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PHYSICS Revision Assignment SA1

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Questions of 1 Mark:
1. Under what condition will the magnitude of the displacement be equal to the distance?
2. What is the direction of velocity of an object moving along a circular path?
3. Name the physical quantity which corresponds to rate of change of momentum ?
4. A bus covers equal distance in equal intervals of time. What type of motion does the bus exhibit?
5.While doing a experiment to establish the relationship between weight of a rectangular

wooden block lying on a horizontal table and minimum force required to just move it using spring
balance, a student kept the block on wooden table and pulled it towards east, west, south and
north direction. The force required to just move the block will be
(a) Maximum in east direction.
(b) Equal in all direction
(c) Maximum in south direction
(d) Minimum in west direction.
6. According to Newtons third law of motion, action and reaction
(a) Act on same body.
(b) Act on two different bodies but in same direction.
(c) Act on two different bodies but in opposite direction.
(d) Does not have effect on either of the bodies.
7. A student measured the minimum force F1 to just more a rectangular wooden block kept
with largest surface area on a horizontal surface by a spring balance. He again measured
the minimum force by placing the block with smallest surface area on the table as F2.
He repeated the experiment and established a relation between the two forces. The correct result
will be :
(a) F1 > F2
(b) F2 >F1
(c) F1=F2
(d) no relation between the two forces
8. While doing an experiment to find the relationship between the weight of a rectangular wooden
block lying on a horizontal table and the minimum force required to just move it using a spring
balance it is observed that :
(a) More inertia more force
(b) Less inertia less force
(c) Less inertia more force
(d) Inertia and force are not related to each other.
9. While performing an experiment to establish the relationship between weight of a rectangular
wooden block lying on a horizontal table and the minimum force required to just move it using a
spring balance. If the weight of block is 73 g wt then the most suitable spring balance will be of:
(a) Least count 1 g wt, range 100 g wt.
(b) Least count 2.5 g wt, range 500 g wt.
(c) Least count 2 g wt, range 400 g wt.
(d) Least count 10 g wt, range 100 g wt.

Questions of 2 Mark:
1.Two objects A and B of same masses and velocities v and 3v respectively are in motion.
a. Which object of larger momentum?
b. Give reason to support your answers.
2.Calculate the force of gravity between two objects of masses 50 kg and 120 kg kept at a
distance of 10 m. (G= 6.7 x 10-11Nm2/kg2)
3.Let us consider the force of gravitation between two objects at F and distance between them
as r. What will be the effect on force if:
(a) r is reduced to 1/4th ?
(b) the masses of both the objects are increased by three times.
4. Define uniform and non-uniform motion. Write one example for each.
5. State reason for the following:
a. A swimmer is able to swim in a forward direction in a swimming pool only when he is
pushing the water in the backward direction
b. Road accidents at high speeds are very much worse than accidents at low speeds.
6. Rajeev went from Delhi to Chandigarh on his motorbike. The odometer of the bike read 4200 km at
the start of trip and 4460 km at the end of his trip. If Rajeev took 4 h 20 minutes to complete his
trip, find the average speed in km/h as well as in m/s.
7. Which would require a greater force- accelerating a 2 kg mass at 5m/s2 or a 5 kg mass at 3m/s2?
8. Define uniformly accelerated motion. Write any two equations of uniformly accelerated motion.
Questions of 3 Mark:
1. Name the physical quantities denoted by:
a. The slope of distance-time graph.
b. The area under velocity-time graph.
c. The slope of velocity-time graph.
2. An auto driver moving with a speed of 36 km/h sees a child standing in the middle of the
road. He applies brakes and brings his vehicle to rest in 5 seconds just in time to save the child.
If the total mass of the auto and the driver be 450 kg then calculate the force of brakes.
3. A stone is dropped from a height of 10 m on an unknown planet having g = 20 m/s2.
Calculate the speed of the stone when it hits the surface of the planet. Also calculate the
time it takes to fall through this height
4. A man weighing 60 kg runs along the rails with a velocity of 18 km/h and jumps into a
car of mass 1 quintal (100 kg) standing on the rails. Calculate the velocity with which car
will start travelling along the rails.
5. If the time taken to bring a ball to rest from a certain velocity v is reduced to half. What will be
the changes in values of:
a. Initial and final momentum.
b. Change in momentum.
c. Rate of change in momentum.

6. A powerful motorcycle can accelerate from rest to 28 m/s in only 4 s.

a. What is its average acceleration?
b. How far does it travel in that time?
7. State the action and reaction in the following :
(a) moving rocket

(b) firing of a bullet from a gun

(c) a person walking on the floor.

8.What is meant by acceleration due to gravity ? Planet Venus has radius one half of the Earth and
mass 1/9th of the Earth. Find the value of g on the surface of Venus.
(given, value of g on surface of Earth= 9.8m/s2 )
Questions of 5 Mark:
1. (a)What happens to a person travelling in a bus when the bus takes a sharp turn ? Give reason.
(b) A cricketer moves his hands backwards on catching a fast moving ball. Why ?
(c) A bullet of mass 0.02 kg is fired by a gun of mass 20 kg. If the speed of the bullet is 150 m/s.
Calculate the recoil speed of the gun ?
2. A train starting from rest, pick up a speed of 10m/s in 100s. It continues to move at the same speed
for the next 250s. It is then brought to rest in the next 50s. Plot a speed time graph for the entire
motion of the train.
Calculate - (i) acceleration of the train while accelerating,
(ii) retardation of the train while retarding, and
(iii) the total distance covered by the train.
3. The speed-time graph of a ball of mass 30 g moving along a straight line is shown in the figure
below. Calculate the opposing force that brings the ball to rest.

4.The velocity time graph of a particle of mass 50 g moving in a definite direction is shown in the

following figure. Answer the questions based on this figure :

(a) What is the velocity of the particle at point A.

(b) Find the momentum of the particle, at time t= 4 s.
(c) What does the slope of graph represent ?
(d) Calculate the distance travelled in 4 seconds.
5. Study the velocity time graph of an ascending passenger lift in the figure shown below.
What is the acceleration of the lift :


During the first two seconds.

Between second and tenth second
During the last two seconds.
Which physical quantity is measured by area under the quadrilateral ABCD ? Calculate it.

6. Draw the distance time graph of:

(i) When body is stationary.

(ii) When a body is moving with uniform speed.

(iii) When a body is moving with non-uniform speed.

7. When a card placed above a glass having a coin placed on it is flicked with push, the coin fall
into glass. Why
(i) State the law involved in this case.
(ii) Give another example that shows this law?
8. (a) Derive the following equations considering uniform acceleration: v=u + at
(b) What is average velocity? How it differ from average speed?

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