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Climate Change and Marine Top Predators

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EDITED BY: Morten Frederiksen and Tore Haug
PUBLISHED IN: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

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ISSN 1664-8714
ISBN 978-2-88919-736-1
DOI 10.3389/978-2-88919-736-1

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January 2016 | Climate Change and Marine Top Predators


Topic Editors:
Morten Frederiksen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Tore Haug, Institute of Marine Research, Norway

Humpback whales and black-legged kittiwakes feeding on capelin in the Barents Sea (Photo: Kjell-Arne
Fagerheim, Institute of Marine Research, Norway)

Climate change affects all components of marine ecosystems. For endothermic top predators,
i.e. seabirds and marine mammals, these impacts are often complex and mediated through
trophic relationships. In this Research Topic, leading researchers attempt to identify patterns
of change among seabirds and marine mammals, and the mechanisms through which climate
change drives these changes.
Citation: Frederiksen, M., Haug , T., eds. (2016). Climate Change and Marine Top Predators.
Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-736-1

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

January 2016 | Climate Change and Marine Top Predators

Table of Contents


Editorial: Climate Change and Marine Top Predators

Morten Frederiksen and Tore Haug
08 Seabirds and climate: Knowledge, pitfalls, and opportunities
Daniel Oro
20 Adlie penguins coping with environmental change: Results from a natural
experiment at the edge of their breeding range
Katie M. Dugger, Grant Ballard, David G. Ainley, Phil OB. Lyver and Casey Schine
32 Predicting responses of the Adlie penguin population of Edmonson Point to
future sea ice changes in the Ross Sea
Tosca Ballerini, Giacomo Tavecchia, Francesco Pezzo, Stphanie Jenouvrier and
Silvia Olmastroni
43 A changing distribution of seabirds in South Africathe possible impact of
climate and its consequences
Robert J. M. Crawford, Azwianewi B. Makhado, Philip A. Whittington,
Rod M. Randall, W. Herman Oosthuizen and Lauren J. Waller
54 Are arrival date and body mass after spring migration influenced by large-scale
environmental factors in a migratory seabird?
K. Lesley Szostek, Sandra Bouwhuis and Peter H. Becker
66 Climate and changing winter distribution of alcids in the Northwest Atlantic
Richard R. Veit and Lisa L. Manne
75 There is more to climate than the North Atlantic Oscillation: A new perspective
from climate dynamics to explain the variability in population growth rates of a
long-lived seabird
Michel d. S. Mesquita, Kjell E. Erikstad, Hanno Sandvik, Robert T. Barrett,
Tone K. Reiertsen, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Kevin I. Hodges and Jrgen Bader
89 Skipped breeding in common guillemots in a changing climate: Restraint or
Thomas E. Reed, Mike P. Harris and Sarah Wanless
102 The role of climate and food availability on driving decadal abundance patterns
of highly migratory pelagic predators in the Bay of Biscay
Maite Louzao, Isabel Afn, Mara Santos and Tom Brereton
114 Climate change and the increasing impact of polar bears on bird populations
Jouke Prop, Jon Aars, Brd-Jrgen Brdsen, Sveinn A. Hanssen, Claus Bech,
Sophie Bourgeon, Jimmy de Fouw, Geir W. Gabrielsen, Johannes Lang, Elin Noreen,
Thomas Oudman, Benoit Sittler, Lech Stempniewicz, Ingunn Tombre, Eva Wolters
and Brge Moe

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

January 2016 | Climate Change and Marine Top Predators

126 Anthropogenic flank attack on polar bears: Interacting consequences of climate

warming and pollutant exposure
Bjrn M. Jenssen, Gro D. Villanger, Kristin M. Gabrielsen, Jenny Bytingsvik,
Thea Bechshoft, Tomasz M. Ciesielski, Christian Sonne and Rune Dietz
133 A review of the battle for food in the Barents Sea: Cod vs. marine mammals
Bjarte Bogstad, Harald Gjster, Tore Haug and Ulf Lindstrm
150 Recent changes in distribution and relative abundance of cetaceans in the
Norwegian Sea and their relationship with potential prey
Leif Nttestad, Bjrn A. Krafft, Valantine Anthonypillai, Matteo Bernasconi,
Lise Langrd, Herdis L. Mrk and Anders Fern
161 Distribution, abundance, and feeding ecology of baleen whales in Icelandic
waters: Have recent environmental changes had an effect?
Gsli A. Vkingsson, Daniel G. Pike, Hinn Valdimarsson, Anna Schleimer,
Thorvaldur Gunnlaugsson, Teresa Silva, Bjarki . Elvarsson, Bjarni Mikkelsen,
Nils ien, Genevive Desportes, Valur Bogason and Philip S. Hammond

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

January 2016 | Climate Change and Marine Top Predators

published: 02 December 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00136

Editorial: Climate Change and Marine

Top Predators
Morten Frederiksen 1* and Tore Haug 2

Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark, 2 Institute of Marine Research, Troms, Norway

Keywords: climate, marine mammals, seabirds

Edited by:
Klaus D. Joehnk,
Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation,
Reviewed by:
Elvira S. Poloczanska,
Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation,
Morten Frederiksen
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Interdisciplinary Climate Studies,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Received: 06 October 2015
Accepted: 19 November 2015
Published: 02 December 2015
Frederiksen M and Haug T (2015)
Editorial: Climate Change and Marine
Top Predators.
Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:136.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00136

Climate is one of the main structuring forces in natural ecosystems (Richardson and Schoeman,
2004), and anthropogenic climate change is regarded as an important driver of changes in the
range and abundance of species as well as community composition, not least in marine ecosystems
(Poloczanska et al., 2013). There are two overall mechanisms by which climate change can affect
range and abundance of a species (Thomas, 2010): direct physiological effects, and indirect trophic
effects mediated by other species. Understanding to what extent and through which mec anisms
climate change affects particular species is one of the main challenges facing ecologists. In this
collection of papers, researchers take a variety of approaches to the study of climate change impacts
on marine birds and mammals, ranging from documentation of large-scale patterns, through
quantification of impacts on vital rates, to detailed mechanistic studies of changing behavior, and
physiological effects.
The first paper in this collection (Oro, 2014) describes the challenges involved in studying
the impacts of climate change on seabirds, and critically evaluates the existing literature. One
of the central issues identified in this paper is that reliance on single climate indices for
describing changes in complex ecosystems may result in biased predictions. The remaining papers
both illustrate some of these challenges, and contain pointers to ways in which they can be
Measuring climatic variation on a scale that makes sense in relation to the study organism
is complex. In a cross-disciplinary paper, Mesquita et al. (2015) illustrate how methods from
climatology can help identify ecologically meaningful covariates of population change, in this case
of common guillemots (Uria aalge) in northern Norway. Distinguishing impacts of climate from
other drivers is important and often difficult. Crawford et al. (2015) examine changes in distribution
of several seabirds in South Africa, and conclude that reactions to fisheries dominate those to
Most climate-related seabird studies have focused on the breeding colonies, while relatively
few have examined changes in staging or wintering populations. Two papers examine respectively
wintering alcids off Massachusetts (Veit and Manne, 2015) and staging shearwaters in the Bay of
Biscay (Louzao et al., 2015). Both show species-dependent relationships between large-scale climate
and the occurrence of seabirds in these areas.
Climate warming may both enhance poleward expansion of temperate species from lower
latitudes and change the distribution of resident species at higher latitudes. This may present
challenges both for newcomers and residents. Cod (Gadus morhua) abundance has increased, and
its range has extended northwards in the Barents Sea in recent years. One implication of this is
a new overlap of feeding grounds with harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and minke whales
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata), two other important top predators in the area. Bogstad et al. (2015)
demonstrate that both these mammal species have exhibited declines in body condition in recent
years, and competition for food with the increasing cod stock is suggested as a possible explanation.
Significant changes in the distribution and abundance of several cetacean species during recent
decades has been shown both in Icelandic and adjacent waters (Vkingsson et al., 2015) and in the
Norwegian Sea (Nttestad et al., 2015). Both papers illustrate that whale species have the capability

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

December 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 136 | 5

Frederiksen and Haug

Climate and Marine Top Predators

to rapidly perform shifts in distribution and abundance patterns

strongly associated with adaptive search behavior in relation to
both changing levels of abundance of their prey and increased
sea surface temperatures.
Two papers investigate the impact of changes in sea ice on
vital rates and population trends of Adlie penguins (Pygoscelis
adeliae). One study documents complex long-term trophic
effects (Ballerini et al., 2015), while the other shows strong
impacts of stochastic events, viz. very large icebergs blocking
access to foraging areas (Dugger et al., 2014). In both cases,
the impacts on demography and population dynamics were
Climate-related changes in demography as well as population
and range dynamics are mediated by behavioral and physiological
mechanisms. Two long-term studies on colonial birds illustrate
the complexity of these links between climate, behavior and
demography. In common terns (Sterna hirundo), Szostek et al.
(2015) find that arrival date and mass at the breeding colony
were related to climatic conditions and food availability in
wintering and staging areas, but that age groups differed
in their reaction to climate. Reed et al. (2015) show that
the probability of skipping breeding in common guillemots
was higher after warm winters, and that individuals differed
in both mean skipping propensity and their response to
Behavioral reactions of one species to climatic change may
lead to cascading effects on other species. Prop et al. (2015)
show that the occurrence of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) on
land during summer in Svalbard and Greenland has increased
as sea ice cover has decreased, and that this has led to increased

predation on ground-nesting colonial birds. Staying with polar

bears, loss of sea ice, and reduced access to prey is likely to result
in prolonged fasting periods with subsequent increases of tissue
concentrations of persistent organic pollutants. In a perspective
paper, Jenssen et al. (2015) suggest increased focus on potential
population effects of such increases in pollutant exposure, and to
consider such effects in addition to the effects of climate-induced
habitat loss.
Overall, these papers illustrate the complexities both of the
ways that climate change can impact marine top predators, and
of the approaches taken to study this important subject. Research
in this field is progressing rapidly, and innovative collaborations
with neighboring disciplines are increasingly being used to good
effect. Among the remaining challenges, the prediction of future
changes in populations and communities still looms large, and
success in this endeavor will depend on continual development
of new collaborative approaches.


Mesquita, M. d. S., Erikstad, K. E., Sandvik, H., Barrett, R. T., Reiertsen, T. K.,
Anker-Nilssen, T., et al. (2015). There is more to climate than the North
Atlantic Oscillation: a new perspective from climate dynamics to explain the
variability in population growth rates of a long-lived seabird. Front. Ecol. Evol.
3:43. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00043
Nttestad, L., Krafft, B., Anthonypillai, V., Bernasconi, M., Langrd, L.,
and Fern, A. (2015). Observations of shifts in cetacean distribution
in the Norwegian Sea. Front. Ecol. Evol. 2:83. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.
Oro, D. (2014). Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls and opportunities. Front.
Ecol. Evol. 2:79. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00079
Poloczanska, E. S., Brown, C. J., Sydeman, W. J., Kiessling, W., Schoeman, D. S.,
Moore, P. J., et al. (2013). Global imprint of climate change on marine life. Nat.
Clim. Change 3, 919925. doi: 10.1038/nclimate1958
Prop, J., Aars, J., Brdsen, B.-J., Hanssen, S. A., Bech, C., Bourgeon,
S., et al. (2015). Climate change and the increasing impact of polar
bears on bird populations. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:33. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.
Reed, T., Harris, M., and Wanless, S. (2015). Skipped breeding in common
guillemots in a changing climate: restraint or constraint? Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:1.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00001
Richardson, A. J., and Schoeman, D. S. (2004). Climate impacts on plankton
ecosystems in the Northeast Atlantic. Science 305, 16091612. doi:
Szostek, K. L., Bouwhuis, S., and Becker, P. H. (2015). Are arrival date and
body mass after spring migration influenced by large-scale environmental
factors in a migratory seabird? Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:42. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.

Ballerini, T., Tavecchia, G., Pezzo, F., Jenouvrier, S., and Olmastroni, S. (2015).
Predicting responses of the Adlie penguin population of Edmonson Point
to future sea ice changes in the Ross Sea. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:8. doi:
Bogstad, B., Gjster, H., Haug, T., and Lindstrm, U. (2015).
A review of the battle for food in the Barents Sea: Cod vs.
marine mammals. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:29. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.
Crawford, R. J. M., Makhado, A. B., Whittington, P. A., Randall, R. M.,
Oosthuizen, W. H., and Waller, L. J. (2015). A changing distribution
of seabirds in South Africathe possible impact of climate and
its consequences. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:10. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.
Dugger, K. M., Ballard, G., Ainley, D. G., Lyver, P. O. B., and Schine, C. (2014).
Adlie penguins coping with environmental change: results from a natural
experiment at the edge of their breeding range. Front. Ecol. Evol. 2:68. doi:
Jenssen, B. M., Villanger, G. D., Gabrielsen, K. M., Bytingsvik, J., Bechshft,
T. ., Ciesielski, T. M., et al. (2015). Anthropogenic flank attack
on polar bears: interacting consequences of climate warming and
pollutant exposure. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:16. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.
Louzao, M., Afn, I., Santos, M., and Brereton, T. (2015). The role of climate
and food availability on driving decadal abundance patterns of highly
migratory pelagic predators in the Bay of Biscay. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:90. doi:

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

MF and TH co-wrote this editorial.

We thank the authors of the papers included in this Research
Topic for their excellent contributions, and the organizers of
the ICES Annual Science Conference in 2014 for giving us the
opportunity to put together an interesting set of talks, which later
developed into this Research Topic.

December 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 136 | 6

Frederiksen and Haug

Thomas, C. D. (2010). Climate, climate change and range boundaries. Divers.

Distrib. 16, 488495. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2010.00642.x
Veit, R. R., and Manne, L. L. (2015). Climate and changing winter
distribution of alcids in the Northwest Atlantic. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:38.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00038
Vkingsson, G. A., Pike, D. G., Schleimer, A., Valdimarsson, H., Gunnlaugsson,
T., Silva, T., et al. (2015). Distribution, abundance and feeding ecology
of baleen whales in Icelandic waters: have recent environmental
changes had an effect? Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:6. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

Climate and Marine Top Predators

Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was
conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Copyright 2015 Frederiksen and Haug. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use,
distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal
is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or
reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

December 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 136 | 7



published: 08 December 2014

doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00079

Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls, and

Daniel Oro *
Population Ecology Group, Institut Mediterrani dEstudis Avanats, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas - Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Esporles,

Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen, Aarhus
University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Katie M. Dugger, Oregon State
University, USA
Christophe Barbraud, Centre
National de la Recherche
Scientifique, France
Daniel Oro, Institut Mediterrani
dEstudis Avanats, Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones
Cientificas - Universidad de las Islas
Baleares, Miquel Marques 21,
Esporles 07190, Mallorca, Spain

As a physical driver of ecosystem functioning, it is not surprising that climate influences

seabird demography and population dynamics, generally by affecting food availability.
However, if we zoom in ecologically, seabirds are in fact very heterogeneous, ranging
in size from very small to very large species (with a difference of more than two
orders of magnitude in body weight), from planktivorous forms to predators of large
fish and squid, from benthic to pelagic, from species with small foraging ranges to
species feeding throughout the whole circumpolar region, and from resident species (at a
spatial mesoscale) to trans-equatorial migrating seabirds that travel large distances across
several oceanographic systems. Due to this high variability and the difficulty in obtaining
direct reliable estimates of long-term food availability, global climatic indices have been
extensively used in studying seabird demography and population dynamics. However, the
use made by researchers of these indices has certain conceptual and methodological
pitfalls, which I shall address in this review. Other factors, such as anthropogenic impacts
(including oil-spills and interaction with fisheries), may further alter or confound the
association between climate and seabird demography. These pitfalls and environmental
noise, together with the inability to incorporate resilience, may bias our predictions
regarding the future impact of global warming on seabirds, many of which have vulnerable
Keywords: predictive models, resilience, methodological bias, evolution, global change, climate, seabirds

A search performed in June 2014 using the words climate &
seabird in the ISI Web of Science resulted in 946 items. Even
though some of those items dealt with other marine organisms
or were focused on some related issues (such as oceanographic
processes), that result represents a large number of scientific contributions on the topic of how climate may influence seabird
ecology. The influence of climate on marine organisms has been
extensively studied in seabirds because, compared to most other
species (except some marine mammals such as seals and sealions), their demography and population dynamics can be easily
monitored in breeding colonies.
Up to the 90s, the changes in demographic parameters and
population size in seabirds were explored mostly in relation to
intrinsic features of the colonies such as their size or the presence of predators (Hunt et al., 1986). The effects of climate
(mostly in the form of oceanographic indices) on seabird ecology were seldom analyzed in those years (Myres, 1979), and
research efforts were addressed mostly to determining the distribution of seabirds at sea (Abrams, 1985). The influence of
oceanographic features was outlined especially when extreme
and anomalous events occurred (such as cyclones or El NioSouthern Oscillation (ENSO) years (e.g., Blomqvist and Peterz,
1984; Graybill and Hodder, 1985), whereas some pioneering studies dealt with the relationship between climatic events and seabird
mortalities (La Cock, 1986). In the 90s some papers started to

highlight the potential impact of climate warming on seabirds

(Burger, 1990; Brown, 1991; Duffy, 1993) and the role played
by climate on bottom-up control mechanisms, food availability
and its effects on seabird population dynamics (Crawford, 1991;
Ainley et al., 1994). Nevertheless, it was not until the end of
the 90s that the literature on climate and seabirds exponentially
increased (Montevecchi and Myers, 1997; Guinet et al., 1998;
Lyver et al., 1999) (see Figure 1) and that the first paper relating climate and adult survival of a seabird appeared using reliable
and robust quantitative methods (Barbraud et al., 2000). That
exponential phase was likely the result of the increasing interest
of the scientific community about climate change in the ecological literature during those years, together with the appearance
of new statistical tools and the improvement of computational
power (Figure 1) (Green et al., 2005).
Given that previous papers have recently reviewed thoroughly the state-of-the-art knowledge on seabirds and climate
(Schreiber, 2002; Barbraud et al., 2012; Sydeman et al., 2012;
Jenouvrier, 2013; Quillfeldt and Masello, 2013), here I shall concentrate on more conceptual issues, knowledge gaps and pitfalls
typical of the studies dealing with how climate influences the
ecology of seabirds.


It is no surprise that bottom-up control in marine ecosystems
exerted by oceanographic drivers, which is mostly controlled by
December 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 79 | 8


FIGURE 1 | Number of publications (including papers, reports, books,

meetings and any scientific document available) using the ISI web of
knowledge about a) climate and seabirds since 1942 to 2014 and (B)

climate variables (e.g., wind, temperatures, air pressure) influence the ecology of marine top-predators such as seabirds. As it
should be expected, seabirds respond to the variability in climate
change and warming (e.g., Schreiber, 2002; Jenouvrier, 2013),
and responses occur at both proximal (ecological) and ultimate
(evolutionary) levels (Parmesan, 2006; Weimerskirch et al., 2012).
The scientific literature has been sensitive to the warning message involving climate warming and papers dealing with seabirds
have not been an exception (Votier et al., 2008a). Massive breeding failures following climate perturbations have attracted the
attention of researchers, and records on El Nio events and its

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls, and opportunities

climate change and ecological studies since 1967 to 2012. Note that the
2014 value in panel (A) may represent half of the publications because the
search was performed in June.

ecological consequences are a good example (e.g., Glantz, 2001;

Velarde et al., 2004; Devney et al., 2009). In general, the literature
shows that climate variability influences most ecological parameters analyzed, including range shifts (in breeding but mostly in
foraging areas) and changes in both phenology and demographic
parameters (including survival, dispersal, recruitment and breeding propensity). Back in the 80s, some papers already recorded
events of adult seabird mortality overlapping with extreme climate years (La Cock, 1986). But more unexpected has been the
range of papers that have found linear relationships between adult
survival and climate variables, because adult survival should be

December 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 79 | 9


a highly conservative parameter due to evolutionary canalization, typical of long-lived organisms including seabirds (Stearns
et al., 1995; Gaillard and Yoccoz, 2004). One possible reason is
that more powerful statistical tools, such as capture-recapture
models, have allowed researchers to take advantage of the large
number of long-term data bases collected in the last 4050 years
on seabird ecology (mainly population trends and individually
marked monitoring). With these long time series researchers
can detect more subtle associations between climate factors and
demographic parameters like survival, that exhibit relatively low
amounts of temporal variation. In fact, the amount of available
long-term data on several species and populations of seabirds is
amazing, compared to other marine or even terrestrial organisms (Grosbois et al., 2008; Sydeman et al., 2012). I found up
to 49 papers (some of them corresponding to several species,
morphs or colonies) assessing the potential impact of climate on
adult survival using methods accounting for recapture probability (Table 1). Those papers included 36 different species (most of
them Procellariiformes) and seldom considered time lags between
the climate index and adult survival (24% of the cases). More
than 77% of the 75 species colonies studies found a relationship (linear in most cases) between climate and adult survival.
Nevertheless, Grosbois et al. (2008) warned about several potential biases that could occur when assessing the effects of climate
on survival, including the test of multiple covariates without correcting -values of statistical significance (in cases where classical
null hypothesis statistical testing is employed for inference purposes), collinearity between those covariates and survival, or the
inclusion or not of lag times when testing for those effects (see
Charles Darwin was fascinated by the size of seabird colonies,
formed by millions of individuals. After centuries of direct harvesting, introduced mammalian predators and destruction of
suitable breeding habitat, most of those colonies have been decimated, and environmental stochasticity, including climate variation, has a greater impact on population changes than it did
in the past, because population sizes are smaller and closer to
the quasi-extinction thresholds than ever before. Nevertheless,
ecological responses of seabirds facing climate variability suggest that they can have highly resilience responses, and this
should be viewed as a buffer against decline or extinction (see
below) (Forcada et al., 2008; Gremillet et al., 2012). Changes
in seabird populations or demographic parameters associated
with climate are often described as alterations and reductions, with an implied warning message or value-judgment
(Martnez-Abran and Oro, 2013). Only when researchers can
show that changes in seabird ecology associated with climate variability fall outside the range of inherent variability in biological
parameters (at the level of both individuals and populations)
should we be concerned about the fate of a population or a
species due to climatic change. In fact, much less has been
published on the influence of climate on population dynamics of seabirds (e.g., Frederiksen et al., 2004b; Jahncke et al.,
2004; Forcada and Trathan, 2009; Burthe et al., 2014; Woehler
et al., 2014) but even in those cases it is difficult to know
which percentage of the variance in population size or density is explained by climate forcing compared to other factors

Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls, and opportunities

such as competition, density-dependence, predation or dispersal

(Bustnes et al., 2013).


Scientific generalizations are helpful because the message of the
concept is clearer: climate warming is a scientific fact, and the
resulting changes in the biosphere follow the same fast trend.
I am not going to discuss here the particularities involving
climate change (e.g., spatial heterogeneity in warming, consequences for other components such as precipitation, humidity,
or atmospheric pressure); however, given that I use the general
term seabirds, it is difficult to avoid dealing with the variability across taxa. Seabird body sizes range from very small to very
large forms (with a difference of more than two orders of magnitude in body weight); their diets range from planktivorous to
predators of large fish and squid; their foraging habitats range
from neritic to pelagic areas, there are species with small foraging ranges while others feed throughout the whole circumpolar
regions; some are divers and some forage at the sea surface; some
seabirds are resident species (at a spatial mesoscale) whereas others are trans-equatorial migrators, which travel large distances
across several oceanographic systems. With this variability in life
history strategies and ecology, we should expect that the impacts
of climate on seabird ecology to vary across ecological parameters
and species that are impacted by climate variation. For instance,
Kitaysky and Golubova (2000) showed that climate change differentially influenced reproductive performance of sympatric alcid
species depending on their foraging strategy (e.g., planktivorous
vs. piscivorous). Other studies have also addressed the influence
of environmental variation in some seabird communities and the
specific effects on each species relative to their particular ecology (Sydeman et al., 2001; Sabarros et al., 2012). Even for the
same species in different studies, results are not always similar (see
Table 1), suggesting differences among populations (Tavecchia
et al., 2008) or raising doubts about the suitability of selected
climate indexes, the temporal window analyzed or the power
of each data set to detect associations between climate and the
seabird parameter of interest, especially when these associations
are not statistically significant (Jenouvrier, 2013). For instance,
some studies found that the influence of increased SST on adult
survival was positive or negative depending on the study colony
or the genetic morph (Harris et al., 2005; Reiertsen et al., 2012),
and these are good examples of how little we still know about the
mechanisms linking climate and vital rates (Forero et al., 2001).
Finally, non-linear relationships between demographic parameters and climate indices can also result in differences between
studies on the same species when different temporal windows
are considered. For example, if adult survival is associated nonlinearly with a climate covariate that changes through time, then
performing the same analysis during two different time windows
may yield different results.
It would be interesting (though very challenging) to have a
global review available to understand what species and populations are more sensitive to climate variability, how important
extreme climate events can be, how important a role intrinsic individual and state attributes (such as age, sex, breeding
state, and physical condition) are playing, what temporal and

December 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 79 | 10


Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls, and opportunities

Table 1 | Studies assessing the effects of climate on seabird adult survival.



Effects on adult survival

Time lag


Least auklet

North Pacific Index



Jones et al., 2002

Cassins auklet




Lee et al., 2007

Cassins auklet


Yes at four study colonies


Bertram et al., 2005

Cassins Auklet, Rhinoceros

Auklet and Tufted Puffin

Two extreme climate events: a

strong El Nino event in
19971998 and an atmospheric
blocking event

No for the two first species;

yes only for females of the
third species


Morrison et al., 2011

Atlantic puffin


Yes in four out of five study


Both lagged and not-lagged


Harris et al., 2005

Little auk



Both lagged and not-lagged


Hovinen et al., 2014


Audouins gull




Tavecchia et al., 2007


Labrador Current temperature

Yes at one colony but not

clear in the other

Both lagged and not-lagged


Lavers et al., 2008

Brnnichs guillemot

Arctic Oscillation, SST

Very slight

Both lagged and not-lagged


Smith and Gaston,


Common guillemot



Both lagged and not-lagged


Reiertsen et al., 2012

Common guillemot, Brunnichs

guillemot, razorbill, Atlantic
puffin and black-legged


Yes except for razorbill

Both lagged and not-lagged


Sandvik et al., 2005

Black-legged kittiwake



Both lagged and not-lagged


Frederiksen et al.,


Yes at all six study



Jenouvrier et al.,

Corys shearwater
Corys shearwater




Boano et al., 2010

Corys shearwater




Ramos et al., 2012

Corys shearwater


Yes at two colonies

Variable depending on the


Genovart et al., 2013

Indian yellow-nosed Albatross




Rolland et al., 2009a

Amsterdam albatross




Rivalan et al., 2010

Amsterdam albatross,
black-browed albatross, snow

SST for albatrosses, sea- ice

concentration for petrel

Only for black-browed



Barbraud et al., 2011

Wandering, sooty, yellow-nosed SOI, SST

and black-browed albatross

Only for black-browed



Rolland et al., 2010

Black-browed albatross




Rolland et al., 2008

Black-browed albatross




Pardo et al., 2013

Black-browed albatross


Yes for inexperienced

breeders, no for experienced


Nevoux et al., 2007

Black-browed albatross


Yes for inexperienced

breeders at the two study


Nevoux et al., 2010a

Black-browed albatross


Only for immatures, no for



Nevoux et al., 2010b

Black-browed albatross


Yes for inexperienced and

experienced breeders


Rolland et al., 2009b

White-chinned petrel



Both lagged and not-lagged


Barbraud et al., 2008

Snow petrel

Extent of sea-ice, SST



Barbraud et al., 2000


Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

December 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 79 | 11


Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls, and opportunities

Table 1 | Continued


Effects on adult survival

Time lag


Snow petrel

Air temperature, sea- ice




Jenouvrier et al.,

Blue petrel



Both lagged and not-lagged


Barbraud and
Weimerskirch, 2003

Blue petrel

Sea surface height

Only for inexperienced



Barbraud and
Weimerskirch, 2005

Mediterranean Storm Petrel

14 covariates



Soldatini et al., 2014

Monteiros storm petrel

Chl-a, SST



Robert et al., 2012

Thin-billed prion

Winter sea ice concentration



Nevoux and
Barbraud, 2006

Southern fulmar

SST, sea- ice concentration



Jenouvrier et al.,

Northern fulmar


Yes for females, not clear for



Grosbois and
Thompson, 2005

Adlie penguin




Jenouvrier et al.,


Adlie penguin

Winter sea ice extent



Ballerini et al., 2009

Adlie penguin

Sea-ice concentration during




Lescrol et al., 2009

Adlie penguin

7 sea-ice variables, SOI, SAM



Emmerson and
Southwell, 2011

Yellow-eyed penguin




Peacock et al., 2000

King penguin



Both lagged and not-lagged


Le Bohec et al., 2008

Rockhopper penguin




Dehnhard et al., 2013

Macaroni penguin



Both lagged and not-lagged


Horswill et al., 2014

Emperor penguin

Air temperature-sea ice




Barbraud and
Weimerskirch, 2001

Emperor penguin

Air temperature-sea ice




Jenouvrier et al.,

Emperor penguin

Sea ice concentration anomalies Yes


Jenouvrier et al.,

European shag

Winter gales



Frederiksen et al.,

Blue-footed Booby




Oro et al., 2010


SOI, Southern oscillation index; NAO, North Atlantic oscillation index; DMI, dipole mode index; SAM, southern annular mode; SOID, Southern Indian Ocean dipole;
SST, sea surface temperature.
a This

study is duplicated because included two species of different orders.

spatial scales are most important, and how other biological processes (such as density-dependence, interference competition or
predation) interact with climate (see also below). For instance,
Ezard et al. (2007) suggested that to avoid drawing incorrect
conclusions regarding variability in demographic or ecological parameters (such as breeding phenology) and/or the factors
responsible for these perceived changes, researchers need to be
sure and control for strong inherent sources of variation, such
as age. These authors had a very detailed demographic data-set
that is not always available in conventional studies, but these
types of confounding biotic factors (i.e., age, sex) that should
be taken into account when studying the effect of climate on

seabird populations. An increasing number of studies showed

that the effects of climate factors or pollutants on demographic
parameters are state dependent (Nevoux et al., 2010a; Goutte
et al., 2014). This also matches with life history theory since
energetic costs and metabolism differ between breeding and nonbreeding individuals, which may in turn affect their demographic
Another open question on climate-seabird research might be:
is survival of larger seabirds (such as albatrosses) less sensitive to climate variability than survival of smaller species such
as storm petrels? Larger species tend to have higher survival
than smaller species (Weimerskirch, 2002), so environmental

December 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 79 | 12


canalization (Gaillard and Yoccoz, 2004), i.e., the process of

buffering environmental stochasticity should be stronger in the
former than in the later. However, a qualitative look at available
results is not so clear (see Table 1), maybe because biological reasons (e.g., life-history pressures, type of foraging habitat, noise
from other processes such as intra-guild predation, competition, anthropogenic impacts) or because of methodological biases
(increase of survival estimates through time due to appearance of
more reliable statistical tools, Weimerskirch, 2002) or differential
criteria to select climate indexes. It seems that there is no association between adult survival and body mass in Procellariiformes
when phylogeny is taken into account in a capture-recapture
modeling framework (Abadi et al., 2014); this may also explain
the discrepancies found in several studies (Table 1), although this
remains to be investigated in other seabird families.
When assessing the global impact of climate on seabirds,
it should also be important to include the potential effects of
breeding habitat loss or gain (typical of Arctic and Antarctic
seabirds, but also among ground coastal nesting seabirds due
to sea level rise), and the additive effects of anthropogenic
impacts (mainly fisheries and direct harvesting, but also invasive species and pollutants) (Barbraud et al., 2012; Lewison et al.,
2012; Goutte et al., 2013). To have some universal and comparable measure of the impact of climate on different species
and populations, Jenouvrier (2013) proposed the use of a thorough new index, the population robustness to climate change,
together with retrospective and prospective analysis of population
Another gap of the association between seabirds and climate
is the low number of studies on tropical seabird species. Most
of seabird-climate studies have been conducted in temperate
or polar marine ecosystems, whose functioning is different
from tropical regions, where many seabirds occur with often
poor conservation status. Future studies should thus attempt
understanding tropical seabird ecology and demography and the
effects of climate if we want to have better understanding of
seabird climate relationships.


The use of oceanographic indexes to test the influence of climate on seabird ecology has been quite common (Sydeman et al.,
2012), and mainly covered three spatial scales: some of them
were more local (mainly climate around the breeding sites such
as sea surface temperature, wind speed, air temperature, sea
level pressure), some other were more regional (e.g., the Western
Mediterranean Oscillation index WeMOi), whereas other indexes
were more global such as El Nio-Southern Oscillation index
(ENSO), Southern Oscillation index (SOI), the Southern Annular
Mode (SAM), or the North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO). The
use of different spatial scales is not clearly justified in all studies
(e.g., Soldatini et al., 2014) and an understanding of the spatial
use of marine habitat made by each species in each period of
the life cycle is essential to test appropriate hypotheses on the
effect of climate on seabird ecology (Frederiksen et al., 2004a;
Scott et al., 2006). To that end, the improvement of technology
in recent decades (e.g., Burger and Shaffer, 2008; Wakefield et al.,

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls, and opportunities

2009) has allowed researchers to increase their knowledge about

migration routes (e.g., Guilford et al., 2009; Egevang et al., 2010),
wintering areas (Gonzlez-Sols et al., 2007; Frederiksen et al.,
2012) and foraging areas also during reproduction (Gremillet
et al., 2004; Guilford et al., 2008) and apply oceanographic indices
at more appropriate temporal and spatial scales (Duffy, 1993;
Weimerskirch et al., 2012).
Regarding the temporal window of the climate indexes used in
each study, even though it has also been explained in most cases,
it is not always coincident among studies either. This does not
nullify the results of each individual study, but makes it harder
to develop any common pattern from retrospective studies that
encompass completely different snapshots in time. This is particularly worrying when analyzing survival, because this is the
most sensitive parameter for seabird population dynamics, and it
is crucial to understand what period of the whole year is more
critically affecting this parameter. Some studies used only the
temporal window of the breeding season (implying that conditions during breeding are more important for survival than
conditions during winter, maybe through the costs of reproduction, what is against the expectations of life-history theory in
long-lived organisms capable of reducing breeding effort in a
given season if survival is threatened), whereas others used only
climate conditions during winter (assuming that most mortality occurs in this period, Harris et al., 2005; Genovart et al.,
2013), during the two periods separately (e.g., Barbraud and
Weimerskirch, 2003) or even during the whole year as an integration of all year-round variability (Gordo et al., 2011). The
temporal scale also defines the difference between weather and
climate: the former consists of short-term (minutes to months)
changes in the atmosphere, whereas the later is the average of
weather over time and space. Some weather events (such as strong
storms and tsunamis, Viera et al., 2006; Sherley et al., 2012) are
not necessarily correlated with climate indexes and can introduce some noise when analysing their potential association with
some ecological parameters, particularly short-term processes
such as reproduction and hence breeding success (Schreiber,
In general, researchers need to be very careful to present results
and conclusions, particularly from retrospective observational
studies, because the study design and analytical approach used
must be appropriate to properly answer research questions of
interest. This is true for any spatial and temporal scales used, and
positive results do not necessarily ensure that the index tested is
the one explaining the most variance or alternatively that there
is no effect on the parameter analyzed when negative results are
reported. Little is known about the frequency of negative results
that do not ever get published but the potential bias against
these studies by journal reviewers and editors might bias a metaanalysis or any general review of the global effects of climate on
seabirds (Sydeman et al., 2012). A general recommendation to
properly select the most suitable indices at both temporal and spatial scales would be first partitioning the life cycle into breeding
and non-breeding seasons, and then researchers should identify
the foraging ranges used by the study species in each of those seasons and test for climate effects over the corresponding spatial

December 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 79 | 13



Since most climate studies are based upon correlational evidence,
the mechanistic processes linking climate variation to seabird
ecology remain in most cases unclear, especially when global
indexes are used (e.g., Breton et al., 2008; Sydeman et al., 2009).
Typically, the first parameters to be affected when environmental
conditions change are reproductive success because climate influence oceanographic conditions and food available for breeding,
which is the main driver of fertility in the absence of predation
(Oro et al., 1999; Schreiber and Burger, 2002; Frederiksen et al.,
2006). Even though population change in seabirds is in theory
less sensitive to changes in breeding success, this parameter, which
influence recruitment rates, is often the vital rate that exhibits the
most variation and it certainly constitutes an important factor
that can affect population fluctuations. Sometimes the association between climate and breeding success is either direct in the
form of heat strokes and catastrophic events such as volcanic
eruptions, gales or tsunamis (Viera et al., 2006; Finkelstein et al.,
2010; Sherley et al., 2012), or indirect, i.e., mediated by parasitism or diseases (Gaston et al., 2002; Cooper et al., 2009; Rolland
et al., 2009a). That association should be strong in seabirds,
because they are long-lived organisms and selection pressures
have shaped conservatism in the energy devoted to reproduction: when environment is harsh, individuals invest less or may
refrain from breeding and very low breeding success or even failures are commonly recorded for a number of species (La Cock,
1986; Frederiksen et al., 2006). However, there are other drivers
that influence breeding success such as predation, food subsidies obtained from anthropogenic activities (mainly fisheries)
and stochasticity in the links between climate and food-webs (Oro
et al., 1996; Regehr and Montevecchi, 1997; Frederiksen et al.,
The same correlation nature of studies linking climate variability with adult survival hinders the mechanisms involved, which
are far from being well understood. This is particularly true
when the process invoked is food availability through bottomup control in food webs, because at the population level, adults
should not jeopardize their own survival (i.e., the most conservative parameter in long-lived organism) when environmental
conditions are bad and trade-offs such as survival in lieu of reproduction should be observed (but see Olsson and van der Jeugd,
2002; Oro and Furness, 2002). Studies suggesting direct mortality caused by harsh marine conditions during winter (e.g., gales,
hurricanes) (Frederiksen et al., 2008; Boano et al., 2010; Genovart
et al., 2013) are clearer examples of the potential mechanisms
linking climate and survival. Population fluctuations should be
more sensitive to changes in adult survival in accordance with
the theory of life-histories and the evolutionary canalization of
adult survival, but this association is not always clear (Harris et al.,
In general, the mechanisms involved in the association
between climate and vital rates (e.g., breeding success, survival, recruitment, dispersal) can be associated directly with climate (extreme values of temperature, precipitation, winds) or
indirectly, through climate effects on a critical resource (e.g.,
food, nest sites, wintering grounds) or an interacting biological

Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls, and opportunities

component of the ecosystem (e.g., parasites, predators). Indirect

effects are often harder to distinguish in that association because
the complex nature of biological interaction in food webs.
In addition, time lags in climate indexes relative to survival and
population change, for example, appear reasonable when climate
effects on adult survival are mediated by the food-web, because
seabirds are top-predators, and some delay between climate, physical forcing and a large part of the food chain is to be expected
(Thompson and Ollason, 2001; Arnott and Ruxton, 2002; Lloret
et al., 2004; Martn et al., 2012). Furthermore, this delay may
depend on the species, with some taxa feeding on relatively low
trophic levels (e.g., fish larvae), whereas some species feed on
higher food web prey (e.g., squid). However, the range of timelags recorded between climate and adult survival has been variable
among studies or not tested at all (Table 1, see also Jenouvrier,
2013) and the confounding effects of time, cohort and age on
survival and recruitment sometimes make it difficult to assess the
reliability of results. Correlations between climate covariates and
population fluctuations are also analyzed either with time lags
or without lagged associations. In the former case, researchers
assume that those covariates influence mainly fertility and the
effects on population numbers are reflected some years later,
owing that seabirds do not reach sexual maturity for several years
until recruitment (Cook et al., 2014). In some other cases, climate covariates of the previous year were tested, and researchers
assume that conditions prior to breeding were more important
by influencing adult survival, breeding propensity and immigration (Jenouvrier et al., 2003; Frederiksen et al., 2008; Irons et al.,
2008; Devney et al., 2009; Lauria et al., 2012). The absence of
time lag in the response of seabirds to climate variability may
be reasonable in some situations, even when the process invoked
is food availability, because availability of food depends on its
abundance, accessibility, and distribution, which can be directly
influenced by climate. Jenouvrier et al. (2005a) found that climate may have a direct or a lagged effect on population dynamics
depending on environmental stochastic conditions. Some studies showed that climate have a simultaneous effects both direct
and lagged because each demographic parameter are affected differently by climate (Erikstad et al., 2013; Sandvik et al., 2014).
Finally, the existence of non-linear relationships between climate
and seabird ecological parameters has seldom been explored (e.g.,
Durant et al., 2004; Jenouvrier et al., 2005a; Ballerini et al., 2009;
Regular et al., 2009), despite the importance of identifying tipping points and thresholds when buffering capacity (i.e., both
behavioral and demographic) is overcome.


What is our capacity to forecast the effects of climate change on
seabird abundance, distribution and viability? Several now relatively old papers anticipated the importance of predicting how
climate would affect marine food webs and top-marine predators (Crawford, 1991). However, climate is just one driver among
environmental-change agents and our ability to modify climate,
compared to some other components of environmental change
(e.g., pollutants, habitat fragmentation, fisheries interactions), is
very limited. In addition, climate has a strong inertia, so it is

December 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 79 | 14


difficult to apply conservation and management actions even if we

are able to build reliable predictions for some extreme cases with
detailed demographic information (e.g., some penguin, petrel
and albatross species typical of Polar regions). Predictions are
challenging because they rely on models built using retrospective data (i.e., past relationships) and thus include considerable uncertainty regarding future trajectories (Hulme, 2005;
Sutherland, 2006). In addition, the best predictive models rely
on large amounts of high quality demographic data, and sophisticated quantitative approaches. Yet, generating general predictions is difficult because of the inherent ecological variability
amongst species, ecosystems (Chambers et al., 2011) and even
among individuals (Lescrol et al., 2009, 2010; Lescroel et al.,
2014) and populations (Tavecchia et al., 2008; Dias et al., 2010).
These predictions, if they are local, can also be biased by dispersal processes (e.g., Woehler et al., 2014), because seabirds
are very vagile, even species considered as highly philopatric
(Genovart et al., 2007). Despite those constraints, population
models together with tools for time-series analysis have yielded
very promising results when long-term data sets and detailed estimations of demographic parameters were available (Jenouvrier
et al., 2009, 2012, 2005a). Thus, research on the effects of climate on seabirds (or on any other organism and ecosystem)
should be focused to building solid scientific evidence on predicted rates of population change, meta-population dynamics,
and changes in species distribution given the present rates of
warming (Sydeman et al., 2012). Testing hypotheses about the
effects of climate on seabird ecology (e.g., diet, behavior, and
phenology) is a first step toward making predictions regarding
climate effects on population trajectories and to understanding
the mechanisms linking patterns and processes, but this is just
the first step. In general, we should move to a research devoted
more toward forecasting the effects of global change (not only climate, but considering the synergetic effects of several agents of
global change (e.g., Votier et al., 2008b; Finkelstein et al., 2010;
Rolland et al., 2010; Lebreton, 2011), and to offer evidence that
can help managers develop a roadmap of conservation actions
(Jenouvrier, 2013). However, we need to collect the foundational
information regarding links between demographics and climate,
and the mechanisms that link them as we must have robust estimates of vital rates to build predictive models, and this constitutes
a big challenge. In general, there is more potential to manage
the impacts of other global change agents such as overharvesting (Jahncke et al., 2004; Becker and Beissinger, 2006), bycatch in
fisheries (Bunce et al., 2002; Barbraud et al., 2008; Rolland et al.,
2008; Ramos et al., 2012), habitat deterioration (Lindenmayer
and Fischer, 2013), pollution (Croxall et al., 2012) or invasive
species (Nogales et al., 2004; Ruffino et al., 2009; Major et al.,
2013) than there is for managing climate (Rogelj et al., 2013),
so this can be an indirect way of battling the impacts of climate
Finally, population predictions must take into account the
resilience of species to environmental change including extreme
events, which are predicted to increase in frequency. For example,
Hass et al. (2012) forecasts the impact of increasing hurricanes
on the viability of the already endangered black-capped petrel
Pterodroma hasitata, and predicted that this increase in hurricane

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls, and opportunities

frequency could nearly double the expected number of wrecked

petrels over the next century, placing the species at greater risk
of extinction by acting upon already much reduced populations
due to human action (e.g., harvesting, bycatch, loss of breeding
habitat). In addition Gremillet et al. (2012) showed that foraging
behavior plasticity in little auks Alle alle maintained fitness levels
across a wide range of sea surface temperatures, which may buffer
them against at least the initial impacts of climate change. Several
ecological parameters (e.g., vital rates, distribution, and foraging
ranges) have been observed to shift as a result of changes in climate in several seabird species, but relatively little is known about
the potential for changes in other demographic mechanisms to
buffer these shifts. I can hypothesize that changes in recruitment
rates, breeding propensity and increased fertility, as well as the
role of immigration in source-sink systems at local population
level, all have the potential to offset potential declines in survival for example, in relation to climate change. Some of these
compensatory mechanisms have been already found in harvested
populations of fish and ungulates (Lebreton, 2005; Servanty et al.,
At the scale of geological times, seabirds have a long evolutionary history. Bone remains of a Phaeton tropicbird have been
recently found in Morocco preserved from the Ypresian Age, in
the lower Eocene, ca. 48 106 years ago (Bourdon et al., 2008).
In geological- time scales, seabirds have experienced changes in
climate, including warming and cooling periods, and extreme
events. The previous interglacial period (1.21.3 105 years BP)
was substantially warmer than the present one; about 2 C in
the North Temperate Zone and 5 C in the Arctic, and it may
have been the warmest period since the onset of the Pliocene
(Fedorov et al., 2013). Some species have likely shown more plasticity to adapt to such changes and to anthropogenic factors acting
in synergy with climate change, and we have to identify what
species would be more sensitive to the current rate of climate
change. A major difference between the so-called Anthropocene
with previous geological periods is major habitat alteration due
to the growth of human population (breeding habitat destruction, introduced predators, pollutants) with these factors acting
in synergy with climate. Therefore, plasticity may be not enough
to adapt to climate change given these additional factors for
which many seabird species were not previously exposed and
selected for. For instance, Igual et al. (2007) showed that Corys
shearwaters, due to their limited behavioral plasticity and heavy
evolutionary loads, did not perceive the presence of invasive
predators signaling differences in predation risk and in turn of
breeding success.
Climate has in itself the features of a paradigmatic complex
system: emergent properties that cannot be explained by the
sum of its components. So the study of its influence on seabird
ecology is far from being straightforward because climate has
many emergent properties that cannot be explained solely by
the sum if its own components, to a large extent because of
its random structure, and additionally because many other factors can be involved, including extrinsic (e.g., predators in the
case of small and medium-sized species, prey density, competition) and intrinsic (e.g., density-dependence, age-structure, sex)

December 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 79 | 15


I thank Morten Frederiksen for inviting me to participate in this
research topic, and to Alejandro Martnez-Abran, Katie Dugger,
and Christophe Barbraud for their valuable and helpful comments and corrections. Michelle Lynn Johnson gently improved
the English. My research is funded by the Balearic Regional
Government (FEDER programme) and the Spanish Ministry of
Economy (ref. CGL2013-42203-R).

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Conflict of Interest Statement: The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 27 October 2014; accepted: 21 November 2014; published online: 08
December 2014.
Citation: Oro D (2014) Seabirds and climate: knowledge, pitfalls, and opportunities.
Front. Ecol. Evol. 2:79. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00079
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December 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 79 | 19



published: 24 October 2014

doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00068

Adlie penguins coping with environmental change: results

from a natural experiment at the edge of their breeding
Katie M. Dugger 1*, Grant Ballard 2 , David G. Ainley 3 , Phil OB. Lyver 4 and Casey Schine 5

U.S. Geological Survey, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
Point Blue Conservation Science, Petaluma, CA, USA
H.T. Harvey and Associates, Los Gatos, CA, USA
Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand
Department of Environmental Earth System Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen, Aarhus
University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Nina Dehnhard, University of
Antwerp, Belgium
Deborah Pardo, British Antarctic
Survey, UK
Katie M. Dugger, Oregon
Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit,
Department of Fisheries and
Wildlife, Oregon State University,
104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR
97331-3803, USA
e-mail: katie.dugger@

We investigated life history responses to extreme variation in physical environmental

conditions during a long-term demographic study of Adlie penguins at 3 colonies
representing 9% of the world population and the full range of breeding colony sizes.
Five years into the 14-year study (19972010) two very large icebergs (spanning 1.5
latitude degrees in length) grounded in waters adjacent to breeding colonies, dramatically
altering environmental conditions during 20012005. This natural experiment allowed us to
evaluate the relative impacts of expected long-term, but also extreme, short-term climate
perturbations on important natural history parameters that can regulate populations. The
icebergs presented physical barriers, not just to the penguins but to polynya formation,
which profoundly increased foraging effort and movement rates, while reducing breeding
propensity and productivity, especially at the smallest colony. We evaluated the effect
of a variety of environmental parameters during breeding, molt, migration and wintering
periods during years with and without icebergs on penguin breeding productivity, chick
mass, and nesting chronology. The icebergs had far more influence on the natural history
parameters of penguins than any of the other environmental variables measured, resulting
in population level changes to metrics of reproductive performance, including delays
in nesting chronology, depressed breeding productivity, and lower chick mass. These
effects were strongest at the smallest, southern-most colony, which was most affected by
alteration of the Ross Sea Polynya during years the iceberg was present. Additionally, chick
mass was negatively correlated with colony size, supporting previous findings indicating
density-dependent energetic constraints at the largest colony. Understanding the negative
effects of the icebergs on the short-term natural history of Adlie penguins, as well as their
response to long-term environmental variation, are important to our overall understanding
of climate change effects in this and other species facing both rapid and persistent
environmental change.
Keywords: Adlie penguin, breeding productivity, chick mass, climate change, environmental variation, nesting

Climate change effects on species demographic parameters are
increasingly evident across a broad range of taxa (Walther et al.,
2002; Parmesan, 2006; Jenouvrier, 2013). This is especially evident at the poles, where massive changes in the extent and volume
of glaciers and sea ice have occurred throughout geologic time,
greatly altering the availability of habitat required for vertebrates
to exist (for the Antarctic, see e.g., Emslie et al., 2007; Thatje et al.,
2008). In recent decades, environmental changes attributable to
anthropogenic climate change are more rapid and extensive than
at any time in at least the past 1400 years (Kinnard et al., 2011;
Stammerjohn et al., 2012). Species adapted to life in polar regions
have had to adjust to such dramatic changes in the past, ostensibly

by adjusting behavior, phenology, and ultimately distribution

(Emslie et al., 2007; Thatje et al., 2008). However, the degree to
which environmental change can be absorbed by a species phenotypic coping mechanisms before long-term population changes
occur remains largely unknown (reviewed in Barbraud et al.,
2012). The unprecedented rate and magnitude of climate change
occurring now provides an opportunity to assess species capacity
to adapt (Lescrol et al., 2014). At the same time, other environmental changes and their interactions with the direct effects of
climate change have the potential for more rapid and consequential impacts on species distributions and population dynamics
than climate change alone (Warren et al., 2001; Jongsomjit et al.,
2012; Jenouvrier, 2013). In particular, understanding the limits

October 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 68 | 20

Dugger et al.

of the natural history and demographic attributes of ice-obligate

species like the Adlie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) is of importance given the rapid increase in sea ice extent and persistence in
the Ross Sea sector of the Southern Ocean over the past 30 years,
particularly given these changes are in stark contrast with the
Antarctic Peninsula sector and the Arctic Ocean (Stammerjohn
et al., 2012).
Adlie penguin natural history has been well-studied
Antarctic-wide (Ainley, 2002) with recent research focused
on long-term temporal and spatial patterns in abundance and
demographics (Jenouvrier et al., 2005; Dugger et al., 2006, 2010;
Lynch et al., 2012a; Lyver et al., 2014), foraging ecology (e.g.,
Watanuki et al., 2002; Ainley et al., 2003, 2004; Ballard et al.,
2010a; Lescrol et al., 2010, 2014), and breeding biology (Ainley
et al., 1983; Emmerson and Southwell, 2008; Hinke et al., 2012).
In summary, it appears that population responses of Adlie
penguins to environmental drivers can vary temporally and
spatially, with contrasting responses of vital rates to patterns
of sea ice extent and/or concentration (Croxall et al., 2002;
Forcada and Trathan, 2009; Ainley et al., 2010; Lynch et al.,
2012a; Hinke et al., 2014). For example, increased summer sea
ice concentrations near breeding colonies can result in decreased
reproductive success (Ainley, 2002; Emmerson and Southwell,
2008) and foraging efficiency (Lescrol et al., 2014), but survival
is lowest when winter sea ice concentrations are either very
high or very low (Ballerini et al., 2009). Decreased summer sea
ice extent 6 years previous can lead to increased populations
(Jenouvrier et al., 2005), while extensive winter sea ice has been
linked in a 5-year lag to decreased subadult survival (Wilson
et al., 2001). The existence of polynyas (areas of persistent open
water or low ice concentration within the larger sea ice field) is
critical in affecting penguins access to the ocean and thus, to
food resources, because their presence reduces commuting time
to foraging areas, thereby decreasing foraging effort and energy
expenditure (Ballance et al., 2009; Ainley et al., 2010; Ballard
et al., 2010a). Polynyas ultimately influence the distribution and
persistence of Adlie penguin breeding colonies (Ainley, 2002;
Arrigo and van Dijken, 2003) and the McMurdo Sound and Ross
Sea polynyas are important to the distribution, persistence and
size of the Ross Island penguin colonies that we study. Therefore,
factors that disrupt or block these adjacent open water areas
can have significant impacts on this species (Emslie et al., 2003;
Ballard et al., 2010a; Lescrol et al., 2014).
During former millenia, changing ice conditions have caused
major re-distributions of Adlie penguins in the Ross Sea, likely
with associated effects on genetic diversity (Millar et al., 2012).
Indeed, high rates of micro-evolution between ancient (6000
years ago) and modern populations have been documented for
Adlie penguins (Shepherd et al., 2005), consistent with low emigration rates and high natal philopatry exhibited during periods
of relatively stable environmental conditions (Ainley, 2002; LaRue
et al., 2013). This is in contrast to overall genetic homogeneity
documented for modern populations, and surprising for a species
with such a large geographic distribution and general life history traits that should favor genetic differentiation (Roeder et al.,
2001). However, millennia-scale environmental changes resulting
in the southernmost portion of the Ross Sea being re-occupied

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Penguins coping with environmental change

only in the past 1100 years (Emslie et al., 2003, 2007), large population sizes, extensive population re-distribution, and increased
exchange between populations during periods of high environmental variation (Dugger et al., 2010), is likely responsible for this
genetic homogeneity (Roeder et al., 2001; Shepherd et al., 2005).
Adlie penguin breeding populations are presently disappearing from areas in the Antarctic Peninsula that have been occupied
for 500800 years, beginning with onset of the Little Ice Age
(Emslie, 2001). Thus, distributional shifts are once again occurring and have been linked to the rapid climate change in the
region, including warming temperatures, increasing precipitation, and the disappearance of sea ice (Ducklow et al., 2007;
Schofield et al., 2010; Lynch et al., 2012a) and associated penguin
prey species (Sailley et al., 2013). In addition, the short breeding season associated with polar ecosystems results in a relatively
inflexible breeding phenology (e.g., onset of laying, peak laying
or hatch date) with limited opportunities for penguins to adjust
to these rapid changes in foraging and nesting habitat at low
latitudes (Hinke et al., 2012; Lynch et al., 2012b).
We have a 14-year time series (19972010) on demographics
and breeding/foraging effort derived from three Adlie penguin
colonies that vary in size by multiple orders of magnitude, within
a 4-colony metapopulation in the Ross Sea (see Ainley, 2002;
LaRue et al., 2013; Lyver et al., 2014; Figure 1). The objectives of
this study were to use these data to determine the effect of typical
seasonal variation in the sea ice environment at multiple spatial
scales (i.e., Ross Sea sector of the Southern Ocean, the Ross Sea
itself, and foraging areas adjacent to nesting colonies; Figure 2)
on three important natural history parameters of Adlie penguins: breeding productivity, chick mass, and nesting chronology.
After 5 years of this long-term study were completed, two giant
icebergs grounded, one of which essentially constituted a fence
1.5 latitude degrees long (170 km in length; Figure 1), and dramatically altered local habitat conditions (Arrigo et al., 2002).
This provided a natural experiment with which to evaluate
smaller vs. extreme environmental perturbations that could alter
important factors regulating colony size and persistence. During
the middle third of the study period, the large icebergs brought
extreme conditions by altering sea ice concentration (or cover;
SIC), polynya formation, primary productivity and circulation
(Arrigo et al., 2002; Robinson and Williams, 2012). In addition, because the icebergs were grounded and rose well above
sea level, they created a physical barrier between the easternmost
colony on Ross Island and the western colonies (Figure 1). The
sea ice trapped by the icebergs during spring and summer when
it usually breaks out, precluded development of the McMurdo
Sound Polynya, and forced the penguins nesting at the western
McMurdo Sound colonies to forage through a limited number of
cracks in the sea ice or walk 5070 km to reach open water. More
importantly, the icebergs physically occupied the entire western
marginal ice zone of the Ross Sea Polynya, one of the most ecologically prominent features of the region (Arrigo et al., 2002;
Ballard et al., 2012; Figure 1), further reducing the availability
of preferred foraging habitat (SIC <15%; Ballard et al., 2010b;
Lescrol et al., 2014). Thus, the presence of these icebergs provided a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of a severe,
short-term habitat change on an ice-obligate species during a time

October 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 68 | 21

Dugger et al.

FIGURE 1 | Southern Ross Sea, Antarctica, and the locations of

three Adlie penguin breeding colonies on Ross Island where
reproductive performance parameters were collected from 1997
through 2010. Colonies vary in size by orders of magnitude, with

when large-scale climate change was altering the region, including

sea ice extent, duration of the sea ice season and polynya formation (cf. Parkinson, 2002; Zwally et al., 2002; Ainley et al., 2005,
2010; Stammerjohn et al., 2008, 2012). In addition, these data may
help us to understand the mechanisms behind breeding colony
formations and extirpations that have occurred infrequently in
association with varying degrees of sea ice persistence in the
region as the West Antarctic Ice Sheet withdrew from the Ross Sea
during the Holocene (Emslie et al., 2003, 2007). These colonies
were abandoned and then re-established at least twice during this
time: 50004000 and 20001100 years B.P. (Emslie et al., 2003,


Measures of reproductive performance, including breeding productivity, chick mass, and nesting chronology, were collected
from three Adlie penguin colonies on Ross Island during 1997

Penguins coping with environmental change

Cape Royds the smallest (mean size: 2865), Cape Bird intermediate
(mean size: 43,321), and Cape Crozier the largest (mean size:
153,623). The positions of the giant icebergs (B15 and C16) in
December 2001 are also indicated.

through 2010 (Cape Royds, Bird, and Crozier). These colonies

represent 9% of the global population as well as the full range
of sizes of Adlie penguin colonies (cf. Lynch and LaRue, 2014),
varying by multiple orders of magnitude (mean size, 1981
2012: Cape Royds: 2865, Cape Bird 43,321, and Cape Crozier
153,623 prs; most recent counts, 3083, 75696, and 272340, respectively; LaRue et al., 2013, 2014; Lyver et al., 2014). Access to
food resources and intra- and inter-specific competition for food
(Ainley et al., 2004, 2006; Ballance et al., 2009) are factors influencing the size-structure of the colonies in this meta-population.
Nesting chronology was determined from the monitoring of
marked nests at each colony, generally in association with data
collection for other studies (n > 30 per site, per year; Ballard et al.,
2001; Lescrol et al., 2009).
Breeding productivity (number of chicks per pair) was estimated from (1) ground counts of the number of occupied territories in a sample of subcolonies at each site (2040 depending

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Penguins coping with environmental change

FIGURE 2 | Wintering, migration and foraging areas of Adlie penguins nesting at three colonies on Ross Island Antarctica, during 19972010.

on colony and year) conducted during late incubation (late

November/early December) each year; and (2) counts of the number of chicks at each of these same subcolonies in mid-January. An
overall mean number of chicks per pair for the entire sample of
subcolonies was generated for each colony annually, and used as
the dependent variable for modeling.
We determined mean chick mass (gr) from 50 chicks measured 5 weeks after peak hatch date at each colony each year
(Ainley, 2002; Whitehead et al., in review). For nesting chronology, we could not estimate onset of laying, since penguins arrived
at some of our colonies and began laying eggs before we had
access to field camps. However, mean annual hatch dates were
determined each year from >30 nests monitored in reference subcolonies at each colony. A long-term mean peak hatch date was
calculated from annual peak hatch dates (19972010), and a relative peak hatch date was then generated by subtracting each
years peak hatch date from the long term mean for that colony.
This resulted in a relative peak hatch date each year where positive values were later than mean peak hatch date and negative
values were earlier than mean peak hatch date. We standardized
the peak hatch dates by colony long-term means, because the
onset of laying differed by as much as 14 days between Crozier
(closest colony to wintering areas) and Royds (most southern
Adlie penguin colony in the world).

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Estimation of sea ice conditions was based on monthly means

taken from weekly passive imagery using the Special Sensor
Microwave/Imager (SSMI, Cavalieri et al., 1996/2008), as follows:
at the large scale, (a) sea ice concentration or cover (SIC; % of
ice in a given ocean area) in wintering areas and (b) SIC along
migration routes in the Ross Sea (both delineated by Ballard
et al., 2010b; see Figure 2); and, at the meso-scale, (c) distance
to polynya edge in McMurdo Sound during the breeding season and (d) SIC within foraging areas adjacent to each colony
during December (Table 1; Figure 2). To generate annual estimates of net primary production (NPP) for the Ross Sea, SIC
was calculated from SSM/I imagery using the Polynya Signature
Simulation Method (PSSM) algorithm (Markus and Burns, 1995)
which computes sea ice presence/absence at 6.25 km resolution.
In addition to SIC, the icebergs called B-15A and C-16 calved
from the Ross Ice Shelf in March 2000, and by January 2001
had lodged against Ross Island between Capes Crozier and Bird,
projecting 180 km north (1.5 latitude degrees; Figure 1). The icebergs moved out of the area in July 2006, so 19972000 and
20062010 were considered not impacted by the cumulative
effects of the icebergs, and years 20012005 were considered iceberg years (Lescrol et al., 2009, 2014; Ballard et al., 2010a). In
addition, the McMurdo Sound Polynya (adjacent to Cape Royds
and Bird), failed to develop at least once in the years before

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Penguins coping with environmental change

Table 1 | Acronyms and brief descriptions of environmental covariates

used to model relative peak hatch date, annual productivity (chicks
per pair), and mean chick mass at 5 weeks post-hatch for Adlie
penguins breeding at Cape Royds, Cape Bird and Cape Crozier on
Ross Island during 19972010.



Categorical variable representing general

annual variation in time series.


Categorical variable representing 3

breeding colonies on Ross Island.


Continuous variable for the number of

breeding pairs as counted from aerial
photographs taken at the onset of
incubation each year (Dec. 1st).


Categorical variable representing

presence/absence of iceberg. Iceberg was
present during 20012005 breeding
seasons and absent during 19972000,
and 20062010 seasons.


Categorical variable denoting presence or

absence of extensive sea ice in the
McMurdo Sound that precluded typical
formation of McMurdo Sound polynya. Ice
cover was present during 1999,
20012002, 20042005, and 2008, and
absent in 19971998, 2000, 2003,
20062007, 20092010.


Continuous variable for the weekly

distance (km) to ice edge from each
colony, averaged by month during the
breeding season. We investigated
November (DistIce_N), December
(DistIce_D) and January (DistIce_J)
monthly means.


Continuous variable for weekly % ice

cover in the entire Ross sea averaged for
November (RSice_N), October (RSice_O),
and both October and November (RSice).


Continuous variable for weekly % ice

cover for Adlie penguin wintering areas
averaged for October (WAice_O) and
October and November (WAice).


Continuous variable for colony-specific

weekly % ice cover averaged for
December for foraging areas adjacent to
Adlie penguin colonies.


