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Muffler Modeling by Transfer Matrix Method and Experimental Verification

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S. N. Y.

Gerges et al

S. N.Y. Gerges
and R. Jordan
Federal Univ. of Santa Caterina
Mechanical Engineering Dept
CP 476
Florianpolis, Brazil

F. A. Thieme
Eberspcher Tuper Sistemas de Exaustao
89290-000 Sao Bento do Sul, SC. Brazil

Muffler Modeling by Transfer Matrix

Method and Experimental Verification
Mufflers are widely used for exhaust noise attenuation in vehicles and machinery. Recent
advances in modeling procedures for accurate performance prediction have led to the
development of modeling methods for practical muffler components in commercial design.
Muffler designers need simple and fast modeling tools, especially in the preliminary design
evaluation stages. Finite Element and Boundary Element methods are often used to
provide valid results in a wide range of frequencies. However, these methods are timeconsuming, its use needs highly trained personnel and the commercial software is usually
quite expensive. Therefore, plane wave based models such as the transfer matrix method
(TMM) can offer fast initial prototype solutions for muffler designers. In this paper, the
principles of TMM for predicting the transmission loss (TL) of a muffler are summarized.
The method is applied to different muffler configurations and the numerical predictions
are compared with the results obtained by means of an experimental set up. Only
stationary, non-dissipative mufflers are considered. The limitation of both the experimental
method and the plane wave approach are discussed. The predicted results agreed
reasonably well with the measured results in the low frequency range where the firing
engine frequency and its first few harmonics are the main sources of noise.
Keywords: muffler modeling, transfer matrix, transmission loss, noise control

J. L. Bento Coelho
CAPS, Instituto Superior Tcnico
1049-001, Lisbon, Portugal

J. P. Arenas
Institute of Acoustics, Univ. Austral de Chile
PO Box 567, Valdivia, Chile

Mufflers are commonly used in a wide variety of applications.
Industrial flow ducts as well as internal combustion engines
frequently make use of silencing elements to attenuate the noise
levels carried by the fluids and radiated to the outside atmosphere by
the exhausts. Restrictive environmental legislation require that
silencer designers use high performance and reliable techniques.
Various techniques are currently available for the modeling and
testing of duct mufflers. Empirical, analytical and numerical
techniques have been used and proved reliable under controlled
Design of a complete muffler system is, usually, a very complex
task. Each element is selected by considering its particular
performance, cost and its interaction effects on the overall system
performance and reliability.
Numerical techniques, such as the Finite Element Method
(FEM) and the Boundary Element Method (BEM) have proven to be
convenient for complex muffler geometries. Although these
methods are applicable to any muffler configuration, when the
silencer shape becomes complex, the three-dimensional FEM
requires a very large number of elements and nodes. This results in
lengthy and time-consuming data preparation and computation.
Although high speed computational and storage machines exist, the
use of FEM or BEM for muffler design is restricted to trained
personnel and is commercially expensive, in particular for
preliminary design evaluation. Most muffler manufacturers are
small and medium companies with a limited number of resources.

Paper accepted April, 2005. Technical Editor: Jos Roberto de Frana Arruda.

