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Harold Katz and Ruth Katz v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Company, 972 F.2d 53, 3rd Cir. (1992)

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972 F.

2d 53

Harold KATZ and Ruth Katz, Appellants,

No. 91-1498.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued Dec. 10, 1991.
Decided Aug. 6, 1992.

Edwin P. Smith (argued), Smith, McEldrew & Levenberg, Philadelphia,

Pa., for appellants.
Warren L. Simpson, Jr. (argued), Rawle & Henderson, Philadelphia, Pa.,
for appellee.
Before: SCIRICA, ALITO and SEITZ, Circuit Judges.
SCIRICA, Circuit Judge.

In this diversity case, Harold and Ruth Katz allege that the Aetna Casualty and
Surety Company intentionally concealed the existence of a liability policy
issued by another insurance company, and that this concealment constituted a
violation of the Pennsylvania Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection
Law and common law fraud. The district court granted summary judgment for
Aetna. We will affirm in part and reverse in part.


Appellant Harold Katz was a passenger in a car being driven by Phyllis

Appelbaum when an unknown motorist ran the car off the road. Katz was
injured, and brought a negligence action against Appelbaum in the Philadelphia
County Court of Common Pleas. At the time of the accident, Appelbaum
owned two insurance policies: Aetna provided $100,000 in liability coverage

and $100,000 in uninsured/underinsured ("UIM") coverage, while Allstate

Insurance Company provided $1,000,000 in excess liability coverage. The
Katzes had $600,000 in UIM coverage from Hartford Insurance Company.

During pre-trial preparation, the Katzes' attorney specifically asked an Aetna

claims officer whether Appelbaum had excess coverage. The claims officer
denied such coverage existed.1 The Katzes then settled their claims against
Appelbaum for the $100,000 liability limit of the Aetna policy, and the state
action was closed.

The Katzes also sought UIM benefits from both Aetna and Hartford. These
insurers agreed to joint arbitration in which Aetna's UIM coverage would be
exhausted first. After two days of arbitration, Aetna told the Katzes about
Appelbaum's $1,000,000 excess liability coverage from Allstate. The
arbitration adjourned to allow the Katzes to reopen their state suit against

After discovery and briefing, the common pleas judge granted the Katzes'
petition to reopen the state suit, finding that: (1) Appelbaum notified Allstate
one or two days after the accident, (2) Allstate knew of the Katzes' claim, (3)
neither the Katzes nor their attorney knew of the Allstate policy when they
settled with Aetna, (4) Allstate knew that the Katzes' attorney did not know of
the Allstate policy, (5) Appelbaum knew that the Katzes neither knew nor had
reason to know of the Allstate policy, and (6) Aetna knew of the Allstate

The Katzes then filed this action in state court, claiming that Appelbaum,
Aetna, and Allstate willfully, intentionally, and fraudulently concealed the
Allstate policy and caused financial and emotional harm. Appelbaum and
Allstate soon settled, and Aetna--the only remaining defendant--removed the
suit to federal district court. Aetna then moved for summary judgment.
Construing the Katzes' complaint to assert a claim under the Pennsylvania
Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law ("the CPL") and a
common law claim for fraud and deceit,3 the district court ruled the Katzes had
no standing to sue under the CPL, and their common law claim was preempted
by the Unfair Insurance Practices Act ("the UIPA"). This appeal followed.4


In this appeal, the Katzes contend that summary judgment for Aetna was
inappropriate because (1) they have standing under the CPL and (2) their

common law fraud claim is viable apart from the UIPA.5

A. CPL Claim

The Pennsylvania Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law

provides a private cause of action to "[a]ny person who purchases or leases
goods or services primarily for personal, family or household purposes and
thereby suffers any ascertainable loss of money or property, real or personal, as
a result of the use or employment by any person of a method, act or practice
declared unlawful" elsewhere in the statute. Pa.Stat.Ann. tit. 73, 201-9.2(a)
(Purdon Supp.1992) (emphasis added). The district court held that because the
Katzes did not purchase the Aetna policy, they lacked standing to bring suit
under the CPL. Nevertheless, the Katzes contend that they may still sue under
the statute if they can prove that they were the intended beneficiaries of the
policy.6 We disagree.7

