driver. One task of the bus evaluation routine is
to report conflicts
or potential conflicts to the user, because they usually indic
ate design errors.
Sometimes, it may also be useful to report situations when m
ultiple drivers are
enabled, even if their values do not clash. When all the d
rivers are disabled, the
resulting Z value is converted to a binary value if a pull-up or a
pull-down is present;
otherwise the devices driven by the bus will interpret the Z value
as u (assuming lTL
Recall that the unknown logic value u represents a value in
the set {0,1}. In
simulation, both the input I and the enable signal E of a bus driver
can have any of the
values {O,I,u}. Then what should be the output value of a bus
driver with 1=1 and
E=u? A case-by-case analysis shows that one needs a new "uncertain
" logic value to
0 1 Z u
0 0
0 u
1 u
1 u
Z 0 1
U u
U u
Figure 3.37 Logic function of a bus with two inputs (1 - report mul
tiple drivers
enabled; 2 - report conflict; 3 - report potential conflict;
4 - transform to 1(0) if pull-up (pull-down) present)
represent a value in the set {1,2}. Figure 3.38 gives a complet
e truth table of a bus
driver; the results for E=u are given as sets of values.

0 1 u
0 Z 0 {O,Z}
1 Z 1 {1,z}
u Z u {u,2}
Figure 3.38 Truth table for a bus driver MOS Logic
In this section we describe several techniques that allow traditiona
l simulation methods
to be extended to MOS components. The basic component in MOS
logic is the
transmission gate (Figure 3.39(a)), which works as a switch con
trolled by the gate
signal G. When G=I, the transistor is on and the switch is clos
ed, thus connecting its
source (S) and drain (D) terminals; when G=O the transistor is
off and the switch is
open. Although a transmission gate is intrinsically bidirectional,
it can be used as a
unidirectional or as a bidirectional element. As a unidirectiona
l element
(Figure 3.39(b)), its function is similar to that of a bus d
river, except that when the
transmission gate is open, the wire connected to its output retai
ns its previous value.
This is caused by the charge stored on the stray capacitance
C associated with the
output wire. (After a long decay time, C will be discharged, b
ut usually circuits are
operated sufficiently fast so that decay times can be considered in
finite.) If the output
of the transmission gate is connected to a bus without a p
ull-up or pull-down
(Figure 3.39(c)), the stored value is the last forced value on the
bus. This stored value,
however, is overridden by the value driven by any gate (connect
ed to the same bus)
that is turned on and thus provides an escape path for the stored ch
Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation 73
D ~ S
Figure 3.39 (a) Transmission gate (b) Transmission gate used as a unidir
component (c) Transmission gates connected to a bus
This behavior illustrates the concept of logical strength, which
is a digital measure of
the relative current drive capability of signal lines. The values s
tored on wires - also
called floating or weak values and denoted by Zo and Z I - corre
spond to low-current
drive capability. They can be overridden by strong values (0
and 1) supplied by
outputs of turned-on gates (or power and ground leads, or primary
input leads), which
have high-current drive capability.
The diagram given in Figure 3.40 shows the strength relations of a typi

cal set of values

used in MOS simulation. The level of a value in the diagra
m corresponds to its
strength. The unknown value u is the strongest, and the high
-impedance Z is the
weakest. The weak unknown value Z; denotes an unknown stored charg
e associated
with a wire. The function B of a bus driven with the values
VI' V2, , V
can be
defined as producing a unique value vc=B (VI' V2, v
) , where V
is the weakest value
whose strength is greater than or equal to the strength of
every Vi (l:::;i:::;n). Thus
B(O,I) =u, B(Zo,l) =1, B(ZO,zI) =Zu' B(I,2) =1.
The concept of strength allows a pull-up load connected to power
to be treated as a
logic component, called an attenuator [Hayes 1982], whose function i
s to transform the
strong 1 provided by the power line into a Z I value supplied to the
bus. This value is
overridden by a strong value driven by any gate, and it overrides
the Z value provided
by the turned-off gates. Similarly, a pull-down load connected to gro
und transforms a
ovalue into a ZOe
Figure 3.40 Typical values used in MOS simulation and their relative s
Figure 3.41(a) illustrates a transmission gate used as a bidire
ctional switch. When
G=O, the switch is open, and C and F are independent. But
when G=I, C and F
become connected by a bus. One way of modeling the bidirectio
nality of the gate
controlled by G is with two unidirectional gates connected back to
back, as shown in
Figure 3.41(b) [Sherwood 1981].
3.10.3 Other Delay Models Rise and Fall Delays
Conceptually, the rise/fall delay model is a simple extension
of the
transition-independent delay model. Instead of using one delay v
alue for scheduling
events, one selects the rise or the fall delay of an element,
depending on the result of
its evaluation. Since rise and fall delays are associated (respec
tively) with O ~ 1 and
1~ O transitions, a first question is what delays should be used
for transitions involving
u values. For example, a O ~ u transition is either a O ~
1 transition or not an event at

all. Thus if an event occurs, its associated delay is the rise de

lay. Similarly u ~ 1 will
use the rise delay, and 1~ u and u ~ O will use the fall d
The following example illustrates some of the complications arising
from the rise/fall
delay model.
Example 3.3: Consider an inverter with d; = 12 and d
= 7. Assume that a 1 ~ 0 ~ 1
pulse of width 4 arrives at its input. The first input tran
sition (occurring at time 0)
results in scheduling the output to go to 1 at time 0 + t,
= 12. The second input
transition at time 4 would cause the output to be scheduled
to go to 0 at time
4 + tf = 11. This "impossible" sequence of events appears because
the effect of the
second input transition propagates to the output faster than the
effect of the first one.
Here the correct result should be that the output does not cha
nge at all; thus the first
Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation 75
B----1 B----1
----1 ----1
(a) (b)
Figure 3.41 (a) Transmission gate used as bidirectional component (b)
Model by
unidirectional gates
event should be canceled and the second one not scheduled. Note th
at the input pulse
is suppressed, even without an inertial delay model. 0
As this example shows, the main difficulty associated with the
rise/fall delay model
arises when previously scheduled events have to be canceled. Let
Vj' be the value
computed by the evaluation of an activated gate j at the current t
ime t. The procedure
Process_result, outlined in Figure 3.42, processes the result of
the evaluation and
determines whether event canceling is needed. For this analysis,
we assume (as in
Algorithm 3.4) that for every signal j, one maintains its las
t scheduled valuelsv(j) - and its last scheduled time - lst(j). In the "normal"
case, the new event of j
occurs after the last scheduled event of j. When the order
of these two events is
reversed, the value Vj' reaches the output before lsv(j), and th
e last scheduled event is
canceled. After that, lst(j) and lsv(j) are updated to corresp
ond to the new last
scheduled event of j and the entire process is repeated. If
after canceling its last
scheduled event, j has more pending events, finding the last on

e requires a search of
the event list. Otherwise, lsv(j) can be set to the current va
lue of i. and lst( t) can be
set to the current simulation time. (This analysis is helped by mai
ntaining the count of
pending events of every signal.)
Let us apply this procedure to handle the result of the second eval
uation of the inverter
of Example 3.3. Let j be the output of the inverter. At ti
me t=4, the last scheduled
event is a transition to lsv(j)=1 at time lst(j)=12. The result of t
he second evaluation is
Vj'=O. The delay d for the transition lsv(j)-::;Vj' is d
=7, so this event would occur at
time t'=11. Because t'< lst(j), the event scheduled for time 1
2 is canceled. As there
Process_result (j, Vj')
while vj'=l=lsv(j)
d =delay for the transition
t' =t+d
if t' > lst(j) then
schedule (j, vj') for time t'
lst(j) = t'
lsv(j) = Vj'
cancel event (j, lsv(j)) at time lst(j)
update lst(j) and lsv(j)
Figure 3.42 Processing an evaluation result with the rise/fall delay m
are no more pending events for j, lsv(j) is set to its current valu
e (0), and lst(j) is set to
t=4. Now vj'=lsv(j) and no event is scheduled. Inertial Delays
The inertial delay model leads to problems similar to those of the r
ise/fall delay model.
Here event canceling is required to implement spike filtering. For e
xample, consider a
gate j with an output inertial delay dIe Assume that j has
been scheduled to go to
lsv(j) at time lst(j), and that a second evaluation of j ha
s computed a new value
Vj' =l=lsv(j), which would occur at time t', If t'-lst(j) < tI,
then the output pulse is
suppressed by canceling the last scheduled event of j. Ambiguous Delays
In the ambiguous delay model, the transport delay of a gate is with
in a range [d
, d
(We assume transition-independent delays). Thus when the gate re

sponds to a
transition occurring at an input at time t, its output will change
at some time during the
interval [t+d
, t+d
] . (See Figure 3.14(c).) To reflect this uncertainty in simulatio
we will use the 6-valued logic of Figure 3.24, where 0/1 (1/0) i
s the value of a signal
during the interval in which it changes from 0 to 1 (1 to
0). Hence a gate output
changing from 0 to 1 goes first from 0 to 0/1, holds this value f
or an interval dM-d
then goes from 0/1 to 1. For uniformity, we will treat a
1 transition on a primary
input as a
event, followed (at the same time) b
y a
event. When
scheduling a gate output, its minimum delay d
will be used for changes to the 0/1
and 1/0 values, and its maximum delay d
for changes to binary values.
Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation 77
Example 3.4: In the circuit shown in Figure 3.43 the delay of C i
s between 2 and 4,
and that of D between 2 and 5. Assume that at time 0, A cha
nges from 0 to 1. C is
evaluated twice, first with A=O/I, then with A= 1. The first
evaluation causes C to
change to 0/1 after a delay d
as a result of the second evaluation, C is
scheduled to take value 1 after a delay d
At time t=2, D is evaluated with
C=O/I, and its new 1/0 value is scheduled for time t+d
The next evaluation of
D (at time 4) produces a binary value (0), which is scheduled using
the delay d
B 1
[2,4] [2,5]
A -J I
~ 4 ~
C :--2JO!11------ - - + - I - ~ I
: : ~ 5 ~
D i !--21 1/0 L
Figure 3.43 Simulation with ambiguous delay model
A simulator using the ambiguous delay model computes the earlie
st and the latest

times signal changes may occur. In the presence of reconvergent f

anout, this analysis
may lead to overly pessimistic results. For example, in the
circuit shown in
Figure 3.44, assume that A changes from 1 to 0 during the inte
rval [20, 30]. If the
delay of B is between 6 and 10, the simulator predicts that
B changes from 0 to 1
during the interval [26, 40]. Thus it appears that in the
interval [26, 30], A=I/0 and
B=O/I, which creates a static hazard at C. This result, howe
ver, is incorrect because
the transitions of B and A are not independent; the transition
of B occurs between 6
and 10 time units after the transition of A, so that no p
ulse can appear at C.
Additional processing is required to remove the common ambiguity am
ong the inputs
of the same gate [Bowden 1982].
A less pessimistic way of treating ambiguous delays is to perfo
rm several simulation
runs, each one preceded by a random selection of the delay v
alue of every element
from its specified range.
When a tester applies input vectors to a circuit, the inputs will
not change at the same
time because of skews introduced by the tester. These skews
can be taken into
account in simulation by adding a gate with ambiguous delays to e
very primary input
of the model.
3.10.4 Oscillation Control
Although Procedure 3.2 can detect potential oscillations, the arbi
trary delay model it
uses often leads to pessimistic results. That is, the problems
reported will not occur
under a more realistic delay model. Another drawback of Procedure
3.2 is that it is
not applicable for real-time inputs. In this section we discus
s other methods for
detecting oscillations in event-driven simulation.
20 30
4 0 ~
Figure 3.44 Pessimistic result in ambiguous delay simulation
Why is this problem important? An accurate simulation of a circuit tha
t oscillates will

result in repeated scheduling and processing of the same sequence

of events, with the
simulation program apparently caught in an "endless loop." This may
consume a lot of
CPU time. Figure 3.45 illustrates a simple example of oscillation. A
ssume that every
gate has a delay of 3 nsec, and that initially S=R=l, y=O, and Y=l
. If S goes to 0 for
4 nsec, y and y will oscillate as a result of a pulse contin
uously traveling around the
loop composed of the two gates.
The process of detecting oscillations during simulation and taki
ng appropriate
corrective action is called oscillation control. The corrective
action is to set the
oscillating signals to u. In addition, it is desirable to in
form the user about the
oscillation and to provide the option of aborting the simulation ru
n, which may have
become useless. Oscillation can be controlled at two levels, referred
to as local control
and global control.
Local oscillation control is based on identifying conditions cau
sing oscillations in
specific subcircuits, such as latches or flip-flops. For the e
xample in Figure 3.45,
y=y=O is an oscillating condition. Note that this implies R=S=l, whi
ch is the condition
enabling propagation along the loop. Also, the states y=O, y=u and y
=u, y=Ocan cause
oscillation. The appropriate corrective action is to set y=y=u.
Local oscillation control can be implemented in several ways. One
way is to have the
simulator monitor user-specified conditions on certain gates [Chap
pel et ale 1974];
these are typically cross-coupled gates used in latches. An easier
way to implement
local oscillation control is via modeling techniques. If latches are m
odeled as primitive
or user-defined functional elements, checking for conditions causin
g oscillations (and
for other "illegal" states as well) can be part of the model. G
ate-level models can also
be used to detect and correct oscillations [Ulrich et ale 1972]
. Figure 3.45(c) shows
such a model. In the normal operation of the latch (y=0 and y=l,
or y=l and y=O, or
y=y=l), G=l and this value does affect the rest of the circ
uit. However, any of the
"illegal" states (y=y=O, or y=O and y=u, or y=O and y=u) will cau
se G=u, which in tum
(with R=S=l) will stop the oscillation by setting y=y=u.
Because local oscillation control applies only for specific subc
ircuits, it may fail to
detect oscillations involving feedback loops that are not contained
in those subcircuits.
Correct identification of this type of global oscillation is not
computationally feasible,
Gate-Level Event-Driven Simulation 79

Figure 3.45 (a) Latch (b) Oscillation waveforms (c) Model for oscil
lation control
since it would require detecting cyclic sequences of values for any
signal in the circuit.
Most simulators implement global oscillation control by identifyin
g unusually high
activity during simulation. A typical procedure is to count the
number of events
occurring after any primary input change. When this number exc
eeds a predefined
limit, the simulator assumes that an oscillation has been detected
and sets all currently
active signals to u to terminate the activity caused by osci
llations. Of course, this
procedure may erroneously label legitimate high activity as an oscilla
tion, but the user
can correct this mislabeling by adjusting the activity limit.
3.11 Simulation Engines
Logic simulation of complex VLSI circuits and systems is a time-c
onsuming process.
This problem is made more acute by the extensive use of sim
ulation in the design
cycle to validate the numerous design changes a project usuall
y undergoes. One
solution to this problem is provided by hardware specially desi
gned to speed up
simulation by using parallel and/or distributed processing archite
ctures. Such
special-purpose hardware, called a simulation engine or a simula
tor hardware
accelerator, is usually attached to a general-purpose host computer.
Typically, the host
prepares and downloads the model and the applied stimuli into the
simulation engine,
which performs the simulation and returns the results to the host.
Simulation engines achieve their speed-up based on two different stra
tegies, referred to
as model partitioning and algorithm partitioning. Model partitioni
ng consists of
dividing the model of the simulated circuit into disjoint subc
ircuits, concurrently
simulated by identical processing units (PUs), interconnected by
a communication
medium (see Figure 3.46). Algorithm partitioning consists of dividing
the simulation
algorithm into tasks distributed among different PUs working concurre
ntly as stages of
a pipeline. Many simulation engines combine both model partitionin
g and algorithm
... PUn
1\ I ~ I ~

\11 W
Inter-PU communication medium
Figure 3.46 Simulation engine based on model partitioning (connections
with host
not shown)
The Yorktown Simulation Engine (YSE) [Denneau 1982] is based on
partitioning the
model among up to 256 PUs, interconnected by a crossbar switch. Ea
ch PU simulates
a subcircuit consisting of up to 4K gates, with some specializ
ed PUs dedicated for
simulating RAMs and ROMs. The YSE implements a compiled simulation
in which every gate is evaluated for every input vector. Internally
, every PU employs
algorithm partitioning, with pipeline stages corresponding to the follo
wing structure of
a compiled simulator:
for every gate G
determine inputs of G
get the values of the inputs
evaluate G
store value of G
Figure 3.47 shows a block diagram of a PU. The "program count
er" provides the
index of the next gate to be evaluated (recall that in comp
iled simulation a gate is
evaluated only after all its input values are known). This inde
x is used to access the
"instruction memory," which provides the inputs of the gate, i
ts type and other
information needed for evaluation, and the address where the comp
uted output value
should be stored. Signal values are stored in the "data memory" blo
ck. The YSE uses
four logic values (0, 1, U, and Z), which are coded with two b
its. Evaluations are done
by the "function unit," whose structure is shown in Figure 3.48
. A gate in the YSE
model can have up to four inputs, whose values are provided
by the data memory.
These values are first passed through "generalized DeMorgan" (GDM)
memory blocks,
which contain truth tables for 16 functions of one 4-valued variable.
The function of a
Simulation Engines 81
GDM is selected by a 4-bit GDM code provided by the instruction me
mory. Typical
GDM functions are identity (in which the input value is passed unch
anged), inversion,
and constant functions. (Constant functions are primarily used t
o supply
noncontrolling values to unused gate inputs.) Evaluations are done w
ith a zoom table
technique. The tables are stored in the "function memory," whose
address is obtained
by concatenating the gate type with the input values transformed by

the GDM codes.

The output value is similarly passed through another GDM.
from/to switch
output value
i n p u t ~ Data
Instruction store address
type and GDM codes
Figure 3.47 YSE processing unit
Model partitioning is done by the host as a preprocessing st
ep. Because of
partitioning, inputs of a subcircuit assigned to one PU may be
outputs of subcircuits
assigned to different PUs. The values of such signals crossing the p
artition boundaries
must be transmitted across the inter-PU switch. All PUs are
synchronized by a
common clock, and each PU can evaluate a gate during every clock cy
cle. The newly
computed output values are sent out to the switch, which can rout
e them further to the
other PUs that use them. The scheduling of the inter-PU commu
nications is done
together with the model partitioning [Kronstadt and Pfister 1982].
The evaluation of a
gate by one PU may be delayed until all its input values computed
by other PUs arrive
through the switch. The goal of the partitioning is to minimize t
he total waiting time
during simulation.
Figure 3.49 depicts the architecture of an event-driven simulatio
n engine, similar to
that described in [Abramovici et ale 1983]. The tasks of the al
gorithm are partitioned
among several PUs, configured as stages of a circular pipeline
. The PUs may be
hardwired (Le., their tasks are directly implemented in hardware
) or programmable.
Programmable PUs offer more flexibility at a cost of some lo
ss in performance.
Another advantage of programmable PUs is that they can be identically
built and their
different tasks can be realized by different code. (Microprogramm
able PUs, whose
tasks are directly implemented in microcode, offer a good trad
e-off between

value I I
Function I I output
:::IGDMI ::
GDMl code
I ~
input4 .
value I I
GDM5 code
GDM4 code
Figure 3.48 YSE function unit
performance and flexibility.) Every PU has a local memory that can
be loaded by the
host (connections with the host - usually a shared bus - are
not shown in
Figure 3.49).
A brief outline of the main tasks of the PUs of Figure 3.49 f
ollows. The Event List
Manager maintains the event list in its local memory. It advances
the simulation time
to the next time for which events are scheduled, retrieves these
concurrent events, and
sends them to the Current Event PU. This PU updates the sign
al values (which are
maintained in its local memory) and sends the incoming events t
o the Event Router.
In addition, the Current Event PU performs auxiliary tasks such
as global oscillation
control and sending results to the host. The Event Router stores
the fanout list in its
local memory. It determines the activated gates and sends them
(together with their
input events) to the Evaluation Unit. The Evaluation Unit maintai
ns the input values
of every gate in its local memory. It updates the input valu
es of the activated gates
and evaluates them. The resulting output events are sent to the S
cheduler, whose local
memory stores delay data. The Scheduler determines the appropriate de
lay to be used
for each event and sends the events and their times of occurr
ence to the Event List
Manager, which inserts them in the event list. The Event List M
anager also processes
the events scheduled for the primary inputs, which are received from
the host.
The efficiency of a pipeline depends on the distribution of
the workload among its
stages. If the average workload is not uniformly distributed,
the stage that is most
heavily loaded becomes the bottleneck of the pipeline. Such an

imbalance can be
corrected by replacing the bottleneck stage with several parallel
processors. Even a
pipeline that is balanced on the average may have temporary dis
parities between the
workloads of different stages. These variations can be smoothed o
ut by buffering the
data flow between PUs using first-in first-out (FIFO) buffers.
A simulation engine implementing event-driven simulation can also be ba
sed on model
partitioning among parallel PUs, as shown in Figure 3.46. The
Simulation Engines
Scheduler Event
\ ~
Evaluation Event
Figure 3.49 Simulation engine based on algorithm partitioning for event
medium is primarily used to transmit events that propagate bet
ween subcircuits
assigned to different PUs. The architecture described in [VanBru
nt 1983] combines
model partitioning and algorithm partitioning, by connecting up to 1
6 PUs of the type
illustrated in Figure 3.49 via a shared bus.
In an architecture based on model partitioning, one PU, called the
master, assumes the
task of coordinating the work of the other PUs, referred to
as slaves [Levendel et
ale 1982]. Each slave has its own event list, but the simula
tion time is maintained by
the master. In every simulation cycle, the master advances the simu
lation time by one
time unit and initiates all the slaves. Then each slave processes
the events pending for
that time (if any) in its local event list. Events generated
for signals internal to a
subcircuit are inserted into the local event list, while event
s crossing the partition
boundaries are sent to the appropriate PUs via the communication medi
um. Every PU
reports to the master when it is done. The master synchronizes
the slaves by waiting

for all of them to complete processing before advancing the time and
initiating the new
The partitioning of the simulated circuit into subcircuits assigned
to different PUs is
guided by two objectives: (1) maximize the concurrency achieved by t
he ensemble of
PUs, by trying to uniformly distribute the simulation activity
among PUs, and
(2) minimize the inter-PU communication. Partitioning algorithms are
discussed in
[Levendel et ale 1982, Agrawal 1986].
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3.1 Consider a function f(Xl,X2,X3) defined by the following p
rimitive cubes:
x 10 I 0, llx I 0, xOx I 1, and 011 I 1. Determine the val
ue of f for the following
input vectors: lOu, 01u, ulu, and uOI.
3.2 The D F/F used in the circuit shown in Figure 3.50 is
activated by a O ~ 1
transition on its C input. Assume that a sequence of three O ~
1~ O pulses is applied to
a. Show that simulation with 3-valued logic fails to initialize this
b. Show that simulation with multiple unknown values does initial
ize this circuit
(denote the initial values of the F/Fs by uland u2).
Figure 3.50
3.3 Use 3-valued compiled simulation to simulate the circuit of
Figure 3.7 starting
with Q = u for the input vectors 01 and 11.
3.4. For 3-valued compiled simulation, someone may suggest using both
01 and 10 to
represent the value u. The benefit of this dual encoding wou
ld be that the NOT(a)
operation could be done just by complementing the 2-bit vector
a (without bit
swapping). Show that this encoding may lead to incorrect results.
3.5 Using the compiled simulation procedure outlined in Figure
3.9, simulate the
latch given in Figure 3.11(a) for the vectors 00 and 11. Ass
ume a model in which
both Q and QN are treated as feedback lines (with equal delays).
3.6 Analyze the propagation of the pulse at A shown in Figure 3.14
for the following
rise and fall delays of gate C: (1) d, =3, d
= 1; (2) d; =4, d
= 1; (3) d, =5,
= 1.
3.7 Explain why the (input or output) inertial delay of a gate
cannot be greater than
the smallest transport delay associated with the gate, i.e., d[ ~ m
in {dr,d
} .
3.8 Determine the response of the F/F of Figure 3.16 to the two se

ts of stimuli given
in Figure 3.51. Assume q =0, D =1, S =1.
3.9 How can a truth table of an OR gate with four inputs be used
to evaluate an OR
gate with a different number of inputs?
IE( 7
R ~ 2 1
I '------I
Figure 3.51
3.10 Determine a formula to compute the utilization factor of an a
rray used to store
the truth table of a function of n k-valued variables, where th
e value of a variable is
coded with q bits (that is, the proportion of the array actually us
3.11 Construct a zoom table for evaluating AND, OR, NAND, and
NOR gates with
two inputs with binary values.
3.12 Let us model an OR gate with two inputs as a sequent
ial machine M whose
state is given by the two counters, c_count and u_count, used to
evaluate the gate via
the input counting method. The input of M represents an input even
t of the OR gate,
that is, a variable whose values are in the set E = { O
~ l , l ~ O , u ~ O , u ~ l , O ~ u ,
1~ u }. The output of M represents the result of evaluating
the OR gate by a variable
whose values are in the set E u <1>, where <I> denotes no
output event. Construct a
state diagram for M, showing all possible state transitions during
simulation. What is
the initial state of M?
3.13 Outline evaluation routines for an XOR gate, based on: (1)
input scanning, and
(2) (a technique similar to) input counting.
3.14 Construct a truth table for a 2-input NAND gate for the
8-valued logic system
of Figure 3.26.
3.15 Show that the existence of a static hazard is a necess
ary condition for the
creation of a dynamic hazard.
3.16 Consider the circuit shown in Figure 3.52 and the input
sequence shown.
Calculate the output sequence at J and K using the 6-valued log

ic of Figure 3.24 and

the 8-valued logic of Figure 3.26. Verify that the 8-valued l
ogic system correctly
identifies a dynamic hazard at J, while the 6-valued logic sys
tem produces the same
result for lines J and K.
3.17 Show that for an asynchronous circuit with n feedback lines,
Procedure 3.2 will
simulate the circuit C at most 2n times.
E 01
Figure 3.52
3.18 Consider the latch of Figure 3.53 and assume that, start
ing with the shown
values, A changes to 1, then goes back to O.
a. Simulate the circuit assuming an arbitrary delay model (apply Proce
dure 3.2).
b. Simulate the circuit assuming that all gates have 8 nsec delay
and that A is 1 for
12 nsec.
c. If the results for a. and b. are different, explain why.
Figure 3.53
3.19 Regarding Algorithm 3.2 (Figure 3.31), it may appear that i
f vii) =lsv(i), Le.,
the current and the last scheduled values of i are the same, t
hen the gate i is "stable."
Give a counterexample showing how i can have pending events w
hen v(i) = lsv(i).
Will Algorithm 3.2 correctly handle such a case?
3.20 Assume that the largest possible gate delay is D. Discu
ss the advantages and
disadvantages of using a timing wheel of size M =D + 1.
3.21 Extend the truth table of a bus with two inputs (given in Fi
gure 3.37) to process
all the output values of a bus driver shown in Figure 3.38.
3.22 Simulate the circuit of Figure 3.36(a), with 11 = U, E 1

=0, 1
=0, E 2 =U,
/3 =0,E
= 1.
3.23 Simulate the circuit of Figure 3.41(a) for the following input ve
1 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 1
o 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0
3.24 Simulate the latch shown in Figure 3.11(a) for the input
sequence shown in
Figure 3.54, assuming the following delays for the two gates:
a. d=2
b. d[ = 2
c. d[ = 1
d. d, = 3, d
= 1
e. d, = 1, d
= 3
f. d.; = 1, d
= 2
0 2 3
Figure 3.54
3.25 Determine the function of the circuit shown in Figure 3.55.

3.26 For the circuit of Figure 3.45(a), determine the relation b

etween the width of a
1~ O ~ 1 pulse at S and the transport delays of the gates in th
e circuit, necessary for the
oscillation to occur.
Figure 3.55
About This Chapter
First we discuss the representation of physical faults by logica
l faults and the major
concepts in logical fault modeling - namely explicit versus impli
cit faults, structural
versus functional faults, permanent versus intermittent faults, and sin
gle versus multiple
faults. We introduce the main types of structural faults - sh
orts and opens - and
show how they are mapped into stuck and bridging faults. Next we
deal with fault
detection and redundancy, and the fault relations of equivalence and do
minance. Then
we discuss the single and the multiple stuck-fault models, and we pres
ent extensions of
the stuck-fault model for modeling faults in RTL models. Bridging
faults, functional
faults, and technology-specific faults are treated in separate chapters.
4.1 Logical Fault Models
Logical faults represent the effect of physical faults on the
behavior of the modeled
system. (For studies of physical faults in integrated circuits,
see [Case 1976,
Partridge 1980, Timoc et ale 1983, Banerjee and Abraham 1984, S
hen et ale 1985].)
Since in modeling elements we differentiate between the logic function
and timing, we
also distinguish between faults that affect the logic function a
nd delay faults that
affect the operating speed of the system. In this chapter we will
be mainly concerned
with the former category.
What do we gain by modeling physical faults as logical faults? F
irst, the problem of
fault analysis becomes a logical rather than a physical problem;
also its complexity is
greatly reduced since many different physical faults may be mo
deled by the same
logical fault. Second, some logical fault models are technologyindependent in the
sense that the same fault model is applicable to many technologies.
Hence, testing and
diagnosis methods developed for such a fault model remain valid
despite changes in
technology. And third, tests derived for logical faults may be use
d for physical faults
whose effect on circuit behavior is not completely understood or is
too complex to be
analyzed [Hayes 1977].

A logical fault model can be explicit or implicit. An explicit

fault model defines a
fault universe in which every fault is individually identified and h
ence the faults to be
analyzed can be explicitly enumerated. An explicit fault model
is practical to the
extent that the size of its fault universe is not prohibitive
ly large. An implicit fault
model defines a fault universe by collectively identifying the
faults of interesttypically by defining their characterizing properties.
Given a logical fault and a model of a system, we should
be able in principle to
determine the logic function of the system in the presence of
the fault. Thus, fault
modeling is closely related to the type of modeling used for the syste
m. Faults defined
in conjunction with a structural model are referred to as structural
faults; their effect
is to modify the interconnections among components. Functional faults
are defined in
conjunction with a functional model; for example, the effect of a
functional fault may
be to change the truth table of a component or to inhibit an RTL oper
Although intermittent and transient faults occur often, their mo
deling [Breuer 1973,
Savir 1980] requires statistical data on their probability of occurr
ence. These data are
needed to determine how many times an off-line testing experiment shoul
d be repeated
to maximize the probability of detecting a fault that is only somet
imes present in the
circuit under test. Unfortunately, this type of data is usually not
available. Intermittent
and transient faults are better dealt with by on-line testing.
In this chapter we will
discuss only permanent faults.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, we will always assume that w
e have at most one
logical fault in the system. This simplifying single-fault assumpt
ion is justified by
the frequent testing strategy, which states that we should test a s
ystem often enough so
that the probability of more than one fault developing between two
consecutive testing
experiments is sufficiently small. Thus if maintenance intervals for
a working system
are too long, we are likely to encounter multiple faults. There are
situations, however,
in which frequent testing is not sufficient to avoid the occurr
ence of multiple faults.
First, what may appear in the real system between two consecutive
testing experiments
is a physical fault, and some physical faults manifest themselve
s as multiple logical
faults. This is especially true in high-density circuits, where many
physical faults can

affect an area containing several components. Second, in newly manufa

ctured systems
prior to their first testing, multiple faults are likely to exist
. And third, if the testing
experiment does not detect every single fault (which is usuall
y the case), then the
circuit may contain one of the undetected faults at any time, an
d the occurrence of a
second single fault between two testing experiments creates a multiple
fault. But even
when multiple faults are present, the tests derived under the single
-fault assumption are
usually applicable for the detection of multiple faults, because
, in most cases, a
multiple fault can be detected by the tests designed for the individua
l single faults that
compose the multiple one.
In general, structural fault models assume that components are
fault-free and only
their interconnections are affected. Typical faults affecting interco
nnections are shorts
and opens. A short is formed by connecting points not intended
to be connected,
while an open results from the breaking of a connection. For
example, in many
technologies, a short between ground or power and a signal line
can make the signal
remain at a fixed voltage level. The corresponding logical fault
consists of the signal
being stuck at a fixed logic value v (v E {0,1}), and it is d
enoted by s-a-v. A short
between two signal lines usually creates a new logic function.
The logical fault
representing such a short is referred to as a bridging fault. Accor
ding to the function
introduced by a short we distinguish between AND bridging faults
and OR bridging
In many technologies, the effect of an open on a unidirectional
signal line with only
one fanout is to make the input that has become unconnected due to t
he open assume a
constant logic value and hence appear as a stuck fault (see Figure
4.1(a)). This effect
may also result from a physical fault internal to the component
driving the line, and
without probing the two endpoints of the line we cannot distinguis
h between the two
cases. This distinction, however, is not needed in edge-pin te
sting, where we can
assume that the entire signal line is stuck. Note how a single lo
gical fault, namely the
line i stuck at a E {0,1}, can represent many totally different p
hysical faults: i open, i
shorted to power or ground, and any internal fault in the co
mponent driving i that
keeps i at the logic value a.
Logical Fault Models
stuck line

open- --;>
stuck lines (
Figure 4.1 Stuck faults caused by opens (a) Single stuck fault (b) M
ultiple stuck
An open in a signal line with fanout may result in a multiple s
tuck fault involving a
subset of its fanout branches, as illustrated in Figure 4.1(b). I
f we restrict ourselves to
the single stuck-fault model, then we have to consider any single
fanout branch stuck
fault separately from the stem fault.
In the macro approach for hierarchical modeling, every component i
s expanded to its
internal structural model. However, if components are individually
tested before their
assembly, then it may be enough to test only for faults affecting
their interconnections.
Then we do not want to consider the faults internal to com
ponents but only faults
associated with their I/O pins. This restricted fault assumption i
s referred to as the
pin-fault model.
4.2 Fault Detection and Redundancy
4.2.1 Combinational Circuits
Let Z(x) be the logic function of a combinational circuit N,
where x represents an
arbitrary input vector and Z(x) denotes the mapping realized by N.
We will denote by
t a specific input vector, and by Z(t) the response of N
to t. For a multiple-output
circuit Z(t) is also a vector. The presence of a fault / transf
orms N into a new circuit
. Here we assume that Nt is a combinational circuit with function Z
f(x). The circuit
is tested by applying a sequence T of test vectors tI, 12, ..
. , t
, and by comparing the
obtained output response with the (expected) output response of
Z (t 1), Z (t2), ... , Z (t
) .

Definition 4.1: A test (vector) t detects a fault/iff ZJt);I= Z(t).

Note that the tests in the sequence T may be applied in an
y order; therefore, for a
combinational circuit we will refer to T as a set 0/ tests. Note
that Definition 4.1 does
not apply if N
is a sequential circuit. We also emphasize that this definit
ion of
detection assumes edge-pin testing with full comparison of the results;
other definitions
apply for other forms of testing, such as compact testing te
chniques, which will be
described in a separate chapter.
Example 4.1: In the circuit of Figure 4.2, let / be the OR br
idging fault between Xl
and x 2. This fault changes the functions realized by the two out
puts to ZIf = Xl + X2
(instead of Z 1 =XIX2) and to Z2f =(Xl + X2)X3 (instead of Z2 =X2X3).
The test 011*
detects/because Z(OII) = 01 while Zf(OII) = 11. D
Figure 4.2
For a single-output circuit, a test t that detects a fault /
makes Z(t)=O and Zf(t)=1 or
vice versa. Thus, the set of all tests that detect / is
given by the solutions of the
Z(X)@ZIX) = 1
where the symbol @ denotes the exclusive-OR operation.
* The order of the bits is always XI' x
, , x ~ (or alphabetical order if the names A, B, C... are used).
Fault Detection and Redundancy 97
Example 4.2: The function realized by the circuit of Figure 4.
3(a) is
Z =(X2+X3)XI + XIX4. Let f be X4 s-a-O. In the presence of f the
function becomes
Zf =(X2+X3)XI, and equation (4.1) reduces to XIX4 = 1. Thus any
test in which
Xl =0 and X4 = 1 is a test for f. The expression XIX4 represen
ts, in compact form,
any of the four tests (0001, 0011, 0101, 0111) that detectf. D
X4 - - - - - - - - - ~
X2 -'-0__----\
X3 _0__--+

Figure 4.3
Let us simulate the circuit of Figure 4.3(a) for the test t = 1001
, both without and with
the fault G
s-a-1 present. The results of these two simulations are show
n in
Figure 4.3(b). The results that are different in the two cases have
the form vlv], where
v and vf are corresponding signal values in the fault-free and in t
he faulty circuit. The
fault is detected since the output values in the two cases are differe
Figure 4.3(b) illustrates two basic concepts in fault detection. Fir
st, a test t that detects
a fault / activates f, i.e., generates an error (or a fault effe
ct) by creating different v
and vI values at the site of the fault. Second, t propagat
es the error to a primary
output W, that is, makes all the lines along at least one
path between the fault site and
W have different v and vI values. In Figure 4.3(b) the error pr
opagates along the path
, G
, G
). (Sometimes the term "fault propagation" is used instead of
propagation" or "fault-effect propagation. If) A line whose value in
the test t changes in
the presence of the fault / is said to be sensitized to the fa
ult / by the test t. A path
composed of sensitized lines is called a sensitized path.
A gate whose output is sensitized to a fault / has at least one
of its inputs. sensitized to
/ as well. The following lemma summarizes the properties of such a
Lemma 4.1: Let G be a gate with inversion i and controlling value c
, whose output is
sensitized to a fault / (by a test t).
1. All inputs of G sensitized to/have the same value (say, a).
2. All inputs of G not sensitized to / (if any) have value c.
3. The output of G has value a @ i.
1. Let us assume, by contradiction, that there are two sensitiz
ed inputs of G, k, and
I, which have different values. Then one of them (say, k) ha
s the controlling
value of the gate. In the presence of the fault f, both k and
I change value and
then I has the controlling value. But this means that G has
the same value
independent of f, which contradicts the assumption that the ga
te output is
sensitized to f. Therefore all the sensitized inputs of G must

have the same

value (say, a).
2. The output of G cannot change in the presence of / if one of its
inputs that is not
sensitized to / has value c. Hence all inputs of G not sens
itized to / (if any)
must have value c.
3. If a =c, the gate output has value c @i. If a = C, t
hen all inputs of G have
value C, and the gate output has value C @ i. Hence, in b
oth cases the gate
output has value a () i. 0
The value c is referred to as an enabling value, since it
enables error propagation.
Thus a NAND gate that satisfies Lemma 4.1 has either all inputs (se
nsitized or not) set
to 1 or all sensitized inputs set to 0 and the remaining
inputs (if any) set to the
enabling value 1 (see Figure 4.4).
By repeatedly applying Part 3 of the above lemma, we can d
erive the following
properties of sensitized paths.
Corollary 4.1: Let j be a line sensitized to the fault I s-a-v (
by a test t), and let p be
the inversion parity of a sensitized path between I and j.
1. The value of j in t is v@ p.
Fault Detection and Redundancy
Figure 4.4 NAND gate satisfying Lemma 4.1 (c=O, i=l)
2. If there are several sensitized paths between I and j, then
all of them have the
same inversion parity. 0
A fault f is said to be detectable if there exists a test t that
detects f, otherwise, f is an
undetectable fault. For an undetectable fault f, Zt(x) =Z(x) and
no test can
simultaneously activate f and create a sensitized path to a pr
imary output. In the
circuit of Figure 4.5(a) the fault a s-a-1 is undetectable. Since
undetectable faults do
not change the function of the circuit, it may appear that they
are harmless and hence
can be ignored. However, a circuit with an undetectable fault
may invalidate the
single-fault assumption. Recall that based on the frequent testing
strategy, we assume
that we can detect one fault before a second one occurs. But thi
s may not be possible
if the first fault is undetectable.
When generating a set of tests for a circuit, a typical goal
is to produce a complete
detection test set, that is, a set of tests that detect an
y detectable fault. However, a
complete test set may not be sufficient to detect all detectable f
aults if an undetectable
one is present in the circuit [Friedman 1967].
Example 4.3: Figure 4.5(a) shows how the fault b s-a-O is detec
ted by t =1101.
Figure 4.5(b) shows that b s-a-O is no longer detected by the tes

t t if the undetectable
fault a s-a-1 is also present. Thus, if t is the only tes
t that detects b s-a-O in a
complete detection test set T, then T is no longer complete in the p
resence of a s-a-1.D
The situation in which the presence of an undetectable fault prevent
s the detection of
another fault by a certain test is not limited to faults o
f the same category; for
example, an undetectable bridging fault can similarly invalidate a co
mplete test set for
stuck faults.
Example 4.4: [Kodandapani and Pradhan 1980]. Consider the circuit of
Figure 4.6(a)
that realizes the function xy + xz . The OR bridging fault b
etween y and x is
undetectable, since the function realized in the presence of t
he fault is
xy + yz + zX =xy + zx. Figure 4.6 shows how the test 111 detects
the fault q s-a-O
but no longer does so in the presence of the bridging fault. The test
set T = {Ill, 010,
001, 101} is a complete detection test set for single stuck fault
s, and 111 is the only
test in T that detects q s-a-O. Hence T is no longer complete
in the presence of the
undetectable bridging fault. 0
C --+----.
1/0 b
1 D
C --+--.......
1/0 b
Figure 4.5
A combinational circuit that contains an undetectable stuck faul
t is said to be
redundant, since such a circuit can always be simplified by removing
at least one gate
or gate input. For instance, suppose that a s-a-l fault on an i
nput of an AND gate G is
undetectable. Since the function of the circuit does not change i
n the presence of the
fault, we can permanently place a 1 value on that input. But
an n-input AND with a
constant 1 value on one input is logically equivalent to the (n-l
)-input AND obtained

by removing the gate input with the constant signal. Similarly, if

an AND input s-a-O
is undetectable, the AND gate can be removed and replaced by a 0 s
ignal. Since now
Fault Detection and Redundancy 101
x 0
OR x
x\ 0/1
Figure 4.6
we have a new signal with a constant value, the simplification pro
cess may continue.
The simplification rules are summarized in the following table.
Undetectable fault Simplification rule
AND(NAND) input s-a-1 Remove input
AND(NAND) input s-a-O Remove gate, replace by 0(1)
OR(NOR) input s-a-O Remove input
OR(NOR) input s-a-1 Remove gate, replace by 1(0)
The general concept of redundancy is broader than the particula
r one related to the
existence of undetectable stuck faults, and it denotes a circuit
that can be simplified.
One possible simplification, not covered by the rules given above, i
s to replace a string
of two inverters by a single line. A general type of redundancy [Hay
es 1976] exists in
a circuit when it is possible to cut a set of r lines and to co
nnect q ~ r of the cut lines
to some other signals in the circuit without changing its function.
In the following, we
will restrict ourselves to the definition of redundancy related
to undetectable stuck
faults. The term "redundant" is also applied to undetectable stuck
faults and to the
lines that can be removed. A combinational circuit in which a
ll stuck faults are
detectable is said to be irredundant.
Redundancy does not necessarily denote an inefficient or undesirabl
e implementation
of a function. For example, triple modular redundancy (TMR) is
a basic technique

used in fault-tolerant design. For the TMR configuration shown

in Figure 4.7, any
fault occurring in one of the identical modules A will be
masked by the two other
fault-free modules because of the majority voter circuit M. But
this also makes the
TMR circuit almost untestable by off-line testing. The solution
is to remove the
redundancy for off-line testing.
Figure 4.7 TMR configuration
Redundancy may also be introduced in a circuit to avoid haza
rds. This design
technique is illustrated by the circuit of Figure 4.8, which
implements the function
z = ab + be + ac = ab + ac. Thus the gate Y that produces the ter
m be is not logically
required. Without this gate, however, the circuit would have a
static hazard, as a
spurious O-pulse may appear at the output when the input vector c
hanges from 111 to
011. The role of gate Y is to keep the output constant at 1 du
ring this transition. But
the fault Y s-a-O is undetectable. *
We noted how the presence of a redundant fault may invalidate
a complete test set.
Other problems that can arise in redundant circuits include th
e following
[Friedman 1967]:
1. If f is a detectable fault and g is an undetectable fa
ult, then f may become
undetectable in the presence of g (see Problem 4.6). Such a faul
t f is called a
second-generation redundant fault.
2. Two undetectable single faults f and g may become detectable if
present in the circuit (see Problem 4.7). In other words, the mult
iple fault {t:g}
may be detectable even if its single-fault components are not.
* The fault Y s-a-O could be detected by observing the spurious O-p
ulse that the term be is used to prevent.
However, we assume a testing experiment in which only the static out
put values are observed. Moreover,
the occurrence of the spurious pulse depends on the delays of the circ
Fault Detection and Redundancy
a - . . . . . - - - - - - - ~
b - - + - - - . - - - - - - ~
C --+-----.----1
Figure 4.8
Note that in practice, when we deal with large combinational circui
ts, even irredundant
circuits may not be tested with complete detection test sets.
The reason is that
generating tests for some faults may consume too much time, a
nd all practical test
generation programs are set up to 3tOP the test generation process
for a fault when it
becomes too costly. In a practical sense, there is no differ
ence between an

undetectable fault f and a detectable one g that is not detected b

y an applied test set.
Clearly, g could be present in the circuit and hence invalid
ate the single-fault
Identifying redundancy is closely related to the problem of test g
eneration. To show
that a line is redundant means to prove that no test exists
for the corresponding fault.
The test generation problem belongs to a class of computationally d
ifficult problems,
referred to as NP-complete [Ibarra and Sahni 1975]. The traveling
salesman problem
is one famous member of this class [Horowitz and Sahni 1978]. Let
n be the "size" of
the problem. For the traveling salesman problem n is the numb
er of cities to be
visited; for test generation n is the number of gates in a circuit
. An important question
is whether there exists an algorithm that can solve any instance o
f a problem of size n
using a number of operations proportional to nr, where r is
a finite constant. At
present, no such polynomial-time algorithm is known for any NP-c
omplete problem.
These problems are related in the sense that either all of them
or none of them can be
solved by polynomial-time algorithms.
Although test generation (and identification of redundancy) is a
difficult problem, practical test generation algorithms usually run
in polynomial time.
The fact that the test generation problem is NP-complete means th
at polynomial time
cannot be achieved in all instances, that is, any test gener
ation algorithm may
encounter a circuit with a fault that cannot be solved in polynom
ial time. Experience
has shown that redundant faults are usually the ones that ca
use test generation
algorithms to exhibit their worst-case behavior.
4.2.2 Sequential Circuits
Testing sequential circuits is considerably more difficult than
testing combinational
circuits. To detect a fault a test sequence is usually required,
rather than a single input
vector, and the response of a sequential circuit is a function of
its initial state.
We will first illustrate a general form of fault detection for a
sequential circuit. Let T
be a test sequence and R(q,T) be the response to T of a sequentia
l circuit N starting in
the initial state q. Now consider the circuit N, obtained in the pr
esence of the fault f.
Similarly we denote by Rjqt,T) the response of Nt to T starting in the
initial state qt.
Definition 4.2: A test sequence T strongly detects the fault f iff
the output sequences
R(q,T) and Rt(qt,T) are different for every possible pair of initial

states q and qt.

Example 4.5: Figure 4.9 shows a synchronous circuit, its state t
able, and the output
sequences obtained in response to the input sequence T = 10111,
from the fault-free
circuit and the circuits with the single faults a. (line a s-a-1) and
(3 (line b s-a-O).
Since all sequences generated in the presence of (3 are diff
erent from those of the
fault-free circuit, T strongly detects (3. Since the sequences of
the fault-free circuit in
initial state B and the circuit with fault a. in initial state B
are identical, T does not
strongly detect n, D
In this example, although T strongly detects (3, the error symp
tom cannot be simply
specified. That is, we cannot say that at some point in the out
put sequence the normal
circuit will have a 1 output and the faulty circuit a 0 output o
r vice versa. Instead, we
must list all possible responses of the normal and faulty machi
nes. This is obviously
not practical, as a circuit with n memory elements may have 2
possible initial states.
Moreover, we have to consider how the tester operates. A tester p
erforming edge-pin
testing with full comparison of the output results compares th
e obtained and the
expected output sequences on a vector-by-vector basis. Hence, th
e expected output
response must be known in advance. Practically feasible decisions
on fault location
and practical test generation algorithms cannot use ambiguity of
the type "detection in
either vector i or j." Thus the response R
must also be predictable. Therefore, we
will use the following (less general) concept of detection.
Definition 4.3: A test sequence T detects the fault f iff, for
every possible pair of
initial states q and qt, the output sequences R(q,T) and Rt(qt,T)
are different for some
specified vector t, E T.
To determine the vector t
when an error caused by f can be observed at the primary
outputs, independent of the initial states q and qt, the testi
ng experiment is usually
divided into two distinct phases. In the first phase we apply an in
itialization sequence
T/ such that at the end, of T/ both N and Nt are brought to
known states q/ and q/t.
The output responses are ignored during T/ since they are no
t predictable. In the
second phase we apply a sequence T'. Now both the expected response
R (qJ,T') and
the faulty response R.r(q/t,T') are predictable. Usually t
is taken as the first vector of

T' for which an error is observed.

This type of testing is based on the fundamental assumption that s
uch an initialization
sequence T/ exists. Almost any circuit used in practice has an i
nitialization sequence,
which is employed to start its operation from a known state.
Circuits are usually
designed so that they can be easily initialized. An often used techni
que is to provide a
common reset (or preset) line to every FIF. Then a single vector is
needed to initialize
Fault Detection and Redundancy 105
C,l C,l
B,l A,O
A,l B,l
Yl Y2
o 0
o 1
1 1
1 0
Initial Output sequence
state Fault-free a (a s-a-1) J3 (b s-a-O)
A 01011 01010 01101
B 11100 11100 11101
C 00011 00010 01010
D 11001 10010 11010
Figure 4.9 Output sequences as a function of initial state and fault
the circuit. However, an initialization sequence for the fault-free c
ircuit N may fail to
initialize some faulty circuit Nt. Such a fault f is said to prevent
Example 4.6: Consider the D F/F of Figure 4.10 (this is a typical
configuration for a
I-bit counter) and the fault R s-a-I. While the fault-free ci
rcuit can be simply
initialized by R=O, there is no way the faulty circuit can be initial
ized to a known state.

Q I---_+__Q I------J
Figure 4.10 Example of a fault preventing initialization
One may derive a test sequence for a fault that prevents i
nitialization by separately
analyzing every possible initial state in the presence of that fault,
but, in general, such
an approach is impractical. Therefore faults that prevent initia
lization should be
considered undetectable by edge-pin testing with full output com
parison. However,
unlike in a combinational circuit, this does not mean that t
he circuit is redundant
[Abramovici and Breuer 1979]. Also it should be pointed out that
a fault that prevents
initialization may be detected by other types of testing, such as
compact testing (to be
discussed in a separate chapter).
4.3 Fault Equivalence and Fault Location
4.3.1 Combinational Circuits
Definition 4.4: Two faults f and g are said to be functional
ly equivalent iff
Z/x) =Zg(x).
A test t is said to distinguish between two faults f and g if
Zf(t) -:;:. Zg(t); such faults
are distinguishable. There is no test that can distinguish bet
ween two functionally
equivalent faults. The relation of functional equivalence partitio
ns the set of all
possible faults into functional equivalence classes. For fault analy
sis it is sufficient to
consider only one representative fault from every equivalence class.
For a single-output circuit, a test t that distinguishes between
f and g makes ZJt) =0
and Zg(t) = 1 or vice versa. Thus, the set of all tests th
at distinguish between f and g
is given by the solutions of the equation
Zf(x) @ Zg(x) = 1
Fault Equivalence and Fault Location 107
Note that the faults f and g in Definition 4.4 are not res
tricted to the same fault
universe. For example, in the circuit in Figure 4.11 the AND bridgin
g fault between x
and y is functionally equivalent to the stuck fault z s-a-O. Also a
n AND bridging fault
between two complementary signals q and q is functionally equivalent
to the multiple
stuck fault {q s-a-o, q s-a-O}. In general, however, we will l
imit the analysis of
equivalence relations to those among faults of the same type.
X --+------i
Y --+------i
}---- z
Figure 4.11
With any n-input gate we can associate 2(n+1) single stuck faults.

For a NAND gate

all the input s-a-O faults and the output s-a-l are functionally
equivalent. In general,
for a gate with controlling value c and inversion i, all the
input s-a-c faults and the
output s-a-(c@i) are functionally equivalent. Thus for an n-input ga
te (n>l) we need to
consider only n+2 single stuck faults. This type of reduction of
the set of faults to be
analyzed based on equivalence relations is called equivalence fa
ult collapsing. An
example is shown in Figure 4.12(a) and (b), where a black (white)
dot denotes a s-a-l
(s-a-O) fault.
If in addition to fault detection, the goal of testing is fault l
ocation as well, we need to
apply a test that not only detects the detectable faults but
also distinguishes among
them as much as possible. A complete location test set distingu
ishes between every
pair of distinguishable faults in a circuit.
It is convenient to consider that a fault-free circuit contains an
empty fault denoted by
<1>. Then Z<Il(x) = Z (x). This artifact helps in understanding
the relation between fault
location and fault detection. Namely, fault detection is just a
particular case of fault
location, since a test that detects a fault f distinguishes betwee
n f and <1>. Undetectable
faults are in the same equivalence class with <1>. Hence, a c
omplete location test set
must include a complete detection test set.
The presence of an undetectable fault may invalidate a complete loca
tion test set. If f
and g are two distinguishable faults, they may become functionall
y equivalent in the
presence of an undetectable fault (see Problem 4.8).
A complete location test set can diagnose a fault to within a
functional equivalence
class. This represents the maximal diagnostic resolution that ca
n be achieved by
edge-pin testing. In practice, large circuits are tested with
test sets that are not



0 0
(a) (b)

Figure 4.12 (a) NAND gate with uncollapsed fault set (b) Equivalenc
e fault
collapsing (c) Dominance fault collapsing
complete. Another equivalence relation can be used to characteri
ze the resolution
achieved by an arbitrary test set.
Definition 4.5: Two faults f and g are functionally equivalent unde
r a test set Tiff
Zit) =Zg(t) for every test tET.
Functional equivalence implies equivalence under any test set, but
equivalence under a
given test set does not imply functional equivalence (see Problem 4.
4.3.2 Sequential Circuits
Definition 4.6: Two faults f and g are said to be strongly function
ally equivalent iff
the corresponding sequential circuits N, and N
have equivalent state tables. (For state
table equivalence refer to [Friedman and Menon 1975].)
Like the concept of strong detection, strong equivalence cannot
be used in practice.
The practical definition of functional equivalence is based on the
responses of N
to a test sequence T. We assume the same type of testing experime
nt as .discussed
for detection; namely, T contains first an initialization sequence
that brings N
to known states qlf and qlg. The output responses are not
monitored during the
application of T
since they are not predictable. Let T' be the sequence applied
Definition 4.7: Two faults f and g are said to be functiona
lly equivalent iff
Rlqlf,T') =Rg(qlg,T') for any T'.
Again, this definition does not apply to faults preventing initializa
Similarly, functional equivalence under a test sequence T = {TI,T
'} means that
Rf(qlf,T') =Rg(qlg,T').
Fault Dominance
4.4 Fault Dominance
4.4.1 Combinational Circuits

If the objective of a testing experiment is limited to fault
detection only, then, in
addition to fault equivalence, another fault relation can be used
to reduce the number
of faults that must be considered.
Definition 4.8: Let T
be the set of all tests that detect a fault g. We say that
a fault
f dominates the fault g iff f and g are functionally equivalent und
er T

In other words, if f dominates g, then any test t that detect

s g, i.e., Zg(t) * Z(t), will
also detect f (on the same primary outputs) because Zf(t) =Zg(t). Th
erefore, for fault
detection it is unnecessary to consider the dominating fault f, since
by deriving a test to
detect g we automatically obtain a test that detects f as well (se
e Figure 4.13).
Figure 4.13 The sets T
and T
when f dominates g
For example, consider the NAND gate of Figure 4.12 and let g
be Y s-a-1 and f be
z s-a-O. The set T
consists of only one test, namely 10, and this also detects f The
z s-a-O dominates y s-a-1. In general, for a gate with controlling
value c and inversion
i, the output s -a-(C<>i) fault dominates any input s -a-c fault.
Then the output fault
can be removed from the set of faults we consider for test
generation (see
Figure 4.12(c)). This type of reduction of the set of faults
to be analyzed based on
dominance relations is called dominance fault collapsing.
It is interesting to observe that we can have two faults, f and g
, such that any test that
detects g also detects f (i.e., T
~ T
), without f dominating g. Consider, for example,
the circuit of Figure 4.14. Let f be Z2 s-a-O and g be Yl s-a
-1. The set T
only of the test 10, which also detects f (on a different primary o
utput). But according
to Definition 4.8, f does not dominate g. Although for fault
detection it is not
necessary to consider f, it would be difficult to determine this fa
ct from an analysis of
the circuit.

When choosing a fault model it is important to select one whos

e faults are generally
dominated by faults of other fault models, because a test set
detecting the faults of the
chosen model will also detect many other faults that are not eve
n explicitly considered.
The best fault model with such a property appears to be the single
stuck-fault model.
y -------.
Figure 4.14
4.4.2 Sequential Circuits
1------ ZI
Although the concept of dominance can be extended to sequentia
l circuits, its
applicability in practice is difficult, since dominance relations
in a combinational
circuit N may not remain valid when N is embedded in a s
equential circuit. The
following example illustrates this phenomenon.
Example 4.7: Consider the circuit of Figure 4.15. Assume that
initially y=l and
consider the test sequence shown in the figure. For the faul
t-free circuit the output
sequence generated is 0000. For the fault a (x z s-a-1) the fi
rst input fails to reset y
and the fourth input propagates this error to z. Thus the gener
ated output sequence is
0001 and Xz s-a-1 is detected. Now consider the same test s
equence and the fault
p(G 1 s-a-O), which dominates a in a combinational circuit sen
se. The first input
again fails to reset y. However, the fourth input generates an
erroneous 0 at G
the two effects of this single fault - the one stored in the F/F
and the one propagating
along the path (G1, G
) - cancel each other, and the fault is not detected. D
While equivalence fault-collapsing techniques for combinational circ
uits remain valid
for sequential circuits, dominance fault-collapsing techniques are no
longer applicable.
4.5 The Single Stuck-Fault Model
The single-stuck fault (SSF) model is also referred to as the cla
ssical or standard fault
model because it has been the first and the most widely studied an
d used. Although its
validity is not universal, its usefulness results from the followin
g attributes:
It represents many different physical faults (see, for example, [T
imoc et ale 1983]).
It is independent of technology, as the concept of a signa
l line being stuck at a

logic value can be applied to any structural model.

Experience has shown that tests that detect SSFs detect many no
nclassical faults as
The Single Stuck-Fault Model
Xl X2 X3 X4 Xs
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0
Figure 4.15
Compared to other fault models, the number of SSFs in a c
ircuit is small.
Moreover, the number of faults to be explicitly analyzed can
be reduced by
fault-collapsing techniques.
SSFs can be used to model other type of faults.
The last point is illustrated in Figure 4.16. To model a fault t
hat changes the behavior
of the signal line z, we add to the original circuit a multipl
exor (selector) that realizes
the function
Z'=Z if/=O
z' = zf if / = 1
The new circuit operates identically to the original circuit for /=
0 and can realize any
faulty function zf by inserting the fault/ s-a-l. For example, connec
ting X to zf would
create the effect of a functional fault that changes the function of
the inverter from z=x
to z=x. Connecting X to zf via an inverter with a different
delay would create the
effect of a delay fault. Although flexible, this approach to noncl
assical fault modeling
is limited by the need to increase significantly the size of the mode
When considering an explicit fault model it is important to know how
large is the fault
universe it defines. If there are n lines on which SSFs can be
defined, the number of
possible faults is 2n. To determine n we have to consider ever
y fanout branch as a
separate line. We will do this computation for a gate-level model. E
very signal source
i (gate output or primary input) with a fanout count of /; co
ntributes k, lines to the
number of possible fault sites, where k
is defined as follows:
X }--_z_--t 0

L _
Figure 4.16 Model modification for nonclassical fault modeling
I if /; = 1
= l+.Ii ii ], > 1
The number of possible fault sites is
n = ~ k i
where the summation is over all the signal sources in the
circuit. Let us define a
variable qi by
Then (4.3) becomes
I if .Ii = 1
qi = 0 if .Ii > 1
Let us denote the number of gates by G and the number of primary
inputs by I. The
average fanout count in the circuit is given by
f= G +1
The fraction of signal sources with only one fanout can be expressed
~ q i
q = G +/
With this notation we obtain from (4.5)
n =(G + I) (1 +f - q)
(Just as a check, apply (4.8) to a fanout-free circuit). In a
large circuit, usually GI
and q>O.5, so the dominating factor in (4.8) is Gf. Thus w
e can conclude that the
number of SSFs is slightly larger than 2Gf It is important to
observe that it depends
on both the gate count and on the average fanout count.
The Single Stuck-Fault Model 113
In the previous section we noted that the number of faults
to be analyzed can be
reduced by fault collapsing based on equivalence and dominance relatio
ns. Functional
equivalence relations, however, cannot be directly applied for th
is purpose, because
determining whether two arbitrary faults are functionally equivalent is
an NP-complete

problem [Goundan 1978]. For example, there is no simple way to d

etermine that the
faults c s-a-l and d s-a-l in Figure 4.17 are functionally equival
ent. (We can do this
by computing the two faulty functions and showing that they are ide
A -----......---------1
B - - - e - - - ~ - - - - - - - I
Figure 4.17
What we can do is to determine equivalent faults that are
structurally related. The
relation on which this analysis relies is called structural equivalenc
e, and it is defined
as follows. In the circuit Nt, the presence of the stuck fault f crea
tes a set of lines with
constant values. By removing all these lines (except primary o
utputs) we obtain a
simplified circuit S(Nt), which realizes the same function as Nt.
Two faults f and g
are said to be structurally equivalent if the corresponding simplified
circuits S (Nt) and
) are identical. An example is shown in Figure 4.18. Obviously
, structurally
equivalent faults are also functionally equivalent. But, as illu
strated by c s-a-l and
d s-a-l in Figure 4.17, there exist functionally equivalent faults th
at are not structurally
equivalent. The existence of such faults is related to the p
resence of reconvergent
fanout [McCluskey and Clegg 1971] (see Problem 4.13).
The advantage of structural equivalence relations is that they allo
w fault collapsing to
be done as a simple local analysis based on the structure
of the circuit, while
functional equivalence relations imply a global analysis based on
the function of the
circuit. Figure 4.19 illustrates the process of fault collapsing
based on structural
equivalence relations. Conceptually, we start by inserting s-a-l
and s-a-O faults on
every signal source (gate output or primary input) and destination
(gate input). This is
shown in Figure 4.19(a), where a black (white) dot denotes a s-a-1
(s-a-O) fault. Then
we traverse the circuit and construct structural equivalence classes
along the way. For
a signal line with a fanout count of 1, the faults inserted a
t its source are structurally
equivalent to the corresponding faults at its destination. For
a gate with controlling
value c and inversion i, any s-a-c input fault is structurall
y equivalent to the output
s-a-(c@i). A s-a-O (s-a-1) input fault of an inverter is struct
urally equivalent to the
s-a-1 ~

Figure 4.18 Illustration for structural fault equivalence
output s-a-1 (s-a-O). Finally, from every equivalence class we
retain one fault as
representative (Figure 4.19(b)).
A structural equivalence class determined in this way is confin
ed to a fanout-free
region of the circuit. The reason is that in general, a st
em s-a-v fault is not
functionally equivalent with a s-a-v fault on any of its fanout b
ranches. Reconvergent
fanout, however, may create structurally equivalent faults in di
fferent fanout-free
regions; Figure 4.20 illustrates such a case. Thus our method
of equivalence fault
collapsing will not identify faults such as b s-a-O and f s-a-O as
structurally equivalent.
In such a case, the obtained structural equivalence classes are no
t maximal; Le., there
are at least two classes that can be further merged. However
, the potential gain
achievable by extending the fault collapsing across fanout-free
regions is small and
does not justify the cost of the additional analysis required.
Although the equivalence classes obtained by structural equivalence faul
t collapsing are
not maximal, this process nevertheless achieves a substantial reducti
on of the initial set
of 2n faults, where n is given by (4.8). For every gate j wit
h gj inputs, it eliminates
mj input faults, where
The number of faults eliminated is
if gj > 1
if gj = 1
The Single Stuck-Fault Model
Figure 4.19 Example of structural equivalence fault collapsing
Figure 4.20
where the summation is over all the gates in the circuit. Let us defin
e a variable Pj by
o if gj > 1
Pj= 1 ifg
= 1 (4.11)
Then (4.10) becomes
m = ~ (gj + Pj)
The average input count in the circuit is given by
~ g j

The fraction of the gates with only one input can be expressed as
~ P j
With this notation we obtain from (4.12)
m =G(g+p)
Since the average input count g is nearly equal to the average fan
out count f, it follows
that more than Gf faults are eliminated. Thus structural equivale
nce fault collapsing
reduces the initial set of faults by about 50 percent.
If we are interested only in fault detection, we can also do domin
ance fault collapsing.
This process is based on the following two theorems.
Theorem 4.1: In a fanout-free combinational circuit C, any test
set that detects all
SSFs on the primary inputs of C detects all SSFs in C.
Proof: Assume, by contradiction, that a test set T detects al
l SSFs on the primary
inputs of C but does not detect all internal SSFs. Because ev
ery line in C has only
one fanout, it is sufficient to consider internal faults only
on gate outputs. Since T
detects all SSFs on the primary inputs, there must be some g
ate G in C such that T
detects all faults in the circuit feeding G but does not detect
some output fault f. First
assume G is an AND gate. Then f cannot be the s-a-O fault, since
this is equivalent to
any input s-a-O. Also f cannot be the s-a-l fault, since this do
minates any input s-a-l.
Hence such a fault f does not exist. A similar argument holds if
G is an OR, NAND,
or NOR gate. Therefore all the internal faults in C are detected.
A similar proof mechanism can be used for the following theorem.
Theorem 4.2: In a combinational circuit C any test set that dete
cts all SSFs on the
primary inputs and the fanout branches of C detects all SSFs in C.
The primary inputs and the fanout branches are called checkpoint
s. The number of
checkpoints is
r =/ + ~ (f; - q;) =/ + (G+/)(f-q) (4.16)
Thus dominance fault collapsing reduces the number of faults dealt w
ith from 2n to 2r.
Usually the number of fanout branches - (G+/)(f-q) - is much
larger than the
number / of primary inputs, so we can approximate
r = (G+/)(f -q) (4.17)
The Single Stuck-Fault Model
The fraction of faults eliminated is
1 - ~ =1 - f - q 1 (4.18)
2n l+f-q l+f-q

For example, for typical values such as f = 2.5 and q = 0.7

, we eliminate about
40 percent of the faults. The set of checkpoint faults can be further
collapsed by using
structural equivalence and dominance relations, as illustrated in the foll
owing example.
Example 4.8: The circuit of Figure 4.21 has 24 SSFs and 14 checkpoint
faults (10 on
the primary inputs - a, b, C, d, e - and 4 on the fanout
branches g and h). Since
a s-a-O and b s-a-O are equivalent, we can delete the latter. Sim
ilarly, we can delete
d s-a-O, which is equivalent to h s-a-O. The fault g s-a-1
is equivalent to f s-a-1,
which dominates a s-a-1. Therefore, g s-a-1 can be eliminated. S
imilarly, e s-a-1 is
equivalent to i s-a-1, which dominates h s-a-1; hence e s-a-1 ca
n be eliminated. The
original set of 24 faults has thus been reduced to 10. D
Figure 4.21
Based on Theorem 4.2, many test generation systems generate tests ex
plicitly only for
the checkpoint faults of a circuit. But Theorem 4.2 is meanin
gful only for an
irredundant circuit. In a redundant circuit, some of the check
point faults are
undetectable. If we consider only checkpoint faults and we gene
rate a test set that
detects all detectable checkpoint faults, this test set is not
guaranteed to detect all
detectable SSFs of the circuit; in such a case, additional tests m
ay be needed to obtain
a complete detection test set [Abramovici et ale 1986].
Understanding the relations between faults on a stem line and on its
fanout branches is
important in several problems that we will discuss later. Clea
rly a stem s-a-v is
equivalent to the multiple fault composed of all its fanout
branches s-a-v. But, in
general, neither equivalence nor dominance relations exist between a
stem s-a-v and an
individual fanout branch s-a-v. Figure 4.22 shows an example [Hayes
1979] in which
a stem fault (j s-a-O) is detected, but the (single) faults on it
s fanout branches (k s-a-O
and m s-a-O) are not. Figure 4.23 illustrates the opposite situati
on [Abramovici et ale
1984], in which faults on all fanout branches (Xl s-a-O and X2
s-a-O) are detected, but
the stem fault (x s-a-O) is not.
o --+------------1

Figure 4.22
Figure 4.23
4.6 The Multiple Stuck-Fault Model
The multiple stuck-fault (MSF) model is a straightforward extension o
f the SSF model
in which several lines can be simultaneously stuck. If we denote
by n the number of
possible SSF sites (given by formula (4.8)), there are 2n possib
le SSFs, but there are
- l possible MSFs (which include the SSFs). This figure assumes
that any MSF can
occur, including the one consisting of all lines simultaneously stuck.
If we assume that
the multiplicity of a fault, i.e., the number of lines simultaneo
usly stuck, is no greater
than a constant k, then the number of possible MSFs is ~ [7] 2
. This is usually too
large a number to allow us to deal explicitly with all multiple faul
ts. For example, the
The Multiple Stuck-Fault Model 119
number of double faults (k=2) in a circuit with n=1000 possible fault
sites is about half
a million.
Let us first consider the question of why we need to consider MS
Fs altogether. Since
a multiple fault F is just a set {fl,!2, ...,!k} of single faults h,
why isn't F detected by
the tests that detect the single faults h? The explanation is
provided by the masking
relations among faults.
Definition 4.9: Let T
be the set of all tests that detect a fault g. We say that a f
functionally masks the fault g iff the multiple fault {f,g} is not
detected by any test in

Example 4.9: In the circuit of Figure 4.24 the test 011 is the onl
y test that detects the
fault c s-a-O. The same test does not detect the multiple fault
{c s-a-O, a s-a-l}. Thus
a s-a-l masks c s-a-O. D
a --------1
1 1
C --------1
Figure 4.24

Masking can also be defined with respect to a test set T.

Definition 4.10: Let Tg'e:T be the set of all tests in T that
detect a fault g. We say
that a fault! masks the fault g under a test set T iff the
multiple fault {f,g} is not
detected by any test in T
' .
Functional masking implies masking under any test set, but the
converse statement is
not always true.
Masking relations can also be defined among different type of faults.
In Example 4.4
we have an undetectable bridging fault that masks a detectable SSF
under a complete
test set for SSFs.
If! masks g, then the fault {f,g} is not detected by the tests
that detect g alone. But
{f,g} may be detected by other tests. This is the case in Examp
le 4.9, where the fault
{c s-a-O, a s-a-l} is detected by the test 010.
An important problem is, given a complete test set T for single f
aults, can there exist a
multiple fault F = {fl,/2, ...,/k} such that F is not detected by
T? (Remember that T
detects every Ii alone.) The answer is provided by the following exam
Example 4.10: The test set T ={1111, 0111, 1110, 1001, 1010,
0101} detects every
SSF in the circuit of Figure 4.25. Let / be B s-a-1 and g be C s
-a-1. The only test in
T that detects the single faults/and g is 1001. However, the multi
ple fault {f,g} is not
detected because under the test 1001, / masks g and g masks f. 0
Figure 4.25
In the above example, a multiple fault F is not detected by a
complete test set T for
single faults because of circular masking relations under T among
the components of
F. Circular functional masking relations may result in an undetect
able multiple fault
F, as shown in the following example [Smith 1978].
Example 4.11: In the circuit of Figure 4.26, all SSFs are detecta
ble. Let / be D s-a-1
and g be E s-a-1. One can verify that / functionally masks g and
vice versa and that

the multiple fault {f,g} is undetectable. (This represents anothe

r type of redundancy,
called multiple-line redundancy.) 0
Note that the existence of circular masking relations among the SS
F components Ii of
a MSF F is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for
F to be undetectable
[Smith 1979].
An important practical question is: What percentage of the MSFs can e
scape detection
by a test set designed to detect SSFs? The answer depends on
the structure (but not
on the size) of the circuit. Namely, the following results h
ave been obtained for
combinational circuits:
1. In an irredundant two-level circuit, any complete test set for
SSFs also detects all
MSFs [Kohavi and Kohavi 1972].
The Multiple Stuck-Fault Model 121
A -..----------1
C -1----+----------1
Figure 4.26
2. In a fanout-free circuit, any complete test set for SSFs
detects all double and
triple faults, and there exists a complete test set for SSFs
that detects all MSFs
[Hayes 1971].
3. In an internal fanout-free circuit (Le., a circuit in which onl
y the primary inputs
may be stems), any complete test set for SSFs detects at leas
t 98 percent of all
MSFs of multiplicity less than 6 [Agarwal and Fung 1981].
4. In an internal fanout-free circuit C, any complete test set
for SSFs detects all
MSFs unless C contains a subcircuit with the same interconnection pat
tern as the
5-gate circuit shown in Figure 4.25 [Schertz and Metze 1972].
5. A test set that detects all MSFs defined on all primary inpu
ts without fanout and
all fanout branches of a circuit C detects all multiple faults
in C [Bossen and
Hong 1971].
Since a test set T designed for detecting SSFs also detects most
of the MSFs, for MSF
analysis we would like to deal directly only with those MSFs
not detected by T.
Algorithms to identify MSFs not detected by a test set are pr
esented in [Cha 1979,
Abramovici and Breuer 1980] for combinational circuits and in
[Abramovici and
Breuer 1982] for sequential circuits.
Unless circuits are used in extremely high-reliability applications,
the MSF model is
mainly of theoretical interest. Although the MSF model is gener
ally more realistic
than the SSF model, the use of the latter is justified since circ
ular masking conditions
are seldom encountered in practice.

Jacob and Biswas [1987] identified SSFs that are guaranteed to be

detected (GTBD),
that is, they can be detected regardless of the presence of ot
her faults in the circuit.
For example, any fault on a primary output is GTBD. All the MSF
s containing a SSF
f that is GTBD will also be detected by the tests for f. It
can be shown that a very
large fraction of the MSFs (at least 99.6 percent for circuits with
three or more primary
outputs) contain GTBD faults, which means that circular masking canno
t occur. This
result takes into account MSFs of any multiplicity, and it refl
ects the contribution of
the large number of MSFs of higher multiplicity, which are m
ore likely to contain
GTBD faults. In general, MSFs of lower multiplicity are more
difficult to detect.
However, experimental results obtained by Hughes and McCluskey [1984]
, simulating
the 74LS181 4-bit ALU, show that complete detection test sets fo
r SSFs detect all (or
more than 99.9 percent) of the double faults and most of th
e sampled triple and
quadruple faults.
4.7 Stuck RTL Variables
A straightforward extension of the stuck-fault model is to replac
e the concept of a
signal line that is stuck with that of an internal RTL variable
being stuck. (Stuck I/O
variables of functional models are covered by the pin stuck-fa
ult model.) We can
further differentiate between data faults and control faults, dependi
ng on the type of
the stuck variable. Typical data faults are register or memory
bits that are stuck.
Control faults are defined on variables that control conditional o
perations. Thus in the
if (Xand CLK) then A =B
if X is s-a-1 the transfer A = B will always occur when CLK
= 1, and it will never
occur if X is s-a-O. More generally, we can allow the result o
f any expression that is
part of a condition (or the entire condition itself) to have a
stuck fault. In the above
example, if the expression (X and CLK) is s-a-1, the transfe
r A=B becomes
unconditional. This functional fault model is often used because i
t is easy to integrate
with gate-level stuck-fault modeling.
4.8 Fault Variables
The effect of a fault [ on the behavior of a system can be e
xplicitly described using
RTL constructs. To do this we introduce a fault variable [to reflec
t the existence of
the fault f [Menon and Chappel 1978]. Then we can use [as a condit
ion to switch-in
the behavior in the presence of f, as illustrated in

if[then A = B-C
else A =B+C
where A = B+C and A = B-C represent, respectively, the fault-fre
e and the faulty
operations. The fault variable [is treated as a state variable whose
value is always 0
for normal operation. Thus the fault [can be modeled as a s-a-1 fa
ult on the internal
variable f. This is similar to the technique illustrated in Figure 4.16
This general method can explicitly model any functional fault.
The next example
describes a (pattern-sensitive) fault [whose effect - complementing Z
- occurs only
in the presence of a certain pattern (DREG=1111):
if if and DREG=1111) then Z = Z
We can also apply this technique to model delay faults, as illustra
ted in
if [then C = A+B delay 40
else C = A+B delay 10
Fault Variables 123
Functional fault modeling based on fault variables is limited b
y the need to define
explicitly the faulty behavior, and it is applicable only to a
small number of specific
faults of interest.
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"An Analysis of
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[Ibarra and Sahni 1975] O. H. Ibarra and S. Sahni, "Polynomially
Complete Fault
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pp. 242-249, March, 1975.
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d Lower Bounds
on Multiple Fault Coverage of Single Fault Test Sets," Proc.
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[Kohavi and Kohavi 1972] I. Kohavi and Z. Kohavi, "Detection of
Multiple Faults in
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No.6, pp. 556-668, June, 1972.
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"Undetectability of Bridging Faults and Validity of Stuck-At Fault T
est Sets,"
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[McCluskey and Clegg 1971] E. J. McCluskey and F. W. Clegg, "Fau
lt Equivalence in
Combinational Logic Networks," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C20,
No. 11, pp. 1286-1293, November, 1971.
[Menon and Chappell 1978] P. R. Menon and S. G. Chappell, "De
ductive Fault
Simulation with Functional Blocks," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol.
No.8, pp. 689-695, August, 1978.
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[Savir 1980] J. Savir, "Detection of Single Intermittent Faults
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[Shen et ale 1985] J. P. Shen, W. Maly, and F. J. Ferguson, "
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[Smith 1978] J. E. Smith, "On the Existence of Combinational
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pp. 1449-1474, May-June, 1978.
4.1 Find a circuit that has an undetectable stuck fault.
4.2 Is it possible to have a combinational circuit C with some signa
l S and test t such
that t detects both S s-a-l and S s-a-O? Give an example or prove i
t is impossible.
4.3 Determine the output function of the circuit of Figure 4.
27 for the following
a. AND bridge between inputs of gate G1
b. The multiple fault {X3 s-a-l, X2 s-a-O}
Figure 4.27
4.4 In the circuit of Figure 4.27 which if any of the following t
ests detect the fault Xl
a. (0,1,1,1)
b. (1,1,1,1)
c. (1,1,0,1)
d. (1,0,1,0)
4.5 For the circuit of Figure 4.27 find a Boolean expression f
or the set of all tests
that detect the fault:
a. X3 s-a-O
b. X2 s-a-O
C. X2 s-a-l
4.6 For the circuit of Figure 4.28
a. Find the set of all tests that detect the fault c s-a-l.
b. Find the set of all tests that detect the fault a s-a-O.
c. Find the set of all tests that detect the multiple fault {c
s-a-l, a s-a-O}.
A ----+---1
B -.......---+-----1
C -------I
Figure 4.28
4.7 For the circuit of Figure 4.29

a. Find the set of all tests that detect the fault a s-a-O.
b. Find the set of all tests that detect the fault b s-a-O.
c. Find the set of all tests that detect the multiple fault {a
s-a-O, b s-a-O}.
A -----.--;
B -..---+--;
c ----;
D -----I
Figure 4.29
4.8 For the circuit of Figure 4.30
a. Find the set of all tests that detect the fault b s-a-l.
b. Find the set of all tests that distinguish the faults a s-a-O and
c s-a-O.
c. Find the set of all tests that distinguish the multiple faults {
a s-a-O, b s-a-l}
and {c s-a-O, b s-a-l}.
A --+----+----1
B --+--+----+----1
Figure 4.30
a. Find an example of a combinational circuit with two fault
s that are
functionally equivalent under a test set but not functionally equiva
b. Prove that in a combinational circuit two faults functional
ly equivalent
under a complete location test set are functionally equivalent.
a. Find a counterexample to the following statement:
"In a combinational circuit two faults f and g are functionally equi
valent iff
they are always detected by the same tests."
b. Find a class of combinational circuits for which the above st
atement is true
and prove it.
4.11 Prove that in a combinational circuit, if two faults do
minate each other, then
they are functionally equivalent.
4.12 Prove that for combinational circuits fault dominance is a tr
ansitive relation; Le.,
if f dominates g and g dominates h, then f dominates h.
4.13 Prove that in a fanout-free circuit, any pair of functionally
equivalent faults are
also structurally equivalent.
4.14 Analyze the relation between the detection of a stem line s-a-v a
nd the detection
of (single) s-a-v faults on its fanout branches for the case of nonre
convergent fanout.
a. For the circuit and the test in Figure 4.22, show that j s-a
-O is detected, but
k s-a-Oand m s-a-Oare not.
b. For the circuit and the test in Figure 4.23, show that both
Xl s-a-O and X2
s-a-Oare detected, but X s-a-O is not.

4.16 Let N be a combinational circuit composed only of NAND gates

. Assume that
every primary input has only one fanout. Show that a test set
that detects all s-a-l
faults in N detects all s-a-Ofaults as well.
4.17 Consider the circuit of Figure 4.31. Letfbe the fault b s-a-Oand
g be a s-a-l.
a. Does f mask g under the test OlIO? Does f mask g under the test
b. Are the faults f and {f,g} distinguishable?
.Figure 4.31
4.18 Prove that in an irredundant two-level combinational circuit,
any complete test
set for SSFs also detects all MSFs.
4.19 Let Z(x) be the function of a single-output
circuit N. Show that
none of the SSFs in N can change its function from Z(x) to Z(x).
About This Chapter
First we review applications of fault simulation. Then we exami
ne fault simulation
techniques for SSFs. We describe both general methods - serial,
parallel, deductive,
and concurrent - and techniques specialized for combinational circ
uits. We also
discuss fault simulation with fault sampling and statistical fault
analysis. This chapter
emphasizes gate-level and functional-level models and SSFs. Fault
simulation for
technology-specific faults models and fault simulation for bridging f
aults are dealt with
in separate chapters.
5.1 Applications
Fault simulation consists of simulating a circuit in the presence
of faults. Comparing
the fault simulation results with those of the fault-free simulati
on of the same circuit
simulated with the same applied test T, we can determine the faults
detected by T.
One use of fault simulation is to evaluate (grade) a test T. Us
ually the grade of T is
given by its fault coverage, which is the ratio of the number of f
aults detected by T to
the total number of simulated faults. This figure is directly rel
evant only to the faults
processed by the simulator, as even a test with 100 percent fault co
verage may still fail
to detect faults outside the considered fault model. Thus the fau
lt coverage represents
only a lower bound on the defect coverage, which is the probability
that T detects any
physical fault in the circuit. Experience has shown that a test
with high coverage for
SSFs also achieves a high defect coverage. Test evaluation based
on fault simulation
has been applied mainly to the SSF model, both for external testing

and for self-testing

(i.e., evaluation of self-test programs).
The quality of the test greatly influences the quality of the ship
ped product. Let Y be
the manufacturing yield, that is, the probability that a manuf
actured circuit is
defect-free. Let DL denote the defect level, which is the pr
obability of shipping a
defective product, and let d be the defect coverage of the
test used to check for
manufacturing defects. The relation between these variables is given b
DL = 1 - y
[Williams and Brown 1981]. Assuming that the fault coverage is c
lose to the defect
coverage, we can use this relation, illustrated in Figure 5.1,
to determine the fault
coverage required for a given defect level. For example, consi
der a process with
0.5 yield. Then to achieve a 0.01 defect level - that is, 1
percent of the shipped
products are likely to be defective - we need 99 percent fault co
verage. A test with
only 95 percent fault coverage will result in a defect level of
0.035. If, however, the
yield is 0.8, then 95 percent fault coverage is sufficient to
achieve a defect level of
0.01. Other aspects of the relation between product quality an
d fault coverage are
analyzed in [Agrawal et ale 1981], [Seth and Agrawal 1984], [
Daniels and Bruce
1985], and [McCluskey and Buelow 1988].
Fault simulation plays an important role in test generation. M
any test generation
systems use a fault simulator to evaluate a proposed test T
(see Figure 5.2), then
0.8 Y=O.Ol
Defect level
100 80 40 60
Defect coverage (%)
O ~ = = = = = = r = = = = ; = = = = = =
r - - - - = : : : : = : : : : : ; : = =
~ ~
Figure 5.1 Defect level as a function of yield and defect coverage
Generate initial T

Sufficient fault coverage?

Figure 5.2 General use of fault simulation in test generation
change T according to the results of the fault simulation until th
e obtained coverage is
considered satisfactory. The test T is modified by adding new
vectors and/or by
discarding some of its vectors that did not contribute to ac
hieving good coverage.
These changes may be made by a program or by a test designer in a
n interactive mode.
Applications 133
Another use of fault simulation in test generation is illustrated
in Figure 5.3. Many
test generation algorithms are fault-oriented; that is, they gen
erate a test for one
specified fault, referred to as the target fault. Often the sa
me test also detects many
other faults that can be determined by fault simulation. Then"all
the detected faults are
discarded from the set of simulated faults and a new target fault
is selected from the
remaining ones.
No more faults
Figure 5.3 Fault simulation used in the selection of target faults for
Fault simulation is also used to construct fault dictionaries.
Conceptually, a fault
dictionary stores the output response to T of every faulty circuit
corresponding to a
simulated fault f. In fact, a fault dictionary does not stor
e the complete output
response R
of every N
, but some function SeRf)' called the signature of the faultj.
The fault location process relies on comparing the signature obtained
from the response
of the circuit under test with the entries in the precomputed fault
Constructing a fault dictionary by fault simulation means, in princi
ple, computing the
response in the presence of every possible fault before testing.
A different approach,
referred to as post-test diagnosis, consists of first isolating a red
uced set of "plausible"
faults (i.e., faults that may be consistent with the response
obtained from the circuit
under test), then simulating only these faults to identify the
actual fault. Diagnosis
techniques will be discussed in more detail in a separate chapter.
Another application of fault simulation is to analyze the operation of
a circuit in the
presence of faults. This is especially important in high-reliability

systems, since some

faults may drastically affect the operation. For example:
A fault can induce races and hazards not present in the fault-free
A faulty circuit may oscillate or enter a deadlock (hang-up) state.
A fault can inhibit the proper initialization of a sequential circuit.
A fault can transform a combinational circuit into a sequent
ial one or a
synchronous circuit into an asynchronous one.
Fault simulation of self-checking circuits is used to verify the cor
rect operation of their
error-detecting and error-correcting logic.
5.2 General Fault Simulation Techniques
5.2.1 Serial Fault Simulation
Serial fault simulation is the simplest method of simulating f
aults. It consists of
transforming the model of the fault-free circuit N so that i
t models the circuit N
created by the fault f Then N, is simulated. The entire process
is repeated for each
fault of interest. Thus faults are simulated one at a time. Th
e main advantage of this
method is that no special fault simulator is required, as N
is simulated by a fault-free
simulator. Another advantage is that it can handle any type of f
ault, provided that the
model of N
is known. However, the serial method is impractical for simu
lating a
large number of faults because it would consume an excessive amount of
CPU time.
The other general fault simulation techniques - parallel, deductive
, and concurrent differ from the serial method in two fundamental aspects:
They determine the behavior of the circuit N in the presen
ce of faults without
explicitly changing the model of N.
They are capable of simultaneously simulating a set of faults.
These three techniques will be described in the following sections.
5.2.2 Common Concepts and Terminology
All three techniques - parallel, deductive, and concurrent - simul
taneously simulate
the fault-free circuit N (also called the good circuit) and a set o
f faulty (or bad) circuits
} . Thus any fault simulation always includes a fault-free simulat
ion run. If all the
faults of interest are simulated simultaneously, then fault simulati
on is said to be done
in one pass. Otherwise the set of faults is partitioned and fault s
imulation is done as a
multipass process, in which one subset of the total set of
faults is dealt with in one
pass. In general, large circuits require multipass fault simulation.
In addition to the activities required for fault-free simulation (de

scribed in Chapter 3),

fault simulation involves the following tasks:
fault specification,
fault insertion,
fault -effect generation and propagation,
fault detection and discarding.
General Fault Simulation Techniques 135
Fault specification consists of defining the set of modeled faults
and performing fault
collapsing. Fault insertion consists of selecting a subset of fa
ults to be simulated in
one pass and creating the data structures that indicate the
presence of faults to the
simulation algorithm. These data structures are used to generate
effects of the
inserted faults during simulation. For example, let f be a s-a-l
fault inserted on line i.
Then whenever a value 0 would propagate on line i (in the circui
t Nt), the simulator
changes it to 1. Most of the work in fault simulation is rela
ted to the propagation of
fault effects. Whenever an effect of a fault f propagates to a
primary output j (such
that the values of j in the good and the faulty circuit are
both binary), the simulator
marks f as detected. The user may specify that a fault detec
ted k times should be
discarded from the set of simulated faults (usually k=l). Fault di
scarding (also called
fault dropping) is the inverse process of fault insertion.
5.2.3 Parallel Fault Simulation
In parallel fault simulation [Seshu 1965] the good circuit and a
fixed number, say W,
of faulty circuits are simultaneously simulated. A set of F
faults requires IF/Wl
The values of a signal in the good circuit and the values of th
e corresponding
signals in the W faulty circuits are packed together in the same me
mory location of the
host computer. Depending on the implementation, a "location" consists
of one or more
For example, if we use 2-valued logic and a 32-bit word, then W
=31 (see Figure 5.4).
Consider an AND gate with inputs A and B. Each bit in the wor
d associated with a
signal represents the value of that signal in a different ci
rcuit. Traditionally, bit 0
represents a value in the good circuit. Then using a logical AND
instruction between
the words associated with A and B, we evaluate (in parallel) the
AND gate in the good
circuit and in each of the 31 faulty circuits. Similarly we
use an OR operation to
evaluate an OR gate, and a bit complement operation for a
NOT. A NAND gate
requires an AND followed by a complement, and so on. A sequ
ential element is

represented by a Boolean expression; for example, for a JK F/F

where Q+ and Q are, respectively, the new and the current state of
the F/F. Thus the
evaluation can be carried out using AND, OR, and complement operators.
Let Vi be the value propagating onto line i in the faulty circ
uit Nt, where f is the fault
j s-a-c. Every line i*j takes the value Vi' but the value of
j should always be c. The
new value of line i, v/, can be expressed as
v/ =ViOij + OijC
1. fxl denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to x.
31 30 2
'------- value of A in the good circuit
'------- value of A in faulty circuit #1
Figure 5.4 Value representation in parallel simulation
The above equations represent the process of fault insertion fo
r one fault f (j s-a-c).
For W faults, this process is carried on in parallel using two
mask words storing the
values bij and c in the bit position corresponding to fault f. Fig
ure 5.5 shows a portion
of a circuit, the masks used for fault insertion on line Z, and t
he values of Z before and
after fault insertion. The first mask - / - associated with
a line indicates whether
faults should be inserted on that line and in what bit positions,
and the second - S defines the stuck values of these faults. Thus after evaluating g
ate Z by Z =Xl.Y, the
effect of inserting faults on Z is obtained by
Z' =Z./z + /z.Sz
Fault insertion for Xl and Yis similarly done before evaluating Z.
The above technique has several possible implementations [Thompson
Szygenda 1975].
For 3-valued logic (0,1,u), one bit is not sufficient to repr
esent a signal value. The
coding scheme shown in Figure 5.6 uses two words, Al and A2, to
store the W values
associated with signal A. Since the codes for the values 0 and
1 are, respectively, 00
and 11, the logical AND and OR operations can be applied direct
ly to the words Al
and A2. Hence, to evaluate an AND gate with inputs A and B and o
utput C, instead of
C =A.B we use
Cl = Al.Bl
C2 =A2.B2
The complement operator, however, cannot be applied directly, as
the code 01 will
generate the illegal code 10. An inversion B =NOT (A) is realized
General Fault Simulation Techniques

Figure 5.5 Fault insertion on Z
Value of A
o 1 u
Al 0 1 0
A2 0 1 1
Figure 5.6 Coding for 3-valued logic
Bl = A2
B2 =M
that is, we complement Al and A2 and interchange them. Figure 5.7
shows a sample
computation for Z =X.Y (with a 3-bit word).
Values Encoding
X o 1 u
Xl 010
X2 o 1 1
Y o 1 1
Yl o 1 1
Y2 o 1 1
X.Y o 1 u
Xl.Yl 010
X2.Y2 o 1 1
21 100
22 101
Figure 5.7 Example of NAND operation in 3-valued parallel simulation
Other coding techniques for parallel fault simulation with three
or more logic values
are described in [Thompson and Szygenda 1975] and [Levendel and Menon
It is possible to reduce the number of passes by simulating seve
ral independent faults
simultaneously. Let S, denote the set of lines in the circuit tha
t can be affected by the
value of line i. Faults defined on lines i and j, such that
S, n S, =0, are said to be
independent. Independent faults cannot affect the same part of
the circuit, and they
can be simulated in the same bit position. The least upper bo
und on the number of
independent faults that can be processed simultaneously in the same
bit position is the
number of primary outputs - p - of the circuit. Hence the
minimum number of
passes is rF/(w.p)l. The potential reduction in the number of
passes should be
weighed against the cost of identifying independent faults. Algorithms
for determining
subsets of independent faults are presented in [Iyengar and Tang 1988].
To discard a fault f, first we have to stop inserting it. This i
s simply done by turning
off the corresponding bit position in the mask word used for fault
insertion. However,
the effects of the fault f may have been propagated to many other li

nes, and additional

processing is needed to stop all the activity in the circuit
Nt [Thompson and
Szygenda 1975].
In parallel fault simulation several faulty circuits can be simulate
d in parallel, provided
that for evaluation we use only operations that process each b
it independently of all
others. This requires that we model elements by Boolean equations,
and therefore we
cannot directly use evaluation routines that examine the input va
lues of the evaluated
elements, or routines based on arithmetic operations. But these
types of evaluations
are convenient for evaluating functional elements, such as memories
and counters. To
integrate these techniques into a parallel fault simulator, the
individual bits of the
faulty circuits are extracted from the packed-value words, the func
tional elements are
individually evaluated, and then the resulting bits are repacked
. Thus parallel
simulation is compatible only in part with functional-level modeling.
General Fault Simulation Techniques 139
Evaluation techniques based on Boolean equations are adequate for b
inary values, but
they become increasingly complex as the number of logic values
used in modeling
increases. Hence, parallel simulation becomes impractical for multivalued
In parallel fault simulation, an event occurs when the new value
of a line differs from
its old value in at least one bit position. Such an event alw
ays causes W evaluations,
even if only one of the W evaluated elements has input even
ts. Although it may
appear that the unnecessary evaluations do not take extra time,
because they are done
in parallel with the needed ones, they do represent wasted c
omputations. W
evaluations are done even after all the faults but one have been
detected and discarded.
Thus parallel fault simulation cannot take full advantage of the
concept of selective
trace simulation, or of the reduction in the number offaults caused by
fault dropping.
5.2.4 Deductive Fault Simulation
The deductive technique [Armstrong 1972, Godoy and Vogelsberg 1971]
simulates the
good circuit and deduces the behavior of all faulty circuits. "All"
denotes a theoretical
capability, subject in practice to the size of the available mem
ory. The data structure
used for representing fault effects is the fault list. A faul
t list L, is associated with
every signal line i. During simulation, L, is the set of all
faults f that cause the values
of i in N and Nt to be different at the current simulated ti
me. If i is a primary output

and all values are binary, then L, is the set of faults detected
at i.
Figure 5.8 illustrates the difference between the value representatio
n in parallel and in
deductive simulation. Suppose that we have F faults and a ma
chine word with
W>Y + 1, hence we can simulate all the faults in one pass. Then
in parallel simulation
the word associated with a line i stores the value of i in e
very faulty circuit. During
simulation, however, the value of i in most faulty circuits is
the same as in the good
circuit. This waste is avoided in deductive simulation by keep
ing only the bit
positions (used as fault names) that are different from the good val
t; = {4,7}
Figure 5.8 Fault-effects representation in parallel and deductive fault
Given the fault-free values and the fault lists of the inputs of an
element, the basic step
in deductive simulation is to compute the fault-free output value
and the output fault.
list. The computation of fault lists is called fault-list propagation
. Thus in addition to
the logic events which denote changes in signal values, a deductive
fault simulator also
propagates list events which occur when a fault list changes, i.e.
, when a fault is either
added to or deleted from a list.
140 Two-Valued Deductive Simulation
In this section we assume that all values are binary. Consider,
for example, an AND
gate with inputs A and B and output Z (Figure 5.9). Suppose A=B=
l. Then Z=l and
any fault that causes a 0 on A or B will cause Z to be erroneousl
y O. Hence
= LA U L
U {Z s-a-O}
Figure 5.9
Now suppose that A=O and B=l. Then z=o and any fault that causes A
to be 1 without
changing B, will cause Z to be in error; i.e., Z=l. These are
the faults in LA that are
not in L
where L

is the set of all faults not in LB. Note that a fault whose
effect propagates to
both A and B does not affect Z.
Let I be the set of inputs of a gate Z with controlling value
c and inversion i. Let C
be the set of inputs with value c. The fault list of Z is computed
as follows:
if C =0 then L
={ULj} U {Z s-a-(c()i)}
else L
={nLj} - { U L
U {Z s-a-(c()i)}
In other words, if no input has value c, any fault effect on
an input propagates to the
output. If some inputs have value c, only a fault effect that
affects all the inputs at c
without affecting any of the inputs at c propagates to the output. In
both cases we add
the local fault of the output.
Example 5.1: Consider the circuit in Figure 5.10. After fault
collapsing (see
Example 4.8), the set of faults we simulate is
{ao, aI, hI, co, cI, d v, eo, go, h
hI} (c, denotes <x s-a-v). Assume the first
applied test vector is 00110. The computation of fault lists procee
ds as follows:
La = {aI}' t., = {hI}' t; ={CO}, t., =0, t; = 0
=La n t; = 0, L
=t; u {go} = {Co,go}, t.; =t; u {hal = {co,h
General Fault Simulation Techniques 141
== L
- L
== {co,go}, L, == L
== {co,h
== L, - L, == {co,h
t.; == L, - L
== {ho}

C ------------41
e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
d 11
Figure 5.10
Since h0 is detected, we drop it from the set of simulated
faults by deleting h 0 from
every fault list where it appears, namely l-s, L
, Li, and L
(Note that Co is not
Now assume that both inputs a and b change to 1. Then La =
= {a o}, L
== 0, f = 1,
and L
== {an}. The evaluation of gate j generates no logic event,
but now
L, == L
n L
== 0. This shows that a list event may occur even without
corresponding logic event. Propagating this list event to gate
m, we obtain
== L
- L
== {co}. Hence Co is now detected. D
Note that when L a is computed, to determine whether a list
event has occurred, the
new La must be compared with the old La ( ~ e n o t
e d by La), before the latter is
destroyed; i.e., we must determine whether La == La.
Fault propagation becomes more involved when there is feedback.
Care must be
exercised when the effect of a fault, say ao or aI, feeds back on
to the line a itself. If
the fault list propagating to line a contains an no and if the g
ood value of a is 0, then
no should be deleted from La because the values of a in the faultfree circuit and the
circuit with the fault aa are the same. Similarly al should be
deleted from La it'" the
good value of a is 1.
Additional complexities occur in propagation of fault lists throug
h memory elements.
Consider the SR latch shown in Figure 5.11. Let the state a

t time ( 1 be
(YbY2) =(0,1), and the input be (S,R) = (1,1). If at time (2
R changes to 0, the
outputs should remain the same. Let L
an'! L
be the input fault lists at time (2
associated with lines Sand R, and let L 1 and L 2 be the fault lis
ts associated with lines
Y1 and Y2 at time (1 The new fault lists L 1 and L 2 asso
ciated with lines Y 1 and Y2
resulting from the input logic event at (2 can be computed as fol
lows (faults internal to
the latch will be ignored).
S -..,...------1
00 YI
}------........---- Y2
R ------I
}------........---- Y2
, L
Figure 5.11 Propagation of fault lists through an SR latch (a) gooe
! circuit
(b) Faulty circuit for some faultfin the set {L
- Initially set L I =L I and L
. The new values for L I and L
are given by the
expressions L I =L
and L
=LRf'lL I. Since a change in the fault lists for YI and
Y2 may have occurred, this calculation must be repeated until t

he fault lists stabilize.

Under some conditions, such as a critical race, the lists may
not stabilize and special
processing is required. This problem is dealt with later in this se
A second and faster approach to propagation of fault lists through
a latch is to consider
this element to be a primitive and calculate the rules for deter
mining the steady-state
fault lists for YI and Y2 in terms of L
, L
, L
, and L
. These rules can be derived by
inspecting_ all_ 16
.}s, L
, L
, and L
, i.e.,
), (L
), ..., (L
For example, consider again
initial jstate condition (S,R,YI,
Y2) = (1,1,0,1). Any
fault f in the set (minterm) LSnLRnL I nL
causes both outputs to be incorrect at time
II (due to L
and L
) , and input S to be incorrect at time 12 (see Figure 5.

Hence at I 2 we have that (S,R) =(0,0) in the faulty circuit,

and this fault produces
(y I ,Y2) =(1,1) and hence is an element in L I but not L
(note that YI ;tY2, hence the
outputs are not labeled YI and YI). Similarly, each of the remainin
g 15 minterms can
be processed and the rules for calculating L I and L 2 developed
. These rules become
more complex if internal faults are considered or if an internal
fault propagates around
a loop and appears in L
or L
Finally, the rules for L I and L
must be developed
for each initial state vector (S,R,y I 'Y2).
Let z be the output of a combinational block implementing the funct
ion f (a,b,c, ... ). A
general formula for computing the fault list L, as a function o
f the variables a.b,c, ...
and their fault lists La,Lb,L
, ... was obtained by Levendel [1980]. Let us define an
exclusive-OR operation between a variable x and its fault list L; b
rt-. {Lx if x = 0
x'tt:JL = x L, if x = 1
General Fault Simulation Techniques 143
Since L; is the list of faults that cause x to have a val
ue different from its fault -free
value, it follows that
is the list of faults that
cause x to take value 1. Let us
denote by F(A,B,C, ) the set function obtained by replacing
all AND and OR
operations in f(a,b,c, ) by nand u, respectively. Then the list of
faults that cause z
to take value 1 (ignoring z s-a-1) is given by
(see Problem 5.6). Hence
=fta.b,c, ...
For example, let us apply the above equation to
the output fault list of a JK
flip-flop modeled by its characteristic equation Y =.ry + Ky, where Y
and yare the new
and the current output values. The new output fault list L
is given by
t; =(lY +
For J =0,

K =0,

and y =0,



Ly(J =0, K =0, y =0) =(L]nLy)u(LKnL

The fault list of the complementary output Y is Ly = Ly .
We shall now consider several aspects related to the efficiency of deduct
ive simulators.
Fault Storage and Processing
Fault lists can be stored as linked lists, sequential tables,
or characteristic vectors.
These three structures are illustrated in Figure 5.12. For a list
structure, the faults are
stored in an ordered sequence to simplify the computation of
set union and
intersection. List structures require the overhead of an available spa
ce list, as well as a
pointer to find the next element in a list. However, insertion and
deletion of elements
is a simple task. Lists can be easily destroyed by assigning them to
the available space
list. Using a sequential table organization leads to faster processi
ng and eliminates the
need for pointers. However, repacking of storage is required occa
sionally to make a
section of memory reusable.
The computation of set union and intersection for unordered and
ordered sequential
tables is about of the same complexity. It is easier to ad
d a single element to an
unordered set, since it can be placed at the end of the tab
le. In an ordered table it
must be inserted in its correct position, and all entries be
low it repositioned in
memory. It is easier to delete an arbitrary element in an
ordered table than in an
unordered one, since its position can be found by a binary search pro
Using the characteristic-vector structure, all list operations are si
mple and fast. A fault
is inserted or deleted by storing a 1 or 0 in the approp
riate bit. Set union and
intersection are carried out by simple OR and AND word operations
. However, this
structure typically requires more storage than the preceding two, t
hough it is of fixed
size. An exact comparison of the storage requirements requires
knowledge of the
average size of a fault list.
For large circuits, it is possible to run out of memory while
processing the fault lists,
which are dynamic and unpredictable in size. When this occurs, the
set of faults must
La = {3, 9, 12}
(a) (b)
lines in circuit
12 .. a .. .n
1 0 1
2 0 2

1 3
0 4
0 8
1 9
0 10
faults in 0 11
circuit 1 12
0 13
0 W
Figure 5.12 Three storage structures for lists (a) Fault list (b)
Linked list
(c) Sequential table (d) Characteristic vector
be partitioned and each subset processed separately. This proces
s can be done
dynamically and leads to a multipass simulation process.
Oscillation and Active Faults
It is possible that the fault-free circuit will stabilize while t
he circuit with some fault f
oscillates. For this case there will be an arbitrarily long
sequence of list events.
Unfortunately, even though only one fault may be causing the
oscillation, repeated
complex processing of long lists may be required, which is tim
e-consuming. Faults
that produce circuit oscillation, as well as those that achieve st
ability only after a great
amount of logical activity, should be purged from fault lists whenever p
General Fault Simulation Techniques Three-Valued Deductive Simulation
When 3-valued logic is employed, the complexity of deductive s
imulation greatly
increases. In this section we will briefly outline two approaches
of varying degree of
accuracy (pessimism). We refer to these as third-order analysis (l
east pessimistic) and
second-order analysis (most pessimistic).
Third-Order Analysis
Since each line a in the fault-free and faulty circuits can take
on the logic values 0,1
and u, two lists
will be associated with a line
a whose normal value is v,
where {<>,E} ={O,l,u} - {v}. For example, if v = 1, then the
lists L& and
associated with line a; L&
represents the set of al
l faults that cause a to have
value O(u). Since the set of all faults currently processed equa
ls the set L& uL&

we have that
Example 5.2: Consider the gate and input values shown in Figure
5.13. A fault that
changes d to 0 must change a and b to 1, and it must not change
c. Hence
Figure 5.13
A fault that changes d to u must cause a, b, and c to have
any combination of u and
1 values, except a =b =c = 1. Then
The disadvantage of this approach is that two lists exist fo
r each line, and the
complexity of the processing required to propagate the fault lists t
hrough an element is
more than doubled.
Second-Order Analysis
To reduce computational complexity, we can associate a single fault
list La with each
line a. If the value of line a in the fault-free circuit is u
, then La = 0. This means
that if the value of the line is u, we will make no predictio
ns on the value of this line
in any of the faulty circuits. Hence some information is los
t, and incorrect
initialization of some faulty circuits is possible. If f is a fau
lt that produces a U on a
line a whose fault-free value is 0 or 1, then the entry in La cor
responding to fault f is
flagged (denoted by *j) and is called a star fault. This mean
s that we do not know
whether f is in La. If a is a primary output, then f is a potent
ially detected fault.
The rules for set operations for star faults are given in the
table of Figure 5.14; here "'denotes an entry different from f or *f.
*f 'A {*.t:'A} 0 *f 'A
/ /
0 *f
*f *f *f *f
Figure 5.14 Operations with star faults
Whenever a race or oscillation condition caused by fault f is ide
ntified on line o, f is
entered as a star fault on the associated list. If it is deci
ded that line <X is oscillating,
then those faults __ causing ,S>scillation are precisely those e
ntries in the set
(La - La)u(L
- La) where La and La are the old and new fault lists. By ch
these entries to star faults, the simulation can be continued
and the simulation
oscillation should cease [Chappell et ale 1974].

