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General Interest

Texas Instruments Incorporated

Industrial flow meters/flow transmitters

By Deepa Kalyanaraman
Business Development Manager, End-Equipment Solutions

Flow meters are an integral tool for measuring the flow
of liquid, gas, or a mixture of both in applications used in
the food and beverage industry, oil and gas plants, and
chemical/pharmaceutical factories. There are many different types of flow meters available on the market. Fluid
characteristics (single or double phase, viscosity, turbidity,
etc.), flow profile (laminar, transitional, or turbulent, etc.),
flow range, and the need for accurate measurements are
key factors for determining the right flow meter for a particular application. Additional considerations such as
mechanical restrictions and output-connectivity options
also impact this choice. The overall accuracy of a flow
meter depends to some extent on the circumstances of
the application. The effects of pressure, temperature,
fluid, and dynamic influences can potentially alter the
measurement being taken.
Industrial flow meters are used in environments where
noise and sources of high-voltage surges proliferate. This
means that the analog front end (AFE) needs to operate
at high common-mode voltages and have extremely good
noise performance, in addition to processing small electrical signals with high precision and repeatability. The 4- to
20-mA loop is the most common interface between flow
transmitters and flow-control equipment such as programmable logic controllers. Flow transmitters can either be
powered by this loop or have a dedicated power line. Flow
transmitters designed to use the loop have extremely
stringent power constraints, as all of the electronics for
signal acquisition/processing and transmission may need
to operate solely off the 4- to 20-mA loop. Ultra-low-power
processors such as the Texas Instruments MSP430 and
TMS320C5000 DSP families, in conjunction with highprecision, low-power AFE solutions, are commonly used in
loop-powered transmitters. Transmitters with digitalconnectivity features such as a process field bus
(PROFIBUS), I/O links, and/or wireless connectivity are
increasingly popular, as they reduce start-up times and
provide continuous monitoring and fault diagnostics. All
these factors greatly improve productivity and efficiency
of the automation loop.
This article provides an overview of the working operation of the four most common flow meters: differentialpressure, electromagnetic (magmeter), Coriolis, and

ultrasonic, the last of which includes Doppler-shift and

transit-time flow meters. The key uses of these meters are
presented along with their advantages/disadvantages and
system considerations.

Differential-pressure flow meter

This meter operates based on Bernoullis principle. It measures the differential-pressure drop across a constriction
in the flows path to infer the flow velocity. Common types
of differential-pressure flow meters are the orifice, the pitot
tube, and the venturi tube. An orifice flow meter (Figure 1)
is used to create a constriction in the flow path. As the
fluid flows through the hole in the orifice plate, in accord
ance with the law of conservation of mass, the velocity of
the fluid that leaves the orifice is more than the velocity of
the fluid as it approaches the orifice. By Bernoullis principle, this means that the pressure on the inlet side is higher
than the pressure on the outlet side. Measuring this differential pressure gives a direct measure of the flow velocity
from which the volumetric flow can easily be calculated.

System considerations for differential-pressure flow meters

Robust and mature technology with easy maintenance
(no moving parts)
Suitable for turbulent flow
Poor accuracy for low-flow measurements
Uses extractive flow-measurement technique, so there
is always a permanent pressure loss that must be overcome with extra pumping energy
Requires strict placement of pipe fittings, elbows, and
bends for downstream and upstream constriction taps
Figure 1. Differential-pressure orifice
flow meter



Analog Applications Journal

2Q 2012

High-Performance Analog Products

General Interest

Texas Instruments Incorporated

Electromagnetic flow meter (magmeter)

The electromagnetic flow meter, also known as a magmeter,
is based on Faradays law of electromagnetism and can be
used to measure the flow only of conductive fluids. Two
field coil magnets are used to create a strong magnetic field
across a pipe (Figure 2). Per Faradays law, as the liquid
flows through the pipe, a small electric voltage is induced.
This voltage is picked up by two sensor electrodes located
across the pipe. The rate of fluid flow is directly proportional to the amplitude of the electric voltage induced.
Figure 2. Electromagnetic flow meter

