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m2250130 DarkElves FAQ Jan09

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Page 64 and 90, Malekith, Special Rules.
The first line should be changed to: Bestiary

Eternal Hatred, Immune to Psychology, Q. Can repeater crossbows (as well as other
weapons with the ‘multiple shots’ rule) fire
Druchii Sorcery. multiple shots when making a stand & shoot
reaction? The weapons section of the Rulebook
only mentions the Shooting phase, not the
Page 92, Lokhir Fellheart, equipment. Movement phase, where this special rule can
The following piece of wargear should be be used.
added: A. The multiple shots paragraph on page 55 of
the Warhammer rulebook was not clear, so it
Heavy armour. has been changed by Errata. All references to
‘the Shooting phase’ have been removed, so it
is now clear you can use multiple shots during
Page 93, Battle Standard Bearer’s box-out. a stand & shoot reaction.
The following should be added:
The Battle Standard Bearer may not be the Q. A portion of the Eternal Hatred army
army’s general. special rule states ‘In addition, such is their
detestation of their cousins from Ulthuan that
when fighting against a High Elves army,
Page 101, Caledor’s Bane. Dark Elves may re-roll missed close combat
attacks in every round of combat, not just the
The first sentence of its rules should be
first.’ Does this special ability count as
changed to: Hatred? Specifically, do the mounts of Dark
Lance. +3 Strength on the charge instead of Elves also get to re-roll missed close combat
+2. attacks in every round of combat against a
High Elves army and does the High Elves
Standard of Balance negate this special
ability? Or do the mounts of Dark Elves never
re-roll missed attacks vs. High Elves and the
High Elves Standard of Balance have no effect
on Dark Elves?
A. Yes, it does count as Hatred (we thought
that the name ‘Eternal Hatred’ was a bit of a
giveaway). In other words, it’s exactly the same
as Hatred, except that the re-rolling effect is
not only limited to the first turn of combat.

Q. In a large enough game, does an enemy

unit suffering casualties from the Noxious
Breath attacks of multiple Black Dragon' have
to pass multiple Ld checks to charge?
A. Yes, one test per Breath attacks that inflicts

© Games Workshop Limited 2008. Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Apocalypse are ©, TM and/or ® Games Workshop Limited 2008. All rights reserved.
Q. Beastmasters accompanying a War Hydra Druchii Magic Items
are armed with a hand weapon and a
Q. Are Null Talismans unique items, i.e. can
Beastmaster's Scourge (which is also a hand
only one model in the army have them? Also,
weapon). Does this combination of two hand
can you take a Null Talisman and also
weapons count as being armed with two hand
another item from the ‘Talisman’ magic item
weapons as per the basic rules and thus grant
them +1 Attack? Specifically, do the handlers
have a total of 2 Attacks each or does the A. They are not unique, so other models in the
Scourge give them a total of 3 each? army can carry them. That’s, however, where
the similarity between them and Dispel Scrolls
A. They do confer an extra Attack, and armour
ends. For example, a model cannot have Null
piercing on all attacks, so the Beastmasters
Talismans and another Talisman, nor do they
have 3 Attacks each, all of them armour
crumble to dust after use...

Q. When two characters (or a character and a

Q. If the Beastmaster's Scourge can be
champion) each bearing a single Null
combined with a mundane hand weapon for
Talisman are present in a unit, does the unit
+1 attack, can a model with the Dagger of
have MR1 or MR2?
Hotek which says it may be combined with a
mundane hand weapon for an additional A. The effects are cumulative on the model, but
attack use the three together to boost his total if several models with MR are in a unit, the
attacks by +2? unit uses the best MR available. In the above
example, the unit has a MR of 1.
A. Only by creatures with three or more arms!
The answer is ‘obviously not’. We decided not
to bin this question as a non-question just to Q. Do area of effect spells such as Wind of
use it as a perfect example of the way we don’t Undeath miscast on a double if they affect any
like our games to be played. Trying to assume model within 12" of the Ring of Hotek? And
that a warrior is fighting with a normal sword, how about spells that do not specify a target
the Dagger of Hotek and a Beastmaster location until after they have been
Scourge all at the same time it’s so absurd that successfully cast?
it denotes a very wrong attitude towards the
game (i.e. too extreme application of Rules As A. Neither of these are affected by the Ring of
Written against all common sense). Hotek, as such spells are not ‘targeted’ at any
specific point before being cast.

