y > z and x + y + z = n. The only possible values for n are 13 and 31. 3) The solution involves setting up equations relating the factors to n and deriving bounds on the factors. It is shown that the only possible values for the factors are x=(n-1)/2, y=(n-1)/3, z"> y > z and x + y + z = n. The only possible values for n are 13 and 31. 3) The solution involves setting up equations relating the factors to n and deriving bounds on the factors. It is shown that the only possible values for the factors are x=(n-1)/2, y=(n-1)/3, z">
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Solutions 20 1

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USA Mathematical Talent Search

Round 1 Solutions
Year 20 — Academic Year 2008–2009

1/1/20. 27 unit cubes—25 of which are colored black and 2 of

which are colored white—are assembled to form a 3 × 3 × 3
cube. How many distinguishable cubes can be formed? (Two
cubes are indistinguishable if one of them can be rotated to
appear identical to the other. An example of two indistin-
guishable cubes is shown at right.)

If one of the two white cubes is the central cube (that is, the cube that is not visible from
the outside), then there are only 3 distinguishable places for the other white cube to be: a
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corner, an edge, or a face-center, as shown left-to-right below:

Otherwise, we have the following possibilities:

• Two corners: 3 ways—the corners lie on opposite ends of an edge, a face diagonal, or
an interior diagonal, as shown below:

• One corner, one edge: 4 ways—the white cubes are adjacent, or give 2 non-adjacent
white squares on the same face (in two different distinguishable ways), or do not give
white squares on the same face:

• One corner, one face-center: 2 ways—either the face-center shares a face with the
corner white cube or it does not:
USA Mathematical Talent Search
Round 1 Solutions
Year 20 — Academic Year 2008–2009

• Two edges: 5 ways—there can be white squares on the same face in two ways (either
diagonally adjacent or opposite, as in the first two pictures below), or they can be on
different faces in three distinguishable ways:

• One edge, one face-center: 3 ways–the face-center may be on the same face as one of
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the white edge cube’s white squares, or the face-center is on a face adjacent to both
of the white edge cube’s white squares, or the face-center is on a face adjacent to only
one of the white edge cube’s white squares (shown left-to-right below):

• Two face-centers: 2 ways—the face-centers are either on adjacent or opposite faces:

(The last diagram has another white face-center on the face directly opposite the face
with the visible white face-center.)

This gives a total of 3 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 2 = 22 distinguishable cubes.

USA Mathematical Talent Search
Round 1 Solutions
Year 20 — Academic Year 2008–2009

2/1/20. Find all positive integers n for which it is possible to find three positive factors x, y,
and z of n − 1, with x > y > z, such that x + y + z = n.

Let a = (n − 1)/x, b = (n − 1)/y, and c = (n − 1)/z, so

n−1 n−1 n−1
n=x+y+z = + + ,
a b c
where a, b, and c are all positive integers, and a < b < c.
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We start by finding bounds on a. If a = 1, then x = n − 1, so y + z = 1. But y and z are
positive integers, so y + z ≥ 2, giving a contradiction. Therefore, a ≥ 2.
n−1 n−1
On the other hand, if a ≥ 3, then x ≤ 3
, and similarly z < y < x ≤ 3
. So
n−1 n−1 n−1
n=x+y+z < + + = n − 1,
3 3 3
giving a contradiction.
Therefore, a = 2. This gives x = (n − 1)/2 and thus
n−1 n+1
y+z =n−x=n− = .
2 2
But recall y = (n − 1)/b and z = (n − 1)/c, so we have
n+1 n−1 n−1
= + . (∗)
2 b c

Now we look for bounds on b. We already know b > a = 2. If b ≥ 4, then c > b ≥ 4, and
by (∗) we have
n+1 n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1
= + < + = ,
2 b c 4 4 2
giving a contradiction. So b < 4, and combining this with b > 2, we must have b = 3.
This means that y = (n − 1)/3, and by (∗) we get
n−1 n+1 n−1 n+5
= − = .
c 2 3 6

If c ≥ 6, then
n+5 n−1 n−1
= ≤ ,
6 c 6
giving a contradiction. Therefore, c = 4 or c = 5.
If c = 4, then
n+5 n−1
= ,
6 4
USA Mathematical Talent Search
Round 1 Solutions
Year 20 — Academic Year 2008–2009

and we get n = 13. We see that 13 is breakable, because 13 = 6 + 4 + 3.

If c = 5, then
n+5 n−1
= ,
6 5
and we get n = 31. We see that 31 is breakable, because 31 = 15 + 10 + 6.
So the possible values of n are 13 and 31 .

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USA Mathematical Talent Search
Round 1 Solutions
Year 20 — Academic Year 2008–2009

3/1/20. Let a, b, c be real numbers. Suppose that for all real numbers x such that |x| ≤ 1, we
have |ax2 + bx + c| ≤ 100. Determine the maximum possible value of |a| + |b| + |c|.

Without loss of generality, we may assume that a ≥ 0. (If a < 0, then multiplying the
quadratic by −1 doesn’t affect the bound nor change the value of |a| + |b| + |c|.) Also,
replacing x by −x gives the function ax2 − bx + c and does not change the bound nor the
value of |a| + |b| + |c|. So we may also, without loss of generality, assume that b ≥ 0.
Let f (x) = ax2 + bx + c. Since f (0) = c and f (1) = a + b + c, we must have |c| ≤ 100
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and a + b + c ≤ 100. If c ≥ 0, then |a| + |b| + |c| = a + b + c ≤ 100. However, if c < 0, then

|a| + |b| + |c| = a + b − c = (a + b + c) − 2c ≤ 100 + 200 = 300,

so 300 is an upper bound for the value of |a| + |b| + |c|.