132 / Vol. XXVII, No. 2, April-June 2005

They thereby require fast and low cost methods for preliminary
muffler design.
A large amount of work has been published in the last five
decades on the prediction of muffler performance. The NACA
report by Davis et al. (1954) was one of the first comprehensive
attempts to model mufflers. They used the transmission line theory
by assuming both continuity of pressure and continuity of volume
velocity at discontinuities. In the late fifties and sixties, equivalent
electrical circuits based on the four-pole transmission matrices were
widely used to predict the muffler performance through the use of
analogue computers (Igarashi and Toyama, 1958; Davies, 1964). In
the seventies and eighties Alfredson (1970), Munjal (1970 and
1987), Thawani and Noreen (1988), Sullivan and Crocker (1978)
and Jayaraman and Yam (1981) presented approaches to the partial
and full modeling of mufflers. In addition, Craggs (1989) reported a
technique that combines the use of transfer matrix approach and
finite elements in the study of duct acoustics. Later, Davies (1993)
has cautioned that approaches using electrical analogies need to be
used with great care where the influence of mean flow on wave
propagation is important.
During the last fifteen years a great body of research has been
published on the sound propagation in curved ducts and bends used
as muffler elements. Kim and Ih (1999) studied the problem and
presented expressions for the transfer matrix of such systems. They
found that the classical plane wave theory for the straight duct of
equivalent length is not applicable when dealing with high sound
pressures. Flix and Pagneux (2002) presented an exact multimodal
formalism for acoustic propagation in three-dimensional rigid bends
of circular cross-section. They defined an impedance matrix as a
Riccati equation which can be solved numerically. The approach
was applied to calculate the reflection and transmission of a typical
bend, and also to obtain the resonance frequencies of closed tube

Muffler Modeling by Transfer Matrix Method and Experimental Verification

To predict the radiated noise from engine exhaust systems it is

required a model of the acoustic behavior of the intake/exhaust
system and a model of the engine cycle source characteristics. The
models are analyzed either in the frequency domain or in the time
domain. However, the evaluation of the source characteristics
remains a challenge. Recently, Sathyanarayana and Munjal (2000)
developed an hybrid approach to predict radiated noise that uses
both the time domain analysis of the engine and the frequency
domain analysis of the muffler. For the frequency analysis of the
muffler they also used the transfer matrix method.
More recently, studies regarding new algorithms that can reduce
the computation time in predicting the performance of mufflers have
been reported (Dowling and Peat, 2004). However, it is required a
previous identification of sub-systems of two-port acoustic elements
before applying the algorithm.
In this paper, the fundamentals of the Transfer Matrix Method
(TMM) are summarized and the method is applied to different
muffler configurations for the prediction of Transmission Loss. A
set of measurements was taken and the results are compared with
the numerical predictions.

B = j ( c / S ) exp( jMk c L) sin k c L ,


C = j ( S / c) exp( jMk c L) sin k c L ,


D = exp( jMk c L) cos k c L ,



where M=V/c is the mean flow Mach number (M<0.2), c is the

speed of sound (m/s), kc=k/(1M2) is the convective wavenumber
(rad/m), k=/c is the acoustic wavenumber (rad/m), is the angular
frequency (rad/s), is the fluid density (kg/m3), and j is the square
root of 1. Substitution of M=0 in Eqs. (3) to (6) yields the
corresponding relationships for stationary medium.
Transfer Matrix Method (TMM)
It can be observed that Eqs. (1) and (2) can be written in an
equivalent matrix form as
q1 = T1 q 2 ,



where qi = [pi i ]T is a vector of convective state variables (i=1,2)


Plane Wave Propagation

For plane wave propagation in a rigid straight pipe of length L,
constant cross section S, and transporting a turbulent incompressible
mean flow of velocity V (see Fig. 1), the sound pressure p and the
volume velocity anywhere in the pipe element can be represented
as the sum of left and right traveling waves. The plane wave
propagation model is valid when the influence of higher order
modes can be neglected. Using the impedance analogy, the sound
pressure p and volume velocity at positions 1 (upstream end) and
2 (downstream end) in Fig. 1 (x=0 and x=L, respectively) can be
related by

T1 =


where A, B, C, and D are usually called the four-pole constants.

They are frequency-dependent complex quantities embodying the
acoustical properties of the pipe (Pierce, 1981).

is the 22 transfer matrix, defined with respect to convective state

variables. This matrix relates the total sound pressure and volume
velocity at two points in a muffler element, such as the straight pipe
discussed in the previous section.
Thus, a transfer matrix is a frequency-dependent property of the
system. Reciprocity principle requires that the transfer matrix
determinant be 1. In addition, for a symmetrical muffler A and D
must be identical.
In practice, there are different elements connected together in a
real muffler, as shown in Fig. 2. However, the four-pole constants
values of each element are not affected by connections to elements
upstream or downstream as long as the system elements can be
assumed to be linear and passive. So, each element is characterized
by one transfer matrix, which depends on its geometry and flow
conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to model each element and
then to relate all of them to obtain the overall acoustic property of
the muffler.