Q. If the Hags and Death Hag break and flee

from combat, but are not killed, is the Q. Does Lifetaker get the Armour Piercing
Cauldron still removed at the end of combat special rule as per other Dark Elf repeater
like a normal war machine? crossbows?
A. Yes it is, in the same way as a war machine. A. No, it doesn’t. Its profile is quite clear.

Q. If the Death Hag and Attendants break and Q. Do attacks from Lifetaker count as magical
flee and then subsequently rally, can they re- attacks?
crew a Reaper Bolt Thrower that has lost all of A. No, they do not.
its original crew? And what about the
opposite? Can a Bolt Thrower crew re-crew an
abandoned Cauldron of Blood? Q. Does the Pendant of Kaeleth automatically
A. Well, to avoid all sort of complications, we fail on a 1 as well as a 6?
recommend that Khainite crew stick to A. No, a 1 is always a success. The ‘6 always
Cauldrons of Blood only and that bolt thrower fails’ simply replaces the normal ‘1 always
crew stick to Bolt Throwers only. No fails’.
intermingling. It’s a religious thing. Honest.

© Games Workshop Limited 2008. Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Apocalypse are ©, TM and/or ® Games Workshop Limited 2008. All rights reserved.
Q. Does the Pendant of Kaeleth work on Gifts of Khaine
attacks without a Strength value?
Q. In combining Manbane and Rending Stars,
A. No, it does not. which ability happens first, the +1 Strength
from the Stars or the raising of the basic
Strength to +1 above the target's Toughness?
Q. Can a Focus Familiar be placed within a In essence, against a target with T5 would you
building? If so, does the Sorceress count line of raise the Assassin's Strength to 6, then add +1
sight and range from the entire building's in order to gain a S7 attack or would you add
perimeter (and height as appropriate) as if she +1 to his Strength with the Stars, then boost it
herself were inside? to a maximum of 6 with Manbane?
A. Yes, this is possible (and rather funky!), but
A. Manbane raises the model’s own Strength,
only as long as the building is not occupied by
then any other modifiers are applied.
enemy models.
Therefore, in the example above, the Assassin’s
stars would have Strength 7.
Q. How long does the marker for a Focus
Familiar stay in place?
Q. If a model suffers more than one wound
A. Until the beginning of the owner’s next from the Venom Sword in one combat round,
Magic phase. does it have to roll just once to see if it takes
extra wounds or once per wound?
Q. What is the duration of the Guiding Eye? A. One roll per wound suffered.
A. It simply has no duration, so it works only
on that one shot.
Q. If Hellebron or a Death Hag with
Witchbrew move from one unit to another
Q. How are the attacks generated by Hydra's during the game, do the effects of the
Teeth and Bladewind allocated? Can they all Witchbrew ‘stick’ to the unit they leave and
be directed against a single rank-and-file also spread to the new unit they join, or do
model type in the target unit or are they they affect only the unit the character is in at
randomised as per shooting? For example, the moment?
against a unit comprising Skinks and A. For the sake of simplicity, we define ‘the
Salamanders, a war machine, a ridden Hag’s unit’ as the unit she is with at
monster or chariot? Do they benefit from deployment. This unit will benefit from the
Killing Blow? Can the opponent use the ‘hand effects of the brew. If the Death Hag or
weapon & shield’ bonus? Hellebron are not deployed in a unit, the brew
A. Roll for the number of attacks and then will only affect them (and not any unit they
allocate the ones you are allowed against subsequently join). If Hellebron is deployed on
characters/champions (as per close combat her Manticore, the Manticore and Hellebron
attacks). Any attacks not allocated against are both affected by the brew.
characters/champions are then randomised as
per shooting (and yes, this might result in
these attacks targeting the
characters/champions again). For simplicity’s Q. If Power of Darkness dice are lost as a
sake, we recommend treating them as ranged result of a miscast, but not used to cast a
attacks from that point onwards – so that they spell, do they inflict S4 hits?
are ‘close combat attacks’ only from the point A. Yes, they do. Ouch!
of view that some can be allocated against
specific models and that they roll to hit against
the WS of the model they attack.
Q. If a Dark Elf Sorceress has leftover dice from Q. Is a Death Hag a type of Hag? Specifically,
the Power of Darkness spell at the end of the is a Death Hag allowed to choose items from
magic phase, can she use them to attempt to the Temple of Khaine marked as Hag's Only?
cast a spell where she cannot actually succeed, A. Yes and yes. In fact she’s ever more haggy
thus avoiding the damage from the leftover than a Hag!
dice when the phase ends? For example, if she
has one die left and can only cast Black Horror
that has a casting cost of 12+, can she say she Q. Do the Hags accompanying the Cauldron of
is attempting to cast it with only the one die, Blood count as champions and thus can
knowing the attempt will fail? declare and accept challenges?
A. No she cannot. She better make sure she A. Yes, they can, just like Hags in Witch Elf
has an easy spell left to cast or suffer the units.