An interesting open problem is: What should be the initial conten

ts of the fault lists?
It is often not known how the initial state of the circuit was
arrived at, and therefore it
is not apparent whether a fault f would have influenced the initial
izing of line <X. It is
erroneous to set all fault lists initially to the empty set,
and it is too pessimistic to
place all faults into the set L ~ . The former approach, howe
ver, is usually taken.
A more detailed discussion of multiple logic values in deductiv
e simulation can be
found in [Levendel and Menon 1980].
The propagation of fault lists through an element is based on
its Boolean equations.
Thus deductive fault simulation is compatible only in part wit
h functional-level
modeling; namely it is applicable only to models using Boolean equa
tions [Menon and
Chappell 1978]. In principle, it can be extended to multiple logic
values by increasing
the number of fault lists associated with a line [Levendel and
Menon 1980], but the
corresponding increase in the complexity of the algorithm render
s this approach
impractical. Hence deductive simulation is limited in practice to
two or three logic
The fault-list propagation mechanism cannot take full advantage of
the concept of
activity-directed simulation. For example, suppose that at a cer
tain time we have
activity only in one faulty circuit. Propagating this list event
may generate many long
fault-list computations. But most of the fault-list entries invol
ved in this computation
correspond to faulty circuits without activity at that time. T
his is especially
time-consuming when a faulty circuit oscillates.
5.2.5 Concurrent Fault Simulation
Concurrent fault simulation [Ulrich and Baker 1974] is based on t
he observation that
most of the time during simulation, most of the values in m
ost of the faulty circuits
agree with their corresponding values in the good circuit. The
concurrent method
simulates the good circuit N, and for every faulty circuit Nt,
it simulates only those
elements in Nt that are different from the corresponding ones in N
. These differences
General Fault Simulation Techniques 147
are maintained for every element x in N in the form of a concurrent fa
ult list, denoted
by CL
Let xf denote the replica of x in the circuit N
. Let V

) denote the
ensemble of input, output, and (possibly) internal state values
of x f(Xf). During
simulation, CL
represents the set of all elements xf that are different f
rom x at the
current simulated time. Elements x and xf may differ in two w
ays. First, we may
have V
=t:: V
; this occurs when a fault effect caused by f has propagate
d to an
input/output line or state variable of xf. Second, f can be a
local fault of xf' that is, a
fault inserted on an input/output line or state variable of xf.
A local fault f makes xf
different from x, even if V
= V
; this occurs when the input sequence applied so far
does not activate j: f
An entry in CL
has the form (j,V
). Figure 5.15(a) illustrates a concurrent fault list
in pictorial form. The gates "hanging" from the good gate c are
replicas of c in the
faulty circuits with the faults a, ~ , a I, and b I. Here a
and ~ are faults whose effects
propagate to gate c; they cause, respectively, a=l and b=O. Fault
s a I and b I are local
faults of gate c. Note that b I appears in CL
even if the values of a, b, and c in the
presence of b I are the same as in the good circuit. Figur
e 5.15(b) shows CL
tabular form. By contrast, the fault list of c in deductive simu
lation is L, = {a,a I }.
(a) ~
a b c
a 1 1 0
0 0 1
1 1 0
0 1 1

Figure 5.15 Concurrent fault list for gate c (a) Pictorial representat
ion (b) Tabular
A fault f is said to be visible on a line i when the values of i
in Nand N
are different.
Among the entries in the concurrent fault list of a gate x, on
ly those corresponding to
faults visible on its output appear also in the deductive fault lis
t Lx. (In Figure 5.15, a
and a I are visible faults.) In this sense, a deductive faul
t list is a subset of the
corresponding concurrent fault list. Thus concurrent simulation requ
ires more storage
than deductive simulation.
Most of the work in concurrent simulation involves updating th
e dynamic data
structures that represent the concurrent fault lists. Fault inse
rtion takes place during
the initialization phase (after fault collapsing); the initial c
ontent of every list CL
consists of entries corresponding to the local faults of x. A loca
l fault of x remains in
until it is dropped. During simulation, new entries in CL
represent elements xI'
whose values become different from the values of x; these are
said to diverge from x.
Conversely, entries removed from CL
represent elements xI' whose values become
identical to those of x; these are said to converge to x. A faul
t is dropped by removing
its entries from every list where it appears.
The following example illustrates how the concurrent fault lists
change during
simulation. For simplicity, we will refer to the circuit with the
fault f as "circuit f"
Example 5.3: Figure 5.16(a) shows logic values and concurrent fault
lists for a circuit
in a stable state. Now assume that the primary input a chan
ges from 1 to O. This
event occurs not only in the good circuit but (implicitly) also
in all the faulty circuits
that do not have entries in CL
; the entries in CL
have to be separately analyzed. In
the good circuit, c is scheduled to change from 0 to 1. T
he event on a does not
propagate in the circuit a 1; hence that gate is not evaluated. Ev
aluating gate ca does
not result in any event.
When the value of c is updated, the fault a 1 becomes visible.

In the good circuit, the

change of c propagates to the gate e. At the same time, we propag
ate a "list event" to
indicate that a 1 is a newly visible fault on line c (see Figure
The evaluation of gate e in the good circuit does not produc
e an output event. An
entry for the newly visible fault a 1 is added to CLeo The
other entries in CL
analyzed as follows (see Figure 5.16(c:
c does not change in the circuit c 1; the entry for c 1 rem
ains in the list because c 1
is a local fault of gate e.
Gate e in the circuit d 1 is evaluated and generates a 1/
0 event; the same event
occurs in the circuit ~ .
c does not change in the circuit a; the entry for a is delet
ed from the list. 0
An important feature of the concurrent fault simulation mechanis
m is that it
individually evaluates elements in both the good and the fault
y circuits. For
evaluation, an entry in a fault list denoting a replica of a gate
in the good circuit is just
a gate with a different set of input/output values.
A line i in a faulty circuit may change even if i is stable
in the good circuit. This is
illustrated in Figure 5.16(c), where line e changes to 0 in circuit
s d 1 and ~ but remains
stable at 1 in the good circuit. Figure 5.17 shows that a line
i in the good circuit and
some faulty circuits may also have simultaneous but different
events. An event
generated by an element in a faulty circuit propagates only inside that
We shall describe the concurrent simulation mechanism by reference
to Figure 5.18.
Line i is an output of A, and B is one of its fanouts. At
a certain simulation time we
may have an event on a line i in the good circuit and/or in se
veral faulty circuits. The
set of the simultaneous events occurring on the same line i is ca
lled a composed event
and has the form (i,L), where L is a list of pairs (j,vI'
) , in which f is a fault name
General Fault Simulation Techniques 149
1/0 good event
i 0/1 good event
: - - - a 1 newly visible

(a) a (b) a
~ ~
(c) d
1/0 event in circuit d 1
1/0 event in circuit f3
Figure 5.16 Changes in fault lists during simulation
(index) and v/' is the scheduled value of line i in the circu
it f. (The good circuit has
[=0). The good-circuit event also occurs (implicitly) in all the
faulty circuits that do
not have an entry in CL

The overall flow of event-directed logic simulation shown in Figur

e 3.12 is valid for
concurrent fault simulation with the understanding that the even
ts processed are
composed events. Suppose that a composed event (i,L) has just be
en retrieved from
the event list. First we update the values and the concurrent
fault list of the source
element A where the event originated. Then we update the values a
nd the concurrent
-----r- 0/1 good event
~ . / O event in circuit f
o 1
r------ 0/1 good event
Figure 5.17
Figure 5.18
fault list of every element B on the fanout list of i and eval
uate the activated elements
(in the good and faulty circuits).
Figure 5.19 outlines the processing of the composed event at
the source element A.
Let v (vf) be the current value of line i in the good circuit (i
n the circuit f). If an event

vlv' occurs in the good circuit, then we have to analyze every ent
ry in CL
; otherwise
we analyze only those entries with independent events. In the
former case, if in a
circuit f line i stays at value vi =v (Le., the value of i in the
circuit f is the same as the
value of i in the good circuit before the change), then f
is a newly visible fault on
line i; these faults are collected into a list NV. The values of
every analyzed entry f in
, except for the newly visible ones, are compared to the
values of the good
element A, and if they agree, f is deleted from CL
(Practical implementation of the
processing described in Figure 5.19 is helped by maintaining entries i
n concurrent fault
lists and in lists of events ordered by their fault index.)
General Fault Simulation Techniques
if i changes in the good circuit then
set i to v' in the good circuit
for every / E CL
if / E L then
set i to Vt' in circuit /
if VA! =VA then delete/from CL
else /* no event in circuit / */
if Vt = v then add newly visible fault/to NV
else if VA! =VA then delete / from CL
else /* no good event for i */
for every / E L
set i to vt' in circuit /
if VA! = VA then delete / from CL
Figure 5.19 Processing of a composed event (i, L) at the source ele
ment A
Next, the composed event (i,L), together with the list NV of
newly visible faults on
line i, is propagated to every fanout element B. If a good event
exists, then it activates
B (for simplicity, we assume a two-pass strategy; thus evaluations
are done after all the
activated elements are determined). The processing of an element

depends on
which lists (CL
, L, NV) contain f The way NV is constructed (see Figure 5.
implies that / cannot belong to both NV and L. The differen
t possible cases are
labeled 1 through 5 in the Kamaugh map shown in Figure 5.20.
The corresponding
actions are as follows:
Case 1: (B
exists in CL
and no independent event on i occurs in Nt.) If a good
event exists and it can propagate in Nj. then activate B
. The good event on line i can
propagate in the circuit / if Vt = v and / is not the local s-av fault on the input i of B
For example, in Figure 5.16(b) the change of c from 0 to 1 pro
pagates in the circuits
d 1 and ~ but not in the circuits eland o.
Case 2: (B
exists in CL
and an independent event on i occurs in Nt) Activate B
Here we have independent activity in a faulty circuit; this
is illustrated in
Figure 5.17(b), where the event 1/0 activates the gate B
Case 3: (An independent event on i occurs in Nt, but/does not appe
ar in CL
. ) Add
an entry for / to CL
and activate B
This is shown in Figure 5.21. Here A and At
14 5 1
I 3
- - 2 I fEL
Figure 5.20 Possible cases in processing a composed event propagated to
a fanout
element B
have been evaluated because the input b changed from 0 to 1, and no
w i changes from

oto 1 in the good circuit and from 0 to u in the circuit f An

entry for f is added to
(with the same values as B) and activated.
J 0/1 good event
~ - - - LO/u event in circuit f
I - - - - - 0/1 good event
Figure 5.21
Case 4: if is newly visible on line i and does not appear in CL
. ) Add an entry for f
to CL
This is illustrated in Figure 5.16 by the addition of at to CLeo
Case 5: if is a newly visible fault on line i, but an entry fo
r f is already present in
. ) No action. In a combinational circuit this may occur on
ly when there is
reconvergent fanout from the origin of the fault f to the
element B. Figure 5.22
provides such an example.
General Fault Simulation Techniques
i - - - - 0/1 good event
~ A
I/Ogood event
:--- f newly visible
i v

Figure 5.22
The activated elements are individually evaluated and resulting events
for their outputs
are merged into composed events. If a good event is generate
d, then all the
comparisons for deletions from the fault list will be done wh
en the composed event
will have been retrieved from the event list (see Figure 5.19)
. If no good event is
generated, however, any activated element-S; that does not generate an
event should be
immediately compared to the good element (they are both stable),
and if their values
agree, f should be deleted from CL

Since the concurrent. fault simulation is based on evaluation of in

dividual elements, it
is directly applicable to functional-level modeling [Abramovici et
ale 1977]. In
functional simulation, an event may also denote a change of an i
nternal state variable
of a functional element. Such a state event has the form (M,
i, v'), where M is the
element whose state variable i is scheduled to get value v'.
In concurrent simulation
we propagate composed state events of the form (M, i, L), where
L has the same form
as for line events. A composed state event is processed like
a composed line event,
with the only difference that both the source (A) and the fanout
(B) of the event are the
same element M.
Our definition of a concurrent fault list CL
implies that for any entry xI we store all
the values of its inputs, outputs, and state variables. But
this would waste large
amounts of memory for a functional element x with a large number
of state variables,
because most of the time during simulation, most of the values
of the elements in CL
would be the same as the good values. Then it is preferabl
e to maintain only the
differences between the values of every xI in the fault list and th
e good element values.
(This represents a second-level application of the principle of c
oncurrent simulation!)
Memories are typical examples of elements of this category. We ca
n view a memory
as being "composed" of addressable words, and we can keep as
sociated with every
good word a concurrent list of faults that affect the contents o
f that word [Schuler and
Cleghorn 1977].
5.2.6 Comparison
In this section we compare the parallel, the deductive, and the

concurrent techniques
with respect to the following criteria:
capability of handling multiple logic values,
compatibility with functional-level modeling,
ability to process different delay models,
storage requirements.
While parallel and deductive simulation are reasonably efficient for
two logic values,
the use of three logic values (0, 1, u) significantly increa
ses their computational
requirements, and they do not appear to be practical for more t
han three logic values.
Both methods are compatible only in part with functional-level model
ing, as they can
process only components that can be entirely described by Boolean equat
In both parallel and deductive simulation, the basic data structur
es and algorithms are
strongly dependent on the number of logic values used in modelin
g. By contrast, the
concurrent method provides only a mechanism to represent and m
aintain the
differences between the good circuit and a set of faulty circuits,
and this mechanism is
independent of the way circuits are simulated. Thus concurrent
simulation is
transparent to the system of logic values used and does not im
pose any limitation on
their number. Being based on evaluation of individual elements, conc
urrent simulation
does not constrain the modeling of elements, and hence it is
totally compatible with
functional-level modeling and can support mixed-level and hierarch
ical modeling
[Rogers et ale 1987]. It has also been applied to transistorlevel circuits [Bose et ale
1982, Bryant and Schuster 1983, Saab and Hajj 1984, Kawai an
d Hayes 1984, Lo
et ale 1987].
We have described the three methods by assuming a transition-in
dependent nominal
delay model. The use of more accurate timing models - such as rise
and fall delays,
inertial delays, etc. - leads to severe complications in the
parallel and deductive
methods. In contrast, because of its clean separation between
fault processing and
element evaluation, a concurrent simulator can be as sophisticat
ed as the underlying
good-circuit simulator. This means that detailed delay models ca
n be included in
concurrent simulation without complications caused by the fault-processing
General Fault Simulation Techniques 155
Theoretical analysis done by Goel [1980] shows that for a large
combinational circuit
of n gates, the run times of the deductive and parallel methods
are proportional to n 2
and n 3 respectively. It is unlikely that any fault simulation

algorithm can have

worst-case linear complexity [Harel and Krishnamurthy 1987]. Exper
imental results
presented in [Chang et ale 1974] show that (using 2-valued logic)
deductive simulation
is faster than parallel simulation for most sequential circuits,
except small (n<500)
Although no direct comparisons between the deductive and concurre
nt methods have
been reported, qualitative arguments suggest that concurrent simulati
on is faster. One
significant difference between the two methods is that a concurrent
simulator processes
only the active faulty circuits. This difference becomes more a
pparent when changes
occur only in faulty circuits and especially when a faulty circuit
oscillates. The reason
is that a deductive simulator always recomputes a complete fault li
st (even to add or to
delete a single entry), while a concurrent simulator propagates
changes only in the
active circuit. Another difference is that a concurrent simulato
r, being based on
evaluation of individual elements, can make use of fast evaluation
techniques, such as
table look-up or input counting.
The main disadvantage of concurrent simulation is that it requires
more memory than
the other methods. The reason is that the values V
of every element xf in a
concurrent fault list must be available for the individual eva
luation of xf. However,
this disadvantage can be overcome by partitioning the set of
faults for multipass
simulation. Even if unlimited memory is available, partitioning
the set of faults
improves the efficiency of concurrent simulation by limiting the
average size of the
concurrent fault list [Henckels et ale 1980]. The most importa
nt advantages of
concurrent simulation are its compatibility with different levels
of modeling and its
ability to process multiple logic values; these factors make it s
uitable for increasingly
complex circuits and evolving technology.
The parallel-value list (PVL) is a fault simulation method [Moorb
y 1983, Son 1985]
which combines several features of the parallel, deductive, and c
oncurrent techniques.
Consider the fault list representation based on a characteristic
-vector structure,
illustrated in Figure 5.12(d). Assume that the faulty values of ever
y line are stored in
another vector parallel to the characteristic vector (or in se
veral parallel vectors for
multivalued logic). The fault set is partitioned into groups of W
faults. When all the
characteristic-vector values in a group are 0, all the faulty value

s are the same as the

good value and are not explicitly represented. The remaining groups,
in which at least
one faulty value is different, are maintained in a linked list,
similar to a concurrent
fault list. Given the groups in fault lists of the inputs of
a device, the groups of the
output fault list are determined by set-union and set-intersection
operations similar to
those used in deductive simulation. The computation of faulty v
alues for the output
groups proceeds as in parallel simulation. The PVL method requires
less storage than
concurrent simulation.
5.3 Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits
Specialized fault simulation methods for combinational circuits ar
e justified by the
widespread use of design for testability techniques (to be des
cribed in a separate
chapter) that transform a sequential circuit into a combinationa
l one for testing
purposes. For static testing, in which the basic step consists
of applying an input
vector and observing the results after the circuit has stabilized,
we are interested only
in the final (stable) values. In a combinational circuit the final val
ues of the outputs do
not depend on the order in which inputs or internal lines
change. Thus a fault
simulation method for combinational circuits can use a simplified (
zero or unit) delay
5.3.1 Parallel-Pattern Single-Fault Propagation
The Parallel-Pattern Single-Fault Propagation (PPSFP) method [Waicuk
auski et ale
1985] combines two separate concepts - single-fault propagation an
d parallel-pattern
Single-fault propagation is a serial fault simulation method spe
cialized for
combinational circuits. After a vector has been simulated using a
fault-free simulator,
SSFs are inserted one at a time. The values in every faulty
circuit are computed by
the same fault-free simulation algorithm and compared to their
corresponding good
values. The computation of faulty values starts at the site of
the fault and continues
until all faulty values become identical to the good values or the
fault is detected.
Parallel-pattern evaluation is a simulation technique, introduced in Se
ction 3.5, which
simulates W vectors concurrently. For 2-valued logic, the values
of a signal in
W vectors are stored in a W-bit memory location. Evaluating g
ates by Boolean
instructions operating on W-bit operands generates output values
for W vectors in
parallel. Of course, this is valid only in combinational circu

its, where the order in

which vectors are applied is not relevant.
A simulator working in this way cannot be event-driven, because
events may occur
only in some of the W vectors simulated in parallel. This implies
that all the gates in
the circuit should be evaluated in every vector, in the order of
their level (for this we
can use a compiled simulation technique). Let a < 1 denote the aver
age activity in the
circuit, that is, the average fraction of the gates that have eve
nts on their inputs in one
vector. Then parallel-pattern evaluation will simulate l/a more
gates than an
event-driven simulator. However, because W vectors are simultaneous
ly simulated,
parallel-pattern evaluation is more efficient if W > l/a. For
example, W ~ 20 will
compensate for a value a of 5 percent. The overall speed-up
is Wa. The
implementation described in [Waicukauski et ale 1985] uses W =256.
The PPSFP method combines single-fault propagation with parallel-patter
n evaluation.
First it does a parallel fault-free simulation of a group of
W vectors. Then the
remaining undetected faults are serially injected and faulty val
ues are computed in
parallel for the same set of vectors. Comparisons between good
and faulty values
involve W bits. The propagation of fault effects continues as lon
g as faulty values are
different from the good values in at least one vector. Detected f
aults are dropped and
the above steps are repeated until all vectors are simulated or all
faults are detected.
The PPSFP method has been successfully used to evaluate large
sets (containing
1/2 million) of random vectors. However, it cannot support an
algorithmic test
generation process of the type illustrated in Figure 5.3, in which
we need to know the
faults detected by one vector before we generate the next one.
Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits
5.3.2 Critical Path Tracing
In this section we present the main concepts of the method called
critical path tracing
[Abramovici et ale 1984], which includes and extends features of
earlier fault
simulation techniques for combinational circuits [Roth et ale 1967, Oz
guner et ale 1979,
Su and Cho 1972, Hong 1978].
For every input vector, critical path tracing first simulates the
fault-free circuit, then it
determines the detected faults by ascertaining which signal values ar
e critical.
Definition 5.1: A line I has a critical value v in the test (vecto
r) tiff t detects the fault
I s-a-v. A line with a critical value in t is said to be critical in

Finding the lines critical in a test t, we immediately know

the faults detected by t.
Clearly, the primary outputs are critical in any test. (We assume
completely specified
tests; hence all values are binary.) The other critical lines
are found by a backtracing
process starting at the primary outputs. This process determines
paths composed of
critical lines, called critical paths. It uses the concept of sensiti
ve inputs.
Definition 5.2: A gate input is sensitive (in a test t) if
complementing its value
changes the value of the gate output.
The sensitive inputs of a gate with two or more inputs are
easily determined as
1. If only one input j has the controlling value of the gate (c),
then j is sensitive.
2. If all inputs have value C, then all inputs are sensitive.
3. Otherwise no input is sensitive.
The sensitive inputs of a gate can be easily identified during th
e fault -free simulation
of the circuit, as scanning for inputs with controlling value is
an inherent part of gate
The following lemma provides the basis of the critical path tracing al
Lemma 5.1: If a gate output is critical, then its sensitive
inputs, if any, are also
The next example illustrates critical path tracing in a fanout-free
Example 5.4: Figure 5.23(a) shows a circuit, its line values for
the given test, and the
sensitive gate inputs (marked by dots). Critical path tracing
starts by marking the
primary output as critical. The other critical lines are ident
ified by recursive
applications of Lemma 5.1. Figure 5.23(b) shows the critical paths as
heavy lines. 0
It is important to observe that critical path tracing has complete
ly avoided the areas of
the circuit bordered by Band C, because by working backward from the
output, it first
determined that Band C are not critical. In contrast, a conventi
onal fault simulator
would propagate the effects of all faults in these areas (to B and
C), before discovering
(at the output gate) that these faults are not detected.
For a fanout-free circuit, critical path tracing can be done
by a simple depth-first
tree-traversal procedure that marks as critical and recursively
follows in tum every
sensitive input of a gate with critical output. The next example il
lustrates the problem





Figure 5.23 Example of critical path tracing in a fanout-free circuit
that appears in extending critical path tracing to the general
case of circuits with
reconvergent fanout.
Example 5.5: For the circuit and the test given in Figure 5.
24(a), we start at the
primary output, and by repeatedly using Lemma 5.1, we identify F,
D, A, and Bl as
critical. We cannot, however, determine whether the stem B is
critical without
additional analysis. Indeed, the effects of the fault B s-a-O
propagate on two paths
with different inversion parities such that they cancel each other
when they reconverge
at gate F. This phenomenon, referred to as self-masking, does
not occur for the test
shown in Figure 5.24(b), because the propagation of the fault
effect along the path
starting at B2 stops at gate E. Here B is critical. 0
Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits 159
B2 0
B2 0
Figure 5.24 Example of stem analysis (a) B is self-masking (b) B is

Thus the main problem is to determine whether a stem x is critical

, given that some of
its fanout branches are critical. Let v be the value of x
in the analyzed test t. One
obvious solution is to explicitly simulate the fault x s-a-v, an
d if t detects this fault,
then mark x as critical. Critical path tracing solves this problem b
y a different type of
analysis, which we describe next.
Definition 5.3: Let t be a test that activates fault f in a
single-output combinational
circuit. Let y be a line with levelly, sensitized to f by t.
If every path sensitized to f
either goes through y or does not reach any line with level
greater than ly, then y is
said to be a capture line off in test t.
A capture line, if one exists, is a bottleneck for the prop
agation of fault effects,
because it is common to all the paths on which the effects of
f can propagate to the
primary output in test t. If t detects f, then there exists a
t least one capture line of f,
namely the primary output itself. If the effect of f propagates
on a single path, then
every line on that path is a capture line of f.
Example 5.6: Consider the circuit in Figure 5.25 and let f be
b s-a-O. The capture
lines of f in the test shown are e, j, and q. Lines n and p a
re sensitized to f but are not
capture lines of f. D
Let y be a capture line of fault f in test t and assume that
y has value v in t. It is easy
to show that any capture line of y s-a-v is also a capture line of
I. In other words, the
capture lines of a fault form a "transitive chain." For example,
in Figure 5.25, j and q
are also capture lines of e s-a-O, and q is also a capture line of j
r fault
,\ 1 I I D I
b---- e I L___' 0 I
1 ---1 ------- 1 I
aQ1 , r--- j
: :
- - - sensitized path
Figure 5.25 Example of capture lines
Theorem 5.1: A test t detects the fault f iff all the capture
lines of f in t are critical
in t.
Proof: First note that if no capture line exists, then t d
oes not detect f (because
otherwise there exists at least one capture line). Let y be an
arbitrary capture line of f
in t and let v be its value. The value of y in the presence of

f is V, and no other effect

of f but y=v can reach any line whose level is greater than the l
evel of y.
1. Let us assume that all the capture lines of f in t are criti
cal. Hence, the error y=v
caused by y s-a-v propagates to the primary output. Then the same
is true for
the error y=v caused by f. Therefore t detects f.
2. Let us assume that t detects f. Hence, the error y=v caus
ed by f at y propagates
to the primary output. Then the same is true for the error y=v caus
ed by y s-a-v.
Thus t detects y s-a-v and therefore all the capture lines off are
critical in t. D
Theorem 5.1, together with the transitivity property of a set of capt
ure lines, shows that
to determine whether a stem is critical, we may not need to propag
ate the effects of the
stem fault "all the way" to a primary output as done in
explicit fault simulation.
Rather, it is sufficient to propagate the fault effects only to
the first capture line of the
stem fault (i.e., the one closest to the stem). Then the stem
is critical iff the capture
line is critical.
As capture lines are defined for a single-output circuit, we p
artition a circuit with m
primary outputs into m single-output circuits called cones. A co
ne contains all the
logic feeding one primary output. To take advantage of the simplic
ity of critical path
tracing in fanout-free circuits, within each cone we identify fanout-fr
ee regions (FFRs).
Figure 5.26 shows these structures for an adder with two outputs. T
he inputs of a FFR
are checkpoints of the circuit, namely fanout branches and/or
primary inputs. The
output of a FFR is either a stem or a primary output. Constructing
cones and FFRs is
a preprocessing step of the algorithm.
Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits 161
r', CI

x <,
<, co
Figure 5.26 (a) Full-adder circuit (b) Cones for S and CO partitioned int
o FFRs
Figure 5.27 outlines the critical path tracing algorithm for eval
uating a given test. It
assumes that fault-free simulation, including the marking of the
sensitive gate inputs,
has been performed. The algorithm processes every cone starting at i
ts primary output
and alternates between two main operations: critical path tracin
g inside a FFR,
represented by the procedure Extend, and checking a stem for critica
lity, done by the
function Critical. Once a stem j is found to be critical, critical
path tracing continues
for every primary output z
Stems to check = 0
while (Stems_to_check * 0)
j =the highest level stem in Stems_to_check
remove j from Stems_to_check
if Criticaltj) then Extend(j)
Figure 5.27 Outline of critical path tracing
Figure 5.28 shows the recursive procedure Extendii), which backtra
ces all the critical
paths inside a FFR starting from a given critical line i by f
ollowing lines marked as
sensitive. Extend stops at FFR inputs and collects all the st
ems reached in the set
Stems to check.

mark i as critical
if i is a fanout branch then
add stem(i) to Stems_to_check
for every input j of i
if sensitivetj) then Extend(j)
Figure 5.28 Critical path tracing in a fanout-free region
Figure 5.29 outlines the function Criticalij), which determines wh
ether the stem J IS
critical by a breadth-first propagation of the effects of the st
em fault. Frontier is the
set of all gates currently on the frontier of this propagation.
A gate in Frontier has
Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits 163
been reached by one or more fault effects from j, but we
have not yet determined
whether these propagate through the gate. This analysis is represe
nted by the function
Propagates. Because fault effects are propagated only in one cone,
Frontier is bound
to become empty. If the last gate removed from Frontier propagates
fault effects, then
its output is the first capture line of the stem fault and the r
esult depends on the status
(critical or not) of the capture line.
Frontier = {fanouts of j}
i =lowest level gate in Frontier
remove i from Frontier
if (Frontier * 0) then
if Propagates(i) then add fanouts of i to Frontier
if Propagates(i) and i is critical then return TRUE
return FALSE
Figure 5.29 Stem analysis
The function Propagates(i) determines whether gate propagates the
fault effects
reaching its inputs based on the following rule.
Lemma 5.2: A gate i propagates fault effects iff:
1. either fault effects arrive only on sensitive inputs of i,
2. or fault effects arrive on all the nonsensitive inputs of
i with controlling value
and only on these inputs.
Proof: Based on Lemma 4.1 and the definition of sensitive inputs. o
Figure 5.30 shows different cases of propagation of fault effects thro
ugh an AND gate.
Fault effects are indicated by arrows.
Example 5.7: The table in Figure 5.31 shows the execution trace
of critical path
tracing in the circuit of Figure 5.26(a) for the test 111. Figure 5

.32 shows the obtained

critical paths. Note that the stem L is critical in the cone of S
, but it is self-masking in
the cone of CO. 0
Figure 5.30 Propagation of fault effects through an AND gate
FFR Stem Capture
traced Critical lines Stems to check checked line
S S, U, Cll, Tl T, Cl
Cl T U
T T,Nl Cl,N
Cl N U
N N, Q, R, Ll, L2 Cl,L
Cl L N
L L, Xl, Yl Cl,X, Y
0 Y Q
Y Y 0
0 L Figure 5.31 Execution trace of critical path tracing in the circuit
of Figure 5.26 for
the test 111
When we analyze a stem, we have already backtraced a critical path b
etween a primary
output and one of the fanout branches of the stem. The effect of
the stem fault would
propagate on the same critical path, unless self-masking occurs.
This may take place
only when effects of the stem fault reach a reconvergence gate on p
aths with different
inversion parities (see Figure 5.24). If we examine the circuit
of Figure 5.26, we can
observe that this situation can never occur for the stems T and
L in the cone of S. A
simple preprocessing technique to identify this type of stem i
s described in
[Abramovici et ale 1984]. The resulting benefit is that wheneve
r such a stem is
reached by backtracing, it can be immediately identified as cr
itical without any
additional analysis.
Other techniques to speed up critical path tracing are presented
in [Abramovici et al.
Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits
<, CI

l' CO
Figure 5.32 Critical paths in the circuit of Figure 5.26 for the tes
t 111
Sometimes critical path tracing may not identify all the faults de
tected by a test. This
may occur in a test t that propagates the effect of a fa
ult on multiple paths that
reconverge at a gate without sensitive inputs in t. For examp
le, in Figure 5.33 the
effects of j s-a-O propagate on two paths and reach the rec
onvergence gate on
nonsensitive inputs. In this case critical path tracing would not r
each j. This situation
occurs seldom in practical circuits. In the following we shall sh
ow that even when it
does occur, its impact is negligible.
o - - - + - - - - - - - - ~ j
Figure 5.33
For test grading, it does not matter which test detects a fa
ult but whether the fault is
detected by any of the tests in the evaluated test set. Even i
f a fault is not correctly
recognized as detected in one test, it is likely that it will
be detected in other tests.
Eventually the only faults incorrectly flagged as not detected are t
hose that are detected
only by multiple-path sensitization with reconvergence at a gate
with nonsensitive
inputs. If this unlikely situation occurs, then the computed f
ault coverage will be
slightly pessimistic.
In the context of test generation, the function of critical
path tracing is to aid in the
selection of the next target fault (see Figure 5.3). Again, for the
overall process it does
not matter which test detects a fault but whether the fault
is detected by any of the
tests generated so far. The only adverse effect on the test
~ -neration process will
occur if critical path tracing incorrectly identifies a fault f as n
ot detected by any of the
currently generated tests and f is selected as the next targe
t fault. In this unlikely

situation the test generator will needlessly generate a test for t

he already detected fault
f. As we will show in the next chapter, usually f will be
detected by sensitizing a
single path, and then critical path tracing will mark f as detec
ted. If the test generator
has obtained a test for f, but f is not marked as detected by c
ritical path tracing, then
we directly mark the corresponding line as critical and restart criti
cal path tracing from
that line. Thus in practical terms there is no impact on the test
generation process.
Compared with conventional fault simulation, the distinctive featur
es of critical path
tracing are as follows:
It directly identifies the faults detected by a test, without s
imulating the set of all
possible faults. Hence the work involved in propagating the fa
ults that are not
detected by a test towards the primary outputs is avoided.
It deals with faults only implicitly. Therefore fault enumerati
on, fault collapsing,
fault partitioning (for multipass simulation), fault insertion, and
fault dropping are
no longer needed.
Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits 167
It is based on a path tracing algorithm that does not require
computing values in
the faulty circuits by gate evaluations or fault list processing.
It is an approximate method. The approximation seldom occurs and
results in not
marking as detected some faults that are actually detected by
the evaluated test.
We have shown that even if the approximation occurs, its imp
act on the
applications of critical path tracing is negligible.
Consequently, critical path tracing is faster and requires less memo
ry than conventional
fault simulation. Experimental results presented in [Abramovici et
al. 1984] show that
critical path tracing is faster than concurrent fault simulation.
Additional features of critical path tracing and their use in test g
eneration are described
in Chapter 6.
Antreich and Schulz [1987] developed a method that combines features s
imilar to those
used in critical path tracing with parallel-pattern evaluation.
5.4 Fault Sampling
The computational requirements (i.e., run-time and memory) of th
e general fault
simulation methods increase with the number of simulated faults.
Let M be the
number of (collapsed) SSFs in the analyzed circuit and let K be
the number of faults
detected by the evaluated test sequence T. Then the fault cover
age of T is F=K/M.
Fault sampling [Butler et al. 1974, Agrawal 1981, Wadsack 1984]
is a technique that
reduces the cost of fault simulation by simulating only a ra
ndom sample of m<M

Let k be the number of faults detected by T when simulating m fault
s. There exists an
obvious trade-off between the cost of fault simulation and the
accuracy of the
estimated fault coverage j=k/m. This trade-off is controlled by
the size m of the
sample. The problem is to determine a sample size m such that
we can be confident
(with a specified confidence level c) that the error in the
estimated fault coverage is
bounded by a given e max. In other words, we want to deter
mine m such that the
estimated fault coverage f belongs to the interval [F-emax,F+ema
x] with a
probability c.
Since the m faults in the sample are randomly selected, we can
regard the number of
detected faults k as a random variable. The probability that T wil
l detect k faults from
a random sample of size m, given that it detects K faults
from the entire set of M
faults, is
This is a hypergeometric distribution with mean
Ilk = m - =mF
and variance
2 K [ K] M-m
crk =m- 1 - - -- = mF(l-F)(l - mlM)
M M M-1
where crk denotes the standard deviation. For large M, this
distribution can be
approximated by a normal distribution with mean and standard dev
iation crk. Hence
the estimated fault coverage f can be considered to be a random va
riable with normal
distribution and mean
and variance
cr} = c r ~ / m 2 = - F(l-F)(l - mlM)
With a confidence level of 99.7 percent, we can claim that the estim
ated fault coverage
f is in the interval [F -3crf,F+3crt]. Therefore, it is almost
certain that the estimation
error is bounded by 3crt; i.e., the maximum error emax is given by
=3-VF(1-F)(1-ml M) II m
Maximum 0.04

0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1
Fault coverage F
Figure 5.34 The maximum error in the estimated fault coverage
To reduce significantly the cost of fault simulation, the sample s
ize m should be much
smaller than the total number of faults M. With m-e.M, we
can approximate
(l-mIM)=l. Then the error becomes independent of the total num
ber of faults M.
Figure 5.34 illustrates how e
depends on F for several values of m. Note that the
Fault Sampling 169
worst case occurs when the true fault coverage F is 50 percent
. This analysis shows
that a sample size of 1000 ensures that the estimation error is les
s than 0.05.
Fault sampling can provide an accurate estimate of the fault
coverage at a cost
substantially lower than that of simulating the entire set of
faults. However, no
information is available about the detection status of the fau
lts not included in the
sample; hence it may be difficult to improve the fault coverage.
5.5 Statistical Fault Analysis
Because exact fault simulation is an expensive computational pro
cess, approximate
fault simulation techniques have been developed with the goal of tr
ading off some loss
of accuracy in results for a substantial reduction in the co
mputational cost. In this
section we examine the principles used in STAFAN, a Statistica
l Fault Analysis
method which provides a low-cost alternative to exact fault si
mulation [Jain and
Agrawal 1985].
Like a conventional fault simulator, STAFAN includes a fault-free
simulation of the
analyzed circuit N for a test sequence T. STAFAN processes th
e results of the
fault-free simulation to estimate, for every SSF under consideration
, its probability of
being detected by T. The overall fault coverage is then esti
mated based on the
detection probabilities of the individual faults.
First assume that N is a combinational circuit. STAFAN treats
T as a set of n
independent random vectors. Let d
be the probability that a randomly selected vector
of T detects the fault f. Because the vectors are assumed independe
nt, the probability
of not detecting f with n vectors is (l-d

)n. Then the probability dJ that a set of n

vectors detects f is
Let <I> be the set of faults of interest. The expected numbe
r of faults detected by n
vectors is D
=1: dJ, and the corresponding expected fault coverage is Dnl I
<I> I
(which is also the average detection probability).
The basis for the above computations is given by the detection pr
obabilities d
. Let f
be the s-a-v fault on line I. To detect f, a vector must activate
f by setting I to value v
and must propagate the resulting fault effect to a primary output.
STAFAN processes
the results of the fault-free simulation to estimate separately
the probability of
activating f and the probability of propagating a fault effect from
I to a primary output.
These probabilities are defined as follows:
Cl (I), called the l-controllability of I, is the probability t
hat a randomly selected
vector of T sets line I to value 1. The U-controllability, CO(I
), is similarly defined
for value O.
0(1), called the observability of I, is the probability that a
randomly selected vector
of T propagates a fault effect from I to a primary output
(our treatment of
observabilities is slightly different from that in [Jain and Agrawal
STAFAN uses the simplifying assumption that activating the fault an
d propagating its
effects are independent events. Then the detection probabilities of t
he s-a-O and s-a-l
faults on I can be computed by Cl (1)0(1) and CO(I)O(I). (So
me pitfalls of the
independence assumption are discussed in [Savir 1983]).
To estimate controllabilities and observabilities, STAFAN counts diff
erent events that
occur during the fault-free simulation of n vectors. A O-count
and a i-count are
maintained for every line I; they are incremented, respectively, i
n every test in which I
has value 0 or 1. After simulating n vectors, the 0- and the
1- controllability of I are
computed as
CO(/) =
C 1(/) = i-count

An additional sensitization-count is maintained for every gate in

put I. This count is
incremented in every test in which I is a sensitive input of the gat
e (see Definition 5.2).
After simulating n vectors, the probability S(I) that a random
ly selected vector
propagates a fault effect from I to the gate output is computed as
S (I) = sensitization-count
The computation of observabilities starts by setting O(i)=l for ever
y primary output i.
Observabilities for the other lines are computed via a backward trav
ersal of the circuit,
in which 0(1) is computed based on the observability of its
immediate successor(s).
Let I be an input of a gate with output m. To propagate
a fault effect from I to a
primary output, we need to propagate it from I to m and from m
to a primary output.
Using the simplifying assumption that these two problems are indep
endent, we obtain
0(1) as
0(1) = S(I)O(m)
Now let I be a stem with k fanout branches 1
, /
, . ,l
(see Figure 5.35). Assume that
we have computed all the Otl.) values, and now we want to determin
e 0(1). Let L, (L)
denote the event whose probability is O( Ii) (0(1)), that is,
the propagation of a fault
effect from l, (I) to a primary output. Here we use two
more simplifying
assumptions: (1) the events {L
} are independent, and (2) the event L occurs if and
only if any subset of {L
} occurs. Then
L = uL
Because of reconvergent fanout, L may occur even when none o
f the L, events
happens, and the occurrence of a subset of {L
} does not guarantee that L will take
place. STAFAN treats the probability of uL
as an upper bound on the value of 0(1).
The lower bound is obtained by assuming that L can be caused
by the most probable
L-, Thus

Statistical Fault Analysis
Figure 5.35
For example, for k=2, P(L
)= 0(1
1)+0(12)-0(1 1)0(12
) . Based on these bounds,
STAFAN computes the observability of the stem 1by
l ~ i g i=1
where a is a constant in the range [0,1]. The lower bound f
or 0(1) is obtained with
a=O, and the upper bound corresponds to a=l. The experiments report
ed in [Jain and
Agrawal 1985] show that the results are insensitive to the value o
f a.
STAFAN applies the same computation rules to estimate detection pr
obabilities in a
sequential circuit (some additional techniques are used to handle fe
edback loops). This
results in more approximations, because both fault activation and err
or propagation are,
in general, achieved by sequences of related vectors, rather than by
single independent
vectors. In spite of its approximations, the fault coverage obta
ined by STAFAN was
found to be within 6 percent of that computed by a conventional
fault simulator [Jain
and Singer 1986].
Based on their detection probabilities computed by STAFAN, faults are
grouped in the
following three ranges:
the high range, containing faults with detection probabilities great
er than 0.9;
the low range, containing faults whose detection probabilities are
smaller than 0.1;
the middle range, grouping faults with detection probabilities betwe
en 0.1 and 0.9.
The faults in the high range are considered likely to be det
ected by the applied test;
those in the low range are assumed not detected, and no predictio
n is made about the
detectability of the. faults in the middle range. The results
for sequential circuits
reported in [Jain and Singer 1986] show that the accuracy of th
e predictions made by
STAFAN is as follows:
Between 91 and 98 percent of the faults in the high range are indee
d detected.
Between 78 and 98 percent of the faults in the low range are indeed

The middle range contains between 2 and 25 percent of the fau
lts (in most cases
less than 10 percent).
The results presented in [Huisman 1988] also show that lack o
f accuracy in fault
labeling is the main problem in applying STAFAN.
STAFAN requires the following additional operations to be perfor
med during a
fault-free simulation run. First, the O-count and the I-count of
every gate output, and
the sensitization-count of every gate input, must be updated in e
very vector. Second,
controllabilities, observabilities, and detection probabilities are
computed after
simulating a group of n vectors. Since n can be large, the compl
exity of STAFAN is
dominated by the first type of operations (updating counters);
their number is
proportional to Gn, where G is the gate count of the circuit.
5.6 Concluding Remarks
Fault simulation plays an important role in ensuring a high quality
for digital circuits.
Its high computational cost motivates new research in this area.
The main research
directions are hardware support, new algorithms, and the use of hiera
rchical models.
One way to use hardware support to speed up fault simulation
is by special-purpose
accelerators attached to a general-purpose host computer. The arch
itectures for fault
simulation are similar to those described in Chapter 3 for logic
simulation. Although
any hardware accelerator for logic simulation can be easily ad
apted for serial fault
simulation, the serial nature of this process precludes achieving
a significant speed-up.
Hardware and microprogrammed implementations of the concurrent alg
orithm (for
example, [Chan and Law 1986], [Stein et ale 1986]) obtain much bett
er performance.
Interconnected general-purpose processors can also provide support for f
ault simulation
by partitioning the set of faults among processors. Each processo
r executes the same
concurrent algorithm working only on a subset of faults. The
processors can be
parallel processors connected by a shared bus or independent proces
sors connected by
a network [Goel et ale 1986, Duba et ale 1988]. With prope
r fault-partitioning
procedures, the speed-up obtained grows almost linearly with the num
ber of processors
Two new algorithms have been developed for synchronous sequential
circuits using a
O-delay model. One is based on extending critical path tracing
[Menon et ale 1988].
The other, called differential fault simulation (DSIM), combines conce

pts of concurrent
simulation and single fault propagation [Cheng and Yu 1989]. DSIM si
mulates in tum
every faulty circuit, by keeping track of the differences between its
values and those of
the previously simulated circuit.
Hierarchical fault simulation [Rogers et ale 1987] relies on a hi
erarchical model of the
simulated circuit, whose components have both a functional model (a
C routine) and a
structural one (an interconnection of primitive elements). The s
imulator uses the
concurrent method and is able to switch between the functional
and the structural
models of components. Faults are inserted in the components mode
led at the lower
level. Efficiency is gained by using the higher-level models f
or fault-effect
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a. Show that a single-output combinational circuit has no independent f
b. Construct a circuit that has two independent faults.
c. Show that the number of primary outputs is a least uppe
r bound on the

number of independent faults.

5.2 Simulate the latch shown in Figure 5.36, assuming y = 0,
y = 1, and input
sequences S = 10 and R = 11. Use a simple event-directed unit
delay simulation
process with 0,1 logic states. Assume a parallel simulator with the f
ollowing faults.
Show the value of y and y for each time frame.
5.3 For the circuit and the fault set used in Example 5.1,
determine the faults
detected by the test 11010 by deductive simulation.
5.4 Flow chart the following procedures for processing a sequen
tial table structure
used to store fault lists:
S s-a-l
S s-a-O
y s-a-l
y s-a-O
bit position
Figure 5.36
a. set intersection assuming ordered lists;
b. set intersection assuming unordered lists.
Compare the complexity of these two procedures.
5.5 For the latch shown in Figure 5.36, assume y =0, y = 1, and S =
R = 1. Assume
the initial fault lists associated with lines y, y, Rand S are
, L
, and L
Let S
change to a O. Determine the new output fault lists in terms
of the given fault lists
produced by this input event. Also, include all s-a-faults associa
ted with this circuit.
5.6 Associate with each line a a list L&, called the one-list, wh
ere fault f E L& if and
only if line a in the circuit under faultf has the value 1. No
te that L& =La if line a
in the fault-free circuit has the value 0, and L& =La if the line h
as the value 1. Show
that for an AND (OR) gate with inputs a and b and output
c, L ~ =

~ n L1 u {c s-a-l} ( L ~ = L ~ u L1 u {c s-a-l}).
What are the major advantages
and disadvantages of carrying out fault analysis using L& rather than
5.7 Repeat the simulation carried out in Example 5.1 using the
concurrent method.
(Show the fault lists after simulating each vector.)
5.8 Consider the portion of a circuit shown in Figure 5.37, where
a = O.
... 0-------1
Figure 5.37 Simple circuit that oscillates for fault a s-a-1
Assume the initial conditions
La =L
U {all, L; =0, L; = 0,
where LA is an arbitrary fault list and b; fi. LA. Note that t
he fault a s-a-1 causes the
circuit to oscillate.
a. Determine the oscillatory values for the fault set Lb.
b. Simulate this same case using concurrent simulation.
c. Compare the complexity of these two simulation procedures for this
5.9 For the circuit in Figure 5.38, determine the faults detected
by the test 111 by
a. concurrent fault simulation (start with a collapsed set of faults)
b. critical path tracing.
Figure 5.38
5.10 Let i denote a primary input of a fanout-free circuit and
let Pi be the inversion
parity of the path between i and the primary output. Let vi be
the value applied to i in
a test t. Show that all primary inputs critical in t have the
same sum Vi C> Pi.
5.11 Discuss the extensions needed to allow critical path tracin
g to handle partially
specified vectors (i.e., any line may have value 0, 1 or x).

About This Chapter

In this chapter we examine test generation methods for SSFs.
In Chapter 4 we
discussed the wide applicability and the usefulness of the SSF
model. Many TG
methods dealing with other fault models extend the principles and
techniques used for
The TG process depends primarily on the type of testing experiment f
or which stimuli
are generated. This chapter is devoted to off-line, edge-pin, stor
ed-pattern testing with
full comparison of the output results. On-line testing and com
pact testing are
discussed in separate chapters.
6.1 Basic Issues
Test generation is a complex problem with many interacting asp
ects. The most
important are
the cost of TG;
the quality of the generated test;
the cost of applying the test.
The cost of TG depends on the complexity of the TG method. Random
TG (RTG) is a
simple process that involves only generation of random vectors. Howeve
r, to achieve a
high-quality test - measured, say, by the fault coverage of the
generated test - we
need a large set of random vectors. Even if TG itself is simpl
e, determining the test
quality - for example, by fault simulation - may be an expens
ive process.
Moreover, a longer test costs more to apply because it increases t
he time of the testing
experiment and the memory requirements of the tester. (Random v
ectors are often
generated on-line by hardware and used with compact testing, but i
n this chapter we
analyze their use only in the context of stored-pattern testin
g with full output
RTG generally works without taking into account the function or t
he structure of the
circuit to be tested. In contrast, deterministic TG produces tests
by processing a model
of the circuit. Compared to RTG, deterministic TG is more expensive,
but it produces
shorter and higher-quality tests. Deterministic TG can be manual or a
utomatic. In this
chapter we focus on automatic TG (ATG) methods.
Deterministic TG can be fault-oriented or fault-independent. In
a fault-oriented
process, tests are generated for specified faults of a fault
universe (defined by an
explicit fault model). Fault-independent TG works without targeting i
ndividual faults.
Of course, the TG cost also depends on the complexity of the
circuit to be tested.
Methods of reducing the complexity for testing purposes - referred
to as design for

testability techniques - form the subject of a separate chapter.

Figure 6.1 shows a general view of a deterministic TG system.
Tests are generated
based on a model of the circuit and a given fault model. The g
enerated tests include
both the stimuli to be applied and the expected response of the faul
t-free circuit. Some
TG systems also produce diagnostic data to be used for fault location
Figure 6.1 Deterministic test generation system
6.2 ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
In this section we consider only gate-level combinational circuits
composed of AND,
NAND, OR, NOR, and NOT gates.
6.2.1 Fault-Oriented ATG
Fanout-Free Circuits
We use fanout-free circuits only as a vehicle to introduce the m
ain concepts of ATG
for general circuits. The two fundamental steps in generating a t
est for a fault I s-a-v
are first, to activate (excite) the fault, and, second, to propagate
the resulting error to a
primary output (PO). Activating the fault means to set primary in
put (PI) values that
cause line I to have value v. This is an instance of the
line-justification problem,
which deals with finding an assignment of PI values that resu
lts in a desired value
setting on a specified line in the circuit. To keep track of erro
r propagation we must
consider values in both the fault-free circuit N and the faulty cir
cuit Nt defined by the
target fault f. For this we define composite logic values of the fo
rm v/Vt, where v and

Vt are values of the same signal in N and Nt. The compos

ite l o ~ c values that
represent errors - 1/0 and 0/1 - are denoted by the symbols D and
D [Roth 1966].
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 183
The other two composite values - % and 1/1 - are denoted by 0 a
nd 1. Any logic
operation between two composite values can be done by separate
fault-free and faulty values, then composing the results. For
example, D + 0 =
0/1 + % = 0+0/1+0 = 0/1 = D. To these four binary composite value
s we add a fifth
value (:9 to denote an unspecified composite value, that is,
any value in the set
{0,1,D,D}. In practice, logic operations using composite values ar
e defined by tables
(see Figure 6.2). It is
that D behaves
rules of
Boolean algebra, i.e., D+D = 1, D.D =0, D+D = D.D =D, D.D =D+D =D.
0/0 0
1/1 1
1/0 D
0/1 D
AND 0 1 D D x
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 D D x
D 0 D D 0 x
- - D 0 D 0 D x
x 0 x x x x
OR 0 1 D D x
0 0 1 D D x
1 1 1 1 1 1
D D 1 D 1 x
- - D D 1 1 D x
x x 1 x x x
Figure 6.2 Composite logic values and 5-valued operations
Figure 6.3 shows the structure of an algorithm for generating
a test for I s-a-v. It
initializes all values to x and it performs the two basic
steps, represented by the
routines Justify and Propagate.
set all values to x
Justify(l, v)
if v = 0 then PropC!Jate (I, D)
else Propagate (I, D)
Figure 6.3 Test generation for the fault I s-a-v in a fanout-free circ

Line justification (Figure 6.4) is a recursive process in which the value
of a gate output
is justified by values of the gate inputs, and so on, until
PIs are reached. Let us
consider a NAND gate with k inputs. There is only one way
to justify a 0 output
value, but to justify a 1 value we can select anyone of the 2
input combinations
that produce 1. The simplest way is to assign the value to
only one (arbitrarily
selected) input and to leave the others unspecified. This correspo
nds to selecting one
of the k primitive cubes of the gate in which the output is 1.

I -I )f----1
j ~ - I )Justify (I, val)
set I to val
if I is a PI then return
/* I is a gate (output) */
c =controlling value of I
i =inversion of I
inval =val@i
if (inval = C)
then for every input j of I
Justify (j, inval)
select one input (j) of I
Justify (j, inval)
Figure 6.4 Line justification in a fanout-free circuit
To propagate the error to the PO of the circuit, we need to se
nsitize the unique path
from I to the PO. Every gate on this path has exactly one input
sensitized to the fault.
According to Lemma 4.1, we should set all the other inputs of G t
o the noncontrolling
value of the gate. Thus we transform the error-propagation probl
em into a set of
line-justification problems (see Figure 6.5).
Example 6.1: Let us generate a test for the faultf s-a-O in the circ
uit of Figure 6.6(a).
The initial problems are Justify(f,I) and Propagate(f,D). Justify(
f,I) is solved by
a=b=l. Propagate(f,D) requires Justify(g,O) and Propagate(h,D). We
Justify(g,O) by selecting one input of g - say, c - and set
ting it to 0.
Propagate(h,D) leads to Justifyii.t), which results in e=O. Now t

he error reaches the

PO j. Figure 6.6(b) shows the resulting values. The generated test
is 110xO (d can be
arbitrarily assigned or 1). 0
It is important to observe that in a fanout-free circuit every
line-justification problem
can be solved independently of all the others, because the s
ets of PIs that are
eventually assigned to justify the required values are mutually disjoin
Circuits with Fanout
Now we consider the general case of circuits with fanout and
contrast it with the
fanout-free case. We must achieve the same two basic goals fault activation and
error propagation. Again, fault activation translates into a line-justi
fication problem. A
first difference caused by fanout is that now we may have several w
ays to propagate an
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 185
Propagate (I, e.!..r)
/* err is D or D */
set I to err
if I is PO then return
k =the fanout of I
c = controlling value of k
i =inversion of k
for every input j of k other than I
Justify (j, c)
Propagate (k, err@i)
Figure 6.5 Error propagation in a fanout-free circuit
Figure 6.6
error to a PO. But once we select a path, we again reduc
e the error-propagation
problem to a set of line-justification problems. The fundamental d
ifficulty caused by
(reconvergent) fanout is that, in general, the resulting line-ju
stification problems are
no longer independent.
Example 6.2: In the irredundant circuit of Figure 6.7 consider the f
ault G1 s-a-l. To

activate it we need to justify G1=0. Now we have a choice of

propagating the error
via a path through G
or through G
Suppose we decide to select the former, Then
we need to justify G
=1. The resulting set of problems - Justify(G
1) - cannot be solved simultaneously, because their two unique solu
a=b=c=1 and a=d=O, require contradictory values for a. This shows t
hat the decision
to propagate the error through Gs was wrong. Hence we have
to try an alternative
decision, namely propagate the error through G
This requires G
= 1, which is
eventually solved by c=1 and e=O. The resulting test is lllxO. D
Figure 6.7
This example shows the need to explore alternatives for error pr
opagation. Similarly,
we may have to try different choices for line justification.
Example 6.3: Consider the fault h s-a-l in the circuit of Figure
6.8. To activate this
fault we must set h=O. There is a unique path to propagate the er
ror, namely through p
and s. For this we need e=f=1 and q=r=l. The value q=1 can be
justified by 1=1 or
by k=l. First, let us try to set 1=1. This leads to c=d=
l. However, these two
assignments, together with the previously specified e=l, would imply
r=0, which leads
to an inconsistency. Therefore the decision to justify q=1 by 1=1
has been incorrect.

Hence we must choose the alternative decision k=l, which implies

a=b=l. Now the
only remaining line-justification problem is r=1. Either m=1 or n=1 lea
ds to consistent
solutions. D
We have seen that the search for a solution involves a decisio
n process. Whenever
there are several alternatives to justify a line or to propagate an
error, we choose one
of them to try. But in doing so we may select a decision that leads
to an inconsistency
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
a ------;
b ------4
Figure 6.8
(also termed contradiction or conflict). Therefore in our search
for a test we should
use a backtracking strategy that allows a systematic exploration
of the complete
space of possible solutions and recovery from incorrect decisions.
Recovery involves
restoring the state of the computation to the state existing before th
e incorrect decision.
Usually the assignments performed as a result of a decision uniquely d
etermine (imply)
other values. The process of computing these values and checki
ng for their
consistency with the previously determined ones is referred to
as implication.
Figure 6.9 shows the progression of value computation for Example 6.
3, distinguishing
between values resulting from decisions and those generated by
implication. The
initial implications follow from the unique solutions to the f
ault-activation and
error-propagation problems.
In most backtracking algorithms we must record all values assign
ed as a result of a
decision, to be able to erase them should the decision lead
to an inconsistency. In
Example 6.3 all values resulting from the decision 1=1 are eras
ed when backtracking
Figure 6.10 outlines a recursive scheme of a backtracking TG al
gorithm for a fault.
(This description is quite abstract, but more details will be
provided later.) The
original problems to be solved in generating a test for the fault
I s-a-v are to justify a
value von I and to propagate the error from I to a PO. The
basic idea is that if a
problem cannot be directly solved, we recursively transform it in
to subproblems and

try to solve these first. Solving a problem may result in SUCCESS o

First the algorithm deals with all the problems that have uni
que solutions and hence
can be solved by implication. These are processed by the procedure
Decisions Implications
h=D Initial implications
1=1 To justify q=1
r=0 Contradiction
k=1 a=1 To justify q=1
m=1 To justify r=1
Figure 6.9 Computations for Example 6.3
which also checks for consistency. The procedure Solve reports
FAILURE if the
consistency check fails. SUCCESS is reported when the desired
goal is achieved,
namely when an error has been propagated to a PO and all
the line-justification
problems have been solved. 'Even in a consistent state, the alg
orithm may determine
that no error can be further propagated to a PO; then there is no poi
nt in continuing the
search, and FAILURE is reported.
If Solve cannot immediately determine SUCCESS or FAILURE, then
it selects one
currently unsolved problem. This can be either a line-justificat
ion or an
error-propagation problem. At this point there are several alternative
ways to solve the
selected problem. The algorithm selects one of them and tries to so
lve the problem at
the next level of recursion. This process continues until a
solution is found or all
possible choices have failed. If the initial activation of Solve
fails, then the algorithm
has failed to generate a test for the specified fault.
The selection of an unsolved problem to work on and the selection
of an untried way
to solve it, can be - in principle - arbitrary. That is, if
the fault is detectable, we
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits

if Imply_and_check() =FAILURE then return FAILURE

if (error at PO and all lines are justified)
then return SUCCESS
if (no error can be propagated to a PO)
then return FAILURE
select an unsolved problem
select one untried way to solve it
if Solve() = SUCCESS then return SUCCESS
until all ways to solve it have been tried
return FAILURE
Figure 6.10 General outline of a TG algorithm
will generate a test for it independent of the order in which proble
ms and solutions are
attempted. However, the selection process may greatly affect the
efficiency of the
algorithm as well as the test vector generated. Selection crite
ria are discussed in
There are several fault-oriented TG algorithms whose structure is
similar to that of
Solve. In the following we first analyze concepts common to most
of them, then we
discuss specific algorithms in more detail. Common Concepts
Decision Tree
The execution of the backtracking TG algorithm can be visualized wi
th the aid of a
decision tree (see Figure 6.11). A decision node (shown as a circle)
denotes a problem
that the algorithm is attempting to solve. A branch leaving
a decision node
corresponds to a decision, i.e., trying one of the available alternat
ive ways to solve the
problem. A FAILURE terminal node of' the tree (shown as a squa
re labeled F)
indicates the detection of an inconsistency or encountering a state th
at precludes further
error propagation. A SUCCESS terminal node (shown as a square
labeled S)
represents finding a test. The execution of the algorithm can be tra
ced by a depth-first
traversal of the associated decision tree. For example, in Figure 6.
11(b), starting at the
decision node q=l, we first follow the branch 1=1 which reaches
an F terminal node.
Then we backtrack to the last decision node and take the other
branch (k=I), which
leads to a new decision node (r=I). Here the first decision
(m=l) reaches an S
terminal node.

Decision ,
4.2 "
Figure 6.11 Decision trees (a) General structure (b) Decision tree for
Example 6.3
Implicit Enumeration
An important property of the algorithm of Figure 6.10 is that it is
exhaustive, that is, it
is guaranteed to find a solution (test) if one exists. Thus
if the algorithm fails to
generate a test for a specified fault, then the fault is undetectab
Example 6.4: Let us try to generate a test for the fault
f s-a-O in the circuit of
Figure 6.12(a). To justify jel we first try b=O (see the decision tre
e in Figure 6. 12(b)).
But this implies e=l, which precludes error propagation through
gate h. Trying c=O
results in a similar failure. We can conclude that no test exists fo

r f s-a-O. D
The algorithm is guaranteed to find a test, if one exists,
because it can implicitly
enumerate all possible solutions. The concept of implicit enumer
ation is best
understood by contrasting it to explicit enumeration, which (in this
context) means to
repeatedly generate an input vector and to check whether it
detects the target fault.
Using implicit enumeration we direct the search toward vectors that
can satisfy the set
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
b=O c=O
Figure 6.12 TG failure for an undetectable fault (a) Circuit (b) Decisio
n tree
of constraints imposed by the set of lines whose values must
be simultaneously
justified. As the set of constraints grows during the execution of th
e algorithm, the set
of vectors that can satisfy them becomes smaller and smaller.
The advantage of
implicit enumeration is that it bounds the search space and begins
to do so early in the
search process.
Let us compare implicit and explicit enumeration for Example 6.4
. Using implicit
enumeration, we start by limiting the search to the set of
vectors that satisfy 1=1.
From this set, we first reject the subset of all vectors wit
h b=O. Then we reject the
subset of all vectors with c=O, and this concludes the searc
h. Using explicit
enumeration; we would generate and simulate all 2
input vectors.
Complexity Issues
Because of the exhaustive nature of the search process, the wors
t-case complexity of
the algorithm in Figure 6.10 is exponential; i.e., the number of oper
ations performed is
an exponential function of the number of gates in the circuit. The wor
st-case behavior
is characterized by many remade decisions; that is, much searchin
g is done before a
test is found or the target fault is recognized as undetectable.
To minimize the total
TG time, any practical TG algorithm is allowed to do only a limited
amount of search;
namely, the search is abandoned when the number of incorrect decisio
ns (or the CPU

time) reaches a specified limit. This may result in not gene

rating tests for some
detectable faults. The worst-case behavior has been observed mainly
for undetectable
faults [Cha et ale 1978].
The best-case behavior occurs when the result - generating a t
est or recognizing
redundancy - is obtained without backtracking. This means either
that the result is
found only by implications (then the decision tree degenerates to on
e terminal node),
or that only correct decisions are taken. Then the number of
operations is a linear
function of the number of gates. This is always the case for
fanout-free circuits and
for circuits without reconvergent fanout, because in these types o
f circuits no decision
can produce a conflict. (Furthermore in such circuits all faults are de
From analyzing the worst-case and the best-case behavior of the
algorithm we can
conclude that the key factor in controlling the complexity of ou
r TG algorithm is to
minimize the number of incorrect decisions. In Section we shall
discuss several
heuristic techniques that help in achieving this goal. Here we
introduce a simple
principle that helps in minimizing the number of incorrect decisi
ons by reducing the
number of problems that require decisions (in other words, the
algorithm will have
fewer opportunities to make a wrong choice). This is the max
imum implications
principle, which requires one always to perform as many implicat
ions as possible.
Clearly, by doing more implications, we either reduce the numbe
r of problems that
otherwise would need decisions, or we reach an inconsistency sooner.
Example 6.5: Consider the circuit in Figure 6.13 and assume that at
a certain stage in
the execution of the TG algorithm we have to justify /=0 and e=O.
Suppose that we
justify /=0 by c=O. If we do not determine all the implications of
this assignment, we
are left with the problems of justifying e=O and c=O. Both
problems are solved,
however, if we compute all implications. First c=O implies d=1. Th
is leaves only one
way to justify e=O, namely by b=O, which in tum justifies c=O. D
Figure 6.13
The D-Frontier
The D-frontier consists of all g a t e ~ whose output value
is currently x but have one or
more error signals (either D's or D's) on their inputs. Error
propagation consists of
selecting one gate from the D-frontier and assigning values to
the unspecified gate

inputs so that the gate output becomes D or D. This procedure

is also referred to as
the D-drive operation. If the D-frontier becomes empty during th
e execution of the
algorithm, then no error can be propagated to a PO. Thus an empty
D-frontier shows
that backtracking should occur.
The I-Frontier
To keep track of the currently unsolved line-justification problems, w
e use a set called
the .l-frontier, which consists of all gates whose output valu
e is known but is not
implied by its input values. Let c be the controlling value and
i be the inversion of a
gate on the Ffrontier. Then the output value is c@i, at leas
t two inputs must have
value x, and no input can have value c.
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 193
The Implication Process
The tasks of the implication process (represented by the routine
Imply_and_check in
Figure 6.10) are
Compute all values that can be uniquely determined by implication.
Check for consistency and assign values.
Maintain the D-frontier and the .l-frontier.
We can view the implication process as a modified zero-delay simul
ation procedure.
As in simulation, we start with some values to be assigned;
these assignments may
determine (imply) new values, and so on, until no more values
are generated. All
values to be assigned are processed via an assignment queue similar to
the event queue
used in simulation. Unlike simulation, where values only propagate
forward (toward
POs), here values may also propagate backward (toward PIs). An
entry in the
assignment queue has the form (I, v', direction), where v'is the va
lue to be assigned to
line I and direction E {backward, forward}. To generate a test
for the .fault I s-a-l,
the initial two entries in the assignment queue are (I, 0, backward)
and (I, D, forward).
Imply_and_check retrieves in tum every entry in the assignment queue.
The value v'
to be assigned to I is first checked for consistency with the
current value v of I (all
values are initialized to x). An inconsistency is detected if
wx and wv'. (An
exception is allowed for the faulty line, which gets a binary val
ue to be propagated
backward and an error value to be propagated forward.) A con
sistent value is
assigned, then it is further processed according to its direction.
Backward propagation of values is illustrated in Figure 6.14. The
right side of the
figure shows the effects of the assignments made on the left side.
An arrow next to a
logic value shows the direction in which that value propagates. The
assignment a=O in

Figure 6.14(c) causes a to be added to the I-frontier. Figure

6.14(d) shows how
backward propagation on a fanout branch may induce forward propaga
tion on other
fanout branches of the same stem.
Similarly, Figures 6.15 and 6.16 illustrate forward propagation
of values. Note in
Figure 6.15(d) how forward propagation on a gate input may in
duce backward
propagation on another input of the same gate.
If after all values have been propagated, the D-frontier contains o
nly one entry - say,
a - then the only way to propagate the error is through gate a. Fi
gure 6.17 illustrates
the implications resulting from this situation, referred to as unique Ddrive.
Global Implications
Let us consider the example in Figure 6.18(a). The D-frontier is
{d,e}, so we do not
have unique D-drive. We can observe, however, that no matter how
we will decide to
propagate the error (Le., through d or e or both), eventually w
e will reach a unique
D-drive situation, because the error must propagate through g. The
n we can make the
implications shown in Figure 6.18(b) [Akers 1976, Fujiwara and Shimono
While the implications previously described can be characterized
as local, as they
consist in propagating values from one line to its immediate
successors or
~ 1
~ o
.l-frontier ={ ... } .l-frontier = { ..., a }
Figure 6.14 Backward implications
predecessors, the implication illustrated in Figure 6.18 can be cha
racterized as global,
since it involves a larger area of the circuit and reconvergent fanout
Next we analyze other global implications used in the SOCRATES
system [Schulz
et al. 1988, Schulz and Auth 1989]. Consider the circuit in Figu
re 6.19. Assume that
F = 1 has just been assigned by backward propagation. No oth
er values can be
determined by local implications. But we can observe that, no matt
er how we decide
to justify F = 1 (by D = 1 or E =1), in either case we will imply B =
1. Thus we can
conclude that F = 1 implies B = 1. This implication is "learne
d" during the

preprocessing phase of SOCRATES by the following analysis. Simulating

B = 0, we
determine that it implies F = O. Then (F =0) implies (B =0),
that is, F = 1 implies
B = 1.
The type of learning illustrated above is called static, becau
se the implications
determined are valid independent of other values in the circui
t. SaCRATES also
performs dynamic learning to determine global implications enabled
by previously
assigned values. For example, in the circuit in Figure 6.20, F =0
implies B =0 when
A = 1 (because B = 1 implies F =1 when A =1).
Reversing Incorrect Decisions
Consider the problem of justifying a 0 on the output of an
AND gate with three
inputs - a, b, and c - all currently with value x (see Fig
ure 6.21). Let us assume
that the first decision - a=O - has been proven incorrect. Thi
s shows that,
independent of the values of b and c, a cannot be O. Therefore,
we can conclude that
a must be 1. Then before we try the next decision - b=O we should set a=1
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
o ~
o~ J-frontier ={..., a}
1~ J-frontier ={..., a}
D ~ D-frontier ={... , a}
1 ~
D ~ D-frontier = { ..., a}
O ~
~ J-frontier = { ...} (c)
o Lfrontier = { ...}
~ O
D ~ D-frontier = { ...}
~ (f)
Figure 6.15 Forward implications (binary values)
(rather than leave a=x) and process a=1 as an implication. Simila
rly, if the decision
b=O fails as well, we should set both a=1 and b=1 before tryin
g c=O. The benefit of
this technique of reversing incorrect decisions [Cha et ale 1978]
is an increase in the
number of implications.
Error-Propagation Look-Ahead
Consider the circuit and the values shown in Figure 6.22. The
D-frontier is {a,b}.
We can observe that, independent of the way we may try to
propagate the errors,

eventually the D-frontier will become empty, as Ds cannot be dri

ven through e or f
This future state can be identified by checking the following ne
cessary condition for
successful error propagation.
Let an x-path denote a path all of whose lines have value x. L
et G be a gate on the
D-frontier. The error(s) on the input(s) of G can propagate to
a PO Z only if there
exists at least one x-path between G and Z [Goel 1981].
Clearly, none of the gates on the D-frontier in Figure 6.22 satisfies
this condition. The
benefit of identifying this situation is that we can avoid all the d
ecisions that are bound
Before After
D-frontier = { ...}
D D-frontier ={..., a}
D-frontier ={... , a}
D-frontier ={...}
D-frontier ={... , a}
D-frontier ={...}
Figure 6.16 Forward implications (error values)
Before After
D-frontier ={a}
Figure 6.17 Unique D-drive
eventually to fail and their associated backtracking. Thus by u
sing this look-ahead
technique we may prune the decision tree by recognizing states from w
hich any further
decision will lead to a failure. Algorithms
Many of the concepts presented in the previous section are common t
o a class of TG
algorithms generally referred to as path-sensitization algorithms.
In this section we
discuss specific algorithms of this class.
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
Before After
a -----I
(a) (b)
Figure 6.18 Future unique D-drive

Figure 6.19 Global implication: F = 1 implies B = 1
Figure 6.20 Global implication: F = 0 implies B = 0 when A = 1
The D-Algorithm
Figure 6.23 presents our version of the classical D-algorithm [
Roth 1966,
Roth et ale 1967]. It follows the general outline shown in Figure
6.10. For the sake of
a = 1
b =1
... c =0
Figure 6.21 Reversing incorrect decisions
Figure 6.22 The need for look-ahead in error propagation
simplicity, we assume that error propagation is always given priori
ty over justification
problems; however, this assumption is not essential (see Section 6.2.1
The term "assign" should be understood as "add the value to
be assigned to the
assignment queue" rather than an immediate assignment. Recall th
at all the
assignments are made and further processed by Imply_and_check.
A characteristic feature of the D-algorithm is its ability to propag
ate errors on several
reconvergent paths. This feature, referred to as multiple-path sensi
tization, is required
to detect certain faults that otherwise (i.e., sensitizing only a
single path) would not be
detected [Schneider 1967].
Example 6.6: Let us apply the D-algorithm for the circuit and
the fault shown in

Figure 6.24(a). Figure 6.24(b) traces the value computation and Figure
6.24(c) depicts
the decision tree. The content of a decision node correspondin
g to an error
propagation problem shows the associated D-frontier. A branch emanatin
g from such
a decision node shows the decision taken, that is, the gate sel
ected from the D-frontier
for error propagation. (Remember that when backtracking occurs,
the D-frontier
should be restored to its state before the incorrect decision.
) Note how the
D-algorithm first tried to propagate the error solely through i, th
en through both i and
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
if Imply_and_check() = FAILURE then return FAILURE
if (error not at PO) then
if D-frontier =0 then return FAILURE
select an untried gate (G) from D-frontier
c =controlling value of G
assign c to every input of G with value x
if D-alg() = SUCCESS then return SUCCESS
until all gates from D-frontier have been tried
return FAILURE
1* error propagated to a PO *I
ifI-frontier =0 then return SUCCESS
select a gate (G) from the .l-frontier
c = controlling value of G
select an input (j) of G with value x
assign c to j
if D-alg() = SUCCESS then return SUCCESS
assign cto j 1* reverse decision *1
until all inputs of G are specified
return FAILURE
Figure 6.23 The D-algorithm
k, and eventually succeeded when all three paths from g (through
i, k, and m) were
simultaneously sensitized. 0
The 9-V Algorithm
The 9-V algorithm [Cha et ale 1978] is similar to the D-alg
orithm. Its main
distinguishing feature is the use of nine values [Muth 1976]. I
n addition to the five
composite values of the D-algorithm, the 9-V algorithm employs
four partially
specified composite values. The x value of 'the D-algorithm is totally
unspecified, that
is, neither v nor VI is known. For a partially specified composit

e value v IvI' either v

is binary and VI is unknown (u) or vice versa. For example,
llu represents both 1/0
and Ill. This means that l/u can be either D or 1. Figure 6
.25 shows the partially
Figure 6.24
specified composite values and the sets of completely specified compos
represent. The totally unspecified value x is u/u and represents the
set {0,1,D,D}.
A logic operation between two composite values can be carried
out by separately
processing the good and the faulty circuit values, and then composin
g the results. For
example D.x = 1/0 . u/u = (l.u)/(O.u) = ufO. (In practice, logic
operations using the
nine composite values are defined by tables.) Note that using on
ly the five values of
the D-algorithm the result of D.x is x. The 9-valued system provides mo
re information
as D.x = ufO shows that the result is 0 or D.
When the 9-V algorithm tries to drive a D through a gate G with
controlling value c,
the value it assigns to the un!pecified inputs of G correspon
ds to the set {c,Q}.
Similarly, the
of a D is enabled by v
alues corresponding to the set {c,D}.
For example, to drive a D through an AND gate, the unspecified in
puts are assigned a
u/I value (which is I or D), and it is the
of th
e implication process to determine
whether this value eventually becomes 1 or D. A partially specifie
d composite value
u/b or btu (where b is binary) assigned to a PI is immedia
tely transformed to bib,
because the PI cannot propagate fault effects. The benefit of the
flexibility provided by
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
Decisions Implications
a=O Activate the fault
b=1 Unique D-drive through g
d=1 Propagate through i
j=1 Propagate through n

k=D Contradiction
e=1 Propagate through k
1=1 Propagate through n
I=!.m=D Contradiction
Propagate through m
Figure 6.24 (Continued)
the partially specified composite values is that it reduces the amount
of search done for
multiple path sensitization.
Example 6.7: Let us redo the problem from Example 6.6 using the
9-V algorithm.
Figure 6.26(a) traces the value computation and Figure 6.26(b) s
hows the
corresponding decision tree. Now the same test is generated without bac
ktracking. D
Figure 6.24 (Continued)
Olu {O,D}
llu {D,l}
ulO {O,D}
ull {D,l}
Figure 6.25 Partially specified composite values
The main difference between the D-algorithm and 9-V algorithm can be su
mmarized as
follows. Whenever there are k possible paths for error propagati

on, the D-algorithm

may eventually try all the 2
combinations of paths. The 9-V algorithm tries only
one path at a time, but without precluding simultaneous error prop
agation on the other
k-l paths. This is made possible by the partially specified
composite values that
denote potential error propagation. Thus in a situation where
the D-algorithm may
enumerate up to 2
combinations of paths, the 9-V algorithm will enumerate at most
k ways of error propagation.
Single-Path Sensitization
Experience has shown that faults whose detection is possible only
with multiple-path
sensitization are rare in practical circuits (see, for example,
the results presented in
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 203
Decisions Implications
a=O Activate the fault
b=1 Unique D-drive through g
d=1 Propagate through i
l=u/l Propagate through n
Figure 6.26 Execution trace of the 9-V algorithm on the problem of
Example 6.6
[Cha et ale 1978]). To reduce computation time, TG algorithms are
often restricted to
single-path sensitization.
To restrict the D-algorithm (Figure 6.23) to single-path sensitiza
tion, it should be
modified as follows. After we select a gate !rom the D-frontier

and propagate an
error to its output, we consider only that D or D for further pro
pagation and ignore the
other gates from the D-frontier. In this way we force the algorithm
to propagate errors
only on single paths.
The goal of any (fault-oriented) TG algorithm is to find a test for
a specified fault, that
is, an input vector that detects the fault. Although the test
belongs to the space of all
input vectors, the search process of the algorithms discussed s
o far takes place in a
different space. A decision in this search process consists of
selecting either a gate
from the D-frontier or a way of justifying the value of a
gate from the I-frontier.
These decisions are eventually mapped into PI values, but the
search process is an
indirect one.
PODEM (Path-Oriented Decision Making) [Goel 1981] is a TG algorithm
by a direct search process, in which decisions consist only
of PI assignments. We
have seen that the problems of fault activation and error pro
pagation lead to sets of
line-justification problems. PODEM treats a value Vk to be justifi
ed for line k as an
objective (k,Vk) to be achieved via PI assignments [Snethen 197
7]. A backtracing
procedure (Figure 6.27) maps a desired objective into a PI assignm
ent that is likely to
contribute to achieving the objective. Let (j, Vj) be the PI
assignment returned by
Backtrace (k, Vk), and let p be the inversion parity of the
path followed from k to j.
All lines on this path have value x, and the value Vj to be
assigned and the objective
value Vk satisfy the relation Vk =Vj@p. Note that no values
are assigned during
backtracing. Values are assigned only by simulating PI assignments.
Backtrace (k, Vk)
/* map objective into PI assignment */
while k is a gate output
i = inversion of k
select an input (j) of k with value x
/* k is a PI */
return (k,v)
Figure 6.27 Backtracing of an objective
Example 6.8: Consider the circuit shown in Figure 6.28 and the
objective (/,1).
Assume that Backtrace(f,I) follows the path (f,d,b) and returns

(b,I). Simulating the

assignment b=1 does not achieve the objective (/,1). Executing
again Backtrace(f,I)
results in following the path (f,d,c,a) and leads to (a,O).
Now simulating the
assignment a=O achieves f=1. 0
Objectives are selected (see Figure 6.29) so that first the target
fault is activated; then
the resulting error is propagated towards a PO.
Figure 6.30 outlines the overall structure of PODEM. It uses th
e same five values 0, 1, x, D, and D - as the D-algorithm. Initially all values
are x. Non-x values are
generated only by simulating PI assignments. This 5-valued simulation
is the task of
the routine Imply, which also creates the initial D or i5 when the
fault is activated, and
maintains the D-frontier. At every level of recursion, PODEM st
arts by analyzing
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
Figure 6.28
/* the target fault is I s-a- v */
if (the value of I is x) then return (/,V)
select a gate (G) from the D-frontier
select an input (j) of G with value x
c = controlling value of G
return (j,C)
Figure 6.29 Selecting an objective
values previously established, with the goal of iden!!fying a SUCCES
state. SUCCESS is returned if a PO has a D or D value, denotin
g that an error has
been propagated to a PO. FAILURE is returned if the current
values show that
generating a test is no longer possible. This occurs when ei
ther of the following
conditions applies:
The target fault I s-a-v cannot be activated, since line I has va
lue v.
No error can be propagated to a PO, either because the D
-frontier is empty or
because the error propagation look-ahead shows that it will become em
If PODEM cannot immediately determine SUCCESS or FAILURE, it ge
nerates an
objective (k,Vk) that is mapped by backtracing into a PI assignme
nt. The assignment
j=Vj is then simulated by Imply and a new level of recursion is
entered. If this fails,
PODEM backtracks by reversing the decision j=Vj to j=Vj. If this

also fails, then j is

set to x and PODEM returns FAILURE.
The selection of a gate from the D-frontier (done in Objective) and
the selection of an
unspecified gate input (done in Objective and in Backtrace) ca
n be, in principle,
arbitrary. Selection criteria that tend to increase the efficienc
y of the algorithm are
discussed in Section
if (error at PO) then return SUCCESS
if (test not possible) then return FAILURE
(k,Vk) =Objective()
(j,Vj) = Backtrace(k, Vk) /* j is a PI */
Imply (j,Vj)
if PODEM() = SUCCESS then return SUCCESS
/* reverse decision */
Imply (j,Vj)
if PODEM() =SUCCESS then return SUCCESS
Imply (j,x)
return FAILURE
Figure 6.30 PODEM
Example 6.9: Let us apply PODEM to the problem from Example
Figure 6.31(a) traces a possible execution of PODEM, showing the
objectives, the PI
assignments determined by backtracing objectives, the implications
generated by
simulating PI assignments, and the corresponding D-frontier. Note tha
t the assignment
e=O causes the PO n to have a binary value, which makes the
x-path check fail; this
shows that generating a test for the target fault is no lo
nger possible and leads to
backtracking by reversing the incorrect decision. Also note that
PODEM handles
multiple-path sensitization without any special processing. 0
Since a decision in PODEM is choosing a value VjE{0,1} to be assi
gned to the PI j,
the decision tree of PODEM is a binary tree in which a node co
rresponds to a PI j to
be assigned and a branch emanating from the node j is labeled with
the selected value
"t: Figure 6.31(b) shows the decision tree for Example 6.9.
As illustrated by the structure of its decision tree, the PODEM sea
rch process is based
on direct implicit enumeration of the possible input vectors. A
s in the D-algorithm,
the search is exhaustive, such that FAILURE is eventually return
ed only if no test
exists for the target fault (see Problem 6.12). (In practice,
the amount of search is
bounded by user-imposed limits.)
PODEM differs from the TG algorithms patterned after the schem
a given in
Figure 6.10 in several aspects. In PODEM, values are computed
only by forward

implication of PI assignments. Consequently, the computed values

are always
self-consistent and all values are justified. Therefore, PODEM does no
t need
consistency check, as conflicts can never occur;
the I-frontier, since there are no values that require justificatio
backward implication, because values are propagated only forward.
ATO for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
Objective PI Assignment Implications D-frontier
a=O a=O h=1 g
b=1 b=1 g
c=1 c=1 g=D i.k.m
d=1 d=1 d'=O
i=D k,m,n
k=1 e=O e'=1
n=1 m x-path check fails
e=1 e'=O reversal
n=x m.n
1=1 1=1
Figure 6.31 Execution trace of PODEM on the problem of Example 6.6
Another important consequence of the direct search process is that it
allows PODEM
to use a simplified backtracking mechanism. Recall that backtrac
king involves
restoring the state of computation to that existing before an incor
rect decision. In the
TO algorithms previously described, state saving and restoring i
s an explicit (and
time-consuming) process. In PODEM, since the state depends only
on PI values and
any decision deals only with the value of one PI, any chan
ge in state is easily
computed by propagating a new PI value. Thus backtracking is i
mplicitly done by
simulation rather than by an explicit save/restore process.
Because of these advantages, PODEM is much simpler than other TG
algorithms, and
this simplicity is a key factor contributing to its success
in practice. Experimental

results presented in [Goel 1981] show that PODEM is generally

faster than the
D-algorithm. PODEM is the core of a TG system [Goel and Ro
sales 1981]
successfully used to generate tests for large circuits.
The FAN (Fanout-Oriented TG) algorithm [Fujiwara and Shimono 1983]
two major extensions to the backtracing concept of PODEM:
Rather than stopping at PIs, backtracing in FAN may stop at internal
Rather than trying to satisfy one objective, FAN uses a mu
procedure that attempts to simultaneously satisfy a set of objectives
The internal lines where FAN stops backtracing are defined as follo
ws. A line that is
reachable from (i.e., directly or indirectly fed by) at least one
stem is said to be bound.
A line that is not bound is said to be free. A head line is a f
ree line that directly feeds
a bound line. For example, in the circuit of Figure 6.32, A,
B, C, E, F, G, H, and 1
are free lines, K, L, and M are bound lines, and Hand 1 are
head lines. Since the
subcircuit feeding a head line 1 is fanout-free, a value of 1
can be justified without
contradicting any other value previously assigned in the circuit. Th
us backtracing can
stop at l, and the problem of justifying the value of 1 can
be postponed for the last
stage of the TG algorithm. The following example illustrates how thi
s technique may
simplify the search process.
Figure 6.32 Example of head lines
bound lines
Example 6.10: For the circuit of Figure 6.32, suppose that at
some point in the
execution of PODEM, we want to set 1=0. Moreover, we assume
that with the PI
assignments previously made, setting 1=0 causes the Ir-frontier to
become empty and
hence leads to a FAILURE state. Figure 6.33(a) shows the porti
on of the PODEM
decision tree corresponding to this failing search. Since 1 is a head l
ine, backtracing in
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 209
FAN stops at J and the assignment J=O is tried before any attem
pt is made to justify
J=O. This leads to the reduced decision tree in Figure 6.33(b). 0

Figure 6.33 Decision trees (a) For PODEM (backtracing to PIs) (b) F
or FAN
(backtracing to head lines)
Recall that the fault-activation and the error-propagation problems
map into a set of
line-justification problems. In PODEM, each one of these problems
becomes in tum
an objective that is individually backtraced. But a PI assignm
ent satisfying one
objective may preclude achieving another one, and this leads t
o backtracking. To
minimize this search, the multiple backtrace procedure of FAN
(Mbacktrace in
Figure 6.34) starts with a set of objectives (Current_objectives)
and it determines an
assignment k=Vk that is likely either to contribute to achieving a
subset of the original
objectives or to show that some subset of the original objec
tives cannot be
simultaneously achieved.
The latter situation may occur only when different objectives
are backtraced to the
same stem with conflicting values at its fanout branches (see F
igure 6.35). To detect
this, Mbacktrace stops backtracing when a stem is reached and
keeps track of the
number of times a O-value and a l-value have been requested on the ste
Mbacktrace processes in tum every current objective until the set
Current_objectives is
exhausted. Objectives generated for head lines reached during this
process are stored
in the set Head_objectives. Similarly, the set Stem_objectives store
s the stems reached
by backtracing. After all current objectives have been traced, t
he highest-level stem
from Stem_objectives is analyzed. Selecting the highest-level stem
guarantees that all
the objectives that could depend on this stem have been backtraced.
If the stem k has
been reached with conflicting values (and if k cannot propagate the
effect of the target
fault), then Mbacktrace returns the objective (k, Vk), where V
k is the most requested
value for k. Otherwise the backtracing is restarted from k. I
f no stems have been
reached, then Mbacktrace returns an entry from the set Head_objectiv
Mbacktrace (Current_objectives)
remove one entry (k,Vk) from Current_objectives
if k is a head line
then add (k,Vk) to Head_objectives
else if k is a fanout branch then

j = stem(k)
increment number of requests at j for Vk
add j to Stem_objectives
else /* continue tracing */
i = inversion of k
c =controlling value of k
if (vk()i = c) then
select an input (j) of k with value x
add (j,c) to Current_objectives
for every input (j) of k with value x
add (j,CJ to Current_objectives
until Current_objectives = 0
if Stem_objectives "* 0 then
remove the highest-level stem (k) from Stem_objectives
Vk =most requested value of k
if (k has contradictory requirements and
k is not reachable from target fault)
then return (k,Vk)
add (k,Vk) to Current_objectives
return Mbacktrace (Current_objectives)
remove one objective (k,vk) from Head_objectives
return (k,Vk)
Figure 6.34 Multiple backtrace
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
Figure 6.35 Multiple backtrace generating conflicting values on a stem
Example 6.11: Consider the circuit in Figure 6.36(a). Figure 6.36
(b) illustrates the
execution of Mbacktrace, starting with (/,1) and (J,O) as current
objectives. After all
the current objectives are exhausted for the first time, Stems_object
ives ={A,E}. Since
the highest-level stem (E) has no conflicting requirements, backtraci
ng is restarted from
E. Next time when Current_objectives = 0, stem A is selected for
analysis. Because
A has been reached with I-value from Ai and with O-value fro
m A2, Mbacktrace
returns (A,v), where v can be either 0 or 1 (both values ha
ve been requested only
once). 0
Figure 6.37 outlines a recursive version of FAN. Its implication
process (denoted by
Imply_and_check) is the same as the one described in Section Unlike
PODEM, implication propagates values both forward and backward; hen
ce unjustified

values may exist. FAN recognizes SUCCESS when an error has been p
ropagated to a
PO and all the bound lines have been justified. Then it just
ifies any assigned head
line; recall that this justification process cannot cause conflicts.
If FAN cannot immediately identify a SUCCESS or a FAILURE state, it
marks all the
unjustified values of bound lines as current objectives, together w
ith the values needed
for the D-drive operation through one gate from the D-frontier. From
these objectives,
Mbacktrace determines an assignment for a stem or a head line to
be tried next. The
decision process is similar to the one used in PODEM. Experimental
results presented
in [Fujiwara and Shimono 1983] show that FAN is more efficient
than PODEM. Its
increased speed is primarily caused by a significant reduction in backtr
Other Algorithms
Next we will discuss other TG algorithms which extend the concep
t of head lines by
identifying higher-level lines whose values can be justified without
conflicts and using
them to stop the backtracing process.
A total-reconvergence line used in the TOPS (Topological Search) algo
rithm [Kirkland
and Mercer 1987] is the output I of a subcircuit C such that all
paths between any line
in C and any PO go through I (see Figure 6.38). In other
words, cutting I would

Current_objectives entry Stem_objectives Head_objectives
(/,1 ),(J,O) (/,1)
(J,O),(G,O) (J,O)
(G,0),(H,1) (G,O)
(H,1),(A1 ,1),(E1,1) (H,1)
(A1 ,1),(E1,1),(E2,1),(C,1) (A1,1) A
(E1,1),(E2,1),(C,1) (E1,1) A,E
(E2,1),(C,1) (E2,1) A,E
(C,l) (C,1) A,E C
0 A C
(E,1) (E,1) A C
(A2,O) (A2,0) A C
0 A C
Figure 6.36 Example of multiple backtrace
isolate C from the rest of the circuit. Clearly, a head line sa
tisfies the definition of a
total-reconvergence line; then C is a fanout-free subcircuit. However,
the subcircuit C
bounded by a total-reconvergence line may have fanout, but all
such fanout must
reconverge before I. Assuming that the function implemented by C is

not a constant (0
or 1), any value assigned to I can be justified without co
nflicts with other values
already assigned in the circuit. Thus the justification of a totalreconvergence line can
be postponed in the same way as the justification of a hea
d line. (Note that the
justification of a total-reconvergence line may require backtracking).
Both the head lines and the total-reconvergence lines are foun
d by a topological
analysis of the circuit. A backtrace-stop line used in the F
AST (Fault-oriented
Algorithm for Sensitized-path Testing) algorithm [Abramovici et al.
1986a] represents
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
if Imply_and_check() = FAILURE then return FAILURE
if (error at PO and all bound lines are justified) then
justify all unjustified head lines
return SUCCESS
if (error not at PO and D-frontier =0) then return FAILURE
/* initialize objectives */
add every unjustified bound line to Current_objectives
select one gate (G) from the D-frontier
c =controlling value of G
for every input (j) of G with value x
add (j,C) to Current._objectives
/* multiple backtrace */
(i,Vi) =Mbacktrace(Current_objectives)
Assign(i, Vi)
if FAN() =SUCCESS then return SUCCESS
Assign(i, Vi) /* reverse decision */
if FAN() =SUCCESS then return SUCCESS
return FAILURE
Figure 6.37 FAN
another generalization of the head-line concept, based on an a
nalysis that is both
topological and functional. In FAST, a line I is a backtracestop for value v, if the
assignment I =v can be justified without conflicts. For example, in
Figure 6.39, L is a
backtrace-stop for 0, because L = 0 can be justified without assig
ning any line with
reconvergent fanout (by F = 0 and A = B = 1). Note that L is
fed by reconvergent
fanout, and it is not a total-reconvergence line. The identifi
cation of backtrace-stop
lines will be explained in the next section. Selection Criteria
The search process of any of the TG algorithms analyzed in
this chapter involves
decisions. A first type of decision is to select one of the s
everal unsolved problems
existing at a certain stage in the execution of the algorithm. A s

econd type is to select

one possible way to solve the selected problem. In this sectio
n we discuss selection
criteria that are helpful in speeding up the search process. These
selection criteria are
based on the following principles:
Figure 6.38 Total-reconvergence line
Figure 6.39
1. Among different unsolved problems, first attack the most diffi
cult one (to avoid
the useless time spent in solving the easier problems when a h
arder one cannot
be solved).
2. Among different solutions of a problem, first try the easiest one.
Selection criteria differ mainly by the cost functions they use t
o measure "difficulty."
Typically, cost functions are of two types:
controllability measures, which indicate the relative difficulty of
setting a line to a
observability measures, which indicate the relative difficulty of pro
pagating an error
from a line to a PO.
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 215
Controllability measures can be used both to select the most diffi
cult line-justification
problem (say, setting gate G to value v), and then to select
among the unspecified
inputs of G the one that is the easiest to set to the c
ontrolling value of the gate.
Observability measures can be used to select the gate from the D-fro
ntier whose input
error is the easiest to observe. Note that the cost function
s should provide only
relative measures. (Controllability and observability measures have al
so been used to
compute "testability" measures, with the goal of estimating the diffi
culty of generating
tests for specific faults or for the entire circuit [Agrawal
and Mercer 1982]. Our goal
here is different; namely we are looking for measures to guide the
decision process of
a TG algorithm.)
Controllability measures can also be used to guide the backtracing pro
cess of PODEM.
Consider the selection of the gate input in the procedure Ba
cktrace (Figure 6.27).
While this selection can be arbitrary, according to the two p

rinciples stated above it

should be based on the value v needed at the gate input. I
f v is the controlling
(noncontrolling) value of the gate, then we select the input
that is the easiest (most
difficult) to set to v.
Of course, the savings realized by using cost functions should be gr
eater than the effort
required to compute them. In general, cost functions are static,
i.e., they are computed
by a preprocessing step and are not modified during TG.
Distance-Based. Cost Functions
Any cost function should show that PIs are the easiest to c
ontrol and POs are the
easiest to observe. Taking a simplistic view, we can consider
that the difficulty of
controlling a line increases with its distance from PIs, and the di
fficulty of observing a
line increases with its distance from POSe Thus we can measure the
controllability of a
line by its level, and its observability by its minimum distance
from a PO. Although
these measures are crude, it is encouraging to observe that using
them still gives better
results than not using any cost functions (i.e., taking random cho
Recursive Cost Functions
The main drawback of the distance-based cost functions is that
they do not take the
logic into account. In this section we present more complex cost f
unctions that do not
suffer from this shortcoming [Rutman 1972, Breuer 1978, Goldstein 19
First we discuss controllability measures. For every signal I we
want to compute two
cost functions, CO(I) and Cl(I), to reflect, respectively, the rel
ative difficulty of setting
I to 0 and 1. Consider an AND gate (see Figure 6.40) and assume
that we know the
CO and Cl costs for every input. What can we say about the co
sts of the setting the
output? To set the output X to 0 it is enough to set any inp
ut to 0, so we can select
the easiest one. Thus:
CO(X) =min{CO(A),CO(B),CO(C)} (6.1)
To set X to 1, we must simultaneously set all its inputs
to 1. If A, B, and Care
independent (i.e., they do not depend on common PIs), then setting
X to 1 is the union
of three disjoint problems, so we can add the three separate costs:
Cl(X) =Cl(A)+Cl(B)+Cl(C) (6.2)
~ I )1--Figure 6.40
This formula may lead to less accurate results if applied whe
n inputs of X are not

independent because of reconvergent fanout. In Figure 6.41(a), Band

C are identical
signals for which the cost of controlling them simultaneously sh
ould be the same as
the cost of controlling each one of them. In Figure 6.41(b),
Band Care
complementary signals that can never be simultaneously set to the
same value, so the
correct value of Cl(X) should show that setting X=1 is impossible.
Figure 6.41
Nevertheless, to keep the computation of costs a simple proces
s, we will use the
simplifying assumption that costs of simultaneous line-setting pro
blems are additive,
and later we will try to compensate for potential inaccuracies by i
ntroducing correction
Recursive formulas similar to (6.1) and (6.2) can be easily developed
for other types of
gates. The computation of controllability costs proceeds level by
level. First CO and
Cl of every PI are set to 1. Then CO and Cl are computed for
every gate at level 1,
then for every gate at level 2, and so on. In this way the cos
ts of a line are computed
only after the costs of its predecessors are known. Thus con
trollability costs are
determined in one forward traversal of the circuit, and the alg
orithm is linear in the
number of gates in the circuit.
Now let us discuss an observability measure 0(1) that reflects
the relative difficulty of
propagating an error from 1to a PO. Consider again the AND gate i
n Figure 6.40 and
assume that we know O(X). What can we say about the cost of obs
erving the input A?
To propagate an error from A we must set both Band C to 1 (this p
ropagates the error
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 217
from A to X), and then we must propagate the error from X to
a PO. If these three
problems are independent, then
O(A) =Cl(B)+Cl(C)+O(X) (6.3)
Applying formula (6.3) when the problems of setting B to 1, of set
ting C to 1, and of
propagating the error from X to a PO are not independent leads
to erroneous results
(see Problem 6.14). Again, to keep the computation simple, we
will use the
simplifying assumption that problems are independent.
Now let us consider the problem of determining the observability of a
stem X, knowing
the observability of its fanout branches Xl , X2, and X3. To propagat
e an error from X,
we may choose any path starting at Xl, X2, or X3. With the

simplifying assumption
that single-path propagation is possible, we can select the most obse
rvable path. Then
(X) =min{O(Xl),O(X2),O (X3)} (6.4)
The computation of observability costs starts by setting the co
st of every PO to O.
Then the circuit is traversed backward, applying formulas similar
to (6.3) and (6.4)
where appropriate. Now the cost of a line is computed only aft
er the costs of all its
successors are known. Note that computation of observability cos
ts assumes that
controllability costs are known. The algorithm is linear in the n
umber of lines in the
Fanout-Based Cost Functions
We have seen that the existence of reconvergent fanout makes TG d
ifficult. Consider
the problem of justifying x=o in the circuit in Figure 6.42(a). Clearly,
we would like a
selection criterion that would guide the TG algorithm to choose the
solution B=O rather
than A=O, because A has fanout and the side-effects of settin
g A to 0 may cause a
conflict. As Figure 6.42(b) shows, it is not enough to look only
at the fanout count of
the lines directly involved in the decision (A and B).
A fanout-based controllability measure C(I) reflects the relative p
otential for conflicts
resulting from assigning a value to line I. The cost C(I) shou
ld depend both on the
fanout count of I and on the fanout count of the predecessor
s of I. Such a measure
was first defined in [Putzolu and Roth 1971] as
C(I) = LC(i)+fi-l
where the summation is for all inputs of I, and fl is the fano
ut count of I. The cost of
a PI I is /i-I. Note that C(I) = 0 iff I is a free line
(Le., it is not reachable from a
stem). Thus a 0 cost denotes a line that can be justified witho
ut conflicts. Applying
(6.5) to the circuit in Figure 6.42(b), we obtain C(A) =0, C(
B) =2, and C(X) =2.
Based on these values, a TG algorithm will select A =0 to justify X =
Formula (6.5) does not distinguish between setting a line to 0
and to 1. We obtain
more accurate fanout-based measures if we use two controllability cost
functions, CO(I)
and Cl (I), to reflect the relative potential for conflict res
ulting from setting I
respectively to 0 and to 1 [Rutman 1972]. For an AND gate we have
CO(I) = min{CO(i)}+/i-l

Figure 6.42
C1(I) = "LC1(i)+ii-l (6.7)
For a PI I, its CO and Cl costs are set to ii-I. Formulas (6.
6) and (6.7) also have the
property that a 0 value indicates an assignment that can be
done without conflicts.
Thus these measures can identify the backtrace-stop lines used
by FAST. Applying
these measures to the circuit in Figure 6.42(a), we obtain
CO(A)=Cl(A)=I, CO(B)=Cl(B)=O, CO(X)=O, Cl(X)=I.
Thus we correctly identify that X can be set to 0 without conflicts,
even if X is fed by
a stem.
Let us rewrite (6.1) and (6.2) in a more general form:
CO(I) =min{CO(i)}
eta, ="LC1(i)
and compare them with (6.6) and (6.7). We, can observe that they ar
e almost identical,
except for the term ii-I. So we can consider (6.6) and (6.7)
as being extensions of
(6.1a) and (6.2a), with a correction term added to reflect the inf
luence of fanout.
The measure presented in [Abramovici et al. 1986a] takes into
account that only
reconvergent fanout can cause conflicts and introduces correction ter
ms that reflect the
extent to which fanout is reconvergent.
Let us consider the circuit in Figure 6.43. The correction term
for both COCA) and
Cl(A) used in formulas (6.6) and (6.7) has value 1, since A h
as a fanout count of 2.
But if we analyze the effect of setting A to 0 and to 1, we can
see that A=O has a much
greater potential for conflicts than A=I. This is because A=O result
s in B, C, D, and E
being set to binary values, while A=1 does not set any other gat
e output.
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
Figure 6.43
To account for this type of difference, Breuer[1978] has defin
ed side-effects cost
functions, CSO(l) and CSl (I), to reflect the relative potential
for conflicts caused by
setting 1 to 0 and 1 respectively. These functions are computed
by simulating the
assignment I=v (VE {O,I}) in a circuit initialized to an all-x state,
then accounting for its
effects as follows:
1. A gate whose output is set to a binary value increases the cost
by 1.
2. A gate with n inputs, whose output remains at x but which h

as m inputs set to a
binary value, increases the cost by mln.
For the circuit in Figure 6.43, the side-effects costs of settin
g A are CSO(A)=4 ~ and
CSl (A)=3+"2=6.
Using the side-effects cost functions as correction terms we obtain (f
or an AND gate)
CO(/) =min{CO(i)}+CSO(/)
C1(I) = LC1(i)+CS1(I)
Concluding Remarks on Cost Functions
The "best" controllability and observability measures could be o
btained by actually
solving the corresponding line-justification and error-propagation p
roblems and
measuring their computational effort. But such measures are usel
ess, because their
computation would be as expensive as the TG process they are
meant to guide.
Keeping the cost of computing the measures significantly lower
than the TG cost
requires that we accept less than totally accurate measures.
Suppose we compare two cost functions, A and B, and we find th
at A performs better
than B for some circuits. For other circuits, however, using B
leads to better results.
This type of "inconsistency" is inherent in the heuristic nature
of cost functions. To
compensate for this effect, Chandra and Patel [1989] suggest s
witching among cost
functions during TG.
An approach that combines the computation of cost functions wi
th a partial test
generation is presented in [Ratiu et ale 1982]. Ivanov and Agarwal
[1988] use dynamic
cost functions, which are updated during test generation based on t
he already assigned
6.2.2 Fault-Independent ATG
The goal of the fault-oriented algorithms discussed in the pre
vious section is to
generate a test for a specified target fault. To generate a set
of tests for a circuit, such
an algorithm must be used with procedures for determining the ini
tial set of faults of
interest, for selecting a target fault, and for maintaining the se
t of remaining undetected
faults. In this section we describe a fault-independent algorith
m whose goal is to
derive a set of tests that detect a large set of SSFs without tar
geting individual faults.
Recall that half of the SSFs along a path critical in a
test t are detected by t.
Therefore it seems desirable to generate tests that produce long
critical paths. Such a

method of critical-path TG was first used in the LASAR (Logic Au

tomated Stimulus
And Response) system [Thomas 1971]. A different critical-path TG
algorithm is
described in [Wang 1975].
The basic steps of a critical-path TG algorithm are
1. Select a PO and assign it a critical O-value or l-value
(the value of a PO is
always critical).
2. Recursively justify the PO value, trying to justify any criti
cal value on a gate
output by critical values on the gate inputs.
Figure 6.44 illustrates the difference between justifying a crit
ical value and a
noncritical value for an AND gate with three inputs. Critical value
s are shown in bold
type (0 and I). Unlike the primitive cubes used to justify a noncri
tical value, the input
combinations used to justify a critical value - referred. to as
critical cubes - are
always completely specified. This is because changing the value
of a critical gate
input should change the value of the gate output.
Example 6.12: Consider the fanout-free circuit in Figure 6.45(a).
We start by
assigning G=O. To justify G=O, we can choose (E,F)=OI or (E,F)
=10. Suppose we
select the first alternative. Then -=0 is uniquely justified by
(A,B)=II, and F=1 is
uniquely justified by (C,D)=OO. Now we have generated the test
Figure 6.45(b) shows the critical paths in this test.
Recall that our objective is to generate a set of tests for
the circuit. To derive a new
test with new critical lines, we return to the last gate where w
e had a choice of critical
input combinations and select the next untried alternative. This
means that now we
justify G=O by (E,F)=10. To justify =1 we can arbitrarily select eit
her A=O or B=O.
Exploring both alternatives to justify F=O results in generating two ne
w tests, shown in
Figures 6.45(c) and (d).
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
1 1 1 1
o x x 0
x 0 x 0
x x 0 0
111 1
o 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
Figure 6.44 Line justification for an AND gate (a) By primitive cubes
(b) By
critical cubes

