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Use Only: Violence in Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia

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Mental Illness 2013; volume 5:e2



Every few years, there is a well-publicized

case describing unpredictable violence in an
individual with significant psychotic symptoms. These cases generate a strong interest
in both the scientific and lay communities
about the relationship between violence and
schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like illnesses (schizophrenia, schizoaffective, and delusional disorder). The majority of these wellpublicized cases and the associated scientific
literature are in older adolescents and young
adults; however schizophrenia-spectrum illnesses can begin much earlier in childhood
and little is known whether schizophrenia in
young children is associated with violence.
A majority of adolescents and adults with

Correspondence: Randy Ross, University of

Colorado Denver, PO Box 6508, Mailstop F546,
Aurora, CO, 80045, USA.
Key words: childhood-onset schizophrenia, violence, case series.
Acknowledgements: the authors wish to thank all
the participating children, their families, and the
clinicians with whom we have worked. We
acknowledge Kate Hanna, Anna Riddoch, Shari
Heinlein, and Nina Compagnon for their help on
this project. Dr Julia Maximon in currently in private practice in Boulder, CO, USA.


Funding: this study was supported by the

National Institute of Mental Health (MH056539,
MH066115, MH068582, and MH086383). This
institution played no additional role in study
design or manuscript preparation.
Received for publication: 25 September 2011.
Revision received: 21 September 2012.
Accepted for publication: 6 November 2012.




Violence is elevated in older adolescents and

adults with schizophrenia; however, little is
known about younger children. This report
focuses on rates of violence in younger children with schizophrenic-spectrum illnesses. A
retrospective review of structured diagnostic
interviews from a case series of 81 children,
ages 4-15 years of age, with childhood onset of
schizophrenic-spectrum illness is reported.
Seventy-two percent of children had a history
of violent behavior, including 25 children
(31%) with a history of severe violence. Of
those with a history of violence, 60% had a
least one episode of violence that did not
appear to be in response to an external stimulus (internally driven violence). There was no
significant impact of age or gender. For many
children, these internally driven violent
episodes were rare and unpredictable, but
severe. Similar to what is found in adolescents
and adults, violence is common in children
with schizophrenic-spectrum illnesses.
General violence prevention strategies combined with early identification and treatment
of childhood psychotic illnesses may decrease
the morbidity associated with childhood psychotic violence.




of Psychiatry, University
of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO;
2Department of Psychiatry, Denver
Health and Hospitals, Denver, CO, USA




Randal G. Ross,1 Julia Maximon,1

Jonathan Kusumi,1,2 Susan Lurie1

schizophrenia-spectrum illnesses are not violent. In addition, individuals with schizophrenia-spectrum illnesses constitute only a small
part of the population and are therefore
responsible for only a minority of violent acts.
However, adults and adolescents with schizophrenia-spectrum illnesses are 4-8 times more
likely to perpetrate a violent act than general
population groups with a birth cohort study
finding that,1-4 over a 1-year period, 15% of
young adults with schizophrenia were convicted of a violent crime.5 Studies of convicted
homicide perpetrators suggest that chronic
psychosis may account for 6-15% of homicides,6,7 The impact of schizophrenia-spectrum
illness on violence risk is similar to, but
appears to be separate from, that found for the
impact of substance use disorders on violence
risk. The excessive perception of threat associated with schizophrenia contributes to risk for
violence above and beyond the acute substance
use and history of conduct disorder contributions found with substance use disorders. The
unique impact of psychosis suggests that
schizophrenia-related violence may require
different intervention strategies and deserves
independent study.5
While the relationship between psychosis
and violence is well demonstrated in older adolescents and adults, very little known about the
rates of violence in children and younger adolescents with chronic psychotic illness. Conner
et al.8 reported while 68% of a clinical sample
had a history of aggression, in a multiple
regression analysis psychosis had no impact
on violence rates. However, the sample was
predominantly from a residential treatment
facility, where psychosis was infrequent and a
pattern of aggression may have been a factor
in the decision to utilize that type of facility.
Khalid et al.9 reviewed clinic intake checklists
on 212 children, ages 7-18 years, with psychosis. The sample included children with
transient psychosis and those with more mild
symptoms (e.g. diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder). Thirty-nine (18%) of the
children were noted to have a history of
aggression, with aggression defined as fighting, bullying, aggression or [] violent assault
(stabbing or use of other weapon, severe physical attack). There were very few differences
between psychotic children with and without
aggression, with positive findings limited to
psychotic children with aggression having
more irritability, more overt relationship difficulties, and more non-aggressive conduct
problems. Substance misuse was rare and did
not differentiate aggressive from non-aggressive psychotic youth. This report provided an
initial estimate of aggression, but had two
notable limitations. First, because of its inclusion of subjects with transient or mild symptoms (e.g. schizotypal personality disorder),
the generalizability to a more severe chronical-

