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8051 LAB Assignment Questions

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The document discusses various assembly language programs and embedded C programs for interfacing projects using the 8051 microcontroller. It covers topics like data transfer operations, logical and bit operations, arithmetic operations, and interfacing components like LEDs, switches, seven segment displays, LCDs, keypads, timers and serial communication.

Some common interfacing projects discussed include interfacing LEDs and switches, seven segment displays, LCDs, keypads, I2C and SPI devices. Specific projects mentioned are a calculator, authentication programs and displaying scrolling text on an LCD.

Peripherals of the 8051 microcontroller that are described include ports for input/output, timers/counters, serial communication using UART, and interrupts.


8051 Micro controller (mandatory ) Programs On

1. Data Transfer Operations
2. Logical & Bit Operations .
3. Arithematic Operations
4. Branching Operations.
5. Interfacing of LEDs ..
6. Interfacing of Switches,LEDs/Buzzer.
7. Interfacing Seven Segment Display & switches
8. Interfacing of LCD..
9. Interfacing 4x4 Matrix Keypad & LCD/Seven Segment
10. Timers/Counters
11. Serial Communication using UART peripherals Standard UART Mode ..
12. Interrupts..
Project on any ONE of the below
13. SMS Matrix Keypad.
14. Interfacing of I2C EEPROM AT24C01 & LCD/UART..
15. Interfacing of I2C RTC DS1307 & LCD/UART..
16. Interfacing of SPI ADC MCP3201 & LCD/UART..
17. Interfacing of 128*64 Graphical LCD..
18. IR decoding, Philips Remote Control RC5 protocol implementation
19. Smart Card Authentication
20. Memory Mapped I/0 using 8255 PPI
21. Temperature Sensing using 1-wire protocol..
22. Implementing a Round Robin Scheduler...
23. Multitasking Application using Real Time OS.
24. RF Based Automation
Data Transfer Operations (In Assembly Language) Exercises
25. Place the number 3Bh in internal RAM locations 30h to 32h.
26. Copy the byte at internal RAM address 27h to external RAM address 27h.
27. Set timer 1 to A23Dh.
28. Copy the data in external RAM location 0123h to TL0 and the data in external
RAM location 0234h to TH0.
29. Exchange the contents of the B register and external RAM address 02CFh.
30. Copy the internal code byte at address 0300h to external RAM address 0300h.
31. Exchange both low nibbles of registers R0 and R1 : put the low nibble of R0 in
R1, and the low nibble of R1 in R0.
32. PUSH the contents of the B register to TMOD.

Logical & Bit Operations (In Assembly Language) Exercises

33. Set port 0, bits 1,3, 5 and7, to 1; set the rest to 0.
34. Clear bit 3 of RAM location 22h without affecting any other bit.
35. Invert the data of the port 0 pins and write the data to port 1.
36. Swap the nibbles of R0 and R1 so that the low nibble of R0 swaps with the
high nibble of R1 and the high nibble of R0 swaps with the low nibble of R1.
37. Complement the lower nibble of RAM location 2Ah.
38. Make the high nibble of R5 the complement of the low nibble of R6.
39. Move bit 4 of RAM location 30h to bit 2 of A.
40. Store the least significant nibble of A in both nibbles of RAM address 3Ch; for
example, if A=36h, then 3Ch == 66h.
41. Set the Carry flag to 1 if the number in A is even; set the Carry flag to 0 if the
number in A is odd.
42. Treat registers R0 and R1 as 16-bit registers, and rotate them on place to the
left; bit 7 of R0 becomes bit 0 of R1, bit 7 of R1 becomes bit 0 of R0, and so
43. Reverse the bits of R0 registers.
44. Rotate the DPTR one place to the right.

Arithematic Operations (In Assembly Language) Exercises

45. Add the bytes in RAM locations 34h and 35h; put the result in registers R5
(LSB) and R6 (MSB).
46. Add the number 84h to the contents of RAM locations 17h (LSB) and 18h
47. Add the byte in external RAM location 02CDh to internal RAM location 19h;
put the result into external RAM locations 00C0h (LSB) and 00C1h (MSB).
48. Write a program to add 897F9AH to 34BC48H and save the result in RAM
memory locations starting at 40H.
49. Increment the contents of RAM locations 13h, 14h, and 15h using indirect
addressing only.
50. Increment TL1 by 10h.
51. Square the data read from port 0 pins and store the result in scratch pad area
beginning from 40h MSB .
52. Assuming the data 255 (decimal) is present in register R0,separate the digits of
this number and store the ascii character equivalents in scratch pad area
beginning from 30h ,Most significant digit first.
Branching Operations (In Assembly Language) Exercises
53. Put a random number in R3 and increment it until it equals E1h.
54. Put a random number in address 20h and increment it until it equals a random

number put in R5.