Q. Shadowblade has both Poisoned Attacks

Characters and Dark Venom in his entry. Does Dark
Venom replace the effects of Poisoned Attacks,
Q. Can an unrevealed Assassin use his Cloak
as per a normal Assassin?
of Twilight to teleport another character? If so,
can he do that without revealing himself? A. The Poisoned Attacks rule is there to cover
Shadowblade's throwing stars. His hand
A. No, until he is revealed he may not do
weapons are coated in Dark Venom instead (so
they don't have the Poisoned Attacks rule).

Q. Does an Assassin that is revealed in a

Q. Does Morathi's Enchanting Beauty special
round of close combat that is not the first get
rule affect friendly Dark Elf models as well as
to re-roll his attacks due to Hatred, or is it too
the enemy?
late at that point?
A. We decided not to Errata this one because
A. Yes, he does get the effects of Hatred, as that
it’s more entertaining if her beauty affects
is his ‘first round of combat’.
friends as well as enemies. And also because it
will happen so very rarely, as she is normally
riding Sulephet (which, by the way, is immune
Q. As part of its rules, an Assassin may be
to her charms).
placed in a unit of Scouts and thus be
deployed out of sight in or behind terrain. If
he is revealed at the start of the owning
Q. If a unit destroyed by Lokhir Fellheart is
player's first turn, can the displaced rank-and-
worth some extra bonus points (such as +100
file model be placed closer than 10" from the
pts for a banner or +100 pts for a general),
enemy and/or so that he has line of sight to the
are those points doubled too?
enemy, thus potentially granting the unit the
ability to charge on the first turn? A. No, only the unit’s own value is doubled,
before any bonus points are applied.
A. A creative use of an Assassin, but a legal
one nevertheless… sneaky!

Q. When buying Tullaris or Kouran do you

first have to pay the base cost of an
Executioner/Black Guard and then the
character's cost, similar to how you would
buy a champion? In essence, are they model
upgrades rather than additional models for
the unit?
A. Yes, exactly.

© Games Workshop Limited 2008. Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Apocalypse are ©, TM and/or ® Games Workshop Limited 2008. All rights reserved.
Q. We have an Assassin inside a unit AND
within 12" of the Cauldron of Blood. The unit
becomes normally Stubborn because they are
joined by a Stubborn character. However the
'a killer not a leader' rule states that the unit
cannot use the Ld value of the Assassin. So,
does the unit become Stubborn or not? It
would use its own Ld value in that case, of
course, not the one of the Assassin.
A. The rulebook, specifically the last paragraph
on page 78 (that ends on page 79), states that
units joined by a Stubborn character use the
character’s unmodified Ld for Break tests.
However they cannot use the Assassin’s Ld, so
we suggest that they are not stubborn at all.
This follows nicely the spirit of the 'A Killer not
a Leader' rule.

13th January 2009

The questions answered in our FAQs have been gathered from

many sources. Some have been submitted by members of the
public, others by representatives of the online gaming
community and more still are the result of face to face meetings
with keen and inquisitive players at a myriad of gaming events.
We are always happy to consider more questions, and aim to
update these FAQs as frequently as is practical. See the Contact
Us‚ page of the Games Workshop website for the address to
which you can send your questions. Thanks to all those who
have done so already!

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