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Yaffe Iron and Metal Company, Inc. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 774 F.2d 1008, 10th Cir. (1985)

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774 F.

2d 1008
16 Envtl. L. Rep. 20,431


AGENCY, Respondent.
No. 82-2036.

United States Court of Appeals,

Tenth Circuit.
Oct. 3, 1985.

Michael W. Steinberg, Land and Natural Resources Div., U.S. Dept. of

Justice, Washington, D.C. (Carol E. Dinkins, Asst. Atty. Gen., Land and
Natural Resources Div., Dept. of Justice, Robert M. Perry, Gen. Counsel,
Stanley H. Abramson, Associate Gen. Counsel, Ruth G. Bell, Asst. Gen.
Counsel, Alan H. Carpien and Mary E. Kale, Office of Gen. Counsel,
E.P.A., Washington, D.C., were on briefs), for respondent.
Charles R. Nestrud of House, Holmes & Jewell, P.A., Little Rock, Ark.,
for petitioner.
Before HOLLOWAY, Chief Judge, LOGAN, Circuit Judge, and ARRAJ,
District Judge* .
HOLLOWAY, Chief Judge.

This is an appeal by Yaffe Iron and Metal Company, Inc., (Yaffe) from an order
of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In that order the Administrator
affirmed the decision of the administrative law judge assessing a civil penalty
of $21,000 for violation of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15
U.S.C. Sec. 2601, et seq. Yaffe was found to have violated regulations issued
under Sec. 6(e) of TSCA governing the disposal, storage, marking and recordkeeping of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 40 C.F.R. Part 761 (1978). We
have reviewed the Administrator's order, and the administrative record made in
connection therewith. We uphold the findings of the violations but vacate the

civil penalty imposed and remand for reconsideration of the penalty.


The issues raised by Yaffe in this court are essentially six: (1) did the
Administrator err in granting EPA's motion to amend its complaint; (2) does the
record support the Administrator's finding that Yaffe incinerated PCBs, thereby
violating the disposal regulations; (3) does the record support the
Administrator's finding that Yaffe violated the record-keeping requirements of
the PCB regulations; (4) does the record support the Administrator's finding
that Yaffe improperly stored PCBs; (5) did the Administrator err in excluding
the testimony of Yaffe's expert witness; and (6) did the Administrator
improperly rely upon the contents of complainant's Exhibit No. 1 in rendering
his decision.I. FACTS

Yaffe is a scrap and warehousing business located in Muskogee, Oklahoma.

Approximately 1% of its business consists of the purchase of scrap electric
transformers from various electric utility companies, the breaking down of such
transformers, and the salvage of primarily copper and steel which Yaffe then
sells. Some of these transformers contained transformer oil laced with
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).1

Prior to October 1977, Yaffe disassembled the scrap transformers out of doors.
In response to a complaint from an adjoining landowner, the Oklahoma State
Department of Health (OSDH) inspected Yaffe's facilities and suggested that
corrective measures be taken to prevent oil spills into a drainage ditch running
along their west property boundary. TR. 149-150; I R.I.D. at 4.2 Yaffe then
remodeled a vacant building on its premises which allowed it to unload
transformers inside this building, open them on a sloped concrete floor,
resulting in the transformer oil being caught beneath the floor in a pit, and then
pump the transformer oil to two overhead bulk storage tanks located outside the
building on the west side.3 The renovation of the transformer processing
building was completed in April 1978 at a cost of $30,395. This renovation was
approved by OSDH.

Due to the impending natural gas shortage, Yaffe installed a dual fuel burner
system on the incinerator it used to burn the insulation from the copper wire
contained in scrap transformers, using transformer oil as a fuel. Transformer oil
stored in the bulk overhead storage tanks was placed in a mobile 400-gallon
tank which was moved to the incinerator by a fork lift. The dual fuel burner
was first used during the second or third week of January 1979. After about one
week of operation, there was a fire in the incinerator and the oil pump was
burned out. Approximately three weeks later, the dual fuel burner was again
operative but after a week and a half of operation, there was a big fire which

burned up the floor of the furnace, some of the piping, and the fan. The copper
incinerator was not approved by the EPA nor did it meet the requirements of 40
C.F.R. Sec. 761.40(a) (1978).