Now we have exhausted all the alternative ways to justify G=O. Two
additional tests
can be obtained by starting with G=1 (see Figures 6.45(e) and (f)).
The five generated
tests form a complete test set for SSFs. D
Figure 6.46 outlines a recursive procedure CPTGFF for critical-path TG f
or fanout-free
circuits. The set Critical contains the critical lines to be jus
tified and their values. To
generate a complete set of tests for a fanout-free circuit whose PO i
s Z, we use
add (Z,O) to Critical
add (Z, 1) to Critical
(see Problem 6.18).
CPTGFF justifies in tum every entry in the set Critical. New level
s of recursion are
entered when there are several alternative ways to justify a criti
cal value. Noncritical
values are justified (without decisions) using the procedure Jus
tify presented in
Figure 6.4. A new test is recorded when all lines have been justif
The decision process and its associated backtracking mechanism allow
the systematic
generation of all possible critical paths for a given PO valu
e. As we did for the
fault-oriented TG algorithms, we use a decision tree to trace
the execution of the
algorithm. A decision node (shown as a circle) corresponds to
a critical
line-justification problem for which several alternatives are available
. Each alternative
decision is denoted by a branch leaving the decision node. A termina
l node (shown as
a square) is reached when all lines have been justified. The numbe
r of terminal nodes
is the number of tests being generated. Figure 6.47 gives the
decision trees for
Example 6.12.
The algorithm can be easily extended to multiple-output circuits
that do not have
reconvergent fanout (that is, every fanout branch of a stem le
ads to a different PO).
Here, every cone of a PO is a fanout-free circuit that can
be processed in tum as
before. However, one problem appears because of logic common to tw
o (or more) PO
cones. Consider a line I that feeds two pas, x and Y. Suppose t
hat we first generate
all critical paths with X=O and with X=I. When we repeat th
e procedure for Y, at
some point we will have to justify 1=0 or 1=1. But all the
possible ways to do this

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (t)
Figure 6.45 Example of critical-path TG
have been explored in the cone of X, and repeating them ma
y generate many
unnecessary tests that do not detect any faults not detected
by previously generated
tests. This can easily be avoided by not trying to make critical
a line 1that has already
been marked as critical in a previous test (see Problem 6.19).
In attempting to extend critical-path TG to circuits with reco
nvergent fanout, we
encounter problems caused by
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
while (Critical "# 0)
remove one entry (/,val) from Critical
set I to val
mark I as critical
if I is a gate output then
c =controlling value of I
i = inversion of I
inval = val <) i
if (inval = C)
then for every input j of I
add (j,C) to Critical

for every input j of I
add (j,c) to Critical
for every input k of I other than j
Justify (k,C)
/* Critical = 0 */
record new test
Figure 6.46 Critical-path TG for fanout-free circuits
multiple-path sensitization,
overlap among PO cones.
In the remainder of this section we discuss these problems, but b
ecause of the level of
detail involved, we will not present a complete critical-path TG algo
Conflicts appear from attempts to solve a set of simultaneous
problems. As in fault-oriented TG algorithms, conflicts are dealt wi
th by backtracking.
A new aspect of this problem is that some conflicts may be caused
by trying to justify
a critical value by critical cubes. Compared with primitive cubes, crit
ical cubes specify
G= 0
E= 1
(E, F) =01 (E, F) =10
F= 0
(A, B) =01 (A, B) = 10
(C, D) =10 (C, D) =01
Figure 6.47 Decision trees for Example 6.12
more values, which may lead to more conflicts. Therefore when all
attempts to justify
a critical line by critical cubes have failed, we should try
to justify it by primitive
cubes. Here, in addition to recovery from incorrect decisions,
backtracking also
achieves a systematic exploration of critical paths.
We have seen that reconvergent fanout may lead to self-masking, wh
ich occurs when a
stem is not critical in a test t, although one or more of it
s fanout branches are critical
in t.Therefore, when a fanout branch is made critical, this
does not imply that its
stem is also critical. One solution is to determine the criti
cality of the stem by an
analysis similar to that done by the critical-path tracing method desc
ribed in Chapter 5.
Another solution, relying on the seldomness of self-masking, is
to continue the TG

process by assuming that the stem is critical. Because this

strategy ignores the
possibility of self-masking, it must simulate every generated test to
determine the faults
it detects.
Tests generated by critical-path methods may fail to detect faults
that can be detected
only by multiple-path sensitization. For example, for the circui
t in Figure 6.48, a
critical-path TG algorithm will not produce any test in which
both P and Q have
value 1. But this is the only way to detect the fault B s-a-O.
In practice, however, this
situation seldom occurs, and even when it does, the resulting loss
of fault coverage is
usually insignificant.
Because of overlap among the PO cones, a critical-path TG algorithm
may repeatedly
encounter the same problem of justifying a critical value v fo
r a line I. To avoid
generating unnecessary tests, we can adopt the strategy of not
trying to make line I
have a critical value v if this has been done in a previously g
enerated test. Using this
strategy in circuits with reconvergent fanout may preclude the detectio
n of some faults,
but this problem is insignificant in practical circuits.
Compared to fault-oriented TG, critical-path TG offers the following adva
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
A 1
B 1
C 1
1 1
Figure 6.48
The SSFs detected by the generated tests are immediately known wi
thout using a
separate fault simulation step, as is required with a fault-oriented
A new test is generated by modifying the critical paths obtaine
d in the previous
test. This may avoid much duplicated effort inherent in a fault-or
iented algorithm.
For example, suppose that a critical-path algorithm has created
the critical path
shown in Figure 6.49, in which A=O. The next test that makes B
=O is immediately
obtained by switching (A,B)=OI to (A,B)=10. By contrast, a fau
lt-oriented TG
algorithm treats the generation of tests for the targets A s-a
-l and B s-a-l as
unrelated problems, and hence it would duplicate the effort needed t
o propagate the
error from C to Z.
Figure 6.49

Avoiding the duplication of effort caused by repeated error propagation
along the same
paths is also one of the goals of the subscripted D-algorith
m [Airapetian and
McDonald 1979, Benmehrez and McDonald 1983], which tries to gene
simultaneously a family of tests to detect SSFs associated with the s
ame gate by using
flexible signals. The output of an n-input target gate is assigned
the flexible signal Do,
while its inputs are assigned the flexible signals Dj ,
(see Figure 6.50(a)). The
Do is propagated to a PO in the same way as a D in the
D-algorithm, and the D,
signals are propagated towards PIs. A D, on the output of a
G is propagated by
setting all the currently unassigned inputs of G to value D, o
r Dj , depending on the
inversion of G. In general, conflicts among the D, values precl
ude the simultaneous
propagation of all of them. But usually a subset of the Djs c
an be propagated. For
example, in the circuit of Figure 6.50(b), the algorithm starts
by trying to propagate
D 1, D 2, and D 3 from the inputs of gate W. (Because W is
a PO, the Do value has
already reached a PO.) But the reconvergent fanout of Q and R c
auses conflicts that
are resolved by replacing D
by a O. (More details on the. propagation of DiS and on
the conflict resolution can be found in [ ~ e n m ~ h r
e z and McDonald 1983].) Then only
D 1 and D 3 are propagated. The vector D IllD3 represents a famil
y of tests where D 1
and D
can be independently replaced by 0 or 1 values. Setting P, S in
tum to 01, 10,
and 00, we obtain three (out of the four) critical cubes of gate W
: 100, 001, and 000.
<, D1or-----__
: >- '- D 2
_ -::r./
Figure 6.50 The subscripted D-algorithm (a) Flexible signals (b) Genera
ting a

family of tests
Unlike a fault-oriented algorithm, a fault-independent algorithm c
annot identify
undetectable faults.
6.2.3 Random Test Generation
RTG is not a truly random process of selecting input vectors, but
a pseudorandom one.
This means that vectors are generated by a deterministic algor
ithm such that their
statistical properties are similar to those of a randomly selected set.
The main advantage of RTG is the ease of generating vectors. Its
main disadvantage
is that a randomly generated test set that detects a set of fau
lts is much larger (usually
10 times or more) than a deterministically generated test set for
the same set of faults.
This raises the problem of how to determine the quality of a test
set obtained by RTG,
because conventional methods based on fault simulation may become
too costly. In
this section we analyze statistical methods that estimate the quali
ty of a test set based
on probabilities of detecting faults with random vectors. A rel
ated problem is to
determine the number of randomly generated vectors needed to ach
ieve a given test
Initially we assume that the input vectors are uniformly distributed,
that is, each one of
the 2
possible input vectors of a circuit with n PIs is equally likel
y to be generated.
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 227
This means that every PI has equal probability of having a O-v
alue or a I-value. We
also assume that the input vectors are independently generated. Then
the same vector
may appear more than once in the generated sequence. However, most
vector generators work such that an already generated vector i
s not repeated. This
mechanism leads to test sets that are smaller than those generated
under the assumption
of independent vectors [Wagner et ale 1987]. The Quality of a Random Test
The quality of a random test set should express the level of
confidence we have in
interpreting the results of its application. Clearly, if at least
one applied test fails, then
the circuit under test is faulty. But if all the tests pass,
how confident can we be that
the circuit is indeed fault-free? (By fault-free we mean that
none of the detectable
SSFs is present.) This level of confidence can be measured by the
probability that the
applied tests detect every detectable SSF. Thus for a test seq
uence of length N, we
define its testing quality tN as the probability that all detecta
ble SSFs are detected by

applying N random vectors. In other words, t

is the probability that N random
vectors will contain a complete test set for SSFs.
A different way of measuring the level of confidence in the results
of random testing is
to consider the faults individually. Namely, if all the N ap
plied tests pass, how
confident are we that the circuit does not contain a fault f?
This can be measured by
the probability dJv that f is detected (at least once) by applying
N random vectors; dJv is
called the N-step detection probability off The detection quality d
of a test sequence
of length N is the lowest N-step detection probability among the SSFs
in the circuit:
=min dJv (6.10)
The difference between the testing quality tN and the detection
quality d
of a test
sequence of length N is that t
is the probability of detecting every fault, while d
the probability of detecting the fault that is most difficult to
detect [David and Blanchet
1976]. Note that t
< d
. The Length of a Random Test
Now we discuss the problem of determining the length N required to a
chieve a level of
confidence of at least c. Usually c relates to the detection qua
lity, so N is chosen to
This is justified since a test sequence long enough to detect the mos
t difficult fault with
probability c will detect any other fault f with a probability dJv
~ c.
The N-step escape probability eJv of a fault f is the prob
ability that f remains
undetected after applying N random vectors. Clearly:
dJv + eJv = 1
Let T
be the set of all tests that detect f in a circuit with n
PIs. Then the probability
that a random vector detects f is

This is d{, the one-step detection probability of f; we will re
fer to it as the detection
probability of f
The probability of f remaining undetected after one vector is e{ =
. Because the
input vectors are independent, the N-step escape probability of tis
Let dmin be the lowest detection probability among the SSFs in
the circuit. Then the
required N to achieve a detection quality of at least c is given by
1 (6.15)
The smallest value of N that satisfies this inequality is
N -r In (I-c) 1
dr: In (l-d
(For values of d
In (l-d
can be approximated by -d
This computation of N assumes that the detection probability d min
of the most difficult
fault is known. Methods of determining detection probability of faults
are discussed in
the next section.
If the desired level of confidence c relates to the testing
quality (rather than to the
detection quality), then N is chosen to satisfy
Savir and Bardell [1984] have derived the following formula to
estimate an upper
bound on the smallest value of N that achieves a testing quality of
at least c:
Nt=r In (I-c) - In (k) 1 (6.18)
In (l-d
where k is the number of faults whose detection probability
is in the range
[dmin,2dmin]. Faults whose detection probability is 2d
or greater do not
significant!y affect the required test length.
Example 6.13: Figure 6.51 tabulates several values of N
and N, for different values
of c and k for a circuit in which d
=0.01*. For example, to detect any fault with a
probability of at least 0.95 we need to apply at least N
= 300 random vectors. If the
circuit has only k=2 faults that are difficult to detect (i.e.,
their detection probability is
in the range [0.01, 0.02]), we need to apply at least N,

= 369 vectors to have a

probability of at least 0.95 of detecting every fault.
For d
= 0.001, all the N
and N, values in Figure 6.51 are increased by a factor of
10. 0
* This value should be understood as an approximate value rather than
an exact one (see Problem 6.20).
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
0.95 300
2 369
10 530
0.98 392
2 461
10 622
Figure 6.51
229 Determining Detection Probabilities
We have seen that to estimate the length of a random test sequenc
e needed to achieve
a specified detection quality, we need to know dmin' the detect
ion probability of the
most difficult fault. In addition, to estimate the length needed
to achieve a specified
testing quality, we need to know the number k of faults whose de
tection probability is
close to dmin. In this section we will discuss the problem of dete
rmining the detection
probability of faults.
A Lower Bound on d
The following result [David and Blanchet 1976, Schedletsky 1977]
provides an
easy-to-derive lower bound on d
Lemma 6.1: In a multiple-output combinational circuit, let n
be the largest number
of PIs feeding a PO. Then
Proof: Let f be a detectable SSF in a circuit with n PIs. There
exists at least one test
that detects f such that some PO, say Zi, is in error. Let
nk be the number of PIs
feeding Zi, Because the values of the other n-nk PIs are irre
levant for the detection
of f at Zi, there exist at least 2
-nk vectors that detect f. Then the detection probability
of f is at least 2

= 1/2
The lower bound is obtained for the PO cone with
the most PIs. D
This lower bound, however, is usually too conservative, since by .u
sing it for the value
of d
in formula (6.16), we may often obtain N
, which means that we would
need more vectors for random testing than for exhaustive testing [Sch
edletsky 1977].
Detection Probabilities Based on Signal Probabilities
The signal probability of a line I, PI, is defined as the probability
that I is set to 1 by a
random vector:
PI = Pr(/=I) (6.19)
An obvious relation exists between the signal probability of a
PO and the detection
probabilities of its stuck faults. Namely, the detection probability
of a s-a-c fault on a
PO Z is Pz for c=O and I-pz for c=l. We will illustrate the
general relation between
signal probabilities and detection probabilities by reference to Figure
6.52 [Savir et al.
1984]. Suppose that in a single-output circuit there exists only on
e path between line 1
and the PO. Let f be the fault 1s-a-O. A vector that detects f
must set 1=1 and also set
all the values needed to sensitize the path (A=l, B=O, etc). To a
ccount for this set of
conditions we introduce an auxiliary AND gate G, such that G=1 iff
all the conditions
required for detecting f are true. If x=v is a required condi
tion, then x is directly
connected to G if v=l, or via an inverter if v=O. Thus the dete
ction probability of f is
given by the signal probability of G in the modified circuit:
Figure 6.52
In general, there may be several paths along which an error c
aused by a fault f can
propagate to a PO. Then the probability of detecting f propagating a
n error along only
one of these paths is clearly a lower bound on the probability of de
tecting f Denoting
by G
the auxiliary gate associated with the k-th propagation path, we ha
Thus signal probabilities can be used to compute detection pro
babilities or lower
bounds on the detection probabilities. Now we tum to the proble
m of determining

signal probabilities. Since signal probabilities of PIs are known

(until now we have
assumed that for every PI i, Pi =1/2), let us consider the problem
of computing Pz for
a gate output Z, knowing Px of every input X of Z [Parker and McCluskey
Lemma 6.2: For an inverter with output Z and input X
Pz = 1-px
Pz =Pr(Z=l) =Pr(X=O) = 1-px
Lemma 6.3: For an AND gate with output Z and inputs X and Y, i
f X and Y do not
depend on common PIs then:
Pz =PXpy
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
Pz = Pr(Z=l) = Pr(X=l n Y=l)
Because X and Y do not depend on common PIs, the events X
=l and Y=l are
independent. Thus
Pz =Pr(X=l)Pr(Y=l) =PXpy D
Lemma 6.4: For an OR gate with output Z and inputs X and Y,
if X and Y do not
depend on common PIs, then
Pz =Px+PY-PXpy
Pz = I-Pr(Z=O) = I-Pr(X=O n Y=O)
Since the events X=O and Y=O are independent
Pz = I-Pr(X=O)Pr(Y=O) = l-(l-Px)(l-py) = Px+py-PXpy
Formulas (6.23) and (6.24) can be generalized for gates with more t
han two inputs. A
NAND (NOR) gate can be treated as an AND (OR) gate followed
by an inverter.
Then we can compute signal probabilities in any circuit in whi
ch inputs of the same
gate do not depend on common PIs; these are fanout-free circuits
and circuits without
reconvergent fanout. The time needed to compute all signal pro
babilities in such a
circuit grows linearly with the number of gates.
Now let us consider a circuit that has only one stem, say A,
with reconvergent fanout.
Let Z be a signal that depends on A. Using conditional proba
bilities, we can express
Pz as
Pr(Z=l) =Pr(Z=l IA=O)Pr(A=O)+Pr(Z=l IA=l)Pr(A=l)
Pz =Pr(Z=l IA=O)(l-PA)+Pr(Z=l IA=l)PA (6.25)
We can interpret this formula as follows. Let us create two
circuits, NO and N
obtained from the original circuit N by permanently setting A=O and A
=l respectively.

Then Pr(Z=lIA=O) is simply Pz computed in NO, and Pr (z=lIA=l) is Pz co

mputed in
N 1. The result of this conceptual splitting is that both NO
and N 1 are free of
reconvergent fanout so we can apply the formulas (6.23) and (6.24).
Example 6.14: Let us compute signal probabilities for the circu
it in Figure 6.53(a).
The only gates whose inputs depend on common PIs are Z 1 and Z2
; the computation
for all the other gates is straightforward and their values are
shown in Figure 6.53(a).
Figures 6.53(b) and (c) show the values obtained for A=O and A=
l respectively (the
computation is done only for the lines affected by A). Finally
we compute Pz 1 and
using formula (6.25)
Note that for every line affected by the stem A we compute
two signal probabilities,
one for A=O and one for A=I. If we generalize this approach f
or a circuit that has k
stems with reconvergent fanout, for every line we may have to com
pute and store up
to 2
signal probabilities. This exponential growth renders this type
of approach
impractical for large circuits. Different methods for computing
exact signal
probabilities [Parker and McCluskey 1975, Seth et ale 1985] su
ffer from the same
problem. An approximate method is described in [Krishnamurthy and Tolli
s 1989].
The cutting algorithm [Savir et ale 1984] reduces the complexit
y of computation by
computing a range [pf ,pf] rather than an exact value for the sign
al probability PI, such
that PIE [pf ,pf]. Its basic mechanism, illustrated in Figure 6.5
4, consists of cutting
k-l fanout branches of a stem having k fanout branches; the
cut fanout branches
become PIs with unknown signal probabilities and are assigned the ra
nge [0,1]. Only
reconvergent fanout branches should be cut. The resulting circui
t is free of
reconvergent fanout, so signal probabilities are easy to compute. Wh
enever ranges are
involved, the computations are done separately for the two bounds.
Example 6.15: Figure 6.55 shows the signal probability ranges co
mputed by the
cutting algorithm for the circuit in Figure 6.53(a). Note that
the fanout branch that
remains connected to the stem inherits its signal probability. We
can check that the
exact values of Pz 1 and Pz2 determined in Example 6.14 do
fall within the ranges
computed for Pz 1 and Pz 2 by the cutting algorithm. D

Various extensions of the cutting algorithm that compute tighter

bounds on signal
probabilities are described in [Savir et ale 1984].
Finding the Difficult Faults
Usually the maximal length of a test sequence N max is limit
ed by the testing
environment factors such as the capabilities of the tester or
the maximum time
allocated for a testing experiment. Given Nmax and a desired detect
ion quality c, from
(6.15) we can derive the required lower bound d
on the detection probability of every
fault in the circuit. In other words, if d i ~ d L for
every fault f, then testing the circuit
with N max vectors will achieve a detection quality of at least
c. Then, given a circuit,
we want to determine whether it contains "difficult" faults whose
detection probability
is lower than d
The following result shows that the difficult faults, if any,
are among the checkpoint
faults of the circuit.
Lemma 6.5: The fault with the smallest detection probability in a
circuit is one of its
checkpoint faults.
Proof: For any fault g on a line that is not a checkpoint (fanou
t branch or PI), we can
find at least one checkpoint fault / such that g dominates I. Th
us the number of tests
that detect/is smaller than or equal to the number of tests that d
etect g. Hence P f ~ P g .
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 233
A 1/2
Figure 6.53
Figure 6.56 presents a procedure for determining the difficult faults
[Savir et ale 1984].
Note that only single propagation paths are analyzed. A fault that
can be detected only
by multiple-path sensitization will be marked as difficult (see
Problem 6.27).

Redundant faults will also be among the difficult ones (see Problem
Once the difficult faults of a circuit are identified, the cir
cuit can be modified so that
their detection probabilities become acceptable [Eichelberger and Lindblo
om 1983].
[a,b] I
Figure 6.54 Basic transformation in the cutting algorithm
3/4 [0,1]
A [0,1]
1/2 -----------l
1/2 ---------l
1/2 ------l---l
Figure 6.55 Signal probabilities computed by the cutting algorithm RTG with Nonuniform Distributions
Until now we have assumed that input vectors are uniformly d
istributed; hence the
signal probability of every PI i is Pi=0.5. This uniform distrib
ution, however, is not
necessarily optimal; that is, different Pi values may lead to short
er test sequences.
For example, Agrawal and Agrawal [1976] showed that for fanout
-free circuits
composed of NAND gates with the same number (n) of inputs, the
optimal value Popt
of Pi is given by
Pi = I-pi
For n=2, Po
For such a circuit with 10 levels, one would need about 8000
random vectors to achieve a detection quality of 0.99 using Pi=0.5, w
hile using Popt the
same detection quality can be achieved with about 700 vectors.
Similar experimental results, showing that nonuniform distributions
lead to shorter
random test sequences, have also been obtained for general circu
its. An even better
approach is to allow different PIs to have different Pi values. Such
random vectors are
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
for every checkpoint fault f
select an untried propagation path P for f
introduce an auxiliary AND gate G such that
PG is the detection probability of f along P
compute p&, the lower bound of PG

until p&'?d
or all propagation paths have been analyzed
if p& <d
then mark f as difficult
Figure 6.56 Procedure for finding the difficult faults
said to be weighted or biased. Methods for computing the Pi val
ues are presented in
[Wunderlich 1987, Waicukauski et al. 1989].
Adaptive RTG methods dynamically modify the Pi values trying to
reach "optimal"
values. This requires an adaptation mechanism based on monitoring the
TG process to
determine "successful" random vectors. The method used in [Parker 19
76] grades the
random vectors by the number of faults they detect. Then the
frequency of l-values
on PIs is measured in the set of tests that detected the mo
st faults, and the Pi values
are set according to these frequencies. A different method, base
d on monitoring the
rate of variation of the activity count generated by changing PI
values, is presented in
[Schnurmann et ale 1975]. Lisanke et al. [1987] describe an adapti
ve method in which
the Pi values are changed with the goal of minimizing a testability
cost function.
6.2.4 Combined Deterministic/Random TG
Because RTG is oblivious to the internal model of the circuit,
faults that have small
detection probabilities require long sequences for their detection.
But some of these
faults may be easy to detect using a deterministic algorithm.
As a simple example,
consider an AND gate with 10 inputs. The detection probability of
any input fault is
1/1024. However, generating tests for these faults is a simple
task for any
deterministic TG algorithm. In this section we analyze TG metho
ds that combine
features of deterministic critical-path TG algorithms with those of RTG
Random Path Sensitization (RAPS) [Goel 1978] attempts to create
random critical
paths between PIs and POs (see Figure 6.57). Initially all value
s are x. RAPS starts
by randomly selecting a PO Z and a binary value v. Then t
he objective (Z,v) is
mapped into a PI assignment (i,Vi) by a random backtrace proc
edure Rbacktrace.
Rbacktrace is similar to the Backtrace procedure used by PODEM
(Figure 6.27),
except that the selection of a gate input is random. (In P
ODEM this selection is
guided by controllability costs). The assignment i=Vi is then

simulated (using
3-valued simulation), and the process is repeated until the value
of Z becomes binary.
After all the POs have binary values, a second phase of RAPS assig
ns those PIs with x
values (if any), such that the likelihood of creating critical
paths increases (see
Problem 6.29).
randomly select a PO (Z) with x value
randomly select a value v
(i,Vi) = Rbacktrace (Z,v)
Simulate (i,Vi)
until Z has binary value
until all POs have binary values
while some PIs have x values
G =highest level gate with x input values
c = controlling value of G
randomly select an input (j) of G with x value
(i,Vi) =Rbacktrace (j,C)
Simulate (i,Vi)
until j has binary value
Figure 6.57 RAPS
The entire procedure is repeated to generate as many tests as ne
eded. A different set
of critical paths is likely to be generated in every test. Figure
6.58(b) traces a possible
execution of RAPS for the circuit in Figure 6.58(a). In general,
test sets generated by
RAPS are smaller and achieve a higher fault coverage than those obtain
ed by RTG.
Figure 6.59 illustrates one problem that may reduce the efficiency of
RAPS. First A =
o has been selected to justify POl =0, then B = 0 to justify P02 =
O. But the latter
selection precludes propagation of any fault effects to POl.
Another problem is shown in Figure 6.60. Because of the random select
ion process of
RAPS, half of the tests in which Z = 1 will have B =O. But only
one test with B =0
(and C = 1) is useful, because none of the subsequent tests with B
= 0 will detect any
new faults on the PO Z.
ATO for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
A ------------l

Path PI
Objective backtraced assignment Simulation
H=O H,F,A A=O F=1
H,G,C C=O E = 1, G = 1, H =0
1=1 I,D D =0 1=1
B=1 B=1
H=O H,G,E,B B=1
H,F,E,C C=1 E =0, F = 1, G = 1, H =0, I = 1
D = 1 D = 1
A=1 A=1
1=0 I, E, C C=O E = 1, G = 1
I,D D = 1 1=1
H= 1 H,F,A A=1 F =0, H = 1
B=1 B=1
Figure 6.58 Example of random path sensitization
A similar problem occurs when all faults that can be detected
at a PO Z when Z =v
have been detected by the already generated tests. In half o
f the subsequent tests,
RAPS will continue trying to set Z = v, which, in addition to b
eing useless, may also
prevent detection of faults at other POs that depend on PIs assigned
to satisfy Z = v.
Figure 6.61 illustrates a problem in the second stage of RAPS. Becau
se the value of d
is justified by a = 0, while b = c =x, RAPS will try to justify
1's for band c. But
Figure 6.59
f' .....

Figure 6.60
setting b = c = 1 is useless, because no additional faults can be de
tected through d: in
addition, C = 1 requires e = 0, which will preclude detecting any
other faults through h.
SMART (Sensitizing Method for Algorithmic Random Testing) is anothe
r combined
deterministic/random TG method [Abramovici et al. 1986a], which c
orrects the
problems encountered by RAPS. SMART generates a vector incrementally
and relies
on a close interaction with fault simulation. The partial vector g
enerated at every step
is simulated using critical-path tracing (CRIPT), whose results guide
the test generation
process. This interaction is based on two byproducts of CRIPT: stop
lines and restart
gates. Stop lines delimit areas of the circuit where additional f
ault coverage cannot be
obtained, while restart gates point to areas where new faults
are likely to be detected
with little effort.
A line I is a O(1)-stop line for a test set T, if T detects
all the faults that can cause I to
take value 1(0). For example, consider the circuit and the test
shown in Figure 6.62.
This test detects all the faults that can set E = 1, E2 = 1 a
nd G = 0; hence E and E2
are O-stops and G is a I-stop. A line I that is not a O(I)-st
op is said to be O(I)-useful,
because there are some new faults that could be detected when
I has value 0(1). In
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 239
f x
g 0
c x
Figure 6.61
Figure 6.62, E1 is O-useful, because the still undetected fault E1
s-a-l requires E1 =0
for detection.
D ---------...
A ----------\0
Figure 6.62 Example of stop lines
A line 1becomes a v-stop for a test set T if 1has had a critical

value v and
1. If 1is a fanout branch, its stem is a v-stop.
2. If 1is the output of a gate with inversion i, all the gate inp
uts are (v<)i)-stops.
A PI becomes a v-stop when it has had a critical value v. W
hile TG progresses and
the set T grows, more and more lines become stops and they adva
nce from PIs toward
POSe CRIPT uses stop lines to avoid tracing paths in any area
bounded by a v-stop
line 1in any test in which 1has value v.
A restart gate (in a test t) must satisfy the following conditions:
1. Its output is critical (in t) but none of its inputs is crit
2. Exactly one input has the controlling value c, and this input is
For the example in Figure 6.63, if we assume that C is O-us
eful, then G is a restart
gate. To make the same test detect additional faults we should
set E = D = 1; then C
becomes critical and the faults that make C = 1 are likely t
o be detected along the
existing critical path from G. No special effort is required t
o identify restart gates,
since they are a subset of the gates where CRIPT terminates
its backtracing. (The
CRIPT algorithm described in Chapter 5 handles only binary value
s; for this
application it needs to be extended to process partially specified ve
Figure 6.63 Example of restart gate
SMART (see Figure 6.64) starts by randomly selecting a PO objective
(Z,v) such that
Z is v-useful. Then the objective (Z,v) is mapped into a PI a
ssignment (i, Vi) by the
procedure Useful_rbacktrace. When a value Vj is needed for a
gate input,
Useful_rbacktrace gives preference to those inputs that are vj-usefu
l and have value x.
The partial vector generated so far is fault simulated by CR
IPT, which backtraces
critical paths from the pas that have been set to binary values. C
RIPT also determines
stop lines and restart gates. Then SMART repeatedly picks a r
estart gate, tries to
justify noncontrolling values on its inputs with value x, and
reruns CRIPT. Now

CRIPT restarts its backtracing from the new pas that have binary
values (if any) and
from the restart gates.
Unlike RAPS, SMART tries to create critical paths leading to the c
hosen PO Z before
processing other pas. Thus in the example shown in Figure 6.5
9, after justifying
POl = 0 by A = 0, the gate POl is a restart gate; hence SMART
will try to justify
B = 1 before processing P02. Then P02 = 0 will be justified by C
= O.
Using stop lines avoids the problem illustrated in Figure 6.60. Aft
er the first test that
sets B =0 and C = 1, B becomes a O-stop and will no longer be used
to justify Z = 1.
In the example in Figure 6.61, keeping track of restart gates allows
SMART to select h
(and ignore d, which is not a restart gate), and continue by tryin
g to set a =f= 1.
Experimental results [Abramovici et ale 1986a] show that, compared
with RAPS,
SMART achieves higher fault coverage with smaller test sets an
d requires less
CPU time.
6.2.5 ATG Systems
In general, a TG algorithm is only a component of an ATG system, w
hose overall goal
is to generate a test set for the SSFs in a circuit. Ideally, we
would like to have
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
while (useful POs have x values)
randomly select a useful PO (Z) with x value
if (Z is both 0- and I-useful)
then randomly select a value v
else v =the useful value of Z
(i, Vi) = Useful_rbacktrace (Z, v)
Simulate (i, Vi)
until Z has binary value
while (restart _gates * 0)
remove a gate (G) from restart_gates
c = controlling value of G
for every input (j) of G with value x
(i, Vi) =Rbacktrace (j, C)
Simulate (i, Vi)
until j has binary value
Figure 6.64 SMART

the fault coverage of the generated tests as high as possible,

the cost of generating tests (i.e., the CPU time) as low as poss
the number of generated tests as small as possible.
These requirements follow from economic considerations. The fault c
overage directly
affects the quality of the shipped products. The number of gener
ated tests influences
the cost of applying the tests, because a larger test set results
in a long test-application
time. Unlike the cost of generating tests, which is a one-time expen
se, the test time is
an expense incurred every time the circuit is tested. Of cou
rse, the above ideal
requirements are conflicting, and in practice the desired minimal
fault coverage, the
maximal TG cost allowed, and the maximal number of vectors allow
ed are controlled
by user-specified limits.
The desired fault coverage should be specified with respect to
the detectable faults,
because otherwise it may be impossible to achieve it. For example,
in a circuit where
4 percent of the faults are redundant, a goal of 97 percent
absolute fault coverage
would be unreachable. The fault coverage for detectable faults is c
omputed by
number of detected faults
total number of faults - number of undetectable faults
that is, the faults proven redundant are excluded from the fault
universe. Thus it is
important that the ATG algorithm can identify redundant faults.
Another question to consider is whether the ATG system should collaps
e faults and, if
so, what fault-collapsing technique it should use. Fault collaps
ing is needed for
systems relying on a fault simulator whose run-time grows with
the number of
simulated faults. Fault collapsing can be based on equivalence
and/or dominance
relations. The latter can be used only if the ATG system d
oes not produce
fault-location data. Heap and Rogers [1989] have shown that co
mputing the fault
coverage based on a collapsed set of faults is less accurate th
an computing based on
the original (uncollapsed) set; they presented a method to com
pute the correct fault
coverage from the results obtained from simulating the collapsed set.
In Chapter 4 we
have shown that detecting all checkpoint faults results in det
ecting all SSFs in the
circuit. Some ATG systems start only with the checkpoint faults (w
hich can be further
collapsed using equivalence and dominance relations). Abramovici et a
le [1986b] have
shown that this set may not be sufficient in redundant circuits
, where detecting all the
detectable checkpoint faults does not guarantee the detection of

all the detectable

faults. They presented a procedure that determines additional faults
to be consideredso
that none of the potentially detectable faults is overlooked. Note
that fault collapsing
is not needed in a system using critical-path tracing, which
deals with faults only
implicitly and does not require fault enumeration.
Most ATO systems have a 2-phase structure (Figure 6.65), which
combines two
different methods. The first phase uses a low-cost, fault-indepe
ndent procedure,
providing an initial test set which detects a large percentage
of faults (typically,
between 50 and 80 percent). In the second phase, a fault-oriente
d algorithm tries to
generate tests for the faults left undetected after the first p
hase [Breuer 1971, Agrawal
and Agrawal 1972].
Figure 6.66 outlines the structure of the first phase of an ATG
system. Generate_test
can be a pseudorandom generation routine or a combined determi
procedure (RAPS or SMART). The generated test t is fault simulated
and the function
value determines a figure of merit usually based on the number of n
ew (i.e., previously
undetected) faults detected by t. Depending on its value, which
is analyzed by the
function acceptable, t is added to the test set or rejected. A
test that does not detect
any new fault is always rejected. A characteristic feature of
a sequence of vectors
generated in the first phase is that the number of new faults de
tected per test is initially
large but decreases rapidly. Hence the number of rejected vect
ors will increase
accordingly. The role of the function endphasel is to decide
when the first phase
becomes inefficient and the switch to the use of a determini
stic fault-oriented TG
algorithm should occur.
Although RTG produces a vector faster than a combined deterministic/ra
ndom method,
a vector generated by RAPS or SMART detects more new faults than
a pseudorandom
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
Phase 1
(low cost,
fault -independent)
Phase 2
Test set
Figure 6.65 Two-phase ATG system
vector. To reach the same fault coverage as RAPS or SMART,
RTG needs more

vectors, many of which will be rejected. If every generated vector

is individually fault
simulated, the total computational effort (test generation and test
evaluation) is greater
when using RTG. Groups of vectors generated by RTG or RAPS can
be evaluated in
parallel using a fault simulator based on parallel-pattern evaluati
on, thus significantly
reducing the CPU time spent in fault simulation. SMART cannot us
e parallel-pattern
evaluation, because the results obtained in simulating one vector
are used in guiding
the generation of the next one. However, SMART achieves higher fault
coverage with
fewer vectors than RTG or RAPS.
Many techniques can be used to implement the functions value,
acceptable and
endphasel. The simplest techniques define the value of a vector as
the number of new
faults it detects, accept any test that detects more than k ne
w faults, and stop the first
phase when more than b consecutive vectors have been rejected
(k and bare
user-specified limits). More sophisticated techniques are described
in [Goel and
Rosales 1981, Abramovici et ale 1986a].
Figure 6.67 outlines the structure of the second phase of an AT
G system. The initial
set of target faults is the set of faults undetected at the
end of the first phase. Since
some faults may cause the TG algorithm to do much search, the
computational effort
allocated to a fault is controlled by a user-specified limit; this
can be a direct limit on
the CPU time allowed to generate a test or an indirect one
on the amount of
backtracking performed.
ATG algorithms spend the most time when dealing with undetectable fau
lts, because to
prove that a fault is undetectable the algorithm must fail t
o generate a test by
fault simulate t
v =value(t)
if acceptable(v) then add t to the test set
until endphasel ()
Figure 6.66 First phase of an ATG system
select a new target fault f
try to generate a test (t) for f
if successful then
add t to the test set
fault simulate t
discard the faults detected by t

until endphase2()
Figure 6.67 Second phase of an ATG system
exhaustive search. Thus identifying redundant faults without exhau
stive search can
significantly speed up TG. Two types of redundancy identificatio
n techniques have
been developed. Static techniques [Menon and Harihara 1989] work
as a
preprocessing step to TG, while dynamic techniques [Abramovici e
t al. 1989] work
during TG.
A good way of selecting a new target fault f (i.e., a still und
etected fault that has not
been a target before) is to choose one that is located at the lo
west possible level in the
circuit. In this way, if the test generation for f is successf
ul, the algorithm creates a
long path sensitized to f, so the chances of detecting more still
undetected faults along
the same path are increased. Detecting more new faults per test
results in shorter test
A different method is to select the new target fault from a prec
omputed set of critical
faults [Krishnamurthy and Sheng 1985]. The critical faults are a m
aximal set of faults
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits 245
with the property that there is no test that can detect tw
o faults from this set
Of course, the second phase stops when the set of target f
aults is exhausted. In
addition, both the second and the first phase may also be stopped
when the generated
sequence becomes too long, or when a desired fault coverage is ach
ieved, or when too
much CPU time has been spent; these criteria are controlled by user-i
mposed limits.
Test Set Compaction
Test vectors produced by a fault-oriented TG algorithm are, in
general, partially
specified. Two tests are compatible if they do not specify opposit
e values for any PI.
Two compatible tests t. and t
can be combined into one test tij=tint
using the
intersection operator defined in Figure 2.3. (The output vectors corre
sponding to t, and
are compatible as well - see Problem 6.30.) Clearly, the set
of faults detected by
tij is the union of the sets of faults detected by t
and tj. Thus we can replace t, and t

by tij without any loss of fault coverage. This technique can be

iterated to reduce the
size of a test set generated in the second phase of an A
TG system; this process is
referred to as static compaction.
In general, the test set obtained by static compaction depends o
n the order in which
vectors are processed. For example, let us consider the following t
est set:
tl 01x
t : Ox1
t3 OxO
t4 x01
If we first combine t 1 and t 2, we obtain the set
= 011
t3 = OxO
t4 = x01
which cannot be further compacted. But if we start by combining
tl and t3' then t2
and t 4 can also be combined, producing the smaller test set
t13 010
t24 = 001.
However, the use of an optimal static compaction algorithm (tha
t always yields a
minimal test set) is too expensive. The static compaction algorith
ms used in practice
are based on heuristic techniques.
Static compaction is a postprocessing operation done after all
vectors have been
generated. By contrast, in dynamic compaction every partially sp
ecified vector is
processed immediately after its generation, by trying to assign PIs w
ith x values so that
it will detect additional new faults [Goel and Rosales 1979].
Figure 6.68 outlines such
a dynamic compaction technique that is activated after a test t
has been successfully
generated for the selected target fault (see Figure 6.67). The
function promising
decides whether t is a good candidate for dynamic compaction;
for example, if the
percentage of PIs with x values is less than a user-specifie
d threshold, t is not
processed for compaction. While t is "promising," we select a secon
dary target fault g
and try to extend t (by changing some of the PIs with x values)
such that it will detect
g. This is done by attempting to generate a test for g with
out changing the already
assigned PI values.
while promising(t)
select a secondary target fault g
try to extend t to detect g
Figure 6.68 Dynamic compaction
Experimental results have shown that dynamic compaction produces s

maller test sets

than static compaction with less computational effort. Note that
dynamic compaction
cannot be used with a fault-independent TG algorithm.
The most important problem in dynamic compaction is the selecti
on of secondary
target faults. Goel and Rosales [1980] compare an arbitrary selecti
on with a technique
based on analyzing the values determined by the partially specified te
st t with the goal
of selecting a fault for which TG is more likely to succeed. Thei
r results show that the
effort required by this additional analysis pays off both in terms
of test length and the
overall CPU time.
A better dynamic compaction method is presented in [Abramovici e
t al. 1986a]. It
relies on a close interaction with fault simulation by critical-path
tracing, whose results
are used to select secondary target faults already activated by
the partially generated
vector and/or whose effects can be easily propagated to a PO
. When simulating a
partially specified vector, critical-path tracing also identifies re
start gates, which point
to areas where additional faults are likely to be easily det
ected. In the example in
Figure 6.61
if g is O-useful, h is a restart gate. A good secondary target f
ault is likely
to be found in the area bounded by g.
6.2.6 Other TG Methods
Algebraic Methods
The TG methods discussed in this chapter can be characterized as top
ological, as they
are based on a structural model of a circuit. A different type of
methods, referred to as
algebraic, use Boolean equations to represent the circuit. (A r
eview of algebraic
methods appears in [Breuer and Friedman 1976]). Algebraic methods
are impractical
for large circuits.
Extensions for Tristate Logic
Extensions of the conventional test generation algorithms to handle circ
uits with tristate
busses are presented in [Breuer 1983, Itazaki and Kinoshita 19
86]. An additional
problem for test generation in this type of circuits is to avoi
d conflicts caused by the
simultaneous enabling of two or more bus drivers.
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
TG for Module-Level Circuits
Until now we have considered only gate-level circuits. The previo
usly discussed TG
algorithms can be extended to process more complex components,
referred to as
modules (for example, exclusive-ORs, multiplexers, etc.). The inte
rnal gate-level

structure of a module is ignored. While for gates we had s

imple and uniform
procedures for line justification and error propagation, for every
type of module we
need to precompute and store all the possible solutions to the probl
ems of justifying an
output value and of propagating errors from inputs to outputs.
For some modules, a
set of solutions may also be incrementally generated by special
procedures, that, on
demand, provide the next untried solution from the set.
Example 6.16: Consider a module that implements the function Z=
ab+bc, whose
Karnaugh map is shown in Figure 6.69(a). The solutions to the probl
ems of justifying
Z=1 and Z=O are given by the primitive cubes of Z, shown i
n F i ~ u r e 6.69(b). The
primitive cubes with Z=I(O) correspond to the prime implicants of Z(Z).
1 1
b 1 1
a b c Z
1 x 0 1
1 0 x 1
x 1 0 1
0 x 1 0
0 0 x 0
x 1 1 0
a b c Z
D 0 x D
0 D 0 D
1 D 1 D
x 1 D D
Figure 6.69 (a) Kamaugh map (b) Primitive cubes (c) Propagation D-cu
Now let us assume that a=D and we want to determine the minimal
input conditions
that will propagate this error to Z. In other words, we look for
values of band c such
that Z changes value when a changes from 1 to O. This means fi
nding pairs of cubes
of Z of the form 1Vb vel Vz and OVb'Vc' Iv
, where the values of band c are compatible.
From such a pair we derive a cube of the form D(Vb(lVb')(V
ID', where
D'=D(D) if v
For example, from the primitive cubes lOx I 1 and OOx lOwe
construct the cube DOx ID; this tells us that setting b=O propag
ates a D from a to Z.
Such a cube is called a propagation D-cube [Roth 1980]. Figur
e 6.69(c) lists the

propagation D-cubes dealing with the propagation of one error.

(The propagation
D-cube DOO ID, obtained by combining lxO 11 and OOx 10, is cov
ered by DOx ID
and does not have to be retained). Propagation D-cubes for multi
ple errors occurring
on the inputs of Z can be similarly derived. D
Clearly, for every propagation D-cube there exists a corresponding on
e in which all the
D components are complemented. For example, if x ID I jj is a p
ropagation D-cube,
then so is the cube x 115 ID.
A TG algorithm for gate-level circuits uses built-in procedures for
line justification and
error propagation. In a TG algorithm for module-level circuits, wheneve
r an output line
of a module has to be justified (or errors have to be propagated
through a module), the
table of primitive cubes (or propagation D-cubes) associated with the type
of the module
is searched to find a cube that is compatible with the current line values.
The intersection
operator defined in Figure 2.3 is now extended to composite logic v
alues as shown in
Figure 6.70.
0 1 D D x
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 1
D 0 0 D 0 D
D 0 0 0 D D
x 0 1 D D x
Figure 6.70 5-valued intersection operator
The following example illustrates module-level TG.
Example 6.17: The circuit shown in Figure 6.71 uses two modules of the t
ype described
in Figure 6.69. Assume ~ a t the target fault is P s-a-1, whi
ch is activated by P=O. To
propagate the error P = D through M1, we intersect the current value
s of M1 (QPRS =
xDx Ix) with the propagation D-cubes given in Figure 6.69( c), and with t
hose obtained by
complementing all Ds and i. _The first consistent propagation D-cube is ODOID.
we set Q = R = 0 to obtain S =D. To check the effect of these values on
M2, we intersect
its current values (RQOT =OOx Ix) with the primitive cubes given in
Figure 6.69(b). A
consistent intersection is obtained with the second cube with Z = O. He
nce T = 0, which
precludes error propagation through gate V. Then we backtrack, l
ooking for another
propagation D-cube for M1. The cube 1D11 D is consistent with the
current values of
M1. The values R=Q=1 do not determine a value for T. To propagate S=D,
we need T=I.
Then we intersect the values of M2 (RQOT = llx11) with the primitive c
ubes with Z=1.

The first cube is consistent and implies 0 =O. The generated vector is PQRO =
0110. D
Compared with its gate-level model, a module-level model of a c
ircuit has a simpler
structure. This results from having fewer components and lines,
and also from
eliminating the internal fanout structure of modules. (A circuit
using exclusive-OR
modules offers a good example of this simplification.) Another
advantage of a
module-level model occurs in circuits containing many instances of
the same module
type, because the preprocessing required to determine the primit
ive cubes and the
propagation D-cubes is done only once for all the modules of th
e same type. While a
simpler circuit structure helps the TG algorithm, the components are now
more complex
and their individual processing is more complicated. Because of
this trade-off, the
question of whether TG at the module level is more efficient than
TG at the gate level
does not have a general answer [Chandra and Patel 1987].
ATG for SSFs in Combinational Circuits
a Ml
P b Z
a M2
b Z
0 c
Figure 6.71 Module-level circuit
In general, modules are assumed to be free of internal faults,
and TG at the module
level is limited to the pin-fault model. This limitation can be
overcome in two ways.
The first approach is to use a hierarchical mixed-level model, in w
hich one module at a
time is replaced by its gate-level model. This allows generating test
s for faults internal
to the expanded module. The second approach is to preprocess every
type of module
by generating tests for its internal faults. To apply a precomput
ed test to a module M
embedded in a larger circuit, it is necessary to justify the values
required at the inputs
of M using the modules feeding M, and at the same time, to
propagate the error(s)
from the output(s) of M to POs using the modules fed by M. A de
sign for testability
technique that allows precomputed tests to be easily applied to emb
edded modules is
discussed in [Batni and Kime 1976]. Other approaches to module
-level TG are

described in [Somenzi et al. 1985, Murray and Hayes 1988, Renous

et al. 1989].
6.3 ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits
6.3.1 TG Using Iterative Array Models
In this section we show how the TG methods for combinational
circuits can be
extended to sequential circuits. First we restrict ourselves to
synchronous sequential
circuits whose components are gates and clocked flip-flops. The ex
tension is based on
the modeling technique introduced in Section 2.1.2, which transforms
a synchronous
sequential circuit into an iterative combinational array (see Fi
gure 2.9). One cell of
this array is called a time frame. In this transformation a
F/F is modeled as a
combinational element having an additional input q to represent its cu
rrent state and an
additional output q+ to represent its next state, which becomes t
he current state in the
next time frame. An input vector of the iterative combinationa
l array represents an
input sequence for the sequential circuit. Initially we assume that
all F/Fs are directly
driven by the same clock line which is considered to be fa
ult-free. With these
assumptions we can treat the clock line as an implicit line in our
Figure 6.72(b) shows the structure of one time frame of an
iterative array model
corresponding to the circuit in Figure 6.72(a) that uses JK F/Fs.
The gate-level model
for the JK F/F implements the equations
r-- r-I
J 1
Y cf'
L _

Figure 6.72 Sequential circuit with JK F/F (a) General model (b) Mode
l for
one time frame
If we are not interested in faults internal to F/Fs, we can model
the circuit that realizes
q+ as a module with three inputs (J, K, and q).
Because all time frames have an identical structure, there is
no need to actually
construct the complete model of the iterative array. Thus the
TG algorithms can use
the same structural model for every time frame; however, signa
l values in different
time frames should be separately maintained.
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits 251
Since the circuit C', obtained by adding the F/F models to the
original combinational
circuit C, is also a combinational circuit, we can apply any TG
algorithm discussed in
Section 6.2. First let us consider a fault-oriented algorithm. A g
enerated test vector t
for C' may specify values both for PIs and for q variables; the
latter must be justified
in the previous time frame. Similarly, t may not propagate an e
rror to a PO but to a
q+ variable. Then the error must be propagated into the next
time frame. Thus the
search process may span several time frames, going both backwa
rd and forward in
time. A major difficulty arises from the lack of any a priori
knowledge about the
number of time frames needed in either direction.
When dealing with multiple time frames, the target fault is
present in every time
frame. In other words, the original single fault is e q u i
v a l e ~ to a multiple fault in the
iterative array model. Consequently, an error value (D or D) m
ay propagate onto the
faulty line itself (this cannot happen in a combinational circuit
with a single fault). If
the faulty line is s-a-c, and the value propagating onto it
is vIv!, the resulting
composite value is vI c (see Figure 6.73). Note that when v=c, the
faulty line stops the
propagation of fault effects generated in a previous time frame.
Value propagated
Fault of line I
Resulting value
onto line 1 of line 1
D s-a-O D
D s-a-l 1
D s-a-O 0
- D s-a-l D
Figure 6.73 Result of a fault effect propagating to a faulty line
When generating a test sequence for a fault it is never necessary to
enter the same state
twice. Moreover, allowing a previously encountered state to be
entered again will
cause the program to go into an infinite loop. To avoid this,
any TG algorithm for

sequential circuits includes some mechanism to monitor the sequence

of states and to
initiate backtracking when states are repeated.
TG from a Known Initial State
The most general form of a TG algorithm for sequential circuits shoul
d assume that the
initial state in the fault-free and in the faulty circuit is unknow
n, because FIP states are
arbitrary when power is first applied to a circuit. First we
outline a less general
algorithm that assumes that the initial state vector q(l) is know
n both in the fault-free
and the' faulty circuit (see Figure 6.74). Here the search process
goes only forward in
time. Since we desire to generate a test sequence as short a
s possible, we will try a
sequence of length r only if we fail to generate a sequence of l
ength r-l. Thus when
we consider an iterative array of r time frames, we ignore t
he POs of the first r-l
frames. We also ignore the q+ outputs of the last frame. On
ce the iterative array
model is built, we can use any of the fault-oriented TG alg
orithms presented in
Section 6.2.1 (some minor modification is required to account for
the existence of the
faulty line in every frame).
build model with r time frames
ignore the POs in the first r-1 frames
ignore the q+ outputs in the last frame
q( 1) = given initial state
if (test generation is successful) then return SUCCESS
/* no solution with r frames */
until r =f max
return FAILURE
t(l) t(2) t(r)
1 2 r---q+(1)=q(2)
q i q+
DorD ~
Figure 6.74 TG from a known initial state (a) General procedure (b)
array model
An important question is when to stop increasing the number of time
frames. In other

words, we would like to know the maximal length of a possibl

e test sequence for a
fault. For a circuit with n F/Fs, for every one of the 2
states of the fault-free circuit,
the faulty circuit may be in one of its 2
states. Hence no test sequence without
repeated states can be longer then 4
This bound, however, is too large to be useful
in practice, so the number of time frames is bounded by a
(much smaller)
user-specified limit f max'
While conceptually correct, the algorithm outlined in Figure 6.74 is
inefficient, because
when the array with r frames is created, all the computations
previously done in the
first r-1 frames are ignored. To avoid this waste, we save t
he partial sequences that
can be extended in future frames. Namely, while searching for
a sequence S, of
length r, we save every such sequence that propagates errors to the
q+ variables of the
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits 253
r-th frame (and the resulting state vector q+(r)) in a set SOL
of partial solutions. If
no sequence S, propagates an error to a PO, the search for a se
quence Sr+l starts from
one of the saved states q+(r).
Example 6.18: Consider the sequential circuit in Figure 6.75(a) and
the fault a s-a-l.
We will derive a test sequence to detect this fault, assumin
g the initial state is
ql=q2=0. Figure 6.75(b) shows the model of one time frame.
Time frame 1: We apply q 1=q 2=0, which creates a D at the location
of the fault. The
vector 1(1)=1 propagates the error to q!. Because the fault effect
does not reach Z, we
save the sequence S1 =(1) and the state q+(I) =(0,15) in the set SOL
Time frame 2: We apply (O,D) to the q lines of frame 2. T
he D-frontier is
} . Selecting G
or G
for error propagation results in 1(2)=1 and the next
state q+(2)=(D,15). Trying to propagate the error through G
results in 1(2)=0 and the
next state q+(2)=(0,D).
Time Frame .3: Now the 8!!:.t_SOL
contains two partial solutions: (1) the sequence
(1,1) leading to the state (D,D) and_( ~ the sequence (1,0)
leading to the state (O,D).

Trying the first solution, we apply (D,D) to the q lines of frame

3, which results in the
D-frontier {Z,G
1,G2,G 3,G4
} . Selecting Z for error propagation we obtain 1(3)=1 and
Z=D. The resulting test sequence is 1=(1,1,1). 0
With the given initial state, it may not always be possible to
activate the fault in the
first time frame; then a sequence is needed for activation.
Generation of Self-Initializing Test Sequences
The algorithm outlined in Figure 6.76(a) handles the general case w
hen the initial state
is unknown. The fault is activated in one time frame (temporarily
labeled 1), and the
resulting error is propagated to a PO going forward in time usi
ng r ~ 1 frames (see
Figure 6.76(b)). If some q values of frame 1 are binary, thes
e are justified going
backward in time using p time frames temporarily labeled 0, 1, ..., -(P-l). This
process succeeds when the q values in the first time frame
are all x. Such a test
sequence is said to be self-initializing. (After p is known,
the time frames can be
correctly labeled 1,... ,p,p+l,... ,p+r.)
We will try a sequence of length p + r + 1 only when we fail
to generate a sequence
of length p + r. To reuse previous computations, the algorithm
saves all partial
solutions of the form (q(-(P-l); Sp+r; q+(r)), where Sp+r is a
sequence obtained with
p + r frames that propagates errors to q+(r).
Example 6.19: Let us derive a self-initializing test sequence for
the fault Z s-a-O in
the circuit of Figure 6.77(a). Figure 6.77(b) shows the structur
e of one time frame,
using a module to realize the function q+=Jq+qK. The primitive cubes
of this module
are given in Figure 6.69(b) (substitute J,q,K,q+ for a,b,c,Z).
Time frame 1: The only test that detects Z s-a-O is (/,ql)=10.
Since Z has value D,
an error is propagated to the PO using r=1 frames. Since ql(I);t:x,
we need pzl.
Time frame 0: To justify qt(0)=0, we first try J 1=0 and K 1=1 (see
the decision tree in
Figure 6.78(a)). Both solutions justifying J 1=0 involve assignments
to q2. The other
two solutions justifying qt involve assignments to q 1. Hence there i
s no solution with
/---.-- 1--------1
Figure 6.75
p=1. Next we try p=2 and we return to the first solution for
J 1=0, namely 1=0 and
Time frame -1: To justify q!=1, we first try J

=1 and K
=O, which are both satisfied
by setting 1=0. Since all lines are justified while q 1 and q2 of
this time frame are both
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits
r = 1
build model with p + r time frames
ignore the POs in the first p + r - 1 frames
ignore the q+ outputs in the last frame
if (test generation is successful and every q input in the first fra
me has
value x) then return SUCCESS
increment r or p
until (r+p=!max)
return FAILURE

D orD
Figure 6.76 Deriving a self-initializing test sequence (a) General pr
(b) Iterative array model
x, we have obtained the self-initializing test sequence 1=(0,0,1
) with p=2 and r=l.
Figure 6.78(b) shows the corresponding iterative array. D
Other Algorithms
A major complication in the algorithm outlined in Figure 6.76 results
from the need of
going both forward and backward in time. One approach that avoids
this problem is
the EBT (Extended Backtrace) method [Marlett 1978], whose search proc
ess goes only
backward in time. EBT first selects a path from the fault site
to a PO (this path may
involve several time frames), then sensitizes the path starting fro
m the PO. After the
error propagation succeeds, the fault is activated by justifying th
e needed value at the
fault site. All line-justification problems that cannot be solve
d in the current time
frame are continued in the previous frame. Thus all vectors are
generated in the order
Y Yl

I ---+----t---i
Figure 6.77
opposite to that of application. The same principle is used in the
algorithms described
in [Mallel a and Wu 1985] and [Cheng and Chakraborty 1989].
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits 257
Time frame 0
q2 = 1
= 1
q2 =0
Time frame -1
I Z f--O
0- I Z f---O I- I Z -D
x 0
q2 q2 q2
Time frame 1
Time frame 2 Time frame 3
Figure 6.78 Example 6.19 (a) Decision tree (b) Iterative array
Critical-path TG algorithms for combinational circuits have also
been extended to
synchronous sequential circuits using the iterative array model [T
homas 1971, Breuer
and Friedman 1976].
The method described in [Ma et ale 1988] relies on the existence
of a reset state and

assumes that every test sequence starts from the reset state. Li
ke the algorithm given
in Figure 6.76(a), it begins by activating the fault in time frame
1 and propagating the
error forward to a PO, using several time frames if necessary.
The state required in
frame 1, q( 1), is justified by a sequence that brings the cir
cuit from the reset state to
q(1). To help find this sequence, a preprocessing step determi
nes a partial
state-transition graph by systematically visiting states reachable
from the reset state.
Thus transfer sequences from the reset state to many states ar
e precomputed. If the
state q( 1) is not in the partial state diagram, then a state-jus
tification algorithm searches
for a transfer sequence from the reset state to q( 1). This searc
h process systematically
visits the states from which q( 1)' can be reached, and stops when
any state included in
the partial state-transition graph is encountered.
Logic Values
Muth [1276] has shown that an extension of the D-algorithm restric
ted to the values
{O,I,D,D,x} may fail to generate a test sequence for a detec
table fault, while an
algorithm using the complete set of nine composite values would be s
With the nine composite values, a line in both the fault-free and t
he faulty circuit may
assume one of the three values {O,I,u}. Because of the limit
ations of the 3-valued
logic (discussed in Chapter 3), it is possible that a TG algori
thm using the 9-valued
logic may not be able to derive a self-initializing test, even
when one does exist. (A
procedure guaranteed to produce an initializing sequence, when one exi
sts, requires the
use of multiple unknown values.)
We have seen that for a self-initializing test sequence, all t
he q variables of the first
time frame have value x. Some systems use a different value
U to denote an initial
unknown state. The difference between U and x is that xna=a,
while Una=0; in
other words, an x can be changed during computation, but an U can
One way to avoid the complex problem of initialization is to design
sequential circuits
that can be easily initialized. The simplest technique is to
provide each F/F with a
common reset (or preset) line. Then one vector can initialize the
fault-free circuit and
most of the faulty circuits. Such design techniques to simplif
y testability will be
considered in greater detail in a separate chapter.
Reusing Previously Solved Problems
An additional difficulty in TG for sequential circuits is the
existence of "impossible"

states, that is, states never used in the fault-free operation

. For example, a 5-state
counter implemented with three F/Fs may have three states that
cannot be entered.
Trying to justify one of these invalid states during TG is bound ev
entually to fail and
may consume a significant amount of time. To help alleviate this
problem, a table of
invalid and unjustifiable states can be constructed. Initially, the u
ser may make entries
in this table. Then the system itself will enter the states w
hose justification failed or
could not be completed within a user-specified time limit. Before at
tempting to justify
a state q, the TG system will compare it with the entries i
n the invalid-states table;
backtracking is initiated if q is covered by an invalid state. For e
xample, if Oxx1 could
not be justified (within the allowed limits), then it is usele
ss to try to justify 0lxl,
which is a more stringent restriction on the state space.
This concept of keeping track of previous state-justification problem
s can be extended
to successfully solved problems [Rutman 1972]. For example, suppose
that we want to
justify the state q=Oxlx, and that the state 011x has been previou
sly justified. Clearly,
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits 259
we can again apply the sequence used to justify a state cov
ered by q. Hence we
construct a table of solved state-justification problems and the
ir corresponding
solutions. Whenever we wish to justify a state q, we search this
table to see if q (or a
state covered by q) has been justified before. If so, the stored
justification sequence is
Cost Functions
The controllability and observability cost functions discussed in
Section have
been extended to sequential circuits [Rutman 1972, Breuer 1978, Goldste
in 1979]. The
computation of controllability costs starts by assigning COr1)=C1(1)=
00 for every line 1
(in practice, 00 is represented by a large integer). Next the C
O(i) and Cl (i) values of
every PI i are changed to Ii-I, where Ii is the fanout count
of i (using fanout-based
cost functions). Then cost changes are further propagated in t
he same way logic
events are propagated in simulation. To compute the new cost of the
output of a gate
in response to cost changes on gate inputs, we use formulas simil
ar to (6.6) and (6.7).
Note that for an AND gate I, Cl(l) will keep the value 00 until e
very input of the gate 1
has a finite Cl value. F/Fs are processed based on their equations.
The controllability
costs of the state variables and of the lines affected by them may c
hange several times

during this process, until all costs reach their stable values
. The convergence of the
cost computation is guaranteed because when a cost changes, it
s value always
decreases. Usually the costs reach their stable values in only a f
ew iterations.
After the controllability costs are determined, observability costs
are computed by a
similar iterative process. We start by setting 0 (/)=00 for every
line 1 and changing the
observability cost of every PO to O. Now changes in the obse
rvability costs are
propagated going backward through the circuit, applying formulas
similar to (6.3)
and (6.4).
Selection of Target Faults
The structure of a TG system for sequential circuits using a
fault-oriented TG
algorithm is similar to that outlined in Figure 6.67, except that
a test sequence (rather
than one vector) is generated to detect the target fault. A self
-initializing sequence is
necessary only for the first target fault. For any other target
fault, TG starts from the
state existing at the end of the previously generated sequence.
Every generated sequence is simulated to determine all the fau
lts it detects. An
important byproduct of this fault simulation is that it also
determines the undetected
faults whose effects have been propagated to state variables. This
information is used
by selecting one such fault as the next target; this "opportuni
stic" selection saves the
effort involved in activating the fault and propagating an error to a
state variable.
Clock Logic and Multiple Clocks
Until now we have assumed that all F/Fs are directly driven
by the same fault-free
clock line. In practice, however, synchronous sequential circuits
may have multiple
clock lines and clocks may propagate through logic on their
way to F/Fs.
Figure 6.79(a) shows the general structure of such a circuit and Figure
6.79(b) gives an
example of clock logic. (We assume that clock PIs do not feed data
inputs of F/Fs.)
To handle circuits with this structure, we use F/F models where t
he clock line appears
explicitly. Figure 6.80 illustrates the model for a D F/F that im
plements the equation
-----lD Y 1---->------1CK
Figure 6.79 (a) Synchronous circuit with clock logic (a) General stru

(b) Example of clock logic

q+=CD+Cq. Note that in this model the F/F maintains its current
state if its clock is
not active.
This modeling technique allows the clock logic to be treated
as a part of the
combinational circuit. A l(O)-value specified for a clock PI i
in a vector of the
generated test sequence means that a clock pulse should (should not
) be applied to i in
that vector. Although the values of the data PIs and of the clo
ck PIs are specified by
the same vector, the tester must delay the clock pulses to
ensure that the F/F clock
inputs change only after the F/F data inputs have settled to their
new values.
For a F/F for which clocking is the only means to change its sta
te, certain faults in the
clock logic preclude clock propagation and make the F/F keep
its initial state. A
conventional ATG procedure cannot detect such a fault, because its
fault effects are of
the form llu or Olu (never D or D), which, when propagated to a
PO, indicate only a
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits
Figure 6.80 (a) D flip-flop (b) Model with explicit clock line
potential detection. The method described in [Ogihara et ale 1988]
takes advantage of
the F/F maintaining its initial state, say qi' and tries to propag
ate both a l/qi and a O/qi
fault effect to a PO (they may propagate at different times).
Then one of these two
fault effects is guaranteed to indicate a definite error.
Complexity Issues
TG for sequential circuits is much more complex than for comb
inational circuits,
mainly because both line justification and error propagation inv
olve multiple time
frames. In the worst case the number of time frames needed is an e
xponential function
of the number of F/Fs.
An important structural property of a sequential circuit is the prese
nce of cycles, where
a cycle is a loop involving F/Fs [Miczo 1983]. TG for a se
quential circuit without
cycles is not much more difficult than for a comparable comb
inational circuit. The
complexity of TG for a sequential circuit with cycles is direc

tly related to its cyclic

structure, which can be characterized by
the number of cycles;
the number of F/Fs per cycle;
the number of cycles a F/F is involved in (reflecting the
degree of interaction
between cycles) [Lioy et ale 1989].
We cannot expect TG for large sequential circuits with complex cyc
lic structures to be
practically feasible. Practical solutions rely on design for tes
tability techniques.
Several such techniques (to be discussed in Chapter 9) transform
a sequential circuit
into a combinational one during testing. Cheng and Agrawal [19
89] describe a
technique whose goal is to simplify the cyclic structure of a sequenti
al circuit.
Asynchronous Circuits
TG for asynchronous circuits is considerably more difficult than
for synchronous
circuits. First, asynchronous circuits often contain races and a
re susceptible to
improper operation caused by hazards. Second, to obtain an iterative
array model of
the circuit, all feedback lines must be identified; this is a c
omplex computational task.
Finally, correct circuit operation often depends on delays intent
ionally placed in the
circuit, but none of the TG algorithms previously discussed takes de
lays into account.
Note that an asynchronous circuit may go through a sequence of s
tates in response to
an input change. We assume that the PO values are measured only
after a stable state
is reached and that PIs are not allowed to change until the circu
it has stabilized. Based
on these assumptions, we can use the modeling technique illust
rated in Figure 6.81
[Breuer 1974]. Here the time scale is divided into frames and phase
s. A time frame i
corresponds to the application of one input vector xii). (Unlike
synchronous circuits,
two consecutive vectors must differ in at least one variable).
Every frame i is
composed of one or more phases to reflect the sequence of
changes of the state
variables. All the phases of the same frame receive the same
vector xCi). PO values
are observed only after stability has been reached (Y=Y) in the
last phase of a frame.
One problem is that the number of phases in a frame is not known a
The TG procedures for synchronous circuits can be extended to ha
ndle the model in
Figure 6.81 and can be further modified so that the generated
test will be free of
hazards [Breuer and Harrison 1974]. In practice, however, ATG
for large
asynchronous circuits is not feasible.

6.3.2 Simulation-Based TG
The principle of simulation-based TG [Seshu 1965] is to explore
the space of input
vectors as follows:
1. Generate and (fault) simulate trial vectors.
2. Based on the simulation results, evaluate trial vectors acco
rding to some cost
3. Select the "best" trial vector and add it to the test sequence
Initially we can start with an arbitrary (or user-specified) v
ector. Trial vectors are
usually selected among the "neighbors" of the current input ve
ctor t, i.e., vectors
different from t in one bit. The selection process is random, s
o this method is in part
similar to RTG. The cost function depends on the objective of the cur
rent phase of the
TG process [Agrawal et al. 1988]:
1. Initialization: Here the objective is to set all FIPs to
binary values. The cost
function is the number of F/Fs in an unknown state. (This
phase does not
require fault simulation.)
2. Test Generation for Groups of Faults: Here the objective is t
o detect as many
faults as possible, hence all undetected faults are simulated. Fo
r every activated
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits
C y
x(2) x(r)
::- T(I)
T(2) ::.
T(r) -- \/

y(i) c c
q= y(i+1)
Figure 6.81 (a) Asynchronous circuit (b) Iterative array model (c) Str
of time frame T(i)
fault i we compute its cost c, as the shortest distance be
tween the gates on its
D-frontier and POSe The distance is the weighted number of elements on
a path,
with a F/F having a heavier weight than a gate. The cost c, repre
sents a measure
of how close is fault i to being detected. The cost function
is L c., where the
summation is taken over a subset of faults containing the fa
ults having the
lowest costs.
3. Test Generation for Individual Faults: Here we target one
of the remarnmg
undetected faults and the objective is to generate a test seq
uence to detect it.
The cost function is a dynamic testability measure, designed t
o measure the
additional effort required to detect the fault, starting from the cur
rent state.
In all three phases, a "good" trial vector should reduce the
cost. During the
initialization phase, reducing the cost means initializing more
F/Fs. When the cost
becomes 0, all F/Fs have binary values. In the other two ph
ases, reducing the cost
means bringing a group of faults, or an individual fault, cl
oser to detection. In
principle, we should evaluate all possible trial vectors and select
the one leading to the
minimal cost. (In a circuit with n PIs, n trial vectors can be
obtained by l-bit changes
to the current vector.) In practice, we can apply a "greedy" strat
egy, which accepts the
first vector that reduces the cost. Rejecting a trial vector that
does not reduce the cost
means restoring the state of the problem (values, fault lists, etc.)
to the one created by
the last accepted vector; this process is similar to backtracking.
At some point, it may
happen that no trial vector can further reduce the cost, whic
h shows that the search
process has reached a local minimum. In this case a change
of strategy is needed,
such as (1) accept one vector that increases the cost, (2) g
enerate a new vector that
differs from the current one in more than one bit, (3) go to the n
ext phase.
An important advantage of simulation-based TG is that it can

use the same delay

model as its underlying fault simulator. It can also handle
asynchronous circuits.
Because its main component is a conventional fault simulator, simu
lation-based TG is
easier to implement than methods using the iterative array model.
SOFTG (Simulator-Oriented Fault Test Generator) is another simulat
ion-based TG
method [Snethen 1977]. SOFTG also generates a test sequence in whic
h each vector
differs from its predecessor in one bit. Rather than randomly
selecting the bit to
change, SOFfG determines it by a backtrace procedure similar to
the one used in
6.3.3 TG Using RTL Models
The TG methods described in the previous section work with a
circuit model
composed of gates and F/Fs. By contrast, a designer or a test
engineer usually views
the circuit as an interconnection of higher-level components, su
ch as counters,
registers, and multiplexers. Knowing how these components operate allo
ws simple and
compact solutions for line-justification and error-propagation problems
. For example,
justifying a 1 in the second bit of a counter currently in the al
l-O state can be done by
executing two increment operations. But a program working with
a low-level
structural model (in which the counter is an interconnection of gat
es and F/Fs) cannot
use this type of functional knowledge.
In this section we present TG methods that use RTL models for c
omponents (or for the
entire circuit). They generate tests for SSFs and can be ext
ended to handle stuck
RTL variables. (TG for functional faults is the topic of Chapter 8.)
The main motivation for RTL models is to speed up TG for sequent
ial circuits and to
increase the size of the circuits that can be efficiently processed.
A second motivation
is the use of "off-the-shelf' commercial components for which
gate-level models are
not available, but whose RTL descriptions are known or can be
derived from their
functional specifications.
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits 265 Extensions of the D-Algorithm
To extend the D-algorithm to circuits containing RTL components, we k
eep its overall
structure, but we extend its basic operations - line-justification,
error-propagation, and
implication. We will consider devices of moderate complexity, such
as shift registers
and counters [Breuer and Friedman 1980]. The function of such a dev
ice is described
using the following primitive RTL operators:
Clear (reset),
parallel Load,

Hold (do nothing),

shift Left,
shift Right,
increment (count Up),
decrement (count Down).
Figure 6.82(b) describes the operation of the bidirectional shift
register shown in
Figure 6.82(a), where Y and y denote the next and the curren
t state of the register,
Clock = l' represents a 0 to 1 transition of Clock, and Cloc
k *" l' means that the
consecutive values of Clock are 00 or 11 or 10. The outputs Q alw
ays follow the state
variables y.
The primitive RTL operators are implemented by built-in generic
algorithms, which
are applicable to any n-bit register. Different types of components are
characterized by
different sets of conditions that activate the operators; for
example negative versus
positive clock, or synchronous versus asynchronous clear. For every
type of device we
use a translation table similar to the one in Figure 6.82(b)
to provide the mapping
between operators and the values of the control lines.
A first type of implication is to compute Y given y, A and the
values of the control
lines. For this we first determine what operation will be execute
d. When some control
lines have x values, the device may execute one of a set of pote
ntial operations. For
example, if (Reset, Clock, So, S1) = 1 l' 1 x, the shift register
may execute either Right
or Load. Even if we do not know the operation executed, some of the
resulting values
can be implied by the following union algorithm, obtained by
taking the common
results of Right and Load:
if Ai =Yi+l then Y
else Y
=x i = 1, ..., n-l
if An =A
then Y
else Y
There are 20 union algorithms for the shift register of Figur
e 6.82 [Breuer and
Friedman 1980].
A second type of implication is to determine what operation could have
been executed,
given the values of Y. For example, if the values Ai are compatible
with the values Y

\11 \11
- :::::
Yn Y2 Yl
::::: ...
\1, \I
Control lines
Operation Algorithm
Reset Clock
So Sl
0 X X x Clear Y
=0 i = 1, ..., n
x x Hold
i = 1, ..., n
1 r 0 0 Hold
1 i 0 1 Left
Yi =Yi-l
i = 2, ..., n
1 r 1 0 Right
Yi =Yi+l
i = 1, ..., n-1
= A
1 r 1 1 Load Y
i = 1, ..., n
Figure 6.82 Shift register (a) Module-level view (b) Generic algorithm
i.e., Y

n Ai :;t: 0 for i = 1, ..., n, then Load is a poten

tial operation. Figure 6.83
summarizes these implications for a shift register.
A third type of implication is to determine the values of A or
y, knowing Y and the
operation executed. This is done using the concept of inverse oper
ations. That is, if
Y = g(y), then y = g-l(y). Figure 6.84 presents the inverse oper
ations for a shift
Note that Clear1
is undefined, because the previous values Yi cannot be determin
once the register has been cleared.
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits
Conditions Potential operation
Yi nYi * 0
i = 1, ..., n Hold
nAi *0 i = 1, ..., n Load
Yi n Yi-l * 0
i =2, ..., n
Y1 nAo * 0
Yi n Yi+l * 0
i = 1, ..., n-l
Yn n An+ l * 0
Yi * 1
i = 1, ..., n Clear
Figure 6.83 Potential operations for a shift register
Inverse Operation Algorithm
Yi =Yi
i = 1, ..., n
Yi =Yi+l
i = 1, ..., n-l
Rightl Yi =Yi- l
i = 2, ..., n
n+ l
Ai =Y
i = 1, ..., n
Figure 6.84 Inverse operations for a shift register
Example 6.20: For the shift register of Figure 6.82, assume th

at n = 4, (Reset,
Clock, So, Sl) = 1 Tx 0, Y = (Y
, Y
, Y
, Y
) = x x 0 x, y = (Y4' Y3, Y2, YI) =
x 1 x 0 and A = (As, A
, A
) = x x x x x x. From the values of the
control lines and Figure 6.82(b), we determine that the potentia
l operations are Right
and Hold. Checking their conditions given in Figure 6.83, we
find that Hold is
possible but Right is not (since Y2 n Y3 =0). Hence we conclud
e that the operation
is Hold. This implies So =0, Y
=Y3 = 1 and Y
=YI =O. Using the inverse
operator nour', we determine that Y2 =Y 2 =O. 0
Line Justification
For line justification, we first determine the set of potential
operations the device can
execute; among these we then select one that can produce the desire
d result.
Example 6.21: Assume we wish to justify Y =0110 and that currently
y = x 0 x x,
A =x x x x x x, and (Reset, Clock, So, Sl) = 1 i x x. From the
values of the control
lines we determine that the potential operations are {Hold, Left,
Right, Load}. Hold is
not possible because Y3 n Y3 = 0. Right is not possible sinc
e Y2 n Y3 = 0. Thus
we have two solutions:
1. Execute Left. For this we set (So, SI) =01. By applying Le
to Y =0110,
we determine that (Y2' Y1) = 11 and A
2. Execute Load. For this we set (So, SI) = 11. By applying Load
." to Y = 0110,
we determine that (A
, A
, A

, AI) = 0110.
Before selecting one of these two solutions, we can imply S 1 = 1,
which is common to
both of them. 0
Error Propagation
We consider only single error-propagation problems, i.e., we have a
D or D affecting
one input of the shift register. The simple case occurs when
the error affects a data
line Ai. Then to propagate the error through the shift register we e
1. Left if i =0;
2. Load if 1 s i s n;
3. Right if i =n + 1.
To propagate an error that affects a control line, we have to
make the shift register in
the faulty circuit f execute an operation Of different from the ope
ration 0 done by the
shift register in the good circuit, and to ensure that the
results of 0 and Of are
different. Figure 6.85 gives the conditions needed to propagate a D
on a control l i n ~
and the resulting composite operation 0 IOf. The conditions needed t
o propagate a D
are the same, but the resulting composite operation is reversed (t
hat is, if D produced
, jj will produce 0
210 1
) . The notation Clock = i/;t:i means that Clock has a
O-to-l transition in the good circuit but Eot in-.!he faulty circui
t (i.e., the consecutive
composite values of Clock can be OD or Dl or DD).
Reset Clock
D x x x {Hold,Left,Right,Load}/Clear
1 i D 0 Right/Hold
1 i D 1 Load/Left
1 r 0 D Left/Hold
1 r 1 D Load/Right
1 i/;t:i 1 x {Load,Right}/Hold
1 i/;t:i x 1 {Load,Left}/Hold
Figure 6.85 Propagation of errors on control lines of a shift regist
Example 6.22: Assume we want to propagate a D from S1 and
that currently
y = 0000 and A = 010000. From Figure 6.85 we have two potential
1) (Reset, Clock, So) = 1 i 0 with the composite operation Left/Ho
ld. This is
unacceptable, since the result is Y =0000.
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits 269
2) (Reset, Clock, So) = 1 i 1 with the composite operation Load
/Right. This
produces Y =DOOO. D
An ATG system that successfully implements the concepts introduced in
this section is
described in [Shteingart et ale 1985]. Methods for error propagatio

n through language
constructs used in RTLs are presented in [Levendel and Menon 1982, N
orrod 1989]. Heuristic State-Space Search
SCIRTSS (Sequential Circuit Test Search System) [Hill and Huey
1977] is an
ATG system that generates tests for synchronous circuits for whi
ch both a low-level
model (gate and F/F) and an RTL-Ievel model are available. Base
d on the low-level
model, SCIRTSS employs a TG algorithm for combinational circuits to
generate a test
for a target SSF in one time frame. Then the search for finding s
equences to propagate
an error to a PO and to bring the circuit into the needed
state is done using the
RTL model.
SCIRTSS assumes an RTL model that provides a clear separation between
the data and
the control parts of the circuit, as shown in Figure 6.86. T
his separation allows the
control inputs to be processed differently from the data inputs.
/ ~
v v
Figure 6.86 Model with separation between data and control
We discuss the mechanism employed by SCIRTSS in searching for an in
put sequence
to propagate an error stored in a state variable to a PO. From the
current state (of both
the good and the faulty circuit), SCIRTSS simulates the RTL d
escription to compute
the next states for a set of input vectors. All possible comb
inations of control inputs
are applied, while data inputs are either. user-specified or ran
domly generated. This
strategy assumes that, compared to the data inputs, the control
inputs have a stronger
influence in determining the next state of the circuit, and their n
umber is much smaller.
A state for which the set of next states has been computed
is said to be expanded.
Based on the results of RTL simulation, SCIRTSS determines whether the
desired goal

(propagating an error to a PO) has been achieved in one of the newl

y generated states.
If not, one unexpanded state is selected and the expansion process re
Figure 6.87 illustrates the first two steps of such a search process.
The expanded states
are 0 and 2. The selection of an unexpanded state is based
on heuristic functions
whose purpose is to guide the search on the path most likely to su
cceed. This type of
search is patterned after techniques commonly used in artificial
intelligence. The
heuristic value Hn associated with a state n is given by the express
H; =G
+ W F;
is the length of the sequence leading to n (in Figure 6.87, G
= G
= 1, G
Fn is the main heuristic function that will be further discussed.
w is a weight that determines the extent to which the sear
ch is to be directed by
k+l k+2 ...
Figure 6.87 SCIRTSS search process
The unexpanded state with the smallest H; is selected for exp
ansion. Note that for
w = 0 the search degenerates to breadth-first search. In genera
l, F; is a linear
combination of different heuristics
where Wi is the weight of the heuristic F
ATG for SSFs in Sequential Circuits 271
A useful heuristic in error-propagation problems is the fault p
roliferation function,
expressed as
1 _ the number of F/Fs with error values in state n
total number of F/ Fs
Other heuristic functions [Huey 1979] are based on
distance to a goal node;
probabilities of reaching different states.

After generating a test sequence for a fault, SCIRTSS fault s

imulates the generated
sequence on the low-level model. Then it discards all the detecte
d faults. The results
of the fault simulation are also used to select opportunistica
lly the next target fault
among the faults whose effects are propagated to state variables.
SCIRTSS has been successfully applied to generate tests for mo
derately complex
sequential circuits. Its distinctive feature is the use of an
RTL model as a basis for
heuristic search procedures. Its performance is strongly influence
d by the
sophistication of the user, who has to provide heuristic weights and
some data vectors.
6.3.4 Random Test Generation
RTG for sequential circuits is more complicated than for combi
national circuits
because of the following problems:
Random sequences may fail to properly initialize a circuit that
requires a specific
initialization sequence.
Some control inputs, such as clock and reset lines, have muc
h more influence on
the behavior of the circuit than other inputs. Allowing these
inputs to change
randomly as the other ones do, may preclude generating any useful seq
The evaluation of a vector cannot be based only on the num
ber of new faults it
detects. A vector that does not detect any new faults, but bri
ngs the circuit into a
state from which new faults are likely to be detected, should be c
onsidered useful.
Also a vector that may cause races or oscillations should be rejected.
Because of the first two problems, a semirandom process is of
ten used, in which
pseudorandom stimuli are combined with user-specified stimuli [Schule
r et ale 1975].
For example, the user may provide initialization sequences and
deterministic stimuli
for certain inputs (e.g., clock lines). The user may also speci
fy inputs (such as reset
lines) that should change infrequently and define their relative
rate of change. In
addition, the user is allowed to define the signal probabilities of
certain inputs.
Having nonuniform signal probabilities is especially useful for c
ontrol inputs. An
adaptive procedure that dynamically changes the signal probabilities
of control inputs
is described in [Timoc et ale 1983].
To determine the next vector to be appended to the random sequence,
the RTG method
described in [Breuer 1971] generates and evaluates Q candidate random
vectors. Each
vector t is evaluated according to the function
vet) = a VI + b(v2 - V3)

V 1 is the number of new faults detected by t.

V 2 is the number of new faults whose effects are propagated to
state variables by t
(but are not detected by t).
V 3 is the number of faults whose effects were propagated to st
ate variables before
the application of t, but were "lost" by t (and have not yet been
a and b are weight factors.
Thus the value v(t) of a vector t is also influenced by its pot
ential for future detections.
At every step the vector with the largest value is selected
(this represents a "local"
optimization technique).
The more candidate vectors are evaluated, the greater is the l
ikelihood of selecting a
better one. But then more time is spent in evaluating more candid
ates. This trade-off
can be controlled by an adaptive method that monitors the "p
rofit" obtained by
increasing Q and increments Q as long as the profit is increasing [Breue
r 1971].
6.4 Concluding Remarks
Efficient TG for large circuits is an important practical probl
em. Some of the new
research directions in this area involve hardware support and Artificia
l Intelligence (AI)
Hardware support for TG can be achieved by a special-purpose
architecture using
pipelining [Abramovici and Menon 1983] or by a general-purpose
architecture [Motohara et ale 1986, Chandra and Patel 1988, Patil
and Banerjee 1989].
The latter can take advantage of the available parallelism in several w
concurrent fault processing, where each processor executes the same tes
t generation
job for a subset of faults;
concurrent decision processing, where different processors simultan
eously explore
different branches from the same node in a decision tree;
concurrent guidance processing, where different processors target
the same fault
using different cost functions for guidance.
AI techniques are applied to TG in an attempt to emulate feat
ures of the reasoning
process of expert test engineers when generating tests. In con
trast with an ATG
algorithm, which is oblivious to the functionality of the circ
uit and looks only at a
narrow portion of its structure at a time, a test engineer rel
ies heavily on high-level
knowledge about the intended behavior of the circuit and of its compon
ents, and uses a
global view of its hierarchical structure. Another difference is
the ability of the test
engineer to recognize a family of similar problems and to ta
ke advantage of their
similarity by providing a common solution mechanism; for example, t

he same control
sequence can be repeated with different data patterns to set
a register to different
values. In contrast, an ATG algorithm would repeatedly regenerat
e the control
sequence for every required data pattern.
HITEST [Robinson 1983, Bending 1984] is a knowledge-based system th
at combines
algorithmic procedures with user-provided knowledge. A combinational t
est generator
(based on PODEM) is used to generate a test in one time frame. F
or state-justification
Concluding Remarks 273
and error-propagation problems, HITEST relies on user-provided sol
utions. Such
solutions are often obvious for engineers but may be difficult
to derive by a
conventional test generator. For example, the knowledge specifying
how to bring an
up-down counter into a desired state would (1) indicate values
needed for passive
inputs (such as ENABLE, RESET), (2) determine, by comparing the
desired and the
current states, the number of clock pulses to be applied and th
e necessary setting for
the UP/DOWN control input. The knowledge is stored and maintain
ed using AI
Unlike an ATG algorithm, which explores the space of possible operati
ons of a circuit,
a test engineer searches the more restricted space of intended
operations, i.e., the
operations the circuit was designed to perform. Similarly, the
system described by
Shirley et ale [1987] uses knowledge about the intended behavior
of the circuit to
reduce the search domain. Rather than being provided by the user
, the knowledge is
acquired by analyzing traces obtained during a symbolic simulation o
f the circuit. In
addition to the constant values propagated by a conventional s
imulator, a symbolic
simulator also propagates variables, and its results are express
ions describing the
behavior of the circuit for all the possible data represented by v
ariables. For example,
if X and Yare variables assigned to the A and B inputs of an add
er, its output will be
set to X+Y, and if X=O, the output will be Y. During tes
t generation, the desired
objectives are matched with the simulation traces. If the objective
for the adder is to
propagate an error from the B input, the solution A=O will be fou
nd by matching with
the simulation traces, which also recorded the events that had set
A=O; these events are
retrieved and reused as part of the generated test.
Other applications of AI techniques to TG problems are describ
ed in
[Krishnamurthy 1987, Singh 1987].

TG techniques have other applications beyond TG. Sometimes one h

as two different
combinational circuits supposed to implement the same function. For exa
mple, Cl is a
manual design and C2 is a circuit automatically synthesized fr
om the same
specifications. Or C1 is an existing circuit and C2 is a redesign of C
1 using a different
technology. Of course, we can simulate Cl and C2 with the same st
imuli and compare
the results, but a simulation-based process usually cannot provid
e a complete check.
Logic verification can automatically compare the two circuits and eith
er prove that they
implement the same function or generate vectors that cause diff
erent responses. The
basic mechanism [Roth 1977] is to combine Cl and C2 to create a com
posite circuit M
(see Figure 6.88), then to use a line-justification algorithm to try
to set each PO of M
in tum to 1. If the line justification succeeds, then the ge
nerated vector sets two
corresponding POs in Cl and C2 to different values; otherwise no
such vector exists
and the two POs have the same function.
Abadir et ale [1988] have shown that a complete test set for
SSFs in a combinational
circuit is also useful in detecting many typical design errors, s
uch as missing or extra
inverters, incorrect gate types, interchanged wires, and missing or ex
tra wires.
: CJ ffi I----+-:-I
L ~
Figure 6.88 Composite circuit for proving equivalence between C1 and C
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6.1 For the circuit of Figure 6.89, generate a test for the fault
g s-a-l. Determine all
the other faults detected by this test.
6.2 Modify the TG algorithm for fanout-free circuits (given in Fi
gures 6.3, 6.4, and
6.5) so that it tries to generate a test that will detect
as many faults as possible in
addition to the target fault.
6.3 Use only implications to show that the fault f s-a-O i
n the circuit of
Figure 6.12(a) is undetectable.
6.4 Construct the truQI table of an XOR function of two inputs
using the five logic
values 0, 1, x, D, and D.
6.5 Can a gate on the D-frontier have both a D and a D among its i
nput values?
6.6 For the circuit of Figure 6.90, perform all possible implication
s starting from the

given values.
6.7 For the circuit of Figure 6.91, perform all possible implication
s starting from the
given values.
Figure 6.89
Figure 6.90
6.8 Consider the circuit and the values shown in Figure 6.92.
Let us assume that
trying to justify d=O via a=O has lead to an inconsistency. Perform
all the implications
resulting from reversing the incorrect decision.
6.9 Define the D-frontier for the 9-V algorithm.
6.10 Using the five logic values of the D-algorithm, the consist
ency check works as
follows. Let v' be the value to be assigned to a line and v be
its current value. Then
v' and v are consistent if V=X or v=v '. Formulate a consist
ency check for the 9-V
6.11 Outline a TG algorithm based on single-path sensitization. Apply
the algorithm
to the problem from Example 6.6.
b D
Figure 6.91
D-frontier = { i, j }
.l-frontier ={ ... , d }
Figure 6.92
6.12 Apply PODEM to the problem from Example 6.4. The D-algorit
hm can

determine that a fault is undetectable without backtracking (i.e.,

only by implications).
Is the same true for PODEM?
6.13 Apply FAN to the problem from Example 6.4.
6.14 Discuss the applicability of formula (6.3) to the circuit in Figur
e 6.93.
6.15 Extend formulas (6.1) ... (6.7) for different gate types.
A -----I
B ------l
Figure 6.93
6.16 Show that in a fanout-free circuit, if we start by setting
CO and Cl of every PI
to 1, and then recursively compute controllability costs, CO(l) an
d Cl(l) represent the
minimum number of PIs we have to assign binary values to se
t 1 to 0 and 1,
6.17 Compute controllability and observability costs for every line
in the circuit in
Figure 6.7.
a. Use the (generalized) formulas (6.1) to (6.4).
b. Repeat, by introducing fanout-based correction terms in contr
c. Use the costs computed in a. to guide PODEM in generating a t
est for the
fault G1s-a-l.
d. Repeat, using the costs computed in b.
6.18 Prove that the test set generated by using the procedure CPTGF
F (Figure 6.46)
for a fanout-free circuit is complete for SSFs.
a. Modify the procedure CPTGFF (Figure 6.46) for use in multip
circuits without reconvergent fanout.
b. Apply critical-path TG for the circuit in Figure 6.94.
6.20 Can the detection probability of a fault in a combinational circu
it be 1/100?
6.21 Show that the expected fault coverage of a random test sequ
ence of length N is
greater than
a. its testing quality t
b. its detection quality d

a. Compute signal probabilities in the circuit in Figure 6.94.

Figure 6.94
b. Compute the detection probability for the fault g s-a-O.
6.23 Consider a fanout-free circuit with L levels composed of N
AND gates. Each
gate has n inputs. Let Po be the signal probability of every PI.
Because of symmetry,
all signals at level I have the same signal probability PI.
a. Show that
PI = l-(PI_l)n
b. Show that the smallest detection probability of a fault is
: =rTI(Pk)n-l
where r =min {Po,l-po}
c. For L=2 and n=2, determine the value Po that maximizes dmin .
6.24 Use formula (6.25) to compute pz for
a. Z=A.A
b. Z=A.A
c. Z=A+A
d. Z=A+A
6.25 Let Z be the output of an OR gate whose inputs, X and Y,
are such that X.Y=0
(i.e., are never simultaneously 1). Show that
Pz = PA+PB
6.26 Let Z be the output of a combinational circuit realizing t
he function f. Let us
express f as a sum of minterms, i.e., f = ~ m i
a. If Pi =Pr(mi = 1), show that
Pz = ~ P i
b. For the circuit in Figure 6.95, compute Pz as a function of PA,PB
, and PcB --.----(
C --+----.---1
Figure 6.95
c. Let PA = PB = Pc = q. Plot Pz as a function of q.
6.27 Determine lower bounds on the detection probability of every
checkpoint fault
for the circuit in Figure 6.48.
6.28 Determine the lower bound on the detection probability of the
fault Ys-a-O in
the circuit in Figure 6.96.
Figure 6.96
a. Show that the gate G selected in the second phase of the proce
dure RAPS
(Figure 6.57) has at least one input with controlling value.
b. When G has more than one input with controlling value, d
o we gain
anything by trying to justify noncontrolling values on the other inputs
6.30 Show that if two input vectors (of the same circuit) are
compatible, then their

corresponding output vectors are also compatible.

6.31 Determine the primitive cubes and the propagation D-cubes for an
module with two inputs.
6.32 Derive a test sequence for the fault Z s-a-O in the circuit of Fig
ure 6.75.
a. Assume an initial state q 1=q 2=1.
b. Assume an unknown initial state.
6.33 Derive a self-initializing test sequence for the fault J 1
s-a-l in the circuit of
Figure 6.77.
6.34 Try to use the TG procedure given in Figure 6.76 to generate
a self-initializing
test sequence for the fault R s-a-l in the circuit of Figur
e 6.97. Explain why the
procedure fails.
D y Z
c y
Figure 6.97
6.35 For the shift register of Figure 6.82, determine the union a
lgorithm executed for
(Reset, Clock, So, S1) =1 i x o.
6.36 For the shift register of Figure 6.82, assume that n =4, (Re
set, Clock, So, S1) =
1 i xl, y =0 1 x x and A =x x x x x x. Determine how to justify Y
=1 1 x o.
About This Chapter
Shorts between normally unconnected signals are manufacturing defe
cts that occur
often in chips and on boards. Shorts are modeled as bridging faul
ts. In this chapter
we present fault simulation and test generation methods for br
idging faults. These
methods rely on an analysis of relations between single stuck faults a
nd bridging faults.
7.1 The Bridging-Fault Model
Bridging faults (BFs) are caused by shorts between two (or m
ore) normally
unconnected signal lines. Since the lines involved in a short beco
me equipotential, all
of them have the same logic value. For a shorted line i,
we have to distinguish
between the value one could actually observe on i and the value of
i as determined by
its source element; the latter is called driven value. Figure 7.1
shows a general model
of a BF between two lines x and y. We denote such a BF by (x.
y) and the function
introduced by the BF by Z(x,y). The fanout of Z is the union
of the fanouts of the
shorted signals. Note that the values of x and y in this model
are their driven values,
but these are not observable in the circuit.
x ..,..-----BF

x -----,
y ----'
Figure 7.1 BF Model
The function Z has the property that Z(a,a)=a. What happens w
hen x and y have
opposite values depends on the technology. For example, in MOS the
value of Z(a,a)
is, in general, indeterminate (Le., the resulting voltage does not corr
espond to any logic
value). In this section we will consider only BFs for which the
values of the shorted
lines are determinate. In many technologies (such as TTL or EeL), w
hen two shorted
lines have opposite driven values, one value (the strong one) ov
errides the other. If
CE {O,I} is the strong value, then Z(O,I)=Z(I,O)=c, and the functio
n introduced by the
BF is AND if c=o and OR if c=l.
Unlike in the SSF model, in the BF model there is no need to
distinguish between a
stem and its fanout branches, since they always have the same valu
es. Thus the BFs
we shall consider are defined only between gate outputs and/or primary
If there exists (at least) one path between x and y, then a BF (
x.y) creates one or more
feedback loops. Such a fault is referred to as a feedback bridging f
ault (FBF). A BF
that does not create feedback is referred to as a nonfeedback
bridging fault (NFBF).
An FBF transforms a combinational circuit into a sequential on
e (see Figure 7.2).
Moreover, if a feedback loop involves an odd number of inversions
, the circuit may
oscillate (see Figure 7.3). If the delay along the loop is small, th
e resulting oscillations
have very high frequency and may cause the affected signals to assu
me indeterminate
logic values. Such values may confuse the testing equipment.
Figure 7.2 Example of an FBF
The multiple bridging-fault (MBF) model represents shorts involvin
g more than two
signals. An MBF with p>2 shorted lines can be thought of as compo
sed of p-l BFs
between two lines. For example, an MBF among lines i, j, and k
can be represented
by the BFs (i.j) and (j.k). This model assumes that only o
ne group of lines are
shorted. For example, we cannot have both (a.b) and (c.d) pr
esent in the circuit.
Although masking relations may occur among the components of an MBF
[Mei 1974],
most MBFs are detected by the tests designed to detect their c
omponent BFs. Also
MBFs are less likely to occur. Thus in the following we sha
ll consider only BFs
between two lines.

The n U ~ b e r rf theoretically possible BFs in a circuit with

G gates and I primary inputs
is b = lG;I . For GI, b = G(G-l)/2, so the dominant factor is G
However, this
figure assumes that a short may occur between any two lines. In m
ost circumstances a
The Bridging-Fault Model 291
Figure 7.3 Oscillation induced by an FBF
short only involves physically adjacent lines. Let N; be the "ne
ighborhood" of i, i.e.,
the set of lines physically adjacent to a line i. Then the number of
feasible BFs is
b = 2: ~ IN; I
Denoting by k the average size of N
, we have
b = 2:(G+I)k
In general, k increases with the average fanout count f Let us as
sume that every stem
and fanout branch has, on the average, r distinct neighbors, wh
ere r depends on the
layout. Then
b = 2:(G+I)r(l+f)
Comparing this result with the number of SSFs derived in Chapter 4,
we can conclude
that the number of feasible BFs is of the same order of magnitude
as the number of
SSFs in a circuit. But since r is usually greater than 2, the
number of feasible BFs is
usually greater. Moreover, the number of SSFs to be analyzed
can be reduced by
using structural equivalence and dominance relations, but similar coll
apsing techniques
have not been developed for BFs.
However, the BF model is often used in addition to the SSF
model. To take
advantage of this, we will first analyze relations between the detect
ion of SSFs and the
detection of BFs. Then we will present fault simulation and tes
t generation methods
for BFs that exploit these relations, so that the processing of the
two fault models can
be combined. In this way BF testing can be done with a small addit
ional effort beyond

that required for testing SSFs.

The following analysis considers only combinational circuits. Alth
ough we discuss
only AND BFs, the results can be extended to OR BFs by interchanging
Os and Is.
7.2 Detection of Nonfeedback Bridging Faults
Theorem 7.1: [Williams and Angell 1973] A test t detects the A
ND NFBF (x.y) iff
either t detects x s-a-O and sets y = 0, or t detects y s-a-O and
sets x = o.
a. Assume the first condition holds, namely t detects x s-a-O and s
ets y = O. Hence
t activates x s-a-O (by setting x = 1) and the resulting error
propagates to a
primary output. The same effect occurs in the presence of (x.y),
while the value
of y does not change. Therefore t detects (x.y). The proof
for the second
condition is symmetric.
b. If neither of the above conditions holds, then we shall
prove that t does not
detect (x.y). Two cases are possible:
Case 1: x and y have the same value. Then (x.y) is not activated.
Case 2: x and y have different values. Assume (without loss of
that y =O. Then an error is generated at x. But since t
does not detect
x s-a-O, this error does not propagate to any primary output.
Therefore, in either case t does not detect (x.y) D
We emphasize that lines x and y involved in a BF are gate
outputs and/or primary
inputs, not fanout branches. As illustrated in Figure 7.4, Theorem
7.1 does not hold if
applied to fanout branches. Although both h s-a-O and m s-a-O are
undetectable, the
AND BF (h.m) is detected by the test 110, because the fault
effect on h propagates
from the stem b (Theorem 7.1 applies for b and c).
In general, there is no guarantee that a complete test set
for SSFs will satisfy the
conditions of Theorem 7.1 for every NFBF. However, detection can be
guaranteed for
certain types of BFs involving inputs' of the same gate [Fri
edman 1974]. This is
important because shorts between inputs of the same gate are likely to
Corollary 7 ~ 1 : Let x and y be signals without fanout.
If x and y are inputs to the
same OR or NOR gate, then the AND BF (x.y) dominates both x s-a-O
and y s-a-O.
Proof: From Figure 7.5 we can observe that the values required to de
tect x s-a-O (and
similarly, those required to detect y s-a-O) satisfy the conditions of
Theorem 7.1. Thus
the AND BF (x.y) dominates both x s-a-O and y s-a-O. D
Note that, in general, this dominance relation does not extend
to sequential circuits.
For example, in the circuit of Figure 7.6 (starting with y=l)
, consider the OR BF

(x I.X2), which would dominate x 2 s-a-1 in a combinational circuit.

Although the test
sequence shown detects X2 s-a-1, it does not detect (XI.X2).
Detection of Nonfeedback Bridging Faults 293
Figure 7.4
Figure 7.5
Now consider an AND BF between inputs of an OR gate, with only one
of the shorted
inputs having fanout. An argument similar to that used to prove Coro
llary 7.1 (refer to
Figure 7.7) leads to the following result.
Corollary 7.2: Let x be a line with fanout and y a line without.
If x and y are inputs
to the same OR or NOR gate, the AND BF (x.y) dominates y s-a-O.
BFs between inputs of the same gate that do not satisfy th
e condition of
Corollaries 7.1 or 7.2 are not guaranteed to be detected by complete t
est sets for SSFs.
[Friedman 1974] has conjectured that in an irredundant combinational
circuit, all BFs
between inputs of the same gate, where both inputs have fanou
t, are detectable. To
our knowledge, no counterexample to this conjecture has yet been found.
Xl X2 X3 X4 Xs
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0
Figure 7.6
y ---------1
Figure 7.7
7.3 Detection of Feedback Bridging Faults
An FBF is created when there exists at least one path between the
two shorted lines.
We refer to the two lines involved in an FBF as the back line b
and the front line f,
where b is the line with the lower level (Le., is closer to the pri
mary inputs). Since a
combinational circuit becomes a sequential one in the presence of

an FBF, in general
we need a test sequence to detect an FBF. However, we shall show t
hat in many cases
an FBF can be detected by only one test [Abramovici and Menon 1985].
Theorem 7.2: A test t that detectsf s-a-O and sets b = 0 detects th
e AND FBF (bf).
Proof: Independent of the state of the circuit before test t is a
pplied, b is driven to 0,
which is the strong value for the AND BF (see Figure 7.8). The driv
en value of f is 1
and hence an error is generated at f. Since the value of b
is the same as in the
Detection of Feedback Bridging Faults 295
fault-free circuit, the error propagates on the same path(s) as
the error generated by
f s-a-O. Therefore t detects (b.j). 0
Figure 7.8
In the next theorem the roles of b and f are reversed.
Theorem 7.3: A test t that detects b s-a-O, and sets 1=0 wit
hout sensitizing f to
b s-a-O, detects the AND FBF (b.j).
Proof: Since f is not sensitized to b s-a-O by t, the value of f
does not depend on the
value of b (see Figure 7.9). Independent of the state of th
e circuit (with the FBF
present) before t is applied, the driven values of b and f
are, respectively, 1 and O.
Then t activates (b.j) and the error propagates from b along the
path(s) sensitized by t
to detect b s-a-O. Therefore t detects (b.j). 0
hI/O [ ~
Figure 7.9
Note that a test t that propagates b s-a-O through f and sets 1=0
induces an oscillation
along the loop created by (b.f) (see Figure 7.3); we will re
fer to such a BF as
potentially oscillating.
Theorems 7.2 and 7.3 are valid independent of the number of pat
hs between band f
and of their inversion parity. Now we shall prove that when all
the paths between b
and f have even parity, the conditions for the detection of (bf) can
be relaxed.
Corollary 7.3: Let (b.j) be an AND FBF such that all paths betw
een band f have
even inversion parity. A test 1 that either detects f s-a-O and
sets b = 0, or detects

b s-a-O and sets f = 0, also detects (bf).

