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Viru Planning of Macrocycles PDF

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By Prof. Atko Viru

Professor Viru at the University of Tartu discusses general principles involved in

the planning of macrocycles and looks in detail into the latest information in the
design of concentrated strength blocks in the training program. The article is a
translated summary by the editor from Kehakultuur, Vol. 47, No. 19, 1986,
Tallinn, Estonian SSR.
A macrocycle in training covers normally a period of six months or a full year and
is single or double periodized according to the need for one or two competition
periods in the year. The choice is restricted in events that can be performed only
outdoors. However, if two competitive periods are avoided by lengthening the
summer season, athletes are overlooking the physiological principles of
maintaining their performance capacity.

Keeping in mind the physiological principles and the competition calendar, the
following important factors must be taken into consideration in the planning of
The design of a macrocycle should closely follow the long term training
plan. Emphasis, according to this, should be placed on the planned
changes to the organism and the development of the planned physical
capacities in a given year. If there is a conflict between the long term plan
and the competition demands, the first must take priority.
There are limits to the adaptation of the organism to training and the
adaptation capacity has to be restored by relative recoveries (reduced
training load). To continue intensive training and competition without
restoration leads to a drop of performance and even over-training. It is
therefore wrong to expect an athlete to maintain top form six months or
more during a year.
Practical experience and studies by Verhoshansky have led to the
conclusion that high performance level athletes have sufficient adaptative
energy, or capacity, for 18 to 22 weeks. After this time period it is
necessary to change the contents of training and plan for a restoration
The temporary loss of adaptive energy and its restoration has made it
necessary to employ a cyclic structure in training, considered by Matveyev

as the basic principle in the planning of training. The structure is based on

changes in the training loads and recoveries in the microcycles (4 to 7
days) and mesocycles (4 to 6 microcycles) that make up a macrocycle.
It is advisable to divide long competition seasons into separate stages to
exploit best anat
sadaptive energy. Each of these stages, according
to Tsherenkov, is made up of three phases: general, event specific and
final form preparations. The first phase aims to allow the central nervous
system to recover and to restore the adaptation capacity. It is made up
from 1 to 2 restoration and 2 general preparation microcycles. The second
phase consists of 2 to 3 event specific microcycles to reach competitive
form, while the third phase establishes top form, with control competitions
and event specific technical and tactical final corrections.
The two major tasks of all macrocycles are the creation of movement
potential and its realization. The first refers to the fulfillment of certain
quantitative demands, the second to the improvement of technique to
correspond to the newly acquired level of physical capacities. As the
quantitative demands of training lead to a considerable fatigue level of the
organism, it is necessary to solve the two tasks separately.
More time should be allocated to the development of movement potential
of the young athletes with a lower preparation level. The preparation
period must in this situation be lengthened and the competition period
To put the above mentioned facts into the training program is relatively simple.
Usually the preparation period begins with an emphasis on general physical
preparation, aiming to lay a foundation for specific training. This emphasis is
gradually reduced, leading to more specific training that culminates in
competitions. The training load is in the first half of the preparation period
increased by adding to the work volume. As the competition period approaches,
the volume is gradually reduced and the intensity increased.
Such a simple scheme is applicable to the preparation of young and lower
performance level athletes. It is responsible for a wave-like gradual improvement
of functional capacities and the performance level. Well prepared athletes, who
plan to use this scheme, are faced with two problems. Firstly, the training effect
will be step by step reduced and the performance level will soon reach a plateau.
Secondly, they will be forced to increase considerably the training load in order to
secure further improvement, which in turn will lead to complete exploitation of
adaptative energy.
The work capacity, according to Erashinkov, drops in the general preparation
training in the second or third month, and in the event specific training in the third

or fourth month. It is also noticeable that improvements in the performance

capacity are correlated with an increased training volume only over the first three
or four months. The volume of event specific exercises, however, is positively
related to an increased performance capacity virtually throughout the preparation