As we have noted, the statute unambiguously permits only persons who have
purchased or leased goods or services to sue. Pa.Stat.Ann. tit. 73, 201-9.2(a)
(Purdon Supp.1992).8 The private cause of action is also limited to unfair or
deceptive methods, acts, or practices in the conduct of any "trade or
commerce," 201-3, which is defined as "the advertising, offering for sale, sale
or distribution of any services and any property." Id. 201-2. Had the
Pennsylvania legislature wanted to create a cause of action for those not
involved in a sale or lease, it would have done so.9


The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has never addressed the issue before us. Its
only reported decision on the CPL supports the conclusion that a private
plaintiff must at least have purchased or leased goods or services. In
Commonwealth v. Monumental Properties, Inc., 459 Pa. 450, 329 A.2d 812
(1974), the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania alleged that certain landlords
violated the CPL by using form leases that employed archaic and technical
language, included unfair and deceptive provisions, and omitted certain notices
to tenants. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that even though the CPL did
not, at that time, specifically mention leases,10 the statute covered unfair and
deceptive practices related to the leasing of residential housing. The CPL,
commented the court, was enacted to "place on more equal terms seller and
consumer," to remedy "the unequal bargaining power of opposing forces in the
marketplace," and to "ensure the fairness of market transactions." Id. at 816.
The court also commented that the statute was "designed to equalize the market
position and strength of the consumer vis-a-vis the seller." Id.


The Katzes conducted no transaction with Aetna that could fall under the CPL.

They did not purchase or lease goods or services from Aetna or Appelbaum,
201-9.2, or otherwise exchange consideration, nor were they the victims of
unequal bargaining power. There was no commercial bargaining or exchange.

The Katzes, however, contend that the reasoning in Valley Forge Towers S.
Condominium v. Ron-Ike Foam Insulators, Inc., 393 Pa.Super. 339, 574 A.2d
641 (1990), aff'd without opinion, 529 Pa. 512, 605 A.2d 798 (Pa.1992) (per
curiam), supports their position. This contention is mistaken. In Valley Forge
Towers, Ron-Ike Foam Insulators contracted to sell a roofing membrane
manufactured by Mameco to a condominium association. The contract
obligated Ron-Ike to install the roofing membrane, and stated that Mameco
would provide the association with a ten-year warranty. Mameco manufactured
the roof according to specifications in the contract between Ron-Ike and the
association. Ron-Ike installed the roof and Mameco issued the warranty
directly to the association, but two years later the roof began to leak. After
trying unsuccessfully to get the roof repaired, the association sued both Ron-Ike
and Mameco for breach of express and implied warranties, and for violation of
the CPL. In preliminary objections, Mameco asserted that the association was
not a "purchaser" under the CPL because it had not bought the roof from
Mameco. The trial court agreed, holding that the association could not be a
"purchaser" unless it were in strict privity with Mameco.


The Pennsylvania Superior Court reversed, holding that liability under the CPL
extended to "those in privity, those specifically intended to rely upon the
fraudulent conduct, and those whose reasonable reliance was specially
foreseeable." 574 A.2d at 647. In light of this, the court held that the
association's "purchase of the roof from Ron-Ike, which was warranted directly
by Mameco, was a 'purchase' giving rise to liability on the part of Mameco ...
for failure to honor its warranty, notwithstanding the absence of direct privity."
Id. The statute, noted the court, was silent on the issue of privity. Although a
claimant must be a person who makes a purchase for personal, family, or
household purposes and suffers an ascertainable loss, there was no "express
requirement that there be strict technical privity between the party suing and
the party sued." Id. at 645. The court then turned to principles of statutory
construction to help decide whether privity was an element of the statutory
cause of action.


