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United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit

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540 F.

2d 258
76-2 USTC P 9570


UNITED STATES of America, Defendant-Appellee,
Third Party
No. 75-1705.

United States Court of Appeals,

Seventh Circuit.
Argued Jan. 22, 1976.
Decided July 23, 1976.

Frank O. Wetmore II, Chicago, Ill., for appellant.

Scott P. Crampton, Daniel F. Ross, Tax Div., Dept. of Justice,
Washington, D. C., Donald B. Mackay, U. S. Atty., Springfield, Ill., John
Scripp, Milwaukee, Wis., Arthur R. Kingery, Peoria, Ill., Jackson P.
Newlin, Peoria, Ill., for defendant-appellee.
Before FAIRCHILD, Chief Judge, CUMMINGS, and PELL, Circuit
PELL, Circuit Judge.

Two issues are presented for review on this appeal: first, whether the Parkhill
Companies1 were denied due process of law in a trial, and second, whether the

district court erred in sustaining the Government's contention that the assets of
all three companies could be used to satisfy the tax liabilities of one company.

Canadian Parkhill Pipe Stringing, Ltd. (LTD) is a Canadian corporation formed

in about 1951 which has engaged in the business of "stringing" and laying gas
pipe lines in Canada. Canadian Parkhill Pipe Stringing, Inc. (INC), also known
as Parkhill Pipeline Inc. as a result of a name change, is a New York
corporation formed in 1962. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of LTD and was
formed for the purpose of carrying out pipe laying and related projects in the
United States. Canadian Parkhill Construction Equipment, Ltd.
(CONSTRUCTION) is a Canadian corporation formed in 1967. It is also a
wholly owned subsidiary of LTD and was formed for the purpose of owning
and leasing pipe stringing and laying equipment. In 1967 the equipment owned
by LTD was transferred to CONSTRUCTION in keeping with a policy that all
equipment would be owned by CONSTRUCTION and leased to the other
companies as well as to non-affiliated companies. INC rented equipment from
dealers in addition to renting from CONSTRUCTION. Typically the rental
agreements with dealers would contain an option to purchase, and if such an
option was exercised, it would be exercised by CONSTRUCTION. The
purpose of this policy, according to Parkhill's brief, was to take advantage of
certain Canadian tax laws permitting expensing rather than capitalizingdepreciating the amounts involved in the purchases.

H. B. Sceats was at all material times the president of the Parkhill companies
and owned seventy percent of the stock of LTD. The remaining thirty percent
was owned by Richard Leonard, the vice-president. Sceats' office was in
Toronto, Canada, all three Parkhill companies sharing office space, staff, and
equipment and having the same address in Toronto, although only LTD's name
was on the door. Leonard was in charge of the field operations of the
companies and regularly had his office in a field trailer at a project site.

As a result of losses incurred on a pipe laying project for Natural Gas Pipeline
Company in Illinois, INC was unable to pay the third quarter withholding on
wages reported for that period. When Sceats sought further information from
the field offices on the amount of these losses, Leonard would not allow access
to field office records, apparently due to a dispute between them over control of
the company.

For the purpose of raising funds with which to pay the withholding taxes,
$600,000 was borrowed from Avco Delta Corporation Limited (Avco Delta).
This loan was secured by a chattel mortgage executed by CONSTRUCTION,
which company was also listed as debtor on the financing statement. The

security on the mortgage was 29 pieces of heavy construction equipment.

While CONSTRUCTION covenanted that it was the owner of the equipment,
LTD and INC executed a guarantee and indemnity agreement wherein they
agreed to guarantee payment as principal debtors of debts and liabilities of
CONSTRUCTION to Avco Delta as well as indemnifying that company as to
any losses resulting from the transaction. Nevertheless, the taxes were not paid
because the proceeds of the loan were deposited in the Royal Bank of Toronto,
which institution forthwith set off the money against a guarantee of an
obligation of LTD to the bank for previous borrowings, the proceeds of which
had been advanced to INC by LTD as a loan for the Natural Gas Pipeline job.

In February of 1970 the Internal Revenue Service seized all of the equipment
which had been used by INC on the Natural Gas Pipeline job. It also seized
other items located elsewhere in the United States. It served notices of levy
upon Natural Gas Pipeline Company on the retainage it held on the Illinois
project. Other levies made are not involved in this appeal. Pursuant to an
agreement among the parties, the equipment was sold and the proceeds were
placed in escrow.