Primary production in the Ross Sea during


the iceberg (owing to reduced winds), but during iceberg years

when it was very windy (2003) it did form normally. So in addition to the iceberg covariate, which incorporated the physical
presence of the icebergs, we looked at the effects of extensive

SIC (in foraging areas) alone (hereafter referred to as IceCover;

Table 1). Under this scenario, the 6 years during which sea ice
remained in McMurdo Sound through chick rearing included
1999, 20012002, 20042005, and 2008.
Annual estimates of net primary production (NPP) for the
Ross Sea were calculated by integrating daily estimates of NPP
over the growing season from October 17- March 21. For this
purpose, the Ross Sea was defined as the geographic area from
60 to 79 S and 160 E to 155 W. Daily estimates of NPP (Tg C
day-1) were calculated by spatially integrating daily maps of NPP
over the area of open water. Daily NPP maps (mg C m-2 day1) were produced using satellite-derived chlorophyll a (Chl a),
sea surface temperature, and sea ice cover using the algorithm
detailed in Arrigo et al. (2008). Chlorophyll a concentrations were
calculated for the years 1997 through 2002 from SeaWiFS Level
2 (4 km resolution) ocean color data (Reprocessing R2010.0),
using the OC4v4 algorithm (OReilly et al., 1998). For October
2002 through March 2012, Chl a concentrations were calculated
from MODIS Aqua Level 2 (1 km resolution) ocean color data
(Reprocessing R2012.0), using the OC3M algorithm (OReilly
et al., 2000). Five-day averages were used for calculating NPP.
Sea surface temperature used to calculate NPP was taken from
the Daily Reynolds Optimally Interpolated SST (OISST) Version
2 product (Reynolds et al., 2002), from NOAA (www.ncdc.noaa.
Estimates of colony size, i.e., number of breeding pairs, were
obtained from Lyver et al. (2014), and were based on counts
derived from annual aerial photographs taken during late incubation (December 1st) each year, concurrent with the ground
counts described above. Using these data, we were able to include
colony size directly as a continuous variable, rather than a more
general categorical effect in models.
A variety of a priori models that reflected hypothesized
relationships between reproductive performance and these environmental covariates, including colony size, were developed specific to each dependent variable (Supplementary Material). For
example, we hypothesized that breeding productivity each year
would most likely be influenced by factors that affected breeding propensity (i.e., the probability that a bird breeds each year)
such as arrival date at the colony, and also foraging conditions
during the breeding season adjacent to each colony. Therefore,
the number of chicks per pair was modeled in relation to SIC
on wintering areas and also for the Ross Sea in general during
October and November, as we expected high SIC during this time
to delay birds returning to breed. We hypothesized that delayed
arrival from wintering areas each spring would likely affect adult
body condition and delay onset of breeding (i.e., as measured here
with relative peak hatch date).
In contrast, we predicted negative effects on chicks produced
per pair and chick mass of SIC in foraging areas adjacent to each
colony and/or distance to ice edge (polynya edge) in McMurdo
Sound when chicks were being fed through December. We also
expected a link between primary production in the Ross Sea
and chick mass, with higher productivity resulting in heavier
chicks. Due to differences in intraspecific competition as a function of colony size, we also predicted heavier chicks at the smaller
colonies (Royds and Bird) compared to the largest (Crozier).

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Finally, similar to breeding productivity, we expected nesting

chronology to be most strongly related to large-scale SIC during
spring migration, with higher SIC resulting in later relative peak
hatch dates at each colony. Thus, we generated models linking relative peak hatch date to SIC on wintering areas and on migration
routes during October and November. SIC and sea ice extent at
the large scale are strongly correlated (Zwally et al., 2002).
For each of the reproductive parameters (breeding productivity, chick mass, and nesting chronology) we used general linear
models (SAS Proc Mixed; SAS Institute, Inc, 2008) to investigate the effects of continuous SIC covariates, primary production, and colony size, as well as categorical variables denoting
years when icebergs or extensive SIC in McMurdo Sound were
present. We investigated each of these covariates as a single additive effect and also 2-factor models containing colony or colony
size, and iceberg presence or SIC as additive and interactive
effects if those covariates received strong support as single-factor
effects (Supplementary Material). We also included an interceptonly model and model containing general annual variation for
comparison (Supplementary Material). We used an informationtheoretic approach including differences in model AICc compared to model with lowest AICc (AICc), AICc weights, and
model coefficients (betas:) to determine strength of evidence
for models and specific effects within models (Burnham and
Anderson, 2002). For the top models in each analysis we used
a variance decomposition approach to determine the amount of
variance explained by the best model (e.g., Franklin et al., 2000;
Olson et al., 2004). We used changes in residuals generated by
Proc Mixed in SAS (SAS Institute, Inc, 2008) in relation to the
intercept-only model to separate the contribution of parameters
in the model to overall variance in the dependent variable.

Breeding productivity was strongly affected by colony and iceberg presence with the best model indicating that these effects
were additive (Model 1, Supplementary Material). The iceberg
had a strong negative effect on breeding productivity as predicted ( = 0.60, SE = 0.08, 95% CI: 0.44 to 0.76), and
the effect was strongest at Royds (Figure 3); a pattern consistent
with the second best model that included an interaction between
iceberg presence and colony (Model 2, Supplementary Material).
The top-ranked model containing the additive effects of iceberg
and colony, explained 59.9% of the total variance in penguin
productivity (Model 1, Supplementary Material). Thus, in conjunction with initial overall declines in breeding populations at all
3 colonies in relation to the presence of the iceberg (Lyver et al.,
2014), on average, 2500, 36,000, and >125,000 fewer chicks
per year were produced at Royds, Bird and Crozier, respectively,
during the 5 years the icebergs were present.
If models including the iceberg effect and colony or colony
size were not considered in our a priori model set, then the
top models would have included significant positive effects of
SIC in winter areas during October (Model 6; = 0.07, SE =
0.02, 95% CI: 0.040.11). Moreover, the negative effects of the
average weekly distance (km) to the ice edge/polynya edge in
November (Model 8; = 0.007, SE = 0.002, 95% CI: 0.003
to 0.011) and December (Model 7; = 0.009, SE = 0.002,
95% CI: 0.005 to 0.014) on penguin productivity would
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Penguins coping with environmental change

FIGURE 3 | The mean number of Adlie penguin chicks per pair (with
95% confidence limits) produced at Capes Crozier and Royds on Ross
Island, Antarctica when icebergs were present (20012005) and when
icebergs were not present (19972000, 20062010).

have received more support (Supplementary Material). A positive relationship between SIC on wintering and migration areas
in October and the number of chicks produced per pair was contrary to what we hypothesized if high SIC delayed spring arrival or
decreased breeding propensity, which could decrease productivity. We did predict that chick mass would increase with decreased
distance to the ice edge/polynya edge during the breeding season,
and as a consequence more chicks may survive, thereby increasing
overall productivity.
Chick mass was lower at all 3 colonies when the iceberg was
present, but interestingly, there was also a strong negative linear relationship between chick mass and colony size (Model 1,
Supplementary Material; Figure 4), consistent with Whitehead
et al. (in review). Chicks averaged 347 gr (SE = 98.6) heavier during non-iceberg years, but mass decreased 3 gr (SE = 0.6) with
every 1000 breeding pair increase in colony size (Figure 4). The
top model containing additive effects of both colony size and
the iceberg effect received 77% of the AICc weight and explained
46.5% of the total variance in chick mass during this study. None
of the other covariates received any support as evidenced by low
AICc model weights (Supplementary Material), and even if the
iceberg effect was not considered, the effect of colony size far
outweighed the impact of any other covariate for these data.
When all years of available data were used in the nesting
chronology analyses, relative peak hatch date was slightly earlier
(0.46 days) during non-iceberg years, than during iceberg years
(Model 1; iceberg absent: = 1.422, SE = 0.89, 95% CI: 0.36 to
3.20; Supplementary Material). This top model only explained
3.4% of the total variance in relative peak hatch date, and confidence limits on this coefficient included zero, so the iceberg
had only a weak effect on this parameter. However, this data set
included outliers for Cape Royds and Crozier during the 2009
season, when mean peak hatch dates at both colonies were >1
week later than is typical because of a large asynchrony in timing of return to the breeding colonies. This was unrelated to the
iceberg, or any apparent environmental conditions we investigated, but resulted in a peak of birds arriving with typical timing
and another peak of birds arriving much later. If data from 2009
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Dugger et al.

FIGURE 4 | Predicted mean mass (gr; with 95% confidence limits) of

chicks at 5 weeks post-peak hatch date from best model plotted
against colony size, for Adlie penguin at Cape Royds, Bird, and

Penguins coping with environmental change

Crozier on Ross Island, Antarctica when icebergs were present

(20012005) and when icebergs were not present (19972000,

(Model 2, Supplementary Material), indicating that none of the

other covariates considered could explain much variation in relative peak hatch date if the iceberg effect was not considered.
However, if 2009 was excluded, and the iceberg effect was not considered, then the mean weekly SIC for Adlie penguin wintering
areas during October would have been the top model (Model 2,
Supplementary Material). The direction of the effect is as anticipated, with more ice on wintering areas in October resulting in
a later relative peak hatch date, with the confident limits on the
coefficient just barely overlapping zero ( = 0.20, SE = 0.11,
95% CI: 0.02 to 0.42). This indicates that although the effect
of conditions during spring migration on breeding phenology in
this study were weak, the relationship may be worth exploring in
more detail with a longer time series.
FIGURE 5 | The mean difference (with 95% confidence limits) between
peak hatch date and colony-specific means for Adlie penguin s
breeding at Cape Royds, Bird, and Crozier on Ross Island, Antarctica
during years when the icebergs were present (20012005) and when
there were no icebergs, excluding 2009 (19972000, 20062008, 2010).

were excluded, the iceberg effect was stronger (Model 1; AICc

wt = 0.78; Supplementary Material), with the best model containing the iceberg effect explaining 17.3% of the total variance,
and a coefficient with confidence limits that did not include zero
( = 2.12, SE = 0.69, 95% CI: 0.74 to 3.49). Excluding
2009, mean relative peak hatch dates were nearly 2 days earlier
during years when the iceberg was not present (Figure 5).
When all years were considered, only the model with the iceberg effect (Model 1) ranked higher than the intercept-only model

The variation among measures of reproductive performance
observed during years the icebergs were present was generally outside the range of variation seen in more typical years, with fewer
chicks produced, lower chick mass, and delayed nesting chronology observed during iceberg years. Chick mass was also strongly
negatively correlated with breeding population size (see also
Whitehead et al., in review), lending support to previous findings suggesting that density-dependent energetic constraints exist
at the largest colony (Ballance et al., 2009). When we excluded
the effects of the iceberg perturbation, we also found weak support for the effect of SIC in October (spring migratory period)
on breeding chronology (when 2009 was excluded) and some
indication that distance to the ice or polynya edge during chickrearing affected the number of chicks per pair produced each

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Dugger et al.

year. However, none of the other environmental covariates had

substantial effects on the population parameters we investigated
even if the effect of the icebergs was not considered. The positive
relationship between peak hatch date and SIC is consistent with
sea ice extent being greater as well (Zwally et al., 2002), resulting
in penguins wintering farther north than normal (cf. Ballard
et al., 2010b), which could delay their arrival on breeding colonies
in the spring and reduce breeding propensity, ultimately affecting
colony size (Wilson et al., 2001).
Despite the fact that the levels of summer primary production,
exhibited extreme variation in the Ross Sea during this study (5.7
49.6 Tg C year1 ) and was especially affected by the large icebergs,
we were surprised that there was no effect on the penguin reproductive parameters we measured. Changing primary productivity,
and correlated chlorophyll concentrations, have been found to
affect the ecosystem in general (Schofield et al., 2010) and penguins in particular (Lynch et al., 2012a; Cimino et al., 2013)
especially along the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula,
where climate change has been amplified. Chlorophyll concentration has been used as a proxy for food availability in many
studies of seabirds and other upper level marine predators, however, the actual link between chlorophyll level and prey availability
has rarely been made, and is likely very complex (e.g., Grmillet
et al., 2008; Ainley et al., 2009; Suryan et al., 2011). Our results
suggest that considering such a link should be done with caution
and might be applicable only at larger spatial and temporal scales.
At the scale of the entire Ross Sea there is a disproportionate contribution to total Southern Ocean productivity and an exemplary
robust food web (cf. Arrigo et al., 1998; Ballard et al., 2012; Smith
et al., 2014), perhaps mitigating any potential effects of more local
variability in productivity.
The decline in reproductive performance during iceberg years
had large effects on colony population size, particularly for the
smallest colony in this meta-population. The three Ross Island
colonies vary in size by multiple orders of magnitude and these
large differences have affected natural history parameters, particularly in light of density-dependent and competitive effects
on foraging effort and efficiency in this metapopulation (Ainley
et al., 2004, 2006; Ballance et al., 2009). Additionally, the impacts
of rare (in terms of a species life span), but extreme environmental perturbation can be important for regulating population size
(Drake, 2005; Frederiksen et al., 2008; Van de Pol et al., 2010),
with extreme events predicted to have relatively larger effects
on smaller populations compared to large ones, in part explaining why large Adlie penguin populations are large and small
ones are small (Ballard, 2010). Indeed, the Royds breeding population decreased from 36003900 pairs before 2001 to 2200
pairs by 2006; in contrast, the Crozier population increased from
about 155,000 to >175,000 pairs during the iceberg years, and is
now estimated to be over 270,000 breeding pairs (LaRue et al.,
2014; Lynch and LaRue, 2014; Lyver et al., 2014). In addition,
negative effects on productivity in particular are consistent with
the decreased foraging efficiency (Ballard et al., 2010a; Lescrol
et al., 2010, 2014) and increased inter-colony movement rates we
observed for breeding adults (Dugger et al., 2010; LaRue et al.,
2013) during this natural experiment. Movement rates of breeding adults between colonies increased in response to the presence

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Penguins coping with environmental change

of the icebergs, particularly emigration from Royds, the colony

with the lowest productivity during those years (Dugger et al.,
The variability inherent in demographic traits and life history
characteristics are of particular interest given changing climate
regimes, with gathering evidence indicating that some species lack
the ability to adapt to the environmental variation they now face,
with population declines and/or changes in distribution often the
result (McLaughlin et al., 2002; Both et al., 2006; Lescrol et al.,
2014). In fact, it has been suggested that Adlie penguins at the latitude of the Antarctic Peninsula region (northern edge of range)
are less able to adjust their breeding chronology to warming
temperatures, at least compared with Adlie penguins throughout their range (Ainley, 2002; Emmerson et al., 2011) and when
compared to sympatric penguin species at the southern edge of
their respective ranges (Hinke et al., 2012; Lynch et al., 2012b).
However, in Trre Adlie, East Antarctica, Adlie penguins were
found to change their laying date (later) but not arrival date in
response to gradually changing ocean variables (Barbraud and
Weimerskirch, 2006), and within the 18 latitude degrees in which
Adlie penguins nest, spring arrival and laying vary by latitude
(Ainley, 2002). For long-distance migratory birds in temperate
climates, a disconnect between arrival on breeding grounds and
the subsequent onset of reproduction, and peak food resources
required to lay eggs and/or raise chicks has been reported (Visser
et al., 1998, 2004; Both and Visser, 2001; Both et al., 2006). This
disconnect has been linked directly (Both et al., 2006) and indirectly (Both et al., 2010) to population declines of these migratory
species. At the northern limits of the Adlie penguin distribution
(6264S), sea ice disappearance has been linked to population
declines (Ducklow et al., 2007; Schofield et al., 2010; Lynch et al.,
2012a), with decreases in prey availability as a function of sea
ice also a factor (cf. Trivelpiece et al., 2011; Sailley et al., 2013).
Other climate-related changes have been linked to changes in
breeding phenology in these same areas, but there is currently no
evidence indicating that changes in food abundance are responsible for changes in timing of reproduction or breeding success
at these northern colonies (Hinke et al., 2012). Decreasing krill
availability as cetaceans recover from whaling off East Antarctica,
could explain the apparent shifts in date of laying (getting later)
by Adlie penguins there (cf. Barbraud and Weimerskirch, 2006;
Ainley et al., 2007, 2010), but it is generally unclear what demographic mechanisms (i.e., changes in survival, movements, or
reproductive success) are driving the changes.
In the southern Ross sea, the southernmost edge of the species
breeding range (7778S), Adlie penguins are likely very limited
in their ability to shift breeding phenology because the summer
season is very short relative to the time required to lay eggs and
raise chicks to fledging (85 days; Taylor, 1962; Ainley, 2002). In
addition, the Ross Island metapopulation has by far the longest
migration for this species, a function of the distance between the
southernmost location of the breeding colonies and the northern
location of the outer pack ice, where the species winters because
there is adequate light and suitable SIC (Ballard et al., 2010b;
Ainley and Ballard, 2011). This species ability to fast during portions of the breeding season helps them extend the time available
to breed in southern Antarctica (Ainley, 2002), but arrival on the

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Dugger et al.

breeding grounds and the onset of breeding is triggered by day

length (Ainley, 2002) and extending chick rearing later into the
season would disrupt fall migration phenology and molt (Ainley,
2002; Ballard et al., 2010b). Our results show that the physical
presence of the icebergs, which led to loss of polynya access for
western Ross Island colonies and loss of the marginal ice zone for
Crozier, had negative short-term consequences on this species
productivity at a population level, despite the fact that some
individuals were able to cope with this environmental variation
(Lescrol et al., 2010, 2014). In addition, given the delayed maturation of this species (37 years age at first reproduction; Ainley,
2002), long-term effects on demography and breeding population size are still being realized, several years after the iceberg
experiment terminated; indeed the Royds colony continued to
decrease (down to 1800 pairs), five years after return to typical
polynya presence patterns (Lyver et al., 2014). For Adlie penguins in the Ross Sea, changes in breeding phenology, movements
away from colonies most severely affected by the icebergs (Dugger
et al., 2010), retention of birds on a colony where nesting habitat increased (LaRue et al., 2013), and selection for breeders who
can forage most efficiently in the face of environmental stress
(Lescrol et al., 2010, 2014) may reflect responses that can ameliorate short-term and even extreme environmental variability for
this species (but see below).
This species has coped with multiple glacial advances in the
past, and these long-term environmental changes resulted in substantial changes to breeding distributions lasting thousands of
years (Emslie et al., 2007; Millar et al., 2012). If environmental
conditions represented by the presence of icebergs during this
study are analogous to increased SIC associated with the last
cooling period that occurred 900 years ago, severe declines
in reproductive success may be one mechanism that facilitated
breeding distribution changes documented during those geologic
time periods (Emslie et al., 2007). Despite the fact that sea ice
is currently increasing in the Ross Sea region owing to increasing winds (Thompson and Solomon, 2002; Russell et al., 2006;
Stammerjohn et al., 2008, 2012), future conditions (next 50 years)
are predicted to be quite different than conditions previously
encountered by the species, as sea ice will eventually disappear
on a much accelerated temporal scale (Ainley et al., 2010; Smith
et al., 2014). The environmental conditions observed during this
study when the icebergs were present (higher SIC), may appear
anomalous to what we might expect given that the Antarctic climate generally is warming (Ainley et al., 2010). However, while
the Ross Ice Shelf (West Antarctic Ice Sheet, WAIS) is believed
to have been relatively stable over the last 100 years (Bentley,
1998), with calving events of large icebergs occurring every 3040
years on average (Arrigo et al., 2002), calving rates have been high
at times (within a geologic/glaciological context), as the WAIS
retreated since the Last Glacial Maximum 20k years ago years
(Conway et al., 1999; Emslie et al., 2007). In addition, warming climates might be expected to facilitate a future increase in
calving rates and decrease overall ice shelf stability (Arrigo et al.,
2002), as has been the case for ice shelves in the extreme northern
part of Antarctica in recent years (Pritchard et al., 2009; Mulvaney
et al., 2012). Thus, major calving events like the one we report
on here are not new to Adlie penguins, and the conditions they

Penguins coping with environmental change

experienced during the iceberg years illustrate the short-term

environmental extremes and resulting population-level effects on
reproductive performance that they must cope with at the most
southern portion of their range. On a longer time scale, these
southern colonies are at the forefront of range expansion in the
face of WAIS retreat (with the accompanying hazard of large icebergs), while also coping concomitantly with increased distances
from wintering areas in pack ice to the north (Ballard et al.,

Funding was provided by National Science Foundation Grants
OPP 9526865, 9814882, 0125608, 0944411 and 0440643 (to
Katie M. Dugger, David G. Ainley, and Grant Ballard) and New
Zealands Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Grants C09X0510 and C01X1001 (to Phil OB. Lyver). We offer
many thanks to the large number of people who helped collect
field data for this project over the last 14 years. Fieldwork was
conducted with logistic support provided by the US Antarctic
Program and Antarctica New Zealand. All penguin survey,
capture and handling methods performed during data collection for this study were approved under appropriate Antarctic
Conservation Act permits from the National Science Foundation
Office of Polar Programs, Landcare Research Animal Ethics
Committee Permit Programme and Oregon State Universitys
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUP #3049,
3672, 4130). We greatly appreciate comments made on earlier
versions of this manuscript by Dr. Jefferson Hinke and two anonymous reviewers, and thanks to Dennis Jongsomjit (Point Blue
Conservation Science) for his help revising figures. This is Point
Blue Conservation Science Contribution No. 2000. Any use of
trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and
does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:

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Penguins coping with environmental change

Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 28 July 2014; accepted: 06 October 2014; published online: 24 October 2014.
Citation: Dugger KM, Ballard G, Ainley DG, Lyver POB and Schine C (2014) Adlie
penguins coping with environmental change: results from a natural experiment at the
edge of their breeding range. Front. Ecol. Evol. 2:68. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00068
This article was submitted to Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Copyright 2014 Dugger, Ballard, Ainley, Lyver and Schine. This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
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October 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 68 | 31



published: 13 February 2015

doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00008

Predicting responses of the Adlie penguin population of

Edmonson Point to future sea ice changes in the Ross Sea
Tosca Ballerini 1,2,3*, Giacomo Tavecchia 4 , Francesco Pezzo 1,5 , Stphanie Jenouvrier 6,7 and
Silvia Olmastroni 1,8

Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dellAmbiente, Universit degli Studi di Siena, Siena, Italy
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO), University of Toulon/Aix-Marseille University, CNRS/INSU, IRD, MIO, UM 110, La Garde Cedex, France
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO), Aix-Marseille University/University of Toulon, CNRS/INSU, IRD, MIO, UM 110, Marseille, Cedex, France
Population Ecology Group, Institut Mediterrani dEstudis Avanats (IMEDEA), CSIC-UIB, Mallorca, Spain
Museo di Storia Naturale della Maremma, Strada Corsini, Grosseto, Italy
Biology Deptartment, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA
Centre dEtudes Biologiques de Chiz, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UPR1934, Villiers en Bois, France
Museo Nazionale dellAntartide, Siena, Italy

Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen, Aarhus
University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
David Ainley, H.T. Harvey &
Associates, USA
Virginie Rolland, Arkansas State
University, USA
Tosca Ballerini, Mediterranean
Institute of Oceanography (MIO),
Universit de Toulon, Aix-Marseille
Universit, CNRS/INSU, IRD, MIO,
UM 110, La Garde Cedex 83957,

Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) predict changes in the sea

ice environment and in atmospheric precipitations over larger areas of Antarctica. These
changes are expected to affect the population dynamics of seabirds and marine mammals,
but the extent of this influence is not clear. We investigated the future population
trajectories of the colony of Adlie penguins at Edmonson Point, in the Ross Sea, from
2010 to 2100. To do so, we incorporated the relationship between sea ice and demographic
parameters of the studied colony into a matrix population model. Specifically, we used
sea ice projections from AOGCMs and a proxy for snowfall precipitation. Simulations of
population persistence under future climate change scenarios showed that a reduction in
sea ice extent (SIE) and an increase in precipitation events during the breeding season
will drive the population to extinction. However, the population growth rate estimated by
the model was lower than the population growth rate observed during the last decades,
suggesting that recruits from other colonies maintain the observed population dynamics
at Edmonson Point. This local rescue effect is consistent with a metapopulation
dynamic for Adlie penguins in the Ross Sea, in which neighboring colonies might exhibit
contrasting population trends and different density-dependent effects. In the hypothesis
that connectivity with larger source colonies or that local recruitment would decrease, the
sink colony at Edmonson Point is predicted to disappear.
Keywords: climate change, environmental stochasticity, IPCC, matrix population models, metapopulation
dynamics, population growth, seabirds

In the Southern Ocean, the disappearance of the sea ice habitat
associated with climate change threatens the viability of seabird
and marine mammal populations (Fraser et al., 1992; Jenouvrier
et al., 2005, 2009, 2012; Barbraud and Weimerskirch, 2006; Siniff
et al., 2008; Forcada and Trathan, 2009; Ainley et al., 2010;
Trivelpiece et al., 2011) because their life cycles and life-history
strategies evolved in response to a sea ice habitat that was stable
and predictable over large spatial and temporal scales (Forcada
et al., 2008). The Adlie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) is one of
the species that has been affected the most by changes in sea ice
extent (SIE) and sea ice concentration (SIC) linked to increased
air and sea temperature (Ainley, 2002; Ainley et al., 2010). This
species uses sea ice as a resting platform in the winter period
(Ainley, 2002). Sea ice is also the habitat for Adlie penguins principal preys, such as the krill (Euphausia spp.) and the Antarctic
silverfish (Pleuragramma antarcticum).
Satellite data on sea ice characteristics are available for
Antarctic since late 1970s (Cavalieri et al., 2003). They show a

decrease in SIE, SIC, and duration of the winter sea ice season
in the western Antarctic Peninsula region (Kwok and Comiso,
2002; Zwally et al., 2002; Stammerjohn et al., 2008, 2012) and an
increase in SIE and in the size of the Ross Sea polynya (an area of
permanent open water within the sea ice) in the Ross Sea sector
of the Southern Ocean (Parkinson, 2002; Zwally et al., 2002; see
also Ainley et al., 2010).
These changes in the sea ice habitat affected the Adlie penguin populations (Ainley et al., 2010). Census of Adlie penguin
breeding populations began around 1950s (Croxall et al., 2002)
and showed a decrease in the size of Adlie penguin population
along the Western Antarctic Peninsula and the Scotia Sea region,
but an increase in the Ross Sea sector (Smith et al., 1999). The
negative trend of penguin populations in the Western Antarctic
Peninsula/Scotia Sea region has been thought to be a consequence
of the loss of sea ice habitat caused by the rapid increase of air and
sea temperature (Fraser et al., 1992; Smith et al., 1999; Ducklow
et al., 2007; Hinke et al., 2007; Forcada and Trathan, 2009; Lynch
et al., 2012). In addition to the negative effects of decreased SIE,

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penguin populations in the Western Antarctic Peninsula/Scotia

Sea region have also been affected by the increased snowfall and
water melt runoff (Trivelpiece and Fraser, 1996). The opposite
positive trend in the Ross Sea is presumably the consequence
of the increase in SIE and the size of the Ross Sea polynya
that supposedly facilitated access to breeding colonies on land
(Ainley et al., 2005, 2010). These contrasting trends in Adlie
penguin population dynamics at different geographic locations in
the Southern Ocean are explained by a habitat optimum model
(Fraser and Trivelpiece, 1996; Smith et al., 1999) that relates population growth to the frequency of years with extensive winter sea
ice. According to the model, either too much or too little winter
SIE and SIC negatively affect penguin population growth (Fraser
and Trivelpiece, 1996; Smith et al., 1999; Ainley et al., 2010).
Winter SIE affects survival rates (Wilson et al., 2001; Jenouvrier
et al., 2006; Ballerini et al., 2009; Emmerson and Southwell, 2011),
and summer sea ice conditions close to breeding colonies influence breeding success (Olmastroni et al., 2004a; Emmerson and
Southwell, 2008).
Global climate models developed by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC; Meehl et al., 2007) predict a
decline of SIE and SIC all over Antarctica by the end of the century, even in the Ross Sea where SIE has so far increased (Ainley
et al., 2010). Climate models also predict a robust increase in
snowfall precipitations in Antarctica in the coming century with
the possibility of intensification of extreme atmospheric events
(Meehl et al., 2007; Turner et al., 2009). The majority of the
studies on Adlie penguin population dynamics and sea ice are
based on census of total population size (cfr. Fraser et al., 1992;
Smith et al., 1999; Wilson et al., 2001; Ainley et al., 2005; Forcada
et al., 2006; Hinke et al., 2007). However, studying the whole life
cycle and the effects of a changing environment on vital rates
is essential to understand the mechanisms that allow birds to
respond to climate change (dahl et al., 2006; Jenouvrier, 2013;
Oli, 2014).
Here, we used demographic data collected at the individual level during the breeding seasons 19942004 at the colony
of Edmonson Point, Central Victoria Land coast, Ross Sea
(Figure 1), to build a matrix population model (Caswell, 2001)
for the Adlie penguin. First, we compared the growth rate projected from the demographic model to the growth rate measured
from ground census. Then we used the model to project population growth using future projections of SIE obtained form
IPCC-class climate models (Jenouvrier, 2013). To investigate
cross-seasonal effects (Ward et al., 2005) we also built environmental scenarios that are based on the assumed causation
between unusually harsh weather conditions at the breeding site
(Olmastroni et al., 2004a) and increased mortality in the following winter despite good sea ice conditions (Ballerini et al.,



The colony of Edmonson Point (74 21 S165 10 E) is situated

in the Wood Bay, a large embayment covered by fast ice (persistent sea ice that keeps in place for several years), along the
Victoria Land cost in the Ross Sea (Figure 1). Edmonson Point

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Penguin populations and sea ice changes

FIGURE 1 | The Adlie penguin colony of Edmonson Point is located on

an ice-free area at 74 20 S, 165 08 E, along the Victoria Land coast,
Ross Sea, Antarctica.

has been a nesting site for Adlie penguins since 3000 BP (Baroni
and Orombelli, 1994). Today the colony is composed of several
(1013) breeding groups (hereafter subcolonies) where population size was assessed by ground counts in 13 seasons during
the period 19932009 (Olmastroni et al., 2000; Pezzo et al., 2007;
this study). From 1994 to 2004 two of the subcolonies have been
the focus of an intensive study of individual-based information
on marked animals and nests (Supplementary Material, Table A1;
Olmastroni et al., 2000). Each year, birds implanted with passive transponders (TIRIS tag) were reobserved in the study area
through an Automatic Penguin Monitoring System and through
manual observations (Olmastroni et al., 2000). Their capture histories were used to get estimates of age- and time-dependent
survival probabilities for this population (Ballerini et al., 2009).
Nests were monitored daily from the beginning to the end of the
breeding season to calculate annual values of clutch size, hatching
success and creching success (Pezzo et al., 2007) according to the
CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (cfr. SC-CCAMLR,
2004). Daily observations of breeding nests also allowed estimation of the percentage of eggs and chick mortality due to weather
factors (Olmastroni et al., 2004a) and skua predation. The demographic parameters measured during the study period were used
to create a time-invariant and a time-dependent dataset used in
the demographic analyses.

We combined the available survival (Ballerini et al., 2009) and

fecundity parameters (Pezzo et al., 2007) collected at the colony
of Edmonson Point into a closed, pre-breeding, age-structured
model for the Adlie penguin (Figure 2). The model considers
females only and the projection interval is from November at
year t to November at t + 1. Following Ballerini et al. (2009),
the model has five age classes. New individuals result from the

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Penguin populations and sea ice changes

combination of breeding propensity (bp), female fecundity (f )

and survival during the first year of life (s0). Fecundity (f ) is
defined as the product of clutch size (cs), hatching success (hs) and
fledging success (fs). Age-at-first reproduction varies in the Adlie
penguin (Ainley, 2002), but precise estimates are not available
for penguins at Edmonson Point, where all breeding birds were
assumed to be 4+ (Ballerini et al., 2009). Transitions between ageclasses are represented by a structured matrix population model,
A, that includes fecundity and survival estimates for each age class
considered (Caswell, 2001) as:
n(t + 1) = A(t) n(t)


where n(t) is a vector with the number of birds for each age at
time t and the matrix A(t) projects the population from t to t + 1.
The population growth rate () was calculated as the dominant
eigenvalue of the matrix A, while the stable age distribution, w,
is the dominant right eigenvectors of A. In the initial population
vector n(1) the number of individuals in each age class was scaled
according to the stable age distribution w obtained from A with
average parameters over the study period.

The population growth rate () estimated by the matrix model

was lower than the population growth rate derived from ground
census (see Results). Previous studies indicated that the values of
breeding success (0.76 chicks/nest, Pezzo et al., 2007) and firstyear survival (0.34, Ballerini et al., 2009) estimated for the colony
of Edmonson Point are lower than in other penguin populations.
But while the value of breeding success is robust because obtained
from individually monitored nests and from ground census, firstyear survival might be underestimated (Ballerini et al., 2009).
First-year survival for the population of Edmonson Point was
estimated based on resightings of marked birds in the intensive
study area. While Adlie penguins have strong return rates to
their natal colony (Sheperd et al., 2005), it is possible that birds

FIGURE 2 | Adlie penguin life cycle graph. si is the probability that an

individual in stage i survives from time t to time t + 1; bp is the probability,
conditional on survival, that an individual in stage i breeds; sr is the
assumed sex-ratio at birth; cs is clutch size; hs is the probability of an egg
to hatch; crs is the probability of a chick to survive until the crche stage.
The graph corresponds to the matrix population model (Equation 1) (see
Methods section).

marked as chicks in the intensive study area settled as breeders

in other subcolonies of Edmonson Point. A search for tagged
birds outside of the intensive study area helped identify only a
few breeders (Olmastroni, personal observation). Capture-markrecapture models used to estimate survival rates at the colony
of Edmonson Point (Ballerini et al., 2009) confound permanent
emigration with mortality. Thus, any bird breeding outside the
intensive study area will be considered as dead and negatively bias
the juvenile survival rate. To take into account this likely underestimation in survival rates in the first year (Ballerini et al., 2009),
we used the time-invariant dataset to perform a fitness landscape
analysis to identify the value of first-year survival that determines
a population growth rate () equal to 1. The analysis showed
that, all other parameters being constant, first-year survival s0c
should be 0.71 (Figure 3). This value, s0c = 0.71, was used to correct the formula for first-year survival (see Section Projections of
Population Growth).

SIE and SIC are highly correlated and they can affect penguins
in several ways and at different spatial scales (see Ainley et al.,
2010). For the population of Adlie penguins of Edmonson Point,
breeding success is not correlated to large-scale sea ice variables
(Ballerini, 2007), while survival is correlated to SIE anomalies
(SIEA) during winter (June, July, August, and September) in the
Ross Sea (Ballerini et al., 2009). SIEA are proportional anomalies
in SIE, relative to the mean from 1979 to 2010 calculated over a
large sector of the Ross Sea (from 150 to 230 E). This includes
the ice edge area where Adlie penguins from Edmonson Point
are thought to overwinter in the Ross Sea (Wilson et al., 2001;
Ballerini et al., 2009; Ballard et al., 2010).
Observed SIE from 1979 to 2010 were obtained from passive
microwave satellite imagery provided by the National Snow and
Ice data Center, using the NASA team sea ice algorithm (Cavalieri
et al., 1996, Forecasts of SIE from climate
models were extracted from 20 models available as part of the

FIGURE 3 | Fitness landscape analysis. Population growth rate, , as a

function of first-year survival, s0c.

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Penguin populations and sea ice changes

WCRP CMIP3 multi-model dataset from 1900 to 2100 (see Meehl

et al., 2007 and
AOGCMs differ in their ability to reproduce sea ice conditions
in Antarctica (Lefebvre and Goosse, 2008; Ainley et al., 2010).
Thus, from an initial set of 20 climate models, we selected those
for which the statistical properties of the distribution of SIEA output agree well with the observations from 1979 to 2010, in terms
of both the median and the standard deviation of the SIEA distribution following the approach developed by Jenouvrier et al.
The comparison of the statistical properties of the distribution of SIEA was performed for the months of June, July, August,
and September. For each month, we first compared the medians,
selecting model m if
Q1 Xm Q3


where Xm is the median of the SIEA output of model m and Q1

and Q3 are the first and third quartile of the distribution of observations. Second we compared the standard deviation of SIEA,
selecting model m if
0.5 sxo sxm 0.5 sxo


where sxm and sxo are the standard deviation of SIEA from the climate model m and from observations, respectively. Five models
were selected for which Equations (2) and (3) applied for the 4
months. Then, we used the monthly data to create a single average value for winter SIEA and compared this value with average
winter values from observations with Equations (2) and (3). The
five models selected in the first phase were selected also in the
second phase (Supplementary Material, Table A3).
The selected climate models were then forced with a middle
range emissions scenario (SRES A1B, IPCC, 2000). This scenario assumes a future socio-economic development depending
on fossil and non-fossil energy sources in balanced proportions.
Under this scenario, the CO2 level doubles by 2100, from 360 to
720 ppm.
To generate stochastic SIEA forecasts, we first obtained output
for SIEA in the winter period. From this output, we computed
smoothed means x(t) and smoothed covariance matrices C(t),
using a Gaussian kernel smoother with smoothing parameter
h = 2. We then generated stochastic SIEA vectors by drawing x(t)
as an iid sample from a normal distribution with mean x(t) and
covariance matrix C(t).

We used stochastic sea ice forecasts from the IPCC models that
were selected to force the survival rates in the Adlie penguin
population model. Survival probabilities were expressed as a
function of SIEA in the Ross Sea using the functional relationship
determined for this population by Ballerini et al. (2009):
Phi_age = invlogit (alpha_age + beta_age SIEA
+beta_age SIEA2 )

the age-specific coefficients of the relationship between survival

and sea ice determined with mark-recapture models (Ballerini
et al., 2009). We took into account the systematic bias in first-year
survival by setting:
Phi_age0 = invlogit (alpha_age0 + beta_age0 SIEA
+beta_age 0 SIEA2 ) + s0c 0.34


where s0c = 0.71 is the value of first-year survival derived from

the fitness landscape analysis and 0.34 is the value of first-year
survival, s0, from the time-invariant dataset.
We projected the population under three scenarios. The first
scenario considers stochastic SIE forecasts from five IPCC models
to generate a sequence of demographic rates from 2010 to 2100
in the projection matrix. The initial population vector was built
with the average equilibrium population structure from the timeinvariant population model. To evaluate uncertainties in climate,
we used 200 stochastic forecasts from each of the five AOGCMs.
The other two scenarios include SIE forecasts but also account for
an increased frequency of extreme atmospheric events during the
breeding season. In 2002/03, unusual strong winds and snowfall
resulted in longer foraging trips during the guard stages and lead
to reduced survival rates for breeders. This catastrophic breeding
season was proposed to be responsible for an additional 7% in
the adult mortality during the winter 2003 (Ballerini et al., 2009).
Therefore, we included these extreme events by randomly sampling a matrix where adult survival, s4, expressed as a function
of stochastic sea ice forecasts is then depressed by 7%. We considered a frequency of one catastrophic event every 14 years (as
observed during the study period) for Scenario 2 and a frequency
of one every other year (hypothetical scenario of an increasing
frequency) for Scenario 3.


In the period 19932009, the Adlie penguin colony at Edmonson

Point increased in size passing from 1473 to 2712 breeding pairs
(Supplementary Material, Table A2). During the period 1994
2004 the relative size of the subcolonies that compose the colony
of Edmonson Point varied strongly, some breeding groups disappeared while others increased in size. In the two subcolonies
intensively studied, the number of breeding pairs decreased, ranging from 390 occupied nests in 1994 to 249 occupied nest in
2004 (Figure 4A). This corresponds to 3.1% annual decline in
observed population size in the local study area. The long-term
population growth rate () calculated from the time-invariant
population model indicates a 6.3% annual decline of the study
population, thus predicting an annual reduction in population
size that is twice as much as the observed growth rate (from
ground census). The from the time-dependent matrix model
underestimates annual population growth every year with the
exception of the year from the breeding season 2000 to breeding
season 2001 (Figure 4B).


Where Phi_age is the survival rate for the five age classes in the
population model in Figure 2, while alpha_age and beta_age are
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Most AOGCMs projected declines in the total Antarctic SIE in

the Ross Sea for the period 19792010 (Supplementary Material,
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FIGURE 4 | Annual counts of population size (A) and yearly values

of the population growth rate, , (B) in two subcolonies at
Edmonson Point. Values of calculated from ground census of the
breeding population (solid circles) and by the matrix population model

Figure A1), contrary to the observed trend (Stammerjohn et al.,

2012). However, simulated and observed trends are generally
consistent with natural variability and trend discrepancies may
not necessarily indicate a model bias, especially within a short
time window (Mahlstein et al., 2013; Hobbs et al., 2014).
Among the 20 AOGCMs, five were retained for which the
median and the standard deviation of the simulated SIEA distribution agreed with observations (Figure 5; Supplementary
Material, Table A3, Figures A1, A2). The retained models are
cccma-cgcm3-1-t63, giss-aom, inmcm3-0, miroc3-2-hires and
gfdl_cm2_0. The last two models were also retained by Ainley
et al. (2010), who predicted changes in penguin sea ice habitat
around all Antarctica using several key climate variables (wind
stress, Antarctic Circumpolar strength and boundary, seasonal
cycle of sea ice around Antarctica and annual mean ice thickness).
Differently from the first three models, these two models, miroc32-hires and gfdl_cm2_0, predict a transient increase in SIE in the
Ross Sea, possibly linked to the ozone hole, before SIE decreases
(Ainley et al., 2010).
The five AOGCMs that were retained were used to get stochastic SIE forecasts in the Ross Sea, which in turn were used to drive
survival probability in the population projections (population
projections for all the AOGCMs, including the ones that were not
selected, are available in the Supplementary Material, Figure A2).
All population projections from the retained AOGCMs predicted
a dramatic decline of the breeding population down to extinction
(Figures 6, 7; Table 1). However, there are differences in the speed
of decline among the five AOGCMs. Model ccma-cgcm3-1-t63

Penguin populations and sea ice changes

(open circles) are indicated. Note that breeding season 1994

indicates the breeding season 1994/95, while winter 1995 indicates
the period between the breeding season 1994 and the breeding
season 1995.

predicts the fastest decline, with fewer than 300 breeding pairs
in 30 years whereas model inmcm3-0 predicts a probability of
extinction of only 0.12 after 30 years (Table 1). Model giss-aom
predicts an extinction probability equal to 1 after 39 years. The
two models selected also by Ainley et al. (2010), model miroc3-2hires and model gfdl_cm2_0, project a probability of extinction
equal to 1 after 37 and 41 years, respectively.
When the proxy for extreme atmospheric events is included
in the simulations, extinction will occur sooner (Figures 7B,C;
Table 1). A catastrophic event every other year would dramatically increase the probability of extinction, which is equal to
1 in 2024 with models cccms-cgm3-1-t63 and giss-aom. Model
inmcm3-0 predicts the slowest decline of the population under
a scenario of one catastrophic event every 14 years but it still
predicts a probability of extinction of 1 after 29 years.

By linking a population model to climate change projections, we
projected that the Adlie penguin population at Edmonson Point
will be functionally extinct within 40 years. Based on a qualitative analysis of penguin response to climate change projected by a
set of AOGCMs, Ainley et al. (2010) predicted that 75% of Adlie
penguin colonies (70% of breeding population) north of 70 S are
projected to decrease or disappear when global temperature will
have increased by 2 C above pre-industrial levels (20252052).
Edmonson Point is located far south (74 21 S) and although our
results are worrisome for the persistence of Adlie penguins, we
have to acknowledge that the population seems to be part of a

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FIGURE 5 | Comparison of Ross Sea sea ice extent values derived from satellite observations (red line) and Ross Sea sea ice values derived from the
AOGCMs that were retained (blue line). Models miroc3-2-hires and gfdl_cm2_0 were two of the four best models for the Ross Sea in Ainley et al. (2010).

metapopulation in which local breeding areas are connected by

dispersal of breeding individuals (Ainley et al., 1995; Sheperd
et al., 2005). Whether or not the metapopulation will persist is,
as-yet, unknown.

Adlie penguin breeding populations all over Antarctica are organized in cluster of colonies, each cluster constituting a metapopulation with large source colonies contributing immigrants to
smaller sink colonies (Ainley et al., 1995; Ainley, 2002). Dispersal
rates are low among adults (1% during average years to 3.5%
under extreme environmental in southern Ross Sea, Dugger et al.,
2010) while dispersal among new breeders depends on stochastic
events (Sheperd et al., 2005; La Rue et al., 2013). The Terranova
Bay metapopulation is composed of two large colonies, Adlie
Cove and Inexpressible Island (with 11 234 and 24 450 breeding
pairs, respectively, Lyver et al., 2014) and of the smaller colony
of Edmonson Point (Ainley et al., 2005). Data on migratory
rates between these colonies do not exist. However, the demographic data from Edmonson Point suggest that this colony is
not a closed system (Ainley et al., 2005) and that immigration
might be crucial in determining its population dynamics. Adlie
penguins show a high fidelity to the breeding site and we speculate that the Edmonson Point population is composed of a pool
of established breeders that come back to breed at the colony
year after year, and of a pool of new breeders that immigrate

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

from nearby colonies each year. New breeders would come from
the larger colonies of the Terranova Bay metapopulation where
space for breeding is limited and/or where summer competition
for food can be high (Ainley et al., 2004). It is possible that the
colony of Edmonson Point is sustained also by birds from colonies
further south in the Ross Sea. In the breeding season 2014, in
fact, five birds marked with flipper bands at Cape Royds and
Cape Bird, Ross Island, were observed breeding at Edmonson
Point (Olmastroni, personal observation). Immigration of new
breeders from nearby colonies could explain why the colony of
Edmonson Point increased in size during the study period (Lyver
et al., 2014; this work) even if breeding success and first-year survival were low in comparison to other locations in the Ross Sea
(Pezzo et al., 2007) and not enough to sustain population growth.
Sink populations are usually situated in low quality habitats
(Pulliam, 1988). Extensive fast ice (about 20 km) rests in place in
front of Edmonson Point almost every year (Olmastroni et al.,
personal observation), thus making it energetically more costly
for penguins to search for food, as they are obliged to walk instead
of swimming to reach their foraging grounds (Clarke et al., 1998;
Olmastroni, 2002). Longer foraging trips might cause lower delivery rates of food to chicks, thus negatively impacting the breeding
success (Clarke et al., 2002; Olmastroni et al., 2004b). Delivery
rates to chicks might also be limited by food competition with
Adlies from the other colonies of the Terranova Bay metapopulation and with emperor penguins from the nearby colony of

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FIGURE 6 | Projections of the Adlie penguin population at Edmonson Point based on stochastic sea ice extent anomalies forecasts from five
AOGCMs. For each AOGCM, the median population trajectory (thick red line) and the 95% envelope (gray area), from 200 stochastic simulations are shown.

Cape Washington (almost 12 000 breeding pairs, Barber-Meyer

et al., 2007; but see Ainley et al., 1995). Finally, breeding success
is strongly limited at Edmonson Point by predation of eggs and
chicks by the South polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki). With
a ratio skua pairs/penguins pairs of 1:20, the highest recorded
along the Victoria Land coast (Pezzo et al., 2001), about 52% of
eggs and chicks are predated each year (Olmastroni and Pezzo,
unpublished data, average over 5 years).
The population growth rate calculated from the matrix population model is negative almost every year, indicating that the
colony is not self-sustaining. While adult survival measured at
Edmonson Point (Ballerini et al., 2009) is in the range of variability of other Adlie penguin populations that are not declining
(cfr. Jenouvrier et al., 2006; Lescrol et al., 2009; Emmerson and
Southwell, 2011), apparent juvenile survival (Ballerini et al., 2009;
Emmerson and Southwell, 2011) and breeding success are lower
than in other populations (Ainley, 2002 and studies herein; Pezzo
et al., 2007). For these reasons, we speculate that the colony of
Edmonson Point is a sink population sustained by neighboring
colonies, and that the estimates of juvenile survival might be
biased. Indeed, dispersal may be limited among adults but may
be higher among juveniles (La Rue et al., 2013). Therefore, to
project population response, we corrected for this systematic bias
by tuning our population model so that the growth rate projected
during the observation period matches a stable population (see
fitness landscape analysis). Model tuning is a common strategy
in climate modeling, so that the properties of climate models are
adjusted in various ways to best match the known state of the

Earths climate system. Typically, the tuning is performed over

uncertain and non-observable parameters related to processes not
explicitly represented in the models (Mauritsen et al., 2012).

The population of Edmonson Point is projected to decline at a

rapid rate, especially if extreme snow events are accounted for.
The population is projected to be functionally extinct as soon as
13 years and as late as 40 years, depending on the climate models
used to project SIE and on the frequency of simulated extreme
weather events at breeding.
Differences among models in the SIE simulation outputs are
due to uncertainties in the representation of climate processes
within the models (Lefebvre and Goosse, 2008; Turner et al.,
2013). In order to account for this structural uncertainty, we
selected a model subset by comparing climatological aspects of
the simulated SIEA to the observed climatology in term of median
and standard deviation of the SIEA distributions during the study
period (Jenouvrier et al., 2012; Jenouvrier, 2013; Jenouvrier et al.,
2014). Because the climate variable included in our population
model is SIEA and our aim is to project population trajectories given future SIEA projections, we believe this is a robust
When using SIE forecasts from the five AOGCMs, all simulations of population dynamics predict extinction of the population
of Edmonson Point in the next 40 years. However, different
climate models imply different future sea-ice projections. For
example, model miroc3-2-hires and model gfdl_cm2_0 predict a

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Ballerini et al.

FIGURE 7 | Projections of the Adlie penguin population at Edmonson

Point based on stochastic sea ice extent anomalies forecasts from five
AOGCMs (A), considering a catastrophic weather event at breeding with

temporary increase in SIE in the Ross Sea in the next decades,

although a general decrease in the long run. A temporary increase
in winter sea ice implies a displacement further north of the
ice edge, which is thought to negatively impact juvenile survival
over the winter period by reducing the access to food resources
(Wilson et al., 2001). For a similar reason, extreme winter SIE is
also associated with reduced adult survival (Ballerini et al., 2009).
All AOGCMs agree in predicting a decline of SIE by the mid
of this century (Ainley et al., 2010). Reduced SIE means a displacement toward the south of the ice edge, possibly at latitudes
where there is no light in the winter. This can impact over-winter
survival by increasing competition for the narrow suitable winter habitat with enough light for penguins to successfully forage
(Ballard et al., 2010).
Adlie penguins from Edmonson Point most likely share the
same wintering grounds as birds from the other colonies along
Victoria Land (Wilson et al., 2001; Ballard et al., 2010). Since
survival in the Adlie penguin is affected by winter SIE and
SIC (Wilson et al., 2001; Jenouvrier et al., 2006; Ballerini et al.,
2009), it is likely that changes in SIE will affect survival rates
of penguins from Adlie Cove and Inexpressible Island too. If
this hypothesis is true, survival rates of penguins from other
colonies will likely decline because sea ice is projected to shrink
everywhere in Antarctica (Ainley et al., 2010). This can affect
the immigration fluxes toward Edmonson Point and the persistence of the metapopulation in the Ross Sea. Future work entails
projecting Adlie penguin population responses throughout the

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Penguin populations and sea ice changes

a frequency of 1 over 14 years (B), and considering a catastrophic

weather event every other year (C). For each AOGCM, the median
population trajectory from 200 stochastic simulations is shown.

entire species range, by including dispersal scenarios and different

functional relationships between climate and demography along
a latitudinal gradient (Jenouvrier et al., 2014).
The responses of seabird populations to large-scale environmental changes will depend on the sensitivity of their demographic parameters to the physical processes and on how the
changes in demographic parameters are expressed at the population level (dahl et al., 2006). Since survival has a strong impact
on population growth, the expected reduction in SIE and increase
in snowfall are likely to negatively impact the population dynamics of Edmonson Point. According to the matrix population
model, these changes in the physical environment will determine
an increase in the speed of decline of the population of Edmonson
Point. The ability of Adlie penguins to respond to global environmental changes will depend on their ability to modulate the
breeding strategy in the summer and on the availability of suitable
habitat in the winter (cfr. Ainley et al., 2010).
The plastic responses of Adlie penguins to the their changing
environment are being increasingly studied (Lynch et al., 2012; La
Rue et al., 2013; Dugger et al., 2014; Lescrol et al., 2014). While
it has been found that Adlie penguins can adapt their foraging
efficiency to abrupt changes in SIC during the summer period
(Lescrol et al., 2014), it is less clear how much they can modify
their breeding phenology and breeding strategy (Barbraud and
Weimerskirch, 2006; Dugger et al., 2010, 2014; Lynch et al., 2012).
Adlie penguins are long-range migrant species that evolved their
breeding strategy in response to an environment that varied over

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Penguin populations and sea ice changes

Table 1 | Probability of extinction of the Adlie penguin population of

Edmonson Point at time t = 10, 20, 30, and 40 years after 2010, for
five AOGCMs and three environmental scenarios.
cccma-cgcm3- giss-aom inmcm3-0 miroc3- gfdl_cm2_0


Scenario 1





Scenario 2






Scenario 3







Scenario 1






Scenario 2






Scenario 3




Scenario 1





Scenario 2




Scenario 3


Scenario 1


Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Scenario, stochastic sea ice; scenario 2 = stochastic sea ice + proxy snowfall
every 14 years; scenario 3 = stochastic sea ice + proxy snowfall every other
year (see the Methods Section for more details).

much longer geological time scales than the current temporal

scale of climate change (Fraser and Trivelpiece, 1996; Emslie
et al., 2007; Forcada et al., 2008; Thatje et al., 2008; Li et al.,
2014). AOGCMs predict an increased probability of extreme
atmospheric events (Ainley et al., 2010), such as the heavy snowstorm that caused extensive mortality of eggs and chicks in 2003
(Olmastroni et al., 2004a). The possibility of microevolutionary
adaptive responses (Sheperd et al., 2005) is probably limited in
species with a long generation time (Rosenheim and Tabashnik,
1991) such as the Adlie penguin. In these species, the maximization of fitness is likely to rely on phenotypic plasticity or shortterm individual responses to the environment (Forcada et al.,
2008). If the frequency of catastrophic climatic events at Adlie
penguin breeding sites increases and happens in a time interval
equal to the generation time, there will not be a generation with
a high fitness and the population will go extinct (Forcada et al.,
2008; Melbourne and Hastings, 2008). So the responses of Adlie
penguins to changing environment will depend, in part, on their
ability to change their breeding phenology and breeding strategy.
Possible future changes in the Ross Sea food web (Smith et al.,
2007, 2014), could potentially exacerbate the direct effects of
changes in habitat availability on the viability of Adlie penguins populations. The principal prey species for Adlie penguins,
krill and Antarctic silverfish, depend on the sea ice for successful completion of their life cycles. Disappearance of prey
species in response to reduced sea ice habitat is thought to
be one of the causes of reduction of penguin populations in
the western Antarctic Peninsula region (Schofield et al., 2010;
Trivelpiece et al., 2011; Sailley et al., 2013). Understanding the
effects of climate change is further complicated by alterations to

the Antarctic food web due to harvesting activities (Trivelpiece

et al., 2011; Lyver et al., 2014). Lyver et al. (2014) suggest that
the rapid increase in population size in the southern colonies of
the Ross Sea since 2001 was, at least in part, due to competitive
release of Antarctic silverfish following the commercial removal
of the Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni).
As a conclusion, we detected and quantified the actual and
future decrease of a small Adlie penguin colony that is probably
part of a larger metapopulation. We concluded that this colony is
a sink population, not limited by breeding sites availability but by
inter-specific processes such as high predation. This population is
sustained by immigration from larger colonies of the metapopulation. A decreasing trend of such sink population might be
seen as a spy light indicating a possible future decrease of the
whole metapopulation, including the source colonies. Causes of
this potential general decline have to be investigated both among
global drivers affecting adult survival, such as sea ice conditions over large areas, and among local drivers, such as stochastic
weather events, greatly affecting breeding success.

This work was supported by the Italian Antarctic Research
Program (PNRA) and by the Italian Ministry for University and
Research (MIUR). The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) provided the Automatic Penguin Monitoring System (APMS) used
in the mark-recapture study. We are very grateful to Prof. Silvano
Focardi and Dr. Knowles Kerry, former scientific leaders, and to
the many people from the Department of Environmental Sciences
of the University of Siena and from the AAD who were actively
involved in field data collection over many years. We would like
to thank Valerio Volpi who produced the map in Figure 1. Tosca
Ballerini was supported by a doctoral fellowship in Polar Science
20032006, University of Siena. Stephanie Jenouvrier acknowledges support from the Grayce B. Kerr Fund and the Penzance
Endowed Fund in Support of Assistant Scientists and Grant ANT0944411. We acknowledge the modeling groups, the Program
for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI)
and the Working Group on Coupled Modeling (WGCM) of
the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) for sea ice data.
We thank the two reviewers for their input and constructive criticism, which greatly helped to improve the quality of
the manuscript. This research was designed and coordinated
by Francesco Pezzo, Giacomo Tavecchia and Silvia Olmastroni.
Francesco Pezzo conceived the population study and its design,
built the research team, collected field data (since 1998), contributed to the interpretation of the results and provided critical
revision of the manuscript. Giacomo Tavecchia designed the population analysis, contributed to the interpretation of results and
provided critical revision of the ms. Stephanie Jenouvrier performed the sea ice data analysis, provided the computing code
and assisted with the sea ice dependent population analysis,
helped in the interpretation of the results and provided critical revision of the manuscript. Silvia Olmastroni collected field
data since 1996, managed and provided the Edmonson Point
dataset, performed analysis and interpretation of breeding population ground census data, and provided critical revision of the
manuscript. Tosca Ballerini collected field data in 2004, coordinated and performed the analysis, wrote the manuscript. All
February 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 8 | 40

Ballerini et al.

authors revised the final manuscript and agreed to be accountable

for it.

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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 04 November 2014; accepted: 16 January 2015; published online: 13
February 2015.
Citation: Ballerini T, Tavecchia G, Pezzo F, Jenouvrier S and Olmastroni S (2015)
Predicting responses of the Adlie penguin population of Edmonson Point to future sea
ice changes in the Ross Sea. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:8. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00008
This article was submitted to Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Copyright 2015 Ballerini, Tavecchia, Pezzo, Jenouvrier and Olmastroni. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted,
provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use,
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February 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 8 | 42

published: 18 February 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00010


A changing distribution of seabirds in South Africathe

possible impact of climate and its consequences
Robert J. M. Crawford 1,2*, Azwianewi B. Makhado 1 , Philip A. Whittington 3,4 , Rod M. Randall 5 ,
W. Herman Oosthuizen 1 and Lauren J. Waller 6

Branch Oceans and Coasts, Department of Environmental Affairs, Cape Town, South Africa
Animal Demography Unit, Department of Natural Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa
Department of Zoology, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
East London Museum, Southernwood, South Africa
South African National Parks, Sedgefield, South Africa
CapeNature, Hermanus, South Africa

Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen, Aarhus
University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Nathaniel K. Newlands, Federal
Government of Canada, Canada
Debbie Russell, University of St
Andrews, UK
Robert J. M. Crawford, Branch
Oceans and Coasts, Department of
Environmental Affairs, Second Floor,
Foretrust Building, Martin
Hammerschlag Road, Foreshore,
Cape Town 8001, South Africa
e-mail: crawford@

In the southern Benguela ecosystem off South Africa, there were recent shifts to the south
and east in the distributions of three forage resources (anchovy, sardine, rock lobster),
which probably were influenced by environmental change although fishing too may have
played a part. In this study, we review information on trends in distributions and numbers
of eight seabirds breeding in South Africa. For five species that feed predominantly on
anchovy, sardine or rock lobster, their populations off northwest South Africa decreased
markedly. For three of these species, which exhibit behavioral inertia and have restricted
foraging ranges when breeding (African penguin, Cape cormorant, bank cormorant), there
were large decreases in their overall populations in South Africa. Conversely, for two
showing more plasticity and able to range over wide areas or move between breeding
localities (Cape gannet, swift tern) there were increases. It is thought that movement of
forage resources away from the northern islands led to a mismatch in the distributions
of breeding localities and prey of dependent seabirds off western South Africa and to
attempts by several species to establish colonies on the southern mainland closer to
food resources. There also were shifts to the south and east in the distributions of three
seabirds that do not compete with fisheries for prey (crowned cormorant, white-breasted
cormorant, kelp gull), suggesting some environmental forcing, but decreases of these
species off northwest South Africa were less severe and populations in South Africa
remained stable or increased in the long term. It is likely, because many fishing plants
are located in the northwest, that there was increased competition between seabirds and
fisheries for prey as forage resources moved south and east. Potential interventions to
mitigate the adverse impacts of distributional changes for seabirds include allocations of
allowable catches of shared forage resources at regional levels, closures to fishing around
impacted seabird colonies and establishment of new colonies nearer to the present
location of food.
Keywords: behavioral inertia, Benguela ecosystem, competition with fisheries, distributional change,
environmental forcing, forage resources, mainland breeding, seabirds

Marine ecosystems are being affected by climate change worldwide. Often such change is pronounced at high latitudes, where
its impact on associated fauna is readily apparent. For example, reductions in stable old ice, increases in unconsolidated ice
and lengthening of the melt season in the Arctic Ocean have
reduced the availability and quality of denning habitat in pack
ice for polar bears (Ursus maritimus) and caused an increase of
bears denning in coastal habitat, thereby altering their distribution (Fischbach et al., 2007). In the West Antarctic Peninsula,
there have been poleward shifts in ice extent and local declines
of ice-dependent Adlie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) (Trivelpiece
et al., 2011; Lynch et al., 2012), which contrast with increases

and a southward range extension of Gentoo penguins (P. papua)

that do not depend on ice (Lynch, 2013). At lower latitudes
changes in distributions of marine fauna also may be pronounced
(Cheung et al., 2009), but sometimes the reasons for these and
altered population trends are not as clearly understood. Thus,
eight potential causes were postulated for circumpolar decreases
of sub-Antarctic rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome and
E. moseleyi) (BirdLife International, 2010).
Off South Africa, in the southern Benguela ecosystem there
have been recent changes in the distributions and population sizes
of several animals, including seabirds (e.g., Whittington, 2004;
Crawford et al., 2007, 2014b; Kirkman et al., 2012; Crawford,
2013) and three forage species that are important prey for

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Crawford et al.

seabirds: anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), sardine (Sardinops

sagax) and rock lobster (Jasus lalandii) (van der Lingen et al.,
2006; Blamey et al., 2015). From 1984 to 1995 most (61 21%
by mass standard deviation) spawning anchovy were located west
of Cape Agulhas (Figure 1), whereas from 1996 to 2005 this proportion halved to 31 11% (information in Roy et al., 2007).
From 1994 to 1998 most (74 17% by mass) spawning sardine
were west of Cape Agulhas, but this decreased by two-thirds to 26
12% from 1999 to 2007 (information in Coetzee et al., 2008).
Catches of sardine similarly showed a marked shift to the south
and east; their center of gravity was near Dassen Island in 1997 but
off Mossel Bay, east of Cape Agulhas, in 2005 (Fairweather et al.,
2006; Figure 1). During the 1990s there also was a notable change
in the proportions of South African catches of rock lobster taken
to the north and south of Dassen Island (Figure 1). Before the
1990s most of the catch was taken to the north, subsequently most
was taken to the south with this proportion attaining 70% by 2010
(Blamey et al., 2012). The changed distribution of catches of rock
lobster reflects an altered distribution of the species and an eastward expansion of its range to the Stony Point region (Figure 1A)

Changing distribution of seabirds in South Africa

and beyond (Tarr et al., 1992; Cockcroft and MacKenzie, 1997;

Cockcroft et al., 2008).
There is accumulating evidence that an altered environment,
possibly driven by climate change, is driving these changes (e.g.,
Gammelsrd et al., 1998; Roy et al., 2007; Cockcroft et al., 2008).
However, ultimate causes of environmental change remain difficult to attribute, and it is unknown to what extent it may
be reversible (Hutchings et al., 2009; Moloney et al., 2013).
Furthermore, it is frequently difficult to disentangle the influence
of the environment from anthropogenic impacts, such as fishing
(e.g., Coetzee et al., 2008). However, in the Benguela ecosystem several studies have demonstrated relationships between the
abundance of prey and numbers of breeding seabirds or their
demographic parameters, such as breeding success and survival
(e.g., Crawford et al., 2006, 2007, 2011; Crawford, 2007; Sabarros
et al., 2012; Sherley et al., 2013, 2014). Therefore, it may be
expected that factors influencing the distribution of prey species,
and hence its regional availability, will impact on seabirds.
In the South African situation, African penguin (Spheniscus
demersus), Cape gannet (Morus capensis), Cape cormorant

FIGURE 1 | Map of South Africa showing several of the important seabird breeding localities (amended from Crawford et al., 2014b). Boundaries of
the five South African regions considered in this study are indicated.

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Changing distribution of seabirds in South Africa

(Phalacrocorax capensis), bank cormorant (P. neglectus) and swift

tern (Thalasseus bergii) compete with fisheries for food, whereas
other seabirds, including white-breasted cormorant (P. lucidus),
crowned cormorant (Microcarbo coronatus) and kelp gull (Larus
dominicanus), show little or no such competition (Hockey et al.,
2005). A comparison of these two groups of seabirds may provide insight into the relative importance of factors driving change
in their distributions and populations (Crawford et al., 2008d).
Therefore, in this paper we review published and unpublished
information on recent change in the distributions and population
sizes of these eight seabirds, similarities and differences in their
responses to recent environmental change, possible causes of different responses and potential means to mitigate adverse impacts
of change.