Violence in childhood-onset

[Mental Illness 2013; 5:e2]

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons

Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BYNC 3.0).
Copyright R.G. Ross et al., 2013
Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
Mental Illness 2013; 5:e2

ly affected group may be limited. Second,

because of a methodological focus on checklists, more detailed exploration of the type and
causes of aggression were not feasible.
This report is, to our knowledge, the first
attempt to review the frequency and form of
violence in children with a fully expressed psychotic illness (schizophrenia, schizoaffective,
or related disorder).

Materials and Methods

Information was available from eighty-one
of eighty-two sequentially identified children
with schizophrenia or related illnesses
recruited as part of an ongoing study of childhood schizophrenia. All children were referred
to the program by community providers
already concerned about the possibility of psychotic illness. No formal assessment of neighborhood-of-origin or socioeconomic status
was completed; however, referral sources
ranged from private practitioners to local
mental health centers, and included urban,
suburban, and rural areas. Socioeconomic status was equally broad. As part of the ongoing
study, these children were diagnosed using
[page 7]


Inter-rater reliability



[page 8]

Almost three-quarters of the psychotic children had been violent with one-third having
been severely violent: approximately two-fifths
of children had been violent towards themselves including several with suicide attempts;
approximately half of case reviews included
episodes of violence towards others. These
rates showed very little reduction even when
psychotic children with a history of being the
victim of abuse or with comorbid conduct disorder were removed from the analysis. There is
always a risk of an ascertainment bias where
violent youth are more likely to be brought to
clinical attention; however this rate of lifetime




The two reviewers agreed on the presence

or absence of violence in 93% of cases. When
violence was present, the two reviewers agreed
on the presence or absence of internally driven
violence in 89% of cases. Table 2 lists examples
of internally driven violence.
Table 1 summarizes the rates of violence
both by types of violence (any violence, severe
violence, internally-driven violence) and by
victim of that violence (self, others, animals).
Internally driven violence was identified in
thirty-five children (43% of the entire sample);
this includes all 25 children with a history of
severe violence.
Table 3 summaries the impact of demographic and comorbid factors on violence
rates. Comorbid conduct disorder was associated with increased rates of severe violence,
internally-driven violence, and violence
towards animals, while a history of being the
victim of abuse was associated with an
increased rate of violence towards self.
However, these comorbidities were relatively
uncommon (10% for conduct disorder and 11 %
for being the victim of abuse), and even when
these children were removed, violence rates
remained high: 66% had a history of violence,
23% with severe violence, and 37% with internally driven violence; 37% had been violent to
themselves, 43% had been violent to others,


As part of the evaluative process, a summary of clinical information is prepared for each
child. A history of violence was not a specific
probe for the evaluations; however was noted
when present. These summaries were
reviewed by psychiatrists (JM or JK); 56 (69%)
were reviewed by both physicians. The summaries were reviewed for any presence of violence occurring at any time up to the assessment interview. Violence was defined as any
act of physical aggression towards self, others,
animals or objects. This definition is similar to
definitions proposed by others.15,16 To match
adolescent and adult studies of violence, only
violent acts were considered; violent thoughts
such as violent ideation and command auditory hallucinations that were not acted upon are
often not included in violence definitions and
were excluded from the definition. Verbal
aggression was not well-documented in the
clinical write-ups and thus also excluded from
the violence definition. If a history of violence
was identified, the history was further characterized as to whether there was a history of
least one act of severe violence and whether
the history contained at least one episode of



Inter-rater reliability as to the presence or

absence of violence and, if violence was present, as to whether the violence was internally
driven, was assessed based on agreement
between two reviewers (J.M. and J.K.); disagreements were decided based on the input of
a senior child psychiatrist (R.G.R.).

and 8% had been violent to animals.

