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Akihito 1992

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I have been told that this is a special issue
devoted to "Science inJapan." Since science
pursues truth and scientific technology puts
truth to the use of mankind, it is desirable
that such studies be pursued through cooperation that transcends national and other
boundaries. I am pleased to note that, in
recent years, when I visit research institutes
inJapan, I often come across foreign researchers. Through my own study of ichthyology, I
have come to feel strongly the importance of
international cooperation in conducting scientific studies. I recall with a sense of gratitude that behind each one of the papers I
have published there has been the unsparing
cooperation of people abroad. I shall be delighted if this issue "Science in Japan" deepens the understanding of scientific activities
here and contributes to the further promotion of international exchange.
When one thinks of the development of
science in Japan, one recalls the untiring efforts ofthe people who nurtured its growth in
ages past when communication with foreign
countries was limited. I am not a student of
the history of sciences, but as a person interested in this field, and on the occasion ofthis
special issue, I would like to acknowledge some
of these early cultivators of science in Japan.
Japan had been learning from Chinese
civilization from olden times, but it was only
in the latter half of the 16th century that the
country came in contact with European science. It is said that in 1543 Tanegashima, an
island in the south of Japan, was visited by
Portuguese who introduced firearms to the
inhabitants. Within only a few years, several
dozen guns had been manufactured on the
island, and the techniques for their manufacture had begun to spread throughout Japan.
In the meantime, the Portuguese returned
home with stories about Japan, and thereafter
Portuguese ships loaded with merchandise for
trade appeared frequently in Japanese ports.
After 1549, Francis Xavier and many other
Jesuits came to Japan, serving both as missionaries and as conduits of European learning. It was during this period, for example,
that the Japanese first learned that the earth
was round and were first exposed to European medical practices, including surgery,
which was not part of Chinese medicine.
However, the Copernican theory, which had
been formulated in the same year as the first

Portugese landing in Japan, was not introduced to Japan at that time.

Divided for many years by local warlords,
Japan came to be unifiedfirst byOdaNobunaga
(1 ), who had acquired many guns, and later by
Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who succeeded Nobunaga, his lord. After the death of Hideyoshi,
Tokugawa Ieyasu, one of the warlords, was

Tokugawa leyasu, appointed shogun in 1603.

Under the Tokugawa shogunate, Japan entered a period of national seclusion that lasted
over 200 years.

appointed shogunby the Emperor in 1603. His

descendants, the Tokugawa family, continued
to rule the country until 1867.
The interchange with Portugal and other
European countries, which had such a great
influence on Japanese learning and technol-

Akihito, His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, is an ichthyologist who has published 26 papers in the Journal of
the Ichthyological Society of Japan. He resides at the
Akasaka Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

ogy, lasted no more than 100 years. Under

the Tokugawa shogunate, with the prohibition of Christianity, Japan entered a period
of national seclusion. By 1639, edicts had
been issued under which no Japanese was
allowed to leave or return to Japan, and the
Spanish and Portuguese were prohibited entry into Japan. Only the Chinese and Dutch,
who had come to Japan solely for trading
purposes, were allowed to stay. The Dutch
were confined to a small man-made island off
Nagasaki, called Dejima, where they maintained a trade office, and they were not allowed to visit the mainland except when
they traveled to Edo (present-day Tokyo) to
call on the shogun. This situation lasted for