Good information is available for two or three periods between
the mid-1970s and the mid-2010s (late 1970s/early 1980s, late
1990s/early 2000s, late 2000s/early 2010s) on the numbers of
the above-mentioned eight species of seabird breeding in South
Africa and their distributions (see Table 1 for sources of data).
The information for white-breasted cormorant, which is sometimes considered a race of the great cormorant P. carbo (BirdLife
International, 2014), refers only to that portion of the South
African population that breeds on the coast and excludes the
KwaZulu-Natal coast in the east of the country. Except for

white-breasted cormorant, each of the eight seabirds is endemic

to the Benguela upwelling system off southwest Africa, although
for swift tern and kelp gull only at a sub-specific level (Crawford,
2013). For all species, the counts or estimates of numbers breeding in each period were made using similar methods to those
employed in the first period.
For African penguins, numbers of nests in use were counted.
A nest was considered to be in use if it contained fresh eggs or
chicks, if it was defended by a non-molting adult bird or, because
breeding by African penguins is not always synchronous, if it
showed recent signs of use, e.g., through the presence of substantial quantities of fresh guano or nesting material (Crawford
et al., 2011). Numbers of chicks in crches were divided by two,
the usual clutch size, to estimate the number of nest sites they
represented, with remainders taken to represent an additional
site, e.g., crches of five and six chicks would both be taken to
represent three nests (Shelton et al., 1984). As is the case for cormorants (see below), because not all eggs hatch and broods may
be reduced (e.g., Sherley et al., 2012a), this is likely to underestimate the actual number of nests represented by chicks in
crches and hence lead to a conservative estimate of the overall number of birds breeding. Furthermore, brood reduction
may vary depending on conditions during breeding. However,
the contribution of nests assumed from counts of chicks in
crches to the overall estimate of numbers breeding was small
(<10%, usually <5%).

Table 1 | Overall numbers of eight seabirds breeding coastally in South Africas Northern, Western and Eastern Cape provinces during the late
1970s/early 1980s, late 1990s/early 2000s and late 2000s/early 2010s (sources of information are indicated).

Period of count

Number breeding


(1000 pairs)
African penguin

Cape gannet

Cape cormorant
Bank cormorant

White-breasted cormorant
Crowned cormorant
Swift tern

Kelp gull



Shelton et al., 1984



Underhill et al., 2006; Crawford

et al., 2009b
Crawford et al., 2011, 2014b





Crawford et al., 1983



Crawford et al., 2007



Crawford et al., 2014b



Cooper et al., 1982



Supplementary Material



Cooper, 1981; Crawford et al., 1999



Crawford et al., 1999



Supplementary Material



Brooke et al., 1982



Crawford et al., 2013b



Crawford et al., 1982b



Crawford et al., 2012



Cooper et al., 1990



Crawford, 2009



Crawford et al., 2014b



Crawford et al., 1982a



Whittington et al., in press



Whittington et al., in press

No comparative information for the intermediate period is available for Cape, white-breasted or crowned cormorants.

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For Cape gannets, numbers breeding at colonies were estimated from the product of the area occupied by breeding birds
and the mean density of nests (Crawford et al., 2007). The extent
of the area occupied by breeders was measured on aerial photographs, taken vertically, using an Ibas interactive image-analysis
system, or by walking around the colony with a Global Positioning
System (GPS) (Crawford et al., 2007, 2014b). Measurements of
the densities of nests at colonies were undertaken toward the end
of the breeding season by placing four poles, each 2 m long, on the
surface of the ground, so as to form a square of 4 m2 . The numbers
of whole nests and part nests within the square were counted. The
overall number of nests in the square was taken to be the number
of whole nests plus half the number of part nests (Crawford et al.,
For the four species of cormorant, counts were made of
active nest sites, which were defined as paired birds defending
a site, sites showing evidence of recent nest-construction, and
nests with eggs, chicks or adults. When unattended chicks were
found in crches away from nests, their number was divided
by the approximate mean clutch size of the species (two for
bank cormorant, three for the other cormorants) to estimate the
number of nest sites they represented, because nests at which
these chicks were reared would not have been counted (Crawford
et al., 2008a, 2012, 2013b, 2014b). Remainders were taken to
represent further sites. For Cape, white-breasted and crowned
cormorants, the highest count at each breeding colony during
a 5-year period was taken and the selected counts were then
summed to produce the total count for the period. The same
process was carried out for bank cormorants but for periods of
3 years. This was done because not all colonies are visited each
year and some only sporadically (Cooper, 1981; Cooper et al.,
1982; Crawford et al., 1999). Cape and bank cormorants often
show strong fidelity to breeding sites, whereas fidelity of whitebreasted and crowned cormorants to sites is weaker (Crawford
et al., 1994). This may lead to inflated estimates of numbers of the
latter two species but under-counting at colonies also may occur.
These biases are discussed more fully in Crawford et al. (2012,
For swift terns, numbers of birds incubating eggs or with small
chicks were counted with the aid of tally counters and binoculars. Large colonies were divided into smaller portions to facilitate
counting (Cooper et al., 1990). Counts of chicks unattended by
parents were added to those of breeding birds to estimate the
number of pairs breeding, the mean size of swift tern clutches
in southern Africa being approximately one (Crawford et al.,
Counts of breeding kelp gulls were made from vantage points
using binoculars after gulls had settled at nests, or by walking
tightly spaced grids and marking nests (Crawford et al., 1982a;
Whittington et al., 2006, in press). Counts took place during the
breeding season and at the main colonies they were usually conducted from late Octoberearly November, when birds at most
nests were incubating eggs (Crawford et al., 1982a). Kelp gulls
incubating eggs are generally easier to count than those that have
yet to lay or are guarding chicks, because they remain longer at
nests and soon settle at nests after being disturbed. Chicks are able
to leave nests shortly after hatching and their cryptic plumage and

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Changing distribution of seabirds in South Africa

behavior makes them easy to overlook (Crawford et al., 1982a).

Therefore, recently used nests of kelp gulls also were counted.
Based on information in the indicated references, during periods of relative stability of populations the coefficients of variation
for annual estimates of overall numbers of birds breeding at wellmonitored colonies were 0.16 (n = 8) for African penguin, 0.10
(n = 12) for Cape gannet, 0.14 (n = 21) for Cape cormorant,
0.32 (n = 14) for swift tern (Crawford et al., 2014b), 0.07 (n =
13) for bank cormorant (Crawford et al., 2008a), 0.15 (n = 17)
for white-breasted cormorant (Crawford et al., 2013b), 0.11 (n =
14) for crowned cormorant (Crawford et al., 2012) and 0.06
(n = 5) for kelp gull (Crawford et al., 2009a).
In order to examine changes in the distributions of breeding
by the eight seabirds since the late 1970s/1980s, the eastern and
southern coasts of South Africa were divided into five regions
and the numbers of each seabird breeding in each region were
plotted for periods for which information was available. The five
regions were the same as those used by Crawford et al. (2013b)
and similar to those used by Whittington et al. (in press), viz.
the Northern Cape, the north, southwest and east sectors of
the Western Cape and the Eastern Cape (Figure 1). In South
Africa, seven of the eight species considered breed exclusively in
these regions (Hockey et al., 2005). The white-breasted cormorant
breeds too in KwaZulu-Natal, but numbers breeding coastally in
that province are only available for 20082012 (Crawford et al.,
Following Whittington et al. (in press), changes between periods were also examined in the proportions of the eight seabirds
breeding at maritime islands (including rocks and stacks surrounded by the ocean) and on the mainland (including islands in
salt-works and estuaries) as seabirds on the mainland are subject
to additional threats, such as predation by mainland carnivores
(e.g., Crawford et al., 2011). Two sites that were formerly islands
but subsequently joined to the mainland (Bird Island at Lamberts
Bay in 1959 and Marcus Island in 1976) were considered mainland sites because the earliest counts considered here commenced
in 1976.
Differences in numbers of seabirds nesting in the five geographical regions of the South African coastline and at maritime
islands and on the mainland during the three periods considered
(late 1970s/early 1980s, late 1990s/early 2000s, late 2000s/early
2010s) were investigated using the -test. In order to control for
multiple testing, a false discovery rate adjustment was made to
the probabilities (Pi ) obtained for species i for both the regional
and island vs. mainland comparisons. Species were ranked in the
order of ascending probability values and Pi were deemed significant at the 5% level (q = 0.05) for all Pi (i/N).(q/c(N)), where
N = 8 and c(N) is the sum from i = 1 to N of 1/i (Benjamini and
Yekutieli, 2001).

Numbers of African penguins, Cape cormorants and bank cormorants in South Africa all showed a substantial decline from
the late 1970s/early 1980s to the late 2000s/early 2010s (Table 1).
There were large decreases in African penguins around South
Africa, but the decrease in the Eastern Cape was proportionally
less than in the Western Cape so that in 2013 it held marginally

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more penguins than the Western Cape (Figure 2). Most of the
South African population of Cape cormorants breeds in the north
and southwest sectors of the Western Cape, with <1300 pairs
breeding in any other region (Supplementary Material). Between
1977 and 1981 and 2009 and 2013 there was a large decrease in
numbers in the north Western Cape and a slight increase in the
southwest of this province (Figure 2). New colonies were formed
in the southwest Western Cape at Robben Island in 2004 and
Stony Point in 2010 and in the east Western Cape at Knysna
Heads in 2008 and all had subsequent rapid growth. In South
Africa, numbers of bank cormorants decreased throughout the
species breeding range (Figure 2), which is west of Cape Agulhas
(Cooper, 1981). The proportion of bank cormorants breeding in

Changing distribution of seabirds in South Africa

the southwest Western Cape increased from 41 to 43% during the

1900s to 48% from 2011 to 2013.
The overall populations of crowned and white-breasted cormorants breeding around the west and south coasts of South
Africa (Northern, Western and Eastern Cape provinces) were stable between 1977 and 1981 and 2008 and 2012 (Table 1). For
both species, there were decreases in numbers breeding in all
three regions west of Cape Agulhas, except for a large increase of
crowned cormorants in the north Western Cape (Figure 2). Up
until 1982, crowned cormorants were only known to breed west
of Cape Agulhas, but in 2003 they extended breeding to the east
sector of the Western Cape, where numbers increased from four
pairs in 2003 to 33 pairs in 2012 (Whittington, 2004; Crawford

FIGURE 2 | Numbers of eight seabird species breeding coastally in five regions of South Africas west and south coasts in different periods in which
entire populations were estimated.

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Changing distribution of seabirds in South Africa

et al., 2012). East of Cape Agulhas numbers of white-breasted cormorants breeding coastally increased between 1977 and 1981 and
2008 and 2012 (Figure 2; Crawford et al., 2013b).
The number of Cape gannets in South Africa increased
between 1978 and 2001 but decreased in 2013 (Table 1). The
species breeds at only three islands in South Africa, two of which
are in the north Western Cape and the third in the Eastern
Cape. Numbers increased in both regions between 1978 and
2001, but then decreased in the Western Cape (Figure 2). Swift
terns increased rapidly in South Africa in the present century,
with numbers more than doubling to peak at 14,00016,000
pairs between 2008 and 2011 (Crawford et al., 2014b); then
about 10,100 pairs bred in 2013 (Table 1). After 2005, numbers
in the north Western Cape decreased markedly and most birds
now breed in the southwest sector of this province (Figure 2).
The South African population of kelp gulls more than doubled
between 1976 and 1981 and the turn of the 21st century but have
since fallen again (Table 1). After the turn of the century, numbers decreased in the north Western Cape but increased in each of
the three regions farther south and east (Figure 2).
Between the three periods there were significant changes in
the regional distributions of all eight seabird species (Table 2).
After the late 1970s/early1980s, there were significant changes
in numbers of seven seabirds breeding at maritime islands and
on the mainland, the exception being white-breasted cormorants
(Table 2). The proportions of birds breeding on the mainland
increased for African penguin, bank cormorant, crowned cormorant and kelp gull and decreased for Cape gannet, Cape
cormorant and swift tern (Figure 3).

Four of the seabirds considered in this paper (African penguin,
Cape gannet, Cape cormorant, and swift tern) compete with the
South African purse-seine fishery for anchovy and sardine, their
main prey items (e.g., Crawford and Dyer, 1995). In South Africa,
a fifth seabird (bank cormorant) feeds mainly on rock lobster,
which is also targeted by a commercial fishery (Hockey et al.,
2005; Cockcroft et al., 2008). Crowned cormorants eat mostly

small, inshore fish species, notably Clinidae, that are not harvested by humans and do not contribute to the diets of fish that
are (Crawford et al., 2012). White-breasted cormorants and kelp
gulls are opportunistic feeders that do not compete substantially
with fisheries for food and whose key prey species are not important dietary items for the main fish species harvested by humans
(Crawford et al., 1987, 1991, 2013b; Steele, 1992; Whittington
et al., 2006). Therefore, the prey of white-breasted and crowned
cormorants and kelp gulls will not have been severely impacted
by fisheries or have increased substantially as a result of fishing
Off South Africa, the distributions of anchovy, sardine and
rock lobster shifted south and east during the 1990s and early
2000s (Blamey et al., 2015). Similarly, for each of the four seabirds
that feed mainly on anchovy and sardine, there were large recent
decreases in the proportions of birds breeding off northwest
South Africa (Northern Cape and north Western Cape) in the
1990s and/or 2000s (Figure 2; Crawford et al., 2014b). The proportion of bank cormorants breeding off northwest South Africa
also decreased, but only by ca. 6%.
The causes of the altered distributions of anchovy, sardine and
rock lobster off South Africa are not fully understood. The eastward shift of anchovy spawners was attributed to improved conditions for spawning by this species to the east of Cape Agulhas (Roy
et al., 2007). Differential growth and exploitation of sub-stocks of
sardine occurring east and west of Cape Agulhas may have caused
the shift in the distribution of this species, but environmentally
mediated changes cannot be discarded (Cockcroft et al., 2008;
Coetzee et al., 2008). The shift in the distribution of rock lobsters
in the 1990s coincided with a decrease in lobster somatic growth
rates and a major increase in the number and severity of lobster
walkouts induced by low oxygen concentrations to the north of
Dassen Island, indicating some underlying environmental cause
(Cockcroft, 2001; Cockcroft et al., 2008).
Recent eastward extensions in the breeding ranges of two
seabirds that are inshore feeders and do not compete with fisheries for food, crowned cormorant and Hartlaubs gull (L. hartlaubii), suggest some change in the environment (Whittington,

Table 2 | Results of -tests used to examine the significance of changes in numbers of seabirds breeding in different regions and at maritime
islands as opposed to the mainland.

African penguin

Change in numbers breeding in

Change in numbers breeding on

different regions

maritime islands vs. the mainland


P < 0.05


P < 0.05





Cape gannet





Cape cormorant





Bank cormorant









Crowned cormorant




Swift tern

White-breasted cormorant





Kelp gull





For each comparison, it is indicated whether or not differences in numbers breeding in different regions/habitats were significant at the 5% level after undertaking a
false discovery rate adjustment.

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Changing distribution of seabirds in South Africa

FIGURE 3 | Proportions of eight seabirds breeding on South Africas mainland, as opposed to its maritime islands, during 19771984, 19952004, and

2004; Crawford et al., 2008d), as do the anti-clockwise shifts to

the south and east around the South African coast in the proportions of the three seabirds considered here that do not compete
substantially with fisheries for prey (Figure 2; Crawford et al.,
2013b; Whittington et al., in press). Kelp gulls may scavenge from
fishing boats (Whittington et al., 2006), but the food of crowned
cormorants, mainly small fish that occur inter-tidally or inshore
sub-tidally (Crawford et al., 2012), and of white-breasted cormorants, mainly inshore and estuarine fish species (Crawford
et al., 2013b), is unlikely to be influenced by commercial fishing
activities. Although other factors, such as disturbance and predation, may have influenced decreases of white-breasted cormorants
and kelp gulls off northwest South Africa (Crawford et al., 2013b;
Whittington et al., in press), there was a concurrent extension in
the range of the cool-water, kelp-bed forming seaweed Ecklonia

maxima to the east of Cape Agulhas (Bolton et al., 2012) suggesting a cooling of the environment in the vicinity of Cape Agulhas.
Prior to this extension, the breeding range of bank cormorants
was broadly related to that of E. maxima (Cooper, 1981).
Amongst the seabirds that compete with South Africas purseseine fishery for anchovy and sardine there was a varied response
to the altered distributions of these forage species. Populations of
Cape gannets and swift terns showed marked increases, whereas
those of African penguins and Cape cormorants decreased by
more than 50% and ca. 40%, respectively (Table 1). The success
of gannets is attributable to a large increase in its easternmost
colony at Bird Island in Algoa Bay, which may have been aided
by immigration of first-time breeders from decreasing western
colonies (Crawford et al., 2007, 2014b). Swift terns are nomadic
between breeding colonies, which gives them the ability to adapt

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to an altered distribution of their prey (Crawford et al., 2002),

and they likely had good breeding success in the 2000s (Crawford,
2009). By contrast, marine top predators that exhibit behavioral
inertia are at greater risk from environmental change (Pichegru
et al., 2010b). Breeding African penguins show high fidelity to
their partners and hence to breeding localities (Randall, 1989;
Crawford et al., 1995). Although Cape cormorants may move
between breeding localities (Crawford et al., 1994), they also show
fidelity to natal and nest sites (Berry, 1977; Hockey et al., 2005).
Both African penguins and Cape cormorants have a restricted
foraging range when breeding (e.g., Heath and Randall, 1989;
Pichegru et al., 2010a; Hamann et al., 2012) and they suffered high
adult mortality in the 1990s and 2000s in periods of prey scarcity
off western South Africa (Crawford et al., 1992, 2011; Waller and
Underhill, 2007; Sherley et al., 2014). Cape gannets have a much
greater foraging range during breeding (Lewis et al., 2006) and
supplement their diet by feeding on offal discarded by fisheries
when their natural prey is scarce, thereby buffering adult survival
(e.g., Berruti et al., 1993; Pichegru et al., 2007; Grmillet et al.,
2008; Distiller et al., 2012; Crawford et al., 2014b).
Bank cormorants, which compete with the rock lobster fishery,
may move short distances between breeding localities (Crawford
et al., 1999) but are relatively sedentary, the maximum recorded
movement of birds older than 1 year being 168 km (Cooper,
1981). They are benthic feeders that in Namibia foraged up to
9 km from a breeding locality in waters less than 50 m deep
(Ludynia et al., 2010). Although rock lobsters have not shifted
their distribution to the same extent as anchovy and sardine, their
reduced populations off northwest South Africa appear to have
been insufficient to support formerly large colonies of bank cormorants in this region (Crawford et al., 2008a). Recent nest failures for bank cormorants at Robben Island were related to wave
heights and air temperature, with chick survival being reduced
in years when major storm events occurred during breeding and
destroyed nests (Sherley et al., 2012b).
The considerably better recent performance off western South
Africa of the two cormorants that do not compete with fisheries
for prey than the two that do and the African penguin (Figure 2)
highlights the possibility that fishing substantially reduced prey
availability off northwest South Africa following displacement of
the three forage resources to the south and east. Unfortunately
for the affected seabirds, many fish processing plants were located
off northwest South Africa and fishers continued to seek fish near
to their factories. This may have exacerbated the local depletion
of prey (e.g., Crawford et al., 2008c; Durant et al., 2010). The
exploitation rate of sardine west of Cape Agulhas showed a substantial increase in the mid-2000s (Coetzee et al., 2008). Off Peru,
local depletion of anchovy (E. ringens) by fishing had a negative
impact on foraging parameters of Peruvian boobies (Sula variegata) that competed with the fishery for food (Bertrand et al.,
Equally unfortunately for the affected seabirds, the displacement of forage resources to the south and east brought about a
mismatch in the distributions of the breeding localities and prey
of the seabirds (Crawford et al., 2008c). There are no large islands
at which seabirds may breed between Robben and Dyer islands off
southwest South Africa and then a distance of about 600 km to

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Changing distribution of seabirds in South Africa

the seabird islands in Algoa Bay (Figure 1). Consequently, several

seabirds, including African penguin and bank cormorant, appear
to have attempted to offset the mismatch of colonies and food by
breeding in increasing proportions on the mainland (Figure 3).
The decreases in the number of Cape gannets, Cape cormorants
and swift terns breeding on the mainland is mainly attributable
to decreases in numbers at the two islands in the north Western
Cape that were joined to the mainland and hence assumed to be
part of the mainlandCape gannets and Cape cormorants at Bird
Island (Lamberts Bay) and swift terns at Marcus Island (Table 1;
Crawford et al., 2007; Crawford, 2009). However, substantial
numbers of Cape cormorants have joined African penguins and
bank cormorants in breeding at the southern mainland locality
of Stony Point and they formed a new colony at Knysna Heads
(Supplementary Material; Crawford et al., 2011).
A better understanding of the mechanisms driving seabird
populations in South Africa will result from development of integrated population models that account for movement between
colonies (e.g., Sherley et al., 2014) and of models that account
for multiple factors that may be influencing populations. The former are hampered to some extent by insufficient mark-recapture
information properly to estimate survival and rates of migration between regions for some species and age classes of birds
(e.g., Distiller et al., 2012). Progress has been made on developing a systems dynamics approach to modeling multiple drivers
of African penguin populations that uses expert opinion in the
absence of quantitative information (e.g., Ludynia et al., 2014;
Weller et al., 2014). Developing new technology, e.g., remotely
operated drones, may prove useful in obtaining more frequent
information on numbers of seabirds breeding at localities that
are difficult to access and hence reducing the uncertainty of
population estimates.
Potential mechanisms to mitigate the adverse impacts of
environmental change on seabirds off South Africa are implementation of spatial management for fisheries of shared forage
resources, including both allocations of catch limits at a regional
scale and localized closures to fishing around impacted seabird
colonies (e.g., Durant et al., 2010; Pichegru et al., 2010a, 2012),
and offsetting the present mismatch of breeding localities and
food through establishing new seabird colonies nearer the present
location of food (e.g., Department of Environmental Affairs,
2013). Penguins attempted to form a new colony on the southern
mainland east of Cape Agulhas between 2003 and 2007 but were
prevented from doing so by indigenous carnivores (Crawford
et al., 2011), whereas at Knysna Heads Cape cormorants were
more successful (Supplementary Material). Given the known frequency of formation of new colonies by different species and their
use of man-made structures and habitats for breeding, establishment of new colonies may be easier for cormorants, gulls
and terns (Supplementary Material; Crawford, 2009; Crawford
et al., 2012, 2013b; Whittington et al., in press) than for penguins
(Crawford et al., 2013a) and especially gannets (Crawford et al.,
With regard to the Cape gannet, it is noteworthy that there
has been a long-term redistribution to the south and east of
its breeding population. Whereas 80% of Cape gannets bred in
Namibia in the 1950s and 1960s, at present about 90% breed

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Crawford et al.

in South Africa (Crawford et al., 2007, 2014b). Within South

Africa, the proportion breeding in the Eastern Cape, which now
supports about 70% of the global population (Crawford et al.,
2014b), has increased. As Algoa Bay is at the eastern extremity of the greater Benguela upwelling region, juxtaposed to the
warm, south-west flowing Agulhas Current (Hutchings et al.,
2009), which is likely to be unsuitable habitat for the gannets,
there appears to be no further opportunity for the species to
expand its range to the east. Similar difficulties in adjusting distributions to an altered environment can be expected, for example,
for less mobile seabirds such as Crozet shags (Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis) and Gentoo penguins, and perhaps even more
wide-ranging species such as rockhopper penguins, at the wellseparated archipelagos of the sub-Antarctic (e.g., Crawford et al.,
2008b, 2014a; Allan et al., 2013). In such instances, human interventions to mitigate adverse impacts of climate change will not
prove easy and may best be directed at attempting to maintain
the substantially reduced abundances of seabirds that have survived changes to date. Certainly conservation planning will be
aided by a better understanding of the ultimate causes of the
distributional changes.

We thank Bruce Dyer, Deon Geldenhuys, Nick Hanekom, Cuan
McGeorge, Leshia Upfold, Johan Visagie and all others who
assisted with the counts of Cape and bank cormorants. We
thank our departments and the National Research Foundation
(incentive programme) for funding this research and providing
logistical support and the two reviewers for greatly improving this
manuscript. We thank NISC (Pty) Ltd for permission to reproduce Figure 1 as an amendment of a Figure published in Ostrich
in Crawford et al. (2014b).

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online

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the African penguin population on Robben Island, South Africa. Ecol. Modell.
277, 3856. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.01.013
Whittington, P. A. (2004). New breeding locality for crowned cormorant. Koedoe
47, 125126. doi: 10.4102/koedoe.v47i2.87
Whittington, P. A., Crawford, R. J. M., Martin, A. P., Randall, R. M., Brown, M.,
Makhado, A. B., et al. (in press). Recent trends of the kelp gull Larus dominicanus
in South Africa. Waterbirds.
Whittington, P. A., Martin, A. P., and Klages, N. T. W. (2006). Status, distribution
and conservation implications of the kelp gull (Larus dominicanus vetula)
within the Eastern Cape region of South Africa. Emu 106, 127139. doi:
Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 13 November 2014; accepted: 28 January 2015; published online: 18
February 2015.
Citation: Crawford RJM, Makhado AB, Whittington PA, Randall RM, Oosthuizen
WH and Waller LJ (2015) A changing distribution of seabirds in South Africathe
possible impact of climate and its consequences. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:10. doi: 10.3389/
This article was submitted to Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Copyright 2015 Crawford, Makhado, Whittington, Randall, Oosthuizen and
Waller. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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February 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 10 | 53

published: 29 April 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00042

Are arrival date and body mass after

spring migration influenced by
large-scale environmental factors in
a migratory seabird?
K. Lesley Szostek *, Sandra Bouwhuis and Peter H. Becker
Institute of Avian Research Vogelwarte Helgoland, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Morten Frederiksen,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Brge Moe,
Norwegian Institute for Nature
Research, Norway
Eric Stienen,
Instituut voor Natuur- en
Bosonderzoek, Belgium
K. Lesley Szostek,
Institute of Avian Research
Vogelwarte Helgoland, An der
Vogelwarte 21, D-26386
Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Interdisciplinary Climate Studies,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Received: 31 October 2014
Accepted: 06 April 2015
Published: 29 April 2015
Szostek KL, Bouwhuis S and Becker
PH (2015) Are arrival date and body
mass after spring migration influenced
by large-scale environmental factors in
a migratory seabird?
Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:42.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00042

Changes in the timing of migratory events have been observed recently in many
migratory species, most likely in response to climatic change. In the common tern Sterna
hirundo we examined such changes in spring arrival date and body mass based on
an individual-based longitudinal data set from a transponder marked colony from 1994
to 2012. Although no long-term trend was observed in either trait, strong inter-annual
and age-specific variation in arrival date and mass was evident. We investigated
whether environmental factors such as (i) global climate phenomena, i.e., North Atlantic
and Southern Oscillation Indices, NAOI and SOI, and/or (ii) local factors, i.e., food
abundance in the wintering and breeding area represented by fish stock or marine primary
productivity, could explain this variation. We found that 2-year-old birds on their first spring
migration advanced arrival in relation to spring NAOI and delayed arrival in relation to sprat
Sprattus sprattus abundance. The arrival date of 3-year-olds also advanced in relation to
NAOI and delayed in relation to winter SOI. In contrast, adults delayed arrival with NAOI
and advanced in relation to SOI. Within age groups, earlier annual arrival coincided with
higher mass, indicating that a fast and/or early migration did not come at a cost to body
condition. Changes in arrival mass relative to environmental covariates were found only in
2-year-olds on their first spring migration: in these birds arrival mass was positively related
to herring Clupea harengus and sprat abundance in the breeding area as well as spring
NAOI and negatively related to SOI. In conclusion, traits related to migration of common
terns were linked with environmental conditions, but showed no long-term trends over
the past two decades. Age-related differences were marked, suggesting that common
terns might be subject to differing environmental constraints or respond differently to
conditions during their annual cycle depending on their age.
Keywords: age-related changes, arrival date, body mass, environmental impact, long-distance migrant, timing of
migration, NAOI, SOI

Physical condition and timing of arrival in the breeding area are important parameters for migratory species with a relatively short reproductive season. In migratory birds, for example, the
probability of reproducing successfully increases with an earlier arrival and a greater body mass

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April 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 42 | 54

Szostek et al.

(Chastel et al., 1995a,b; Kokko and Johnstone, 1999; Bty et al.,

2004; Verhulst and Nilsson, 2008; Descamps et al., 2011; Sergio
et al., 2014), and early arrival and a greater mass at arrival have
been associated with a reduced mortality risk and increased lifespan (Zhang et al., 2015b). Arrival date and mass are influenced
by, among other factors, environmental conditions during migration and in the wintering area (e.g., Hppop and Hppop, 2003;
Crick, 2004; Visser and Both, 2005; Parmesan, 2006; Newton,
2008). In many species, phenology has been observed to change
in response to environmental conditions before and during the
pre-breeding migration (e.g., Forchhammer et al., 1998; Frederiksen et al., 2004; Barbraud and Weimerskirch, 2006; Wanless et al.,
Variation in temperature, wind and rainfall influences food
availability and foraging success of migrants, which in turn can
affect timing of migration and breeding propensity (Stenseth
et al., 2002). Migratory seabirds are especially affected by offshore conditions (Schreiber, 2001). Stormy weather, strong winds
and rain complicate foraging in piscivorous birds (Dunn, 1973;
Finney et al., 1999; Daunt et al., 2006), while local weather
also affects prey availability (Misund et al., 1998, 1997). Adverse
weather can exhaust birds, causing migration to be prolonged
(Newton, 2006). Conditions during winter can affect the physical
state and molt of individuals, the length of migration, their ability
to return to the colony site and their ability to breed (Schreiber,
2001; Sandvik et al., 2005). In consequence, environmental conditions can affect traits such as arrival date and mass after migration
and cause inter-annual variation in reproductive performance
and survival probability. Despite within-individual consistency
in experienced breeders, substantial variation in arrival dates of
birds was found (Bty et al., 2004; Arnaud et al., 2013; Sergio et al.,
2014), indicating plasticity and capacity of response in phenology
toward short- and long-term environmental perturbations. Based
on an understanding of inter-annual variation in the timing of
arrival and of the birds condition upon arrival at the breeding
sites, these traits can be used as indicators of changing environments at wintering sites or on migration routes and as a tool for
monitoring population health.
The common tern Sterna hirundo is a small-sized, longdistance migrant and visual hunter, relying on small pelagic fish
caught by plunge-diving in the upper water layers (Becker and
Ludwigs, 2004). Because of their low body reserves, common
terns are sensitive to food shortage (e.g., Frank and Becker, 1992).
Arrival date (Ludwigs and Becker, 2002; Dittmann and Becker,
2003; Ezard et al., 2007; Becker et al., 2008a; Arnaud et al., 2013;
Zhang et al., 2015b) and arrival mass (Ezard et al., 2007; Limmer
and Becker, 2007) in this species are strongly age-dependent and
associated with fitness: earlier arrival and higher mass increase
breeding success (Wendeln and Becker, 1999; Ezard et al., 2007)
and are associated with reduced mortality and an increased lifespan (Zhang et al., 2015b). The common tern therefore represents a good species to examine the dependence of these
migratory traits on environmental conditions in its year-round
Environmental conditions can be represented by global climate phenomena, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation Index
NAOI (Hurrell et al., 2001, 2003) or the Southern Oscillation

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

Environment influences arrival date and mass

Index SOI (Trenberth and Caron, 2000; Stenseth et al., 2003).

They affect local weather and fish abundance over large geographical areas and might therefore be good integrated indicators
of overall conditions faced by migrant birds, with more predictive power than local weather variables (Stenseth et al., 2002;
Hurrell and Deser, 2009). Food abundance for common terns
breeding on western European coasts, such as the studied colony,
can be measured in West African fish stock (wintering area, see
Figure 1) and North Atlantic herring Clupea harengus and sprat
Sprattus sprattus abundance (breeding area, see Figure 1). The
preferred wintering area of European common terns (Becker and
Ludwigs, 2004) is located in the northwest African upwelling
zone with higher than average marine primary productivity,
which directly influences fish stock (McGregor et al., 2007). In
a preliminary study, some indications were found that NAOI and
SOI might influence return rates and arrival dates, but not arrival
mass of birds in the study colony (Favero and Becker, 2006),
although a similar connection was not found in survival rates
(Szostek and Becker, 2015). Instead, marine primary productivity in the wintering area was found to be positively related to
common tern survival and recruitment probability (Szostek and
Becker, 2015).
Measuring time of first arrival at the breeding grounds and
body mass upon arrival for individual birds is challenging, especially obtaining large sample sizes and annually repeated measurements. In a long-term integrated population study of common terns on the German North Sea coast, we were able to record
annual spring arrival date and body mass with high reliability for
a considerable number of known-age individuals over nearly two
decades, from 1994 to 2012. Because of the age-related change
in these traits (see above), information on the age of individuals
is vital to studies investigating changes in arrival date and mass
(Ezard et al., 2007).
In this study we focussed on inter-annual variation in arrival
date and body mass and disentangled the variation caused by age,
sex and environmental factors such as food supply and global
climate indices. The aim was to find which of the many environmental constraints faced by the terns year-round exerted most
influence and which part of the common tern life-cycle was most
limiting. We regarded potential differences between age groups
with respect to their sensitivity to the environment and possible carry-over effects between the wintering and breeding seasons. Specifically we wanted to address the following questions:
(1) Is there inter-annual variation in spring arrival date and
body mass in relation to age and sex? (2) Is there a time trend
in arrival date and body mass between 1994 and 2012, against
the background of global climate change? (3) Do environmental
covariates affect arrival date and body mass and do effects differ between age groups? (4) Are environmental conditions most
influential during winter or during migration?

Study Species
Common terns are small, long-lived, piscivorous seabirds
(Becker and Ludwigs, 2004). As common terns are highly
visual plunge-divers, their foraging abilities can be severely

April 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 42 | 55

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Environment influences arrival date and mass

Study Site
The Banter See common tern colony is located on the German
North Sea coast (53 30 40 N, 08 06 20 E). Since 1984 all chicks
at this site have been ringed and since 1992, all fledglings and
101 adult terns from this colony have additionally been injected
with small passive transponders (TROVAN ID 100, 11 2 mm)
that identify individuals remotely and automatically by antenna.
In a long-term study, we collected individual life-histories of all
native terns at this colony through remote sensing. Antennas
were distributed on prominent platforms around the colony site
and placed around each nest for 12 days to identify breeders.
In addition, some platforms were equipped with electronic scales
(Sartorius, TE6100; accuracy 1 g) which weighed birds automatically, while also recording their identity by antenna. In 1994
the system included 11 antennas and 7 scales and the devices were
alternated between resting platforms throughout the colony. The
number of registration devices was continuously increased as the
colony grew until there were 44 permanent registration platforms
(since 2002) of which 22 were also equipped with scales. The
system recorded individual presence and mass throughout the
breeding season with minimal disturbance to the colony (Becker
and Wendeln, 1997; Becker et al., 2008b). For this study we
used data between 1994 and 2012. Permissions were granted by
the regional authorities Bezirksregierung Weser-Ems, Stadt Wilhelmshaven and Nds. Landesamt fr Verbraucherschutz und
Lebensmittelsicherheit Oldenburg.

Arrival Date and Arrival Mass

FIGURE 1 | Wintering and breeding area of the Banter See common

terns, as well as approximate spring migration route. Environmental
covariates are given, along with the geographical locations where they are
expected to affect common terns from the study colony.

compromised by stormy or rainy conditions (Dunn, 1973; Becker

et al., 1985; Becker and Specht, 1991; Frank and Becker, 1992).
Juvenile common terns remain in the wintering area for their
first summer, returning to the breeding grounds as 2-year-olds
(Becker and Ludwigs, 2004). Most individuals spend a prospecting season at the colony as non-breeders before recruitment
(Dittmann and Becker, 2003; Dittmann et al., 2007). Arrival
mass increases with age until it reaches a plateau at around 6
years (Limmer and Becker, 2007). Arrival date at the colony also
advances with age and experience (Dittmann and Becker, 2003;
Becker et al., 2008a; Zhang et al., 2015a). First-time arrival date
has been linked with age at first reproduction and can be regarded
as a proxy for individual quality (Becker et al., 2008a; Zhang et al.,

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

Common terns are generally registered immediately upon arrival,

as they like to sit on the elevated platforms. Arrival dates were
defined as the first automatic registration of a bird at the colony
(cf. Ludwigs and Becker, 2002; Dittmann and Becker, 2003;
Becker et al., 2008a). Dates were disregarded, if the first registration was less than 10 days before the recorded laying date for
breeders (9.2% of cases per year), thereby excluding birds first
recorded on the nest. Arrival body mass was calculated as the
mean of masses measured independently during the first 3 days
after arrival at the colony. Measurements that were falsified by
wind or rain influencing the reading of the scale were disregarded
(for details see: Wendeln and Becker, 1996; Limmer and Becker,
2007). In total the data set comprised 7576 arrival dates and 3664
arrival masses from 1607 individuals. The arrival mass data for
each individual included on average 5.05 7.97 (range 1110)
independent measurements.

Environmental Covariates
We focussed on six environmental covariates, concerning food
abundance and global weather patterns both in the wintering and
breeding area (for details see Table 1). We chose global climate
indices (NAOI and SOI) rather than local weather variables for
two reasons: firstly we did not want to include too many covariates (Frederiksen et al., 2014) and a compound parameter makes
that possible; secondly, exact enough data on where the terns
spend their winter months and by which route they migrate are
currently not available. The data that are available from geolocation (Becker et al., unpublished) show that adult birds spread
widely across the West African coast and do not always use the

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Environment influences arrival date and mass

TABLE 1 | Covariates used in statistical analyses: abbreviation, definition, source and available timeframe.






Southern Oscillation Index during the

winter period (OctoberMarch):
standardized mean monthly values


International Research Institute for Climate and

Society (IRI) Data Library


North Atlantic Oscillation during the spring

migration (AprilJune): monthly principle
component values


Climate Data Guide at the National Centre for

Atmospheric Research (https://climatedataguide.


Primary productivity in the wintering area

mg C/m2 /day


College of Science, Oregon State University, USA




Abundance of herring (recruitment, size

class 0) in the North Sea (area roughly
Southern North Sea and Eastern Channel)

Estimated number
of individuals


International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

(ICES), 2013, Report of the Herring Assessment
Working Group for the Area South of 62 N (HAWG),
page 111



Abundance of sprat (all size

classeslarvae to ca. 15 cm) in the North
Sea (area roughly Southern North Sea and
Eastern Channel)

Abundance index:
landings per unit
effort (lpue)


International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

(ICES), 2013, Report of the Herring Assessment
Working Group for the Area South of 62 N (HAWG)


wFood = Fish
stock in the
wintering area

Abundance of small pelagic fish off the

Northwest African coast (between the
southern border of Senegal and the
northern Atlantic border of Morocco)size
between ca. 4 and 20 cm.

Weight in tons


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United

Nations (FAO), 2011, Fisheries and Aquaculture
Report No. 975, page 120


same migration route. This makes global climate indices more

likely to show a broad effect than local weather data. NAOI is
likely to affect individuals on migration, although its effects are
strongest in the winter and therefore might not be relevant to
very late migrating individuals, such as young birds. SOI has
global influence, but is most likely to affect birds in the wintering area and we therefore restricted this variable to the winter
Food abundance in the breeding area and on the final part
of migration in the English Channel and North Sea was represented by the most common prey species herring and sprat.
These estimates were based on fishery data corrected for fishing effort (ICES, 2013). Fish stock in the wintering habitat was
represented by small pelagic fish of various species in consumable size for common terns, including the the most common
prey of common terns, sardines Sardina pilchardus; Sardinella
sp. and anchovies Engraulis encrasicolus (cf. Dunn and Mead,
1982; Becker and Ludwigs, 2004), but also horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus, t. trecae, Caranx rhonchus and chub mackerel
Scomber japonicus. In this case, fishery data were not corrected
for fishing effort (FAO, 2011) and therefore this variable must
be used with caution. As another indicator of food abundance
in the wintering area we included marine primary productivity.
Although the relationship between primary productivity and the
presence of top-predators is not always straightforward (Grmillet et al., 2008) we used very wide ranging temporal and spatial
constraints. So even if a spatial or temporal mismatch were to
occur, the average values used in this study are an indication of a
year of high or low food abundance.

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TABLE 2 | Arrival date and body mass, including mean, standard deviation,
range per age group (2-year-olds, 3-year-olds and adults) and sample size.

Arrival body mass (g)

Age group





2 year






3 year












Spring arrival date

2 year







3 year












All arrival date and mass variables per age group (Table 2), as
well as all covariates were normally distributed (KolmogorovSmirnov test: p > 0.05, N = 1119 years). We tested the
environmental covariates for inter-correlation using Pearsons
correlation, based on which we eliminated the variable NAOI
during autumn migration, as it correlated with winter SOI. None
of the other environmental covariates were correlated (p > 0.05,
R2 < 0.353).
To test for a relationship between arrival date and mass,
we performed an additive cross-classified random effects model
with normally distributed errors and a Markov chain Monte
Carlo estimation algorithm with 100,000 iterations (Browne et al.,
2007). Arrival mass (N = 3663 cases from 1138 individuals)
was the dependent variable, with age group (ages 2 years, 3
years and adults of 4 years and older; age-group 2 years was the

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Environment influences arrival date and mass

TABLE 3 | Minimal adequate additive cross-classified random effect

model describing significant effects of age, sex and environmental
covariates on arrival date of common terns (19942012).









< 0.001

Age (2)


Age (3)


Age (4+)

TABLE 4 | Minimal adequate additive cross-classified random effect

model describing significant effects of age, sex and environmental
covariates on arrival mass of common terns between 1994 and 2012.





Age (4+)

< 0.001



< 0.001



























< 0.001























< 0.001




Non-significant terms were excluded in a stepwise progression, until only significant terms
remained. N = 7576 cases from 1607 individuals.

reference group) and sex as fixed factors, as well as arrival date as

covariate. Cross-classified random effects were year and bird-ID,
which accounted for inter-annual and within-individual variation. These random effects remained in the model irrespective of
their significance.
In order to test for year-, age- and sex-effects in arrival date
and mass, we used additive cross-classified random effects models in which arrival date (N = 7576 cases from 1607 individuals)
and arrival mass (N = 3663 cases from 1138 individuals) were
dependent variables with age group and sex as fixed factors as
well as year as covariate to test for a trend in time. As above, the
cross-classified random effects year and bird-ID accounted for
inter-annual and within-individual variation, respectively, and
remained in the model irrespective of their significance.
We calculated the effects of environmental covariates, as well
as age group and sex on arrival date/arrival mass using additive cross-classified random effect models, as described above.
Since birds of different age migrate at different times and might
therefore be influenced by different environmental influences,
we also included an interaction of each environmental covariate with age group. Full models were simplified by backward
stepwise removal of non-significant covariates and interactions.
Significance (p < 0.05, two-tailed) was assessed using the Wald
statistic, which approximates a 2 distribution. Statistics were
done using MLwiN 2.26 (Rasbah et al., 2012). Please note that
a negative relationship between arrival date and an environmental covariate indicates an advanced arrival, while a positive relationship indicates a delayed arrival. Any relationships between
arrival date, arrival mass and environmental factors found in this
study are not necessarily causal and since we considered only a
subsection of possible environmental covariates, there might be
other relevant factors not included here. However, reliable data

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< 0.001


< 0.001


























random factor






Age (3)

< 0.001




Age (2)







random factor


Non-significant terms were excluded in a stepwise progression, until only significant terms
remained. N = 3663 from 1138 individuals.

on potentially relevant environmental covariates are scarce and

not always readily available.
In fact, not all covariates regarded here were available for the
full study period, 19942012. The entire set of covariates was
available between 2002 and 2009. In order to make best use of
the extensive longitudinal data-set available, we ran the analyses for four subsets of data: firstly including those covariates that
were available for the entire time period (19942012: herring,
sprat, NAOI, SOITables 3, 4), then three reduced time periods (20022009: all covariates; 19942009: herring, sprat, NAOI,
SOI, fish stock in the wintering area; 20022012: herring, sprat,
NAOI, SOI, primary productivitySupplementary Tables 16).
Out of the covariates, only fish stock in the wintering area showed
a trend over time (R = 0.914, p > 0.001, N = 16 years), possibly
due to continuously increasing fishing effort.

Arrival Date
There was no apparent long-term trend for arrival date in any
age group (2 year: R2 = 0.008, 3 year: R2 = 0.009, adults:
R2 = 0.003; p > 0.05; Figure 2). Mean arrival date (Table 2) per
year was not correlated between age groups (adults vs. 3-yearolds: Pearsons R = 0.155, p = 0.526, N = 19 years; adults vs.
2-year-olds: R = 0.111, p = 0.652, N = 19; 2-year-olds vs.
3-year-olds: R = 0.063, p = 0.797, N = 19). Also, incidents of
very early or very late arrival were not coordinated between age
groups (Supplementary Table 7).

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Environment influences arrival date and mass

FIGURE 2 | Arrival date (day-of-year: mean SD; raw data) at the colony for 2-year-olds, 3-year-olds and adults between 1994 and 2012 (N2y = 1433,
N3y = 1139, Nad = 5279).

Accounting for the cross-classified random effects of year and

bird-ID (year: estimate = 6.648; SE = 2.877; ID: estimate =
234.452; SE = 3.808), when testing for year-, age- and sexeffects on arrival date there was a significant difference between
age groups (2 year: reference; 3 year: estimate = 31.581; SE =
0.658; adults: estimate = 60.201; SE = 0.495; 2 = 15782.214;
p < 0.001) and between sexes (females compared to males: estimate = 1.740; SE = 0.353; 2 = 24.289; p < 0.001), but
the model confirmed the absence of a time trend (covariate year:
estimate = 0.106; SE = 0.106; 2 = 1.000; p = 0.317).

Arrival Mass
There was no apparent long-term trend for mean arrival mass in
any age group (R2 < 0.001; p > 0.05; Figure 3). Mean arrival
mass per year was not correlated between age groups (adults vs.
3-year-olds: Pearsons R = 0.201, p = 0.409, N = 19 years; adults
vs. 2-year-olds: R = 0.123, p = 0.626, N = 19; 2-year-olds vs.
3-year-olds: R = 0.128, p = 0.611, N = 19). Very high or very
low arrival mass did not occur in the same years for different age
groups (Supplementary Table 7).
Accounting for the cross-classified random effects of year
and bird-ID (year: estimate = 2.136; SE = 1.047; ID:
estimate = 69.077; SE = 1.618), when testing for year-, ageand sex-effects on arrival mass there was a significant difference
between age groups (2 year: reference; 3 year: estimate = 4.277;
SE = 0.502; adults: estimate = 6.416; SE = 0.406; 2 = 255.848;
p < 0.001) and between sexes (females compared to males:
estimate = 1.387; SE = 0.277; 2 = 25.056; p < 0.001),
but there was no time trend (covariate year: estimate = 0.087;
SE = 0.071; 2 = 1.508; p = 0.219).

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Relationship between Arrival Date and Mass

We found a significant negative correlation between arrival date
and mass on arrival (covariate arrival date: estimate = 0.107;
SE = 0.006; 2 = 360.947; p < 0.001). When accounting for
arrival date, the significant but small age group differences in
arrival mass between the sexes remained (estimate = 1.666;
SE = 0.274; 2 = 37.064; p < 0.001), while age effects disappeared (2 year: ref; 3 year: estimate = 0.831; SE = 0.604; adult:
estimate = 0.262; SE = 0.734; 2 = 3.138; p = 0.208). Crossclassified random factors were year and bird ID (year: estimate =
1.809; SE = 0.915; ID: estimate = 67.321; SE = 1.582). Incidents
of very early (or late) arrival date were in some cases coordinated with very high (or low) arrival mass between age groups
(Supplementary Table 7).

Environmental Covariates: Effects on Arrival Date

A model with arrival date as dependent variable, age group and
sex as factors, year and bird ID as additive cross-classified random factors as well as all environmental factors as covariates
(time period 20022009) revealed that there were significant differences between sexes, as well as significant interactions of age
group with winter SOI and sprat. These interactions showed a
positive relationship between arrival date and SOI in 2- and 3year-olds (i.e., they delayed arrival with higher SOI), while there
was no relationship in older birds. In relation to sprat, 2-year-olds
advanced arrival with higher sprat abundance, while 3-year-olds
and adults delayed arrival. Females consistently arrived between
1 and 2 days earlier than males.
The equivalent model over the period 19942012 (including herring, sprat, sNAOI, wSOI; Table 3) revealed similar

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Environment influences arrival date and mass

FIGURE 3 | Mass on arrival (mean over first 3 days of colony attendance SD; raw data) for 2-year-olds, 3-year-olds and adults between 1994 and
2012 (N2y = 644, N3y = 698, Nad = 2424).

interactions of age groups with winter SOI and sprat, but also
an additional interaction of age with spring NAOI (Table 3,
Figure 4A). Here, interactions indicated a negative relationship
between arrival date and spring NAOI in 2- and 3-year-olds (they
arrived 11 and 9 days earlier over the entire measured range of
spring NAOI), while in adults arrival was delayed by 5 days in
relation to NAOI. In response to winter SOI, 2- and 3-year-olds
delayed arrival (by 2 and 8 days, respectively), as in the short
model, while adults now exhibited advanced arrival date with
SOI (by 6 days). The relationship with sprat was now positive
in 2-year-olds (corresponding to a 6 day delay), while adults still
showed a slight positive relationship (2 day delay) and 3-year-olds
showed no response. Females consistently arrived between 1 and
2 days earlier than males.

Environmental Covariates: Effects on Arrival

Analysis of arrival mass in the same framework (time period
20022009) again revealed significant age and sex effects. Out
of the environmental covariates, only winter SOI was negatively
correlated with arrival mass and in interaction with age group
(Supplementary Table 4). The interaction indicated an increase in
arrival mass with higher SOI in 2- and 3-year-olds, while adults
showed no relationship. Males consistently arrived 23 g heavier
than females.
The equivalent model over the period 19942012 also
included the age-SOI interaction, but additionally showed significant age-interactions with spring NAOI, herring and sprat
(Table 4, Figure 4B). In the interaction with SOI the response
in arrival mass was contrary to the model comprising the short

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time-span: in 2-year-olds there was a negative relationship (corresponding to a mass decrease of 6 g over the entire measured
range of winter SOI), while in 3-year-olds and adults there was
a very small increase (1 g). A positive relationship was found
between NAOI and arrival mass in 2-year-olds (corresponding
to a 5 g increase in arrival mass), while there was a weak negative relationship in 3-year-olds (1 g decrease) and adults (3 g
decrease). The interaction with herring was strong in 2-yearolds, who showed an increase in arrival mass with higher herring abundance by 6 g over the entire observed range of herring
abundance; 3-year-olds and adults exhibited no response. Sprat
showed a weaker positive relationship with arrival mass in 2year-olds (corresponding to a 3 g increase), with 3-year-olds and
adults responding very little (a 1 g in- and decrease, respectively).
Between 1994 and 2012, males consistently arrived 12 g heavier
than females.

Our analyses revealed strong variation in both arrival date and
body mass upon arrival in a small and long-lived piscivorous
bird species, the common tern. Surprisingly and in contrast to
findings in other species (see refs below), however, there was no
long-term trend in either trait. Instead, arrival date was linked
with various environmental covariates, with the strength and
direction of relationships depending on age. Carry-over effects
from the wintering area seemed particularly relevant to arrival
date: SOI significantly predicted arrival in all age groups. Conditions during migration and in the breeding habitat, as represented by NAOI and sprat abundance, also appeared influential.

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FIGURE 4 | Predicted effects of environmental factors on the change in

(A) arrival date (in days, Table 3) and (B) arrival mass (in grams, Table 4)
in three age groups (2-year-olds, 3-year-olds and adults) over the
observed range of the respective covariates between 1994 and 2012.

The fact that there was no correlated annual fluctuation between

age groups and often contrary responses to the same environmental covariates indicates that different age groups experience
differing environmental constraints during their annual cycle,
which might have a compensatory effect against environmental stochasticity and thereby help maintain population stability.
Arrival body mass at the colony was affected by environmental
covariates only in the youngest age group on their first spring
migration. These 2-year-olds arrival mass showed a correlation
with winter SOI and spring NAOI and was also related to sprat
and herring abundance, indicating effects during the latter part
of migration.

Arrival Date and Body Mass

Arrival date advances strongly with age (Dittmann and Becker,
2003; Becker et al., 2008a; Zhang et al., 2015a) and experience
(Ludwigs and Becker, 2002), as does arrival mass, to a certain
extent (Limmer and Becker, 2007). On average, 2-year-olds arrive
between 40 and 60 days after adult birds (Becker et al., 2008a;
Arnaud et al., 2013). They either need far more time for their first

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Environment influences arrival date and mass

spring migration than adults and 3-year-olds, or they depart from

the wintering area later, or both (Sergio et al., 2014). Since 2-yearold individuals are mostly prospectors and very rarely breed they
might not be under great pressure to arrive early in the season
(Ludwigs and Becker, 2002; Szostek and Becker, 2012). Similarly,
3-year-old terns arrive on average between 20 and 40 days later
than adults. Although they gained some experience from their
first migration they still either depart later or need more time to
migrate than experienced adults, or both (cf. Sergio et al., 2014).
Contrary to some earlier studies (Dittmann and Becker, 2003;
Becker et al., 2008a) we found that females arrived marginally
earlier than males (12 days). Males arrived marginally heavier
(13 g) than females, which is consistent with findings that males
are generally slightly larger than females (e.g., Nisbet et al., 2007).
Although differences were small, they appeared consistently and
were significant in all models.
With regard to inter-annual variation and long-term trends,
results for arrival date and body mass were very coherent.
Although a distinct age-distribution was apparent in arrival date
and to a lesser extent in arrival mass, and variation was strong
both within and between years, there was no long-term trend in
either variable (Figures 2, 3, also cf. Ezard et al., 2007). In other
bird species in the northern hemisphere, however, an advancement in arrival or laying date due to climate change was apparent
(e.g., Hppop and Hppop, 2003; Crick, 2004; Visser and Both,
2005; Parmesan, 2006), including an advancement of breeding
date in relation to spring temperature and NAOI in the Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea (Mller et al., 2006). In British terns
(Arctic, common, and sandwich Sterna sandvicensis) an advancement in arrival and laying date was found (Wanless et al., 2009),
while in the common terns of the study colony, laying date was
unexpectedly found to become delayed over time (Ezard et al.,
2007). It is possible that arrival and laying date are influenced by
different environmental factors or that cues affecting departure
from the wintering area are not linked with those in the breeding area (Both and Visser, 2001; Vgvri et al., 2010). This is
consistent with the lack of correlations we found between environmental covariates in the wintering and breeding area. Prey
fish become increasingly available in the breeding area around
early April when water temperatures start to increase, triggering
the migration of juvenile herring and sprat into the coastal waters
of the Wadden Sea (Dnhardt and Becker, 2014). If an increase
in temperatures resulted in earlier herring and sprat availability,
it would be an advantage for adult terns to advance their arrival
and thereby extend their breeding season.
Arrival date and mass were not correlated between age groups,
so there were no bad or good years over the entire age spectrum, only for the distinct age groups. This indicates that different
intrinsic or extrinsic factors might be affecting each age group
or that the same factor might change over time within the year
and thus might affect the age groups differently as they migrate
at different times. Stronger temporal variation in arrival date of
2- and 3-year-olds indicates stronger susceptibility to environmental factors in these younger age groups (Table 2; Favero and
Becker, 2006; also for survival: Szostek and Becker, 2012). These
age-related differences can be attributed to experience to some
extent, but since arrival date is in part a heritable trait and early

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arrival improves reproductive success, this variation might also

represent a target for selection and the lower variability in adults
could be due to canalization (Arnaud et al., 2013). Furthermore,
variation in plasticity of traits such as arrival date could also
be heritable and selected for in interaction with environmental
influences (Brommer et al., 2008).
Arrival date and mass were negatively correlated. Generally,
the later arriving individuals tend to be the younger ones that
find it harder to maintain their body mass in stressful circumstances, such as migration (cf. Dittmann and Becker, 2003; Ezard
et al., 2007; Limmer and Becker, 2007). However, arrival mass
still decreased with later arrival date when corrected for age
group, individual and annual variation. This indicates that an
early arrival date is not achieved at a cost to body condition, but is
rather an indicator for individual quality (cf. Becker et al., 2008a;
Zhang et al., 2015a). In this context, age was not a significant predictor of arrival mass any longer, as this general rule seems to be
true for all age groups: Earlier birds are better individuals that
can maintain a higher body mass.

Environmental Covariates: Effects on Arrival Date

There were strong age-related differences in the relationships
between environmental covariates and arrival date. Generally, 2year-olds and adults often reacted in opposite ways to the same
environmental covariate, whereas 3-year-olds responded alternately with their older or younger counterparts or showed no
response (Figure 4A). Considering the different time periods that
the age groups migrate in and the differing pressures they are
under, this is not unexpected.
In the breeding area, sprat, but not herring, was associated with a delay of 2-year-old arrival date by 6 days over the
entire measured range of sprat abundance. Sprat in the North
Sea (= breeding area) was available to terns on the latter part
of their migratory journey, so high abundance and availability
of their main prey items might cause them to spend more time
foraging during and after migration before visiting the breeding colony, resulting in a later arrival. As 2-year-olds might not
be under strong pressure to breed, such a behavioral strategy
might give them the chance to improve their body condition
after their first spring migration. Furthermore, an effect of NAOI
on the advancement of arrival date by 11 days over the total
observed range of NAOI was also apparent in 2-year-olds (see
Figure 4A, Table 3). During low NAOI years strong wind systems can be suppressed (Hurrell et al., 2003), which may help
inexperienced birds migrate faster. Additionally, the NAOI influences food abundance (Attrill and Power, 2002), although the
negative relationship indicates an earlier arrival under worse
feeding conditions. This is consistent with the finding that 2-yearold common terns delay arrival in response to higher sprat abundance. In combination, these findings suggest that young birds
engage in a trade-off: when feeding conditions are favorable, they
accept a later arrival in exchange for an improved body condition,
while they might speed up their migration when food availability
is poor. Spring arrival date has been linked to the NAOI in several
passerine and non-passerine migrants (e.g., Hppop and Hppop, 2003; alakevi`cius et al., 2009), as has timing of breeding in
black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) and common guillemot

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Environment influences arrival date and mass

(Uria aalge: Frederiksen et al., 2004). The relationship with SOI

was very slight in 2-year-olds: it resulted in a 2 day delay with
increasing SOI.
The relationship of 3-year-old birds arrival date with environmental covariates was similar to that of 2-year-olds in direction,
but the relative impact was mostly different. Three-year-olds
showed an advancement of arrival with rising NAOI of 9 days,
which was similar to their younger conspecifics and might well
be due to similar underlying mechanisms. Their response to
winter SOI, however, was much stronger, resulting in an 8 day
delay over the total measured range of this global climate index.
The strong delay of arrival date with winter SOI indicates that
environmental conditions in the wintering area were an important driver of a fast and/or early migration in terms of weather
conditions and possibly food abundance. This would have a
lasting carry-over effect on the breeding career of a 3-yearold pre-breeder, as an early arrival improves the chances for a
first-time breeding attempt (Ludwigs and Becker, 2002; Becker
et al., 2008a). Contrary to younger birds, there was no relationship with sprat abundance, which could be explained by
the older birds improved foraging efficiency, or by the different time of arrival, when other food sources might be more
In adult birds, relationships between arrival date and environmental covariates were mostly contrary to those in the younger
age groups. Generally, we would expect the older and more experienced birds to be less dependent on environmental conditions
than their younger and less experienced conspecifics, as they
showed far less inter-annual variability in arrival date and body
mass, as well as in their vital rates (Ezard et al., 2006; Szostek
and Becker, 2012). However, since the sample size was very high
for this group it is likely that even correlations with small effect
size became significant in these analyses. In any case, the covariates with the strongest effect were related to the global climate
indices: Adult birds advanced their arrival date by up to 6 days
over the entire measured range of winter SOI in accordance with
the tendencies found by Favero and Becker (2006). Similarly,
relationships between arrival date and SOI have been reported
from the southern hemisphere, although there they appeared in
conjunction with a delay in arrival and laying date (Barbraud
and Weimerskirch, 2006), or in concurrence with El Nio events
(Kalmbach et al., 2001). A tropical roseate tern Sterna dougallii
population showed delayed breeding in years of high multivariate ENSO, a climate index related to the SOI, but the effects
were also related to local sea surface temperature (Ramos et al.,
2002). A significant correlation was also found in adult birds with
spring NAOI, which resulted in a delay of up to 5 days, indicating an earlier arrival when weather conditions (Hurrell et al.,
2003) and food abundance (Attrill and Power, 2002) are favorable. A very slight delay of 2 days could be attributed to sprat
abundance in the breeding area, although such a small delay may
not have strong implications for reproductive success or survival.
Although arrival date was shown to be delayed in 2-year-old and
adult terns in response to prey fish abundance, it is possible that
despite a slightly later arrival date, the increase in body condition
resulting from increased foraging success might advance laying,
as shown in common terns by Wendeln (1997) and Dnhardt

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and Becker (2014). Diamond and Devlin (2003) found an impact

of herring stock in the breeding area on laying dates of puffins
Fratercula arctica, yet not on Arctic terns Sterna paradisaea or
common terns in the same habitat.
That birds of different age groups migrate at different times
of the year and are under varying amounts of pressure to arrive
in the breeding area early is not a new idea, but we have shown
here that the three age groups are affected differently by environmental constraints in their year-round habitats. While 2year-olds, as inexperienced hunters (Dunn, 1972 for sandwich
terns), are more strongly dependent on food abundance and
weather conditions during migration, 3-year-olds show carryover effects from the wintering habitat and adults seem less
strongly affected overall. There is no clear season where environmental conditions appear most limiting to arrival date, this
trait seems to be sensitive to conditions during migration as
well as being subject to carry-over effects from the wintering

Environmental Covariates: Effects on Arrival

The findings concerning arrival mass were mostly consistent with
those relating to arrival date. However, differences between age
groups were even more strongly pronounced. While 2-year-olds
were strongly affected by multiple factors, the older age groups of
3-year-old and adult birds showed no strong response in arrival
mass to any environmental covariate (Figure 4B). There was a
slight decrease in adult arrival mass in relation to NAOI, but
it resulted in only a 3 g change over the entire NAOI range,
which birds would be able to recover from quickly during the precourtship period (Frank and Becker, 1992; Wendeln and Becker,
As 2-year-olds are likely to be less proficient foragers (Dunn,
1972) and are also inexperienced as migrants, it is not unexpected
that they would show the greatest response in their body condition on arrival. We found a strong increase in response to higher
herring abundance in the breeding area of 6 g and a weak increase
of 3 g in response to higher sprat abundance. Since clupeoids and
especially herring are among the most common and nutritious
food sources for common terns in the breeding area (Massias
and Becker, 1990; Frank, 1992; Wendeln, 1997), it makes sense
that body mass would vary according to the abundance of herring (Wendeln and Becker, 1996). Since herring is available on
the last leg of the migratory journey, these results indicate that
terns probably feed continuously during migration or that their
body condition quickly adapts to the wealth or dearth of food in
the breeding area upon arrival (for daily mass changes see Frank
and Becker, 1992). In addition, there was an equally strong relationship with the climate indices, which resulted in an increase
of 5 g in relation to spring NAOI. This is most likely due to

Arnaud, C. M., Becker, P. H., Dobson, F. S., and Charmantier, A. (2013).
Canalization of phenology in common terns: genetic and phenotypic variations

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Environment influences arrival date and mass

the NAOI affecting prey, other than herring and sprat, causing
better feeding conditions during periods of low NAOI (Attrill and
Power, 2002). Furthermore, we found a 6 g decrease in arrival
mass in response to winter SOI. The most limiting conditions
for arrival mass seem to appear during the migration period and
the early breeding season, and yet arrival mass is also subject to
strong carry-over effects from the wintering area in the youngest
age group of common terns.

Concluding Remarks
Our findings underline the importance of age in the study of phenological traits including those related to migration (cf. Ezard
et al., 2007). The strong advancement of arrival with age combined with an improvement of body condition reflects the process
of canalization in the timing of arrival along with a reduction in
variance with age (Arnaud et al., 2013). Yet, even when accounting for age, no long-term trends across the 19 years of the study
were evident in either trait. For arrival date in spring this result is
in contrast with many other, mainly passerine, bird species, which
advanced their arrival over the past decades (refs see above).
Instead, we found effects of environmental factors on arrival
date and mass, operating both during the wintering season and
spring migration. Most interesting here was our finding that age
groups responded very differently to variation in environmental
conditions. Still, the relationship between arrival date and environmental factors remains a complicated one. As a long-distance
migrant, the common tern is dependent on conditions in two
distinct habitats connected by the migration route (Figure 1).
Relevant environmental factors are not necessarily synchronous
(we found them not to be correlated) and might affect the terns in
opposing ways in their wintering area and on migration, or their
effects might cancel each other out.

We thank the many field-assistants, technicians, students and
volunteers that have contributed to the Banter See project over
the years. Thanks to Ad Corten and Andreas Dnhardt for helping us obtain and interpret the relevant fishery data. Two reviewers contributed valuable comments to an earlier version of the
manuscript. The project was funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG, Be 916-9).