Litigation emanating from that project has been before this court twice
previously. The first instance arose from the suit of Avco Delta against the
United States and the Parkhill companies in an endeavor to establish priority of
the mortgagee's claim over that of the Government. Avco Delta prevailed in the
district court with the judgment being affirmed here. 459 F.2d 436 (7 Cir.
1972). Avco Delta is no longer an active participant in the litigation. The sale
of the mortgaged equipment, however, produced an excess of some $600,000
over the amount needed to pay off Avco Delta and that excess amount is
involved in the present appeal.

The Parkhill companies urged that they would be denied due process of law in a
trial if the funds levied upon by the United States were not released for their
use to pay counsel and prepare their case because their other funds had been
exhausted.2 The district court in advance or trial ordered funds released. The
second appeal in part involved this issue. This court reversed, 484 F.2d 692,
707 (7th Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 931, 94 S.Ct. 1444, 39 L.Ed.2d 490
(1974), holding:

9 contention that the Government's actions will cause an unfair trial in the future
is . . . capable of determination only after that trial takes place.
.10. . The Government should be on notice, however, that we will carefully scrutinize
any further appeals to see if in fact Parkhill has been denied due process of law by a

constitutionally violative overreaching by the Internal Revenue Service. (Footnote


This court remanded the case for proceedings not inconsistent with its opinion.


On remand, the district court appointed a practicing attorney as a special master

to hear the remaining issues of the case, including the issues of the amount of
tax liability and whether the assets of LTD and CONSTRUCTION could be
used to satisfy the liabilities of INC.


Before the hearing the Government sought to require discovery and to require
the presence of Sceats for that purpose in Illinois. That discovery was refused
by the Parkhill companies on the grounds, inter alia, that the Government
previously had access to all Parkhill records, that there had been suggestion of
criminal proceedings against Sceats about which Government counsel had
refused to answer any questions, and that Parkhill counsel suspected that the
requested presence was a ruse to entice Sceats into the United States so that he
could be arrested and held on criminal charges. During the time prior to the
special master's hearing, counsel who had been regularly representing the
Parkhill companies in this litigation, being the same counsel representing the
companies on this appeal, participated in matters before the district court. The
appearances included the filing of written objections to the Government's
efforts to secure discovery.


Subsequently the Government moved for a default judgment against the

Parkhill companies for failure to comply with the discovery requests. A
response to this motion was filed on behalf of the companies. The district court,
noting the time that had elapsed since the institution of litigation during with
discovery could have been accomplished and also adverting to this court's
caution against overreaching conduct on the part of the Government, denied the
motion for default judgment.


The hearings before the special master commenced on November 20, 1974, and
continued on the following day and November 27 resulting in a 283-page
transcript. The Parkhill companies' counsel declined to participate in this
hearing in any way. Nevertheless, the special master sua sponte did inquire into
some of the Parkhill charges concerning claimed embezzlements. On April 21,
1975, the special master filed a detailed 33 page report3 setting forth his
findings of fact and conclusions of law, but noting that the proceedings were
somewhat less than full adversary hearings as a result of the failure of the
Parkhill companies to participate in them. He also observed that consequently

"this portion of my report (pertaining to tax liability) can be little more than a
rationalization and summary of the evidence presented by the Government."

The report stated that the Government had presented convincing proof of its
charge that the Parkhill companies should be treated as one entity and that
CONSTRUCTION and LTD should be liable for the debts of INC. The special
master found that the Parkhill companies had failed to meet their burden of
proof to overcome the Government's presumption of correctness regarding the
taxes assessed and held that civil fraud penalties were properly assessed. He
made meticulous findings regarding the various deficiencies alleged and
concluded that the Parkhill companies owed taxes, interest and penalties
incurred by INC of $2,470,233.98 plus interest and penalties accruing after
September 23, 1974. The taxes included income tax deficiencies for 1967 and
1968 and withholding and FICA taxes for the third and fourth quarters of 1969.
In accord with this court's earlier holding, the master found that certain
counterdefendants had valid claims against the retainage from the Natural Gas
Pipeline Company job in Illinois. See 484 F.2d at 705. He ruled that after their
claims were satisfied, the balance of the retainage fund, approximately
$143,000, should be paid to the Government. He also held that the Government
was entitled to the proceeds remaining from the sales fund, approximately