OSDH again inspected Yaffe's premises on February 13, 1979. By letter dated
April 25, 1979, OSDH notified EPA of a possible PCB contamination problem
on Yaffe's premises. Tr. Ex. C-1. On May 2, 1979, EPA conducted an
investigation of Yaffe's premises.4 A follow-up inspection was conducted on
May 17, 1979, at which time eleven samples were taken.5 Of the 15 samples
taken, EPA found PCB levels in excess of 500 ppm (which is the threshold
level for regulation) in four of the samples--the south overhead bulk storage
tank, the mobile bulk oil storage tank, and two 55-gallon drums. It is these four
samples that formed the basis for the EPA action against Yaffe. No PCBs were
detected in samples taken from oil inside the transformer building [YA-1
(transformer oil from transformer inside building); 137487 (oil taken from
central drain inside transformer processing building); 137489 (oil from pipe
leading from sump pump in transformer processing building connecting to
overhead oil storage tanks) ]. PCB was found in soil samples taken near the
transformer building but not in levels equal to or greater than 500 ppm.
[Samples 137488, 137491, 137494, and 137496].

The four transformer oil containers with PCB levels in excess of 500 ppm were
not marked with the ML PCB label as required by 40 C.F.R. Sec. 761.44(a)
(1978), nor were there any markings indicating that these containers held
PCBs. This marking violation was conceded by Yaffe.

Subsequent to the May 2 and 17 inspections and after receipt of the inspection
reports and test results obtained pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act
request by Yaffe, Yaffe conferred with the EPA to determine what corrective
measures were necessary. As a result of numerous discussions with the EPA,
Yaffe undertook several corrective measures. It transferred the contents of all
the 55-gallon drums located at the side and rear of its transformer processing
building, and the contents of the mobile bulk oil storage tanks to the south
overhead storage tank. Second, it scraped up the soil from in front of the
transformer building, stored it temporarily in existing barrels and, upon receipt
of DOT approved 55-gallon drums, placed the soil and the old barrels, which
were shredded, in these approved drums. Third, an earthen berm was
constructed around the transformer processing building and a concrete curb was
placed around the overhead bulk oil storage tanks to protect the drainage
ditches from run-off and to comply with the spill-prevention control and
countermeasure regulations. Fourth, Yaffe also purchased a filtering device to
reduce the PCB concentration in the oil contained in the south overhead storage

tanks and contracted with an engineering firm to design an incinerator which

would comply with the PCB regulations, but abandoned this project due to
expected adverse public reaction. The cost of these activities totaled
approximately $15,650.

An EPA follow-up inspection was requested by Yaffe and conducted on

December 17, 1979. Yaffe was found to have made "good faith and largely
successful efforts to correct its PCB problems and that it will not pose further
problems in the future." [II R. EPA's pre-hearing letter dated May 20, 1980, to
Presiding Officer at 3]. Nevertheless, the EPA brought an enforcement action
against Yaffe, alleging in its complaint numerous violations of TSCA and
seeking a civil penalty of $50,000. Yaffe requested a hearing pursuant to Sec.
16(a)(2)(A) of the TSCA, which was held on October 7, 1980, before an
administrative law judge.


In March 1981 the ALJ rendered his initial decision finding that Yaffe had
violated the marking, disposal, storage and record-keeping PCB regulations. He
reduced the amount of the $50,000 civil penalty sought by the EPA and
assessed a penalty of $21,000 against Yaffe.


Yaffe appealed this decision to the Administrator of the EPA. In August 1982
the Administrator issued a written opinion affirming the decision of the ALJ,
including the assessment of the $21,000 civil penalty. Yaffee then filed a
petition for review of the administrative order pursuant to Sec. 16(a)(3) of the
TSCA, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 2615(a)(3) (1976) with this court.

