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Navarette V Manila International

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G.R. No. 200580, February 11, 2015



The Case
Before Us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule
45 of the Rules of Court assailing the October 4, 2011
Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA), as effectively
reiterated in its January 30, 2012 Resolution, in CA-G.R. SP
No. 112102, entitled Manila International Freight
Forwarders, Inc./MIFFI Logistics Company, Inc. v. National
Labor Relations Commission and Marian B. Navarette. The
CA issuances reversed and set aside the February 27, 2009
Decision and October 19, 2009 Resolution of the National
Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) and reinstated the May
24, 2004 Decision of the Labor Arbiter which dismissed the
complaint for illegal dismissal.
The Facts
Respondents Manila International Freight Forwarders, Inc.
(MIFFI) and MIFFI Logistics Company, Inc. (MCLI) are
corporations engaged in the business of freight and cargo
forwarding, hauling, carrying, handling, distributing, loading
and unloading of general cargoes and all classes of goods,
wares and merchandise.

MIFF1 had, during the period material, entered into a

contract with MBI Millennium Experts, Inc. (MBI) for the
provision of production workers and technical personnel for
MIFFI's projects or temporary needs, including the
assignment of employees to temporarily replace those in the
Packaging Department who are on maternity leave. To be
able to address the immediate concerns of the employees
detailed to the aforesaid department, MBI assigned a
supervisor/coordinator, Ma. Glynnis Quindo (Quindo), to
On January 15, 2002, MBI hired petitioner Marian Navarette
(Navarette) and, on the same day, assigned her as a
temporary project employee to MIFFI's Packaging
Department. There, for a fixed period of three (3) months, or
until April of 2002, she worked amongst MIFFI's regular
employees who performed the same tasks as hers. She also
used MIFFI's equipment and was supervised by Gidey
Fajiculay and Sonny Porto, both employees of MIFFI.
A second contract was later concluded between Navarette
and MBI, under which she was to serve as MIFFI's
warehouse staff from April 16, 2002 to October 1, 2002.
Another contract effective March 1, 2003 until August 1,
2003 resulted in Navarette being transferred to respondent
MLCI - MIFFI's subsidiary.
On July 29, 2003, Navarette, joined by other employees, filed
a complaint for inspection against MIFFI, MLCI, MBI and a
certain PAMS with the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) Regional Arbitration Branch IV.
Following an inspection of respondents' premises on August
5, 2003, certain violations of labor laws were uncovered,
including labor-only contracting by MBI. Several hearings
were had and eventually, the parties decided to submit an
agreement to be signed by all concerned and to be approved
by DOLE officials.