Counsel for the Parkhill companies again entered the litigation and filed
extensive and specific objections to the special master's report. The
Government also filed objections to the report particularly with respect to the
master's finding that the Government had presented no satisfactory evidence as
to the precise amount of employment taxes on the Natural Gas Pipeline project.
The district court after consideration of the objections and after hearing oral
argument concluded that the report "is in no sense clearly erroneous in any
particular; but, on the contrary, it is eminently sound in each particular on
which objection or comment has been made, as well as in all other respects, and
that therefore it should be adopted by the court." It further found that no
constitutional rights of any of the Parkhill companies had been violated.
Adopting the report in full, the court entered judgment against the Parkhill
companies, jointly and severally, for $2,577,759.53. This represents the sum
found owing by the master plus interest and penalties which had accrued
through the date of judgment. The funds were ordered disbursed as the master
had reported. The present appeal followed. The Government has not crossappealed.

I. Due Process


Parkhill counsel argues that as a result of the seizure by the Government of the
companies' assets located in the United States, the companies have been unable
to afford to prepare a defense and as a result have been denied due process of
law. The companies cite many cases which hold that a basic requirement of due
process is the right to be heard, although we note that none of these cases
indicate that an indigent corporation has a right to counsel compensated by the
Government in a civil case. The companies also cite cases which hold that a
corporation may only appear in court by counsel; but these are unavailing
because the Parkhill companies have at all times been represented by counsel in
proceedings involving issues of law, such as the present appeal, and they have
not shown that counsel could not have appeared under a similar arrangement at
the hearing on the factual issues. The essence of the companies' argument is
that they lacked funds to conduct discovery and use accounting services
necessary for a defense.


Tax assessments by the Commissioner are presumed correct. Although the

Government has the burden of proving fraud by clear and convincing evidence,
the findings of fraud by the trier of fact must be affirmed unless clearly
erroneous. Estate of Upshaw v. Commissioner, 416 F.2d 737, 740-41 (7th Cir.
1969), cert. denied, 397 U.S. 962, 90 S.Ct. 993, 25 L.Ed.2d 254 (1970). The
taxpayer has the burden to show an assessment is incorrect. United States v.
Lease, 346 F.2d 696 (2d Cir. 1965). A general denial of liability is insufficient
to meet the taxpayer's burden. United States v. Prince, 348 F.2d 746 (2d Cir.
1965). We do not interpret the Supreme Court's decision in Commissioner v.
Shapiro, --- U.S. ----, 96 S.Ct. 1062, 47 L.Ed.2d 278 (1976), as modifying these
general rules so long as the Government shows that its claims have a basis in


When this court remanded this case for trial, it was implicit in our holding that
the Parkhill companies should make a good faith attempt to defend their rights.
484 F.2d at 706-07. The court stated: "The contention that the Government's
actions will cause an unfair trial in the future is still capable of determination
only after that trial takes place." Id. at 707. The opinion in United States v.
Brodson, 241 F.2d 107 (7th Cir. en banc 1957), cert. denied, 354 U.S. 911, 77
S.Ct. 1297, 1 L.Ed.2d 1428, upon which this court relied in remanding,
indicated that a denial of due process claim should not be decided prior to trial
because many factors could cause decision of the issue to become unnecessary.
Inherent in the prematurity holding was the contemplation that a trial would be
held at which the defendants would make all reasonable efforts to defend. The
Parkhill companies did nothing to protect their rights at the hearing.


Our prior holding denying access to the seized funds for use by the Parkhill


Our prior holding denying access to the seized funds for use by the Parkhill
companies for legal and other costs contains no suggestion that a look at the
situation after trial would find an overreaching of constitutional violative
proportions where there was no convincing showing of an effort to take all
reasonably available steps by way of asserting defenses. Here, no doubt, it was
deemed that the picture of lack of fairness of proceedings, or lack of due
process, would be more explicit and dramatic if there was no participation
whatsoever. We find no indication in the record, however, that either the
district court or the special master permitted the Government to gain a victory
on a simple default basis.4 We find no indication that the special master in
conducting the hearing or the district judge in approving the report relieved the
Government of the necessity of proving its case. That doing so may have been
easier for the Government because of lack of opposing counsel does not cause
the resulting trial to lack due process.