Of the 35 children who had a history of
internally driven violence, the age at which
internally driven violence began was noted in
31. Twenty (66%) had their initial internally
driven violent act concurrent with or after
onset of psychosis, five (16%) had the initial
act in the year prior to onset of psychosis likely during the prodromal period, and six (19%)
had their initial internally driven violent act
two or more years before onset of psychosis.


internally driven violence. Severe violence was

defined as any act which either caused significant injury to a human or an animal or would
have caused such injury if no intervention had
occurred. Internally driven violence was
defined as a physical act of aggression that
would be experienced as illogical or out of context by an observer. That is, violence that is
unrelated to external environment, with no
logical endpoint, not enacted to resolve conflict
or relieve stress such as self-harming behavior. Internally driven violence includes physical
aggression which exceeds a level of typical
force or boundary, or violence with no apparent
intent or that is not logically matched to its
intent. This definition is similar to the definitions for medical or psychotically-driven violence utilized by others.17 The youngest age at
which an internally driven violent act occurred
was noted where possible.


DSM-IV criteria,10 using a best estimate diagnostic approach after a structured diagnostic
interview completed by experienced clinicians
(MD, DO, MSW).11 We have reported on the
process by which we identify psychosis in
school-age and preschool children;12,13 diagnostic criteria for childhood-onset schizophrenia are identical to those used for older adolescent and adult populations. Violence is not
part of the diagnostic criteria. As the goal was
to explore violence in children with fully
expressed psychotic illnesses, children who
had sub-diagnostic symptoms (at-risk children)14 were not included. Children up to 15
years of age were included; however, all children had onset of psychotic symptoms prior to
their 13th birthday. The children had a mean
age of 103 years (range 4-15 years of age).
Since a history of conduct disorder or physical
or sexual abuse may be associated with both
psychosis and violence, all assessments
included an assessment in these areas as part
of the structured interview. For child abuse
and neglect, both the parent/ guardian interview and the interview of the child asked
directly about a history of abuse and neglect.
In addition, the parent/guardian interview
included questions about legal or social service involvement which, when positive, was followed up with questions about the reasons
behind such involvement. Eight (9.8%) of the
children had been the victim of child abuse; in
most cases the abuse was a single or time-limited experience. No child had been the victim
of severe neglect. Additional demographic
information is available in Table 1.

[Mental Illness 2013; 5:e2]

Table 1. Demographics, violence rates, and

victims of violence for 81 children with
schizophrenia-spectrum disorders.
N. (%)

24 (30%)
57 (70%)

4-7 years
8-11 years
12-15 years

21 (26%)
42 (52%)
18 (22%)

Caucasian non-Hispanic
Caucasian Hispanic

58 (72%)
12 (15%)
6 (7%)
5 (6%)

Diagnosis of:
Psychosis NOS

53 (65%)
27 (33%)
1 (1%)

Conduct disorder
Victim of abuse

8 (10%)
9 (11%)

History of:
Any violence
Severe violence
Internally-driven violence

58 (72%)
25 (31%)
35 (43%)


33 (41%)
41 (51%)
12 (15%)

violence is similar to that found among mostly
untreated psychotic young adults in a Swedish
birth cohort.18 A notable percentage of the violence among the Swedish adults occurred prior
to 18 years of age which may explain why these
rates are higher than those found with
methodologies that focus on more recent violence.19,20 In older adolescent samples, psychotic males are more likely to have a violence

history than psychotic females. In this study of

younger children, psychotic females were
more likely to have been violent towards animals; there was no effect of gender on any
other measure of violence in this study.
Male/female differences may not develop until
There is some disagreement in the literature as to whether a portion of the violence

risk ascribed to psychosis should instead be

attributed to co-morbid substance use disorders. It is important to note that no child in this
study had a substance use disorder at any time,
including alcohol and nicotine; lifetime exposure for all the subjects in this study was low to
non-existent. Thus, violence in this child population is not due to substance misuse.
Only one child met criteria for posttraumat-

Table 2. Examples of internally driven severe violence.

A 5 year-old male who repeatedly inserted items in his own rectum, stabbed the family dog and killed the family pet hamster with no evidence of remorse.
A 5 year-old male who, without provocation, grabbed a rock and severely beat up a female peer.

A 5 year-old male who tried to cut his own hair and lips off and repeatedly attacked his sister to the point he broke her arm.
A 6 year-old female who twisted the family dogs leg out of its socket.

A 6-year old male who tried to gouge his own eyes out.
A 6 year-old female who frequently shoves sticks down pets throats and who attacked her sister with a knife.


