People Vs Escobar
People Vs Escobar
People Vs Escobar
The congestion or redness on the said area could have been caused by application of pressure by any hard object such as fully erecte
d penis.
Dr. Cabailo testified that she also examined the person of the complainant minor in coordination with the Bacteriologist and OB-Gyne of
Lourdes Hospital on December 10, 1993. On said examination, they obtained puson the vaginal discharge of the complainant, meaning
that there was an infection on the genital area of the complainant where the smear was taken.[3]
LITO denied having raped JOANNA. He testified he was the houseboy of the Nables and that the case was filed against him beca
use he tried to collect his unpaid salary in the amount of P5,000 to buy new clothes.Instead of paying him his salary, the parents of JOA
NNA threatened him and told him that he can be arrested at any time. He was subsequently arrested on 7 December 1993. Prior to the
arrest he was left alone in theirhouse as the couple and their children went out to work for money. He was told to guard the house while
they were away. They left the house at 1:00 oclock in the afternoon and returned at 8:00 oclock in the evening.When they returned they
were accompanied by a barangay tanod who arrested him. He was brought to the police headquarters and was subsequently detained.
The trial court found it hard to believe LITOS testimony that the complaint for rape was fabricated by his employers to evade paym
ent of his salary. It noted that the amount of P5,000 was nothing compared to thetrouble of having their daughter medically examined t
wice as well as going to court and advertising to the whole world that their daughter had been raped. It observed that the victim was onl
y five years old when theincident occurred and it would be preposterous to assume that JOANNA could have concocted the grave char
ge of rape. Although it recognized that victims testimony was characterized by inconsistencies, it decided thatthe categorical statement
of the victim that LITO inserted his penis into her vagina prevails.
The trial court was convinced beyond reasonable doubt that LITO ravished JOANA, a five year old girl, and carnal knowledge of a
girl below 12 years old is always rape under the law. Thus, in its decision of 17September 1997[5]
WHEREFORE, finding accused Lito Baygar y Escobar guilty beyond reasonable doubt of rape, under No. 3 of Article 335 of the Revise
d Penal Code, as charged, he is hereby sentenced to suffer the imprisonment ofreclusion perpetua; to indemnify the victim in the amou
nt of P50,000 and costs of suit.
LITO seasonably appealed to us from the decision.
In his Appellants Brief, LITO contends that the trial court gravely erred in convicting him of statutory rape despite failure of the pro
secution to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. He attacks the credibility ofthe victim by pointing out that no competent evidence
was presented to prove her age and that her testimony was characterized by inconsistencies which the trial court even pointed out in its
decision. He emphasizes thatalthough JOANNA claimed that he put his penis in her vagina, she likewise claimed that his penis never t
ouched her vagina and that after she held his penis, the latter put on his pants. He also points out the fact thatJOANNA testified that sh
e was wearing her panty when he put his penis inside her vagina and that his penis never touched her vagina.
LITO further highlights the testimony of Dr. Vergara that there was no laceration of JOANNAS hymen, which means that her hyme
n is still intact. This fact alone merits his acquittal since every circumstancefavoring his innocence must be taken into account. Finally h
e claims that Dr. Cabailo was not proven to be an expert witness, and his testimony does not show that JOANNA was indeed raped.
LITO thus concludes that the evidence against him falls short of that degree of proof necessary to engender moral certainty as to
his guilt of the crime charged.
On the other hand, the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) maintains that accused-appellants contention is untenable and bereft
of merit. The OSG submits that the defense of simple denial cannot prevail over thepositive declaration of JOANNA and the physical ev
idence on record. The OSG maintains that in assessing contrary declarations and statements, greater weight must generally be accord
ed to the positive testimonies ofwitnesses than the denials of the defense. The OSG likewise points out that despite JOANNAS very ten
der age, she testified in a fairly clear, straightforward manner, in harmony with ordinary human experience.Furthermore, it characterized
his testimony as unworthy of belief particularly with respect to his claim that his employers were motivated in fabricating the accusation
of rape against him to avoid paying him hisaccumulated salary in the amount of P5,000 which he was trying to collect from them. It reco
mmended that the assailed decision be affirmed in toto.