Proof: The first condition is covered by Theorem 7.2. Let us
analyze the second
condition, namely 1 detects b s-a-O and sets f = O. We shall
prove that line f is not
sensitized to the fault b s-a-O by 1. Let us assume the contr
ary. Then, according to
Corollary 4.1, the value of f in 1 should be 1<xl=1; but this contra
dicts the assumption
that 1 sets f = O. Hence f does not lie on any path sensitized to
b s-a-O by 1. Then this
case is covered by Theorem 7.3, and therefore 1 detects (bf). D
All the preceding results in this section only give sufficient conditi
ons for the detection
of FBFs by one test. But an FBF can also be detected by a sequen
ce of tests, none of
which individually satisfies these conditions. The next example shows s
uch a case.
Example 7.1: Consider the AND FBF (a.z) in the circuit in Figure 7.
10, and the tests
= 1010 and 12 = 1110. The only path between a and z has even
inversion parity.
Neither 11 nor 12 satisfies the conditions of Corollary 7.3. Ne
vertheless the sequence
(11, (2) detects (a.z), because the 0 value of z in 11 overrides
the 1 value applied to a
in 12, and the resulting error propagates to z. D
a - - ~
d ------;
b -------i
c ------;
Figure 7.10
For certain cases we can derive conditions that are both necessary and
sufficient for the
detection of an FBF by one test.
Corollary 7.4: Let (b.j) be an AND FBF such that any path between
b and a primary
output goes through f. A test 1 detects (bf) iff 1 detects f s-a-O a
nd sets b=O.
Detection of Feedback Bridging Faults 297
Proof: Sufficiency follows from Theorem 7.2. To prove necessity,
we show that if t
does not detect f s-a-O or does not set b=O, then it does not detect
Case 1: Suppose that t does not detect! s-a-O. Since any pa
th between b and a
primary output goes through f, an error generated by (bf) can pro
pagate only from f
Then t must detect f s-a-l. Hence, t sets /=0. Since 0 is the
strong value for an AND
BF, in the presence of (bf), ! can either maintain value 0 or it
can oscillate. If f = 0,
no error is generated. If f oscillates, no definite error is generated.
Case 2: Suppose that t detects! s-a-O but sets b=l. Again no erro
r is generated atf
Therefore in either case t does not detect (bf). D
Corollary 7.5: Let (bf) be an AND FBF where b and! are such th
at /=1 whenever

b=O(in the fault-free circuit). A test t detects (bj) iff t detects! sa-O and sets b=O.
Proof: Sufficiency follows from Theorem 7.2. To prove necessity, t
wo cases must be
Case 1: Suppose that t sets b=l. If t sets /=1, then no err
or is generated. If t sets
/=0, this would make b=O because of the BF; but in the fault-fre
e circuit b=O implies
/=1, and this is also true in the presence of (b.j). Hence
the loop created by (bf)
oscillates and no definite error is generated.
Case 2: Suppose that t sets b=O but does not detect f s-aO. By assumption b=O
implies /=1. This means that t activates! s-a-O but does not p
ropagate its effect to a
primary output. Similarly, the error generated by (bf) appears
only at f but is not
propagated to a primary output.
Therefore, in either case t does not detect (bf). D
An example of an FBF satisfying Corollary 7.5 is an FBF between
an input and the
output of a NAND gate.
The following result is a consequence of Corollary 7.4 and allows us
to identify a type
of FBF that is not detectable by one test.
Corollary 7.6: No single test can detect an AND FBF (bf) such
that every path
between b and a primary output goes through f, and /=0 whenever b=O.
For example, if b is an input of an AND gate whose output is f
, and b does not have
other fanout, then (b.f) is not detectable by one test.
7.4 Bridging Faults Simulation
In this section we discuss simulation of BFs. It is possible to e
xplicitly simulate BFs
by a process similar to the simulation of SSFs, based on determ
ining when BFs are
activated and on propagating their fault effects. This approach,
however, cannot
efficiently handle large circuits, because
A BF is both structurally and functionally more complex than an SSF.
The number of all feasible BFs is larger than that of SSFs.
Thus explicit fault simulation of BFs would be much more exp
ensive than that of
In the following we present an implicit simulation method for B
Fs in combinational
circuits [Abramovici and Menon 1985]. This method uses the rela
tions between the
detection of SSFs and that of BFs to determine the BFs detected
by a test set without
explicitly simulating BFs. This is done by monitoring the occurrence
of these relations
during the simulation of SSFs.
Since we analyze the detection of BFs only by single tests, the met
hod is approximate
in the sense that it will not recognize as detected those BFs detec
ted only by sequences
of tests. Hence the computed fault coverage may be pessimistic

; that is, the actual

fault coverage may be better than the computed one.
We assume that layout information is available such that for ev
ery signal x (primary
input or gate output) we know its neighborhood N, consisting of
the set of all lines
that can be shorted to x. We consider only AND BFs. Note that
for every BF (x.y)
we have both x E N; and y E N

All the results in the previous sections relate the detection

of AND BFs to the
detection of s-a-O faults. If a test that detects x s-a-O also detec
ts the BF (x.y), we say
that (x.y) is detected based on x. To simplify the simulation of
BFs, we construct a
reduced neighborhood N,' obtained by deleting from N, all lines y
such that (x.y) is
undetectable or undetectable based on x. If x and y are inputs
to the same AND or
NAND gate and they do not have other fanouts, then (x.y) is
undetectable and we
remove y from N
(and x from Ny). The same is done if x and y satisfy the conditi
of Corollary 7.6. If (x.y) is an FBF with y being the front li
ne, and the conditions of
Corollary 7.4 or Corollary 7.5 apply, then (x.y) can be detected o
nly based on y, and
we remove y from N

Next we partition the remaining lines in N

' into two sets, M; and M;. The set M;
contains all lines y that are successors of x, such that at least
one path between x and y
has odd inversion parity, and M; contains all other lines in N
,', The reason for this
partitioning is that if y E M
' detecting x s-a-O when y=O is sufficient for the detection
of (x.y). But if y EM:, then (x.y) is a potentially oscilla
ting FBF that is detected
based on x only if the effect of x s-a-O does not propagate to y.
The processing required during SSF simulation to determine the detecte
d BFs can be
summarized as follows. After simulating each test t, analyze e
very fault x s-a-O
detected by t. For every line y E M, with value 0, mark (x.y)
as detected. For every
line y E M; with value 0, mark (x.y) as detected if the
effect of x s-a-O does not
propagate to y.
Determining whether the effect of x s-a-O propagates to y depends o
n the method used
by SSF simulation. In deductive simulation we can simply check
whether x s-a-O

appears in the fault list of y. In concurrent simulation we must

also check whether the
values of y in the good circuit and in the circuit with x s-a-O
are different. In critical
path tracing we have to determine whether x is reached by backtra
cing critical paths
from y.
A BF (x.y) may be discarded as soon as it is detected. This mea
ns removing y from
or M: and removing x from My or M;. A fault x s-a-O, ho
wever, should be
retained until all BFs that are detectable based on x are detected,
Le., when M, and M;
become empty. If equivalent SSFs have been collapsed, whenever
a SSF fault is
detected, all the s-a-O faults equivalent to it should be checked.
A SSF fault should be
Bridging Faults Simulation 299
discarded only after all the BFs whose detection may be based on i
ts equivalent s-a-O
faults have been detected.
Delaying fault discarding beyond first detection increases the c
ost of explicit fault
simulation algorithms, such as deductive and concurrent. Therefore,
the most suitable
SSF simulation technique for determining the detected BFs is c
ritical path tracing,
which is an implicit fault simulation method that does not disc
ard or collapse faults.
Although the additional checks for fault-effect propagation are
more expensive in
critical path tracing than in the explicit fault simulation me
thods, the experimental
results presented in [Abramovici and Menon 1985] show that in pract
ice these checks
are not needed, because most of the potentially oscillating FBFs a
re detected based on
their front lines.
Figure 7.11
Example 7.2: Consider the adder in Figure 7.11. The rows of
the array in
Figure 7.12(a) show the sets M and M* of every line under the
assumption that any
two lines are neighbors. This is an unrealistic worst case, but
it has the merit that it
does not bias the example toward any particular layout. Neighbors
in M are denoted
by"" and those in M* by "*" For example, M
={X,Y,CIL,T} and
M ~ = {U,V,S,CO}. Note that N does not appear in M ~ bec
ause all paths between R
and a PO pass through N. However, R E M
Similarly, Q is not included in M
because (Q.R) is obviously undetectable, and Q, R, T, V, and C

O do not appear in M2
because they are set to 1 whenever L=O. Figure 7.12(b) shows the a
pplied tests (which
detect all SSFs) and the values in the fault-free circuit.
The detection of BFs is summarized in Figure 7.12(c). A number
i in row x and
column y shows that the SSF x s-a-O and the BF (x.y) are detecte
d by the test tie An
"x" indicates that (x.y) is detected based on y (this test
is found in row y and
column x). For example, t 1 detects L s-a-O. Since X,Y,CI, and N
have value 0 in t 1,
we write 1 in the corresponding entries. Since S has value 0 and th
e effect of L s-a-O
does not reach S, we also write 1 in the entry for (LoS). We
also enter an "x" in the
entries for (ClLy, (NoL), and (SoL).

* * * * * *

* * * * * *


* * * *

* * * *






0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
X - 2 2 - - x x x x x 2
x - 4 - x - x x x x x
CI x x - x x x x - - x x x
L 1 1 1 - - - 1 - x - 1 Q 1 1 1 4 - - - x x 1
R 1 1 1 4 - - - x x 2
N 3 2 2 x 2 3 - - x - x 2
T 1 1 1 5 2 1 - - - 1 U 1 1 1 4 3 1 3 - - - 1
V 1 1 1 4 3 1 3 - - - 1
S 2 2 x 2 5 x 5 2 - 2
CO x 4 4 x x x 3 x x x (c)
Figure 7.12
Bridging Faults Simulation 301
In this example 91 percent (58 out of 64) of the considered BFs are
detected by single
tests. The fault coverage is actually higher, because two of th
e six BFs declared as
undetected - (X.S) and (Y.CO) - are in fact detected, respectively
, by the sequences
and (12,13). 0
The experimental results presented in [Abramovici and Menon 1985]
, involving
simulation of up to 0.5 million BFs, show that
1. Tests with high coverage for SSFs (about 95 percent) detected,
on the average,
83 percent of all possible BFs. The actual BF coverage may be highe
r, because
BFs detected by sequences and potentially oscillating BFs detecte
d based on
back lines were not accounted for.
2. Although for most circuits, tests with high SSF coverage also
achieved good
BF coverage, this was not always the case. For example, a
test set with
98 percent SSF coverage obtained only 51 percent BF coverage. Thus
the BF

coverage does not always follow the SSF coverage, and it must b
e separately
3. On the average, 75 percent of the potentially oscillating
BFs were detected
based on their front lines. Thus, the pessimistic approximation i
ntroduced in
the BF coverage by ignoring their detection based on back lines is ne
4. In large circuits, the additional time required for the implic
it simulation of the
feasible BFs is a small fraction of the time needed for SS
F simulation (by
critical path tracing).
7.5 Test Generation for Bridging Faults
The relations established in Sections 7.2 and 7.3 can also be
used to extend a TG
algorithm for SSFs so that it will generate tests for BFs as well.
Often when generating a test for a SSF, there are lines wh
ose values are not
constrained. We can take advantage of this freedom by setting valu
es that contribute
to the detection of BFs. Namely, for every fault x s-a-O det
ected by the partially
specified test, we can try to find lines y E M, such that (x.y)
is still undetected and the
value of y is unspecified. Then justifying y=O creates the conditions f
or detecting (x.y).
After the test generation for SSFs is complete, we may still have
undetected BFs. Let
(x.y) be one of these BFs. If y E M
' we try to derive a test for x s-a-O, with the
added constraint y=O. (This, of course, should be attempted only
if x s-a-O has been
detected during SSF test generation.) Similarly, if x E My, we t
ry to derive a test that
detects y s-a-O and sets x=0. These types of operations require onl
y minor changes to
a test generation program for SSFs.
When y EM;, the potentially oscillating FBF (x.y) can be det
ected by trying to
generate a test for x s-a-O while setting y=O, with the addit
ional restriction that the
effect of x s-a-O should not propagate to y. However, because
most potentially
oscillating FBFs can be detected based on their front lines, we ca
n overlook the case
y E M; without any significant loss in the fault coverage.
Example 7.3: Let us continue Example 7.2 by generating a test
for (Q.U), which is
one of the BFs not detected by the analyzed tests. Since Q EMu,
we try to generate
a test for U s-a-O while setting Q=O. The unique solution to thi
s problem is the test
(X,Y,CI) = 101, which also detects the previously undetected BFs (Q.V)
and (Y.CO). 0
Although most FBFs can be detected by one vector, some FBFs require
a sequence for

their detection. Detection of FBFs by sequences has been studie

d by [Xu and Su
7.6 Concluding Remarks
The BF model is a "nonclassical" fault model. BFs cannot be "rep
resented" by SSFs,
because, in general, BFs are not equivalent to SSFs. Neverthel
ess, the methods
presented in this chapter show that by analyzing the dominance
(rather than
equivalence) relations between these two types of faults, the processin
g of the two fault
models can be combined, and BFs can be dealt with at a small additio
nal cost over that
required for testing SSFs.
[Abramovici and Menon 1985] M. Abramovici and P. R. Menon, "A P
Approach to Fault Simulation and Test Generation for Bridging Faults,
Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-34, No.7, pp. 658-663, July, 1985.
[Friedman 1974] A. D. Friedman, "Diagnosis of Short-Circuit Faults
in Combinational
Logic Circuits," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-23, No.7, pp.
July, 1974.
[Malaiya 1986] Y. K. Malaiya, "A Detailed Examination of Bridgin
g Faults," Proc.
Intn' I. Con! on Computer Design, pp. 78-81,1986.
[Mei 1974] K. C. Y. Mei, "Bridging and Stuck-At Faults," IEEE Tr
ans. on Computers,
Vol. C-23, No.7, pp. 720-727 July, 1974.
[Williams and Angell 1973] M. J. Y. Williams and J. B. Angel, "En
hancing Testability
of Large-Scale Integrated Circuits via Test Points and Additiona
l Logic,"
IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-22, No.1, pp. 46-60, January, 1973.
[Xu and Su 1985] S. Xu and S. Y. H. Su, "Detecting I/O and
Internal Feedback
Bridging Faults," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-34, No.6, pp.
June, 1985.
7.1 For the circuit in Figure 7.13 determine the BFs detected by e
ach of the tests 00,
01, 10, and 11.
A ----411...-------------1
B ---+---....-----------1
Figure 7.13
7.2 Find a single test that detects the FBF (a.z) of Example 7.1.
7.3 For Example 7.2, determine the potentially oscillating BFs that
are detected based
on their front lines.
7.4 For the circuit in Figure 7.14 show that the AND FBF (A.Z)

is not detectable by
one test. Find a two-test sequence that detects (A.Z).
;----11 ) ~
Figure 7.14
About This Chapter
The test generation methods studied in the previous chapters are b
ased on a structural
model of a system under test and their objective is to produce tests
for structural faults
such as stuck faults or bridging faults. But detailed structur
al models of complex
devices are usually not provided by their manufacturers. And ev
en if such models
were available, the structure-based test generation methods are not
able to cope with
the complexity of VLSI devices. In this chapter we examine f
unctional testing
methods that are based on a functional model of the system.
(Functional test
generation methods for SSFs using RTL models for components ar
e described in
Chapter 6.) We discuss only external testing methods.
8.1 Basic Issues
A functional model reflects the functional specifications of the
system and, to a great
extent, is independent of its implementation. Therefore functional t
ests derived from a
functional model can be used not only to check whether physical f
aults are present in
the manufactured system, but also as design verification tests
for checking that the
implementation is free of design errors. Note that tests derived from
a structural model
reflecting the implementation cannot ascertain whether the desired op
eration has been
correctly implemented.
The objective of functional testing is to validate the correct operati
on of a system with
respect to its functional specifications. This can be approached in
two different ways.
One approach assumes specific functional fault models and tries to
generate tests that
detect the faults defined by these models. By contrast, the
other approach is not
concerned with the possible types of faulty behavior and tries
to derive tests based
only on the specified fault-free behavior. Between these two there i
s a third approach
that defines an implicit fault model which assumes that almost
any fault can occur.
Functional tests detecting almost any fault are said to be e
xhaustive, as they must
completely exercise the fault-free behavior. Because of the leng
th of the resulting
tests, exhaustive testing can be applied in practice only to s
mall circuits. By using
some knowledge about the structure of the circuit and by sli
ghtly narrowing the

universe of faults guaranteed to be detected, we can obtain pseudoex

haustive tests that
can be significantly shorter than the exhaustive ones. The followi
ng sections discuss
these three approaches to functional testing: (1) functional test
ing without fault
models, (2) exhaustive and pseudoexhaustive testing, and, (3) functio
nal testing using
specific fault models.
8.2 Functional Testing Without Fault Models
8.2.1 Heuristic Methods
Heuristic, or ad hoc, functional testing methods simply attempt
to exercise the
functions of the system. For example, a functional test for a
flip-flop may include the
1. Validate that the flip-flop can be set (0 to 1 transition
) and reset (1 to 0
2. Validate that the flip-flop can hold its state.
The following example [Chiang and McCaskill 1976] illustrates a
heuristic testing
procedure for a microprocessor.
Example 8.1: The operation of a microprocessor is usually defin
ed by its
architectural block diagram together with its instruction set. Fi
gure 8.1 shows the
block diagram of the INTEL 8080. We assume that an external tester
is connected to
the data, address, and control busses of the 8080. The tester
supplies the 8080 with
instructions to be executed and checks the results.
Figure 8.1 Architecture of the INTEL 8080 microprocessor
A typical functional test consists of the following steps:
1. test of the program counter (PC):
a. The tester resets the 8080; this also clears the PC.
b. The tester places a NOP (no operation) instruction on the da
ta bus and
causes the 8080 to execute it repeatedly. The repeated execution of
causes the PC to be incremented through all its 2
states. The content of
the PC is available for checking on the address bus.
2. test of registers Hand L:
a. The tester writes 8-bit patterns into H and L using MVI
(move-immediate) instructions.
Functional Testing Without Fault Models 307
b. Executing an PCHL instruction transfers the contents of Hand L in
to the
PC. Here we rely on having checked the PC in step 1.
This sequence is repeated for all the possible 256 8-bit patterns.
3. test of registers B,C,D, and E:
In a similar fashion, the tester writes an 8-bit pattern int
o a register
Re {B,C,D,E}. Then R is transferred into the PC via H or L (R

cannot be
directly transferred into the PC). Here we take advantage of the test
ing of the
PC and HL done in steps 1 and 2. These tests are executed for
all the 256
8-bit patterns.
4. test of the stack pointer (SP):
The SP is incremented and decremented through all its states and acce
ssed via
the PC.
5. test of the accumulator:
All possible patterns are written into the accumulator and read out.
These can
be done directly or via previously tested registers.
6. test of the ALU and flags:
This test exercises all arithmetic and logical instructions. The
operands are
supplied directly or via already tested registers. The results
are similarly
accessed. The flags are checked by conditional jump instructions whose
(the address of the next instruction) is observed via the PC.
7. test of all previously untested instructions and control lines.
An important issue in the functional testing of a microprocess
or is whether its
instruction set is orthogonal. An orthogonal instruction set allows
every operation that
can be used in different addressing modes to be executed in every p
ossible addressing
mode. This feature implies that the mechanisms of op-code decod
ing and of address
computation are independent. If the instruction set is not ort
hogonal, then every
operation must be tested for all its addressing modes. This testing
is not necessary for
an orthogonal instruction set, and then the test sequences can be signi
ficantly shorter.
The Start-Small Approach
Example 8.1 illustrates the start-small (or bootstrap) approach to
functional testing of
complex systems, in which the testing done at a certain step uses
components and/or
instructions tested in previous steps. In this way the tested
part of the system is
gradually extended. The applicability of the start-small approach
depends on the
degree of overlap among the components affected by different i
nstructions. Its
objective is to simplify the fault location process. Ideally, if
the first error occurs at
step i in the test sequence, this should indicate a fault in the
new component(s) and/or
operation(s) tested in step i.
A technique for ordering the instructions of a microprocessor
according to the
start-small principle is presented in [Annaratone and Sami 1982].
The cardinality of
an instruction is defined as the number of registers accessed during
the execute phase

of an instruction (i.e., after the fetch-and-decode phase). Thus N

OP, which has only
the fetch-and-decode phase, has cardinality O. Instructions are also
graded according to
their observability; the observability of an instruction shows the
extent to which the
results of the register operations performed by the instruction are di
rectly observable at
the primary outputs of the microprocessor. Instructions are tested
in increasing order
of their cardinality. In this way the instructions affecting fewer re
gisters are tested first
(a classical "greedy" algorithm approach). Among instructions of the s
ame cardinality,
priority is given to those with higher observability.
The Coverage Problem
The major problem with heuristic functional testing is that the qua
lity of the obtained
functional tests is unknown. Indeed, without a fault model it
is extremely difficult to
develop a rigorous quality measure.
Consequently an important question is whether a heuristically derive
d functional test
does a good job of detecting physical faults. For cases in which
a low-level structural
model reflecting the implementation of the system is available, ex
perience shows that
the fault coverage of a typical heuristic functional test is
likely to be in the 50 to
70 percent range. Hence, in general, such a test does not achi
eve a satisfactory fault
coverage, but it may provide a good basis that can be enha
nced to obtain a
higher-quality test. However, low-level structural models are usuall
y not available. for
complex systems built with off-the-shelf components.
Heuristic measures can be used to estimate the "completeness" of a t
est with respect to
the control flow of the system. These measures are based on monito
ring the activation
of operations in an RTL model [Noon 1977, Monachino 1982]. For
example, if the
model contains a statement such as
if x then operation 1 else operation 2
the technique determines if the applied test cases make the cond
ition x both true and
false during simulation. A"complete" test is required to exercis
e all possible exits
from decision blocks. One measure is the ratio between the num
ber of exits taken
during simulation and the number of all possible exits. A second
, more complicated
measure traces decision paths, i.e., combinations of consecutive
decisions. For
example, if the above statement is followed by
if y then operation-; else operations
then there are four possible decision paths of length 2 (see Fi
gure 8.2), corresponding
to the four combinations of values of x and y. The second

measure is the ratio

between the number of decision paths of length k traversed during
simulation and the
total number of such paths. Note that data operations are no
t addressed by these
An important aspect of functional testing, often overlooked by h
euristic methods, is
that in addition to verifying the specified operations of a system,
it is also necessary to
check that unintended operations do not occur. For example, in a
ddition to a correct
transfer of data into register Rl, the presence of a fault may ca
use the same data to be
written into register R2. In such a case, checking only the desire
d operation - as is
usually done by heuristic methods - is clearly not enough.
Functional Testing Without Fault Models
Figure 8.2 Illustration for decision paths tracing
8.2.2 Functional Testing with Binary Decision Diagrams
In Chapter 2 we have introduced binary decision diagrams as a functional mode
ling tool.
In this section we describe a functional testing technique bas
ed on binary decision
diagrams [Akers 1978].
First we recall the procedure used to determine the value of a functionf
, given its binary
decision diagram and values of its inputs. We enter the diagram on the
branch labeledf
At an internal node whose label is i we take the left or th
e right branch depending on
whether the value of the variable i is or 1. The exit value of the pa
th followed during
the traversal is the value, or the value of the variable, encountered a
t the end of the path.
The inversion parity of the path is the number of inverting dots
encountered along the
path, taken modulo 2. For a traversal along a path with exit value v
and inversion parity
p, the value of the functionfis vffip. For example, consider the JK
F/F and its diagram
shown in Figure 8.3 (q represents the state of th! F/F). The value
of y along the path
determined by S=O, R=O, C=I, and q=l is Kffil =K.
A traversal of a binary decision diagram implies a certain set
ting of the variables
encountered along the path. Such a traversal is said to define a mode
of operation of the
device. A path whose exit value is x denotes an illegal mode of opera
tion, in which the
output value cannot be predicted. For the JK FIF of Figure 8.3, sett
ing S=l and R=1 is
illegal. Figure 8.4 lists the five legal modes of operation of the JK F
/F corresponding to
the five paths with non-x exit values.

o 1
Figure 8.3 Binary decision diagram for a JK F/F
S R C q J K y
0 1 x x x x 0
1 0 x x x x 1
0 0 0 q x x q
0 0 1 0 J x J
0 0 1 1 x K K
Figure 8.4 Testing experiments for a JK F/F
Every (legal) mode of operation can be viewed as defining a tes
ting experiment that
partitions the variables of a function into three disjoint sets:
fixed variables, whose binary values determine the path associated
with the mode
of operation;
sensitive variables, which directly determine the output value;
unspecified variables, which do not affect the output (their va
lues are denoted by
An experiment provides a partial specification of the function
corresponding to a
particular mode of operation. In Figure 8.3, y is a function y(S,R,C
,q,J,K). The partial
specification of y given by the third experiment in Figure 8.4 is y(O,O,O
Functional Testing Without Fault Models 311
One can show that the set of experiments derived by traversi
ng all the paths
corresponding to an output function provides a complete specification
of the function.
That is, every possible combination of variables is covered by
one (and only one)
experiment. In addition, the experiments are disjoint; Le., every
pair of experiments
differ in the value of at least one fixed variable.
Some binary decision diagrams may contain adjacent nodes, such
as A and B in
Figure 8.5, where both branches from A reconverge at B. Conside
r two traversals
involving node A, one with A=O and the other with A=l. Clearly
the results of these
two traversals are complementary. Then we can combine the two traver
sals into one
and treat A as a sensitive variable of the resulting experiment. L

et v be the result of
the traversal with A=O. The result of the combined traversal is v<)A.
Figure 8.5
Example 8.2: For the diagram of Figure 8.6, let us derive an
experiment by
following the path determined by A=O, D=l, and C=l. The exit variable
of the path is
G, and its other sensitive variables are Band F. The result of
the traversal with B=O
and F=O is G<)l=G. The result of the combined traversal is G<)
B<)P. The partial
specification of the function f(A,B,C,D,E,F,G) provided by this
experiment is
f(O,B,l, l,x,F,G)=G<)B<)F. 0
It is possible that different nodes in a binary decision diagram hav
e the same variable.
Hence when we traverse such a diagram we may encounter the same
variable more
than once. For example, in the diagram of Figure 8.6, when f
ollowing the path
determined by A=l, C=O, and D=l, we reach again a node who
se variable is C.
Because C has already been set to 0, here we must continue
on the left branch.
Otherwise, if we continue on the right branch, the resulting exper
iment would not be
feasible, because it would specify contradictory values for C. Th
erefore the traversal
process should ensure that only feasible experiments are generated.
An experiment derived by traversing a binary decision diagram is no
t in itself a test,
but only a partial functional specification for a certain mode of ope
ration. Experiments
can be used in different ways to generate tests. Since the ou
tput value will change
with any change of a sensitive variable of an experiment, a
useful procedure is to
generate all the combinations of sensitive variables for every mode of
operation. If the
sensitive variables are inputs of the function, this strategy tends
to create input-output
paths along which many internal faults are also likely to be detected.
Figure 8.6
Some variables of a function may not appear as sensitive in a set
of experiments. This
is the case for Sand R in Figure 8.4. Now we will illustrate a pro
cedure that generates
a test in which an output is made sensitive to a variable s. The
principle is to combine
two experiments, eland e2, in which s is the only fixed variable wit
h opposite values,
and the output values are (or can be made) complementary. In oth
er words, we need
two paths that diverge at a node whose variable is s and le

ad to complementary exit
values. The combined experiment has all the fixed values of e
land e2 (except s).
Assume that, using the diagram of Figure 8.3, we want to make y se
nsitive to the value
of S. When S=I, the only legal experiment requires R=O and produce
s y=l. To make
y sensitive to S, we look for a path with S=O leading to y=O. (No
te that we cannot set
R=I, since R has been set to 0.) One such path requires C=O
and q=O. This shows
that to make the output sensitive to S we should first reset the FIF
As an example of functional testing using binary decision diagrams,
Akers [1978] has
derived the complete set of experiments for a commercial 4-bit
ALU with 14 PIs and
8 POSe
Testing of circuits composed of modules described by binary de
cision diagrams is
discussed in [Abadir and Reghbati 1984]. The examples include a
commercial I-bit
microprocessor slice. Chang et ale [1986] assume a functional fau
lt model in which a
fault can alter the path defined by an experiment. Their procedure
generates tests with
high fault coverage for SSFs. They also show that the test
set can be reduced by
taking into account a limited amount of structural information.
Functional Testing Without Fault Models 313
The main advantage of a binary decision diagram is that it pr
ovides a complete and
succinct functional model of a device, from which a complete set
of experiments corresponding to every mode of operation of the device - can be easil
y derived.
8.3 Exhaustive and Pseudoexhaustive Testing
The Universal Fault Model
Exhaustive tests detect all the faults defined by the universal fault
model. This implicit
fault model assumes that any (permanent) fault is possible, exce
pt those that increase
the number of states in a circuit. For a combinational circuit N
realizing the function
Z(x) , the universal fault model accounts for any fault f that
changes the function to
Zlx). The only faults not included in this model are those t
hat transform N into a
sequential circuit; bridging faults introducing feedback and stuck-open
faults in CMOS
circuits belong to this category. For a sequential circuit, th
e universal fault model
accounts for any fault that changes the state table without
creating new states. Of
course, the fault universe defined by this model is not enumerable i
n practice.
8.3.t Combinational Circuits
To test all the faults defined by the universal fault model i
n a combinational circuit
with n PIs, we need to apply all 2

possible input vectors. The exponential growth of
the required number of vectors limits the practical applicabilit
y of this exhaustive
testing method only to circuits with less than 20 PIs. In
this section we present
pseudoexhaustive testing methods that can test almost all the
faults defined by the
universal fault model with significantly less than 2
vectors. Partial-Dependence Circuits
Let 0 1,0
, ... ,0m be the POs of a circuit with n PIs, and let ni be
the number of PIs
feeding OJ. A circuit in which no PO depends on all the PIs (
i.e., for all i), is
said to be a partial-dependence circuit. For such a circuit, ps
eudoexhaustive testing
consists in applying all 2
combinations to the n, inputs feeding every PO OJ
[McCluskey 1984].
Example 8.3: The circuit of Figure 8.7(a) has three PIs, but ever
y PO depends only
on two PIs. While exhaustive testing requires eight vectors, pseud
oexhaustive testing
can be done with the four vectors shown in Figure 8.7(b). D
Since every PO is exhaustively tested, the only faults that a pseud
oexhaustive test may
miss are those that make a PO dependent on additional PIs.
For the circuit of
Figure 8.7(a), the bridging fault (a.c) is not detected by the t
est set shown. With the
possible exception of faults of this type, all the other faults
defined by the universal
fault model are detected.
Because of the large number of test vectors required in prac
tical circuits,
pseudoexhaustive testing is not used in the context of stored-patt
ern testing; its main
use is in circuits employing built-in self-test, where the vec
tors are generated by
hardware embedded in the circuit under test. Pseudoexhaustive testin
g is discussed in
detail in Chapter 11.
a ------t
c --------;
~ - - x
t---- Y
a b c
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 1

Figure 8.7 (a) Partial dependence circuit (b) Pseudoexhaustive test s

et Partitioning Techniques
The pseudoexhaustive testing techniques described in the previous
section are not
applicable to total-dependence circuits, in which at least one PO
depends on all PIs.
Even for a partial-dependence circuit, the size of a pseudoexhaustiv
e test set may still
be too large to be acceptable in practice. In such cases, pseudoex
haustive testing can
be achieved by partitioning techniques [McCluskey and Bozorgui-Nesbat
1981]. The
principle is to partition the circuit into segments such that
the number of inputs of
every segment is significantly smaller than the number of PIs of t
he circuit. Then the
segments are exhaustively tested.
The main problem with this technique is that, in general, the i
nputs of a segment are
not PIs and its outputs are not POs. Then we need a means
to control the segment
inputs from the PIs and to observe its outputs at the POs.
One way to achieve this,
referred to as sensitized partitioning, is based on sensitizing
paths from PIs to the
segment inputs and from the segment outputs to POs, as illust
rated in the following
Example 8.4: Consider the circuit in Figure 8.8(a). We partitio
n it into
four segments. The first segment consists of the subcircuit wh
ose output is h. The
other three segments consist, respectively, of the gates g, x, and
y. Figure 8.8(b) shows
the eight vectors required to test exhaustively the segment h and
to observe h at the
PO y. Since h=1 is the condition needed to observe g at t
he PO x, we can take
advantage of the vectors 5 through 8 in which h=1 to test exhaus
tively the segment g
(see Figure 8.8(c)). We also add vectors 9 and 10 to complete th
e exhaustive test of
the segment y. Analyzing the tests applied so far to the segme
nt x, we can observe
that the missing combinations are those in which h=O; these can
be applied by using
vectors 4 and 9.
Figure 8.8(d) shows the resulting test set of 10 vectors. This
compares favorably with
the 2
vectors required for exhaustive testing or with the 2
vectors needed for
pseudoexhaustive testing without partitioning. 0
In an example presented in [McCluskey and Bozorgui-Nesbat 1981],
partitioning is applied to a commercial 4-bit ALD. This is a t
otal-dependence circuit

Exhaustive and Pseudoexhaustive Testing 315

Q----'''"""'"\ :
b >--+--: ------------&--1
L .J
C I :
I hi
d: :
e I :
I I L .J
Figure 8.8
with 14 PIs, that would require 2
vectors for exhaustive testing. Its
pseudoexhaustive test set based on sensitized partitioning has only 356
A pseudoexhaustive test set based on sensitized partitioning dete
cts any fault that
changes the truth table of a segment. Since a circuit may
have several possible
partitions, this fault model depends, to a certain extent, on the
chosen set of segments.
Partitioning a circuit so that the size of its pseudoexhaustive tes
t set is minimal is an
NP-complete problem. A partitioning algorithm based on simulated
annealing is
described in [Shperling and McCluskey 1987].
Note that partitioning techniques assume knowledge of the internal s
tructural model.
8.3.2 Sequential Circuits
For a sequential circuit, the universal fault model accounts for
any fault that modifies
the state table of the circuit without increasing its number of state
s. An input sequence
that detects every fault defined by this model must distinguis
h a given n-state
sequential machine from all other machines with the same inputs
and outputs and at
most n states. The existence of such a checking sequence is
guaranteed by the
following theorem [Moore 1956].
Theorem 8.1: For any reduced, strongly connected*, n-state sequenti
al machine M,
there exists an input-output sequence pair that can be generated
by M, but cannot be
generated by any other sequential machine M' with n or fewer states.
* A reduced machine does not have any equivalent states. In a s
trongly connected machine any state can

be reached from any other state.

a b c d e
g h x y
1 0 0 0 1 1 1
2 0 0 1 1 1 1
3 0 1 0 1 1 1
4 0 1 1 1 0 0
5 1 0 0 1 1 1
6 1 0 1 1 1 1
7 1 1 0 1 1 1
8 1 1 1 1 1 1
a b c d e f g h x y
1 0 0 0 1 1 1
2 0 0 1 1 1 1
3 0 1 0 1 1 1
4 0 1 1 1 0 0
5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
6 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 0 1 1 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 1 0
a b c d e
g h x y
1 0 0 0 1 1 1
2 0 0 1 1 1 1
3 0 1 0 1 1 1
4 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
6 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 1 0
Figure 8.8 (Continued)
Exhaustive and Pseudoexhaustive Testing 317
Since the generation of a checking sequence is based on the state t
able of the circuit,
this exhaustive testing approach is applicable only to small circuits.
We will consider
checking sequences only briefly; a comprehensive treatment of this to
pic can be found
in [Friedman and Menon 1971].
A checking sequence for a sequential machine M consists of the
following three
1. initialization, i.e., bringing M to a known starting state;
2. verifying that M has n states;
3. verifying every entry in the state table of M.
Initialization is usually done by a synchronizing sequence, which,
independent of the
initial state of M, brings M in a unique state.
The derivation of a checking sequence is greatly simplified if M
has a distinguishing

sequence. Let Z, be the output sequence generated by M, star

ting in state qi, in
response to an input sequence X
If Z, is unique for every i=I,2 ...,n, then X
is a
distinguishing sequence. (A machine M that does not have a distin
guishing sequence
can be easily modified to have one by adding one output.) The imp
ortance of X
that by observing the response of M to X
we can determine the state M was in when
was applied.
To verify that M has n distinct states, we need an input/output sequence
that contains n
subsequences of the form XDIZ
for i=I,2, ...,n. We can then use X
to check various
entries in the state table. A transition N(qi,X)=qj, Z (qi'X)=Z, is v
erified by having two
input/output subsequences of the following form:
The first one shows that XDX' takes M from state qp to state qi. Ba
sed on this, we can
conclude that when input x is applied in the second subsequence, M
is in state qi. The
last X
verifies that x brings M to state qj.
The sequences that verify that M has n distinct states and check eve
ry entry in the state
table can often be overlapped to reduce the length of the checking sequenc
8.3.3 Iterative Logic Arrays
Pseudoexhaustive testing techniques based on partitioning are perf
ectly suited for
circuits structured as iterative logic arrays (ILAs), composed f
rom identical cells
interconnected in a regular pattern as shown in Figure 8.9. The partition
ing problem is
naturally solved by using every cell as a segment that is
exhaustively tested. We
consider one-dimensional and unilateral ILAs, that is, ILAs wher
e the connections
between cells go in only one direction. First we assume that cel
ls are combinational.
A ripple-carry adder is a typical example of such an ILA.
Some ILAs have the useful property that they can be pseudoexhaustivel
y tested with a
number of tests that does not depend on the number of cells
in the ILA. These ILAs
are said to be C-testable [Friedman 1973]. The following examp

le shows that the

ripple-carry adder is C-testable.
cell 0 cell 1 cell i
Figure 8.9 Iterative Logic Array
cell N-l
Example 8.5: Consider the truth table of a cell of the rippl
e-carry adder
(Figure 8.10). In this truth table, we separate between the values of
the cell inputs that
are PIs (X and Y) and those that are provided by the previous
cell (C/). An entry in
the table gives the values of CO and S. We can observe that C
O=CI in six entries.
Thus if we apply the X,Y values corresponding to one of these
entries to every cell,
then every cell will also receive the same CI value. Hence
these s i ~ t e s t s can be
applied concurrently to all cells. In the remaining two entrie
s, CO=CI. The tests
corresponding to these two entries can be applied to alternati
ng cells, as shown in
Figure 8.11. Hence a ripple-carry adder of arbitrary size can
be pseudoexhaustively
tested with only eight tests; therefore, it is a C-testable ILA. 0
CI 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
0 0, 0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0
1 0, 1 1, 0 1, 0 1, 1
Figure 8.10 A cell of a ripple-carry adder
Let us denote an input vector of an ILA with N cells by (yo
Xo Xl XN-l), where
Yo is the y input applied to the first cell, and Xi (i=O, 1,...,N
-1) is the X input applied to
cell i. Let us denote the corresponding output vector by (Zo Z,
... ZN-l), where Z,
is the response at the primary outputs of cell i. Consider
a sequential circuit
constructed from one cell of the array by connecting the Y outputs ba
ck to the y inputs
(Figure 8.12). If this circuit starts in state Yo, its respon
se to the input sequence
(XO,Xl, ... ,XN-l) is the sequence (ZO,Zl, ...,ZN-l). Hence we can
use this sequential
circuit to represent the ILA. (This is the inverse of the
technique described in
Exhaustive and Pseudoexhaustive Testing 319
1 1
o 0

o 0
1 1
o 0
o 0
Figure 8.11 Tests with CO=CI for a ripple-carry adder
Chapter 6, which uses an ILA to model a sequential circuit.) Veri
fying the truth table
of a cell in the ILA corresponds to verifying every entry i
n the state table of the
equivalent sequential circuit. The truth table of the cell of
the ripple-carry adder,
shown in Figure 8.10(b), can be interpreted as the state table o
f the sequential circuit
modeling the ripple-carry adder.
x - ::: .y
L ...J
Figure 8.12
Let us consider the checking of an entry (y,x) of the truth
table of an ILA cell. To
have the total number of tests independent of the number of cells in
the ILA, the same
input combination (y,x) must be simultaneously applied to cells
spaced at regular
intervals - say, k - along the array. (Example 8.5 has k=1 a
nd k=2). For the
sequential circuit modeling the ILA, this means that the k-step s
equence starting with
x, which is applied in state y, must bring the circuit back
to state y. Then one test
applies the input combination (y,x) to every k-th cell, and k tests
are sufficient to apply
it to every cell in the ILA. The following result [Friedman 1973
, Sridhar and Hayes
1979] characterizes a C-testable ILA.
Theorem 8.2: An ILA is C-testable iff its equivalent sequential circ
uit has a reduced
state table, and for every transition from any state Y there exists
a sequence that brings
the circuit back to state y. 0
The state diagram of a sequential circuit modeling a C-testable ILA
is either a strongly
connected graph, or it is composed of disjoint strongly connected graphs

Now we discuss the generation of tests to check an entry (y
,x) in the state table
representing a C-testable ILA. To verify the next state N(y,x)
=p, we use a set of
pairwise distinguishing sequences [Sridhar and Hayes 1979]. A pa
distinguishing sequence for a pair of states p and q, DS(p,q),
is an input sequence for
which the output sequences produced by the circuit starting in
states p and q are
different. (Because the state table is assumed to be reduced, DS(p,q
) exists for every
pair of states p and q). For example, for the state table of
Figure 8.13, DS(YO,Yl)=1
and DS(Yl,Y2)=OI. A set of pairwise distinguishing sequences for a s
tate p, SDS(P), is
a set of sequences such that for every state qep, there exis
ts a DS(p,q)e SDS(P). In
other words, SDS(P) contains sequences that distinguish between p and
any other state.
For the state table of Figure 8.13, SDS(Yl)={I,OI}, where 1 serves
both as DS(Yl,YO)
and as DS(Yl,Y3).







Figure 8.13
The following procedure checks the entry (y,x). (Assume that t
he sequential circuit
starts in state y.)
1. Apply x. This brings the circuit to state p.
2. Apply D
one of the sequences in SDS(P). Assume D, brings the circuit
state rio
3. Apply T(ri'Y)' a transfer sequence that brings the circuit from
state ri to state Y
(such a sequence always exists for a C-testable ILA).


Reapply the sequence Ii=(x,Di,T(ri'Y)) as many times as necessary

to have an
input applied to every cell in the ILA. This step completes one
test vector ti.
Exhaustive and Pseudoexhaustive Testing 321
Let k
be the length of l.. The test i, applies (y,x) to every kith cell of the
5. Apply k
shifted versions of t
to the array.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for every other sequence D, in SDS(P).
Example 8.6: We illustrate the above procedure by deriving tests to
check the entry
(Yo,O) of the state table of Figure 8.13 modeling a C-testable ILA.
Let p=N(YO,O)=Yl
and SDS(Yl)={l,Ol}. The first group of tests use D
rl=Y2' and T(y2'YO)=0.
Hence 1
=(010) and the first test is t 1=Yo (010)*, where the notati
on (S)* denotes
SSS... (yo is applied to the first cell). Since k 1=3, we apply two
shifted versions of t 1
to the ILA; we should also make sure that Yo is applied to the fi
rst cell tested in each
test. The two new tests are Y20(010)* and Y210(010)*.
The second group of tests use D
=01. Similarly we obtain t
=Yo(0010)* . Since k
we need three shifted versions of t 2 to complete this step.
The seven obtained tests
check the entry (y 0,0) in all cells of the ILA, independent of the
number of cells in the
aA D
The test set for the entire ILA merges the tests for all the en
tries in the truth table of a
Extensions and Applications
The ILAs we have considered so far are unilateral, one-dimensional,
and composed of
combinational cells with directly observable outputs. The fault m
odel we have used
assumes that the faulty cell remains a combinational circuit. In
the following we will
briefly mention some of the work based on more general assumptions.
The problem of testing lLAs whose cells do not have directly obser
vable outputs (i.e.,
only the outputs of the last cell are POs) is studied in [Fri
edman 1973, Parthasarathy
and Reddy 1981].

The testing of two-dimensional lLAs, whose structure is shown

in Figure 8.14, is
discussed in [Kautz 1967, Menon and Friedman 1971, Elhuni et al.
1986]. Shen and
Ferguson [1984] analyze the design of VLSI multipliers construct
ed as
two-dimensional arrays and show how these designs can be modif
ied to become
Cheng and Patel [1985] develop a pseudoexhaustive test set for
a ripple-carry adder,
assuming an extended fault model that also includes faults that tr
ansform a faulty cell
into a sequential circuit with two states.
Testing of bilateral lLAs, where interconnections between cells go in bo
th directions, is
examined in [Sridhar and Hayes 1981b].
Sridhar and Hayes [1981a] have shown how the methods for test
ing combinational
ILAs can be extended to lLAs composed of sequential cells having the
structure given
in Figure 8.15.
Sridhar and Hayes [1979, 1981a, 1981b] have studied the testing of
bit-sliced systems,
whose general structure is shown in Figure 8.16. Such a system pe
rforms operations
on n-bit words by concatenating operations on k-bit words done
by N=n/k identical
cells called slices. The operations are determined by s contro
l lines distributed to
Figure 8.14 A two-dimensional ILA
Figure 8.15
every slice. In general, a slice is a sequential device and
the connections between
adjacent slices are bilateral. This structure is typical for bit
-sliced (micro)processors,
where k is usually 2, 4, or 8. To model a bit-sliced system as
an ILA, we can view it
as composed of 2
ILAs, each having a different basic cell implementing one of the 2
possible operations.
Exhaustive and Pseudoexhaustive Testing
Figure 8.16 Bit-sliced processor

In practical bit-sliced systems, a slice is usually defined as an i

nterconnection of small
combinational and sequential modules. Figure 8.17 shows the l-bit
processor slice
considered in [Sridhar and Hayes 1979, 1981a], which is simila
r to commercially
available components. For this type of structure we apply a
pseudoexhaustive testing approach. First, we derive a pseudoexhaustive
test T for a
slice, such that T exhaustively tests every module. Because modules
within a slice are
small, it is feasible to test them exhaustively. The test T
obtained for the slice of
Figure 8.17 has 114 vectors. Second, we derive a pseudoexhaustive
test T
for the
entire array, such that T
applies T to every slice. A bit-sliced processor based on the
slice of Figure 8.17 is C-testable and can be pseudoexhaustivel
y tested with
114 vectors independent of its number of slices.
8.4 Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models
8.4.1 Functional Fault Models
Functional faults attempt to represent the effect of physical faults
on the operation of a
functionally modeled system. The set of functional faults should
be realistic, in the
sense that the faulty behavior induced by them should generally
match the faulty
behavior induced by physical faults. A functional fault model can
be considered good
if tests generated to detect the faults it defines also provide
a high coverage for the
SSFs in the detailed structural model of the system. (Because
we do not know the
comprehensiveness of a functional fault model, we cannot use t
he functional fault
coverage of a test as a meaningful test quality measure.)
A functional fault model can be explicit or implicit. An explicit
model identifies each
fault individually, and every fault may become a target for
test generation. To be
useful, an explicit functional fault model should define a rea
sonably small fault
universe, so that the test generation process will be computat
ionally feasible. In
contrast, an implicit model identifies classes of faults with "simil
ar" properties, so that
all faults in the same class can be detected by similar procedures.
The advantage of an
implicit fault model is that it does not require explicit enu
meration of faults within a
Data in

Right shift in
-- Left shift in
_I I
control : ! Shifter
\1 \I
source ::- Multiplexer
Carry in ----1---------.



tic-logic unit
Carry out


Data out
Figure 8.17 I-bit processor slice
Addressing Faults
Many operations in a digital system are based on decoding the
address of a desired
item. Typical examples include
addressing a word in a memory;
Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models 325
selecting a register according to a field in the instruction word of a pr
decoding an op-code to determine the instruction to be executed.
The common characteristic of these schemes is the use of an n-bit addr
ess to select one
of 2
possible items. Functional addressing faults represent the effects
of physical
faults in the hardware implementing the selection mechanism on the op
eration of the
system. Whenever item i is to be selected, the presence of an
addressing fault may
lead to
selecting no item,
selecting item j instead of i,
selecting item j in addition to i.
More generally, a set of items {jl,j2, ...,jk} may be selected ins
tead of, or in addition
to, i.
An important feature of this fault model is that it forces the
test generation process to
check that the intended function is performed and also that no e
xtraneous operations
occur. This fundamental aspect of functional testing is often o
verlooked by heuristic

Addressing faults used in developing implicit fault models for
microprocessors are
examined in the following section.
8.4.2 Fault Models for Microprocessors
In this section we introduce functional fault models for micro
processors. Test
generation procedures using these fault models are presented in the next
Graph Model for Microprocessors
For functional test generation, a microprocessor can be modeled by
a graph based on
its architecture and instruction set [Thatte and Abraham 1980, Brah
me and Abraham
1984]. Every user-accessible register is represented by a node
in the graph. Two
additional nodes, labeled IN and OUT, denote the connections b
etween the
microprocessor and the external world; typically, these are the
data, address, and
control busses connecting the microprocessor to memory and I/O devi
ces. When the
microprocessor is under test, the tester drives the IN node and observes
the OUT node.
A directed edge from node A to node B shows that there exists a
n instruction whose
execution involves a transfer of information from node A to node B.
Example 8.7: Let us consider a hypothetical microprocessor with
the following
A - accumulator,
PC - program counter,
SP - stack pointer holding the address of the top of a last-in first-out
data stack,
Rl - general-purpose register,
R2 - scratch-pad register,
SR - subroutine register to save return addresses (assume that
no subroutine
nesting is allowed),
IX - index register.
Figure 8.18 shows the graph model for this microprocessor. The tabl
e of Figure 8.19
illustrates the mapping between some of the instructions of the micro
processor and the
edges of the graph. (The notation (R) denotes the contents of
the memory location
addressed by register R.) Note that an edge may correspond to several in
structions and
an instruction may create several edges. 0
Figure 8.18 Graph model for a microprocessor
Fault Classes
Faults affecting the operation of a microprocessor can be divide
d into the following
classes [Thatte and Abraham 1980]:
1. addressing faults affecting the register-decoding function;
2. addressing faults affecting the instruction-decoding and instruction
3. faults in the data-storage function;

4. faults in the data-transfer function;

5. faults in the data-manipulation function.
Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models
Instruction Operation Edge(s)
MVI R, a
where RE{A,Rl,SP,IX}
where Ra,RbE {A,Rl,R2}
ADD A,Rl At-A+Rl






where RE{A,Rl}



where RE{A,Rl}


where RE {A,SP,IX}
where RE{A,Rl}
Figure 8.19 Instruction set
The overall fault model for the microprocessor allows for any num
ber of faults in only
one of these classes. Fault Model for the Register-Decoding Function
Let us denote the decoding (selection) of a register R by a
function fD(R) whose
fault-free value is R for any register R of the microprocessor. Whene
ver an instruction
accesses a register R, an addressing fault affecting the register-dec
oding function leads
to one of the following [Thatte and Abraham 1980]:
1. No register is accessed.
2. A set of registers (that mayor may not include R) is accessed.


The first case is represented by fD(R)=0, where 0 denotes a
nonexistent register.
Here an instruction trying to write R will not change its conte
nts, and an instruction
trying to read R will retrieve a ONE or ZERO vector (dependin
g on technology),
independent of the contents of R; a ONE (ZERO) vector has all its bits
set to 1(0).
In the second case, fD(R) represents the set of registers erroneousl
y accessed. Here an
instruction trying to write data d in R will write d in every re
gister in fD(R), and an
instruction trying to read R will retrieve the bit-wise AND o
r OR (depending on
technology) of the contents of all registers in fD(R).
Example 8.8: For the microprocessor of Example 8.7, consider the
fault fD(SR)=0.
The CALL a instruction will correctly jump to a, but it will not s
ave the return address
in SR. This fault will be detected by executing RET, since at
that time a ZERO or
ONE vector will be loaded into the PC.
With the fault fD(R2)=Rl, the instruction MOV R2,Rl will behave li
ke NOP, and the
instruction MOV A,R2 will result in transferring Rl into A. In
the presence of the
fault fD(R2) = {Rl,R2}, the instruction MOV R2,Rl executes corr
ectly, but MOV
A,R2 will transfer Rl *R2 into A, where "*" denotes the bit-wise AND or
OR operator.
Note that a fault that causes fD(R;)=R
and fD(Rj)=R; does not affect the correct
operation (since it only relabels R; and R
) ; such a fault is undetectable. Fault Model for the Instruction-Decoding and Instruction-Sequencing
Microprogramming Model for Instruction Execution
An instruction can be viewed as a sequence of microinstruction
s, where every
microinstruction consists of a set of microorders which are ex
ecuted in parallel.
Microorders represent the elementary data-transfer and data-manipula
tion operations;
i.e., they constitute the basic building blocks of the instruc
tion set. This
microprogramming model [Parthasarathy et ale 1982, Annaratone and
Sami 1982,
Brahme and Abraham 1984] is an abstract model, applicable regardless
of whether the
microprocessor is actually microprogrammed.
For example, the instruction ADD A,Rl can be viewed as a sequence
of the following
three microinstructions: (1) two (parallel) microorders to bring the c
ontents of A and
Rl to the ALU inputs, (2) an ADD microorder, and (3) a microorder
to load the ALU

result into A. The same instruction can also be considered as one m

icroorder [Brahme
and Abraham 1984]. We emphasize that the process of test generation (
to be described
in the next section) does not require the knowledge of the str
ucture of instructions in
terms of microinstructions and microorders.
Fault Model
The microprogramming model for the instruction execution allows
us to define a
comprehensive fault model for the instruction-decoding and instruc
function. Namely, addressing faults affecting the execution of an
instruction I may
cause one or more of the following fault effects [Brahme and Abraham
1. One or more microorders are not activated by the microinstructions
of I.
Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models 329
2. Microorders are erroneously activated by the microinstructions of I.
3. A different set of microinstructions is activated instead of,
or in addition to,
the microinstructions of I.
This fault model is general, as it allows for partial executi
on of instructions and for
execution of "new" instructions, not present in the instruction
set of the
A fault affecting an instruction I is simple if at most one
microorder is erroneously
activated during the execution of I (any number of microorders may be
inactive). Thus
there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the set of microorde
rs and the set of
simple faults.
Two microorders are said to be independent if neither of them
modifies the source
registers used by the other. Two simple faults are independent if th
e microorders they
activate are independent. Our fault model allows for any numbe
r of simple faults,
provided that they are (pairwise) independent. An example of a fau
lt not included in
this fault model is a fault that erroneously activates the s
equence of microorders
(ADD A,Rl ; MOV R2,A); such a fault is said to be linked. Fault Model for the Data-Storage Function
The fault model for the data-storage function [Thatte and Abra
ham 1980] is a
straightforward extension of the stuck-fault model. It allows an
y register in the
microprocessor to have any number of bits s-a-O or s-a-l. Fault Model for the Data-Transfer Function
The data-transfer function implements all the data transfers amon
g the nodes of the
graph model of a microprocessor ("transfer" means that data are mov
ed without being
modified). Recall that an edge from node A to node B may corr
espond to several
instructions that cause a data transfer from A to B. Although the

same hardware may

implement (some of) these data transfers, to make our model
independent of
implementation, we assume that every instruction causing a trans
fer A ~ B defines a
separate logical transfer path A ~ B , and each such transfer path
may be independently
faulty. For the microprocessor of .Example 8.7, this model implie
s that the I N ~ P C
transfer caused by a IMP a instruction may be faulty, while the sa
me transfer caused
by CALL a can be fault-free.
The fault model for the data-transfer function [Thatte and Abraham 198
0] assumes that
any line in a transfer path can be s-a-O or s-a-l, and any two li
nes in a transfer path
may be shorted. Fault Model for the Data-Manipulation Function
The data-manipulation function involves instructions that change d
ata, such as
arithmetic and logic operations, register incrementing or decremen
ting, etc. It is
practically impossible to establish a meaningful functional fault
model for the
data-manipulation function without any knowledge of the structure of
the ALU or of
the other functional units involved (shifter, incrementer, etc.). T
he usual approach in
functional test generation is to assume that tests for the data-man
ipulation function are
developed by some other techniques, and to provide means to appl
y these tests and
observe their results. For example, if we know that the ALU i
s implemented as an
WRITE(A) = (MVI A,a)
READ(A) =(MOV (IX), A)
WRITE(R2) = (MVI A,a; MOV R2, A)
READ(R2) =(MOV A, R2; MOV (IX), A)
ILA, then we can derive a pseudoexhaustive test set for it using th
e methods described
in Section 8.3.3. If the data-transfer function is checked firs
t, this test set can be
applied by loading the required operands in registers, executing
the corresponding
arithmetic or logic operations, and reading out the results. The
data paths providing
operands to the ALU and transferring the result from the ALU are
checked together
with the ALU.
8.4.3 Test Generation Procedures
In this section we examine test generation procedures for the fun
ctional fault models
introduced in the previous section. These fault models are imp
licit and the test
generation procedures deal with classes of faults without identi
fying the individual
members of a class. Testing the Register-Decoding Function

Because faults causing fD(Ri)=R
and fD(Rj)=R
are undetectable, our goal in testing
the register-decoding function is to check that for every regi
ster R, of the
microprocessor, the size of the set fD(R
is 1 [Thatte and Abraham 1980]. This
guarantees that none of the detectable addressing faults affecting
the register-decoding
function is present.
The testing procedure involves writing and reading of registers. For
every register R
we predetermine a sequence of instructions WRITE(R
) that transfers data from the IN
node to R
and a sequence READ(R
that transfers the contents of R, to the OUT
node. Whenever there exist several ways to write or read a
register, we select the
shortest sequence.
Example 8.9: For the microprocessor of Example 8.7, we have the
With every register R, we associate a label I(R
) , which is the length of the sequence
here I(R
represents the shortest "distance" from R, to the OUT node.
Using the READ sequences of Example 8.9, I(A)=I(SR)=1 and I(R2)=2.
The strategy of the testing procedure is to construct gradually a se
t A of registers such
1. fD(R
for every RiEA
2. fD(R
for every Ri,RjEA.
Eventually, A will contain all the registers of the microproce
ssor, and then these
conditions will imply that IfD(R
) I =1 for every s;
Figure 8.20 presents the testing procedure (Decode_regs) to detect
addressing faults
affecting the register-decoding function. This procedure is execut
ed by an external

Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models 331

tester that supplies the instructions for WRITE and READ sequences
and checks the
data retrieved by READ sequences. According to the start-small principle,
registers are
added to A in increasing order of their labels. The same orderin
g is used for reading
out the registers in A.
add a register with label I to A
for every register R, not in A
for Data=ZERO, ONE
for every register RjEA WRITE(R
with Data
) with Data
for every register RjEA READ(Rj)
add R, to A
Figure 8.20 Testing the register-decoding function
Theorem 8.3: If procedure Decode_regs executes without detecting any er
rors (in the
data retrieved by READ sequences), then the register-decoding fu
nction is free of
(detectable) addressing faults.
Proof: We will prove that successful completion of Decode_regs
shows that
) I =1 for every register R
The proof is by induction. Let R, be a register
with the lowest label among the registers currently not in A. Let
us assume that all the
registers currently in A have nonempty and disjoint sets fD(R
We want to show that
this remains true after we add R, to A.
If f (R
) returns ZERO or ONE. Since READ(R
) is executed twice,
once expecting ZERO and once expecting ONE, one of them will
detect the error.
Hence if both READ(R

) sequences execute without detecting errors, then f (R

)* 0 .
If for some RjEA, fD(Rj)nfD(R
)* 0 , then WRITE(R
writes Data into a register
whose contents are later changed to Data by WRITE(R
) . This error will be detected
by one of the two READ(R
) sequences. Hence if both READ(R
sequences execute
without detecting errors, then fD(R
Note that since I (R
) for every
RjEA, reading of R, does not require routing of R, through R

The basis of induction, for the initial situation when A contains

only one register, can
be proved by similar arguments. Eventually, A will contain all
the registers of the
microprocessor. Then the relations fD(R
)* 0 and fD(R
)=I=0 imply that
) I =1 for every Ri, Therefore successful completion of procedure
shows that the register-decoding function is free of (detectable) addr
essing faults. 0
Let nR be the number of registers. The number of WRITE and
READ sequences
generated by procedure Decode_regs is proportional to nk. Thus if all
registers can be
directly written and read out, i.e., every WRITE and READ sequence co
nsists of only
one instruction, then the number of instructions in the generated t
est sequence is also
proportional to nk. For an architecture with "deeply buried" regis
ters, the worst-case
length of the test sequence approaches nk. Testing the Instruction-Decoding and Instruction-Sequencing Functi
Our goal is to detect all simple faults affecting the execution
of any instruction. For
this we have to ensure that any simple fault affecting an
instruction I causes errors
either in the data transferred to the OUT node or in a register that

can be read after I is

executed. This should be true if microorders of I are not activate
d and/or if additional
(independent) microorders are erroneously activated. Missing microor
ders are
generally easy to detect, as any instruction that does not activate a
ll its microorders can
be easily made to produce an incorrect result. To detect the
execution of additional
microorders , we associate different data patterns, called codewor
ds, with different
registers of the microprocessor [Abraham and Parker 1981, Brahme
and Abraham
1984]. Let CWi denote the codeword associated with register Ri. The
set of codewords
should satisfy the property that any single microorder operating on
codewords should
either produce a noncodeword, or load a register R, with a
codeword CWj of a
different register.
For nR registers each having n bits, a set of codewords satisfy
ing the above property
can be obtained using a p-out-of-n code, where each codeword has exac
tly p bits set to
1, and ( ~ ) ~ n R (see Problem 8.10). Figure 8.21 illustrat
es a 5-out-of-8 codeword set.
CWI 01101110
cW2 10011110
cW3 01101101
CW4 100 1 1 101
cWs 01101011
cW6 10011011
cW7 01100111
CWg 100 101 1 1
Figure 8.21 A 5-out-of-8 codeword set
Example 8.10: Consider eight registers R1...R8, loaded with the code
words given in
Figure 8.21. We will illustrate how several fault-activated micro
orders produce
1. ADD R1,R3 results in R1 having the noncodeword 11011011.
Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models 333
2. EXCHANGE R5,R7 results in both R5 and R7 having incorrect codewords.
3. OR R7,R8 produces the noncodeword 11110111 in R7.
Note that operations performed on noncodewords may produce a c
odeword. For
example, if R4 and R5 have the noncodewords 00010101 and 100
11001, then OR
R4,R5 results in R4 having its correct codeword. D
If all registers are loaded with the proper codewords, simple
faults affecting the
execution of an instruction I will either cause an incorrect result of I
or cause a register
to have a noncodeword or the codeword of a different register. Hen
ce to detect these
faults, all registers must be read out after executing I. For
a register that cannot be
read directly, its READ sequence should be nondestructive, i.e., it
should not change

the contents of any other register (with the possible exception of the pro
gram counter).
Example 8.11: For the microprocessor of Example 8.7, the READ(R2)
used in the previous section - (MOV A,R2; MOV (IX),A) - destroys
the contents
of A. A nondestructive READ(R2), which saves and restores A, is
According to the start-small principle, we will check the READ
sequences before
checking the other instructions. We classify the faults affectin
g READ sequences
according to the type of microorder they activate:
type 1: microorders operating on one register, for example, inc
rement, negate, or
type 2: microorders causing a data transfer between two register
s, for example,
move or exchange;
type 3: microorders executing arithmetic or logic operations on
two source
registers, for example, add.
Let S1 be the set of registers modified by microorders of type 1.
Let S2 be the set of
register pairs (Rj,R
involved in microorders of type 2, where R
and R
respectively, the source and the destination registers. Let S3
be the set of register
triples (Rj,Rk,R
involved in microorders of type 3, where R
and R, are the two
source registers, and R, is the destination register.
Figures 8.22, 8.23, and 8.24 present the testing procedures (Read],
Read2, and Read3)
to detect, respectively, faults of type 1, type 2, and type 3
affecting the execution of
READ sequences. Each procedure starts by loading codewords in registe
rs. Since at
this point we cannot assume that WRITE sequences are fault-fre
e, the testing
procedures take into account that some registers may not contain their co
Theorem 8.4: If procedures Read], Read2, and Read3 execute without d
etecting any
errors, then all READ sequences are fault-free.
Proof: We will prove only that procedure Read3 detects all faults
of type 3 affecting
READ sequences. The proofs for procedures Read] and Read2 are simila
Consider a fault of type 3 that, during the execution of RE
AD(R;), erroneously
activates a microorder that uses R

and R,

as source registers

and modifies R

If R
and R, now have their proper codewords,
) detects a noncodeword
for every R, WRITE(R
) with CWi
for every R,
for every R, E S1
Figure 8.22 Testing for type 1 faults
for every R, WRITE(R
) with CWi
for every R,
for every (Rj,R
) E S2
Figure8.23 Testing for type 2 faults
(or an incorrect codeword) in R

the first READ(R



the microorder activated by READ(R

operates on incorrect data in R, and/or R
, then it may produce the correct codeword in
, so the first READ(R
) does not detect an error. Next, READ(R
) checks the
contents of Ri; but even if R, was not loaded with its codeword,
it is possible that the
first READ(R
) changed R, to its correct value. Similarly, READ(R
) either detects an
error or shows that R
has its correct value. But READ(R
) may change the contents
of Ri, If the next READ(R
) and READ(R
) do not detect errors, we can be sure that
both R, and R
have now their correct codewords. Thus when the second READ(R
) is
executed, the fault-activated microorder produces incorrect data in
, and the second
) detects this error. Therefore, if no errors are detected, we c
an conclude that
Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models
for every R, WRITE(R
) with CWj
for every R,
for every (Rj,Rk,R
) E S3

Figure 8.24 Testing for type 3 faults
) is free of faults of type 3. As Read3 repeats this tes
t for every R
eventually all faults of type 3 affecting READ sequences are detected.
We have assumed that all simple faults are independent. Brahme and
Abraham [1984]
present extensions of the Read procedures to detect linked faults as well
The Read procedures also detect some faults affecting WRITE sequences.
Figure 8.25
outlines a testing procedure (Load) to detect all faults affec
ting WRITE sequences.
Load assumes that READ sequences are fault-free.
Procedure Instr, given in Figure 8.26, checks for faults affecting the
execution of every
instruction in the instruction set of the microprocessor. Instr
assumes that both
WRITE and READ sequences are fault-free. The question of whether every
should be tested for every addressing mode is answered depending on the
of the instruction set.
The complete test sequence for the instruction-decoding and inst
function of the microprocessor is obtained by executing the seq
uence of procedures
Readl, Read2, Read3, Load, and Instr.
The worst-case length of the test sequence checking the READ
sequences is
proportional to n'k, and the length of the test sequence checking t
he execution of every
instruction is proportional to nRnJ, where nJ is the number o
f instructions in the

instruction set.
for every R, WRITE(R
) with CWi
for every R,
for every R,
) with CWi
Figure 8.25 Testing WRITE sequences
for every instruction I
for every R, WRITE(R
) with CWi
execute I
for every R
Figure 8.26 Testing all instructions Testing the Data-Storage and Data-Transfer Functions
The data-storage and data-transfer functions are tested together,
because a test that
detects stuck faults on lines of a transfer path A
o detects stuck faults in the
registers corresponding to the nodes A and B.
Consider a sequence of instructions that activates a sequence of dat
a transfers starting
at the IN node and ending at the OUT node. We refer to s
uch a sequence as an
IN/OUT transfer. For the microprocessor of Example 8.7, the sequ
ence (MVI A,a;
MOV Rl,A; MOV(IX),Rl) is an IN/OUT transfer that moves data a
along the path
A test for the transfer paths and the registers involved in an I
N/OUT transfer consists
of repeating the IN/OUT transfer for different data patterns, so that
1. Every bit in a transfer path is set to both 0 and 1.
Functional Testing with Specific Fault Models 337
2. Every pair of bits is set to complementary values [Thatte and Abr
aham 1980].

Figure 8.27 shows a set of 8-bit data patterns satisfying these req
1 1 1 1 111 1
Figure 8.27 Data patterns for checking an 8-bit transfer path
Clearly, for every transfer path involved in an IN/OUT transfe
r, a test sequence
constructed in this way detects all the stuck faults on the lines
of the transfer path and
all the shorts between any two of its lines. The complete test f
or the data-storage and
data-transfer functions consists of a set of IN/OUT transfers, s
uch that every transfer
path of the microprocessor is involved in at least one IN/OUT transfer.
8.4.4 A Case Study
Thatte and Abraham [1980] derived test sequences for an 8-bit mi
croprocessor, based
on functional fault models and testing procedures of the type pres
ented in this chapter.
These test sequences, consisting of about 9000 instructions, were
evaluated by fault
simulation using a gate and flip-flop model of the microprocessor.
A sample of about
2200 SSFs were simulated. The obtained fault coverage was 96 perc
ent, which is an
encouraging result.
8.5 Concluding Remarks
Functional testing methods attempt to reduce the complexity of
the test generation
problem by approaching it at higher levels of abstraction. Howeve
r, functional testing
has not yet achieved the level of maturity and the success of str
uctural testing methods.
In this section we review some of the limitations and diffic
ulties encountered in
functional testing.
Although binary decision diagrams provide functional models that ar
e easily used for
test generation, their applicability in modeling complex systems has n
ot been proven.
Pseudoexhaustive testing is best suited for circuits having a regular
ILA-type structure.
For arbitrary combinational circuits where at least one PO depen
ds on many PIs, the
number of tests required for pseudoexhaustive testing becomes pr
Partitioning techniques can reduce the number of tests, but they rel
y on knowledge of
the internal structure of the circuit, and their applicability to
large circuits is hindered
by the lack of good partitioning algorithms.
Explicit functional fault models are likely to produce a prohibitively
large set of target

faults. Implicit functional fault models have been successfully use

d in testing RAMs
(see [Abadir and Reghbati 1983] for a survey) and in testing
programmable devices
such as microprocessors, for which test patterns can be develo
ped as sequences of
instructions. The test generation process is based on the arch
itecture and the
instruction set of a microprocessor and produces test procedures t
hat detect classes of
faults without requiring explicit fault enumeration. This process
has not been
automated and cannot generate tests for the data manipulation function.
Functional testing is an actively researched area. Some other approac
hes not examined
in this chapter are presented in [Lai and Siewiorek 1983], [Robach
and Saucier 1980],
[Shen and Su 1984], [Lin and Su 1985], [Su and Hsieh 1981],
and [Renous et ale
In general, functional testing methods are tightly coupled with
specific functional
modeling techniques. Thus the applicability of a functional testing
method is limited
to systems described via a particular modeling technique. Because
there exist many
widely different functional modeling techniques, it is unlikely
that a generally
applicable functional testing method can be developed. Moreover,
deriving the
functional model used in test generation is often a manual,
time-consuming and
error-prone process [Bottorff 1981].
Another major problem in functional testing is the lack of mean
s for evaluating the
effectiveness of test sequences at the functional level.
[Abadir and Reghbati 1983] M. S. Abadir and H. K. Reghbati, "Fu
nctional Testing of
Semiconductor Random Access Memories," Computing Surveys, Vol. 15,
No.3, pp. 175-198, September, 1983.
[Abadir and Reghbati 1984] M. S. Abadir and H. K. Reghbati, "T
est Generation for
LSI: A Case Study," Proc.21st Design Automation Conf., pp. 180
June, 1984.
[Abraham and Parker 1981] J. A. Abraham and K. P. Parker, "Practical
Testing: Open and Closed Loop Approaches," Proc. COMPCON Spring
1981, pp. 308-311, February, 1981.
[Akers 1978] S. B. Akers, "Functional Testing With Binary Decisi
on Diagrams,"
Journal of Design Automation & Fault-Tolerant Computing, Vol. 2,
pp. 311-331, October, 1978.
[Akers 1985] S. B. Akers, "On the Use of Linear Sums in Exhaustive
Testing," Digest
of Papers 15th Annual Intn'l. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing,
pp. 148-153, June, 1985.
[Annaratone and Sami 1982] M. A. Annaratone and M. G. Sami, "A
n Approach to

Functional Testing of Microprocessors," Digest of Papers 12th Annual

Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 158-164, June, 1982.
[Brahme and Abraham 1984] D. Brahme and J. A. Abraham, "Functional
Testing of
Microprocessors," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-33, No.6, pp.
June, 1984.
[Barzilai et ale 1981] Z. Barzilai, J. Savir, G. Markowsky, and
M. G. Smith, "The
Weighted Syndrome Sums Approach to VLSI Testing," IEEE Trans.
Computers, Vol. C-30, No. 12, pp. 996-1000, December, 1981.
[Bottorff 1981] P. S. Bottorff, "Functional Testing Folklore and
Fact," Digest of
Papers 1981 Intn'l. Test Conf., pp. 463-464, October, 1981.
[Chang et ale 1986] H. P. Chang, W. A. Rogers, and J. A. A
braham, "Structured
Functional Level Test Generation Using Binary Decision Diagrams,"
Intn'l. Test Conf., pp. 97-104, September, 1986.
[Chen 1988] C. L. Chen, "Exhaustive Test Pattern Generation Using
Cyclic Codes,"
IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-37, No.2., pp. 225-228, February,
[Cheng and Patel 1985] W. T. Cheng and J. H. Patel, "A Shortes
t Length Test
Sequence for Sequential-Fault Detection in Ripple Carry Adders," Proc.
Conlon Computer-Aided Design, pp. 71-73, November, 1985.
[Chiang and McCaskill 1976] A. C. L. Chiang and R. McCaskill,
"Two New
Approaches Simplify Testing of Microprocessors," Electronics, Vol. 49,
pp. 100-105, January, 1976.
[Elhuni et ale 1986] H. Elhuni, A. Vergis, and L. Kinney, ftC
-Testability of
Two-Dimensional Iterative Arrays," IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design,
Vol. CAD-5, No.4, pp. 573-581, October, 1986.
[Friedman 1973] A. D. Friedman, "Easily Testable Iterative Systems,"
IEEE Trans. on
Computers, Vol. C-22, No. 12, pp. 1061-1064, December, 1973.
[Friedman and Menon 1971] A. D. Friedman and P. R. Menon, Faul
t Detection in
Digital Circuits, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1971.
[Kautz 1967] W. H. Kautz, "Testing for Faults in Cellular Logi
c Arrays," Proc. 8th
Symp. Switching and Automata Theory, pp. 161-174, 1967.
[Lai and Siewiorek 1983] K. W. Lai and D. P. Siewiorek, "Func
tional Testing of
Digital Systems," Proc. 20th Design Automation Conf., pp. 207-21
3, June,
[Lin and Su 1985] T. Lin and S. Y. H. Su, "The S-Algorithm: A
Promising Solution
for Systematic Functional Test Generation," IEEE Trans. on Computer
Design, Vol. CAD-4, No.3, pp. 250-263, July, 1985.
[McCluskey 1984] E. J. McCluskey, "Verification Testing - A Pseudoexha

ustive Test
Technique," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-33, No.6, pp. 541-54
6, June,
[McCluskey and Bozorgui-Nesbat 1981] E. J. McCluskey and S. Bozorgu
"Design for Autonomous Test," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C
No. 11, pp. 866-875, November, 1981.
[Menon and Friedman 1971] P. R. Menon and A. D. Friedman, "Fau
lt Detection in
Iterative Logic Arrays," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-20,
pp. 524-535, May, 1971.
[Monachino 1982] M. Monachino, "Design Verification System for Lar
ge-Scale LSI
Designs," Proc. 19th Design Automation Conf, pp. 83-90, June, 1982.
[Moore 1956] E. F. Moore, "Gedanken Experiments on Sequential
Machines," in
Automata Studies, pp. 129-153, Princeton University Press, Princet
on, New
Jersey, 1956.
[Noon 1977] W. A. Noon, "A Design Verification and Logic Valid
ation System,"
Proc. 14th Design Automation Conf, pp. 362-368, June, 1977.
[Parthasarathy and Reddy 1981] R. Parthasarathy and S. M. Reddy,
"A Testable
Design of Iterative Logic Arrays," IEEE Trans. on Computers, V
ol. C-30,
No. 11, pp. 833-841, November, 1981.
[Parthasarathy et ale 1982] R. Parthasarathy, S. M. Reddy, and J. G
. Kuhl, "A Testable
Design of General Purpose Microprocessors," Digest of Papers 12th
Intn'l. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 117-124, June, 1982
[Renous et ale 1989] R. Renous, G. M. Silberman, and I. Spilli
nger, "Whistle: A
Workbench for Test Development of Library-Based Designs," Computer
Vol. 22, No.4, pp. 27-41, April, 1989.
[Robach and Saucier 1980] C. Robach and G. Saucier, "Microprocess
or Functional
Testing," Digest of Papers 1980 Test Conf, pp. 433-443, November, 1
[Shen and Ferguson 1984] J. P. Shen and F. J. Ferguson, "The
Design of Easily
Testable VLSI Array Multipliers," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol.
No.6, pp. 554-560, June, 1984.
[Shen and Su 1984] L. Shen and S. Y. H. Su, "A Functional
Testing Method for
Microprocessors," Proc. 14th Intn'l. Conf on Fault-Tolerant Comput
pp. 212-218, June, 1984.
[Shperling and McCluskey 1987] I. Shperling and E. J. McCluskey
, "Circuit
Segmentation for Pseudo-Exhaustive Testing via Simulated Annealing," P

Intn'l. Test Conf, pp. 58-66, September, 1987.

[Sridhar and Hayes 1979] T. Sridhar and J. P. Hayes, "Testing
Microprocessors," Digest of Papers 9th Annual Intn'l. Symp. on
Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 211-218, June, 1979.
[Sridhar and Hayes 1981a] T. Sridhar and J. P. Hayes, "A Func
tional Approach to
Testing Bit-Sliced Microprocessors," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol.
No.8, pp. 563-571, August, 1981.
[Sridhar and Hayes 1981b] T. Sridhar and J. P. Hayes, "Design
of Easily Testable
Bit-Sliced Systems," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-30, No.
pp. 842-854, November, 1981.
[Su and Hsieh 1981] S. Y. H. Su and Y. Hsieh, "Testing Function
al Faults in Digital
Systems Described by Register Transfer Language," Digest of Papers
lntn'l. Test Conf., pp. 447-457, October, 1981.
[Tang and Woo 1983] D. T. Tang and L. S. Woo, "Exhaustive Test
Pattern Generation
with Constant Weight Vectors," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol.
No. 12, pp. 1145-1150, December, 1983.
[Thatte and Abraham 1980] S. M. Thatte and J. A. Abraham, "
Test Generation for
Microprocessors," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-29, No.6, pp.
June, 1980.
8.1 Show that a heuristic functional test that does not detect
a detectable stuck fault
on a PI of the circuit does not completely exercise its operation.
8.2 Generate all the feasible experiments for the binary decis
ion diagram of
Figure 8.6.
8.3 Using the binary decision diagram of Figure 8.6, generate a
test in which f is
sensitive to C.
8.4 Derive a pseudoexhaustive test set for the circuit of Figure
8.8(a) by partitioning
it into the following three segments: (1) the subcircuit whose out
put is h, (2) gate Y,
and (3) gates g and x. Compare your results with those obtained in
Example 8.4.
8.5 Show that any pseudoexhaustive test set based on a sensiti
zed partitioning of a
combinational circuit N detects all detectable SSFs in N.
8.6 Analyze the state tables shown in Figure 8.28 to determine whethe
r the ILAs they
represent are C-testable.
0 1
YI,O Yo, 1

Yo, 1 YI, 0.
Y2, 0
Y2, 1
Y2' 1
Figure 8.28
0 1
8.7 Derive tests that verify the entry (y 1,1) in all the cells
of the ILA represented by
the state table of Figure 8.13.
8.8 The ILA of Figure 8.29 is a realization of an n-bit parity f
unction. Its basic cell
implements an exclusive-OR function. Show that the ILA is C-testable
with four tests.
(Because the cells do not have direct outputs, analyze fault prop
agation through a cell
using propagation D-cubes.)
() ()
- ~ ~ - f
Figure 8.29
8.9 Consider a gate-level model of a 2-to-4 decoder. Show that any
SSF leads to the
following faulty behavior: for any input vector, instead of, o
r in addition to the
expected output line, some other output is activated, or no output i
s activated.
8.10 Show that a p-out-of-n codeword set satisfies the required propert
y of codewords
with respect to any microorder of the form Rl e-Rl *R2, where "*"
denotes an ADD,

AND, OR, or XOR operation.

About This Chapter
Previous chapters have dealt with the complexity of test generation
and algorithms for
constructing a test for a complex circuit. Test complexity can be
converted into costs
associated with the testing process. There are several facets to
this cost, such as the
cost of test pattern generation, the cost of fault simulation
and generation of fault
location information, the cost of test equipment, and the cost
related to the testing
process itself, namely the time required to detect and/or isolate a
fault. Because these
costs can be high and may even exceed design costs, it is impor
tant that they be kept
within reasonable bounds. One way to accomplish this goal is
by the process of
design for testability (DFT) , which is the subject of this cha
pter. The model of test
being considered here is that of external testing.
The testability of a circuit is an abstract concept that deals w
ith a variety of the costs
associated with testing. By increasing the testability of a ci
rcuit, it is implied that
some function of these costs is being reduced, though not necessar
ily each individual
cost. For example, scan designs may lower the cost of test gene
ration but increase the
number of I/O pins, area, and test time.
Controllability, observability, and predictability are the three mo
st important factors
that determine the complexity of deriving a test for a circuit.
The first two concepts
have been discussed in Chapter 6. Predictability is the ability to
obtain known output
values in response to given input stimuli. Some factors affecting
predictability are the
initial state of a circuit, races, hazards, and free-running o
scillators. Most DFf
techniques deal with ways for improving controllability, observabi
lity, and
Section 9.1 deals briefly with some measures associated with t
esting, as well as
methods for computing numeric values for controllability and obs
Section 9.2 discusses ad hoc DFT techniques; Section 9.3 deals with
ad hoc scan-based
DFT techniques. Sections 9.4 through 9.7 present structured scan-base
d designs, and
Section 9.8 deals with board-level and system-level DFf approaches.
Section 9.9 deals
with advanced scan concepts, and Section 9.10 deals with the
JTAG/IEEE 1149.1
proposed standards relating to boundary scan.
9.1 Testability
Testability is a design characteristic that influences various c
osts associated with

testing. Usually it allows for (1) the status (normal, inoperable,

degraded) of a device
to be determined and the isolation of faults within the device to
be performed quickly,
to reduce both the test time and cost, and (2) the cost-effec
tive development of the
tests to determine this status. Design for testability technique
s are design efforts
specifically employed to ensure that a device is testable.
Two important attributes related to testability are controllabilit
y and observability.
Controllability is the ability to establish a specific signal value at
each node in a circuit
by setting values on the circuit's inputs. Observability is the
ability to determine the
signal value at any node in a circuit by controlling the circu
it's inputs and observing
its outputs.
The degree of a circuit's controllability and observability is
often measured with
respect to whether tests are generated randomly or deterministical
ly using some ATG
algorithm. For example, it may be difficult (improbable) for a
random test pattern
generation to drive the output of a 10-input AND gate to a
1, but the D-algorithm
could solve this problem with one table lookup. Thus, the te
rm "random
controllability" refers to the concept of controllability when r
andom tests are being
used. In general, a circuit node usually has poor random controllab
ility if it requires a
unique input pattern to establish the state of that node. A
node usually has poor
controllability if a lengthy sequence of inputs is required to establis
h its state.
Circuits typically difficult to control are decoders, circuits wi
th feedback, oscillators,
and clock generators. Another example is a 16-bit counter whose
parallel inputs are
grounded. Starting from the reset state, 2
clock pulses are required to force the most
significant bit to the value of 1.
A circuit often has poor random observability if it requires a uni
que input pattern or a
lengthy complex sequence of input patterns to propagate the state of
one or more nodes
to the outputs of the circuit. Less observable circuits includ
e sequential circuits;
circuits with global feedback; embedded RAMs, ROMs, or PLAs; c
error-checking circuits; and circuits with redundant nodes.
The impact of accessibility on testing leads to the following general o
Sequential logic is much more difficult to test than combinational
Control logic is more difficult to test than data-path logic.

Random logic is more difficult to test than structured, bus-oriented

Asynchronous designs or those with unconstrained timing signals
are much more
difficult to test than synchronous designs that have easily ac
cessible clock
generation and distribution circuits.
9.1.1 Trade-Offs
Most DFT techniques deal with either the resynthesis of an e
xisting design or the
addition of extra hardware to the design. Most approaches require circ
uit modifications
and affect such factors as area, I/O pins, and circuit delay.
The values of these
attributes usually increase when DFT techniques are employed. He
nce, a critical
balance exists between the amount of DFT to use and the ga
in achieved. Test
engineers and design engineers usually disagree about the amount of
DFT hardware to
include in a design.
Increasing area and/or logic complexity in a VLSI chip results
in increased power
consumption and decreased yield. Since testing deals with identifying
faulty chips, and
decreasing yield leads to an increase in the number of faulty chips
produced, a careful
balance must be reached between adding logic for DFf and yiel
d. The relationship
among fault coverage, yield, and defect level is illustrated i
n Figure 5.1. Normally
yield decreases linearly as chip area increases. If the additiona
l hardware required to
support DFT does not lead to an appreciable increase in fault cov
erage, then the defect
level will increase. In general, DFT is used to reduce test g
eneration costs, enhance
Testability 345
the quality (fault coverage) of tests, and hence reduce defect l
evels. It can also affect
test length, tester memory, and test application time.
Normally all these attributes are directly related to one another.
Unfortunately, when
either deterministic or random test patterns are being used, ther
e is no reliable model
for accurately predicting, for a specific circuit, the number of
test vectors required to
achieve a certain level of fault coverage. For many applications,
test development time
is a critical factor. By employing structured DFT techniques des
cribed later in this
chapter, such time can often be substantially reduced, sometimes from
many months to
a few weeks. This reduction can significantly affect the time to
market of a product
and thus its financial success. Without DFT, tests may have to b
e generated manually;
with DFT they can be generated automatically. Moreover, the ef
fectiveness of
manually generated tests is often poor.

The cost of test development is a one-time expense, and it c

an be prorated over the
number of units tested. Hence, on the one hand, for a product
made in great volume,
the per unit cost of test development may not be excessively high.
On the other hand,
test equipment is expensive to purchase, costs a fixed amount to
operate, and becomes
obsolete after several years. Like test development, ATE-associate
d costs must be
added to the cost of the product being tested. Hence, test
time can be a significant
factor in establishing the cost of a unit. Again, a conflict ex
ists in that to reduce test
application costs, shorter tests should be used, which leads to
reduced fault coverage
and higher defect levels. This is particularly true when testin
g microprocessors and
large RAMs.
If a faulty chip is put into a printed circuit board, then the
board is faulty. Identifying
a faulty chip using board-level tests is usually 10 to 20 times m
ore costly than testing
a chip. This does not imply that chip-level testing should b
e done on all chips.
Clearly this decision is a function of the defect level associated w
ith each type of chip.
When a faulty board is put into a system, system-level tests are
required to detect and
isolate the faulty board. This form of testing again is about
10 to 20 times more
expensive than board-level testing in identifying a faulty board. No
rmally, board yield
is low enough to warrant that all boards be tested at the board leve
9.1.2 Controllability and Observability
In the early 70s attempts were made to quantify the concepts
of controllability and
observability. A precise definition for these abstract concepts and a
formal method for
computing their value would be desirable. The idea was to mo
dify the design of a
circuit to enhance its controllability and observability values. This
modification would
lead to a reduction in deterministic test generation costs. This analy
sis process must be
relatively inexpensive, since if the computation were too involv
ed, then the cost
savings in ATG would be offset by the cost of analysis and DFf
. Unfortunately, no
such easily computable formal definition for these concepts has as
yet been proposed.
What is commonly done is that a procedure for computing cont
rollability and
observability is proposed, and then these concepts are defined
by means of the
The pioneering work in this area was done by Rutman [1972] and
independently by
Stephenson and Grason [1976] and Grason [1979]. This work rela

tes primarily to
deterministic ATG. Rutman's work was refined and extended by B
reuer [1978].
These results were then popularized in the papers describing t
he Sandia
Controllability/Observability Analysis Program (SCOAP) [Goldstein 1979,
and Thigen 1980]. This work, in tum, formed the basis of several
other systems that
compute deterministic controllability and observability values, such as
[Kovijanic 1979, 1981], CAMELOT (Computer-Aided Measure for Logic T
[Bennetts et ale 1980], and VICTOR (VLSI Identifier of Controlla
bility, Testability,
Observability, and Redundancy) [Ratiu et ale 1982].
The basic concepts used in these systems have previously been
presented in
Section These programs compute a set of values for ea
ch line in a circuit.
These values are intended to represent the relative degree of diffi
culty for computing
an input vector or sequence for each of the following problems:
1. setting line x to a 1 (l-controllability);
2. setting line x to a 0 (G-controllability);
3. driving an error from line x to a primary output (observability).
Normally large values imply worse testability than smaller ones. Give
n these values, it
is up to the designer to decide if they are acceptable or not
. To reduce large values,
the circuit must be modified; the simplest modifications deal
with adding test points
and control circuitry. These techniques will be illustrated late
r in this chapter.
Normally the controllability and observability values of the various
nodes in a circuit
are combined to produce one or more testability values for the circu
The problem here is two-fold. First, the correlation between testabi
lity values and test
generation costs has not been well established [Agrawal and Mercer
1982]. Second, it
is not clear how to modify a circuit to reduce the value of t
hese testability measures.
Naive rule-of-thumb procedures, such as add test points to lin
es having the highest
observability values and control circuitry to lines having the
highest controllability
values, are usually not effective. A method for automatically mod
ifying a design to
reduce several functions of these testability values, such as the max
imum value and the
sum of the values, has been developed by Chen and Breuer [
1985], but its
computational complexity is too high to be used in practice. Th
eir paper introduces
the concept of sensitivity, which is a measure of how the
controllability and
observability values of the entire circuit change as one modif

ies the controllability

and/or observability of a given line.
Testability measures can also be derived for testing with random
vectors. Here these
measures deal with the probability of a random vector setting a
specific node to the
value of 0 or 1, or propagating an error from this node to a
primary output. For this
case too there is not a strong correlation between testability valu
es and test generation
costs [Savir 1983]. In summary, the testability measures that
exist to date have not
been useful in guiding the design process.
Recall that controllability and observability figures are used to g
uide decision making
in deterministic ATG algorithms (see Chapter 6). These concepts h
ave proven very
useful in this context [Lioy and Messalama 1987, Chandra and Patel
Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques
9.2 Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques
In this section we will present several well known ad hoc
designs for testability
techniques. Many of these techniques were developed for printed circ
uit boards; some
are applicable to IC design. They are considered to be ad hoc (rath
er than algorithmic)
because they do not deal with a total design methodology tha
t ensures ease of test
generation, and they can be used at the designer's option where app
licable. Their goal
is to increase controllability, observability, and/or predictability.
The DFT techniques to be discussed in this section deal with the fo
llowing concepts:
test points,
monostable multivibrators (one-shots),
oscillators and clocks,
counters/shift registers,
partitioning large circuits,
logical redundancy,
breaking global feedback paths.
9.2.1 Test Points
Rule: Employ test points to enhance controllability and observability
There are two types of test points, referred to as control poi
nts (CP) and observation
points (OP). Control points are primary inputs used to enhance
observation points are primary outputs used to enhance observability.
Figure 9.1(a) shows a NOR gateG buried within a large circuit.
If this circuit is
implemented on a printed circuit board, then the signal G can be r
outed to two pins, A
and A', and a removable wire, called a jumper, can be used
to connect A to A'
externally. By removing the jumper, the external test equipment
can monitor the
signal G while applying arbitrary signals to A' (see Figure 9.1(bj)

. Thus A acts as an
observation point and A' as a control point. Several other ways
of adding test points,
applicable to both boards and chips, are shown in Figure 9.1.
In Figure 9.1(c), a new control input CP has been added to gate
G, forming the gate
G*. If CP =0, then G* =G and the circuit operates in its normal
way. For CP = 1,
G* =0; i.e., we have forced the output to O. This modified gate i
s called a O-injection
circuit (o-/). The new observation test point OP makes the s
ignal G* directly
Figure 9.1(d) illustrates the design of a 0/1 injection circuit, deno
ted by 0/1-1. Here G
has been modified by adding the input CP1, and a new gate G' h
as been added to the
circuit. If CP1 = CP2 = 0, then G' =G, which indicates normal oper
ation. CP1 = 1
inhibits the normal signals entering G*, sets G* =0, hence G' =
CP2. Thus G' can be
easily controlled to either a 0 or a 1. Figure 9.1(e) shows
the use of a multiplexer
(MUX) as a 0/1 injection circuit, where CP2 is the select line.
In general, if G is an
arbitrary signal line, then inserting either an AND gate or a
NOR gate in this line
CP2 --'------'
- (b)
1 x
Figure 9.1 Employing test points (a) Original circuit (b) Using edge
pins to
achieve controllability and observability (c) Using a CP for
O-injection and an OP for observability (d) Using a 0/1 injection
circuit (e) Using a MDX for 0/1 injection

creates a O-injection circuit; inserting an OR or NAND gate

creates a l-injection
circuit. Inserting a series of two gates, such as NOR-NOR, pro
duces a Oil-injection
The major constraint associated with using test points is the large
demand on I/O pins.
This problem can be alleviated in several ways. To reduce output
pins, a multiplexer
can be used, as shown in Figure 9.2. Here the N = 2
observation points are replaced
by a single output Z and n inputs required to address a selected obs
ervation point. The
main disadvantage of this technique is that only one observation poin
t can be observed
at a time; hence test time increases. If many outputs must be m
onitored for each input
vector applied, then the DDT clock must be stopped while the
outputs are sampled.
For dynamic logic this can lead to problems. To reduce the pin co
unt even further, a
counter can be used to drive the address lines of the multiplexer.
Now, for each input
test vector, each observation point will be sampled in tum.
The counter must be
clocked separately from the rest of the circuit. This DFf techni
que clearly suggests
one trade-off between test time and I/O pins.
Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques
OPl 0
(N =2
Xl X2 Xn
Figure 9.2 Multiplexing monitor points
A similar concept can be used to reduce input pin requirements for
control inputs (see
Figure 9.3). The values of the N =2
control points are serially applied to the input Z,
while their address is applied to Xl, X2, ..., Xn. Using a demult
iplexer, these N values
are stored in the N latches that make up register R. Again, a
counter can be used to
drive the address lines of the demultiplexer. Also, N clock times
are required between
test vectors to set up the proper control values.
Another method that can be used, together with a multiplexer a
nd demultiplexer, to
reduce I/O overhead is to employ a shift register. This approach
will be discussed in

Section 9.3 dealing with scan techniques.

It is also possible to time-share the normal I/O pins to mi
nimize the number of
additional I/O pins required to be test points. This is shown
in Figure 9.4. In
Figure 9.4(a) a multiplexer has been inserted before the primar
y output pins of the
circuit. For one logic value of the select line, the normal fu
nctional output signals are
connected to the output pins; for the other value, the obser
vation test points are
connected to the output pins.
In Figure 9.4(b), a demultiplexer (DEMUX) is connected to the n p
rimary inputs of a
circuit. Again, by switching the value on the select lines, the da
ta on the inputs can be
sent to either the normal functional inputs or the control test
points. This register R is
used to hold the data at control test points while data ar
e applied to the normal
functional inputs.
The selection of signals to be made easily controllable or o
bservable is based on
empirical experience. Examples of good candidates for control points ar
e as follows:
1. control, address, and data bus lines on bus-structured designs;
2. enable/hold inputs to microprocessors;
1 2
Xl X2 Xn
Figure 9.3 Using a demultiplexer and latch register to implement contro
observation n
~ - - - - - - , n

normal n
n control
Figure 9.4 Time-sharing I/O ports
3. enable and read/write inputs to memory devices;
4. clock and preset/clear inputs to memory devices such as flip-flo
ps, counters, and
shift registers;
5. data select inputs to multiplexers and demultiplexers;
6. control lines on tristate devices.
Examples of good candidates for observation points are as follows:
Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques 351
1. stem lines associated with signals having high fanout;
2. global feedback paths;
3. redundant signal lines;
4. outputs of logic devices having many inputs, such as mult
iplexers and parity
5. outputs from state devices, such as flip-flops, counters, and sh
ift registers;
6. address, control, and data busses.
A heuristic procedure for the placement of test points is pre
sented in [Hayes and
Friedman 1974].
9.2.2 Initialization
Rule: Design circuits to be easily initializable.
Initialization is the process of bringing a sequential circuit into
a known state at some
known time, such as when it is powered on or after an in
itialization sequence is
applied. The need for ease of initialization is dictated in
part by how tests are
generated. In this section we assume that tests are derived by me
ans of an automatic
test pattern generator. Hence, circuits requiring some clever in
put -initialization
sequence devised by a designer should be avoided, since such s
equences are seldom
derived by ATG software. Later the concept of scan designs will b

e introduced. Such
designs are easy to initialize.
For many designs, especially board designs using SSI and MSI
initialization can most easily be accomplished by using the asynchro
nous preset (PR)
or clear (CLR) inputs to a flip-flop. Figure 9.5 illustrates s
everal common ways to
connect flip-flop preset and clear lines for circuit initializat
ion. In Figure 9.5(a), the
preset and clear lines are driven from input pins; Figure 9.5
(b) shows the same
concept, but here the lines are tied via a pull-up resistor
to Vee' which provides for
some immunity to noise. In Figure 9.5(c), the preset is controll
ed from an input pin
while the clear line is deactivated. The configuration shown in Figu
re 9.5(d), which is
used by many designers, is potentially dangerous because when the ci
rcuit is powered
on, a race occurs and the flip-flop may go to either the 0 or 1 sta
When the preset or clear line is driven by logic, a gate
can be added to achieve
initialization, as shown in Figure 9.6.
To avoid the use of edge pins, preset and/or clear circuitry c
an be built in the circuit
itself, as shown in Figure 9.7. When power is applied to th
e circuit, the capacitor
charges from 0 to Vee' and the initial low voltage on Z is used
either to preset or clear
If the circuitry associated with the initialization of a circuit fails,
test results are usually
unpredictable. Such failures are often difficult to diagnose.
9.2.3 Monostable Multivibrators
Rule: Disable internal one-shots during test.
PR PR ~ V e e
CLR ~ V e e

Figure 9.5 Initialization of flip-flops (a) Independent master preset/clear
(b) Independent master preset/clear with pull-up resistors
(c) Master preset only (d) Unacceptable configuration
Monostable multivibrators (one-shots) produce pulses internal to a c
ircuit and make it
difficult for external test equipment to remain in synchronization
with the circuit being
tested. There are several ways to solve this problem. On a
printed circuit board, a
jumper can be used to gain access to the I/O of a one-shot to dis
able it, control it, and
observe its outputs, as well as to control the circuit normally
driven by the one-shot.
(See Figure 9.8(a)). Removing jumper 1 on the edge connector of the P
CB allows the
one-shot to be activated by the ATE via pin A2. The output of
C 1 is also observable
via pin Al. Pin B2 can be driven by the ATE, and the output
of the one-shot can be
observed via pin Bl.
One can also gain controllability and observability of a one-shot
and its surrounding
logic by adding injection circuitry, as shown in Figure 9.8(b). In
this circuit, E is used
to observe the output of the one-shot; A is used to deactivate t
he normal input to the
one-shot; B is used to trigger the one-shot during testing; C is u
sed to apply externally
generated pulses to C2 to replace those generated by the one-sho
t; and D is used to
select the input appropriate to the multiplexer.
Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques
Figure 9.6 (a) Flip-flop without explicit clear (b) Flip-flop with e
xplicit clear
Figure 9.7 Built-in initialization signal generator
9.2.4 Oscillators and Clocks

Rule: Disable internal oscillators and clocks during test.

The use of free-running oscillators or clocks leads to synchronization
problems similar
to those caused by one-shots. The techniques to gain controllability
and observability
are also similar. Figure 9.9 shows one such DFT circuit configuratio
2 V
L _
Figure 9.8 (a) Disabling a one-shot using jumpers (b) Logical control a
disabling of a one-shot
9.2.5 Partitioning Counters and Shift Registers
Rule: Partition large counters and shift registers into smaller units
Counters, and to a lesser extent shift registers, are difficult
to test because their test
sequences usually require many clock cycles. To increase their
testability, such
devices should be partitioned so that their serial input and clock
are easily controllable,
and output data are observable. Figure 9.10(a) shows a design t
hat does not include
testability features and where the register R has been decomposed in
to two parts, and
Figure 9.10(b) shows a more testable version of this design. For
example, Rl and R2
may be 16-bit registers. Here the gated clock from C can be inhib
ited and replaced by
an external clock. The serial inputs to Rl and R2 are easily
controlled and the serial
output of R2 is easily observable. As a result, Rl and R2 can be
independently tested.
Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques

DFf circuitry
r-------------------- I
L ~
Figure 9.9 Testability logic for an oscillator
A 16-bit counter could take up to 2
= 65536 clock cycles to test. Partitioned into
two 8-bit counters with enhanced controllability and observability, t
he new design can
be tested with just 2 x 2
= 512 clock cycles. If the two partitions are tested
simultaneously, even less time is required.
9.2.6 Partitioning of Large Combinational Circuits
Rule: Partition large circuits into small subcircuits to reduce test
generation cost.
Since the time complexity of test generation and fault simulation
grows faster than a
linear function of circuit size, it is cost-effective to partitio
n large circuits to reduce
these costs. One general partitioning scheme is shown in Figur
e 9.11. In
Figure 9.11(a) we show a large block of combinational logic that
has been partitioned
into two blocks, eland C2; many such partitions exist for mul
tiple-output circuits.
The bit widths of some of the interconnects are shown, and we assum
e, without loss of
generality, that p < m and q ~ n. Figure 9.11(b) shows a mod
ified version of this
circuit, where multiplexers are inserted between the two blocks, and A'
(C') represents a
subset of the signals in A(C). For TIT2 =00 (normal operation),
the circuit operates
the same way as the original circuit, except for the delay
in the multiplexers. For
TIT2 =01, C 1 is driven by the primary inputs A and C'; the
outputs F and Dare
observable at F' and G', respectively. Hence C1 can be tested
independently of C2.
Similarly C2 can be tested independently of C1. Part of the
multiplexers are also
tested when eland C2 are tested. However, not all paths through the
multiplexers are
tested, and some global tests are needed to ensure 100 percent
fault coverage. For
example, the path from D to C2 is not tested when C 1 and C2 a
re tested separately.

This partitioning scheme enhances the controllability and observab

ility of the inputs
and outputs, respectively, associated with eland C2, and hence
reduces the
complexity of test generation. Assume test generation requires n 2
steps for a circuit
having n gates, and that C has 10000 gates and can be partitione
d into two circuits C 1
and C2 of size 5000 gates each. Then the test generation for t
he unpartitioned version
of C requires (10
) 2 = 10
steps, while the test generation for C 1 and C2 requires only
2 x 25 X 10
= 5 X 10
or half the time.
Xl X2
DOUT I - - - - ~ DIN
,--I ,....--------"'-------,
Yl Y2
CP/clock inhibit
CP/tester data
CP/test clock
Figure 9.10 Partitioning a register
Assume it is desired to test this circuit exhaustively, Le.,
by applying all possible
inputs to the circuit. Let m = n = s = 8, and p = q = 4.
Then to test eland c2 as
one unit requires 2
= 2
test vectors. To test eland c2 individually requires

= 2
test vectors. The basic concept can be iterated so as to partition
a circuit
into more than two blocks and thus reduce test complexity by a greate
r factor.
9.2.7 Logical Redundancy
Rule: Avoid the use of redundant logic.
Recall that redundant logic introduces faults which in combinational
logic, and in most
instances in sequential logic, are not detectable using static
tests. There are several
reasons such logic should be avoided whenever possible. First,
if a redundant fault
occurs, it may invalidate some test for nonredundant faults. Seco
nd, such faults cause
difficulty in calculating fault coverage. Third, much test generatio
n time can be spent
Ad Hoc Design for Testability Techniques
m n
\1 \11 \1
t t
o 1
S 1
0 0 normal



C 1


0 test C2
1 0
Figure 9.11 Partitioning to reduce test generation cost
in trying to generate a test for a redundant fault, assuming it i
s not known a priori that
it is redundant. Unfortunately, here a paradox occurs, since the
process of identifying
redundancy in a circuit is NP-hard. Fourth, most designers are
not aware of
redundancy introduced inadvertently and hence cannot easily remove it.
Finally, note
that redundancy is sometimes intentionally added to a circuit. For e
xample, redundant
logic is used to eliminate some types of hazards in combinational
circuits. It is also
used to achieve high reliability, such as in Triple Modular Redunda
nt (TMR) systems.
For some of these cases, however, test points can be added to
remove the redundancy
during testing without inhibiting the function for which the redundanc
y is provided.
9.2.8 Global Feedback Paths
Rule: Provide logic to break global feedback paths.
Consider a global feedback path in a circuit. This path may be pa
rt of either a clocked
or an unclocked loop. Observability can be easily obtained by addin
g an observation
test point to some signal along this path. Controllability can
be achieved by using
injection circuits such as those shown in Figure 9.1.
The simplest form of asynchronous logic is a latch, which is an
essential part of most
flip-flop designs. In this section, we are concerned with larg
er blocks of logic that
have global feedback lines. Problems associated with hazards are
more critical in
asynchronous circuits than in synchronous circuits. Also, asynchronous
circuits exhibit
unique problems in terms of races. The test generation problem
for such circuits is
more difficult than for synchronous circuits, mainly because sig
nals can propagate
through the circuitry one or more times before the circuit stabilizes.
For these reasons,
asynchronous circuits other than latches should be avoided when possi
ble. If it is not
feasible to eliminate such circuits, then the global feedback
lines should be made
controllable and observable as described previously.