Pursuant to said covenant, MBI called a meeting where

Navarette and her co-workers were handed and asked to
sign a document entitled "Minutes of the
Hearing/Agreement, [DOLE], Region IV." Navarette found
the contents of the document to be erroneous since it stated
that the parties had already come to an agreement on the
issues and conditions when, in fact, no such agreement was
made. This angered Navarette, causing her to throw the
document and to say, "Hindi ito ang pinag-usapan natin
sa DOLE! Niloloko niyo long kami." Her actuations, to MBI,
constituted serious misconduct, for which a show cause
memorandum was issued directing her to explain herself.
Dissatisfied with her explanationthat her actuations were
so because the Minutes did not reflect the truthMBI issued
another memorandum which Navarette, upon perusal, tore
and threw away.
After issuing several memoranda setting conferences on the
matter to which Navarette could not attend because of her
work schedule, MBI finally terminated Navarette's
employment on October 6, 2003.[1] On October 23, 2003,
Navarette filed a complaint for illegal dismissal before the
NLRC against MBI, MIFFI and MCLI, docketed as NLRCNCR Case No. 00-10-11705-03.
In a Decision dated May 24, 2004, Labor Arbiter Dolores M.
Peralta-Beley dismissed the complaint on the finding that
Navarette's acts complained of constituted serious
misconduct, a valid cause for dismissal. Too, MBI, being a
legitimate job contractor, is Navarette's employer, not MIFFI
or MCLI. Thefallo of the Decision reads:
In the light of the foregoing, the complaint for illegal
dismissal must be dismissed for want of factual and legal
basis. Necessarily, the claim for back wages must likewise be
dismissed as it is granted only to illegally dismissed
employees by way of relief.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby
rendered dismissing the instant complaint for lack of merit.
On appeal,[3] the NLRC reversed the Decision of the Labor
Arbiter and ordered Navarette's reinstatement with
backwages and other benefits. To the commission, MBI is a
labor-only contractor, thus making MIFFI and MCLI
Navarette's employer. The NLRC disposed of the case in this
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal
is GRANTED. The Decision of the Labor Arbiter dated May
24, 2004 is REVERSED andSET ASIDE, and a NEW
ONE rendered finding respondent MBI as a labor-only
contractor. Consequently, respondents MIFFI/MCLI are
declared to be complainant's employer, and accordingly
respondents MIFFI/MCLI are ordered to:
1. Reinstate complainant to her former position or
equivalent position without loss of seniority rights;
2. Pay complainant her full backwages computed from
the time she was illegally dismissed up to the
finality of this Decision; and
3. Pay complainant attorney's fees in an amount
equivalent to ten (10%) of the total monetary
Complainant's monetary award is provisionally computed as
1.) Basic Salary

250x26x20.30 131,950.00
275x26x12.83 91,734.50
300x26x13.57 105,846.00
362x26x9.53 89,696.36
377x26x2.47 24,210.94
382x26x5.17 51,348.44



2.) 13 mo pay


3.) SILP




4.) COLA
50x26x9.10 11,830.00
50x26x37.60 48,880.00
Attorney's fee
Total Award



Aggrieved, respondents moved for reconsideration, alleging

that Navarette is not their employee, MBI being a legitimate

job contractor, as held by the NLRC in the related case

of Manlangit v. MIFFI and/or MCLI and MBI.[5] The NLRC,
however, in its October 19, 2009 Resolution, found no merit
therein and sustained its earlier Decision.
Respondents, thus, sought a review of the NLRC Decision
and Resolution before the CA via a Petition for Certiorari
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. Before the CA could
dispose of said petition, the Court, on August 31, 2011,
in Manlangit, et al. v. MIFFI, et al.,[6] issued a Resolution
where it dismissed theManlangit petition and upheld the
ruling of the CA that MBI's contract with MIFF1/MCL1,
respondents in said case as well as in the case at bar, was
one of legitimate job contracting, contrary to the assertions
of therein petitioners.
Eventually, the CA, in the present case, ordered the reversal
of the NLRC Decision and the reinstatement of the Labor
Arbiter's ruling. The dispositive portion of the appellate
court's Decision is hereunder quoted:
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision
dated February 27, 2009 and Resolution dated October 19,
2009 of the [NLRC] areREVERSED and SET ASIDE. The
Decision of the Labor Arbiter dated May 24, 2004, which
dismissed the complaint for lack of merit isREINSTATED.
Petitioner's motion for reconsideration was also denied.
The Issues
Petitioner presently seeks a review of the CA Decision on the
following grounds:
The Honorable [CA] misapplied the law and misapprehended
the facts in ruling that there is absence of employeremployee relationship between the petitioner and the
respondent [MIFFI].

