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Advantages of Advertisements: Definition: Advertising Is A Means of Communication With The Users of A Product or Service

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Definition: Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service.

Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence
people who receive them, as defined by the Advertising Association of the UK.
Description: Advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it. In today's world,
advertising uses every possible media to get its message through. It does this via television, print
(newspapers, magazines, journals etc), radio, press, internet, direct selling, hoardings, mailers,
contests, sponsorships, posters, clothes, events, colours, sounds, visuals and even people
The advertising industry is made of companies that advertise, agencies that create the advertisements,
media that carries the ads, and a host of people like copy editors, visualizers, brand managers,
researchers, creative heads and designers who take it the last mile to the customer or receiver. A
company that needs to advertise itself and/or its products hires an advertising agency. The company
briefs the agency on the brand, its imagery, the ideals and values behind it, the target segments and so
on. The agencies convert the ideas and concepts to create the visuals, text, layouts and themes to
communicate with the us
Latin, ad vertere means "to turn toward".[1] The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure
employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually
paid for by sponsors and viewed via various old media; including mass media such as newspapers,
magazines, Television, Radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs,
websites or text messages.

Commercial ads seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services

through "branding," which associates a product name or image with certain qualities in
the minds of consumers. Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise
items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups,
religious organizations and governmental agencies. Non-profit organizations may use free
modes of persuasion, such as a public service announcement.
Modern advertising was created with the techniques introduced with tobacco
advertising in the 1920s, most significantly with the campaigns of Edward Bernays,
considered the founder of modern, "Madison Avenue" advertising.[2][3]
Types of advertising -

advantages of advertisements

The advertisement informs the consumer about qualities and price of goods and this makes
purchasing easy for the consumers.

As the prices are already advertised, the consumers cannot be over charged.

By regular advertisement, the manufacturer can sell the goods directly to the consumers
without depending on middlemen this eliminates the Middleman's charges and profit. It means higher
profit to the manufacturer and lower prices to the consumers.

It helps in improvement of the quality of the goods.

The consumers are attracted by the quality of the products that are advertised. If the
consumers are convinced that the quality is the same that is advertised, they continue buying.

It helps the consumer to save time. As the consumer has already been the consumer is not
required to spend time in getting the products.

It raises the living standard of consumers.

It provides knowledge about the new designs of the commodities to consumers and thus
consumers consume those commodities and increase their living standard.

Ad space can be expensive

Your ad has to compete against the clutter of other advertisers, including the giants ads run by
supermarkets and department stores as well as the ads of your competitors

Poor photo reproduction limits creativity

Newspapers are a price-oriented medium; most ads are for sales

Expect your ad to have a short shelf life, as newspapers are usually read once and then

You may be paying to send your message to a lot of people who will probably never be in the
market to buy from you.

Newspapers are a highly visible medium, so your competitors can quickly react to your

With the increasing popularity of the Internet, newspapers face declining readership and
market penetration. A growing number of readers now skip the print version of the newspaper (and
hence the print ads) and instead read the online version of the publication.

five fmcg advertisementsCoke:The Coca-Cola Company re-entered India through its wholly owned subsidiary, CocaCola IndiaPrivate Limited and re-launched Coca-Cola in 1993 after the opening up of
the Indian economy to foreign investments in 1991.Apr 28, 2014

Advertising agency Wieden + Kennedy was working on brands within The Coca-Cola
Companys extensive portfolio when Schunker approached them. He recalls his first
encounter with creative partner Dan Wieden. He said to me, Look Im not pitching for
the Coke business, Im just interested in the brand. Youve got to go back to what it
stands for and thats simple goodness.

While many clients would bristle at direct criticism of their brand, Schunker agreed with
Wiedens assessment. He offered the agency the advertising account but Wieden and his
team were wary. We thought Cokes management would never agree to the kind of
creative work we thought they needed, says Hal Curtis, creative director at Wieden +
Kennedy. And we didnt want to compromise.