Figure 1. Plane wave propagation in a rigid straight pipe transporting a

turbulent incompressible mean flow.

Figure 2. Real muffler.

p1 = Ap 2 + B 2 ,


1 = Cp 2 + D 2 ,



It can be shown (Munjal, 1975) that the four-pole constants for

nonviscous medium are
A = exp( jMk c L) cos k c L ,

J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. & Eng.


If several muffler elements, such as sudden expansions, sudden

contractions, extended-tubes and/or perforated tubes are connected
together in series, then the overall transfer matrix of the entire
system is given by the product of the individual system matrices.
For example, the muffler shown in Fig. 2 includes a straight

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extended tube, sudden expansion and extended inlet, uniform tube,

sudden contraction, concentric resonator with perforated tube and a
straight tail pipe. Then, for this particular muffler we can write
q 0 = T0 q1 .


Since q1=T1q2, Eq. (9) can be written as

q 0 = T0 T1q 2 .


It is observed that qn=Tnqn+1, for 0 n 6. Consequently, we

obtain the final expression

q 0 = T0 T1T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 q 7 =

T q

i 7


i =0

which relates the convective state variables at two points (inlet and
exhaust) in a muffler.
Now, at a point n, the vector of convective state variables is
related to the vector of classical state variables (for stationary
medium) by means of the linear transformation
qn = Cn u n ,

M n n cn / S n


Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (7) gives

u1 = C11T1C 2 u 2 = T1u 2 ,


where T1 = C11T1C 2 is the transfer matrix for stationary medium.
Therefore, it is possible to use convective or classical state
variables to formulate a particular problem. Later, the proper
transfer matrix can be obtained by using two transformation
matrices, one evaluated at the upstream end and the other evaluated
at the downstream end of a muffler element.
It can be seen that this matrix formulation is very convenient
particularly for use with a digital computer. The only information
needed to model any complex muffler are the transfer matrices
entries. The four-pole constants (entries for the transfer matrix) can
be found easily for simple muffler elements such as straight pipes
and expansion chambers. But for a complex element its four-pole
constants can take very complicated forms which are not easily
determined mathematically. An alternative is to use the finite
element method to obtain numerically each constant (Craggs, 1989).
Fortunately, a large number of transfer matrices have been
theoretically developed and reported in the literature. Some of them
include the convective effects of a mean flow. Several formulas of
transfer matrices of different elements constituting commercial
mufflers have been compiled in the book by Munjal (1987) and,
more recently, in the book by Mechel (2002). They also included an
extensive list of relevant references.
It has to be noticed that, in addition to the geometric
characteristics and flow conditions, some transfer matrices depend
on additional parameters such as the drop in stagnation pressure and

134 / Vol. XXVII, No. 2, April-June 2005

Transmission Loss from TMM

The characterization of a muffling device used for noise control
applications can be given in terms of the attenuation, insertion loss,
transmission loss, and the noise reduction.
Transmission loss, TL, is independent of the source and requires
an anechoic termination at the downstream end. It describes the
performance of what has been called the muffler proper. It is
defined as 10 times the logarithm of the ratio between the power
incident on the muffler proper (Wi) and that transmitted downstream
(Wt) into an anechoic termination (see Fig. 3).


where u n = [ ~
p n ~n ]T , ~
p and ~ are, respectively, the sound
pressure and volume velocity for stationary medium, and Cn is a non
singular 22 transformation matrix given by

Cn =
M n S n / n c n

heat conductivity. When using perforate tube elements, the transfer

matrices depend on the porosity (number of perforations per unit
length of pipe axis) and particularly on the normalized partition
impedance of the perforate. This impedance can be evaluated by
means of empirical expressions given for different flow conditions,
such as stationary medium (Sullivan and Crocker, 1978), perforates
with cross-flow (Sullivan, 1979), and perforates with grazing flow
(Rao and Munjal, 1986).