Further information on ad hoc design-for-test techniques can be

found in [Davidson
1979], [Grason and Nagel 1981], [Lippman and Donn 1979], and [Writ
er 1975].
9.3 Controllability and Observability by Means of Scan
By using test points one can easily enhance the observability a
nd controllability of a
circuit. But enhancement can be costly in terms of I/O pins. Anothe
r way to enhance
observability and/or controllability is by using a scan register (SR).
A scan register is
a register with both shift and parallel-load capability. The storage
cells in the register
are used as observation points and/or control points. The use
of scan registers to
replace I/O pins deals with a trade-off between test time, area o
verhead, and I/O pins.
Figure 9.12 shows a geEeric form of a scan storage cell (SSC) and
corresponding scan
register. Here, when NIT =0 (normal mode), data are loaded "into
the scan storage
cell from the data input line ( D ) ~ when NIT = 1 (test mo
de), data are loaded l rom Si.
A scan register R shifts when NIT =1, and loads data in paral
lel when NIT =O.
Loading data into R from line Sin when NIT = 1 is referred to as
a scan-in operation;
reading data out of R from line Sout is referred to as a scan-out
We will next look a little closer at the number of variati
ons used to inject and/or
observe test data using scan registers.
Controllability and Observability by Means of Scan Registers 359
~ Q s,
(a) (b)
Ql D
n Qn
Figure 9.12 (a) A scan storage cell (SSC) (b) Symbol for a sse (c
) A scan
register (SR) or shift register chain (d) Symbol for a scan register
Simultaneous Controllability and Observability

Figure 9.13(a) shows two complex circuits C

and C
They can be either
combinational or sequential. Only one signal (Z) between C 1 and C2
is shown.
Figure 9.13(b) depicts how line Z can be made both observable and
controllable using
a scan storage cell. Data at Z can be loaded into the sse and obse
rved by means of a
scan-out operation. Data can be loaded into the sse via a scan-in o
peration and then
injected onto line Z'. Simultaneous controllability and observabilit
y can be achieved.
That is, the scan register can be preloaded with data to be
injected into the circuit.
~ - - - , Z
~ - - - - - , Z
1 S
Figure 9.13 (a) Normal interconnect (b) Simultaneous C/O (c) Separat
e C/O
(d) Observability circuit (e) Compacting data (f) Controllability
The circuit can be run up to some time t. At time t + 1, if
T = 1, then the data in the
SSC will be injected onto Z'; if NIT = 0, the data at Z will be
loaded into the SSC.
Nonsimultaneous Controllability and Observability
In Figure 9.13(c) we see a variant on the design just presente
d. Here we can either
observe the value Z' by means of the scan register or contro
l the value of line Z'.
Both cannot be done simultaneously.
Figure 9.14 shows a more complex scan storage cell for use in se

quential circuits that

are time sensitive, such as asynchronous circuits. The Q2 flip-f
lop is used as part of
the scan chain; i.e., by setting T2 = 1 and clocking CK2 the
scan storage cells form a
shift register. By loading the Q 1 latch and setting Tl = 1, sig
nals can be injected into
the circuit. Similarly, by setting T2 =and clocking CK2, data can be
loaded into the
scan register. One scenario for using this cell is outlined below.
Controllability and Observability by Means of Scan Registers 361
I ~
- 0
I Tl
0 r--Ql Q2
- Q D Q D U
1 S
Figure 9.14 Complex scan storage cell
1. Load the scan register with test data by setting T2 = 1 and cl
ocking CK2.
2. Drive the UUT to a predefined state with Tl = O.
3. Load Q2 into latch Q1.
4. Optional
a. Load Z/ =Z into Q2 by setting T2 =0 and clocking CK2 once.
b. Scan-out the data in the Q2 flip-flops.
5. Inject signals into the circuit by setting Tl = 1.
6. (Optional) Clock the UUT one or more times.
7. Observe the observation points by setting T2 = 0 and clock CK2
8. Scan out these data by setting T2= 1 and clocking CK2.
This last operation corresponds to step 1; i.e., data can be scan
ned-in and scanned-out
of a scan register at the same time.
Observability Only
Figure 9.13(d) shows how an observation point can be tied to a s
torage cell in a scan
register to gain observability. In Figure 9.13(e) the number of
storage cells has been
reduced by combining many observation points through a parity tree i
nto a single scan


cell. This technique detects single errors but may fail to d
etect faults affecting two
Controllability Only
If only controllability is required, then the circuit of Figure 9.13(
t) can be used.
Note that in all cases shown it was assumed that controllability
required the ability to
inject either a 0 or a 1 into a circuit. If this is not
the case, then the MUX can be
replaced by an AND, NAND, OR, or NOR gate.
Figure 9.15 shows a sequential circuit S having inputs X and out
puts Z. To enhance
controllability, control points have been added, denoted by X'. Thes
e can be driven by
a scan register R 1. To enhance observability, observation points
have been added,
denoted by Z'. These can be tied to the data input ports of a s
can register R2. Thus
X' act as pseudo-primary inputs and Z' as pseudo-primary outputs.
Using X' and Z'
can significantly simplify ATG. Assume one has run a sequential ATG
algorithm on S
and several faults remain undetected. Let f be such a fault. T
hen by simulating the
test sequence generated for the faults that were detected, it is
usually possible to find a
state So such that, if signals were injected at specific lines
and a specific line were
made observable, the fault could be detected. These points define
where CPs and OPs
should be assigned. Now to detect this fault the register R 1
is loaded with the
appropriate scan data. An input sequence is then applied that
drives the circuit to
state so. Then the input X' is applied to S. The response Z
and Z' can then be
observed and the fault detected. By repeating this process for oth
er undetected faults,
the resulting fault coverage can be significantly increased. Of cou
rse, this increase is
achieved at the expense of adding more scan storage cells. N
ote that the original
storage cells (latches and flip-flops) in the circuit need not be
modified. Finally, using
the appropriate design for the scan storage cells, it is possible
to combine registers R 1
and R 2 into a single register R where each scan storage cell in
R is used both as a CP
and an OPe The scan storage cell shown in Figure 9.14 is appropr
iate for this type of
:t ~ - - -

X' Z'
- - - ~ t :
Figure 9.15 General architecture using test points tied to scan reg
Controllability and Observability by Means of Scan Registers 363
Figure 9.16 illustrates a circuit that has been modified to have
observation and control
points to enhance its testability. The original circuit consists of
those modules denoted
by heavy lines. The circuits denoted by C1, C2, ... , are assume
d to be complex logic
blocks, either combinational or sequential. Most of their inputs
and outputs are not
shown. To inject a 0 into the circuit, an AND gate is used, e.g
., G1; to inject a I, an
OR gate is used, e.g., G
If such gates do not already exist in the circuit, they can b
added. To inject either a 0 or a 1, a MUX is used, e.g., G
and G4. Assume that the
scan register R is able to hold its contents by disabling its clo
ck. One major function
of the test hardware shown is to observe data internal to the
circuit via the OP lines.
This process is initiated by carrying out a parallel load on R
followed by a scan-out
operation. The other major function of this circuit is to con
trol the CP lines. These
data are loaded into R via a scan-in operation. The data in Q4
and Q5 do not affect
the circuit until T = 1. Then if Q1 = 1, the data in Q4 and Q5
propagate through the
MUXs; if Q2 is 1, a 0 is i n j e ~ t e d at the ou
tput of G1; if Q3 = 1, a 1 is injected at the
output of G
Since signals N IT, Sin' Sout, T, and CK each require a separate
pin, five
additional I/O pins are required to implement this scheme. The
number of CPs and
OPs dictates the length of the register R. Note that the same
storage cell can be used
both to control a CP and accept data from an OPe The problem w
ith this scheme is
that the test data as supplied by R cannot change each clock time.
Normally the circuit
is logically partitioned using the CPs. N test vectors are then
applied to the circuit.
Data are then collected in R via the OPs and shifted out
for observations. If the
register is of length n, then n clock periods occur before the next
test vector is applied.

This scheme is particularly good for PCBs, where it is not easy to

obtain CPs.
Several variations of this type of design philosophy can be incorp
orated into a special
chip designed specifically to aid in making PCBs more testable. One
such structure is
shown in Figure 9.17. The normal path from A to B is broken wh
en Bl = 1 and the
top row of MUXs is used to inject data into a circuit from
the scan register. The
lower row of MUXs is used for monitoring data within the circuit. T
his circuit can be
further enhanced by using MUXs and DEMUXs as shown earlier to concent
rate several
observation points into one or to control many control points
from one scan storage
9.3.1 Generic Boundary Scan
In designing modules such as complex chips or PCBs, it is often use
ful for purposes of
testing and fault isolation to be able to isolate one module from
the others. This can
be done using the concept of boundary scan, which is illustrated in
Figure 9.18. Here,
the original circuit S has n primary inputs X and m primary
outputs Y (see
Figure 9.18(a. In the modified circuit, shown in Figure 9.18(b), RIc
an be now used
to observe all input data to S, and R
can be used to drive the output lines of S.
Assume all chips on a board are designed using this boundary scan a
rchitecture. Then
all board interconnects can be tested by scanning in test dat
a into the R2 register of
each chip and latching the results into the R 1 registers. Th
ese results can then be
verified by means of a scan-out operation. A chip can be te
sted by loading a test
vector into the R2 registers that drive the chip. Thus normal AT
E static chip tests can
be reapplied for in-circuit testing of chips on a board. The
clocking of S must be
inhibited as each test is loaded into the scan path. Naturally, ma
ny test vectors need to
be processed fully to test a board. There are many other w
ays to implement the
concept of boundary scan. For example, the storage cell shown in F
igure 9.14 can be

Figure 9.16 Adding controllability and observability to a circuit

inserted in every I/O line. The scan registers discussed so far f
all into the category of
being isolated scan or shadow registers. This is because they ar
e not actually part of
the functional circuitry itself. Scan registers that are part of t
he functional registers are
referred to as integrated scan registers. They will be discuss
ed next. Aspects of
interconnect testing and related design-for-test techniques are dis
cussed in [Goel and
McMahon 1982].
9.4 Generic Scan-Based Designs
The most popular structured DFT technique used for external testing
is referred to as
scan design since it employs a scanregister, We assume that t
he circuit to be made
testable is synchronous. There are several forms of scan designs;
they differ primarily
in how the scan cells are designed. We will illustrate three
generic forms of scan
design and later go into the details for how the registers can be
Generic Scan-Based Designs
S 1
S 0
S 0
Figure 9.17 Controllability/observability circuitry with a scan chain
Usually these designs are considered to be integrated scan-based de
signs because all
functional storage cells are made part of the scan registers. Thus
the selection of what
lines to be made observable or controllable becomes a moot point. S
o these techniques
are referred to as structured rather than ad hoc.

9.4.1 Full Serial Integrated Scan

In Figure 9.19(a) we illustrate the classical Huffman model of a s
equential circuit, and
in Figure 9.19(b) the full scan version of the circuit. Structurall
y the change is simple.
!.he normal parallel-load register R has been replaced by a sca
n register R
NIT = 0 (normal mode), R, operates in the parallel-latch mode;
hence both circuits
operate the same way, except that the scan version may have
more delay. Now Y
becomes easily controllable and E easily observable. Hence test gener
ation cost can be
drastically reduced. Rather than considering the circuit S of Fi
gure 9.19(a) as a
sequential circuit, test generation can proceed directly on the c
ombinational circuit C
using any of a variety of algorithms, such as PODEM or FAN. Th
e result is a series
~ test vectors (XI,YI), (X2,Y2), ... and responses (zl,el), (z2
,e2), .... To test S*, set
NIT = 1 and scan YI into R
. During the k-th clock time, apply Xl to X. Now the
first test pattern, t I =(XI,Y I), is applied to C. During the
(k+l)st clock time, set
~ ~
n m
Figure 9.18 Boundary scan architecture (a) Original circuit (b) Modified
NIT = 0 and load the state of E, which should be e 1, int
o R, while observing the
response on Z, which should be z 1. This process is then r
epeated; i.e., while Y2 is
scanned into R
' e 1 is scanned out and hence becomes observable. Thus the
response r 1 = (z1.e 1) can be easily observed. The shift regist

er is tested by both the

normal test data for C and by a shift register test sequence,
such as 01100xx ..., that
tests the setting, resetting, and holding of the state of a storage
cell. It is thus seen that
the complex problem of testing a sequential circuit has been
converted to a much
simpler one of testing a combinational circuit.
This concept is referred to as full serial integrated scan since
all the original storage
cells in the circuit are made part of the scan register, and the
scan register is used as a
serial shift register to achieve its scan function. Normally t
he storage cells in scan
designs do not have reset lines for global initialization; inste
ad they are initialized by
means of shifting data into the SCAN register.
9.4.2 Isolated Serial Scan
Isolated serial scan designs differ from full serial integrated s
can designs in that the
scan register is not in the normal data path. A common way
of representing this
architecture is shown in Figure 9.20; it corresponds closely to
that shown in
Figure 9.15.
This scan architecture is somewhat ad hoc since the selection
of the CPs and OPs
associated with the scan register R, is left up to the designe
r. Hence S may remain
sequential, in which case test generation may still be difficul
t. If R, is used both to
observe and control all the storage cells in S, then the test ge
neration problem again is
reduced to one of generating tests for combinational logic only.
This design is shown
in Figure 9.21 and is referred to as full isolated scan. Here, S'
consists of the circuit C
and register R', and R has been modified to have two data input p
orts. The testing of
this circuit is now similar to that for full serial scan d
esigns. A test vector Y1 is
scanned (shifted) into R
' loaded into R', and then applied to the circuit C. The
Generic Scan-Based Designs
I n m I
I n m I

Figure 9.19 (a) Normal sequential circuit S (b) Full serial integrated scan
version for circuit
Figure 9.20 Isolated serial scan (scan/set)
response e 1 can be loaded into R', transferred to Rs' and then scanned
out. The register
Rs is said to act as a shadow register to R'. The overhead for
this architecture is high
compared to that for full serial integrated scan designs. Isola
ted scan designs have
several useful features. One is that they support some forms
of real-time and on-line
testing. Real-time testing means that a single test can be applied at the
operational clock
rate of the system. In normal full serial scan, a test vector can only be
applied at intervals
of k clock periods. On-line infers that the circuit can be tested while in
normal operation;
i.e., a snapshot of the state of the circuit can be taken and loaded
into R
This data can
be scanned out while S continues normal operation. Finally this
architecture supports
latch-based designs; i.e., register R and hence R' can consist of j
ust latches rather than
flip-flops. It is not feasible to string these latches together to form
a shift register; hence
adding extra storage cells to form a scan register is required.
9.4.3 Nonserial Scan
Sin s.:
Figure 9.21 Full isolated scan
Nonserial scan designs are similar to full serial integrated scan designs in th
at they aim to
give full controllability and observability to all storage cells in
a circuit. The technique
differs from the previous techniques in that a shift register is not used. Ins
tead the storage
cells are arranged as in a random-access bit-addressable memory.
(See Figure 9.22.)
During normal operation the storage cells operate in their parallel-load mode.
To scan in

a bit, the appropriate cell is addressed, the data are applied to Sin'
and a pulse on the scan
clock SCK is issued. The outputs of the cells are wired-ORed together.
To scan out the
contents of a cell, the cell is addressed, a control signal is broad
cast to all cells, and the
state of the addressed cell appears at Sout. The major advantage of t
his design is that to
scan in a new test vector, only bits in R that need be changed
must be addressed and
modified; also selected bits can be observed. This saves scanning data
through the entire
register. Unfortunately the overhead is high for this form of scan
design. There is also
considerable overhead associated with storing the addresses of the cell
s to be set and/or
9.5 Storage Cells for Scan Designs
Many storage cell designs have been proposed for use in scan cell designs.
These designs
have several common characteristics. Because a scan has both a normal data
input and a
scan data input, the appropriate input can be selected using a multiplex
er controlled by a
Storage Cells for Scan Designs
clocks and controls
Y-address c


Figure 9.22 Random-access scan
normal/test (NIT) input or by a two-clock system. Also, the cel
l can be implemented
using a clocked edge-triggered flip-flop, a master-slave flip-flop, or level-s
ensitive latches
controlled by clocks having two or more phases. Designs having up to
four clocks have
been proposed. In our examples master-slave rather than edge-triggered flipflops will be
used. Also only D flip-flops and latches will be discussed.

Several sets of notation will be used. Multiple data inputs will be de

noted by Dl, D2, ... ,
Dn, and multiple clocks by CK1, CK2, ..., CKm. In addition, if a
latch or flip-flop has a
single-system clock, the clock will be denoted by CK, a single-scan clock
by SK, a scan
data input by Si' and a scan data output by So' Also, sometimes
the notation used in
some of the published literature describing a storage cell will be indicated.
Figure 9.23(a) shows a NAND gate realization of a clocked D-Iatch, denote
d by L. This
is the basic logic unit in many scan storage cell designs.
Figure 9.23(b) shows a two-port clocked master-slave flip-flop having a mul!!p
lexer on its
input and denoted by (MD-F/F)._Normal data (D) enter at port lD whe
n NIT =O. The
device is in the scan mode when NIT = 1, at which time scan data (S i) ente
r at port 2D.
D -e------;
CK -------'
CK -------------------1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
D lD Ql

Figure 9.23 Some storage cell designs (a) Clocked D-Iatch and its symbol
(b) Multiplexed data flip-flop and its symbol (MD-FF)
Sometimes it is useful to separate the normal clock from the clock used for s
can purposes.
Figure 9.24(a) shows a two-port clocked flip-flop (2P-FF), which employs two cl
ocks and
a semimultiplexed input unit.
It is often desirable to insure race-free operation by employi
ng a two-phase
nonoverlapping clock. Figure 9.24(b) shows a two-port shift register lat
ch consisting of
latches L 1 and L
along with a multiplexed input (MD-SRL). This cell is not considered
a flip-flop, since each latch has its own clock. Also, since thi
s type of design is used
primarily in scan paths, the term "shift" is used in its name.
To avoid the performance degradation (delay) introduced by the MUX in an
two-port shift register latch (2P-SRL) can be used, as shown in Figure
9.25. This circuit
is the NAND gate equivalent to the shift register latch used i
n a level-sensitive scan
design (LSSD) methodology employed by IBM [Eichelberger and Williams 1977]
. Note
that three clocks are used. The inputs have the following fu
nctions (the notation in
parenthesis is used by IBM):
Storage Cells for Scan Designs 371
CKl ---------'
CK2 -----------------'
S, = D2
D-1D Ql
S, - 2D Q2
D lD Ql
CKl Ql
Figure 9.24 (a) Two-port dual-clock flip-flop and its symbol (2P-FF)

(b) Multiplex data shift register latch and its symbol (MD-SRL)
Dl(D) is the normal data input.
D2 or Si(l) is the scan data input.
CKl (C) is the normal system clock.
CK2(A) is the scan data input clock.
CK3(B) is the L
latch clock.
If CKl and CK2 are NORed together and used to clock L
, then CK3 can be deleted. The
result would be a two-port flip-flop.
Figure 9.26 shows a raceless master-slave D flip-flop. (The concept o
f races in latches
and ways to eliminate them will be covered when Figure 9.28 is discussed.
) Two clocks
are used, one (CK) to select and control normal operation, the o
ther (SK) to select scan
data and control the scan process. In the normal mode, SK = 1 blo
cks scan data on Si
from entering the master latch; Le., G
= 1. Also G
= 1. CK = 0 enables the value of
the data input D to be latched into the master latch. When CK goes to
1, the state of the
D=Dl -....-------1
C=CKl ----'
Si =I=D2 -....-------1
A=CK2 ----'
B =CK3 -------------'
- lD
- 2D
t> CKl
r- CK2
Figure 9.25 Two-port shift register latch and its symbol (2P-SRL)
master is transferred to the slave. Similarly, when CK =1 and a pu
lse appears on SK,
scan data enter the master and are transferred to the slave.
The random-access scan design employs an addressable polarity-hold latch. Se

veral latch
designs have been proposed for this application, one of which is
shown in Figure 9.27.
Storage Cells for Scan Designs 373
SK =CK2 ----.----------,
CK =CKl ---+-- -----l
Figure 9.26 Raceless two-port D flip-flop
Since no shift operation occurs, a single latch per cell is suff
icient. Note the use of a
wired-AND gate. Latches that are not addressed produce a scan-out
value of So =1.
Thus the So output of all latches can be wired-ANDed together
to form the scan-out
signal Sout.
~ - - \
L __ ~
S, =D2 - - - - - - - - ~
X-Adr ---+--r--------------------------l
Z-Adr -..-----------------------1
Figure 9.27 Polarity-hold addressable latch
The design of the storage cell is a critical aspect of a scan
-based design. It is clearly
important to achieve reliable operation. Hence a scan cell must be desig
ned so that races
and hazards either do not affect it or do not occur. In practice, stora
ge cells are designed
at the transistor level, and the gate-level circuits shown represent
approximations to the
actual operation of a cell. We will next consider one cell in
somewhat more detail.
Figure 9.28(a) shows a simple latch design. Figure 9.28(b) shows a
logically equivalent
design where G
has been replaced by a wired-AND and an inverter. The resulting latch
requires only two NAND gates and two inverters, rather than
the latch shown in
Figure 9.23(a), which has four NAND gates and one inverter. Qis set
to the value of D
when CK =o. Consider the case when CK =0 and D =1 (see Figure 9.28(b))
. Let CK
now go from 0 to 1. Because of the reconvergent fanout between CK
and GI', a race
exists. If the effect of the clock transition at G
occurs before that at G
, then G
=0 and
remains stable at 1. If, however, the effect at G

occurs first, then G

=1, G
goes to
and this 0 keeps Gs at a 1. One can attempt to rectify this
situation by changing the
threshold level of G
so that G
changes before G
. This solution works as long as the
fabrication process is reliable enough accurately to control the
transition times of the
gates. A somewhat simpler solution is to add a gate G4 to eliminate th
e inherent hazard
in this logic (see Figure 9.28(c)). Now, G
= 0 keeps G
at 1 as the clock drops from 1
to O. The problem with this design is that G4 is redundant; i.e., th
ere is no static test for
G4 s-a-l.
Many other storage cells have been devised to be used in scan cha
ins. Some will be
discussed later in this chapter. In the next section we will dis
cuss some specific scan
approaches proposed by various researchers.
9.6 Classical Scan Designs
Scan Path
One of the first full serial integrated scan designs was called Scan
Path [Kobayashi et ale
1968, Funatsu et ale 1975]. This design employs the generic scan arc
hitecture shown in
Figure 9.19(b) and uses a raceless master-slave D flip-flop, such
as the one shown in
Figure 9.26.
Shift Register Modification
The scan architecture shown in Figure 9.19(b) using a MD-FF (see Fi
gure 9.23(b)) was
proposed by Williams and Angell [1973] and is referred to as Shift Register Mod
The concept of Scan/Set was proposed by Stewart [1977, 1978] and
uses the generic
isolated scan architectures shown in Figures 9.20 and 9.21. Stewart wa
s not specific in
terms of the types of latches and/or flip-flops to use.
Random-Access Scan
The Random-Access Scan concept was introduced by Ando [1980] and uses
the generic
nonserial scan architecture shown in Figure 9.22 and an addressable sto
rage cell such as
the one shown in Figure 9.27.
Level-Sensitive Scan Design (LSSD)
IBM has developed several full serial integrated scan architectur
es, referred to as

Level-Sensitive Scan Design (LSSD), which have been used in ma

ny IBM systems
[Eichelberger and Williams 1977, 1978, DasGupta et ale 1981]. Figu
re 9.25 shows one
Classical Scan Designs
L __
Figure 9.28 Analysis of a latch
design that uses a polarity-hold, hazard-free, and level-sensitive l
atch. When a clock is
enabled, the state of a latch is sensitive to the level of the corr
esponding data input. To
obtain race-free operation, clocks C and B as well as A and B are nonoverlappi
Figure 9.29 shows the general structure for an LSSD double-latch design.
The scan path
is shown by the heavy dashed line. Note that the feedback Y comes
from the output of
the L
latches. In normal mode the C and B clocks are used; in test
mode the A and
B clocks are used.
Combinational e 2
I - z
r - - - - - - _1_-----I





__ .J Y2
-> Sout







rf.J ')J

Scan Path
L _

Cr - - - '"--_---I
A --:
Sin == I - - - - .J
Figure 9.29 LSSD double-latch design
Sometimes it is desired to have combinational logic blocks separat
ed by only a single
latch rather than two in sequence. For such cases a single-lat
ch design can be used.
Figure 9.30 shows such a design. Here, during normal operation twosystem clocks C1
and C2 are used in a nonoverlapping mode. The A and B clocks are no
t used; hence the
latches are not used. The output Y
is an input to logic blockN
, whose outputs Y

are latched by clock C2 producing the output at Y2. The L 2 latche
s are used only when
in the scan test mode; then the SRLs are clocked by A and B.
The LSSD latch design shown in Figure 9.25 has two problems. One is logic
Also, when it is used in a single-latch design (see Figure 9.30),
only L 1 is used during
Classical Scan Designs
e 11
r - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - I
Y 11
~ - - - L

~ I - - - - - - - - -
r--.Jr-- I Y

L ________
________ ..J

L ___________
- - - - - - - - ~ Y l n
- - - L
r---- t----

I ~ ScanPath
L ___________
e21 Y21

I- - -

r--- to


~ N
L ___________
- - - - - - - - ~ Y 2m _
fo-- - L
Figure 9.30 LSSD single-latch design using conventional SRLs
- Sout
normal operation; L
is used only for shifting test data. A variation on this latch,
as the L; latch, which reduces gate overhead, was reported in [DasGupta
ale 1982] and
is shown in Figure 9.31. The primary difference between the 2P-SRL of
ure 9.25 and
L; of Figure 9.31 is that L; employs an additional clocked data port D

* a

nd an additional
clock C*.
B= CK4
D* =D3
C* =CK3 I
I '-------I
L _
D=Dl I 1
C =CKl >-------1 L 1
S = 1= D2
A= CK2
D Dl
s, or I D2
Figure 9.31 SRL using L; latch with two data ports (a) Gate model
(b) Symbol
Using this latch in a single-latch SRL design, the outputs of N 1
are the D inputs to an
SRL latch, while the outputs of N2 are the D * inputs (see Figure 9.32).
It is important to note that for the design shown in Figure

9.32, it is not possible to

test N 1 and N 2 at the same time. That is, since an L 1 and L
pair of latches make up one
Classical Scan Designs 379


ZI i - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
ell : DI L :Yll
D2 -.,
CK2 :
L ~ - - - ,
r D2 L
C t : :
A -------- I I I L. .... L _ .. _

+ Y21

- ~



L ______________ ~
D2 ---. SOUl
C* ---------...
Sm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
Figure 9.32 Single-latch scan design using SRLs with the L; latch
SRL, only a test vector corresponding to YI or Y2 can be shifted through the
scan chain,
but not both YI and Y2.
LSSD Gate Overhead
Gate overhead is one important issue related to scan design. We will next com
pute this
overhead for the three LSSD schemes presented. Let K be the ratio
of combinational
logic gates to latches in a nonscan design, such as that of

Figure 9.30 without the

latches. Assume a race-free single-latch architecture; i.e., phase 1
clocked latches
feed a logic network N 2, which feeds phase 2 clocked latches, w
hich feed a logic
network NI, which feeds the phase 1 clocked latches, again as in Figure 9.30.
Referring to Figure 9.31, a latch requires gates G
, G
, and G
. Gates G
, G
, G
, and
are required to form an SRL. Thus for every latch in the original
design, four extra
gates are required to produce an SRL, resulting in the gate
overhead of
(4/(K+3)) x 100 percent. For the L; design, the L
and L
latches are both used during
system operation; hence, the only extra gates are G4 and G5, leadin
g to an overhead of
(1/(K+3)) x 100 percent; i.e., there is only one extra gate per latch.
If the original design
uses a double-latch storage cell with three gates per latch, then t
he overhead required to
produce a double-latch scan design is [ ~ l x 100 percent. Figure
9.33 shows a plot
of overhead as a function of K for these three scan designs.
~ single-latch
5 10 15

--E- single-latch with L;

~ double-latch
K combinational logic gates/latch
Figure 9.33 Gate overhead for single-latch design with and without L;
latches and double-latch design
LSSD Design Rules
In addition to producing a scan design, the design rules that define
an LSSD network are
intended to insure race-free and hazard-free operation. This is acco
mplished in part by
the use of a level-sensitive rather than an edge-sensitive storage cell, a
s well as by the use
of multiple clocks.
A network is said to be level-sensitive if and only if the steady state respon
se to any of the
allowed input changes is independent of the transistor and wire delays in that
Hence races and hazards should not affect the steady-state response of suc
h a network. A
level-sensitive design can be achieved by controlling when clocks change with
respect to
when input data lines change.
Classical Scan Designs 381
The rules for level-sensitive scan design are summarized as follows:
1. All internal storage elements must consist of polarity-hold latches.
2. Latches can be controlled by two or more nonoverlapping clocks t
hat satisfy the
following conditions.
a. A latch X may feed the data port of another latch Y if and only if the
clock that
sets the data into latch Y does not clock latch X.
b. A latch X may gate a clock Ci to produce a gated clock Cte:
which drives
another latch Y if and only if clock Cig' or any clock Cig produced
from Ct:
does not clock latch X.
3. There must exist a set of clock primary inputs from which the cl
ock inputs to all
SRLs are controlled either through (1) single-clock distribution trees
or (2) logic
that is gated by SRLs and/or nonclock primary inputs. In addition,
the following
conditions must hold:
a. All clock inputs to SRLs must be at their "off" states when a
ll clock primary
inputs are held to their"off" states.
b. A clock signal at any clock input of an SRL must be controlle
d from one or
more clock primary inputs. That is, the clock signal must be enabled
by one
or more clock primary inputs as well as setting the required gating conditi
from SRLs and/or nonclocked primary inputs.
c. No clock can be ANDed with either the true or the complement
of another
4. Clock primary inputs cannot feed the data inputs to latche
s, either directly or
through combinational logic. They may only feed clock inputs t
o latches or

primary outputs.
A network that satisfies these four rules is level-sensitive. The
primary rule that
provides for race-free operation is rule 2a, which does not allow one lat
ch clocked
by a given clock to feed another latch driven by the same clock. Rul
e 3 allows a
test generation system to tum off system clocks and use the shift
clocks to force
data into and out of the scan latches. Rule 4 is also used to avoid races.
The next two rules are used to support scan.
5. Every system latch must be part of an SRL. Also, each SRL must be
part of some
scan chain that has an input, output, and shift clocks availabl
e as primary inputs
and/or outputs.
6. A scan state exists under the following conditions:
a. Each SRL or scan-out primary output is a function of only the precedin
or scan-in primary input in its scan chain during the scan operation
b. All clocks except the shift clocks are disabled at the SRL inputs
c. Any shift clock to an SRL can be turned on or off b
y changing the
corresponding clock primary input.
9.7 Scan Design Costs
Several attributes associated with the use of scan designs are listed below.
1. Flip-flops and latches are more complex. Hence scan designs
are expensive in
terms of board or silicon area.
2. One or more additional I/O are required. Note that some pins ca
n be multiplexed
with functional pins. In LSSD, four additional pins are used (Sin' Sout, A,
and B).
3. With a given set of test patterns, test time per pattern is
increased because of the
need to shift the pattern serially into the scan path. The total t
est time for a circuit
also usually increases, since the test vector set for a scan-path
design is often not
significantly smaller than for a nonscan design.
4. A slower clock rate may be required because of the extra delay
in the scan-path
flip-flops or latches, resulting in a degradation in performance. Th
is performance
penalty can be minimized by employing storage cells that have no addition
al delay
introduced in series with the data inputs, such as the one shown in Figure
5. Test generation costs can be significantly reduced. This can
also lead to higher
fault coverage.
6. Some designs are not easily realizable as scan designs.
9.8 Board-Level and System-Level DFT Approaches
By a system we mean a collection of modules, such as PCBs, which consist
of collections
of ICs. Many of the ad hoc DFT techniques referred to earlier apply
to the board level.
Structural techniques, such as scan, can also be applied at the bo

ard and system levels,

assuming chips are designed to support these techniques. The primary syst
em-level DFT
approaches use existing functional busses, scan paths, and boundary scan.
9.8.1 System-Level Busses
This DFT approach makes use of a module's or system's functional
bus to control and
observe signals during functional level testing. A test and/or maintenance p
rocessor, such
as the ATE, appears as another element attached to the system'
s busses. Figure 9.34
shows a simple bus-oriented, microprocessor-based system. During testing, t
he ATE can
take control of the system busses and test the system. This is often done
by emulating the
system's processing engine. The ATE can also emulate the various units
attached to the
bus, monitor bus activity, and test the processing engine. In general
, complex, manually
generated functional tests are used.
9.8.2 System-Level Scan Paths
Figure 9.35 shows how the concept of scan can be extended to th
e board and system
levels. Here the scan path of each chip on a board is interconnec
ted in a daisy chain
~ s h i o n to create one long scan path on each board. The
boards all share a common Sin'
NIT, and CK input. Their Sout lines are wired-ORed together. The
testing of such a
system is under the control of a system-maintenance processor, which sele
cts that board
to be attached to the board-level scan line Sout. The interconnect
that is external to the
boards can be considered to be a test bus. It is seen that startin
g with a structured DFT
approach at the lowest level of the design, i.e., at the chip
level, leads to a hierarchical
Board-Level and System-Level DFT Approaches 383
nonbus I/O
( )
I U ~ I T
~ T I
1\ /1\


I/O BUS \1/
Figure 9.34 System-level test using system bus
DFT methodology. Assuming chips have boundary scan, tests developed for
chips at the
lowest level can be used for testing these same components at the
higher levels. These
tests must be extended to include tests for the interconnect that
occurs at these higher
9.9 SOIne Advanced Scan Concepts
In this section several advanced concepts related to scan-based d
esigns are presented.
The topics include the use of multiple test sessions and partial scan. Partia
l scan refers to
a scan design in which a subset of the storage cells is included in
the scan path. These
techniques address some of the problems associated with full-scan desig
ns discussed in
Section 9.7.
9.9.1 Multiple Test Session
A test session consists of configuring the scan paths and other logic for
testing blocks of
logic, and then testing the logic using the scan-test methodology. A
ssociated with a test
session are several parameters, including the number of test patterns
to be processed and
the number of shifts associated with each test pattern. Often test applic
ation time can be
reduced by using more than one test session. Consider the circuit sho
wn in Figure 9.36,
where C1 has 8 inputs and 4 outputs and can be tested by 100 test pattern
s, and C2 has 4
inputs and 8 outputs and can be tested by 20 test patterns. Thus the
entire circuit can be
tested by 100 test patterns, each of length 12, and the total
test time is approximately
100x12 =1200 clock cycles, where we have ignored the time required to load r
esults into
and R
as well as scan out the final result. Note that when a ne
w test pattern is
scanned into R 1 and R 3, a test result is scanned out of
R2 and R4 . We have just
described one way of testing eland c2, referred to as the together mode.
There are two
other ways for testing eland C2, referred to as separate mode and overlapped mo

1 1
1 1

~ f I 1

Select N
Select 2
System Select 1
Figure 9.35 Scan applied to the system level
Some Advanced Scan Concepts 385
(100 patterns)
(20 patterns)
Figure 9.36 Testing using multiple test sessions
Separate Mode
The blocks of logic eland C2 can be tested separately. In this mode, whil
e C1 is being
tested, C2, R3, and R4 are ignored. To test C1 it is only necessary t
o load R 1 with a test
pattern, and capture and scan out the result in R2. Let IR i Ibe
the length of register R i :
Since max {IR 1 I,IR 21 } = 8, only 8x100 = 800 clock cycles are required
to test C1. To
test C2 in a second test session the scan path needs to be reconfigured by
having the scan
output of R
drive a primary output. This can also be accomplished by disablin
g the
parallel load inputs from C1 to R2 . We will assume that the latter c

hoice is made. Now

C2 can be tested by loading test patterns into the scan path formed
by R1 and R3. Each
test pattern can be separated by four don't-care bits. Thus each test pa
ttern appears to be
eight bits long. When a new test is loaded into R3, a test result in
R4 must pass through
R2 before it is observed.
The result in R4, when shifted eight times, makes four bits of the r
esult available at S out
and leaves the remaining four bits in R
To test C
requires 20x8=160 clock cycles.
The total time to test C1 and C2 is thus 960 clock cycles, compared
to the previous case,
which required 1200 clock cycles.
Overlapped Mode
C1 and C2 can be tested in an overlapped mode, that is, partly as one b
lock of logic, and
partly as separate blocks. Initially C1 and C2 can be combin
ed and tested with 20
patterns, each 12 bits wide. This initial test requires 12x20=240 clock c
ycles. Now C2 is
completely tested and C1 can be tested with just 80 of the remaining
100 test patterns.
To complete the test of C1, the scan path need not be reconfigured, but the
length of each
test pattern is now set to 8 rather than 12. The remaining 80 test patterns
are now applied
to C1 as in the separate mode; this requires 80x8=640 clock cycl
es for a total of 880
clock cycles.
Therefore, by testing the various partitions of logic either together
, separately, or in an
overlapped mode, and by reorganizing the scan path, test application time c
an be reduced.
No one technique is always better than another. The test time is a
function of the scan386 DESIGN FOR TESTABILITY
path configuration and relevant parameters such as number of test pa
tterns, inputs, and
outputs for each block of logic. More details on the efficient testing of s
can-path designs
can be found in [Breuer et al. 1988a].
Another way to reduce test application time and the number of
stored test patterns is
embodied in the method referred to as scan path with look-ahead sh
ifting (SPLASH)
described in [Abadir and Breuer 1986] and [Abadir 1987].
9.9.2 Partial Scan Using I-Paths
Abadir and Breuer [1985 a.b] introduced the concept of I-modes and I-paths t
o efficiently
realize one form of partial scan. A module S with input port X and output po
rt Y is said to
have an identity mode (I-mode) between X and Y, denoted by 1M
if S has a
mode of operation in which the data on port X is transferred (possibly

after clocking) to
port Y. A time tag t and activation-condition tags C and D are
associated with every 1mode, where t is the time (in clock cycles or gate delays) for
the data to be transferred
from X to Y, C denotes the values required on the input control lines
of S to activate the
mode, and D denotes any values required on data inputs to ensure I-mode opera
Latches, registers, MUXs, busses, and ALUs are examples of modu
les with I-modes.
There are two I-modes associated with the multiplexer shown in Figure 9.3
7(a), denoted
x = 0; t = IOns], and
x = 1; t = IOns].
There are several I-modes associated with the ALU shown in Fi
gure 9.37(b); one is
denoted by
XIX2 = OO,t = 20ns], wher
e XIX2 = 00 is the condition
code for the ALU to pass data from A to C; another I-mod
e is denoted by
XIX2 = 01; B = 0; C
= 0], where XIX2 = 01 is the condition
code for the ALU to operate as an adder. The I-mode for t
he register shown in
Figure 9.37(c) is denoted by
t = 1 clock cycle].
16 16
ALU c.;
Figure 9.37 Three structures having I-modes
Some Advanced Scan Concepts
An identity-transfer path (I-path) exists from output port X of module S
1 to input port Y
of module S2, denoted by IP(S1:X ~ S2: Y), if data can be tr
ansferred unaltered, but
possibly delayed, from port X to port Y. Every I-path has a time tag
and activation plan.
The time tag indicates the time delay for the data to be tr
ansferred from X to Y; the
activation plan indicates the sequence of actions that must take
place to establish the
I-path. An I-path consists of a chain of modules, each of which has an I-m
Testing Using I-paths

Example 9.1: Consider the portion of a large circuit shown in Figure 9.38. All
data paths
are assumed to be 32 bits wide. Note that from the output port of t
he block of logic C,
I-paths exist to the input ports of R 1, R2, and R3' Also, I
-paths exist from the output
E...0rts of R 1 ,R2 ,B3, and R4 to the input port of C. R ~
g i s t e r R2 has a hold-enable line
HIL, where if HIL = 0 R 2 holds its state, and if HIL =
1 the register loads. Let
T = {T1 ,T2 , ... , Tn} be a set of test patterns for C. Then
C can be tested as shown in
Figure 9.39. We assume that only one register can drive the bus at
anyone time, and a
tristate driver is disabled (output is in the high impedance state) wh
en its control line is
This process can now be repeated for test pattern T, +l : While T, + 1 is s
hifted into R 1, the
response Z i to Ti is shifted out over the Sout line.
In this partial scan design not only is the hardware overhead much
less than for a fullscan design, but also the scan register has no impact on the signal
delay in the path from
to R
. D
This partial-scan approach leads to the following design problems.
1. Identifying a subset of registers to be included in the scan path.
2. Scheduling the testing of logic blocks. Since hardware resources, such
as registers,
busses, and MUXs are used in testing a block of logic it is usuall
y impossible to
test all the logic at one time. Hence after one block of logic is
tested, another can
be tested. As an example, for the circuit shown in Figure 9.38, R 1 along wi
th other
resources are first used to test C. This represents one test sess
ion. Later, R 1 and
other resources can be used to test some other block of logic.
3. Determining efficient ways to activate the control lines when
testing a block of
4. Determining ways of organizing the scan paths to minimize the
time required to
test the logic.
The solution to some of these problems are discussed in [Breuer et al. 1988
More Complex Modes and Paths
The I-mode discussed previously is a parallel-to-parallel (PIP) I-mode,
since data enter
and exit modules as n-bit blocks of information. Other types of I-m
odes exist, such as
serial-to-serial (SIS), serial-to-parallel (SIP), and parallel-to-serial (PIS)
. An example of a
PIS I-mode would be a scan register which loads data in paral
lel and transmits them
serially using its shift mode. Concatenating structures having various

types of I-modes
produces four types of I-paths, denoted by PIP, PIS, SIP, and SIS.

---------1...--___..------1111.----- ------ ---
Figure 9.38 Logic block to be tested using I-path partial scan
In addition to I-modes, several other modes can be defined t
o aid in testing and in
reducing the number of scan registers. A module S is said to have
a transfer-mode (Tmode) if an onto mapping exists between input port X of S and ou
tput port Y of S. A
trivial example of a structure having aT-mode is an array of inverters that
maps the input
vector X into NOT(X). A T-path consists of a chain of modules ha
ving zero or more
I-modes and at least one T-mode. I-paths and T-paths are used primarily for
data from a scan register to the input port of a block of logic to be tested
A module V having an input port X and an output port Y is said to have a sen
sitized mode
(S-mode) if V has a mode of operation such that an error in the data at por
t Xproduces an
error in the data at port Y. An example is a parallel ad
der defined by the equation
Some Advanced Scan Concepts
Time Controls
t 1 ... t 32 NIT = 1
t33 ~ = 0
HIL = 1
C3 = 0
c4 = 1, NIT = 0
Scan T, into R 1
Contents of R 1 are loaded onto the bus;
data on bus are loaded into R2
Test pattern T, is applied to C;
Response Zi from C is loaded into R 3
Z, is loaded onto bus;
Zi passes from bus through MUX and is
loaded into R 1
Figure 9.39 Test process for block C
SUM=A+B. If B is held at any constant value, then an error in
A produces an error in
SUM. An S-path consists of a chain of structures having zero or mo
re I-modes and at
least one S-mode. S-modes correspond to one-to-one mappings.
When testing a block of logic, its response must be transmitted
to a scan register or

primary outputs. To transmit these data, I-paths and S-paths can be used.
More details on I-paths, S-paths, and T-paths can be found in
[Breuer et al. 1988a].
Freeman [1988] has introduced the concept ofF-paths, which correspond to "o
mappings, and S-paths, which correspond to "onto" mappings, and has s
hown how these
paths can be effectively used in generating tests for data-path log
ic. He assumes that
functional tests are used and does not require scan registers.
9.9.3 BALLAST - A Structured Partial Scan Design
Several methods have been proposed for selecting a subset of storage cells
in a circuit to
be replaced by scan-storage cells [Trischler 1980, Agrawal et al. 19
87, Ma et al. 1988,
Cheng and Agrawal 1989].
The resulting circuit is still sequential and in most cases sequential ATG
is still required.
But the amount of computation is now reduced. It is difficult to iden
tify and/or specify
the proper balance between adding storage cells to the scan path and reduc
ing ATG cost.
However, it appears that any heuristic for selecting storage cells to be m
ade part of a scan
path will lead to reduce ATG computation.
BALLAST (Balanced Structure Scan Test) is a structured partial scan
method proposed
by Gupta et al. [1989a,b]. In this design approach, a subset of s
torage cells is selected
and made part of the scan path so that the resulting circu
it has a special balanced
property. Though the resulting circuit is sequential, only combinational ATG
is required,
and complete coverage of all detectable faults can be achieved.
The test plan associated with BALLAST is slightly different from
that employed in a
full-scan design, in that once a test pattern is shifted into the
scan path, more than one
normal system clock may be activated before the test result is loaded
into the scan path
and subsequently shifted out. In addition, in some cases the test dat
a must be held in the
scan path for several clock cycles while test data propagate through the circui
Circuit Model
In general a synchronous sequential circuit S consists of blocks o
f combinational logic
connected to each other, either directly or through registers,
where a register is a
collection of one or more storage cells. The combinational logic in S ca
n be partitioned
into maximal regions of connected combinational logic, referred to as clouds.
The inputs
to a cloud are either primary inputs or outputs of storage cells; the
outputs of clouds are
either primary outputs or inputs to storage cells. A group of wires forms a
vacuous cloud
if (1) it connects the outputs of one register directly to t
he inputs of another, (2) it

represents circuit primary inputs feeding the inputs of a register, or

(3) it represents the
outputs of a register that are primary outputs. Storage cells can be clu
stered into registers
as long as all storage cells in the register share the same control and c
lock lines. Storage
cells can also be grouped together so that each register receives
data from exactly one
cloud and feeds exactly one cloud. However, a cloud can receive da
ta from more than
one register and can feed more than one register.
Figure 9.40 illustrates these concepts. C1, C2, and C3 are nonvacu
ous clouds; AI, A
and A
are vacuous clouds; Cl, C2, , <s are blocks of logic, and R
, R
, , R
registers. In forming clouds and registers, it is important first
to create the clouds and
then cluster storage cells into registers. If all storage cells
are first clustered into one
register, it is possible that only one cloud will be identified. A
circuit can be partitioned
into clouds in linear time.
A synchronous sequential circuit S is said to be balanced, denoted as a B-stru
cture, if for
any two clouds v1 and V2 in S, all signal paths (if any) between v1 and
V2 go through the
same number of registers. This condition also implies that S has
an acyclic structure.
The structure shown in Figure 9.40 is balanced. The structures shown in
Figure 9.41 are
not balanced.
Let S* be a sequential circuit. There always exists a subset of registers
which, if replaced
by PIs and POs, creates a new circuit S, which is balanced. Let this s
ubset of registers be
made part of a scan path. This scan path represents pseudo-primary inputs
and outputs to
S. S is said to be the kernel of logic that is to be tested.
Given a B-structure SB, its combinational equivalent C
is the combinational circuit
formed from SB by replacing each storage cell (assumed to be a D fli
p-flop) in SB by a
wire. For simplicity we assume that only the Q output of the cel
l is used. Define the
depth d of SB as the largest number of registers on any path
in SB between any two
Let T = { t 1 ,t2 , ... ,tn} be a complete test set for all detectable
stuck at faults in C

. Then
the circuit S is tested as follows. Each test pattern t i = (ti
, tf) consists of two parts,
where ti is applied to the primary inputs to S, and tf is appl
ied to the pseudo-primary
inputs to S, that is, tf is the data in the scan path. Then SB can be teste
d as follows.
Some Advanced Scan Concepts 391
L -l
: PIs
L -,
r------, I
L -l
Figure 9.40 A partitioned circuit showing clouds and registers
(a) (b)
Figure 9.41 Nonbalanced structures (a) Unequal paths between C1 and C3
(b) A self-loop (unequal paths between C and itself)
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Scan in the test pattern t7 .
Apply tf to the primary inputs to S.
While holding tf at the primary inputs and tf in the scan p
ath, clock the
registers in S d times.
Place the scan path in its normal mode and clock it once.

Observe the value on the primary outputs.

Step 6:
Simultaneously, scan out the results in the scan paths and scan in tf+1.
Note that in this test plan the scan path has three modes of
operation, namely normal
(parallel load), hold, and shift.
Example 9.2: Consider the circuit S shown in Figure 9.42(a). Selecting R
and R
to be
scan registers produces the partial scan design shown in Figure 9.42(b
). Replacing the
scan path by PIs and POs results in the B-structure SB, shown in F
igure 9.42(c), which
has depth d = 2.
"-------------l R
~ - - - - - - - '
HOLD control
(for test)
Figure 9.42 (a) Synchronous circuit S (b) A partial scan design of S (c) Kerne
K of S (d) Combinational equivalent of K
The combinational equivalent C
is shown in Figure 9.42(d). To test SB, a pattern is
shifted into the scan path R3 and R 6 and held there two clock periods
while a test pattern
is also applied to the primary inputs A and B. After one clock
period test results are
captured in registers R 1 and R2. After the second clock period test resul
ts are captured in
and R.. Finally test results are captured in the scan path R
and R
. 0
Some Advanced Scan Concepts 393
It has been shown that any single stuck fault that is detectable in the
combinational logic
in S is detectable by a test vector for C
using the procedure just described [Gupta et al.
1989]. Thus, restricting one's attention to single stuck faults
in the clouds, no fault
coverage is sacrificed by employing the BALLAST test method. H

owever, some
additional test may be required to detect shorts between the I/O of storage c
A circuit can be transformed into a B-structure by removing a
n appropriate set of
registers, which then become part of the scan path. Several criteria ca
n be used to select
these registers, such as information on critical paths in the circuit or
the number of cells
in the registers. For example, one criterion is to select a minimal number of
storage cells
to be made part of the scan path so that the resulting circuit is a B-structur
Unfortunately, the problem just cited is NP-complete. A heuristic
procedure for its
solution is presented in [Gupta et al. 1989].
Figure 9.43 shows several different scan designs for the circuit sho
wn in Figure 9.42(a),
other than the one shown in Figure 9.42(b). Let n, be the
number of storage cells in
register R
The design shown in Figure 9.43(a) can be considered superior to
the one
shown in Figure 9.42(b) if nl + n2 < n-; since fewer storage ce
lls exist in the scan
path. Assume that a scan storage cell introduces delay into
a path terminating at its
output port. Then the designs shown in Figure 9.43(c) and (d) may be
well suited for the
case where critical paths exist between R5 and R3 and between R3 and R 1.
Note that the
depth for the design in Figure 9.43(d) is 3. Finally, Figure 9.
43(e) shows a full-scan
design. In all these designs, R6 was made part of the scan path.
For some partial scan
designs it may not be necessary to transform each storage cell in
R 6 into a scan-storage
cell. The sequential circuit consisting of C
and R
can be replaced by a lower-level
design description, where R6 is replaced by its individual sto
rage cells and C4 is
segmented into the cones of logic that feed each storage cell. The
resulting circuit can
then be made into a partial scan design using the BALLAST design methodology.
The importance of using a balanced structure is illustrated in the next exampl
Example 9.3: Consider the circuit shown in Figure 9.44(a). This
is a nonbalanced
circuit having the structure shown in Figure 9.41(a). Consider the fault
b s-a-l. The test
pattern for this fault at time t within cloud C3 consists of
(Q 3 ,Q4 ,Q5) =(0,0,1). This
implies that at time (t-l), (Q1 ,Q2) = (1,0) and A = 0. This in
tum implies that at time
(t-2), (A,B) = (1,0). One test sequence for this fault is shown
in Figure 9.44(a). The

combinational equivalent of this circuit is shown in Figure 9.44(b), where

now the fault
b s-a-l is redundant. 0
It is seen that some nonbalanced circuits may require sequential ATG.
In some cases, it is not necessary that the scan registers have a
hold mode. Methods for
removing hold modes as well as dealing with designs where the regis
ters in the original
circuit have hold modes are dealt with in [Gupta et ale 1989b].
For example, for the
situation shown in Figure 9.42(b), let t(3) and t(6) be the test patterns t
o be loaded into R
and R
, respectively. Consider the test pattern t(3) xx t(6) where tw
o don't-care bits
have been placed between t(3) and t(6). Now the scan path can conti
nue shifting while
the test data propagate through the circuit. Assume at time t that
t(3) is in R3. At time
(t + 1), test results are latched into R
and R
, at time (t + 2) test pattern t(6) is in R
and test results are latched into R4 and R 5. At time (t + 3)
test results are latched into

L-- ----; R3 ~ - - - - - - - '
'-----------1 R 3 104E--------'
'-----------1 R3 104E--------'
~ - - - - - - '
L------------i R3 ~ - - - - - - - - '
Figure 9.43 Different partial and full scan designs for S
Some Advanced Scan Concepts 395
D Q31-----------;--------1
I (t-2) (t-1) C
I -- -- I
I 0 1 I
I Xl A I
I X 2 I




X 4 I

C3 I
L ~
Figure 9.44 (a) A nonbalanced circuit (b) Its combinational equivalent
9.10 Boundary-Scan Standards
9.10.1 Background
To better address problems of board-level testing, several DFf standar
ds have been and
are currently being developed. The primary goal of these proposed standards
is to ensure
that chips of LSI and VLSI complexity contain a common denominator of DFT
that will make the test development and testing of boards co
ntaining these chips
significantly more effective and less costly. Some of these initiativ
es are known as the
Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) Boundary Scan standard [JTAG 1988],
Element-Test and Maintenance (ETM) - Bus standard [IBM et al. 1986a],
Test and Maintenance (TM) - Bus standard [IBM et ale 1986b], an
d the IEEE 1149.1
Testability Bus Standard [IEEE 1989].
These standards deal primarily with the use of a test bus which will reside
on a board, the
protocol associated with this bus, elements of a bus master which
controls the bus, I/O
ports that tie a chip to the bus, and some control logic tha
t must reside on a chip to
interface the test bus ports to the DFT hardware residing on the application
portion of the

chip. In addition, the ITAG Boundary Scan and IEEE 1149.1 standards a
lso require that
a boundary-scan register exist on the chip.
The primary reasons for using boundary scan are to allow for effici
ent testing of board
interconnect and to facilitate isolation and testing of chips either
via the test bus or by
built-in self-test hardware. With boundary scan, chip-level tests c
an be reused at the
board level.
The description of a board-level test bus presented in this se
ction is based on IEEE
1149.1. There are several major components associated with IEEE
1149.1, namely
(1) the physical structure of the test bus and how it can be interconnected to
chips, (2) the
protocol associated with the bus, and (3) the on-chip test bus circ
uitry associated with a
chip. The latter includes the boundary-scan registers and the te
st access port (TAP)
controller which is a finite-state machine that decodes the state of the bus.
Figure 9.45 shows a general form of a chip which supports IEEE 1149.1. The
logic represents the normal chip design prior to the inclusion of logic r
equired to support
IEEE 1149.1. This circuitry may include DFT or BIST hardware. If
so, the scan paths
are connected via the test-bus circuitry to the chip's scan-in and sc
an-out ports. This is
illustrated by the connection from the test data input line TDI to Sin'
and Sout to the test
data output line TDO. The normal I/O terminals of the application l
ogic are connected
through boundary-scan cells to the chips I/O pads.
The test-bus circuitry, also referred to as the bus slave, consi
sts of the boundary-scan
registers, a I-bit bypass register, an instruction register, several
miscellaneous registers,
and the TAP.
The boundary-scan bus consists of four lines, namely a test clo
ck (TCK) , a test mode
signal (TMS), the TDI line, and the TDO line.
Test instructions and test data are sent to a chip over the TDI line. Tes
t results and status
information are sent from a chip over the TDO line to whatever device is
driving the bus.
This information is transmitted serially. The sequence of operations
is controlled by a
bus master, which can be either ATE or a component that interfaces to a hig
her-level test
bus that is part of a hierarchical test and maintenance system.
Control of the test-bus
circuitry is primarily carried out by the TAP, which responds to the
state transitions on
the TMS line.
Briefly, the test bus and associated logic operates as follows.
1. An instruction is sent serially over the TDI line into the instruction re
2. The selected test circuitry is configured to respond to the instruction.
In some cases

this may involve sending more data over the TDI line into a register sele
cted by the
3. The test instruction is executed. Test results can be shifted out of
selected registers
and transmitted over the TDO line to the bus master. It is possible to shif
t new data
into registers using the TDI line while results are shifted out and t
ransmitted over
the TDO line.
Boundary-Scan Standards 397
Sout ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
.: : : : : : : .: BIST registers ::::::::::
:: : : : : : : :: Scan registers ::::::::::
Boundary-scan path
BS test bus circuitry
Boundary-scan cell
I/O Pad /
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ .
Figure 9.45 Chip architecture for IEEE 1149.1
9.10.2 Boundary-Scan Cell
Two possible boundary-scan cell designs are shown in Figure 9.46. T
hese cells can be
used as either output or input cells. Other cell designs exist for bidirection
al I/O ports and
tristate outputs.
As an input boundary-scan cell, IN corresponds to a chip input pad, and
OUT is tied to a
normal input to the application logic. As an output cell, IN corresp
onds to the output of
the application logic, and OUT is tied to an output pad. The cell
has several modes of
Normal Mode: When Mode_Control=O, data passes from port IN to port OU
T; then the
cell is transparent to the application logic.
Mode Control

()--__e_------------+-----------l 0 M
Mode Control
IN 0
M 0
Figure 9.46 Two example boundary-scan cells
Scan Mode: The boundary-scan cells are interconnected into a sca
n path, where the
SOUT terminal of one cell is connected to the SIN terminal of the nex
t cell in the path.
The first cell is driven by TDI, and the last one drives TDO. In the scan
mode, ShiftDR=l
and clock pulses are applied to ClockDR. DR denotes a data regist
er; IR denotes the
instruction register.
Capture Mode: The data on line IN can be loaded into the scan path by set
ting ShiftDR=O
and applying one clock pulse to ClockDR. Thus the QA storage cells a
ct as a shadow or
snapshot register. The OUT terminal can be driven by either IN or the output
of QBo
Boundary-Scan Standards
Update Mode: Once the QA storage cell is loaded, either by a capture o
r scan operation,
its value can be applied to the OUT port by setting Mode_Control =
1 and applying a
clock pulse to UpdateDR.
If a boundary-scan cell drives an output pad, then the select
line of the multiplexer
driving the output is driven by a signal denoted by Output_Mode_Contr
ol; if the cell is
driven by an input pad the select line is driven by a signal labeled Input_Mod
It is easy to extend these design concepts to handle both tristate
and bidirectional I/O

9.10.3 Board and Chip Test Modes

Figure 9.47 shows a board containing four chips which support
IEEE 1149.1. The
boundary-scan cells are interconnected into a single scan path, where
the TDO of one
chip is tied to the TDI of another chip, except for the initial TDI and TDO
ports which are
tied to distinct terminals of the board. Some of the normal inte
rconnect between chip
pads is also shown. Using this configuration various tests can be ca
rried out, including
(1) interconnect test, (2) snapshot observation of normal system data
, and (3) testing of
each chip. To implement these tests, three test modes exist, namely
external test, sample
test, and internal test.
External Test Mode
To test the interconnect and/or logic external to chips supporte
d by IEEE 1149.1 the
circuit configuration shown in Figure 9.48 is used. Here a test pattern c
an be loaded into
the QA cells of chips 1 and 2, for example, QA(chip 1) =1 and QA(c
hip 2) =o. Chip 1
can carry out an Update operation, where the data in QA (chip 1) ar
e to drive the output
pad. Chip 2 can carry out a Capture operation, where the data on its inp
ut pad are loaded
into QA (chip 2). The data in the scan path can be shifted out to see if t
he correct response
was received. By selecting test data appropriately, tests for shor
ts, opens, and stuck-at
faults can be carried out. By using appropriate boundary-scan
cells and test data,
interconnect tests can be carried out for tristate logic and bidirectional pad
Sample Test Mode
Figure 9.49 shows how the I/O data associated with a chip can be sampled
during normal
system operation. This sampled data can be scanned out while t
he board remains in
normal operation. The boundary-scan circuitry must be designed so th
at the boundaryscan cells in the signal path between a chip I/O pins and the
application logic do not
interfere with the operation of the board logic.
Internal Test Mode
Figure 9.50 shows the configuration of the boundary-scan cells when i
n the internal test
mode. In this configuration the inputs to the application logic ar
e driven by the input
boundary-scan cells, and the response can be captured in the output bound
ary-scan cells.
Since these cells are part of a scan path, this mode of
operation gives complete
controllability and observability of the I/O pads of a chip. Th
e chip may also have
internal scan paths and in fact be designed to have built-in selftest (BIST) capability.
While in the internal test mode, the internal scan paths and
BIST operations can be

activated to test the chip. This configuration replaces some form

s of testing normally
carried out by bed-of nails test equipment.
Figure 9.47 A printed circuit board with a IEEE 1149.1 test bus
9.10.4 The Test Bus
A board supporting IEEE 1149.1 contains a test bus consisting of at least four
signals. (A
fifth signal can be used to reset the on-chip test-bus circu
itry.) These signals are
connected to a chip via its test-bus ports. Each chip is considered to
be a bus slave, and
the bus is assumed to be driven by a bus master.
The minimum bus configuration consists of two broadcast signals (TMS and TCK
) driven
by the master, and a serial path formed by a "daisy-chain" connection
of serial scan data
pins (TDI and TDO) on the master and slave devices. Figure 9
.51(a) shows a ring
configuration; Figure 9.51(b) shows a star configuration, where each
chip is associated
with its own TMS signal. Star and ring configurations can be
combined into hybrid
configurations. The four bus signals associated with a slave TAP are define
d as follows.
TCK - Test Clock. This is the master clock used during the boundary-scan
TDI - Test Data Input. Data or instructions are received via this line an
d are directed to
an appropriate register within the application chip or test bus circuitry.
Boundary-Scan Standards 401
Chip 1 Chip 2
Output SOUT
Mode Input SOUT
Control Mode
Q D Q D 0

UpdateDR ClockDR
UpdateDR ClockDR
Figure 9.48 External test configuration
TDO - Test Data Output. The contents of a selected register (inst
ruction or data) are
shifted out of the chip over TDO.
TMS - Test Mode Selector. The value on TMS is used to control a finite
state machine
in a slave device so that this device knows when to accept test data or ins
Though the IEEE 1149.1 bus employs only a single clock, TCK,
this clock can be
decoded on-chip to generate other clocks, such as the two-phase nonover
lap clocks used
in implementing LSSD.
9.10.5 Test-Bus Circuitry
The on-chip test-bus circuitry allows access to and control of the test
features of a chip.
A simplified version of this circuitry is shown in Figure 9.45, and more
details are shown
in Figure 9.52. This circuitry consists of four main elements, na
mely (1) a test access
port (TAP) consisting of the ports associated with TMS, TCK, TDI,
and TDI, (2) a TAP
controller, (3) a scannable instruction register and associated logic,
and (4) a group of
scannable test data registers. We will next elaborate on some of these feat
ures. The TAP Controller
The TAP controller is a synchronous finite-state machine whose state di
agram is shown
in Figure 9.53. It has a single input, labeled TMS, and its
outputs are signals
corresponding to a subset of the labels associated with the
various states, such as
Capture-IR. The state diagram shows that there are two parallel
and almost identical
Output SOUT
UpdateDR ClockDR
UpdateDR ClockDR

Figure 9.49 Sample test configuration
subdiagrams, one corresponding to controlling the operations of the ins
truction register,
the other to controlling the operation of a data register. The contro
ller can change state
only when a clock pulse on TCK occurs; the next state is determined by th
e logic level of
line TMS. The function of some of these control states is described below.
Test-Logic-Reset: In this state the test logic (boundary-scan) i
s disabled so that the
application logic can operate in its normal mode.
Run-Test/Idle: This is a control state that exists between scan op
erations, and where an
internal test, such as a built-in self-test, can be executed (see instruction
A test is selected by first setting the instruction register with the appr
opriate information.
The TAP controller remains in this state as long as TMS=O.
Seleet-DR-Sean: This is a temporary controller state. If TMS is held low
then a scan-data
sequence for the selected test-data register is initiated, starting
with a transition to the
state Capture-DR.
Capture-DR: In this state data can be loaded in parallel int
o the test-data registers
selected by the current instruction. For example, the boundary-sc
an registers can be
loaded while in this state. Referring to Figure 9.49, to capture the
data on the input pad
shown and the output of the application logic, it is necessary to s
et ShiftDR low and to
activate the clock line CloekDR.
Boundary-Scan Standards
Input SOUT
UpdateDR ClockDR
UpdateDR ClockDR
Figure 9.50 Internal test configuration
Shift-DR: In this state test-data registers specified by the data in
the instruction register,
and which lie between TDI and TDO, are shifted one position. A new

data value enters

the scan path via the TDI line, and a new data value now is obs
erved at the TDO line.
Other registers hold their state.
Exitl-DR: In this state all test-data registers selected by the current i
nstruction hold their
state. Termination of the scan process can be achieved by setting TMS high.
Pause-DR: In this control state the test-data registers in the scan
path between TDI and
TDO hold their state. The Pause-DR and Pause-IR states can be used to tem
porarily halt
the scan operation and allow the bus master to reload data. This is often
necessary during
the transmission of long test sequences.
Update-DR: Some registers have a latched parallel output so that
the output does not
change during a scan process. In this control state test-data regi
sters specified by the
current instructions and having a latched parallel-output feature
are loaded from their
associated shift registers.
Referring to Figure 9.50, once the boundary-scan register has been loaded w
ith scan data
while the TAP controller is in state Shift-DR, these data can be appl
ied to the inputs of
the application logic when the controller is in state Update-DR by sim
ply activating the
clock UpdateDR.
Application chips


Application chips
:- TDI
- ~ TMS

- - i ~
TDI ~ H ~
4 ~ TCK
TMS2 :.. TMS


TMSN - 1---

::- TDI
Figure 9.51 (a) Ring configuration (b) Star configuration
The states that control the instruction register operate similarly t
o those controlling the
test-data registers. The instruction register is implemented using a latched
feature. This way a new instruction can be scanned into the scan path
of the instruction
register without affecting the output of the register. The Select-IR-S
can state is again a
temporary transition state. In the Capture- IR state, the shift regi
ster associated with the
instruction register is loaded in parallel. These data can be s
tatus information and/or
fixed logic values. In the Shift-IR state this shift register is conne
cted between TDI and
TDO and shifts data one position. In the Update-IR control state the
instruction shifted
into the instruction register is latched onto the parallel output of the
instruction register.
This instruction now becomes the current instruction.
The TAP controller can be implemented using four flip-flops and about
two dozen logic
gates. Registers
The Instruction Register and Commands
The instruction register has the ability to shift in a new instr
uction while holding the
current instruction fixed at its output ports. The register can be used to s
pecify operations
to be executed and select test-data registers. Each instruction enables a

single serial testdata register path between TDI and

Boundary-Scan Standards 405
Test data registers
register I
I Device identification I:
I register I I
I User test I I
d . H
I ata registers I I
L -,;. __ I -.J
.--__--.' I I
'-----_----,.......... I I
I I _-.J





DR clocks
and controls
TDI --1.-------------l
A r
P 0 IR clocks and controls
et----- -+- ------'
Figure 9.52 IEEE 1149.1 test bus circuitry
Control of instruction register Control of data registers
Figure 9.53 State diagram of TAP controller
SAMPLE are required; INTEST or RUNBIST are recommended. A brief descriptio
n of
these instructions follows.
BYPASS Instruction
Every chip must have a BYPASS register, which is a test-data
register of length 1.
Consider a board having 100 chips that are connected as shown in Fi
gure 9.51(a). Test
Boundary-Scan Standards 407
data must pass through all the chips when testing anyone chip,
say the ith chip. To
reduce the length of the scan path, all chips except for the ith
chip can be put into the
bypass mode, where now only a single storage cell lies between the
TDI and TDO ports
of these chips. The BYPASS instruction is used to configure a chip in this b
ypass mode.
EXTEST Instruction
EXTEST is primarily used to test circuitry external to a chi
p, such as the board
interconnect. When this instruction is executed, boundary-scan cells
at output pads are
used to drive the pads. Those cells at input pads capture t
est results when the TAP
controller enters the Capture-DR state (see Figure 9.48).
SAMPLE Instruction
The SAMPLE instruction allows the data on the I/O pads of a chip t

o be sampled and
placed in the boundary-scan register during normal board operation (see Figure 9
INTEST Instruction
The INTEST instruction is used to apply a test vector to the app
lication logic via the
boundary-scan path, and to capture the response from this logic
. First the INTEST
instruction is loaded into the instruction register. Then the boun
dary-scan register is
loaded with test data. Because of the INTEST instruction, the input
s to the application
logic are driven by the input boundary-scan cells, and the output
pads of the chip are
driven by the output boundary-scan cells. The scan path is loaded wh
ile in the control
state Shift-DR. In the Update-DR state these data get applied
to the inputs of the
application logic. Repeating a load-test-data register cycle, the tes
t results are captured
when in state Capture-Dk, After this, another test pattern can
be loaded into the
boundary-scan path while the results are sent back to the bus
master. This cycle is
repeated for each test pattern.
RUNBIST Instruction
The RUNBIST instruction allows for the execution of a self-test process of the
chip. This
test is executed while the TAP controller is in the Run- Test/Idle
state. The RUNBIST
instruction must select the boundary-scan register to be connected between TDI
and TDO.
All inputs to the application logic are driven by the boundary-sca
n register during the
execution of this instruction.
Test-Data Registers
The test-bus circuitry contains at least two test-data registers, namel
y the bypass and the
boundary-scan registers. In addition, other scan registers can be acces
sed and connected
between TDI and TDO, such as device identification registers and registers
that are part of
the application logic itself. Thus if the application logic is
designed according to the
full-scan DFT methodology, then this logic can be completely tested by the
IEEE 1149.1
More information on the use of boundary-scan and related interface logic can
be found in
[Avra 1987], [Beenker 1985], [Breuer et ale 1988], [Breuer and
Lien 1988a, b],
[Lagemaat and Bleeker 1987], [Lien and Breuer 1989], [Maunder and
Beenker 1987],
[Wagner 1987], and [Whetsel 1988a, b].
[Abadir and Breuer 1985a] M. S. Abadir and M. A. Breuer, "Constructi
ng Optimal Test
Schedules for VLSI Circuits Having Built-in Test Hardware," Proc. 15th I

Fault-Tolerant Computing Conf., pp. 165-170, June, 1985.
[Abadir and Breuer 1985b] M. S. Abadir and M. A. Breuer, "A Knowledge Based Sy
for Designing Testable VLSI Chips," IEEE Design & Test of Computers, Vol. 2
No.4, pp. 56-68, August, 1985.
[Abadir and Breuer 1986a] M. S. Abadir and M. A. Breuer, "Scan Path With Look
Shifting," Proc. Intn'l. Test Conf., pp. 699-704, September, 1986.
[Abadir and Breuer 1986b] M. S. Abadir and M. A. Breuer, "Test
Schedules for VLSI
Circuits," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-35, No.5, pp.361-367,
[Abadir and Breuer 1987] M. S. Abadir and M. A. Breuer, "Test
Schedules for VLSI
Circuits Having Built-in Test Hardware," Intn'l. Journal of Compu
ters and
Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 13, No. 5/6, pp. 519-536,1987.
[Abadir 1987] M. S. Abadir, "Efficient Scan Path Testing Using Sliding P
arity Response
Compaction," Proc. Intn'l. Con! on Computer Aided Design, pp.332
November, 1987.
[Agrawal and Mercer 1982] V. D. Agrawal and M. R. Mercer, "Testabilit
y MeasuresWhat Do They Tell Us?," Digest of Papers 1982 Intn'l. Test Conf., pp. 39
November, 1982.
[Agrawal et al. 1987] V. D. Agrawal, K.-T. Cheng, D. D. Johnso
n, and T. Lin, "A
Complete Solution to the Partial Scan Problem," Proc. Intn'l.
Test Conf.,
pp. 44-51, September, 1987.
[Ando 1980] H. Ando, "Testing VLSI with Random Access Scan," Pro
pp. 50-52, 1980.
[Avra 1987] L. Avra, "A VHSIC ETM-BUS Compatible Test and Ma
Interface," Proc. Intn'l. Test Conf., pp. 964-971, September, 1987.
[Beenker 1985] F. Beenker, "Systematic and Structured Methods for
Digital Board
Testing," Proc. Intn'l. Test Conf., pp. 380-385, November, 1985.
[Bennetts 1984] R. G. Bennetts, Design of Testable Logic Circuits,
Reading, Massachusetts, 1984.
[Bennetts et ale 1981] R. G. Bennetts, C. M. Maunder, and G. D. Robinson, "CAME
A Computer-Aided Measure for Logic Testability," lEE Proc., Vol. 128, Part
No.5, pp. 177-189,1981.
[Breuer 1978] M. A. Breuer, "New Concepts in Automated Testing of
Digital Circuits,"
Proc. EEC Symp. on CAD of Digital Electronic Circuits and Systems, Brus
pp. 69-92, 1978.
[Breuer et al. 1988a] M. A. Breuer, R. Gupta, and R. Gupta,
"AI Aspects of TEST: A
System for Designing Testable VLSI Chips," IFIP Workshop on

Knowledge-Based Systems for Test and Diagnosis, pp. 29-75, September 27-29,
[Breuer et al. 1988b] M. A. Breuer, R. Gupta, and J. C. Lien,
"Concurrent Control of
Multiple BIT Structures," Proc. Intn'l. Test Conf., pp.431-442,
[Breuer and Lien 1988a] M. A. Breuer and J. C. Lien, "A Tes
t and Maintenance
Controller for a Module Containing Testable Chips," Proc. Intn'l.
Test Conf.,
pp. 502-513, September, 1988.
[Breuer and Lien 1988b] M. A. Breuer and J. C. Lien, "A Methodology for th
e Design of
Hierarchically Testable and Maintainable Digital Systems," Proc. 8th
Avionics Systems Conf. (DASC), pp. 40-47, October 17-20,1988.
[Chandra and Patel 1989] S. J. Chandra and J. H. Patel, "Experime
ntal Evaluation of
Testability Measures for Test Generation," IEEE Trans. on Compute
Design, Vol. CAD-8, No.1, pp. 93-97, January, 1989.
[Chen and Breuer 1985] T-H. Chen and M. A. Breuer, "Automatic Design for
Via Testability Measures," IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design,
Vol. CAD-4, pp. 3-11, January, 1985.
[Cheng and Agrawal 1989] K.-T. Cheng and V. D. Agrawal, "An
Economical Scan
Design for Sequential Logic Test Generation," Proc. 19th Intn'1.
Symp. on
Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 28-35, June, 1989.
[DasGupta et al. 1981] S. DasGupta, R. G. Walther, and T. W. Wil
liams, "An
Enhancement to LSSD and Some Applications of LSSD in Reliabili
Availability, and Serviceability," Digest of Papers 11th Annual Intn'l. Sy
mp. on
Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 32-34, June, 1981.
[DasGupta et ale 1982] S. DasGupta, P. Goel, R. G. Walther, and T
. W. Williams, "A
Variation of LSSD and Its Implications on Design and Test Pattern Gene
in VLSI," Proc. Test Conf., pp. 63-66, November, 1982.
[Davidson 1979] R. P. Davidson, "Some Straightforward Guidelines Help Improve
Testability," Electronic Design News, pp. 127-129, May 5, 1979.
[Eichelberger 1983] E. B. Eichelberger, "Latch Design Using 'Level
Sensitive Scan
Design,'" Proc. COMPCON, pp. 380-383, February, 1983.
[Eichelberger and Williams 1977] E. B. Eichelberger and T. W. Willia
ms, "A Logic
Design Structure for LSI Testing," Proc. 14th Design Automation
pp.462-468,June, 1977.
[Eichelberger and Williams 1978] E. B. Eichelberger and T. W. Willia
ms, "A Logic
Design Structure for LSI Testability," Journal Design Automation
Fault-Tolerant Computing, Vol. 2, No.2, pp. 165-178, May, 1978.

[Eichelberger et ale 1978] E. B. Eichelberger, T. W. Williams, E. I. Muehldor

f, and R. G.
Walther, "A Logic Design Structure for Testing Internal Array,"
USA-JAPAN Computer Conf., pp. 266-272, October, 1978.
[Freeman 1988] S. Freeman, "Test Generation for Data-path Logic: The F-Path
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 23, No.2, pp. 421-427, April, 1988
[Funatsu et ale 1978] S. Funatsu, N. Wakatsuki., and A. Yamada,
"Designing Digital
Circuits with Easily Testable Consideration," Proc. Test Conf.,
September, 1978.
[Goel and McMahon 1982] P. Goel and M. T. McMahon, "Electronic
Test," Digest of Papers 1982 Intn'l. Test Conf., pp. 83-90, November, 1
[Goldstein 1979] L. H. Goldstein, "Controllability/Observability Analysi
s of Digital
Circuits," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol. CAS-26, N
pp. 685-693, September, 1979.
[Goldstein and Thigen 1980] L. M. Goldstein and E. L. Thigen, "SCOAP
: Sandia
Controllability/Observability Analysis Program," Proc. 17th Design Automati
Conf,pp. 190-196, June, 1980.
[Grason 1979] J. Grason, "TMEAS -- A Testability Measurement Program,
" Proc. 16th
Design Automation Conf., pp. 156-161, June, 1979.
[Grason and Nagel 1981] J. Grason and A. W. Nagel, "Digital Tes
t Generation and
Design for Testability," Journal Digital Systems, Vol. 5, No.4,
[Gupta et al. 1989a] R. Gupta, R. Gupta, and M. A. Breuer, "BALLAST: A
for Partial Scan Design," Proc. 19th Intn'l. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Co
pp. 118-125, June, 1989.
[Gupta et al. 1989b] R. Gupta, R. Gupta, and M. A. Breuer, "An Efficient I
of the BALLAST Partial Scan Architecture," Proc. IFIP Intn'l. Conf.
on Very
Large Scale Integration (VLSI 89), pp. 133-142, August 16-18,1989.
[Hayes and Friedman 1974] J. P. Hayes and A. D. Friedman, "Test Po
int Placement to
Simplify Fault Detection," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-33, pp.
July, 1974.
[IBM et al. 1986a] IBM, Honeywell, and TRW, "VHSIC Phase 2 In
Standards," ETM-BUS Specification, December, 1986.
[IBM et al. 1986b] IBM, Honeywell and TRW, "VHSIC Phase 2 Int
Standards," TM-BUS Specification, December, 1986.
[IEEE 1989] "Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture," Sponsor
ed by

Test Technology Technical Committee of the IEEE Computer Society

Document P1149.1/D5 (Draft), June 20, 1989.
[JTAG 1988] Technical Subcommittee of Joint Test Action Group (JTAG),
"BoundaryScan Architecture Standard Proposal," Version 2.0, March, 1988.
[Kobayashi et ale 1968] T. Kobayashi, T. Matsue, and H. Shiba, "
Flip-Flop Circuit with
FLT Capability," Proc. IECEO Conf., in Japanese, p. 692, 1968.
[Kovijanic 1979] P. G. Kovijanic, "Computer Aided Testability Analysis
," Proc. IEEE
Automatic Test Conf., pp. 292-294, 1979.
[Kovijanic 1981] P. G. Kovijanic, "Single Testability Figure of Merit,"
Proc. Intn'l. Test
Conf., pp. 521-529, October, 1981.
[Lagemaat and Bleeker 1987] D. Van de Lagemaat and H. Bleeker, "Testing a Boar
d with
Boundary-Scan," Proc. Intn'l. Test Conf., pp. 724-729, September, 1987.
[Lien and Breuer 1989] J. C. Lien and M. A. Breuer, "A Universal Test and
Controller for Modules and Boards," IEEE Trans. on Industrial
Vol. 36, No.2, pp. 231-240, May, 1989.
[Lioy and Mezzalama 1978] A. Lioy and M. Mezzalama, "On Parameters
ATPG Performance," Proc. COMPEURO Conf., pp. 394-397, May, 1987.
[Lippman and Donn 1979] M. D. Lippman and E. S. Donn, "Design Fo
Promotes Easier Testing of Microcomputer Boards," Electronics Internation
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[Ma et al. 1988] H.-K. T. Ma, S. Devadas, A. R. Newton, an
d A. SangiovanniVincentelli, "An Incomplete Scan Design Approach to Test Generat
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[Maunder and Beenker 1987] C. Maunder and F. Beenker, "Boundar
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[Ratiu et ale 1982] I. M. Ratiu, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and D.
o. Peterson,
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[Rutman 1972] R. A. Rutman, "Fault Detection Test Generation for S
equential Logic
Heuristic Tree Search," IEEE Computer Repository Paper No. R-72-187, 1972.
[Savir 1983] J. Savir, "Good Controllability and Observability Do No
t Guarantee Good
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[Stephenson and Grason 1976] J. E. Stephenson and J. Grason, "A Test
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mp. on

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[Stewart 1977] J. H. Stewart, "Future Testing of Large LSI Circui
t Cards," Digest of
Papers 1977 Semiconductor Test Symp., pp. 6-15, October, 1977.
[Stewart 1978] J. H. Stewart, "Application of Scan/Set for Error
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[Trischler 1980] E. Trischler, "Incomplete Scan Path with an Automatic
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[Wagner 1987] P. T. Wagner, "Interconnect Testing with Boundary-Scan,"
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[Whetsel 1988a] L. Whetsel, "A Proposed Standard Test Bus and
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[Williams and Angell 1973] M. J. Y. Williams and J. B. Angell, "Enhan
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[Writer 1975] P. L. Writer, "Design for Testability," Proc. IEEE
Automated Support
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9.1 Assume that it costs $1.00 to test an IC chip, $10.00 to locate a fa
ulty IC chip on a
PCB, the test sets provide 100 percent fault coverage, and a board ha
s 1001Cs. Option 1
is to test every chip, and thus all assembled boards have only good I
Cs. Option 2 is not
to test any ICs before assembly but to test and locate faulty IC
s at the board level. At
what value of IC yield is it cost-effective to switch from option 1 to option
Hint: This is a hard problem. Note that under option 2 PCBs may c
ontain several bad
ICs, and a bad IC may be replaced by another bad IC. Make simplifyin
g assumptions if
9.2 Partition the circuit shown in Figure 9.54 using the partitionin
g scheme illustrated
in Figure 9.11. Attempt to keep the number of inputs to C1 and C2
close to the same,
and try to minimize the number of signals between the two partitions.

Figure 9.54
9.3 The Am 29818 is a general-purpose pipeline register with
parallel load and an
on-board shadow register for performing serial shadow register dia
gnostics and/or
writable control store loading. The block diagram for this device is shown in
Figure 9.55,
and its function table is shown in Figure 9.56. The functional l
ias are defined below.
Show how this device can be used in making circuits scan testable. W
hich generic scan
architecture is best suited for implementation by this device, and why?
- Do parallel data input to the pipeline register or paralle
l data output from the
shadow register
DCLK diagnostic clock for loading shadow register (serial or parallel modes)
1\ \11
\ ~ :
8 P

Figure 9.55 The Am 29818
Inputs Outputs
Shadow Pipeline
register register
X L r X
Serial shift;
- D
X L X i
NA Pif-D
Normal load
pipeline register
L H i X L Sif-Y
Load shadow register
from Y; D
X H X r SDI NA Pif-S
Load pipeline register
from shadow register
H H i X H Hold NA
Hold shadow register;
H = high
L =low
X = don't care
i = low-to-high
clock transition

= shadow register outputs
= pipeline register outputs
= data I/O port
=YIIO port
= not applicable; output is not a function
of the specified input combinations
Figure 9.56 Am 29818 function table description
MODE control input for pipeline register multiplexer and shadow register cont
OEY active LOW output enable for Y-port
PCLK pipeline register clock input loads D-port or shadow register conten
ts on low
to high transition
SDI serial data input to shadow register
SDO serial data output from shadow register
Y7 - Yo data outputs from the pipeline register and parallel
inputs to the shadow
9.4 Consider an asynchronous circuit having many inputs, outputs, an
d feedback lines.
Assume that during testing, line 1 requires O-injection only; line
2 requires I-injection
only; line 3 requires both 0 and 1 injection; lines 4 and 5 require observati
on only.
a. Modify the design so that it has the desired test features. Minimize t
he amount of
hardware you add.
b. Reduce your I/O requirements by sharing functional and test I/O pins.
c. Modify your results to part a. by using a scan register so that
observation points
and control points do not have to be tied to I/O pins. Assume that during
the scan
operation the normal state of the circuit should not be disturbed.
9.5 Consider IC1 and IC2, where each IC contains boundary scan registers
as shown in
Figure 9.18(b). Assume the outputs of IC1 drive the inputs to IC2, and the
outputs of IC2
drive the inputs to IC1. Show how the scan registers of these ICs can b
e interconnected.
Describe how the interconnections between these ICs can be teste
d by means of the
boundary scan r e ~ s t e r s . Explain the control seq
uencing required for the signal T1 as
well as the signal NIT that controls the scan registers.
Are these control signals also tied to scan flip-flops? If not, how are the
se lines tested? If
so, does the scan operation interfere with their values?
9.6 Consider a scan register implemented using MD-FF elements
as shown in
Figure 9.23(b). Show how clock skew can lead to erroneous operati
on during shift
9.7 Consider a random-access scan architecture. How would you organize th
e test data
to minimize the total test time? Describe a simple heuristic for ordering

these data.
9.8 Figure 9.29 shows the double-latch LSSD design. Assume there are 10
0 ~ R L s and
the circuit requires 1000 test vectors. How many clock cycles are
required to test this
9.9 Consider the single-latch LSSD design shown in Figure 9.30. For e
ach case listed
below, determine the best way to organize the testing of the
blocks N 1 and N2 to
minimize test time. Let n = 10 and m = 30.
a. Assume N 1 requires 10 test vectors, and N2 requires 30.
b. Assume N 1 requires 30 test vectors and N2 requires only 10.
9.10 Single-latch LSSD designs appear to require a significant amount of over
head with
respect to other types of LSSD designs (see Figure 9.33). What a
dvantages, if any, do
such designs have over the other designs?
9.11 For each of the circuit configurations shown in Figure 9.
57 state whether it
satisfies the LSSD design rules and which rules, if any, it violates.
9.12 Assume that the normal function of a register in a large circui
t is only to act as a
shift register. To make this circuit scan testable by either the LSSD d
esign methodology
or the shift register modification technique requires some extra
logic and interconnect
since both a normal-mode and test-mode shift register will exis
t in the final design.
Comment on the pros and cons of such an approach, and suggest how t
he normal-mode
shift register can be used in the scan mode to reduce hardware overhead. W
hat problems
may this create?
9.13 Assume that the normal function of a register (made up of D
flip-flops) in a large
circuit is both to load data in parallel as well as shift. A multiplexer
is used to select the
input appropriate to each flip-flop. Show how in a scan design it may
be possible to use
to other C inputs
PI clock line
data line

to other data inputs
Figure 9.57 Legal and illegal LSSD circuit configurations
the scan operation for both functional and test mode operation and
thus eliminate the
multiplexers referred to above. What problems may exist because of this d
ual use of the
scan registers?
9.14 Describe and illustrate a linear time algorithm for partit
ioning a combinational
circuit into clouds. Assume no storage cells have been clustered into regis
9.15 Given a clouded version of a circuit S, describe an algorith
m for generating the
minimal number of registers from the storage cells consistent w
ith the existing set of
9.16 Argue for or against the following proposition. Randomly se
lecting a subset of
flip-flops to be made part of a scan path in a partial scan des
ign will reduce ATG cost
compared to a nonscan design.
5 6
1 2
L..- -; Q D14E----------'

Figure 9.58 Circuit to be made balanced
9.17 Cloud the circuit shown in Figure 9.58, and identify a
rmrumum number of
flip-flops to be made part of the scan path so the resulting circuit is a bala
nced structure.
9.18 Show a design for the boundary-scan cell circuitry for a bidirectiona
l UO pin in the
IEEE 1149.1 methodology.
9.19 Two boundary-scan cells are needed to implement a tristate
output pad, one to
specify whether or not the pad should be in the high impedance sta
te, and the other to
determine the logic value of the pad when it is not in the high impedan
ce state. Indicate
the logic associated with such an output pad.
9.20 The following questions deal with IEEE 1149.1.
a) Discuss various applications for the capability to load the
instruction register
with system status information.
b) Discuss how the on-chip test bus circuitry can be tested.
c) Suggest a format for the information in the instruction register, in
cluding fields,
their width and functionality.
d) Suggest several uses for an identification test data register.
9.21 Describe a generic test program, consisting of instructions and te
st data, for use in
testing the interconnect between two chips which support IEEE 1149
.1. At each step,
indicate the level of the TMS line and the state of the TAP controller.
About This Chapter
In previous chapters we have considered a conventional testing approach, which
a bit-by-bit comparison of observed output values with the corrected values
as previously
computed and saved. This approach requires a significant amount of memory
storage for
saving the correct outputs associated with all test vectors. In this cha
pter we consider an
alternative approach, which is simpler and requires less memory
storage. In this
approach the information saved is a compressed form of the observed test outcom
e, called
a signature. A circuit is tested by comparing the observed signatur
e with the correct
computed signature. The process of reducing the complete output response to
a signature
is referred to as response compacting or compressing.
This concept is illustrated in Figure 10.1. A fault is detected
if the signature S(R')
obtained from the circuit under test (CUT) differs from the precomputed si
gnature SeRa)
of a fault-free circuit.
o I nput utput
test Circuit response,

sequence T_
sequenceR _
Correct signature SeRa) ~ Comparator ~
Figure 10.1 Testing using test-response compression
By making the compression circuitry simple, it is possible to embed this
function within
the circuit being tested, thus realizing one important aspect of b
uilt-in self-test (BIST),
namely detection of response errors.
This chapter describes five compression techniques, namely ones c
ounting, transition
counting, parity checking, syndrome checking, and signature analys
is. Since
signature-analysis techniques have become extremely popular, they will
be discussed in
detail. Chapter 11 deals with the use of data-compression techniques in BIST
10.1 General Aspects of Compression Techniques
A reliable and practical compression technique should be easily implemented by
a simple
circuit, which, if desired, can be included in the CUT as
part of its BIST logic.
Furthermore the compression procedure should not introduce signal de
lays that affect
either the normal behavior or the test execution time of the CUT. In ad
dition the length
of the test signature should be a logarithmic factor of the length o
f the output-response
data so that the amount of storage is significantly reduced.
And for any fault and
associated output response containing one or more errors, the signatures of
the faulty and
fault-free cases should not be the same. This is required to ensure
that the compression
method does not lose information.
There is no known compression procedure that satisfies all the
se requirements. Of
particular difficulty is insuring that the faulty and fault-free signatures
are different, since
a fault may produce offsetting errors and hence go undetected. This si
tuation is referred
to as error masking, and the erroneous output response is said to be an alias
of the correct
output response. There are three common ways to measure the masking
associated with a compression technique. Some also provide infor
mation on the

associated fault coverage.

The first way is to simulate the circuit and compression technique an
d determine which
faults are detected. This method requires fault simulation and henc
e is computationally
expensive, especially if the test sequence is long.
A second method classifies the output-response sequences from faul
ty circuits into
categories, such as single-bit error or burst errors, which are errors
that lie within a fixed
number of patterns of one another. This set of error pattern
s is then analyzed to
determine the degree of masking associated with various compression procedures
A third method of assessing masking is to compute the fraction of all possib
le erroneous
response sequences that will cause masking. To obtain a realistic
result one needs to
know the distribution of erroneous sequences. This often is impra
ctical to determine.
Usually all possible output sequences are assumed to be equally likely. The pr
oblem with
this technique is that it is not possible to correlate the
probability of obtaining an
erroneous signature with fault coverage.
Because the degree of masking is so hard to measure in arbitrary circu
its with arbitrary
test sets, some compression techniques restrict the configuration o
f the CUT or require
special test sets or both. Most common BIST compression methods fal
l into one of the
following categories:
1. Those that do not require special test sets or circuit designs.
2. Those that require special test sets.
3. Those that require special test sets and circuit designs. Examples of
these methods
can be found in Chapter 14 dealing with PLAs.
To get the same signature for multiple copies of a fault-free circuit, all
sequential circuits
are assumed to be initialized to some fixed state before applying a test sequen
One further problem associated with response-compression techniques
is that of
calculating the good signature. One way to obtain this signature is
to identify a good
part, apply the actual test to the part, and have the compress
ion hardware generate the
signature. Another approach is to simulate the CUT and compression procedure
using the
actual test patterns. If the number of test vectors is large
, this process can be
computationally expensive. Still another technique is to produce many
copies of a CUT
General Aspects of Compression Techniques 423
and attempt to deduce the correct signature by finding a subset of circuits tha
t produce the
same signature. These circuits are assumed to be fault-free.
10.2 Ones-Count Compression
Assuming a single-output circuit C, let the output response of C be R = r 1,
r 2, ... , rm: In

ones counting, the signature lC(R) is the number of Is appearing in R, i.e.

lC(R) =!:ri
o lC(R) s m.
The compressor is simply a counter and the degree of compres
sion is flog
Figure 10.2 shows a simple circuit, an exhaustive test set, a
nd the response data
corresponding to the fault-free and two faulty circuits. Figure 10.3 shows
how this circuit
can be tested via ones-count compression and the corresponding signa
tures. Here R0
refers to the fault-free response and R
, i > 0, to the response corresponding to fault /;.
s-a-Ofault f 2
r----------j-------------I I N I
11110000 I I
I 00000000=R
11001100: : 11000000=R
I 110000000=R
10101010 I
I 1 I Raw output test
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
s-a-1 fault f 1
Figure 10.2 Input/output response data
Consider a circuit tested with m random
let lC(
Ro) =r, 0 s r s m. The
number of m-bit sequences having r Is is m. Thus m - 1 such sequence
s are aliases.
r r
The ratio of masking sequences to all possible erroneous seque
nces, given that
) =r, is
- 1
P1c(Mlm,r)= .
If all 2
- 1 error sequences are equally probable, which is usually no
t a realistic
assumption, then P lc(M I m,r) can be considered to be the pro
bability of masking.
Ones-count testing has the following additional attributes.

=1 10 0 0 0 0 0
=10 0 0 0 0 0 0
Signature (ones count)
) = l
lC (R 1) =2
) =0
Figure 10.3 Testing via ones counting
1. Because of the bell-shaped form of the binomial coefficient [;], the pr
obability of
masking is low when the signature lies near the extreme values of
its range, but
increases rapidly as it approaches the midpoint, i.e., Lm/2J.
2. When lC(R
) =0 or m, then no masking can occur (see Problem 10.1).
3. A fault that creates an odd number of errors in the out
put response is always
detected; if the number of errors is even, it may be detected.
4. Inverting the output does not change the statistical properties of this t
est technique.
5. If the circuit under test is combinational, then the test vectors in T
can be permuted
without affecting the fault coverage. This permutation will not affect t
he signature
or the masking characteristics.
Multiple-output circuits can be tested using a separate counter on each
of the k outputs.
To reduce area overhead, a parallel-to-serial conversion of the outputs ca
n be used along
with a single counter. Here each output is loaded into a register
, and the test process
stops while the k-bit response is shifted out of the register into
the ones counter, which
must have rlog
(km +1)1 flip-flops.
Combinational Circuits
For the following result we assume that the CUT is tested by random test ve
ctors and that
all error patterns are equally likely to occur.
Theorem 10.1: The masking probability for ones-count compression f
or a
combinational circuit asymptotically approaches (nm)-1/2.
Proof: As shown previously, when 1C(R
) =r the masking probability is
Ones-Count Compression 425

[ ~ ) -1
P Ic(M Im,r) =--2
Consider the set S of all possible n-input functions. Assuming random
test vectors, the
probability that the random test vectors will produce r ones a
t the output F of these
functions over this set S is
[ ~ )
P(r) =-2
The masking probability is therefore
P(M) = L PIC (M Im,r) per)
Substituting (10.1) and (10.2) into (10.3) yields
[2,:) -2
Using Stirling's formula n!::::= (2nn)1/2e- nnn in (10.4) produces
P(M)::::= (nm)-1/2
the result
Next we show that for any combinational circuit C there exists
a test T' (lC) which
detects all faults of interest, even when the results are compress
ed using ones counting.
Let T = {To, T
} be a set of m test vectors that detect a set of faults F in C, and w
here for
all t E TO, the fault-free response is 0, and for all t E T
, the fault-free response is 1. Let
the test set T' (1C) consist of one copy of every test pattern in TO,
and I TO I + 1 copies
of every test pattern in T
. In the worst case, T' (1C) consists of the order of m 2 tes
Theorem 10.2: When applying ones counting and the test set T' (lC
) to C, no error
masking occurs for any fault in F.
Proof: See Problem 10.3.
Further details on ones counting can be found in [Barzilai et ale
1981], [Hayes 1976],
[Losq 1978], and [Parker 1976].
10.3 Transition-Count Compression
In transition-count (TC) testing, the signature is the number
of 0-to-1 and
1-to-0 transitions in the output data stream. Thus the transition coun

t associated with a
sequenceR =rl' r2, ... , r
TC (R) = L (r,<f)ri+l)
where L denotes ordinary arithmetic addition and is modulo-2
addition. Since
o~ TC(R) ~ (m-1), the response-compression circuitry consists of
a transition detector
and a counter with flog
ml stages. Figure 10.4 illustrates this concept. Note that the
output of the transition detector in Figure IO.4(b) is a function of the in
itial state of the
Signature (transition count)
) = 1
TC (R1) = 1 (undetected fault)
) = O
- - - . - ~ D QI------+
Figure 10.4 (a) Transition-count testing (b) A transition detector
Let Tbe a test sequence of length m for a circuit and Robe the fault-free resp
onse, where
) = r. Let R' be an arbitrary binary sequence of length m.
R' ras (m-I)
boundaries between bits where a transition can occur. There ar
e [m;I ways of
assigning r transitions to m - 1 boundaries so that R' will also have
a transition count of
r. Since the sequence R' obtained by complementing every bit
of R' has the same
transition count as R', there are 2 (m; I) possible sequences that have
transition count r,
only one of which is the response of the fault-free circuit. Thus
there are 2 [m;I)_1
possible error sequences that lead to aliasing. If all faulty sequences are eq
ually likely to
occur as the response of a faulty circuit, then the probability of masking is g
iven by
Transition-Count Compression 427
This function has similar properties to that derived for the case of ones coun

Unlike ones counting, transition counting is sensitive to the or
der of the bits in the
response vector. Also transition counting does not guarantee det
ecting all single-bit
errors. (See Figure 10.4). The single-bit error masking capabilit
y of a TC test is
summarized in the following result.
Theorem 10.3: In an arbitrary m-bit sequence the probability of a single-bit
error being
masked is (m-2)/2m.
Proof: Note that for the sequence of bits rj -1, rj, rj +1,
where rj -1 =I:. rj +1, if rj is in
error, then this error will not be detected. Consider bit rj' Sele
cting a value for rj-1 also
determines the value of rj+1' Thus there are 2
sequences in which an error on bit rj is
TC-undetectable. Also there are (m-2) choices for j, since rj cannot be
the first or last bit
in R. Thus there are (m-2) 2
TC-undetectable single-bit errors in an arbitrary
sequence of length m. Since there are 2
possible m-bit sequences and each can be
associated with m single-bit errors, the probability of a TC-undetectabl
e single-bit error
occurring is
p = (m-2) 2
= (m-2)
r mT" 2m'
This value approaches 1/2 for large values of m. D
compression for a
For multiple-output circuits, a transition detector is needed for
each output pin. Each
detector can drive a counter, or a single counter can be used to compress
a weighted sum
of each of the detectors.
Combinational Circuits
Again assume that the CUT is tested by random test vectors and that all er
ror patterns are
equally likely to occur.
Theorem 10.4: The masking probability for transition-count
combinational circuit asymptotically approaches tnm)-1/2.
The proof is similar to that of Theorem 10.1, but now
4 [ ~ - = - ? ) - 2

We next focus on the problem of testing a combinational circuit using a deter
ministic test
set where faults are detected by means of transition-count testing.
Let X be an input test sequence and F = {f1, ... J; } be a set of faults i
n a combinational
circuit C. Let R
be the response to X from C, and R, bethe response to X from C when
fault fi is present. For simplicity we assume that C is a single-output c
ircuit. Then X is a
transition-count test for C with respect to F if TC (R0) =I:.
) for 1 ~ i ~ n. Here,
every fault is said to be TC-detectable. Note that in general
not all logic faults are
TC-detectable. For example, conside.! a fault that causes the output f
unction realized by
C to be changed from f(Xl , ... ,x
) to f(Xl ,... ,x
) . For this case the response to X will be
R0; that is,
bit in the output sequence will be
complemented. But
TC(R0) =TC (R0); hence this fault is TC-undetectable even though every resp
onse bit is
in error (see Problem 10.11).
Faults fi and fj are said to be TC-distinguishable if there exists an
input sequence X such
that TC (R
) =I:- TC(R
) . Transition-count testing is weaker than the conventional test
procedure in the following sense.
1. A fault in C is TC-detectable only if it is detectable; the converse is
not true.
2. Two faults in C are TC-distinguishable only if they are
distinguishable; the
converse is also false.
We will restrict out attention to TC testing of single and multiple stuc
k-type faults. Note
that in an irredundant
combinational ci
rcuit C no single fault can change the
output function f(Xl , ... ,x
) to f(Xl ,... .x,). It is conjectured that this result also holds true
for multiple faults. However, in a single-output redundant circuit
it is possible for a
multiple fault to complement the output.
The following theorem specifies a constructive procedure for gene
rating a complete
TC test for a combinational circuit C.
Theorem 10.5: Let T be a single-fault test set for an irredu
ndant single-output
combinational circuit C. Let TO(T

) be all tests in T producing output 0(1). Construct a
test sequence X*
t(l)t (2)...t (P) as follows:
1. X* contains every element in T.
2. X* is an alternating sequence of tests from TO and r', If
I r' J, let
t(l) E TO, otherwise t(l) E r', If t(i) E t-, then select t
(i+1) E T
1 :::; i :::; p - 1. The resulting sequence X* is a single-fault TC t
est for C.
Proof: The response R * to X* is an alternating sequence of Os and Is.
The only other
sequence with this same transition count is R
. But X* detects all stuck-at faults, and
none of these faults can produce R0. Note that the length p of
X* is bounded by the
inequalities p:::; 2 max {I TO I , I r' I} < 2( I T I -1). In addi
tion, if T is a
minimal-length test for C, and if the difference D between I TO I and I r'
I is at most 1,
then X* is a minimal-length single-fault TC test for C. 0
Thus, every single stuck fault in a single-output irredundant c
ombinational circuit is
TC-detectable using less than twice the number of tests required by convent
ional testing.
For D > 1, the problem of finding a minimal-length TC test is unsolved. An
extension to
this analysis dealing with both single and multiple faults in twolevel sum of product
circuits is given in Problem 10.12.
Further material on transition count testing can be found in
[Hayes 1976a, 1976b],
[Reddy 1977], and [Savir and McAnney 1985].
10.4 Parity-Check Compression
Parity-check compression is carried out using a simple circuit suc
h as that shown in
Figure 10.5. As will be shown later, the compression circuit consisting
of the D flip-flop
and the XOR gate implements a linear feedback shift register whose primitive p
is G(x) =x + 1. If the initial state of the flip-flop is 0, the si
gnature S is the parity of the
Parity-Check Compression 429
circuit response, namely it is 0 if the parity is even and 1 if the parity is
odd. This scheme
detects all single-bit errors and all multiple-bit errors consisting of an odd
number of error
bits in the response sequence. Faults that create an even nu
mber of errors are not
detected. Assuming all faulty bit streams are equally likely, the
probability of masking
approaches 1/2 as m increases.

Signature (parity)
peRl) = 0
) =0
Figure 10.5 Parity-check compression
This technique can be extended to multiple-output circuits in several ways. O
ne way is to
replace the input exclusive-or gate by a multiple-input gate or exclusive
-or network and
have all outputs of the CUT drive this network. Unfortunately,
an error internal to a
circuit may affect more than one output line. If such an error propagat
es simultaneously
to an even number of output lines, then it will have no effect on the signatur
A second method is to use a separate parity-check compressor in each output
, though this
requires additional hardware.
More information on parity-check compression can be found in [Tzidon et al
. 1978] and
[Carter 1982a, 1982b].
10.5 Syndrome Testing
Syndrome testing relies on exhaustive testing, Le., on applying all 2
test vectors to an
n- input combinational circuit. First consider a single-output cir
cuit implementing a
function! The syndrome S (or signature) is the normalized number of Is i
n the resulting
bit stream; i.e., S =K/ 2
, where K is the number of minterms in the function! Thus
syndrome testing is a special case of ones counting. Clearly 0 ~ S ~ 1
. The syndrome of
a 3-input AND gate is 1/8 and that of a 3-input OR gate is 7/8. Also th
e syndrome ofjis
a functional property ofTindependent of its implementation.
Syndrome testing is of interest because of the concept of syndrome testa
bility; i.e., any
functionj can be realized in such a way that all single stuc
k-at faults are syndrome
Consider the circuit configuration shown in Figure 10.6. Assume ci
rcuits C1 and C2
have no inputs in common, and let S(F)=Sl' and S(G)=S2. The
syndrome relation for this circuit as a function of the type of
gate used to realize the
circuit C is given in Figure 10.7.

Figure 10.6 Circuit for calculating syndromes

Gate type for C Syndrome S3
Sl +S2 -SlS2
NAND 1 - SlS2
NOR 1-(Sl+S2-S1S2)
XOR Sl +S2 -2S
Figure 10.7 Syndromes for circuits having nonreconvergent fanout
Let C, have n, inputs and K, minterms. For the case where C is an OR
gate, the result in
Figure 10.7 can be derived as follows. Note that K=K
n 2
n 1
each minterm of Clean be associated with 2
inputs to C2, each of which produces an
output of 1. The last term is required so that no minterms are counted twic
e. Then
S=---=-+--- -=Sl +S2-SlS2.
n 1
+ n2 2n1 2n2 2nl 2
n 2
The reader can verify the other entries in Figure 10.7 in a
similar way. (See
Problem 10.17.)
Assuming C1 and C2 share inputs, i.e., there is reconvergent fanout, the
output syndrome
can be expressed as shown in Figure 10.8.
Syndrome Testing
Gate type for C Syndrome S3
OR Sl +S2 -S(FG)
AND S1 + S2+ S(F G) - 1
Figure 10.8 Syndromes for circuits having reconvergent fanout
Some basic results dealing with the testability of combinational circuit
s using syndrome
testing are given below. Further details can be found in [Savi
r 1980], [Barzilai et ale
1981], and [Markowsky 1981].