The case is about Atlanta-based

beverage giant Coca-Cola Company's
(Coca-Cola Company) global integrated
launched in the first half of 2009 in
markets around the world with the aim
of increasing sales of sparkling
beverages of the Coca-Cola Company.
At a time when the weakened economy
was sapping soft drink sales, the "Open
Happiness" campaign invited people
around the world to refresh themselves
with a Coke and continue to enjoy the
The case discuses the various campaigns
launched by the Coca-Cola Company
over the years and the role played by
these campaigns in enhancing the brand
image of Coca-Cola.
The case also focuses on the "Coke Side of Life" launched in 2006 to revive sales of
Coca-Cola. The "Coke Side of Life" campaign invited people to choose Coke and live
positively. The objective of the campaign was to make Coke more relevant to customers
by creating a multi-cultural platform in markets across the world. With the global
economic recession and with consumers drifting towards non-carbonated drinks, the
company was facing many difficulties. In order to boost its sales, the company decided to
The case discusses in detail the objectives and various elements of the "Open Happiness"
campaign which included new point of sale, promotions, outdoor and print advertising,
digital and music components. The case details the launch of the campaign in various
countries and how it was adapted in accordance with the tastes and preferences of the
people in those countries. The case also discusses the initial reactions to the "Open
Happiness" campaign. Some analysts felt that the campaign might be successful in
achieving its objective as it was able to extend the reach of Coca-Cola to wider markets
while others were apprehensive that it would not succeed.. The case concludes with
thoughts on how the global campaign could be made more effective so that it strikes the
right chord with its consumers in different countries.

Background: Pepsi has been a winner when it comes to advertising. It talks to the youth
and taps the pulse of the generation. Whether it was Yehi hai right choice baby, Change
the game or Oh yes abhi, Pepsi has always connected with the current trends. But Pepsi
never tried to promote any social changes or dig deep into the subjective alteration of
contemporary urban societies but always focused on two most important parameters; they
chose the right celebrities and wrote the perfect taglines! So, as Pepsi was losing to other
beverages in the market, it changed its philosophy of designing a campaign without
compromising on the ad attributes. The Oh yes abhi campaign was meant to target the
youth known for its impatience but with a positive attitude. They made impatience a
Challenge: Today fashion, fast food, automobile, beverage, mobile brands and many
others are all fighting for the youths share of mind, heart and wallet. In this fight, the
iconic brand was dipping on youth scores.
Pepsi was
a. Not connecting specifically with the youth as a tribe but instead being more universal
& all-encompassing
b. Moving from young & irreverent to kiddish and frivolous
The concern was the fact that Coca Cola Indias top brands Sprite, Thums Up and Coke
were focusing on the youth in messaging and positioning. This wasnt a case of market
share being challenged this time; what worried Pepsi was that in a category like Cola
(where image is everything) losing youth salience to other marketers spelled trouble.
The Big Idea:
While Thums Ups world was
of hyper-masculinity (body),
Coca Colas about happiness
(heart), and Sprites was of
mental smarts (mind), Pepsi
decided to own the bold
irreverent Spirit of youth by
making impatience a virtue!
Strategy: Pepsi carried out a series of research throughout 2012 to understand the pulse
of the Youth that showed:
a. The young believe that the present is exciting and acting Now leads to a better Next
b. Today, a surfeit of opportunity to experience life has created an increased Fear of
Missing Out thereby fuelling the need to Make the Most of Now.
Now, Brand Pepsi had to make the most of this phenomenon. In India, Pepsi has been its
best whenever the brand challenged an existing order or an existing convention,
whenever the brand gave a license to the youth gave them a mantra to live by.

So, while the youth are impatient to make the most of now and the adults frown at their
restlessness, Pepsi sided with the youngsters and chose to stoke this cant wait attitude!
Creating a New Youth Anthem
Pepsi created an Anthem for a TV Commercial OH YES ABHI that aired across
multiple youth and general entertainment channels. The TVC used celebrities like Ranbir
Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, M.S. Dhoni as well as regular youngsters to show how ones
impatience to act now and following ones heart helps make the here and now exciting.
Celebrities were carefully chosen to be the ones who had achieved a lot early in their
respective careers and with their bold, dynamic all-new look. NOW was dazzlingly
Pepsi wanted to evoke urgency for NOW through digital where the target audience
resides. With a series of contests and conversations, it encouraged people to act Now!
1. #CANTWAITABHI: It asked people to show their impatient side by telling what was that they cant
wait to do using #CantWaitAbhi on Twitter. All impatient wishes were curated in a virtual Pepsi bottle
on our microsite. Pepsi made the most impatient users wishes come true.