Supplementary Material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:

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Conflict of Interest Statement: The Reviewer Eric Stienen declares that, despite
having collaborated in the past with the author Peter H. Becker, the review process was handled objectively and no conflict of interest exists. The authors declare
that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial
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April 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 42 | 65

published: 10 April 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00038

Climate and changing winter

distribution of alcids in the
Northwest Atlantic
Richard R. Veit 1, 2* and Lisa L. Manne 1, 2

Department of Biology, College of Staten Island/City University of New York, New York, NY, USA, 2 The Graduate Center,
City University of New York, New York, NY, USA

Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Morten Frederiksen,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Tycho Anker-Nilssen,
Norwegian Institute for Nature
Research, Norway
Russell Barry Wynn,
National Oceanography Centre, UK
Richard R. Veit,
Department of Biology, College of
Staten Island/City University of New
York, 2800 Victory Blvd., Staten
Island, New York, 10314 NY, USA

Population level impacts upon seabirds from changing climate are increasingly
evident, and include effects on phenology, migration, dispersal, annual survivorship,
and reproduction. Most population data on seabirds derive from nesting colonies;
documented climate impacts on winter ecology are scarce. We studied interannual
variability in winter abundance of six species of alcids (Charadriiformes, Alcidae) from
a 58-year time series of data collected in Massachusetts 19542011. We used counts
of birds taken during fall and winter from coastal vantage points. Counts were made by
amateur birders, but coverage was consistent in timing and location. We found significant
association between winter abundance of all six species of alcids and climate, indexed
by North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), at two temporal scales: (1) significant linear trends at
the 58-year scale of the time series; and (2) shorter term fluctuations corresponding to
the 58 year periodicity of NAO. Thus, variation in winter abundance of all six species of
alcids was significantly related to the combined short-term and longer-term components
of variation in NAO. Two low-Arctic species (Atlantic Puffin and Black Guillemot) peaked
during NAO positive years, while two high Arctic species (Dovekie and Thick-billed Murre)
peaked during NAO negative years. For Common Murres and Razorbills, southward
shifts in winter distribution have been accompanied by southward expansion of breeding
range, and increase within the core of the range. The proximate mechanism governing
these changes is unclear, but, as for most other species of seabirds whose distributions
have changed with climate, seems likely to be through their prey.
Keywords: alcid, climate change, NAO, multiscale, Northwest Atlantic, Massachusetts

Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, a
section of the journal Frontiers in
Ecology and Evolution
Received: 01 December 2014
Accepted: 26 March 2015
Published: 10 April 2015
Veit RR and Manne LL (2015) Climate
and changing winter distribution of
alcids in the Northwest Atlantic.
Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:38.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00038

Fluctuating oceanic climate impacts population size (Montevecchi and Myers, 1997; Thompson
and Ollason, 2001), survivorship (Sandvik et al., 2005), fecundity (Guinet et al., 1998; Durant et al.,
2003, 2005; Wanless et al., 2007), phenology (Aebischer et al., 1990; Gjerdrum et al., 2003; Frederiksen et al., 2004), and both summer and winter distribution (Veit et al., 1997; Manne, 2013)
of seabirds. Impacts of climate shifts on seabirds occur at multiple temporal scales, that can be
loosely grouped into short-term (<1 year: Hunt et al., 1992; Veit et al., 1996), medium term
(510 years) corresponding to fluctuations indexed by El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and long-term trends (>10 years) that may also reflect longer
term fluctuations that our 50 year time series is less likely to resolve (Veit and Montevecchi, 2006).

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Veit and Manne

Since seabirds in general have long lifespans and produce relatively few young per year, they are adapted to tolerate short-term
environmental disturbances (Veit and Montevecchi, 2006) and
populations have recovered from such short-term catastrophes
as El Nio events (Schreiber, 2002). Population responses to persistent, long-term changes are less well-documented but climate
change on the scale of decades has caused substantial changes in
the range and distribution of seabirds (Montevecchi and Myers,
1997; Veit and Montevecchi, 2006; Gaston and Woo, 2008; Nisbet
et al., 2013).
Unambiguous, if complex, changes have occurred in the physical and biological characteristics of the North Atlantic Ocean
during this century (Stenseth and Mysterud, 2002; Hurrell and
Dickson, 2004; Stenseth et al., 2004), and these changes have
had substantial biological impacts, even though ascribing such
impacts unambiguously to climate is daunting (Hemery et al.,
2008; Overholtz and Link, 2009). Difficult to disentangle from
climate-induced impacts on seabirds are those resulting from
changes in fish stocks due to commercial fisheries. For example, the spectacular collapse of northwestern Atlantic Cod stocks
in the early 1990s, and the decline of the herring fishery in
the late 1960s and early 1970s were almost certainly primarily the result of overfishing (Fogarty and Murawski, 1998). The
collapse of these stocks has had broad-reaching impacts on
other components of the ecosystem, including seabirds (Fogarty
and Murawski, 1998; Montevecchi and Stenhouse, 2002). Other
changes are not so easily attributed to any one particular cause.
For example, the enormous increase of sand lance (Ammodytes
spp.) during the 1970s in the Northwest Atlantic (Sherman et al.,
1981) may have resulted from the disappearance of herring and
other predators due to overfishing, but other factors may have
been important as well. Many seabirds benefitted from the sand
lance increase (Veit and Petersen, 1993; Nisbet et al., 2013), but
whether any of these changes has a link to climate forcing is
unknown, and it is therefore difficult to disentangle whether
impacts on seabirds derive from climate, fisheries, a combination
of the two, or some other factor.
Much of the previous work on this subject has focused on the
northeast Atlantic, where changing climate is having a measurable effect upon seabirds, and it is thus highly likely that such
effects have occurred in the Northwest Atlantic as well. There
are, however, interesting differences in the direction of climaterelated effects between the two sides of the Atlantic. For example
abundance of the widespread copepod Calanus finmarchicus is
negatively correlated with NAO in the eastern, but positively correlated with NAO in the western Atlantic (Conversi et al., 2001;
Drinkwater et al., 2003), as is also SST and population changes in
guillemots (Irons et al., 2008). There is no question that climaterelated changes to the pelagic system are occurring, but how these
may have impacted seabird abundance off the North American
east coast is unknown.
NAO is a multivariate physical index used to characterize the
overall climatological state of the North Atlantic (Hurrell and
Dickson, 2004). The NAO is designed to reflect the distribution of sea level atmospheric pressure, but its values correlate
strongly with predominant flows of winds and surface currents.
The NAO has changed from a pattern of negative values during

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Multiscale NAO impacts on alcids

19301975 to one of predominantly positive values from 1975

to 2000 (Hurrell and Dickson, 2004; Irons et al., 2008). The
more recent period of positive values reflects colder conditions
in the Northwest Atlantic; conversely, negative NAO years are
associated with warmer waters. Documented and statistically significant shifts in intensity and direction of NAO have occurred
in recent years and, as shown below, these shifts have clearly
impacted the biology of the North Atlantic (Hurrell and Dickson,
At a decadal scale, southward shifts in alcid abundance seem
to match shifts in NAO (Figure 1). Veit and Guris (2008) found
statistical links between Razorbill (Alca torda) and Dovekie (Alle
alle) abundance and NAO in New England waters. Razorbills
have been increasing steadily since the 1980s, with peak abundance occurring in NAO positive years, while Dovekies have
increased dramatically since about 2005, after a general absence
since about 1975. Abundance of Dovekies in New England has
been more erratic, but also statistically related to NAO, with
maximum numbers occurring in NAO-negative years (a pattern
strongly supported by maximum abundance in 20102011) and
thus opposite to the pattern shown by Razorbills. The proximate mechanism for the link between seabirds and NAO remains
unclear, but the majority of seabird-climate links has proven to be
indirect, and based on changes in seabird prey (Frederiksen et al.,
2004; Durant et al., 2005).

Alcid Winter Range

Alcids are notoriously erratic in their dispersal southwards during winter (Nettleship and Birkhead, 1985; Gaston and Jones,
1998) and some species, especially Dovekies, are prone to southward irruptions, very likely in response to abrupt changes in prey
availability (Gaston and Jones, 1998). Despite such variability
during winter, long-term changes in abundance off the U.S. East
Coast are apparent (Veit and Guris, 2008; Nisbet et al., 2013).
As recent major shifts in oceanographic climate have also been
described for the North Atlantic (Hurrell and Dickson, 2004;
Regular et al., 2010), it behooves us to ask whether shifts in winter
alcid distribution are related to changes in oceanographic climate.
Innovations of this study include an extensive uninterrupted, 58
year time series on seabird abundance from Massachusetts and
the fact that it documents the winter, non-breeding distribution of these birds. We therefore hypothesize that fluctuations in
oceanic climate impact the variability of winter abundance and
distribution of seabirds.

Massachusetts Time Series
In Massachusetts there are a number of coastal vantage points
from which seabirds have been counted annually since the 1930s.
The level of effort has been reasonably constant over the period
1954-present; while the number of observers in the field has
increased, the number of sites has not, so that the number of
hours devoted to counting is unlikely to have changed. Furthermore, both increases and decreases in abundance have occurred
during the period we have analyzed, so changes in abundance
cannot be simply the consequence of increased effort. Thus, we

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Multiscale NAO impacts on alcids

FIGURE 1 | Winter abundance vs. NAO for six alcid species in Massachusetts.

used this 58 year time series of bird abundance to ask whether

changes over that time period in alcid abundance are at least in
part related to changes in oceanic climate.
We extracted data on alcids from the publications Records
of New England Birds (19541968), Bird Observer of Eastern
Massachusetts (19721986), Bird Observer (1987-present), and
North American Birds and its predecessors (1954-present). Gaps
for the period 19691971 were filled by records maintained at the
Massachusetts Audubon Society by Ruth P. Emery (unpublished
database). Data in these publications were published as monthly
or bimonthly summaries.
The data used in the analyses were estimates of maximum
number present in any given winter. We considered that all
counts on outer Cape Cod (50 km long, mostly censused from
Provincetown, Figure 2) could possibly involve the same birds,
so we conservatively used the maximum number reported during
a winter anywhere on outer Cape Cod as the maximum for that

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year. On the other hand, we assumed that birds counted at Cape

Ann or Nantucket were separate from birds counted on outer
Cape Cod, and tallied separately, for each winter, maxima from
Cape Ann, Cape Cod, and Nantucket. Although the bird abundance data is limited in spatial scope, because of the enormous
spatial scope of seabird foraging ranges, samples from a limited
area are representative of the ocean basin as a whole (Veit et al.,
1997). The species in this analysis collectively cover 35 of latitude, from Northern Greenland to Maine during the nesting
season and an even larger area during winter. Thus, this dataset
from Massachusetts is not only important for its length; it also
samples a substantial portion of the North Atlantic avifauna.
We used NAO index values averaged over December-March
for the years in which we extracted data on birds. So birds
recorded in November 2000March 2001 were related to the
NAO index for December 2000March 2001 (Hurrell and Dickson, 2004,

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Multiscale NAO impacts on alcids

units (Burnham and Anderson, 2002), was a better fit to the data
for that species. If the lower AIC occurred for a model incorporating NAO, then we concluded that even after time series and
lagged population effects had been accounted for, NAO acted
as a structuring effect for that species abundance. For ease of
visualization, we show graphs of the log-transformed responses
(species abundances). All analyses were conducted using R (R
Core Development Team, 2012).


FIGURE 2 | Map of the study area showing the three main census
locations: Cape Ann, Provincetown (outer Cape Cod), and Nantucket.

We log transformed all bird abundance data. For four species

[Razorbill, Dovekie, Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia), and Black
Guillemot (Cepphus grylle)] the transformed data did not differ
significantly from normal (KolmogorovSmirnoff test, p > 0.1),
and we used cross-correlation to identify the temporal scale for
which correlation between bird abundance and NAO was highest.
Maximum correlation was found at a lag of 0 years for all species
except Razorbill for which NAO in the previous year (lagged
NAO) gave a better fit (Razorbill numbers following NAO). For
these four species we used linear regression to relate abundance
in Massachusetts to NAO index in the same winter. For the other
two species [Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica), and Common
Murre (Uria aalge)] the log-transformed data differed significantly (p < 0.05) from the normal distribution so we used Spearman rank correlation coefficients to test for a correlation between
abundance and NAO.
To disentangle the possible population temporal autocorrelation from direct effects of NAO on winter abundance, we compared eight regression models for each species: a model with only
a year term (assuming a Poisson distribution vs. a negative binomial distribution), models having a single NAO term (Poisson
vs. negative binomial), models having both year and NAO (Poisson vs. negative binomial), and models with year, NAO and a lag
term for the population size the previous year (Poisson vs. negative binomial). Among those eight models, the model with the
lower Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), but only where the
lower AIC differed from the next-higher AIC by more than two

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Five species (Razorbill, Common Murre, Thick-billed Murre,

Black Guillemot, and Atlantic Puffin) increased significantly over
the 58-year period (p < 0.05), and Dovekies decreased significantly over the same period (p = 0.019, Figure 3). A significant
increasing linear trend is evident for NAO (Figure 3G). Thus,
all six species of alcids were significantly related to a 58-year
trend in NAO (Figure 3). At shorter timescales, five species were
significantly correlated with NAO as revealed by the modeling
(Table 1). For four of six species analyzed, the best model was
one that included effects of year, NAO and lagged intraspecific
abundance (Table 1); a fifth species best model included only
NAO, and the sixth species (Atlantic Puffin) was best modeled by
year alone. Thus, the importance of both a long-term (58 year)
trend and shorter term (58 year) oscillations in NAO significantly impacted winter abundance of five out of six alcid species
in New England. For Razorbills, the best model was that which
included year, lagged NAO and lagged abundance of Razorbills.
In all cases, the chosen model was that assuming the negative
binomial distribution; the AIC-values for the negative binomial
models were all much lower than those for the Poisson models.
Table 1 also shows the maximum likelihood pseudo-R2 -values
to give an idea of how much variation in alcid abundance is
explained by the best models. Atlantic Puffin was the least wellmodeled, with a pseudo-R2 -value of 0.15, while Razorbill showed
the highest pseudo-R2 , of 0.88.
Residual analyses showed no clear pattern in the residuals
for any of the best models. Since the NAO index itself has a
positive trend over the timespan we studied (19542012, Hurrell and Dickson, 2004), our interpretation is that there are at
least two temporal scales over which variation in ocean climate
impact winter abundance of alcids off Massachusetts. Put another
way, our model shows that variation in winter abundance of
alcids off Massachusetts was significantly related to the combined
shorter-term and longer-term components of variation in NAO.
Black Guillemots and Razorbills occurred in high abundance
with positive NAO index values, whereas Dovekies and Thickbilled Murres occurred in high abundance with negative NAO.
Thus, peak numbers of high-arctic Dovekies and Thick-billed
Murres tended to move south to Massachusetts in strongly
negative-NAO winters. Common Murre and Atlantic Puffin
show small but only borderline significant relationships to NAO
on an annual scale. Therefore, response by these birds to NAO
varied with the temporal scale at which they were analyzed.
The differing response to NAO shown by the different species
is reflected in the correlation of abundance among species: The
abundances of all species other than Dovekie were positively

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Multiscale NAO impacts on alcids

FIGURE 3 | (AF) Winter abundance (raw time series) of alcids in Massachusetts over the period 19552012; (G) NAO over time, showing both trend and periodic

correlated with one another, and that of Dovekie was negatively

correlated with those of the other five species (Table 2).

Winter alcid abundance depends significantly on NAO, which
in turn shows both a long-term (50 year) trend and shorter
term periodicity (Figure 3). Thus, our analysis supports previous suggestions that climate acts upon seabirds at more than one
temporal scale (Schreiber, 2002; Jenouvrier et al., 2005; Veit and
Montevecchi, 2006; Irons et al., 2008). Here, we found that four
species vary with shorter term NAO fluctuations (Table 1), and
all six species vary with the longer-term NAO trend (Figure 3).

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The data we have analyzed are on winter abundance. Changes

in abundance could reflect either distributional shifts, changes
in population size, or a combination of the two. Razorbills,
Common Murres, Atlantic Puffins, and perhaps Black Guillemots, are clearly increasing in abundance within their breeding
ranges and expanding southward into our study area (Chapdelaine et al., 2001; Bond and Diamond, 2006; Regular et al., 2010).
The increase of Atlantic Puffins in our study area has been hastened by reintroduction of birds from Canada to breeding islands
in the Gulf of Maine (Kress and Nettleship, 1988). Whatever
the proximate cause of increased abundance off Massachusetts in
winter, the ultimate cause in most cases seems linked to variation
in oceanographic climate.

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Multiscale NAO impacts on alcids

TABLE 1 | Results of model selection for six alcid species wintering population numbers; sign of relationship with predictors given in best model.


(Abundance of.)

Predictor 1

Predictor 2

Predictor 3





Maximum likelihood
(best model only)

Black Guillemot


Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)

NAO (p < 0.001)


NAO (p < 0.001)

+Year (p < 0.001)

Negative binomial

+NAO (p < 0.001)

+BGt1 (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p > 0.001)



NAO (p < 0.01)

+Year (p < 0.001)
Common Murre


+NAO (p < 0.05)

+BGt1 (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)

Negative bionomial

NAO (p < 0.001)

COMUt1 (p < 0.001)




NAO (ns)

+COMUt1 (ns)

Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)

Negative binomial

NAO (p < 0.001)

DOVEt1 (p < 0.001)

Atlantic Puffin



NAO (p < 0.01)

+DOVEt1 (ns)

Year (p < 0.001)

+Year (p < 0.001)

Negative binomial

NAO (p < 0.05)

PUFFt1 (ns)



NAO (ns)

NAO (ns)

PUFFt1 (ns)


+Year (p < 0.001)

NAO (p < 0.001)

RAZOt1 (p < 0.001)


+Year (p < 0.001)

+NAOt1 (p < 0.001)

+RAZOt1 (p < 0.001)


Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)

NAO (ns)


NAOt1 (p < 0.001)

Thick-billed Murre



Year (p < 0.001)

NAO (ns)

RAZOt1 (ns)


+Year (p < 0.001)

+NAOt1 (p < 0.05)

-RAZOt1 (ns)


Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)
+Year (p < 0.001)


NAO (p < 0.001)

TBMUt1 (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.1)

Year (ns)


NAO (p < 0.001)


NAO (p < 0.001)

+Year (ns)


NAO (p < 0.001)

NAO (p < 0.001)

Negative binomial


NAO (p < 0.001)

NAOt1 (p < 0.001)

Negative binomial



Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)


NAO (p < 0.05)

Year (p < 0.01)



+Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.01)


+NAO (p < 0.05)

NAO (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)


NAO (p < 0.01)

NAO (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.05)



Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.05)


NAO (p < 0.001)

NAO (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)


NAO (ns)

NAO (ns)
+Year (p < 0.001)



Year (p < 0.001)

Year (p < 0.001)


NAO (p < 0.001)

NAO (p < 0.001)

+Year (p < 0.001)


NAO (p < 0.001)

TBMUt1 (ns)



Boldface indicates the best model as judged by either lowest AIC value (in cases where AIC was lower than next-lowest by more than 2 units) or by least complex model (in cases where
models have low and tied or near-tied AIC values, e.g., Atlantic Puffin).

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TABLE 2 | Spearman rank correlation coefficients of abundance among species.









Common Murre



Thick-billed Murre



Black Guillemot



Atlantic Puffin



Common Murre

Thick-billed Murre

Black Guillemot

Atlantic Puffin

























Boldface values are significant at p < 0.05.

Shifts in at-sea distribution of seabirds have previously been

linked to changing oceanic climate (Veit et al., 1996, 1997; Hyrenbach and Veit, 2003; Pron et al., 2010). The presumption in these
studies is that ocean temperature is an index of productivity and
advection; consequently, warmer temperatures lead to lowered
primary productivity, and thus less secondary productivity and
food for seabirds. We postulate that the mechanism underlying
the changes in abundance we have described is change in abundance or distribution of seabird prey, which in turn responds to
changing oceanic climate, as has been concluded in a number of
other recent studies (Frederiksen et al., 2004; Irons et al., 2008;
Sydeman et al., 2013) including changes in seabird distribution
(Veit et al., 1996, 1997; Gaston and Woo, 2008; Pron et al., 2010).
Razorbills feed on a variety of schooling fishes such as herring and sand lance (Nettleship and Birkhead, 1985). There have
been negatively correlated fluctuations in the populations of
Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus) and American Sand Lance
(Ammodytes americanus) over the period 1970-present (Sherman et al., 1981; Overholtz and Link, 2007, 2009), one suggestion being these two plankton-feeding fishes replace one another
as one gets fished out. A major increase in sand lance in the
late 1970s was accompanied by very large numbers of seabirds,
including Razorbills, feeding upon them at the time (Veit and
Petersen, 1993). Increased abundance of Razorbills, Common
Murres, Thick-billed Murres, Black Guillemots, and Atlantic
Puffins in Massachusetts occurred during the 1970s (Figure 3) at
a time when a dramatic increase in sand lance was documented
in the area (Sherman et al., 1981; Veit and Petersen, 1993). Gaston and Woo (2008) show how Razorbills have expanded their
breeding range into NW Canada following northward expansion
of Capelin (Mallotus vallosus) and sand lance (Ammodytes, spp.).
Both species of Murres and Atlantic Puffins, similarly to
Razorbills, eat schooling pelagic fishes including sand lance (Gaston and Hipfner, 2000; Ainley et al., 2002; Lowther et al., 2002;
Bond and Diamond, 2006), and, though we lack dietary data
from these species in our study area, it seems reasonable that
part of their recent increases reflects increasing sandlance abundance. Black Guillemots also eat fish, including sand lance, but
they feed in much more inshore waters than any of the other five
species and therefore also take a variety of benthic species (Butler
and Buckley, 2002). Dovekies are planktivorous (Montevecchi,
2002) and in this study region often focus their foraging over mid
shelf fronts where they aggregate over patches of copepods and
amphipods (Veit and Guris, 2008).

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Another possible explanation for changes in population numbers is as a result of changes in fishery operations. Large numbers of alcids, especially Common Murres, are killed as by-catch
in gill nets (Montevecchi, 2002). A gill net fishery for Atlantic
Cod (Gadus morhua) and other groundfish in and around Newfoundland collapsed in 1992 due to the disappearance of cod,
and a corresponding increase in the Common Murre population of Newfoundland has been at least partly attributed to this
factor (Regular et al., 2010). In the Massachusetts data, there is
a strong increase in Common Murre abundance at about this
same time (Figure 3), but there is also a parallel increase in
Dovekie abundance that seems unlikely to be related to reduced
mortality in gill nets. From the Massachusetts data considered
here, the increase in Razorbills seems to be longer term than
the increase in Common Murres, and there is little if any apparent acceleration in the early 1990s. Thus, although the closing
of the Newfoundland cod fishery almost certainly helped alcid
numbers, there are other processes at work to explain changes
in numbers of both Dovekies and Razorbills. Finally, chronic
oil pollution and hunting, especially of Thick-billed Murres,
are likely to impact population growth of alcids (Wiese et al.,
Dovekies are planktivorous (Nettleship and Birkhead, 1985;
Gaston and Jones, 1998) while the other five species we studied feed mainly on fish (Gaston and Jones, 1998). This suggests response to climatic oscillations at multiple trophic levels;
it should be noted that most alcid diet studies are on diet in
the breeding season, and little is known of their winter diets.
We know that seabird numbers respond both directly to climate (Schreiber, 2002; Nisbet et al., 2013), and directly to prey
base numbers, which may reflect an indirect response to climate
via the prey base (Durant et al., 2003; Frederiksen et al., 2004).
We have found here a strong response of alcids to climate (as
measured by NAO) at multiple timescales, and we can speculate knowledgably that this strong response is comprised of a
direct and indirect component. This is the first documentation
of alcid response to NAO, and gives greater weight to the importance of managing marine bird populations for their continued
persistence in the face of continued climate change.

We thank Marj Rines for providing unpublished recent data
on alcids from Massachusetts. Sara Williams provided data on

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alcid populations in Maine and Sabina Wilhelm provided data

from Newfoundland. James Hurrell provided helpful advice on
interpretation of the NAO index. Comments from Morten Frederiksen, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Russell Barry Wynn substantially
improved the manuscript.

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Multiscale NAO impacts on alcids

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April 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 38 | 74

published: 29 April 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00043

There is more to climate than the

North Atlantic Oscillation: a new
perspective from climate dynamics
to explain the variability in population
growth rates of a long-lived seabird
Michel d. S. Mesquita 1, 2*, Kjell E. Erikstad 3, 4 , Hanno Sandvik 4 , Robert T. Barrett 5 ,
Tone K. Reiertsen 3, 5 , Tycho Anker-Nilssen 6 , Kevin I. Hodges 7 and Jrgen Bader 1, 8

Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Stephanie Jenouvrier,
Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution, USA
Jean-Marc Fromentin,
Institut franais de recherche pour
lexploitation de la mer, France
Michel d. S. Mesquita,
Uni Research Climate, The Bjerknes
Centre for Climate Research,
Allgaten 55, NO-5007 Bergen,
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Interdisciplinary Climate Studies,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Received: 01 December 2014
Accepted: 13 April 2015
Published: 29 April 2015
Mesquita MdS, Erikstad KE,
Sandvik H, Barrett RT, Reiertsen TK,
Anker-Nilssen T, Hodges KI and
Bader J (2015) There is more to
climate than the North Atlantic
Oscillation: a new perspective from
climate dynamics to explain the
variability in population growth rates of
a long-lived seabird.
Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:43.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00043

Uni Research Climate, Bergen, Norway, 2 Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway, 3 Norwegian Institute for
Nature Research, FRAM High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment, Troms, Norway, 4 Department of
Biology, Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway,
Department of Natural Sciences, Troms University Museum, Troms, Norway, 6 Norwegian Institute for Nature Research,
Trondheim, Norway, 7 Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, UK, 8 Max Planck Institute for
Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany

Predicting the impact of global climate change on the biosphere has become one of
the most important efforts in ecology. Ecosystems worldwide are changing rapidly as a
consequence of global warming, yet our understanding of the consequences of these
changes on populations is limited. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) has been used
as a proxy for climate in several ecological studies, but this index may not always
explain the patterns of variation in populations examined. Other techniques to study
the relationship between ecological time series and climate are therefore needed. A
standard method used in climatology is to work with point maps, where point correlation,
point regression or other techniques are used to identify hotspots of regions that can
explain the variability observed in the time series. These hotspots may be part of a
teleconnection, which is an atmospheric mode of variability that affects remote regions
around the globe. The NAO is one type of teleconnection, but not all climate variability can
be explained through it. In the present study we have used climate-related techniques
and analyzed the yearly variation in the population growth of a Common Guillemot Uria
aalge colony in the Barents Sea area spanning 30 years. We show that the NAO does
not explain this variation, but that point analysis can help identify indices that can explain
a significant part of it. These indices are related to changes of mean sea level pressure
in the Barents Sea via the Pacificforming a teleconnection-type pattern. The dynamics
are as follows: in years when the population growth rate is higher, the patterns observed
are that of an anomalous low-pressure system in the Barents Sea. These low-pressure
systems are a source of heat transport into the region and they force upwelling mixing in
the ocean, thus creating favorable conditions for a more successful survival and breeding
of the Common Guillemot.
Keywords: climate, Common Guillemot, North Atlantic Oscillation, statistical methods, population growth rate

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April 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 43 | 75

Mesquita et al.

The past two decades have produced a plethora of ecological
studies that hinge on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
as a proxy for climate (Stre et al., 1999; Ottersen et al.,
2001; Forchhammer et al., 2002; Stenseth et al., 2003; Durant
et al., 2004; Sandvik et al., 2005, 2012; Dippner et al.,
2014). This ubiquitous proxy usage may have led to the
spread of a misconception of what NAO actually represents
in an ecological context. Finding a statistical relationship
without fully comprehending the underlying physics hinders
the understanding of the climate-ecology interaction (Hallett
et al., 2004; Stenseth and Mysterud, 2005). The point sometimes
overlooked is that the NAO is just one of a number of modes
of climate variability in the Northern Hemisphere (Barry and
Carleton, 2001; Stenseth et al., 2003), as highlighted in Table 1.
Thus, a better understanding of climate dynamics is critical
before hinging on a proxy.
The NAO is defined as one of the leading modes of variability
in the North Atlantic sector. It is characterized by an anomalous
dipole of atmospheric pressure with centers over Iceland and
Azores: a positive phase corresponds to a higher than normal
subtropical high-pressure system and a deeper than normal lowpressure system called the Icelandic low (Hurrell, 1995; Barry
and Carleton, 2001; Hurrell et al., 2003; Bader et al., 2011). The
NAO could be considered as a manifestation of changes in the
storm distribution: the cumulative effect of the storms and the
associated changes in the storm track lead to the NAO signal
(Mesquita et al., 2008, 2011). Nevertheless, the NAO is also
influenced by other climatic processes, such as sea-ice changes
in the Arctic and the Sea of Okhotsk in the North Pacific, and
may shift its sign within a season (Bader et al., 2011; Mesquita
et al., 2011). Even a single storm may have enough momentum to
shift the NAO sign (Rivire and Orlanski, 2007) and the NAO is
known to have a variable center of action (Zhang et al., 2008).
Indeed, with so many climatic features, it is no wonder
the NAO has recently become increasingly common to use
(Durant et al., 2004, p. 338). The use of the NAO as a proxy,
without looking for other climatic clues, is implicitly based on the
simplifying assumption that NAO is climate variability. This
may, in the worst case scenario, lead to the erroneous conclusion
that a certain ecological process is unrelated to climate, only
because no relationship with NAO has been found. Furthermore,
Sandvik et al. (2012) have shown that the relationship between
the NAO and population growth rate of seabirds is highly
variable, both within and across species. This alone does not
mean that populations that do not co-vary with the NAO are
unaffected by climate, however.
Furthermore, when studies use NAO without providing a
clear climate dynamics framework behind its effect on ecology,
they become pointless (Mysterud et al., 2000). Statistical results
need to be supported by physical mechanisms. Finding that
there is a relationship with a proxy without providing a physical
mechanism for it may even make the validity of the relationship
dubious. Correspondingly, Ottersen et al. (2001, p. 9), in an early
review of the ecological effects of the NAO, warn against an
overuse of a proxy without understanding its full implications:
Unless a mechanistically based explanation is provided, the
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

Climate dynamics perspective on Common Guillemot

veracity of any statistical NAO-ecology relationship will thus

remain uncertain. Moreover, relying on a specific proxy also
makes it harder for ecologists to explain how atmospheric
dynamics influence ecology (cf. Sydeman et al., 2014).
Thus, the objective of the present study is to illustrate
standard statistical methods used in climatology to understand
the connection between climate and ecological dynamics. Here,
these methods will be applied to the population dynamics of
the Common Guillemot Uria aalge, a long-lived seabird that
breeds on Hornya, a small island in northern Norway. Instead
of starting with a proxy, this study will look one step before
that, viz. finding what is affecting the species and where these
climatic influences come from. Only afterwards, an appropriate
climatic measure (or proxy) will be chosen. Our findings clearly
demonstrate that there is more to climate than the NAO that
impacts seabird populations.

Materials and Methods

Study Species, Study Area, and Data Collection
The Common Guillemot is a medium-sized (about 1000 g)
seabird belonging to the auks (Alcidae). It is a colonial cliffbreeder with a circumpolar distribution in the boreo-low Arctic
region. The Common Guillemot lays a single egg, which is
incubated for 33 days on average. The chick is fed by both parents
for 3 weeks, before it leaves the colony, still flightless, with its
father. Birds start to breed when they are 57 years old, and
annual adult survival is high (8795%; Gaston and Jones, 1998).
The Norwegian population amounts to approximately 15 000
breeding pairs, which represents a 90% reduction compared to
the population size of the 1960s. The species is therefore listed as
critically endangered in Norway (Kls et al., 2010).
The fieldwork was carried out from 1980 to 2011 on Hornya
(70 23 N, 31 9 E), a 0.5 km2 island in northeastern Norway.
Annual counts of individual Common Guillemots on predefined
monitoring plots were made by one of us (R.T.B.) late in the
incubation period or during hatching. To minimize the day-today variation, five to ten counts were made on different days,
and the mean number was used as an index of population size.
The monitoring followed internationally standardized methods
(Walsh et al., 1995). Successive annual estimates of the total
population on Hornya were based on a single, total count of
1900 individuals made in 1987 and the annual rates of change
documented in the monitoring plots. See Barrett (1983, 2001) and
Erikstad et al. (2013) for more details.
As can be seen from the population trajectory in Figure 1,
there was a pronounced crash in population size from 1986 to
1987 (cf. Vader et al., 1990; Erikstad et al., 2013). To estimate the
yearly variation in population growth rate r, we used the variation
in estimate of the total population size N in each census from 1
year to the next [rt = ln(Nt /Nt1 )].

Climate Datasets
Mean Sea Level Pressure Data
Mean sea level pressure (hereafter MSLP) from the European
Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ReAnalysis Interim Project (hereafter ERA-Interim) was used
throughout this study (Berrisford et al., 2009; Dee et al., 2011).
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TABLE 1 | Major teleconnection patterns in the Northern Hemisphere.

Extratropical teleconnection patterns

Seasonal occurrence

North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (Barnston and Livezey, 1987)

All months

East Atlantic (EA) pattern (Wallace and Gutzler, 1981)

September to April

East Atlantic Jet (EA-Jet) pattern (Washington et al., 2000)

April to August

West Pacific (WP) pattern (Wallace and Gutzler, 1981)

All months

East Pacific (EP) pattern (Bell and Janowiak, 1995)

All months except August to September

Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern (Wallace and Gutzler, 1981)

All months except June to July

North Pacific (NP) pattern (Barnston and Livezey, 1987)

March to July

Pacific Transition pattern (Barnston and Livezey, 1987)

May to August

East Atlantic-Western Russia (Eurasia, EU) pattern (Wallace and Gutzler, 1981)

September to May

Scandinavia (SCAND) pattern (Barnston and Livezey, 1987)

All months except June to July

Polar/Eurasian pattern (Barnston and Livezey, 1987)

December to February

Tropical/Northern Hemisphere (TNH) pattern (Barnston and Livezey, 1987)

November to January

Asian Summer pattern (Barnston and Livezey, 1987)

June to August

Arctic Oscillation (Thompson and Wallace, 1998)

All months

Aleutian Low-Icelandic Low seesaw pattern (AL-IL) (Honda et al., 2005)

Late winter

Table adapted from Barry and Carleton (2001, pp. 396397) showing the names, and acronyms when available, of the major modes of variability in the Northern Hemisphere together
with their seasonal occurrence.

FIGURE 1 | Dynamics of the Common Guillemot population on

Hornya, Northern Norway, from 1980 to 2011. Counts and estimates of
numbers of breeding birds (filled circles, left-hand y-axis) and annual
population growth rates r (open circles, right-hand y-axis). Figure adapted
from Erikstad et al. (2013).

Re-analysis data provide a multivariate, spatially complete, and

coherent record of the global atmospheric circulation, and
the ERA-Interim reanalysis, particularly, is one of the most
sophisticated gridded datasets at high-resolution at present (Dee
et al., 2011, p. 554).
ERA-Interim data were created using the ECMWF Integrated
Forecast System (IFS) model with fully coupled atmosphere,
land surface, and ocean waves (Dee et al., 2011) together
with the 4-dimensional variational assimilation (4D-Var) system
(Courtier et al., 1994; Veerse and Thepaut, 1998; Dee et al.,
2011). So, available observations from different sources (e.g.:

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

satellite, station data) were assimilated into the model simulation,

which allows for a product that is realistic (and in accordance
with observational) data, with the advantage that it is on a
three-dimensional lattice. In fact, rigorous quality control and
experience from previous projects, such as ERA-40 (the precursor
of ERA-Interim), have turned ERA-Interim into a state-of-the-art
dataset for climate studies. ERA-Interim horizontal resolution is
at T255 (nominally 0.703125 , or around 79 km) and it contains
60 vertical model levels, with the highest being at 0.1 hPa. The
horizontal resolution in ERA-Interim (79 km) is higher than that
for another reanalysis product (with resolution on the order of
250 km) used in recent ecological studies (Dippner et al., 2014).
Thus, in the present study, 6-hourly ERA-Interim MSLP data
from 1980 to 2011 were used. The winter season, referred to here
as DJF (December, January, and February) was retained, starting
from December 1979. These seasonal data were then aggregated
into yearly averages per grid point. So, from here on, we will
refer to the MSLP as starting from 1980 (i.e.: December 1979,
January and February 1980). This means, for instance, that when
we discuss the year 1987 (outlier in the population growth rate
data), we mean the winter 1986/87 (December 1986, January
and February 1987) for the MSLP variable. This provides the
equivalent of 32 years of data, which conforms to a 30-year period
considered by the World Meteorological Organizations to be the
minimum requirement for climate studies (Parry et al., 2007;
Baddour, 2011).

Wind Data for Polar Low Tracking

High-resolution data are needed to identify and track polar
lows due to their small-scale compared with synoptic-scale lowpressure systems. For this end, another high-resolution data
product is needed. Here, wind data at the 850-hPa atmospheric
level from the NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis
(NCEP-CFSR) data were used (Saha et al., 2010, 2013). The

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NCEP-CFSR is a state-of-the-art reanalysis fully coupled product

at the spectral T574 horizontal resolution (27 km) and 64
vertical levels, which is arguably one of the most advanced
products at high-resolution to date. The importance of reanalysis
data to climatologists was also expressed in Saha et al. (2010
p. 1015), The general purpose of conducting reanalysis is to
produce multiyear global state-of-the-art gridded representations
of atmospheric states. Thus, the combination of an advanced
storm-tracking algorithm (described below) with high-resolution
advanced reanalysis dataset makes the result of this study unique.
Differently from ERA-Interim, the NCEP-CFSR was based
on a fully coupled model system, the Climate Forecast System
version 2 model (CFSv2), combined with an advanced data
assimilation system (Saha et al., 2013); but like the ERA-Interim,
NCEP-CFRS made use of the same observations from a number
of sources in its assimilation system. These sources come from
satellite data, aircraft and upper air balloon observations, as well
as surface datasets.

Statistical Methods
Point Correlation Maps
Point correlation maps allow for the organization of large-data
information and make it possible to identify climatic modes of
variability (Wilks, 2011, pp. 6770). This technique has been used
in climate science for several decades. In fact, Wilks (2011, p.
69) figure 3.28 shows the reproduction of a figure taken from
the Norwegian climatologist Bjerknes (1969, p. 169). This figure
illustrates that by using the method of point correlation for
annual surface pressures around the globe with those in Djakarta,
Indonesia, Bjerknes was able to identify a strong negative
correlation with Easter Island, which reflects the atmospheric
component of the El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This
is an example of a teleconnection pattern, that is, a remote
phenomenon can affect other regions around the world (Glanz
et al., 2009). It is interesting to note that Bjerknes figure was
also a reproduction of the earlier work of Berlage (1957), which
exemplifies that this technique has been around for a long time as
a means of understanding climate dynamics.
In this study, point correlation maps were created using the
sample cross correlation at lag 0. Other lags could have been
shown, but Sandvik et al. (2005 p. 823) find that the NAO has
the highest correlation with the survival of Common Guillemot
at lag 0 and here we test this effect. So, let X i,j be the vector of
MSLP for latitude-longitude coordinate points i and j in the ERAInterim grid, and Y be the vector of population growth rates for
Common Guillemot. Thus, the sample correlation is determined

Point Regression Maps

Similarly, point regression maps can be created to aid the
identification of hotspots where the predictor variable (e.g.:
MSLP in this case) and the response variable (e.g.: population
growth rate) are linearly related. These maps can be created
through the least squares method, which is used to obtain
meaningful information about the dependency relationships
between variables (Draper and Smith, 1998). Also, the creation
of such maps is often used in climatology and can provide further
insights on how remote processes can affect other regions around
a hemisphere or the globe (Bader et al., 2011; Mesquita et al.,
Regression maps are created by plotting the regression
coefficient, that is, the slope (1 ) of the linear regression equation:
Yk;i,j = 0 + 1 Xk;i,j + k;i,j
where Yk;i,j , represents the k-th element of the response variable
at location i and j, 0 , and 1 are the intercept and the slope
parameters, respectively; and is the error variable. The slope is
estimated 1 as follows (Draper and Smith, 1998):
1 =

(Xk;i,j X i,j )(Yk;i,j Y i,j )

(Xk;i,j X i,j )

where the overbar represents the mean values of X and Y at

location i, j on the lattice. A t-test was used for significance for
each grid point, which can then be overlayed on the map. A
significance level of 0.1 was used to identify potential regions that
can later be combined to construct an index.

Composite Analysis
Composite analysis is a well-known technique in climatology,
which is used to construct climatic states that are typical (von
Storch and Zwiers, 2002, p. 378). In order to illustrate the
definition of composite analyses, we adapt the definition given
in von Storch and Zwiers (2002, p. 378) as follows. Let z be
a univariate index and M be the vector of the mean sea level
pressure variable at a certain grid point. The composite is
defined as:
M2 = (Mt |z t 2)
where 2 represents sets of the index z and t represents time. The
expectation of the composite is generally estimated as:
M2 =


i,j = p

Cov(Xi,j , Y)
Var(Xi,j )Var(Y)

where i,j is the correlation coefficient at location i and j. Cov

and Var represent the covariance and variance, respectively.
The statistical significance of the correlation coefficient can be
determined using Students t-test (von Storch and Zwiers, 2002,
pp. 7778).

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for the observing times t1 ,. . . , tk for which zt 2. In this

study, composites were made for two sets: MSLP for the 5
years with the highest population growth rates (2h ) and MSLP
for the 5 years with the lowest population growth rates (2l ).
We estimate the difference between M2h M2l applied to
each grid point on the globe. In more general terms, composite
analysis is the difference between selected states. For example,
the difference between the mean of MSLP maps corresponding

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to years when the population growth rate of Common Guillemot

is above/below a certain threshold with the mean of MSLP maps
for years when the population growth rate is above/below a
certain threshold average. This technique provides insights into
atmospheric patterns that are more common for specific states of
the population growth rate.

Storm Tracking Algorithm

In order to understand the 1987 crash, the storm-tracking
algorithm TRACK, developed by Hodges (1995, 1999), was used.
TRACK is a computer algorithm, which has been applied in
several storm-related studies (Mesquita et al., 2008, 2011; Bader
et al., 2011; Zappa et al., 2014). Storms were identified in relative
vorticity maps at the 850-hPa atmospheric level and were tracked
temporally through a cost function. Relative vorticity represents
the curl of the wind and how much it spins. It is determined
from the u (west-east direction) and v (north-south direction)
components of the wind, and is defined as (Holton, 2004, p.92):

v u


For the present study, polar lows, which are short-lived storms
with a radius on the order of 100500 km and surface wind speeds
above 15 m s1 , were tracked using the criteria detailed in Zappa
et al. (2014, p. 2603) with NCEP-CFSR (described above) as the
input data.

Population Modeling
As a test of the utility of the different climatic indices in
explaining Common Guillemot population dynamics, these
indices were used as covariates in stochastic population models.
Different models were compared using their AICC (Akaike
Information Criterion corrected for small sample size). All
estimates are provided as means alongside their 95% confidence
Population dynamics of the Common Guillemot population
on Hornya were density-independent, as evidenced by the
absence of a negative correlation between annual growth rates rt
and population sizes Nt (correlation coefficient R = +0.0005
0.3664, p = 0.998), and the fact that the AICC of the densitydependent (logistic) population model exceeded that of the
density-independent (Brownian) model by 2.48 units. The model
used thus had the form:
ln Nt + 1 = ln Nt + r d2 Nt1 +
i Xi,t + t
where i represents the slope of the ith environmental covariate
Xi ; , environmental noise, i.e., an independent variable with zero
mean and variance e2 ; Nt , population size in year t; r, long-term
intrinsic population growth rate; d2 , demographic variance; Xi,t ,
environmental covariate i in year t. The parameters i , r, and e2
were estimated using maximum likelihood (for details, see Sther
et al., 2009; Sandvik et al., 2014), while d2 was assumed to be 0.1,
which is a realistic value for long-lived birds (Lande et al., 2003).
To ensure that the latter assumption did not critically affect the
results, different values of d2 were tested; varying d2 tenfold

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(0.011) changed the estimate of by less than 2%. As the crash

from 1986 to 1987 represented an influential outlier, population
dynamics were analyzed with and without the population count
for the year of 1986 included.
Computations were carried out through: (a) the R
environment (R Development Core Team, 2013); (b) NCL
(The NCAR Command Language, 20141 ); (c) CDO, the Climate
Data Operators (Schulzweida, 2013), and (d) the coupled general
circulation model MPI-ESM1 (Giorgetta et al., 2013).

Correlation Maps
The point correlation between winter MSLP and the population
growth rate variable are shown in Figure 2. Colors in red
represent areas where the correlation is positive, meaning that
high values of pressure in winter are associated with high values
of the population growth rate that year (i.e., from the previous
to next breeding season). An increase in pressure is related to
a high-pressure system, which can promote cold air activity in
winter, and a decrease in storm activity. Colors in blue are related
to negative correlation between the variables. So in this case, a
decrease in the values of winter pressure is associated with high
values of the population growth rate. A decrease in pressure is
related to low-pressure systems, which bring moisture and heat
from lower to higher latitudes that create milder conditions in
Figure 2A shows the correlation with the raw population data
(includes the trend). It shows a clear dipole structure in the
Arctic, as well as a wave-like propagation of positive-negative
centers of correlation in mid-latitudes. The figure shows little or
no resemblance to the NAO pattern in the Atlantic, but shows
some resemblance, although shifted in center of action, to the
Arctic Oscillation (Thompson and Wallace, 1998). It is, however,
more similar to the Aleutian Low and Icelandic Low (AL-IL)
seesaw pattern observed in later winter, another atmospheric
mode of variability, which results in a dipole in the Arctic. The
AL-IL is also the dominant pattern in late winter and it has
consequences for climate in the surrounding regions (Honda
et al., 2005).
The correlation with the detrended population data
(Figure 2C) is quite similar in structure to that in Figure 2A. In
fact, this pattern suggests that the trend in the population growth
rate does not account for the seesaw-like pattern; it is a feature
of another aspect of the population data. In order to investigate
this, Figure 2B shows the data with trend, but removing the
outlier in 1987 (i.e.: winter 1986/87 for MSLP; 1987 for r). Here,
the features look very different indeed. The low pressure over
where the colony is located is still there, but the seesaw pattern
is much weaker. Also, for mid-latitudes, there is an increase in
negative correlation.
Finally, the data with no trend together with the removal of
the year 1987 is shown in Figure 2D. The pattern is similar to
1 The

UCAR/NCAR/CISL/VETS. Available online at:

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FIGURE 2 | Point correlation between mean sea level pressure

(MSLP) and guillemot population growth rate (r) based on the period
from 1980 to 2011. The four plots display the correlation coefficient

that in Figure 2B, but it has much stronger correlation features,

especially over the Barents Sea, where the colony is located.
The features in the mid-latitude Pacific and Atlantic are also
different compared with Figure 2B, with almost an opposite
effect. The pattern in the Atlantic sector resembles another mode
of variability called the Barents Oscillation (Chen et al., 2013), an
anomalous atmospheric oscillation associated with flow over the
Nordic Seas, although with a shifted center of action.
Thus, 1987 is indeed an outlier, which seems to be related to
a strong seesaw pattern in the Arctic. The main feature of the
four figures is the low-pressure system over the Barents Sea and

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Climate dynamics perspective on Common Guillemot

calculated as: (A) MSLP and raw r; (B) MSLP and r with 1987 removed from
both series; (C) MSLP and detrended r; (D) MSLP and detrended r with
1987 removed from both series.

Pacific sector, as well as the high pressure over the Bering Sea.
Both the outlier and the low-pressure system over the Barents
Sea are investigated further in subsequent sections. But first, we
investigate the aforementioned features through the use of point

Regression Maps
Regression maps are given in Figure 3. Similar to correlation
maps, the colors indicate regions of high (red) or low pressure
(blue) associated with the population growth rate. Looking at
the significant regions across Figures 3AD, one can see some

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FIGURE 3 | Point linear regression coefficients between MSLP and

guillemot population growth rate (r) based on the period
19802011. Each plot shows the regression coefficient between: (A)
MSLP and raw r; (B) MSLP and r with 1987 removed from both

consistent patterns, such as the Bering Sea, Pacific Ocean and

northwestern parts of North America, as well as the Barents Sea.
If we focus on the latter, that is, the region where the colony
is located, we observe that the regression with the detrended
data without 1987 is significant. Thus, the trend and the outlier
seem to mask the significance, showing that the pattern over the
Barents Sea is the true underlying process (or signal) associated
between pressure and population growth rate.
Regression maps are very useful in identifying hotspots of
regions that have potential in explaining the association between
the dependent and explanatory variables. Here they show, as
pointed out before, that the pattern of the NAO does not emerge
in Figures 2, 3. For instance, if a consistent dipole pattern

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Climate dynamics perspective on Common Guillemot

series; (C) MSLP and detrended r; (D) MSLP and detrended r with
1987 removed from both series. Crosses represent regions where the
p-value of a t-test statistic is less than 0.10. Units: population growth

between a region around Iceland and the Azores emerged, one

would then relate it to the NAO. But this is not the case here.

Composite Maps
In Figure 4, composite plots of MSLP are displayed for the
5 years with the highest (i.e.: 1995, 1996, 1982, 2011, 2002)
and the lowest (i.e.: 1987, 1985, 1984, 1988, 2007) detrended
population growth rates. These plots provide further support to
the robustness of the findings in Figures 2, 3, and are commonly
used in climate studies. Figures 4A,B, show that the general
patterns seem similar, however, the absolute values of the contour
lines in the Pacific and Atlantic basin, as well as the distance
between contours are different. The latter refers to the strength

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FIGURE 4 | MSLP Composite for: (A) Five years with the highest positive guillemot population growth rates (top left); (B) Five years with the highest negative
population growth rates (bottom left); (C) Difference between 5 years with highest positive and 5 years with highest negative population growth rates. Units: hPa.

of the pressure gradient and provides an indication of the relative

strength of the wind. So, in years with negative population growth
rates, there is an intensification of the pressure gradient in both
ocean basins compared to years with positive population growth
The difference plot (Figure 4C) shows the difference between
the MSLP for years with positive and negative population growth
rates (i.e.: Figure A minus Figure B). Here, there is a striking
similarity with the features observed in Figures 2, 3; more
importantly, the dipole pattern in the Arctic between the Barents
and Bering seas are evident. Thus, the fact that the feature
observed in the Barents Sea is clearly seen in this composite
confirms that the population growth rate is associated with the
low-pressure system over the Barents region during winter. The
dynamics behind this system will be explained further on.

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Analysis of the Outlier

Composite Analysis
Composite analysis has also been used to understand what the
atmospheric features of 1987 were and how anomalous it was
with respect to different climate baselines. Figure 5 displays
these composite maps. Figure 5A shows the MSLP configuration
for the winter 1986/1987. Compared with Figure 4, the isobars
(lines of same pressure level) seem to be much tighter both
in the Pacific and the Atlantic basins. In fact, if one would
rank Figures 4A,B, 5A based on the spacing of the isobars,
Figure 5A would feature as the one with the least spacing
between then. This is a first indication that the 1986/87 winter
had an atmospheric feature that was stronger than that of
the MSLP for the years with the lowest negative population
growth rates.

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FIGURE 5 | Comparison between MSLP in 1987 with different

baselines. (A) The MSLP in 1987. The bottom figures represent the MSLP
in 1987 minus the MSLP in the following periods: (B) mean of 19802011;

The bottom panel in Figure 5 shows anomaly plots, defined as

the difference between MSLP for winter 1986/87 minus different
winter baselines (from left to right): the mean of 1980 to 2011;
the 5 years with the highest positive population growth rates in
the detrended dataset (i.e.: 1985, 1984, 1988, 1998, 2007); and
the 5 years with the lowest negative population growth rates
in the detrended dataset excluding year 1987 (i.e.: 1982, 1992,
1995, 1996, 2011). These figures show a major correspondence
with those in Figures 24, but with the colors shifted. This
correspondence is especially seen for the BarentsBering dipole
pattern. The red color observed over the Barents Sea means
that 1987 had an anomalous high-pressure system over the
region, and as considered in the previous figures, a high-pressure
system during winter in the Barents Sea is associated with a low
population growth rate for that year.
Thus, the winter of 1986/1987 features as having an
anomalous atmospheric configuration compared with different
baselines. It had a major zone of high-pressure system, the socalled atmospheric blocking, over the Barents Sea. The latter

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Climate dynamics perspective on Common Guillemot

(B,C) Five years with the highest guillemot positive population growth rates
of the detrended dataset; (C,D) Five years with the lowest negative
population growth rates of the detrended dataset excluding year 1987.

feature was anomalous throughout the climatology of the region

for the period considered here (19802011).

Effect of Local Weather

The results in the previous subsection indicate that the winter
1986/87 was indeed an outlier when it comes to the climatological
conditions in the Barents Sea. It is therefore useful to look at the
weather conditions that winter. Polar lows are a common feature
in that region, which bring anomalously cold air from the pole,
can have relative strength of a violent tropical storm (Nordeng
and Rasmussen, 1992) and have damaging effects at the surface,
such as icing (Icing implies the deposition and formation of ice
on surfaces). Figure 6 shows mesocyclones, which are mediumsized storms, and polar lows in the North Atlantic and Barents
Sea. The figure shows at least four polar lows crossing the central
Barents Sea, which is the area where Common Guillemots from
Hornya spend the entire winter, according to ring recoveries
(Barrett and Golovkin, 2000) and 3 years of geolocator data
(Erikstad et al., unpubl. data). These polar lows were quite strong

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FIGURE 6 | Mesocyclones and polar lows in winter 1986/1987 from

NCEP-CFSR data and tracked through Hodges TRACK algorithm.
Colors represent strength as based on vorticity. Units: 105 s1 .

systems, as indicated by the vorticity, which represents how much

the wind spins, with values higher than about 9 105 s1 .
This suggests that through elevated thermoregulatory costs (due
to low temperatures) and periodic difficulties in finding food
(through high winds) the polar lows that winter could have
increased the mortality of Common Guillemot. Indeed, many
corpses of emaciated Common Guillemots were found washed
ashore in Finnmark that winter (Vader et al., 1990).

Building Proxies
Four regions were selected for the construction of climatic
indices, or proxies (Figure 7). These were selected based on the
correlation and regression patterns discussed previously. Note
that other regions could have been chosen, but here we illustrate
how a useful climate proxy could be created and used in
ecology. The regions are as follows: Barents, BAR (65-75N, 3075E), north-eastern North America, NEA (48-60N, 46-63W),
Alaska, AKA (63-70N, 155-170W), and Pacific, PCF (30-43N,
140-160W). The indices were constructed by first calculating the
DJF MSLP average of each region and then making different
combinations of similar polarity (i.e.: combining regions with
positive correlation against negative correlation regions). These
indices were then normalized. They are: IDX1 (BARNEA),

Testing the Proxies

As a test of the utility of the indices described above, these
indices, as well as the NAO index, were used as covariates in
stochastic population models. When detrended, the two indices
IDX2 and IDX3 improve the null population model (without
covariates) by more than two AICC units (Table 2). Both models
are thus equally well supported, and considerably better so than
the null model. Each of these two covariates explains 15% of
the population dynamics. IDX2 and IDX3 with trends retained,
as well as a pure trend model, are much poorer, in that they
are roughly equally well supported as the null model (Table 2).
NAO and IDX1 do not improve the null model, and explain
less than 5% of the population dynamics. The finding that the

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FIGURE 7 | Regions selected for the MSLP-based index.

NAO cannot physically explain the population dynamics of the

Common Guillemot, is in accordance with the observation that
NAO does not appear to be a mode of variability identified in
Figures 25, either.
Models with two or more covariates did not improve
upon the best models with one covariate (results not shown).
Lagged covariates performed more poorly than their unlagged
counterparts and/or the null model in all cases (time lags of 13
years were considered; results not shown).
The above results are based on population dynamics with the
crash year removed. Even when 1986 is retained in the population
time series, however, a detrended IDX3 is able to significantly
improve upon the null population model (AICC 2.5 units lower
than null model, p = 0.026, R2 = 0.148). The remaining indices
(IDX1, IDX2, NAO) do not differ from the null model in this case
(results not shown).

Although the analysis of the population growth rate of Common
Guillemot under classical climatological methods focused mainly
on the mean sea level pressure variable, it addressed the main
objective of this paper, that is, to highlight the need to understand
the climate dynamics behind an ecological variable before
constructing a so-called proxy. In what follows, we present a
discussion of the main results and propose a model to explain
the atmospheric dynamical effect on the population growth rate
The Hornya population of the Common Guillemot, a species
that is classified as critically endangered according to the
Norwegian Red List (Kls et al., 2010), declined by 80% in
winter 1986/87 (Vader et al., 1990; Erikstad et al., 2013). The
year 1987 was indeed an extreme event, as could be confirmed

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TABLE 2 | Stochastic population models of the Common Guillemot population on Hornya.


Estimate [LCI; UCI]



IDX2, detrended

0.031 [0.057; 0.005]




IDX3, detrended

0.031 [0.058; 0.004]





+0.024 [0.003; +0.053]





0.022 [0.048; +0.004]






0.016 [0.042; +0.010]





0.021 [0.058; +0.014]




IDX1, detrended

0.014 [0.042; +0.014]




NAO, detrended

0.017 [0.055; +0.021]





0.005 [0.030; +0.021]




Null model

The models differ in the covariates included. Models are sorted in order of increasing 1AICC (i.e., decreasing model fit). Models that are better supported than the null model (i.e., the
model without any covariate) are highlighted using boldface. Estimates are provided with lower (LCI) and upper (UCI) 95% confidence intervals. The estimates of the trend model were
multiplied by 10.

FIGURE 8 | Surface pressure regressed on sea-ice concentration in the

Barents Sea. Sea-ice time series selected from the region indicated by the
box. The data are based on the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
through the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model, CMIP5 MPI-ESM,
control integration. Units: Coloring shows the change in hPa per one percent
sea-ice concentration change multiplied by 10.

by the anomalous high-pressure system over the Barents Sea,

where the colony is located. It has been previously shown that
the crash of Common Guillemot was related to low fish stocks
(Vader et al., 1990; Erikstad et al., 2013), but it is possible that
this situation was aggravated by (or even causally related to) the
overlaying atmospheric condition in the winter 1986/87. From
the clear and robust pressure system over the Barents region,
as a response from the Pacific Ocean teleconnectivity, we could
hypothesize that biotic responses (fish and/or birds) might have
been forced by the atmospheric conditions over the Barents Sea.
Note also that, the response in the Barents Sea is also forced
through changes in sea ice, as shown in Figure 8. This highlights
the importance of considering the climate system as a whole in
the understanding of changes in ecological variables (cf. Sydeman
et al., 2006).
There is mixed evidence for the relevance of NAO in ecology.
NAO can explain variation in some different ecological variables
in some species, but not in others (e.g.: Stre et al., 1999;
Forchhammer et al., 2002; Durant et al., 2004; Sandvik et al.,
2005; Sther et al., 2009; Dippner et al., 2014; Sandvik et al.,
2014). These studies and others illustrate the fact that NAO
can be highly relevant for some variables and species; but an
association may not mean causation. More is needed to assess

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

NAOs usefulness, in this case, by finding a climate dynamics

link to explain the association. The latter is clearly expressed in
Forchhammer et al. (2002, p. 1002) when discussing the impact
of climate perturbations on arrival on breeding grounds and
later survival and reproduction: the timing of migration must
be adapted ultimately to large-scale atmospheric systems. This
large-scale referred to by the authors is the idea of looking
at the bigger picture, before making a choice of an index to
explain the variability. Therefore, looking for the dynamics first,
before selecting an index, is here suggested as a more promising
Sandvik et al. (2005, p. 826) also recognize that: causal
pathways of these interactions are not easily identified. The
NAO is defined as a temporal fluctuation of sea level pressure
anomalies... and can as such hardly be said to be the cause of any
of these responses. Rather it is convenient to treat the NAO as
a proxy for different climatic processes... A full understanding
of any climate-related response requires that one identifies the
factors that cause it. The latter points to the need to look at the
spatial contribution first to identify what affects the variability.
In the present study, the variability explained by the NAO
is not robust and does not appear in the spatial analysis of
the relationship between MSLP and population growth rate,
as concluded from the analysis of a long time series of the
population growth rate of Common Guillemots. The local effects
in the Barents Sea, which include the atmospheric forcing,
mediated via teleconnectivity as found in this study, and the SST
effects on the food web may act to affect the food web. This
is also in line with the fact that there are positive correlations
between SST and herring recruitment and stock biomass, which
are relevant for Common Guillemot (Erikstad et al., 2013).
In the light of the results found in the present paper, and the
discussions of previous scientific work, we propose the following
mechanism to explain the variability in the population growth
rate of Common Guillemot:
An anomalous low-pressure over the Barents Sea during
winter, forced via teleconnectivity through the Pacific and local
sea-ice changes, leads to the increase of moisture and heat

April 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 43 | 85

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brought by storm tracks into the region. This forces the SST
locally and leads to warmer conditionsfavorable conditions
for Common Guillemot.
An anomalous high-pressure over the Barents Sea during
winter, forced via teleconnectivity through the Pacific and
local sea-ice changes, leads to blocking of storm tracks and
loss of long-wave radiation from the surface to space. This
leads to cold conditions both in the atmosphere and ocean
unfavorable conditions for Common Guillemot.
Based on this model, the anomalous year of 1987 can also be
explained. During the 1986/87 winter, the high-pressure was
more anomalous than any other years in the study period. This
led to extremely unfavorable conditions to Common Guillemot.
With lack of food and increased energetic costs, these seabirds
were at a great disadvantage. Any other external factor might be
enough to cause a crash, such as the polar lows that brought even
colder air from the pole and high winds into the region.
We conclude that the role played by the Pacific as well as
the Barents Sea is significant. It might indicate that the changes
observed in the Barents Sea, where the colony is located, is
triggered by a teleconnection from the Pacific via Alaska or via
the north-east North America regions; these changes are also
influenced by local changes in sea-ice.

The ubiquitous use of the NAO as a proxy in ecology and the
search for alternative means of explaining variability have been
analyzed in this research work. Although the NAO can explain
the climate variability in the Atlantic sector, it is not the only
teleconnection index available, and there needs to be a physical
basis for the use of the NAO. So, the NAO as a proxy on its
own should be used with caution. Also, before a decision is made
on any proxies, one needs to see the bigger picture of what the
possible climatic mechanisms are and how they can influence an
ecological process.
Here, in search of such mechanisms, classical methods used
in climatology to study climatic interactions were illustrated to
study population growth rate of Common Guillemot: spatial
maps of correlation and regression, compositing and a tracking
algorithm to search for polar lows. We have used one climate
covariate at the surface level for the analysis (i.e.: MSLP), and
it has revealed an important climate mechanism at the Barents
Sea. MSLP is just one of many other variables that could have
been explored, such as: surface temperature, sea ice, temperature
at different altitudes, geopotential height, precipitation, relative
humidity, among others, to create a larger picture of the climate
system and the interaction with the species studied here. Also,
these variables could have been combined into a multivariate
study and other advanced methods could have been used to
explore their relationship. Thus, the present study illustrates the
richness of information one gains through looking at ecology
using the perspective that there is more to climate than the NAO.
Also, a possible physical mechanism was then proposed from
the analysis, which linked teleconnectivity interaction via the
Pacific into the Barents Sea, as well as interaction with sea

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

Climate dynamics perspective on Common Guillemot

ice changes in the Barents Sea region. An anomalous winter

low-pressure system over the Barents Sea is associated with
higher population growth rates, compared with years when an
anomalous high pressure system is present: it creates warmer
conditions brought by synoptic-scale storm track into the region.
The opposite is true in anomalous winters with high-pressure
system over the Barents Sea. The crash in 1987 could be explained
by the extreme conditions of the severe anomalous high-pressure
system over the region and the presence of polar lows.
One might ask if the techniques presented here apply to
other species or variables. The answer is yes, but each species or
variables would need to be analyzed on a case-to-case basis or
through the use of multiple regression techniques. The latter is
the subject of the next phase of this research work, where the idea
of synchronization with different species and teleconnectivity
will be explored. In doing so, other climate variables will also
be addressed, such as sea surface temperature and geopotential
heightin order to provide more insights into the dynamics of
climate interactions and seabirds.
Overall, this research work has pointed to the importance of
looking at what the data are telling in connection with climaterelated variables, instead of starting from on a specific proxy.
Only after the larger picture is obtained, can one narrow down
existing modes of variability and/or create indices based on
the response from the data. Thus, instead of looking at the
data given the proxy (or mode of variability), [Data|Mode],
one should explore the idea of looking at the climatic forcing
given the data, [Forcing|Data], in search of modes of variability.
Future work should address what is happening in the Pacific
that triggers a wave-like pattern of teleconnectivity, as well as
an integrated approach to understanding how climate affects
seabirds, by looking at the role of climate forcing (ocean and
atmosphere) on predator and prey in a multivariate fashion.