A 6 year-old male who, beginning at 3 years of age threatened peers with knives and repeatedly put his finger up his anus.


An 8 year-old female who placed thumbtacks point side up in the shag carpeting so the preschool-age children in the house would step on the thumbtacks. The same
child snuck into her sisters room at night and shaved off her sisters eyebrows.

An 8-year old male who drunk poison to kill something he believed was growing in his back.

An 8-year male who, responding to auditory hallucinations, chased his sister with an intent to kill.

An 8 year-old female who tried to stab herself in the eye.


An 8-year old male who stabbed his sister in the neck.

A 9 year-old male who frequently tried to choke peers because it is fun.


A 9-year old female who attempted to rip out her brothers trachea.

A 9 year-old male who, beginning at 5 years of age has, in response to command hallucinations, repeatedly threatened peers with knives and assaulted adults.


A 10-year old male who repeatedly attempted to strangle himself.


A 10-year old male who repeatedly responded to command hallucinations to torture cats.

A 10-year-old male who has, in response to auditory hallucinations, repeatedly assaulted his mother and threatened her with a knife.

An 11 year-old male who put his hand through a glass door to determine if his hand or the door was stronger.


A 12 year-old male who inserted a tampon anally, would pull the wings off of insects and them set them afire, who repeatedly punched the family dog in the head, and
who would rub himself with an eraser to get spots of his body.

A 12 year-old male who set fires in his closet and without provocation, threatened a neighbor with a knife.


A 12-year-old male who tortured and then killed the family rabbit, then burned it.


A 13 year-old male who broke into his neighbors home with a plan to kill the neighbor boy with whom there was little previous contact. He was unable to provide any
rationale except that he knew that the neighbor boy needed to die.
A 13-year old male who, although unprovoked, repeatedly attacked his classmates because he believed they were conspiring to harass him.

A 13-year old male who took a grenade to school and threatened to blow up the school.

Table 3. Impact of demographics and comorbidity on violence rates and victim identification.
N.H. P.H. P*

N.H. P.H. P*

Internally driven Violence towards

to others
N.H. P.H. P*
N.H. P.H.
N.H. P.H. P*

to animals
N.H. P.H. P*


29% 71% 1.000

28% 72%

79% 21%
65% 35%


42% 1.000



71% 29%
91% 9%

Age grouping
4-7 years
8-11 years
12-15 years

24% 76% c2 (2)

30% 70% =0.295
28% 72% P=0.863

59% 41% c2 (2)

74% 21% =1.391
67% 33% P=0.499


53% c2 (2)
41% =0.861
39% P=0.650


41% c2 (2)
41% =0.033
39% P=0.984

29% 71% c2 (2)

52% 48% =3.846
61% 39% P=0.146

77% 25% c2 (2)

87% 13% =1.333
89% 11% P=0.513

Child abuse/neglect
0% 100% 0.098
No history
32% 68%

50% 50%
71% 29%



50% 0.721




25% 75%
52% 48%


63% 37%
88% 12%


Conduct disorder
No history

22% 78%
75% 25%







22% 78%
58% 47%


44% 56%
90% 10%


11% 89%
31% 69%





54% 46%
47% 53%



N.H. Negative history; P.H. positive history. *Probabilities are based on Fishers Exact Test unless otherwise specified. P values less than 0.05 are in italics.

[Mental Illness 2013; 5:e2]

[page 9]







Clinical implications

While some children had frequent violent

behavior, for many others the violent acts and
in particular the internally driven violent acts
were rare or even isolated events. Despite
their infrequency, they were often severe: suddenly attacking a peer with a rock, stabbing
oneself in the hand with a knife, or breaking
into a neighbors home with intent to murder.
In all cases where severe violence occurred,
the violence appeared to be internally driven,
often unrelated to external events. The combination of low frequency and lack of externally
identifiable events makes this type of violence
difficult to predict, and screening tools may be
of low value. The apparent increased risk of
violence during the early stage of the schizophrenic illnesses raises legal questions.26
However, the majority of severe violent acts
occurred around the time of psychosis onset,
prior to diagnosis and assessment. Thus, lowering the threshold for hospitalizing psychotic
youth after they enter the mental health system is unlikely to have much impact on violence rates. Instead, generic safety issues like
ensuring non-access to guns and knives or
providing adequate adult supervision may be
more effective prevention efforts than lowering the threshold for hospitalization.
Media attention to the rare event when a
psychotic individual attempts or succeeds in a