2. PEPSI MUSIC ABHI: Indias first on-demand online concert engaged music lovers across the nation
3. PEPSI SHOT 60: Make the most of your impatience! Pepsi Shot 60, the shortest short-film making
competition, gave users 24 hours to shoot, edit and submit a 60 second film.

Colgate's long history of strong performance comes from absolute focus on our core
global businesses: Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition. This has been
combined with a successful worldwide financial strategy. Around the world, Colgate has
consistently increased gross margin while at the same time reducing costs in order to fund
growth initiatives, including new product development and increases in marketing
spending. These, in turn, have generated greater profitability.
Colgate managers around the world are dedicated to increasing market shares in all our
core businesses. Colgate has achieved global leadership in toothpaste, hand dishwashing
liquid, liquid hand soap and specialty pet food.
Frequency of Impact of Celebrities Appeared In the Advertisements in
Different Brands of Toothpaste on Consumers Buying Behavior Table 8.
Response Category Frequency Percentages Strongly Agree 20 33.3 Agree 17
28.3 Neutral 4 6.6 Disagree 11 18.3 Strongly Disagree 8 13.3 Table-8
shows that as a whole about 61.6% of the respondents were mostly
influenced by the celebrity appeared in an advertisement and 31.6% were
not influenced by personality used in the advertisement whereas 6.6% of
respondents were neutral. Frequency of Impact of Keywords/Caption or
Slogan on Consumers Buying Behavior Table 9. Response Category
Frequency Percentages Strongly Agree 17 28.3 Agree 19 31.6 Neutral 8
13.3 Disagree 9 15 Strongly Disagree 7 11.6

Colgate's data showed that it cost 23% more to encourage consumer

purchase using TV alone compared to using TV in combination with online.
For their multichannel campaign, reallocating marketing dollars to
online advertising would be significantly more cost-effective at driving
purchase intent and enhancing key branding metrics. By allocating 7%
of media dollars to online, purchase intent increased 3.8%, a 9%
increase over a plan that used only television and print. By
increasing online allocation to 11%, purchase intent increased to 4.3%,
a 20% increase over a plan that used only television and print. The
company achieved significant branding lifts without spending any
additional money. Online is also an effective way to grab the attention
of hard-to-reach television consumers with lighter media usage habits.
In fact, by using just TV and subtracting those exposed to online,
purchase intent would have increased just 3.4%.
Well this brand doesnt owe an introduction. Colgate is a widely known for oral hygiene
products worldwide. They are dealing in various oral products like toothbrushes, dental
floss, toothpastes and mouthwashes. The journey of stardom of this brand is very
interesting. This was the first toothpaste which to come in collapsible tube as earlier it
was sold in glass jar.

Marketing strategies
A perfect marketing strategy is required to increase sales and generate maximum output.
Such a strategy which is used to capture a particular niche in consumer market is known
as marketing strategy. Colgate had a good marketing of it products in more than 200
countries under such brand names which are internationally recognized like Ajax, Colgate
and Palmolive etc. Out of all these brands Colgate Palmolive is their leading brand and is
focusing on various products like household care, oral care, personal care and the list is
never ending. Because of their powerful marketing and advertising strategies their
revenues are constantly increasing. Colgate had spend a lot of money in advertising their
product via TV ads, Magazine ads and endorsements etc.

Social Media Strategy

They are not ruling the advertising world in television commercials or magazine ads but
they have also a strong follower list on social media as well.
Facebook: Colgate had reached the audience via their Facebook page. Till date they are
having 2839002 likes on their Facebook page and the count is increasing day by day.
Though they do not have regular posting on their page but still the popularity of their
page is very high. This is a very sensible step to reach more and more people hence can
be considered as a part of well thought social media strategy. People are regularly
following their posts and are getting every new update via their Facebook page.

Not only promotional posts are a part of their Facebook page but they also have many
informational posts which enable consumers to know more about their oral health.
Twitter: Like Facebook they have got a huge fan following on Twitter also. Colgates
follower list had crossed a count of 35.9K people. This can give you an idea about their
impact on social media world.