Author Contributions
M.d.S.M wrote the manuscript, devised the climate analyses,
concept and design of the research work; K.E.E. provided data,
figure and participated in the conception and design of the
work; H.S. conducted the population modeling, wrote part of
the manuscript and critically evaluated the work; R.T.B. provided
ecological expertise, data information and critically evaluated the
work; T.K.R. contributed with ecological expertise, discussions
on the climate mechanism and critically evaluated the work;
T.A.-N. provided ecological expertise, helped draft the work and
critically evaluated it; K.I.H. conducted the polar low analysis,
provided figure, critically evaluated the work and helped with
climatological methods; J.B. helped draft the work, critically
evaluated it, provided a figure and helped with climatological

We would like to thank Fram Centre, NINA and the Centre
for Biodiversity Conservation Dynamics for providing funding
to this research. We also thank Giuseppe Zappa (University

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of Reading) for producing the tracks of the polar lows and

Marine Ecology Progress series for the permission to reproduce
Figure 1. We are very grateful to the National Seabird Monitoring

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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was
conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Copyright 2015 Mesquita, Erikstad, Sandvik, Barrett, Reiertsen, Anker-Nilssen,
Hodges and Bader. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or
reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor
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April 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 43 | 88


published: 29 January 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00001


Skipped breeding in common guillemots in a changing

climate: restraint or constraint?
Thomas E. Reed 1*, Mike P. Harris 2 and Sarah Wanless 2

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bush Estate, Edinburgh, UK

Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen, Aarhus
University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Res Altwegg, Univerity of Cape
Town, South Africa
Giacomo Tavecchia, Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones
Cientficas, Spain
Thomas E. Reed, School of
Biological, Earth and Environmental
Sciences, University College Cork,
Western Road, Cork, Ireland

Climate change may have demographic consequences for marine top predators if it leads
to altered rates of skipped breeding. Here we examine variation in skipping propensity
at both the population and individual levels in common guillemots Uria aalge in relation
to climate and oceanographic variables and explore the extent to which skipping may be
adaptive or an unavoidable consequence of ecological or social constraints. We assumed
a detection probability for birds present in the colony of 1.00 and skipping events were
defined to include both resightings of non-breeders and failures to resight individuals
known to be alive (not present at the colony but resighted in future years). Skipping
frequency was higher in years where sea surface temperatures (SST) were higher in
winter (both in the current and previous year), when guillemots from our study colony
disperse widely across the southern North Sea. Individuals differed consistently in their
average skipping propensity and their responses to SST. Males and females were equally
likely to skip on average and the frequency of skipping increased in the oldest age classes.
Birds that skipped in year t had lower breeding success in year t + 1 if they laid an egg,
compared to birds that did not skip in year t. Lifetime reproductive output was negatively
related to individual skipping frequency. These results imply that skipping is driven by
individual-specific constraints, although we cannot rule out the possibility that birds benefit
from skipping when environmental (or internal) signals indicate that breeding in poor years
could be detrimental to their residual reproductive value. While future climate change
might lead to guillemots skipping more often due to carry-over effects from wintering to
breeding periods, the net demographic impacts may be subtle as the absolute frequency
of skipping may remain low and individuals will not be equally affected.
Keywords: phenotypic plasticity, intermittent breeding, non-breeding, non-breeders, life history buffering,
environmental cue

A central premise of life history theory is that reproduction is
costly (Stearns, 1989). At a proximate level, animals may only be
able to breed if exogenous food and nutrient intake, or endogenous reserves, surpass a critical threshold (Erikstad et al., 1998;
Meijer and Drent, 1999), while investment in breeding entails
potential physiological costs such as reduced immune function
or increased susceptibility to oxidative stress (Harshman and
Zera, 2007; Monaghan et al., 2009). At an ultimate level, parents
face a fitness trade-off between current and future reproduction:
increased allocation of resources to current offspring production
may come at the expense of reduced parental survival chances
and hence reduced residual reproductive value (Williams, 1966;
Charlesworth, 1994).
Annual reproductive investment in iteroparous species
involves a series of sequential decisions, chief among which is
the decision of whether to breed or not (Clutton-Brock, 1988;
Newton, 1989). For some vertebrate species living in seasonal
environments, the norm is for mature individuals to breed in
alternate years or less often (e.g., obligate biennial breeding in

albatrosses, Jouventin and Dobson, 2002; and in many fish,

amphibians and reptiles: Bull and Shine, 1979). However, more
typically annual breeding is the norm but in such situations
a variable (often substantial) fraction of individuals that have
already bred before may skip in some years, i.e., facultative annual
breeding (Aebischer and Wanless, 1992; Chastel, 1995; Harris and
Wanless, 1995; Cam et al., 1998; Nur and Sydeman, 1999; Reed
et al., 2004; Johnston and Post, 2009; Rideout and Tomkiewicz,
2011). Given its pervasive direct and indirect ecological effects,
climate likely plays an overarching role in determining both how
often individuals skip (proximate influence of climate via cues
or constraints) and when skipping would be profitable from a
fitness-maximization perspective (ultimate influence of climate).
Hypotheses to explain intermittent breeding can be grouped
into adaptive and non-adaptive explanations. In temporally varying environments, skipping may be adaptive when the costs of
reproduction are higher during unfavorable seasons (Schaffer,
1974; Bull and Shine, 1979; Erikstad et al., 1998; McNamara and
Houston, 2008). Long-lived species, in particular, are expected to
exhibit restrained reproductive investment under poor conditions

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because even small reductions in adult survival will reduce the

number of subsequent breeding seasons and hence depress lifetime reproductive success substantially (Curio, 1988; Linden and
Mller, 1989). For example, Coulson (1984) reasoned that common eider (Somateria mollissima) refrain from breeding in years
of low adult survival in order not to incur further survival costs
or reductions in future reproductive success, while Aebischer and
Wanless (1992) made similar adaptive arguments for skipped
breeding in European shags (Phalacrocorax aristotelis). The capacity to regulate breeding effort by skipping in certain years (i.e.,
adaptive phenotypic plasticity in breeding propensity) would presumably only evolve if cues are available to individuals prior to the
breeding season that reliably correlate with environmental conditions later in the year (including potentially the following winter)
that actually determine the fitness costs of reproduction (Erikstad
et al., 1998; Brdsen et al., 2011).
Non-adaptive explanations suggest that skipping breeding in
some years is itself not advantageous, but rather an unavoidable
outcome of other events. For example, Danchin and Cam (2002)
found that black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) that changed
breeding areas between years were 1.7 times more likely to skip
breeding than those that remained in the same area. They argued
that adult non-breeding may thus be a cost of breeding dispersal, given that dispersers often struggle to find a new breeding site
or mate (Danchin and Cam, 2002). Similarly, experienced adults
may have no option but to skip breeding following forced eviction
from their previous breeding site or divorce from their previous mate (Harris and Wanless, 1995; Kokko et al., 2004; Jeschke
et al., 2007). Skipping may therefore be non-adaptive in the sense
that breeding propensity itself is not the direct target of selection, although it may be affected by other behaviors and traits
(e.g., breeding dispersal, mate fidelity, resource gathering abilities) which are potential targets of selection. In reality, adaptive
and non-adaptive explanations may both apply and skipping may
be linked to future survival or reproductive success through both
causal and non-causal mechanisms (Cam et al., 1998; Danchin
and Cam, 2002). Moreover, individuals may vary in resource
acquisition abilities or other traits that influence their physiological state, which in turn affects their ability to breed (Mills,
1989; Harris and Wanless, 1995; Cam et al., 1998; Cubaynes et al.,
2011). While such individual heterogeneity may obscure tradeoffs between current breeding and survival/future reproduction,
it does not mean they do not exist: the fitness consequences of
skipping may simply be different for different classes of individuals (Cam et al., 1998) and some may be better able to bear the
costs of reproduction than others (Robert et al., 2012).
Among marine top predators, which tend to be long-lived,
intermittent breeding is relatively common and variation in
breeding propensity has been shown to have a strong influence
on population numbers (Aebischer and Wanless, 1992; Jenouvrier
et al., 2005a; Forcada et al., 2008). Climate may influence breeding propensity of marine top predators directly, for example if
climate variables are used as cues to regulate breeding effort
or if the survival benefits of non-breeding depend on weather
conditions (Erikstad et al., 1998; Robert et al., 2012), or indirectly via bottom-up or top-down effects on marine ecosystems
(Frederiksen et al., 2006). Few studies, however, have tested

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Skipped breeding: restraint or constraint

for associations between climate variables and breeding propensity and most have done so only at the population level (e.g.,
Jenouvrier et al., 2005a; Mills et al., 2008; Cubaynes et al., 2011).
Given the global trend in climate warming (Solomon, 2007) coupled with increased climate variability (Rahmstorf and Coumou,
2011; Seager et al., 2012) there is a need to better characterize and understand such associations in wild populations and
the conservation implications. Moreover, very little is known
about individual-level patterns or fitness consequences of skipped
breeding in marine top predators (Cam et al., 1998; Danchin
and Cam, 2002), information that is important to predicting the
evolutionary and demographic consequences of climate change
(Forcada et al., 2008).
The aim of the current analysis was to shed light on these issues
using long-term, individual-based data on common guillemots
(Uria aalge) from a well-studied colony in Scotland. Common
guillemots are long-lived and lay a single-egg clutch. Species with
such a life history are good candidates for investigating potentially adaptive adult non-breeding because they (a) are expected
to be prudent parents, given the importance of longevity to their
lifetime reproductive success (Moreno, 2003; Reed et al., 2008),
and (b) have fewer options than species that lay multiple eggs
when it comes to adjusting reproductive effort (Cubaynes et al.,
2011). While they could adjust investment in the single egg or
chick in response to changes in the environment (e.g., Erikstad
et al., 1997), not breeding in the first place may be less costly
in terms of future fitness. Common guillemots from our study
colony spend the winter months in the shallow southern North
Sea (Reynolds et al., 2011), an area that has experienced extreme
local warming rates over the past 30 years (Rayner et al., 2003).
Previous studies of common guillemots have established links
between demographic rates or phenology and marine climate
experienced both locally around the breeding colony and further
afield in the wintering area (e.g., Frederiksen et al., 2004a; Sandvik
et al., 2005; Votier et al., 2008; Reed et al., 2009). We therefore (1) tested for population-level associations between breeding
propensity and climate-related variables measured at different
temporal and spatial scales, (2) investigated whether individuals
varied in their climate responses, (3) tested for effects of age and
sex on breeding propensity, and (4) explored the individual-level
fitness consequences of skipping.



Common guillemots (hereafter guillemots) are medium-sized

seabirds with a circumpolar distribution in temperate and subarctic waters of the North Atlantic and North Pacific. They breed
on cliffs from the age of 5 or 6 years and can live for 30 or more
years (for general information, see Harris and Birkhead, 1985;
Gaston et al., 1998). The data used here were collected as part
of a long-term study on the Isle of May, Firth of Forth, Scotland
(56 11 N, 2 33 W). Since 1982, breeding guillemots of unknown
age in five study areas of varying cliff topography and bird density have been caught and fitted with unique metal and color
leg-rings under license from the British Trust for Ornithology.
Every year additional breeding adults are ringed to replace those
disappearing from the study population to maintain sample size.

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Average age of birds ringed in the earliest cohorts was assumed to

be older than that of later cohorts, as new birds caught after the
first few years of the study were likely to be (although could not
be confirmed as) first-time breeders (Harris and Wanless, 1995;
Crespin et al., 2006). The study areas were viewed from permanent hides 1020 m away. All breeding sites were numbered on
large photographs and the identities of both adults at all sites
were ascertained several times every season. Intense searches were
carried out at least daily throughout the breeding season to determine whether ringed birds (1) were present in the colony, (2) held
a breeding site, (3) laid an egg, and (4) successfully fledged a chick,
i.e., left the colony when aged at least 14 days old (Harris and
Wanless, 1988). Particular attention was paid to adjacent areas
to ensure that birds resident outside the main study plots were
not overlooked. At this colony guillemot pairs typically persist
across multiple years (Jeschke et al., 2007) and birds were sexed by
observations of copulations. The dataset comprised 9741 records
(bird-year combinations) over 33 years from 891 ringed individuals (412 females, 442 males, 37 sex unknown). For further details
on the study population see Harris and Wanless (1988).

High-quality breeding sites are limited in this colony and fiercely

contested (Kokko et al., 2004). Across all breeding seasons (1982
2014), an annual average of 7.1% (696/9741) of individuals that
had bred at least once did not hold a site. The majority (86.1%,
599/696) of these siteless birds were recorded non-breeders in the
colony, while the remainder (97/696) were not seen in that year
(Figure 1). Observer effort remained very high over the study
period and resighting probabilities (i.e., the probability that an
alive bird was seen in a given breeding season on the island) of
birds ringed as adults, as estimated from an integrated Bayesian
analysis of markrecapturerecovery data (Reynolds et al., 2009),
were also very high and consistent across years (always >93%).
Non-breeding guillemots spend much time in the colony near
their last breeding site. Although it is not possible to say with
100% certainty that an unrecorded bird was not present somewhere in the colony, this seems very unlikely and we assume a

Skipped breeding: restraint or constraint

detection probability for birds present in the colony (as breeders

or non-breeders) of 1.00. Thus, we are confident that any ringed
birds not seen in a given year did not actually return to the colony,
but rather spent the summer somewhere away from the island
(e.g., offshore). We defined skipped breeding as where an individual which bred previously was either seen somewhere in the
colony during the breeding season without a breeding site, or was
not seen in that breeding season but was seen in a subsequent season. This measure of skipping excluded cases where a bird was not
seen that year and then never seen again (and therefore presumed
to be dead), but it includes consecutive skipping events so long as
the bird was seen again. The proportion of birds skipping could
not be calculated for the 2014 breeding season, as birds not seen
in this year may still be alive (confirming this requires resighting them in future years). The estimate for 2013 might also be an
underestimate for the same reason. Birds observed without a site
in their last year of being seen were defined as having skipped.
By this definition, breeders or non-skippers were adults
that held a site during the breeding season, and an annual average
of 92.9% (9045/9741) of known individuals fell into this category
(Figure 1). The majority (99.1%, 8962/9045) that held a site bred
i.e., an egg was recorded. Birds holding a site where no egg was
recorded were included in the non-skippers category as we considered that they had made a substantially larger commitment
than had those without a site. However, the results and conclusions were unchanged when they were included in the skippers
category (results not presented).

For the population-level analysis, the annual incidence of skipping was quantified by summing the number of birds that skipped
each year and dividing by the total number of birds (i.e., skippers + non-skippers). Similarly, for the individual-level analyses
the incidence of skipping was a binary variable with a value of
one assigned to birds that skipped, and a value of zero assigned
to birds that did not skip. The data were then analyzed via
logistic regression using either generalized linear models (GLMs,
population-level analyses) or generalized linear mixed models

FIGURE 1 | Breakdown by breeding season of the percentage of birds in each category. Non-skipping encompasses the first two categories (site holders)
and skipping encompasses the last two (seen without a site or not seen but known to be alive).

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(GLMMs, individual-level analyses). Some previous studies (e.g.,

Cam et al., 1998; Forcada et al., 2008; Cubaynes et al., 2011;
Sanz-Aguilar et al., 2011) used multi-state capturerecapture
(or multi-event) models to estimate rates of adult non-breeding
when non-breeders are unobservable (e.g., because they remain
at sea during the breeding season). In our study, however, average resighting probability was extremely high (96%; Reynolds
et al., 2009) so our estimates of breeding propensity were not
unduly biased by recapture probabilities less than one (see also
Danchin and Cam, 2002 for a similar justification for using logistic regression, rather than a multi-state mark recapture approach,
to analyze factors influencing breeding status).
Population-level analyses

The population-level analyses tested for significant relationships between annual breeding propensity and candidate annual
covariates linked directly or indirectly to climate. Guillemots disperse widely outside of the breeding season and ringing recoveries
and data from geolocators indicate that in December and January
adult guillemots from the Isle of May are concentrated in the
southern North Sea (Reynolds et al., 2011; Harris et al., in press),
although birds are also known to attend the breeding colony
intermittently throughout the non-breeding season (Harris and
Wanless, 1989, 1990). Weather or oceanographic conditions experienced in the winter range may therefore have a direct or indirect
effect on annual breeding propensity via cues or constraints. Sea
surface temperature (SST) is a good candidate variable in this
regard, given that (a) birds may be able to directly sense SST or
other closely correlated atmospheric/oceanographic variables and
use this as a predictive cue for breeding decisions, and (b) SST
correlates with various demographic rates in seabirds in the North
Sea/Northeast Atlantic region (e.g., Frederiksen et al., 2004b;
Sandvik et al., 2005). Weekly SST data were obtained from NOAA
(Optimum Interpolation SST V2 obtained from http://www. for two
regions of the North Sea. The first corresponded to the winter
range (5156 N, 15 E) and values were averaged for the months
November, December and January (hereafter winter range SST
or wSST). The second was an area in the immediate vicinity of
the breeding colony (5557 N, 30 W) and values were averaged
for February and March (hereafter local spring SST, locSST).
The latter was included to capture environmental conditions that
might affect breeding propensity prior to the breeding season,
when birds are likely to forage closer to the breeding colony.
We tested for lagged effects (1 year lag) of both SST variables,
given that SST may affect seabird vital rates indirectly through
the food chain (Frederiksen et al., 2006; Lahoz-Monfort et al.,
2013). We also considered the winter North Atlantic Oscillation
Index (wNAO, Hurrell, 2014), a broad-scale proxy measure that
correlates well with life history traits and population dynamics of North Atlantic seabirds (Reid et al., 1999; Durant et al.,
2004; Grosbois and Thompson, 2005; Reed et al., 2006; Sandvik
et al., 2008, 2012). The wNAO index is the mean December
March value for year t, where December is in year t-1. Lagged
effects of NAO have been documented for seabirds (Lewis et al.,
2009; Sandvik et al., 2012) so we also considered a lag of 1 year.
Finally, we considered an effect of population size (the annual

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Skipped breeding: restraint or constraint

count of breeding guillemots on the Isle of May) to test for density

As a preliminary step, we first tested for time trends in the
annual frequency of skipping and each of the explanatory variables. The plot of annual skipping frequency vs. year (Figure 2A)
suggested a non-linear trend, while exploratory analyses indicated temporal autocorrelation in the raw values at a lag of 1
year. A generalized additive model was therefore fitted to the time
series, allowing for an auto-regressive serial correlation structure,
using the gamm function in the R package mgcv (Wood, 2006).
This uses cross-validation to estimate the optimal amount of
smoothing for the continuous variable year and a normal error
distribution was assumed. Three different models were compared: one with no residual correlation structure (i.e., residuals
assumed to be independent) and models with serial correlation
structures of orders one and two (i.e., lagged residual correlations of one and two years), respectively. The model with the
lowest AIC was chosen as the best descriptor of the time series
(Zuur et al., 2009). The same process was repeated for each of
the candidate explanatory variables to test for temporal trends
in each (Figures 2BE). Pair-wise Pearson correlations among all
explanatory variables were also tested for.
Next, a series of nested GLMs with logit link functions and
binomial errors were fitted where the response variable was a
concatenated vector of the number of birds that skipped breeding each year and the number of birds that did not skip. The
full model consisted of additive effects of each annual covariate.
and this was simplified using backwards selection, where each
explanatory variable was dropped, in turn, and each time an
analysis of deviance test applied (with the difference in deviance
between nested models assumed to follow a chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom). The variable with the highest
P-value was removed, and then the process was repeated until all
remaining variables were significant at the 5% level (Zuur et al.,
2009). Interactions were not tested for as there were too few data
Individual-level analyses: explaining variation in skipping

A population-level relationship between breeding propensity and

the environment could occur without necessarily existing within
individuals (Figure 3). To characterize individual-level patterns,
a GLMM was fitted where the binary response variable indicated
whether the individual skipped or not that year. The populationlevel analysis revealed significant effects of wSST and lagged wSST
(see Results). For the individual-level analysis, we focussed on the
unlagged effect of wSST, as GLMMs including wSST, lagged wSST
and their interactions with age and sex did not converge. To separate within- and between-individual effects of wSST, a technique
known as within-subject centering (van de Pol and Wright,
2009) was used, which involved first calculating the mean value
of wSST (wSST_mean) for each individual and then expressing
annual values as deviations from this mean (wSST_dev). Both
wSST_mean and wSST_dev were then included as fixed effects
in the GLMM, with the former corresponding to the betweenindividual effect and the latter to the within-individual effect
(see Figure 3). Fixed effects of sex (two-level factor: males and
females; unknowns excluded) and years since ringing (as a proxy

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FIGURE 2 | Temporal trends in annual skipping frequency and the

covariates considered in the population-level analyses. Trend in (A)
annual skipping frequency, (B) winter range SST, (C) local spring SST,

for age, see Crespin et al., 2006) and years since ringing squared
were included. Models including two-way interactions did not
converge so we only considered main effects. A random effect of
year was included to account for interannual variation in skipping
not captured by the fixed effects. A random effect of individual
was included to account for non-independence of multiple measures of skipping on the same individual (and to quantify the
magnitude of between-individual differences in average skipping
propensity). Three random effects structures were compared: (1)
random intercepts, (2) random intercepts and random slopes
for the wSST deviation effect, correlation between intercept and
slope constrained to zero; and (3) random intercepts and random
slopes with the correlation estimated. The best random effects
structure was chosen on the basis of likelihood ratio tests, including all fixed effects in each case regardless of the their statistical
significance (Zuur et al., 2009, p. 121). Once the best random
effects structure was found, non-significant fixed effects were then
dropped sequentially from the model (using analysis of deviance
tests) until all remaining terms were significant at the 5% level.
Individual-level analyses: fitness consequences of skipping

A GLMM was used to test the effect of skipping in year t on

breeding success in year t + 1. The response variable was binary
1 = chick raised successfully in year t + 1, 0 = failure. This
analysis was restricted to cases where an egg was laid in year
t + 1. Previous status was defined as a factor with three levels:
1 = skipped breeding in year t; 2 = bred unsuccessfully in year
t; 3 = bred successfully in year t. The fixed effects were previous
status, sex, years since ringing and years since ringing squared.
Random effects of individual and year were included. A similar

Skipped breeding: restraint or constraint

(D) winter NAO, and (E) population size. Significant GAM fits (
confidence bands) are included in gray for local spring SST and
population size.

GLMM was fitted with probability of skipping in year t + 1 as the

Finally, we calculated a proxy for lifetime reproductive success (LRS) for individuals that had disappeared (presumed dead)
before 2013. Although it is rare for individuals not to be seen for
two consecutive years, individuals not seen in 2013 or 2014 were
excluded from this analysis since they could still have been alive.
The first 3 years of the dataset were also excluded as individuals first caught at the start of the study were likely to have bred
before. This gave relatively complete breeding life histories of 660
individuals (6841 bird-year combinations). For each individual,
LRS was calculated by summing the number of chicks produced
over their breeding lifespan. A generalized additive model (GAM)
with LRS as the Poisson response variable (log link function)
was then fitted, with smoothers for the effects of breeding lifespan (number of years from first capture to disappearance) and
mean skipping propensity (proportion of years skipped) using
cross validation (Wood, 2006), as exploratory analyses indicated
non-linear effects. A GAM was also used to test for a relationship
between breeding lifespan (response variable, Poisson error and
log link function) and skipping frequency. To avoid over-fitting,
these GAMs were constrained to have fixed degrees of freedom
and three knots (Wood, 2006). All models were fitted in R version 3.1.1 (R Core Team, 2014). GLMMs were fit using the glmer
function from the lme4 package (Bates et al., 2012).


The annual covariates included as candidate explanatory variables in the population-level analysis were correlated to some

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degree; for example, wSST and locSST were correlated with r =

0.69 (Supplementary information, Table A1). The time series for
annual skipping propensity and each explanatory variable are
shown in Figure 2. The best GAM for annual skipping propensity

Skipped breeding: restraint or constraint

indicated there was temporal autocorrelation with a lag of 1 year

(i.e., years of high skipping propensity were followed by years
of high skipping propensity). When this residual autocorrelation was taken into account, the smoother for the year effect was
effectively linear and not significantly different from zero (estimated df = 1, residual df = 1, F = 0.43, P = 0.52), i.e., there
was no evidence for a directional trend over time. The best
model for wSST indicated no temporal autocorrelation in the
residuals and a marginally non-significant positive effect of year
(GAM smoother: estimated df = 1, residual df = 1, F = 4.00,
P = 0.054). Similarly, the best model for locSST indicated no
temporal autocorrelation in the residuals and a positive effect
of year (GAM smoother: estimated df = 1, residual df = 1, F =
6.06, P = 0.02). No trend (GAM smoother: estimated df = 1,
residual df = 1, F = 1.20, P = 0.28) or temporal autocorrelation
in the residuals was apparent for wNAO. A significant non-linear
trend in population size was present over the study period (GAM
smoother: estimated df = 6.33, residual df = 6.33, F = 23.38,
P < 0.001) with no temporal autocorrelation in the residuals
after accounting for this trend.

FIGURE 3 | Four different scenarios for how the effect of an

environmental variable on skipping propensity may differ at the
between- and within-individual levels (adapted from van de Pol and
Wright, 2009). The relationships are assumed to be linear on the
transformed (e.g., logit) scale. Each panel depicts five hypothetical
individuals that vary both in their mean skipping propensity (black dots) and
in the environmental conditions they experience (e.g., because they are
born in different years or vary in lifespan). The dark lines are regressions
fitted to the black dots and represent the between-individual effect. The
dashed lines are within-individuals effects. In A, there is no relationship
within individuals but an effect across individuals; in B, the within- and
between-individual effects are the same; in C and D, the effect is present
within but not across individuals. In AC, there is no variation in
within-individual slopes, but in D there is.

The mean annual frequency of skipping was 0.07 and ranged

from 0.02 to 0.14. The annual frequency of skipping was positively associated with wSST in the same year (Figure 4A, Table 1)
and in the previous year (Figure 4B, Table 1). None of the other
annual covariates were associated with annual skipping frequency
(Table 1).

The GLMM with skipping as the binary response indicated that

the effect of wSST was present within individuals (effect of
wSST_dev: 2 = 9.66, df = 1, P = 0.002) but not across individuals (effect of wSST_mean: 2 = 2.25, df = 1, P = 0.13). The
estimate from the GLMM for the term wSST_dev was 0.38
0.12, which compares with an overall effect of winter range SST
in the population-level analysis of 0.37 0.08 (Table 1), indicating that the cross-sectional relationship mirrors the underlying

FIGURE 4 | Annual skipping frequency as a function of (A) winter range SST in year t and (B) winter range SST in year t-1. Regression fits with
confidence bands are shown (back-transformed from logit scale).

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within-individual effect. The best random effects structure was

one with uncorrelated random intercepts and slopes. A likelihood
ratio test indicated that this model was better than one with
just random intercepts (2 = 4.98, df = 1, P = 0.026), while a
model with correlated random intercepts and slopes was not supported (2 = 1.08, df = 1, P = 0.30). Sex did not have an effect
on skipping propensity (2 = 1.75, df = 1, P = 0.18). The overall quadratic effect of years since ringing (Figure 5) was highly
significant (2 = 81.89, df = 2, P < 0.001), but the linear component was not significantly different from zero (2 = 0.002,
df = 1, P = 0.96). The between-individual variance in skipping
propensity (variance in intercepts) was much larger than the
between-year variance (2.86 vs. 0.02, both on logit scale; variance
in slopes = 0.49). These results indicate that the individual-level
patterns are most consistent with scenario D in Figure 3.

Table 1 | GLM results for the population-level analysis of annual

skipping frequency.






Winter range SST (year t)




< 0.001

Winter range SST (year t1)





Local spring SST (year t1)



Population size



Local spring SST (year t)



Winter NAO index (year t1)



Winter NAO index (year t)




Individuals that skipped breeding in year t had lower breeding success in year t + 1 than individuals that bred in year t
but failed, which in turn had lower breeding success in year
t + 1 than individuals that bred successfully in year t (Figure 6A,
effect of previous status: 2 = 406.47, df = 2, P < 0.001). Sex
had no effect on breeding success (2 = 0.15, df = 1, P = 0.70).
The quadratic effect of years since ringing (our proxy for bird
age) on breeding success in year t + 1 was highly significant
(2 = 54.05, df = 2, P < 0.001), with breeding success being
lower at older minimum inferred ages (Figure S1). Individuals
that skipped breeding in year t had a higher probability to skip
in year t + 1 than individuals that bred but failed, which in turn
had a higher probability to skip in year t + 1 than individuals that
bred successfully in year t (Figure 6B, effect of previous status:
2 = 379.98, df = 2, P < 0.001), controlling for the significant
quadratic effect of minimum inferred age (2 = 36.94, df = 2,
P < 0.001).
Among those individuals with complete breeding histories,
those that skipped breeding more frequently produced fewer
chicks on average across their breeding lifespans (Figure 7A),
controlling for the fact that individuals with longer breeding
lifespans had higher LRS (Figure 7B). The GAMs indicated that
these effects were slightly non-linear (effect of skipping frequency: estimated df = 2.55, residual df = 3.19, 2 = 285.6,
P < 0.001; effect of breeding lifespan: estimated df = 6.11,
residual df = 7.27, 2 = 2899.9, P < 0.001; overall deviance

Estimates and standard errors are shown only for those terms retained in the
final minimum adequate model. LRT, likelihood ratio test statistic, assumed to
follow a 2 distribution; P, p-value from LRT.

FIGURE 5 | Mean skipping propensity as a function of years since

ringing (proxy for age). Data points are means standard errors for each
age class.

FIGURE 6 | (A) Breeding success in year t + 1 conditional on previous

status in year t. (B) Probability of skipping breeding in year t+1 conditional
on previous status in year t.

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FIGURE 7 | (A) Lifetime number of fledglings as a function of skipping

frequency (fraction of breeding lifespan where adult did not breed) for
individuals with complete life histories (n = 660). (B) Lifetime number of

explained = 85.1%). An asymmetric non-linear relationship

between skipping frequency and breeding lifespan was found
(Figure S2; estimated df = 2, residual df = 2, 2 = 30.9, P <
0.001; deviance explained = 5.0%): individuals that skipped
approximately 30% of the time had the longest breeding lifespans,
while both individuals that skipped very infrequently and those
skipping more frequently lived less long.

A relatively low absolute rate of skipping was found for guillemots
on the Isle of May, with only 7% of birds skipping on average
across the study period. Nonetheless, skipping was more frequent
in years where SST in their wintering area in the southern/western
North Sea were high the preceding winter and also the one before
i.e., ca.15 months prior to the breeding season. Ringing recoveries and tracking studies indicate that guillemots from the Isle of
May disperse widely throughout the North Sea during the winter months, with the core of the winter distribution centering on
the southern and western North Sea (Reynolds et al., 2011; Harris
et al., in press). North Sea temperatures have increased gradually over the past several decades in line with rising global air
temperatures, but the rates of warming observed in the southern
North Sea (most of which is <50 m deep) are among the highest
documented anywhere in the world (Rayner et al., 2003; Heath
et al., 2012). A direct effect of higher SSTs on breeding propensity seems less likely than indirect effects mediated via changes
in the food web, particularly given that lagged effects of wSST
were also found. The little information available on the winter diet of guillemots indicates that many fish species are taken,
in particular clupeids, gadids, and sandeels (e.g., Blake et al.,
1985; Harris and Bailey, 1992; Sonntag and Hppop, 2005). The
mechanisms by which increases in wSST might filter through the
marine food web to affect the breeding propensity of guillemots
are unclear but recruitment rates of lesser sandeels (Ammodytes
marinus), which are an important prey species for guillemots
during the breeding season but may also be taken during winter months, correlate negatively with winter SSTs in the North
Sea (Arnott and Ruxton, 2002). Herring (Clupea harengus) are

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Skipped breeding: restraint or constraint

fledglings as a function of breeding lifespan for same individuals.

Predicted fits with confidence bands from generalized additive model
are included.

another oil-rich small pelagic fish taken by guillemots during winter months (Blake et al., 1985; Harris and Bailey, 1992; Sonntag
and Hppop, 2005) and positive correlations between SSTs and
herring recruitment and stock biomass have been reported in the
Barents Sea (Hjermann et al., 2004). These findings and others
indicate that changes in SST and other physical oceanographic
variables can have complex food web effects (Durant et al., 2004;
Frederiksen et al., 2007). The net impacts on the body condition and hence breeding propensity of piscivorous seabirds may
in general be difficult to predict.
In long-lived species with low annual reproductive output
population growth rate is often most sensitive to changes in adult
survival and these species are expected to favor self-maintenance
over reproduction when conditions are poor (Curio, 1988; Linden
and Mller, 1989; Sther and Bakke, 2000). Fitness in marine
top predators may therefore be maximized by minimizing interannual variance in adult survival: so-called life-history buffering against environmental variability (Morris and Doak, 2004;
Forcada et al., 2008). Recent work on Antarctic mammals and
seabirds has shown that variation in annual breeding propensity can also strongly influence individual fitness and population
growth (Jenouvrier et al., 2005b; Forcada et al., 2008). In the case
of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella, increased ecosystem
fluctuations associated with increased climate variability since
1990 seems to have reduced their capacity for life-history buffering, as evidenced by an increasing impact of SST variation (which
affects abundance and predictability of krill, a key food source
for fur seals) on adult survival and breeding propensity (Forcada
et al., 2008). Cubaynes et al. (2011) found that a higher fraction of
red-footed boobies (Sula sula) skipped breeding in El Nio years
(associated with high SSTs), which are predicted to become more
frequent or intense as result of global warming (Jackson, 2008).
Similarly, increases in the mean or variance of pre-breeding SSTs
could lead to a loss of life-history buffering abilities in guillemots
with possible consequences for population numbers and structure. On the other hand, annual rates of skipping are relatively
low in this population and the breeding propensity of guillemots
appears to be less sensitive to environmental fluctuations than

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that of European shags on the Isle of May, where up to 60% of

adults may skip breeding in extremely poor years when crashes
in population size also occur (Aebischer and Wanless, 1992).
Cormorant species in general are prone to such periodic population crashes and rates of non-breeding are also typically highly
variable (Duffy, 1983; Boekelheide and Ainley, 1989; Nur and
Sydeman, 1999). Thus, population impacts of climate change
mediated via changes in breeding propensity will depend on the
life history strategy and ecological constraints of the species in
question; some species likely have greater scope for regulating
breeding effort than others.
A relationship between climate and skipping frequency was
present within individuals, as evidenced by a significant effect of
wSST_dev in the individual-level GLMM. No across-individual
relationship was found between mean skipping propensity and
wSST_mean; such a relationship could have arisen if individuals
consistently spent the winter in different areas, or lived through
different periods, and hence experienced warmer or cooler temperatures on average. Individuals varied in their sensitivity to
wSST (as in Figure 3D) in that variation among individuals in
the slope of their skipping-wSST relationship was greater than
expected by chance. Such a pattern could reflect individual variation in cue sensitivity, individual differences in the extent to which
the environment imposes constraints on breeding propensity, or
both. We cannot distinguish definitively in this observational
study whether cues or constraints are more important, but the
constraints hypothesis seems more likely. First, some individuals were consistently more likely to skip breeding than others
and were also more likely to breed unsuccessfully if they did
breed the year after having skipped (Figure 6). Skipping tends
to occur after a bird loses its breeding site to another individual and hence may be socially-induced (Harris and Wanless,
1995), but our analysis indicates that environmental factors (i.e.,
wSST) also play a role. One possibility is that certain individuals may be in poorer body condition following a difficult winter
than others and hence be less capable of defending their nest
site against incursions (fights are energetically costly) and so be
evicted by a competitor. Non-breeding adult black-legged kittiwakes at a colony in Brittany (France) were shown to have
lower survival rates than breeders (Cam et al., 1998) and to
be more likely to skip again the following year. Our guillemot studies and the studies of Cam et al. (1998) thus suggest
persistent between-individual phenotypic differences that influence a range of fitness components such as breeding propensity,
breeding success and adult survival (see also Le Bohec et al.,
2007; Robert et al., 2012). Understanding how such quality
effects arise in the first place, are maintained throughout the
lives of individuals and whether they are transmitted from parents to offspring constitutes a major challenge for evolutionary
ecology in general (Wilson and Nussey, 2010; Bergeron et al.,
Second, if individuals base their decision of whether to breed
or not on predictive cues then one would expect some fitness
advantage to skipping in poor years. The most obvious such
advantage would be an increase in survival probability from one
breeding season to the next compared to individuals that did
breed, as predicted by the life history buffering hypothesis. A

Skipped breeding: restraint or constraint

multi-year study of king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus found

that non-breeders and breeders had similar survival rates, but
breeders were less likely to breed again the following year than
non-breeders, suggesting the existence of reproductive costs and
hence benefits of prudent skipping (Le Bohec et al., 2007). Cam
et al. (1998), on the other hand, found that non-breeding kittiwakes survived less well than breeders, as did previous work on
Isle of May guillemots (Harris and Wanless, 1995). In the current
study we did not test for survival rate differences between individuals skipping vs. those breeding, but examined overall lifetime
breeding success. Lifetime fledgling production declined monotonically with skipping frequency, controlling for the positive
effect of breeding lifespan (Figure 7). If skipping when conditions
are poor is advantageous, then one would expect a hump-shaped
relationship between individual-level skipping frequency and lifetime number of fledglings, because individuals that never skip
might suffer survival or future reproductive costs, while those that
skip too frequently (over-responders) would likely also raise
fewer chicks on average. We found no such optimum. Again, this
points toward the constraints rather than restraints (adaptive life
history buffering) hypothesis.
Third, it is difficult to imagine that environmental cues are
available to individuals during the winter or early spring (when
guillemots may be far away from the breeding colony) that reliably
correlate with environmental factors determining the fitness consequences of breeding decisions. A string of years of poor breeding success occurred at this colony from 2004 to 2008 (Figure S3),
associated with poor feeding conditions around the breeding
colony (Ashbrook et al., 2010). Skipping frequency was also
noticeably higher during this period (Figure 2A), which would be
consistent with the restraint hypothesis, i.e., birds chose to skip
when breeding conditions were perceived in advance to be poor.
Indeed, wSST (the putative cue) is correlated negatively with
annual breeding success (r = 0.51, P = 0.003) and annual skipping frequency and breeding success are also negatively correlated
(r = 0.69, P < 0.001). However, correlations between wSST,
skipping propensity and breeding success do not constitute strong
evidence that wSST acts as a cue for adaptive restraint and could
instead reflect carry-over effects of winter conditions on both
skipping propensity and breeding performance of individuals that
do lay an egg (e.g., mediated via changes in body condition).
The costs, in terms of residual reproductive value, of breeding under poor conditions are paid after the breeding season,
not during it. If these future costs depend on the environment
(e.g., survival chances of breeders are lower than non-breeders
in harsh winters) then one would expect flexible skipping rules
to evolve, but only if environmental cues perceived prior to the
breeding season predict post-breeding survival chances, or future
breeding success. Rephrased in the language of adaptive plasticity theory, the environment of decision making must predict
the environment of selection (Gavrilets and Scheiner, 1993). If
such cues are not available or reproduction costs are independent of the environment, then selection would instead favor a
fixed, environmentally-insensitive rate of skipping (i.e., flat reaction norms). Nonetheless, the notional cost of responding to a
weakly predictive cue by not breeding (in terms of foregone offspring production when conditions turned out to be good) may

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be considerably less than the cost of making a bad decision, i.e.,

breeding under circumstances that turn out to be bad and hence
jeopardizing ones own survival. Such asymmetry in fitness outcomes under good vs. bad conditions may favor the evolution of
risk-averse strategies (Brdsen et al., 2008), and hence flexibility
in breeding propensity may be adaptive even when environmental cues are only weakly informative of future costs. Given the
lack of any discernible fitness benefits of skipping in our case,
however, we tentatively infer that the observed relationship with
winter SST reflects (individual-specific) constraints on breeding
condition, rather than adaptive restraint in response to a cue.
An interesting alternative, which we cannot fully exclude, is that
individuals use their own body condition (which may be affected
by environmental variation) as a cue and skip breeding if they
are below a certain threshold (i.e., condition-dependent decision
making). If inter-individual variation in condition is large, a positive relationship between current breeding and future breeding
(and hence LRS) may be found, because those individuals that
are in good condition breed now and are successful again later.
Those skipping, however, may still have made an adaptive choice
under their specific circumstances (particularly if poor body condition is associated with higher post-breeding mortality risk) and
might have had even lower LRS if they had instead bred. The
fact that individuals that never skipped had shorter lifespans (see
Figure S2; i.e., breeding lifespan was maximal at a skipping frequency of approximately 30%) is consistent with this hypothesis.
It remains possible, therefore, that differences between studies in
the apparent adaptive benefit of skipping could reflect differing
amounts of inter-individual heterogeneity in body condition (or
other physiological cues) in different study systems.
Finally, skipping became more frequent in very old individuals (those with a minimum inferred age of circa 15 or more,
Figure 5). Increased frequency of skipping in the oldest age classes
has also been reported in great skuas Catharacta skua (Catry
et al., 1998), European shags (Harris et al., 1998) and short-tailed
shearwaters Puffinus tenuirostris (Bradley et al., 2000). These patterns collectively point toward reproductive senescence effects in
long-lived seabirds and clearly warrant further investigation.

In this study we made a number of simplifying assumptions that

allowed us to analyze skipping events as a binary variable in
a GLMM framework. First, we assumed that known individuals were detected during the breeding season in our study area
(if present) with a probability of 1.00. That is, if a ringed bird
returned to the breeding colony in a given year we were 100%
confident that we would indeed detect it as a breeder or a nonbreeder. All breeding pairs are monitored intensively in our study
plots throughout the breeding season and non-breeding individuals are easy to resight from the hides as they simply linger around
the study area without a breeding site. While it is remains possible that birds could come ashore elsewhere in the colony (and go
undetected) and then return to the study area in the future, we
have no record of this in 30 years of intensive searching for ringed
birds. Moreover, it is extremely unlikely that any of our ringed
birds not resighted in a given year bred on a different island or
on the mainland since, as far as we are aware, there is no record

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Skipped breeding: restraint or constraint

of a guillemot changing colony once it has bred. Thus, we can be

confident that our estimates of skipping frequency are not biased
substantially by true detection probabilities that could be slightly
lower than 1.00. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that our study system may be unusual in this regard (in that both breeders and
non-breeders present at the colony can be resighted easily) and
in many other systems (e.g., nocturnal burrow-nesters) detection probabilities will be much lower. In such cases, our GLMM
approach should not be applied as failing to account for variation in detection probability (and possible effects of covariates on
this) could result in severely biased estimates of skipping frequencies and incorrect inferences regarding the effects of covariates. A
multi-event modeling framework (e.g., Cam et al., 1998; Forcada
et al., 2008; Cubaynes et al., 2011; Sanz-Aguilar et al., 2011) would
be more appropriate in these circumstances, although it would be
interesting to test the relative performance of both techniques in
a simulation study to elucidate the extent of such biases.
A second major assumption we made was that skipping events
were defined conditional on future resighting: if an individual was
missing in year t and never seen again, this was not classed as
a skipping event. This means that skipping frequency may have
been slightly under-estimated, especially in the last 2 years of the
study, as some of these individuals might have actually been alive
in year t but did not return to breed. Adult survival rates would
then also be slightly underestimated, depending on the prevalence of skipping in the final year of life, for the same reason.
In this study we used resighting histories to estimate skipping
rates but not adult survival rates, but we acknowledge the above
biases. While these should not have had a strong influence on
our findings, such biases could be larger in other study systems
and we again advise caution in applying the GLMM approach
in cases where detection probabilities are lower or where additional information is unavailable (e.g., non-breeders cannot be
observed or the occupancy of previous nests of non-breeders cannot be confirmed). Statistical inference and model selection with
GLMMs are constantly being refined (e.g., Bolker et al., 2009;
Link and Barker, 2009). As always, GLMMs should be applied
cautiously, particularly when P-values are marginal and further
confidence in findings will be instilled when different approaches
(e.g., forwards vs. backwards selection) produce the same
Finally, we acknowledge that correlative studies are by their
nature limited and experimental studies are required to rigorously
test whether skipped breeding is adaptive or not, i.e., individuals
must be moved experimentally from their hypothesized adaptive optimum to quantify the fitness consequences of breeding
decisions. This is very challenging in the case of skipped breeding as skippers would need to be forced to breed without altering
other aspects of phenotype (or environment) that might influence the fitness outcome. Correlative studies, especially those that
use long-term and information-rich datasets, nonetheless provide good information on possible trade-offs because in some
years, or for some groups of individuals, extreme environmental
conditions might indeed push individuals to make non-optimal
In conclusion, we have documented a clear link between
skipped breeding in common guillemots and climate that suggests

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that skipping may become more frequent in a warmer, or

more climatically variable, future. While we cannot definitely
say whether skipping reflects an adaptive response to predictive
cues or environmental constraints on breeding propensity, our
results collectively point more toward the latter, particularly given
that the lifetime reproductive output of individuals declined as a
function of the fraction of years skipped.

We thank Sarah Burthe for advice on obtaining and extracting SST data, Francis Daunt for useful discussions, the many
people who have helped collect the guillemot data, particularly Mark Newell and Carrie Gunn, Scottish Natural Heritage
for permission to work on the Isle of May National Nature
Reserve and our two reviewers for helpful comments. Funding
for Sarah Wanless and Mike P. Harris was provided by the Natural
Environment Research Council and the Joint Nature Conservancy
Council. Thomas E. Reed was supported by the Beaufort Marine
Research Award in Fish Population Genetics funded by the Irish
Government under the Sea Change Programme.

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online
Figure S1 | Breeding success in year t + 1 as a function of years since

ringing (proxy for age) in year t.

Figure S2 | Breeding lifespan as function of mean skipping frequency at

the individual level. Predicted fits with confidence bands from generalized
additive model are included. Data were grouped for ease of plotting into
14 classes along the x-axis, but the GAM fit is based on the raw
(unbinned) data.
Figure S3 | Annual mean breeding success (fraction of egg layers that

successfully raised a chick) as a function of year.

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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 13 November 2014; accepted: 03 January 2015; published online: 29 January
Citation: Reed TE, Harris MP and Wanless S (2015) Skipped breeding in common
guillemots in a changing climate: restraint or constraint? Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:1. doi:
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January 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 1 | 101

published: 18 August 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00090

The role of climate and food

availability on driving decadal
abundance patterns of highly
migratory pelagic predators in the
Bay of Biscay
Maite Louzao 1, 2*, Isabel Afn 3 , Mara Santos 1 and Tom Brereton 4

AZTI, Functioning of Marine Ecosystems, Pasaia, Spain, 2 Centro Oceanogrfico de Xixn, Instituto Espaol de
Oceanografa, Gijn, Spain, 3 Laboratorio de SIG y Teledeteccin, Estacin Biolgica de Doana, Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Cientficas, Seville, Spain, 4 Marinelife, Bridport, UK
Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Morten Frederiksen,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Vitor H. Paiva,
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Jerome Fort,
University of La Rochelle, France
Maite Louzao,
AZTI, Functioning of Marine
Ecosystems, Herrera Kaia, Portualdea
z/g, 20110 Pasaia, Spain
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Interdisciplinary Climate Studies,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Received: 15 December 2014
Accepted: 17 July 2015
Published: 18 August 2015
Louzao M, Afn I, Santos M and
Brereton T (2015) The role of climate
and food availability on driving decadal
abundance patterns of highly
migratory pelagic predators in the Bay
of Biscay. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:90.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00090

Within the current context of changing ecosystems, many organisms are experiencing
phenological changes in the timing of migration. Here, we assessed whether the
abundance patterns of two trans-equatorial migrating pelagic seabirds, the great
shearwater and the sooty shearwater (Puffinus gravis and Puffinus griseus, respectively),
have changed over recent decades in the Bay of Biscay (BoB) in relation to the main
drivers shaping their migratory journey: climatic factors and food availability. Specifically,
we studied the staging dynamic by estimating dates of arrival and departure, staging
duration and abundance during a 16-year temporal window (19952010) based on
monthly at-sea observations performed onboard a commercial ferry. Climatic effects
were studied at two temporal scales: oceanic winds and global oscillations indices (North
Atlantic OscillationNAO) that represent climate variability at short and long time scales,
respectively. Based on oceanic winds, we also estimated a hypothetical cost of flying
on a monthly basis considering wind speed and the angle between flight and wind
direction. Our results showed that both great and sooty shearwaters were influenced
by the large scale NAO index but the shape of the relationship was different, while the
sooty shearwater was also influenced by food availability. Thus, each species might rely
on different cues before and during their migration to adjust to optimal flying conditions
and foraging grounds. Both species shape their arrival in the BoB with periods of
potential minimum flying costs, following their migration from the western to the eastern
North Atlantic. We foresee that the quantification of flying costs can integrate different
processes at the level of migration and provide a wider understanding of the migratory
dynamic of pelagic predators within current changing ecosystems.
Keywords: oceanic winds, North Atlantic Oscillation, energetic ecology, trans-equatorial migration, pelagic
seabird, food availability

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August 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 90 | 102

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Many organisms are experiencing phenological changes in their
life cycles and the alteration of seasonal timing has been an
evident change in recent decades (Thackeray et al., 2010). This is
especially true for migrating birds as a result of present climate
change that have promoted shifts in the timing of migration
(Gordo, 2007). Within the marine seascape, the majority of
system components are changing rapidly with an increased
risk of fundamental and irreversible ecological transformation
(Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno, 2010). Decades of ecological
research on marine ecosystems has shown that climatic variables
are primary drivers of distribution and dynamic of pelagic
organisms (Roessig et al., 2004). In this sense, global climatic
indices have received much attention due to their ability to
capture a large part of the inter-annual climatic variations over
large areas and temporal scales (see review in Stenseth et al.,
2002; Gordo, 2007). In particular, the North Atlantic Oscillation
(NAO), is linked to large-scale patterns in winter conditions in
north-western Europe, and has been found to be correlated with
many aspects of the biology of a wide range of marine organisms
(Frederiksen et al., 2004).
Oceanic winds are a major component of the seascape that
has seldom been considered within the current context of
changing ecosystems. Recent studies have evidenced a global
increasing trend in wind speed, associated with long-term
climatic oscillations (Young et al., 2011). These results have
important consequences for highly migratory marine species
that depend on wind for traveling and foraging, such as pelagic
seabirds (Weimerskirch et al., 2000; Felicsimo et al., 2008).
During the non-breeding season, highly migratory seabirds
follow prevailing oceanic wind patterns to reduce flight costs on
long-distance commutes (Shaffer et al., 2006; Felicsimo et al.,
2008). Changes in wind patterns can cause shifts in foraging
ranges and travel rates and may ultimately affect breeding
performance (Weimerskirch et al., 2012). The trans-equatorial
migrations of many species are also driven by highly seasonal
food availability, enabling birds to exploit rich summer food
supplies at both ends of their distributional range (Hedd et al.,
2012; McKnight et al., 2013). Meanwhile, migrating birds move
through different marine ecosystems and stop at a few key
locations for increasing their refueling opportunities (McKnight
et al., 2013), associated with major productivity hotspots such as
coastal upwelling areas (Stenhouse et al., 2012; McKnight et al.,
The Bay of Biscay (BoB) is an important migration flyway
for Atlantic seabirds during the pre-breeding and post-breeding
phases of their annual cycle (Brereton et al., 2003; Arcos et al.,
2009). For numerous species, the BoB represents a key feeding
area during certain periods of the year when seabirds, as
well as other marine top predators, undertake seasonal feeding
migrations into the area (Lezama-Ochoa et al., 2010; Stenhouse
et al., 2012). There are two relevant shearwater species that
perform trans-equatorial migrations that breed in the southern
Atlantic Ocean: the great and sooty shearwaters Puffinus gravis
and Puffinus griseus, respectively. After breeding, individuals of
both species migrate to the productive waters of the western

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

Climate and migrating predators

North Atlantic (Gulf of Maine, GoM) where they stay from June
to August (Hedd et al., 2012). After this period, they continue the
migratory journey toward the eastern North Atlantic following
prevailing westerly wind patterns (Hedd et al., 2012). Thus,
oceanic winds connect both sectors of the North Atlantic across
middle latitudes (Hurrell and Deser, 2010), facilitating the flyway
between the GoM and the BoB. Some individuals of both species
might enter the BoB and stop there between August and October,
before continuing their southward migration to reach their
breeding grounds (Hobbs et al., 2003). The staging dynamic of
southern shearwaters can vary from year to year, and the role of
large- and short- scale climatic indices (e.g., NAO and oceanic
winds, respectively) in driving these patterns have not yet been
Here, we aimed to assess whether the abundance patterns of
trans-equatorial migrating pelagic seabirds have changed over the
past two decades in relation to the main drivers shaping their
migratory journey: climatic factors and food availability. Based
on long-term systematic at-sea surveys, we studied the annual
staging dynamic of great and sooty shearwaters in the BoB by
estimating dates of arrival and departure, staging duration and
abundance patterns covering a 16-year temporal window (1995
2010). Climatic effects were studied at two different temporal
scales: oceanic wind patterns and global oscillations indices
(NAO) that represent climate variability at short and long time
scales, respectively. In addition, the role of food availability was
jointly analyzed by using a unique long-term series of anchovy
biomass (AB) in this biogeographic area. Based on oceanic
winds, we also estimated the cost of flying on a monthly basis
following Louzao et al. (2014). We hypothesized that shearwaters
might minimize the cost of flying by adjusting their arrival
to the BoB during an optimal temporal window. Combining
different long-term physical and biological datasets can provide
a comprehensive picture of the effect of changing ecosystems on
highly migratory predators.

Materials and Methods

Seabird Observations
Monthly at-sea observations were performed onboard a
commercial ferry, the Pride of Bilbao, crossing the English
Channel and BoB between July 1995 and August 2010 (Figure 1).
Since surveys spatial coverage corresponded to the internal sector
of the BoB, we referred to the term BoB to the geographic limits
between 6.18 and 0.94 W and 43.33 -50.78 N corresponding
to the longitudinal and latitudinal ranges of ferry surveys,
respectively. On each trip, effort-based seabird observations were
carried out by a team of three experienced volunteer observers,
with two observers at a time. A two and a half day ferry trip
was performed monthly between the harbors of Portsmouth
and Bilbao. Recording was made from a fixed position on the
bridge of the ship, at a height of 32 m and speed of 1522 knots.
For each seabird sighting species name and number seen were
recorded. At 1530 min intervals or whenever the ships course
changed, a range of variables were measured including the ships
speed and course, and sea/weather variables such as sea state

August 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 90 | 103

Louzao et al.

Climate and migrating predators

autumn and winter months. Thus, the observation effort was

comparable between years and months.
We then estimated the encounter rates, dividing the number
of birds observed by the distance traveled. The encounter rate
was used as an index of seabird abundance, thus higher encounter
rates were indicative of higher numbers of birds per km traveled.
Lower encounter rates were indicative of the opposite pattern.

Climatic Indices and Food Availability

FIGURE 1 | (A) Map of the North Atlantic showing overall mean wind speed
for August (19952009). Wind speed is graded in color. Arrows show wind
direction. The main prevailing wind speed and direction is shown illustrating
the facilitated flyway between the Gulf of Maine and the Bay of Biscay (BoB).
Green line marks ferry trackline for surveys. (B) Survey map showing the effort
during the 16-years study period in the BoB.

and visibility. Observations periods with sea state higher than

Beaufort scale 5 were removed.
Observations were performed over different recorded time
periods with a median of 30 min (range: 1270). In order
to compare periods of similar searching effort we selected
observation periods ranging between 20 and 40 min. By
multiplying the speed and the observation time, we estimated
the distance traveled (km). The mean distance traveled per
observation period was 17.02 km (range: 6.6928.12). For this
study, we considered the distance traveled as an index of
survey effort. When comparing temporal differences in the
sampling effort, we did not observe differences among years
neither between months and years (Figures S1A,B, respectively).
Regardless of the year, survey effort was higher between spring
and summer months, whereas survey effort was lower during

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

In the case of global climatic indices, the NAO index is estimated

from differences in sea level pressure between two distant
meteorological stations at Lisbon, Portugal and Stykkisholmur,
Iceland (Hurrell and Deser, 2010). Positive NAO values are
related to strong westerlies across the middle latitudes of the
North Atlantic towards Europe (Hurrell and Deser, 2010). Thus,
we expected that positive NAO values would be related to
higher abundance of highly migratory shearwaters into the BoB.
We used wintertime NAO value (mean value from December
to March) since it can leave persistent surface anomalies in
the seascape that might significantly influence the marine
ecosystems throughout the year (Hurrell and Deser, 2010)
(Table 1).
Regarding short-term climatic indices, we analyzed the role of
oceanic winds across the North Atlantic (longitude range: 15
55 W; latitudinal range: 40 55 N) (see Figure 1, Table 1).
We used the Blended Sea Winds containing globally gridded,
high resolution ocean surface vector winds on a global 0.25
grid (
The wind speeds (m s1 ) and directions were generated by
blending observations from multiple satellites and reanalysis
products, respectively. Oceanic wind data was downloaded from
the NCDC/NOAA website at
erddap/griddap/ncdcOwMon.html. Oceanic winds are described
using the vector of the wind speed in m s1 and the direction.
Similarly, wind speed can be resolved into two perpendicular
components. Zonal u and meridional v winds represent the westeast and north-south direction and are represented by positive
values toward the north and east, respectively (more information
Regarding food availability, great and sooty shearwater
feed on small pelagic fish (Ronconi et al., 2010). We used a
fishery-independent dataset, the biomass index for the European
anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the BoB, calculated through
the daily egg production method as an index of food availability
based on oceanographic cruises (Table 1). These cruises have
been carried out annually in May at the peak spawning period
since 1987, covering the whole spawning area of the anchovy
in the BoB (Santos et al., 2011). To ensure that spring Anchovy
Biomass (AB) was correlated with anchovy landings during
the late summer period, we estimated the non-parametric
Spearman-rank correlation coefficient rs between (1) the AB and
the historical anchovy landings of May (rs = 0.37, S = 2049.81,
P = 0.05), as well as (2) anchovy landings between May and
August (rs = 0.60, S = 1287.61, P < 0.001) to ensure the positive
underlying biological relationship. Fishing data were extracted
from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
(ICES) reports (Table 1). August was chosen as a representative

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Climate and migrating predators

TABLE 1 | Description of the dataset used for understanding the role of climate and food availability on driving decadal abundance patterns of highly
migratory marine predators in the Bay of Biscay.

Covered area


Time window

Sampling rate

Predator observations

Bay of Biscay




Oceanic winds

North Atlantic





North Atlantic

b NOAA Climatic Center



Anchovy biomass estimates

Bay of Biscay

c BIOMAN oceanographic surveys




month of the summer period since it corresponded to the

month of first detection of both shearwaters in 46% of the cases,
followed by July (27%), September (15%) and October (12%)
(see Results). Even the time lag between the biomass estimation
(spring) and the study period (late summer), we considered that
the AB was a more robust index of small pelagic fish availability
than fishing landings in the BoB during the summer period (c.f.
Alheit et al., 2014).

Estimation of Flying Costs

We used the flying cost function developed by Louzao et al.
(2014) to estimate the cost of traveling across middle latitudes
of the North Atlantic. The flying cost function is based on
the effect of wind speed w and the angle between flight
and wind direction based on Weimerskirch et al. (2000),
Gonzlez-Sols et al. (2009). Considering wind speed when
estimating flying cots is important for the energy budget during
flying activities (Gonzlez-Sols et al., 2009; Raymond et al.,
2010). The flying cost function is expressed by the following
c = 30+ 2.381e 09 9.667e-01 w + 1.093e-02 w (1)
where c is the flying cost (i.e., energy expenditure with arbitrary
cost units ranging from 0 to 60), w represents the wind speed
(ranging from 0 to 30 m s1 ) and is the angle between flight
and wind direction (ranging from 0 to 180 indicating that birds
were flying with tail and head winds, respectively). The intercept
at 30 is related to intermediate flying cost units when w and are
0 and 90 , respectively (i.e., in the absence of wind and when
birds are flying with cross winds; see Figure 1 in Louzao et al.,
2014). From this intermediate reference level, energy expenditure
decreases when birds are flying from cross winds to tail winds
at increasing wind speed. On the contrary, energy expenditure
increases when birds fly from cross winds to head winds at
increasing wind speed.
Flight costs were estimated monthly using wind speed and
direction at the original spatial resolution of 0.25 through
a zonal hypothetical flyway across the North Atlantic at the
latitude of 45 N from January 1996 to December 2009 (see
Figure S2). Monthly wind directions showed that westerlies
were the predominant wind direction in this biogeographic area
independently of the month of the year and wind speeds were
higher during winter months (see Figures S3, S4, respectively).

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

The hypothetical flyway was established based on empirical

evidences of southern shearwater migration through the North
Atlantic (Hedd et al., 2012). We only focused on the flyway across
the North Atlantic between longitudes ranging from 55 to 15
W without considering the departure from the Gulf of Maine
(GoM; the main staging area in the Northwest Atlantic) and
arrival point to the center of the BoB. The flying cost function
was applied to flying activities and, in turn, we assumed that
shearwaters were mostly flying from the GoM to the BoB. This
assumption is in accordance with empirical evidences of sooty
shearwaters that spend a high proportion of the day (78.4
4.2%; 10.1 0.7 hd1 ) and over half of the night (58.5 9.1%;
6.4 1.0 h night1 ) flying during northward and southward
migrations (Hedd et al., 2012). See Figure S5 for an illustrative
example of c, w, and values for a given month through
the hypothetical flyway. We summed the flying cost estimated
along the zonal flyway and used it as a measure of flying cost

Data Analysis
First, we described the annual timing of highly migratory
shearwaters in the BoB by estimating (1) the first month of
detection (i.e., month of arrival), (2) the last month of detection
(i.e., month of departure), and (3) the staging duration. We tested
the relationship between the first month of detection and the
staging duration by estimating the Spearman rank correlation
coefficient and applying a permutation test to estimate whether
correlations were stronger than expected.
Then, we investigated the role of the NAO, oceanic winds
and food availability driving the abundance patterns of southern
shearwaters entering the BoB during the late summer period
(19962009) using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). For
each species, the response variable was the number of shearwaters
from the first month of detection to September, when all birds
that flew to the BoB are assumed to have arrived but when they
have not started to migrate south to their breeding grounds
(Cuthbert, 2005). Explanatory variables included normalized
values of NAO winter index, food availability (AB), as well as
the monthly zonal winds u from the previous month of first
detection to the previous month of September (see below).
We hypothesized that the role of zonal winds would be more
critical than wind speeds or meridional winds in facilitating the
arrival of shearwaters to the BoB due to the longitudinal flyway
across the middle latitudes of the North Atlantic. Collinearity

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between predictors was checked with the Variation Inflation

Factor (cutting point of 5). No variable was removed since VIF
was lower than 5 in all cases.
GAMs were carried out using the mgcv package (Wood
and Augustin, 2002) and limiting the smoothing splines to a
maximum of three degrees of freedom. Models were compared
using Akaikes Information Criterion corrected for small sample
sizes (AICc) and the model with the lowest AICc value was
considered the best compromise between model deviance and
model complexity. When models were within 2 points of AICc,
they were considered statistically equivalent (Williams et al.,
2002). Models were first ordered by their AICc value and among
equivalent models the best model was chosen as the one with
highest explained deviance. Shearwater abundance was modeled
by including the log-transformed distance traveled (i.e., effort
in km) as an offset in order to minimize estimation biases due
to surveyed effort, following a negative binomial distribution.
This model was selected over the Poisson distribution since the

FIGURE 2 | Temporal trends of log-transformed encounter rate (ER,

number of birds/traveled km) for (A) great shearwaters (GRSH) (B)
sooty shearwaters (SOSH) in the Bay of Biscay and (C) Decadal

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Climate and migrating predators

AICc value was lower for the negative binomial distribution.

The following equation represented the full model for each
Ai = + f (NAOi ) + f (ABi ) + f (ui )
+offset (log(Effort)) + i


where A stands for abundance patterns of shearwaters each

month between the month of first detection to September i from
1996 to 2009 (n = 26), whereas represents the residuals.
Finally, we analyzed the influence of flying costs along the
hypothetical zonal flyway driving abundance patterns of southern
shearwaters in the BoB over the period January 1996December
2009. We hypothesized that the abundance of shearwaters (i.e.,
the encounter rate) for a given month was influenced by the
flying cost (FC) estimate from the previous month (t - 1). For
great shearwater, this hypothesis was supported by the higher rs
between the encounter rate of a given month and the FC of the

trends of encounter rates (birds km1 ) for both species. Blank

values correspond to non-surveyed months. Encounter rates were
normalized for visualization purposes.

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FIGURE 3 | Staging dynamic of transequatorial migrating seabirds

in the Bay of Biscay described by (A) the first and (B) last
months of detection, (C) staging duration (months) and (D) the

relationship between both of them. GRSH, great shearwater; SOSH,

sooty shearwater. Note that GRSHs were not detected in 2001 and

previous month (rs = 0.16, S = 395681.8, P = 0.074) than the rs

between the encounter rate and the FC of the same month (rs =
0.03, S = 339152.3, P = 0.74). A similar correlation pattern was
found for sooty shearwater (rs = 0.16, S = 667586.1, P = 0.009
for the encounter rate and FC of the previous month; rs = 0.21,
S = 566948.8, P = 0.923 for encounter rate and FC of the
same month). This relationship was tested using GAMs and is
represented by the following expression:

Ai = + f (FCi ) + offset (log(Effort)) + i


where A stands for abundance patterns of shearwaters every

month i from January 1996 to December 2009 (n = 167),
whereas represents the residuals. We did not restrict the
analysis to any specific period of the year when shearwaters
were most likely to occur in the BoB, but tested the direct
influence of lower flying cost months (explanatory variable)
in facilitating the arrival of a higher number of shearwaters
(response variable). Shearwater abundance was modeled by
including log-transformed traveled distance (i.e., effort in km) as
an offset in order to minimize estimation biases due to surveyed
effort, following a negative binomial distribution. GAMs were
performed following the procedure previously described and we
only compared two candidate models: the null model and the one
including the flying costs. The model with the lowest AICc value
was considered the best compromise between model deviance
and model complexity. All data processing and analysis were
performed within the R environment (R Core Team, 2014).