The legislative history of the CPL revealed its purpose was to "substantially
enhance" the remedies available to consumers in cases of unfair or deceptive
business practices. Id. at 646. In the court's view, this weighed heavily against
any requirement that would "hinder the act's remedial effects, or provide a
simple expedient for evasion of its force." Id. The court then noted that the

privity defense had been eroded to the point where a third party plaintiff could
sue a contractor for fraud when the plaintiff was "specifically intended" to rely
on that conduct or when the reasonable reliance of such a third party was
"specially foreseeable." Id. (citing Woodward v. Dietrich, 378 Pa.Super. 111,
548 A.2d 301 (1988)). This was true even under common law, at least in
construction cases. Id. Finally, the court explained that if it were to require
strict privity, disreputable contractors would be able to evade liability, leaving
their reputable counterparts to pay outstanding judgments. Id. at 646-47.

The Katzes argue that a plaintiff who has not purchased or leased goods or
services may nevertheless sue under the CPL if he was specifically intended to
rely on a defendant's conduct and his reasonable reliance was specifically
foreseeable to the defendant. We disagree. Although Valley Forge Towers held
that strict privity is not always an element of the private cause of action, there is
no indication that the court would have extended the private cause of action to a
plaintiff lacking any commercial dealings with the defendant. Indeed, the
plaintiff condominium association contracted to buy a Mameco roof from RonIke, and Mameco followed specifications set forth in that contract and sent the
plaintiff a warranty directly. Here, the Katzes conducted no business
whatsoever with either Appelbaum or Aetna. Aetna's alleged deceit did not
induce the Katzes to buy or conduct some other market transaction. For these
reasons, the Katzes are not "purchasers" for purposes of the CPL. We will
affirm the district court's grant of summary judgment on this claim.

B. Common Law Claim


The district court interpreted the complaint to allege that Aetna committed
common law fraud and deceit, but held that no such claim exists outside of the
Pennsylvania Unfair Insurance Practices Act.11 In reaching its conclusion, the
district court relied on D'Ambrosio v. Pennsylvania Nat'l Mut. Casualty Ins.
Co., 494 Pa. 501, 431 A.2d 966 (1981), where the Pennsylvania Supreme Court
held that the UIPA barred a suit for damages allegedly caused by an insurer's
"bad faith." In a plurality opinion, Justice Roberts, joined by Justices Kauffman
and Wilkinson, wrote that the UIPA already encompassed this action. He
commented that:


There is no evidence to suggest, and we have no reason to believe, that the

system of sanctions established under the [UIPA] must be supplemented by a
judicially created cause of action....


19Surely it is for the Legislature to announce and implement the Commonwealth's

public policy governing the regulation of insurance carriers. In our view, it is equally
for the Legislature to determine whether sanctions beyond those created under the
Act are required to deter conduct which is less than scrupulous.

Id. at 970. The district court interpreted this language to mean that the UIPA
preempted any cause of action beyond those specifically outlined in the statute.
In our view, D'Ambrosio is not so far-reaching.


The two dissenting justices argued that the UIPA did not preempt the new "bad
faith" cause of action because there was no evidence the state legislature
intended to limit remedies available to insureds, and no evidence to support the
majority's assertion that the statute adequately deters bad faith conduct. 431
A.2d at 973 (Larsen, J., dissenting). The dissent intimated that the majority had
reversed an earlier precedent that held that a predecessor to the UIPA did not
preclude individual causes of action. Id. (citing Dozor Agency, Inc. v.
Rosenberg, 403 Pa. 237, 169 A.2d 771 (1961), which interpreted the Unfair
Insurance Practices Act of 1947). Justice Nix, the fourth justice to "join" the
plurality opinion, 431 A.2d at 973, pointed out that the court was not holding
that the UIPA preempted all other causes of action. Rather,

22 addition to the deterrent provisions of the [UIPA], appellant was also in a

position to seek relief under a theory of breach of contract, or by pursuing the
common law of deceit. I do not accept the dissent's implicit premise that these
existent remedies are inadequate to make appellant whole.