Figure 3. Diagram of muffler system.

Transmission loss does not involve neither the source nor the
radiation impedance. It is thus an invariant property of the element.
Being made independent of the terminations, TL finds favor with
researchers who are sometimes interested in finding the acoustic
transmission behavior of an element or set of elements in isolation
of the terminations (Munjal, 1987). In the past, measurement of the
incident wave in a standing wave field required use of the
impedance tube technology, leading to quite laborious experiments.
However, use of the two-microphone method with modern
instrumentation allows faster and accurate results.
Considering the muffler system sketched in Fig. 3 and taking
into account the effect of a mean flow, Transmission Loss can be
calculated in terms of the four-pole constants as (Mechel, 2002)
1+ M

TL = 20 log

2 c 2 S1

c S
1 1 2

1/ 2


where Mi is the mean flow Mach number (Mi<0.2), i is the fluid

density, ci is the speed of sound, Si is the cross sectional area, the
index i=1 refers to the exhaust pipe, i=2 refers to the tail pipe, and

BS 2 C 1c1 D1c1 S 2
2 c2
2 c 2 S1


Experimental Method
In general, experimental results are required for supplementing
the analysis by providing certain basic data or parameters that
cannot be predicted precisely, for verifying the analytical/numerical
predictions, and also for evaluating the overall performance of a
system configuration so as to check if it satisfies the design


Muffler Modeling by Transfer Matrix Method and Experimental Verification

For this research, an experimental test rig was designed in order

to measure the Transmission Loss of a set of muffler configurations
in stationary medium. The experimental set up is based in a
combination of the decomposition method originally proposed by
Seybert and Ross (1977), further modifications proposed by Chung
and Blaser (1980), and the transfer function correction described by
Chu (1986). Figure 4 shows the experimental set up.

Arenas, 2004; Chung and Blaser, 1980, and Abom and Bodn,
0.1c / 2 s < f < 0.8c / 2 s .


2) The cut-off frequency of each muffler chamber.

In practical applications it is common to find tubes having
circular and elliptical cross sectional areas. The first cut-off
frequency of a circular cross sectional tube is given by
f c = 1.84c / d ,


where d is the tube diameter (m).

A simplified formula for the first cut-off of an elliptical tube has
been given by Tsuyoshi (2001) as
f c = c / 2 a ,


where the factor is calculated in terms of the tube eccentricity, e,

according to Table 1. The eccentricity of an ellipse is defined as

Figure 4. Experimental set up.

e = 1 b2 / a 2

The method makes use of one moving microphone which can be

flush wall mounted at fixed positions in the exhaust and the inlet of
the muffler under test. The excitation consists of a random signal
containing all frequencies of interest. The random noise generator of
a two-channel Fourier analyzer gives the required signal. This signal
is fed to a loudspeaker, which creates an acoustic pressure field in
the tube. A preamplifier amplifies the signal picked up by the
microphone before it is fed to the computer-controlled Fourier
analyzer. The assessed data are the power spectral densities and
transfer functions of signals measured at different microphone
locations. Making use of these measured data, the incident and
transmitted sound power can be estimated and the Transmission
Loss is calculated as (Crocker, 1994)
TL = 20 log

exp( jks) H 12
+ 10 log 11 + 10 log 1 ,
exp( jks) H 34

H 12 = H 1F H F 2 ,


where H1F is the complex transfer function between the signal from
the microphone placed at position 1 and the source signal, and HF2 is
the complex transfer function between the source signal and the
microphone placed at position 2. Of course, H34 can be estimated in
a similar way.

Limitations and Validity of Measurements

The frequency range in which the measurements of
Transmission Loss are valid is mainly given by two factors:
1) The distance between two microphone positions. In order to
avoid errors associated with this factor the transfer function method
is best employed in the frequency band given by (see Gerges and
J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. & Eng.