A. Amendment of the complaint

Yaffe challenges the ruling allowing the post-hearing amendment of the

complaint by the ALJ, which was affirmed by the Administrator. In the original
complaint, paragraph eight, the EPA alleged that: "At a date prior to May 2,
1979, but after April 18, 1979, respondent burned PCB mixtures in a furnace
located on its place of business in Muskogee, Oklahoma." II R. EPA complaint,
p 8. During the cross-examination of Yaffe's first witness, the ALJ said there
was an apparent error in the date alleged. After discussion, the ALJ suggested
that the EPA address the matter through a post-hearing motion to amend its
complaint. Yaffe objected to any such amendment. It then went on with the
presentation of its case and the hearing concluded on October 7, 1980. On
October 15 the EPA filed a motion to amend the complaint with respect to the
date with a supporting brief, and Yaffe filed a response and brief objecting to

such an amendment. Opposing letter briefs were also filed with the ALJ. On
December 24, the ALJ entered an order granting EPA's motion to amend the
complaint. Yaffe strenuously argues that the amendment allowed was an abuse
of discretion, unfairly prejudicial, and violative of its due process rights.

The ALJ's order of December 24, 1980 granting the motion to amend found
that there was no prejudice or surprise by granting EPA's motion; that long
before the hearing, counsel for Yaffe had copies of reports of inspections and
knew that the EPA case concerning the incineration charge was based, in large
measure, on statements of Yaffe's employees and an inspection of the premises;
that it was clear that the April 18, 1979 date was a typographical error, April
18, 1978 being the effective date of regulations; and that Yaffe would use a
technical error to avoid liability for an alleged violation, which would be
"contrary to reason and justice." The order refused to permit the EPA to amend
to include a period prior to the effective date of the regulations. The order cited
case law and Rule 15(b), F.R.Civ.P.


We find no error in the ruling. The EPA Consolidated Rules of Practice

governing administrative assessment of civil penalties allow the complainant to
amend the complaint once as a matter of right before the answer is filed and "
[o]therwise the complainant may amend the complaint only upon motion
granted by the Presiding Officer or Regional Administrator, as appropriate ..."-the respondent having 20 days from service of the amended complaint to
amend his answer. 40 C.F.R. Sec. 22.14(d) (1980). It is well settled that
administrative pleadings are "liberally construed" and "easily amended."
Southern Colorado Prestress Co. v. Occupational Safety and Health Review
Comm'n, 586 F.2d 1342, 1347 (10th Cir.1978); Mineral Industries & Heavy
Construction Group v. OSHRC, 639 F.2d 1289, 1292 (5th Cir.1981); Usery v.
Marquette Cement Mfg. Co., 568 F.2d 902, 906 (2d Cir.1977). In fact, as one
commentator has noted, "The most important characteristic of pleadings in the
administrative process is their unimportance. And experience shows that
unimportance of pleadings is a virtue." 1 K. Davis, Administrative Law Treatise
Sec. 8.04 at 523 (1958).


The claims of abuse of discretion, unfair prejudice, and denial of due process
are not convincing. It is true that the amendment was permitted after the
introduction of all the evidence and the close of the hearing. Yaffe, however,
had an opportunity to oppose the amendment through a brief submitted to the
ALJ after the hearing, and by a letter dated November 13, 1980 to the ALJ.6
The letter recognizes that testimony on the incineration of PCBs from midJanuary to late February 1979 was submitted at the hearing by Yaffe, although
Yaffe claims that this was important to defend the record-keeping count. See

November 13, 1980 letter at 2. In the letter respondent states that it firmly
believes that the record it established to defend the record-keeping count was
sufficient to cause a dismissal of any allegation on an incineration count. Thus,
it is apparent that evidence was offered by Yaffe on the incineration issue.

Yaffe argues that the amendment violated the timely notice requirement of the
Administrative Procedure Act provided by 5 U.S.C. Sec. 554(b). Yaffe claims
that the documents provided to it prior to the hearing only put it on notice that
the EPA intended to prove the incineration violation that had originally been
alleged, i.e., between April 18, 1979 and May 2, 1979. It is true that the
Oklahoma State Department of Health letter dated April 25, 1979, which was
the basis of the EPA investigation, refers to the burning of PCBs in the present
tense. However, the accompanying Oklahoma State Department of Health
report dated February 16, 1979, stated that oil was pumped from a bay to an
elevated storage tank and stored for burning in an aluminum smelting furnace;
that photographs were taken of a transformer being opened, the storage tank
and an overview of the area, as well as the furnace "where transformer oil was
being burned." This report was made available to Yaffe prior to the hearing so
that it is apparent the letter was referring to information obtained as a result of
an inspection of Yaffe's operation in February of 1979. This put Yaffe on notice
that the earlier incineration was known.