SCIENCE * VOL. 258 * 23 OCTOBER 1992

over 200 years, until the arrival of an American fleet in 1853 and the subsequent signing
of the Treaty of Peace and Amity between
the United States and Japan.
During the period of Japan's national seclusion, Europe produced many eminent
scholars, such as Newton, Lavoisier, and
Linnaeus, and saw great scientific progress;
meanwhile, in Japan, due to the severe restriction of exchange with Europe, European
learning waned year by year. Engelbert
Kaempfer, who stayed in Japan from 1690 to
1692 as a physician of the Dutch trade office,
gathered an astonishing amount of information about the country and later published a
book entitled History ofJapan. Notably, the
book contains no accounts of exchanges with
Japanese scholars, except for one reference to a
physician of the shogun who sought medical
advice during one ofhis two visits to Edo in the
company ofthe chief ofthe Dutch trade office.
However, in 1716, when Tokugawa Yoshimune assumed power as the eighth shogun,
the domestic situation began to change.
Yoshimune tried to absorb knowledge of European civilization from the chiefof the Dutch
trade office when he traveled to Edo. He also
placed orders for books and various goods
from Europe and encouraged the study of the
Dutch language. When he embarked on calendar reform, he received a suggestion that
the new calendar should not be based on
Chinese calendar theory, which had many
errors, but should be based on European theory.
Yoshimune subsequently authorized the importation ofChinese translations of European
scientific books that were unrelated to Christianity. The government had long maintained
a policy of minimizing contacts between Japanese and foreigners, but from this period onward, a willingness to learn from advanced
European science began to appear.
There were changes in the field of medicine, too. Some physicians who had been
trained in Chinese medicine began to question its validity, turning instead to the concept of trial and experimentation and showing great interest in the accurate anatomical
drawings in Dutch medical books. Among
such physicians was Yamawaki Toyo, a court
physician in Kyoto. He observed the first
officially approved dissection of the human
body and, for the first time in Japan, published in 1759 the record of the dissection in
several anatomical illustrations under the title
of Zoshi (Record of Internal Organs). However, because virtually no physicians in those
days could read Dutch books (with the exception of some interpreters in Nagasaki who
studied medicine under Dutch physicians),
they had to satisfy themselves with looking
at the illustrations.
It was during this period that Ontleedkundige Tafelen (Anatomical Tables), written originally in German by Johan Adam Kulmus in
1734, was translated from Dutch into Japa-

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Early Cultivators of
Science in Japan

nese and published under the title of Kaitai

Shinsho (A New Book ofAnatomy) by a group
of physicians that included Sugita Genpaku,
a physician of the lord of Obama. The impetus behind this translation was an invitation
extended to Genpaku and two fellow physicians, Maeno Ryotaku and Nakagawa Jun'an,
to witness the dissection of the body of an
executed criminal. They took with them
Kulmus's Anatomical Tables and noted, first,
that the drawings in the book were extremely
accurate and, second, that what they witnessed
was inconsistent with the old Chinese theory.
The next day, Genpaku and his colleagues
resolved to translate Anatomical Tables and
gathered in the house of Ryotaku to begin.
Because there was no Dutch-Japanese dictionary in those days, the task turned out to be
a succession of tremendous difficulties.
Ryotaku had some knowledge of the Dutch
language from his studies in Nagasaki, but
Genpaku, who was almost 40 years old then,
had not learned even the alphabet. Later,
reminiscing about the experience, Genpaku
wrote in his book Rangaku Koto Hajime (The
Beginning of Dutch Learning) that he and his
colleagues had struggled with a sentence as
short as "The eyebrows are the hair growing
above the eyes" throughout a long spring day
and at nightfall were still unsure of its meaning. A New Book of Anatomy was finally published in 1774, 3 years after the translation
was begun.
The publication of A New Book ofAnatomy
held great significance for the subsequent
development of science in Japan. First, it
revealed errors in Chinese medical books that
had previously been the sole source of information forJapanese physicians and illustrated
the importance of learning by direct observation and of having an open mind. For example, A New Book of Anatomy points out
that even upon witnessing a human dissection, one cannot accept what was actually
seen if the mind is framed with the traditional ideas. Thus one cannot step into the
world of new medical science unless the old
notions are given up and the mind undergoes
a complete transformation.
Second, it served as a focal point for gathering physicians in Edo who shared a common interest in European science. Many of
these later made significant contributions to
the development of Dutch studies as well as
of European medicine in Japan.
Third, Genpaku was mindful of contributing to society through the translation. He
hoped to make the book available to the
public as soon as the translation process would
allow. He differed on this point not only from
Ryotaku, who attached greater importance
to the accuracy of the translation, but also
from the general practice in those days, where
a physician used to refer to his skill as belonging to a certain school and to confide his
knowledge as secrets to only his disciples.




Dutch and Chinese ships in Nagasaki Harbor, 17th century. During the period of national

seclusion, only the Dutch and Chinese, who had come to Japan solely for trading purposes, were
allowed to stay. The Dutch were confined to a small man-made island off Nagasaki, called Dejima,
where they maintained a trade office.