At the heart of LITOs argument is the credibility of JOANNA. These three well-entrenched principles: (1) an accusation for rape ca
n be made with facility; it is difficult to prove but more difficult for the personaccused, though innocent, to disprove; (2) in view of the intri
nsic nature of the crime of rape where only two persons are usually involved, the testimony of the complainant must be scrutinized with
extreme caution; and(3) the evidence for the prosecution must stand or fall on its own merits and cannot be allowed to draw strength fr
om the weakness of the evidence for the defense. Time and again the Court has held that conclusions asto the credibility of witnesses i
n rape cases lie heavily on the sound judgment of the trial court. It is likewise settled that appellate courts will generally not disturb the f
actual findings of the trial court since the latter is ina better position to weigh conflicting testimonies, having heard the witnesses themse
lves and observed their deportment and manner of testifying unless it is found that the trial court has plainly overlooked certain factsof s
ubstance and value that, if considered, might affect the result of the case.[6]
A careful review of the records herein yield no cause to reverse the factual findings of the trial court. Contrary to the allegations of
appellant, JOANNA testified in a straightforward, clear and truthful manner. Givenher tender years, her testimony acquires even more c
redibility in its utter simplicity and lack of embellishments. We reproduce pertinent portions of her testimony, thus:
Fiscal Clutario:
Do you know what titi or penis means Joanna?
Joanna: No.
Q [Do you know what is called on the part of the body from where a person urine?]sic
A No.
Q What about the part of your body your urine [sic] comes out do you know what it is called?
A Yes.
Q What do you [called]sic that?
A Pipe (vagina).
Q Did Lito ask you to let him see your pipe?
A Yes.
Q And did you let him see your vagina?
A Yes.
Q After you showed to Lito your pipe, what did he do?
A He removed his pants.
Q What happened after he removed his pants, what did he do?
A He showed me his penis (titi.)
Q And Lito asked you to hold his penis?
A Yes.
Q Did you hold the penis of Lito?
A Yes.
Q What did Lito do after you held his penis?
A He put on his pants.
Q After Lito put on his pants, did the penis of Lito touch your pipe?
A No.
Q Did Lito try to put his penis inside your vagina?
A He placed his penis inside my vagina.
Q Did anybody see you when Lito was doing that?
A None.
Q When Lito tried to put his penis inside your vagina, did you feel any pain?
A Yes.
Q What did you do when you felt pain.
A I just let him do it.
Q Did you cry out when you felt pain?
A No.
Q When Lito put his penis inside your vagina, did you feel anything [comes]sic out from the penis of Lito?
A Yes.
Q Did you see what came out of his penis?
A Urine.
Q What was the color of that urine?
A I do not know.
Q Was it sticky?
A Yes.
Q When Lito put his penis inside your vagina, you were not wearing any panty?
A I was wearing my panty.
Q How many times [happened]sic that Lito Baygar put his penis inside your vagina?
A Two times.
Q When he was doing that to you, was it during the night?
A Yes.
Q Did you tell anyone what happened between you and this Lito?
A No.
Q Do you know the name of your grandmother?
A Yes, I [called]sic her Mama.
Q Did you tell your Mama?
A No.
Q What about your Mommy, did you tell your Mommy?
A No.
x x x[7]
The victim, JOANNA, was only five years old at the time of the rape. At such a tender age, she could not be expected to weave wi
th uncanny recollection such a complicated tale as the sexual assault that LITOunconscionably perpetrated on her.[8] Even on crossexamination, JOANNAS candor and honesty were evident; her language simple and spontaneous, consistent of and befitting someone
her age testifying to such ahorrible experience, to wit. Thus:
Atty. Wilfredo Linaac: Joanna, when Lito put his penis inside your vagina, where was your Mommy and Daddy?
Joanna: They left.
Q Who was left at the house?
A Ate Maricel and Mama Coring.
Q How old is your Ate Maricel?
A I do not know.
Q Where were they when the said Lito Baygar put his penis inside your vagina?
A They were inside the room.
Q And that Lito Baygar put his penis inside your vagina?
A Yes.
Q At the room where you are sleeping during the night and so with your Mama and Papa?
A No.
Q Whose room is that?
A Ate Maricel and Ate Baby.
Q You said that your Mama was at the other room, which room are you referring to? At the room which your Mama and Papa where
A Yes.
