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United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.: No. 597, Docket 95-7278

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77 F.

3d 574
19 Employee Benefits Cas. 2916

Stuart GRABOIS, in his fiduciary capacity as Assistant

Director; The New York City District Council of Carpenters
Welfare Fund, Pension Fund, Vacation Fund, Annuity Fund,
Apprenticeship, Journeyman, Retraining, Education and
Industry Fund, and Supplemental Fund, Plaintiffs-Appellees,
Kay JONES, Defendant-Appellant,
Annie Marie JONES, Defendant.
No. 597, Docket 95-7278.

United States Court of Appeals,

Second Circuit.
Argued Dec. 20, 1995.
Decided Feb. 13, 1996.

Before: ALTIMARI, MESKILL and CALABRESI, Circuit Judges.


This appeal from a judgment of the United States District Court for the
Southern District of New York (Griesa, Chief Judge ), came on to be heard on
the record from said district court.

We believe the issue presented in this appeal depends on the resolution of an

unsettled question of New York state law. Therefore, on consideration of the
briefs, appendix, record and the oral argument in this appeal, it is hereby
ordered that the Clerk of the Court transmit to the Clerk of the New York Court
of Appeals a Certificate in the form attached, together with a complete set of the
briefs, appendix and record filed with this Court by the parties. This panel
retains jurisdiction so that, after we receive a response from the New York
Court of Appeals, we may dispose of the appeal.

Certificate to the New York Court of Appeals pursuant to McKinney's Revised

1993 New York Rules of Court 500.17(b) (certification of unsettled questions
of state law).

This dispute requires a determination of how certain union death benefits,

administered by the appellees, should be distributed between two competing
claimants, each of whom asserts an entitlement to the benefits as the surviving
spouse of a deceased union member.

In October 1991, appellant Kay Jones submitted a Death Benefits Application

to the benefit funds, stating that she was the lawful widow of Junior Jones, a
former union member who had died in July 1991. Kay and Junior had been
married on July 6, 1962, according to the marriage certificate that Kay
submitted with her benefits request. The appellees began paying benefits to Kay
on the basis of her claim, and continued to do so until May of 1992, when the
fund administrator received a claim from Annie Marie Jones, stating that she
was the legal widow of Junior Jones. Annie Marie sent a copy of a Certificate
of Marriage attesting that she and Junior had been married in Robersville, North
Carolina on October 16, 1948.1 Annie Marie asserted that the marriage had
never been dissolved, and that Kay was aware of that fact.

Kay and Junior had been married for almost 30 years prior to his death. During
that time, she raised five of Junior's children--three of her own and two of
Annie Marie's, and cared for him and covered expenses during his illness,
which lasted from 1979 until his death in 1991. Although Kay was allegedly
aware of Junior's earlier marriage, there is evidence that she believed that her
marriage was necessarily legal because it had been performed by a New York
judge. And there is no indication that Annie Marie was in any way involved
with Junior, or with her children by Junior, at least since July 6, 1962, the date
of Junior's marriage to Kay.

In 1994, appellees filed an interpleader complaint in the district court, pursuant

to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.
1132(a)(3)(B), (e)(1) and (f), seeking a declaration as to which of the two
claimants was entitled to receive the benefits. Under ERISA, federal courts
apply state law to determine who is the rightful beneficiary of a benefit plan.
Because New York Domestic Relations Law provides that a purported marriage
is void if one of the parties was already legally married, see N.Y.Dom.Rel.Law
6 (McKinney's 1995), the district court found that Kay's marriage to Junior
was void and concluded that she was therefore not entitled to any of Junior's
benefits. The district court accordingly granted summary judgment for the
plaintiffs, ordering the fund administrator to begin paying benefits to Annie

Marie, and further ordering Kay to return those benefit payments she had
already received. Kay appealed to this Court, arguing that the existence of a
previous, undissolved marriage between Junior and Annie Marie should not
eliminate Kay's right to some portion of Junior's death benefits since Kay
married Junior in a formal ceremony, believing in good faith that her marriage
was legal, and her marriage continued until Junior's death.