This bound can be achieved by the function f (x) = 200x2 − 100; note that the graph of
this is a parabola passing through the points (−1, 100), (0, −100), and (1, 100).
The answer is 300 .
USA Mathematical Talent Search
Round 1 Solutions
Year 20 — Academic Year 2008–2009

4/1/20. A point√P inside a regular tetrahedron ABCD is such that P A = P B = 11 and
P C = P D = 17. What is the side length of ABCD?

Solution 1 : Let X be the midpoint of side AB and let Y B

be the midpoint of side CD. Note that the locus of points
P inside of ABCD such that P A = P B and P C = P D is C
the line segment XY (minus its endpoints).
Let 2s be the side length of ABCD, so that AX = CY =
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s. Note that XY is√a leg of the right triangle AXY with
hypotenuse D
√ AY = s 3 and other leg AX = s, so we have
XY = s 2. If we let x = P X and y = P Y , then we have
the following system of equations (using the Pythagorean A
Theorem on right triangles P XA and P Y C):

x2 + s2 = 11,
y 2 + s2 = 17,

x + y = s 2.

√ solvers might see “by inspection” that the solution to
√ this system is s = 3, x = 2,
y = 2 2, but we can also solve it algebraically. Using y = s 2 − x from the third equation,
substitute into the second equation:

17 = (s 2 − x)2 + s2

= 2s2 − 2 2sx + x2 + s2

= 2s2 − 2 2sx + 11,

where the last step above uses x2 + s2 = 11 from our earlier system of equations. Solving
for x in terms of s, we get
s2 − 3
x= √ .
s 2
Now we plug this into the first equation:
 2 2
s −3
√ + s2 = 11,
s 2
and multiply through by 2s2 (to clear the denominator) and expand and simplify to get

3s4 − 28s2 + 9 = 0.

This factors as (3s2 − 1)(s2 − 9) = 0, so s2 = 9 or s2 = 13 . Only s2 = 9 works with the

original system of equations, so s = 3.
USA Mathematical Talent Search
Round 1 Solutions
Year 20 — Academic Year 2008–2009

Thus the side length of ABCD is 2s = 6 .

Solution 2 : Place the tetrahedron in Cartesian 3-space using the coordinates

A = (a, a, a), B = (a, −a, −a), C = (−a, a, −a), D = (−a, −a, a).

Note that the side length is 2 2a.
Let P = (x, y, z). Then P A = P B implies that y = −z, and P C = P D implies that
y = z, so we must have y = z = 0, and hence P = (x, 0, 0).
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Computing P A = 11 and P C = 17 gives us the system

(x − a)2 + 2a2 = 11,

(x + a)2 + 2a2 = 17.
Simplifying gives 4ax = 6, or x = 2a
. Substituting this back in gives
−a + 2a2 = 11,

and after multiplying both sides by 4a2 , we have (3 − 2a2 )2 + 8a4 = 44a2 . This expands to
a quadratic in a2 :
12a4 − 56a2 + 9 = 0,
which factors as (2a2 − 9)(6a2 − 1) = 0, so a2 = 2
or a2 = 16 . But a2 = 1
does not give a
valid solution, so a2 = 29 , and hence a = √32 .
√ √  
Therefore, the side length of ABCD is 2 2a = 2 2 √32 = 6 .
USA Mathematical Talent Search
Round 1 Solutions
Year 20 — Academic Year 2008–2009

√ √
5/1/20. Call a positive real number groovy if it can be written in the form n + n + 1 for
some positive integer n. Show that if x is groovy, then for any positive integer r, the number
xr is groovy as well.

We prove two lemmas, which we will combine to prove the overall result.
Lemma 1: If x is groovy and r is odd, then xr is groovy.
√ √ √ √
Proof: Let x = n + 1 + n and let y = n + 1 − n; note that xy = 1. Also note the
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X r √ r−k √ 
x = n+1 n ,
√ r−k √ 
k r k
y = (−1) n+1 n .

Since r is odd, adding xr and y r will cancel all of the terms in the above expansions in
which k is odd, and subtracting y r from xr will cancel all of the terms where k is even. Thus,
we see that
√ p
xr + y r = 2a n + 1 = 4a2 (n + 1), (1)
√ √
r r
x − y = 2b n = 4b2 n, (2)
where a and b are integers. Squaring each equation in the system gives us
x2r + 2 + y 2r = 4a2 (n + 1), (3)
x2r − 2 + y 2r = 4b2 n. (4)
Subtracting (4) from (3) gives 4 = 4a2 (n + 1) − 4b2 n, so 4a2 (n + 1) = 4b2 n + 4.
Then, adding (1) and (2) gives us
p √ √ √
2xr = 4a2 (n + 1) + 4b2 n = 4b2 n + 4 + 4b2 n,
√ √
and hence xr = b2 n + 1 + b2 n. Thus xr is groovy. 2
Lemma 2: If x is groovy, then x2 is groovy.
√ √
Proof : Let x = n + 1 + n. We now compute:
√ √ 2
x2 = n+1+ n
= n + 1 + 2 n(n + 1) + n
= (2n + 1) + 2 n(n + 1)
√ √
= 4n2 + 4n + 1 + 4n2 + 4n.
USA Mathematical Talent Search
Round 1 Solutions
Year 20 — Academic Year 2008–2009

So x2 is groovy. 2
To complete the proof, we prove that x(2 ·r) is groovy for any nonnegative integer a and
any positive odd integer r, by induction on a. The base case of the induction (where a = 0)
is Lemma 1, and the inductive step is Lemma 2.

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Credits: All problems and solutions were written by USAMTS staff. Dr. Erin Schram sug-
gested the wording for problem 2/1/20.

c 2008 Art of Problem Solving Foundation

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