System considerations for electromagnetic

flow meters (magmeters)
Can measure only fluids with conductivity greater than
10 S/cm, eliminating their use in the petroleum, oil,
and gas industries, since hydrocarbons have poor
Sensor-electrode choices change depending on fluid
conductivity, pipe construction, and type of installation
No losses in system pressure, which may be critical in
applications that cannot tolerate pressure drops, such as
applications with low-velocity flow
Ideal for corrosive and dirty fluids, slurries, etc., provided the liquid phase has sufficient conductivity, since
the flow meter has no internal parts
High accuracy to within 1% of indicated flow
Higher cost

Coriolis flow meter


eq (voltage) = dFB/dt

B = Magnetic field

The coils used to create the magnetic field can be

excited with AC or DC power sources. In AC excitation,
the coils are excited with a 50-Hz AC signal. This has the
advantage of drawing a smaller current from the system
than the DC excitation technique. However, the AC excitation method is susceptible to interference from nearby
power cables and line transformers. Thus, it can introduce
errors into the signals measured. Furthermore, null drifting is a common problem for AC-powered systems and
cannot be calibrated out. Pulsed DC excitation, where the
polarity of the current applied to the field coils is periodically reversed, is commonly employed as a method to
reduce the current demand and mitigate the problems
seen with AC-powered systems.

This popular flow meter directly measures mass flow rate.

The installation can include a single straight tube or, as
shown in Figure 3, a dual curved tube. The architecture
with a single straight tube is easier to construct and maintain because it is subject to fewer stress forces, but it is
susceptible to interference and noise. The architecture
with dual curved tubes cancels out any noise picked up
because the two tubes oscillate in counterphase.
In Coriolis meters, the tubes through which the fluid
flows are made to oscillate at a particular resonant
frequency by forcing a strong magnetic field on the
Figure 3. Coriolis flow meter

FC (Coriolis force) = 2mwvr

m = Moving mass

w = Speed of rotation
vr = Radial velocity

High-Performance Analog Products

2Q 2012

Analog Applications Journal

General Interest

Texas Instruments Incorporated

tubes. When the fluid starts flowing through the tubes, it

is subject to Coriolis force. The oscillatory motion of the
tubes superimposes on the linear motion of the fluid, exert
ing twisting forces on the tubes. This twisting is due to

Figure 4. Signals detected by sensor in

Coriolis flow meter

Coriolis acceleration acting in opposite directions on either

side of the tubes and the fluids resistance to the vertical
motion. Sensor electrodes placed on both the inlet and
outlet sides pick up the time difference caused by this
motion. This phase shift due to the twisting forces is a
direct measurement of mass flow rate. Figure 4 shows
typical detection results.

System considerations for Coriolis flow meters

(Inlet Side)

Direct measurement of mass flow rate eliminates

effects of temperature, pressure, and flow profile on
the measurement
High accuracy
Sensor can make simultaneous measurements of flow
rate and density because the basic oscillating frequency
of the tube(s) depends on the density of the fluid flowing inside
Cannot measure flow rate of fluids with entrained
particles (liquids with gas or solid particles; gas with
liquid bubbles; etc.) because such particles dampen the
tubes oscillations, making it difficult to take accurate

Ultrasonic flow meter

Doppler-shift meter

(Outlet Side)

(a) Time difference between inlet and outlet


The Doppler-shift ultrasonic meter, as the name suggests,

is based on the Doppler effect. This meter (Figure 5) consists of transmit- and receive-node sensors. The transmit
node propagates an ultrasound wave of 0.5 to 10 MHz into
the fluid, which is moving at a velocity v. It is assumed that
the particles or bubbles in the fluid are moving at the same
velocity. These particles reflect the propagated wave to
the receiver with a frequency shift. The difference in frequency between the transmitted and received ultrasound
wave is a measure of the flow velocity. Because this type
of ultrasound flow meter requires sufficient reflecting
particles in the fluid, it does not work for extremely pure
single-phase fluids.
Figure 5. Doppler-shift ultrasonic flow meter
and Receiver