1/ 2


where a is half the length of the largest axis (m) and b is half the
length of the smallest axis (m). Equation (21) gives results being
quite similar to those obtained by means of more complex
approaches involving Mathieu functions (Denia et al., 2001).
Table 1. Relationship between the eccentricity and in Eq. (21).

Eccentricity e


where s is the distance between two microphone positions (see Fig.

4), H12 is the complex transfer function between points 1 and 2, H34
is the complex transfer function between points 3 and 4, G11 is the
complex power spectral density measured at point 1, and G33 is the
complex power spectral density measured at point 3. S1 and S2 carry
the same connotations as in Eq. (16).
The complex transfer function H12 can be estimated according to
Chu (1986) as the product


For practical reasons the distance between the sound source and
the muffler and the distance between the muffler and the termination
should be small. A distance of five to 10 times the diameter of the
tube is recommended (Abom and Bodn, 1988). In addition, the
measurement point 1 (see Fig. 4), should be positioned as close as
possible to the muffler, although a minimum distance of about 10
mm should be considered in order to avoid the influence of nearby
A distance s=50 mm was used for the experiments. Therefore,
all the results of measurements presented in the following sections
can be considered as valid for frequencies above 343 Hz.

Eight muffler configurations were carefully manufactured and
tested using the experimental set up described above. The
configurations include a simple elliptic expansion chamber, an
expansion chamber with extended tube at the inlet/outlet, a
reflective muffler with extended tube at the inlet/outlet, a reflective
muffler with extended tube at both the inlet and outlet, a concentric
tube resonator, an expansion chamber with perforated tube at the
inlet, an expansion chamber with perforated tube at the inlet and

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outlet, and a complex muffler with several elements. For each one,
the theoretical results using the Transfer Matrix Method were
numerically evaluated by means of a digital computer. Since the
experiments were conducted in a stationary medium and the fact
that, most of the time, the transfer matrices are defined in the
literature with respect to convective variables, the corresponding
transfer matrices for stationary medium were obtained by means of
the transformation matrix procedure described by Eqs. (13) and
The results obtained experimentally and predicted by the TMM
modeling of each muffler configuration are presented in this section.

and sudden contraction tubes. The maximum and minimum TL are

located at frequencies fmax and fmin, respectively. According to Wu
(1970) these frequencies can be predicted as
f max = (2n + 1)c / 4 L ,


f min = 2nc / 4 L ,



where L is the length of the simple expansion chamber (m) and n is

an integer number.

Expansion Chambers
Figure 5 shows the geometry of a simple elliptic expansion
chamber and the comparison between the experimental values of TL
and the numerical results of TL obtained from TMM modeling. The
units for the dimensions of the chamber shown in Fig. 5 and for all
subsequent figures are given in mm, unless otherwise is stated. A
good agreement, in general, is shown. Differences of up to 3 dB
were obtained at the first and last TL loops. These are located close
to the limits of the valid frequency range, determined by the
microphone distance limitation given by Eq. (19) and the cut-off
frequency of the chamber given by Eq. (21), where some errors are
expected. Therefore, for this particular chamber the measurements
are valid for frequencies above 343 Hz and below 2100 Hz.

Figure 6. Transmission loss of a simple expansion chamber modeled as

sudden expansion and sudden contraction; TMM results (dashed line) and
experimental results (solid line).

Chambers with Extended Tubes

Figure 5. Transmission loss of a simple expansion chamber using an

extended tube length of 0.1 mm; TMM results (dashed line) and
experimental results (solid line).