[page 10]

publically violent act as been shown to

increase the stigma associated with a psychotic diagnosis.27,28 It is unknown whether an
increased focus on generic safety-oriented
prevention strategies might also increase stigma or, if the prevention strategy is successful,
might decrease the number of publicizable violent acts and thus decrease stigma.
For these children, the majority of violent
episodes occurred prior to diagnosis and in the
absence of antipsychotic treatment. There is
strong evidence in older adolescents and
adults that initial diagnosis and initiation of
antipsychotic treatment dramatically reduces
violence risk.29-31 For these younger children,
the average length of psychotic symptoms prior
to diagnosis and treatment initiation exceeded
two years,32 so there is a window for improvement. Earlier entry into the mental health system for diagnosis and rapid onset of treatment
is likely to be the most effective method of
reducing psychosis-related violence.


A limitation of this chart review is the lack

of an appropriate comparison group.
Comparison to published rates of violence in
other populations is also problematic. There
are very few studies of violence in children this
young and most focus on predictors of risk (e.g.
carrying a knife or a gun) rather than on the
actual act of violence. If the definition of violence is restricted to actual acts (versus
thoughts or threats), this rate is higher than
that reported for a sample of 9-12 year-olds
being seen in central European pediatric practices; however, given the strong cultural
impact on violence rates,25 this comparison is
difficult to interpret. Thus, while the rates of a
history of violence in this group of children
with schizophrenia are high, it is unclear how
they compare to other groups within this age
This report is a case series with cases identified through a tertiary referral program.
While the referral process focused on clinician
identification of subjects with possible positive
symptoms, an ascertainment bias towards children with violence cannot be ruled out.
Conversely, the information gathering process
focused on clarifying diagnosis and a history of
violence behavior may have been underemphasized and under-reported. Given these limitations, the rates of violent behavior should be
considered an estimate.




ic stress disorder, although a history of trauma

including exposure to abusive situations was
present in approximately 11% of cases. All
cases with a history of abuse also had a history of violence, and there was a non-significant
trend for a history of being the victim of child
abuse to be associated with an increased rate
of violence. That trend was primarily explained
by increased rates of violence towards self;
there were no significant effects of a child
abuse history on rates of severe violence,
internally-driven violence, nor violence
towards others. The percentage of psychotic
subjects who had a history of violence
remained high (above two-thirds) even when
those with a history of child abuse were
removed. When combined with the relatively
low percentage of children in this study with
abuse history, this suggests that child abuse is
not a major cause of violence in children with
Comorbid conduct disorder was identified in
8 (10%) of the children and, consistent with
what has been found in studies of adults with
schizophrenia,21,22 this study identified comorbid conduct disorder as associated with
increased prevalence of severe violence, internally-driven violence, and violence towards
animals. However, because conduct disorder
was relatively infrequent, when children with
conduct disorder were removed, the violence
prevalence rates remained high; the percentage who had committed violence towards others only dropped from 51% to 47% and the percentage who had committed severe violence
only dropped from 31% to 25%. Thus, comorbid
conduct disorder was only a minor contributor
to the overall violence level.
In addition to the rate of violent behavior,
the type of violence seen may provide some
instruction. Frustration intolerance, mood congruent self-harm behavior, and impulsive
response to conflicts with others were present,
but over 2/3 of the children with violence
exhibited internally driven violence, that is
violence that occurred in the absence of any
externally identifiable precursor. Notably, all
cases of severe violence appeared to be violence that occurred independent of any externally identifiable goal or event (internally driven violence). Several authors have suggested
that command hallucinations and a higher perception of threat (paranoid delusions) are a
significant cause of more severe violent behavior in psychotic adults.23,24 A similar relationship, in this child sample, between positive
psychotic symptoms and severe violence is
suggested by the finding that over 80% of the
severe violence episodes in this study occurred
either after recognition of positive psychotic
symptoms or in the year prior (likely during a
prodromal period).

[Mental Illness 2013; 5:e2]

Violence, whether directed towards self or

others, can causes significant morbidity
including altered interaction between the child
and his/her parents, withdrawal of peers, and
potential agency involvement. The frequency,
severity, and unpredictability of violence
demonstrated by these psychotic children suggests a need for greater attention to addressing violence risk in children identified with
psychosis. The attention should occur in both
the clinical and research context.

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