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We observed a total of 8630 great shearwaters (GRSH) and 612
sooty shearwaters (SOSH) during 105408 km traveled and 3030 h
of observations. Note that no GRSH were detected in 2001 and
2008 (see Figures 2A,B). Overall encounter rates (mean SD)
for GRSH and SOSH were 0.091 1.728 and 0.006 0.149 birds
km1 , respectively. Encounter rate values for both species were
higher in 2000 and 2005 across the study period, as well as in
2002 for GRSH and 2009 for SOSH (Figure 2C). We found a nonsignificant positive correlation between the annual encounter rate
of both species (rs = 0.40, S = 272.80, P = 0.156).
Both species were mainly present in the BoB from July to
November (Figures 2A,B). The timing of arrival and departure
ranged from July to October and September to November,
respectively (Figures 3A,B). However, observed patterns for
SOSH were more regular (above 50% of the first month of arrival
was in August, and months of departure were in October and
November). The detection months in the BoB varied from 1 to
5 months for GRSH, while detection months were from 2 to 5
months for SOSH (Figure 3C). The first detection month was
significantly negatively correlated with the staging duration for
both species (rs = 0.88, S = 538.624, P < 0.001 based on
a permutation test for GRSH; rs = 0.827, S = 2049.81, P <
0.001 for SOSH; Figure 3D). Therefore, these results indicate
that the earlier shearwaters were detected in the BoB, the longer
the detection period. Cumulative higher encounter rates (1996
2009) were recorded during the months of August and September
for GRSH and September for SOSH (Figures 2A,B). Annual
encounter rates for both species varied significantly between
years for both species (Kruskal-Wallis test for GRSH H12, 6193 =

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FIGURE 4 | Decadal trends of anchovy biomass estimates (gray

shaded area represented in the left y-axis), winter values of the North
Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO, solid black line represented in the first
right y-axis) and oceanic winds (zonal, meridional, and wind strength
indicated by dark blue, blue, and light blue dotted lines, respectively,

TABLE 2 | Output of Generalized Additive Models showing the ranking of

the candidate models based on the corrected Akaike Information Criteria






























AB + U




NAO + U + AB








NAO + U + AB
















AB + U











Models are first ordered by the AICc value and among equivalent models the best model
is the one with highest explained deviance. Selected models are in bold. ED, Explained
deviance; NAO, North Atlantic Oscillation; U, zonal wind; AB, Anchovy Biomass; GRSH
denotes great shearwater and SOSH sooty shearwater.

237.08, P < 0.001; Kruskal-Wallis test for SOSH H12, 6193 =

72.03, P < 0.001).
For the time series of global and local environmental drivers,
normalized mean values are given in Figure 4 for the study
period (19962009). Regarding climatic indices, NAO winter

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

with values represented in the second right y-axis). Oceanic winds

have been normalized by subtracting the mean and dividing by the time
series standard deviation. Wind August values are shown only for illustration
purposes since it was the most representative month of first summer
detection for both great and sooty shearwater species (47% of all cases).

(DecemberMarch) values showed high inter-annual variability

ranged between 0.867 and 0.867, with maximum and minimum
values observed in 2000 and 1996, respectively. For local
environmental drivers, food availability expressed as AB peaked
in 1998 and 2001, with the lowest value in 2005. Wind
speed ranged between 6.15 and 9.28 m s1 , whereas zonal and
meridional winds ranged 1.234.86 m s1 and 0.422.01 m s1 ,
respectively. In the case of oceanic winds, we were interested in
analysing the correlation between zonal winds and both NAO
and AB. The zonal wind was only negatively correlated (not
statistically significant) with NAO values, whilst no correlation
was found between NAO and AB in the case of both species (see
Figure S6).
Regarding abundance patterns of these highly migratory
shearwaters, the model containing the NAO winter index was
chosen as the best model for GRSH apart from the additive
effect of AB for SOSH (Table 2). Abundance of GRSH increased
with increasing winter NAO values, explaining 17% of the
observed abundance variability (Table 2, Figure 5). For SOSH,
abundance was higher at intermediate NAO winter values,
whilst there was a decreasing effect of AB which explained 64%
of observed variability in abundance (Table 2, Figure 5). Our
modeling approach did not identify zonal wind as an important
factor driving the staging dynamic of migrating shearwaters into
the BoB.
Potential flying cost estimations during the study period
showed that higher costs for crossing the North Atlantic
occurred in August (see Figure S7). GAM analysis showed
that shearwater monthly abundance was better explained by
the potential flying costs of the preceding month rather than
the null model in the case of both species (Table 3, Figure 6).
With more than 3500 units of flying costs across the North

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FIGURE 5 | Smooth functions fitted to the best relationships

between great and sooty shearwater abundance and
environmental variables: NAO winter index (December to March)
and less importantly the anchovy biomass estimation (AB).
Models were first ordered by the AICc value and among equivalent

TABLE 3 | Summary of Generalized Additive Models exploring the

relationship between monthly abundance patterns and potential flying
costs (FC) of the preceding month for great and sooty shearwaters,
respectively, from January 1996 to December 2009.























Candidate models are ordered based on the corrected Akaike Information Criteria (AICc).
Selected models are in bold. ED, Explained deviance; GRSH and SOSH denote great and
sooty shearwaters, respectively.

Atlantic, predicted shearwater abundance in the following month

decreased progressively in the BoB. In other words, shearwaters
tend to arrive in the BoB when potential migration/flying costs
across the North Atlantic were lower, associated with lower
average wind speeds (Figure 7). These models accounted for the
24.8 and 23.3% of the explained deviance of GRSH and SOSH
abundance, respectively.

In this study, we provide new insights into the role of decadal
climatic effects driving migratory seabird movements across the
North Atlantic. Both shearwater species were influenced by large
scale NAO climatic index, but the shape of the relationship
was different and the SOSH was also negatively influenced by
food availability in the BoB. Abundance of GRSH was higher
with increasing winter NAO values while SOSH abundance
was higher at intermediate values. Thus, our predictions were
partially fulfilled since higher NAO values were related to
higher abundance of highly migratory shearwaters. This could

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models the best model was the one with highest explained deviance
(see results in Table 2). Dotted areas represent the 95% confidence
interval. Tick marks on the horizontal axis show the distribution of
observations. The vertical axes describe the smoother term and
estimated degrees of freedom.

be explained by higher NAO values related to stronger westerlies

across the middle latitudes of the North Atlantic toward Europe
(Hurrell and Deser, 2010) and, in turn, facilitating the arrival
of southern shearwaters. The large-scale winter NAO index
(December-March) can leave persistent surface anomalies in the
seascape that might significantly influence the marine ecosystems
throughout the year (Hurrell and Deser, 2010).
In addition, we also observed differences in abundances as
well as the timings of arrival and departure: GRSH were more
abundant than SOSH but the arrival of the former seemed to be
more variable, supported by previous results (Hobbs et al., 2003;
Ocio et al., 2011). This could be related to the different shape
of the relationship between each species abundance and NAO
values. Even if both species might likely rely on different cues
during the migration, they shape their arrival in the BoB during
periods which minimize flying costs across the two extremes
of the North Atlantic. Indirectly, distribution patterns of both
species might be related to oceanic winds, since positive NAO
values are related to westerly (positive zonal) winds across middle
latitudes of the Atlantic (Hurrell and Deser, 2010). Thus, stronger
westerly winds might facilitate the arrival of higher numbers of
highly migratory shearwaters into the BoB. The indirect effects
of oceanic winds might be related to the shorter spatiotemporal
variability captured by oceanic winds, while climatic indices
integrate environmental information simultaneously over several
Great and sooty shearwaters entering the BoB can be detected
during a time period of 5 months from July to November. Recent
tracking information has shown that southern shearwaters might
not approach the BoB during certain years after staging in the
GoM from June to August (Welch and Ronconi, pers. commun.).
These birds might follow a mid-ocean route in their southward
return to the breeding grounds in the South Atlantic (Bourne,
1986). In fact, numbers of southern shearwaters in the northwest
Atlantic seem to be higher than in the noreast Atlantic (Bourne,

August 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 90 | 109

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FIGURE 6 | Generalized Additive Model output exploring the

relationship between monthly abundance patterns and potential
flying costs of the preceding month for (A) great and (B)
sooty shearwaters, respectively, from January 1996 to
December 2009. Dotted areas represent the 95% confidence

1986). Therefore, shearwaters might detour to the BoB during

certain environmental conditions related to food availability
and/or lack of favorable wind conditions (Dias et al., 2012).
In addition, another alternative hypothesis was suggested by
Bourne (1986) in that most southern shearwaters entering the
BoB to feed in upwelling areas might be non- or pre-breeders
(Bourne, 1986, but see Romay et al., 2009). In the case of great
shearwaters, breeders return synchronously to their burrows in
mid-September (Cuthbert, 2005) and, in turn, bird observed in
the BoB after this period should be considered as non-breeders.
Since shearwater at-sea observations were restricted to the
internal BoB at a monthly temporal scale, our results are limited
in precisely describing the timing of migratory flows. Cumulative
higher encounter rates were recorded during the months of
August and September for GRSH and September for SOSH.
Observations from the northernmost headland in Spain (i.e.,
Estaca de Bares which is an important gateway for Atlantic
seabirds, has shown the
apparent existence of different migratory flows for GRSH: a less
and more important in September and the first half of November,
respectively (Sandoval et al., 2009, 2010). In the case of SOSH,
the main migratory flow was identified from mid-September to
mid-October (Sandoval et al., 2009). Thus, observations from the
internal BoB were unable to detect the migratory flow of GRSH
during the first half of November observed in the southwestern
sector of the BoB, which might correspond to non-breeding
individuals (Bourne, 1986; Cuthbert, 2005).
Surprisingly, we found a negative relationship between the
abundance of sooty shearwaters and fish abundance, while
no relationship was found between great shearwaters and fish
abundance. We expected to obtain (if any) a positive relationship
between shearwater and fish abundance and our results could
be in part related to the difficulty of identifying the factors
influencing the decision of arriving/leaving specific wintering
areas during the non-breeding. When studying the joint effects
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Climate and migrating predators

interval. Tick marks on the horizontal axis show the distribution of

observations. The vertical axes describe the smoother term and
estimated degrees of freedom. These models accounted for the
24.8 and 23.3% of the explained deviance of GRSH and SOSH,

of climate and food abundance during breeding, closely related

species such as the Corys shearwater Calonectris diomedea did
show an important combined effect of climate (i.e., NAO) and
food availability (wind effects were not included) on the behavior
and foraging range (Paiva et al., 2013). Previous winter negative
NAO values may cause a decrease in food availability in foraging
grounds and force shearwaters to exploit remote areas and
consequently show lower reproductive rates (Paiva et al., 2013).
Thus, the distribution patterns of breeding adults might be more
affected by small-scale environmental conditions around their
nesting grounds, while during the non-breeding season they
would be more affected by large-scale environmental conditions.
This is partially supported by previous studies showing that
global climatic effects have an important effect at the longterm population level (e.g., adult survival) (Sandvik et al., 2005;
Genovart et al., 2013). These studies highlighted that adult
survival is mainly influenced by large scale climatic oscillations
and prey availability is generally a worse predictor, though
climatic factors could have an indirect effect possibly through the
food chain.
Here, we have studied the role of different environmental
drivers affecting the decadal abundance patterns of southern
hemisphere breeding shearwaters in the BoB. Within the foraging
process, environmental drivers are extrinsic factors that constrain
decision-making, while internal state (i.e., physiology that drives
the organism to fulfill energetic requirements) governs the
decision of foraging destinations (i.e., where and when to move,
Nathan et al., 2008). Thus, both extrinsic and intrinsic factors
play an important role and are intimately interlinked (OwenSmith et al., 2010). To further advance our knowledge of
migration ecology, we foresee that the quantification of energy
costs can be a valuable index integrating different processes at
the level of migration. By quantifying the energy needed for
pelagic birds to move, we will be able to understand how foragers
may move across the landscape in order to maximize net energy
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FIGURE 7 | (A) Time series of monthly wind speed and (B) potential flying cost (FC) from January 1996 to December 2009. Blue and red lines represent the month
preceding the staging period and the month arriving to the Bay of Biscay for sooty shearwaters since time series are the same for great shearwaters.

gain (Louzao et al., 2014). We acknowledge that we have only

considered a small portion of the migratory dynamic, but we have
provided an energetic understanding of Southern Hemisphere
breeding shearwater migratory dynamics in the North Atlantic.
Long-term time series data are crucial for understanding
the effects of changing ecosystems on wide-ranging predators,
since the first response of animals might be related to changes
in foraging traits (e.g., distribution), while demographic effects
might be evidenced in the long-term (Weimerskirch et al.,
2012). Research efforts studying climate effects have focused
more on population-level parameters such as population size,
breeding performance and survival rates (Frederiksen et al.,
2007). The study of the at-sea distribution of marine predators
is more challenging but can be overcome due to the advent of
tracking technologies. Therefore, integrative studies combining
observations from systematic cruises and tracking devices may be
able to provide a comprehensive picture of the effect of changing
ecosystems on widely distributed marine predators.

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Thanks to MarineLife observers collecting observations onboard
the P&O Ferries Pride of Bilbao, as well as to the company
for facilitating this study. Thanks to Sergi Prez-Jorge, Antonio
Sandoval, Pep Arcos, Jacob Gonzlez-Sols, Unai Cotano, and
Guillermo Boyra for fruitful discussions. ML was funded
by a Juan de la Cierva (JCI-2010-07639) and a Ramn
y Cajal (RYC-2012-09897) postdoctoral contract. This study
is a contribution to the CONPELHAB (PCIG09-GA-2011293774) and CHALLENGES (CTM2013-47032-R) projects. The
contribution number is 726 from AZTI.

Supplementary Material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:

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Climate and migrating predators

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Copyright 2015 Louzao, Afn, Santos and Brereton. This is an open-access article
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August 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 90 | 113

published: 25 March 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00033

Climate change and the increasing

impact of polar bears on bird
Jouke Prop 1*, Jon Aars 2 , Brd-Jrgen Brdsen 3 , Sveinn A. Hanssen 3 , Claus Bech 4 ,
Sophie Bourgeon 2 , Jimmy de Fouw 5 , Geir W. Gabrielsen 2 , Johannes Lang 6, 7 ,
Elin Noreen 4 , Thomas Oudman 5 , Benoit Sittler 7, 8 , Lech Stempniewicz 9, 10 ,
Ingunn Tombre 3 , Eva Wolters 11 and Brge Moe 12

Arctic Centre, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands, 2 FRAMHigh North Research Centre for Climate and the
Environment, Norwegian Polar Institute, Troms, Norway, 3 Arctic Ecology Department, FRAMHigh North Research Centre
for Climate and the Environment, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Troms, Norway, 4 Department of Biology,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, 5 Department of Marine Ecology, NIOZ Royal
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Den Burg, Netherlands, 6 Institute of Animal Ecology and Nature Education,
Gonterskirchen, Germany, 7 Groupe de Recherche en Ecologie Arctique, Francheville, France, 8 Chair for Landscape
Management, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 9 Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, University of
Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland, 10 Polish Polar Station Hornsund, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw,
Poland, 11 Branta Research, Ezinge, Netherlands, 12 Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Trondheim, Norway
Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Andrew Edward Derocher,
University of Alberta, Canada
Paul Allen Smith,
Environment Canada, Canada
Jouke Prop,
Arctic Centre, University of Groningen,
PO Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen,
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, a
section of the journal Frontiers in
Ecology and Evolution
Received: 30 November 2014
Accepted: 11 March 2015
Published: 25 March 2015
Prop J, Aars J, Brdsen B-J, Hanssen
SA, Bech C, Bourgeon S, de Fouw J,
Gabrielsen GW, Lang J, Noreen E,
Oudman T, Sittler B, Stempniewicz L,
Tombre I, Wolters E and Moe B (2015)
Climate change and the increasing
impact of polar bears on bird
populations. Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:33.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00033

The Arctic is becoming warmer at a high rate, and contractions in the extent of sea ice are
currently changing the habitats of marine top-predators dependent on ice. Polar bears
(Ursus maritimus) depend on sea ice for hunting seals. For these top-predators, longer
ice-free seasons are hypothesized to force the bears to hunt for alternative terrestrial
food, such as eggs from colonial breeding birds. We analyzed time-series of polar bear
observations at four locations on Spitsbergen (Svalbard) and one in east Greenland.
Summer occurrence of polar bears, measured as the probability of encountering bears
and the number of days with bear presence, has increased significantly from the
1970/80s to the present. The shifts in polar bear occurrence coincided with trends for
shorter sea ice seasons and less sea ice during the spring in the study area. This resulted
in a strong inverse relationship between the probability of bear encounters on land and
the length of the sea ice season. Within, 10 years after their first appearance on land,
polar bears had advanced their arrival dates by almost 30 days. Direct observations of
nest predation showed that polar bears may severely affect reproductive success of the
barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis), common eider (Somateria mollissima) and glaucous
gull (Larus hyperboreus). Nest predation was strongest in years when the polar bears
arrived well before hatch, with more than 90% of all nests being predated. The results
are similar to findings from Canada, and large-scale processes, such as climate and
subsequent habitat changes, are pinpointed as the most likely drivers in various parts
of the Arctic. We suggest that the increasing, earlier appearance of bears on land in
summer reflects behavioral adaptations by a small segment of the population to cope
with a reduced hunting range on sea ice. This exemplifies how behavioral adaptations
may contribute to the cascading effects of climate change.
Keywords: cascading effects, colonial breeding birds, depredation, global warming, polar bear, seabirds, sea ice

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Polar bear predation on bird eggs



Understanding causes and consequences of climate-related shifts

in ecosystem functioning, as well as the role of focal species in
these processes, is currently a dominant theme in ecology. In the
Arctic, temperature has increased at a rate two to three times
faster than at southerly latitudes (Post et al., 2009). As a consequence, the rapid environmental changes that are taking place
can be directly attributed to global warming (Gilg et al., 2012).
The decrease in the extent of sea ice is on the order of 5% per
decade in the Arctic (Liu et al., 2004; Serreze et al., 2007), and
it is expected that this trend of disappearing sea ice will continue with the strongest losses predicted in the southern Arctic
seas, including the Barents Sea area. Changes in the physical
environment linked with global warming have become evident
in the marine food web, for example, by shifts in the breeding
phenology of sea birds (Barbraud and Weimerskirch, 2006; Moe
et al., 2009). The Arctic terrestrial ecosystem has been affected
as well, which includes changes in ecosystem functioning such as
increased primary production (Madsen et al., 2011; Sistla et al.,
One of the species directly affected by global warming is the
polar bear (Ursus maritimus) whose life history is closely tied
to sea ice (Lunn and Stirling, 1985; Ramsay and Hobson, 1991).
Evidence is accumulating that polar bears are suffering from a
warming climate and associated loss of sea ice habitat (Stirling
et al., 1999; Derocher et al., 2004; Stirling and Derocher, 2012). It
is expected that continued sea ice reductions will severely affect
polar bear populations (Durner et al., 2009), which will force
them into terrestrial ecosystems during the summer months in
search of food (Stempniewicz, 1993; Drent and Prop, 2008; Rockwell and Gormezano, 2009; Smith et al., 2010; Hanssen et al.,
2013; Prop et al., 2013; Iverson et al., 2014). Several studies have
documented that polar bears on land can potentially have a large
impact on their prey, in particular when bears feed on bird eggs
(Drent and Prop, 2008; Smith et al., 2010; Prop et al., 2013;
Iverson et al., 2014).
The occurrence of polar bears on land raises two fundamental questions. Firstly, what are the underlying causes of this shift?
A major cause could be related to changes in sea ice conditions,
as suggested by Iverson et al. (2014). Secondly, what is the role
of polar bears as a novel top-predator in terrestrial habitats near
the coast? To examine the role of polar bears in these terrestrial
habitats, direct observations are needed, and these should be carried out including the periods before and after the appearance of
In this paper, we document changes in the summer distribution of polar bears by exploring their relative presence at several
locations on Spitsbergen and one location in Greenland. Based
on the patterns of occurrence, which were collected over a period
of >40 years, we assess the factors that may have contributed to
the summer range expansion of polar bears. We test the hypothesis that the bear incursions on land are related to changes in sea
ice conditions. Furthermore, we explore the effects of polar bears
on the reproductive success of colonial breeding birds at one of
our study locations.

Study Areas

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Observations were collected along the west coast of Spitsbergen, which is the largest island in the Svalbard archipelago, and
the east coast of Greenland. The study areas on Spitsbergen are
composed of flat tundra stretches of up to 15 km wide, delineated by steep mountains and glaciers (Hisdal, 1998). Large fjords
intersect the area, and islands are scattered along the coast, with
many of these areas hosting breeding colonies of barnacle geese
(Branta leucopsis), common eiders (Somateria mollissima) and
glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus). Further bird nesting aggregations occur on tundra flats [e.g., colonies of pink-footed geese
(Anser brachyrhynchus)], shore cliffs, and mountains (Kovacs and
Lydersen, 2006).
Traill Island is part of the North East Greenland coastal fringe
that is deeply indented by a network of long fjords. At the outer
coast, the extent of annual landfast ice is delineated by a sharp ice
edge that separates it from southward moving drift ice of varying
extent, originating from the Arctic Ocean. The coastal zones contain breeding habitats for several bird species (Boertmann, 1994).
In contrast to Svalbard, barnacle geese breed here exclusively on
cliffs, and this applies also to small aggregations of glaucous gulls.
Arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea), common eiders and long-tailed
ducks (Clangula hyemalis) mainly nest on small rocky islands.
These species may delay onset of breeding until ice breakup in
We compiled data from a total of five locations in Svalbard
and Greenland: Hornsund, Bellsund, Nordenskildkysten, and
Kongsfjorden on the west coast of Spitsbergen (7779 N); and
Traill Island on the east coast of Greenland (7273 N) (Figure 1).
Descriptions of these locations are in Supplement 1.

Biological Data
Bear Occurrence
Observations were initiated in the 1970s or 1980s and continued until recently (Table 1). We restricted our analyses to June
July on Spitsbergen and 15 June15 August in Greenland, where
coastal ice breaks up later. The time spent by the biologists in the
field averaged over the years and locations was 44 days, but this
varied among years and locations (Supplement 1, Table S1).
The five locations differed in the way the observations were
recorded and which data were obtained (Table 1). From all the
locations, we had information on annual bear presence, which
is a binary variable denoting whether at least one bear had
been observed or not. However, all polar bear observations were
recorded in Nordenskildkysten, Kongsfjorden and Traill Island,
which enabled us to calculate the number of bear days (e.g., two
bear days may result from either two individuals being present
for 1 day or one bear staying for 2 days).
Study localities may have differed in observation effort and
detectability of bears. On Nordenskildkysten, daily observations were collected from several vantage points, including an
observation tower that provided an extensive overview over the
wide landscape. No observation towers were used at the other
locations, but the nearby surroundings were scanned for polar

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Polar bear predation on bird eggs

bears as a measure of field safety. In all cases, the observations

were done by experienced observers while doing fieldwork, typically on breeding birds. The spatial and temporal scale of the
fieldwork was comparable between successive years within locations. We expect that any differences in detection probabilities
were consistent over the years; thus, they should not affect any of
the trends that we report.

Predation Rates on Birds

Polar bear predation rates on birds were obtained on Nordenskildkysten during the years 20042014 (all years except
20052006). On the island Diabasya, which hosts the main bird

FIGURE 1 | Location of the study areas: (1) Hornsund, (2) Bellsund, (3)
Nordenskildkysten, (4) Kongsfjorden (14 on Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
and (5) Traill Island (east Greenland). Supplement 1 provides detailed
maps of each of the areas (Figure S1), a photographic impression of the study
animals (Figure S2), and a map indicating the locations of sea ice extractions
(Figure S3).

colony of the area (Supplement 1, Figure S1), nests were monitored 616 h per day during the period that nesting geese or
eiders were present. An observation tower on the mainland provided a good view of the island, which was 100 m off shore.
Nests in view of the tower were mapped on high-resolution photographs of the island, which enabled us to assess the breeding
history of individual birds. The species concerned were the barnacle goose, common eider and glaucous gull. As gull nests were
not restricted to the island, all nests on rocky outcrops in adjacent
bays visible from the observation tower were also recorded. Daily
nest records included the following categories: settling (nest owners exhibit territorial behavior, and/or extensive nest building),
incubating, nest predated (eggs or chicks taken by polar bear),
nest successful (at least one egg hatching), and nest abandoned
(nest owners abandon the nest territory, usually associated with
removal of eggs by glaucous gulls). After the breeding season, all
nests in the colony were mapped to determine the total number
of nest sites for each species. Geese and eiders were only vulnerable to polar bear predation during the egg phase and during
the first day after hatching, after which they departed from the
colony; glaucous gulls had an extended period of predation as
unfledged chicks stayed in the colony. Further details are given
in Supplement 1 (MethodsEstablishing predation rates).
We calculated two measures of predation intensity. (1) For
each observation year (2004, 20072014), the closely monitored nests were used to calculate the proportion of predated nest attempts for species S as PNPs = (number of nest
predationss )/(number of nest attemptss ). We obtained this measure only for barnacle geese and glaucous gulls as the number of common eider nests in view was too low to assume an
unbiased sample. (2) In 20092014, we determined the number
of bear predations by non-stop records of polar bear behavior
in the breeding colony. For these years, we obtained a measure of predation intensity, which is different from the previous measure by considering the number of (physical) nest sites
rather than nest attempts: the predation ratio PRs = (number of
predationss )/(number of nests locationss ). This ratio may exceed
1.0 as a nest site may be used by several successive individuals, and thus potentially predated multiple times through the
season. Further details are given in Supplement 1 (Methods
Establishing predation rates).

TABLE 1 | Summary of variables on biological data and sea ice acquired for the different locations.


Traill Island



19722012 (30)



Bear presence (0 or 1)

19772014 (25)

19822014 (26)


Bear days

19772014 (25)

19822014 (26)


Bear occurrence dates

20042014 (9)

Bear predation rates on birds

20042014 (9)





20042014 (9)






Large-scale, at sea
Fine-scale, fjords/coastal

Listed are the time periods for when data was available. For incomplete time series, numbers of years with data are given in parenthesis. Locations are listed in order of data extent.
See Methods and Supplement 1 for a full description of the variables. For location of the ice data areas, see Supplement 1, Figures S3 and S4.

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Sea Ice Data

Large-Scale Conditions at Sea
To assess large-scale conditions of sea ice, we downloaded data
on sea ice concentrations from the website of the University of
Colorado [see Supplement 1 (MethodsLarge-scale sea ice data)
for link]. We extracted daily sea ice concentrations from the
period 19792013 (Table 1) from four 25 25 km cells at each of
six different locations: southwest Spitsbergen, west Spitsbergen,
northwest Spitsbergen, north Spitsbergen, east Spitsbergen, and
east Greenland (Supplement 1, Figure S3). Sea ice formation and
disappearance follow a seasonal pattern with maximum concentrations in late winter (usually March) and minimum in autumn
(usually September). We therefore structured each year of data as
the period from 1 September to 31 August (Supplement 2, Figures
S1S6). By using a threshold sea ice concentration of 30% based
on work in the Canadian Arctic (Iverson et al., 2014), we then
calculated two sea ice indices. The length of the ice season was
calculated as the number of days from the first day with sea ice
>30% to the last day with sea ice >30%. The latter was also used
to define the start of the ice-free season. When sea ice concentrations were never above 30% during a year, start of the ice-free
season was set at 0 (1 January). We also calculated monthly mean
sea ice concentrations for April, May, June and July.

Fine-Scale Conditions in Fjords and Coastal Sites

As opposed to the large-scale data, fine-scale data on sea ice conditions were only available for the most recent years (Table 1).
We downloaded ice maps for 2004 and 20072014 (AprilJuly)
from to describe ice conditions in coastal
areas in relation to the timing of bird breeding seasons. The maps
are high-resolution sea ice concentration charts that are mainly
based on weather-independent images from the Radarsat-2 satellite. The spatial resolution is sufficiently high (approximately
50 m) to analyze ice conditions in coastal areas, including fjords.
Ice concentrations are classified by six categories. For the purpose of our study, we selected the three densest categories:
dense drift ice (7090% cover), very dense drift ice (90100%),
and fast ice. Ice data were analyzed for the coastal areas of
Hornsund (southwest Spitsbergen), Bellsund/Van Mijenfjorden
(west Spitsbergen), Kongsfjorden/Krossfjorden (northwest Spitsbergen), Woodfjorden (north Spitsbergen), Isbukta, Kvalvgen,
Dunrbukta, and Srporten (east Spitsbergen), and Traill Island
(east Greenland) (see Supplement 1, Figure S4, for locations).
Annual ice availability was characterized in two ways: (1) the ice
data were aggregated by season to estimate the average amount
of ice; and (2) the sea ice data were subjected to a non-linear
(4-parameter) logistic regression (Sebaugh, 2011) to estimate the
date of peak ice melt. To do this, we extracted the inflection point
of the curves (the steepest part of the curve, midway the lower and
upper asymptotes) in these regressions. In addition, the ice data
were aggregated by 5-day periods to describe location-specific
melt patterns.

We used the program R (version 3.1.1, R Development Core
Team, 2014) for statistical analyses. Linear models (lm) were

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Polar bear predation on bird eggs

used to test for temporal trends of the ice indices. Annual numbers of bear days were analyzed as a function of year and location by generalized linear models with a Poisson distribution. To
account for overdispersion in the data, a quasi-GLM (glm, family = quasipoisson, link = log) was fitted to correct the standard
errors (Zuur et al., 2009). Non-significant terms (P > 0.05) were
dropped from the model to refit the model with the remaining
Logistic regression (glm, family = binomial, link = logit)
models were used to analyze annual polar bear presence (binary
response, 0 = no bears observed, 1 = at least one bear observed)
as a function of year, location and sea ice conditions. In order to
choose one index among the closely related variables for largescale sea ice conditions, we followed Iverson et al. (2014) and
started with comparing models that related bear presence to location and the various sea ice indices (Supplement 4, Table S1).
Length of the ice season was the ice index most strongly related to
bear presence, and we used this variable in subsequent analyses.
To test to what extent polar bear presence was associated with ice
conditions, the first logistic regression model that we generated
included length of ice season and location as explanatory variables. Length of the sea ice season and year were closely correlated
(Supplement 3, Table S1), which precluded testing their effects
simultaneously. Instead, we tested if polar bears responded to
deviations in ice conditions from long-term trends by calculating
detrended values of length of the ice season, using the residuals from the regression of length of the ice season with year. The
second model, therefore, included year, location, and detrended
length of ice season as explanatory variables.
To test for trends over the years in within-season patterns,
we analyzed date of polar bear observations by a linear mixed
model (lme) with year (centered at the mean) as covariate for
the fixed variables. To account for within-year dependencies of
observations, year was included as a random factor. Analysis
was restricted to observations on Nordenskildkysten, the area
with most detailed bear observations. A similar analysis was performed to test if bear occurrence was associated with variation
in the date of peak ice melt as a measure of ice phenology (see
above) in nearby fjords (Bellsund/Van Mijenfjord, indicated as
W in Supplement 1, Figure S4).
The ratios of the numbers of predations and numbers of nests
were compared among species by a Two-Way ANOVA including
species and year as factors.

Temporal Trends in Sea Ice Conditions
Large-scale sea ice conditions changed substantially during 1979
2013 in the study areas (Figure 2, Supplement 2, Figures S1S6).
Monthly sea ice cover dropped significantly over time for almost
all months and all areas (Supplement 3, Table S1). In east Greenland, sea ice cover did not decrease over time in April or May but
did so in June and July.
Length of sea ice season dropped over the years, on average by
3.5 days/year (Supplement 3, Table S1). The strongest decrease
was in north Spitsbergen (5.5) and southwest Spitsbergen

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Polar bear predation on bird eggs

FIGURE 2 | Sea ice concentration (% cover) (left), length of the ice season (days) and start of the ice-free season (days from 1 January) (right) for the
period 19792013 in selected plots off Spitsbergen (E, SW, W, NW, N) and Greenland (E). Ice concentrations are given for April, May, June and July separately.

(4.2), and the weakest was in east Spitsbergen (1.7) and east
Greenland (1.8).
Start of the ice-free season advanced by 2.0 days/year (see
Supplement 3, Table S1). The strongest advancement was in
northwest Spitsbergen (3.9 d earlier per year) and west Spitsbergen (2.3), and weakest in east Spitsbergen (0.6) and east
Greenland (1.1).
Seasonal timing of the sea ice breakup varied among areas
(Figure 3). Sea ice dropped below a concentration of 30% during

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the bird nesting season (=June to mid-July) in the open seas and
coastal areas of north and east Spitsbergen and in east Greenland,
and in the coastal area of west Spitsbergen. In other areas, sea ice
breakup occurred before the nesting season.

Bear Observations
Annual Number of Polar Bear Days
Polar bears were only occasionally seen in the summers of 1980
2000 in the study areas on the west coast of Spitsbergen and

March 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 33 | 118

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FIGURE 3 | Left panels. Large-scale sea ice concentration (% cover)

throughout the months of AprilJuly in areas off the coast of
Spitsbergen and Greenland. Separately indicated are averages for
19791984 and 20082013. Right panels. Local sea ice cover (area

east coast of Greenland. This changed drastically from the early

2000s onwards, when polar bears became regular summer visitors (Figure 4). Annual numbers of bear days increased exponentially, on average, by 15% each year (Table 2), a rate which
did not differ between locations (the interaction term between
year and location was not significant; Table 2). Bear numbers
differed among locations, with those in Kongsfjorden and Traill
Island being 31% and 61% of numbers on Nordenskildkysten
(Table 2).

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Polar bear predation on bird eggs

covered by fast ice or drift ice denser than 70%) throughout AprilJuly
in the fjords or coastal sites of Spitsbergen and Greenland (20082013).
Shading indicates the period of sea bird nesting (approximately 1
June15 July for all areas).

Annual Probability of Polar Bear Presence

The probability of polar bears being present was negatively
related to length of the ice season (Figure 5A, Table 3A), indicating that more bears were encountered on land in years
when the ice season was short. The intercept of the regression differed among locations, which underlines the additional
importance of spatial variation. Polar bear presence was not
related to detrended values of the length of the ice season
(Table 3B). We, thus, did not find evidence that bears respond to

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FIGURE 4 | The number of polar bear days in summer as a function of

year and location. Locations are Nordenskildkysten and Kongsfjorden on
Spitsbergen, and Traill Island in Greenland. The observation periods in summer
were JuneJuly on Spitsbergen and 15 June15 August on Traill Island. The
curves are based on the model in Table 2.

TABLE 2 | Modeling the number of polar bear days in June and July by
study location and year (19722014).

























Locations are Nordenskildkysten (NK), Kongsfjorden (KF), and Traill Island (TI). Data
were analyzed by Poisson GLM and corrected for overdispersion by a factor 5.30. Nonsignificant terms were dropped from the final model. Model results are on a log scale.
Location Nordenskildkysten was used as the reference category.
Residual deviance 200.21, df = 69.
Terms not included in the final model: Year Location.
Year was centered at the mean value and the intercept must be interpreted accordingly.

year-to-year fluctuations in sea ice deviating from the long-term

Associated with the ice effects, the probability of polar
bears being present in summer increased steeply over the years
(Figure 5B, Table 3B), with a similar rate of increase across
locations (the interaction term between year and location was
not significant). Notably, the significantly different intercepts for
the locations (Table 3B) showed that polar bears appeared in
each of the areas at different times (Figure 5B). Bears appeared
first in Hornsund in the 1990s. Later, polar bears appeared in
Bellsund, Traill Island, Nordenskildkysten, and Kongsfjorden
(Figure 5B).

Within-Season Occurrence of Polar Bears

On Nordenskildkysten, polar bear occurrence shifted forward
by 3.0 days/year (SE = 0.83; df = 7, t = 3.64, P = 0.008)
during 20042014 (Figure 6A). With respect to the date of peak
ice melt in adjacent fjords, the advancement was by 2.1 days/year
(SE = 1.36; df = 7, t = 1.52, P = 0.17). In a year-by-year
comparison, bear occurrence was not related to the date of peak
ice melt (df = 7, t = 0.31, P = 0.76).

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FIGURE 5 | Probability of polar bear encounter in summer as a function

of (A) length of the ice season and location, and (B) year and location.
Locations are Hornsund, Bellsund, Nordenskildkysten and Kongsfjorden on
Spitsbergen, and Traill Island in Greenland. The observation periods were
limited to JuneJuly on Spitsbergen and 15 June15 August on Traill Island.
The curves are based on the logistic regression models in Table 3.

Polar Bear Predation in Bird Colonies

The number of barnacle goose nests in the main study
colony on Nordenskildkysten fluctuated between 340 (2004)
and 520 (2012), without a significant trend over the years
(y = 413.3 + 10.37 Year (centered at the mean), R2 = 0.241,
P = 0.18). During this period, the number of successful nests
varied between 0 and 85, with the percentage of nests predated
by polar bears ranging from 0 to 91% (Figure 6B). Highest
predation occurred in the years when the first bears appeared
in June, well before bird eggs hatched (Pearson correlation
coefficient between predation rate and arrival date of the first
bear = 0.75, n = 9, P = 0.021). The average predation ratio
of barnacle goose nests (the ratio of number of predations and
number of nest sites) was 0.93 (SD 0.28) (Figure 7).
The average number of common eider nests was 140 (SD 25.8)
without a significant trend over the years 20092014 (y = 144.9
2.31 Year (centered at the mean), R2 = 0.028, P = 0.75). The
predation ratio was 0.82 (SD 0.33), which is similar to that in the
barnacle goose (Figure 7).
The average number of glaucous gull nests in the main study
colony and surroundings was 45 (SD = 2.8). Gulls hatched their
eggs approximately 1 week earlier than barnacle geese and common eiders, but this did not make them less vulnerable to polar
bear predation. Gull chicks, which were reared in the colony,
were easy prey for bears. During 20092014, the predation ratio
was 0.93 (SD 0.08).

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Polar bear predation on bird eggs

TABLE 3 | Modeling the probability of polar bear presence in June and

July during 19792013 by (A) length of the ice season and study location,
and (B) year, detrended length of the ice season and study location.




Length of ice season




< 0.001




< 0.001





















Residual deviance = 144.5, df = 116.









< 0.001





Detrended length of ice season















< 0.001






Residual deviance = 94.6, df = 115.

Locations are Hornsund (HS), Bellsund (BS), Nordenskildkysten (NK), Kongsfjorden
(KF), Traill Island (TI). Data were analyzed by GLM with a binomial distribution. Location
Hornsund was the reference category in the analyses.

When a new predator enters the scene, the delicate balance
between predators and their prey may be perturbed (Bell et al.,
2010; Sih et al., 2010). Polar bears colonizing coastal areas, from
which they have been absent for a long time, is an example of
this situation. Below, we discuss why polar bears have recently
extended their summer range toward the terrestrial habitats
of west Spitsbergen and east Greenland. We propose that the
increased number of bears on land predating bird nests is due
to the lack of sea ice on which bears can hunt seals in summer.
This process may have been strengthened in west Spitsbergen by
a recent expansion into areas that had been occupied by bears
year round before humans arrived but thereafter became devoid
of bears in summer. Ln (1970) refers to an expedition led by
Jonas Poole in JuneJuly in 1610 to western Spitsbergen, where
27 polar bears were killed and 5 cubs were captured alive (confirming the account of the Willem Barentsz voyage in 1596; de
Veer, 1598). Although polar bears must have been common in
summer in the area then, Ln argues based on later reports from
Norwegian trappers that they were rarely encountered in summer
on the west coast in the 19th century. He also argues that a larger
local stock of bears may have been present year round before the
collapse of the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) population.

Polar Bears on Land

The west coast of Spitsbergen has little sea ice in most years,
and summer observations of bears in the periods free of sea ice

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |

FIGURE 6 | (A) Occurrence of polar bears on Nordenskildkysten (west

Spitsbergen) in summers 20042014 (no observations in 2005 and 2006).
95% of all nest predations took place between 9 June and 9 July (dates
160190). Separately indicated are polar bears that predated bird nests and
those that were not observed eating eggs. The regression line (based on all
records in a linear mixed model) is y = 190.1 3.01 Year; df = 7, t = 3.64,
P = 0.008; Year centered at the mean. (B) The proportions of barnacle goose
nest attempts aborted by polar bear predation in the main study colony on
Nordenskildkysten, 20042014. Numbers represent the sample size of
intensively monitored barnacle goose nests included in the analyses. na
means that no observations were available.

have been relatively rare at least in the later decades of the 20th
century. The east coast of Greenland hosts a polar bear population that used to roam the extensive drift ice offshore, only
infrequently showing up at coastal tundra sites (Born et al., 1997;
Wiig et al., 2003; Laidre et al., 2013). The bears that we observed
during the past years were either in transit or they were extensively feeding on eggs in bird colonies. Incidentally, polar bears
have also been observed feeding on carcasses of muskox (Ovibos
moschatus) (Greenland) or reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) (see also
Gormezano and Rockwell, 2013; Stempniewicz et al., 2014). The
presence of polar bears in areas that used to be devoid of bears,
often feeding on items that are regarded as relatively unimportant
energy sources compared to their staple food (Derocher et al.,
2004; Stirling, 2011), fits well with records from other parts of
the Arctic (Schliebe et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2010; Iverson et al.,
2014). This suggests that polar bears more frequently occurring
on land is a circumpolar phenomenon.
We hypothesized that occurrence of polar bears on land is
related to sea ice conditions. In line with earlier findings (Serreze
et al., 2007; Moe et al., 2009) we report a high rate of sea ice disappearing. The large spatial variation in sea ice abundance and rate
of disappearance over the years corresponds to patterns found
at the scale of the entire Arctic (Cavalieri and Parkinson, 2012;
Meier et al., 2014). Average annual reduction in length of the ice

March 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 33 | 121

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FIGURE 7 | Intensity of polar bear predation on barnacle goose,

common eider and glaucous gull nests in the main study colony on
Nordenskildkysten during 20092014, as measured by the ratio of
numbers of predations and numbers of nest sites. A nest site may be
used by successive nest owners, and, therefore, nests were predated up to
three times within a single season. Indicated are the numbers of nests in the
colony. Ratios do not differ among species [F(2, 10) = 0.58, P = 0.57, while
accounting for year effects].

season, a proxy of polar bear habitat availability, dropped by 3.5

days per year. Within our selection of study areas, the smallest
reductions in ice season length occurred in east Spitsbergen and
east Greenland. The area of east Spitsbergen is very important to
the Barents Sea polar bear population (Ln, 1970) due to the
cold water and good access to sea ice much of the year. However,
in summer and autumn, many of the bears that use this area in
winter and spring will be further east and north on the pack ice
(Mauritzen et al., 2001; Aars et al., 2009).
The number of bear days on land showed a consistent increase
after polar bears colonized a specific area, although the data suggest a deceleration during the last couple of years of the study
period. Given the high degree of seasonal site fidelity in polar
bears (Mauritzen et al., 2001; Stirling et al., 2004; Zeyl et al., 2009;
Lone et al., 2013), we suppose that a more or less permanent
group of bears roamed the west coast of Spitsbergen in summer.
If so, this group may be on the order of a few dozen individuals, based on the number of bears reported every year to the
marine mammal sighting database (
managed by the Norwegian Polar Institute. This number is also
in accordance with a survey in August 2004 when 31 bears
were counted along the coast of Spitsbergen (Aars et al., 2009),
although numbers on land may have increased since then. We,
thus, suspect that the number of polar bears along the west
coast consists of a modest fraction of the Barents Sea population
estimated at 2650 (Aars et al., 2009).
While some of the bears are likely local to the west coast of
Spitsbergen year round, others may be visitors from the fjords
in north Spitsbergen, and some are from east Spitsbergen. Visual
observations and telemetry data show that polar bears move with
drifting sea ice around the southern tip of Spitsbergen from
east to west, and often eastwards into Hornsund where they
may stay or cross the glacier back to Storfjorden on the east
coast (Lydersen et al., 2002; unpublished data, Norwegian Polar

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Polar bear predation on bird eggs

Institute). This migration route linking the areas in east and west
likely explains why Hornsund was the area where bears occurred
earliest in the bird colonies.
Polar bear presence on land showed a strong negative relationship with the length of the ice season when accounting for
variation among locations. This is on par with recent studies that
showed a clear link between bear movements to terrestrial habitats and sea ice conditions (Cherry et al., 2013; Iverson et al., 2014;
but see Stirling et al., 2004). That is not to say that sea ice conditions are the only factor determining polar bear numbers and distribution. We found that year of observation was a stronger predictor of bear presence than length of the ice season, even though
both were closely correlated. This indicates that other factors
contributed to the trend of increasing numbers of bears on land.
An important reason for an increasing number of bears on the
west coast may be due to bears recolonizing areas where they used
to be present before they were heavily hunted for about a hundred
years, until 1973 (Ln, 1970). Maternity denning in areas of west
Spitsbergen has not been described in earlier literature despite
several dedicated studies but has been recorded several times in
recent years (Andersen et al., 2012). A recolonization may also be
triggered by a likely increase in the population size at least until
recently (Derocher, 2005). It seems, therefore, that an increasing
number of bears have started using the west coast, searching land
for food when sea ice is absent.
The population in east Greenland is still hunted, although
not at the intensity as in Svalbard in former days (Rosing-Asvid,
2002), and the increased occurrence on land is, thus, not likely to
be explained by recolonization. Instead, a shift in habitat use may
be associated with a decrease in sea ice habitat; thus, bears are
forced onto land for longer periods than in earlier years. It seems,
therefore, that large-scale processes, such as climate and subsequent habitat changes, are a common driver but that population
history plays an additional role.
Habitat choice depends on the quality of each of the habitats considered (Fretwell and Lucas, 1970), and any change in
quality is reflected in allocation of time over the habitats (Mauritzen et al., 2003; Schreiber, 2012). Thus, the changes in polar
bear numbers that we observed might be due toor strengthened bydevelopments in the recently colonized coastal habitat.
Use of bird eggs as a food source for polar bears was already
described by Ln (1970) in Svalbard. It has been suggested that
eggs allow individual bears to have a high energy intake (Rockwell and Gormezano, 2009). During the past decades, this potential food source became more widespread in the coastal zones of
Spitsbergen (Drent et al., 1998) and Greenland (Madsen et al.,
2011). Concurrent with the growth of the Svalbard goose populations, goose numbers in coastal areas have increased by a factor
of three (barnacle geese) or four (pink-footed geese) (Mehlum,
1998; Goosemap et al., 2013; Black et al., 2014). Other alternative
food sources may also further increase the value of the summer
habitat to these bears. Increasing numbers of harbor seals (Phoca
vitulina) have been spreading along the coasts of Spitsbergen in
later years (Lydersen et al., 2002). Walrus haul-out sites are also
increasing, due to a fast growing population (Kovacs et al., 2014).
In Greenland, muskox carcasses may also be a source of energy
for polar bears on land. Due to the increasing frostmelt events

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in winter during the last decades (Gilg et al., 2009), the number
of available carcasses has increased (BS, unpublished data).

Earlier Arrival on Land by Polar Bears

Polar bears occurred at the coastal site of Nordenskildkysten earlier each year, and we have obtained evidence that bears
arrived progressively earlier relative to the date of peak sea ice
melt. Due to this rapid advancement, polar bear occurrence has
undergone a striking change relative to the breeding season of
colonial birds, in particular geese and eider. Initially, bears used
to show up from the end of incubation onwards, whereas in most
recent years, the first bears arrived during the early nest phase.
This suggests that bears have adapted seasonal movements after
experiences with new food resources. The phenomenon of bears
returning to familiar, profitable sites is in agreement with the
observation that polar bears repeatedly visit areas where they
have been before (Mauritzen et al., 2001; Zeyl et al., 2009; Andersen et al., 2012; Lone et al., 2013). Our observations additionally
suggest that polar bears adapt quickly once they have discovered new hunting opportunities. Indeed, there is strong pressure
for early exploitation: (1) to hit the peak of egg availability; (2)
to arrive before competing bears; and (3) to arrive before birds
abandon their nests en masse as may happen at any time during
inclement weather, which is what occurred during the breeding
season of 2013.

Polar Bear Predation on Eggs

Polar bear predation was particularly severe on offshore island
colonies of barnacle geese, common eiders and glaucous gulls.
Some polar bears also preyed on aggregations of pink-footed
goose nests further inland (Prop et al., 2013). Earlier arrival by
bears in the colonies resulted in higher proportions of predated
nests. Predation often led to nest territories being occupied by
goose pairs that otherwise might have had difficulties in obtaining a nest site (Black et al., 2014), which increased the number of
eggs available to bears later in the season.
Adult survival is a main determinant of population growth
rates in long-lived species (Caswell, 2001). Reproductive costs
are usually high due to impaired survival of successful pairs
(Black et al., 2014). As such, a single predation event may not
reduce the lifetime reproduction of an individual much because
of the chances to reproduce another year. Breeding failure in
Arctic-nesting birds is common, due to inclement weather or
adverse snow conditions (Prop and de Vries, 1993; Yannic et al.,
2014), and birds rely on the most favorable (and consequently
most productive) years. However, polar bear predation will lower
the reproductive outputs during favorable years. When possibilities to compensate an annual 1015% mortality (Wilson et al.,
2007; Allard et al., 2010; Black et al., 2014) are lost in any year,
maintaining the local population at a constant level is unlikely.
Surprisingly, the numbers of nests in the colony for either
species remained relatively stable (Figure 7), which suggests that
recruitment took place by birds arriving from elsewhere.
Polar bears act as top-predators in marine ecosystems or
coastal ecosystems between sea and land. They have been documented to play a role in the population dynamics of light-bellied
brent geese (Branta bernicla hrota) by visiting breeding locations in eastern Svalbard in years with dense sea ice in summer
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Polar bear predation on bird eggs

(Madsen et al., 1998). Our observations indicate that the ecological amplitude of polar bears in the Arctic ecosystem has broadened. We witnessed: (1) polar bears extending their range toward
the coastal areas of west Spitsbergen and east Greenland; and (2) a
persistent effect of polar bears on colonial breeding birds, including barnacle geese, common eiders and glaucous gulls, by high
predation rates. We obtained evidence that these changes were
driven by shifts in sea ice conditions, but we cannot rule out the
possibility of a complex set of corroborating factors. Nevertheless, the number of polar bears exploiting the coastal habitat was
small, and we suspect that there is little scope for further increase
in numbers. This underlines the importance of the sea ice habitat
to support current population levels of polar bears.

We sincerely thank the people involved in fieldwork and data collection, in particular: Krzysztof Adamski, Mateusz Barcikowski,
Krzysztof Czajka, Lech Iliszko, Dariusz Jakubas, Jacek Jania, Liliana Keslinka, Dorota Kidawa, Leszek Kolondra, Anna Kowalska, Krzysztof Migaa, Mateusz Moskalik, Andrzej Pachuta,
Jerzy Pereyma, Witold Szczucinski, Jan Marcin Wesawski,
Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas, Barbara Wojtasik, and Marek
Zajaczkowski in Hornsund; Louis Nielsen on Eholmen in Bellsund; Tom van Spanje, Roeland Bom, Oebele Dijk, Arjen Drost,
Larry Griffin, Brian Morrell, Annette Scheepstra, and Ronald
Visser on Nordenskildkysten; Francois Criscuolo, Olivier Chastel, Tore Nordstad, Anette Fenstad, Vegard Brthen, Dagfinn
Breivik Skoms, Solveig Nilsen, Elise Skottene, Nora Bjrnlid,
Heidi Kilen, Elise Biersma, Maarten Loonen, and Kjell Tore
Hansen in Kongsfjorden. Many thanks to Martin Biuw for developing scripts for ice extraction, Dick Visser for preparing the
figures, Esther Chang (eScribe) for editorial support, Christiane
Hbner and Arthur Glaser (Mountain Hardwear-NL) for logistic help. We are grateful to the late Rudi Drent for guidance. We
thank the Governor of Svalbard for permissions to do field work,
Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund for funding the analyses, and Arctic Field Grant (Svalbard Science Forum, Research
Council of Norway) and FRAMHigh North Research Centre
for Climate and the Environment for funding field work. We also
thank the many private donators, Huib Kluijver Fund (NOU),
Willem Barentsz Polar Institute (Groningen), and the INNO
Fund of WWF-NL for supporting the work on Nordenskildkysten. For the study in Greenland, we sincerely acknowledge the
Government of Greenland (Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Nature
and Environment) in Nuuk for granting access and research permits to do field work in the National Park on a yearly basis. Likewise, generous support was received from University of Freiburg
as well as from the GREA (Groupe de Recherche en Ecologie
Arctique, We also thank two anonymous reviewers and the Editor for their valuable comments on
the manuscript.

Supplementary Material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
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Copyright 2015 Prop, Aars, Brdsen, Hanssen, Bech, Bourgeon, de Fouw,
Gabrielsen, Lang, Noreen, Oudman, Sittler, Stempniewicz, Tombre, Wolters and
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March 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 33 | 125



published: 24 February 2015

doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00016

Anthropogenic flank attack on polar bears: interacting

consequences of climate warming and pollutant exposure
Bjrn M. Jenssen 1,2*, Gro D. Villanger 3 , Kristin M. Gabrielsen 1 , Jenny Bytingsvik 4 , Thea Bechshoft 5 ,
Tomasz M. Ciesielski 1 , Christian Sonne 6 and Rune Dietz 6

Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Department of Arctic Technology, The University Centre in Svalbard, Longyearbyen, Norway
Division of Mental Health, Department of Child Development and Mental Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway
Akvaplan-niva AS, Fram Centre, Troms, Norway
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada
Department of Bioscience, Faculty of Science and Technology, Arctic Research Centre, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark

Edited by:
Tore Haug, Institute of Marine
Research, Norway
Reviewed by:
Andrew Edward Derocher,
University of Alberta, Canada
ystein Wiig, University of Oslo,
Bjrn M. Jenssen, Department of
Biology, Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Hgskoleringen 5,
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
e-mail: bjorn.munro.jenssen@

Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are subjected to several anthropogenic threats, climate
warming and exposure to pollutants being two of these. For polar bears, one of the main
effects of climate warming is limited access to prey, due to loss of their sea ice habitat.
This will result in prolonged fasting periods and emaciation and condition related negative
effects on survival and reproduction success. Prolonged fasting will result in increases of
the tissue concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in polar bears, and thus
increase the probability for POP levels to exceed threshold levels for effects on health,
and thus on reproductive success and survival. There are clear potentials for interactions
between impacts of climate warming and impacts of pollutant exposure on polar bears. It
is likely that that fasting-induced increases of POPs will add to mortality rates and decrease
reproductive success beyond effects caused by loss of habitat alone. However, there is
a lack of studies that have addressed this. Thus, there is a need to focus on population
effects of POP exposure in polar bears, and to consider such effects in relation to the
effects of climate induced habitat loss.
Keywords: arctic, pollution and global change, PCBs, ecology, climate change impacts


Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) have received considerable focus as
a wildlife species impacted by climate change since projected sea
ice loss is argued to restrict their access to seals on the ice, making their survival of global concern (Durner et al., 2009; Edwards
et al., 2011; Molnar et al., 2011; Stirling and Derocher, 2012;
Derocher et al., 2013). The polar bear is the single species among
mammals and birds listed under the U.S. Endangered Species
Act that attracts most public attention (Roberge, 2014), and a
symbol-species of the potential devastating effects of global climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems. Modeling has shown
that the southernmost polar bear populations are those that are
most vulnerable, and will struggle to persist there throughout this
century (Castro De La Guardia et al., 2013). Models have also
predicted losses of polar bear sea ice habitats in the polar basin
during this century (Durner et al., 2009) and indicated that twothird of the worlds polar bears could disappear if greenhouse gas
emissions continue as predicted (Amstrup et al., 2008).
However, climate warming is not the only anthropogenic
factor that affects polar bear populations. Exposure to pollutants,
hunting and increase in ecotourism and raw material exploration and exploitation are other major anthropogenic threats to
this species (IUCN, 2014). Because of their high tropic position
and food web biomagnification of persistent organic pollutants

(POPs), and mercury (Hg), polar bears are exposed to high levels of these harmful compounds (Letcher et al., 2010; Sonne,
2010). Due to international regulations on production and use
of POPs ( there have been significant decreases in
levels of the conventional POPs in polar bears and their prey during the last decades, whereas brominated flame retardants (BFRs)
and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) overall have increased over
the same period although some have started to decline in recent
years (Bytingsvik et al., 2012a,b; Dietz et al., 2013c; Dietz R Rigt
et al., 2013b; Riget et al., 2013). However, levels of most POPs
such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), brominated flame
retardants (BFRs), organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs) and perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFASs), are still high in polar bears,
and often above threshold levels for physiological and toxicological effects reported in the literature for mammals (Letcher
et al., 2010; Sonne, 2010). Furthermore, levels of Hg have been
shown to increase in polar bears (Dietz et al., 2011) and there are
increased concerns about the effects of metabolites produced by
endogenous biotransformation of POPs (Letcher et al., 2010).
Many POPs and their metabolites, as well as mercury (Hg)
have been shown to have endocrine disruptive effects, and
are thus classified as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
(Colborn, 2004). In general, the endocrine system together with
the nervous and the immune systems, form the main regulatory
mechanisms in the animal body controlling all vital functions

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Jenssen et al.

Anthropogenic flank attack on polar bears

(Lintelmann et al., 2003). Many POPs also interfere with immune

function, lipid storage and metabolism and reproduction, and
may perturb important processes during early growth and development (Letcher et al., 2010). There are concerns that effects on
organisms caused by climate change and contaminant exposure
interact, thus causing combined effects that may have largescale ecological impacts (Jenssen, 2006; Schiedek et al., 2007;
Wingfield, 2008; Noyes et al., 2009; Unep/Amap, 2011; Moe et al.,
2013). The combined effects of these two anthropogenic factors on populations and ecosystems may be additive, or even
synergistic. Herein, we focus on how POPs may interact with,
and possibly enhance the effects of climate warming in polar
bears. Insight into such combined effects caused by these two
major anthropogenic stressors provides perspectives that are of
importance for research and for conservation management of the


In some regions periods of open-water force polar bears onshore
during summer and autumn, and thus limit access to their
most common high-energy containing prey, that mainly are
ringed seals (Pusa hispida) (Stirling and Derocher, 2012; Derocher
et al., 2013). During these periods they fast and rely on body
lipid reserves for energy (Cherry et al., 2009). Climate warming causes earlier break-up of sea-ice and thus prolongs this
fasting period in polar bears, resulting in increased mortality
rates due to emaciation and starvation (Gagnon and Gough,
2005; Molnar et al., 2010, 2014; Stirling and Derocher, 2012).
Because many lipid-soluble POPs are not excreted, fasting and
especially emaciation will cause large increases of the concentrations of these compounds in blood and target tissues (Polischuk
et al., 2002; Christensen et al., 2007; Helgason et al., 2013).
Thus, prolonged fasting due to climate induced ice-loss and resultant lowered prey availability increases the likelihood for POPs
levels to exceed threshold levels for effects. Many POPs have
health effects that directly affect survival rates, such as their negative effects on the immune system (Vos et al., 2000). Thus,
it is likely that fasting-induced increases of these compounds
will increase the mortality rates beyond those predicted to be
caused by the climate-induced prolonged fasting period alone
(Molnar et al., 2010, 2014). It is also likely that fasting-induced
increases of burdens of POPs that are reproductive EDCs will
add to the predicted negative reproductive effects that lower
body condition alone has on reproductive success of polar bears
(Regehr et al., 2010); Figure 1.
It is suggested that decreases of polar bear sea ice habitats
will result in increased movement and migration rates and distances to remain on ice (Derocher et al., 2004; Durner et al.,
2009), thus causing increased energetic requirements and feeding rates. In female polar bears it has been suggested that high
movement rates and distances associated with occupying large
home range sizes may result in high blood concentrations of
PCBs (Olsen et al., 2003). This is because the high activity level
associated with occupying large home range sizes requires high
food intake, which causes high dietary intake of these persistent compounds (Olsen et al., 2003). It is therefore possible
that long-range annual migrations mitigated by sea ice habitat

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

FIGURE 1 | Climate change induced fasting and exposure to persistent

organic pollutants (POPs) are anthropogenic stressors that have the
potential of affecting the individual health, reproduction and mortality
of polar bears. Prolonged fasting may increase tissue concentrations of
POPs and thus enhance negative fitness effects, whereas high levels of
POPs may cause metabolic effects that interfere with fasting tolerance.
Effects on the individual level propagate to population levels. Photo: Rune

loss will result in increased uptake and accumulation of POPs

due to the increased feeding demands needed for longer migrations. In some regions, decline of sea ice extension has resulted
in changes in the presence of seal species that polar bears
depredate, and this has been shown to cause increased bioaccumulation of certain POPs (Thiemann et al., 2008; McKinney
et al., 2009, 2013). Dietary shift toward feeding on plants, berries
and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and seabird eggs, respectively
(Ramsay and Hobson, 1991; Gormezano and Rockwell, 2013a,b;
Iles et al., 2013; Iverson et al., 2014), will most likely decrease and
increase, respectively, the dietary uptake of POPs. Furthermore,
climate warming induced immigrating warm-adapted fish species
(Valdimarsson et al., 2012; Mackenzie et al., 2014) may act as
biovectors that increases contaminant levels in marine arctic
ecosystems (Macdonald et al., 2005; Carrie et al., 2010), ultimately
causing increased bioaccumulation of these compounds in polar
In polar bears, the thyroid hormone system is sensitive to
the effects of several POPs (Skaare et al., 2001; Braathen et al.,
2004; Gutleb et al., 2010; Knott et al., 2011; Villanger et al.,
2011; Bytingsvik et al., 2013; Simon et al., 2013; Gabrielsen
et al., 2015). The effects of EDCs on thyroid hormones appear to
be particularly pronounced in female and subadult polar bears,
whereas adult males appear to be much more resistant (Braathen
et al., 2004; Villanger et al., 2011). In polar bears there are also

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indications that concentrations of T4 in muscle tissue and deiodinase activities in muscle, kidney and liver are influenced by
circulating concentrations of POPs (Gabrielsen et al., 2015). Since
thyroid hormones are involved in nearly all metabolic pathways
(McNabb, 1995), EDC induced thyroid disruption may seriously
interfere with energy expenditure during fasting. Thyroid dysfunction has also been linked to reduced fertility, increased rates
of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery and low birth weight
(Krassas et al., 2010). Because climate driven fasting and emaciation will increase contaminant loads in target tissues, the thyroid
related effects might become self-reinforcing and thus escalate
the negative effects on survival and reproduction.
The glucocorticoid endocrine system also plays an important
role in metabolism and energetic processes (Hiller-Sturmhfel
and Bartke, 1998). In polar bears, the main glucocorticoid hormone in mammals, cortisol, has been reported to be influenced
by plasma concentrations of pesticides and PCBs (Oskam et al.,
2004; Bechshft et al., 2012). Cortisol in polar bears is also influenced by climate conditions, indicating that the bears are under
higher levels of physiological stress during years with less ice cover
and thus less easy access to seals (Bechshft et al., 2013). Pollutant
exposure may thus add to the physiological stress encountered
by polar bears during years with low ice coverage, enhancing the
effects of climate warming.
Polar bears have an enrichment of genes associated with
adipose tissue development that may be important in the
adaptation to their lipid-rich diet and high blood concentrations of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (Liu et al., 2014).
Recently, there has been an increased focus on the role of POPs
on development of obesity in humans (Hotchkiss et al., 2008;
Dirinck et al., 2013; De Cock and Van De Bor, 2014; Donat-Vargas
et al., 2014). One mechanism for this effect may be that POPs
causes leptin-resistance in adipose tissue, a typical metabolic
alteration related to obesity (Ferrante et al., 2014). Furthermore,
dietary exposure to PCBs may result in increased metabolic rates
(Voltura and French, 2000). Since lipid storage and metabolism
are important environmental adaptations in polar bears, disruption of these processes by POPs may seriously inflict on the ability
of polar bears to tolerate prolonged fasting periods that are predicted to be associated with climate warming. If POPs increases
metabolic rates, high body burdens of POPs are likely to induce
higher rates of body mass loss, and thus increase mortality rates
beyond those predicted to be caused by prolonged fasting alone
(Molnar et al., 2010, 2014); Figure 1.