Q And that two rooms were beside each other?
A Yes.
Q Was there any lock in that door when this Lito inserted his penis into your vagina?
A None.
Q And that when Lito Baygar inserted his penis into your vagina you said that you felt pain, did you not shout being having felt the p
A No.
Q You said some sticky material coming from him, which part of his body which said liquid to be placed?
INTERPRETER: Witness pointing to her vagina.
Q You mean to say you were still wearing panty when he inserted his penis into your vagina?
A Yes.
Q And that sticky fluid placed outside of your panty?
A Yes.
Q Outside of your panty?
A Yes.
Q You said that Lito inserted his penis two times into your vagina, after Lito doing that to you, what did he do after that?
A He just picked up his pants.
Q After that what did he do?
A He went out to the sala.
Q And that you also went out to the sala?
A Yes.
Q When did your parents discover that you were being raped by this Lito Baygar?
A Mama Coring told them about it.
Q You said in your direct examination you did not tell anybody even your Mama Coring, is that right?
A Yes.
Q Do you know how [hid]sic Mama Coring knew that Lito Baygar [do]sic this to you?
A When Mama Coring undressed me.
Q When was that?
A When I went to sleep, she undressed me.
Q That was after the time Lito inserted his penis into your vagina?
A Yes.[9]
The victim has been consistent and positive in her testimony that LITO inserted his penis in her vagina and felt pain in the process
. LITO has not successfully controverted this testimony. JOANNAs testimony thatshe had her panty on was not inconsistent with her tes
timony that LITO inserted his penis into her vagina. The fact that the victim was wearing a panty when the sexual assault was committe
d did not negate penetration.
Further, the fact of penetration, though incomplete, was collaborated by the testimony of the examining physician that there was a
congestion or redness on the vaginal area of the victim which could have beencaused by a fully erected penis.[10]
As for the intact hymen, such finding has no bearing on the fact of carnal knowledge. We have held that to sustain a conviction for
rape, full penetration of the female genital organ is not required since mere entry bythe penis into the lips of the said organ -- even with
out rupture or laceration of the hymen -- is sufficient. Thus, a finding that the victims hymen is intact does not negate a finding that rape
was committed.[11]
LITOs bare denial and self-serving assertions that the case stemmed from the desire of the victims family to evade paying him his
wages is unbelievable. No parent would expose his or her own daughter, specially achild of such tender age as JOANNA, to the shame
and scandal of having undergone such a debasing defilement of her chastity if the charge filed were not true.[12] Moreover, it is hard to b
elieve that a child wouldinvent such a story as the rape perpetrated by accused-appellant on her unless it were true. A girl of such age
as the victim would not concoct a tale of defloration, allow the examination of her private parts, and undergothe expense, trouble, incon
venience, not to mention the trauma, of a public trial, unless she was raped.[13] In fact, from a reading of JOANNAs testimony, it would a
ppear that she, because of her tender age, did not quitegrasp the enormity or gravity of the bestiality heaped upon her by LITO.
There is no doubt in our minds that the prosecution had established beyond reasonable doubt the fact that LITO had carnal knowl
edge of JOANNA. Considering JOANNAs age at the time of the crime, LITOcommitted statutory rape, and carnal knowledge alone of J
OANNA is rape. It is not required that LITO use force or intimidation, or that JOANNA be deprived of reason or be otherwise unconscio
Finally, JOANNA is entitled to an award for moral damages which is hereby set at P50,000. The grant of moral damages is autom
atically made in rape cases without need of proof for it is assumed that thecomplainant has sustained mental, physical and psychologic
al sufferings, thus entitling her to such award.[15]
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered AFFIRMING the decision of the Regional Trial Court of Antipolo, Rizal, Branch 73, in
Criminal Case No. 93-10481 finding accused-appellant LITO BAYGAR yESCOBAR guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape
defined and penalized under Article 335(3) of the Revised Penal Code, and imposing upon him the penalty of reclusion perpetua, with t
he modification,however, that in addition to the award of P50,000 as indemnity, accused-appellant is ordered to pay JOANNA KRISTIN
F. NABLE the sum of P50,000 as moral damages.
Puno, Kapunan, Pardo, and Ynares-Santiago, JJ., concur.