Taking all the above into consideration indicates that it is advisable to make use
of a control competition cycle. This will help to speed up the development of
performance capacities, reduces monotony and allows evaluating of the
effectiveness of training. Indoor competitions can therefore be recommended,
provided the training load is not drastically reduced prior to the competitive cycle
and sufficient recovery is allowed before training is resumed.
The adaptation that takes place in the training processes can be graphically
shown as a steadily rising curve (fig.1, A). However, looking the same way at the
different functional indicators that are related to the performance capacity and
how they reflect the changes that have taken place in the organism, a rising
wave-like pattern appears (fig. 1, B and C). Even more pronounced differences
can be seen in the realization of the movement potential (fig. 1, D).
organism during training, some that are only temporary, others that are more
durable. Protein synthesis, without doubt, is responsible for both types of
changes, although the realization takes place differently in the durable adaptation
and is strictly correlated to the work load employed. Changing the direction of the
load brings with it a re-distribution of reserves, allowing for durable adaptive
changes to occur through the protein synthesis and with it improved
The stabilization of an effective training can follow two different structures. The
choice is to develop several performance capacities year-round or to concentrate
on certain capacities in separate mesocycles. The first possibility can be

responsible for a drop in performance and also brings with it monotony. The
second possibility has the danger that a concentration on a single aspect in one
stage can lead in the next stage to a drop of the achieved adaptation level.

A typical example of how to avoid the shortcomings of the second possibility is
the use of the blocks method. Verhoshansky, who has thoroughly studied this
method, came to the conclusion that a large volume of concentrated strength
development (strength blocks) is best performed over 5 to 6 microcycles,
provided the volume does not reach the maximum limit of an athlete. If it does,
the duration of the block should be reduced to 3 to 4 microcycles.

It is also recommended that three days of strength training should be allocated to

each microcycle. Athletes in the high performance category can use three

consecutive phases of concentrated strength development, provided that each

phase is followed by 7 to 10 days of recovery and restoration processes.
Strength training is responsible for a high level of fatigue, the indicators of work
capacity drop and muscular strength is reduced. However, the work capacity is
restored and strength indicators exceed the starting level after the direction of
training is changed (fig.4). This time is most effective for the realization of the
movement potential in order to adjust the technique to the level of the increased
performance capacities.
While event specific physical preparation is emphasized in the movement
potential development stage, its realization takes place in the stage that stresses
the development of fine technique. This means, above all, the employment of
competitive type exercises with close to maximum effort and imitation exercise
with a structure close to the real technique.

Competition type exercises, in addition to their role to develop dynamic

stereotypes, are also responsible for the maintenance of physical capacities
reached during the use of concentrated strength blocks. The level of muscular
power will not drop but actually improves. It has been shown, for example, that
the employment of event specific jumping training allowed top class high jumpers
to maintain the effects of concentrated strength development for more than two
The more the organism is exhausted during the stages of large training volumes,
the better are the super-compensation results. Of course, there are limits and
complete exhaustion usually shows up in the restoration phase. If the limits are
exceeded, the recoveries must be extended, first between the workouts and,
when necessary, also between the micro- cycles. After both fail to bring the
desired recovery, the use of a large concentrated training volume must be
stopped and a longer restoration phase introduced to the program.

The strategy of using concentrated strength blocks in training is as follows:

The performance expected at a certain time of the season is planned
according to the demands of the competition calendar.
The required event specific work capacity for this performance is
determined and the expected control tests results for the end of the
preparation period are set.
The pattern for the development of the event specific work capacities,
including the time periods for the inclusion of concentrated strength
blocks, is planned.
The contents and the volume of event specific physical and technical
preparations are established.
It should be kept in mind in this strategy that the time available from the first
concentrated strength block to the peak of the competition season is limited to 18
to 22 weeks. After this, training must be again changed to a large volume but low
intensity general physical preparation phase.

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