Several POPs have been documented to have harmful effects on
reproductive organs and hormones, and to adversely affect fertility and fecundity in mammals (Vos et al., 2000). In polar bears,
POPs have been reported to affect reproductive hormones (Haave
et al., 2003; Oskam et al., 2003) and to influence the morphology
of male and female reproductive organs such as testicles, penis,
uteri and ovary (Sonne et al., 2006). This may reduce their reproductive success (Sonne et al., 2006; Letcher et al., 2010). These
morphological changes are probably a result of both pre- and
post-natal effects and the pathways being via the hypothalamicpituitary-axis likely with a thyroid cross-talk (Sonne, 2010).

Anthropogenic flank attack on polar bears

Although poor recruitment in the Svalbard polar bear population has been linked to their high burdens of reproductive EDCs
(Derocher et al., 2003), it not possible to fully estimate the impact
from these reproductive related disruptions and pathological conditions. It is likely that fasting-induced increases in reproductive
EDCs will enhance the reported negative effects on reproductive
success in polar bears caused by increasing duration of the ice-free
period (Regehr et al., 2010)
Climate warming increases risks of disease spreading (Harvell
et al., 2002), and may induce a shift in the micro-pathogen
composition toward higher virulence (Shope, 1992; Burek et al.,
2008). Polar bears may therefore become exposed to health challenges that they have not previously encountered (Sonne, 2010).
Many POPs are immune toxic (Vos et al., 2000) and in polar bears
inverse relationships between POP concentrations and immune
globulins and cellular immune responses have been reported
(Bernhoft et al., 2000; Lie et al., 2004, 2005). The combination of spreading of new diseases and micro-pathogens to the
Arctic caused by global warming (Harvell et al., 2002) and a
weakened immune system in polar bears caused by pollutant
exposure will cause combined effects that can increase mortality rates. Polar bears also have low genetic diversity in their
immune system, which is consistent with a long-term exposure
to low levels of pathogens and parasites (Weber et al., 2013).
Thus, contaminant exposure could depress their response toward
micro pathogens and diseases even further, and thereby increase
mortality rates. In addition, pathogens and diseases may affect
reproductive rates (Sonne, 2010). It is likely that fasting will
enhance immune related effects, both due to fasting-induced
increases in POPs, and due to that fasting generally is associated
with immunosuppression and poorer general health conditions
(Sonne, 2010).


POPs can cause neurobehavioral effects, such as sexual and
other reproductive behaviors, activity, motivation, communication, aggression, dominance and other social behaviors, as well
as learning and other cognitive abilities (Zala and Penn, 2004).
Field studies of behavioral effects of POPs in polar bears are, of
natural causes, difficult to conduct. However, several POPs and
methylmercury reported in brain tissue of polar bears, (Greaves
et al., 2012, 2013; Krey et al., 2012; Dietz et al., 2013a) are known
or suspected developmental neurotoxicants in humans and experimental animals (Grandjean and Landrigan, 2006, 2014; Fonnum
and Mariussen, 2009; Mariussen, 2012).
POPs might affect brain function or development through
many mechanisms, such as interacting with brain neurotransmitter systems (Fonnum and Mariussen, 2009). Also, the ability
of some POPs to induce epigenetic changes could present a
mechanistic pathway of neurodevelopmental perturbations (Mill
and Petronis, 2008; Bollati and Baccarelli, 2010; Crews, 2011).
Associations between neurochemical and epigenetic biomarkers
and mercury levels in brain tissue have been reported for polar
bears (Basu et al., 2009; Pilsner et al., 2010; Dietz et al., 2013a).
Another proposed mechanism of developmental neurotoxicity
is through thyroid hormone disruption, as these hormones

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are essential during fetal and early neonatal neurodevelopment

(Crofton and Zoeller, 2005; Ahmed et al., 2008). Thus, the
high levels of POPs reported in 4-month old polar bear cubs
(Bytingsvik et al., 2012a,b) and their associated thyroid disrupting properties in cubs (Bytingsvik et al., 2013; Simon et al.,
2013) raises concern for neurodevelopmental effects in polar
The relative high concentrations of several POPs reported
in polar bear brains may cause adverse effects, with a possible heightened susceptibility during the more sensitive fetal and
neonatal stages of brain development (Rodier, 1995; Grandjean
and Landrigan, 2006). Similarly to humans, this could alter
behavioral traits and reduce cognitive abilities related to memory
and learning in offspring. For polar bears, this could functionally reduce, e.g., hunting skills or alter mating behavior, and thus
ultimately affect reproduction and survival.


Several studies have documented that climate induced loss of
sea ice has negatively affected the long-term survival and abundance of polar bears in some subpopulations (Regehr et al., 2010;
Stirling and Derocher, 2012; Bromaghin et al., 2015). In contrast, there appear to be no documentation that POPs have caused
decreases in polar bear populations. However, there are numerous
reports that POPs affect fitness-related variables in polar bears at
the individual level (Letcher et al., 2010; Sonne, 2010). Modeling
of effects of POPs at the population level is thus warranted. The
effects of both POPs and climate warming will affect densitydependent processes at the population level. Thus, mortality due
to POP exposure and habitat loss caused by climate warming can
separately and/or combined, reduce competition for food and
thus reduce starvation in surviving animals.
The divergence of polar bears from brown bears (Ursus arctos) has taken 480-340 thousand years (Edwards et al., 2011; Liu
et al., 2014). It is also indicated that polar bears were adapted to
arctic marine diet and life 130-110 thousand years ago (Lindqvist
et al., 2010), indicating an unprecedented time for rapid evolution
of less than 20,500 generations (Liu et al., 2014). Furthermore,
dispersal events driven by climate fluctuations has caused opportunistic mating between these two species, suggesting that interspecific hybridization may be a mechanism by which polar bears
deals with marginal habitats during previous non-anthropogenic
periods of environmental deterioration (Edwards et al., 2011).
The history of the large-scale environmental changes caused by
anthropogenic pollution is short in relation to their evolutionary
history. Whereas polar bears most likely have experienced rapid
and dramatic climatic fluctuations during the past hundreds of
thousand years, exposure to anthropogenic POPs have occurred
for less than 100 years. Although Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus
tomcod) inhabiting waters highly polluted with PCBs and dioxins, genetically evolved AhR resistance over the time-span of three
decades (Wirgin et al., 2011), it is very unlikely that a similar rapid
evolution will occur in a polar bears.
Morphometric differences in the size and shape of individual polar bear skulls collected in 18921932, which is prior to
the major anthropogenic environmental changes, as compared

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Anthropogenic flank attack on polar bears

to in skulls from 1961 to 2002 were suggested to be a combined consequence of exposure to POPs and climate induced
changes in the availability of food resources (Pertoldi et al.,
2009). These combined effects may also have affected the polar
bears genetic composition and effective population size (Pertoldi
et al., 2009). An epigenetic study documented Hg-associated
DNA hypomethylation in brain stems of male polar bears (Pilsner
et al., 2010). Epigenetic responses do not represent a permanent redirection of phenotype in the same way as mutation and
natural selection (Burggren and Crews, 2014), and are turned
off in downstream generations when the environmental stressor that created them diminishes or disappears (Burggren, 2014).
However, multi-generation in utero exposure to a stressor (such
as Hg and POPs) may cause long-lasting transgenerational effects
(Burggren and Crews, 2014). It should also be noted that although
in mammals, epigenetic markers are erased before being reestablished, a process referred to as reprogramming, recent
studies show that some epigenetic marks escape epigenetic reprogramming (Mendizabal et al., 2014).

According to the points discussed above, there are clear potentials for interactions between impacts of climate warming and
impacts of pollutant exposure on polar bears. However, there
is a lack of studies that can confirm or discard the presence of
such interactions. Of particular concern are the interacting effects
of the climate induced prolonged fasting periods and the resultant increased POP levels in polar bears. We hypothesize that
fasting-induced increases of POPs will add to mortality rates
and decrease reproductive success beyond effects caused by loss
of habitat alone. When considering the numerous fitness-related
traits reported to be influenced by POPs, there is a need to focus
on population effects of POP exposure in polar bears, and to
consider such effects in relation to the effects of habitat loss.

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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 01 December 2014; accepted: 05 February 2015; published online: 24
February 2015.
Citation: Jenssen BM, Villanger GD, Gabrielsen KM, Bytingsvik J, Bechshoft T,
Ciesielski TM, Sonne C and Dietz R (2015) Anthropogenic flank attack on polar bears:
interacting consequences of climate warming and pollutant exposure. Front. Ecol. Evol.
3:16. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00016
This article was submitted to Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Copyright 2015 Jenssen, Villanger, Gabrielsen, Bytingsvik, Bechshoft, Ciesielski,
Sonne and Dietz. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
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February 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 16 | 132

published: 25 March 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00029

A review of the battle for food in the

Barents Sea: cod vs. marine
Bjarte Bogstad 1*, Harald Gjster 2 , Tore Haug 3 and Ulf Lindstrm 3

Institute of Marine Research, Demersal Fish Division, Bergen, Norway, 2 Institute of Marine Research, Demersal Fish
Division, Hjort Centre for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics, Bergen, Norway, 3 Institute of Marine Research, Marine Mammals
Division, Troms, Norway

Edited by:
Morten Frederiksen,
Aarhus University, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Karin Charlotta Harding,
Gothenburg University, Sweden
Sophie Smout,
St Andrews University, UK
Bjarte Bogstad,
Institute of Marine Research,
Demersal Fish Division, PO Box 1870
Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen, Norway
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, a
section of the journal Frontiers in
Ecology and Evolution
Received: 31 October 2014
Accepted: 06 March 2015
Published: 25 March 2015
Bogstad B, Gjster H, Haug T and
Lindstrm U (2015) A review of the
battle for food in the Barents Sea: cod
vs. marine mammals.
Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:29.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00029

Cod, harp seal and minke whale are the main top predators in the Barents Sea
ecosystem. In the last decade, the abundance of cod has increased considerably, and is
at a record high level. In spite of this, the growth and condition of cod has remained rather
stable, although some decrease is seen in size at age of large, mature cod. During the
same period, the abundance of harp seals has declined whereas the minke whale stock
has been at a stable level. The body condition (blubber thickness) of these two mammal
stocks has, however, decreased, with the strongest decrease observed for harp seals. A
possible hypothesis for explaining this is that cod outperform the marine mammal stocks
in the competition for food. The main advantages for cod are most likely larger availability
of food (mainly capelin) during winter-spring than for marine mammals, as well as a wider
range of prey species being available to cod than to marine mammals. Harp seals are
more dependent on prey items found close to the ice edge than the other two predator
stocks are, which could partly explain why the performance of harp seals is worse than
that of the two other main top predators in the area.
Keywords: cod, harp seal, minke whale, Barents Sea, competition, top predators

The abundance of high trophic level or apex predators such as marine mammals and large piscivorous fish have varied substantially worldwide over the past five decades (e.g., Pauly et al., 1998;
Myers and Worm, 2003; Estes et al., 2011). Current trends in harvested fish populations appear to
be diverging among regions; stabilizing in some regions but continued to decline in others (Worm
and Branch, 2012). As for marine mammals they are either protected or harvested at very low and
sustainable levels. In the North Atlantic there has been an increasing trend in whale species such as
fin whales and humpback whales (Haug et al., 2011), while there are examples of both increasing
(harp seals; ICES, 2013a; igrd et al., 2014a) and decreasing (hooded seals; igrd et al., 2014b)
seal stocks. Although the ecological consequences of such predator changes vary among ecosystems
(e.g., due to functional diversity of top predators) several studies point out that cascading effects
through the entire food web is a likely outcome (Pauly et al., 1998; Frank et al., 2005). Understanding the role of high trophic predators and how they respond to changes in the resource availability
is important to predict future functioning of ecosystems.
The Barents Sea ecosystem (BSE) is a shallow (average depth 220 m, depth range 20500 m)
high latitude shelf sea that supports major fisheries and where the productivity is high but
vary considerably between years (e.g., Wassmann et al., 2006) that supports major fisheries. The

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BSE has been displaying decadal shifts in species abundance and

trophic control the past four decades (e.g., Wassmann et al.,
2006; Johannesen et al., 2012) where climate change, particularly
increasing temperatures and effects on sea ice cover and distribution, appears to have noticeable effects on the distribution
and abundance of species (Wassmann et al., 2006; Dalpadado
et al., 2012). There has been a gradual shift toward more Atlantic
species the past decade (Fossheim et al., under revision), most
likely as a result of warming and reduced ice coverage.
The BSE is an important feeding area for several migratory
and resident apex predators (Dolgov et al., 2011). The three most
important are cod Gadus morhua, harp seals Pagophilus groenlandicus and common minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata
(Bogstad et al., 2000; Wassmann et al., 2006; Dolgov et al., 2011).
There are several other piscivorous fish and marine mammal
species that reside in the Barents Sea (see e.g., Dolgov et al., 2011;
Haug et al., 2011), but we have decided to not take them into consideration in this paper as their impact on fish stocks probably
is much less conspicuous than that of cod, harp seal and minke
whale due to their stock sizes and diet compositions.
The Northeast Arctic cod is by far the most abundant, and
hence, conspicuous piscivorous /planktivorous fish species in
the Barents Sea ecosystem, with a total biomass of about 3 million tons at present (ICES, 2014a). The biology of this stock is
described in detail e.g., by Yaragina et al. (2011). The abundance
and spatial distribution of this stock has increased considerably
in recent years, both due to a combination of favorable climatic
conditions and good management (Kjesbu et al., 2014). Cod is
also the most important commercial valuable fish stock in the
area. Similar to cod, harp seals and minke whales exploit several
trophic levels in Arctic systems, and because of their large body
size, high metabolic demands and abundance, they are thought to
have an important top-down effect on the structure and function
of the food web (see Bowen, 1997; Bogstad et al., 2000; Folkow
et al., 2000; Nilssen et al., 2000; Wassmann et al., 2006; Kovacs
et al., 2009). They have also been target species for important
hunting activities for a long period of time (ien et al., 1987;
Skaug et al., 2007; Haug et al., 2011).
Food-limitation, which is one of the most common density
dependent factors in nature, appears to have affected both the
harp seal and whale populations but hardly the cod population.
The growth and body condition of cod have remained relatively
unchanged the past decade despite a major increase in abundance
whereas the body condition of harp seals (igrd et al., 2013) and,
to some extent also, minke whales (Hiroko Solvang, Institute of
Marine Research, Norway, pers. comm.) has declined in the same
period despite stable or declining stock sizes.
The purpose of the paper is to explore possible mechanisms
why cod, harp seal and minke whale have reacted differently and
discuss the short and long-term outcome of the competition. Will
the cod outperform the sea mammals in the struggle for food?

Barents Sea battle for food

0200 m) in the southern Barents Sea is often used as an indicator of the oceanographic conditions in the area (Tereshchenko,
1996, The temperature has been at a historic
high level in the last decade (Figure 1). The ice coverage in
the Barents Sea (Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) passive microwave remote sensing data from the National Snow
and Ice Data Centre, USA (; Cavalieri
et al., 1996; Meier et al., 2006) has also decreased considerably (Figure 2; McBride et al., 2014), and the Barents Sea was
for instance completely free of ice in early autumn in 2013
(Figure 3).

Prey Items
Figure 4 shows the development in abundance of the main fish
prey stocks in the Barents Sea (also including shrimp Pandalus
borealisthe main commercial shellfish stock in the area). The
total abundance of these prey items has been relatively stable over
the last decade.

FIGURE 1 | Temperature ( C) in Kola section (0200 m) during the

period 19212013 (annual averages of monthly observations).

Predator-Prey Relationships
Oceanographic Conditions in Recent Years
The temperature in the Kola section (monthly observations from
a transect from 70 30 to 72 30 N along 33 30 E, depth range

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FIGURE 2 | Ice coverage (1000 km2 ) in the Barents Sea in April and
September 19802013.

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FIGURE 3 | Monthly ice coverage in the Barents Sea in 2013.

Capelin (Mallotus villosus) is regarded as the most important forage fish species in the Barents Sea despite major decadal
fluctuation in stock size (Figure 4). In periods, this stock completely dominates the pelagic fish biomass; the biomass has
historically been estimated to exceed seven million tons. However, on three occasions during the last 30 years, each spanning about 5 years, the stock dwindled and reached a level
two orders of magnitude lower (Gjster, 1998; Gjster et al.,
2009). The spatial distribution and size of the capelin stock
has been monitored since the early 1970s (acoustic surveys).
In cold years the capelin stock is normally distributed to
the north of the polar front during autumn, and in periods it has extended to the ice edge. In recent warm years,
when the ice edge is north of the Barents Sea, capelin have
been observed both north of the shelf edge i.e., north of
the Svalbard and Franz Josef peninsulas at 81 N (Ingvaldsen and Gjster, 2013), and also in the northern Kara Sea
(ICES, 2014a; Figure 5). Ingvaldsen and Gjster (2013) suggested that this north- and eastward expansion of the capelin
feeding area could be attributed to both density dependent
and environmental factors because there has been an eastward shift in water masses and plankton fields due to ocean
Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) is another forage fish species
inhabiting the Barents Sea and the adjacent areas north and east

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of the Barents Sea. The size and distribution of the stock has
been monitored since 1986, but since an unknown part of the
stock is distributed outside the survey area, it is unknown how
well the acoustic indices reflect the true stock size. Hop and
Gjster (2013) compared the distribution and ecological role
of polar cod and capelin, and found that polar cod is distributed
in colder water than capelin and therefore further to the north
and east. The observed distribution of polar cod has been more
static than that of capelin, but it should be noted that the northern and eastern border of the polar cod distribution is poorly
defined. In recent years, the abundance of polar cod in the Barents Sea has shown a serious decline, perhaps as a result of loss
of habitat (ice). Polar cod is known to be more associated with
ice than is capelin, both during the juvenile stage, when drifting sea ice mostly serves as habitat, and during the adult stage,
when ice associated fauna constitutes a part of the food base
(Hop and Gjster, 2013).
Among fish prey, juvenile herring (Clupea harengus)
and blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) may also play
important roles as forage fish in periods (Figure 4). They
reside in the Barents Sea 23 years and then join the
adult stocks found in the Norwegian Sea prior to maturation. These species mainly occupy the southern (herring)
and south-western (blue whiting) parts of the Barents

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FIGURE 4 | Abundance of main fish prey stocks, as well as shrimp.

Data sources: Capelin: acoustic estimates in September, age 1+ (ICES,
2014a); Herring: VPA biomass estimates of age 1 and 2 herring (ICES,
2014b) using constant weights at age (10 g for age 1 and 44 g for age 2);
Polar cod and blue whiting: acoustic estimates in September, age 1+
(Prokhorova, 2013); 0group: estimates of biomass of cod, haddock, herring

The deepwater redfish (Sebastes mentella) played an important

role as food for cod during the 1980s and beginning of the 1990s
when the abundance of preferred prey was low and the abundance of redfish was high. The dietary importance of redfish has
been low the past two decades, when the stock size was heavily
reduced (ICES, 2014a). Deepwater shrimp (Pandalus borealis) is
also important food for cod, and have constituted a much more
stable proportion of the diet during the study period compared
with the other food items. The amount of shrimp has increased
in recent years but their distribution area has shifted eastwards. It
is uncertain whether this is a result of higher temperatures in the
near-bottom layers.
The youngest age group (0-group) of various fish species
might be considered as another stock of forage fish. The young
stages of cod, haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), polar cod,
capelin and herring, as well as numerous other fish species in
the Barents Sea, inhabit the upper 50 m of the water column
the first 6 month of life (summer and fall). They are distributed
over most of the Barents Sea but the highest densities are normally found in the central part of the sea (Eriksen et al., 2012).
The abundance of this stock has not changed much the past
decade (Eriksen et al., 2012). Also, juvenile cod are eaten by
adult cod as well as harp seals and minke whales, and this
food source has been abundant and increasing during the last

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and capelin, corrected for catch efficiency (ICES, 2014a); Cod and haddock
age 1+2: VPA biomass estimates of age 12 (ICES, 2014a) Redfish
(Sebastes mentella): survey biomass of 524 cm fish (bottom trawl swept
area), scaled to adjust for catchability and vertical distribution (ICES, 2014a)
Shrimp: biomass (bottom trawl swept area, ICES, 2013b), scaled to adjust
for catchability).

Macrozooplankton, mainly pelagic amphipods and krill are

important prey for all these three predator species. The production and standing stocks of zooplankton is more difficult
to monitor than fish and sea mammals, and there are probably spatial shifts and geographical variation that are difficult to
trace but may be important when considering the importance
of these prey groups. The total abundance of amphipods has
shown a decreasing trend over the last couple of decades (Figure 8B in Dalpadado et al., 2012). Krill abundance estimated
from the Russian autumn (October-December) survey (Figure
3 in Zhukova et al., 2009) is at present at or slightly above the
long-term mean (McBride et al., 2014), and krill abundance estimates from the joint ecosystem survey (Prokhorova, 2013) also
indicate that krill abundance in the last decade has been above

The Predators, their Biology and Feeding

The Northeast Arctic Cod (NEA cod) is a large, mainly demersal, fish that may attain sizes of 1.5 m and 40 kg and an age
of 20 years. The annual growth rate is about 10 cm until maturation thereafter the growth slows down. Average age and
size at maturation is about 7 years and 70 cm. The NEA cod
spawns along the west and northwest coasts of Norway; the
Lofoten area is the most important spawning area. The fish

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FIGURE 5 | Spatial distribution of cod (upper panels) and capelin (lower panels) in August-September 2004 and 2013, from the Norwegian-Russian
ecosystem survey. Cod: bottom trawl catches (kg/nm), capelin: acoustic estimates (tons/nm2 ).

larvae are transported to the Barents Sea by the currents and

enter the south-western Barents Sea. They spend their first
years mainly in the southern and central parts of the Barents Sea. The adult individuals have a more northern distribution in the Barents Sea. They perform seasonal spawning
and feeding migrations during early spring and summer,
Although cod is considered a bottom-dwelling fish, acoustic
observations and analysis of data storage tags (e. g., Heffernan
et al., 2004), as well as analysis of stomach content (e.g., Bogstad
and Mehl, 1997), have shown that cod frequently use pelagic habitats to feed on pelagic prey. The abundance of large cod (age
7+) has increased much since 2000 whereas the abundance of
medium-sized (age 36) increased strongly until 2009 and then
declined to levels observed prior to 2000 (Figure 6; ICES, 2014a).
The peak in abundance of age 36 cod around 2009 is due to
the very abundant 2004 and 2005 year classes. During the last
decade, the geographical distribution of cod has expanded northand eastwards both in autumn (Figure 5) and winter (Johansen
et al., 2013; Mehl et al., 2013).
Cod is regarded as a generalist feeder, particularly on a population level, with a diverse food base including pelagic and demersal

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fish, shrimp, epi-benthos and zooplankton. Age groups 1 and

2 feed mainly on crustaceans (Figure 7). Capelin is the main
prey item for age groups 3+ (Figure 8), however, large cod (age
7+) is far more piscivorous, feeding on cod, haddock and long
rough dab (Hippoglossoides platessoides), compared with smaller
cod (age 36) (Figure 9). Details about the feeding of cod in the
Barents Sea can be found in Dolgov et al. (2011).

Harp Seals
Harp seals are highly migratory animals with a generalist foraging
behavior. The two stocks inhabiting the Barents Sea, whelp and
molt on the pack ice off the east coast of Greenland (the Greenland Sea or West Ice stock), and in the White Sea and southeastern Barents Sea (the Barents Sea or East Ice stock) (Lavigne
and Kovacs, 1988; Sergeant, 1991). After the molt the Barents
Sea stock disperse in small herds to feed, primarily around Svalbard and in the northern Barents Sea (Figure 10). The southward
movement of the seals toward the breeding areas in the White
Sea begins in November-December (Haug et al., 1994; Nordy
et al., 2008). Telemetry studies suggest that a major fraction of
the West Ice stock forage in the northern Barents Sea during
summer and autumn (Haug et al., 1994; Folkow et al., 2004;

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FIGURE 6 | Biomass (1000 tons) of age 36 and 7+ Northeast Arctic cod (ICES, 2014a) as well as abundance (1000s) of harp seals (igrd et al., 2014a)
and minke whales (Bthun et al., 2009).

FIGURE 7 | Total consumption by age 12 cod based on

calculations presented in ICES (2014a), using the method
described by Bogstad and Mehl (1997). These calculations are

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based on stomach content data and a model for gastric evacuation

rate, and the consumption is calculated by cod age group (111+),
half-year and three areas in the Barents Sea.

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FIGURE 8 | Total consumption by age 36 cod based on

calculations presented in ICES (2014a), using the method
described by Bogstad and Mehl (1997). These calculations are

based on stomach content data and a model for gastric evacuation

rate, and the consumption is calculated by cod age group (111+),
half-year and three areas in the Barents Sea.

FIGURE 9 | Total consumption by age 7+ cod based on

calculations presented in ICES (2014a), using the method
described by Bogstad and Mehl (1997). These calculations are

based on stomach content data and a model for gastric evacuation

rate, and the consumption is calculated by cod age group (111+),
half-year and three areas in the Barents Sea.

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FIGURE 10 | Suggested gross annual migrations of the

Barents Sea harp seal population between breeding in the
White Sea in February-March and molting in May (black
arrow), and between molting and breeding the following

Nordy et al., 2008). These data also show that there is major
individual variation in diving behavior on a diurnal and seasonal
time scale (Folkow et al., 2004; Nordy et al., 2008). Seals tend to
dive deeper during winter and daytime compared with the summer and night time. Further, harp seals appears to dive more
frequently during early summer (June-July), when they have a
low body condition and reside close to the pack ice, compared
with other periods of the year. As the sea ice retreats the seals
spend more time in the water, perhaps as a result of longer traveling distances between the ice-edge and the feeding areas (Nordy
et al., 2008). In fact, the East Ice seals were observed to spend

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year (red area). The approximate extension of the breeding area

is indicated as a yellow area, while the approximate extension
of the molting area is indicated with dark blue. From Nordy
et al. (2008).

at least 53% of the year in areas with less than 40% ice coverage
(Nordy et al., 2008).
Similar to cod, Barents Sea harp seals is regarded as generalist predators, at least on a population level, primarily feeding on
the most available prey in the area and by doing so their diets
vary much in both time and space (e.g., Nilssen et al., 1995a,b;
Lindstrm et al., 2013). Harp seals can potentially eat large prey
but studies shows that they primarily feed on small specimens
(1025 cm) of gadoids such as polar cod, haddock and cod (e.g.,
Lindstrm et al., 2013). The bulk of the harp seal diet is comprised
of relatively few species, in particular capelin, polar cod, herring,

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krill Thysanoessa spp. and the pelagic amphipod Themisto libellula (Nilssen et al., 2000; Lindstrm et al., 2013). The crustaceans
appear to be of particular importance as food for harp seals during summer and autumn when they are feeding in the northern
parts of the Barents Sea (July-October). As the ice cover expands
southwards in late autumn and winter, the southward migrating seals appear to switch from crustaceans to fish (particularly
capelin and polar cod) (Nilssen et al., 1995a; Lindstrm et al.,
1998). In the southernmost areas of the Barents Sea, where the
seals occur during winter and early spring, herring may be an
important forage fish (Nilssen et al., 1995b; Lindstrm et al.,
Nilssen et al. (2000) estimated the total food consumption
by 2.2 million (c. 700 000 more than today) harp seals in the
Barents Sea using a bioenergetics model. The annual food consumption was estimated to 2.693.96 million tons of biomass
or more specifically 1.22 million tons crustaceans, 808,000 tons
capelin, 605,000 tons polar cod, 212,000 tons herring and a mix of
gadoids and other more Arctic fishes of ca. 500,000 tons. A small
capelin stock (as in 19931996) made harp seals switch diet; the
consumption of other fish species, in particular polar cod, other
gadoids and herring increased.
The seals appear to target primarily the most lipid-rich prey
during summer: krill, followed by other crustaceans and polar
cod (see Grahl-Nielsen et al., 2011). Availability of high-energetic
food in the northern areas in spring and summer presumably
provide the energetic advantage necessary to account for the long
migrations of harp seals from their more southerly located winter
There is a regular seasonal pattern of deposition of energy
reserves as fat in the subcutaneous blubber layer (see Iverson,
2002). Barents Sea harp seals (see Nilssen et al., 1997) are generally thin in spring and early summer (MayJune). Their condition improves over the summer, and the seals are very fat by
SeptemberOctober. The energy stores built up during the summer and autumn are maintained until February, but then the seals
become thinner as the stores of blubber decrease rapidly during
the breeding and molting period (MarchJune).

Common Minke Whales

The migration of minke whales into Norwegian waters, including the Barents Sea, starts in early spring (see Haug et al., 2011).
In September-October a southward migration has been observed,
however, old catch statistics reveal that minke whales have been
caught in Norwegian waters nearly all year around, indicating
that not all animals leave the northern areas in winter.
Minke whales have been the target species of Norwegian
small-type whaling. Abundance estimates have been provided
through dedicated sighting surveys, and the most recent estimate for the Barents Sea area is 81,400 (cv 0.23) (Skaug et al.,
2004; Haug et al., 2011). Their general distribution and migration
pattern is illustrated in Figure 11.
By combining data on energy requirements, diet composition, and stock size, Folkow et al. (2000) estimated the total
annual consumption of various prey species by minke whales
during their assumed feeding period (mid-April to mid-October)
in northeast Atlantic waters. In the period 19921995, a stock of

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Barents Sea battle for food

FIGURE 11 | General migration pattern of minke whales in the Barents

Sea and adjacent areas. Summer feeding area (dark blue) and total
distribution area (light blue).

85,000 minke whales consumed more than 1.8 million tons (95%
CI: 1.42.1 million tons) of prey per year in coastal waters off
northern Norway, in the Barents Sea and around Spitsbergen:
602,000 tons of krill, 633,000 tons of herring, 142,000 tons of
capelin, 256,000 tons of cod, 128,000 tons of haddock and 54,500
tons of other fish species, including saithe (Pollachius virens) and
sandeel (Ammodytes spp.).
Minke whales have a very flexible foraging behavior and are
normally able to switch among species without compromising
the body condition. As a result their diets vary much in time
(year and season) and space due to spatio-temporal variation
in prey availability (see Figure 12). The whales exploit a variety
of species and sizes of fish and crustaceans (Haug et al., 2002),
however they appear to selectively forage on capelin, herring and
occasionally krill (Lindstrm and Haug, 2001). In extreme events
such as in 19951996, when the abundance of capelin and herring was low simultaneously, the minke whales had to switch to
krill and gadoid fish (cod and haddock) and as a result their body
condition declined.
More recent studies (20002004 and 20102011) confirmed
previous findings of significant differences in diet composition
between areas and some differences between years (Windsland
et al., 2007; Meier et al., in press). The importance of krill in
the Barents Sea increased with latitude and dominated the Spitsbergen diet. Capelin dominated the diet around Bear Island and
contributed considerable to the diet along the coast of northern
Norway. In the latter area, herring and haddock were also a great
part of the diet. The considerable size range of consumed prey
(0.278 cm) confirms previous findings that minke whales are
not particularly size selective (Windsland et al., 2007). The size
of prey seems to be determined by the availability of different
size classes, rather than selectivity by the whales (Lindstrm and

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FIGURE 12 | Biomass-based diet composition of minke whales sampled in the northern (North) and southern (South) Barents Sea in the periods
19922004 and 20102011. Based on data from Haug et al. (2002), Windsland et al. (2007) and Meier et al. (in press).

Haug, 2001; Windsland et al., 2007). The age composition of the

capelin consumed by the whales varied in space. It was mainly
3 or 4 years old capelin (i.e., mature, see Gjster, 1998) in the
southern Barents Sea, while capelin eaten north of the spawning
grounds, around Spitsbergen and Bear Island, were considerably
smaller with only ca. 50% being in the size range of mature fish
(i. e., > 14 cm). The majority of herring eaten in the southern
Barents Sea were below 20 cm (2 years old), whereas haddock
taken in this area had a wide size distribution (from 5 to 65 cm)
including both juvenile and large adult individuals, although both
length and age analysis showed that the majority were smaller
In 20032013 the minke whale distribution was surveyed
in August-September, along with the distribution of their main
prey species, in joint Norwegian-Russian ecosystem surveys (e.g.,
Michalsen et al., 2013). During the first part of this period
(20032007), the majority of minke whales were feeding in the
northern Barents Sea, north of the polar front in association
with high zooplankton (krill) concentrations in the productive
marginal ice zone (Skern-Mauritzen et al., 2011). They were
also predominantly north of the capelin, further indicating that

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capelin was not the major forage species, at least not in these years
with low capelin abundances. Only a small fraction of the minke
whales foraged in the southern Barents Sea, in areas inhabited by
blue whiting and herring. Hence, there is likely a shift in whale
distributions and diet from early summer, when diet samples are
collected during the minke whale harvest, to late summer and
early autumn when most whales feed in the north. Variations in
diets between periods of the year were also demonstrated during
dedicated ecological studies of minke whales in the Barents Sea
in 19931994 (Haug et al., 1996).

Changes in Predators Growth and Condition During

Recent Years
The per capita consumption and growth of younger cod has been
stable in recent years, while for older cod, this has decreased
slightly in the last couple of years (ICES, 2014a, Figure 13).
The condition factors show the same development (Figure 14).
Although the condition factor of older fish has been slightly
below the long-term mean in the last years, it is still well above
the lowest levels experienced during the first capelin collapse in
the late 1980s.

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FIGURE 13 | Annual weight at age (kg) and per capita consumption (kg/year) for medium (age 4) and large (age 8) cod (ICES, 2014a).

Harp seal body condition, estimated from samples taken during spring in 19922011, exhibited a slow increase from 1992 to
2001, where after a significant decrease to a minimum in 2011 has
occurred (igrd et al., 2013, Figure 14).
Similar to other baleen whales, minke whales improve their
body condition by increasing their fat deposits during the feeding period, and thereby store energy reserves for wintering and
breeding at lower latitudes when their feeding activity is assumed
to be low (Nss et al., 1998). Comparison of minke whales body
condition in years of high and low abundances of immature herring showed that minke whales in the southern Barents Sea, particularly immatures and adult females, were in significantly better condition in years when the abundance of immature herring
was high (Haug et al., 2002). A time series of blubber measurements, made dorsally right behind the blowhole as described in
Haug et al. (2002), taken under commercial whaling in the period
19922013 shows a significant negative trend over the period
with particular low values in 2013 (see Figure 14).

Possible Mechanisms in Predation and
How a stock develops over time depends on survival, feeding,
and reproduction, and the population dynamics is a result of
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how these factors vary throughout the life-cycle and during the
year. We here present the results in terms of total stock status
(abundance, condition etc.) and try to relate that to processes
(competition, predation etc.) going on in different seasons and
for different life stages of the stocks under consideration.
A more recent study on harp seals body condition indicated
that high abundance of krill impacted the seal condition positively, emphasizing the ecological significance of krill as key food
for harp seals during summer (igrd et al., 2013). High abundances of capelin, polar cod and cod, however, had a negative
impact on the seal condition. Indirect effects such as competition between harp seals and prey for shared resources such as
krill may have a negative effect on the condition with subsequent
implications for the breeding success. Longer migration routes
with increased energy expenditure, as a result of less ice, between
the breeding/molting areas and feeding areas along the ice edge
may certainly also have contributed to the reduced recent harp
seal body condition.
The variation in blubber thickness within and between years
is much more conspicuous for harp seals than for minke whales.
This is to some extent expected given that minke whales are
much larger animals and, as such, are expected to have less
blubber thickness relative to their size (due to smaller surfacevolume ratio). Also, the large-scale migratory behavior of minke
whales may bias the blubber thickness toward less variability
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FIGURE 14 | Blubber thickness (mm, with 595% confidence

intervals) for harp seal and minke whale (left axis) and condition
factor (100000 weight (kg)/L3 (cm)) (right axis) for age 4 and 8
cod. Range of annual sample sizes (individuals measured): Harp seals

because lean minke whales may not be able to perform longdistance migrations or may migrate out of the Barents Sea due
to bad feeding conditions thereby being under-represented in the
catches. In contrast, harp seals are present in the Barents Sea all
year round.
The distributions of cod, particularly medium and large individuals, and minke whales overlap to various degree during the
year. The most intensive spatial overlap between the two predators occurs during summer and autumn in the central and northern parts of the Barents Sea. Given our dietary knowledge of
these predators they compete (directly) for krill and capelin in
these periods (Haug et al., 2002; Johannesen et al., 2012). A
recent study in which the intra- and interspecific competition
among top-predators (cod, minke whale and sea birds) was analyzed concludes that minke whales and cod compete for food and
that their diets depend on the abundance of herring and capelin,
respectively (Durant et al., 2014). That study further suggests that
the diet overlap among these predators generally increase with
changes in herring and krill abundances. Unfortunately, the harp
seals were not included in that due to lack of synoptic (space
and time) diet data. Harp seals are assumed to be distributed in
open waters along and at moderate distances from the ice edge
in the period June-October (Nordy et al., 2008) and as such
one would expect some degree of spatial overlap between harp
seals and the two other predators (cod and minke whale), however, there is little empirical evidence to support that. It should

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Barents Sea battle for food

75310, minke whales 216635. The condition factor for age 4 cod is
calculated from the winter survey (ICES, 2014a, Tables A5, A6), and for
age 8 it is calculated from the Lofoten survey (ICES, 2014a, Tables A7,

be emphasized, however, that predators may still compete for

food despite lack of spatio-temporal overlap between the predators as long as their diets overlap and they feed on the same
stocks of prey. No direct diet comparisons between harp seals and
cod have been conducted earlier but they share some preferred
prey such as capelin, krill, amphipods and polar cod and as such
there may be competition among them. In fact, a recent study
(igrd et al., 2013) suggests competition between harp seals and
for example cod for shared resources, such as krill. Medium and
large cod have similar geographical distributions during summer/autumn, although the areas close to the northern and northeastern boundary of the cod distribution are dominated by large
cod. Predators of different size and feeding behavior probably
also react differently to variable prey density; a possible reason
why small/medium cod do better could be that they can utilize
low densities of zooplankton which are not attractive for larger
Spatial overlap between these predators also occurs during
other parts of the year. Medium-sized cod and harp seal overlap
to some extent close to coast of Norway/Russia in March/April
when harp seals migrate back from the White Sea. During this
period they feed on spawning capelin. It is also likely that there is
overlap in distribution between minke whales and large (mature)
cod in spring in the south-western Barents Sea when both are
migrating northwards. However, the food abundance in that area
at that time is likely to be fairly low.

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If several stocks are found in the same geographical area, the

main factors in their competition for prey are their vertical distribution relative to that of the prey, as well as their prey type
preferences and ability (mobility, mouth opening etc.) to catch
prey of different species and sizes.
To properly understand predatory interactions we need to
understand the predators potential predation space in 3D. Some
benthic organisms are, however, available for cod, but not for
seals or whales. In contrast to cod there is a trade-off between
energy use and predation for sea mammals because they have to
pay an energetic price for diving. Diet studies and diving experiments (Blix and Folkow, 1995; Haug et al., 2002) indicate that
minke whales primarily feed in the upper 100 m of the water column. Measurements of dive duration have indicated that minke
whales usually stay submerged in dives lasting between 4 and
6 min (Folkow and Blix, 1993). Harp seals use the entire water
column but are obviously short-duration divers that normally
stay submerged for less than 10 min which would leave very little
time at depth if the animal chose to dive as deep as 300 m (Nordy
et al., 2008). It should be emphasized that there were few animals
included in the mentioned study and the seals displayed major
individual as well as spatio-temporal variation in dive behavior
most likely due to spatio-temporal variability in prey availability. Nevertheless, more than 50% of all dives were shallower than
100 m. Diving behavior of both minke whales and harp seals
seems consistent with animals primarily exploiting schooling fish
or high concentrations of zooplankton.
The hunting pressure on harp seals decreased substantially in
all areas around 1980 (ICES, 2013a) and as a result the populations increased in size. However, Barents Sea/White Sea harp
seals has faced severe problems with a recent dramatic pup production decrease following a slow increase of the population from
the mid-1970s (Skaug et al., 2007) to a current level of approximately 1.4 million individuals (ICES, 2013a). Problems with ice
retreat seem to affect the Barents Sea/White Sea population in the
same manner as observed in the Northwest Atlantic (Stenson and
Hammill, 2014). Barents Sea / White Sea harp seals were observed
to exhibit poorer body condition in recent years than 1015 years
ago by igrd et al. (2013) who also observed possible links
between the abundance of several distributional overlapping and
food-competing fish species (cod, polar cod, capelin) and seal
body condition (the more fish, the poorer seal condition). Similar body condition data are not available for the Greenland Sea
harp seal population, but it is known that the two Northeast
Atlantic harp seal populations share the same feeding grounds
in the northern Barents Sea during their most intensive feeding
period from July to November (Folkow et al., 2004; Nordy et al.,
Apparently, it may look as if the harp seal is paying a price of
having a big cod stock; the body condition has declined much
the past decade (igrd et al., 2013). Similar observations has
been made in common minke whales where there is a negative
trend in body condition over the period 19922013, with particular low values in 2013 (Hiroko Kato Solvang, Institute of
Marine Research, Norway, pers. comm.). While the stocks of fish
in the Barents Sea, cod in particular, are at record high levels
now (ICES, 2014a), the situation is the opposite in the Northwest

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Barents Sea battle for food

Atlantic. For example the cod has been almost completely absent,
due to the fisheries, the past two decades (Link et al., 2009;
Hutchings and Rangeley, 2010). Furthermore, in 1991 there was
a major reduction in capelin biomass in the Newfoundland
Labrador shelf area, and to date this stock has not recovered
(DFO, 2010). Concomitant increases in the abundance of Northwest Atlantic harp seals has prompted modeling enquiries to
assess whether these events were related (Buren et al., 2014): Cod
biomass dynamics were best explained by a combination of fisheries removals and capelin availability, whereas seal consumption
was found not to be an important driver of the cod stock. Buren
et al. (2014) did, however, not assess if the currently generally
low pressure on common prey species by cod might have some
beneficial effects on harp seal growth and condition in the area.
Long term fluctuations in body condition have been observed in
Northwest Atlantic harp seals where adult seals were in poorer
condition in the early 1990s (after the collapse of capelin and with
cod on its way down, Buren et al., 2014) than in the mid 1980s
before the fish stocks declined (Chabot et al., 1996).
Cod cannibalism decrease with prey size and medium sized
cod (above 50 cm) are rarely exposed to cannibalism (Yaragina
et al., 2009). All the major predator groups (medium/large cod,
harp seal, and minke whale) may prey upon small fish. Only
minke whales and some large cod appear to prey on larger fish
above ca. 30 cm.
General performance of stocks will depend on the conditions
they are exposed to throughout the year and throughout their distribution area. In the summer-autumn feeding period, it is not
obvious that the food abundance and distribution of predators
and prey has changed in a way that would favor cod, in particular medium sized cod, compared to harp seals and minke whales.
The recent decline of polar cod in the Barents Sea (Prokhorova,
2013) is, however, more likely to affect the harp seals more than
the other stocks due to the dietary importance of polar cod. Also
medium-sized cod has been able to feed on capelin during the
spawning migration each year, and the abundance of such cod
has decreased toward an average level during the last couple of
years. The abundance of large cod has increased so strongly during the last years that some reduction in individual growth rate is
to be expected. The reduction in the herring stock during the last
years (ICES, 2013b) would affect the minke whale stock considerably, as minke whales overlap considerably with young and, to
a lesser degree, adult herring in the Barents Sea (Lindstrm et al.,
2002). Cod also feed on herring during cod spawning migration (Michalsen et al., 2008), but this is a fairly small part of the
total cod consumption and a decline in adult herring abundance
would thus have a minor direct impact on cod.
Macro-zooplankton is seemingly playing a key role in the diet
of harp seals and minke whales. In periods of low capelin abundance, minke whales increased the predation on cod and krill
whereas harp seals switched to amphipods. In recent years, the
capelin stock has been of medium or large size, and zooplankton has not played any role in cod feeding. There is a negative
relationship between the amount of capelin and macrozooplankton (Dalpadado and Skjoldal, 1996) explained as a direct effect of
variable grazing pressure from capelin. This mechanism may also
affect the competition among cod, profiting on a large capelin

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stock and the sea mammals, profiting on a high abundance of

zooplankton. This may partly explain the negative relationship
between seal condition and amount of capelin referred to above.
The general retraction of the ice edge northwards during the
last decade may have opened up new areas both for primary
and secondary producers, and there are indications from the
ecosystem surveys (Michalsen et al., 2013) that macrozooplankton is much more abundant in the marginal northern areas than
centrally in the Barents Sea. It is difficult to infer from these
observations how that would affect the feeding situations for the
predatory stocks. The lack of zooplankton in central areas may
be caused by down grazing since the capelin stock has moved
through this area on the feeding migration northwards. Whether
the sea mammals may benefit from increased plankton stocks
in the north, depends on whether the capelin halt the northward migration before they reach the northern limit of zooplankton distribution, that is, whether there are rich feeding areas for
the mammals north of the capelin feeding area. Observations
from the ecosystem surveys (Michalsen et al., 2013) suggest that
the minke whales may have found such areas to feed in SkernMauritzen et al. (2011). However, few seal observations have been
made during these surveys, probably because the seals are dependent on ice and have moved north of the area observed during these surveys. If the zooplankton rich areas do not extend
to the ice edge, the harp seal may suffer food shortages more
than the whales do, that can feed where the food is available,
disregarding the distance to the ice edge. The fact that blubber
thickness has decreased more among seals than among minke
whales (Figure 14) indicates that such mechanisms may have
been present in recent years.

What is Likely to HappenShort Term and

Longer term?
Short Term
Given the recent average recruitment we expect that the cod stock
will decline from the high level presently observed and this may
result in improved individual growth, as the growth rate of a
cod cohort is dependent on the abundance of the cohort itself
as well as adjacent cohorts (Kovalev and Yaragina, 2009). The
harp seal stock is also likely to continue to decrease due to recent
poor recruitment, and the available per capita food may increase
and improve the conditions for the seals. The Norwegian spring
spawning herring stock has suffered from low recruitment for
several years, and historically, such periods of poor recruitment
have alternated with single or a few very strong year classes (ICES,
2013b). New strong herring year classes may occur any time, and
this could have a significant negative effect on capelin recruitment and thus possible cascading effects on the ecosystem (see
e.g., Hjermann et al., 2010). A decreasing capelin stock will probably (but not necessarilysee Gjster et al., 2009) affect the cod
growth and condition negatively. Krill is observed to be a major
component in the diets of both harp seals (Lindstrm et al., 2013)
and minke whales (Haug et al., 1996, 2002), particularly during
summer. Increased krill biomass, as a result of relaxed top-down
control by capelin, is therefore likely to be more beneficial to the
sea mammals than the cod. However, if juvenile herring does not
replace capelin it is possible that minke whales may experience

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Barents Sea battle for food

the same conditions as in 19951996 when they had to switch to

krill and gadoids.

Longer Term
Increasing water temperatures and reduction or loss of sea ice
may have major effects on the energy flux in the system (e.g.,
Wassmann et al., 2006; Post et al., 2013). Model simulations suggests that reduced sea ice weakens the stratification and hence
the phenology of the lower trophic levels. Weaker and more variable water stratification is assumed to result in a higher pelagic
production and a weaker benthic-pelagic coupling (Wassmann
et al., 2008). If these simulations are correct, we might expect
a lower benthic production which is likely to affect cod more
than the mammal predators since cod feed on the benthic community (Johannesen et al., 2012). On the other hand earlier and
prolonged seasonal ice-melt may cause increased mismatches
between phytoplankton blooms and zooplankton production
(e.g., Sreide et al., 2010) and as a result lower pelagic production.
The ecological consequence of more light and ocean freshening,
which have antagonistic effects on phytoplankton production, is
poorly understood (Wassmann et al., 2011). A more recent study
(Ardyna et al., 2014) suggests that loss of sea ice triggers late
autumn phytoplankton blooms but which of the predators that
will benefit most from this is difficult to say, however, changes in
the distribution and length of the production period is likely to
affect the migration patterns of both cod and the marine mammal
In case of a continued warming, predator and prey stocks are
likely to move further northbut cod is not likely to move into
deep Polar Ocean. Although minke whales are shelf feeders they
do feed in deep sea areas and as such they will have no problem
of feeding successfully in the polar ocean and, to a lesser extent,
the same applies for harp seals. However, if the ice conditions in
the White Sea, the main breeding area for Barents Sea harp seals,
deteriorate, the seals may have to change to other breeding areas
and this could affect their migration pattern considerably. Cod
migration patterns could also change considerably if new spawning areas such as the Bear Island area or the Novaya Zemlya coast
appear. A radical shift of breeding/spawning areas represents a
profound change to the whole life history of a stock, since this
will affect the drift pattern of larvae (fish) and feeding area of the
young (seals) in an unpredictable way.
A gradual shift in species composition toward more Atlantic
dominated zooplankton species which has been observed the
past decade (Dalpadado et al., 2012) implies that fatty arctic
ice-associated prey such as amphipods is being replaced by less
fatty Atlantic species (Wassmann et al., 2006; Falk-Petersen et al.,
2007). The outcome of this change is difficult to predict but, in
general, less energy-rich food will allow the predators to build up
less energy during the feeding season which, in turn, will affect
their ability to undertake long migrations to spawning/breeding
areas and to develop gonads or suckle their young. Increased
water temperature will speed up all the processes in the ecosystem
due to increased metabolism with the exception of sea mammals
that will use less energy because they are thermoregulated animals. As a result the energy turnover will increase and this will
most likely result in a more variable ecosystem.

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There have been several modeling attempts using dynamics

multispecies models (e. g., Bogstad et al., 1997; Schweder et al.,
2000; Lindstrm et al., 2009); what-if scenarios (20100 years
into the future) has been run with respect to harp seal, minke
whale, cod, capelin and herring. Model comparisons are difficult
to make and conclusions are difficult to draw due to differences
in model structure and assumptions. For example, in Gadget and
MULTSPEC, a larger whale population resulted in higher stock
levels of capelin and slightly reduced cod and herring stocks; the
rise in predation on capelin as a result of a larger whale stock
was more than compensated for by reduced predation pressure
on capelin from cod and herring (Bogstad et al., 1997; Lindstrm et al., 2009). In contrast, increased whale numbers in the
Scenario Barents Sea model (Schweder et al., 1998) resulted in
a reduced capelin stock. Thus the indirect effect of whales on
capelin through the food web was dominant in the MULTSPEC
and Gadget models, while in the Scenario Barents Sea model the
direct effect of whales preying on capelin were dominant. The
difference may be due both to the functional forms as well as to
parameter values used in the models. Of these three models, only
the Gadget model for the Barents Sea is still operative.
The multispecies models mentioned above have all focused
on top-down effects (predation mortalities induced by the top
predators). Less attention has been given to modeling bottom-up
effects (effects of varying food abundance on predator population
dynamics), but our present study indicates that such effects also
are important. The same model frameworks could still be used.
The results from such studies should in any case be treated
with great caution. One reason is that in those models migration and thus geographical overlap is at present not affected by
climatic conditions or stock size. That kind of effects could, however, be included in such models (see Howell and Filin, 2014
for an example with a cod-capelin model), and could possibly
improve the ability of such models to give realistic future scenarios. Appropriate modeling of the direct and indirect impact of
marine mammals on commercial species is also very important,

Ardyna, M., Babin, B., Gosselin, M., Devred, E., Rainville, L., and Tremblay, J.
E. (2014). Recent Arctic Ocean sea ice loss triggers novel fall phytoplankton
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Blix, A. S., and Folkow, L. (1995). Daily energy-expenditure in free-living
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Barents Sea battle for food

as seen from the difference between results from different models

described above.

There are a variety of factors influencing the competition between
cod, harp seals and minke whales in the Barents Sea. Their performance is affected both by their food consumption in the
main feeding season in summer-autumn, when they compete for
food, as well as their feeding during the rest of the year. The
main advantages for cod are likely: (1) Larger availability of food
(mainly capelin) during winter-spring than for marine mammals.
This particularly affects immature cod, which has being doing
better than mature cod, and (2) A wider range of prey species
available to cod than to marine mammals, due to the cods larger
vertical range. This may more than outweigh the wider size range
of prey available to marine mammals. Harp seals are more dependent on prey items found close to the ice edge than the other two
predator stocks are, and thus it makes sense that the performance
of harp seals is worse than that of the two other top predators in
the area.
Data on Barents Sea cod diets and condition are collected routinely every year, while collection of similar data from harp seals
and minke whales are done much more fragmentarily. For a more
proper and quantitative comparison of the relation between cod
and the mammals in the Barents Sea, diet and condition data
from the mammals must be collected in such a way that a time
series similar to the one on cod becomes available.

We thank Randi Ingvaldsen, IMR, for making Figures 2, 3, Jaime
Alvarez, IMR for making Figure 5, Karen Gjertsen, IMR, for
making Figure 11, and Hiroko Kato Solvang, IMR, for providing data on blubber thickness in minke whale. We also thank two
referees for their constructive comments.

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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
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published: 05 January 2015

doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00083

Recent changes in distribution and relative abundance of

cetaceans in the Norwegian Sea and their relationship with
potential prey
Leif Nttestad 1*, Bjrn A. Krafft 1 , Valantine Anthonypillai 1 , Matteo Bernasconi 1 , Lise Langrd 1,2 ,
Herdis L. Mrk 1 and Anders Fern 1,3

Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway

Directorate of Fisheries, Bergen, Norway
Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Edited by:
Tore Haug, Institute of Marine
Research, Norway
Reviewed by:
Nathaniel Kenneth Newlands,
Department of Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada, Canada
Gsli Arnr Vkingsson, Marine
Research Institute, Iceland
Leif Nttestad, Institute of Marine
Research, Research Group on
Pelagic Fish, Nordnesgaten 33,
NO-5817 Bergen, Norway

This study aimed to assess possible shifts in distributional patterns of cetaceans residing
in the Norwegian Sea, and to relate the distribution to their feeding ecology during
the summer seasons of 2009, 2010, and 2012. During this same period, historically
large abundances in the order of 15 million tonnes pelagic planktivorous fish such
as Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus), northeast Atlantic mackerel
(Scomber scombrus) and blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), have been reported
feeding in the Norwegian Sea during the summer. There is also observed elevated
average surface temperatures and a reduction in zooplankton biomass during the last
two decades. Such changes might influence species composition, distribution patterns
and feeding preferences of cetaceans residing the region. Our results show higher
densities of toothed whales, killer whales (Orcinus orca) and pilot whales (Globicephala
melas), than the previous norm for these waters. Baleen whales, such as minke whales
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), which are often
associated with macro-zooplankton, displayed a distribution overlap with pelagic fish
abundances. Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) were observed in low numbers,
indicating a shift in habitat preference, compared to sighting data collected only few
years earlier. Our study illustrate that both small and large cetaceans that reside in the
Norwegian Sea have the capability to rapidly perform shifts in distribution and abundance
patterns strongly associated with adaptive search behavior in relation to both changing
levels of abundance in their prey and elevated sea-surface temperatures. This study
provides new evidence on high ecological plasticity in response to changing predator-prey
trophic relationships and elevated sea-surface temperatures.
Keywords: whales, dolphins, spatial distribution, shift, feeding, pelagic fish, climate change

Marine mammal distributional shifts as a consequence of a warming climate are reported worldwide (Wrsig et al., 2002; Moore
and Huntington, 2008; Ferguson, 2009; Simmonds and Elliot,
2009; Smith and Reeves, 2010; Kovacs et al., 2011). Certain freshwater systems and Arctic related regions, currently undergoing
the most rapid climatic changes, experience the most profound
effects particularly with the small and especially niche dependent cetaceans (IPCC, 2007, 2014; Burek et al., 2008; Moore and
Huntington, 2008; NAMMCO, 2013). A number of recent reviews
concerning the possible impact of climate change upon marine
mammals predict that their distribution, prey preference and long
term recruitment will be affected (IWC, 1997, 2009; Learmonth
et al., 2006; Burek et al., 2008; Laidre et al., 2008; Moore and
Huntington, 2008; MacLeod, 2009; Evans et al., 2010).
Since the initiation in 1978 of systematic collections of
hydrological data from the Norwegian Sea, the annual average

temperature and salinity has increased 1 C and 0.1 PSU, respectively (Skjoldal et al., 2004). Large variations are also reported in
distribution and abundances of pelagic planktivorous fish, which
are important as prey for many of the large cetacean species, but
there are still uncertainties about the causal mechanisms behind
these fluctuations (Holst et al., 2004). Little information on whale
feeding ecology exists from this ecosystem but it is regarded,
especially during the summer seasons, as an important foraging
ground and transit route to and from higher latitudes (Jonsgrd,
1966, 1968; ien, 1988, 2003, 2013; Christensen et al., 1992;
Nttestad and Olsen, 2004; Pike et al., 2005). Despite ascertainable changes in the whale prey communities in the Norwegian
Sea, no clear changes in fin- (Balaenoptera physalus) or humpback whale (Megaptera novaengliae) distribution patterns were
detected in a study investigating sighting data collected during
2006 and 2007 (Nttestad et al., 2014a), compared to distributional trends reported 1015 years earlier (Skjoldal et al., 2004;

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Vikingsson et al., 2009). A recent study on offshore-feeding killer

whales (Orcinus orca) in this system found that they mainly targeted northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) (Nttestad
et al., 2014b). This was in contrast to the earlier perception that
their main prey was the Norwegian spring-spawning (NSS) herring (Clupea harengus) (Sigurjnsson et al., 1988; Simil et al.,
1996; Simon et al., 2006). This has been the case at least for the
more coastal areas, but no such focused large scale study prior to
Nttestad et al. (2014b) had given attention to the offshore areas
of this highly productive marine ecosystem. Furthermore, the collective behavior of killer whales have been found fine-tuned to
prey schooling size and behavior (Nttestad et al., 2002, 2014b).
However, over the last few years even more striking changes
in prey species composition are reported from this system; the
northeast Atlantic mackerel stock has showed a dramatic estimated increase in abundance from 1.6 million tonnes (Mt) in
2007 to 9.0 Mt in 2014 (ICES, 2013b, 2014; Nttestad et al.,
2014c). The NSS herring biomass has recently decreased from
>12 Mt in 2009 to <5 Mt in 2014 (ICES, 2013b, 2014), and
the Atlantic blue whiting (Micromersitius poutassou) biomass
decreased from a spawning stock biomass of nearly 8 Mt in 2002
to 2.9 and 5.5 Mt in 2010 and 2014 respectively (ICES, 2013b,
In light of the updated knowledge on the shifts in important cetacean prey-changes in distribution, biomass and species
composition, we aim to better determine and assess how temporal changes in distributional patterns can be distinguished and
possibly how the role of phenotypic plasticity (the ability of an
organism to change its phenotype in response to changes in
the environment) acts for different cetacean species residing the
Norwegian Sea. We will investigate the most recent cetacean sighting data from this area, conducted during three synoptic summer
surveys in 2009, 2010, and 2012, by studying its possible relationships to measurements of prey distribution and by including
other key environmental variables.


Three transect surveys were undertaken in the Norwegian Sea
from the 15th of July to the 6th of August in 2009 and 2010,
and from the 1st to the 28th of July in 2012. In total four different Norwegian vessels were chartered for the purpose of this
study: M/V Libas (2009 and 2010), M/V Eros (2009), M/V
Brennholm (2010 and 2012), and the research vessel R/V G.O.
Sars (2012). The geographical coverage and data collection in
2011 were too limited in the northern part of the Norwegian
Sea to be included in the time series. Only one Norwegian vessel,
compared to two vessels participating the other years and no dedicated marine mammal observers were present onboard in 2011.
The geographical area covered by the survey was very similar the
two first seasons, while the most northern part was not covered
during the survey in 2012 (Figures 13).
Marine mammal sightings were made by two trained and
experienced whale observers on each vessel along the survey tracks during daylight hours (about 1012 h per day).
Furthermore, opportunistic sightings were also performed
between stations from the bridge during nighttime, when applicable, since the light regime was dominated by midnight sun.

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Cetaceans shift in Norwegian Sea

It was therefore sufficient sunlight for reliable visual sightings

of marine mammals up to 24 h per day when the surveys were
conducted in high latitudes from July to August. Thus, most
of the track lines were surveyed either by dedicated or opportunistic effort and the effort was comparable between the years
2009, 2010, and 2012 as well as to the previous sighting surveys.
Sightings were made mostly from a platform at the wheelhouse
rooftop (1115 m height depending on vessel) whenever weather
permitted (Beaufort < 4 and no or moderate rain). The sightings were otherwise made from the bridge (913 m height).
The marine mammal sightings were done along transects and
during transit between transects, however no recordings were
made while trawling or when performing other station work.
Observations were made using the observation regime adopted
by Palka and Hammond (2001) and Lawson and Gosselin (2009).
A sighting was noted on the basis of direct observation with
the naked eye and binoculars, and was documented with digital
video-recordings and photographs. This procedure ensured valid
estimates and verification of marine mammal group size related
to each sighting. Both passing and closing mode were applied during sightings of marine mammals. In a passing mode, the ship
moves continuously along a transect line, whereas in a closing
mode, the ship stops normal searching procedures once a group
of cetaceans is sighted (goes off-effort), leaves the transect line
and approaches the sighted group to identify the species and stock
composition of the group and make reliable estimates of group
size (Schwartz et al., 2010). The survey design had predominantly
east-west transects with 3560 nautical miles distance between
survey lines. Combined with high survey speed of 1012 knots
for all vessels in all years, this ensured that the risk of double
counting for both pelagic fish and marine mammals was absent or
extremely low. The sighting data were not corrected for surfacesighting probability. Very good wind and weather conditions with
optimal sighting conditions dominated during these summer surveys. Nevertheless, the aim of these surveys was not to perform
quantitative abundance estimation of marine mammals, rather
studying distribution, relative abundance and ecological aspects
of a wide range of marine mammals present in the Norwegian
Sea ecosystem.
In total, 334 CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) casts
(n = 93 in 2009, n = 152 in 2010 and n = 89 in 2012) were
performed using SAIV and SEABIRD sensors. The CTDs were
deployed from surface to 500 m depth and the stations were
spaced approximately 110 km (60 nmi) apart along the transect
lines, although less distance (3550 nmi) between transect lines
and stations were done in the northernmost regions.
Meso- and macro-zooplankton were sampled at each pelagic
trawl station using a WP2 net with a diameter of 56 cm and mesh
size of 180 m. A total of 333 WP2 vertical hauls were carried out
from 200-0 m (n = 93 in 2009, n = 152 in 2010 and n = 88 in
2012). Zooplankton biomass was calculated to total dry weight in
g m2 using the methods described in Gjseter et al. (2000).
A total of 348 trawl hauls (n = 93 in 2009 and n = 148 in
2010 and n = 107 in 2012) were made at pre-defined positions,
using a commercial blue whiting pelagic trawl net (Egersund
trawl in 2010), Atlantic salmon adapted pelagic trawl (2009) and
a pelagic sampling trawl (Multpelt 832 in 2012). Trawl depths

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Cetaceans shift in Norwegian Sea

FIGURE 1 | Distribution of cetaceans sighted in the Norwegian Sea during the summer season of year 2009. Black lines illustrate cruise tracks from two
vessels, whereas black dots represent stations for pelagic trawl sampling of pelagic fish, plankton nets (0200 m) and physical oceanography from CTD (0500 m).

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Cetaceans shift in Norwegian Sea

FIGURE 2 | Distribution of cetaceans sighted in the Norwegian Sea during the summer season of year 2010. Black lines illustrate cruise tracks from two
vessels, whereas black dots represent stations for pelagic trawl sampling of pelagic fish, plankton nets (0200 m) and physical oceanography from CTD (0500 m).

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Cetaceans shift in Norwegian Sea

FIGURE 3 | Distribution of cetaceans sighted in the Norwegian Sea during the summer season of year 2012. Black lines illustrate cruise tracks from two
vessels, whereas black dots represent stations for pelagic trawl sampling of pelagic fish, plankton nets and physical oceanography from CTD (0500 m).

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Nttestad et al.

ranged from 060 m, towing speed was 4.05.3 knots and towing
duration was set to 30 min. Towing distance during trawling
varied between 3.7 and 4.9 km, corresponding to 4.0 and 5.3
knots respectively, depending on currents and weather conditions. The catches were sorted, identified to species and weighed.
The accuracy on the total fish catches from pelagic trawling was
around 10 kg, whereas individual sorted fish samples had an
accuracy of 1 g.
Complete stations conducted by combining CTD sampling,
plankton nets and standardized pelagic trawl hauls were included
as predictor variables in a Generalized Additive Model (GAM)
nonparametric regression analysis, using the Gaussian distributional fit (SAS Institute Inc., Box 8000 Cary, N.C., U.S.A). The
most common prey species in the study area were included (#kg
in catch) [NEA mackerel, NSS herring, Atlantic blue whiting,
capelin (Mallotus villosus), krill and gonatus (Gonatus fabricii)
(Tables 3A,B)] and environmental variables (sub-surface temperature ( C) and bottom depth (m) as close as possible to the
actual position of a sighting. Bottom depth was extracted from
the General Bathymetric Chart of the Ocean (GEBCO: www. Response variables included number of individuals of
a cetacean species or absence of marine mammals observed during the entire study, within 2030 nmi distance from each station
depending on northern latitude. Since the sightings of marine
mammals are continuous data and the oceanographic and biological data originates from station data spaced 2030 nmi apart, we
need to make assumptions on overlap based on different spatial
resolution of the different sources of information. The 0.05 level
of probability was accepted as indicating statistical significance
and all mean values are shown standard deviations.