Id. at 973-74 (citations omitted) (emphasis added). Justice Nix's holding

represents the controlling view under Pennsylvania law. Borman v. Raymark
Indus., Inc., 960 F.2d 327, 333 (3d Cir.1992). Cf. Planned Parenthood of
Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 947 F.2d 682, 693 (3d Cir.1991) (the
controlling opinion in a splintered decision is that of the United States Supreme
Court Justice or Justices concurring on the narrowest grounds), aff'd, --- U.S. ---, 112 S.Ct. 2791, 120 L.Ed.2d 674 (1992). Therefore, common law fraud and
deceit actions survived enactment of the UIPA.


Our conclusion that these common law actions are not preempted is supported
by recent decisions by the Pennsylvania Superior Court. In Pekular v. Eich, 355
Pa.Super. 276, 513 A.2d 427 (1986), appeal denied, 516 Pa. 635, 533 A.2d 93
(1987), the Pennsylvania Superior Court not only followed Justice Nix's
D'Ambrosio holding, 513 A.2d at 430-31, but found two additional reasons to
permit common law actions to go forward. The court pointed out that the
Pennsylvania Statutory Construction Act of 1974 provides that "[t]he provision

in any statute for a penalty or forfeiture for its violation shall not be construed
to deprive an injured person of the right to recover from the offender damages
sustained by reason of the violation of such statute." Id. at 430 (quoting 1
Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. 1929 (Purdon Supp.1992)). The court also noted that the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court has held that the Unfair Practices Act of 1947-the UIPA's direct ancestor--did not provide the exclusive remedy for fraudulent
conduct by insurers. Id. (citing Dozor Agency, Inc. v. Rosenberg, 403 Pa. 237,
169 A.2d 771 (1961)). Like its predecessor, the UIPA declares that the powers
vested in the Insurance Commissioner by the statute "are additional to any other
powers to enforce any penalties, fines or forfeitures authorized by law with
respect to the methods, acts and practices declared to be unfair and deceptive."
Pa.Stat.Ann. tit. 40, 1171.13 (Purdon 1992). If this language "removed any
doubt" that the Unfair Practices Act of 1947 did not preempt common law
actions, 169 A.2d at 774, then the UIPA could not do the same. Id. at 430. We
find this reasoning convincing, and conclude that neither the UIPA nor
D'Ambrosio bars common law fraud and deceit actions. Accord Wright v.
North Am. Life Assurance Co., 372 Pa.Super. 272, 539 A.2d 434 (1988)
(unfair and deceptive acts covered by the UIPA may also be remedied under
the CPL); Hardy v. Pennock Ins. Agency, Inc., 365 Pa.Super. 206, 529 A.2d
471, 479 (1987) (same). See also Brownell v. State Farm Mut. Ins. Co., 757
F.Supp. 526, 531-32 (E.D.Pa.1991) (same).

Aetna, however, argues that the Katzes assert a claim for bad faith, which
would be prohibited under D'Ambrosio,12 not one for fraud and deceit. A fair
reading of the complaint does not support this interpretation. The Katzes do not
claim that Aetna breached a contractual duty to defend or indemnify, or a
contractual duty of good faith and fair dealing. See Barry R. Ostrager and
Thomas R. Newman, Handbook on Insurance Coverage Disputes 10.01 at
351 (4th ed. 1991). Rather, they allege that Aetna willfully and intentionally
deceived them about Appelbaum's insurance coverage. See Complaint p 9
(accusing Aetna of "fraudulently concealing" certain knowledge from
plaintiffs), p 12 (alleging that Aetna "fraudulently represented that it had
received a general release"), p 13 (alleging that "Aetna continued to
fraudulently represent to plaintiffs that all liability insurance ... had been
exhausted by settlement"), and p 15 (referring to "fraudulent concealment and
misrepresentation"). Moreover, the Katzes specifically disavowed any bad faith
claim in their reply brief and at oral argument. Summary judgment on this
claim was improper.13


For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm the district court's grant of summary

judgment for Aetna on the CPL claim, but will reverse and remand on the
common law fraud and deceit claim.

At her deposition, the claims officer denied being asked about additional
coverage. For purposes of deciding the motion for summary judgment,
however, the district court credited the Katzes' evidence

The Katzes eventually prevailed in arbitration

The Katzes do not dispute the district court's characterization of their claims

Appellate jurisdiction is provided by 28 U.S.C. 1291 (1988)

We exercise plenary review of the district court's grant of summary judgment.