Figure 6 shows comparisons for the same chamber, but modeled

as sudden expansion and sudden contraction tubes. In this latter
case, the agreement between the numerical and experimental results
are closer, especially at the last TL loop but less accurate at the first
TL loop. Figures 5 and 6 show clearly the errors in predicting TL
above the cut-off frequency. The comparisons show that the
expansion chamber is more accurately modeled as sudden expansion
136 / Vol. XXVII, No. 2, April-June 2005

Figure 7 shows the geometry and the results from experiments

and from TMM numerical predictions of an elliptical chamber with
an extended tube at the inlet. Figure 8 shows the results of TL for the
same chamber but with the extended tube at the outlet. An excellent
agreement is observed in both cases. The agreement between TMM
results and experiments is much better than in the case of a simple
elliptical expansion chamber.
In addition, Fig. 9 shows the numerical results of TL obtained by
means of TMM modeling for the simple expansion chamber with
and without the extended tube at the inlet for comparison. It is
observed that the effect of extending the entrance tube is to increase
the TL peaks and to widen the frequency bands of attenuation. The
numerical results shown in Fig. 9 agreed quite well with the results
presented by Bento Coelho (1983) using finite elements. Here, the
first characteristic peak of the TL curve is related to the resonance
frequency fr, which occurs at a quarter wavelength of the extended
tube, and can be calculated as
f r = c /[4( L + 0.315d )] ,


where L is the total length of the extended tube (m) and d is its
internal diameter (m). The factor 0.315 corresponds to an end
correction (Pierce, 1981). Therefore, for this particular muffler
geometry, the first TL peak occurs at fr=388 Hz. Additional peaks
appear at odd multiples of this frequency, as confirmed during the
experiments (see Fig. 7).


Muffler Modeling by Transfer Matrix Method and Experimental Verification

Reflective Systems
Reflective systems are non straight-through mufflers. They can
have extended tubes at the inlet, extended tubes at the outlet or both.
Figures 10, 11 and 12 show the geometry and the results of TL
obtained from TMM and measurements for three reflective systems.

with extended tube at the inlet show a similar behavior than the
reflective system with extended tube at the outlet. According to
Kimura (1995), the first TL peak can be calculated as
f r = c /[4(l 0.315d )] ,


where l is the distance between the ends of the tube and the
reflection wall (m) and d is the internal diameter of the extended
tube (m). Therefore, for this case, the first TL peak is located at
fr=820 Hz, which agrees quite well with the experimental result.

Figure 9. Comparison between TMM numerical results of transmission

loss of a simple expansion chamber (dotted line) and a chamber with
extended tube at the inlet (solid line).

Figure 7. Transmission loss of an expansion chamber with extended tube

at the inlet; TMM results (dashed line) and experimental results (solid

Figure 8. Transmission loss of a simple expansion chamber with extended

tube at the outlet; TMM results (dashed line) and experimental results
(solid line).

In this case, good agreement between TMM and experimental

results is observed for frequencies up to 1200 Hz. It can be observed
that for high frequencies, the results of TL for the reflective system
J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. & Eng.

Figure 10. Transmission loss of a reflective muffler with extended tube at

the inlet; TMM results (dashed line) and experimental results (solid line).

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(given by its high porosity), as shown in Fig. 14. It is observed that

the maximum TL for the concentric resonator is located at a lower
frequency than for a simple expansion chamber of the same length.

Figure 11. Transmission loss of a reflective muffler with extended tube at

the outlet; TMM results (dashed line) and experimental results (solid line).

Figure 13. Transmission loss of a concentric perforate tube; TMM results

(dashed line) and experimental results (solid line).

Figure 12. Transmission loss of a reflective muffler with extended tube at

both the inlet and outlet; TMM results (dashed line) and experimental
results (solid line).

Silencers with Perforated Tubes

Figure 13 shows the geometry and comparison between the
experimental and TMM modeling numerical results of TL for a high
porosity perforated concentric tube inside an elliptic expansion
chamber. A reasonable similarity in the transmission loss curves can
be verified. Although some divergences are encountered, the basic
behavior of the system remains the same. The general behavior of
this system is similar to that of a simple expansion chamber of the
same length, due to the acoustical transparency of the perforate
138 / Vol. XXVII, No. 2, April-June 2005

Figure 14. Experimental results of TL of a concentric perforated resonator

(dashed line) and an expansion chamber of the same length (solid line).