It is clear that under New York law Kay's marriage to Junior is not legally valid
if Annie Marie's marriage was never dissolved. The question that we certify
here is whether a second spouse whose marriage is void due to the existence of
a prior, undissolved marriage, is nonetheless entitled to some portion of her or
his spouse's death benefits when the second marriage was the result of a formal
ceremony, undertaken in good faith, and the second marriage continued until
the spouse's death.

The Court of Appeals of New York has never addressed this question. In fact,
even those Appellate Division cases that handle somewhat analogous questions
have not squarely considered whether the invalidity of the second marriage
necessarily eliminates a second spouse's claims to all benefits. Several appellate
division cases have considered the appropriate standard a court should employ
when confronted with the claim that a second marriage is invalid because of the
existence of a valid first marriage, and have concluded that the second marriage
carries a presumption of validity. See, e.g., Seidel v. Crown Indus., 132 A.D.2d
729, 517 N.Y.S.2d 310 (3d Dep't 1987); In re Estate of Bihanskyj, 55 A.D.2d
836, 390 N.Y.S.2d 322 (4th Dep't 1976). Where the decision that a second
marriage was invalid would create a substantial injustice, New York courts
have been particularly loath to do so. See Dolan v. Celebrezze, 381 F.2d 231,
236-38 (2d Cir.1967) (Friendly, J.) (canvassing New York cases and noting that
the presumption favoring the validity of the second marriage varies its force
with the attendant facts and circumstances).


Thus, while New York decisions evince a reluctance to find a second marriage
void where such a finding will result in an apparent injustice, New York law
has not established whether the injustice that is created by holding the second
marriage void may also be ameliorated by the application of a rule that would,
under appropriate circumstances, recognize an entitlement to some benefits on
the part of the second spouse, even where the second marriage is found to be


Such an ameliorative rule applies in other jurisdictions. For example, the

Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act, directly adopted by at least four states,2
provides that a "person who has cohabited with another to whom he is not

legally married in the good faith belief that he was married to that person is a
putative spouse" and that "rights acquired by a putative spouse do not
supersede the rights of the legal spouse ... but the court shall apportion
property, maintenance, and support rights among the claimants as appropriate
in the circumstances and in the interests of justice." Unif. Marriage & Divorce
Act 209 (1973).3

Similarly, this Court, when presented with somewhat analogous circumstances- involving, however, the interpretation of federal laws--has found that a second
spouse whose marriage was undertaken in good faith retains a right to some
benefits, even in the face of a competing claim by the first--and, under
applicable state law, explicitly the legal--spouse. See Capitano v. Secretary of
Health & Human Serv., 732 F.2d 1066 (2d Cir.1984); Kirkland v. Railroad
Retirement Bd., 706 F.2d 99 (2d Cir.1983); Rosenberg v. Richardson, 538 F.2d
487 (2d Cir.1976).


In Capitano and Rosenberg, this Court considered the appropriate application of

a provision of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 416(h)(1)(B), which allows
for benefits to be paid to the widow of a second marriage, under certain
circumstances, even where that marriage is void under the relevant state law.
First, we observed that some states (for example, California, see Estate of
Ricci, 201 Cal.App.2d 146, 19 Cal.Rptr. 739 (1962)) granted validity to a
second marriage undertaken in good faith, and that in those states a putative
spouse had always been entitled to at least a portion of the benefits. See
Capitano, 732 F.2d at 1068. But, in states where a second marriage was
rendered void by a pre-existing, valid first marriage, even widows of marriages
undertaken in good faith were automatically cut out of any entitlement to
benefits under the old version of the Social Security Act. See id; Rosenberg,
538 F.2d at 489. We then noted that Congress chose to "remedy th[e] evil"
created when "women, whose husbands paid social security taxes for years,
found themselves ineligible for the benefits intended for them, because
marriages contracted in good faith were subsequently found invalid."
Rosenberg, 538 F.2d at 489. It did so by granting benefits to the second spouse
where she "in good faith went through a marriage ceremony," but only where
the legal first spouse had not appeared to claim the benefits. 42 U.S.C. 416(h)
(1)(B); see also Capitano, 732 F.2d at 1069-70. Capitano and Rosenberg,
however, involved situations in which both a first and a second wife had filed
benefit claims as widows of an insured beneficiary. Despite the strong statutory
language to the effect that a second wife loses her statutory right to Social
Security benefits as soon as the legal widow comes forward to claim those
benefits, 42 U.S.C. 416(h)(1)(B), this Court interpreted the Act to allow each
woman a certain level of recovery, so long as the total recovery did not exceed