A realization C of a functionj is said to be syndrome-testable if no si

ngle stuck-at fault
causes the circuit to have the same syndrome as the fault-free circuit.
A function! (x 1,x 2 , ... ,x
) is said to be unate in Xi if there exists a sum of
expression for jwhere variable Xi appears only in uncomplemented (Xi) or
(Xi) form. For example.j e X1X2X3 + X1X2X4 + X4XS is unate in Xl'
X2' X3, and Xs, but
not in X4.
Lemma 10.1: A two-level irredundant circuit that realizes a unate
function in all its
variables is syndrome-testable. 0
There exist two-level irredundant circuits that are not syndrome-te
stable. For example,
for the function! = Xl +yz, the faults z s-a-O and z s-a-l are not syndrometestable. Note
that z is not unate in f By adding an extra input, this function
can be converted into a
function g, which is syndrome-testable. For example, g =wxz + yz is sy
and by setting w = 1 during normal operation, g reduces to f Using th
is technique leads
to the following result:
Lemma 10.2: Every two-level irredundant combinational circuit can
be made
syndrome-testable by adding control inputs to the AND gates. 0
Lemma 10.3: Every fanout-free irredundant combinational circuit composed o
f AND,
OR, NAND, NOR, and NOT gates is syndrome-testable. 0
Lemma 10.4: Let g be an internal line in an arbitrary combin
ational circuit. The
output! can be expressed as!= Ag + Bg + C where A, B, C, and g are
or all of the variables of f. Then g s-a-Ois
iff S (ACg) =S (BCg),
and g s-a-l is syndrome-untestable iff S(AC g) =S(BC g). 0
Note that if only one path exists from g to the output f, then j
is syndrome-testable with
respect to the faults g s-a-O and g s-a-l.
10.6 Signature Analysis
Signature analysis is a compression technique based on the concept of cyclic r
checking (CRC) and realized in hardware using linear feedback shift
registers (LFSRs).
Before we discuss the details of signature analysis, some background
on the theory and
operation of LFSRs is necessary. General information on this subjec
t can be found in
[Golomb 1982] and [Peterson and Weldon 1972].
10.6.1 Theory and Operation of Linear Feedback Shift Registers
In this section we present some of the formal properties associated
with linear feedback
shift registers. These devices, as well as modified versions o
f LFSRs, are used
extensively in two capacities in DFT and BIST designs. One application is a
s a source of

pseudorandom binary test sequences; the other is as a means t

o carry out response
compression - known as signature analysis.
Consider the feedback shift registers shown in Figure 10.9. Thes
e circuits are all
autonomous; Le., they have no inputs except for clocks. Each cel
l is assumed to be a
clocked D flip-flop. It is well known that such circuits are cyclic
in the sense that when
clocked repeatedly, they go through a fixed sequence of states. F
or example, a binary
counter consisting of n flip-flops would go through the states 0, 1, ... ,
, 0, 1, .... The
maximum number of states for such a device is Z", The shift
register shown in
Figure 10.9(a) cycles through only two states. If the initial state wer
e 00 or 11, it would
never change state. An n-bit shift register cycles through at most n states.
Notice that the
output sequence generated by such a device is also cyclic. The circuit
of Figure 10.9(b)
starting in the initial state 111 (or 000) produces a cyclic sequenc
e of states of length 1.
In Figure 10.9(c) we show the sequence generated for the circuit of Figur
e 10.9(b) if the
initial state is 011. (The reader should analyze the case if the initial sta
te is 101.)
In Figure 10.9(d) we illustrate the case where the state seque
nce generated by the
feedback shift register is of length 2
- 1. Note that for the class of circuits being
illustrated, the all-O state leads to a state sequence of length
1, namely the all-O state
itself. The circuit of Figure 10.9(d) is said to be a maximal-length sh
ift register, since it
generated a cyclic state sequence of length 2
- 1, as long as its initial state is not all-Os.
Note also that if one of these circuits generates a cyclic state s
equence of length k, then
the output sequence also repeats itself every k clock cycles.
A linear circuit is a logic network constructed from the following basic comp
unit delays or D flip-flops;
modulo-2 adders;
modulo-2 scalar multipliers.
In the analysis of such circuits, all operations are done modulo
2. The truth table for
modulo-2 addition and subtraction is shown below.
Thus x + x = - x - x = x - x = O.


Such a circuit is considered to be linear since it preserves the principle
of superposition;
i.e., its response to a linear combination of stimuli is the
linear combination of the
responses of the circuit to the individual stimuli.
Signature Analysis
SI 0
--------S2 = So 0

o1 0 1
l Repeated
1 1 1
So 0
SI 0 0
S2 0 0
S3 0
------S4 =So 0

SI 0 0
S2 0 0
S3 0 0
S4 0
Ss 0
--------S7 =So 0

Figure 10.9 Feedback shift registers
In this section we will deal primarily with a class of linear circuits, known
as autonomous
linear feedback shift registers, that have the canonical form shown i
n Figures 10.10 and

10.11. Here c, is a binary constant, and c, =1 implies that a

connection exists, while
c, =0 implies that no connection exists. When c, =0 the corresponding XOR g
ate can be
replaced by a direct connection from its input to its output.
Characteristic Polynomials
A sequence of numbers a 0, aI, a 2, ... , am, ... can be associated with
a polynomial, called
a generating function G(x), by the rule
CI C2 Cn-I en =1
IS ~ a-I a-2
C S ~
am am-l am-2 am-n+1
m- n
Figure 10.10 Type 1 (extemal-XOR) LFSR
C S ~
Figure 10.11 Type 2 (intemal-XOR) LFSR
G(x) = ao +alx +a2x2 +... +amx
Let { am } =a0, a I, a 2, ... represent the output sequence gener
ated by an LFSR, where
a, =0 or 1. Then this sequence can be expressed as
Recall that polynomials can be multiplied and divided (modulo 2). An exampl
e is shown
Signature Analysis
Example 10.1:
(+) 4
+ x
+ x
+ x

+x + 1
since x
+ x
+ x + 1
+ 1 Ix
+ x
(-) x 4
+ x
+ X
1 (note x
(_) X +
(_) X
+ 1
+ 1
There is no remainder; hence x
+ 1 is said to divide x
+ x
+ X + 1. o
From the structure of the type 1 LFSR it is seen that if the current state (
CS) of Qi is am-i'
for i =1, 2, ... , n, then
am =
c, am-i
Thus the operation of the circuit can be defined by a recurrence relati
on. Let the initial

state (IS) of the LFSR be a-I' a-2' ... , a-n+l' a-n0 The op
eration of the circuit starts
n clock periods before generating the output ao. Since
substituting for am we get
00 n n
G (x) =
m=O i=1 i=l m=O
i [-i -1 G ( )]
=LJCiX a_ix + ... +a-lx + x .
n n
G(X) =
+ ... +
i=l i=l
~ i( -i -1)
~ C i X a_i x + ... + a-Ix
G (x) =_i=_I _
Thus G(x) is a function of the initial state a-I, a-2' ... , ai; of the LFS
R and the feedback
coefficients C 1, C2, ... , c.; The denominator in (10.7), denoted by
P(x) = 1 +CIX +C2x2 + ... + cnx
is referred to as the characteristic polynomial of the sequence {am} and of
the LFSR. For
an n-stage LFSR, C
=1. Note that P(x) is only a function of the feedback coefficients.
If we set a-I =a-2 =... = a I-n =0, and as; =1, then (10.7) reduces to G(x) =
II P (x).
Thus the characteristic polynomial along with the initial state c
haracterizes the cyclic
nature of an LFSR and hence characterizes the output sequence.
a-I =a-2 =... = a I-n =0, and a_
=1, then
1 00
G(x)=--= Lamx
P(x) m=O
and since the sequence { am } is cyclic with period p, (10.8) can be rewritte
n as
IIP(x) = (aO+alx+ ... +ap_lxP-l)
( p-l)
+ x a0 +a 1x +... +a
-1 x + ...
a0 +a 1x +... +a
-1 x

Thus it is seen that P(x) evenly divides into 1 - x",
The analysis of the type 1 LFSR can also proceed as follows.
Recall that
am(t) = LCiam-i(t)
and note that ai(t) =ai+l (t-l) Let x be a "shift" operator such that
xkai(t) = ai(t-k)
n n
am(t) =LCiam-i(t) =LCixiam(t) .
i=1 i=1
Note, for example, that xam(t) =a
Signature Analysis
or equivalently
[1 +CIX +C2X2 +... +CnXn]a
The term in brackets is again the characteristic polynomial associated with the
Given a characteristic polynomial, it is easy to implement a type
1 LFSR to realize it.
Conversely, given a type 1 LFSR, it is a simple process to determi
ne its corresponding
characteristic polynomial. For the circuit of Figure 10.9(b), P (x) =
1 +x +x
, and
for Figure 10.9(d), P (x) =1 +x

Referring to (10.9), let y-kai(t) = ai(t-k). Then, carrying out

the same algebraic
manipulation as before, we obtain
[1 + CIy-I + c2y-2 + ... + cny-n]a
or equivalently
[yn +cIyn-1 + c2yn-2 +... + cn]amy-n =O.
Again the term in the brackets can be considered to be a characteristic po
lynomial of the
LFSR. Replacing y by x we obtain
P*(x) = c., +Cn-Ix + C
x 2
+... + CIX

+x" .
P*(x) is said to be the reciprocal polynomial of P(x), since P*(x) = x" P (l/x)
Thus every LFSR can be associated with two characteristic polynomials.
Referring to
Figures10.9(c) and 10.9(d), if P(x)=1+x+x
, then P*(x)=P(x), and if
P (x) = 1 +x
, then P*(x) = 1 +x +x
If in Figure 10.10 one associates xi with Qi' then P(x) can be rea
d off directly from the
figure. If, however, one associates xi with Qn-i and labels the i
nput to the first flip-flop
Qo, then P*(x) can be read off directly from the figure. Figure 10.12 ill
ustrates these two
Finally, note that a given characteristic polynomial, say Q(x), c
an be realized by two
different LFSRs depending on the labeling used.
Referring to Figure 10.11, we see that for i = 2,3, ... , n
am-i(t+1) =am-i+1 (t) + Cn-i+1am-net)
If we define am(t) =0, then (10.10) is also true for i = 1. Let x be
a "shift" operator such
thatxkai(t) =ai(t-k). Then the equations (10.10) can be written as
x-I am-i(t) = am-i+1 (t) +Cn-i+1am-net) (10.11)
for i =1, 2, ... , n. Multiplying the i-th equation by xi
we get
2 n


Figure 10.12 Reciprocal characteristic polynomials
(a)P(x)==1+CIX+C2 X2+ ... + Cn_1Xn-l+xn
(b) P*(x) == 1 + C

X + C
+ ... + Cl x
X a
== cna
== xn+1
+ C l
Summing these n equations and canceling terms that appear on both sides of t
he equation
Signature Analysis
Multiplying by x
we get
[1 + CIX +... + Cn_IX
n- 1
+ cnxn]a
The term in the brackets is the characteristic polynomial for the type 2 LFSR.
Again it can be shown that a characteristic polynomial P(x) has two type 2 r
ealizations, or
conversely, a type 2 LFSR can be associated with two characteristic polynomi
als that are
reciprocals of each other.
Periodicity of LFSRs
We have seen that an LFSR goes through a cyclic or periodic sequence of s
tates and that
the output produced is also periodic. The maximum length of this period is
- 1, where
n is the number of stages. In this section we consider properties relat
ed to the period of
an LFSR. Most results will be presented without proof. Details can be fo
und in [Bardell
et al. 1987], [Golomb 1982], and [Peterson and Weldon 1972].
Theorem 10.6: If the initial state of an LFSR is a-I =a-2 =... =a l-n =0, a i
; =1, then

the LFSR sequence {am} is periodic with a period that is the smallest
integer k for which
P(x) divides (l-x
) . D
Definition: If the sequence generated by an n-stage LFSR has period 2
- 1, then it is
called a maximum-length sequence.
Definition: The characteristic polynomial associated with a maximum-length
is called a primitive polynomial.
Definition: An irreducible polynomial is one that cannot be fac
tored; i.e., it is not
divisible by any other polynomial other than 1 and itself.
Theorem 10.7: An irreducible polynomial P(x) of degree n satisfies the f
ollowing two
1. For n~ 2 , P(x) has an odd number of terms including the 1 term.
2. For n ~ 4 , P(x) must divide (evenly) into 1 +x
, where k =2
- 1.
The next result follows from Theorems 10.6 and 10.7.
Theorem 10.8: An irreducible polynomial is primitive if the smallest positi
ve integer k
that allows the polynomial to divide evenly into 1+x
occurs for k =2
- 1, where n is
the degree of the polynomia1. D
The number of primitive polynomials for an n-stage LFSR is given by the formula
<1>(n) =n II (1-1/ p )
andp is taken over all primes that divide n. Figure 10.13 shows some valu
es of ~ ( n ) .
n A2(n)
1 1
2 1
4 2
8 16
16 2048
32 67108864
Figure 10.13 Number of primitive polynomials of degree n
Figure 10.14 gives one primitive polynomial for every value of n bet
ween 1 and 36. A
shorthand notation is employed. For example, the polynomial x 12 +X
+ 1 is
represented by the entry 12:7 4 3 0, listing the exponents of those x i ass
ociated with a "1"

1: 0 13: 4 3 1 0 25: 3 0
2: 1 0 14: 12 11 1 0 26: 8 7 1 0
3: 1 0 15: 1 0 27: 8 7 1 0
4: 1 0 16: 5 3 2 0 28: 3 0
5: 2 0 17: 3 0 29: 2 0
6: 1 0 18: 7 0 30: 16 15 1 0
7: 1 0 19: 6 5 1 0 31: 3 0
8: 6 5 1 0 20: 3 0 32: 28 27 1 0
9: 4 0 21: 2 0 33: 13 0
10: 3 0 22: 1 0 34: 15 14 1 0
11: 2 0 23: 5 0 35: 2 0
12: 7 4 3 0 24: 4 3 1 0 36: 11 0
Figure 10.14 Exponents of terms of primitive polynomials
Characteristics of Maximum-Length Sequences
Sequences generated by LFSRs that are associated with a primitive polynomial a
re called
pseudorandom sequences, since they have many properties like tho
se of random
sequences. However, since they are periodic and deterministic, they
are pseudorandom,
not random. Some of these properties are listed next.
In the following, any string of 2
- 1 consecutive outputs is referred to as an m-sequence.
Property 1. The number of 1s in an m-sequence differs from the number of Os b
y one.
Signature Analysis 441
Property 2. An m-sequence produces an equal number of runs of 1s and Os.
Property 3. In every m-sequence, one half the runs have length
1, one fourth have
length 2, one eighth have length 3, and so forth, as long as the fracti
ons result in integral
numbers of runs.
These properties of randomness make feasible the use of LFSRs
as test sequence
generators in BIST circuitry.
10.6.2 LFSRs Used as Signature Analyzers
Signature analysis is a compression technique based on the concept of cycli
c redundancy
checking (CRC) [Peterson and Weldon 1972]. In the simplest form of
this scheme, the
signature generator consists of a single-input LFSR. The signature is the con
tents of this
register after the last input bit has been sampled. Figure 10.15 illustrate
s this concept.
P(x) = l + ~ c i x i
P*(x) = l + ~ c i x n - i
Initial state: lex) = 0; Final state: R(x)
G(x) =Q(x) + R(x)
P*(x) P*(x)
G(x) = Q(x) P *(x) + R (x)
Figure 10.15 A type 2 LFSR used as a signature analyzer

The proportion of error streams that mask to the correct signature SeRa) is ind
ependent of
the actual signature. For a test bit stream of length m, there
are 2
possible response
streams, one of which is correct. It will be shown later t
hat the structure of an
LFSR distributes all possible input bit streams evenly over all possible signat
ures; i.e., the
number of bit streams that produce a specific signature is
2!:.- =2
where the LFSR consists of n stages, and the all-Ostate is now possi
ble because of the
existence of an external input. For a particular fault-free respon
se, there are 2
- 1
erroneous bit streams that will produce the same signature. Si
nce there are a total of
- 1 possible erroneous response streams, the proportion of masking error strea
ms is
where the approximation holds for m ~ n.
If all possible error streams are equally likely, which is rarely the case,
then P
(M Im,n)
is the probability that an incorrect response will go undetected; i.e.,
the probability of no
masking is 1 - 2n
. This is a somewhat strange result since it is only a function
of the
length of the LFSR and not of the feedback network. Increasing the
register length by
one stage reduces the masking probability by a factor of 2. Note
that because of the
feedback network, all single-bit errors are detectable. However,
there is no direct
correlation between faults and error masking. Thus a 16-bit signa
ture analyzer may
detect 100(1-216
) = 99.9984 percent of the erroneous responses but not necessarily th
same percentage of faults.
Signature analysis is the most popular method employed for tes
t data compression

because it usually produces the smallest degree of masking. Th

is results from the
signature being sensitive to the number of 1s in the data s
tream as well as to their
positions. Because of the widespread use of signature analyzers i
n both built-in test
circuitry as well as in ATE equipment for PCB, the rest of this chapter will
deal primarily
with both practical and theoretical aspects of their design.
Shift Register Polynomial Division
The theory behind the use of an LFSR for signature analysis is based
on the concept of
polynomial division, where the "remainder" left in the register after completi
on of the test
process corresponds to the final signature.
Consider the type 2 (intemal-XOR) LFSR shown in Figure 10.15. The
input sequence
{am} can be represented by the polynomial G(x) and the output sequence
by Q(x). The
highest degree of the polynomials G(x) and Q(x) correspond, respe
ctively, to the first
input bit to enter the LFSR and the first output bit produced n clock periods la
ter, where n
is the degree of the LFSR. If the initial state of the LFSR is all Os, let
the final state of the
LFSR be represented by the polynomial R(x). Then it can be s
hown that these
polynomials are related by the equation
G(x) =Q(x)+ R(x)
P*(x) P*(x)
where P*(x) is the reciprocal characteristic polynomial of the
LFSR. The reciprocal
characteristic polynomial is used because am corresponds to the f
irst bit of the input
stream rather than the last bit. Hence an LFSR carries out (polynomial
) division on the
input stream by the characteristic polynomial, producing an output stream
to the quotient Q(x) and a remainder R(x). We illustrate this in the next ex
Signature Analysis 443
Example 10.2: Figure 10.16(a) shows a single-input signature analyze
r where
P *(x) =1 + x
+ x
+ x
Let the input sequence be 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 where the data are
entered in the order shown. The first bit corresponds to am
in the sequence
amam-I ... a2al. Figure 10.16(c) shows a simulation of the processi
ng of this input by
the LFSR. The first five bits of the output response are i
gnored since they are
independent of the input sequence. It is seen that R(x) =x

and Q(x) =x
+ 1.
Input sequence: 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 (8 bits)
G(x) =x
+ 1
Time Input stream Register contents Output stream
0 1 010 1 1 1 1 000 0
O ~
Initial state
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 10000
o 1 0 1 1 1
10 00010
1 00001
Remainder ~ 0 0 1 0 1
o 1
1 +x
Figure 10.16 Polynomial division
To check this result we have
P*(x): x
- - - - = : - - - - : : - - ~
- - - - : : : - - - - - - : - x


+ 1
= X
+ x
+ x
+ 1
P*(x)Q(x) +R(x) =x
+ 1 =G(x).
Type 1 (external-XOR) LFSRs also carry out polynomial division and produce th
e correct
quotient. However, the contents of the LFSR is not the remainder as is the c
ase for type 2
LFSRs. But it can be shown that all input sequences which a
re equal to each other
modulo P(x) produce the same remainder.
Error Polynomials and Masking
Let E(x) be an error polynomial; i.e., each non-Ocoefficient represents an erro
r occurring
in the corresponding bit position. As an example, let the correct respon
se be R0 = 10111
and the erroneous response be R' =11101. Then the difference, or er
ror polynomial, is
01010. Thus Go(x) = x
+ x
+ X + 1, G' (x) = x
+ x
+ x
+ 1, and E(x) = x
Clearly G' (x) =G(x) + E(x) (modulo 2). Since G(x) = Q(x)P*(x) +R(x),
undetectable response sequence is one that satisfies the equatio

G' (x) = G(x) + E(x) =Q' (x)P*(x) +R(x); i.e., G' (x) and G(x) produce
the same
remainder. From this observation we obtain the following well-kno
wn result from
algebraic coding theory.
Theorem 10.9: Let R(x) be the signature generated for an input
G(x) using the
characteristic polynomial P(x) as a divisor in an LFSR. For an erro
r polynomial E (x),
G(x) and G' (x) = G(x) + E(x) have the same signature R(x) if a
nd only if E(x) is a
multiple of P(x). D
Thus both type 1 and type 2 LFSRs can be used to generate a signature R(x).
the final contents of the LFSR will be referred to as the signatur
e, because sometimes,
depending on the initial state and polynomial P(x), the final state d
oes not correspond to
the remainder of G(x)/ P(x).
Theorem 10.10: For an input data stream of length m, if all possible
error patterns are
equally likely, then the probability that an n-bit signature genera
tor will not detect an
error is
which, for m ~ n, approaches 2n
This result follows directly from the previous theorem because P(x) has
- 1 non-O
multiples of degree less than m. It also corresponds to the same re
sult given earlier but
based on a different argument. Note that this result is inde
pendent of the
polynomial P(x). This includes P(x) =x", which has no feedback, i
.e., is just a shift
register. For this case, the signature is just the last n bits of
the data stream. In fact one
can use the first n bits and truncate the rest of the test
sequence and obtain the same
results. These strange conclusions follow from the assumption that all
error patterns are
equally likely. If this were the case, long test sequences would certainly n
ot be necessary.
To see why this assumption is flawed, consider a minimal-lengt
h test sequence of
length m for a combinational circuit. Clearly the i-th test vector t
, detects some fault fi
not detected by t
, j =1, 2, ..., i-I. Thus if fi is present in the circuit, the e
rror pattern
is of the form OO...Olxx...; i.e., the first i-I bits must be O. Seve
ral other arguments can
be made to show that all error patterns are not equally likely.
Theorem 10.11: An LFSR signature analyzer based on any polynomial

with two or
more non-Ocoefficients detects all single-bit errors.
Signature Analysis 445
Proof: Assume P(x) has two or more non-Ocoefficients. Then all non
-O multiples of
P(x) must have at least two non-O coefficients. Hence an error
pattern with only one
non-Ocoefficient cannot be a multiple of P(x) and must be detectable. D
As an example, P(x) = x + 1 has two non-Ocoefficients and thus detects all
single errors.
(See Figure 10.5.)
Definition: A (k,k) burst error is one where all erroneous bits are with
in k consecutive
bit positions, and at most k bits are in error.
Theorem 10.12: If P(x) is of degree n and the coefficient of xO is 1, then
all (k,k) burst
errors are detected as long as n ~ k. D
Rather than assuming that all error patterns are equally likely, o
ne can assume that the
probability that a response bit is in error is p. Then for
p =0.5, the probability of
masking is again z, For very small or very large values of p, the probabili
ty of masking
approaches the value
+ (2n-l)(1-2p )m(l-ll (2
where m is the length of the test sequence [Williams et ale 1987].
Experimental results also show that using primitive polynomials
helps in reducing
In conclusion, the bound of z on error masking is not too useful s
ince it is based on
unrealistic assumptions. However, in general, signature analysis gives
excellent results.
Results are sensitive to P(x) and improve as n increases. Open
problems deal with
selecting the best P(x) to use, characterizing error patterns, correl
ating fault coverage to
P(x), and determining the probability of masking.
Further results on signature analysis can be found in [Frohwerk
1977], [Chan 1977],
[Smith 1980], [Bhaskar 1982], [Sridhar et ale 1982], and [Carter
1982]. McAnney and
Savir [1988] describe a procedure for determining the initial state of
a signature register
so that the final signature in a fault-free circuit is a g
iven constant, say all zeros.
Sometimes this can simplify the checking of the final signature, such a
s when more than
one test sequence is used.
10.6.3 Multi-pie-Input Signature Registers
Signature analysis can be extended to testing multiple-output ci
rcuits. Normally a
single- input signature analyzer is not attached to every output be
cause of the resulting
high overhead. A single signature analyzer could be time-multiplexed,
but that would
require repeating the test sequence for each output, resulting in a

potentially long test

time. The most common technique is to use a multiple-input signature re
gister (MISR),
such as the one shown in Figure 10.17 [Hassan etal. 1983, Dav
id 1984]. Here we
assume that the CUT has n (or less) outputs. It is seen t
hat this circuit operates as
n single-input signature analyzers. For example, by setting D, =0 for all
i #: i. the circuit
computes the signature of the data entering on line D
The mathematical theory
associated with MISRs will not be presented here, but follows as a direct ex
tension of the
results presented previously [Bardell et al. 1987]. One can again
associate an error
pattern with each input D
These error patterns are merged within the LFSR. Again,
assuming all error patterns are equally likely, the probability that a M
ISR will not detect
an error is approximately 2n
Figure 10.17 Multiple-input signature register
Selection of the Polynomial P(x)
As stated previously, a MISR having n stages has a masking probabil
ity approximately
equal to 2n
for equally likely error patterns and long data streams. Also, thi
s result is
independent of P(x). Let the error bit associated with D, at
time j be denoted by eij'
where i = 1,2, ... .n, and j =1,2, ... .m. Then the error polyno
mial associated with D, is
m n
E, = L eijX
Then the effective error polynomial is E(x) = L E
assuming that
j=1 i=1
the initial state of the register is all zeros. The error polynomial E(
x) is masked if it is a
multiple of P(x). So a complex-feedback LFSR structure is typica
lly used on the
assumption that it will reduce the chances of masking an err
or. For example, the
Hewlett-Packard 5004A signature analyzer employs the characteristic
P (x) =X 16 + x
+ X

+ x
+ 1 [Frohwerk 1977]. P(x) is often selected to be a primitive
When the characteristic polynomial is the product of the parit
y generator
polynomial g(x) =X + 1 and a primitive polynomial of degree (n-l), an
n-stage MISR
has the property that the parity over all the bits in the input st
reams equals the parity of
the final signature. Hence masking will not occur for an odd number of errors
Increasing the Effectiveness of Signature Analysis
There are several ways to decrease the probability of masking.
Based on the theory
presented, the probability of masking can be reduced by increasing
the length of the
LFSR. Also a test can be repeated using a different feedback polynomial
. When testing
combinational circuits, a test can be repeated after first changin
g the order of the test
vectors, thus producing a different error polynomial. This technique can
also be used for
sequential circuits, but now the fault-free signature also changes.
Masking occurs because once an error exists within an LFSR, it can be
canceled by new
errors occurring on the inputs. Inspecting the contents of the signat
ure analyzer several
times during the testing process decreases the chance that a
faulty circuit will go
undetected. This technique is equivalent to periodically sampling
the output of the
Signature Analysis 447
signature analyzer. The degree of storage compression is a functio
n of how often the
output is sampled.
Implementation Issues
It is often desirable to modify a functional register in a circuit so
that it can also operate
as a signature analyzer. Figure 10.18(a) shows the original circuit
where the output of
networkN feeds a register R. In the modified circuit, shown in Fig
ure 10.18(b), R is
modified to be both a signature analyzer (MISR) as well as a scan regis
ter. The MISR is
used to generate a signature when N is tested. The scan aspect
of R* is used first to
initialize R*, referred to as seeding R*, and for scanning o
ut the final signature.
Figure 10.19 shows one design for an appropriate cell for R*, based on
the LSSD double
latch SRL, where R* is a type 1 LFSR. Referring to Figure 10.19, when
clock pulses are
applied to CK and then B, the register functions in a normal parallel-load m
ode, accepting
data from D', When SIT = 0 and clocks A and B are alternately acti
vated, the register
acts as a scan register, each cell accepting the data bit from S, a
nd transferring it to Q+.

When SIT =1, the scan input is I = D, EB Si' which is the

condition required for the
MISR. Again A and B are alternately activated. Usually these design
changes have a
small impact on the normal performance of the circuit. However, duri
ng the test mode,
the extra gates in the path D, to I may require that the clock rate be re
Figure 10.18 (a) Original circuit (b) Modified circuit
10.7 Concluding Re:marks
Compression techniques are widely used since they are easy to implemen
t, can be used
for field test and self-testing, and can provide high fault coverage,
though the correlation
between error coverage and fault coverage is hard to predict.
Transition-count testing can provide good fault coverage with short
, deterministic test
sequences. This technique can be used to monitor asynchronous
line activity if the
1------1 D
Figure 10.19 Storage cell for a signature analyzer
circuitry driving the line is race-free and hazard-free. The results dep
end on the order of
the test patterns.
Ones counting can provide adequate fault coverage, though longer test sequen
ces may be
required. For combinational circuits the results are independent of
the order of the test
All Boolean switching functions can be implemented by a circui
t that is
syndrome-testable. Since syndrome testing requires an exhaustive test
set, it is not a
practical technique for circuits having many inputs.
Signature analysis is widely used because it provides excellent fault a
nd error coverage,
though fault coverage must be determined using a fault simulator o
r a statistical fault
simulator. Unlike the other techniques, several means exist for impr
oving the coverage
without changing the test, such as by changing the characteristic polynomial

or increasing
the length of the register.
[Abadir 1987] M. S. Abadir, "Efficient Scan Path Testing Using Sliding P
arity Response
Compaction," Proc. Intn'l. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design, pp.332335,
November, 1987.
[Agarwal 1983] V. K. Agarwal, "Increasing Effectiveness of Built-In Te
sting by Output
Data Modification," Digest of Papers 13th Annual Intn'l. Symp. Fault-Toler
Computing, pp. 227-233, June, 1983.
[Bardell and McAnney 1982] P. H. Bardell and W. H. McAnney, "SelfTesting of
Multichip Logic Modules," Digest of Papers 1982 Intn'l. Test C
pp. 200-204, November, 1982.
[Bardell et ale 1987] P. H. Bardell, W. H. McAnney, and J. Savir, B
uilt-in Testfor VLSI:
Pseudorandom Techniques, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1987.
[Barzilai et ale 1981] Z. Barzilai, J. Savir, G. Markowsky, and M. G.
Smith, "The
Weighted Syndrome Sums Approach to VLSI Testing," IEEE Trans.
Computers, VoL C-30, No. 12, pp. 996-1000, December, 1981.
[Beauchamp 1975] K. G. Beauchamp, Walsh Functions and Their Applic
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10.1 For the ones-count compression technique, show that if lC(R) = 0
or m, then no
error masking can occur.
number of binary sequences of length m having a tr
ansition count of r is
2 m-lJ. Based on the concept of the transition count of a
sequence, show that
[m;l) +
. Don'tusethefactthat [,;,] =
10.3 Prove Theorem 10.2.
10.4 Assume that a single-output combinational circuit C is test
ed using the
parity-check compression technique along with an exhaustive test set, and
that the output
stream has odd parity. Show that this scheme will detect all
primary input and output
stuck-at faults associated with C.
10.5 Prove that any two-level (AND-OR) irredundant circuit that
realizes a unate
function in all its variables is syndrome-testable.

10.6 The function F =x 1X 2 +X2X3 is not syndrome-testable. Determine whic

h stuck-at
fault associated with x 2 is not syndrome-detectable, and show that
the modified function
F' = ex 1x 2 +X2x 3 is syndrome-testable, where e is a new primary
input. Note that for
e =1, F' =F.
10.7 For an autonomous LFSR, show that if its initial state is not
the all-O state, then it
will never enter the all-Ostate.
10.8 Consider an autonomous LFSR whose characteristic polynomial is primitive
a. Show that if at time t its state is in error, then at any time afte
r t its state will
always be in error.
b. Does the result for part (a) hold true when P(x) is not
a primitive
polynomial? If so, prove it; otherwise show an example.
10.9 Consider an n-input NAND gate, denoted by G
All single and multiple stuck
faults associated with G; can be detected by the unique minimal tes
t set T consisting of
n + 1 test vectors shown below:
u (1,1, ,1)
el = (0,1,1, ,1,1)
e2 (1,0,1, ,1,1)
en (1,1,1, ...1,0).
The correct response to u and ei is and 1 respectively. Every
complete TC test
sequence X; for G
must include every test pattern in T, hence IX; I
n + 1.
a. Show that X1 =ue 1 and X2 = e 1ue2 are minimal TC tests for
n = 1 and 2
respectively. .
b. For n > 2, the minimal value of IX; I is n + 2, as st
ated in the following
Theorem [Hayes 1976a]: K; = uele2... en-lenel is a minimal TC te
st of
length n + 2 for both single and multiple stuck-type faults for
an n-input
NAND gate Gno Prove this theorem.
10.10 For an n-input NAND gate G
, how many single and multiple stuck faults are
distinguishable and how many have a unique transition count?
10.11 Prove the following theorem [Hayes 1976a]:
Let T be any test set for a two-level circuit C. Let R
denote the fault-free response of C
to any sequence X containing every member of T. No single or multiple fau
lt can change
the response of C to X from R0 to Ro10.12 Let T =[To, T
] be an arbitrary single-fault test set for a two-level sum of product
irredundant circuit C containing r =p + q vectors, where TO =It?,

t ~ , ... , t ~ } and
={tl ,ti, ... , t ~ } . It is well known that T also detects all mult
iple stuck-type faults.
a. Show that the sequence X
= t ~ t l t i ... t ~ t ~ t ? t ~ ... t ~ of le
ngth r + 2 is a TC test
for C with respect to both single and multiple faults.
b. Assume T is a minimal test set. Show that (1) if D =0 or 1, the sequenc
e X*
defined in Theorem 10.5 is a minimal length TC test; (2) for D =2, both X*
and X
are of the same length; and (3) for D > 2, X
is shorter than X* 0
10.13 Consider the circuit shown in Figure 10.20. Construct a minimal-lengt
h test set T
for all stuck-at faults. Construct X* and X
(defined in Problem 10.12). Is X* a TC test
for all multiple faults?
Figure 10.20
10.14 Construct a minimal-length test sequence T for all single
stuck-at faults in a
3-input NAND gate and identify one fault not TC-detectable by T.
10.15 A circuit implementing the function! = xy + yz is to be
tested using the
syndrome-test method. Show that the single faults z s-a-O and z s-a
-1 are not detected,
while all other single stuck-at faults are detected.
10.16 Consider a circuit implementing the functionj e XIX3 +X2X3
and an input
sequence consisting of all eight input patterns generated by a 3-bi
t binary counter that
starts in the state (x 3 ,x2,x I) = (0,0,0) and produces the sequence
(0,0,0), (0,0,1), (0,1,0),
..., (1,1,1). Assume the response is compressed using a type 2 signature an
alyzer that has
a characteristic polynomial x
+ x
+ 1 and whose initial state is all Os. Verify that the
following faults are detected.
a. X3 s-a-O
b. X3 s-a-l
c. Xl s-a-O
d. Xl s-a-l
10.17 Verify the entries in Figures 10.7 and 10.8.
About This Chapter
In previous chapters we have discussed algorithmic methods for
test generation and
techniques for design for testability (DFT). These methods are
primarily used when

external testing is employed. Built-in self-test (BIST) is a des

ign technique in which
parts of a circuit are used to test the circuit itself. The first part o
f this chapter covers the
basic concepts associated with BIST. We then focus on the pr
oblem of built-in
generation of test patterns. Various ways of partitioning a circ
uit for self-testing are
described, as are ways of generating test patterns. Test-pattern
generation techniques
discussed include exhaustive testing, pseudorandom testing, and ps
testing; the latter includes the concepts of verification and segmentation tes
Generic BIST architectures are described, including the major way
s of characterizing
such architectures in terms of centralized versus distributed BIST hardwa
re and internal
versus external BIST hardware. Next many specific BIST architectures are pre
Finally several advanced BIST techniques are discussed, including the iden
tification of a
minimal number of test sessions, the control of BIST structures
, and the notion of
partial-intrusion BIST designs.
11.1 Introduction to BIST Concepts
Built-in self-test is the capability of a circuit (chip, board, or system
) to test itself. BIST
represents a merger of the concepts of built-in test (BIT) and self-test, and
has come to be
synonymous with these terms. The related term built-in-test equipment (BI
TE) refers to
the hardware and/or software incorporated into a unit to provide DFT or BIST cap
BIST techniques can be classified into two categories, namely o
n-line BIST, which
includes concurrent and nonconcurrent techniques, and off-line BIS
T, which includes
functional and structural approaches (see Figure 11.1). These terms
were mentioned in
Chapter 1 but will be briefly discussed here for ease of reference.
In on-line BIST, testing occurs during normal functional operating
conditions; i.e., the
circuit under test (CUT) is not placed into a test mode where normal funct
ional operation
is locked out. Concurrent on-line BIST is a form of testing that o
ccurs simultaneously
with normal functional operation. This form of testing is usuall
y accomplished using
coding techniques or duplication and comparison; these techniques will
be described in
more detail in Chapter 13. In nonconcurrent on-line BIST, testing is c
arried out while a
system is in an idle state. This is often accomplished by executin
g diagnostic software
routines (macrocode) or diagnostic firmware routines (microcode). The
test process can
be interrupted at any time so that normal operation can resume.
Off-line BIST deals with testing a system when it is not carrying out its n
ormal functions.

Systems, boards, and chips can be tested in this mode. This

form of testing is also
applicable at the manufacturing, field, depot, and operational l
evels. Often Off-line
testing is carried out using on-chip or on-board test-pattern generators (T
PGs) and output
response analyzers (ORAs) or microdiagnostic routines. Off-line testing
does not detect
Forms of testing
Figure 11.1 Forms of testing
errors in real time, i.e., when they first occur, as is possible with m
any on-line concurrent
BIST techniques.
Functional off-line BIST deals with the execution of a test
based on a functional
description of the CUT and often employs a functional, or hi
gh-level, fault model.
Normally such a test is implemented as diagnostic software or firmware.
Structural off-line BIST deals with the execution of a test based o
n the structure of the
CUT. An explicit structural fault model may be used. Fault c
overage is based on
detecting structural faults. Usually tests are generated and resp
onses are compressed
using some form of an LFSR. Figure 11.2 lists several types of
test structures used in
BIST circuits. Two common TPG circuits exist. A pseudorandom patter
n generator
(PRPG) is a multioutput device normally implemented using an LFSR
, while a shift
register pattern generator (SRPG) is a single-output autonomous LFSR. Fo
r simplicity
the reader can consider a PRPG to represent a "parallel random-pattern genera
tor," and a
SRPG to be a "serial random-pattern generator." Two common ORA circuit
s also exist.
One is a multiple-input signature register (MISR), the other a
single-input signature
register (SISR). Both are implemented using an LFSR.
This chapter deals primarily with structural off-line BIST. Thus
LFSRs will be used
extensively. The reader is referred to Chapter 10 for a review of
the theory related to
LFSRs. Before discussing the structure of off-line BIST circuitry, some
basic concepts

will be reviewed.
11.1.1 Hardcore
Some parts of a circuit must be operational to execute a s
elf-test. This circuitry is
referred to as the hardcore. At a minimum the hardcore usually includes pow
er, ground,
and clock distribution circuitry. The hardcore is usually difficult
to test explicitly. If
faulty, the self-test normally fails. Thus detection is often easy to ach
ieve, but little if any
diagnostic capability exists. If a circuit fails during self-test, the
problem may be in the
hardcore rather than in the hardware presumably being tested. The hardcor
e is normally
tested by external test equipment or is designed to be self-testable by using
various forms
of redundancy, such as duplication or self-checking checkers (see Chapter 13)
. Normally
a designer attempts to minimize the complexity of the hardcore.
Introduction to BIST Concepts
BILBO - built-in logic block observer (register)
LFSR - linear feedback shift register
MISR - multiple-input signature register
ORA - (generic) output response analyzer
PRPG - pseudorandom pattern generator, often referred to as a pseudorandom
number generator
SISR - single-input signature register
SRSG - shift-register sequence generator; also a single-output PRPG
TPG - (generic) test-pattern generator
Figure 11.2 Glossary of key BIST test structures
11.1.2 Levels of Test
Production Testing
We refer to the testing of newly manufactured components as
production testing.
Production testing can occur at many levels, such as the chip, bo
ard, or system levels.
Using BIST at these levels reduces the need for expensive ATE in go
/no-go testing and
simplifies some aspects of diagnostic testing. For example, the
Intel 80386
microprocessor employs about 1.8 percent area overhead for BIST to test p
ortions of the
circuit that would be difficult to test by other means [Gelsinger 1987].
The BIST aspects
of several other chips and/or boards are discussed in [Benowitz et ale
1975] [Boney and
Rupp 1979], [Fasang 1982], [Kuban and Bruce 1984], [Beenker 1985],
and [Karpovsky
and Nagvajara 1989].
When implemented at the chip level along with boundary scan,
BIST can be used
effectively at all levels of a system's hierarchy. Since many BIST technique
s can be run
in real time, this method is superior to many non-BIST approaches an
d to some extent
can be used for delay testing. It is not applicable, however, to parametric
Field Testing
BIST can be used for field-level testing, eliminating the need for

expensive special test

equipment to diagnose faults down to field-replaceable units. Thi
s can have a great
influence on the maintainability and thus life-cycle costs of both commercial a
nd military
hardware. For example, the U.S. military is attempting to implem
ent the concept of
two-level maintenance. Here a system must carry out a self-test
and automatically
diagnose a fault to a field-replaceable unit, such as a printed circuit boa
rd. This board is
then replaced "in the field" and the faulty board is either discarded or
sent to a depot for
further testing and repair.
11.2 Test-Pattern Generation for BIST
In Chapter 10 the design of a pseudorandom pattern generator based
on the use of an
LFSR was described. In this section various TPG designs will be descri
bed. We assume
that the unit being tested is an n-input, m-output combinational
circuit. The various
forms of testing and related TPGs are summarized next.
Exhaustive testing
Exhaustive test-pattern generators
Pseudorandom testing
Weighted test generator
Adaptive test generator
Pseudoexhaustive testing
Syndrome driver counter
Constant-weight counter
Combined LFSR and shift register
Combined LFSR and XOR gates
Condensed LFSR
Cyclic LFSR
11.2.1 Exhaustive Testing
Exhaustive testing deals with the testing of an n-input combinational circ
uit where all 2
inputs are applied. A binary counter can be used as TPG. If
a maximum-length
autonomous LFSR is used, its design can be modified to include the all-ze
ro state. Such
an LFSR is referred to as a complete LFSR, and its design is descr
ibed in [McCluskey
1981] and [Wang and McCluskey 1986d].
Exhaustive testing guarantees that all detectable faults that do n
ot produce sequential
behavior will be detected. Depending on the clock rate, this ap
proach is usually not
feasible if n is larger than about 22. Other techniques to be describ
ed are more practical
when n is large. The concept of exhaustive testing is not
generally applicable to
sequential circuits.
11.2.2 Pseudorandom Testing
Pseudorandom testing deals with testing a circuit with test pat
terns that have many
characteristics of random patterns but where the patterns are generated

and hence are repeatable. Pseudorandom patterns can be generated

with or without
replacement. Generation with replacement implies that a test pattern
may be generated
more than once; without replacement implies that each pattern is unique
. Not all 2
patterns need be generated. Pseudorandom test patterns without re
placement can be
generated by an autonomous LFSR. Pseudorandom testing is applica
ble to both
combinational and sequential circuits. Fault coverage can be det
ermined by fault
simulation. The test length is selected to achieve an acceptable lev
el of fault coverage.
Unfortunately, some circuits contain random-pattern-resistant faults and th
us require long
Test-Pattern Generation for BIST 461
test lengths to insure a high fault coverage. Methods for estima
ting the probability of
detecting a fault with random tests are described in Chapter 6. Fur
ther information on
estimating test length as a function of fault coverage can be found i
n [Savir and Bardell
1984], [Williams 1985], [Chin and McCluskey 1987], and [Wagner et ale 1987]
The inherent attributes of an LFSR tend to produce test patterns having equal
numbers of
Os and 1s on each output line. For many circuits it is better to bias t
he distribution of Os
and Is to achieve a higher fault coverage with fewer test vectors. Consi
der, for example,
a 4-input AND gate. When applying unbiased random inputs, the probability
of applying
at least one 0 to any input is 15/16. A 0 on any input makes
it impossible to test any
other input for s-a-O or s-a-l. Thus there is a need to be able
to generate test patterns
having different distributions of Os and 1s.
Some results relating the effectiveness of testing in terms of test length and
fault coverage
to the distribution characteristics of the test patterns have been reported i
n [Kumar 1980],
[Archambeau and McCluskey 1984], [Lisanke et al. 1987], and [Wunderlich 1988]
Weighted Test Generation
A weighted test generator is a TPG where the distribution of Os and Is
produced on the
output lines is not necessarily uniform. Such a generator can be
constructed using an
autonomous LFSR and a combinational circuit. For example, the probability d
of 0.5 for a 1 that is normally produced by a maximal-length LFSR can be eas
ily changed
to 0.25 or 0.75 to improve fault coverage. When testing a circuit
using a weighted test
generator, a preprocessing procedure is employed to determine one
or more sets of
weights. Different parts of a circuit may be tested more effectivel

y than other parts by

pseudorandom patterns having different distributions. Once these w
eights are
determined, the appropriate circuitry can be designed to generat
e the pseudorandom
patterns having the desired distributions. Further information on these test
generators can
be found in [Schnurmann et al. 1975], [Chin and McCluskey 1984],
[Ha and Reddy
1986], and [Wunderlich 1987].
Adaptive Test Generation
Adaptive test generation also employs a weighted test-pattern ge
nerator. For this
technique the results of fault simulation are used to modify the weights, t
hereby resulting
in one or more probability distributions for the test patterns. Once thes
e distributions are
determined, an appropriate TPG can be designed. Tests generated by such
a device tend
to be efficient in terms of test length; however, the test-pattern
-generation hardware can
be complex. Further information can be found in [Parker 1976] and [Timoc et
al. 1983].
11.2.3 Pseudoexhaustive Testing
Pseudoexhaustive testing achieves many of the benefits of exhaustive tes
ting but usually
requires far fewer test patterns. It relies on various forms
of circuit segmentation and
attempts to test each segment exhaustively. Because of the man
y subjects that are
associated with pseudoexhaustive testing, we will first briefly outlin
e the main topics to
be discussed in this section.
A segment is a subcircuit of a circuit C. Segments need not be disjoint. Th
ere are several
forms of segmentation, a few of which are listed below:
1. Logical segmentation
a. Cone segmentation (verification testing)
b. Sensitized path segmentation
2. Physical segmentation
When employing a pseudoexhaustive test to an n-input circuit, it i
s often possible to
reconfigure the input lines so that tests need only be generated on
m lines, where m < n,
and these m lines can fanout and drive the n lines to the
CUT. These m signals are
referred to as test signals. A procedure for identifying these
test signals will be
Pseudoexhaustive testing can often be accomplished using constant-weight t
est patterns.
Some theoretical results about such patterns will be presented. W
e will also describe
several circuit structures that generate these patterns as well
as other patterns used in
pseudoexhaustive testing. Logical Segmentation
In this section we will briefly describe two logical-segmentation techniques.
Cone Segmentation

In cone segmentation an m output circuit is logically segmented into

m cones, each cone
consisting of all logic associated with one output. Each cone is tested
exhaustively, and
all cones are tested concurrently. This form of testing was o
riginally suggested by
McCluskey [1984] and is called verification testing.
Consider a combinational circuit C with inputs X = {x 1 ,x2 , ..
. ,xn} and outputs
y= {Yl,Y2, ... .s-J. Let y, =!i(Xi),whereX
~ X . Letw = maxi{IXil}. Oneform
of a verification test produces all 2
input patterns on all [ ~ ] subsets of w inputs to C.
The circuit under test is denoted as an (n,w)-CUT, where w
< n. If w = n, then
pseudoexhaustive testing simply becomes exhaustive testing. Figure 1
1.3 shows a
Sensitized-Path Segmentation
In Chapter 8 a segmentation technique based on circuit partitioning was presen
ted. Some
circuits can be segmented based on the concept of path sensitization. A tri
vial example is
shown in Figure 11.4. To test C1 exhaustively, 2
n l
patterns are applied to A while B is
set to some value so that D = 1. Thus a sensitized path is established
from C to F. C2 is
tested in a similar manner. By this process, the AND gate is
also completely tested.
Thus this circuit can be effectively tested using only 2
+ 2
+ 1 test patterns, rather
than 2
n 1
More details on this form of testing can be found in [McC
luskey and
Bozorgui-Nesbat 1981], [Chandra et al. 1983], [Patashnik 1983], [U
dell 1986], [Chen
1987], [Shperling and McCluskey 1987], and [Udell and McCluskey 1989]. Constant-Weight Patterns
Consider two positive integers nand k, where k ~ n. Let T be a
set of binary n-tuples.
Then T is said to exhaustively cover all k-subspaces if for all su
bsets of k bit positions,
each of the 2
binary patterns appears at least once among the ITI n-tuples. For example
the set T shown below exhaustively covers all 2-spaces.
Test-Pattern Generation for BIST 463
Yl Y2 Y3 Y4
Figure 11.3 A (4,2)-CUT

Figure 11.4 Segmentation testing via path sensitization
o 0]
T= 0 1 1
If ITl
is the smallest possible size for such a set T, then clearly 2
s ITl
~ z-.
A binary n-tuple is said to be of weight k if it contains exactly k Is. The
re are [ ~ ] binary
n-tuples having weight k.
The following results have been derived by [Tang and Woo 1983] and wil
l be presented
here without proof.
Theorem 11.1: Given nand k, then T exhaustively covers all binary k
-subspaces if it
contains all binary n-tuples of weight(s) w such that w = c mod (n-k + 1) for s
ome integer
constant c, where 0 ~ c ~ n-k. D
Let Tc denote the set produced to using Theorem 11.1 for a specific value of
Example 11.1: n =20, k = 2, n - k + 1 = 19.
Case 1: c =0
Setting w =0 mod 19 produces w =0 and 19. Thus To consists of the all
-O patterns and
20 patterns of weight 19. Hence
1 + 20 = 21
o 0

Case 2: c = 1
Setting w = 1 mod 19 results in w = 1, 20. Therefore
1 1

Case 3: 2 s c ~ 18
For 2 ~ c ~ 18, w =C mod 19 implies that w =c. Thus in each

case Tc consists of all

weight-c binary n-tuples, and Ir, I = [ ~ ] . Note that To and
T 1 are the smallest among
the 19 sets; in fact T 1 and To are complements of each other. 0
Example 11.2: n =20, k = 3, n - k + 1 =18
Case 1: C = 0
Test-Pattern Generation for BIST
For w =0 mod 18, W =0 and 18. Thus
Case 2: c = 1
1 + 190 = 191.
For w =1 mod 18, W =1, 19 and IT1 I
Case 3: c = 2
For W =2 mod 18, W =2, 20 and T2 is the complement of To.
Case 4: 3 ~ c s 17
For w = c mod 8, 3 ~ c ~ 17, we have w = c. D
Note that for both examples, for any value of w, 0:::; W ~ 20, all n-t
uples of weight w exist
in exactly one case considered.
The general situation is covered by the following corollary.
Corollary 11.1: There are (n-k+l) solution sets T
, 0 ~ i ~ n - k obtained from
Theorem 11.1, and these solution sets are disjoint and partition the
set of all 2
into disjoint classes. D
Since these are (n-k+1) solution sets that partition the set o
f 2
distinct n-tuples into
(n-k+1) disjoint sets, and the smallest set cannot be larger than the
average set, then an
upper bound on the size of ITl
~ = B; .
n - k + 1
Theorem 11.2: Let T; be a set generated according to Theorem 1
1.1. Then T; is
minimal; i.e., no proper subset of T'; also exhaustively covers all k-su
bspaces, if c ~ k or
c = n - ~ D
Example 11.3: n =6, k =2, n - k + 1 =5.
For c = 3, w = 3 mod 5, thus w = 3 and IT
1 = [ ~ ] = 20. One subset of T
exhaustively covers all 2-subspaces is shown below as T'3.
1 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 0
T'3 =
1 0 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1

0 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 1 1
T'3 is minimal and I T' 3 I =6. D
The upper bound of IT min I ~ B n is tight when k is close to
n and is loose when k is
small. B n grows exponentially as n increases, independent of the value of
For k ~ n12, the size of the minimum test set occurs when w = Lkl2J and
Lkl2J + (n-k+l),
resulting in
We will now consider two special cases.
Case 1: n = k
For this case w =0 mod 1, hence w =0, 1, 2, ..., n. Thus To
consists of the set of all
2n binary n-tuples.
Case 2: n=k+l
For this case w =c mod 2, and To consists of the set of all bin
ary n-tuples having odd
parity, and T 1 consists of the set of all n-tuples having ev
en parity. This situation is
shown below for the case of n =4 and k = 3.
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
even parity T
0 0 0 1
odd parity
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
The following theorem verifies the correctness of this last case.
Theorem 11.3: In a matrix with 2
distinct rows of (k+ 1) binary values, where every
row has the same parity, every set of k columns has all 2
combinations of k values.
Proof: A set of k columns is obtained by removing one column of the matr
ix. We want
to show that the 2
rows of the remaining matrix are distinct. Let us assume the contrary,
namely that two of the remaining rows - say, i and j - are iden
tica1. Because of the
constant parity assumption, it follows that the bits of the removed c
olumn in the rows i
and j of the original matrix must be equa1. Hence rows i and j of the
original matrix were
also identical, which contradicts the assumption that all 2k r
ows of (k + 1) bits are
distinct. Therefore every set of k columns has all 2
combinations of k values. 0 Identification of Test Signal Inputs
Consider an n-input circuit. During testing it may be possible to

apply inputs to p test

signal lines, and have these p lines drive the n lines, where p < n.
Clearly some of these
p lines must fanout to two or more of the normal input lines. This sectio
n deals with the
identification of these test signal lines and the tests associated with these
Consider the circuit and test patterns shown in Figure 11.5. Note that f
is a function of x
and y, while g is a function of y and z. The four test vectors shown in Fig
ure 11.5 test the
individual functions f and g exhaustively and concurrently, even
though to test the
multiple-output function (1,g) exhaustively requires eight test vectors.
Note that since
no output is a function of both x and z, the same test data can be appl
ied to both of these
lines. Thus this circuit can be tested with only two test signals.
A circuit is said to be a
maximal-test-concurrency (MTC) circuit, if the minimal number of required
test signals
for the circuit is equal to the maximum number of inputs upon which any output
The circuit shown in Figure 11.5 is a MTC circuit.
Test-Pattern Generation for BIST 467
1100 x
1010 y
1100 z
Figure 11.5 A maximal-test-concurrency circuit with verification test inputs
Figure 11.6 shows a non-MTC circuit. Here every output is a
function of only two
inputs, but three test signals are required. However, each out
put can still be tested
exhaustively by just four test patterns.
1100 x
1010 y
o11 0 z
Figure 11.6 A nonmaximal-test-concurrency circuit with verification test inp
Figure 11.7 shows a non-MTC circuit that requires four test sign
als; each output is a
function of only two inputs, but five test patterns are required to e
xhaustively test all six
We next present a procedure for partitioning the inputs of a circuit
to determine (1) the
minimal number of signals required to test a circuit and (2) which inputs t
o the CUT can
share the same test signal. We will also show how constant-weight patt
erns can be used
to test the circuit. The various steps of the procedure will
be illustrated as they are
presented using the circuit C* shown in functional form in Figure
11.8. From these

results it will be possible to identify MTC circuits and to const

ruct tests for MTC and
non-MTC circuits.
1 1 1 00 Xl
1 1 0 1 0 X2
101 1 0 x3
o1 1 1 0 X4
Figure 11.7 A nonmaximal-test-concurrency circuit with verification test inp
d c* f3(a,d,e)
fs (e,f)
Figure 11.8 Circuit C*
Procedure 11.1: Identification of Minimal Set of Test Signals
Step 1: Partition the circuit into disjoint subcircuits.
C* consists of only one partition.
Test-Pattern Generation for BIST 469
Step 2: For each disjoint subcircuit, carry out the following steps.
a. Generate a dependency matrix.
b. Partition the matrix into groups of inputs so that two or more inputs
in a group do
not affect the same output.
c. Collapse each group to form an equivalent input, called a test signal i
For an n-input, m-output circuit, the dependency matrix D = [d
] consists of m rows and
n columns, where d
=1 if output i depends on inputj; otherwise d
=O. For circuit C*,
we have
a b c d
e I
1 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1
o 15
Reordering and grouping the inputs produce the modified matrix D s:



___ -.1 ___ 1.._..l ___
a c b d:e
0 1 0
0 0
0 1 1 010 0 1
g 1 0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 0
0 0 0 0:
1 1
o 15
In each group there must be less than two Is in each row a
nd the number of groups
should be minimal. This insures that no output is driven by more
than one input from
each group.
Procedures for finding such a partition, which is a NP-complete problem, c
an be found in
[McCluskey 1984] and [Barzilai et ale 1981].
The collapsed equivalent matrix D'; is obtained by DRing each row w
ithin a group to
form a single column. The result for circuit C*is
1 1 1 0
1 1 0 1
Dc 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
0 0 1
1 15
Step 3: Characterize the collapsed matrix Dc in terms of two parameters p
and w, where
p is the number of partitions in Dc, called the width of D
c, and w is the maximum
number of 1s in any row, and is the weight of Dc. Note that p repres

ents the maximum

number of input signals required to test a disjoint subcircuit
, and w represents the
maximum number of signals upon which any output depends. Hence a pseudoexhau
test must be of length 2
or greater but need not exceed 2

ForDc,wehavep = 4andw = 3.
A universal minimal pseudoexhaustive test set having parameters (P,w)
is a minimal set
of test patterns that contains, for all [ ~ ] subsets consisting of
w of the p signal lines, all
test patterns. The properties of these test sets are determined by the re
lative values of
p and w, where by definition, p ~ w. For a specific circuit, if al
l outputs are a function of
w inputs, then this test set is minimal in length. Otherwise it may not b
Step 4: Construct the test patterns for the circuit based upon the following t
hree cases.
Case 1: p =w
Case 2: p =w + 1
Case 3: p > w + 1
Case 1: p = w
This case corresponds to MTC circuits and the test consists of all 2
test patterns
of p bits. The test can be easily generated by a counter or a
complete LFSR.
Clearly this is a universal minimal pseudoexhaustive test set. This cas
e applies
to Figure 11.5, where p =w =2. Referring to the prior discussion on
weight patterns, this case corresponds to the previous case where k = n resu
in the test set To.
Case 2: p =w + 1
This case corresponds to the case where n =k + 1 in the previous discu
ssion on
constant weight patterns. The minimal test set consists of all possible patt
erns of
p bits with either odd or even parity. There are 2
= 2
such patterns.
Selecting odd parity, the tests for C* are listed next.
Test-Pattern Generation for BIST
0 0 0
~ } parity =1
0 0 1
0 1 0

1 0 0
0 1 1
i}parity =3
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Note that for any subset of three columns, all 2
binary triplets occur.
This pseudoexhaustive test set consists of 8 patterns, while an
exhaustive test
would consist of 128 patterns. Each column represents an input to each line
in a
group; e.g., column A can be the input to lines a and c in the
circuit shown in
Figure 11.8.
This case also applies to the circuit shown in Figure 11.6, where p =
3 and test
patterns of even parity are selected.
Case 3: p > w + 1
For this case, the test set consists of two or more pattern subsets, eac
h of which
contains all possible patterns of p bits having a specific constant weight.
The total number of test patterns T is a function of p and w. Figure 11
.9 shows the value
of the constant weights and T for various values of p and w.
Unfortunately, constant
weights do not exist for all pairs of p and w. For such cases, w can
be increased so as to
achieve a constant-weight pseudoexhaustive test, but it may not be minimal in
The minimal test set for p = 5 and w = 3 corresponding to the
constant-weight pair
(1,4) (see Figure 11.9) is shown in Figure 11.10.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to construct a circuit to generate
a pseudoexhaustive
test set for p > w + 1, and the hardware overhead of some of these cir
cuits is sometimes
quite high. In the next subsection several techniques for designing
circuits that generate
pseudoexhaustive tests will be briefly described. Many of these designs
do not generate
minimal test sets, but the techniques lead to efficient hardware
designs. Because most
TPGs use some form of an LFSR, and since more than one test seque
nce is sometimes
needed, often more than one seed value is required for initializing the s
tate of the LFSR. Test-Pattern Generators for Pseudoexhaustive Tests
Syndrome-Driver Counter
For the circuit shown in Figure 11.3, YI =/I(XI,X3)' Y2 =/2(X
Y3 = 13 (X2 ,X3), and Y 4 = 14 (X3 ,X4)' Thus no output is a funct
ion of both Xl and X4,
or of X2 and X4' (The width of this circuit is 3.) Hence Xl
and X4 (or X2 and X4) can
share the same input during testing. Thus this circuit can be pseudoexhausti
vely tested by

applying all 2
input to Xl' x2' and X3, and by having the line driving Xl or X2
also drive
p w T Constant weights
p>3 2 p+l (O,p-l) or (l,p)
p>4 3 2p (l,p-l)
p>5 4
(l,p-2) or (2,p-l)
2P(p+l )
p>6 5 p(P-l) (2,p-2)
p=8 6
2P(p+l )
p>8 6 B(p+l,3) (2,p-3) or (3,p-2)
p=9 7 170 (0,3,6,9)
p>9 7 2B(P,3) (3,p-3)
p= 10 8 341 (0,3,6,9) or (1,4,7,10)
p =11 8 496 (0,4,8) or (3,7,9)
p> 11 8 B(p+l,4) (3,p-4) or (4,p-3)
p =11 9 682 (1,4,7,10)
p= 12 9 992 (0,4,8,12)
p> 12 9 2B(P,4) (4,p-4)
p =12 10 1365 (1,4,7,10) or (2,5,8,11)
p =13 10 2016 (0,4,8,12) or (1,5,9,13)
p= 14 10 3004 (0,5,10) or (4,9,14)
p> 14 10 B(p+l,5) (4,p-5) or (5,p-4)
Figure 11.9 Constant weights for pseudoexhaustive tests. Note: (0.1,0.2 ,
... )
represents a constant-weight vector, where a, is the constant weight
of one subset of patterns. B(n,m) represents the binomial
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 Weight of 1 1 1 0 1 1 Weight of 4
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Figure 11.10 Constant-weight test set for (1,4)
In general if (n-p) inputs, p < n, can share test signals with the p
other inputs, then the
circuit can be exhaustively tested using these p inputs. If p
= w, only 2
tests are
If p > w, T = 2
- 1 tests are enough to test the circuit. T can be much greater than the
lower-bound value of 2
. For the example shown in Figure 11.3, p = 3 and
Test-Pattern Generation for BIST 473
- 1 = 7. The reader can verify that the (1,1,1) test pattern is not requ
ired. In general

the test patterns consisting of all Os and all 1s are not required; hence
- 2 tests can be
The major problem with this approach is that when p is close in value to n
a large number
of test patterns are still required.
This testing scheme was proposed by Barzilai et ale [1981] and uses
a syndrome-driver
counter (SDC) to generate test patterns. The SDC can be either a
binary counter or an
LFSR and contains only p storage cells.
Constant-Weight Counter
A constant-weight code (CWC), also known as an N-out-of-M code, consists of
the set of
codewords of M binary bits, where each codeword has exactly N Is. A
code is analogous to the constant-weight patterns discussed previously.
The 2-out-of-4
CWC is shown below.
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
100 1
o 1 1 0
010 1
o 0 1 1
Note that for any two columns all possible pairs of binary values appear.
The same is not
true of a 2-out-of-3 CWC.
Any (n, w)-circuit can be pseudoexhaustively tested by a constan
t-weight counter
implementing a w-out-of-K code, for an appropriate value of K. For large valu
es of Nand
M, the complexity of the associated constant-weight counter is
often high. More
information on CWCs and the design of constant-weight counters
can be found in
[Ichikawa 1982], [Tang and Woo 1983], and [McCluskey 1984].
Combined LFSR/SR
Another way to produce a pseudoexhaustive test, proposed in [Barzilai
et al. 1983] and
[Tang and Chen 1984a], is to employ a combination of an LFSR and a shift re
gister (SR),
as shown in Figure 11.11. A 4-stage combined LFSR/SR for testing
a (4,2)-CUT is
shown in Figure 11.12. The implementation cost for this design approach i
s less than for
a constant-weight counter, but the resulting circuit usually generate
s more test vectors.
Also, the LFSR usually requires at least two seed values. The num
ber of test patterns
generated is near minimal when w is much less than n; e.g.,
w < n/ 2. LFSRs are
usually designed to have a shift mode of operation. This mode is u
sed for loading seed
values into the registers. If the register is also used as a signature analyze
r, the shift mode
is also used for scanning out the final signature.
Combined LFSRlXOR Gates

Still another way to produce a pseudoexhaustive test, shown in

Figure 11.13, uses a
combination of an LFSR and a XOR (linear) network. The design of thes
e networks is
based on the use of linear sums [Akers 1985] or linear codes [Vasanthavad
a and Marinos
Figure 11.11 An LFSR/SR verification test generator
. - - - - - - - - - i + ~ - - - - - - _ _ ,
1 1 1 0
o 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
o 1 0 1
o 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0
------------------------111 0
Figure 11.12 A 4-stage LFSR/SR for a (4,2)-CUT
1985]. These designs require at most two seeds, and the number of te
st patterns needed
to ensure pseudoexhaustive testing is close to that required for LFSRlSR designs
Figure 11.14 shows a combined LFSRlXOR TPG along with the patterns
it produced.
This device can test a (4,2)-CUT.
Condensed LFSR
Another design approach, proposed by Wang and McCluskey [1984, 1986b] and
to as condensed LFSR, uses at most two seeds, leads to simple des
igns, and produces a
very efficient test set when w ~ n/ 2. When w < n/ 2 this te
chnique uses more tests
than the LFSRlSR approach. Condensed LFSRs are based on the concept of line
ar codes
[Peterson and Weldon 1972, Lin and Costello 1983]. An (n,k)-linear code
over a Galois
field of 2 generates a set S of n-tuples containing 2
distinct code words, where if c I E S
and c2 E S, then c I Ei1 c 2 E S.
Using a type 2 LFSR having a characteristic polynomial p(x), a conden
sed LFSR for a
(n, w)-CUT can be constructed as follows. Let k be the smallest integer such
Test-Pattern Generation for BIST
Figure 11.13 A combined LFSRlXOR verification-test generator
o o
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1
o 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
o 1 0 1
o 0 1 1

------------------------1 0 0 1
Figure 11.14 A combined LFSRlXOR TPG for a (4,2)-CUT
W:::; rk/(n-k+l)l + Lk/(n-k+l)J
Then a type 2 LFSR realizes a condensed LFSR if
p(x) = (l+x+x
... +xn-k)q(x)
where q(x) is a primitive polynomial of degree k. Also the seed polynom
ial So(x) must
be divisible by ( 1+x +x
+ ... +x
Again consider the case (n,w) =(4,2): then k = 3 and (n-k) =
1. Selecting
q(x) = 1 + x + x
, we obtain
p(x) = (1+x)(1+x+x
) = 1 + X
+ X
+ x
Figure 11.15 shows the resulting design and initial seed. Although
a condensed LFSR
has n stages, the feedback circuitry is usually simple.
Q 1
Figure 11.15 A condensed LFSR for a (4,2)-CUT
Cyclic LFSR
When w < n/2, condensed LFSR designs produce long tests for
(n, w)-CUTs.
LFSRlXOR designs reduce this test length but have a high hard
ware overhead. For
w < n/2, cyclic LFSRs lead to both efficient tests and low hardwa
re overhead. Cyclic
LFSRs are based on cyclic codes [Peterson and Weldon 1972, Lin and
Costello 1983].
An (n,k)-cyclic code over the Galois field of 2 contains a set
of 2
distinct codewords,
each of which is an n-tuple satisfying the following property: if c is a co
deword, then the
n-tuple obtained by rotating c one place to the right is also a code word.
Cyclic codes are
a subclass of linear codes. The design of cyclic LFSRs and de
tails for obtaining the
characteristic polynomial for a cyclic LFSR are presented in [Wang 1982] and
[Wang and
McCluskey 1986f, 1986g, 1987a, 1987c]. Physical Segmentation
For very large circuits, the techniques described for pseudoexhausti
ve testing often lead
to large test sets. In these cases, pseudoexhaustive testing c

an still be achieved by
employing the concept of physical segmentation. Here a circuit is divided o
r partitioned
into subcircuits by employing hardware-segmentation techniques.
One such technique is shown in Figure 9.11. Various ways for s
egmenting a circuit
based on this type of structure are presented in [Patashnik 1983],
[Archambeau 1985],
and [Shperling and McCluskey 1987].
More details on this form of testing can be found in [McCluskey and
1981], [Chandra et al. 1983], [Udell 1986], [Chen 1987], and [U
dell and McCluskey
Physical segmentation can also be achieved by inserting bypass storage
cells in various
signal lines. A bypass storage cell is a storage cell that in normal mod
e acts as wire, but
in the test mode can be part of an LFSR circuit. It is similar to a
cell used in boundaryscan designs, such as the one shown in Figure 9.14. If insert
ed into line x, then the
associated LFSR can be used as a MISR and hence to detect errors occurring
on line x, or
it can be used as a PRPG and hence to generate test patterns on line x.
Example 11.4: Consider the circuit C shown in Figure 11.16(a), where the l
ogic blocks
Gi i =1, 2, ..., 9 are represented by circles. Next to each block is
an integer indicating
the number of primary inputs that can affect the output of the block. Assum
e it is desired
Test-Pattern Generation for BIST 477
to segment this circuit using bypass storage cells so that no signal
is a function of more
than w variables. Figure 11.16(b) shows how three bypass storage cel
ls can be added to
this circuit to achieve a value of w = 4.
Figure 11.17 shows the four segments of C created by the byp
ass storage cells.
Figure 11.17(a) depicts the subcircuit C1; here G
is tested along with its associated
interconnecting lines, and the storage cells associated with X4, xs,
X6 and X7' labeled P,
are part of a TPG; the bypass storage cell on the output of G
, labeled S, is part of a
ORA. Similarly, Figure 11.17(b) shows the subcircuit C
where G
and G
are tested.
and G
are tested as part of C

(see Figure 11.17(c));


, and Gg are tested as
part of C
(see Figure 11.17(d)). One additional subcircuit C
(not shown) is needed to
test G
, along with G
and G
Procedures for this form of segmentation and that also take into account th
e design of the
corresponding TPG and ORA circuitry are discussed in [Jone and Papachristou
11.3 Generic Off-Line BIST Architectures
In the previous section we considered BIST approaches for testing
a single block of
combinational logic. In this section we will consider general off-line BIST
structures that
are applicable to chips and boards consisting of blocks of c
ombinational logic
interconnected by storage cells.
Off-line BIST architectures at the chip and board level can be classif
ied according to the
following criteria:
1. centralized or distributed BIST circuitry;
2. embedded or separate BIST elements.
BIST architectures consist of several key elements, namely
1. test-pattern generators;
2. output-response analyzers;
3. the circuit under test;
4. a distribution system (DIST) for transmitting data from TPGs to
CUTs and from
CUTs to ORAs;
5. a BIST controller for controlling the BIST circuitry and CUT during selftest.
Often all or parts of the controller are off-chip. The distribution system co
nsists primarily
of direct interconnections (wires), busses, multiplexers, and scan paths.
The general form of a centralized BIST architecture is shown in
Figure 11.18. Here
several CUTs share TPG and ORA circuitry. This leads to reduce
d overhead but
increased test time.
During testing, the BIST controller may carry out one or more of the followin
g functions:
1. Single-step the CUTs through some test sequence.
2. Inhibit system clocks and control test clocks.

Yl Y2
D - normal I/O storage cell g - bypass storage cell 0
Figure 11.16 Inserting bypass storage cells to achieve w = 4
Generic Off-Line BIST Architectures 479
4 4
4 4
Xl X2 X3 X4 Xs X6 X7 Xg
3 3
4 G
0 oS

a logic

D - normal
c block
Figure 11.17
Xl X2 X3
~ - - - - - \ P P P
\ I
\ I
'. GI
'. S 0
Xs X6
// PI D
/ I
-// I
\ C

I/O storage cell

[Q) -

bypass storage cell

0 -

a logi

Four segments formed by the bypass storage cells


- - PI

- - ~
\0 P
\Gg 4 Gg 4
\ ,
\ S YI S Y2'
'-- :.1
D - normal I/O storage cell g - bypass storage cell 0 - a logi
c block
Figure 11.17 (Continued)
Generic Off-Line BIST Architectures
Chip, board, or system
L L _, -.J -.J
Figure 11.18 Generic form of centralized and separate BIST architecture
3. Communicate with other test controllers, possibly using test busses.
4. Control the operation of a self-test, including seeding of registers,
keeping track of
the number of shift commands required in a scan operation, and keeping
track of
the number of test patterns that have been processed.
Further information on the design of controllers for BIST circui
try can be found in
[Breuer et al. 1988].
The distributed BIST architecture is shown in Figure 11.19. Here each CUT is
with its own TPG and ORA circuitry. This leads to more overhead but les
s test time and
usually more accurate diagnosis. The BIST control circuitry is not s
hown. The designs
shown in Figures 11.18 and 11.19 are examples of the separate BIST arc
hitecture, since
the TPG and ORA circuitry is external to the CUT and hence not par
t of the functional
Chip, board, or system

Figure 11.19 Generic form of distributed and separate BIST architecture

Figure 11.20 shows the general form of the distributed and embedded BIST
Here the TPG and ORA elements are configured from functional eleme
nts within the
CUT, such as registers. This leads to a more complex design to
control, but has less
hardware than distributed and separate architectures have.
Chip, board, or system


Figure 11.20 Generic form of distributed and embedded BIST architecture
The choice of a BIST architecture is a function of several facto
rs, some of which are
listed next.
1. Degree of test parallelism: Distributed BIST provides a higher
degree of test
parallelism, since several CUTs can be tested at the same time.
2. Fault coverage: Distributed BIST usually leads to a higher fau
lt coverage since
TPG and ORA circuits can be customized to each CUT. For example
, a BIST
technique for a block of combinational logic may not be suitable for a RAM.
3. Levelofpackaging: At higher levels, centralized BIST becomes more nat
ural. For
example, microdiagnostics testing is only applicable at the leve
l where a
microprogrammable controller exists. This controller can then be used to te
st many
components of a system.
4. Test time: Distributed BIST usually leads to a reduction in test time
5. Physical constraints: Size, weight, power, cooling costs, and
other factors
influence the design. Often embedded and separate BIST architectur
es require
more hardware and degrade performance.
6. Complexity of replaceable units: If a board is a replaceab
le unit and is to be
self-testable, then it must contain TPG and ORA circuitry. If a system is th
e lowest
level of replaceable unit, then its constituent boards need not have TPG
and ORA
circuitry and a more centralized BIST architecture can be used.
7. Factory andfield test-and-repair strategy: The type of ATE and degree
to which it
is used to test and diagnose failures influences and is influence
d by BIST. For

example, because of the increasing use of surface-mounted devices, in

-circuit or
bed-of-nails testing is becoming more difficult to use and hence the nee
d for BIST
and the use of boundary scan.
8. Performance degradation: Adding BIST hardware in critical timi
ng paths of a
circuit may require a reduction in the system clock rate.
Generic Off-Line BIST Architectures
11.4 Specific BIST Architectures
In this section several BIST architectures proposed by various research and
groups will be described. We will denote sequential blocks of
logic by Sand
combinational blocks by C.
11.4.1 A Centralized and Separate Board-Level BIST Architecture
Figure 11.21 illustrates a centralized and separate board-level (CSBL) BIST arc
proposed by Benowitz et al. [1975]. It has the following attributes:
centralized and separate BIST architecture;
no boundary scan;
combinational or sequential CUT.
PIs I - - - ~ < - - - ~
(C or S)
~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ POs
Figure 11.21 A centralized and separate BIST architecture (CSBL)
During the off-line test mode, the inputs are driven by a
PRPG and the outputs are
monitored using a single-input signature analyzer. To reduce hardware c
osts, the test is
repeated m times, once for each output; hence only one signature analyzer is
This method is best suited for pipeline circuits with limited feedback. Gene
ral finite-state
controllers can be more complex to test. Microprocessors represent a ve
ry complex test
situation. Extensive fault simulation is required to determine the numbe
r of test vectors
required to achieve an adequate level of fault coverage.
11.4.2 Built-In Evaluation and Self-Test (BEST)
The built-in evaluation and self-test (BEST) architecture is an applica
tion of the CSBL
design to chips (see Figure 11.22). In general the logic being
tested is a sequential
circuit. The inputs to the CUT are driven by a PRPG and the outpu
ts are compressed
using a MISR. The details of switching between the primary inputs and the
output of the
PRPG when applying the normal or the test inputs to the CUT are no
t shown. Either a
MUX can be used, or the primary inputs can first be loaded into
the PRPG and then


applied to the CUT. The same concepts apply to the outputs. Both a
n embedded and a
separate version of this architecture exist. For example, if the primary i
nputs to the CUT
go directly to registers, and the primary outputs are driven by registers, t
hen an embedded
BIST design can be used. That is, these I/O registers can be
modified for use as the
PRPG and MISR. Otherwise the PRPG and MISR need to be added to the C
UT, which
results in a separate architecture. In the latter case, the PRPG and MISR ca
n be made part
of the boundary-scan registers.
(C or S)
Figure 11.22 The built-in evaluation and self-test (BEST) BIST architecture
The hardware overhead for the BEST architecture is low. Again,
extensive fault
simulation is required to determine an acceptable balance between fault cove
rage and test
length. For some circuits this technique can be ineffective in a
chieving an acceptable
level of fault coverage. Further information can be found in [Resnic
k 1983] and [Lake
The previous BIST architectures often result in low fault coverage bec
ause they rely on
the use of pseudorandom patterns for testing a sequential circui
t. To circumvent this
problem, an internal scan path can be used within the CUT so that the test
ing of the CUT
can be reduced to the problem of testing combinational logic.
The next few BIST
architectures will illustrate this concept.
11.4.3 Random-Test Socket (RTS)
The random-test socket (RTS) [Bardell and McAnney 1982] is not
a true BIST
architecture because the test circuitry is external to the CUT.
The RTS architecture,
shown in Figure 11.23, has the following attributes:
distributed and separate test hardware;
no boundary scan;
scan path (LSSD) CUT architecture.
The CUT is tested as follows:
1. Initialize the LFSRs.
2. Load a pseudorandom test pattern into the scan path using R2'
3. Generate a new pseudorandom test pattern using R l : This take
s one clock cycle.
The vector is applied to the primary inputs of the CUT.

4. Capture the response on the primary outputs of the CUT by app

lying one clock
pulse to R

Specific BIST Architectures 485





Clocks Controls
BIST controller
- - - - - - - - - - - 1 ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - Figure 11.23 Random-test socket (RTS)
5. Execute a parallel-load operation on the system storage cell
s to capture the
response to the random test pattern.
6. Scan out the data in the internal scan path of the CUT and com
press these data in
Steps 2-6 are repeated until either an adequate fault coverage is achieved or t
he maximum
allowable test time is reached. Also, steps 2 and 6 can be carri
ed out simultaneously.
The circuit is considered to be fault-free if the final values in R 3 and R4
are correct.
The RTS test approach can suffer from problems related to fault cove
rage and test time.

Testing is inherently slow, since for each test pattern the entire scan pa
th must be loaded.
Test time can be reduced by partitioning the storage cells into several
scan paths, but this
requires additional I/O pins.
Testing with pseudorandom test patterns requires more patterns th
an testing with
deterministic test patterns. The number of test patterns is determined by
the desired fault
coverage, the circuit itself, and the characteristics of the LFSRs used
to generate the test
data and produce the signatures. For a high fault coverage,
the population of
random-pattern-resistant faults will dictate the number of tests required.
Test points can
be effectively used to reduce this number.
Fault coverage can be adversely affected by linear correlations among the
bits generated
by LFSRs and by the periodicity of their sequences [Bardell and Mc
Anney 1986, Chen
1986]. Assume, for example, that the LFSR R2 has a period p and that
the length of the
scan path is k, where either p divides k, or k divides p. Then, in the
former case only kip
unique patterns can be loaded in the scan path; in the latter case only plk
unique patterns
exist. Thus it is important that neither of these situations
occur. Also, if a primitive
polynomial is not used, then all possible patterns are not g
enerated. Some of these
patterns may be required to detect specific faults.
Even when p k, a complete load of the scan path between each te
st vector implies
that large blocks of combinational logic in the CUT will pro
bably not be tested
2 4
S 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 I0 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1I
Q ( 2 ) ~ : : :
#U 1 2 3 3 4 I I I
Q(3) Repeats :
I 1 I .j I :4 I :) I 0: I L I I I I
#U 1 2 13 4 5I 6 7 I :
Q(4) Repeats
#U 4 6
7 7 6 4 2

S 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 1 I0 0 0
#U 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4
Figure 11.24 Test patterns generated by LFSRs
Figure 11.24 illustrates the test patterns generated by two LFSRs for differ
ent values of k
and p. S refers to the sequence of bits generated by the LFSR. Q(k) indic
ates the integer
(base 10) value of the k-bit test pattern generated, and # U indicates the n
umber of unique
test patterns generated. For example, Figure 11.24(a) shows the result
for a type 1 LFSR
with characteristic polynomial P(x) = 1 + x
+ x
and initial state 100. The sequence
generated is 0010111 and p = 7. For k = 2, five test patterns must
be generated before
all four unique test patterns are produced. For k = 3 after three cycl
es seven unique test
patterns have been generated. The test patterns now repeat, hence
the (000) pattern is
never generated. For k = 4 the patterns repeat after four cycles
and only 7 of the 16
possible test patterns are generated. Figure 11.24(b) shows compar
able results for the
case P(x) = 1 + x
+ x
, where p = 31. For k = 3, 20 test patterns must be
generated before all 8 possible patterns are produced.
Specific BIST Architectures 487
By incorporating the LFSRs and controller within the eUT, and by multiplexing
test inputs and normal system inputs, the RTS architecture can be
transformed into a
BIST architecture.
11.4.4 LSSD On-Chip Self-Test (LOCST)
Figure 11.25 shows the general form of the LSSD on-chip self-test (LOeST) arc
which is an extension of a BIST version of the RTS design. This

architecture has the

following attributes:
centralized and separate BIST architecture;
scan path (LSSD) CUT architecture;
boundary scan;
on-chip test controller.
Error signal
Control signals
Error-detection circuitry
Figure 11.25 The LOCST architecture
The inputs and outputs are buffered through two boundary scan registers,
denoted by R I
and R
in Figure 11.25. The design includes an on-chip controller, ref
erred to as an
on-chip monitor (OCM), which is driven by a test bus and is used to parti
ally control the
test process. One implementation of LOCST uses a 20-bit SRSG
having the
characteristic polynomial x
+ x
l 7
+ 1, and a 16-bit SISR with characteristic
polynomial x
l 6
+ x
+ x
+ x
+ 1.
The test process is as follows:
1. Initialize: The scan path is loaded with seed data via the Sin line.
2. Activate self-test mode: Disable system clocks on R I , R 2;
enable LFSR
3. Execute self-test operation:
a. Load the scan path with a pseudorandom test pattern. Data in the sca
n path is
compressed in the SISR. This step requires multiple clock cycles
and is
controlled by off-chip signals.
b. Activate the system clocks for one cycle; register R2 and the internal s
can path
will load data.
c. Steps a and b are repeated until an adequate level of
fault coverage is
4. Check result: Compare the final value in the SISR with th
e known good
Data in the scan path can also be scanned out of the chip using the S
out line. The design

can be embedded rather than separate by implementing the TPG and

ORA using the
system latches. For this case, the SRSG becomes a PRPG, and the SISR a MISR
Some versions of this form of BIST architecture do not employ boundaryscan registers.
Here some logic, referred to as external logic, does not get fully tested u
nless external test
equipment is used. The external logic consists of (a) those bl
ocks of logic driven by
primary inputs and (b) blocks of logic that drive primary outputs.
More details on this architecture can be found in [Eichelberger and Lindbloo
m 1983] and
[LeBlanc 1984].
11.4.5 Self-Testing Using MISR and Parallel SRSG* (STUMPS)
The self-testing using MISR and parallel SRSG (STUMPS) architecture
is shown in
Figure 11.26 [Bardell and McAnney 1982,1984]. It was originally appl
ied at the board
level, and subsequently at the chip level. It has the following attributes:
centralized and separate BIST architecture;
multiple scan paths;
no boundary scan.
The scan paths are driven in parallel by a PRPG, and the signature is genera
ted in parallel
from each scan path using a MISR. At the board level, each scan path co
rresponds to the
scan path in a separate chip; at the chip level each scan path is
just one segment of the
entire scan path of a chip.
The use of multiple scan paths leads to a significant reduction in test time.
Since the scan
paths may be of different lengths, the PRPG is run for K clock cycles to
load up the scan
paths, where K is the length of the longest scan path. For short
scan paths, some of the
data generated by the PRPG flow over into the MISR.
When this approach is applied at the board level to chips designed with a
scan path, then
the PRPG and the MISR can be combined into a special-purpose test chip, w
hich must be
added to the board.
* A SRSG is equivalent to a PRPG.
Specific BIST Architectures 489
PIs //
~ //5;'

Figure 11.26 Self-test using MISR and parallel SRSG (STUMPS)
As before, problems related to linear correlation of data and perio
dicity can adversely
affect the performance of this architecture. Note that if a type
1 LFSR is used in the
PRPG, then Qi(t) = Qi-l (t-l). Hence data in one scan path are a
shifted version of
data in another scan path. To avoid this situation, a type 2
LFSR can be used. The
extemallogic must be tested via ATE or by adding boundary-scan registers.
11.4.6 A Concurrent BIST Architecture (CBIST)
Saluja et al. [1988] have extended the concepts of off-line BIST to include
on-line BIST.
One version of their proposed concurrent BIST (CBIST) architectur
e is shown in
Figure 11.27. The CUT must be combinational logic. The BIST hardw
are is separate
from the normal hardware. The technique can be employed in sequential
circuits, if the
circuitry is partitioned into blocks of combinational logic that can
be tested as separate
entities. No boundary or internal scan paths need to be used
. To reduce hardware
overhead, a centralized BIST architecture can be employed. During offline testing, the
PRPG drives the CUT, whose response is compressed in the MISR. For on
-line testing,
the PRPG and MISR are first initialized and held in their initial state unt
il enabled by the
EN signal. Normal inputs are applied to the CUT. When a match e
xists between the
normal inputs and the state of the PRPG, an enable signal is
generated allowing the
PRPG to advance to its next state, while the MISR samples the output and al
so advances
to its next state. This process is repeated whenever a match occurs
between the normal
input data and the current state of the PRPG. When the state of the P
RPG reaches some
prespecified final state, the signature in the MISR is verified.
CBIST circuitry

---I I
...--_......1---_-----,1 I
L....--_-.--_---' I I
----__1__--, I
I r
L -.J
Normal outputs
Normal inputs
___ -.J
Figure 11.27 Concurrent BIST for combinational logic
The test latency for a circuit is the time required for the PRPG
to go through all states
corresponding to the desired test sequence. The expected value of the test
latency can be
estimated if certain assumptions on the distribution of inputs are
made. For example,
assume that the CUT has n inputs and that all input patterns are equall
y likely. Then the
probability that an input will match the state of the PRPG, denot
ed by p, is 1/2
. Let
q = 1 - p. Assume that L test patterns are applied to the CUT
, that the CUT is to be
tested exhaustively, and that L ~ 2
. Let Ps denote the probability that the PRPG
reaches its final state during the time these patterns are being applied. Th
2" - 1 [L]
Ps = 1 - 1', r" e':"
k = 0 k
Specific BIST Architectures 491
Let the concurrent test latency for exhaustive testing, denoted by
C( a), be the time (in
clock cycles) during normal operation that it takes the PRPG to go t
hrough all 2
with a probability a. Figure 11.28 shows a few values of C(a) for

various values of a
and n. Here C(a) is expressed in terms of both L and time, w
here a 10 MHz system
clock is assumed.
C(0.90) C(0.99)
L sec. L sec.
10 109089 0.11 1127044 0.11
12 17114557 1.71 17395982 1.74
14 271129177 27.11 273349519 27.33
Figure 11.28 C(a) for different values of n and a
11.4.7 A Centralized and Embedded BIST Architecture with
Boundary Scan (CEBS)
Figure 11.29 shows a centralized and embedded BIST architecture with bou
ndary scan
(CEBS); this is a version of the architecture depicted in Figure 11.25.
Here the first r bits
of the input boundary scan register labeled RPG act as a PRPG and a SRSG, and
the last s
bits of the output boundary scan register act as both a MISR
and a SISR. Testing
proceeds as follows. A test mode signal is set and the scan registers are s
eeded. Then the
RPG loads the scan path with pseudorandom test data. A system clock i
s issued and the
scan-path registers are loaded in parallel with system data, exc
ept for the signature
register SR, which operates in the MISR mode. The scan path i
s again loaded with
pseudorandom data while the signature register operates in the SISR mode,
data that were in the scan path.
More details on this type of design can be found in [Komanytsky 1982,
1983] and [Butt
and EI-Ziq 1984].
11.4.8 Random Test Data (RTD)
One major problem with many of the techniques presented previously is
that to apply a
single test pattern to the CUT requires that the entire scan path be
loaded with new data.
This problem can be eliminated by using the random test data (RTD) BI
ST architecture,
shown in Figure 11.30, which has the following attributes:
distributed and embedded BIST architecture;
boundary scan.
In this architecture, signature analyzers are used for both compres
sion and test pattern
generation [Bardell et al. 1987].
The test process operates as follows. The registers R 1, R2, and
R3 are first set to their
scan mode so that they can be loaded with a seed pattern. R 1 cannot
be loaded with the
all-O pattern. The registers are then put into their test mode and
held in this state while
the circuit is tested. For each clock cycle, R 1 and R2 generate a new
test pattern, and R2
and R3 operate as a MISR.


Figure 11.29 A centralized and embedded architecture with boundary scan
I Sin CUT s.;

Figure 11.30 Random test data (RTD) BIST architecture
Little can be said for the tests generated by R2 since these
patterns are the state of a
MISR. Clearly the patterns generated are a function of the logic C
being tested. One
problem with this technique is that some binary patterns may be repeated, an
d others may
never be generated. Fault simulation is required to determine the number of c
lock cycles
to run in the test mode to achieve a desired level of fault coverage.
Specific BIST Architectures 493
Most of the previous BIST approaches use some form of LFSRs
for generating test
patterns and a signature. The RTD technique assumes that the normal data
in a circuit, if
suitably combined with some form of error capturing mechanism, is s
ufficient to test a
circuit. This concept is the basis of the next three BIST architectures.
11.4.9 Simultaneous Self-Test (SST)
Simultaneous self-test (SST) is a BIST approach with the following attributes:
distributed and embedded BIST architecture;
scan CUT architecture;
no boundary scan;
no LFSRs used.
In this approach each storage cell in the CUT is modified to be a
self-test storage cell.
Such a storage cell has three modes of operation, namely normal mo
de, scan mode and
test mode. A self-test SRL storage cell is shown in Figure 1
1.31. During normal
operation, the value of the system data signal D is loaded into the f
lip-flop by CK1. To
scan data into or out of the scan path, T is set to 0 and
clock CK2 is used. During
self-test, T is set to 1 and again clock CK2 is used. The new state o
f the flip-flop is equal

to DEBSi : A part of a circuit employing simultaneous self-test is shown in

Figure 11.32.
Note that the self-test scan register is not explicitly configured as an LFS
R. Feedback can
exist from the output to the input of this register by way of the combinatio
nal logic block
System data D -.--------------; D Q,So
Scan data Si ---------'
Test mode T
System clock CKl Cl
Test clock CK2 C2
Figure 11.31 A self-test storage cell
To test a SST design, the scan path is first loaded with seed data.
The circuit is then put
into the test mode and clocked a sufficient number of times (N) to
be adequately tested.
After N clock cycles, the circuit is put back into the scan mode a
nd the contents of the
scan path shifted out. Faulty operation is detected if during the
test process an output



Figure 11.32 BIST architecture using self-test storage cells
error occurs, or if the final contents of the scan path is incorrect.
During the test process
the self-test scan path is simultaneously collecting test results from
C and supplying test
values to C. This procedure leads to a very fast test process sin
ce test data need not be
shifted into the scan path.
Unfortunately, there are several problems associated with this test method
. One problem
again deals with testing external logic. For production testing,
this can be solved by
means of the ATE. For field test, some other means is requir
ed, such as the use of
boundary-scan registers. Another solution is to connect the outputs of
the CUT back to
its inputs during self-test. In general, the number of POs and PIs
are not the same. If
there are more POs than PIs, then groups of POs can be XORed together to d
rive a single
PI; if there are more PIs than POs, then some PIs can be driven
by a unique PO, while
other PIs are driven by the XOR of several POs. Another alterna
tive is to let the ICs
connected to the CUT drive (observe) inputs (outputs) which cannot be driven
by the chip's own scan path.
Another problem deals with characterizing the quality of this test

process. Note that

though the scan path acts as both a random-pattern generator and as a d
circuit, there is no way of predicting a priori information related to the ran
domness of the
test patterns generated or the degree of masking that may occur. Not
e that if an error is
generated at the output of C (see Figure 11.32), then an error will occu
r in the scan path,
say in cell Qi: On the one hand, during the next clock cycle t
his error may propagate
through C and produce several errors in the scan path. On the oth
er hand, possibly no
sensitized paths exist through C and this initial error just propagates to t
he next cell Qj +1
Specific BIST Architectures 495
in the scan path. However, if the data input Dj +I to this cell
also is in error during this
clock cycle, then the two errors cancel and masking occurs. Though errors fr
equently are
canceled in the scan path, usually not all errors are canceled.
For more information on
simultaneous self-test see [DasGupta et al. 1982] and [Bardell and McAnney
11.4.10 Cyclic Analysis Testing System (CATS)
Figure 11.33 shows a BIST architecture referred to as cyclic ana
lysis testing systems
(CATS) [Burkness 1987]. The test aspects of this architecture are
based on the fact that
sequential circuits, by their very nature, are nonlinear binarysequence generators.
Figure 11.33(a) shows a sequential circuit that is the CUT. The
CATS architecture-is
shown in Figure 11.33(b). Here during test mode, the outputs of S
drive the inputs. If
there are more outputs than inputs, then extra outputs can be combined us
ing XOR gates.
If the number of outputs is less than the number of inputs, then so
me outputs can drive
more than one input. Thus all outputs and inputs can be exercise
d during testing. The
analysis of this type of BIST architecture is complex. Differe
nt permutations of
interconnections of outputs to inputs clearly lead to different t
est effectiveness. Also
asynchronous feedback loops can be created, including ones having critical ra
ces. Hence
care must be exercised in forming the feedback.
Xl Zl Xl Zl


n Zn


Figure 11.33 The CATS BIST architecture
To test the CUT, the outputs are connected to the inputs a
nd the CUT clocked a
predetermined number of times. For large circuits this can be tens of thou
sands of steps.
The actual number is a function of the desired fault coverage and must b
e determined by
fault simulation. The area overhead for this technique is low. Its e
ffectiveness is clearly
circui t dependent.
11.4.11 Circular Self-Test Path (CSTP)
The circular self-test path (CSTP) BIST architecture is similar to
the SST design. It
differs primarily in three aspects. First, it employs a self-t
est cell design shown in
Figure 11.34(a), rather than the one shown in Figure 11.31. Second, it is
a register-based
architecture; i.e., self-test cells are grouped into registers.
Third, it employs partial
self-test; i.e., not all registers must consist of self-test cells.
Some necessary features of
this architecture are (1) all inputs and outputs must be associated with b
oundary scan cells
and (2) all storage cells must be initializable to a known state before testi
0 M
D Q Qj
1 Sj
NIT Z Mode
0 D
1 Dj ffiS
BO B1 Z Mode
0 0 0 Reset
0 1 Sj Scan
1 0 D

1 1 D
Figure 11.34 Storage cell designs for use in circular self-test path BIST
Consider the circuit shown in Figure 11.35. The registers R
, R
, R
, R
, and s, are
part of the circular self-test path. Note that the self-test cells form
a circular path. If this
circular path contains m cells, then it corresponds to a MISR havin
g the characteristic
polynomial (1 + x'"), Registers R
, R, and R
need not be in the self-test path, nor do
they require reset or set lines, since they can be initialized based on the
state of the rest of
the circuit. That is, once R 1, R2, and R3 are initialized, if R4, R5
, and R6 are issued two
system clocks, then they too will be initialized to a known state.
The same cannot be said of R3 because of the feedback loop
formed by the path
- C
- R
- C
- R
. However, if R
has a reset line, then it need not be in the
self-test path. Increasing the number of cells in the self-test path increas
es both the BIST
hardware overhead and the fault coverage for a fixed test length.
Specific BIST Architectures 497
Ph Ph
r- -I

__ ..J
I R I - conventional register
WR ~ - self-test path register
Figure 11.35 A design employing the circular self-test path architecture
The test process requires three phases.
1. Initialization: All registers are placed into a known state.
2. Testing of CUT: The circuit is run in the test mode; registers
that are not in the
self-test path operate in their normal mode.
3. Response evaluation.
During phase 2 the self-test path operates as both a random-pa
ttern generator and
response compactor. During phase 3 the circuit is again run in the t
est mode. But now
the sequences of outputs from one or more self-test cells are compared with
fault-free values. This comparison can be done either on-chip or off-chip.
More information on this approach can be found in [Krasniewski and Pilarski 198
A similar BIST approach has been reported by Stroud [1988]. Here a sig
nature analyzer
is incorporated in the BIST circuitry to simplify identification of faulty
circuit operation.
Also a self-test cell having a scan mode is used, as shown in Figure 11.34(b)
Performance Analysis
Figure 11.36 shows the general form of a circular self-test path design.
The circular path
corresponds to an LFSR having the primitive polynomial p(x) = 1+x
In this section
we will briefly present some theoretical and experimental result
s about certain
performance aspects of this class of design. These results are applicable t
o many designs
where a MISR is used as a PRPG.


Figure 11.36 General form of a circular self-test path design

Let Zi (t) and Xi (t) be the input and output, respectively, to
the ith cell in a circular
self-test path. Then assume that the sequences of bits applied to each ce
ll in the path are
independent and that each sequence is characterized by a constant (in time) p
robability of
a l i e.g.i for input z.i p , = Prob{Zi(t) = I}, t = 1,2, ....
Theorem 11.4: [Krasniewski and Pilarski 1989]. If there exists an inpu
t to the circular
path, zi. such that O<Pi < 1, then, independent of the initial
state of the path,
lim Prob{xj(t) = I} = 0.5 forj =1,2, ..., m. D
t ~ o o
Thus if the response of the circuit to the initial state of the circular path

is neither the all-O

nor the all-l pattern, then some time after initiatization the prob
ability of a 1 at any bit
position of the circular path is close to 0.5.
By carrying out extensive simulations, Krasniewski and Pilarski have made th
e following
Specific BIST Architectures 499
Observation 1: The number of clock cycles required for Xj(t) to conv
erge to 0.5 (the
equiprobable steady state) is a function of the length of the circula
r path, and is usually
small compared to the number of test patterns normally applied to the circuit.
The pattern coverage (also known as the state coverage) is de
noted by Cn.r and is
defined as the fraction of all 2
binary patterns occurring during r clock cycles of the
self-testing process at n arbitrary selected outputs of the circular path. T
hese outputs can
be the n inputs to a block of logic C.
Observation 2: As the length of the circular path increases, the impact of th
e value of Pi
on the pattern coverage decreases.
Observation 3: The circular path provides a block C with an almost exhau
stive test for
test lengths a few (four to eight) times longer than an exhaustive test.
Observation 4: When the number of clock cycles associated with a t
est exceeds the
length of the circular path, the impact of the location of the n cells feed
ing the block C on
the pattern coverage is negligible. For long test times, the patte
rn coverage associated
with n cells is almost independent of the length of the path;
it is close to the pattern
coverage of an n-bit path.
More recently, Sastry and Majumdar [1989] have obtained the fo
llowing theoretical
results dealing with the distribution of pattern coverage in r
cycles, as well as the
distribution of r, the number of clock cycles required to obtain a pattern cover
age of j (out
of N = 2
of the possible inputs to an n-input circuit). In the results prese
nted here we
assume that all cells in the circular path are self-test scan cells.
E[ Cn,r] is the expected value of the random variable Cn.r : Let Y
be a random variable
representing the number of distinct patterns applied at time r, whe
re we assume that at
time 0 no patterns have yet been applied. Let Pj,r denote the
probability that Y = j,
where jsr andjs2

Definition 11.1: rZl are Stirling's numbers of the second kind,


= {Z} [ ~ ] k ! and [x] = x!/y!(x-y)!.

k=O Y
Theorem 11.5: Once the circular path has reached the steady (equiprobable) sta
te, then
j! [7] {i}
The computation of Pj,r is complex. When rand N are both l
arge such that
o < A = rlN < 00, we can approximate Pj,r by
r., = [7] (l_e-A)ie-A(N-i) (11.2)
For the case where j = r, from (11.1) we obtain
P = N! = rrt [ 1 - ~ ]
r.r (N-r) !N
k=O N
Let J.1k,N,r be the k-th moment of Y conditioned on Nand r; i.e.,
J,lk,N,r = E[y
r ]
=N - 1-- k-l
Ilk,N,r Ilk-l,N,r+l N mJ;:o [ m ] Ilm,N-l,r .
From this result we can determine the expected value and variance of Cn.r
E[YIN,r] = Ill,N,r = N(l-(l_-.L)r)
E[C ] = (1-(1-_1 )r).
n.r 2n
This same result was obtained by Kim et ale [1988].
The variance on the random variable Y can be expressed as Var [Y] = E
[ y
] - E
[ Y].
For Y conditioned on Nand r we have
Thus the variance of Y approaches zero as r approaches infin
ity, and therefore the
accuracy of E [Y] as an estimate of the actual pattern coverage increases as
r increases.
Let R be the random variable representing the number of clock cycles required t
o obtain a
pattern coverage of j (out of N). Then the probability of requiri
ng r clock cycles to
achieve the pattern coverage ofj (r'?:.j) is given by
P{R=rIN,j} = (N-{+l) Pj-i,r-l
where Pj,r is given in equation (11.1). Then
E[RIN,j] = j + ji: kiN
k=l (I-kiN)
11.4.12 Built-In Logic-Block Observation (BILBO)
One major problem with several of the designs presented previously is that the
y deal with

an unpartitioned version of a CUT; i.e., all primary inputs are grouped t

ogether into one
set, all primary outputs into a second set, and all storage cells into a t
hird set. These sets
are then associated with PRPGs and MISRs. Since the number of cells in t
hese registers
is usually large, it is not feasible to consider exhaustive
or pseudoexhaustive test
techniques. For example, a chip can easily have over 100 inputs
and several hundred
storage cells. To circumvent this problem one can attempt to cluster
storage cells into
groups, commonly called registers. In general these groups correspond
to the functional
registers found in many designs, such as the program counter, the instruction
register, and
the accumulator found in a microprocessor design. Some BIST ar
chitectures take
Specific BIST Architectures 501
B 1 - - - - - < I ~ - - . . . . - - t - - - - - - ___+_---B2 --+----.----+---------.-----+----Q
Ql Q2 Qn-l Qn
D So
Figure 11.37 (a) n-bit BILBO register (b) normal mode (B 1 =B
= 1) (c) shift
register mode (B
=0) (d) LFSR (test) mode (B
= 1,B
advantage of the register aspects of many designs to achieve
a more effective test
One such architecture employs built-in logic-block observation (BI
LBO) registers
[Koenemann et f!:!. 1979, 1980], shown in Figure 11.37(a). In this
register design the
inverted output Q of a storage cell is connected via a NOR and an XOR gat
e to the data
input of the next cell. A BILBO register operates in one of four mod
es, as specified by
Figure 11.37 (Continued)

Figure 11.38 BIST designs with BILBO registers
the control inputs Bland B2. When B 1 = B2 = 1, the BILBO reg
ister operates in its
normal parallel load mode (see Figure 11.37(b)). When B 1 = B2
= 0, it operates as a
shift register with scan input Si (see Figure 11.37(c)). Note that data is
complemented as
it enters the scan register. When B 1 = and B2 = 1, all storage ce
lls are reset. When
B 1 = 1 and B 2 = 0, the BILBO register is configured as an LSFR (see
Figure 11.37(d)),
or more accurately the register operates as a MISR. If the ZiS are the
outputs of a CUT,
then the register compresses the response to form a signature. If the input
s Z1, Z2' ..., Z;
are held at a constant value of 0, and the initial value of the register
is not all Os, then the
LFSR operates as a pseudorandom-pattern generator.
Specific BIST Architectures 503
A simple form of a BILBO BIST architecture consists of partitioning a circ
uit into a set
of registers and blocks of combinational logic, where the normal registers ar
e replaced by
BILBO registers. In addition, the inputs to a block of logic C ar
e driven by a BILBO
register Ri, and the outputs of C drive another BILBO register Ri:
1 M
o X
------------------------......-----BIB2 Operation mode
o Normal
1 1 Scan
Figure 11.39 Concurrent BILBO register
Consider the circuit shown in Figure 11.38(a), where the registers a
re all BILBOs. To
test C1, first R 1 and R2 are seeded, and then R 1 is put into the
PRPG mode and R 2 into
the MISR mode. Assume the inputs of R 1 are held at the value O. The circu
it is then run
in this mode for N clock cycles. If the number of inputs of C1 is
not too large, C1 can
even be tested exhaustively, except for the all-zero pattern. A
t the end of this test
process, called a test session, the contents of R2 can be scanne
d out and the signature
checked. Similarly C2 can be tested by configuring R 1 to be a MI
SR and R 2 to be a
PRPG. Thus the circuit is tested in two test sessions.
Figure 11.38(b) shows a different type of circuit configuration,
one having a self-loop
around the R2 BILBO register. This design does not conform to
a normal BILBO

architecture. To test C1, R 1 must be in the PRPG mode. Also, R2 sh

ould be in both the
MISR mode and the PRPG mode. This is not possible for the
design shown in
Figure 11.37(a). What can be done is to place R
in the MISR mode. Now its outputs
are essentially random vectors that can be used as test data to C
1. One feature of this
scheme is that errors in the MISR produce "erroneous" test pattern
s that are applied to
C1, which in tum tend to produce more errors in R2' The bad aspect
of this approach is
that there may exist faults that are never detected. This could o
ccur, for example, if the
input data to C1 never propagate the effect of a fault to the output of C1 .