Figures 15 and 16 show the geometry and the comparison of the

experimental and TMM modeling results of TL for an extended
perforated tube at the inlet and a concentric perforated plugged tube,
respectively. In Fig. 15 we see that the agreement between
experimental results and numerical predictions is very good.


Muffler Modeling by Transfer Matrix Method and Experimental Verification

presented in Fig. 15. Since a concentric perforated plugged tube

represents a combination of a cross-flow expansion element and a
cross-flow contraction element, it is necessary to evaluate twice the
normalized partition impedance of the perforate. As mentioned
before, this impedance has not been obtained theoretically and
empirical expressions were used in calculating the corresponding
transfer matrices. In addition, for this particular geometry, the
influence of viscous effects could be more important. This could
lead to some numerical errors that can explain the differences
between the results presented in Figs. 15 and 16.

Real Muffler
A more complex geometry, as found in real mufflers, was
finally considered for modeling using TMM and experimental
testing. The results presented in Fig. 17 show a good agreement
between theoretical predictions and the experimental measurements.
It is observed that this complex muffler presents three
significant TL peaks below 2 kHz. The TMM modeling results
predicted quite reasonably the first two of them. In addition, a good
prediction of the drop in TL around 1100 Hz is also observed.

Figure 15. Transmission loss of a chamber with perforated tube at the

inlet; TMM results (dashed line) and experimental results (solid line).

Figure 17. Transmission loss of a real muffler having a complex geometry;

TMM results (dashed line) and experimental results (solid line).


Figure 16. Transmission loss of a concentric perforated plugged tube;

TMM results (dashed line) and experimental results (solid line).

It can be seen that the agreement between the numerical and

experimental results shown in Fig. 16 is not as good as the results
J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. & Eng.

In this paper, the basic formulation of the Transfer Matrix

Method (TMM) to predict the Transmission Loss of muffler
elements has been summarized. Experimental measurements were
carried out for different muffler configurations and compared to the
numerical results obtained from TMM. It was observed that in
general a good agreement is obtained between the experimental and
numerical results. As expected, some divergences were found in the
regions near the cut-off frequency of the silencer chamber and near
the lower frequency limit related to the experimental error involving
the spacing between the two-microphones position. It was observed

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that a simple expansion chamber can be accurately modeled as a

sudden expansion and sudden contraction. The TMM results
predicted that the effects of extending the entrance tube in a simple
expansion chamber are to increase the TL peaks and to widen the
frequency bands of attenuation. The results predicted by TMM
modeling agreed quite well with those presented by Bento Coelho
(1983) and Kimura (1995) using more complex approaches.
When using the TMM to model a concentric perforated plugged
tube the results were not as good as the results obtained when using
one perforated tube. This could be due to the empirical expressions
used in the calculation of the corresponding transfer matrices, which
would require additional experimental studies, and the fact that the
viscous effects could be of importance in this case.
Finally, for a reasonable complex geometry and not considering
dissipative systems, it can be concluded that it is possible to use the
TMM for predicting the acoustic behavior of mufflers in the low
frequency range. Therefore, the method can be used to design a
prototype muffler that would reduce the noise produced at the firing
engine frequency and its first few harmonics, where the effects of
higher order modes can be neglected. Since this method can be
easily implemented in a digital computer, it can be used with
confidence as a design guide and optimization of exhaust systems.
However, since the prototype design using the TMM would be
based on the predicted Transmission Loss, to bypass the influence of
the source impedance and the termination end, it is clear that
differences between predicted TL and measured Insertion Loss will
be observed in practice. Therefore, the final evaluation of the
muffler will require field tests based on the measured Insertion Loss.
Further work has to be done to include the effects of a mean
flow in the experimental set up and, additionally, the inclusion of
higher order modes in the transfer matrices, which should increase
the frequency range in which the predicted values would be reliable.

The authors acknowledge the support given by the Brazilian
National Council for Scientific Research, Development, and
Technology (CNPq), the Portuguese (ICCTI), and the Chilean
CONICYT-FONDECYT under grant No 7020196.

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