The fairness of procedure that is due process is not determined by isolating out
of context one part of the total proceedings by which rights are determined.
Viewing the situation here from that point of view, we are unable to agree with
the Parkhill companies that a reversal is required for the purpose of affording
them an opportunity for participating in a trial. They have already declined that


In their original brief in this court, apparently anticipating a Government

argument, the Parkhill companies stated:

24 Government has suggested that the refusal of Parkhill counsel to participate in

that trial is solely based upon the unwillingness of the lawyers to spend the time
required without assurance of being paid. That clearly is not the case, as has been
demonstrated by the participation of counsel in these proceedings where matters of
law alone are involved.

The only reason which we find suggested for the same "participation of
counsel" not carrying over into the special master's hearing is that there was no
money with which to hire accountants and to engage in discovery. We will have
to have it demonstrated to us, however, that if competent counsel (and there has
been no indication in the present case that the Parkhill companies' counsel was
otherwise than well qualified) participates in a hearing, even though complex
facts are involved, he cannot by dint of cross-examination and objection
demonstrate the frailties of the efforts of the party having the burden of proof,
here the Government. Also, here we note that counsel was no newcomer to the
litigation but presumably would have brought with him during participation in
the hearing a background of information that would have served to
demonstrate, if they existed, the weaknesses of the Government's case. Counsel

did reactivate after the master's report was filed and presented and argued
objections to the district court which rejected them.

In sum, we hold that the Parkhill companies were not denied due process of
law. The companies made the tactical choice not to participate in the hearing
and cannot complain now that they were denied due process. Undoubtedly
many of the companies' difficulties have been caused by the dispute between
the majority and minority shareholders, Mr. Sceats and Mr. Leonard, and by
Mr. Sceats' somewhat understandable reluctance to risk criminal prosecution by
entering the United States to testify and present his version of the events.
Nevertheless, the United States did not cause the dispute between the
shareholders; and the fact that a knowledgeable witness, for reasons
satisfactory to him, declines to testify does not vitiate the proceedings from
which he absented himself.

II. Availability of All Companies' Assets


Some of the items seized by the Government were the property of LTD and
CONSTRUCTION. The Government argues that these assets are available to
satisfy the debts of INC either under a fraudulent transfer theory or upon the
premise that the companies are alter egos of each other. Because of the
conclusion we reach on the alter ego theory, we need not consider the
fraudulent transfer theory.


The Parkhill companies argue that even assuming the findings upon which the
master relied were correct, the Government failed as a matter of law to sustain
its allegation that the companies were alter egos of each other. The basis for this
argument is that the master did not find that the corporations had no business
purpose. The companies rely on cases such as Moline Properties Inc. v.
Commissioner, 319 U.S. 436, 63 S.Ct. 1132, 87 L.Ed. 1499 (1943), and
National Carbide Corporation v. Commissioner, 336 U.S. 422, 69 S.Ct. 726, 93
L.Ed. 779 (1949), as well as others, which hold that for the purpose of
determining taxes, corporate entities may not be disregarded even where a high
degree of control is maintained by one over others if the corporations have a
business purpose. These cases are inapposite because the Commissioner did not
disregard the corporate entities in assessing taxes. The Commissioner argued,
and the lower court found, that the corporate entities could be disregarded for
the purpose of satisfying liabilities. This was not a tax theory but rather was a
theory that was available to any creditor.5


In Steven v. Roscoe Turner Aeronautical Corp., 324 F.2d 157, 160 (7th Cir.
1963), upon which the special master relied, this court stated the elements

which must be present for one corporation to be held liable for the debts of
by the parent to such a degree that the subsidiary has become its mere
instrumentality; fraud or wrong by the parent through its subsidiary, e. g., torts,
violation of a statute or stripping the subsidiary of its assets; and unjust loss or injury
to the claimant, such as insolvency of the subsidiary.