Figure 11.40 Bus-oriented BILBO architecture

This situation can be rectified by using a concurrent built-in
logic-block observation
(CBILBO) register [Wang and McCluskey 1986c]. This register, shown in Fig
ure 11.39,
operates simultaneously as a MISR and a PRPG. The top row o
f D flip-flops and
associated logic form a MISR. The bottom row of dual-port flip-fl
ops and associated
logic form a register that can operate either in the normal parallel-loa
d mode or the scan
mode or as a PRPG.
Recall that when a BILBO register is in the PRPG mode, its input
s need to be held at
some constant value. This can be achieved in several ways. Of
ten the BILBO test
methodology is applied to a modular and bus-oriented system in
which functional
modules, such as ALUs, RAMs, and ROMs, are connected via a regist
er to a bus (see
Figure 11.40). By disabling all bus drivers and using pull-up or pull
-down circuitry, the
register inputs can be held in a constant state.
However, some architectures have a pipeline structure as in Figure 11.4
1. To deactivate
the inputs to a BILBO register during its PRPG mode, a modified BILBO regi
ster design
having three control signals (B 1 ,B 2 ,B 3) can be used, as shown
in Figure 11.42. There
are now eight possible control states, and one can be used to specify the
MISR mode and
another the PRPG mode.
Specific BIST Architectures
Figure 11.41 Pipeline-oriented BILBO architecture
One aspect that differentiates the BILBO architecture from the previously disc
ussed BIST
architectures is the partitioning of storage cells to form registers

and the partitioning of

the combinational logic into blocks of logic. Once such a partitioni
ng is achieved, then
many of the techniques discussed previously dealing with pseudoexhaustive
testing can
be employed. The BILBO registers can be replaced by other types of re
gisters, such as
constant-weight counters or more complex forms of LFSRs.
The built-in digital-circuit observer (BIDeO) is an extension of
the BILBO design
approach to board-level testing [Fasang 1980]. Related work can be f
ound in [Beucler
and Manner 1984].
Several techniques, such as RTD, CSTP, and BILBO, use a MISR
as a PRPG.
Previously we have presented some theoretical results pertaining to the
effectiveness of
using a circular self-test path as a pattern generator. We next p
resent some additional
results related to the use of a MISR for test-pattern generation.
Analysis of Patterns Generated by a MISR
In this section we will analyze some of the properties of patterns g
enerated by a MISR.
The results of this analysis are useful when a MISR is used as a TPG.
Consider an n-bit
MISR whose characteristic polynomial is primitive. Then if the input
is held constant,
the MISR behaves as a maximum-length LFSR and generates 2
- 1 patterns. However,
B 1 ---+---+-----+----+---------+-----......--+--1 M
s, 0 X
Operation mode
1 1 0 Normal
0 1 0 Reset
1 0 0 Signature analysis (MISR)
1 0 1 Pattern generation (PRPG)
0 0 0 Scan
Figure 11.42 BILBO register with input disable control
even if a primitive polynomial is not employed, all states c
an still be generated by
changing the inputs to the MISR.
Figure 11.43 shows a 3-bit MISR and the state transitions that occur
under two different
The predecessor state of state 101 under input pattern 010 is 110;
its successor state is
000. Because of the linear nature of LFSRs, the following results can be
shown [Golomb

Property 1: The number of successor states of a given state of a MIS

R is equal to the
number of unique input patterns of the MISR.
Property 2: The number of predecessor states of a given state of a MISR is e
qual to the
number of unique input patterns of the MISR.
Property 3: If the number of input patterns of an n-bit MISR
is greater than 1, the
MISR can possibly generate all 2
Specific BIST Architectures 507
// \
-:;---,--/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
// \
/ \
/ \
/ \
\ /
\ /
/ \
~ - , ----:/!./II
P(x) = x
+ x
+ 1
L--__---( +)E--------------'
Input pattern
~ /2/1/0 = 010
- -:> /2/1/0 100
Figure 11.43 (a) A 3-bit MISR (b) State transition diagram for two different
Completeness of State Space
The behavior of a MISR can be modeled by a Markov chain. Let P ij be the pro
bability of
a state transition from state s i to state Si: Then the state-trans
ition diagram of an n-bit
MISR can be described by a 2
x 2

matrix, called the transition-probability matrix, and

denotedbyP = [Pij],i,j= 1,2, ...,2

For the example shown in Figure 11.43, let the probability of occurrence of inp
ut pattern
010 be 1/3 and that of 100 be 2/3. The transition-probability
matrix P is shown in
Figure 11.44.
Let 1t} be the probability that a MISR is in state Sj after
the application of k input
patterns. The state-probability vector is denoted by 1t (k) = (
1t1, 1 t ~ , ... ,1tx,) where
N = 2
. The 1t(k) is related to the initial-probability vector 1t(0) and P by
the equation
1t(k) = 1t(O)p


0 0 1/3 0 2/3 0 0 0
2/3 0 0 0 0 0 1/3 0
0 0 0 1/3 0 2/3 0 0
0 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 1/3
0 0 2/3 0 1/3 0 0 0
1/3 0 0 0 0 0 2/3 0
0 0 0 2/3 0 1/3 0 0
0 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 2/3
Figure 11.44
For example, several of the state-probability vectors for the circuit of Fi
gure 11.43, given
the initial state (111) and the P matrix given above are listed below:
nCO) = (00000001)
n( 1) = nCO) P =(0 1/3 00000 2/3)
n(2) = n(l) P =n(O) p
=(0.22 0.22 0 0 0 0 0.11 0.44)
n(7) = (0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1358)
n(8) = (0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1235 0.1317)
Note that as k increases, each element of n(k) approaches 1/8.
We will show that in
general as k increases each state becomes equally probable.
A Markov chain is said to be regular if every state can be reached from eve
ry other state.
A transition-probability matrix P corresponding to a Markov chain is doubly sto
chastic if
each row and column sum is 1.
A Markov process having these properties satisfies the following the
orem [Taylor and
Karlin 1984]:
Theorem 11.6: If a Markov chain is regular and the transition-probabi
lity matrix P is
doubly stochastic, then limn(k) =(liN, liN, ..., liN), where N is the numb
er of states.
From properties 1, 2, and 3, the state diagram of a MISR is regular if the nu
mber of input

patterns is greater than 1. Also, the transition-probability matri

x P associated with a
MISR is doubly stochastic. Based on the law of large numbers [Taylor and
Kalin 1984]
and Theorem 11.6, we have the following result:
Theorem 11.7: For a given n-bit MISR the probability of appearance o
f each pattern
becomes 1/2
after a sufficient number of clock cycles, provided that the n
umber of
different input patterns to the MISR is greater than 1. 0
Let x i be the output of one the i-th bit of the MISR, and let Pi
= Prob{Xi = I}. Then
from Theorem 11.7 it follows that p , = 0.5.
Specific BIST Architectures 509
Effectiveness as a PRPG
In this section we will show that a MISR can be effectively
used as a PRPG. Let
{Vl,V2, ... ,VN} be the set of all binary n-tuples. Each Vi rep
resents a state of an n-bit
MISR. Assume a MISR operates for m clock cycles and generates
a sequence of
patterns S =S1, S2, ... , Sm. Let Dm be the number of distinct pa
tterns in this sequence.
if v i occurs in the sequence S
Then D m = Xl,m +X 2,m + ... +X Nim and the expected value of D m is
E[Dml = E [ ~ Xi,m] = i ~ E(Xi,m)'
SinceProb(Xi,m) = 1-(1- ;n v", thenE[Dml = N(1-(1- 2
When m 2
, then
= m.
Thus for a small number of patterns, the chances of generating repeated patt
erns is small.
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,or-----------LFSR
Number of
MISR n =4,8,16,32
0-+---------------+--------------.---o 2
Number of patterns generated - m
Figure 11.45
Some results relating the value of D m to m for various val
ues of n are shown in
Figure 11.45. Since the results for n = 4, 8, 16, and 32 are
similar, only one curve is
shown. It is seen that for m 2
, the MISR acts as a PRPG; but for larger values of m it


acts more as a random-pattern generator. Kim et al. [1988] have
also shown that the
properties pertaining to the randomness of the patterns generated by a MISR are
true even
if the inputs are nonequiprobable.
Control and data inputs
Figure 11.46 Portion of the TMS32010 signal-processing chip Case Study
Figure 11.46 shows a portion of the TMS32010 signal-processing chip.
Various BIST
architectures were applied to this chip, and the results derived by
Kim et ale [1988] are
presented here. The 8x8-bit multiplier and 16-bit ALU were modeled using 8
80 and 354
gates respectively. The numbers of single stuck-fault classes in t
hese circuits are 1255
and 574 respectively.
Four BIST designs are shown in Figure 11.47.
Design 1: Figure 11.47(a) shows a BILBO-type BIST architecture that requir
es two test
sessions, one to test the multiplier, at which time the BILBO register operat
es as a MISR;
the second to test the ALU, at which time the BILBO register operates
as a PRPG. This
design requires the addition of a 16-bit and a 6-bit PRPG to drive the
leftmost 16-bits of
the ALU, and the five control inputs and carry-in of the ALU.
Design 2: Figure 11.47(b) shows a BIST design where R
is unmodified and again a
22-bit PRPG is added to the circuit. The response data produced by
the multiplier are
used as test data to the ALU. Now only one test session is required.
Design 3: Figure 11.47(c) shows a BIST design where R
is extended to be a 38-bit
MISR. The inputs to the first 22-bits of this MISR are held constant at O
. Again only one
test session is required.
Specific BIST Architectures
I ,
t I
~ - -- -pRPo]
I r - -:' 16
, ,

r---------, MISR
: r - -, I
, '
, I
, ,
, ,
(c) (d)
I I added registers
L .J
Figure 11.47 Four testable designs for the TMS32010
(a) BILBO solution (b) Solution where R
unmodified (c) Solution where ALU is tested by separate
MISRs (d) Solution where ALU is tested by sharing a
Design 4: Figure 11.47(d) shows still another BIST design. Here R
and R
are MISRs
and are used to drive the data inputs to the ALU. Of the four desig
ns, this one uses the
least amount of test hardware. Again only one test session is required.
Simulation results based on 20 different runs are shown in Figure 11.48,
where each run
corresponds to a different selection of seed values in the LFSRs.
Number of Design
test patterns 1 2 3 4
Average 2,177 ~ 3,000 1,457 1378
Minimum 830 - 634 721
Maximum 3,619 - 2,531 2,121
coverage (%) 100 64.5 100 100
Figure 11.48 Fault-simulation results for various BIST designs
For designs 1, 3, and 4, simulation terminated as soon as 100 percent
fault coverage was
achieved. For design 2, fault coverage saturated at 64.5 percent.
The number of test
patterns for BILBO design 1 is the sum of the test patterns f
or each of the two test
sessions. Note that designs 3 and 4 lead to a substantial reduction
in test length. For
design 4, the input patterns to the ALU are not necessarily unifor
mly distributed since
they are dependent on the current state of the MISR R3; i.e., t
he probability-transition
matrix P is not doubly stochastic.
In summary, it appears that a MISR can be used effectively as a s
ource of test patterns.

Also, it is usually not necessary to test circuits exhaustivel

y or even to apply a
verification test.
11.4.13 Summary
BIST represents an active research area, and new BIST architectures
are continually
being developed. In this section we have shown how some of these a
rchitectures have
evolved. Initially, applying techniques such as CSBL and BEST, sequential
circuits were
tested using pseudorandom test patterns, and results compressed
using signature
analyzers. To obtain better access to internal circuitry, scan paths can
be used so that the
kernel being tested is combinational. The next step was to embed t
he PRPG and MISR
into the CUT and employ boundary scan to test isolated logic. T
o reduce test time,
approaches such as SST and CSTP were developed where a scan path does not ha
ve to be
serially loaded before the application of each test pattern. H
ere a more complex
pseudo-scan-path design is used. Finally, a register-based BIST archit
ecture (BILBO)
was presented. Note that for some BIST approaches, such as CSBL,
the circuit under test operates as a sequential circuit during the test
process; hence some
aspects of dynamic testing are present. For those approaches that
use a scan operation
between test patterns, such as RTS, LOCST, and STUMPS, testing i
s more of a static
Specific BIST Architectures 513
One problem associated with several BIST designs such as RTD, SST, and
CSTP, is that
during self-test, the D inputs to the storage cells are not teste
d. Hence some additional
tests need to be run while in the normal mode. This can be done by loading
the scan path
with a test pattern, applying a normal clock, and then checking t
he contents of the scan
path. Usually a few patterns are enough to test the logic n
ot tested by the self-test
Figure 11.49 shows some of the main attributes of the architectures presented
Combinational (C) Chip (C)
Centralized (C) Separated (S) or or
Architecture or or sequential (S) Boundary board (B)
(section) distributed (D) embedded (E) kernels scan level
CSBL (11.4.1) C S C orS N B
BEST (11.4.2) C SorE C orS
RTS (11.4.3) D S C N C (1)
LOCST (11.4.4) C S C
STUMPS (11.4.5) C S C N B orC

CBIST (11.4.6) CorD S C Optional C (2)

CEBS (11.4.7) C E C
RTD (11.4.8) D E C
SST (11.4.9) D E C N C
CATS (11.4.10) NA NA S N C (3)
CSTP (11.4.11) D E C orS
BILBO (11.4.12) D E C N C (4)
(1) A non-BIST architecture
(2) A concurrent BIST architecture
(3) In a minimal configuration there is no BIST hardware except for MUXs
(4) Can be extended to sequential kernels
Figure 11.49 Summary of BIST architecture
11.5 SOlDe Advanced BIST Concepts
In this section we will consider three advanced concepts relat
ed to some BIST
architectures: (1) scheduling of test sessions, (2) control of multiple
test sessions when a
distributed and embedded BIST architecture is employed, and (3) partial
BIST designs.
For simplicity we will assume a BILBO architecture is employed.
First, some basic
concepts will be presented.
A register Ri is said to be a driver of a block of logic C if some out
puts of R i are inputs
to C. A register Rj is said to be a receiver of C if some outputs of C
are inputs to Ri: R i
is said to be adjacent to Rj if there exists a block of logic C such that
Ri is a driver of C,
and R
is a receiver of C. If R, is both a receiver and a d
river of C, then it is
Example 11.5: Consider the portion of the circuit shown in Figure 11.
50(a). R 1, R3,
and R
are drivers of C, R
and R
are receivers of C, and R
is a self-adjacent register.
Also R 1 and R2 are adjacent, but R 1 and R4 are not adjacent.
Figure 11.50 (a) Part of a circuit (b) Its register adjacency graph
To test C, R 1 and R4 should be placed in the PRPG mode, and R2
in the MISR mode.
R3 should be in both the PRPG mode and the MISR mode. This can be acc
omplished by

using a CBILBO register, such as the one shown in Figure 11.39. To

reduce hardware
overhead, we will operate self-adjacent registers in the MISR mode.
Note that storage
cells and functional registers can be clustered into new registe
rs in order to form a
BILBO register. For example, it may be feasible to cluster R 1 and R
into a single LFSR
Rr , during the test mode. However, it would not be beneficial
to cluster R2 and R4
together since they operate in different ways during the test mode. D
11.5.1 Test Schedules
A test session is defined as an assignment of test modes to BILBO registers
to test one or
more blocks of logic. A block of logic is considered to be tested if its dri
ver registers are
in the PRPG mode, and its receivers and self-adjacent registers are in the MI
SR mode.
A circuit can be modeled by a bipartite graph G = (NA ,NB ,E), referred
to as a register
adjacency graph (RAG), where NA is a set of type A nodes, each of
which represents a
register, NB is a set of type B nodes, each of which represents a b
lock of combinational
logic, and E is a set of edges between type A and B nodes. A directed edg
e exists from a
type A node (register Ri) to a type B node (block of logic Ck) if R i
is a driver of Ck and
a directed edge exists from a type B node Ck to a type A node Rj if Rj
is a receiver of Ck:
In addition, a type A node corresponding to a self-adjacent register is
flagged with an L.
Figure 11.50(b) shows the RAG associated with Figure 11.50(a).
The test-scheduling problem is defined as follows: determine the minimal num
ber of test
sessions required to test all blocks of combinational logic. This
problem is related to
determining the chromatic number of a graph G*, which is the minimal numbe
r of colors
Some Advanced BIST Concepts 515
that can be assigned to the nodes of G* such that no edge connects two nodes
of the same
color. Methods for determining the minimal number of test sessions have bee
n presented
in [Craig et ale 1988].
Figure 11.51 Example circuit
Example 11.6: Figure 11.51 shows a circuit to be made testable
using the BILBO
methodology. Figure 11.52 shows its corresponding RAG. The circui
t can be
completely tested with just three test sessions, as shown in Figure 11.53.
Figure 11.53(a)
shows a test session where eland c5 are tested simultaneously.
Figure 11.52 Register adjacency graph for the circuit in Figure 11.51
The test-scheduling problem becomes more complex when the test time for e
ach block of
logic is considered. Now the objective is to minimize the test time for
the entire chip. A

test session can now be more complex; for example, while Ci is b

eing tested, C, is also
tested, and when the testing of C, is completed, Ck is then tested
. The analysis of these
time-dependent test schedules is considered in [Jone et al. 1989].
11.5.2 Control of BILBO Registers
When multiple test sessions exist, the efficient control of the BILBO registers
becomes an
important issue. Each BILBO register requires three bits of con
trol information to
specify in which of five possible modes to operate, namely, normal, scan, r
eset, PRPG, or
MISR. It would be desirable if these control bits were common to all reg
isters and could
then be broadcast using three common control signals. However, s
ince in each test
session the role of a register can be either a MISR or a PRPG,
it is only possible to
broadcast two signals. These two signals can be used to speci
fy one of four modes,
namely, normal, scan, reset, or test. Each register can then have one unique
control signal
to indicate if it should operate as a PRPG or a MISR while
in the test mode. The
distribution and control of these individual signals could requi
re a significant area
overhead. An alternative approach is to distribute the control.
This can be done by
associating with each BILBO register R, a test storage cell T
If T, = 1, then R,
operates in the MISR mode when in the test mode; otherwise it op
erates in the PRPG
mode. The test storage cells can be organized into a separate scan
path or made part of
the same scan path that incorporates the BILBO registers. Before executing
a test session
the test cells can be initialized so that each BILBO register ope
rates in its appropriate
mode. Figure 11.54 shows a BILBO register design that incorporates a test
mode storage
cell [Hudson and Peterson 1987]. A basic cell in the BILBO r
egister is shown in
Figure 11.54(a). The first cell of the BILBO register and the control line
s to all the cells
are driven by the logic shown in Figure 11.54(b). Figure 11.54(c) sh
ows the truth table
for the control circuitry Cl : The test mode storage cell Ti is in
the same scan path as the
BILBO registers. The output of T, is T2, which is an input to Cl :
The signal S * drives
the input So to the first cell in the BILBO register correspond
ing to j = 1. Si is the
normal scan-in input used to scan data into the BILBO register; FB is the fe
edback signal
from the linear feedback network. Setting TO =1 disables the clock to T
, allowing T, to
hold its state during the test mode.
Some Advanced BIST Concepts 517

~ : : \\ ~ ~ /0/
S" > ~ 4 - ~ - 0 ~ D PRPG
o Logic block tested
o Logic block not tested
- -:> Interconnection not used for test
Figure 11.53 Three test sessions for the circuit in Figure 11.51
To control a test session completely, a controller is required to keep coun
t of the number
of test-patterns processed during each test session and the number
of shift operations
required to load and read data from the various scan paths. The
design of these test
L ____________ -.J
D Q 0


T1 - - - - t I ~ _ _ _ _ _ ;
TO Tl T2 Mode BO Bl
1 0 0 PRPG 0 1 FB
1 0 1 MISR 1 1 FB
0 0 Q SHIFf 0 1 Q
1 1 x LATCH 1 0 x
0 1 1 RESET 0 0 x
Figure 11.54 Control of a BILBO register
controllers is discussed in [Kalinowski et al. 1986] and [Breuer
et ale 1988]. Most
control sequences for the various BIST architectures are similar
and consist of the
following major steps:
1. Inhibit system clocks and enter the test mode.
Some Advanced BIST Concepts 519
2. Initialize control registers with data specific to a test sess
ion, such as seed data,
scan-path lengths, identification of desired scan paths, and number of
test patterns
to be processed.
3. Seed the LFSRs and scan paths.
4. Initiate the test process.
5. Process the final signature to determine if an error has been detected.
11.5.3 Partial-Intrusion BIST
Partial-intrusion BIST refers to the concept where only a subset of
the registers and/or
storage cells in a circuit are made part of an LFSR or shift-register path
. The motivation
for partial-intrusion BIST is to reduce circuit complexity and
enhance performance.
Partial-intrusion BIST can be implemented in several ways. We wil
l focus on those
techniques where the kernel is combinational logic.
A partial-intrusion BIST design can be achieved using I-paths [Abadir and Br
euer 1985],
which were discussed in Chapter 9.

Figure 11.55 A design employing partial BIST

Example 11.7: A portion of a complex design is shown in Figure
11.55. Using the
classical BILBO methodology to test C
, R
and R
must be BILBO registers; R

be put into the PRPG mode and R
i 2
into the MISR mode. Using a partial-intrusion
BISTIBILBO methodology, it is possible to keep R
i 1
and R
i 2
as normal registers and
only convert R 1 and R 2 into BILBO registers. To test Ci R 1 is c
onfigured as a PRPG
and R2 as a MISR. Figure 11.56 illustrates a test plan which specifie
s how Ci is tested
by a single test pattern.
Time Operation
t + 1 OP
t + 2 OP
t + 3 OP
R 1 generates a new test pattern.
R 1 drives bus and Ri1 loads from bus.
Test data propagate through Ci and response is loaded into Ri2.
R i2 drives bus and R
loads from bus (while in the MISR
Figure 11.56 Initial test plan for Ci
This plan can be repeated until Ci is completely tested. The pla
n can be optimized so
that Ci is tested by a new test pattern every other clock cycle rather th
an every four clock
cycles. To achieve this new plan the design will be considered to
be a pipeline. Since
both operations OP
and OP4 use the bus, these operations cannot occur simultaneously.
To process a new test pattern every other clock cycle, the ori
ginal test plan must be
modified and a hold operation inserted between OP
and OP4. The new test plan is
shown in Figure 11.57.
Time Operation
t + 1 OP
t + 2 OP
t + 3 OP

t + 4 OP
R1 generates a new test pattern.
R 1 drives bus and Ri1 loads from bus.
Test data propagate through Ci and response is loaded into RnR i2 holds its state.
drives bus and R
loads from bus.
Figure 11.57 Modified test plan for Ci
The resulting pipelined test plan, shown in Figure 11.58, consis
ts of a sequence of
parallel operations, where now OP
and OP5 cannot occur simultaneously.
It is seen that two clock cycles after the initiation of test patt
ern (j -1) occurs, the j test
pattern is initiated. The test process consists of two phases that ar
e repeatedly executed.
During phase 1 operations OP4 and OP
occur simultaneously, while during phase 2
Some Advanced BIST Concepts
Time Operations Phase
t + 1
t+ 3
t+ 5
t+ 7
t + 8
Test patternj - 1
---------- -----------------OP 4 OP 2 Test patternj
Test patternj + 1

Figure 11.58 Pipelined test plan
operations 0 P s, 0 P3, and 0 PI are executed.. It is assumed that when R 1

and R2 are not

executed in the MISR or PRPG mode, they remain in the hold mode. This
is an optimal
plan in that it is not possible to process a new test pattern
any faster than every other
clock cycle using the given hardware configuration. This is because bot
h the driver and
receiver must use the bus.
This design approach leads to a reduction in test hardware overhe
ad. Also the delay
between R
i 1
and R
i 2
is not increased, which it would be if R
i 1
and R
i 2
were replaced by
BILBO registers. This is important if a critical timing path exists b
etween registers R i 1
and Rn- In addition, R 1 and R2 can be used to test kernels other than C
i- 0
Algorithms for constructing these forms of optimal test plans that
are executed with a
minimal delay between consecutive test patterns are discussed in
[Abadir and Breuer
1985, 1986]. Using this partial-intrusion BIST approach, the blocks
of logic in a circuit
can be tested sequentially. This is an example of a centralized and embe
dded version of
the original distributed BILBO concept.
Another partial-intrusion BIST approach has been suggested by Krasniewski an
d Albicki
[1985a, 1985b]; an example is shown in Figure 11.59. Here no I-paths
are used, and R
is a normal latch register. Assume that a BILBO-type test method is t
o be used, that all
registers are of width 16, that R 1 is configured as a PRPG and R 3 as a M
ISR, and that C1
is to be tested exhaustively. Then C
is said to be testedfunctionally exhaustively. That
is, even though all 2
patterns are probably not generated at the output of R2, all possible
patterns that can occur in this circuit under normal operation are ge
nerated. Thus some
input patterns corresponding to don't-care minterms associated wit
h C2 may not be
applied to C2. This approach can be extended to more complex architectures h
aving both
feedforward and feedback interconnections.

Figure 11.59 A partial BILBO pipeline architecture

11.6 Design for Self-Test at Board Level

Most PCBs consist of commercial chips that do not support IEEE 1149
.1. Figure 11.60
shows part of a typical microprocessor-based design. Here the n
ormal buffers, latch
registers, and transceivers have been replaced by functionally equivale
nt ICs that have
added capabilities including compatibility with IEEE 1149.1, a
pseudorandom-pattem-generation mode, and a multiple-input signature-reg
ister mode.
This design can now be configured, under control of the test bu
s, to be put in a BIST
mode, where the microprocessor, glue logic, and memory are tested. For exa
mple, to test
the glue logic, the input buffers can be configured to be in the P
RPG mode, while the
output buffer and latch register are placed in the MISR mode. Once the test
has been run,
the test registers can be placed into their scan mode and the resulting sign
ature verified to
see if it is correct. A family of circuitry is emerging that
supports IEEE 1149.1 and
includes test-related functions and can be easily incorporated i
nto board designs to
enhance their testability [TI 1989].
Design for Self-Test at Board Level 523
--- --1
"Glue" logic

_____ ...1.

L _
IEEE 1149.1 ports
B - buffers L - latch register T - transceiver
Figure 11.60 PCB with IEEE 1149.1 test chips
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11.1 Construct the test sequence generated by the LFSR shown in Figure 11.1
11.2 a. Give what you believe is a good definition of an exha
ustive test for a
sequential circuit.
b. Can the test described in part a. be realized by using a complete
the primary inputs?
c. What if the inputs and feedback lines were driven by a complete LFSR?
11.3 Show that by ANDing together pairs of outputs from a 4-s
tage maximal-length
autonomous LFSR, a pseudorandom weighted-patterns generator can be
where the probability of generating a 1 is 0.25.
11.4 Show that the modified LFSR shown in Figure 11.61 generates al
l 2
states. The
added OR and NOR gates force the LFSR into the (0000) state after the (1000)
Figure 11.61 A complete LFSR
11.5 For the circuit of Figure 11.5
a. Find a fault that creates additional l-entries in the dependency
matrix but is
detected by the given pseudoexhaustive test set.
b. Determine a pseudoexhaustive test set of four vectors that al
so detects the
BF (a.c) (hint: modify the given test set).
11.6 Determine two partitions of the dependency matrix given in Figure 11.6
11.7 Show that complementing one column of a matrix representi
ng a
pseudoexhaustive test set creates a test set that is also pseudoexhaustive.
11.8 Consider a binary matrix where any set of n columns has
all 2
Show that any set of k <n columns has all 2
11.9 Construct a pseudoexhaustive test set of minimum length fo
r a circuit whose
dependency matrix is given in Figure 11.63.
a b c d e








0 1 0 0 1 1
Figure 11.62
a b c
x 1 1 0
y 0 1 1
z 1 0 1
Figure 11.63
11.10 Based on Theorem 11.1, construct the matrices To and T2 for
the case n=5 and
k =3. What relation can be observed between To and T2 ?
11.11 Determine if the circuit shown in Figure 11.64 is a m
circuit, and derive a minimal verification test for this circuit.
11.12 Apply Procedure 11.1 to the circuit of Figure 11.64.
11.13 Apply Procedure 11.1 to the circuit of Figure 11.65.
11.14 Prove that for the case where p = w + 1, applying all possib
le binary patterns of
p bits with either odd or even parity will produce a test set wher
e for every subset of w
lines, all possible binary patterns will occur.
11.15 For the circuit shown in Figure 11.16, add a minimal number
of bypass storage
cells so that the resulting circuit can be tested by a verification
test for the values of w
specified below. Show the various segments produced by the additi
on of the bypass
storage cells.
a. w=3
b. w=5
11.16 Consider a microprocessor chip that contains a PLA-based finite-state
controller, a
data path consisting of registers and logic, and a RAM and a ROM for memory
. Describe
the pros and cons of employing the following generic BIST architectures to th
is circuit.
a. central and separate;
b. distributed and separate;
c. distributed and embedded.
Y3 -t---t---t---t--1
Y4 -t--t--t--r-------i
Figure 11.64 A data selector
f4 (d,e,f)

h f6(h,i,j)
f7 (b,j)
Figure 11.65
11.17 Give a logic design for the BIST hardware required to
support the STUMPS
methodology at the board level. Assume each chip is designed with a
single scan path.
Thus every LFSR must be placed into one or more "STUMPS" chips.
11.18 In the CATS BIST architecture why is it necessary that
all storage cells be
initialized to a known state before executing a test?
11.19 Show the complete circuitry required to test the circuit sh
own in Figure 11.66
using the following BIST architectures.
a. CSBL;
b. BEST.
'------i Q D ~ __--l
L---__----; Q D IE:'----_+___--'
Figure 11.66
11.20 Replace the storage cells in the circuit shown in Figure 11.
66 with a scan path.
Show the complete circuitry required to test this circuit usin
11.21 Consider the concurrent BIST architecture CBIST, where the normal
data into the
CUT correspond to the binary equivalent of the input sequence 7, 6, 5,4,3,
2, 1,0,7,6,
5, ..., while the PRPG goes though the state sequence 0, 1,2, ...,7. Determ
ine the number
of clock cycles required to test the CUT.
11.22 Determine optimal test plans for the partial-intrusion BIS
T designs shown in
Figures 11.67(a) and 11.67(b).
11.23 Consider the partial-intrusion BIST architecture shown in Figure 11.
68, where R 1
generates all 2
test patterns. Is C2 tested functionally exhaustively? Justify y
11.24 For the register adjacency graph shown in Figure 11.69, de
termine the minimal
number of test sessions required so that each block of logic
is tested. Assume that
self-adjacent registers can operate as CBILBO registers.
Figure 11.67
Figure 11.68

Figure 11.69 Determination of minimal number of test sessions
About This Chapter
In this chapter we analyze logic-level fault-location techniques.
After discussing the
basic concepts of diagnosis, we review the fault-dictionary meth
od, guided-probe
testing, diagnosis by progressive reduction of the unit under test
, methods specialized
for combinational circuits, expert systems for diagnosis, effect-c
ause analysis, and a
reasoning technique based on structure and behavior.
12.1 Basic Concepts
A unit under test (UUT) fails when its observed behavior is differe
nt from its expected
behavior. If the UUT is to be repaired, the cause of the
observed error(s) must be
diagnosed. Diagnosis consists of locating the physical fault( s) in a
structural model of
the UUT. In other words, diagnosis maps the observed misbehavior
of the UUT into
physical faults affecting its components or their interconnections.
The degree of accuracy to which faults can be located is r
eferred to as diagnostic
resolution. No external testing experiment can distinguish among
equivalent faults. The partition of all the possible faults in
to distinct sets of
functionally equivalent faults defines the maximal fault resolution, wh
ich is an intrinsic
characteristic of the system. The fault resolution of a test
sequence reflects its
capability of distinguishing among faults, and it is bounded b
y the maximal fault
resolution. This is illustrated in Figure 12.1(a). A, B, C, D,
E, and F represent the
sets of equivalent faults of a system. Consider a test seque
nce T that does not
distinguish between (the faults in) A and (those in) B, or
between E and F. The
maximal fault resolution is the partition {A,B,C,D,E,F}, while th
e resolution of T is
{AuB, C, D, EuF}. A test (sequence) that achieves the maximal
fault resolution is
said to be a complete fault-location test.
Repairing the UUT often consists of substituting one of its r
eplaceable units (RUs)
identified as containing some faults, and referred to as a faul
ty RU, by a good unit.
Hence usually we are interested only in locating a faulty RU, rather
than in an accurate
identification of the fault inside an RU. This diagnosis process is
characterized by the
RU resolution. Figure 12.1(b) illustrates the relation between fault
resolution and RU
resolution. U
, U



are the RUs of the system, and the faults are

physically partitioned as shown. If the actual fault belongs to A or
B, in either case we
can identify U I as the faulty RU. But if the actual fault belo
ngs to C, then we cannot
determine whether the faulty RU is U2 or U3. However, distingu
ishing between U2
and U3 is feasible when the fault belongs to D or E.
Clearly, the location of the faulty RU is more difficult when
equivalent faults span
different RUs. The RU resolution corresponding to a fault resol
ution defined by a
partition {F I, F 2, ... , F
} of the set of faults, is obtained by replacing every F, by t
set of RUs spanned by the faults in F
For our example, the maximal RU resolution,
corresponding to the maximal fault resolution, is given by {UI,
U2, U3, {U2, U3 },
U4}. The RU resolution of any test is bounded by the maximal
RU resolution. For
example, the RU resolution of T is {U
, U
, {U
, U
} , {U
, U
} } . A test that
L ~
- - - - - ~
~ G - - - - - - ' I f O - - - - ~ - ~ U
: E : :

0' ' i ~
: A:
t I
- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - ~
(a) (b)
Figure 12.1 Fault resolution and RU resolution
achieves the maximal RU resolution (i.e., it distinguishes betwe
en every pair of
nonequivalent faults that reside in different RUs) is said to be
a complete RU-location
For the preceding example, suppose that the results of the t
est do not distinguish
between U3 and U4. In such a case, it is sometimes possible
to replace one of the
suspected RUs, say U
, with a good RU, and rerun the experiment. If the new results
are correct, the faulty RU is the replaced one; otherwise, it is
the remaining one (U4).
This type of approach is an example of a sequential diagnosis
procedure, in which
diagnosis and repair are interleaved.
The diagnosis process is often hierarchical such that the fault
y RU identified at one
level becomes the UUT at the next level. For example, to minimize
the downtime of a
computing system, first-level diagnosis deals with "large" RUs,
such as boards
containing many components; these are referred to as field-repla
ceable units. The
faulty board is then tested in a maintenance center, where the ob
jective is to locate a
faulty component on the board; this is done to minimize the cost
of the replaced unit.
A typical RU at this level is an IC. Although further repair bey
ond the IC level is not
possible, accurate location of faults inside a faulty IC may be us
eful for improving its
manufacturing process.
The hierarchical diagnosis process described above proceeds top-down
, starting with a
system operating in the field. During the fabrication of a system,

however, its testing

proceeds bottom-up (e.g., ICs ~ boards ~ system), such that
a higher level is
assembled only from components already tested at a lower level.
This is done to
minimize the cost of diagnosis and repair, which increases substant
ially with the level
at which the faults are detected. For example, if it costs $1
to test an IC, the cost of
locating the same defective IC when mounted on a board and of re
pairing the board
may be about $10; when the defective board is plugged into
a system, the cost of
finding the fault and repairing the system may be about $100.
Basic Concepts 543
Note that in the bottom-up process, the faults most likely to occur
are fabrication errors
affecting the interconnections between components, while in the top-d
own process, the
most likely faults are physical failures internal to components (bec
ause every DDT had
been successfully tested in the past). Knowing the most likely
class of faults is a
definite help in fault location.
Fault diagnosis can be approached in two different ways. The first a
pproach does most
of the work before the testing experiment. It uses fault simu
lation to determine the
possible responses to a given test in the presence of faults. The d
ata base constructed
in this step is called a fault dictionary. To locate faults, one
tries to match the actual
response obtained from the DDT with one of the precomputed responses
stored in the
fault dictionary. If this look-up process is successful, the d
ictionary indicates the
corresponding fault(s) or faulty RD(s) in the DDT.
Fault diagnosis based on fault dictionaries can be characterized
as a cause-effect
analysis that starts with possible causes (faults) and determine
s their corresponding
effects (responses). A second type of approach, employed by se
veral diagnosis
methods, relies on an effect-cause analysis, in which the effec
t (the actual response
obtained from the DDT) is processed to determine its possible causes (
12.2 Fault Dictionary
Example 12.1: To illustrate the concepts involved in building a
nd using a fault
dictionary, we will analyze the circuit shown in Figure 12.2(a)
. The circuit has
13 lines and 26 single stuck-at faults. Fault collapsing based on s
tructural equivalence
partitions the faults into the following 14 equivalence classes (Xi de
notes X s-a-is:
1. {ao} 8. {gl}

, hI' 1o, l c- el}
3. {b
} 10. {iI, h
4. {CI} 11. {j I, eo}
5. {d
12. {k
do, go}
6. {fo, b
, co} 13. {kl,/I,ml}
7. {fl} 14.
We use the first fault in a class as the representative of its cl
ass. For convenience, we
assume that the fault-free circuit has an empty fault <1>. Fig
ure 12.2(b) shows all the
possible responses of the circuit to the given test set unde
r the SSF model. Error
values are marked by "*". Note that the test set does not dis
tinguish between d
iI, or between g I and j 1.
For this simple example, we can arrange the fault dictionary as a
mapping between the
12 distinct responses and the faults that can produce them. T
hus if we obtain the
response 00001, the dictionary will point to the faults {k
do, go}. D
To reduce the amount of data used for fault location, a fault
dictionary does not store
the entire response R
caused by the fault f, but only a "signature" usually consisting of
the list of errors contained in R
. An error occurring in test ti at output OJ is denoted
by (iJ). In Example 12.1, the error caused by k
is (4,1). Other methods for reducing
the size of a fault dictionary can be found in [Tulloss 1978, 1980
a b c <I>













i 1


o 1

















001 1 1 0* 0* 1 1 1 0* 1 0* 1 1 1 1 0*
Figure 12.2 (a) Circuit (b) Applied tests and responses in the presenc
e of faults
To reduce the large computational effort involved in building a fault
dictionary, in fault
simulation the detected faults are dropped from the set of simulat
ed faults. Hence all
the faults detected for the first time by the same vector at the sa
me output will produce
the same signature and will be included in the same equivale
nce class. In
Example 12.1, a fault dictionary constructed in this way will not
distinguish among the
faults detected by t 1, namely {a 1, d 1, f 0, iI' k 1}, even
if most of them are further
distinguished by subsequent tests. In this case the testing experiment
can stop after the
first failing test, because the information provided by the followi
ng tests is not used.
Such a testing experiment achieves a lower diagnostic resolution. (A
trade-off between
computation time and diagnostic resolution can be achieved by dro
pping faults after
k>1 detections.)
Figure 12.3 shows the possible results for Example 12.1 in the
form of a diagnostic
tree. The results of a test are indicated as pass (P) or fail (F).
Every test distinguishes
between the faults it detects and the ones it does not. (In
a multioutput circuit, faults
detected by the same test can be distinguished if they are detected
at different outputs.)
The set of faults shown in a rectangle are equivalent under t
he currently applied test
set. Note that faults remaining undetected are equivalent to cI>.
Fault Dictionary

Figure 12.3 Diagnostic tree
From Figure 12.3 we can observe that some faults are uniquely i
dentified before the
entire test sequence is applied. For example, k 1 is the only
fault detected in both t 1
and t 2; thus, if both t 1 and t 2 fail, the fault in th
e DDT is located to within the
equivalence class {k 1, /1, m I}. Here the testing experiment can s
top after the first two
tests, because no more diagnostic information can be obtained from t
he following tests
(according to the SSF model).
Rather than applying the entire test sequence in a fixed ord
er, adaptive testing
determines the next vector to be applied based on the results obtaine
d by the preceding
vectors. In our example, if t 1 fails and t 2 passes, the po
ssible faults are {a 1, d 1, to,
i I}. At this point applying t3 would be wasteful, because t
3 does not distinguish
among these faults. The use of adaptive testing may substantially dec
rease the average
number of tests required to locate a fault (see, for example, [Koren a
nd Kohavi 1977]).
Generating Tests to Distinguish Faults
To improve the fault resolution of a test set T, it is n
ecessary to generate tests to
distinguish among faults equivalent under T. Note that the goal o
f having a high fault
resolution is somehow at odds with the goal of minimizing the
size of the test set,
which requires every vector to detect as many faults as possible.
Consider the problem of generating a test to distinguish between two
faults, f and g, in
a combinational circuit. Such a test must detect f but not g o
n some output, or vice
versa. The fault-oriented algorithms presented in Chapter 6 can
be generalized to
handle this problem, by using the following strategy:
Case 1: If f and g do not influence the same set of outputs, l
et Of (Og) be the set of
outputs influenced by f(g) and not by g(j). Try to generate a test
for fusing
only the circuit feeding the outputs Of. If this fails, try
to generate a test
for g using only the circuit feeding the outputs Og [Savir and Roth
Case 2: (Here Of = Og =0, or test generation for Case 1 has
failed.) Try to
generate a test for f without activating g (if g is the fa
ult I s-a-v, this is
simply done by imposing the additional constraint that the value of
I should
be v). If this fails, try to generate a test for g without acti
vating f.
Case 3: (Here f and g are simultaneously activated.) Try to g
enerate a test that
propagates the effect of either f or g (but not both) to some pri

mary output.
While Cases 1 and 2 require only minor changes to any fault-orie
nted test generation
algorithm, Case 3 is more difficult, because the algorithm must proce
ss the fault effects
of both f and g. We will
a generalization of the
D-algorithm for this problem.
use the symbols D and D to represent effects of the fau
lt f and the symbols E
and E to represent effects of the fault g. Both these pairs of
values are propagated in
the same
when they
with 0 and 1 signals
and the objective is to propagate
a D (or D) or an E (or E) but not both to some output.
However, when these two
values appear on different inputs to the same gate, some differ
ences arise in defining
how they propagate through the gate. Specifically it must be re
membered that even
though we are propagating two single faults, at most one fault
is present. Thus if the
inputs to a 2-input OR gate are D and E, then the normal inputs a
re 1 and 0, the inputs
with f present are 0 and 0, and the inputs with g present are
1 and 1. The normal gate
output is 1, the output with f
is 0, and th
e output with g is 1. Hence only the
D propagates to the output (D + E =D). An AND gate with inp
uts D and E would
have normal output 1 and output 0 with either f or g present,
and hence both D and E
propagate to the gate output; this is denoted by D,E (D.E =D,
E). The tables of
Figure 12.4 represent the signal propagations for AND and OR gates.
Note that when all the lines in the fault-propagation frontier
have only D,E or D,E
values (which means that the D-frontiers in the circuits N
and N
are identical), the
algorithm must backtrack, because the fault effects cannot be propagate
d separately.
Example 12.2: For the circuit of Figure 12.5, we want to ge
nerate a test to
distinguish the faults A s-a-1 and F s-a-O. These two faults inf
luence the same output,
so Case 1 does not apply. First we try
a test
for A s-a-1 wh!!.e setting F=O.
By implication we obtain A=O, B=l, C=D, H=D. But if G=O, then J=
D.D=O; if G=l,
then 1=0 and J=O. Thus either case leads to a failure. Then we t
ry to derive a test for
F s-a-O while setting A=l. By implication we obtain F=l, C=O, B=O, H=
D, 1=1, G=O,
J=D. Thus the vector 1010 distinguishes the two faults. D
Example 12.3: For the circuit of Figure 12.5, we want to g
enerate a test to
distinguish the faults C 1 s-a-O and C2 s-a-O. Any attempt to
activate the two faults

separately fails, so Case 2 does not apply. The only way to act
ivate the faults is C=l,
which implies A=B=l. Then C 1=D and C2=E. First we try to p
ropagate the D by
Fault Dictionary
D 0
Figure 12.4
1 D
- E D,E
Figure 12.5
setting F=O. This implies H=D. Trying to inhibit the propagation of
E by
1=0 and J=O. We backtrack by setting G=O, w
hich leads to I=E and
J=D.E=E. Thus the vector 1100 distinguishes the two faults by pr
opagating only one
fault effect to the output. 0
Problems with Fault Dictionaries
One problem with the fault-dictionary approach is the large co
mputational effort
involved in building fault dictionaries for large circuits tested with
long test sequences.
Fault simulation consumes much CPU time and storage, even when
used with early
fault dropping (typically on first detection). Moreover, early fault
dropping results in
lower diagnostic resolution.
A fault dictionary is constructed only for a specific fault universe,
usually consisting of
SSFs. A fault that is not equivalent under the applied test
sequence to any of the
simulated faults cannot be located via the fault dictionary, be
cause its corresponding
response does not match any response computed by fault simulation.
Example 12.4: Consider the AND bridging fault (a.c) in the circuit o
f Figure 12.2(a).
The test set given in Figure 12.2(b) detects this fault in v
ectors (1 and (2' But none
of the SSFs produces errors only in (1 and (2' Similarly, the mu
ltiple fault {b 1, i I} is
detected in (1 and (3, but this does not match the signature of any
SSF. 0
When the signature of the DDT does not exactly match any o
f the precomputed
signatures stored in the fault dictionary, location is based o

n closest-match analysis
techniques. As the signature S, derived from a response R, i
s the set of errors
contained in Ri, we can measure the closeness c 12 of two signat
ures S1 and S2 by the
amount of overlap between the two sets, that is,
2 1
c12 =
2 1
(Note that c 12=1 when S 1=s 2)
The diagnosis process selects as the most likely set of faults the
one whose signature is
closest to the signature of the DDT. While this heuristic may wo
rk in many cases, it
is not guaranteed to produce a correct diagnosis. For example, t
he closest match for
the signatures of both faults analyzed in Example 12.4 - the br
idging fault (a.c) and
the multiple fault {b 1, i I} - would be the signature of k
1; but this fault is totally
unrelated to either (a.c) or {b 1, i 1}. (It is interesting to o
bserve that the set of tests
that detect {b 1, i I} is not the union of the sets of te
sts that detect bland i 1 {( 1,(3, ( 5} - because i 1 masks blunder the test (5')
Another problem encountered by some testing systems based on the
approach is caused by potential detections. A potential detection
occurs when the
response generated by a fault contains an unknown (u) value, while
the corresponding
value in the fault-free circuit is binary. (This situation is typica
l for faults that prevent
initialization). As the actual response of the DDT contains onl
y binary values, an
observed error should be interpreted as a match for a potential det
ection [Richman and
Bowden 1985]. For example, consider a fault dictionary built from
data including the
values shown in Figure 12.6, and assume that the response of th
e DDT is 100. The
signature of the DDT (with errors in (1 and (2) should match the si
gnature of /1 (error
in (1 and potential detection in (2), but not that of /2 (error onl
y in (1).
/1 /2
(1 0 1* 1*
(2 1 u 1
(3 0 0 u
Figure 12.6
Guided-Probe Testing
12.3 Guided-Probe Testing
Guided-probe testing extends an edge-pin testing process by monitoring
internal signals

in the DDT via a probe which is moved (usually by an ope

rator) following the
guidance provided by the ATE. The principle of guided-probe testing
is to backtrace
an error from the primary output where it has been observed during ed
ge-pin testing to
its source (physical fault) in the UUT (see Figure 12.7). Ty
pical faults located by
guided-probe testing are opens and defective components. An open
between two
points A and B is identified by a mismatch between the error ob
served at B and the
correct value measured at the signal source A. A faulty devic
e is identified by
detecting an error at one of its outputs, while only expected val
ues are observed at its
Good value(s)
i * *
* *
Good value
Good -.:::=;?
values - ~
- ~
Faulty device
Figure 12.7 (a) Backtracing errors (b) Identifying an open (c) Identif
ying a faulty
Unlike the fault-dictionary method, guided-probe testing is not
limited to the SSF
model. The concept of "defective component" covers any type of inte
rnal device fault

detected by the applied test; this generality makes guided-probe testi

ng independent of
a particular fault model.
In addition to the applied stimuli and the expected response
needed for edge-pin
testing, ATE supporting guided-probe testing also needs the expected
values of all the
internal lines accessible for probing and the structural model
of the UUT (see
Figure 12.8). Because the backtrace is guided by the structural
model, faults that
create additional connections are inherently difficult to locate.
For example, the
faulty-device diagnosis illustrated in Figure 12.7(c) would be incorrect
had the error on
the device output been caused by a short.
The Guided-probe procedure outlined in Figure 12.9 recursively ba
cktraces a given
error along its propagation path and returns a diagnostic message
when it reaches the
location where the fault is activated. Probe (j) represents the
action of moving the
probe to line j. Initially, Guided-probe starts at a primary output a
nd with the first test
in which an error has been observed at that output. As long as
the backtrace traverses
a combinational region of the UUT, it would be sufficient to an
alyze only the values
Expected response
at probing
Figure 12.8 ATE with guided-probe testing
Guided-probe (i, t.)
/* backtrace error observed at i in test t; */
j = source of signal observed at i
Probe (j)
if no error at j in t; then return ("open between j and i")
/* error at j */
if j is a PI then return ("faulty PI: j")
m = the device whose output is j
for every input k of m
Probe (k)
reapply (t 1, t z- ..., t
if error at k in t
( q ~ r ) then return Guided-probe (k, t

/* no errors at the inputs of m */
return ("faulty device: m")
Figure 12.9 Basic guided-probe procedure
existing after the last vector t, has been applied, because in a
combinational circuit the
same vector activates the fault and propagates the resulting e
rror. In a sequential
circuit, however, fault activation and error propagation may be
done by sequences.
Guided-Probe Testing 551
Hence when probing an input k of a device whose output has e
rrors in i., the entire
sequence (tl' t z- ..., t
) must be reapplied, because the error could have been
propagated to k in a vector t
applied earlier (q<r). In such a case, backtracing
continues with the earliest vector t
that propagates an error to k. Although the
reapplication of the sequence can be avoided for a combination
al device, the test
application time is usually negligible compared to the time inv
olved in moving the
Example 12.5: Consider the circuit and the test sequence given in Fi
gure 12.10. The
errors shown are caused by D s-a-O. (Note that the F/F input called
D and the primary
input DT are different probing points.) We assume that every sign
al is accessible for
probing. Backtracing the error observed at Z in t4' Guided-probe reac
hes the output Q
of the F/F. Note that none of the F/F inputs has an error in
t4. Next the F/F inputs
are probed while the entire sequence is reapplied, and the earliest
error is found on the
D input in t 2. The last line probed is the primary input DT. 0
The procedure outlined in Figure 12.9 describes only the basic
mechanism of
guided-probe testing. In the following, we discuss the extensions
it needs to handle
feedback loops and wired logic.
Feedback Loops
The following example illustrates the problems encountered in circu
its with feedback
loops and the approach used to solve them.
OE ----------------1







0 1 0 1 1/0 1/0
Figure 12.10
Example 12.6: Consider the circuit and the test sequence given
in Figure 12.11:
First assume that the fault is DT s-a-1, which causes errors in
t 4 on DT, D, Z, ~ n d Q.
Backtracing the error observed at Z in t4 leads to Q, D, and, assum
ing that the Q input
of the AND gate is probed before DT, the procedure again reaches
the FIF. Hence to
identify loops, one should keep track of the previously encoun
tered devices. An
identified loop is then retraced probing all the inputs of the devi
ces in the loop (rather
than following only the first input with an error). In this
way, the procedure can
determine whether the error originates within or outside the l
oop. In our example,
retracing the loop and probing all the inputs of the AND gate
will find DT to be the
source of the errors along the loop.
Q t--------I
CLOCK ------I C
0 1 1 1 0
i 0 1 1 1
i 0 1 0 0
r 0 0 0 0
Figure 12.11
Now assume that the fault is D s-a-l, which causes D, Z and
Q to have errors in t3
and t 4' After the loop is identified, probing all the inputs
of the devices in the loop
shows that the error originates within the loop. To further
improve the diagnostic
resolution, one needs to observe the values of the probed line
s both before and after


CLOCK pulse is applied. This will show that the error at

D in t 3 precedes the
CLOCK pulse, which propagates it around the loop. (Alternatively,
we can consider
that the clock and data changes define separate vectors.) 0
Wired Logic
One difficulty in backtracing errors through a "device" created by
wired logic is that
the inputs and the output of such a device form the same
physical entity and hence
cannot be separately probed. Also the previously used criterion for
identifying a faulty
device - error on output and good values on inputs - is no longe
r valid for a device
driving wired logic, because the output error may propagate fr
om another output
connected to the same wire. For example, in Figure 12.12 it
would be incorrect to
identify gate E as faulty. The solution in such a case is to p
robe the inputs of all the
Guided-Probe Testing 553
driving devices as if they were inputs of the wired gate. In Figure
12.12, this strategy
will result in continuing the backtrace from C.
Figure 12.12
If no errors are found while probing the inputs of the driving dev
ices, the conventional
guided-probe testing strategy cannot distinguish among these devices.
In the circuit of
Figure 12.12, if E=F=I, while (A,B,C,D) have their expected values
0010, the obtained
diagnostic resolution is {E,F}. This can be further improved by
additional analysis.
For example, we can observe that a failure of gate E (driving a
0 instead of 1) cannot
produce the observed result, which can be explained only by
a failure of gate F
(outputting a 1 instead of 0).
Speed-up Techniques
The most time-consuming part of guided-probe testing is moving the
probe. Hence to
speed up the fault-diagnosis process, one needs to reduce the numb
er of probed lines.
Here are some techniques used to achieve this goal [Kochan et ale 1
Rather than probing one pin at a time, simultaneously probe all the
pins of a device
using an Ie clip. If several inputs have errors, then follow the o
ne with the earliest
error (this also reduces the amount of probing for tracing feedback
Skip probing the output of a suspected device and directly probe it
s inputs. For the
example in Figure 12.13, after observing an error at i, one would

directly probe the

inputs of m. The output j would be probed only if no errors
are detected at the
inputs, to distinguish between the faulty device m and an open betwe
en j and i.
Probe only those device inputs that can affect the output
with errors (see
Figure 12.14).
Among the inputs that can influence the output with errors,
probe first the control
lines; if no errors are detected at the control lines, then probe on
ly those data inputs
enabled by the values of the control lines. For the multiple
xor shown in
Figure 12.15, if no errors are found at the select inputs So
and S1, the next line
probed is D 3 (because it is the input selected by (S0 ,S1) = 11).
Use a fault dictionary to provide a starting point for probing.
~ m I-jc ;1_
Figure 12.13
probe " /'
" /'
/' "
/' "
Figure 12.14
1 D
0 D
1 0/1
0/1 D
So Sl
1 1
Figure 12.15
Techniques similar to those used in guided-probe testing are us
ed in electron-beam
testing [Tamama and Kuji 1986].
12.4 Diagnosis by UUT Reduction
The Controllability, Observability and Maintenance Engineering Technique
developed by Chang and Heimbigner [1974] is based on a design
for diagnosability
technique which requires selective disabling of portions of the DDT,
coupled with the
Diagnosis by UUT Reduction 555
ability of testing only the enabled part. With these provisron
s, the testing and
diagnosis process follows the diagram shown in Figure 12.16.
UUT partitionable?

UUT is faulty
Disable 1/2 of UUT;
UUT =enabled part
Test UUT
UUT =previously disabled part;
enable UUT
Figure 12.16 Testing and diagnosis process in COMET
Initially, the UUT is the entire circuit and the process starts w
hen its test fails. While
the failing UUT can be partitioned, half of the DUT is disabled and
the remaining half
is tested. If the test passes, the fault must be in the disable
d part, which then becomes
the UUT.
COMET has been applied to processor-level testing, where every
board in the
processor can be independently disabled, either by physically di
sconnecting it or by
setting its outputs to a logically inactive state.
Example 12.7: Consider a processor composed of four boards, referred
to as A, B, C,
and D. Assume that B is the faulty board. After the fault-detectio
n tests for the entire
processor fail, C and D are disabled and fault-detection tests
for A and B are run.
These tests fail and then B is disabled and the tests for A are r
un. These tests pass and
implicate B as the faulty unit. 0
Note that COMET does not require fault-location tests. Applying fa
ult-detection tests
to the enabled part of the UUT, and the ability to reduce the U
UT progressively, are
sufficient to locate faults.
12.5 Fault Diagnosis for Combinational Circuits
The fault-location methods discussed in this section are applica
ble to combinational
circuits and also to sequential circuits that are transformed
into combinational ones
during testing using one of the scan-design techniques presented in Cha
pter 9.
Structural Analysis
If we assume a single fault that does not create new connectio
ns, then there exists a
path from the site of the fault to each of the outputs where er
rors have been detected.
Hence the fault site belongs to the intersection of the cones
of all the failing outputs
(Figure 12.17).
Possible fault sites - - "
- - - ' ~ Failing outputs

Figure 12.17 Cone intersection
(This observation is also true in a sequential circuit, but its ap
plication is more difficult
because there a propagation path may span several time frames)
. Unlike fault
dictionaries, which rely only on the first error, this simple s
tructural analysis tries to
find faults that can explain all the observed errors, and it
often yields acceptable
diagnostic resolution [Hsu et al. 1981].
If we restrict ourselves to the SSF model, the set of suspec
ted faults can be further
reduced by taking into account the inversion parities of the paths b
etween the fault site
and the failing POSe Let I be a possible fault site. The fault
I s-a-v is a plausible fault
only if for every error value V
obtained at an output 0, there exists a path with
inversion parity v @ V
between I and o.
Example 12.8: When testing the circuit shown in Figure 12.18, assume
that 1/0 errors
are observed at E and F. Then the fault site must be in the sub
circuit whose output is
D (note that this does not include C2). The fault C s-a-O
is excluded because the
unique path between C and E has odd inversion. The plausible
faults are C s-a-1,
B s-a-1, Cl s-a-1, and D s-a-O. 0
Fault Simulation
Once a set of plausible faults has been identified by structural ana
lysis, these faults can
then be simulated to select the ones that generate a response
identical to the actual
response of the UUT [Arzoumanian and Waicukauski 1981]. In this
simulation, one
compares the output errors produced by every fault with the errors
observed during the
Fault Diagnosis for Combinational Circuits
C Cl
Figure 12.18
testing. The comparison is done vector by vector, and every fau
lt that mismatches is
dropped from the set of simulated faults. The faults remaining a
fter all vectors have
been simulated are consistent with the observed symptom, and t
hey are equivalent

under the applied test. The actual fault belongs to this equiv
alence class. Compared
to building a fault dictionary, this fault simulation has the a
dvantage of processing a
much smaller set of faults. Also the resulting fault resolutio
n is generally higher
because now faults are required to account for all the observed error
Example 12.9: Consider again the circuit and the test given in F
igure 12.2. Assume
that tests t 1 and t 4 failed. Because the error value is 1
in t 1 and 0 in t 4, there must
exist two propagation paths with different inversion parities from
the fault site to the
output m. Hence the fault site is one of the lines {a,b,cf
} and the set of plausible
faults is {ao,al,b
Only al and 10 make t
fail, so the other faults are
dropped after simulating t 1. Then only 10 produces an error in
t 4, and we conclude
that lois the actual fault. By contrast, the result obtained using
a fault dictionary built
with fault dropping on the first error would be the class {a 1, d 1,
10, ii, k 1}. D
Note that it is possible that none of the plausible faults
can reproduce the response
obtained from the DDT. Such a result shows that the actual fault c
ontradicts the initial
assumptions made about its nature (single fault that does not
create new connections).
For example, the actual fault could be a multiple stuck fault
or a bridging fault that is
not equivalent under the applied test with any SSF in the circuit.
12.6 Expert Systems for Diagnosis
Expert systems are programs applying Artificial Intelligence techniques
in an attempt to
emulate the problem-solving ability of a human expert in a s
pecialized field
[Nau 1983]. An expert system relies on a knowledge base, which
is a data base
representing the knowledge applied by a human expert, coupled
with an inference
engine which searches the knowledge base to retrieve and apply
the information
pertinent to the problem to be solved.
Expert systems for diagnosis [Hartley 1984, Laffey et ale 1986
, Mullis 1984,
Wilkinson 1984] are built by encoding the techniques followed b
y expert
troubleshooters to locate a fault, given certain error symptoms.
Because these
diagnosis techniques are specific to one target system, such expe
rt systems have been
developed mainly for high-priced, complex digital systems, where
they can provide
substantial economic benefits accumulated during the lifetime of

the system. An
important advantage of an expert system is that it makes the
expert's knowledge
instantly available in the field, thus allowing diagnosis to be perf
ormed by less skilled
personnel. In general, the use of an expert system leads to a fa
ster and more accurate
fault-location process, and hence it minimizes the downtime of the ta
rget system.
Most of the knowledge of an expert system is a collection o
f if-then rules (such
systems are also referred to as rule-based systems). The general form
of a rule is
if (condition) then action(s)
In the following example, the condition is based on some of th
e observed symptoms
and the action suggests specific RUs as suspects (likely to be fault
if (ALU-test failed and register-test passed) then (suspect board A or
board B)
Usually the tests are grouped according to the part of the sys
tem they exercise (Le.,
ALU-test) and the symptoms relate to the overall results of groups
of tests, rather than
individual vectors. Faults are located only to large field-RUs (typical
ly boards).
The conditions can also relate to the current state of the
diagnosis process (that is,
which RUs are currently suspected). Other actions may rule out a
previously suspected
RU, or they may request the application of additional tests o
r the replacement of a
suspected RU with a fault-free one and rerunning of some tests. For
if (board A is suspect and board B is suspect)
then (replace board A; apply ALU-test)
if (Data-Path-test passed) then (assume board C is fault-free).
Additional knowledge may be included in the knowledge base to represen
structural information about the target system (its RUs and their i
relations between RUs and tests (which RUs are checked by which tests
general assumptions about the nature of the fault (no more
than one faulty RU,
Figure 12.19 illustrates the general structure of an expert sy
stem for diagnosis. The
diagnosis data consist of the known facts (symptoms obtained s
o far, currently
suspected RUs). Based on these facts, the inference engine repea
tedly searches the
knowledge base to find the applicable rules, which are then used to
establish new facts
or to control the testing experiment to obtain new facts. The
expert system controls
the ATE directly and/or by interacting with an operator.
The inference engine may reason using forward chaining - reaching
conclusions by
finding and applying the rules whose conditions are true in

the current state - or

backward chaining - starting with a hypothesis and searching for s
upporting facts to
confirm it. Some systems can combine the two strategies.
Expert Systems for Diagnosis 559
I Expert system I
base (rules,
DDT model)
Diagnosis data
current state)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
Figure 12.19 Expert system for diagnosis
A limitation of rule-based expert systems for diagnosis is the
ir use of shallow
knowledge - a collection of empirical associations that are not d
irectly related to the
intended behavior of the target system. This is why such exp
ert systems cannot
successfully process a new symptom that does not match the o
nes stored in the
knowledge base.
12.7 Effect-Cause Analysis
The effect-cause analysis [Abramovici and Breuer 1980] processes
the response
obtained from the DDT to determine the possible stuck-at faults tha
t can generate that
response, based on deducing internal values in the DDT (Figure 12.20).
Any line for which both 0 and 1 values are deduced can be neither
s-a-l nor s-a-O, and
it is identified as normal (fault-free). Faults are located on some
of the lines that could
not be proved normal. The ensemble of normal and faulty lines
is referred to as a
fault situation. The effect-cause analysis employs an implicit m
ultiple stuck-fault
model, and it does not require fault enumeration or precomputing fa
ulty responses.

Internal values
Figure 12.20 Effect-cause analysis
Internal values are computed by the Deduction Algorithm, which
implements a
line-justification process whose primary goal is to justify all the
values obtained at the
POs, given the tests applied at the PIs. The values of a normal
PI are the values set by
the applied tests, and the values of every other normal line must b
e justified by values
of its predecessors. The following example introduces the basic
concepts of the
Deduction Algorithm.
Example 12.10: Consider the circuit and the test shown in Figure 12.
Assume that the observed response is D=101. Because D has both 0
and 1 values, D
is normal. Then its values must be justified by those of Band
C. First D=1 in t1
implies B=C=1 in t i- The value 1 deduced for B shows that B i
s not s-a-O; therefore
in every test that applies 1 to the PI B, B will have value
1. Hence B=1 in t 1 implies
B=1 in t
This, in tum, implies C=O in t2 (because D=O in t2 and D is no
rmal). At
this point, both 0 and 1 values have been deduced for C, he
nce C is a normal line.
Then all the known values of C (in tl and t2) are complemente
d and assigned to A.
Because A is a PI, A=O in t 1 shows that A will have value
0 in every test that sets
A=O; hence A=O in t3' Then C=1 in t3' From D=1 in t3 we de
termine B=1 in t3'
Because t 3 applies a 0 value to B, this shows that B is s-a-l.
In this simple example, all internal values have been deduced
via a chain of
implications. The implications involving values of different lines
in the same test called horizontal implications - are similar to the backward an
d the forward
implications described in Chapter 6, except that they apply only
to lines identified as
normal. The example also illustrates a new type of implications
- called vertical
implications - which involve values of the same line in diffe
rent tests. Vertical
implications are based on the concept of forced value (FVs).
Effect-Cause Analysis 561

; ~ r - - - - - - - - - I I )- D
0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
Figure 12.21 (a) Circuit (b) Applied test (c) Obtained response (d)
Deduced values
Definition 12.1: Let v be the expected value of line I in t
est t. We say that v is a
forced value, if for every possible fault situation, either I has
value v in t, or else I has
value vin every test.
Clearly, all the expected values of a PI are FVs. In the pre
vious example, either A=O
in t 1 (if A is normal or s-a-O), or else A=1 in every test
(if A is s-a-l). The FVs are
not restricted only to PIs. If C is normal, C propagates the value
s from A; hence either
C=1 in t 1, or else C=O in every test. The statement "C=1 in t
1, or else C=O in every
test" is also true when C is s-a-l or s-a-O and therefore is
true for any fault situation
involving A and C. Since the fault situation of the other lines
does not affect C, the
statement is true for any fault situation in the circuit; henc
e C has FV 1 in t 1. The
same reasoning can be applied for t 2 or t 3; thus we can conc
lude that the FVs of the
output of an inverter are the complements of the FVs of its in
put. Because a normal
fanout branch takes all the values of its stem, it is easy
to show that a fanout branch
has the same FVs as its stem. The propagation of FVs throug
h multi-input gates is
based on the following theorem.
Theorem 12.1: If all inputs of a gate G have the same FV
in a test t, than the
corresponding output value of G is a FV in t.
Proof: Without loss of generality, assume that G is an AND gat
e. First assume that
all inputs of G have FV 1 in t. If G is normal, its value i
s determined by its inputs;
then either G=1 in t (if all its inputs are 1), or else G

=O in every test (if at least one

input is 0 in every test). The same is true if G is s-a-l or
s-a-O, hence G has FV 1 in
t. Now assume that all inputs of G have FV 0 in t. Then eithe
r at least one input is 0
in t, or else all inputs are 1 in every test. If G is normal,
then either G=O in t, or else
G=l in every test. The same is true if G is s-a-O or s-a-l
, hence G has FV 0 in t.
Therefore, if all inputs of G have the same FV in t, the corre
sponding output value of
G is also a FV in t. 0
The following example illustrates the computation and the use
of FVs by the
Deduction Algorithm.
Example 12.11: Consider the circuit and tests given in Figure 12.22
. Figure 12.22(c)
shows the FVs computed as a preprocessing step, starting with
the FVs of the PIs
(ignore now the values in parentheses).
a b C
0 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 1
0 0 1
a b c d e
g h i j k 1 m
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 (0) (1) 0
1 0 1 1 1 (0) (1) 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 (0) (1) 1 (1)
a b c d e

1 1 0
0- 0


0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
(d) (e)
Figure 12.22 (a) Circuit (b) Applied tests (c) Forced values (d) O
btained response
and initial implications (e) Decision tree
Assume that the obtained response is 10011. Figure 12.22(d) show
s the implications
obtained by processing this response. (A good way to follow this e
xample is to mark
values as they are deduced.) First we determine that m is nor
mal. In t z and t3' m=O
Effect-Cause Analysis 563
implies k=I=O. The FV 0 of I in t4 means that either 1=0 in
t s- or else 1=1 in every
test. Since 0 values have been deduced for I, it follows t
hat 1=0 in t4 (this is an
instance of vertical implication). This in tum implies k=1 in t4
. Hence k is normal.
From k=1 in t4' we deduce d=g=1, both of which generate ve
rtical implications,
namely d=1 in t 2 and t 3, and g=1 in t 1. In t 2 and t 3
, d=1 implies g=O (to justify
k=O). Then g becomes normal, and all its known values are a
ssigned to its stem f,
which is also identified as normal. Next, /=1 in t
implies b=c=l, which, by vertical
implications, show that b=1 in t2 and t4' and c=1 in t3' t4
and t s- Then /=0 in t z is
justified by c=O, and /=0 in t 3 by b=O. The latter implies b=O in
t s- which propagates
forward to make /=g=k=O. From k=O and m=1 in t s we deduce 1=1, whi
ch shows that
I is normal. Then 1=1 implies i=j=1 in t s, and j=1 in t s implies j=1 i
n t 1.
Known values of a stem generate new FVs on its fanout branches. Fo
r example, /=0
in t 2 shows that either h=O in t 2 or else h=1 in every test
; hence h has FV 0 in t 2.
Then the deduced values of fin t2' t
and t s propagate as FVs on h and further on i.
(The new FVs - enclosed in parentheses - are added to those in
Figure 12.22(c)).
Because i=1 in ts, i must also have 1 values in all tests wh
ere it has FV 1; hence i=1
in t 2 and t 3. From these we deduce j=O in t 2 and t 3; the
n j=O in t 4 is obtained by
vertical implication. Now j becomes normal, and its values are

propagated to e and
to a.
Now all the values given in Figure 12.22(d) have been deduce
d and no more
implications can be made. The only value not yet justified is m=1 in
t 1 First we try
k=1 (see the decision tree in Figure 12.22(e)); this implies d=1
in t 1, which results in
d=1 in ts (because d has FV 0 in tl). At this point we have
obtained a solution, i.e., a
consistent set of values where all known values of the normal
lines are justified. The
only lines not reported as normal are d, i, and h. Because
d=1 in every test, d is
identified as s-a-l. (Moreover, because a is normal, we can locate
an open between a
and d). In addition, i may also be s-a-1, as only 1 values have
been deduced for i. A
second solution is obtained by justifying m=1 in t 1 by 1=1; this
identifies i s-a-l as
another fault that can generate the analyzed response. D
Unlike conventional diagnosis methods, the effect-cause analysis d
oes not use the
concept of error; in the above examples, faults were located
without knowing the
expected output values. The effect-cause analysis has also been exte
nded to sequential
circuits [Abramovici and Breuer 1982], where, because it does n
ot require predictable
errors, it can diagnose even faults that prevent initialization.
The Deduction Algorithm tries to justify simultaneously all the valu
es obtained at the
POSe Like the line justification algorithms described in Chapter 6, i
t alternates between
implications and decisions. Backtracking is used either to recov
er from incorrect
decisions, or to generate all solutions. Every solution identifi
es a possible fault
situation in the circuit under test. When the Deduction Algorithm
fails to obtain any
solution, the processed response cannot be generated by any (s
ingle or multiple)
stuck-at fault. Here the effect-cause analysis recognizes the pr
esence of a fault not
consistent with the assumed stuck-fault fault model, such as a
bridging fault or a
functional fault.
If the processed response happens to be the expected one, then one
solution identifies
every line as normal. If the Deduction Algorithm generates additio
nal solutions, they
identify faults not detected by the applied tests.
The effect-cause analysis can also help guided-probe testing [Abramovic
i 1981]. This
application uses only the implication part of the Deduction Algorith
m and replaces the
decision process (and its associated backtracking) with probing.
In other words,
instead of making decisions about values on the inputs of a ga

te whose value is not

justified, we probe them (if possible). This guided-probe testing al
gorithm achieves a
higher diagnostic resolution than conventional methods and require
s less probing
12.8 Diagnostic Reasoning Based on Structure and
Like the effect-cause analysis, the diagnosis technique described
by Davis [1984]
analyzes the observed response of the UUT, but it is more
general since it is not
limited to a particular fault model. Unlike a rule-based expert
system using shallow
knowledge about a specific digital system, this method is gene
ral and it uses deep
knowledge based on the structure and the behavior of the circui
t under test. Such a
diagnosis approach relying on model-based reasoning is also refe
rred to as a first
principles approach.
The behavior of the components in the structural model of the
DDT is described by
simulation rules and inference rules. Simulation rules represent
input-to-output value
mapping, while inference rules correspond to backward implication. Th
e behavior of a
component is considered as introducing a constraint on the val
ues of its inputs and
outputs, and the entire circuit is regarded as a constraint network.
The initial analysis makes the following assumptions.
The interconnections are fault-free and only the components can be f
No more than one module is faulty.
Faulty components do not increase their number of states.
(These simplifying assumptions are explicit and they can be relaxed la
The first step is to determine an initial set of suspected
components, that is,
components whose incorrect behavior may explain the output error
s. Based on the
single faulty-module assumption, this step is done by intersecti
ng the sets of
components affecting the outputs with errors.
The next step is checking the validity of every suspected compon
ent by a technique
called constraint suppression. It consists of temporarily suspendin
g all the behavior
rules of a suspected component and checking whether the resulti
ng behavior of the
circuit is consistent with the observed response.
Example 12.12: Consider the circuit in Figure 12.23, composed of
three multipliers
(Ml, M2, and M3) and two adders (AI and A2) interconnected by
busses. The values
shown are the decimal representations of the bus values.
Assume that instead of the expected value F = 12, in the fir
st test we obtain the
erroneous response F = 10 (Figure 12.23(a)). The suspected components
affecting the

output F are AI, M2, and MI. First we check whether Al can
be the faulty
component by suspending the constraints introduced by Al (i.e.,
we disable the
Diagnostic Reasoning Based on Structure and Behavior 565
3 2
M1 M1
12/10 12
Al F Al F
2 3
6 3
M2 Y C
M2 Y
12 6
A2 G
A2 G
(a) (b)
Figure 12.23
relation F = X + Y). Since the other components work correctly,
the symptom
describing the misbehavior of Al is {X=6, Y=6, F=10}. In the
second test
(Figure 2.23(b, Al receives the same inputs (X=6, Y=6), and ba
sed on its behavior
observed in the first test, we expect F = 10. The observed
value, however, is the
correct one (F=12). Based on the assumption that the faulty A
l is still a
combinational component, we reached a contradiction which proves that
Al cannot be
Next, we restore the correct rules of Al and check whether M2
can be faulty. Since
M1 is fault-free, we deduce X = 6. Since Al is fault-free, from
X = 6 and F = 10 we
infer that Y = F - X = 4. But Y = 4, Z = 6, and A2 fau
lt-free imply G = 10, which
contradicts the observed value G = 12. Therefore M2 cannot be faulty.
The last suspected component is MI. Since M2 is fault-free, we have
Y = 6 in the first

test. From F = 10, Y = 6, and Al fault-free we infer X =

F - Y = 4. Thus the
symptom describing the misbehavior of M1 is {A=3, C=2, X=4}. (In
the second test,
however, M1 works correctly). Thus we conclude that M1 is fa
ulty. If we have a
hierarchical structural model, the analysis can continue inside M1
using a lower-level
structural model of the multiplier. 0
If no consistent explanation of the observed response can be
found, the reasoning
system is capable of relaxing the initial assumptions and repe
at the analysis. For
example, if no single faulty component can generate the observed resp
onse, the system
may assume that two components are simultaneously faulty, and repe
at the constraint
suppression analyzing pairs of suspected components.
Other systems performing model-based diagnosis are described in [Ge
nesereth 1984]
and [ Purcell 1988].
[Abramovici 1981] M. Abramovici, "A Maximal Resolution Guided-Prob
e Testing
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[Davis 1984] R. Davis, "Diagnostic Reasoning Based on Structure
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[Groves 1979] W. A. Groves, "Rapid Digital Fault Isolation wit
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[Hartley 1984] R. T. Hartley, "CRIB: Computer Fault-Finding Throu
gh Knowledge
Engineering," Computer, Vol. 17, No.3, pp. 76-83, March, 1984.
[Havlicsek 1986] B. L. Havlicsek, "A Knowledge Based Diagnostic
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[Kochan et al. 1981] S. Kochan, N. Landis, and D. Monson, "Comp
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. 253-268,
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[Koren and Kohavi 1977] I. Koren and Z. Kohavi, "Sequential Fau
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[Laffey et al. 1986] T. J. Laffey, W. A. Perkins, and T. A.
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[Mullis 1984] R. Mullis, "An Expert System for VLSI Tester Di
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[Nau 1983] D. S. Nau, "Expert Computer Systems," Computer, Vol.
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[Purcell 1988] E. T. Purcell, "Fault Diagnosis Assistant," IEEE
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[Rajski 1988] J. Rajski, "GEMINI - A Logic System for Fault Dia
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[Richman and Bowden 1985] J. Richman and K. R. Bowden, "The Mo
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[Savir and Roth 1982] J. Savir and J. P. Roth, "Testing for,
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[Shirley and Davis 1983] M. Shirley and R. Davis, "Generating D

istinguishing Tests
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[Tamama and Kuji 1986] T. Tamama and N. Kuji, "Integrating an
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[Tendolkar and Swann 1982] N. N. Tendolkar and R. L. Swann, "A
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[Tulloss 1978] R. E. Tulloss, "Size Optimization of Fault Dict
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[Tulloss 1980] R. E. Tulloss, "Fault Dictionary Compression: Rec
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12.1 For the circuit shown in Figure 12.2(a), show that the fau
lts d s-a-1 and i s-a-1
are indistinguishable.
12.2 For the circuit and the test set shown in Figure 12.2,
determine the fault
resolution of a fault dictionary built
a. without fault dropping;
b. with fault dropping after the first detection;
c. with fault dropping after two detections.
12.3 Construct a diagnosis tree for the circuit shown in Figure 12
.2(a), assuming that
the tests given in Figure 12.2(b) are applied in reverse order (i.e.,
t 5, ... , t 1).
12.4 For the circuit of Figure 12.2(a), try to generate a test that
distinguishes between
the faults (a) g s-a-1 and h s-a-1 (b) g s-a-1 and j s-a-1.
12.5 For the circuit and the faulty responses shown in Figure
12.2, find the closest
match for the response produced by the bridging fault (a.f).
12.6 For the circuit and the test shown in Figure 12.21, tr
y to deduce the internal
values corresponding to the response D =010.
About This Chapter
In previous chapters we have considered the problems associated
with detection of
faults by observation of responses to tests. In this chapter

we will consider some

design procedures that simplify fault diagnosis or detection: sp
ecifically design of
self-checking systems in which faults can be automatically detec
ted by a subcircuit
called a checker. Such circuits imply the use of coded input
s. After a brief
introduction to a few fundamental concepts of coding theory, specif
ic kinds of codes,
including parity-check codes, Berger codes, and residue codes, a
re derived, and
self-checking designs of checkers for these codes are presented.
13.1 Basic Concepts
In some cases it may be possible to determine from the outputs of
a circuit C whether
a certain fault I exists within the circuit without knowing the
value of the expected
response. This type of testing, which can be performed "on-line" is
based on checking
some invariant properties of the response. In this case, it
is unnecessary to test
explicitly for f, and the circuit is said to be self-checking for I.
Another circuit, called
a checker, can be designed to generate an error signal whene
ver the outputs of C
indicate the presence of a fault within C. It is desirable to
design circuits, including
checkers, to be self-checking to as great an extent as possible
(i.e., for as many faults
as possible).
For an arbitrary combinational circuit with p inputs and q out
puts, all 2
combinations can occur, as can all 2
possible output combinations. If all possible
output combinations can occur, it is impossible to determine whether
a fault is present
by just observing the outputs of the circuit, assuming no kn
owledge of the
corresponding inputs. However, if only k < 2
output configurations can occur during
normal operation, the occurrence of any of the 2
- k other configurations indicates a
malfunction (regardless of the corresponding input). Thus, faults t
hat result in such a
an "illegal" output can be detected by a hardware checker.
Example 13.1: Consider a circuit that realizes the combinational
functions 11 (Xl ,x2)
and 12(X1,x2) described by the truth table of Figure I3.I(a).
Note that the output
configuration 11 = 12 = 1 never occurs. Any fault that leads t
o this configuration can
be automatically detected by the checker shown in Figure I3.I(b),
which generates a
l-output, indicating an error, if and only if 11 = 12 = 1. No
te that this checker will

fail to detect faults that cause an incorrect but "legal" output confi
guration. D
In a circuit that has output configurations that do not occu
r during fault-free (i.e.,
normal) operation, the outputs that do occur are called (valid
) code words, and the
nonoccurring configurations are called invalid, or noncode words.
We will speak of
both input codes and output codes in this manner. Considerable w
ork has been done
on specifying codes that are useful for detecting and correcting err
o 0
o 1
1 0
1 1
o 1
1 0
1 0
o 0
)Fault indicator
Figure 13.1 Automatic fault checking for Example 13.1
13.2 Application of Error-Detecting and Error-Correcting
Codes are commonly classified in terms of their ability to detect
or correct classes of
errors that affect some fixed number of bits in a word. Th
us a code is e-error
detecting if it can detect any error affecting at most e bits.
This implies that any such
error does not transform one code word into another code word.
Similarly a code is
e-error correcting if it can correct any error affecting at most
e bits. This implies that
any two such errors e 1, e 2, affecting words WI and w2, respe
ctively, do not result in
the same word.
The Hamming distance d of a code is the minimum number of bits i
n which any two
code words differ. The error-detecting and error-correcting capability
of a code can be
expressed in terms of d as shown in the table of Figure 13
.2. (The proof of these
results can be found in virtually any book on coding theory).
In general, additional outputs, called check bits, must be generate
d by a circuit in order
that its output word constitute a code with useful error capabil
ities. The parity-check

code is the simplest such code. For this code, d =2, and the
number of check bits is
one (independent of the number of output bits in the original
circuit). There are two
types of parity-check code, even and odd. For an even code the che
ck bit is defined so
that the total number of I-bits is always even; for an odd co
de, the number is always
odd. Consequently any error affecting a single bit causes the ou
tput word to have an
incorrect number of I-bits and hence can be detected. Note that i
n an arbitrary circuit
a single fault may cause an error in more than one output bit
due to the presence of
fanout. Hence care must be taken in designing a circuit in which de
tection of errors is
based on a code with limited error-detecting capabilities.
Example 13.2: For the functions 11,12 of Example 13.1, the check bit
Ye for an even
parity-check code is defined so that for any input the total
number of l-output bits
among 11, 12, and Ye is even (Figure 13.3). Thus if Xl =0,
X2 = 1, since 11 = 1 and
12 =0, then Ye must have value 1 so that the total number of l
-bits among 11, 12, and
Ye will be even. For an odd parity-check code, the check bit Yo
would be as shown in
Figure 13.3. Note that Ye and Yo are always complements of each other.
Application of Error-Detecting and Error-Correcting Codes 571
e + 1
2e + 1
l-error detection, a-error correction
2 -error detection, l-error correction
e-error detection, r~ 1-error correction
2e-error detection, e-error correction
Figure 13.2 Capability of a code with distance d
Xl Xz fl fz
Ye Yo
a a a 1 1 a
a 1 1 a 1 a
1 a 1 a 1 a
1 1 a a a 1
Figure 13.3
The check bits required in a code can be thought of as constituti
ng redundancy, since
they are only required for error detection. The other bits are
called information bits.
A generalized class of parity-check codes that have greater err
or-detecting and/or
error-correcting capability can be defined. A single-error-correctin
g code for
q information bits requires c check bits where 2

~ q + c + 1. The value of c for

various values of q is shown in Figure 13.4.
The c check bits and q information bits form a word with (c+q)
bits, b
.. bzb l :
In the conventional Hamming code the check bits occur in bits bZi,
a ::; i ::; c--L The
values of these check bits are defined by c parity-check equations. Le
t Pi be the set of
integers whose binary representation has a l-value in position
, (i.e., Pj =
{I I bj(I) = I}, where bj(n) denotes the value of the j-th bit
(from the right) of a
binary integer n. Then the values of the check bits are defined b
y the c parity-check
equations of the form
i = 1, ... , c
q c
1 2
4 3
11 4
26 5
57 6
120 7
Figure 13.4 Values of q and c for single-error-correcting parity-check
where the sum is modulo 2. An error in bit b, will result
in incorrect parity for
exactly those equations for which j is in Pi. Thus the erroneou
s bit can be computed
from these c parity-check equations.
Example 13.3: Let q = 4. Then 2
~ q + c + 1 = 5 + c, and hence c = 3. The
single-error-correcting code defines a 7-bit word with check bits
, b
, and b s, The
value of the check bits for any given value of the information
bits can be computed
from the three parity-check equations.
Thus if the information bits have the values b
= 1, = 0, b
= 0, and b
= 1, then

the check bits will have the values b I =0 (defined by sub

stitution in equation 1
above), b
=0 (from equation 2) and b
= 1 (from equation 3), and thus the encoded
word is 1 0 0 1 1 0 O. If an error occurs in bit position
b s, the word becomes
1 0 0 0 1 0 O. If we recompute the three parity-check equations
from this word, we
derive the values 1 0 0 from equations 3, 2, and 1 respectivel
y. The binary number
formed from these three equations is 100 (binary 4) thus indicatin
g an error in bit b4.
Thus the single-bit error can be corrected. 0
The use of codes enables hardware to be designed so that certain
classes of errors in
the circuit can be automatically detected or corrected through the
use of a hardware
checker, as shown in Figure 13.5. Note that errors in the checker
may not be detected.
Many codes have been developed that can be used in the design of s
uch self-checking
circuits. The type of code to be used may vary depending on the
type of circuit. For
data-transmission busses, a parity-check code may be adequate. F
or other types of
functions, however, we may wish to use a code for which the che
ck bits of the result
can be determined from the check bits of the operands.
Consider the design of an arithmetic adder using an even parity
-check code. For the
two additions illustrated in Figure 13.6, in both cases the operand
check bits are 0 and
1 respectively, but the check bit of the sum A + B I is 0 and
the check bit of the sum
Application of Error-Detecting and Error-Correcting Codes 573
Circuit Checker
(error-detection code)
~ Error-detection signal
- I--Correcting
Circuit Checker (restoring)

Outputs Corrected
(error-detection code)
Error indication
Figure 13.5 (a) Error-detecting circuit (b) Error-correcting circuit
A + B2 is 1. Therefore it would be necessary to recompute the v
alue of the check bit
after each addition, and errors in the addition itself would not be
Another class of codes, called residue codes, has the desirable
property that for the
arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication, th
e check bits of the
result can be determined directly from the check bits of the operands
. This property is
called independent checking. Several different types of residue
code have been
formulated. We will consider only one such class. In this code
the rightmost p bits
are the check bits. The check bits define a binary number C, and
the information bits
define another number N. The values of the check bits are de
fined so that C = (N)
modulo m, where m is a parameter called the residue of the code,
and the number of
check bits is p = flog
Example 13.4: Consider the derivation of the check bits for a residue
code with three
information bits 1
, II, 1
and m = 3. Since flog
1= 2, check bits C 1 and Co are
A =0001
B) =0101
A =0001
=0 0 1 1
C(A) =1, C(B

) =C(B
) =0, C(A + B
) =0, C(A + B
) =1
C(X) is the check bit of X
Figure 13.6 Parity not preserved by addition
required. Their values are defined so that the binary number
C =C 1C=
(N) modulo 3, where N is the binary number /2/1/0' as shown in Fig
ure 13.7. 0
/2 /1 /0 N C C
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 2 2 1 0
0 1 1 3 0 0 0
1 0 0 4 1 0 1
1 0 1 5 2 1 0
1 1 0 6 0 0 0
1 1 1 7 1 0 1
Figure 13.7 A 3-bit residue code with m =3
We will now prove that for this type of residue code, the
check bits of the sum
(product) of a set of operands is equal to the sum (product)
of the check bits of the
Theorem 13.1: Let {ai} be a set of operands. The check bits
of the sum are given
by (1: ai) mod m, and the check bits of the product by (TI ai) mod
m. Then
a. The check bits of the sum are equal to the sum of the check b
its of the operands
modulo m.
b. The check bits of the product are equal to the product of
the check bits of the
operands modulo m.
a. Let a, =k
i 1
m + k
i 2
where 0 ~ k
i 2
< m. Then (1: ai) mod m =(1: (k
i 1
m + k
i 2
) )
mod m = (1: k
i 2
) mod m = (1: (ai) mod m) mod m (since k
i 2
is the residue of
Application of Error-Detecting and Error-Correcting Codes 575
o b. The proof of part b is similar to part a and is left as an ex

Example 13.5
a. Consider the addition shown in Figure 13.8(a) using residue c
odes with m =3.
The information bits of the sum represent the number 6 and (6) mo
d 3 =O. The
sum of the check bits mod 3 is also O. Thus the sum of
the check bits
modulo m is equal to the check bits of the sum.
b. Consider the multiplication shown in Figure 13.8(b) using re
sidue codes with
m =3. The product of the check bits modulo m is equal to 2.
The information
bits of the product represent the number 8, and (8) mod 3 = 2. T
hus the product
of the check bits modulo m is equal to the check bits of the product
. 0
Information bits Check bits
~ ~
o 0 101 0
o 1 000 1
o 1 101 1
Information bits Check bits
~ ~
o 0 1 0 1 0
o 1 000 1
1 000 1 0
Figure 13.8
The use of residue codes to check addition is illustrated by the sy
stem of Figure 13.9,
which computes the check bits, C(A+B), of the sum A + B and
compares the result
with the modulo m sum of the check bits, (C(A)+C(B)) mod m.
This circuit will
detect an error that causes these two computations to be unequal.
Let us now consider
the class of errors that can be detected by this class of residue co
If a residue code defines code words with s =p + q bits, then an
error pattern E can be
defined as an s-bit binary vector in which e, = 1 if bit i is in
error and e, =0 if bit i is
correct. For a number N with check bits C where C =(N) mod m, su
ch an error may
change N to N' and/or C to C'. Such an error will be d
etected, provided
C' t= N' mod m. Let us first consider single-bit errors.
Theorem 13.2: In a residue code with m odd, all single-bit errors
are detected.
Proof: A single-bit error can affect either the value of C or
N but not both. We
therefore consider two cases.
Case 1: Assume the single erroneous bit is an information bit
. If bit i of the
information segment is in error, then N' = N 2
and C' = C. Then N'mod m =
(N 2

) mod m = N mod m (2
) mod m = C (2
) mod m. For m odd,
) mod m t= 0 and hence the error is detected.
A B C(A) C(B)
Error indicator
Figure 13.9
Case 2: Assume the single erroneous bit is a check bit. If bit
i of the check segment
is in error, then C' = (C 2
) mod m "* C for m odd. Hence all single-bit errors are
detected. 0
If m is odd, some single-bit errors may be indistinguishable.
If m is even, some
single-bit errors may not even be detected.
Example 13.6
a. Let m =3. Consider the code word 11000 in which the rightmost
two bits are
check bits. For the single-bit error affecting bit 4 (from the r
ight), the erroneous
word is 10000, which is not a code word, since N =4, C =0,
and N mod 3 =
1 "* O. Therefore this error will be detected. However, the same
erroneous word
could result from the code word 00000 due to a single-bit error patt
ern affecting
bit 5 (from the right). Thus this code can not distinguish t
hese two single-bit
errors and hence the code is not single-error correcting.
b. Let m =2. Consider the code word 1100 with the rightmost
bit as the only
check bit. A single-bit error affecting bit 3 results in the word
1000. Since I' =
4 and C' =0 and I' mod 2 =0 =C', this is a valid code word, and
the single-bit
error is not detected. 0
Thus the parameter m must be odd for the code to detect s
ingle errors. As m
increases, the number of check bits required increases, and th
e error-detecting and
error-correcting capabilities of the code vary with the specific value
of m in a complex
manner that will not be considered herein [Sellers et ale 1968].
Multiple-Bit Errors
13.3 Multiple-Bit Errors
The error-detecting capabilities of codes with respect to multiplebit errors are also of
interest. For a parity-check code, all errors that affect an od
d number of bits will be
detected, whereas even bit errors will not be. It should be
noted, however, that in

many technologies the most probable multiple-bit errors are not random
but have some
special properties associated with them such as unidirectional errors
(all erroneous bits
have the same value) and adjacent-bit errors (all bits affecte
d by an error are
contiguous). Some common codes are useful for detecting such multiplebit errors.
The kln (k-out-of-n) code consists of n-bit words in which each c
ode word has exactly
k l-bits, These codes will detect all unidirectional errors, sin
ce a unidirectional error
will either result in an increase or a decrease in the number of
l-bits in a word. This
code is a nonseparable code, in which it is not possible to classi
fy bits as check bits or
information bits. When such codes are used, the circuitry invo
lved must perform
computations on the entire word rather than just the information bits o
f a word.
The Berger codes are separable codes. For / information bits,
the number of check
bits required is C = flog
(/ + l)l, forming a word of n =/ + C bits. The C check bits
define a binary number corresponding to the Boolean complement of
the number of
information bits with value 1. Thus with three information bits,
two check bits are
required. If the information bits are 110, the check bits de
fine the Boolean
complement of 2 (since there are two information bits with v
alue 1) and hence the
check bits are 01. For / = 3 and C = 2, the complete code is sho
wn in Figure 13.10.
/1 /2 /3 C
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 0
Figure 13.10 Berger code for /=3 and C=2
Berger codes detect all unidirectional errors (Problem 13.5). Amo
ng separable codes
that detect all unidirectional errors, Berger codes are optimal
in requiring fewer check
bits for / information bits. For large values of r, however,
m-out-of-n codes require
fewer bits to achieve r valid code words.
In the modified residue code, m - 1 check bits are defined so that
the total number of
I-bits in a code word is a multiple of the parameter m. Th
is code, which is a
generalization of the parity-check code, detects all unidirectional
errors affecting fewer

than m bits. For m =3, if the information bits have the value 110
, the check bits have
the value 01 or 10.
Given a set of kn bits arranged as k n-bit words, adding a paritycheck bit to each word
results in k (n + 1)-bit words in which any single-bit error ca
n be detected as well as
any multiple-bit error so long as no word has more than on
e erroneous bit.
Alternatively, we can define one n-bit check word C, where for
all i, 1 ~ i ~ n, the
i-th bit of C is a parity check over the i-th bit of all k
words. This results in (k + 1)
n-bit words in which all single-bit errors are detected, all mul
tiple-bit errors within one
word are detected, and all multiple-bit errors affecting different
bits of different words
are detected. This technique can also be used with error-corre
cting codes to obtain
multiple-bit error correction.
13.4 Checking Circuits and Self-Checking
The use of on-line testing (Le., checking circuits in conjunction with
coded outputs) to
detect faults has the following advantages over off-line testing.
1. Intermittent faults are detected.
2. Output errors are detected immediately upon occurrence, thus preven
ting possible
corruption of data.
3. The distribution of checkers throughout a digital system provides
a good measure
of the location of a fault by the location of the checker
at which the error is
4. The software diagnostic program is eliminated (or at least
Checking by means of hardware can be combined with a general
reliability strategy
called rollback, in which the status of a system is periodica
lly saved, and upon
detection of an error the system is reconfigured to its most recent
previous valid saved
condition and the subsequent sequence of inputs is repeated. Re
peated failures cause
an interrupt. (This strategy is effective for intermittent failures of
short duration).
There are also several disadvantages associated with on-line tes
ting by means of
hardware (i.e., checking circuits).
1. More hardware is required, including a hardware checker.
2. The additional hardware must be checked or tested (checking
the checker
problem). In general, some faults cannot be automatically detected.
Thus the use of hardware for testing raises the problem of how to h
andle faults in the
checking unit. This has led to the study of totally self-checking c
ircuits (and checkers)
[Carter and Schneider 1968]. A circuit is fault secure for a set
of faults F, if for any

fault in F, and any valid (code) input, the output is a noncode

word or the correct code
word, never an invalid code word. A' circuit is self-testing for
a set of faults F if for
any fault fin F, there exists an valid (code) input that detects f.
A totally self-checking
circuit is both fault secure and self-testing for all faults (in t
he set of faults of interest).
Fault secureness insures that the circuit is operating properly
if the output is a code
word. Self-testing insures that it is possible for any fault to b
e detected during normal
Checking Circuits and Self-Checking 579
operation. Hence a totally self-checking circuit need not have
a special diagnostic
program but can be completely tested by means of hardware*. One in
trinsic difficulty
associated with such a method is the possibility of faults within
the checker. For the
system to be totally self-checking, both the circuit and the
checker must also be
self-testing and fault secure. The part of the circuit containi
ng faults that cannot be
detected in this manner must be tested by other means and is som
etimes referred to as
hardcore. It is desirable to design the checking circuit so that t
he hardcore is localized
and/or minimized.
13.5 Self-Checking Checkers
Most of the research of self-checking has been related to the de
sign of self-checking
checkers. A checker (for a specific code) is usually defined as
a single-output circuit
which assumes the value for any input corresponding to a code wor
d and assumes
the value 1 for any input corresponding to a noncode word. This o
utput is used as an
indication of error. Since the output is for all code inputs,
a checker cannot be
designed in this manner so as to be self-testing for a s-a-O fault
on its output, since this
fault can only be detected by applying an input corresponding to a
noncode word, and
this will never occur during normal operation. Signals that ha
ve only one possible
value during normal operation are called passive. One approach
to the design of
self-checking checkers is to replace all passive signals by a
pair of signals each of
which, during normal operation, could assume both logical values
, and 1. Thus a
checker could be designed, as shown in Figure 13.11, where the
two outputs of C 1
take the values (0,1) or (1,0) for code inputs and (0,0) or (
1,1) for noncode inputs. If
we assume that a single signal is necessary to indicate erro
r, additional logic is
required to generate this single signal z from the two nonpas
sive signals. In
Figure 13.11 the subcircuit C2 generates z as the exclusive-OR

of the two signals

generated by C I. However, since z is a passive signal, C2 is a
lways non-self-testing.
Thus the hardcore (i.e., the logic that is not self-testable)
has actually not been
eliminated but has been localized and minimized.
The concept of realizing a passive function as a pair of nonpas
sive functions can be
formalized. Consider a binary functionf with values 0,1, which are
mapped into two
binary functions Zl, Z2 in which (ZI,Z2) = (0,0) or (1,1) corr
esponds to f= 1 and
(ZI,Z2) = (0,1) or (1,0) corresponds to f= 0. The set of functio
ns (ZI,Z2) is called a
morphic function corresponding to f It is possible to design some
morphic functions
so as to be totally self-checking.
* If a circuit is totally self-testing for a set of faults F, t
hen it is possible for any fault in F to be detected
during normal operation by hardware checking. Of significance is t
he probability that the fault will be
detected within t units of time from its occurrence. The expected
value of t has been referred to as the
error latency of the circuit [Shedletsky and McCluskey 1975]. I
f F is the set of single stuck faults,
hardware detection is only useful if the error latency of the circuit
is much less than the expected time for
a second fault to occur so that a multiple fault does not exist.
I---coded Z
f---r--Figure 13.11
13.6 Parity-Check Function
Consider the 3-bit parity-check function represented by the Kama
ugh map of
Figure 13.12. The corresponding morphic function is shown in Fi
gure 13.13, where
each a, can be 0 or 1.