Summary judgment is appropriate if the moving party demonstrates that "there
is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled
to a judgment as a matter of law." Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(c). Although all factual
issues must, for purposes of a motion for summary judgment, be decided in
favor of the non-moving party, United States v. Diebold, Inc., 369 U.S. 654,
655, 82 S.Ct. 993, 994, 8 L.Ed.2d 176 (1962),
[t]he plain language of Rule 56(c) mandates the entry of summary judgment,
after adequate time for discovery and upon motion, against a party who fails to
make a showing sufficient to establish the existence of an element essential to
that party's case, and on which that party will bear the burden of proof at trial.
In such a situation, there can be 'no genuine issue of material fact,' since a
complete failure of proof concerning an essential element of the nonmoving
party's case necessarily renders all other facts immaterial.
Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 322-23, 106 S.Ct. 2548, 2552-53, 91
L.Ed.2d 265 (1986).

Although Aetna contends that this argument was not raised in the district court,
we are unable to verify this assertion. Neither Aetna's motion for summary
judgment nor the Katzes' answer to the motion contains legal argument. The
record does not reveal whether oral argument was heard

Our task is to predict how the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would decide this
case. The decisions of Pennsylvania's intermediate appellate courts, while not
controlling, indicate how the Pennsylvania Supreme Court might decide the
issue. Mazur v. Merck & Co., 964 F.2d 1348, 1353 (3d Cir.1992)

The relevant section of the CPL provides:

Any person who purchases or leases goods or services primarily for personal,
family or household purposes and thereby suffers any ascertainable loss of
money or property, real or personal, as a result of the use or employment by any
person of a method, act or practice declared unlawful [elsewhere in the statute]
may bring a private action, to recover actual damages or one hundred dollars
($100), whichever is greater. The court may, in its discretion, award up to three
times the actual damages sustained, but not less than one hundred dollars
($100), and may provide such additional relief as it deems necessary or proper.
Pa.Stat.Ann. tit. 73, 201-9.2(a) (Purdon Supp.1992).

At least three state trial courts have reached the same conclusion. Lauer v.
McKean Corp., 2 D. & C.4th 394, 395-97 (C.P. Allegheny County 1989);
Edkin v. The Travelers Cos., 3 D. & C.4th 557, 559-60 (C.P. Lycoming County
1988); Bonacci v. S.O.U.L., 11 D. & C.3d 259, 262 (C.P. Philadelphia County


Then, as now, leasing was not expressly included in the general definition of
"any trade or commerce." Pa.Stat.Ann. tit. 73, 201-2 (Purdon 1971). When
the state legislature created the private cause of action in 1976, it amended the
statute to include leasing. Pa.Stat.Ann. tit. 73, 201-9.2 (Purdon Supp.1992)


The UIPA prohibits persons from engaging in "any trade practice which is
defined or determined to be an unfair method of competition or an unfair or
deceptive act or practice in the business of insurance." Pa.Stat.Ann. tit. 40,
1171.4 (Purdon 1992). The statute defines prohibited conduct in great detail. Id.


Because the Katzes have not alleged wrongful conduct occurring after the
effective date of 42 Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. 8371 (Purdon Supp.1992) (effective
July 1, 1990), we need not decide whether this statute provides an independent
bad faith cause of action


The Katzes also appeal the district court's denial of their cross-motion for
summary judgment. Generally, such a denial is not appealable. Forsyth v.
Kleindienst, 599 F.2d 1203, 1207 (3d Cir.1979), cert. denied sub nom.,
Mitchell v. Forsyth, 453 U.S. 913, 101 S.Ct. 3147, 69 L.Ed.2d 997 (1981).
Because the Katzes have not shown how the district court's order "falls within
one of the narrow exceptions to the prohibition against piecemeal appeals," 10
Charles A. Wright, Arthur R. Miller, & Mary Kay Kane, Federal Practice and
Procedure 2715 at 638 (1983), we have no jurisdiction to consider the issues
raised in Part III of their opening brief

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