Talking about the tweets, they are more frequent as compared to Facebook. Near about
one or two posts after every one or two days. This can also be reason behind maintain the
interest of people on their Twitter page.
It would not be a wrong statement to make that Colgate have used social media platforms
quite well in order to increase their reach to people. In terms of marketing their product,
they have left no stone unturned and the success of their brand narrate the story of their
perfect implementation of strategies.

Colgate is a well established market oriented brand providing their services in more than
200 countries. The management of business and consumer market is very effective and is
also a very important factor behind their success. They know the ways to attract more and
more consumers via their marketing strategies and also know it quite well as how to make
and keep them happy. They have proved the superiority of their brand in international,
consumer and business market and are constantly making efforts to achieve more and

4.LuxLUX is a global brand developed by Unilever. The range of products includes beauty
soaps, shower gels, bath additives, hair shampoos and conditioners. Lux started as
Sunlight Flakes laundry soap in 1899.
In 1925, it became the first mass-market toilet soap in the world. It is noted as a brand
that pioneered female celebrity endorsements.
As of 2009, Lux revenue was estimated at 1 billion, with market shares spread out to
more than 100 countries around the globe.
Today, Lux is the market leader in countries
like India, Pakistan, Brazil, Thailand and South Africa[1]
Developed by Unilever, Lux (soap) is now headquartered in Singapore.
( ABSTRACT - Celebrity endorsed advertisements

are playing a vital role in changing the consumers perception and also
the consumption pattern of the society in general. Celebrity endorsement
is extensive, nevertheless there is a limited study on the celebrity
endorsement. This conceptual paper makes an important contribution to
fill the existing gap in the literature and identify the role played by
celebrity endorsement in the creation of intrinsic motivation of
consumers purchase intention created through television advertisements.
Therefore this study examines the relationship between the impact of
celebrity endorsement through television advertisements in the creation
of intrinsic motivation of consumers purchase intention in relation to
Lux with special reference to Manmunai North Divisional Secretariat
of Batticaloa District(MNDS). While both the variables individually have
high level attributes, the Pearsons correlation analysis explores a
positively significant linear relationship between impact of celebrity
endorsement through television advertisements on consumers intrinsic
motivation. Key words: Celebrity endorsement; attractiveness; expertise;
trustworthiness; familiarity; intrinsic motivation; perceived value;
perceived risk and perceived quality. 01. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Introduction
and Background of the Study Advertising is the most common and effective
tool in creating awareness and convincing customers about the brand
name. There are various types of advertising and one of the most common
current advertising forms is celebrity endorsement advertising. The
practice of celebrities being used for rendering services other than
performing their actual job as either an actor or an athlete, such as
endorsements has proliferated over time. Marketers spend enormous
amounts of money annually on celebrity endorsement contracts based on
the belief that celebrities are effective spokespeople for their
products or brands (Katyal, 2007). Despite the cost and the risks
involved with this technique of advertising, it is been used quite
extensively in the present era. The instrument of celebrity endorsement
has nowadays become a pervasive element in advertising and communication
management. Due to the globalization, Sri Lanka attracts many overseas
and international companies to enter into its market. In Sri Lanka, most
of the consumer goods are endorsed by artists, Film stars, singers,
cricketers or athletes. Companies, civil society organizations and
government agencies spend billions of money annually placing one form of
advertisement using celebrities in the media more specifically through
the television advertisements in Sri Lanka. Celebrity endorsements can
trigger the purchase of cosmetic products rather than other Fast Moving
Consumer Goods (FMCG). In the cosmetic industry of Sri Lanka, Lux has
achieved the number one position among the beauty soaps with more than
85% of households purchasing Lux.
(, retrieved 1707-2014). From its inception in Sri Lanka Lux has been using worlds
leading celebrities as well as Sri Lankan celebrities. 1.2 Problem
statement In Sri Lanka, television advertisements are highly used for
celebrity endorsements rather than other forms of the advertisements.
More specifically, In Batticaloa district comparing with other
divisional secretariats, MNDS is an urban area and most of the people
are having televisions with cable connections or dish antenna
connections and they spend more time with television. Therefore, this