The Hon. [CA] misapplied the law in ruling that petitioner is

not entitled to the reliefs prayed for.
The issues in the case at bar are as follows: (1) whether
petitioner Navarette is respondents' employee; and (2)
whether her dismissal is illegal.
Our Ruling
We resolve to deny the petition.
Navarette is MBI's employee
A fundamental principle in Philippine labor law is the
application of the four-fold test in determining the existence
of an employer-employee relationship, thus: (1) selection and
engagement; (2) payment of wages; (3) power to dismiss;
and (4) power of control over the means and methods by
which the work is to be accomplished.[8] There are, however,
instances when these elements are not exercised by a single
person or entity. There are cases where one or more of the
said factors are assumed by another entity, for which reason,
the Court made it clear that of the four tests mentioned, it is
the power of control that is determinative.[9] One such
instance is whenever an employer supplies workers to
another pursuant to a contracting agreement, i.e., job
Per DOLE Order No. 3, Series of 2001, there is contracting
or subcontracting whenever an employer, referred to as the
principal, farms out the performance of a part of its business
to another, referred to as the contractor or subcontractor,
and for the purpose of undertaking the principal's business
that is farmed out, the contractor or subcontractor then
employs its own employees. In such an arrangement, the
four-fold test must be satisfied by the contractor or
subcontractor.[10] Otherwise, it is the principal that shall be

considered as the employer.

Not all forms of contracting arrangements are, however,
permitted. In contrast, there is the so-called labor-only
Labor-only contracting exists when: (1) the person supplying
workers to the purported principal does not have substantial
capital or investments in the form of tools, equipment,
machineries, work premises, among others; and (2) the
workers recruited and placed by such person/entity perform
activities which are directly related to the principal business
of the alleged principal.[11] Finding that a contractor is
engaged in labor-only contracting is then equivalent to
declaring that there exists an employer-employee
relationship between the supposed principal and the
employee of the purported contractor.[12] It also results in the
following: (1) the subcontractor will be treated as the agent
of the principal whose acts and representations bind the
latter; (2) the principal, being the employer, will be
responsible to the employees for all their entitlements and
benefits under labor laws; and (3) the principal and the
subcontractor will be solidarity treated as the employer.
With the mentioned effects of labor-only contracting on
employment status, a determination of the legitimacy or
illegality of the contracting arrangement between the
principal and the contractor is necessary not only to
determine who between the two entities is the real employer
of the employee but also to determine upon whom liability
should be imposed in the event that the employee is illegally
dismissed, as here, among others.
In this respect, respondents contend that MBI is a legitimate
job contractor[13] and consequently, Navarette is MBI's
employee, invoking the application of the principle of res
judicata. According to respondents, the Court has already

passed upon and ruled on the legitimacy of MBI's contract

with themthat it is one of permissible job contracting
when We affirmed the contract's status through a Resolution
dated August 31, 2011 in the adverted case ofManlangit, et
al. v. MIFFI, et al., docketed as G.R. No. 196175.
Briefly, Manlangit involved a complaint for regularization,
illegal deduction, wage distortion and attorney's fees, later
amended to include illegal dismissal, filed by Gabriel
Manlangit and thirty six (36) other workers against MIFFI,
MLCI, and MBI. Like Navarette, Manlangit, et al. were also
hired by MBI and assigned to MIFFI.
After due proceedings, the Labor Arbiter found for MIFFI,
MLCI and MBI and dismissed the complaint, ruling that
Manlangit, et al. were project employees of MBI, whose
employments were coterminous with the service agreement
between MBI and MIFFI/MLCI. Therefrom, Manlangit, et al.
went to the NLRC which dismissed their appeal for lack of
merit and for non-perfection in view of their failure to
comply with the mandatory provision on verification and
certification of non-forum shopping. Upon the review of the
case, the CA, then later this Court, veritably affirmed the
Decision of the Labor Arbiter, as effectively upheld by the
In light of Manlangit, respondents add, the ruling on the
legality of MBI and respondents' contractual relationship,
being one of permissible job contracting, can no longer be
We agree with respondents that Our adjudication
in Manlangit of the issue of the legitimacy of MBI's contract
with respondents and necessarily, the question who between
MBI and MIFFI is Navarette's employer, have already been
settled by the Court and must not be disturbed.
Per Manlangit, MBI is respondents' employer and res