Moreover, Yaffe knew that the incinerator had been inoperable during the two
week period actually alleged in the initial complaint. As the ALJ's order
granting the amendment states "in fact, ... [Yaffe] knew that the case with
respect to the charge of illegal incineration was based, in large measure, upon
the statements of [its] employees and an inspection of the premises." Thus,
Yaffe was apprised of the basis for the violation charged by the amendment. If
a respondent to an agency action knows the basis of the amended complaint
against it, it has been accorded due process if the record shows that it
understood the issues and was afforded a full opportunity to meet the charges.
NLRB v. MacCay Radio & Telegraph Co., 304 U.S. 333, 349-50, 58 S.Ct. 904,
912-13, 82 L.Ed. 1381 (1938). We must conclude that the respondent Yaffe
was not prejudiced by the order allowing the amendment, denied an
opportunity to defend, or deprived of due process.

B. Incineration Violation

Yaffe challenges the findings on the incineration violation and argues

strenuously that the record does not support those findings and the final
decision adopting them.


At the outset we note that our review is restricted to determining whether the
administrative decision is supported by substantial evidence under the
Administrative Procedure Act standard, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 706(2)(E), and to
insuring that the decision was not arbitrary, capricious or otherwise an abuse of
discretion. Bowman Transportation, Inc. v. Arkansas-Best Freight System, Inc.,
419 U.S. 281, 284-85, 95 S.Ct. 438, 441-42, 42 L.Ed.2d 447 (1975); Curtis, Inc.
v. Interstate Commerce Commission, 662 F.2d 680, 685 (10th Cir.1981).
Substantial evidence is "more than a mere scintilla. It means such relevant
evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a
conclusion." Richardson v. Perales, 402 U.S. 389, 401, 91 S.Ct. 1420, 1427, 28
L.Ed.2d 842 (1971) (quoting Consolidated Edison Co. v. NLRB, 305 U.S. 197,
229, 59 S.Ct. 206, 216-17, 83 L.Ed. 126 (1938)). Moreover, the possibility of
drawing two inconsistent conclusions from the evidence does not mean that
they are not supported by substantial evidence. The agency's findings as to facts
supported by substantial evidence must be accorded due deference and may not
be set aside by the reviewing court. NLRB v. Brown, 380 U.S. 278, 290-92, 85
S.Ct. 980, 987-89, 13 L.Ed.2d 839 (1965).


Here the Administrator affirmed the ALJ's finding that Yaffe disposed of PCBs
by incinerating them in an incinerator which failed to meet the requirements of
Annex I of the PCB regulations. 40 C.F.R. Secs. 761.10(b), 761.40 (1978). In
late 1978 Yaffe had designed and built a dual fuel burner for the afterburner on
its copper incinerator to utilize the transformer oil it collected from the scrap
transformers it processed. The oil was stored in two overhead bulk storage
tanks (the north and south overhead tanks). The oil was then transported to the
copper incinerator in a 400-gallon mobile bulk storage tank which had been
specially designed for this purpose.


Yaffe first tested the dual fuel burner in the second or third week of January
1979, but a fire occurred about a week later which burned out the oil pump.
This was repaired in February 1979. After approximately a week or two of
additional use, a large fire burned up the floor of the furnace, some of the
piping and the fan. Yaffe began repair of this damage, but abandoned it at the
suggestion of EPA inspectors. The EPA test results indicated a PCB
concentration of 51.6 ppm in the north overhead bulk oil storage tank, 730 ppm
in the south overhead bulk oil storage tank, and of 681 ppm in the 400-gallon
mobile bulk oil storage tank.