the amount that would have been payable to a single claimant. See Capitano,
732 F.2d at 1069-70 (affirming the interpretation, as set forth originally in
Rosenberg, 538 F.2d at 487).

Kirkland involved the interpretation of a provision of the Railroad Retirement

Act, 45 U.S.C. 231a(d)(4), which itself incorporates 42 U.S.C. 416(h)(1)
(B). Again this Court, in considering the claims of a second spouse, applied the
equitable principle that, although the total payments made should not exceed
those provided for a single claimant, the available benefits should be divided
between the two claimants. See Kirkland, 706 F.2d at 104.


What these cases and the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act make clear is that
some jurisdictions do not make the invalidity of a second marriage
determinative of the appropriate division of benefits between two surviving
putative spouses. New York has not addressed this question. Given the concern
evinced by the New York courts about the injustice that can be created by
holding a second marriage to be void, we are uncertain as to whether the Court
of Appeals, a) would follow a rule analogous to that provided in the Uniform
Marriage and Divorce Act, or to that articulated in this Court's interpretation of
federal benefits laws, or b) would, instead, give full benefits to the "legal"
widow, however tenuous her ultimate relationship to the deceased. In the
absence of any controlling precedent, we are reluctant to decide the question.
We do recognize, however, that the unsettled question here presented may not
arise with sufficient frequency to justify the acceptance of this certification. In
that event, we will of course resolve the issue ourselves.


We certify the question because--although it may not be a situation likely to

arise with much frequency--for individuals, like Kay Jones and Annie Marie
Jones, who are involved in disputes of this sort, the stakes are very high.
Moreover, the resolution of this question is important so that benefit fund
administrators, confronted with circumstances such as those presented here,
may have a clearly settled rule in cases involving competing claims of


Because benefit disputes are now generally controlled by ERISA, and hence
almost always are tried in the federal courts, see 29 U.S.C. 1132(e)(1)
(providing for nearly exclusive federal jurisdiction over ERISA disputes), the
New York Court of Appeals is unlikely to be able to consider the question
presented by this case on review of a New York court decision. Thus, not only
will this question not be presented to the Court of Appeals except through
certification, but since federal courts will most often be the courts called upon
in such cases, these courts will continue to apply an uncertain New York law,

unless the question is settled through certification.


The foregoing question is hereby certified to the Court of Appeals for the State
of New York as ordered by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second

Annie Marie apparently submitted two different marriage certificates to the

benefits fund. The certificate introduced in May 1992 listed her name as Annie
Marie Matthews. In January 1993, when Annie Marie submitted a formal Death
Benefits Application, she provided a different marriage certificate, giving her
maiden name as Annie Marie Andrews

See Colo.Rev.Stat. 14-2-111 (1995); Ill.Ann.Stat. ch. 750, p 5/305 (SmithHurd 1995); Minn.Stat. 518.055 (1994); Mont.Code Ann. 40-1-404 (1994)

We are not suggesting, of course, that the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act
applies in New York. The Act does indicate, however: a) that a determination
of the invalidity of a marriage does not automatically settle the question--as to
which New York courts have not spoken--of the allocation of benefits; and b)
that at least some jurisdictions, and the drafters of the uniform act, do not
consider an apportionment under such circumstances to be administratively

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