judicata by conclusiveness of judgment bars further

challenge on this issue.
For res judicata by conclusiveness of judgment to apply, the
following elements should be present, viz: (1) the judgment
sought to bar the new action must be final; (2) the decision
must have been rendered by a court having jurisdiction over
the subject matter and the parties; (3) the disposition of the
case must be a judgment on the merits; and (4) there must
be as between the first and second action, identity of parties,
but not identity of causes of action.[15]
When applicable, the doctrine of conclusiveness of judgment
has this effect: the prior judgment is conclusive in the
second case only as to those matters actually and directly
controverted and determined and not as to matters merely
involved therein. Stated differently, conclusiveness of
judgment finds application when a fact or question has been
squarely put in issue, judicially passed upon, and adjudged
in a former suit by a court of competent jurisdiction.[16]
As to the first requisite, Manlangit which is being set as a
bar to the instant case is a final judgment. With respect to
the second requisite, the decision was rendered by the Court
of Appeals which was affirmed by this Court, both of which
have jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties.
Anent the third requisite, the dispositions were judgments
on the merit.
Regarding the fourth requisite, there is identity or similarity
of parties but no identity of causes of action. While
Navarette is not a party in Manlangit, there is commonality
or similarity of parties in the two cases. Navarette and the
petitioners in Manlangit are similarly situated, being coworkers performing the same tasks of packaging, barcoding,
and sealing, among others. Too, their assignment to herein
respondents proceeded from the same job contracting

agreement between MBI and respondents.[17] In fact, it was

the petitioners in Manlangit who supported herein
petitioner, Navarette, their leader, when she filed the
complaint for inspection against respondents before the
DOLE which, as previously mentioned, yielded a finding that
there is a labor-only contracting arrangement between MBI
and respondents. It is this complaint for inspection that
triggered the chain of events which eventually led to the
filing by therein petitioners of a complaint for regularization,
later converted into one for illegal dismissal, [18] as well as
Navarette's subsequent filing of her own complaint for
illegal dismissal against MBI and herein respondents. Thus,
based on these circumstances, there is commonality or
similarity of parties. An absolute identity of parties is not
necessary because a shared identity of interest will suffice
for res judicata to apply. A mere substantial identity of
parties or even community of interests between the parties
in the prior and subsequent cases would be sufficient. [19]
With respect to the causes of action, the cause of action in
this petition is for illegal dismissal, while in Manlangit, the
causes of action are for regularization, illegal deduction,
wage distortion and attorney's fees.
Thus, all the requisites of res judicata by conclusiveness of
judgment are present. The Court applies Manlangit to the
instant petition moored on res judicata by conclusiveness of
judgment. To rule otherwise will not enhance and strengthen
stability of judicial decisions.
With the finding that MBI is a legitimate labor contractor
and is the employer of petitioner Navarette, the Court
cannot, however, pass upon the issue of whether MBI is
guilty of illegal dismissal. The antecedents show that while
the MBI is a party respondent in NLRC-NCR Case No. 00-1011705-03 together with respondents MIFFI and MLCI, the
ruling of Labor Arbiter Peralta-Beley is to dismiss

petitioner's complaint upon a finding of a valid dismissal

grounded on serious misconduct.
Petitioner appealed said adverse decision to the NLRC
against the MBI and herein respondents in NLRC CA No.
040934-04, and the NLRC found MIFFI and MLCI liable but
not MBI. As a consequence, respondents MIFFI and MLCI
filed a petition under Rule 65 with the CA in CA-G.R. SP No.
112102. MBI did not join said respondents since it was not
adjudged liable by the NLRC. On the other hand, petitioner
did not file a petition with the CA questioning the NLRC
decision declaring MIFFI and MLCI liable but absolving
MBI. Thus, the NLRC decision dated February 27, 2004
excluding MBI from any liability to petitioner became FINAL
when petitioner no longer challenged said ruling before the
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is
hereby DENIED. Accordingly, the Decision of the Court of
Appeals dated October 4, 2011 and its Resolution dated
January 30, 2012 in CA-G.R. SP No. 112102 are
hereby AFFIRMED.
No pronouncement as to costs.

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