Furthermore, Genpaku wished his work

to be useful not only for the Japanese but also
for the people in China. A New Book of
Anatomy was written in classical Chinese,
which well-educated people in Japan used to
read, and though it is not clear whether this
book was actually read in China, some Chinese terms that Genpaku created in the process of translating Dutch words, such as the
word for "nerve," shinkei, are commonly used
today both in Japan and in China. One can
feel here his aspiration for the progress of
universally applicable medical science.
In the final section of The Beginning of
Dutch Learning, Genpaku looks back with satisfaction over his long life of over 80 years. He
likens the translation of A New Book of Anatomy to a drop ofoil spreading across the face of
water and expresses his joy at seeing Dutch
learning spread through Japan, with new
translations being published year by year,
thanks largely to peace in the nation.
Genpaku thus made a great contribution
to Japanese medical science and to the development of Dutch learning. His contribution,
however, was through educating and not
through his own medical achievements.
Kagawa Gen'etsu is an example of a man
who contributed to the advancement of Japanese medicine through his own research and
medical practice as an obstetrician. Gen'etsu
was born in 1700, 33 years before Genpaku. It
is said that Gen'etsu studied medicine in

VOL. 258

23 OCTOBER 1992

Kyoto, while supporting himself as a secondhand copper-ironmonger and as a masseuracupuncturist, and that he had no particular
teacher. Although he could not read Dutch,
he referred to Dutch medical books and also
read Chinese medical books. However,
Gen'etsu attached utmost importance to what
he observed with his own eyes and touched
with his own hands. One of his major contributions was the development of a new method
for delivering a deceased fetus with an iron
hook when the mother's life was in danger.
With Gen'etsu's method it became possible for
the first time to save the mother's life.
Gen'etsu published his work, Sanron
(Theory of Obstetrics), in 1765. In this book
he described his own finding that a child in
the mother's womb is normally positioned
head downward. In A New Book of Anatomy,
which was published nearly 10 years after the
publication of Theory of Obstetrics, Genpaku
commented that he had doubted Gen'etsu's
theory because it was different from the traditional view and because he could not find
corroboration in various Dutch books of
anatomy. Genpaku later had occasion to look
at an English book on obstetrics whose drawings confirmed Gen'etsu's theory. Realizing his
mistake, Genpaku praised Gen'etsu's achievement, admitting that he had been wrong to
doubt the theory and expressing regret that he
had doubted so easily something that he had
never seen and had been unable to verify.