Cetaceans shift in Norwegian Sea

Table 1 | Overview of number of individuals from different cetacean

species sighted in 2009, 2010, and 2012.




Killer whales




Pilot whales



Minke whales




Fin whales


Humpback whales

Sperm whales



White beaked dolphin


Dolphin sp



Beaked whales



Unidentified whales



Harbor porpoises

Table 2 | Overview of average group size (SD) from cetacean species

sighted in 2009, 2010, and 2012.




Group size (SD)

Killer whales

6.0 (5.9)

5.1 (5.7)

9.2 (6.1)

Pilot whales

6.0 (0.0)

5.2 (3.3)

17.0 (11.9)

Minke whales

1.1 (0.3)

1.2 (0.6)

1.0 (0.0)

Fin whales

1.3 (0.5)

1.3 (0.6)

2.0 (0.0)

Humpback whales

2.0 (1.4)

1.6 (0.9)

1.1 (0.4)

Sperm whales

1.1 (0.3)

1.0 (0.1)

1.3 (0.8)

White beaked dolphin

0.0 (0.0)

4.7 (4.7)

1.0 (0.0)

Dolphin sp

9.6 (7.6)

2.8 (1.3)

1.0 (0.0)


Beaked whales

0.0 (0.0)

3.0 (4.0)

3.3 (1.0)


Unidentied whales

1.4 (0.8)

2.4 (0.8)

1.0 (0.0)

Killer whale was the most common cetacean species observed

during all three study years, followed by pilot whales (Table 1).
Killer whales had N = 48 individuals in 2009, N = 136 in 2010
and N = 182 in 2012. Pilot whales had N = 6 individuals in
2009, N = 31 in 2010 and N = 114 in 2012. Killer whales and
pilot whales had also the highest observed group sizes among the
marine mammals (Table 2). Killer whale group size varied from
an average 5.19.2 animals whereas pilot whale group size varied
from an average of 5.217.0 animals between years.
Killer and pilot whales increased significantly in appearance in
the Norwegian Sea during the consecutive study years, whereas
the sperm whale numbers decreased (Table 1).
Killer whales were positively correlated with distribution
and concentrations of Northeast Atlantic mackerel (p < 0.0001,
n = 402) (Table 3A) and shallow bottom depths (p < 0.0072,
n = 402) when pooling the data for all years. They were positively
correlated with high concentrations of mackerel for the years 2010
(t = 3.73, df = 179, p < 0.001) and 2012 (t = 3.04, df = 116,
p < 0.005).
Pilot whales were significantly correlated with high concentrations of NSS herring (p = 0.0002, n = 380) (Table 3A), and
shallow bottom depths (p = 0.0002, n = 380). Pilot whales were
solely observed in shallower waters than 300 m depth.

Harbor porpoises

0.0 (0.0)

1.0 (0.0)

1.0 (0.0)

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Harbor porpoises were only found significantly associated

with shallow waters (p = 0.0167, n = 373).
Beaked whales were found associated with NSS herring (p <
0.0001, n = 380) and deep bottom depths (p = 0.0354, n = 380).
White beaked dolphins were significantly correlated with
shallow water (p = 0.0073, n = 372) and were predominantly
observed along the shelf break. The unidentified dolphin species
were significantly correlated with biomasses of zooplankton (p =
0.0195, n = 377) and low temperatures (p = 0.0142, n = 377).
Total numbers of sperm whales sighted were N = 36 in 2009,
N = 49 in 2010, and N = 8 in 2012, respectively (Table 1).
These sightings were not found significantly correlated with the
distribution or concentrations of any of the prey species, nor
environmental variables included in the regression model.

Minke whale was the most sighted baleen whale in 2009 (N =

26), 2010 (N = 60), and 2012 (N = 31). Minke whales were significantly correlated with the occurrence of NSS herring (t =
5.71, df = 416, p < 0.0001), but no such relationship were

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Cetaceans shift in Norwegian Sea

Table 3A | Regression model components (most common available prey), and results from the GAM procedure analyzing their relationship to
toothed whale species densities.


Pr > t





Blue whiting





Harbor porpoise

Blue whiting





Beaked whale

Blue whiting





White beaked dolphin

Blue whiting





Unidentified dolphin

Blue whiting





Sperm whale

Blue whiting





Toothed whales

Prey species

Killer whale

Blue whiting

Pilot whale

Parameter estimate

found for zooplankton (t = 1.67, df = 416, p < 0.095) when

combining all years (Table 3B).
Fin whales and humpback whales were observed with lower
numbers and smaller group sizes in the study area between 2009

and 2012 (Tables 1, 2). Fin whales were significantly correlated

with distribution and high concentrations of capelin (p = 0.0017,
n = 376), low temperatures (p = 0.0026, n = 376) and shallow
bottom depths (p < 0.05, n = 376) (Table 3B).

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Cetaceans shift in Norwegian Sea

Table 3B | Regression model components (most common available prey), and results from the GAM procedure analyzing their relationship to
baleen whale species densities.
Baleen whales
Minke whale

Prey species


Pr > t







































Blue whiting



















Humpback whale


Blue whiting

Fin whale

Parameter Estimate











Blue whiting



















Humpback whales were not significantly correlated with distribution and concentrations of any of the selected regression
model components such as pelagic fish and macro-zooplankton
(Table 3B).

Zooplankton concentrations including C. finmarchicus, krill and

amphipods were generally low with an average weight of 4.8 g/m2 ,
4.0 g/m2 , 6.0 g/m2 for the years 2009, 2010 and 2012. In general,
the plankton concentrations were lowest in the central Norwegian
Sea and highest in the south western part and east of Iceland in
the frontal area between the warm Atlantic water and the colder
Arctic water. C. finmarchicus was generally found in small concentrations in the western survey area, while C. hyperboreus was
collected in the northern and northwestern part of the Norwegian
Sea. Krill and amphipods were not found or in very small quantities in most areas except in the westernmost areas.

A compelling result from this study is the more frequent toothed
whale sightings, in particular of killer- and pilot whales, in the
Norwegian Sea compared to previous historic sighting surveys
(Hammond and Lockyer, 1988; Buckland et al., 1993; Abend and
Smith, 1999; Nttestad and Olsen, 2004; ien, 2013). Fin whales
seemed to have switched toward a fish prey vs. a diet consisting
of krill and amphipods only few years earlier (Nttestad et al.,
2014a). There have been a change in distribution and reduction
in biomass of krill and amphipods in the Norwegian Sea during
the last 1015 years (Dalpadado et al., 1998; Melle et al., 2004).
Quantifying macro-zooplankton such as krill and amphipods
using vertical hauls with WP2 nets is difficult since these nets
with such small opening and mesh size are generally not regarded

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

as efficient sampling gear for macro-zooplankton including krill

(except the sub-adult stages). Nevertheless, we also used more
qualitative data from our extensive numbers of trawl hauls stations to document presence or absence of krill and amphipods
caught during pelagic trawling close to the surface in relation
to marine mammal sightings. Humpback whales were found in
very low numbers and no overlap was detected between their
distribution and potential prey species. Findings from 2006 to
2007 showed a different picture with much higher sighting numbers and a distribution toward the northernmost waters of the
Norwegian Sea associated with NSS herring (Nttestad et al.,
The high numbers of killer whales and pilot whales sighted
increased substantially from year to year during our study. Killer
whales were associated with NEA mackerel, which is in line with
results also found in the same area during 2006/2007 (Nttestad
et al., 2014b). Mean group size of killer whales was between 5.1
and 9.2 animals from 2009 to 2012, which is comparable with
mean group size = 8.2 animals found in the Norwegian Sea
in summers 2006 and 2007 (Nttestad et al., 2014b). The collective behavior of killer whales thus seems to be fine-tuned to
the schooling behavior and aggregation level of their dominant
mackerel prey (Nttestad et al., 2002, 2014b). Pilot whales are
opportunistic feeders that may exploit locally abundant prey, but
they are traditionally regarded as consumers of squid (Nttestad
and Olsen, 2004; Olson, 2009). Pilot whales prey on some commercially important fish such as NEA mackerel and NSS herring,
and appear to be able to adjust their diet in response to changes in
prey abundance (Desportes and Mouritsen, 1993). In our study,
pilot whales were to a large degree found associated with NSS herring and were found in groups of variable average size ranging
from 5.2 to 17.0 animals, probably adjusted to their schooling

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prey species, but they were also found to be associated with

high zooplankton concentrations, as the only cetacean species in
our study. This species was also associated with shallow bottom
regions (<300 m) which is not particularly associated with their
traditionally dominant prey as squid are predominantly found
on much deeper waters. The influence of warm Atlantic water
has been very strong in the Norwegian Sea during the period
from 2009 to 2012 (Beszczynska-Mller and Dye, 2013). The
warm surface waters combined with low concentrations of mesoand macro zooplankton such as copepods, krill (Meganyctiphanes
norvegica, Thysonoessa inermis, and Thysonoessa longicaudata)
and amphipods (Themisto libellula) and a large mackerel stock
feeding in the Norwegian Sea during summer, has expanded their
spatial distribution to new and previously unknown territories
far to the north and west. Nevertheless, the decrease in zooplankton biomass including Calanus finmarchicus in the Norwegian Sea
may have stabilized after 2009, and in recent years there has been
a tendency of increase (Huse et al., 2012; Broms, 2014), which
may have affected the distribution and aggregation of pelagic fish
and furthermore presence and distribution of marine mammal
species. NSS herring has also responded to the warmer waters
by feeding further north and northwest in summer than earlier
years (ICES, 2013a). Since presence of mackerel and NSS herring has steadily increased in northern waters from 2009 to 2012,
including along the Polar Front between Atlantic and Arctic water
masses, this has led to increased availability of pelagic fish for
the cetaceans (Nttestad and Olsen, 2004; ICES, 2014; Nttestad
et al., 2014c). It seems clear that the high abundance of pelagic fish
species estimated to be around 15 Mt have attracted more feeding
toothed whales such as killer and pilot whales to the Norwegian
Sea ecosystem.
Sperm whales were sighted in modest numbers and mainly
occurring as solitary individuals during our sighting surveys.
There is little scientific knowledge available on the status of abundance and distribution of their main cephalopod prey species
(G. fabricii) (Roper et al., 2010). However, there are indications
of decreasing cephalopods abundance including G. fabricii over
the past decades (Wiborg et al., 1982; Gardiner and Dick, 2010).
Historically, the Norwegian Sea ecosystem has been important
for baleen whale feeding during summer (Jonsgrd, 1966, 1968).
The baleen whales observed during this study are found to be
more associated with pelagic fish compared to meso- and macro
zooplankton (see Nttestad et al., 2014a), suggesting a temporal
shift in prey distribution. Elevated sub-surface temperatures documented in the Norwegian Sea during the last few years compared
to 1020 years ago (Skagseth and Mork, 2012; BeszczynskaMller and Dye, 2013; ICES, 2013c), may have influenced distribution and aggregation of potential prey species for marine
mammals feeding within this ecosystem. We found that both fin
whale and minke whale, among the most abundant baleen whales
in our study, were significantly associated with NSS herring as
also found along the Barents Sea shelf edge (Skern-Mauritzen
et al., 2009) and not correlated with macro-zooplankton such
as krill as dominant prey species in earlier periods based on
direct stomach samples (Jonsgrd, 1966, 1968). This is partly
in contrast to a study performed in the Norwegian Sea during summers 20062007 where fin- and humpback whales were

Cetaceans shift in Norwegian Sea

found correlated with the presence of macro-zooplankton in cold

Arctic water (Nttestad et al., 2014a). This change suggests that
macro-zooplankton is becoming less available and pelagic fish is
becoming more available as dominant prey in the Norwegian Sea
during the active feeding period in summer. Higher temperatures
combined with less abundance of meso- and macro zooplankton found in our study from 2009 to 2012 compared to earlier
studies (Dalpadado et al., 1998; Melle et al., 2004), suggest suboptimal conditions for species such as C. finmarchicus, krill and
amphipods in the Norwegian Sea. Cetaceans preying on these
species will then follow and shift their distribution to obtain more
optimal feeding on these species. Low group sizes of both finand humpback whales observed from 2009 to 2012 coincide with
similar findings from 2006 and 2007, suggesting that these baleen
whale species mainly hunt solitary or in small groups within the
Norwegian Sea ecosystem in summer (Nttestad et al., 2014a).
The Norwegian Sea has traditionally been an important migration corridor for baleen whales toward northern feeding grounds
and to a lesser extent vital as feeding grounds for minke-,
humpback- and fin whales (see Nttestad and Olsen, 2004;
Clapham, 2009; ien, 2013; Nttestad et al., 2014a). A reduction
in, e.g., minke whale abundance is observed in the Norwegian
Sea during the last decade (ien, 2013). Prey species such as
krill and amphipods may have shifted their spatial distribution to
more northern latitudes (Buchholtz et al., 2010; Kraft et al., 2013),
which probably influences the minke whales main migration patterns. The minke and fin whales are regarded as opportunistic in
their prey choice, leading us to believe that a preference toward
NSS herring and not zooplankton for the animals residing in our
study area is probably not an unusual finding. Vikingsson et al.
(2014) found that minke whales in Icelandic waters have shifted
their distribution and diet composition during the last years from
a diet dominated by sandeel and macro-zooplankton to a fish
diet dominated of herring and gadoids. Cold water species such
as krill and capelin were less present in the minke whale diet,
coinciding with our results on spatial overlap, where herring, in
both studies, were found to be the most important prey species
for minke whales in recent years. Despite large abundance of
available prey species such as NSS herring and blue whiting in
the study area, the fin whales sighted were predominantly swimming far to the north, and were found associated with the cold
water species capelin. The sighted humpback whales in our study
were not found to be associated with any registered prey species.
This might indicate low feeding activities for this species within
this region; however, the statistical data was represented with few
humpback whale observations.
Toothed whales in general and group living dolphins in particular, apply coordinated hunting strategies, which is suited to
capture smaller and less dense concentrations of pelagic fish.
Killer whales and pilot whales can also circumvent and manipulate the anti-predator behavior of mackerel and NSS herring
to their own benefit by packing looser shoals and aggregations
to become denser schools, as well as adjust their group size to
prevailing patchiness and school size of pelagic fish (Nttestad
et al., 2014b). This might be important factors influencing the
success of these species in this region. Due to low concentrations
and densities of meso- and macro-zooplankton during summer,

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pelagic fish are forced to spread out in smaller and looser shoals
and concentrations in order to optimize their own feeding for
dominant and easily accessible prey species (Fern et al., 1998).
When pelagic fish are more evenly distributed in small aggregations, they become less available for solitary baleen whales, which
dominated in our sighting data. Their hunting technique is much
less cost-efficient when schooling fish and swarms of krill and
amphipods do not to appear in dense patches.

This project was financed by the former Norwegian Ministry
of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs (Norwegian Ministry of Trade,
Industry and Fisheries) and the Institute of Marine Research,
Bergen, Norway. We would like to thank the skippers and crew
onboard the M/V Libas, M/V Eros and M/V Brennholm
and R/V G.O. Sars for excellent collaboration and practical
assistance during the ecosystem surveys in 2009, 2010, and 2012
in the Norwegian Sea. We would also like to thank all the dedicated marine mammal observers onboard the vessels and Karen
Gjertsen at the Institute of Marine Research for designing and
producing the maps.

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(1988). Photoidentification of killer whales off Iceland 1981 through 1986. Rit
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Simil, T., Holst, J. C., and Christensen, I. (1996). Occurrence and diet of killer
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Cetaceans shift in Norwegian Sea

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Simmonds, M. P., and Elliot, W. J. (2009). Climate change and cetaceans: concerns and recent developments. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK 89. 203201. doi:
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and marine mammals, in Marine MammalsBiology and Conservation, eds
P. G. H. Evans and J. A. Raga (New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers), 589608.
Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 31 October 2014; accepted: 02 December 2014; published online: 05 January
Citation: Nttestad L, Krafft BA, Anthonypillai V, Bernasconi M, Langrd L, Mrk HL
and Fern A (2015) Recent changes in distribution and relative abundance of cetaceans
in the Norwegian Sea and their relationship with potential prey. Front. Ecol. Evol. 2:83.
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00083
This article was submitted to Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Copyright 2015 Nttestad, Krafft, Anthonypillai, Bernasconi, Langrd, Mrk and
Fern. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other
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January 2015 | Volume 2 | Article 83 | 160


published: 17 February 2015
doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00006


Distribution, abundance, and feeding ecology of baleen

whales in Icelandic waters: have recent environmental
changes had an effect?
Gsli A. Vkingsson 1*, Daniel G. Pike 2 , Hinn Valdimarsson 3 , Anna Schleimer 4 ,
Thorvaldur Gunnlaugsson 1 , Teresa Silva 3,5 , Bjarki . Elvarsson 1,6 , Bjarni Mikkelsen 7 , Nils ien 8 ,
Genevive Desportes 9 , Valur Bogason 1 and Philip S. Hammond 4

Marine Resources Section, Marine Research Institute, Reykjavk, Iceland

Esox Associates, North Bay, ON, Canada
Marine Environment Section, Marine Research Institute, Reykjavk, Iceland
Sea Mammal Research Unit, Scottish Oceans Institute, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK
Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland
Faculty of Physical Sciences, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland
Faroese Museum of Natural History, Torshavn, Faroe Islands
Marine Mammal Research Group, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway
GDnatur, Kerteminde, Denmark

Edited by:
Tore Haug, Institute of Marine
Research, Norway
Reviewed by:
Ulf Lindstrm, Institute of Marine
Research, Norway
J. Lawson, Department of Fisheries
and Oceans, Canada
Gsli A. Vkingsson, Whale Research
Unit, Marine Resources Section,
Marine Research Institute,
Sklagata 4, PO. Box 1390, 121
Reykjavk, Iceland

The location of Iceland at the junction of submarine ridges in the North-East Atlantic
where warm and cold water masses meet south of the Arctic Circle contributes to high
productivity of the waters around the island. During the last two decades, substantial
increases in sea temperature and salinity have been reported. Concurrently, pronounced
changes have occurred in the distribution of several fish species and euphausiids. The
distribution and abundance of cetaceans in the Central and Eastern North Atlantic have
been monitored regularly since 1987. Significant changes in the distribution and abundance
of several cetacean species have occurred in this time period. The abundance of Central
North Atlantic (CNA) humpback and fin whales has increased from 1800 to 11,600 and
15,200 to 20,600, respectively, in the period 19872007. In contrast, the abundance of
minke whales on the Icelandic continental shelf decreased from around 44,000 in 2001 to
20,000 in 2007 and 10,000 in 2009. The increase in fin whale abundance was accompanied
by expansion of distribution into the deep waters of the Irminger Sea. The distribution of
the endangered blue whale has shifted northwards in this period. The habitat selection
of fin whales was analyzed with respect to physical variables (temperature, depth,
salinity) using a generalized additive model, and the results suggest that abundance was
influenced by an interaction between the physical variables depth and distance to the
2000 m isobaths, but also by sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height (SSH),
However, environmental data generally act as proxies of other variables, to which the
whales respond directly. Overall, these changes in cetacean distribution and abundance
may be a functional feeding response of the cetacean species to physical and biological
changes in the marine environment, including decreased abundance of euphausiids, a
northward shift in summer distribution of capelin and a crash in the abundance of sand
Keywords: climate change, fin whale, common minke whale, whale abundance, feeding ecology, humpback whale,
oceanic warming, habitat modeling

Cetaceans are important top predators in Icelandic waters with
a total of 23 species recorded (Hersteinsson, 2004) of which
1214 species are considered regular inhabitants. In terms
of biomass and consumption, cetaceans play an important
role in the Icelandic ecosystem. Sigurjnsson and Vkingsson
(1997) estimated the total annual consumption by 12 cetacean
species as 6 million tons corresponding to around four times
the total Icelandic fishery landings. The diet composition of
these cetaceans is poorly known except for common minke

whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), fin whales (Balaenoptera

physalus) and harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Fin whales
feed almost exclusively on euphausiids, mostly Meganyctiphanes
norvegica, on the traditional whaling grounds in the Irminger
Sea (Vkingsson, 1997). Fluctuations in environmental conditions affecting per capita prey availability have been shown to
affect body condition and pregnancy rate in North Atlantic fin
whales (Williams et al., 2013). Common minke whales have a
much more varied diet ranging from euphausiids to large gadoid
fish. Sand eel (Ammodytes sp.), herring (Clupea harengus) and
February 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 6 | 161

Vkingsson et al.

capelin appear to be the most preferred prey (Vkingsson et al.,

2014). The feeding ecology of blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and
humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Icelandic waters is
not known. However, blue whales are known to feed exclusively
on krill in the North Atlantic (Sears and Perrin, 2009) whereas
humpback whales are reported to feed on both krill and pelagic
schooling fish such as capelin and herring (Clapham, 2009).
Substantial warming and salinification has been observed
in Icelandic and adjacent waters in the past two decades
(Mortensen and Valdimarsson, 1999; Bersch, 2002; Malmberg
and Valdimarsson, 2003; Htn et al., 2005). Concurrently, pronounced changes have been reported in the distribution and
abundance of several animal species in Icelandic waters. Some of
these changes appear to be related to increased flow of Atlantic
water masses into North Icelandic waters, including a northward expansion of the distribution of haddock (Melanogrammus
aeglefinus), monkfish (Lophius piscatorius), and capelin (Mallotus
villosus) (Astthorsson et al., 2007; Solmundsson et al., 2010).
Sand eel abundance in southern and western Icelandic waters was
apparently drastically reduced around 2005, with severe consequences for some seabird populations (Lilliendahl et al., 2013;
Vigfusdottir et al., 2013). In terms of biomass, the most influential change is probably the recent invasion of Northeast Atlantic
mackerel (Scomber scombrus) into Icelandic waters (Astthorsson
et al., 2012). There are limited data available on temporal trends
in meso- and macro zooplankton in Icelandic waters. Silva et al.
(2014) found a decrease in euphausiid abundance in the oceanic
(offshore) waters south and west of Iceland during 19582007,
while in south Icelandic shelf waters they reported an increase
in euphausiid larvae during 19902011. Recent and ongoing
changes in the Icelandic marine environment affect several species
that are important as prey for cetaceans. Depending on the ecological flexibility of the different species, these changes could be
expected to affect the distribution and abundance of cetaceans in
the area.
Large scale surveys, aimed at estimating and monitoring
the distribution and abundance of cetaceans in the Central
North Atlantic (CNA), have been conducted regularly since 1987
(Sigurjnsson, 1992; Lockyer and Pike, 2009; Vkingsson et al.,
2009). Major changes in the distribution and abundance of several cetacean species have been observed over the past 20 years,
particularly around the turn of the century. However, the potential effects on habitat use of cetaceans are poorly documented.
Within the context of a changing environment, it is important
to understand the link between baleen whales and their environment at various temporal and spatial scales in order to assess
potential ecosystem-level effects, mediated by changing environmental conditions (Htn et al., 2009). For future conservation
and management it is of utmost importance to gain better understanding of these effects and the interactions among key species
in the ecosystem.
In this paper we describe these changes in cetacean distribution and abundance and investigate to what extent they can be
explained by recent biological (prey) and physical (oceanography) changes in the marine environment in this area. As part
of this investigation, we present a first attempt at modeling the
habitat use of fin whales in the Northeast Atlantic over a 20-year

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Climate change and cetaceans

period, as a function of both physiographic and remotely sensed

environmental variables. Fin whales were chosen for this exercise
because of their wide distribution within the survey area and their
spatial and temporal overlap with readily available environmental



Iceland is located at the intersection between large submarine

ridges along the Mid Atlantic Ridge in the northern North
Atlantic resulting in complex circulation in Icelandic waters
(Figure 1). In combination with energetic atmospheric circulation this leads to a highly variable environment on the boundary
between colder and warmer waters. The East Greenland Current
and East Icelandic Current bring colder water from the north
while the North Atlantic Current and the Irminger Current carry
warmer waters from the south. With the polar front lying through
the Denmark Strait area and the Irminger Sea, this climatic
boundary fluctuates with various proportions of Polar, Arctic and
Atlantic water, especially north of Iceland but also in the Irminger
Oceanographic data to describe decadal changes in hydrographic conditions in Icelandic waters are based on longterm sampling conducted by the Marine Research Institute
(MRI), Reykjavk Iceland (Malmberg and Valdimarsson, 2003;
Valdimarsson et al., 2012). Temperature and salinity data used
here were obtained with a CTD after 1990, mainly within the context of seasonal monitoring at stations around Iceland. Some data
in the Irminger Sea were from an international redfish monitoring project coordinated through ICES. CTD data were processed
according to internationally recommended standards. Data from
before 1990 were obtained with Nansen bottles and reversing
thermometers and then interpolated on 1 dbar intervals before
being depth averaged in the same manner as CTD data.

FIGURE 1 | Oceanography of the Icelandic area. EGC, East Greenland

Current; EIC, East Iceland Current; IC, Irminger Current; NAC, North Atlantic
Current. The dotted lines represent sampling stations.

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Vkingsson et al.


The North Atlantic Sightings Surveys (NASS and TNASS) constitute the largest series of cetacean surveys conducted to date
in both spatial and temporal extent (Pike, 2009). These multinational surveys have covered large parts of the summer distributions of North Atlantic baleen whales. To date, the series includes
five large-scale surveys (1987, 1989, 1995, 2001, and 2007), the
most recent one (TNASS 2007, CODA, SNESSA) extending across
the whole North Atlantic from the east coast of North America
to the European west coast (NAMMCO, 2009). In all these surveys, the CNA (Donovan, 1991) has been covered by Icelandic,
Faroese and Norwegian research effort. The Icelandic continental shelf area was surveyed by air using cue-counting methods for
abundance estimation (Donovan and Gunnlaugsson, 1989; Hiby
and Hammond, 1989; Borchers et al., 2009; Pike et al., 2011a).
Offshore waters of the CNA were covered by vessel surveys using
conventional line transect methods (Sigurjnsson et al., 1989,
1991; Pike et al., 2009a, 2010b; Vkingsson et al., 2009). In addition to the above, full scale aerial surveys were conducted in
Icelandic waters in 1986 and 2009 (Gunnlaugsson et al., 1988;
Pike et al., 2011b).
The common minke whale was the primary target species
of the aerial surveys covering Icelandic continental shelf waters,
while the fin whales was the primary target species in the
shipboard component covering Icelandic and adjacent offshore
waters. The timing of the surveys was roughly the month of
July, corresponding to the assumed peak abundance of the main
target species, fin and common minke whales. The sei whale
(Balaenoptera borealis) was a target species of the 1989 survey that
had no aerial component and took place around 2 weeks later
and extended further south than the other surveys (Sigurjnsson
et al., 1991). The analysis presented here was largely confined to
the CNA, an area that received a fairly systematic coverage by
Iceland and the Faroes. To account for variable coverage within
this area, post-stratification was applied for analysis of trends
(Vkingsson et al., 2009). For comparisons within the shelf area,
southern Icelandic waters were represented by aerial survey blocks
1, 2, 8, and 9 and northern Icelandic waters by blocks 47 (for
delineation of aerial survey blocks Figure 6). Table 1 summarizes
the aerial and shipboard surveys on which the analyses presented
here are based.
Data on the catch distribution of fin whales were retrieved
from the official databases of the MRI and the Icelandic Fisheries
Directorate. Prior to the pause in fin whaling 19902005, positions were reported in squares (0.5 latitude 1 longitude) used
in the fisheries sector (Sigurjnsson, 1988) but, since 2006, more
precise positions (to the nearest minute of latitude and longitude)
have been reported.
Modeling of fin whale distribution

The large-scale link between fin whale distribution and its habitat in the Northeastern Atlantic was investigated by modeling
the relationship between whale abundance and environmental
covariates. Data on fin whale abundance were derived from the
five Faroese and Icelandic line transect cetacean sighting surveys
conducted from 1987 to 2007 (Lockyer and Pike, 2009). Transects
were divided into effort segments, each of which ended when

Climate change and cetaceans

there was a change in survey conditions (sea conditions, weather)

or a sighting. Data on cetaceans sighted included species, group
size, and radial distance and angle to the group (Vkingsson et al.,
In a first step, the detection probabilities, 
p, of fin whales in
each effort segment were estimated using the DISTANCE 6.2
software package (Thomas et al., 2010). Covariates available to
improve precision and reduce bias in estimating detection probability included: sea conditions (Beaufort scale), weather index,
visibility, vessel identity (nine vessels or three categories according to platform height), number of observers and group size. The
weather index reflected the cloud cover as well as the amount
of precipitation or fog and occasionally included wind direction.
The final detection function was chosen by minimizing Akaikes
Information Criterion (AIC) and by comparing the Cramr-von
Mises goodness of fit test statistics (Thomas et al., 2010) and,
all other things being equal, the precision of estimated average
detection probability. Perpendicular distances were right truncated at 4000 m to improve detection function model fit; beyond
this distance sightings were sporadic (Thomas et al., 2010). Only
sightings with species identification of high and medium certainty
were included in this analysis. Searching effort and sightings made
in sea conditions greater than Beaufort scale 5 were excluded.
Abundance of fin whales, 
N, in each effort segment, i, was
estimated using the Horvitz-Thompson estimator:

Ni =




where ni is the number of fin whales observed in the ith effort

segment and 
pij is the estimated probability of detection of the jth
detected group in segment i.
Covariate data available to model the influence of environmental features on fin whale abundance included physiographic,
remotely sensed and reconstructed data (Table 2). Some covariates of interest, especially salinity and chlorophyll a, could not be
included because some survey years pre-dated the use of certain
satellite sensors (e.g., SeaWIFS operated only since 1997). Satellite
altimetry data date back only to 1993; however, a sea surface
height (SSH) data set from 1950 to 2009, reconstructed based on
in situ tide-gauge records, was made available by Meyssignac et al.
(2012). This dataset had global coverage up to 70 N, which led
to the exclusion of a minimal number of effort segments further
north. Depth, slope, seabed aspect and distance covariates were
linked to effort segment midpoints in Manifold 8.0. Sea surface
temperature (SST) and SSH values were assigned to effort segment midpoints by interpolating the value from four surrounding
cells based on coordinates and time using R 3.0.1 (R Core Team,
Multi-panel scatterplots and Pearson correlation coefficients
were used to assess collinearity between pairs of covariates (Zuur
et al., 2009). Collinearity between two covariates was considered significant when the Pearson correlation coefficient exceeded
0.6. During the model fitting process, only the covariate that
explained most of the deviance was retained in the model for
covariates identified as collinear.

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Table 1 | Survey data used in the analyses of cetacean abundance.


Survey years






minke whale

1986, 1987, 2001, 2007, 2009

continental shelf


Cue counting (A)

Borchers et al., 2009; Pike

et al., 2009b, 2011a

minke whale

1986, 1987, 1995, 2001, 2007, 2009

continental shelf


Line transect
densities (R)

6 and 7

Pike et al., 2009b, 2011b

Fin whale

1987, 1989, 1995, 2001, 2007

Central North


Line transect (A)

Sigurjnsson et al., 1989, 1991;

Vkingsson et al., 2009; Pike
et al., 2008

Fin whale

1987, 1989, 1995, 2001, 2007

Central North


modeling (R)

MRI database


1986, 1987, 1995, 2001, 2007, 2009

continental shelf


Sighting rates
(whales/nm) (R)


Pike et al., 2009b, 2011b


1987, 1995, 2001, 2007

Central North


Line transect (A)


Pike et al., 2010c

A, Estimated absolute abundance; R, Relative abundance; Figure, Figure numbers in this article. Source: References to reports giving details of data and methods.

Table 2 | List of physiographic and environmental covariates considered for inclusion in the model as explanatory variables.




Sea bed depth (m)

ETOPO1 1 arc-minute gridded global relief data. NOAA

National Geophysical Data Center. http://www.ngdc.


Slope( ) of the sea floor

Derived from ETOPO1 bathymetric data using

transform surface dialog in Manifold 8.0


Aspect (180, 180) of the sea floor

Derived from ETOPO1 bathymetric data using

transform surface dialog in Manifold 8.0

Distance to isobaths (Dist0, Dist200,


Distance of the effort segment midpoint

to the coast, the 200 m deep isobath and
the 2000 m deep isobath

Calculated in Manifold 8.0 using SQL queries

Monthly Sea surface temperature (SST)

Night-time monthly averages of SST ( C)

from March to August

4 km Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer

(AVHRR) Pathfinder Version 5. Distributed by PO.DAAC
and NODC

Current Sea Surface temperature

Night-time current monthly average SST

( C) at the time of the cetacean survey

4 km Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer

(AVHRR) Pathfinder Version 5. Distributed by PO.DAAC
and NODC

1 1 annually averaged sea surface

height (m)

Meyssignac et al., 2012



Sea surface height (SSH)

The relationship between estimated abundance of fin whales

and environmental covariates was modeled using Generalized
Additive Models (GAMs) (Hastie and Tibshirani, 1990). GAMs
are commonly used to relate distribution or abundance of animals
to environmental characteristics due to their greater flexibility
compared to Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) (Wood, 2001).

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

A GAM for abundance data with log link function was used
with the general structure:
i = exp[0 +

fk (Xik )]

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where 0 is the intercept term, fk are the smoothed functions

of the explanatory covariates, and Xik is the value of the kth
explanatory covariate in the ith segment.
As is common with such data, the response variable, 
N, was
overdispersed with a higher proportion of zeroes and of relatively
large values than expected if the data were Poisson distributed.
Models have been developed to deal with zero-inflated data
(Barry and Welsh, 2002; Warton, 2005); however, a quasi-Poisson
or negative binomial error distribution are appropriate when fitting models to overdispersed count data (Ver Hoef and Boveng,
2007). The Tweedie distribution has also been proposed because
it has an additional parameter offering higher flexibility (Miller
et al., 2013). These three error distributions, quasi-Poisson, negative binomial and Tweedie, were investigated when fitting the
GAMs; quantile-quantile (QQ) plots, plots of Pearson residuals and response vs. fitted values plots were visually assessed to
determine the most appropriate error distribution to use.
In models of count data, effort segments of variable length are
typically accounted for by using an offset term, which assumes
that the effort variable is a linear predictor with coefficient
equal to 1 (Wood, 2006). However, in these data the relationship between the response variable and effort segment length did
not meet this assumption and the latter was instead included as a
smoothed covariate.
Data from surveys may be spatially auto-correlated and, if
model covariates do not account for this, residuals may also be
correlated leading to underestimated SEs of coefficients and possibly to unwarranted retention of covariates in model selection.
A semi-variogram of model residuals from the final GAM plotted against distance between observations was inspected to assess
whether there was spatial correlation in the model residuals (Zuur
et al., 2009).
Smooth terms were modeled using penalized cubic regression splines with a shrinkage term, which allows smoothers to
reduce to 0 degrees of freedom and to be dropped from the model
(Wood, 2006). Interaction terms were fitted using tensor product interactions when the main effects were also included in the
model. The package mgcv v. 1.8-1 for R was used to fit models
(Wood, 2001).
Model selection used a forward stepwise procedure based on
three evaluation criteria: (1) model GCV (Generalized Cross
Validation) score, which is an approximation to AIC; (2) percentage of deviance explained; and (3) probability that a covariate was
included in the model by chance using analysis of deviance tests
(Wood, 2001).
For the predictive maps, a grid of 0.5 0.5 resolution populated with covariate values was generated in Manifold 8.0 for
each survey year over the extent of survey coverage. Predictions
of relative fin whale abundance in each grid cell for each survey
year were generated in R based on the final GAM model. The
point estimates of predicted relative abundance in each grid cell
were smoothed into density surfaces using kriging with Gaussian
distribution, implemented in Manifold 8.0, for presentation.


Capelin is among the most important commercially exploited

pelagic fish species in Icelandic waters. The fishery for this species

Climate change and cetaceans

was initiated in the 1960s and continues to date. Acoustic monitoring of capelin distribution and abundance has been conducted
by the MRI since 1980 by surveys in autumn and winter and has
been reported annually in stock status reports (Marine Research
Institute, 2014).
Sand eel

Sand eel have not been subject to commercial harvesting in

Icelandic waters. However, they are important as a food source
for other fish species, seabirds and marine mammals (Vkingsson
et al., 2003, 2014; Lilliendahl and Solmundsson, 2006; Bogason
and Lilliendahl, 2009; Vigfusdottir et al., 2013). Attempts to
monitor sand eel abundance were not initiated until 2006, in
relation to poor breeding success of seabirds in south Iceland.
However, auxiliary information can be obtained from stomach content data from haddock sampled during MRIs annual
groundfish surveys (Bogason and Lilliendahl, 2009; MRI, unpublished data).
Euphausiids (krill)

Data on euphausiid abundance were obtained from Sir Alistair

Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS) from their
Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) program (Silva et al.,
2014). The CPR collects plankton from vessels of opportunity crossing the North Atlantic along standard routes.
The samples are processed, including species identification at
SAFHOS (Batten et al., 2003). The northernmost routes of
the CPR surveys cover the areas south and southwest of


Changes in temperature and salinity in the waters south and west

of Iceland in recent decades have been characterized by observations from the deepest station in the Faxafli section west of
Iceland (Figure 2A). This station is located in the core of the
Atlantic water as it flows northwards along the shelf break in
the Irminger Current. After the basin wide changes before the
mid-1990s, temperature and salinity in the mixed layer started to
increase rapidly, demonstrating the increase of water of Atlantic
character in this part of the Sub Polar Gyre. Similar changes
were observed in temperature further north on the Latrabjarg
section (station Lb4 Northwest Iceland) in the northward flow
of the branch of the Irminger Current which feeds the inflow
of Atlantic water to the area north of Iceland, i.e., the North
Icelandic Irminger Current (Figure 2B). The rise in temperature was particularly steep between 1995 and 2000 (Figure 2).
In the following years, these changes are also apparent in the
shelf area to the north of Iceland and most markedly as higher
winter temperatures (Figure 3). Since 1998, winter temperature
and salinity were higher than the average for the measurement period (19702014) in all years except 2002. In general,
a similar but more variable rise in temperature was observed
in other seasons. Figure 4 shows changes in summer temperatures at 200 m depth in the Irminger Sea between 1994 and 2003.
Appreciable warming occurred in this period, particularly in the
deep water area between the continental shelves of Iceland and
February 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 6 | 165

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FIGURE 2 | (A) Temperature (red) and salinity (blue) at a repeated

hydrographic station, Fx9, in winter at the shelf slope west of
Iceland. Dept average over 0200 m depth. (B) Temperature at a


Common minke whale

Abundance estimates of common minke whales from aerial surveys conducted during 19872009 over the Icelandic continental
shelf varied widely (Figure 5). Point estimates of abundance
increased appreciably between 1987 and 2001 although the difference was only marginally significant (Borchers et al., 2009;
Pike et al., 2009b). The survey in 2007 revealed a reduction in
minke whale abundance to less than half that of 2001 and an extra
aerial survey conducted in 2009 showed even further decline in
numbers (Figure 5).
Figure 6 shows concurrent changes in relative densities
(number of whales/nm2 at the surface) of common minke
whales on the Icelandic continental shelf according to the
aerial surveys conducted during 19862009. As for the estimated abundance, the estimates for the whole survey area
show a slightly increasing, but non-significant trend within

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Climate change and cetaceans

repeated hydrographic station, Lb4, in winter at Latragrunn. Depth

average over 80180 m depth. Thick line shows 3-year running

the range of 0.04 and 0.06 animals/nm2 between 1986 and

2001. In the next survey (2007), the densities had decreased
sharply to less than 0.02 animals/nm2 and this drop in
density was confirmed in the survey conducted in 2009
(Figure 6).
The decreased densities after 2001 were evident in most subareas of the aerial survey. However, the degree of the decline
was highly variable within the continental shelf stratum with
the steepest declines in southern and western coastal waters
(Figure 6). Figure 7 compares the mean densities of the southern (blocks 1, 2, 8, and 9) and northern (blocks 47) survey
blocks for the periods 19862001 and 20072009. In the earlier
period, mean density in the southern/western area was more than
double that of the northern area. In the later period, density in
both areas declined to about the same level; thus the decline was
much steeper in the southern area (79%) than in the northern
area (46%).

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FIGURE 3 | Temperature and salinity deviations from Siglunes section north of Iceland 19702013. Deviations are from depth average and mean from
stations Si2Si4.

Fin whale

The estimated abundance of fin whales increased during the survey period from 15,200 in 1987 to 20,600 in 2007 (Figure 8).
During 19872001 the annual increase in the total CNA was estimated as 4%, while the annual growth rate was estimated as 10%
in the Irminger Sea between Iceland and Greenland (Vkingsson
et al., 2009).
In the habitat modeling, the covariates retained in the
final GAM included smooth functions for SST, SSH and survey effort segment length, and an interaction term between
depth and distance to the 2000 m isobath. A negative binomial error distribution with log link function was identified as
the best description of the data. Pearson correlation coefficients
showed high collinearity between all monthly SST covariates
(r = 1, p < 0.0001), and between all combinations of Depth,
Dist0, and Dist200 (r > 0.7, p < 0.0001). Accordingly, only
one SST covariate and one of Dist0, Dist200, or Depth were
included in the final model. The semi-variogram indicated
that there was no spatial correlation in the model residuals
(Supplementary Figure 1).
The results of the final model, which explained 15.7% of the
deviance, are given in Supplementary Table 1. Figure 9 shows
the fitted smooth function for each covariate included in the
final model. The probability of sighting fin whales decreased
with increasing segment length, supporting the decision to
include effort as a smoothed covariate rather than an offset
term (Figure 9F). SST in the study area at the time of the
surveys ranged from 2.5 C to 15.7 C and the highest probability of encountering fin whales was predicted to be in waters
with surface temperatures between 5 and 11 C peaking around

67 C (Figure 9D). Fin whales were less likely to be observed

at greater distances from the 2000 m isobath and in shallower
waters (Figures 9B,C). This pattern was also reflected in the
interaction between these two covariates (Figure 9A). Sightings
were mainly made at intermediate SSH of 0.020.04 m elevation
as well as in waters with SSH depressions greater than 0.05 m
(Figure 9E).
The Irminger Sea and the area northeast of Iceland were predicted to hold the highest abundance of fin whales in all years
(Figures 10AE), except in 1989 when the area north of Iceland
was not surveyed (Figure 10B). Within the Irminger Sea, fin
whales were predicted to be mostly concentrated along the 2000 m
isobath. Predicted relative abundance was high along the East
Greenland shelf particularly in 2001 and 2007. The area west
of the British Isles had consistent low predicted abundance of
fin whales. These predictions were overall in agreement with the
observations of fin whales.
As noted previously (Pike et al., 2008; Vkingsson et al., 2009),
the distribution of fin whales has changed in the Irminger Sea.
Whales aggregated over the continental slope in 1987, 1989, and
1995, but were dispersed throughout the Irminger Sea in 2001 and
2007. The model failed to explain the high number of sightings
south of Iceland in 1989 (Figure 10B).
Since the resumption of fin whaling in 1948 the operation has
been limited to a single land station in Hvalfjrur, West Iceland
(Sigurjnsson, 1988). Because of factory regulations concerning
freshness of products, catches have been limited to approximately
24 h cruising distance from the station. The distribution pattern
of the fin whale catches has been rather stable and largely confined
to areas close to the continental slopes of the Irminger Sea west of

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FIGURE 4 | Sea temperatures at 200 m depth in the Irminger Sea in June 1994 (A) and 2003 (B).

Iceland (Figure 11). The catch distribution of sei whales has been
somewhat wider including areas further east along the southern
coast of Iceland. The catch distribution of fin whales in 2014 differed appreciably from all the previous seasons since 1948. During

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

1626 June, 26 fin whales were caught within the traditional fin
whaling grounds west and southwest of Iceland. In the following
2 weeks only two fin whales were caught in this area despite considerable search effort. After widening the search area fin whales

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were found in high densities in offshore south Icelandic waters.

During the rest of the season, 13 July-23 September 2014, 104 fin
whales were taken in these new fin whaling grounds and four in
the traditional grounds (Figure 11).

show an increase in the point estimates from 1986/1987 to 2001

with a slight decrease thereafter. However, confidence intervals are
wide and the estimates since 1995 are not significantly different
from each other.

Humpback whale


Figure 12 shows the estimated relative abundance of humpback

whales from the 19862009 aerial surveys and estimated absolute
abundance from the 19872007 shipboard surveys. Both indices

Sand eel

Figure 12 shows the average number of sand eel in haddock stomachs sampled during the annual Icelandic groundfish surveys

FIGURE 5 | Abundance estimates (with 95% confidence intervals) of

common minke whales in the Icelandic continental shelf area derived
from aerial surveys conducted during 19872009.

FIGURE 7 | Comparison of changes in densities (Number of

animals/nm2 ) of common minke whales in northern (blocks 47) and
southern (blocks 1, 2, 8, and 9) coastal Icelandic waters. For delineation
of aerial survey blocks see Figure 6.

FIGURE 6 | Trend in relative abundance (number of whales/nm2 at the

surface with 95% confidence intervals) of common minke whales,
19862009, as indicated by line transect density in the Icelandic aerial

survey area. Two estimates, using both primary observers, and a single
primary observer, are shown for 2007 and 2009. The thick arrow refers to the
total survey area.

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time an expansion in mackerel distribution westwards and northwards into Icelandic waters took place (Astthorsson et al., 2012).
Due to the large size of the stock, this mackerel invasion into
Icelandic waters represents a substantial change in the ecosystem
of the Icelandic continental shelf. In addition, 0-group fish of the
cold-water species capelin retreated northwards on the Icelandic
shelf while the mature component has progressively spread along
the shelf break off East Greenland (Vilhjalmsson, 2007; Plsson
et al., 2012a). The sand eel population off southern and western
Iceland has been in decline and was drastically reduced around
2005 because of recruitment failure (Bogason and Lilliendahl,
2009). The oceanographic and ecological changes are both likely
to have contributed to the changes observed in distribution and
abundance of several cetacean populations.
FIGURE 8 | Abundance (with 95% confidence intervals) of fin whales
according to the North Atlantic Sightings Surveys 19872001 in the
total Central North Atlantic stock area (upper) and in the Irminger Sea
west of Iceland (lower). For area delineations see Vkingsson et al. (2009).

19972010. Sand eel numbers decreased sharply from around

3/stomach in 1997 to 0 in 2004. In all subsequent years except
2007, the mean number of sand eel per stomach was less than
0.25 (Figure 13).

A major shift in distribution and migration pattern of capelin

appears to have taken place around the turn of the century
(Figure 14). A northward shift in distribution of 0-group capelin
away from the Icelandic continental shelf waters north off Iceland
was first observed in 2003, coinciding with the onset of a greatly
reduced recruitment to the capelin stock (Plsson et al., 2012a,b,
2014). This situation seems to have prevailed ever since (Marine
Research Institute, 2014). The distribution of adult capelin has
also shifted westwards toward the coast of Greenland (Figure 14).

Figure 15 shows total abundance of euphausiids in South

Icelandic waters (area A6 in Silva et al., 2014) during 19582007 as
recorded by the CPR. A significant decreasing trend was observed
in this period (simple linear regression r2 = 0.25, p < 0.001).

During the past two decades, pronounced changes have occurred
in the marine environment around Iceland. Following 1995, an
increase in temperature and salinity was observed in the waters
south and west of Iceland (Figure 2), which prevailed for almost
two decades and has been reflected in the biota (see below).
Generally, salinity and temperature have also been higher in the
waters north of Iceland since the late 1990s (Figure 3). These
changes have been linked with the changed distribution and
recruitment of capelin north of Iceland (Plsson et al., 2012a,b,
2014). Concurrent with increasing temperatures and salinity and
a northward shift of fronts following increased flow of Atlantic
water to the areas north of Iceland, marked changes have occurred
in the distribution of several fish species, including a northward shift in haddock and monkfish (Astthorsson et al., 2007;
Solmundsson et al., 2010; Valdimarsson et al., 2012). At the same

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies


Densities of common minke whales in the Icelandic continental

shelf area decreased markedly between 2001 and 2007 and the
estimated abundance in 2009 was less than a quarter of that in
2001 (Figure 5). The shipboard component of the 2007 survey
failed to detect a corresponding increase in abundance of minke
whales in the offshore regions of the CNA stock area, although
large areas north of Iceland and along the coast of East Greenland
received no or poor coverage due to unfavorable weather and ice
conditions (Pike et al., 2010a). Therefore, the details of a potential
shift in distribution are unknown.
Investigations of stomach contents of minke whales have
shown pronounced changes in diet composition in recent
decades. During 19771997, sand eel was the predominant prey
in southern and western Iceland while capelin occurred in
42% and euphausiids in 58% of the stomachs in the northern
areas (Sigurjnsson et al., 2000). During 20032007 a significant
change had occurred in the minke whales diet composition with
the contribution of euphausiids and capelin decreasing from 45 to
17% and 36 to 22%, respectively in comparable areas (Vkingsson
et al., 2014). The proportions of large gadoids [mainly haddock
and cod (Gadus morhua)] and herring increased coincidently
between these two periods. The overall percentage of sand eel
in minke whale stomachs was still high in the latter period, but
decreased appreciably within the period from 90% in 2003 to 20%
in 2007 in the southern areas (Vkingsson et al., 2014).
These dietary changes coincide well with the documented
changes in the local abundance of the prey species sand
eel, capelin and euphausiids (Astthorsson et al., 2007; Marine
Research Institute, 2014). The massive decrease in sand eel abundance during 19972003 indicated by the analyses of haddock
stomachs is supported by decreased breeding success of sand
eel-dependent seabirds in southern Iceland (Lilliendahl et al.,
2013; Vigfusdottir et al., 2013). The subsequent low levels of
sand eels in minke whale stomachs are in agreement with data
from a sand eel monitoring program initiated in 2006 (Bogason
and Lilliendahl, 2009). The decreased proportion of capelin in
the minke whale diet is also consistent with lower availability of
capelin in north Icelandic waters during summer (Figure 14) and
the increased contribution of haddock and herring reflects growth
in these stocks (Marine Research Institute, 2014). These diet studies, together with the series of abundance estimates, suggest that

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FIGURE 9 | Smooth functions fitted in the final GAM for (A) 2-D
interaction between Depth and Distance from the 2000 m isobath, (B)
Distance from the 2000 m isobath, (C) Depth, (D) Sea surface
temperature, (E) Sea surface height, and (F) survey effort. Positive values
of the smoothed function indicate a positive effect on the response variable.
In (A), the dots represent values of the response variable, and the black,

minke whales appear to have responded to the environmental

changes both by changes in diet and by leaving the Icelandic continental shelf area. While it seems likely that some of the whales
followed the capelin to the coast of East Greenland, this cannot
be verified because of the lack of coverage of that area by the 2007

The habitat use modeling indicated that fin whale summer feeding areas are characterized by water depth, distance to the 2000 m
isobath, SST and SSH (Table 2, Figure 9). Inter-annual variations
in the predicted distribution of fin whales showed that increased
use of the Irminger Sea in 2001 and 2007 (Figures 10D,E) coincided with an increase in SSH in the area. Sea-level changes are
often related to ocean heat-content changes, as water expands

Climate change and cetaceans

green and red lines are contours of the fitted function 1 SE. Given above
the plot is the smoother term and the estimated degrees of freedom (see
Supplementary Table 1). In (BF), shaded areas represent the 95%
confidence interval. Tick marks on the horizontal axis show the distribution of
observations. The vertical axes describe the smoother term and estimated
degrees of freedom (see Supplementary Table 1).

with increasing temperatures (Church et al., 2013). The observed

changes in SST and SSH over the years have previously been
reported to have ecosystem consequences (Ottersen et al., 2001;
Hkkinen and Rhines, 2004; Htn et al., 2009).
While recovery following the pause in whaling in 1990 could
be part of the explanation of the increase of fin whale abundance
in Icelandic waters, the catch history of the 20th Century and
stock assessments suggest that the stock had recovered to a large
extent before the period being considered here (Vkingsson et al.,
2009). The increase in fin whale abundance in the Irminger Sea
between 1989 and 2001 coincided with a marked increase in sea
temperature in the area (Figures 4, 10). In particular, the expansion of fin whale distribution into deeper waters (>1000 m) of the
Irminger Sea seems to be related to appreciable warming of this
area between 1994 and 2003 (Figure 4) as noted by Vkingsson

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FIGURE 10 | Predicted density surface maps derived from the final GAM
with an average segment length of 1.75 nm and SST from July for the
survey years 1987 (A), 1989 (B), 1995 (C), 2001 (D), and 2007 (E). Warmer

and Valdimarsson (2006). Assuming that the diet of fin whales in

this area consists overwhelmingly (> 90%) of euphausiids, mainly
Meganyctiphanes norvegica (Vkingsson, 1997), it is tempting to
conclude that the increased temperatures have facilitated growth
in euphausiid abundance and thereby increased carrying capacity
for fin whales (Vkingsson et al., 2009). However, there has been
a decrease in euphausiids in shelf and oceanic habitats southwest,
south and southeast of Iceland from 1958 to 2007 with the lowest
numbers in each region in 2007 (Figure 14), despite increasing
primary production in terms of phytoplankton in those areas
(Silva et al., 2014).
Results from the habitat modeling presented here support a
link between environmental conditions and fin whale abundance.
However, environmental data generally act as proxies of other
variables, to which the whales respond directly (Pershing et al.,

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Climate change and cetaceans

colors indicate higher predicted relative abundance. Dots represent

observations of fin whale groups during the surveys. Predicted relative
abundance in each grid cell was smoothed using kriging.

2009). Prey availability often forms the missing link between

oceanographic variables and higher-trophic level predators (Croll
et al., 2005; Friedlaender et al., 2006; Anderwald et al., 2012).
The key to understanding this link is to understand how fin
whales respond to changes in prey availability, as well as how
prey itself is affected by changing environmental conditions. For
instance, the predicted highest abundance of fin whales around
the 2000 m isobaths and virtual absence from shallow coastal
waters is in accordance with the preference of the fin whales main
prey M. norvegica for deeper waters. The observed decrease in
M. norvegica after 1995 could be an indication of a change in fin
whale diet in recent years, similar to the diet shift in minke whales
(Vkingsson et al., 2014). Such a shift would explain a less concentrated distribution along the shelf edge and higher observed
and predicted numbers of fin whales throughout the Irminger

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FIGURE 11 | Catch positions of fin whales 1983, 20062013, and 2014, and sei whales 1983. Circles for individual whales 20062014, but in 1983 whales
were reported by squares. Circle area is in proportion to catch numbers in square.

Sea. Increased predation from the growing fin whale population might also have contributed to the decrease in euphausiid
Unfortunately, euphausiid monitoring by the extensive longterm Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR, SAHFOS) series
only reaches as far north as the waters south and southwest of
Iceland and recent Icelandic research has mostly been confined to
continental shelf waters where different euphausiid species prevail (Astthorsson and Gislason, 1997). Therefore, these studies
are not necessarily representative of the main fin whale feeding grounds west of Iceland. It is noteworthy that while the
CPR data show a decrease in adult euphausiid abundance during 19602007 (Figure 14), there was an increase in the density
of euphausiid larvae during 19902010 in southwestern Icelandic
waters (Silva et al., 2014). While this apparent discrepancy might
possibly be explained by the different time frames of these two
data series or by a weakened temporal synchrony between the
development of young euphausiids and the phytoplankton bloom
it would also be consistent with increased predation pressure
on adult euphausiids, e.g., by mackerel and fin whales. The

warming of the deep waters of the Irminger Sea might also

have facilitated growth of other potential prey for fin whales.
Updated studies on diet composition of fin whales might clarify
Overall, the habitat modeling results suggest that the weakening of the Subpolar Gyre, with associated changes in SST and
salinity, had bottom-up effects on primary and secondary production. The poor spatial and temporal overlap between the CPR
data and NASS cetacean data precluded the inclusion of krill
abundance as a covariate. The explanatory power of the GAM
might have been improved if data on prey biomass or primary
production had been available because baleen whale distribution
has been reported to be tightly coupled with zooplankton density (Friedlaender et al., 2006). However, the dynamic nature of
krill requires close spatio-temporal proximity in whale sightings
and measurements of krill to detect this trophic link; temporal
lags as a result of independently collected prey and cetacean data
can weaken the association (Laidre et al., 2010). Further work is
therefore required to clarify possible changes in prey availability
and diet composition of fin whales.

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FIGURE 12 | Humpback whale abundance 19862009. Sightings rates (animals/nm) in the Icelandic continental shelf area (upper) Estimated total abundance
in the Central North Atlantic (lower). Ninety five percent confidence intervals are shown.

that recorded high abundance of mackerel in the Irminger Sea

(Nttestad et al., 2014).

FIGURE 13 | Mean number of sand eel in haddock stomachs analyzed

in the Icelandic groundfish survey 19972010. A loess smoother has
been fitted to the time series, shown with 95% confidence intervals.

The fin whale catch distribution in 2014 was highly unusual

with an unprecedented pattern relative to the history of the whaling operation dating back to 1948. Historically, sei whales have
been caught in considerable numbers in this area, and these
catches would certainly have included fin whales had they been
encountered. Therefore, the unusual catch distribution in 2014
seems to indicate a sudden shift in distribution of fin whales
between 2013 and 2014. According to the whalers, the traditional
western area looked lifeless with no visible krill patches at the sea
surface and unusually few seabirds. A notable exception to this
was the widespread presence in the area of large schools of mackerel that were clearly visible at the surface. These observations
from the whalers have been confirmed by a 2014 ecosystem survey

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | Interdisciplinary Climate Studies

Catch statistics from the first period of modern whaling in

Icelandic waters, the so-called Norwegian whaling period 1883
1915, indicate that humpback whales were hunted down to very
low levels. Only six humpback whales were caught after whaling
was resumed in 1948 until they received total protection again in
1955. Sigurjnsson and Gunnlaugsson (1990) reported an annual
increase in relative abundance of 14.8% during 19791988 west
of Iceland. This growth rate, coupled with the small absolute
abundance estimate of around 2000 humpback whales in 1987
(Gunnlaugsson and Sigurjnsson, 1990) indicates that the number of animals in the area must still have been very small prior
to 1970. Pike et al. (2009b) reported annual rates of increase in
abundance of 12% for the period 19872001.
The most recent data presented here suggest that this rapid
growth may have leveled off around the turn of the century
(after the 1995 survey). Feeding habits of humpback whales in
Icelandic waters are not well corroborated by stomach contents
data. However, visual observations have indicated that capelin
and euphausiids likely constitute important parts of the diet (MRI
unpublished information). In particular numerous reports from
capelin fishermen and capelin research cruises have documented
substantial numbers of humpback whales following the migration of capelin in Icelandic waters during winter (Gunnlaugsson
and Vkingsson, 2014). In recent years, humpback whale songs
associated with mating behavior have been recorded in North
Icelandic waters (Magnsdttir et al., 2014). Although this acoustic activity does not demonstrate that breeding actually takes place
in Icelandic waters, an establishment of a new breeding area, in

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FIGURE 15 | Total euphausiid abundance (Ind m3 ) in area A6 from

1958 to 2007 as recorded by the Continuous Plankton recorder (CPR).
Abundance values indicate annual averages and a loess curve (span = 0.71)
with 95% confidence intervals (shaded gray area) is fitted to the data. Refer
to Figure 1 in Silva et al. (2014) for location of CPR area.

FIGURE 14 | (A) Main patterns in distribution and migration of capelin until

the turn of the last century. Light blue, Nursery area; Green, Feeding grounds
of adult capelin. Blue arrows indicate feeding migrations and green arrows
autumn return migrations toward Iceland waters. Red, Spawning migrations
and areas; Violet arrows, 0-group drift (Modified after Vilhjalmsson, 2007). (B)
A hypothesis for changed patterns of distribution and migration of capelin in
recent years. Blue: Nursery area. Green: Feeding grounds of adult capelin,
Spring and summer feeding migrations are indicated by blue arrows, but
autumn return migrations by green arrows. Red: Spawning migrations
(arrows) and main spawning areas. Violet arrows: 0-group drift. (After Plsson
et al., 2012b).

addition to the two known southern breeding areas, could help

explain the large population increase in Icelandic waters and the
apparent contradiction between abundance estimates at feeding
and breeding grounds of the North Atlantic, as discussed by Smith
and Pike (2009).
The increase in humpback whale abundance in Icelandic
waters, leveling off around the year 2000, follows a pattern similar to the rise in temperature (Figure 2). However, it is hard to
relate this growth to any known biological changes in the marine
environment because the presumed most important prey species
(capelin, euphausiids, and possibly sand eel) have not followed
the same trends in abundance. In recent decades, high rates of
increase have also been documented for humpback whales in
several other areas without a clear explanation (Bannister, 1994;
Stevick et al., 2003; Findlay et al., 2011; Heide-Jrgensen et al.,

Blue whale populations have not recovered to the same extent

as the closely related fin whales or humpback whales, with

estimated abundance in the CNA of around 1000 animals (Pike

et al., 2009c). However, a significant increase in abundance
has been reported for the period 19692001 (Sigurjnsson and
Gunnlaugsson, 1990; Pike et al., 2009c). During 19872001 the
increase rate was higher in Northeastern Icelandic waters than
west of Iceland (Pike et al., 2009c) indicating a northward shift
in relative distribution. Such a shift is consistent with anecdotal evidence from whale watching operations in Icelandic waters.
A whale watching company specializing on blue whales was
operated from the Snfellsnes peninsula, West Iceland during
19962004. From around 2000, the number of encounters with
blue whales decreased appreciably leading the company to give up
their blue whale tours in 2004 due to scarcity of blue whales (Ptur
gstsson, pers. comm). During this period of decline in West
Iceland, blue whale sightings increased in the whale watching area
Skjlfandi Bay in Northeast Iceland. Photo-identification matches
have shown that at least some of the whales previously frequenting West Icelandic waters now occur in Northeastern Icelandic
waters during midsummer (MRI, unpublished data).

Pronounced oceanographic changes have occurred in Icelandic
waters since the mid-1990s, including a rise in sea water temperature and increased flow of warm Atlantic water into the waters
north of Iceland. Although the exact mechanisms remain unclear,
these changes appear to have caused a northward shift in the distribution of several fish species, a decrease in krill abundance and
a collapse in the sand eel population off southern and western
Iceland. Considerable changes in distribution and abundance of
several cetacean species are apparent from the series of cetacean
surveys dating back to 1986. Some of these changes appear to be
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related to these oceanographic and biological changes while others are harder to explain. Thus, the decrease in common minke
whale abundance in the Icelandic continental shelf area seems to
be related to the decrease in the abundance of the preferred prey
species, sand eel in the southern part and capelin in the northern part. The apparent shift of blue whales from southwestern
to northeastern Icelandic waters may be related to the decrease
in euphausiid abundance in the waters south and southwest of
Concurrently with increasing sea temperature in the deep
waters of the Irminger Sea, the distribution of fin whales
expanded into this area and the total abundance of fin whales in
the Irminger Sea increased. However, the relationship between the
rise in temperature and fin whale abundance is unclear. A potential increase in euphausiids, the fin whales dominant prey species
in this area, is not supported by CPR data and could instead indicate that fin whales have switched prey. However, data from the
main fin whale feeding grounds are lacking because the CPR data
series covers only the southernmost part of that area.
Humpback whales were rare in Icelandic waters throughout
most of the 20th century but a significant increase occurred
between 1970 and 2001 in the CNA. From 1995, abundance has
been rather stable at around 1015,000 whales. Feeding ecology
of humpback whales in Icelandic waters is poorly documented
but capelin and euphausiids are known to be among their prey
species. It is hard to relate the increased abundance of humpback
whales since the 1970s to any known biological changes in the
marine environment.
Continued monitoring of the distribution and abundance of
cetaceans as well as further studies into their feeding ecology
are essential for better understanding of the recent and ongoing
changes documented here.

The authors thank sta Gumundsdttir, lafur K. Plsson,
str Gslason, Sverrir D. Halldrsson, and Valerie Chosson at
the MRI for fruitful discussions and for help in preparing the
data and providing figures. Thanks are also extended to Priscilla
Licandro and SAHFOS for providing CPR data for total euphausiids. Funding for Teresa Silva was provided by the EURO-BASIN:
European Union Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration
(FP7 Contract No. 264933).

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online
Supplementary Figure 1 | Semi-variogram of model residuals from the
final GAM plotted against distance between observations in km. Spatial

independence shows itself as a horizontal band of points (Zuur et al.,


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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 01 November 2014; accepted: 13 January 2015; published online: 17
February 2015.
Citation: Vkingsson GA, Pike DG, Valdimarsson H, Schleimer A, Gunnlaugsson T,
Silva T, Elvarsson B, Mikkelsen B, ien N, Desportes G, Bogason V and Hammond
PS (2015) Distribution, abundance, and feeding ecology of baleen whales in Icelandic
waters: have recent environmental changes had an effect? Front. Ecol. Evol. 3:6. doi:
This article was submitted to Interdisciplinary Climate Studies, a section of the journal
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Copyright 2015 Vkingsson, Pike, Valdimarsson, Schleimer, Gunnlaugsson, Silva,
Elvarsson, Mikkelsen, ien, Desportes, Bogason and Hammond. This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided
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