Yaffe maintained that the source of the oil in the 400-gallon tank unit came
from the north tank, while the EPA maintained that the source was the south
overhead tank. Because of the high PCB concentration in the 400-gallon mobile

tank, the ALJ found that the source of the fuel burned was the south overhead
tank. He concluded that a PCB mixture had been burned in the incinerator in
violation of the disposal regulations. However, the determining factor for the
ALJ was not the source of the fuel but the concentration of PCBs in the mobile
oil storage tank used to transport the fuel to the furnace (681 ppm). The
Administrator reasoned that "since [Yaffe] admitted to burning fuel in the
incinerator and at least some of the fuel had been proven to be a PCB mixture
(whichever storage tank was the source), the finding of the disposal violation is
affirmed." Final Decision at 8.

While one might draw the opposite conclusion from the testimony at the
hearing that the fuel source was the north tank, nevertheless, the
Administrator's finding was supported by substantial evidence. Curtis, supra,
622 F.2d at 685. We are satisfied that a reasonable mind could accept the
evidence presented at trial, both from testimony and test results, as supporting
the conclusion that a PCB mixture (any mixture which contains 0.05 percent
(500 ppm) or greater of a PCB chemical substance ... 40 C.F.R. Sec. 761.2(w)
(1978)) was burned.


Finally, we find no error in the Administrator's reliance on the test results for
the oil sample taken from the mobile tank. Yaffe maintains that the sample was
not representative of the oil in the 400-gallon tank due to volatilization of
PCBs, and therefore was not representative of the oil burned. We are satisfied
that the record supports the finding of the ALJ that the oil in the mobile tank
was a PCB mixture. The record thus supports the finding of the disposal
violation by the ALJ and the Administrator.

C. Record-keeping violation

The PCB regulations require that each owner or operator of a facility using or
storing at any one time at least 45 kilograms (99.4 lbs) of a PCB mixture
maintain records on the disposition of PCBs. 40 C.F.R. Sec. 761.45(a). The
presiding officer assessed a $2,000 civil penalty against Yaffe for failure to
maintain such records, having found that Yaffe disposed of PCBs in its copper
furnace (see discussion at I B., supra ), and thus came within the recordkeeping requirements of this rule. Yaffe challenges this ruling on two grounds:
(1) it did not dispose of PCBs and therefore was not required to keep records;
and (2) the regulations are too vague to be enforceable and that to assess a civil
penalty for such a violation would violate its due process rights.


The first contention we reject, having found that Yaffe did, in fact, burn PCBs
and thereby dispose of them. See discussion at II B., supra. As to the second

contention, we conclude that the record-keeping regulations are not so vague as

to violate Yaffe's due process rights. The records required by the regulations are
to be used by the owner of PCBs as a basis for preparing an annual report, for
insuring appropriate control and handling of PCBs, and to assist the agency in
enforcement of the regulations. Final Decision at 13. While we agree that the
regulations do not precisely specify the records to be kept, they are very
detailed as to what information must be included in the annual report such as
the dates when PCBs are placed into storage for disposal, the quantities of
PCBs stored, the number of PCB transformers, and the total weight in
kilograms of any PCB chemical substances and PCB mixtures contained in the
transformers, etc. 40 C.F.R. Sec. 761.45(a) (1978).

Yaffe could have easily determined from the requirements for the contents of
the annual report the type of records needed to properly prepare the annual
report. The record-keeping regulations do not violate Yaffe's due process rights,
nor did the presiding officer or the Administrator abuse their discretion in
assessing a penalty against Yaffe for the record-keeping violation.

D. Storage violation

Yaffe was assessed a $10,000 civil penalty7 for violating the storage
requirements for PCB containers.8 40 C.F.R. Sec. 61.42(b)(1) (1978). Section
761.42(b)(1) requires that PCB containers be stored for disposal in facilities
which meet certain requirements as to the roof, walls, and floors.


The Administrator and the presiding officer found that Yaffe had not stored two
55-gallon drums containing PCB mixtures in accordance with the regulations.
One of the drums was located outside, completely in the open without any
protection. The other drum (which contained 11,000 ppm of PCBs) was located
outside of the transformer processing building under a corrugated metal roof
but had no walls or curbing around it. We uphold the Administrator's findings
that (1) the containers were PCB containers and (2) that they were improperly
stored in violation of the PCB regulations. The findings are supported by
substantial evidence in the record.