We recently reaffirmed this holding in Bernardin, Inc. v. Midland Oil Corp.,

520 F.2d 771 (7th Cir. 1975). Cf. Berger v. Columbia Broadcasting System,
Inc., 453 F.2d 991, 995 (5th Cir. 1972), cert. denied, 409 U.S. 848, 93 S.Ct. 54,
34 L.Ed.2d 89. This theory has been applied in at least one tax case other than
the present one. In Matter of H. G. Prizant & Co., 69-2 U.S.T.C. P 9592


The master made many findings which properly support his conclusion that the
companies were alter egos. He found that INC and CONSTRUCTION were
wholly owned subsidiaries of LTD; the companies had identical officers and
directors and were operated as one company; their president considered them as
one; the companies had the same offices, the same telephone number, the same
accounting service, the same employees, the same mailing address, and the
same furniture while only LTD's name appeared on the door of the offices;
INC's and CONSTRUCTION's paid-in capital was grossly inadequate; the
companies failed to maintain their respective identities when dealing with third
parties and failed to maintain customary formalities when dealing with each
other; and during the period of 1967 through 1970 the only business of LTD
and CONSTRUCTION was leasing equipment to INC, and neither
CONSTRUCTION nor LTD produced revenues from third parties. These
findings are very similar to the items which this court listed in Turner as factors
which courts generally consider to determine if the requisite degree of control is
being maintained so that one corporation may be considered an instrumentality
of another. 324 F.2d at 161.


Further findings were made from which the special master could properly
conclude that sufficient wrong had been committed for the corporate entities to
be ignored; indeed, the special master concluded: "A gross injustice would be
done if the three Parkhill companies were not treated as one entity." He found
that LTD took title to certain items of equipment although INC apparently paid
the purchase price; the companies' president instructed an attorney by letter to
take such steps as were necessary to show clear title to certain pieces of
equipment in CONSTRUCTION although some of the pieces had been
purchased by INC and some by LTD; sometime after that letter, a bill of sale

was prepared dated March 15, 1968, purporting to transfer certain items of
equipment for the stated consideration of $1.00 and other valuable
consideration;6 one of the items listed on the bill of sale was not manufactured
until sometime in 1969; sometime after the letter a bill of sale dated October 15,
1969, was prepared which purported to convey the equipment listed in the bill
of sale dated March 15, 1968, and four other items to CONSTRUCTION
(From LTD) for the stated consideration of $1.00 and other valuable
consideration; the equipment on the bill of sale dated October 15, 1969,
included equipment purchased by INC which had a market value in excess of
$900,000; the bills of sale dated March 15, 1968, and October 15, 1969, were
not reflected upon any books, records, or tax returns of any of the three
companies; and during the fourth quarter of 1969 INC's liabilities far exceeded
its assets.

In light of these findings, we hold that the special master correctly applied the
standards of Turner and therefore that his conclusion regarding the availability
of the assets of LTD and CONSTRUCTION to satisfy the tax liability of INC
must be upheld.


For the reasons given in this opinion the judgment of the district court is



Canadian Parkhill Pipe Stringing, Ltd.; Canadian Parkhill Construction

Equipment, Ltd.; and Canadian Parkhill Pipe Stringing, Inc

The record is unclear regarding the availability of assets in Canada. The

Parkhill counsel seems to indicate that there are none, but the Government
indicates that there is no evidence showing this

We entertain no feeling that literal length is necessarily equated with figurative

depth. Here, however, our examination of the special master's report does
indicate the existence of the equation

The appellants' argument carried to its logical extreme would seem to exclude
the possibility of default judgments since the defendants in such cases have
been denied a hearing. The prime emphasis, it appears to us, in the due process
context is whether there is an opportunity for a fair hearing

Government counsel would distinguish these theories by calling the former an

alter ego theory and the latter an instrumentality theory. The terminology used

in the cases lacks sufficient uniformity to use this distinction. The distinction
must be drawn on the basis of whether the corporate entities are being
disregarded for the purpose of assessing taxes or for the purpose of collecting

Ordinarily we would attach little or no importance to the use of the "One dollar
and other valuable consideration" phraseology. This is a commonly used
device, without illegitimate connotations, flowing in large part no doubt from a
desire to deprive a curious but non-entitled public of knowledge of what the
actual contractual consideration might be. While we give its use little
significance in the present case, we cannot, in the context of its use, entirely
ignore it

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