Phase Shift


(b) Phase shift translates to flow rate


Q (volumetric flow rate) = K(f1, f2)

f1 and f2 = Incident and reflected frequencies, respectively
K = A constant that is a function of angle of incidence/reflection,
reflective-particle position, cross section

Analog Applications Journal

2Q 2012

High-Performance Analog Products

General Interest

Texas Instruments Incorporated

Transit-time meter
On the contrary, the transit-time ultrasonic meter can be
used for measuring only extremely clean liquids or gases.
It consists of a pair of ultrasound transducers mounted
along an axis aligned at an angle with respect to the fluidflow axis (Figure 6). These transducers, each consisting of
a transmitter/receiver pair, alternately transmit to each
other. Fluid flowing through the pipe causes a difference
between the transit times of beams traveling upstream and
downstream. Measuring this difference in transit time gives
flow velocity.
The difference in transit time is typically on the order of
nanoseconds. Hence, precise electronics are needed to
make this measurement, whether the time is measured
directly or a conversion corresponding to frequency difference is made. The latter is more popular and involves an

System considerations for ultrasonic flow meters

The Doppler-shift flow meter is relatively inexpensive
The transit-time flow meter provides one of the few
techniques for measuring nonconductive slurries and
corrosive fluids
The ultrasonic flow meter is externally clamped onto
existing pipes, allowing installation without cutting or
breaking pipes, which minimizes personal exposure
to hazardous liquids and reduces possible system
The ultrasonic flow meters most significant disadvantage
is its dependence on the fluids flow profile; for the same
average flow velocity, the meter could give different output readings for different flow profiles


Figure 6. Transit-time ultrasonic flow meter



FFT analysis of the difference in frequency between waves

received in and against the flow direction.


Q (volumetric flow rate) = K (t1 t2)/(t1 t2)

K = A constant that is a function of acoustic-path length, ratio
between the radial and axial distances from the sensors, velocity
distribution (flow-velocity profile), cross section
t1 = Transit time for downstream path
t2 = Transit time for upstream path

This article has discussed the working operation of the four

most common flow meters. Their key uses and design considerations, summarized in Table 1, were also discussed.
There is a wide range of solutions available for flow
meters, including interfaces for industrial field-bus transceivers, a variety of AFEs, and low-power processing solutions. Selecting the right flow meter for an application from
the various different technologies and designs available on
the market can be rather challenging. By understanding
the properties of the fluid being used, knowing the applications flow rates and required measurement accuracy,
and being aware of physical constraints and operating conditions, the designer can narrow down the choices faster.

Related Web site

Table 1. Characteristics of the four most common flow meters






Volume/mass measurement Volume




Fluid/flow rate

Not suitable for gases with

low flow rate

Not suitable for gas flow

Not suitable for very high

flow rates (>20,000 l/min)

Not suitable for gas flow

Particulate flow/slurries

Conditionally suitable


Conditionally suitable

Conditionally suitable

Liquid/gas mixture

Not suitable

Conditionally suitable

Conditionally suitable

Conditionally suitable

Liquid conductivity

Suitable for all

Only conductive liquids

Suitable for all

Suitable for all

Food and beverage

(consumable liquids)

Not suitable



Most suitable for nonintrusive measurement


Easy installation; periodic

cleaning required

Moderate installation effort; Installation outlay can be

minimal maintenance
considerable; relatively

Easy installation and


Typical accuracy

0.6 to 2% of full scale

0.2 to 1% of reading

Doppler-shift meter:
1% of reading to 2%
of full scale

0.1 to 0.5% of reading

Transit-time meter:
0.35% of reading to 2%
of full scale

High-Performance Analog Products

2Q 2012

Analog Applications Journal

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