Yaffe argues that one of the 55-gallon drums was not a PCB container and
therefore did not have to be stored in accordance with the regulations. It
contends that the sample taken from the 55-gallon drum on the west side of the
transformer building (which was found to have a PCB concentration of 700
ppm) was not representative of the contents of the drum. Its argument is twofold: (1) the sample was improperly drawn because it was skimmed from the
top of the drum when the sample source should have been mixed prior to

sampling; and (2) the sample was not properly analyzed because the EPA
laboratory failed to analyze both the oil and water layers of the sample because
the water had leaked out during transit. However, the expert testimony
supported the EPA position that the testing procedures used were proper and
did not cause a distorted result. Moreover the finding that this 55-gallon drum
was a PCB container is supported by substantial evidence.

Yaffe further contends that the penalty assessed was improper because the
Administrator "doubled-up" the violations by considering the failure to have
roof and walls a separate violation from the failure to have adequate floors and
curbing. Yaffe bases this assertion on the fact that the EPA penalty assessment
designated two penalties by breaking down the $10,000 into two parts--$5,000
for roof and walls, and $5,000 for floor and curbing. II R. EPA Complaint at 2.
Again we find no merit in this argument. Both the presiding officer and the
Administrator stated that their penalty assessment was not broken down in this
fashion. Rather, their penalty was based on the fact that the PCB containers
were not stored in accordance with the regulations. The $10,000 assessment
merely reflected the seriousness of the violation as a whole. We find no error in
the Administrator's assessment of the storage violation penalty.

E. Exclusion of expert testimony


Yaffe claims error in the ALJ's refusal to permit Yaffe's expert witness to
testify as to (1) the significance of PCB levels in the creek bordering Yaffe's
property (Opening Brief for Petitioner at 42; Tr. 221-22), and (2) the potential
for volatilization of transformer oil containing PCBs (Opening Brief for
Petitioner at 42; Tr. 233-34).


Absent an abuse of discretion, we will not interfere with the ALJ's decision on
an expert's competence to testify, Knight v. Otis Elevator Co., 596 F.2d 84 (3d
Cir.1979), nor on whether such testimony is relevant to the issues being
addressed. So long as an administrative agency is not arbitrary, it has some
discretion in determining whether to admit expert evidence. Alabama Ass'n of
Ins. Agents v. Board of Gov. of Fed. Reserve Sys., 533 F.2d 224, 254 (5th
Cir.1976) vacated in part, 558 F.2d 729 (5th Cir.1977), cert. denied, 435 U.S.
904, 98 S.Ct. 1448, 55 L.Ed.2d 494 (1978). Moreover, the EPA rules of
procedure for administrative hearings give latitude to the presiding officer in
determining whether to exclude or admit evidence. "The Presiding Officer shall
admit all evidence which is not irrelevant, immaterial, unduly repetitious, or
otherwise unreliable or of little probative value ..." 40 C.F.R. Sec. 22.22 (1980).


The presiding officer found that the testimony regarding PCB levels in the

creek bordering Yaffe's property was irrelevant and immaterial. We find no

abuse of discretion on his part in excluding further testimony on the subject.
PCB levels in the creek water were not an issue in this proceeding.
Furthermore, the test results from the OSDH inspection were not admitted for
the truth or falsity of the matters therein contained, but simply as part of the
materials introduced to show the basis of the EPA's initial inspection of Yaffe's

As to the exclusion of testimony regarding the potential for volatilization of

transformer oil containing PCBs (specifically the oil found in the 400-gallon
drum used to transport oil to the incinerator), we also find no error. Yaffe's
witness was an expert in the areas of water pollution, water quality and air
quality, although he did have some experience in analyzing oil samples for
PCBs. On the other hand, the EPA's expert witness was an analytical chemist
and chemical engineer with extensive experience in PCB analysis.


We conclude that there was no reversible error in the exclusion of the expert
testimony offered by Yaffe.

F. Complainant's C-1 Exhibit


Yaffe argues that the Administrator erred in relying on the contents of

Complainant's Exhibit No. 1 in assessing the civil penalty against Yaffe. The
exhibit consists of Oklahoma State Department of Health and EPA
correspondence, memoranda, laboratory reports and data pertaining to
inspections and PCB samples from the Yaffe premises. The critical item was an
October 4, 1977, letter from the Oklahoma State Department of Health to
Yaffe's purchasing agent. This letter purportedly informed Yaffe that PCBs
were found in a sample of oil taken from a drainage ditch at Yaffe's property
line. The letter also purported to include copies of state laws and regulations
governing PCB disposal.