55. Detect both the OV flag & CY flag being set in 8051.If set put 1 in R7,else put 0
in R7.
56. Count the number of 1s in any number in register B and put the count in R5.
57. Transfer the data in internal RAM locations 10h to 20h to internal RAM locations
s30h to 40h.
58. Write a program to copy a block of 10 bytes of data from RAM locations starting
at 35H to RAM locations starting at 60H.
59. Assuming that in ROM space at 250H contains Vector, write a program to
transfer the bytes into RAM locations starting at 40H.
60. Let the assembler locate (initialize) the string Welcome in ROM space .Write an
ALP to bring in the string into the RAM space.
61. Write a program to add the following numbers and save the result in R2, R3. The
data is stored in on-chip ROM.
53, 94, 56, 92, 74, 65, 43, 23, 83
62. Write a sub-routine that adds to 8-bit numbers and stores the result in r6(MSB)
and r7(LSB) and call it.
63. Write a sub-routine to create a delay of about 1 ms and call it.
64. Write a sub-routine to create any approximate delay within of 1 ms up to 100ms.
Interfacing of LEDs
65. Flash an LED connected to port line using complement logic at the rate of 1
second for 10 times and stop.
66. Flash an LED connected to port line using the set and clear logic each at the rate
of 1second for 10 times and stop.
67. Display on the LEDS connected to port the pattern as explained:
First all the LEDS should be off and remaining in this state for about 1 sec.
After 1 second laps switch on the only LED0(bit 0)
After 2 seconds laps switch on the only LED1(bit 1)

After 8 seconds laps switch on the only LED7(bit 7)

Switch of all the LEDS for about 3 secs.
Repeat this pattern for 5 times ONLY.
Interfacing of Switches and LEDs & Buzzer
68. Read the status of momentary switch (sw) connected to any port pin and display
it on the LED & make the buzzer beep connected to another port pins.
69. A momentary switch (sw) is connected P2.5 and four LEDs are connected to
lower nibble of port 0.Your program should behave as follows :

Depending on the number of times the sw pressed the 1st time, LED 0 should be ON only,
the 2nd time, LED 1 should be ON only,
the 3rd time, LED 2 should be ON only,
the 4th time, LED 3 should be ON only,
If pressed here after none should be ON until system reset .
70. Read the status of all momentary switches SWs connected to PORT 0 and display
their status of being pressed on corresponding LEDS connected to PORT 2
71. Read the status of 4 momentary switches SWs connected to lower nibble of
PORT 0 and display their status on an LED connected to P2.0 only.

Interfacing of Seven Segments & Switches

72. Show up counting from 00 to 99 on seg1,seg2 @ of 1s.
73. Display HELP on segments and Make if flash 5 times
74. Implement a 2 digit up and down counter. Use two switches as mentioned sw1 for
incrementing count & sw2 for decrement count.
75. Display on 4 digits @ 1s per display the consecutively values 1.234,12.34,123.4
Interfacing of LCD
76. Display and Scroll the string VECTOR, towards right , on Line 1 of LCD until
it disappears from the screen.
77. Display and circularly Scroll the string VECTOR , towards right, on Line 1 of
LCD infinitely on the screen.
78. Display 4 new customized characters.
Interfacing of 4x4 Matrix Keypad & LEDs/7Segments/LCD
79. Read any key pressed and display it mapped key value on the above mentioned
display units.
80. Implement a simple 2 digit input calculator for basic arithemtic operations, show
the operation on an LCD.
81. authentication program to find password is matched or not .
Understanding Timer/Counter peripherals usage
82. Write 8051 assembly programs to create generate a square wave of duty cycles
83. What value do we need to load into the timers registers if we want to have time delay of

10ms.Write the program for infinitely creating a pulse width of 10ms P0.7.
84. Assuming that XTAL=12MHz,write a program to generate a square wave of 2KHz
frequency on P0.6.
T = 1/f = 1/2kHz = 500us the period of square wave
of it for high and low portions of the pulse is 250us
250us/1us=250 and 65536 250 = 65286(convert to hex).
Load TLX and THX
85. Write an embedded C program to count pulse inputs at the pin T1.
Serial Comunication

Write an ALP to serially transmit the message Welcome to VECTOR on serial window/pc
hyper terminal window.
Write an ALP to infinitely receive any character then re-transmit its ASCII value in decimal and
hex format. Output should be seen as for example below
Output: Received A 65 41
Received a 97 61
Using the concept of multiple file assembly, assuming three files, say mainfile.asm,serial.asm
and delay.asm are edited as mentioned below
Mainfile.asm containes the main logic of the application which invokes routines from other files
Serial.asm - contains UART input and output routines
Delay.asm contains loop delay and timer delay routine
Write an ALP to show 00 99 secs counters on the serial window.

Write an Emb-C program for demonstrating full duplex feature of UART in mode 1.
keypad status display on uart.
authentication status display on uart.

Test with some form of visual outputs the response of the microcontroller to
various interrupt sources. Note : all interrupts
Transmit a character when the external interrupt fired.

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