1 0 1
1 0 1 0
Figure 13.12 Kamaugh map of 3-input parity-check function
In general for an n-variable function there are 2
variables a, defined in the
corresponding morphic function. The question remains as to whethe
r these values of
a, can be selected so that both z 1 and z2 are self-testing and
hence self-checking. For
the parity-check function of Figure 13.13, the choice a, =0, i ~
3, a, = 1, i ~ 4 leads

to the circuit shown in Figure 13.14(a), which can be verifi

ed to be totally
self-checking, where the code inputs correspond to all inputs wit
h an even number of
I-bits. This type of realization can be generalized for an n-input pa
rity-check function.
In the totally self-checking circuit, the set of n variables is par
titioned into two disjoint
sets Ai, B
each with at least one variable, and parity-check functions o
f these two
variable sets are realized. The resultant circuit, shown in Fi
gure 13.14(b), is totally
self-checking. (An inverter on one of the outputs is required
to produce outputs of
(0,1) or (1,0) for even parity inputs.) This morphic function re
alization can be shown
Parity-Check Function 581
ao az a4 a4
al a3 a7 as
ao az a4 a4
al a3 a7 as
Figure 13.13 Kamaugh maps representing morphic function corresponding t
3-input parity-check function
to be a minor modification of a normal checker realization s
hown in Figure 13.15.
Thus the hardcore of the normal circuit has now been placed
with the decision logic
(which interprets the error-identification signals (0,0) and (1,1) an
d produces a passive
error signal). The hardcore has been localized rather than eliminated
Xl zl

Figure 13.14 (a) Self-checking 3-bit parity checker (b) General self-c
parity checker
13.7 Totally Self-Checking min Code Checkers
A totally self-checking k/2k code checker can also be designed [Ande
rson and Metze
1973]. The checker has two outputs, f and g. The 2k inputs ar
e partitioned into two
Figure 13.15 Parity-check circuit
disjoint sets of k inputs each, XA and XB. The function f is
defined to have the value 1
if and only if i or more of the variables in XA have the value 1 a
nd k - i or more of the

variables in XB have the value 1, for i odd. Similarly g is defin

ed to have the value 1
if i or more variables in XA and k - i or more variable
s in XB have the value 1, for
i even. For code inputs (i.e., exactly k of the 2k variables hav
e the value 1) then f =1
and g = 0 or g = 1 and f = 0, while for noncode inputs with
fewer than k l-bits, f = 0
and g = 0, and for noncode inputs with more than k l-bits,
f = g = 1. The general
form of the circuit is as shown in Figure 13.16, where T
has outputs for each odd
value of i, and the ith output assumes the value 1 if i
or more inputs assume the
value 1. The subcircuits TAeven' T
and TBeven are similarly defined. It can be
shown that this circuit is both self-checking and fault secure
, and hence totally
self-checking, for all single stuck faults. Other realizations of t
his checker have a large
number of faults that cannot be tested by code word inputs.
The self-checking checker for kl2k codes can also be used to
realize a general
kln checker where n:l= 2k [Marouf and Friedman 1978]. The gene
ral form of the
circuit realization is shown in Figure 13.17. The AND array consists
of a single level
of k-input AND gates, one for each subset of k variables, whic
h generate all possible
products of k of the n variables. Thus, for a code word input,
the output of this array
will have exactly one I-signal, while for noncode inputs with mo
re than k I-bits, two
or more of the output signals will have the value 1, and for no
ncode inputs with fewer
than k l-bits, none of the output signals will have t ~ e v
alue 1. The OR array consists
of a single level of OR gates, which converts the 1/ l ~ ] code
on the z signals to a p/2p
code, where p must satisfy the constraint
The kin checker design represented in Figure 13.17 might be
considered inefficient,
since it requires a great amount of hardware and all valid code
words as tests in order
Totally Self-Checking m/n Code Checkers 583
Figure 13.16 Totally self-checking k/2k checker
AND OR Totally
f---x array
( ~ ) code

array pi 2p code self-checking

decoder translator pi 2p checker
- Zn
Figure 13.17 A kin checker design
to detect all single stuck faults. Subsequent research was related
to attempts to finding
improved realizations that were totally self-checking and required
either a simpler
circuit design and/or fewer tests to detect all single stuck
faults. A more efficient
checker can be designed, as shown in Figure 13.18, consisting of three
subcircuits, C 1,
C2, and C3. The circuit C 1 has n inputs and Z outputs where
Z =4 for m/(2m+1)
codes, Z =5 for 2/n codes, and Z =6 for any other mln code. In
normal operation, C 1
receives mln code words as inputs and produces a lIZ code on its
outputs. The circuit
C2 translates the l/Z code on its inputs to a 2/4 code on
its outputs, and C3 is a
2/4 code checker. All three of the subcircuits are designed a
s totally self-checking
circuits. This type of realization can be shown in general to requi
re a much smaller set
of tests to detect all single stuck faults compared to the design s
hown in Figure 13.16.
l-out-of-Z .--- ~ 2-0llt- r---------------,
Code translator 2-out-of-4 code checker
Figure 13.18 m-out-of-n code checker
13.8 Totally Self-Checking Equality Checkers
Totally self-checking equality checkers have also been designed
[Anderson 1971].
These circuits test two k-bit words to determine if they are
identical. For k =2, the
circuit of Figure 13.19 is a totally self-checking equality chec
ker for the two words
(a 1,a2) and (b 1,b
). This can be generalized for arbitrary values of k. Such
equality checker can be used as the basis for checkers for various
operations and codes
as illustrated previously in the design of checkers for addition using
residue codes.
13.9 Self-Checking Berger Code Checkers
A general structure for a totally self-checking checker for separabl
e codes is shown in
Figure 13.20 [Marouf and Friedman 1978b]. The circuit N 1 generates

check bits from

the information bits. The equality checker, N 2, compares the ch
eck bits of the input
word with the check bits generated by N 1
Self-Checking Berger Code Checkers
Figure 13.19 Totally self-checking equality checker
For the Berger code, the generator circuit N 1 can be const
ructed from full-adder
modules, as shown in Figure 13.21, for the case 1=7, C =3.
A set of four test
vectors is shown.
This type of design is easily generalized for the case where
I, the number of
information bits, is 2
- 1. The generator circuit, N 1, is easily tested with eight input
sufficient to detect all single stuck faults within N 1 as
well as all multiple faults
occurring within a single full-adder module within N 1.
For the case where I = 2
- 1, all of the 2
possible combinations of check-bit values
occur in some code words. Therefore a two-level realization of th
e equality checker,
N 2, will be totally self-checking. However, such a realization is
very inefficient both
in terms of the number of gates required and the number of tests
required to detect all
single stuck faults. A much more efficient realization is a tree
circuit formed as an
interconnection of one-bit comparator modules. Although somewhat m
ore complex,
relatively efficient designs of both N 1 and N2 can be deriv
ed for the cases where
1"* 2
- 1 [Marouf and Friedman 1978b].
A significant amount of research has been directed toward the d
evelopment of more
efficient totally self-checking circuits for many of the more c
ommon codes, some of
which have been considered herein [Jha 1989, Gastanis and Halatsis
1983, Nikolos et
ale 1988], as well as to specific technologies such as PLAs [M
ak et ale 1982]. Little
has been done, however, in the way of a general theory for
the design of totally
self-checking circuits for arbitrary combinational or sequential functions
13.10 Toward a General Theory of Self-Checking
Combinational Circuits
We will now consider the general problem of self-checking circuit des
ign for arbitrary
functions. It is easily shown that the inputs of a self-checking ci
rcuit must be coded in
a distance d code where d is at least 2 in order for the cir

cuit to be fault secure with

Code word
(generates the
complement of the
k check bits)
1/2 code
Figure 13.20 Totally self-checking checker for separable codes
respect to single stuck input faults. The outputs must be si
milarly coded to be fault
secure with respect to single stuck output faults. If it is
assumed that there are no
input faults and the inputs are uncoded, then self-testing is automa
tically achieved and
the circuit must only be designed to be fault secure. If the
outputs of the circuit are
defined to be of even parity, they define a distance 2 code. Howeve
r, it is possible for
a single fault to affect two output bits, as illustrated by
the fault a s-a-O with input
(XI,x2) = (0,1) in the circuit of Figure 13.22(b). In this c
ase the circuit is not fault
secure, since the normal output ifl '/2'/3) = (1,1,0) and the fa
ulty output ifl '/2'/3) =
(0,0,0) are both valid possible circuit outputs for some input valu
e. The circuit can be
redesigned to prevent such an error pattern, as shown in Fig
ure 13.22(c), wherein
duplicated signals have been generated to ensure odd parity errors.
Note that each of
the gates G I and G
of Figure 13.22(b) have been replaced by two gates, and it must
be further assumed that no input fault can affect both of these ga
tes. Thus if no input
faults are considered, it is possible to design fault-secure r
ealizations of arbitrary
combinational functions.
As we have seen previously, if we assume that a single passive

signal is required for

error indication design of totally self-checking circuits cannot complete
ly eliminate the
hardcore. Referring to Figure 13.11, if C I is to be totally sel
f-checking and C2 is to
represent the hardcore, the question arises whether the logic in C
I can be substantially
Toward a General Theory of Self-Checking Combinational Circuits 587
1 1 1 1
Xl 1 1 1 0
1 100
110 1
101 1
1 0 1 0
1 100
100 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
100 1
1 1 1 1
Figure 13.21 Self-checking Berger code checker, [=7, C=3
simplified if C2 is made somewhat more complex. It appears l
ikely that a general
theory of self-checking circuits would not be restricted to two-output
morphic functions
and would explicitly recognize the trade-off between the hardcore
and the degree of
self-checking. In this connection a class of circuits that are
totally fault secure but
only partially self-testing, and a class of circuits that are totally
self-testing but are only
fault secure for a subset of all possible inputs may be co
nsidered. However, no
general design procedures for such circuits have yet been developed.
13.11 Self-Checking Sequential Circuits
The use of codes and the concepts of self-checking design are
also applicable to the
design of self-checking sequential circuits. Consider the sequenti
al-circuit model of
Figure 13.23, in which the outputs and state variables are coded.
Self-checking can be
obtained by designing the combinational logic so that

1. For any fault internal to C* and for any input, either

the output and the next
state are correct or the output and/or the next state is a noncode wor
2. For any state corresponding to a noncode word resulting from a
fault f in C, and
for any input, the next state generated by C with fault f is a
noncode word and
the output is also a noncode word.
* If input faults are also to be considered, the inputs must be
Xl X2
/1 /2 /3
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 0
Figure 13.22 Redesign of a circuit to restrict effect of single stuck
The net result from these conditions is that C serves as a
checker on the coded state
A conceptually similar design procedure is shown in Figure 13.24. Th
e outputs of the
sequential circuit Clare encoded in a kln code, which is input to
a kln checker. The
checker generates a signal R
' which is required for the next clock pulse (or in the case
of asynchronous circuits, for the next input signal) to be ge
nerated. Thus for many
faults the system will stop as soon as an erroneous output is genera
A considerable amount of research has been focused on the app
lication of the basic
concepts of self-checking to the design of more complex system
s including
microprogrammed control units and microprocessors [Nicolaidis 1987, P
aschalis et ale
Coded state variables ~
Coded outputs
t z
logic C
Memory excitation functions

Figure 13.23 Sequential circuit model
x. C
z(k/ n code)
k/ n
R, (enabling signal)
Figure 13.24 Use of codes for self-checking in sequential circuits
[Anderson 1971] D. A. Anderson, "Design of Self-Checking Digital
Networks Using
Coding Technique," Univ. of Illinois CSL Report R-527, September, 1
[Anderson and Metze 1978] D. A. Anderson and G. Metze, "Design
of Totally
Self-Checking Check Circuits for m-out-of-n Codes," IEEE Trans.
Computers, Vol. C-22, No.3, pp. 263-269, March, 1973.
[Carter and Schneider 1968] W. C. Carter and P. R. Schneider,
"Design of
Dynamically Checked Computers," IFIP Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 87
[Gastanis and Halatsis 1983] N. Gastanis and C. Halatsis, "A New
Design Method for
m-out-of-n TSC Checkers," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-32,
pp. 273-283, March, 1983.
[Jha 1989] N. K. Jha, "A Totally Self-Checking Checker for Bo
rden's Code," IEEE
Trans. on Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 8, No.7, pp. 731-736, July,
[Mak et ale 1982] G. P. Mak, J. A. Abraham, and E. S. D
avidson, "The Design of
PLAs with Concurrent Error Detection," Proc. 12th Annual Intn'l.
Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 300-310, June, 1982.
[Marouf and Friedman 1978a] M. Marouf and A. D. Friedman, "Effic
ient Design of
Self-Checking Checkers for Any m-out-of-n Code," IEEE Trans. on
Computers, Vol. C-27, No.6, pp. 482-490, June, 1978.
[Marouf and Friedman 1978b] M. Marouf and A. D. Friedman, "Desig
n of
Self-Checking Checkers for Berger Codes," Digest of Papers 8th
Intn'l. Conf on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 179-184, June, 1978.
[Nicolaidis 1987] M. Nicolaidis, "Evaluation of a Self-Checking
Version of the
MC 68000 Microprocessor," Microprocessing and Microprogramming,
Vol. 20, pp. 235-247, 1987.
[Nikolos et ale 1988] D. Nikolos, A. M. Paschalis, and G. P
hilokyprou, "Efficient
Design of Totally Self-Checking Checkers For All Low-Cost Arithm

Codes," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 37, pp. 807-814, July,

[Paschalis et ale 1987] A. M. Paschalis, C. Halatsis, and G. Ph
ilokyprou, "Concurrently
Totally Self-Checking Microprogram Control Unit with Duplication o
Microprogram Sequencer," Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 20,
pp. 271-281, 1987.
[Sellers et ale 1968] F. F. Sellers, M. Y. Hsiao, and L.
W. Beamson, Error Detecting
Logic for Digital Computers, McGraw-Hill, New York, New York, 1968.
[Shedletsky and McCluskey 1975] J. J. Shedletsky and E. J. McCl
uskey, "The Error
Latency of a Fault in a Combinational Digital Circuit," Digest of Papers
Intn'l. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 210-214, June, 197
a. Consider a 6-bit residue code in which m = 3 with the rightmos
t two bits being
check bits. For each of the following, assuming at most a
single-bit error,
determine if such an error is present and if so which bits might be
010110, 011110, 011001
b. Consider a 7-bit Hamming single-error correction code. For
each of the
following, assuming at most a single-bit error, determine the erroneo
us bit if any.
0101100, 0101101, 0111101
13.2. Consider a residue code and an error that results in
the interchange of two
successive bits. Prove that all such errors are detected, or pres
ent a counterexample to
this conjecture.
13.3. Prove that the k/2k checker of Figure 13.16 is totally
self-checking for all
single stuck faults.
13.4. Consider a residue code and a burst error that results in u
nidirectional errors in
a sequence of k successive bits. Will all such errors be detected?
13.5. Prove that Berger codes detect all unidirectional errors.
13.6. Design a 2/4 code checker in the form of Figure 13.16,
and prove that the
circuit is totally self-checking for all single stuck faults.
13.7. Consider the following design of a k-bit equality checker (k
~ 3) to determine
the equivalence of two words (al,a2, ...,ak) and (al',a2', ...,ak').
The circuit has two
outputs fk and gk defined by the recursive equations
where b
=Gk' and f2 and g2 are as defined in Figure 13.19. Verify that
this circuit is
totally self-checking for all single stuck faults.
About This Chapter

Since programmable logic arrays (PLAs) can implement any Boolean

function, they
have become a popular device in the realization of both combinatio
nal and sequential
logic circuits and are used extensively in VLSI designs and as LSI
devices on printed
circuit boards. Testing of PLAs to detect hardware faults has
been studied by
numerous researchers. A partial taxonomy of PLA test methods i
s shown in
Figure 14.1. In this chapter we survey many of these methods. Firs
t we discuss fault
models and traditional methods of test generation. Then we bri
efly describe test
generation algorithms designed specially for PLAs. In Section 14.4 we
present several
semi-built-in and fully built-in test methodologies for PLAs. In
Section 14.5 we
compare these various techniques in terms of such measures as
area overhead, test
time, and fault coverage.
14.1 Introduction
A PLA consists of three parts: an input decoder, an AND array
, and an OR array.
Figure 14.2 shows the basic structure of a PLA. The input d
ecoder partitions the
n primary inputs into 2n bit lines. There are two common forms
of input decoders:
I-bit decoders that transform each input Xi into Xi and its
complement, and 2-bit
decoders that transform a pair of inputs into the four minterms of th
e two variables.
Depending on the technology, a PLA implements two-level logic o
f various forms,
such as NAND-NAND or NOR-NOR. For simplicity we assume the lo
gic is of the
form AND-OR, with the AND array forming the product (conjunctive)
terms and the
OR array the disjunctive terms. The intersection of a bit or outpu
t line with a product
line is called a crosspoint. The proper logical terms are crea
ted by either making or
not making a connection at each crosspoint. Usually a transist
or exists at each
crosspoint, and if the connection is not wanted, the associated tra
nsistor is disabled by
one of several techniques, such as cutting a line.
A PLA can be described by a matrix P = (A, 0), where A is
an mxn matrix
representing the AND array, 0 is an mxk matrix representing the O
R array, and n, m,
and k are the number of inputs, product terms, and outputs, res
pectively. This matrix
is called the PLA's personality. The function realized by a
PLA can also be
represented by a set of cubes, each cube corresponding to a
row in the personality
matrix. A simple example is giveE in Figure 14.3. Here a 1(0
) in the AND array
corresponds to a connection to Xi (Xi); an X denotes no connection

to Xi or Xi' A 1(0)
in the OR array represents a connection (no connection). The
PLA shown in
Figure 14.3(a) implements the functions
11 =Xl + X3
+ X2
Test generation algorithm by
Muehldorf et al.
PLA with universal test set
functional independent testing PLAs
multiple-fault-testable PLAs
parallel-testable PLAs
syndrome-testable PLAs
lower-overhead-testable PLAs
fully testable PLA
special layout
design for eliminating
untestable bridging faults
PLA with signature analyzer
No autonomously testable PLAs
low-overhead self-testing PLAs
high-coverage self-testing PLAs
totally self-checking PLA
strongly fault-secure PLA
concurrent test by a
series of checkers
concurrent test by modified
Berger code checker
Figure 14.1 A taxonomy of PLA test methodologies
14.2 PLA Testing Problems
The widespread application of PLAs makes PLA testing an important
issue. Though
PLAs offer many advantages, they also present new testing .problems.
14.2.1 Fault Models
In testing digital circuits, the most commonly considered fault
model is the stuck-at
fault. A s-a-l or s-a-O fault may occur on any wire within
a PLA, including
input/output lines, bit lines, and product lines. Stuck-at faults
alone cannot adequately
model all physical defects in PLAs. Because of the PLA's array stru
cture, a new class
of faults, known as crosspoint faults, often occur. A crosspoint faul

t is either an extra
or a missing connection at a crosspoint in the AND or OR array of
a PLA. There are
four kinds of crosspoint faults:
1. Shrinkage fault - an extra connection between a bit line and a
product line in
the AND array that causes the implicant to shrink because it
includes one
additional input variable;
PLA Testing Problems 595
Product line


array \
- - -:>
~ ~ ...
Xl xl x2 x2
1<:- - 0
Input decoder
/1 12 Ik
f f
Figure 14.2 A general PLA structure with I-bit input decoders
2. Growth fault - a missing connection between a bit line and a
product line in
the AND array that causes the implicant to grow because it becomes
of an additional input variable;
3. Appearance fault - an extra connection between a product line a
nd an output

line in the OR array that causes the corresponding implicant

to appear in the
output function;
4. Disappearance fault - a missing connection between a product
line and an
output line in the OR array that causes an implicant to di
sappear from the
corresponding output function.
Note that missing crosspoints are equivalent to some stuck-at
faults, but extra
connections cannot be modeled by stuck faults. To illustrate t
hese faults, refer to
Figure I4.3(a). If an extra connection (shrinkage fault) exists betwee
n PI and b 5, then
11 contains the term X1X 3 rather than just Xl, and the fun
ction 11 loses the two
minterms covered by XIX2X3' If the connection between P 4 and b
is missing (growth
fault), then the product term on line- P4 becomes X2X3X4, and
12 inherits the extra
minterm XIX2X3X4' Note that there are (2n + k)m possible single cro
sspoint faults and
2(2n+k)m - I different single and multiple crosspoint faults. F
or large PLAs, explicit
consideration of single crosspoint faults is difficult; for mult
iple faults it is totally
Xl X2 X3 X4
11 12
0 X X X 1 0
X X 1 1 1 1
X 0 0 X 1 0
= [A,O]
0 0 0 0 0 1
X 1 1 x 0 1
1 1 x 0 0 1
Figure 14.3 A PLA example (a) A PLA implementation (b) A personalit
y matrix
Because of the way PLAs are made, multiple faults are common
. Multiple stuck
faults, multiple crosspoint faults, or combinations of these fault
s may occur in newly
manufactured circuits. The compact array structure of PLAs makes shorts
between two
PLA Testing Problems 597
adjacent lines more likely to occur. The effect of shorts be
tween a pair of lines is
determined by the technology used to manufacture the PLA. Generally,
either a "high"
or "low" voltage will dominate, so these shorts can be model
ed as OR or AND
bridging faults.
The various fault modes that may occur in a PLA can make test
generation a complex
process. However, analysis of the relation between different kinds o

f faults reduces the

complexity of the problem. It has been shown that a complete
test set for single
crosspoint faults also covers most single stuck faults in inpu
t decoders and output
lines, as well as many shorts and a large portion of multiple fau
lts [Cha 1978, Ostapko
and Hong 1979, Smith 1979]. Min [1983a] presented a unified fault
model and proved
that any stuck-at fault or bridging fault (of AND type) is
equivalent to a multiple
crosspoint fault. It has been verified that 98 percent of all mul
tiple crosspoint faults of
size 8 and less are inherently covered by every complete single cros
spoint fault test set
in a PLA [Agarwal 1980]. These results suggest that single crosspoi
nt faults should be
of primary concern in testing. If other classes of faults ar
e considered significant,
special effort must be made to ensure for their high fault coverage
14.2.2 Problems with Traditional Test Generation Methods
A PLA corresponds to a two-level sum-of-product circuit with input inv
erters, although
in nMOS technology it is often implemented by two levels of NORNOR gates with
output inverters. One way to generate tests for a PLA is first t
o convert the PLA into
a two-level gate circuit and then to find tests for stuck faults
in the "equivalent" gate
circuit. Many algorithms exist for generating tests for such ci
rcuits (see Chapter 6).
However, these methods share two serious problems. First, althou
gh the two-level
circuit is logically equivalent to the PLA, as far as fault behavior i
s concerned, they are
not equivalent. Some faults in the PLA, such as an extra crosspoi
nt fault in the AND
array, cannot be modeled as a stuck fault in the gate circui
t. Therefore a high fault
coverage is not guaranteed. Second, traditional test generation
algorithms are not
always effective for PLAs because PLAs have high fanin, reconv
ergent fanout, and
redundancy. Although exhaustive testing is not affected by these f
actors, it becomes
less applicable as the size of the PLA increases.
In general PLAs are not efficiently tested by random test vectors
due primarily to the
large number of crosspoints used in the AND array. Suppose a
product line p is
connected to j bit lines (i :::; n). To test for a missing
crosspoint fault at A(p, hi)' one
needs to place a 0 on the i-th bit line and 1's at all the ot
her (i-I) connected bit lines.
Since there are 2
possible patterns on these j bit lines and only one pattern can
this fault, the probability of detecting such a missing connection wi

th a random pattern
is approximately 1/ 2
. Since j is frequently 10 or larger, many random patterns may
be needed to achieve a high fault coverage.
14.3 Test Generation Algorithms for PLAs
Since conventional test generation methods are not suitable for P
LAs, several ad hoc
test generation approaches have been developed [Bose and Abraham 1
982, Cha 1978,
Eichelberger and Lindbloom 1980, Min 1983b, Muehldorf and Williams 19
77, Ostapko
and Hong 1979, Smith 1979, Wei and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli 1985].
It has been
shown that a PLA's regular structure leads to more efficient test
generation and fault
simulation algorithms than for random logic. We will only brief
ly review these
14.3.1 Deterministic Test Generation
The basic idea behind most PLA test generation algorithms is
path sensitization,
namely, to select a product line and then sensitize it through
one of the output lines.
We will show that a test must match or almost match (only
one bit differs from) a
product term in the AND array. If a PLA's personality is known,
tests of this nature
can easily be found.
The sharp operation, denoted by ,,#,,1, is especially useful for fi
nding such a test. For
example, let ci be the cube representation of product line Pi.
Suppose the connection
between Pi and the j-th input variable is missing, thus creatin
g a growth fault. The
cube ci' representing the faulty Pi would be the same as ci excep
t the j-th bit changes
to x. To detect this missing crosspoint fault, a test t must
be covered by ci' # cia Let
z(i,k) be a set of cubes representing product lines that are
connected to output line k,
except cia To propagate the error through output k, the test
t must also cause all
product lines represented by z(i,k) to be O. That is to say, t
E (ci' # ci) # z (i, k).
If the result is empty, another k should be tried until a test t
is found. If no test can be
computed, the fault is undetectable. Formulas for generating tests
for other crosspoint
faults can be similarly defined [Ostapko and Hong 1979, Smith 1979].
Example 14.1: Consider the PLA shown in Figure 14.3. Assume th
e crosspoint
between lines P
and b
is missing; hence the product term X3X4 becomes X3- Then
(ci' # ci) is equivalent to X3(X3X4) =X3X4. Choosing k = 1, z (
i,k) is equivalent to

Xl + X2X3, and (ci' # ci) # z ti, k) is equivalent to X3X4(X

I + X2X3)' =XIX3X4' Hence
the set of tests is represented by Ix1O. D
To determine fault coverage, after a test is generated, test ana
lysis is carried out instead
of conventional fault simulation. A PLA' s regularity makes it po
ssible to determine
directly what faults are detected by a given test. For example, i
f a test t results in only
product line P, being set to 1, and there is an output line q tha
t does not connect to Pj'
then an appearance fault at position (j,q) in the OR array can
be detected by t. Such
rules of fault analysis can be easily formulated and work mu
ch faster than fault
simulation for random logic. Details of test analysis for PLAs
are given in [Ostapko
and Hong 1979, Smith 1979].
Under the single-fault assumption, most test generation algorithms
can achieve a high
fault coverage for detectable stuck faults and crosspoint faults.
AND-type bridging
faults can also be covered by some algorithms [Cha 1978, Ostapk
o and Hong 1979].
Min [1983b] proposed a test generation algorithm for irredundant
PLAs that covers
multiple crosspoint faults. The tests produced by this algorithm
also detect stuck-at
faults and bridging faults. In general, the size of the test
set produced by these
algorithms is bounded by the number of crosspoints in a PLA, namely m
(2n + k).
1. By definition, a # b =abo
Test Generation Algorithms for PLAs
14.3.2 Semirandom Test Generation
Deterministic test generation for PLAs is feasible but laborious. R
andom patterns can
be easily generated but are often ineffective. A PLA's regular
structure allows
deterministic and random test generation methods to be combined into
an effective and
inexpensive semirandom test generation technique [Eichelberger and Lindbl
oom 1980].
A PLA has a direct logic correspondence with a two-level AND-OR
circuit with all input variables and their complements supplied.
It is well-known that
the circuit shown in Figure 14.4(a) can be tested, under the
single stuck-fault
assumption, by applying a set of critical cubes to each AND gate
(see Figure 14.4(b
and sensitizing its output through the OR gate. The critical cubes
are hard to generate
randomly. However, it is probable that a random pattern on G
and G
will result in
a sensitized path for G 1, since for an AND gate with i inputs, 2;

- lout of 2; possible
input combinations lead to an output of O.
1011 ==iJ1101 1000
Input pattern
Output pattern
Figure 14.4 (a) Critical patterns for an AND gate together with a sen
sitized test
path (b) Critical cubes for an AND gate
Based on these observations, a semirandom test pattern generation
procedure can be
developed that assigns critical cubes deterministically and assign
s unspecified bits in
the corresponding input vector arbitrarily. Such fully specified pa
tterns are candidate
tests. They are subject to pattern evaluation for determining
if the random
assignments provide for a sensitized path.
This heuristic test generation method is fast, but it has a limitatio
n in that it only deals
with missing crosspoint faults. For 31 PLAs studied, an average
fault coverage of
98.44 percent of the modeled faults, which did not include ex
tra connections, was
achieved. All undetected crosspoint faults were found to be re
dundant. Thus
semirandom tests can be used for PLAs. Such tests can be e
asily and quickly
generated. However, the resulting test sets are usually large, and
hence fault coverage
is difficult to determine. To circumvent this problem, a strat
egy that mixes biased
random patterns and deterministic tests can be used. The biase
d random-pattern
method is first used to generate tests for most of the faults. Then
the uncovered faults
are processed using a deterministic method. The resulting test set
can be substantially
reduced using fault simulation. An example of such a system is PLATY
PUS [Wei and
Sangiovanni-Vincentelli 1985], which employs several heuristics and
algorithms used
in the PLA logic optimizer ESPRESSO-II [Brayton et ale 1984].
The test generation methods discussed provide a software solution to
the PLA testing
problem. They do not require any hardware changes to the PLA. Sinc
e test generation
and the application of large test sets are expensive, several a
lternative methods have
been developed for testing PLAs.
14.4 Testable PLA Designs

As PLAs increase in size, more test patterns have to be ge

nerated and stored.
Sophisticated automatic test equipment is needed to execute the
test process. Hence
stored-pattern testing becomes a time-consuming and expensive task. To
alleviate this
problem, several hardware-oriented approaches have been developed
that add extra
built-in test (BIT) circuitry to the original PLA such that th
e modified PLA can be
easily tested. Most techniques reported to date fall into one of fo
ur categories, namely,
special coding, parity checking, divide and conquer, and signatu
re analysis. In the
following, we will summarize basic principles of testable PLA des
ign methodologies
and give examples for each category.
14.4.1 Concurrent Testable PLAs with Special Coding
A PLA's regular memory-like structure suggests the application of
special coding for
either concurrent or off-line fault detection. The most popular co
de for PLA testing is
the parity code; these techniques will be discussed in a separate se
To test a PLA concurrently, i.e., during normal operation, req
uires that during
fault-free operation only one product line can be activated by
any input vector. Not
every PLA has this property. However, simultaneous activation of
product lines can
be detected and removed, which, unfortunately, increases PLA siz
e [Wang and
Avizienis 1979]. In this section we assume that at most one p
roduct line is activated
by any input vector. PLA with Concurrent Error Detection by a Series of Checkers
A technique proposed by Khakbaz and McCluskey [1981] makes use of
the following
facts about a PLA:
The bit lines in the AND array naturally form a two-rail code,
i.e., Xi and Xi.
During normal operation the signals on the m product lines form a
l-out-of-m code.
(This condition is sometimes referred to as a nonconcurrent PLA.)
The fault-free output patterns are determined by the PLA's per
sonality matrix.
They can be coded into some error-detection code by adding extra
output lines to
the OR array.
The proposed testable PLA, shown in Figure 14.5, has three check
ers. C 1 is a totally
self-checking (TSC) l-out-of-m checker on all product lines and det
ects any fault that
destroys the nonconcurrent property, such as a product line st
uck at 1(0), or any
missing and/or extra crosspoint in the AND array. C2 is a TSC tw
o-rail checker that
tests all single stuck-at faults on the bit lines and input decoder
s. C3 is an output-code
checker. Its complexity depends on how the outputs are coded.

The coding is
Testable PLA Designs 601
implemented in that portion of the OR array denoted by D. The si
mplest code makes
all output patterns have even (odd) parity. Here, only one extra out
put line needs to be
added, and C3 would be a parity checker. In general, C3 is n
ot a TSC checker and
may not be fully tested during normal operation, since the inpu
ts to C3 are basically
the PLA's outputs that are not directly controllable.
Error indicators
Redundant output lines
: Product line
r---------r-------, I
Error indicators Error indicators
Figure 14.5 A concurrent testable PLA design (CONC1)
Testing occurs concurrently with normal operation. Most errors are
caught by one of
the three checkers. However, the circuit is not totally self-checki
ng. Therefore off-line
testing is still needed to ensure a high fault coverage. Thi
s technique combines
concurrent error detection with off-line testing by using the
same added circuits for
both modes of testing. A simple test generation procedure that p
roduces a complete
test set has been developed, which is partially function-dependent,
and covers faults in
both the original PLA and the additional hardware [Khakbaz and McClu
skey 1981]. Concurrent Testable PLAs Using Modified Berger Code
Output errors of a non-concurrent PLA caused by single stuck-at and
crosspoint faults
and some multiple faults inside a PLA, except input stuck-at fau
lts, are unidirectional
[Dong and McCluskey 1981]. Consequently, any codes that detect
errors, such as n-out-of-m codes [Wakerly 1978] and Berger codes
[Berger 1961], may
be used for the concurrent testing of PLAs. One design that
uses these concepts is
shown in Figure 14.6. The inputs are associated with a parity b
it X
A duplicate
parity checker (parity tree) and a totally self-checking two rail che
cker C 1 detect faults
on input lines, bit lines, and in the input decoder. An on-lin
e generator C2 produces
check symbols C* for each output pattern, which the checker C 1 c
ompares with check
symbol C which is generated by the OR array. These check sym
bols are used to

detect output errors.

Xl b
. decoder b
b2n +1
b2n +2
two-rail } Error
Check C
Check bits {
Figure 14.6 A PLA design for concurrent testing (CONC2)
Modified Berger (MB) codes [Dong 1982] are separable codes in
which each code
word consists of a data part D and a check symbol C. Let O(D) b
e the number of Is
in D. Then a check symbol C for a MB codeword [D C] can
be obtained by first
Testable PLA Designs 603
setting C' =0 (D) mod M, and then encoding C' into a codewor
d C that detects
unidirectional errors. Here M is a predetermined integer and all unid
irectional errors of
size not equal to multiples of M can be detected by MB codes. By p
roper selection of
M, all single faults in the AND and OR array can be detected. S
uppose the number of
inputs is odd, and the inputs are associated with a parity
bit X
Faults on input
lines, on bit lines, and in the input decoders are detected by
a pair of parity checkers

(trees) in which one tree generates the parity of all Xi'S

and the other generates the
parity of all Xi'S. During normal operation, the outputs of th
e two trees are always
complement values, which together with the parity bit, are mon
itored by a TSC
two-rail checker.
Since all other faults cause unidirectional errors on the outputs,
the PLA's outputs are
checked using a MB code. A check symbol is attached to ever
y output pattern.
During normal operation, an on-line generator produces a check sym
bol C* for each
output pattern, which is compared with the attached check symb
ol C using a TSC
two-rail checker. Any disagreement between these two signals indicat
es some fault in
either the PLA or the checking circuits.
This scheme is suitable for PLAs with a large number of outputs
and product lines and
in situations where each product line is shared by a small number
of outputs, since the
number of check bits required only depends on M. If O(D) is small,
a small M can be
chosen and hence area overhead is not too large. Also with a
small number of code
bits, the likelihood of every codeword being applied to the PLA inc
reases, so that the
totally self-checking property of the two-rail checker can be ensured.
14.4.2 Parity Testable PLAs
Since PLAs have a regular array structure, it is possible to design
a PLA so that it can
be tested by a small set of deterministic tests that are f
unction-independent, i.e.,
independent of the personality matrix. This is possible because
of two important
1. Let N, be the number of used crosspoints on bit line hi.
One can add an extra
product line and make connections to it such that every bit
line has an even
(odd) number of connections with product lines. Then any singl
e crosspoint
fault on hi changes the parity of N
The same is true for output lines.
Therefore single crosspoint faults can be detected by parity ch
ecking on these
2. To test a PLA easily, it must be possible to control i
ndividually each bit and
product line, and sensitize each product line through the OR array. PLA with Universal Test Set
One of the first easily testable PLA designs employing a universal
test set that is thus
independent of the PLA's personality is shown in Figure 14.7
[Fujiwara and
Kinoshita 1981]. We refer to this design as UTS.
One column and one row are appended to the AND array and
the OR array,

respectively, so that each bit line in the AND array can ha

ve an odd number of
connections and the portion of each product line in the OR a
rray can have an even
number of connections. Two parity checkers consisting of cascades of XOR
gates are
used to examine the parities of the two arrays during testing.
Product term selector S
Yl Y2
AND - - Extra product line
Extra output line
Parity chain #1
Figure 14.7 PLA with universal test set (UTS)
A selection circuit is used to activate the columns and rows in t
he PLA so that every
crosspoint can be individually selected and tested. In UTS, a prod
uct line is selected
by adding a shift register S as shown in Figure 14.7. Each bit S,
of S is connected to a
product line Pi to create a new product line P/ = PiSie Thus if
Si=l and Sj=O for all
j:t:-i, product line P/ is selected and sensitized to the outp
ut, since all other product
lines are o.
Testable PLA Designs 605
Bit lines are selected by modifying the input decoder as show
n in Figure 14.8. By
properly assigning values to Y I, Y2, and the xiS, all but one
input line can be set to O.
Thus that line is selected and tested. During normal operation YI
=Y2 =O.

a 0 0 a a
a 0 1 a 1
a 1 0 1 a
- 1 1 1 1
a E {0,1}
Figure 14.8 Augmented input decoder and its truth table
Based on this augmented PLA design, a universal test set can
be derived (see
Figure 14.9), which is applicable to all PLAs regardless of their fu
nction. This test set
attempts to sensitize each product line and bit line, one at a
time. For example, when
the test I
j o
or I
I is applied, all bit lines and the j-th product line are s
et to 1, and all
other product lines are set to O. Then the crosspoints along the
j-th product line in the
OR array are tested by the parity chain connected to the output lines
, and the result can
be observed from Z2. Similarly, the AND array is tested by applying
the liOS and lilS
and observing the output Z I. All single stuck-at and crosspoint
faults are detected by
the parity checkers. This test set can also detect stuck-at faul
ts in the input decoder
and the added hardware. The size of the universal test set is li
near with nand m. The
test I I is used to check stuck-at-l faults in the product term s
Hong and Ostapko [1980] independently proposed another design fo
function-independent testable PLAs (FIT), which employs the same
philosophy as
UTS. The test set for this design is similar to that of UTS. Autonomously Testable PLAs
For UTS- or FIT-type PLAs, the test vectors must be either
stored or generated
externally, and the test results have to be monitored during the
test process. Yajima
and Aramaki [1981] have augmented these schemes so that the resul
ting PLA circuitry
can generate a universal test using a built-in feedback-value generat
or, a product-term
selector, and an input shift register (see Figure 14.10). The
feedback-value generator
produces test data based on its current state and the output
s of various parity-tree
generators. A feedback shift register CI is used as both a pro
duct-term selector and
simultaneously as a signature analyzer. Test results are applied
to the product lines
using the product-term selector, and evaluated when the test operatio

n is completed by
the signature analyzer and detector circuit. Any single fault in t
he original PLA, and
in most of the additional circuits, changes the final signature an
d therefore is detected.
However, some faults in the feedback-value generator and the s
ignature detector are
not covered; hence these circuits need to be duplicated to a
chieve a high fault
. . .
. . .
n YI Y2
. . .
. . .
Sm ZI Z2
. . .
. . .
- - - 0
. . .
. . .
0 0 0
- ----------------------- - ----------------------------Forj= 1, ..., m
t;I~ : : : : : : : : : : : ~ : ~ : ~ ::: ::: :
: : : ~ [ ~ : : ~ I ~ : ::: ::: : : : ~ : )
: ~ : ::: ~ : : : : ~ : : [Ci::
For i = 1, ..., n
~ : ~ I ~ : : ~ : : : : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ :
~ ::: : : : : ~ [ ~ : : ~ [[: ::: ::: :::)::():::: ~ :
::: i::[..
em = 1,
if m is odd
if m is even
"-" represents a don't-care condition
Figure 14.9 Universal test set for PLAs
The advantages of autonomously testable PLAs are that test pat
terns need not be
generated a priori nor stored, hence field testing becomes easy.
Since the tests are
function-independent, any PLA can be modified in a uniform way. A Built-In Self-Testable PLA Design with Cumulative Parity Com
To obtain more efficient testable PLA designs, some researchers

have focused on
reducing area overhead and/or increasing fault coverage. This can
be done using the
idea of parity compression [Fujiwara 1984, Treuer et ale 1985]. In th
e testable designs
discussed previously [Fujiwara and Kinoshita 1981, Hong and Ostap
ko 1980], two
parity checkers are used to monitor the parity of the two array
s. These checkers can
be replaced by a cumulative parity comparison method, Le., by
accumulating parity
signals in a flip-flop and comparing its value with expected
values only at specific
times. This scheme is illustrated in Figure 14.11. Two control l
ines eland c2 are
added to the AND array to disable all x/ s and Xi'S, respect
ively. C 1, C2, and the
primary inputs can be used together to select each bit line. As
before, a shift register
is added to select product lines. One or two product lines
are appended to the AND
array so that every bit line has (1) an odd number of used cros
spoints, and (2) an odd
number of unused crosspoints. The same is done for the OR array.
Area is saved by
eliminating the parity-checking circuit for the product lines. Onl
y one parity chain is
employed at the PLA's outputs, and cumulative parity comparison
is used to detect
Testable PLA Designs 607
Signature decoder
Mode control ..
Product term selector and signature analyzer
~ ~ ~ ~
Pm Pm+l Pm+2 Pm+3 Pm+4
---:::- ~ Extra
~ product


line for t



-...;;. --;;.
<:- - -- - - - -- ----__ ...1
-E-- ::::.



for OR
-E-- ::::.
\ .. \
Parity tree for AND array for the
OR arr
Figure 14.10 An autonomously testable PLA (AUTO)
In the test mode, a universal test set of length 2m( 1 + n) + 1 i
s applied to the inputs of
the PLA. Faults in the OR array can be detected by the parity che
cker on the outputs.
The AND array is tested as follows. Suppose we select one b
it line hi and activate
product lines one at a time. When P
is activated, if there is a device connecting hi
and P
, P, is forced to 0 and the output pattern should be all Os;
thus the parity value
of the output is O. If there is no device connecting hi and

, P, is 1 and the output
should have an odd parity. Since there are an odd number o
f used and unused
crosspoints on each bit line, an odd number of Is and Os are pr
oduced from the output
of the parity tree. This information is cumulated in a parity count
er that produces the
parity of the parity sequence. An interesting property of this
scheme is that the
sequence of cumulated parity bits at 2n+2m+l selected check po
ints is simply a
sequence of alternating Os and Is. Hence it is easy to gen
erate the expected value
on-line. The comparator is shown at the bottom of Figure 14.11.
The proven fault
Extra product line
for the AND
array parity
Go/no-go I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
Response evaluator
Extra output line for the r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,
OR array parity I
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
I Control inputs
: ~
I Hold B 1 BO
Figure 14.11 A testable PLA with cumulative parity comparison (CPC)
coverage of this testable design is high; all single and (1 2-(m+2n) x 100 percent of
all multiple crosspoint faults and all stuck-at and bridging faults
are covered.
14.4.3 Signature-Testable PLAs
Signature analysis is a simple and effective way for testing digital
systems, and several
self-testing PLA designs using this concept have been proposed. In

these approaches,
a set of input patterns is applied and the results are compressed to
generate a signature,
which, when compared with a known correct value, determines whe
ther the PLA is
Testable PLA Designs 609 PLA with Multiple Signature Analyzers
One approach proposed by Hassan and McCluskey [1983] uses at
least four linear
feedback shift registers, L1, L2, G, and LS, the first three h
aving the same length and
characteristic polynomial (see Figure 14.12). We refer to this des
ign as SIG. Here G
is used as a maximum-length sequence generator for exhaustive
generation and the others for signature analysis. The complemented
bit lines (b
) are
fed into L1 and the true bit lines (b
) into L2. These two signature analyzers are used
to detect all single and multiple stuck-at faults on the input
and the bit lines. In the
absence of faults at the input and bit lines, the signature anal
yzer LS can detect faults
in the AND and OR array.
In the test mode, all possible input patterns are generated by
G. Responses from the
PLA are compacted in the three signature analyzers. The final
signatures are shifted
out for inspection. Using this scheme, all multiple bit-line s
tuck-at faults, all output
faults, most product-line stuck-at faults, and most crosspoint fau
lts are detected. This
method is only practical for PLAs with a small number of input
s/outputs and a large
number of product lines. Because of the lack of parity check
ers, the delay per test
pattern is very small. Self-Testable PLAs with Single Signature Analyzer
Grassl and Pfleiderer [1983] proposed a simple function-independen
t self-testable
(FIST) design for PLAs that attempts to reduce the number of
test patterns and
additional hardware and also takes into account the important aspect
of PLA layout. It
appears to be applicable to large PLAs. Figure 14.13 shows the block
diagram for this
design. The input decoder is modified to be a test pattern generat
or during test mode.
It shifts a single "1" across the bit lines. Product lines are s
elected by the shift register
SHR and the selector SEL. The SHR selects a pair of adjacent produ
ct lines at a time,
so its length is only half of the number of product terms.
The SEL will in tum
connect product line 1, 3, 5, ... or 2, 4, 6, ... to g
round, thus resulting in a unique

selection of each product line. During testing, every crosspoint in

the AND array is
addressed using the two shift registers. The results are analyze
d in the multiple-input
signature register (MISR) that acts as a conventional latch re
gister during normal
Splitting the product line selector into the SHR and SEL allows the
added circuit to fit
physically into the narrow pitch of a PLA array, substantially redu
cing area overhead.
A detailed implementation of such a two-stage m-bit shift register
has been given in
[Hua et ale 1984]. It consists of a fm/2l-bit shift register
and fm/2l 2-to-2 switch
boxes, shown in Figure 14.13(b). A compact parity-checker design is
also given. The
layout for these BIT structures can fit into the PLA's normal
pitch. The connection
cost between the BIT hardware and the original PLA is almost ze
ro. This design and
layout technique has been adopted by many designers.
The SHR and SEL circuitry operate as follows. Consider the switch
box B, driven by
Si' If S, =0, then P2i =P2i-l =0; and if S, =1, then P
= 1 if Q = 1, and P
= 1
if Q= O. During the test mode a single "1" is shifted through the
register consisting of
S 1, S2, ... , Sm/ 2, which is clocked at one half the normal
clock rate. When Q= 0, the
odd-numbered product terms are selected in tum, while when Q =
1 the
even-numbered product terms are selected. When T2 = 0 the circui
t is in the non-test
~ ~
I 1<- - Complemented bit line
I L2 I
True bit line
f<-r - - I I



11\ I ~ 1\ 1\
\I \1
I ~ 1\
Figure 14.12 Self-testable PLA using signature analysis (SIG)
mode and the connections to the Ps are cut, leaving all the Ps
in their high impedance
mode. In the test mode, T 2 =1 and the values of the Ps are det
ermined by the state of
the two-stage shift register. Now flip-flop A toggles every clock tim
e. Combining this
operation with the "1" propagating up the shift register produces
the desired selection
of the P
14.4.4 Partitioning and Testing of PLAs
Testing becomes more complex as the size of the PLA increases. A c
ommon strategy
for dealing with large problems is that of divide and conquer.
This principle has also
been applied to the design of testable PLAs.
Testable PLA Designs
il \1





-- :::
1\ 11\ I!\ 1\
... ...
\II 11 \ Ik
~ decoder/shift MISR -register
1\ 1\
Figure 14.13 Block diagram of a self-testing PLA (FIST) PLA with DILDOs
Daehn and Mucha [1981] suggested a partitioning approach for self-tes
table PLAs that
partitions a PLA into three parts - an input decoder, an AND
array, and an OR
array - and then inserts three BILBOs between these parts as sho
wn in Figure 14.14.
Since BILBOs can be used for both test pattern generation and respo
nse evaluation, in
the test mode the partitioned blocks can be tested separately by prop
erly controlling the
BILBOs. Each block is tested by letting the BILBO at its in
put operate as a test
generator and the BILBO at its' output operate as a signature
analyzer. The final
signature is shifted out for inspection. The three parts of the
PLA are tested one by
After partitioning, the AND array and the OR array are just arrays
of NOR gates. All
inputs are controllable and outputs are observable. Testing now
becomes a simple
Switch Box
Sm/2 B
Switch Box
Figure 14.13 (Continued)
Testable PLA Designs 613
I ~



::1:\ 11\ 11\
r---- r---B
-:::: :::B

- - 1
::: 3
- '--\11 \11
11 Ik
o 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
o 1 0 0
o 0 1 0
o 0 0 1


Figure 14.14 Testing a PLA using BILBOs
task. It is well known that a NOR gate can be fully tested
by the following simple
o 0
1 0
o 1
o 0
A NOR gate array can be tested by the same patterns. Hence the
test generator need
not be a pseudorandom pattern generator producing all input com
binations, but can
rather be a nonlinear feedback shift register, as shown in Fig
ure 14.14(b), producing
the patterns given above. In this way, the number of test patt
erns is greatly reduced.
This sequence can detect all single stuck faults, crosspoint faul
ts, and bridge faults in
the AND or OR array. The faults in the input decoder are tested b
y a similar sequence
that can be produced by the nonlinear feedback shift register shown i
n Figure 14.14(c). Parallel-Testable PLAs
In most testable designs discussed so far, the product lines are
tested individually one
at a time. This simplifies testing and leads to a high fau
lt coverage. However, an
m-bit shift register is required and a long test sequence of the
order of O(nm) may be
necessary. By exploiting possible parallelism in testing product
lines, high fault
coverage can be maintained, while area overhead and the number
of test vectors are
reduced [Boswell et ale 1985].
The conditions for an entire PLA to be testable in parallel (par
allel testable) are too
stringent to be satisfied by general PLAs. It is possible, h
owever, to partition the
product lines into groups such that each group is tested in parall
el. The procedure for
forming these partitions is complex and will not be presented here.
A shift register R 1
is added to the circuit, each of its cells controlling one p
artitioned block of product
lines. An output Z1 is added that connects to all bit line
s. Finally a 2n-bit shift
register and an input-control circuit R are inserted for contr
olling each bit line
individually. An example of a parallel-testable PLA (PTPLA) is
shown in
Figure 14.15.
In the test mode, some patterns are first applied to the entire
PLA; then the groups of

product lines are tested in sequence. Within each group, product

lines are tested in
parallel. The lengths of the shift register used for selecting
product lines is reduced
from m to the number of groups, which is usually less than m/2.
The number of test
patterns is reduced as well because the tests applied to each
group are basically the
same as those applied previously to each individual line. The tes
t sequence is simple
and universal, but the response is function-dependent. It has been
shown that all single
and multiple stuck faults and crosspoint faults are detected using this
technique. Divide-and-Conquer Strategy for Testable PLA Design
The optimum partitioning of a PLA into parallel-testable blocks
in a
divide-and-conquer (DAC) strategy is a difficult problem. Partitio
ning a PLA
structurally into three parts and inserting BILBOs is easy but
requires a substantial
amount of area overhead. Figure 14.16(a) illustrates a partitionin
g technique that has
low area overhead and can be easily applied to any PLA [Saluja and Up
adhyaya 1985].
The product lines are partitioned into J groups, and a J-bit shif
t register R 1 is used to
control each group. Within each group, there are at most 2/
product lines, where
I = flog
(mI J )1; an individual line is selected by a decoder in the decoder
-parity AND
Testable PLA Designs
So Sl
I - I
L ______
---------- ----------------..J
Control inputs
~ ~ 1-----4 ~
---=:::---=:::- ::;

register A N D
Figure 14.15 A parallel-testable PLA structure (PTPLA)
array (DPAA) [Upadhyaya and Saluja 1988], shown in Figure 14.16
(b). During
testing, groups of product lines are tested one by one. Within
a group, product lines
are also tested sequentially. This design does not reduce the num
ber of test patterns,
but it reduces the number of shift register cells for selecting p
roduct lines. This leads
to a simpler layout. It has been proven that for this scheme,
a PLA can be tested for
all faults by a universal test set of length m(3+2n+ fZog(m/J)l)+c,
where c is a constant.
14.4.5 Fully-Testable PLA Designs
Because of redundancy and concurrency in PLAs and the diversity of f
ault models, it
is difficult to test a PLA and achieve a high fault coverage wit
hout changing the PLA
design. The testable design methods discussed so far solve this pro
blem by inserting a
considerable amount of built-in test hardware. To design inheren
tly testable PLAs,
several methods have been proposed that simplify the test gene
ration process or
Sin SI S2 ..
1 1
. . .
.. .. ..
II II II I \ \11 \V \
sl {
~ ~ ~



~ ~

p ~

~ ~
.. .. ..
inputs I
II II \11 \11 II \ \ \11





1 2 J
.. ..
. . .
\V \11 II I \V \v II II



1 2 J
flog !!!:.J
Figure 14.16 A testable PLA design with DAC partitioning (a) Design-f
architecture (b) A decoder-parity AND array (DPAA)
improve the fault coverage of existing test generation algorithms by
employing little or
no BIT circuitry.
A Design of Testable PLAs by Specialized Layout
An example of this type has been proposed by Son and Pradhan [198
0]. The PLA is
modified to be nonconcurrent in the sense that the AND array
only consists of
mutually disjoint implicates of the function being implemented. The
product lines of
the PLA are arranged such that the crosspoint connection patterns

on adjacent output
lines are distinct. If this cannot be done, an extra output (t
est point) should be added
Testable PLA Designs


I-bit decoder
} Parity
Figure 14.16 (Continued)
to make each pair of neighboring output lines differ from th
e others. It has been
shown that PLAs designed in such a way have the property t
hat the test set for
crosspoint faults also covers stuck-at faults and bridging faults. A s
imple algebraic test
generation algorithm exists that calculates the tests for all crossp
oint faults.
A PLA Design for Testing Single Bridging Faults
Pradhan and Son [1980] have also shown that there are some
undetectable bridging
faults in PLAs that can invalidate a test set for crosspoint
faults. Thus removal of
undetectable faults should be considered to ensure a high faul
t coverage. Such
undetectable bridging faults only occur between adjacent bit lines an
d adjacent product
lines. The authors have developed a simple testable design for elim
inating untestable
bridging faults. For example, if the bridging faults produce A
ND functions, all
bridging faults can be made testable by adding one product line and on
e output line.
A Design for Complete Testability of PLAs
To achieve a completely testable design, a PLA must be conve
rted into a
crosspoint-irredundant PLA, namely, a PLA in which all the cro
sspoint faults are
detectable. Any PLA can be made crosspoint-irredundant by adding
control inputs.
This design also has the advantage that a test set for sin
gle crosspoint faults is
sufficient to test all single stuck-at faults and bridging fault
s as well [Ramanatha and
Biswas 1982, 1983]. The complexity of test generation to achie
ve a high fault
coverage is thus reduced.
Low-Overhead Design of Testable PLAs
Most testable designs of PLAs use a shift register to select
individual product lines.
An m-bit shift register takes up a significant amount of silicon a
rea. A shift register is
used to avoid concurrency that is inherent in most PLAs, i.e.,

an input pattern may

activate two or more product lines. Each product term can be
uniquely selected by
increasing the Hamming distance among product terms [Bozorgui-Nesb
at and
McCluskey 1984]. Clearly if the Hamming distance between any pair of
product terms
is at least 1, any input patterns that activate product term Pj w
ill not activate any other
Pi for i :I; j. For this technique, extra inputs are added such
that the Hamming distance
between any two product terms is at least 2. Then a main test
pattern and n auxiliary
test patterns are applied to each product line. For Pi, the main
pattern is a completely
specified input that activates Pi, and the n auxiliary patterns ar
e those inputs that have
exactly one bit different from the main pattern. All main tes
t patterns are found
directly from the PLA's personality. Auxiliary patterns can be easily
generated. Since
an auxiliary pattern has only one bit different from a main
pattern, the Hamming
distance between any auxiliary pattern for Pi and a main patt
ern for other P
is at
least 1. Therefore, when testing Pi, no fault-free P, U :I; i)
can be activated; i.e., each
product line can be individually selected and tested in the
test mode. All single
stuck-at faults, missing crosspoint faults, or extra crosspoint
faults can be detected
using this technique. Since no extra circuitry except for control
input lines is added,
area overhead is low. However, the problem of finding the minim
al number of extra
inputs and assigning connections to product lines is NP-complete
. A heuristic
procedure for this problem is described in [Bozorgui-Nesbat and McClusk
ey 1984], but
it also requires extensive computation.
Fully testable (FT) PLAs are alternatives to BIT PLAs. They offer
a high degree of
testability by changing the logic design of the PLA and adding
check points. Since
little or no change is made to the PLA's physical structure,
they do not create any
layout problem. In general, converting a given PLA into a FT PLA i
s a complex task,
and software tools for logic modification and test generation are r
equired. The amount
of overhead involved in constructing a fully testable PLA is fun
ction-dependent and
may be high.
14.5 Evaluation of PLA Test Methodologies
14.5.1 Measures of TDMs
PLAs have many testing and testable design methods. Each method has
its advantages
and disadvantages. There are several common measures that help in ch

aracterizing and
evaluating DFT techniques. These measures can be classified into
four categories,
namely (1) testability characteristics, (2) resulting effect on th
e original design,
(3) requirements for test environment, and (4) design costs.
Testability characteristics specify the degree of testability a te
st method can achieve,
for example, the type of faults detected and the fault cover
age; if it supports fault
masking, concurrent testing, or self-testing; and whether the te
sts are
function-dependent. A circuit is usually made testable by changing
the design. This
Evaluation of PLA Test Methodologies 619
may result in additional delay under normal operation, area ov
erhead, and extra I/O
pins. Most methods cannot operate without additional support and
control logic.
Requirements for the application environment specify the hardware needed
to support a
method in a real-time test process. Finally, design costs rela
te to the difficulty of
implementing a test method, e.g., how complicated it is to modi
fy the logic and the
layout. In the following, we will briefly discuss some of th
ese measures and then
present a table indicating the values of these measures for numerous
test methods. Resulting Effect on the Original Design
Area overhead: BIT circuitry requires extra area, referred to as B
IT area. The area
overhead for BIT is
BIT area
area overhead = ----original area
Different CAD systems use different design rules and generate diffe
rent PLA layouts.
To estimate area overhead, the floor plan of a PLA given in [Tre
uer et ale 1985] will
be used, from which it follows that
area of original PLA = 130nm + 65mk + 900n + 300m + 550k + 2200
where n, m, and k are the number of inputs, product lines,
and outputs of the PLA,
respectively, and A is a scale factor that is a measure of
the resolution of the
manufacturing process. For simplicity, one can take the value of
A to be 1 micron.
Since BIT circuits consist mainly of standard cells, such as
shift register cells and
parity checker cells, we will measure the additional area as follows
BIT area =[:I:
# of typei cells x area of a typei cell] x connection cost.
Here connection cost is 1 if a BIT cell can be connected to the
original PLA without

requiring extra area for wiring. Otherwise, the connection cost is

greater than 1. The
dominant factor in area overhead is the part of BIT area that grows
with PLA size. As
no accurate figure for this area can be obtained without carrying
out the chip layout,
the estimates to be presented emphasize the major part of ar
ea overhead, although
constant components are also considered. The estimates tend to give a
lower bound on
area overhead.
Extra delay: Adding BIT hardware may have some side effect o
n system
performance, such as additional delay encountered during normal
circuit operation.
This delay may affect the system's normal operation or change
the system's critical
path. Extra delay is measured in terms of gate delays.
Delay per test: Delay per test refers to the maximal number o
f gate delays in each
test cycle, Le., the maximal time for the effect of one test pa
ttern to propagate through
the PLA. It is assumed that the original PLA has three gate de
lays that are attributed
to the input decoder, the AND array, and the OR array. Del
ay per test partially
determines the test application rate and may affect the system clock cyc
le. Requirements for Test Environment
Test application time: Test application time specifies a lower
bound for the time
required to complete the entire test process. Suppose (1) there
is no overlapping of
tests between successive test cycles, (2) each test cycle finishe
s in one system clock
cycle, and (3) all clock cycles are of the same length. Then
test application time = delay per test x length of the shortest test
that contains the entire test set in the right order
Note that a test sequence may be different from a sequence of
patterns in a test set,
because some transition sequences may be necessary in order to a
pply a given set of
Means for test generation: The way in which tests are generated pa
rtially determines
the applicability of a test method. To produce the required test
inputs and responses
before testing, some software tools may be necessary. There are seve
ral cases.
Case 1: No tools are required. For example, for the self-test
able design shown in
Figure 14.11, the tests [Treuer et ale 1985] are generated by
the BIT hardware and
responses are evaluated by the BIT circuit. The logic modifica
tion procedure is
function-independent, and there is no need for a priori test generatio
Case 2: The test patterns are function-independent, but the res

ponses are
function-dependent, so simulation is required in order to determ
ine the correct
response. For example, in the method using signature analysis [Hassan
1982], the tests
are pseudo-random sequences and are generated on-line. However,
the expected
signature is determined by the function realized by the PLA and has
to be determined
before testing.
Case 3: The test patterns are function-dependent but can be ge
nerated by a simple
Case 4: The test patterns are function-dependent and can only
be generated by a
complex program.
14.5.2 Evaluation of PLA Test Techniques
Various criteria can be used to compare different PLA test techniqu
es. Based on this
information, an evaluation matrix has been constructed that contains
attribute values for
most known PLA test techniques. This matrix is given in Figu
re 14.18. The
abbreviations for the test techniques used in the evaluation m
atrix are listed in
Figure 14.17. None of these techniques masks faults, and only
support concurrent testing.
Several of the characteristics of these test techniques vary r
adically with a PLA' s
parameters. A more complete study of these measures can be fo
und in [Zhu and
Breuer 1986a]. In general, area overhead tends to decrease as
PLA size increases,
where the size of a PLA is defined to be m(2n + k). However, diffe
rent test techniques
are more sensitive to one parameter than another. For example, the
area overhead for
SIG varies much differently with large values of m than do UTS,
BIST2, and FIST.
Because of the complexity in evaluating and selecting a test techniq
ue for a particular
PLA, an expert system has been constructed to aid designers in
this task [Zhu and
Breuer 1986b]. The techniques presented are applicable to normal
PLAs. It is
possible to reduce the area of a PLA by carrying out a pr
ocess referred to as PLA
folding [Hachtel et ale 1982]. Here more than one input and/
or output variable can
share the same column. Folding introduces a new fault mode, calle
d a cut point fault.
Ways of detecting this fault as well as how to extend the DFT
and BIST techniques
presented here to folded PLAs have been developed by Breuer and Saheba
n [1987].
Evaluation of PLA Test Methodologies 621

Exhaustive test
PLA with concurrent error detection by a series of checkers [Khakbaz and
1981] - see Figure 14.5
Concurrent testable PLA using error-detection code [Dong and McCluskey 1
982] - see
Figure 14.6
PLA with universal test set [Fujiwara and Kinoshita 1981] - see Figur
e 14.7
Function-independent-testable PLA [Hong and Ostapko 1980]
Autonomously testable PLA [Yajima and Aramaki 1981] - see Figure 14.1
PLA with BILBOs [Daehn and Mucha 1981] - see Figure 14.14
PLA with multiple signature analyzers [Hassan and McCluskey 1983] - see
Figure 14.12
Function-independent self-testable PLA [Grassl and Pfleiderer 1983] - see
Figure 14.13
Testable PLA with low overhead and high fault coverage [Khakbaz 1984]
Built-in tests for VLSI finite-state machines [Hua et al. 1984]
PLA design with cumulative parity comparison [Fujiwara 1984] - see Figu
re 14.11
Low-overhead design of testable PLA [Bozorgui-Nesbat and McCluskey 1984]
Parallel-testable PLA [Boswell et al. 1985] - see Figure 14.15
Built-in self-testable PLA [Treuer et al. 1985]
High-fault-coverage built-in self-testable PLA [Upadhyaya and Saluja 1988]
Divide-and-conquer strategy for testable PLA [Saluja and Upadhyaya 1985] see
Figure 14.16
PLA design for testing single bridging faults [Pradhan and Son 1980]
Design of testable PLA by specialized layout [Son and Pradhan 1980]
Design for complete testability of PLA [Ramanatha and Biswas 1982]
Test generation algorithm by Eichelberger and Lindbloom [1980]
Test generation algorithm by Smith [1979]
Figure 14.17 Abbreviations of test techniques used in Figure 14.18
Single Single Single Multiple crosspoint Multiple
TDM stuck crosspoint bridge stuck-at Unidirectional Others bridge
EXH 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
CONCI 99* 99* 99*

CONC2 100 100 100

UTS 100 100
FIT 100 100
AUTO 99* 100
BILBO 99* 99* 99*
SIG 98* 98* 98*
FIST 99* 99* 99* 99* 99* 99* 99*
TLO 100 100 100 100 100
BIT 100 100 100 100 100 100
CPC 100 100 100 100 100 100
LOD 100 100 100 100 100 100
PTPLA 100 100 100 100
BIST2 100 100 100
l00(l_2-(m+2n l00(l-2(m+2n
HFC 100 100 100 99.9*
DAC 100 100 100 100 100
TSBF 100
TBSL 100 100 100
OCT 100 100 100
EL - 97 (This figure is for missing crosspoint faults only.)
SMITH 100 100 100
Note: Blank entries represent unknown data. * = estimated value.
Figure 14.18 The evaluation matrix of PLA test methodologies
Evaluation of PLA Test Methodologies
Self dependency Test Extra Extra Delay Number of
TDM testing Tests Responses generation 10 pins delay per test
EXH no no yes no 0 0 3 2
CONCI no yes no easy 5 0 12 2m+D+8
CONC2 no no no no 2 0 3 0
UTS no no no no 5 1 3+2logm 2(n+m)+1
FIT no no no no 6+log(n+l) 1 4+2logm 5+2.5n+2m
AUTO yes no no no 2 1 6+2(k+l) 2(n+m)+9
BILBO yes no yes no 3-9 0 4 2n+m+k+3
SIG yes no yes no 4 0 6 2
FIST yes no yes no 1 3 7 2nm
TLO no yes yes easy 3 0 3 m(7+n)+2
BIT yes no no no 5 1 m+4 2n+m+2
CPC no yes no no 4 0 3 2n(m+1)+m+3
LOD no yes yes easy F.D. 0 3 (n+l)m
PTPLA no no yes no 4 1 4 2nJ+4n+4
BIST2 yes no no no 4 1 1.25k+3 2m(n+l)+1
HFC no no yes no 3 1 6 m(2n+k+3)+k+2
DAC no no yes no 4 1 4 m(3+2n+logmlJ)+4
TSBF no yes no med. 2 0 3 m+l
TBSL no yes yes hard 1 0 3 F.D.
DCT no yes yes hard F.D. 0 3 F.D.
EL no yes yes med. 0 0 3 random
SMITH no yes yes hard 0 0 3 ED.
Note: F. D. stands for function dependent. J is the number of
product line groups.
Figure 14.18 (Continued)
Test Test Area

TDM application time storage overhead

EXH (3)2
0 0
CONC1 12(2m+D+8) (2m+D+8)(3+n) 15680(n/2-1 )+APC(k+1)+AMC
CONC2 0 0 F.D.
UTS (3+2Iogm)(2n+3m) 5(5+n) (m+1)ASR+(m+k)APC+64(6n+m+k+15)
FIT (4+2Iogm)(5+2.5n+2m) 8(5+2.5n+2m) 5397+977n+2113m+1021k
AUTO (8+2k)(2n+2m+9) 0 2215m+1764n+ 1420k+ 11752
BILBO 4(2n+2m+max(n,k)+1) 2n+2m+max(n,k) 1.3(2n+m+max(n,k))AB
SIG (6)2
n(2+[k/nD 1.3(3n+[k/nDASG
FIST 14nm k (2n+m)
TLO 3m(7+n)+6 (7m+nm+2) (n+k+2) m(64+ASR)+400
BIT (m+4)(2n+m+2) 0 (2n+m+1)ASR+(m+k+2)APC+2AF+128(m+2n+k)+896
CPC 6n(m+ 1)+3m+9 (k+1)(2n(m+ 1)+m+3) (m+1)ASR+384n+64m+64k+944
LOD 3m(n+1) m(n+nk+k) C(l28m+640)
PTPLA 8nJ+24n+12 F.D. 64m+ 128n+696+ASR(2n+J)
BIST2 (l.25k+3)(2nm+2m+1) 0 1360m+2160n+760k
HFC 6m(2n+k+ 1)+6k 0 (2n+m+k+2)ASR+(2AC+5)logm+128m+1040
DAC 4m(2+2n+logm)+16 0 (l +2n)ASR+(l +[log(m/J])AC
TSBF 3m+3 (m+1)(n+2) 64(2n+m+k)+816
DCT F.D. F.D. 16n+8k+256m+ 1989
EL random random 0
Note: C is an integer that is function-dependent and usually small
. D is the number of used crosspoints. ASR=area of l-bit shift
register. APC=area of I-bit parity checker. AMC=area of a l-out-of-m
checker. ASG=area of a signature analyzer cell. AB=area
of a BILBO register cell. AC=area of l-bit counter. AF=area of a
Figure 14.18 (Continued)
Evaluation of PLA Test Methodologies
TDM Test set generation Test application Response evaluation
EXH response simulation counter I LFSR ATE
CONCl simple TG program ATE I ROM monitor error indication
CONC2 none none none
UTS none ATE [ on-line PO monitor two extra outputs
FIT none ATE lon-line PG ATE I ROM & comparator
AUTO none none none
BILBO obtain signature control BILBO function S.R. & comparator
SIG obtain signature none ROM & comparator
FIST obtain signature none comparator I signature decoder
TLO simple TG program ATE I ROM & on-line PG ATE
BIT none none monitor 3 extra outputs
CPC response simulation ATE lon-line PO ATE
LOD simple TG program ATE I ROM & on-line PG ATE
PTPLA response simulation ROM & simple control ATE
BIST2 none none none
HFC count crosspoints ROM & simple control none
DAC response simulation none ATE
TSBF special TG program ATE I ROM ATE I ROM & comparator
TBSL special TG program ATE ATE
DCT special TG program ATE ATE
EL special TG program ATE ATE
SMITH special TG program ATE ATE
Figure 14.18 (Continued)

Extra lines Extra
TDM Bit Product Output transistors Assumptions & remarks
EXH 0 0 0 0
CONCI 0 0 I IOn+5k+logm(m+5) 2-rail checker and 2 EOR trees
CONC2 2 0 C F.D. C = the length of check symbols
UTS 0 I I 4n+llm+5k+6 column rank of OR array is k
FIT 0 3 I Ilm+5k+O.5nlogn+29
AUTO 0 4 2 12n+12m+5k+50 feedback generator is not duplicated
BILBO 0 0 0 16(2n+m+k)
SIa 0 0 0 6(3n+lk/n])
FIST 0 0 0 12n+6m+8k
TLO 0 0 I 6m
BIT 0 2 2 12n+llm+5k PLA can be a sequential circuit
CPC 0 3 I 6(m+1)
LOD 2C 0 0 0 C is an integer and needs to be calculated
PTPLA 2Iog(m/J) 0 0 6J+2Iog(mJ) J is no. of product line group
BIST2 0 3 I Iln+6m+3.5k+3O for n odd; otherwise 2 product lines
are added
HFC 0 0 2 12n+6m+6k+19logm
DAC 2+21 0 0 I2n+6J+IOlog(m/J) J is no. of product line groups
TSBF 0 I I 0 bridging faults are all AND and detectable
TBSL 0 0 I 0 AND array consists of disjoint product terms
DCT 2 2 2 0 PLA is crosspoint irredundant; bridging is AND
EL 0 0 0 0 only missing crosspoint faults are considered
SMITH 0 0 0 0 size of test set is bounded by n(2m+k)
Figure 14.18 (Continued)
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14.1 Draw a PLA representation for the sum and carry functions over
three variables.
14.2 For the PLA shown in Figure 14.3, indicate an extra crosspoi
nt fault that cannot
be modeled as a s-a fault in the sum of product representation of I,
or f2.
14.3 Prove that a missing crosspoint fault is equivalent to some
stuck-at fault in the
sum-of-product representation of a PLA.
14.4 Describe a test generation procedure, similar to the one prese
nted in this chapter
for missing crosspoints, for detecting shrinkage, appearance, and
crosspoint faults.
14.5 Modify the PLA of Example 1 so that no two product lines ar
e activated by any
input vector.
14.6 Construct a testable PLA for the PLA of Example 1 using th
e concurrent error
detection by a series of checkers technique discussed in Section For every
possible checkpoint fault that can occur to product line P 3, const
ruct an input test that
will detect the fault and indicate the values on the error-ind
icators. Show the output
error-detection code used.
14.7 Complete the design of the PLA of Example 1 using the
universal test set
method described in Section a table of all the
test vectors in the
universal test set, and indicate next to each vector which faul
ts are detected. Use the
same format for the test vectors shown in the text.
14.8 For the UTS technique listed in Figure 14.17 compute the infor
mation shown in
Figure 14.18. Assume n = 32, m = 64, and k = 16.
14.9 Consider the PLA design shown in Figure 14.3(a). Construct
the Kamaugh
graph for I, and f2 for each of the following situations, and ind
icate the product terms
implemented by the PLA.
(a) The original PLA;
(b) A shrinkage fault caused by a connection between bit line blan
d product line
(c) A shrinkage fault caused by a connection between bit line b6
and PI;
(d) A growth fault caused by the missing connection between bit line

bland P 6;
(e) An appearance fault caused by an extra connection between P 4 an
d f 1;
(t) A disappearance fault caused by the missing connection between P
6 and 12'
14.10 Explain how a shrinkage fault can be functionally equiva
lent to a
disappearance fault.
14.11 Let 11 =XI X2 and 12 =XIX2X3' If these functions were imp
lemented using a
PLA, the requirement for concurrent testability is violated because
both product terms
can be activated at the same time. Show how to reimplement 11 or 12
so that only one
product term is activated at a time. Estimate the area penalty for
this modification.
About This Chapter
The advent of large, parallel computing systems containing hundreds
or thousands of
processing elements means that the problems associated with the testi
ng and diagnosis
of such systems are especially challenging and important. In this
chapter we consider
a formal model of system-level diagnosis in which one processing
element is used to
test and diagnose other processing elements. Using this model,
several different
measures of system diagnosability are defined and evaluated. Necessary
and sufficient
conditions on system structure to obtain defined levels of diagnosabili
ty are derived for
the basic model and its various generalizations.
15.1 A Simple Model of System-Level Diagnosis
With the advent of VLSI, there has been much research and d
evelopment related to
large computing systems containing many processing elements connected i
n a network.
In such systems an interesting possibility is their diagnosis usin
g one subsystem (i.e.,
processing element) to diagnose other subsystems. A formal model f
or such diagnosis
developed by Preparata, Metze, and Chien [Preparata et ale 1967
], called the
PMC model, has led to a large amount of research. This mode
l is based upon the
following three assumptions:
1. A system can be partitioned into units (called modules), and
a single unit can
individually test another unit.
2. On the basis of the responses to the test that is applied by
a unit to another unit,
the test outcome has a binary classification, "pass" or "fail" (
i.e., the testing unit
evaluates the tested unit as either fault-free or faulty).
3. The test outcome and evaluation are always accurate (i.e., a
fault-free unit will
be diagnosed as fault-free and a faulty unit will be diagnosed
as faulty) if the
testing unit is fault-free, but the test outcome and evaluation may

be inaccurate if
the testing unit itself is faulty.
With these assumptions a diagnostic system may be represented by a di
agnostic graph
in which each vertex (node) Vi corresponds to a unit in the syst
em, and a branch (arc)
from Vi to Vj (denoted by Vij) corresponds to the existence of
a test by which unit Vi
evaluates unit Vj. The test outcome aij associated with Vij is a
ssumed to be as follows:
aij = 0 if Vi and Vj are both fault-free;
aij = 1 if Vi is fault-free and Vj is faulty;
aij = x (unspecified and indeterminate) if Vi is faulty regardless
of the status of Vj
(i.e., x can be 0 or 1).
The various test outcome situations are depicted in Figure 15.1.
Two implicit assumptions required by this assumed test outcome
are that faults are
permanent and that the tests applied by unit Vi to unit Vj c
an detect all possible faults
in "i:
Vi Vj
aU =0
:::;. ()
aU = 1
() :::;.
aU = x
() :::;. ()
aij = x
ofault-free unit () faulty units
Figure 15.1 Assumed test outcomes in the Preparata-Metze-Chien model
In the PMC model, faulty units can be identified by decoding the
set of test outcomes,
referred to as the syndrome, of the system. A fault in unit Vi
is distinguishable from a
fault in unit Vj if the syndromes associated with these two faults
are different. The two
faults are indistinguishable if their syndromes could be identical. T
hese definitions can
be directly extended to define distinguishable and indistinguishable mul
tiple faults (i.e.,
sets of faulty units), sometimes referred to as fault patterns.
Example 15.1: Figure 15.2 shows a system with five units VI'
, V5. The test
syndromes shown in lines (a) and (b) correspond to the single
faulty units V1 and V2
respectively. Since these two test syndromes have opposite values
of a 51, these two
faults are distinguishable. Line (c) shows the test syndrome as
sociated with the
multiple fault pattern {Vl,V2} (i.e., both VI and V2 are faul
ty). This fault pattern is
distinguishable from V2 since lines (b) and (c) have opposite valu

es of a51. However,
since the test syndromes in lines (a) and (c) may not be differe
nt, the single fault V 1 is
indistinguishable from the multiple fault {v 1,V2 }. D
Two measures of diagnosability, one-step diagnosability and sequential
were originally defined [Preparata et ale 1967]. A system of n un
its is one-step t-fault
diagnosable if all faulty units in the system can be identifi
ed without replacement,
provided the number of faulty units does not exceed t. A s
ystem of n units is
sequentially i-fault diagnosable if at least one faulty unit c
an be identified without
replacement, provided the number of faulty units does not exceed t.
Sequential diagnosability implies a multistep diagnostic procedure for
the identification
of all faulty units. In the first iteration one or more fa
ulty units are identified and
replaced by other units, which are assumed to be fault-free. After
this replacement the
test is rerun and additional faulty units may be identified. The p
rocess is repeated until
all faulty units are identified and replaced, requiring at most
t iterations (steps). As
previously stated, it is assumed that all replacement units ar
e fault-free and that no
faults occur during the testing process.
The following theorem presents some general necessary properties
of the diagnostic
graph required for one-step diagnosability.
A Simple Model of System-Level Diagnosis 635
aI2 a23 a34 a45 a5I
x 0 0 0 1
1 x 0 0 0
X X 0 0 1 {VI,V2}
Figure 15.2 A system and associated test outcomes
Theorem 15.1: In a one-step t-fault diagnosable system
a. There must be at least 2t+1 units.
b. Each unit must be diagnosed by at least t other units.
a. Suppose there are n :::; 2t units. Then the vertices can
be partitioned into two
disjoint sets A and B each containing at most t vertices. The
diagnostic graph
can then be represented as shown in Figure 15.3, where aAA
is the set of
connections within A, aAB is the set of connections from A to B,
aBA is the set of
connections from B to A, and aBB is the set of connections
within B.
Figure 15.3(b) shows the value of the test syndromes for the
two disjoint fault

patterns consisting of (1) all units in A being faulty and (2)

all units in B being
(1) x x. 0
(2) 0 1 x x
Figure 15.3 Partition of system into two subsystems
Since no test outcome must have a different value for these t
wo fault patterns,
they are indistinguishable and hence the system is not one-ste
p t-fault
b. Suppose some module Vi is tested by k < t other modules
VI, V2, , Vk.
Consider the following two sets of faulty units:
These fault conditions will produce indistinguishable test syndrom
es, and since both
fault patterns contain at most t faults, the system is not one-st
ep t-fault diagnosable. D
The conditions of Theorem 15.1 are necessary but are not sufficient,
as can be seen for
the system of Figure 15.4(a). Since the test syndromes for fau
lt patterns {v I} and
{v2} may be identical, this system is not one-step one-fault
diagnosable, although it
does satisfy both of the necessary conditions of Theorem 15.1 for t =
a 12 aI3 a21 a34 a43
(VI) X X 1 0 0
(V2) 1 0 x 0 0
(V3) 0 1 0 x 1
(v 4) 0 0 0 1 x
Figure 15.4 A system and single fault test syndromes
However, the conditions of Theorem 15.1 can be used to show that a
class of systems
for which the number of vertices is n =2t + 1 and each unit is tested
by exactly t other
units is optimal (i.e., has the minimal number of testing links)
for anyone-step t-fault
diagnosable system. Such a system has m =nt testing links, which
is minimal. One
such optimal class of system is called a D bt system. In such a syst
em there is a testing
link from Vi to Vj if and only if j = (i+Bm) mod n, where n
is the number of vertices, B
is an integer, and m = 1, 2, ..., t. Figure 15.5 shows such a sy
stem with B=t =2 (i.e.,

a D 22 system). D bt systems in which the values of Band n

=2t + 1 are relatively
prime are optimal with respect to the number of testing link
s, for one-step t-fault
Some general classes of system that are sequentially t-fault diagnosab
le have also been
developed. One such class of systems has m =n + 2t - 2 test
ing links and is
illustrated by the system shown in Figure 15.6 for the case t =6 an
d n = 14.
A single-loop system is a system in which each unit is tested by
and tests exactly one
other unit, and all units of the system are contained within one t
esting loop. For such
A Simple Model of System-Level Diagnosis 637
Figure 15.5 An optimal 2-fault diagnosable system
Figure 15.6 A sequentially 6-fault diagnosable system
systems having n units, if t = 2b + c, and c = 0 or 1,
a necessary and sufficient
condition for sequential t-fault diagnosability is
n ~ 1 + (b+1)2 + c(b+1).
In order for a system to be sequentially t-fault diagnosable for
any set of fault patterns
(F 1,F2, ... ,Fr) that are not distinguishable, all fault patterns
in this set must have a
common element (i.e., FIn F 2 n ... n F; * 0). Since the system
in the proof of
Theorem 15.1(a) does not satisfy this condition, any system with
fewer than 2t + 1
units is not sequentially t-fault diagnosable.
Example 15.2: We will examine the diagnostic capabilities of t
he system of
Figure 15.7. Since n = 5, from Theorem 15.1(a) we know that th
e system is at most
2-fault diagnosable (either sequentially or in one step). Furthermore
, since vertex 3 is
only tested by vertex 2, it follows from Theorem 15.1(b) that
the system is at most
one-fault diagnosable in one step. The tables of Figure 15.7
show the test outcomes
for all single and double fault patterns.

Since for each pair of fault patterns containing a single faul

t the fault syndromes are
distinguishable (i.e., at least one test outcome has to have a
different binary value for
the two different fault patterns), this system is one-step onefault diagnosable. To
determine if the system is sequentially 2-fault diagnosable, we
must examine and
compare the test syndromes for all fault patterns containing t
wo faults to determine
distinguishable test syndromes. The set of fault patterns that
do not satisfy the
one-step distinguishability criteria are {(2,3),(2,4)}, which have a
common element 2,
and {(3,4),(3,5)}, which have a common element 3. Therefore the
system is
sequentially 2-fault diagnosable, since for any test outcome at
least one module can
definitely be determined as faulty and replaced. 0
The PMC model of diagnosable systems is restricted to systems in which
an individual
unit is capable of testing another unit, and the measures of diagn
osability are restricted
to worst-case measures and to repair strategies in which only faulty
units are replaced.
It has not been possible to apply this simple model of system-l
evel diagnosis directly
to actual systems. However, it has laid the groundwork for subse
quent research that
has attempted to generalize the model and add more realistic
constraints associated
with actual systems. Because of the extensive research that has be
en done in this area
and the lack of current practical applications, we will presen
t a relatively broad
overview of the general direction of this work and omit a detaile
d presentation of the
mathematics involved.
15.2 Generalizations of the PMC Model
15.2.1 Generalizations of the System Diagnostic Graph
In the PMC model a test is applied by a single unit, which if f
aulty invalidates the test.
This assumption can be generalized to include the possibility that
application of a test
requires the combined operation of more than one unit [Russell
and Kime 1975a], as
well as the possibility that a unit is known to be fault-f
ree at the beginning of the
diagnosis [Russell and Kime 1975b]. For example, the diagnosis
of the IBM
System/360 Model 50 has been described with a generalized diagnostic
graph (GDG)
[Hackl and Shirk 1965], shown in Figure 15.8. Here the units
are represented as
follows: v I is the main storage, v2 is the ROM control, v3 is
the ALU, v4 is the local
storage, and v5 is the channel. Each unit Vi has associated
with it a corresponding
fault condition Ii. The test t I for the fault I I associated
with unit v1 will be valid

even in the presence of other faulty units. Therefore the GDG ha

s no arc labeled t I'
The single arc labeled t z from 11 to 12 indicates (as in t
he basic PMC model) that
unit vI (previously verified by t 1) is sufficient to test and v
erify unit v2' The two arcs
labeled t3 from 11 to 13 and from 12 to 13 respectively indicate
that if either VI or V2
Generalizations of the PMC Model 639
Faulty units
12 23 34 35 41 45 51 52
1 x 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
2 1 x 0 0 0 0 0 1
3 0 1 x x 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 1 0 x x 0 0
5 0 0 0 1 0 1 x x
Faulty units
12 23 34 35 41 45 51 52
(1,2) x x 0 0 1 0 1 1
(1,3) x 1 x x 1 0 1 0
(1,4) x 0 1 0 x x 1 0
(2,3) 1 x x x 0 0 0 1
(2,4) 1 x 1 0 x x 0 1
(2,5) 1 x 0 1 0 1 x x
(3,4) 0 1 x x x x 0 0
(3,5) 0 1 x x 0 1 x x
(4,5) 0 0 1 1 x x x x
Figure 15.7
or both are faulty, then t 3 will be invalidated. Similarly tests
t 4 and t 5 require vI, V2,
and V3 for them all to be fault-free.
A very general approach consists of using algebraic expressions to r
epresent conditions
under which a test is invalidated as well as to represent fault
conditions detected by a
test [Adham and Friedman 1977]. A set of fault patterns is d
escribed by a Boolean
expression in the variables {II ,/2,... ,ln}, where /; is 1 if Vi
is faulty and It is 0 if Vi is
fault-free. Associated with any test tk are two Boolean functi
ons, the invalidation
function I (tk), which has the value 1 for any fault pattern
that invalidates the test tk,
Figure 15.8 Diagnostic graph of IBM System/360 Model
and the detection function D (tk), which has the value 1 for
any fault pattern that is
detected by tk. Although this model can handle many cases that ca
nnot be handled by
graph-based models, it is too complex to be useful for large system
The complexities inherent in the algebraic model can be reflected
in a much simpler,
but less accurate, probabilistic model in which a test detects
a fault t. with
probability Pi where 1 > Pi > 0 [Fujiwara and Kinoshita 1978]. We s
hall now consider
several similar types of generalization of the PMC model.
15.2.2 Generalization of Possible Test Outcomes
In the PMC model the outcome of a test applied to unit Vj

by unit Vi is defined as
shown in Figure 15.1. This assumption of the PMC model can be gen
eralized in many
ways, as shown in Figure 15.9 [Kavianpour 1978].
The different models represented in this table range from a "p
erfect" tester, A
' in
which the test outcome always corresponds to a perfect diagnosis o
f faulty units even
when the testing unit is itself faulty, to the "O-information"
tester, A
, which never
provides an assured-reliable test outcome even when the testing
unit is fault-free.
Many variants of the original model of Figure 15.1 as summarized in
Figure 15.9 have
been considered by various researchers.
The PMC model is represented by the column labeled A
The column labeled A
represents "zero information" since the test outcome is always unpre
dictable regardless
of the condition of Vj (the unit being tested) and Vi (the unit
testing Vj). The column
labeled A
represents "total information" since the test outcome always r
accurately the condition of Vj. In column ApT the test outcome is
unpredictable when
Vi is not faulty and Vj is faulty. Therefore Va cannot det
ect all faults in Vj. This
represents "incomplete" or "partial testing". In all of the seve
n models other than A
and ApT the test outcome always accurately reflects the condition
of Vj when Vi is not
Generalizations of the PMC Model
y A ~
p ApT
O ~ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x
O ~ Q 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x x
Q ~ o 0 1 x 0 0 1 x x x
Q ~ Q
1 1 1 0 x x x x x
Figure 15.9 Different models of system diagnosis

faulty with differing assumptions when Vi is faulty such as no
information (the PMC
model A
) , always indicating a fault (A
) ' and never indicating a fault ( A
) .
15.2.3 Generalization of Diagnosability Measures
Originally only two measures of system-level diagnosability, one-s
tep t-fault
diagnosability and sequential t-fault diagnosability, were proposed.
Both these
measures imply a very conservative philosophy of system maintenance
in which only
faulty units are permitted to be replaced. In actuality there ex
ists a trade-off between
the necessity of repeating tests (in order to identify all the faul
ty units in a sequentially
diagnosable system) and the necessity of replacing fault-free un
its. Consider, for
example, the n-unit single-loop system shown in Figure 15.10, with
the assumed test
outcome defined by a 12 = a23 = 1 and all other aij = O.
Assuming n > t, we can
conclude that unit V2 is faulty and units Vi, Vi+l' .. , V
, V 1 are all fault-free where
i =t + 2. Units V3, ... , Vi-l may be either faulty or fault-fr
ee. To determine the status
of these units we could replace unit V2 and then repeat the
tests (possibly t times in
all) and eventually determine the status of all units while e
nsuring that no fault-free
unit has ever been replaced. Alternatively, without repeating the t
ests we could replace
units V2, . , Vi-I, ensuring that all faulty units have been
replaced but perhaps
replacing some fault-free units as ,well. Thus the trade-off between re
peating tests (Le.,
speed of diagnosis) and diagnostic accuracy (Le., the number of fault-fre
e units that are
replaced) becomes apparent. To reflect this situation another mea
sure of system-level
diagnosis has been defined [Friedman 1975]. A system is k-step
tls (read t-out-of-s)
diagnosable if by k applications of the diagnostic test sequence
any set of f ~ t faulty
units can be diagnosed and repaired by replacing at most s un
its. Clearly s ~ t and
n ~ s. Measures of the diagnosability of the system are the average
or expected value
of s - f as well as the maximum value of s - f. These new
measures have been
considered for regular systems such as D Of systems, of which single-l
oop systems are a
special case.
An interesting special case of tls diagnosability is when s =t.

In this case all fault

patterns consisting of t faulty units are exactly diagnosed, bu
t patterns consisting of
f < t faulty units may be inexactly diagnosed (requiring the
replacement of at most
t - f fault-free units) [Kavianpour and Friedman 1978]. Consider
the system of
Figure 15.11. Since each unit is only tested by two other
units, the system is not
one-step 3-fault diagnosable. This is verified by the test out
come shown in
Figure 15.10 A single-loop system with n units
Figure 15.II(a). Assuming t =3, we can deduce that unit V7 is
not faulty, since if it
were faulty then v6, V5, and v4 would also be faulty (as
a consequence of the test
outcomes (a67=a56=a45=0), and hence there would be four faulty uni
ts, thus violating
the upper bound t = 3. Since V7 is fault-free, then VI an
d V2 must be faulty (as a
consequence of the test outcomes a7I = a72 = 1). In a similar
manner we can then
deduce that v6, V5, and v4 are not faulty. Since v3 is only
tested by v1 and v2, both
of which are faulty, we cannot determine whether v3 is faulty or
not. Thus this system
is not one-step 3-fault diagnosable.
It can be shown, however, that the system is one-step 3/3 dia
gnosable. This implies
that any fault pattern consisting of three faulty units can
be exactly diagnosed, but
some fault patterns of f < 3 faulty units can only be diagnos
ed to within three units.
Consider the test outcome shown in Figure 15.11(b) produced by the
set of three faulty
units {v 1,v3,V4 } We can deduce that v2 is not faulty, since if
v2 were faulty then v7,
v6' and V5 would also be faulty (as a consequence of the
test outcomes a72 =
a67 =a 56 = 0), thus violating the upper bound t = 3. Since
V2 is not faulty, V3 and v4
are faulty (as a consequence of the test outcomes a23 =a24 = 1).
Similarly we then
deduce that v7 is not faulty and consequently v1 is faulty . We
have thus identified the
set of three faulty units. It can be shown that this can al
ways be done for any set of
three faulty units for the system shown. It is thus apparent
that tIt diagnosability
necessitates fewer testing branches than t-fault diagnosability, t
hus again
Generalizations of the PMC Model

Figure 15.11 A system demonstrating t/ t diagnosability
demonstrating the inherent trade-off in system-level diagnosis bet
ween accuracy of
diagnosis and system complexity.
Many other generalizations of the PMC model have been studied. Such g
allow constraints encountered in actual systems to be more closely mod
eled. However,
additional extensions and modifications are necessary to make the mod
el applicable to
actual systems [Friedman and Simoncini 1980].
The assumption that a unit can test other units requires compl
ete access to the units
being tested. This may necessitate a complex interconnection network.
Testing links
represent logical interconnections, and the directed graph is a lo
gical representation of
the diagnostic capabilities of a system. Consequently, a directe
d graph is not
necessarily a simplified representation of a system's data-flow struc
ture. It must still
be determined what types of internal system organizations can most
efficiently support
the diagnostic procedures implied by a directed graph. Modeling
of the diagnostic
phase as well as normal operation of actual systems requires
additional attention. An
integrated approach to the modeling of fault-tolerant computing
systems should
consider both normal and diagnostic operations as well as reco
nfiguration. Thus,
despite a considerable amount of work in this research area, pract
ical applications still
seem quite remote.
[Adham and Friedman 1977] M. Adham and A. D. Friedman, "Digital
System Fault
Diagnosis," Journal of Design Automation & Fault-Tolerant Computin
Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 115-132, February, 1977.
[Barsi et al. 1976] F. Barsi, F. Grandoni, and P. Maestrini,
"A Theory of
Diagnosability of Digital Systems," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vo
l. C-25,
No.6, pp. 885-893, June, 1976.
[Blount 1977] M. Blount, "Probabilistic Treatment of Diagnosis i
n Digital Systems,"
Proc. 7th Annual Intn'l. Conf on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 72
-77, June,
[Dahbura and Masson 1984] "An O(n

) Fault Identification Algorithm for

Diagnosable Systems," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-33, No.6,
pp. 486-492, June, 1984.
[Friedman 1975] A. D. Friedman, "A New Measure of Digital Syst
em Diagnosis,"
Digest of Papers 1975 Intn'l. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing,
pp. 167-169, June, 1975.
[Friedman and Simoncini 1980] A. D. Friedman and L. Simoncini,
Fault Diagnosis," Computer, pp. 47-53, March, 1980.
[Fujiwara and Kinoshita 1978] H. Fujiwara and K. Kinoshita, "Connect
ion Assignment
for Probabilistically Diagnosable Systems," IEEE Trans. on Compute
Vol. C-27, No.3, pp. 280-283, March, 1978.
[Hackl and Shirk 1965] F. J. Hackl and R. W. Shirk, "An Inte
grated Approach to
Automated Computer Maintenance," IEEE Conf on Switching Theory a
Logical Design, pp. 298-302, October, 1965.
[Hakimi and Nakajima 1984] S. L. Hakimi and K. Nakajima, "On
Adaptive Systems
Diagnosis," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-33, No.3, pp. 234
March, 1984.
[Kavianpour 1978] A. Kavianpour, "Diagnosis of Digital System Usin
g tls Measure,"
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southern California, June, 1978.
[Kavianpour and Friedman 1978] A. Kavianpour and A. D. Friedman,
Design of Easily Diagnosable Systems," 3rd USA-Japan Computer Co
pp. 14.1-14.17, 1978.
[Kreutzer and Hakimi 1987] "System-Level Fault Diagnosis: A Surv
Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 20, pp. 323-330, 1987.
[Mallela and Masson 1978] S. Mallela and G. M. Masson, "Diagnos
able Systems for
Intermittent Faults," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-27, No.6,
pp. 560-566, June, 1978.
[Preparata et al. 1967] F. P. Preparata, G. Metze, and R. T.
Chien, "On the Connection
Assignment Problem of Diagnosable Systems," IEEE Trans. on Electr
Computers, Vol. EC-16, No.6, pp. 848-854. December, 1967.
[Russell and Kime 1975a] J. D. Russell and C. R. Kime, "Sy
stem Fault Diagnosis:
Closure and Diagnosability With Repair," IEEE Trans. on Computer
Vol. C-24, No. 11, pp. 1078-1088, November, 1975.
[Russell and Kime 1975b] J. D. Russell and C. R. Kime, "Sys
tem Fault Diagnosis:
Masking, Exposure, and Diagnosability Without Repair," IEEE Trans.
Computers, Vol. C-24, No. 12, pp. 1155-1161, December, 1975.
15.1 Consider a diagnostic graph consisting of a loop of n modules.
a. Prove that such a system is one-step t-fault diagnosable only for
t < 2.


Prove that such a system is one-step 2/3 fault diagnosable if

n > 6 by showing
that for any fault pattern produced by two or fewer faults, at
least n - 3 modules
can be ascertained to be properly functioning under the assumption
that at most
two modules can be faulty.
15.2 Consider a system whose diagnostic graph has five nodes {
0,1,2,3,4} and an
edge from i to (i + 1) mod 5 and from i to (i + 2) mod 5 for
all i.
a. Prove that such a system is one-step two-fault diagnosable
and sequentially
two-fault diagnosable.
b. What is the maximum number of edges that can be removed from
this graph so
that it is still one-step two-fault diagnosable, or so that
it is still sequentially
two-fault diagnosable?
a. Prove that the system shown in Figure 15.12, is one-step 3/3 dia
b. Prove that if any edge is removed the system is not one-step
3/3 diagnosable.
c. For the test outcome shown in Figure 15.12, assuming t = 3, deter
mine the set of
faulty modules to within s =3 units.
15.4 For the system shown in Figure 15.13 and for each of the model
s of Figure 6.9
a. Determine the maximum value of t for which the system is
one-step t fault
b. Determine the maximum value of t 1 for which the system is seq
uentially t 1-fault
Figure 15.12 Problem 15.3
Figure 15.13 Problem 15.4
9-Valgorithm: 199-202
- A active signal: 42, 50, 79
activity: 42, 50, 65, 70, 79, 83
addressing fault: 325-328, 330-332
advanced scan: 343
algorithm partitioning: 79,80,82,83
alias: 422,423,426
ambiguous delay: 53, 76, 77
appearance fault: 595,598
arbitrary delay model: 61-64, 77
ATG system: 240,242,243
- B B-structure: 390, 392, 393
backtrace-stop line: 212, 213, 218
backtracing: 204-206, 208, 209, 211,
backtracking: 187, 189, 191, 192, 196,
198, 201, 206-209, 211, 212, 221, 223,

back line: 294, 301

BALLAST: 389, 390, 393
behavioral model: 9, 23
Berger code: 571,579,587,588
BEST: 483,512,513, 535
BIDCO: 505
BILBO: 459, 500-506, 510-516, 518,
binary decision diagram: 17, 18
BIST architecture: 457, 477, 481-484,
487, 488, 491-496, 500, 503, 505, 510,
BIST circuitry: 458,477,481,498
BIST element: 477
bit-sliced system: 321-323
boundary-scan cell: 396, 399, 407, 418
boundary scan: 343, 363, 382, 383, 395,
bridging fault: 93, 94, 96, 99, 107, 119,
burst error: 422,445
bus: 40,42, 71-74,82,83
bus driver: 71, 72
bypass storage cell: 476-480, 526, 533
- C C-testable: 317
CATS: 495, 513, 534
cause-effect analysis: 7
CBIST: 489,490, 513, 535
CEBS: 491,492,513
characteristic polynomial: 436, 437,
checker: 571,574,580-588,591
checking sequence: 315,317
checking the checker problem: 580
checkpoint: 116, 117
check bit: 572-579, 587
circular masking relation: 120
circular self-test path: 498, 499
cloud: 390-394,415
common ambiguity: 77
compaction: 245, 246
compact testing: 6
comparison testing: 6
compiled-code model: 24
compiled simulator: 42,46,47,49,80
complete detection test set: 99, 103
complete LFSR: 460, 470, 532
complete location test set: 107
composite logic value: 182, 248
composite operation: 268
concurrent decision processing: 272
concurrent fault list: 147, 148, 150
concurrent fault processing: 272
concurrent guidance processing: 272
condensed LFSR: 474-476
conditional operation: 21
conflict: 40, 71

connectivity language: 10
constant-weight code: 473
constant-weight counter: 473, 505
constant-weight pattern: 467, 473
constraint network: 564
constraint suppression: 564-566
controllability: 343-347, 352, 353, 355,
controllability measure: 214, 215, 217
controlling value: 59
control event: 51
control fault: 122
control point: 347, 349, 358, 362, 363,
cover: 11,12
critical fault: 244
crosspoint: 593-601, 603-609, 614, 616618,621,624,625
crosspoint faults: 594-599, 603, 605,
CSBL: 512,513,535
CSTP: 495, 505, 513
cube: 11,12
cubical notation: 11
cutting algorithm: 232
cyclic LFSR: 476
cyclic redundancy checking: 431, 441
- D D-algorithm: 225
D-frontier: 192, 193, 195, 198, 203-206,
data fault: 122
decision tree: 189-191, 196, 198, 201,
deductive fault simulation: 139, 146
defect level: 131
delay element: 56
delay fault: 93, Ill, 122
delay model: 39,52-56,61-64,74-77
design error: 2,3,7
design for testability: 343
design verification testing: 3, 7
detection function: 639, 641
detection probability: 227-230, 232,
detection quality: 227, 229, 232, 234,
diagnostic graph: 633-638, 640
diagnostic program: 2, 4, 5, 7
diagnostic resolution: 541, 544, 547,
diagnostic tree: 544, 545
distinguishing sequence: 317, 320
dominance fault collapsing: 109, 116,
double-latch design: 376, 380
driven value: 32, 289, 294, 295
dynamic compaction: 245,246

dynamic hazard: 62, 63

- E effect-cause analysis: 7, 541, 543, 559,
empty fault: 107
equality checker: 586-588
equivalence fault collapsing: 107, 114,
equivalent under a test set: 108
error masking: 422, 425, 442, 445, 453
error polynomial: 444, 446
error propagation: 182, 184, 186, 189,
195, 198, 202, 204, 205, 225, 247, 248,
escape probability: 227, 228
evaluation: 39-42, 46, 47, 49, 50, 56-60,
event: 39, 40, 42, 43, 49-51, 53, 64-70,
event-driven simulation: 39,42, 50, 64,
event list: 50, 64-68, 70, 75, 82, 83
exhaustive testing: 305, 313-315, 317,
expansion: 26,31,32
expert system: 541, 557-560, 564
explicit fault model: 93, 111
external model: 10,25,26,31
external testing: 8
- F fabrication defect: 2, 3
fabrication error: 2
FAN: 208,209,211
fanout node: 27, 28
fault-independent algorithm: 220, 226
fault-list propagation: 139, 146
fault coverage: 3,41
fault detection: 93, 98, 104, 107, 109,
fault dictionary: 7, 541, 543, 544, 548,
fault dropping: 135, 139
fault effect: 98
fault insertion: 134-136, 138
fault location: 104, 107
fault model: 3, 7
fault pattern: 634-644
fault preventing initialization: 106
fault sampling: 131
fault secure: 580, 581, 584, 588-590
fault simulation: 3, 7
fault specification: 134
fault variable: 122, 123
feedback bridging fault: 290
fixed variable: 310-312
flexible signal: 225
flow table: 13-15
forced value: 32,561,562
frequent testing strategy: 94, 99

front line: 294, 298, 299, 301

full serial integrated scan: 366, 374
functionally equivalent: 106-109, 113,
functional block: 33
functional equivalence class: 106
functional fault: 93, 111, 122
functional model: 9, 10, 18, 33
functional testing: 305, 307-309, 312,
fundamental mode: 64
- G gate-level model: 32, 33
generalized diagnostic graph: 638,640
generating function: 433
generic algorithm: 265
global feedback: 344,347,351,358
global implication: 194
growth fault: 595, 598
guided-probe testing: 7, 541, 549-554,
- H Hamming code: 573
Hamming distance: 572
hazard detection: 39, 61, 62
headline: 208,209,211,212
heuristic testing: 306
HITEST: 272, 273
horizontal implication: 560, 561
- I I-mode: 386,387,389
I-path: 386-389
identity mode: 386
IEEE 1149.1: 395, 522, 523
implication: 187, 191-195, 200, 206,
implicit enumeration: 190, 191
implicit fault model: 93
implicit simulation: 298, 301
in-circuit testing: 6
inconsistency: 12
independent checking: 575
independent fault: 138
inertial delay: 54, 55, 75, 76
information bit: 573-575, 577, 579, 587,
information redundancy: 6
initialization: 347, 351, 366
initialization sequence: 104
injection circuit: 347, 348, 352, 358
input counting: 60
input scanning: 60
internal model: 9, 10, 12,31
intersection operator: 12
invalidation function: 639, 641
inverse operation: 266
inversion parity: 27
irreducible polynomial: 439

irredundant: 101, 103, 117, 120

isolated scan architectures: 374
iterative array: 15, 16
iterative logic array: 317
- J J-frontier: 192, 193, 198, 204, 206
JTAG: 343,396
- K knowledge base: 557-560
- L level: 9, 10, 18,20,22-24,28,31-35
level-sensitive latch: 369, 376
level-sensitive scan design: 370,381
level of abstraction: 1, 2
level of modeling: 32-34
LFSR: 431-437, 439-442, 444-446, 447,
linear code: 473, 476
linear feedback shift register: 428, 432,
line justification: 186, 247, 261, 267, 273
list event: 139, 141, 144, 146, 148
local fault: 140,147,148
LOCST: 487, 513, 535
logical fault: 3, 7, 93, 94
logical strength: 73
logical transfer path: 329
logic simulation: 3, 39, 40, 42, 57
LSSD: 446, 484, 487
LSSD design rule: 416
- M m-sequence: 440
macro approach: 26, 31
maintenance testing: 5
masking: 422-427, 429, 441, 442, 445,
masking relation: 119, 120
mask word: 136, 138
maximal fault resolution: 541
maximum-length sequence: 439
maximum implications principle: 192
microprogramming model: 328
minimum pulse width: 55
mixed-level modeling: 34, 35
model partitioning: 79-83
modular redundancy: 6
module: 33,633,635,636,638,640
morphic function: 581,582,590
MOS logic: 72
multiple-backtrace: 208
multiple-input signature register: 458
multiple-line redundancy: 120
multiple-path sensitization: 198, 202,
multiple fault: 93,94, 102, 119-121
- N nonclassical fault: 110, 111
nonfeedback bridging fault: 290

nonprocedural language: 23
nonseparable code: 579
nonserial scan: 374
nonuniform distribution: 234
- 0 objective: 204-206, 208, 209, 211, 220,
observability: 343-347, 352, 353, 355,
observability measure: 214-216, 219
observation point: 347, 348, 351, 358,
on-line testing: 5
one-pass strategy: 68,69
ones counting: 421,423, 425, 427, 429
open: 93-95
operation: 12,21-23
oscillation: 39,40,46,64,77-79,82
oscillation control: 39, 78, 79, 82
overhead: 349, 358, 367, 368, 376-378,
overlapped mode: 383, 385
- p pairwise distinguishing sequence: 320
parallel-pattern evaluation: 47
parallel fault simulation: 135, 138, 139
parity-check code: 572-574, 578, 579
parity-check compression: 429, 453
parity-check function: 581,582
partial-dependence circuit: 313, 314
partial-intrusion BIST: 457, 519-521
partially specified composite value: 199,
partial scan: 383, 386, 388, 390, 392,
partitioning technique: 315
path-sensitization algorithm: 196
pattern coverage: 499-501
permanent fault: 94
personality: 593,598,600,603,618
physical failure: 2-4
physical fault: 3
physical model: 33
physical segmentation: 476
pin-fault model: 95
pipelined test plan: 520
plausible fault: 556, 557
PLA folding: 620
PMC model: 640, 642, 643
PODEM: 203-209, 211, 215, 235, 264,
polarity-hold latch: 372, 381
post-test diagnosis: 133
potential operation: 265,267
predictability: 343, 347
primitive cube: 11, 12
primitive element: 9, 18,31
primitive operator: 21, 22, 33
procedural language: 23

programmable logic arrays: 593

pseudoexhaustive testing: 305,313,314,
pseudorandom pattern generator: 458,
pseudorandom sequence: 440
pseudorandom testing: 457
- R random-access scan: 372, 411
random path sensitization: 236
reciprocal polynomial: 437
reconvergentfanout: 26
reduced neighborhood: 298
redundancy: 93, 101-103, 120,347,358
register adjacency graph: 514,515,528
replaceable unit: 541, 542
residue code: 571,575-577,579,587
restart gate: 238-240, 246
rise and fall delay: 53, 55, 74
RTD: 491,493,504,513
RTS: 484-486, 513
- S S-mode: 388
S-path: 389
scan-in: 358, 359, 363, 381, 396
scan-out: 358,359,363,372,381,396
scan/set: 366
scan design: 343, 351, 364, 366-368,
371, 372, 374, 376-380, 383, 384, 388,
scan path: 363,370,376,383,384,386,
388-394, 397, 399-401, 404, 406-408,
scan register: 358-366, 368, 388-390,
392, 394, 396, 397, 404, 407-409, 411,
SCIRTSS: 269-271
SCOAP: 346
selection criteria: 213
self-checking design: 571, 590
self-initializing test sequence: 253,278
self-testing: 4,7, 580-582, 589, 590
self-test storage cell: 493, 494
sensitive variable: 310, 311
sensitized mode: 388
sensitized path: 98
separate mode: 383, 385
sequential diagnosability: 634, 636
sequential diagnosis: 542
shadow register: 364,367,413,415
shift register pattern generator: 458
short: 93, 94
shrinkage fault: 595
signal probability: 229, 230, 232, 234,
signature: 6, 7, 421-425, 428, 429, 432,
signature analysis: 421,432,442,445

signature analyzer: 441,442,444-448

simulation-based TG: 262, 264
simulation engine: 79, 80, 82
simultaneous self-test: 493
single-fault assumption: 94, 99, 103
single-input signature register: 458
single-latch design: 376, 380
single-loop system: 636, 638, 641, 643
single-path sensitization: 203
SMART: 238, 240, 242, 243
spike: 54,68,69, 76
SST: 493,494,496, 513
start-small: 307,331,333
state coverage: 499
state event: 50
state table: 13, 18
static compaction: 245,246
static hazard: 60-62, 77
statistical fault analysis: 131
stop line: 212, 213, 218, 238-240
storage cell: 358-363, 365, 366, 368-370,
372, 376, 377, 379, 382, 384, 390, 391,
stored-pattern testing: 7
strong value: 73
structural equivalence: 113, 114, 116,
structural fault: 93, 94, 113
structural model: 9, 10, 18, 24, 26, 29,
structured DFT: 345, 364, 382
stuck-fault model: 93, 95, 109, 122
STUMPS: 488,489,512,534
subsystem approach: 31
switch-level model: 32
synchronizing sequence: 317
syndrome: 634-638,640
syndrome driver counter: 473
syndrome testing: 429,431, 448
system-level DFT: 343, 382
- T T-mode: 388
TAP controller: 401-404,406,407,419
target fault: 133, 182, 190, 204-206, 209,
testability: 343,346,347,354,363
testing quality: 227-229, 276
test access port: 396, 401
test bus: 382,396,397,400-403,419
test latency: 490
test plan: 520, 521, 535
test point: 346-349,351,358,362
test session: 383, 385, 387, 457, 503,
test signal: 462,466,467,472
time-flow mechanism: 50
time frame: 249-255,257,258,261,262,

timing wheel: 70
together mode: 383
total-dependence circuit: 314
total-reconvergence line: 211-213
transfer-mode: 388
transition-count testing: 427
transition-independent delay: 53, 74, 76
transmission gate: 72,74
transport delay: 52-55, 64, 76
tristate logic: 39
truth table: 10-12, 15, 17, 18
two-pass strategy: 64, 69
type 1 LFSR: 435-437,447
- U undetectable fault: 99, 102, 103, 107
unidirectional error: 579
union algorithm: 265,278
unit-delay model: 52,61
universal fault model: 313, 315
universal minimal pseudoexhaustive
test set: 470
unknown logic value: 43, 71
- V verification testing: 462
vertical implication: 560-563
- w weak value: 73
weighted test generator: 461
wired logic: 31,32
- z zoom table: 58, 81

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