There was, however, no evidence or testimony introduced as to whether Yaffe

ever received this letter. There was objection made to the letter on the grounds
of hearsay and that it was not shown to have been received by Yaffe. The letter
was then accepted for the limited purpose of showing the basis of the EPA
inspection of Yaffe's premises, i.e., the Oklahoma Department of Health letter
recording what it believed to be information sufficient to warrant an inspection
by the EPA. Tr. 12. The difficulty arises from the fact that the ALJ treated the
exhibit as having placed Yaffe on notice as to the presence of PCBs on its
premises. Tr. 160-63.


The issue is troubling because of the reliance by the ALJ on the exhibit as
proving notice to Yaffe concerning the presence of PCBs on its premises. The
ALJ's opinion shows that he placed considerable reliance on the notice given to
Yaffe about the PCBs being on its property by the October 4, 1977, letter from
the Oklahoma State Department of Health. 9 We have considered the EPA's
several responses to this argument, including its contention that any error was
harmless. We are not persuaded by such arguments and cannot agree that the
ALJ did not rely considerably on the letter in assessing the civil penalty. We
conclude therefore that the penalty assessed of $21,000 must be vacated and
that this penalty issue must be remanded to the agency for reconsideration,
without consideration being given to the October 4, 1977, letter (Tr. Ex. C-1) as
having afforded notice to Yaffe of the presence of PCBs.


In sum, we find no reversible error requiring that we set aside the findings by
the EPA of the violations by Yaffe. However, the assessment of the civil
penalty must be vacated for the reasons stated above and the cause is remanded
to the agency for further proceedings to reconsider the civil penalty of $21,000
assessed against petitioner Yaffee.



The Honorable Alfred A. Arraj, United States District Judge for the District of
Colorado, sitting by designation

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of related chlorinated

hydrocarbon chemicals frequently used in electrical transformers because of
their chemical stability, fire resistance, and electrical resistance properties.
They are especially attractive because they have a high ignition temperature or
"flash point" which reduces the likelihood of fire in the event of transformer
rupture. However, PCBs are extremely toxic to humans and wildlife, and pose
carcinogenic and other risks to humans. In 1976 Congress designated PCBs as
toxic substances under 15 U.S.C. Sec. 2605(e) (1976), and in 1978, the EPA
was empowered under TSCA Sec. 6(e) to set forth specific rules governing the
disposal and marking of PCBs. 40 C.F.R. part 761 (1978)
See Environmental Defense Fund v. E.P.A., 598 F.2d 62 (D.C.Cir.1978) and
Environmental Defense Fund v. E.P.A., 636 F.2d 1267 (D.C.Cir.1980) for an
excellent discussion of the Congressional history behind the regulation of

Initial Decision by EPA administrative law judge designated as "I.D"

These two tanks were known as the north and south tanks during the

Five samples were taken with the following results (TR. Exhibit C-2):


Sample Location
---------------------------Transformer oil from one of
the transformers
South overhead bulk oil
storage tank
North overhead bulk oil
storage tank
Mobile bulk oil storage tank
Water from drainage ditch at
southend of transformer

PCB Concentration
----------------Non detected
730 ppm
51.6 ppm
681 ppm
2.88 ppb


The following results were obtained by the May 17 inspection (Tr. Exhibit C5):




Sample Location
------------------------------Oil taken from central drain
transformer processing
Surface soil in front of
transformer processing building
Oil from pipe leading from
sump in transformer processing
building connecting to
oil storage tanks
Oil from one 55 gallon drum
on west side of transformer
processing building
Surface soil between
transformer processing building
and drainage ditch
Oil from one 55 gallon drum
at rear of transformer
processing building
Thick, sticky substance on
outer surface of 55 gallon
drum sampled in 137492
Surface soil between
transformer processing building

PCB Concentration
------------------None detected
Less than 500 ppm
(Aroclor 1260)
None detected