What Genpaku and Gen'etsu shared in much beloved pupils, who visited me almost study of Western science was strongly encommon was a love for people. We can see every day, had, through my assiduous pains, couraged. In 1871, Yamao Yozo, later MinisGen'etsu's attitude in his last instructions, and their own unwearied endeavors, made ter of Public Works and the president of the
expressed in a poem that can be translated, considerable advances in the science." Hoshu, Japan Federation of Engineering Societies for
"Pursue my way which fulfills the blessings of on his part, commented about Thunberg that 36 years, who had studied at the University
the heaven and earth, and save the people." he had never met a man with so much deep of London and had learned shipbuilding as
At about 70 years ofage, Genpaku wrote
knowledge of such a an apprentice in Glasgow, made a strong rec-.
;z A,,.
wide range of aca- ommendation for the establishment of an
in his book, Keiei Yawa (Night Diademic subjects. There engineering school, saying, "Even if there is
logues with My Own Shadow),
was a remarkable dif- no industry at present in Japan, if we train a
pa"If you are entrusted with a
ference in the Japanese attitude to- man, he will find an industry." These words
tient, you must look on him
ward European scientists at that convey the vigorous spirit and energy ofthose
exactly as you would your sick
days. With many surrounding countries betime compared with the time of
wife or child, and must treat
ing colonized, the Japanese yearned for peace
him with deep thought and utKaempfer's stay in Japan.
Hoshu and Jun'an maintained and development of their nation. Those who
most kindness. Whether your
studied Dutch learning and European scicommunication withThunberg even
patients are very poor and
ence not only worked for the advancement
mean, or very rich and of high
the letters they wrote to him are ofscience inJapan but also, with their knowlrank, you should give them exkept in the University of Uppsala. edge of world affairs, had a profound influactly the same medical treatSeveral years ago, when I visited the ence on the opening of the nation to the
ment and should never distinuniversity, I saw these letters and world and its future course.
guish between them."
Fukuzawa Yukichi, the founder of Keio
was deeply moved by the thought
After the mid- 18th century,
that so many years before, even dur- University and an individual who had a great
the European influence on sciing the time of national seclusion, impact upon Japan as she was establishing
ence in Japan became much
her new national order, was among those
communication had been mainmore pronounced. It was durtained in this way between the Japa- who spent their youth at a school for Dutch
ing this period that Carl Peter
learning. In 1890, the year when the Impenese and Swedish scientists.
Thunberg, who studied under
As Genpaku wrote with great rial Diet was first convened inJapan, Yukichi
Linnaeus and who later became
pleasure in The Beginning of Dutch recollected in his preface to the second edia professor at the University of
Learning, major advances were made tion of The Beginning of Dutch Learning (2)
Uppsala in Sweden, came to
in the early 19th century as more that "each time we read the book we thought
Japan as a physician of the
and more books in various fields of ofthe great difficulty these pioneers had gone
Dutch trade office in Nagasaki.
European science were published. through, were surprised by their intrepidity,
The purpose of Thunberg's
However, it was difficult to learn and were deeply moved by their fervent paspubliafter
visit, 1 year
European science solely from books, sion, and everyone would weep with emocation ofGenpaku's A New
and there were few Europeans in tion." He continued, "This book will not only
Book of Anatomy, was
spread all over Japan the story of the great
Japan to teach it.
botanic research, and,
This situation changed greatly efforts our forerunners made, but also it will
POA ba
even under the severe
when Philipp Franz von Siebold ar- show to the people of the whole world the fact
restriction of national
seclusion, he managed Illustration from Car1 Peter rived in Japan in 1823 as a physi- that in Japan, a country of the Far East, Westto collect large numbers Thunberg's Flora Japponica. cian of the Dutch trade office. His ern civilization germinated and took root in
mission, defined by the chief of the the academic community as early as more than
of plant and animal
specimens. His books FloraJaponica and Fauna trade office, was to teach the Japanese who a century ago, and that the rapid progress she
Japonica, published upon his return home, fea- were willing to study medicine and other is making today is not by accident."
Another 100 years have passed since then,
tured 812 and 334 specimens, respectively. Al- sciences and to render services to those who
though he stayed inJapan for only 1 year (1775 sought medical care. As the restrictions of and it is a matter for rejoicing that, thanks to
to 1776), he published a detailed account of national seclusion were somewhat relaxed in the efforts of many scientists, science in Jahis travels here. In this book he commented those days, Siebold was able to go out of Dej ima pan has continued to make steady progress
that "the sciences in general fall infinitely to teach. During his 5-year stay, Siebold's dis- and has become able to contribute to the
short in Japan of that exalted preeminence, ciples numbered over 50, and many others world's scientific community. At the same
time, I cannot help recalling, with a sense of
to which they have attained in Europe" but maintained communication with him.
Twenty years later, Japan signed a treaty, gratitude and respect, those people who exthat "arts and manufactures are carried on in
every part of the country, and some of them first with the United States and then with erted their untiring efforts for the developare brought to such a degree of perfection, as European countries, that brought an end to ment of science in Japan at its infant stage,
even to surpass those of Europe" and that "they the national seclusion policy that had lasted under the severe conditions of national seover 200 years. Then, in 1867, political rule clusion, without a teacher, and relying solely
work extremely well in iron and copper."
transferred from the fifteenth and last on books that were brought from Europe.
Dutch trade office on his trip to Edo, which shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, to the new
gave Japanese scientists an opportunity to government, which was established under
meet with him. Among those who visited Emperor Meiji, who had just acceded to the
All Japanese names are given family name first, in
him in Edo were two physicians who worked throne at the age of 15. The new government 1. Japanese
instituted a centralized school system that 2. The Beginning of Dutch Learning existed only in
on the translation of A New Book of Anatomy,
form until 1870.
Katsuragawa Hoshu, the shogun's physician, included universities and that incorporated 3. handwritten
thank Y. Kimura, S. Ito, T. Haga, and Y. Murakami
and Nakagawa Jun'an, who served the same small-scale private schools and schools run
for critical comments on the content of this essay
lord as Genpaku. Of these physicians Thun- by local lords which until then had operated
and Y. Karita and J. J. Boccellari for help with the
English manuscript.
berg wrote, "the two physicians at court, my independently. Under this new system, the

SCIENCE * VOL. 258 * 23 OCTOBER 1992

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