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Ten Healthy Tips (English) PDF

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Do you remember when you learned to ride a bike?

The most important part was getting the balance right.
Once you could balance easily, the pedals could turn
smoothly, to drive the wheels and get the bike moving.
The same thing is true when it comes to choosing our
food. Once we have learned to carefully balance the
amounts and types of foods eaten, all the organs in
the body will function smoothly and the body will
work efciently.
Following these ten tips will help you stay t and
healthy. Its as easy as riding a bike, once youve got
the balance right!

14 24-33 14-23

You need to make

a few changes
to improve
your score.

You are making good

choices to give you a healthy
diet for the future. Well done.

A good effort, but

could do better.

Turn the pages of this booklet to answer

questions about your diet and lifestyle,
and learn healthy tips as you go.
Check your score: do you choose a
healthy diet? Choose the answer that
most closely matches your diet and
lifestyle, take a pen and a piece of
paper and write your answers.

1. Every day you have:

b. Only fruit juice


a. 3 points
b. 1 point
c. 0 points

a. 2 points
b. 3 points
c. 0 points

a. 3 points
b. 2 points
c. 1 point

a. 3 points
b. 1 point
c. 0 points

a. 3 points
b. 0 points

a. 1 point
b. 0 points
c. 3 points

a. 2 points
b. 1 point
c. 3 points

a. 1 piece of fruit

c. More than 2 pieces of fruit

a. 0 points
b. 3 points
c. 3 points

a. 3 points
b. 1 point
c. 0 points

a. 1 point
b. 3 points
c. 2 points

a. 3 points
b. 0 points
c. 2 points


Food is fun Enjoy your food
Sharing a meal with family and friends at home or at
school is a great way to enjoy food. It is fun to see
other peoples choice of food what do your friends
eat? Do you try different foods every day? Check out
your lunch box or dinner plate. How many different
kinds of fruit and vegetables can you spot?

2. At breakfast time you have:

Get moving! Be active every day

a. Just a drink (milk, juice, tea)

Just like a bike may become rusty if it is not used for

some time, our muscles and bones need to be kept
moving too. Activity is needed to keep your heart
healthy and your bones strong. It can also be good
fun. Try to include some form of activity every day:
it may be just walking to school and running up the
stairs. However, games like skipping and football at
break times are good for giving the body a workout.
Swimming is a particularly good sport for keeping
you healthy.

b. Nothing at all
c. Bread or cereal with fruit and milk

10. How do you travel to school?

Breakfast is a very important meal

a. By foot or by bicycle

Just like cars, buses and trains cannot run without

fuel, our bodies need energy to work. Especially after
a nights sleep, energy levels are low. So, whether you
are off to school, or out and about at the weekend,
start the day with breakfast. Plenty of carbohydrates
is just the ticket: try toast or bread, or cereal with milk,
fruit or yoghurt.

b. By bus (have to walk to and from bus stop)

c. By car

11. You are active outdoors

or in a sports club:
a. As much as possible everyday
b. Only occasionally
c. I dont like being active

3. You eat a burger, chips, fried
chicken, or pizza:

Care for those teeth! Brush your

teeth at least twice a day

a. No more than once a week

Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Eating foods high

in sugar or starches too often during the day can play
a part in tooth decay. So dont nibble foods and sip
drinks all day long! Sugar-free chewing gum can help
you keep your teeth healthy. However, the best way
to keep a nice smile is to brush your teeth twice a day
with uoride toothpaste. Also, after brushing your teeth
at bedtime, dont eat any food, or drink anything
but water!

b. Every day

9. How often do you add sugar
to your meals?

Eat different foods every day,

variety is the recipe for health

a. Rarely (less than once a week)

You need over 40 different nutrients (such as vitamins

and minerals) every day for good health. Since there is
no single food that contains them all, it is important to
balance your daily choices. In fact there are no good
or bad foods, so you do not need to miss out on the
foods you enjoy. The best way to make sure you get
the right balance is to eat a wide variety of foods
each day.

b. Frequently throughout the day

c. About once a day

4. Do you eat bread, pasta,
potatoes, rice, or cereals
every day?
a. Yes, but no whole grains
b. Yes, and sometimes I eat whole grain, too
c. No

Quench your thirst. Drink plenty

of liquids
Did you know that more than half of your weight is
just water? So as well as giving your body all the food
it needs each day to keep healthy, you need at least
5 glasses of liquids a day. It is particularly important
if the weather is very hot or if you have done lots of
exercise, to have plenty to drink. Usually but not
always your body will tell you this, by making you
feel thirsty. Plain water is great of course; you can
try tap water or mineral water, plain or avoured,
sparkling or non-sparkling. Fruit juices, tea, soft
drinks, milk and other drinks, can all be okay
from time to time.

8. Every day you drink:
a. Only zzy juice
b. A variety of drinks (water, tea, milk, fruit juice)
c. Lots of water

Which group would you tip for

the top? Base your food on
About half the calories in your diet should come from
carbohydrate foods, such as cereals, rice, pasta,
potatoes and bread, so it is a good idea to include
at least one of these at every meal. Try whole grain
bread, pasta and other cereals to give you extra bre.
Have you tried baking your own bread? Its good fun
and smells wonderful!

5. Every day you eat:
a. 2-3 servings of vegetables (raw or cooked)
b. One serving of vegetables
c. No vegetables

Snack attack! Eat regularly and

choose a variety of snacks
Even if you eat regular meals during the day, there
will still be times in between that you feel hungry,
especially if you have been very physically active.
Snacks can ll the gap, but should not be eaten
in place of meals, only as an extra. There are lots
of different snacks available. Your choice may be
yoghurt, a handful of fresh or dried fruits, sticks of
vegetables like carrots and celery, unsalted nuts or rice
crackers, or perhaps a slice of fruit loaf or some bread
with cheese. Occasionally, you may prefer crisps and
other packet snacks, a chocolate bar, a piece of cake
or biscuits. Whichever snack you enjoy, remember it is
always good to include a variety of different types to
keep things in balance.

7. In the afternoon, your favourite
snack is:
a. Fruit
b. Yoghurt
c. Chocolate biscuits

Gimme ve! Eat fruits and

vegetables with each meal and
as tasty snacks!
Fruits and vegetables are among the most important
foods for giving us enough vitamins, minerals and
bre. We should all try to eat at least 5 servings a day.
For example, a glass of fruit juice at breakfast, perhaps
an apple and banana as snacks and two vegetables
at meal times. Then you have already reached your
total. How many different kinds can you spot in the
supermarket? Why not try some new ones?

6. What would be your sandwich
of choice?

Fat facts. Too much fat is not

good for your health

a. Thick butter and jam or

chocolate spread

Eating too many of those fatty foods (such as fried

potatoes, fried meats and sausages, pies and
pastries) might not be so good for your body. Also go
easy on fat spreads such as butter and margarines.
Although we need some fats to get all the nutrients we
need, it is better for our health if we dont eat too much
of these foods and get knocked off balance. So, if you
have a high-fat lunch, see if you can have a low-fat
dinner at home.

b. Lean ham, tuna or chicken

and salad
c. Cheese

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