Water leaked out

of sample, oil
analyzed at 700 ppm
(Aroclor 1254)
Less than 500 ppm
(Aroclor 1254)
11,000 ppm
(Aroclor 1260)
4,000 ppm
(Aroclor 1260)
Less that 500 ppm
(Aroclor 1260)


and drainage ditch

Ash from floor of copper
Surface soil from drainage
Water and soil sample from
drainage ditch

None detected
Less than 500 ppm
(Aroclor 1260)
Less than 500 ppm
(Aroclor 1260)

The parties argue vigorously whether Yaffe asked for a reopening after the
amendment was allowed. There was apparently no motion to reopen in
technical conformity with the regulations. 40 C.F.R. Sec. 22.28(a) (1980).
However, in a letter brief dated November 13, 1980, Yaffe objected to the
allowance of any amendment and stated that should an amendment be granted
and upheld on appeal, at the very least a new trial would have to be granted to
avoid possible prejudice. See Letter Brief dated November 13, 1980, II R. at 3.
We therefore do not decide this issue on this technical point. Instead, as
discussed in the text, we reject Yaffe's claim of error in the ruling granting the
amendment on the basis that the record shows that Yaffe had notice of the fact
that violations of the incinerator regulations before April 18, 1979, were being
claimed by the EPA and that Yaffe had an opportunity at the hearing to meet
those claims
Furthermore, we are unpersuaded by Yaffe's argument that it was deprived of
an opportunity to present evidence to mitigate the civil penalty on the
incinerator violation charge. Yaffe did present evidence which met the
incinerator charge itself, as noted in the text. Moreover it also presented
evidence of its efforts made to bring the incinerator into compliance with the
EPA regulations, which went to the issue of mitigation.

As noted in Part I, this $10,000 penalty was part of the total $32,000 civil
penalty assessed, which total penalty was reduced to $21,000

"PCB Container" means any package, can, bottle, bag, barrel, drum, tank, or
other device used to contain a PCB chemical substance, PCB mixture, or PCB
article, and whose surface(s) has been in direct contact with a PCB chemical
substance or PCB mixture. 40 C.F.R. Sec. 761.2(u) (1978)

The ALJ's opinion stated in pertinent part (pp. 24-25):

Respondent contends herein that it was unaware that its premises contained
PCBs and that may well be the case, although we have some difficulty giving
credence to this contention. However, we do not believe that it may escape the
imposition of a civil penalty by reason thereof. In short, Respondent made no
attempt to determine what was the case. It must be remembered in this regard
that Respondent is in the business of wrecking scrap transformers and

disposing of the transformer oil contained therein. We surmise that even some
laymen not so engaged had an awareness that transformer oil contained or
might contain PCBs. In addition, the Oklahoma State Department of Health
informed Respondent in October 1977 that PCB's are present in electrical
transformers, "[A]s you should be well aware," and that PCBs were found in a
sample taken from a drainage ditch exiting Respondent's property. Respondent
appears to have shown a lack of concern with the Oklahoma statute and
regulations dealing with the disposal of PCBs which were pointed out to it and
copies of which were apparently sent to it. In addition, even if we were to agree
with Respondent that it received no transformers containing PCBs subsequent
to the early part of 1978, which we do not, it appears from the May 1979
inspections conducted by Complainant's employees and the pictures of such
premises that Respondent's facility probably had transformer oil received prior
to the creation of a transformer processing building and the installation of
overhead bulk storage tanks and that the area was somewhat contaminated with
oil. Yet, Respondent made no effort to determine if such oil contained PCBs, to
determine what its responsibilities were under federal and state law or even to
consider whether the incineration of transformer oil complied with state
disposal regulations, let alone comparable federal regulations. Under these
circumstances, Respondent's alleged lack of knowledge with respect to the PCB
content of its transformer oil indicates a lack of responsibility and concern. ... It
should be stated in Respondent's behalf, however, that Respondent expended
monies subsequent to the state and federal inspections to cure deficiencies. It
demonstrated, after the inspections by Complainant's employees, a cooperative
attitude and attempted to comply with the pertinent regulations issued under the
act and, in large measure, was successful in such attempt.
I R.I.D. at 24-25; (Emphasis added).

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