study has attempted to explore MNDS of Batticaloa district as a

population of this survey. It seems clear that, celebrity endorsement
will create high brand awareness but there is limited research on the
impact of celebrity endorsement through television advertisements
regarding the consumers purchase intention specifically in the context
of MNDS of the Batticaloa district of Sri Lanka. Hence, this study
explores this as the problem attempt to investigate empirically with the
general research question of What is the role played by the celebrity
endorsed television advertisement in the creation of intrinsic
motivation for LUX in MNDS of Batticaloa district? International
Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 4, Issue 1,
January-February, 2016 ISSN 2091-2730 530 1.3 Objective
of the study 1. The level of Celebrity Endorsement for Lux through
the Television Advertisements in MNDS of Batticaloa District. 2. The
level of Intrinsic Motivation Created for Lux through Celebrity
Endorsed Television Advertisements in MNDS of Batticaloa District. 3.
The level of impact of celebrity endorsement through television
advertisements on intrinsic motivation. 1.4 Significance of the study
The topic of celebrity endorsements and its elements is heavily
documented in academic literature, but what makes this research
interesting is that it enables us to understand the celebrity
endorsement process from a Sri Lankan consumers point of view. The
research undertaken on celebrity endorsement and intrinsic motivation in
this paper will be useful on both academic and professional platform, as
it looks into the perception of Sri Lankan consumers and providing
theory for scholarly and directives for managers and professionals. 2.
LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Concept of celebrity According to Gupta (2009)
Celebrity was a person whose name could grab public attention, arouse
public interest and generate profit from the public. Celebrities are
well-known individuals (television stars, movie actors and actresses,
famous athletes, pop stars, entertainers, etc) who owe their fame to
their achievements. 2.2 Celebrity endorser McCracken (1989, p.310)
defined celebrity endorser as any individual who enjoys public
recognition and who uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer good
by appearing with it in an advertisement. While Stafford et al.,
(2003) gave a clear definition by defining celebrity endorser as, a
famous person who uses public recognition to recommend or co-present
with a product in an advertisement. 2.3 Celebrity endorsement Celebrity
endorsement is a form of advertising campaign that involves a well known
person using their fame to help promote a product or service. When
celebrities endorse products it gives that brand an automatic leg up on
the competition. There were certain forms of celebrity endorsements,
which included print advertising in magazines, television advertising,
products used in movies and television programs, mention of luxury brand
in music, inviting celebrities to be co-creators in designing products
and naming products after celebrities (Eshaghpour, 2010). 2.4 Sources of
celebrity endorsement Attractiveness, expertise, trustworthiness, and
familiarity can contribute to celebrity endorsement and also use to
measure celebrity endorsement. 2.5 Trustworthiness Trustworthiness meant
consumer's confidence in the source for providing information in an
objective and honest manner (Ohanian, 1991). Marketers take the

advantage of these set of values by employing celebrities those are most

regarded as trustworthy, honest believable and dependable among their
fans and people (Shimp 1997). When the communicator was perceived to be
high trustworthy, an opinionated message was more effective than a non
opinionated communication in producing attitude change. 2.6
Attractiveness Source attractiveness refers to the endorsers physical
appearance, personality, likeability, and similarity to the receiver,
thus to the perceived social value of the source (Solomon 2002).
Attractiveness does not mean simply physical attractiveness, but
includes any number of virtuous characteristics that consumers might
perceive in a celebrity endorser. Physical attractiveness suggests that
a celebrity determines the effectiveness of persuasion as a result of
that consumers wanting to be like the endorser and wanting to identify
themselves with that endorser (Cohen and Golden, 1972). 2.7 Expertise
Expertise can be defined as the perceived ability of an endorser to make
or provide valid assertions. With regard to expertise, it isnt
important that the celebrity is really an expert in the field. It is
important that consumers think and believe a celebrity has expertise
(Ohanian, 1990). It includes the knowledge, experience and skills
developed by the endorser while working in the same field. The consumer
will look to the celebrity for expertise, and if he feels that the
celebrity is knowledge enough he will buy the endorsed product.
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume
4, Issue 1, January-February, 2016 ISSN 2091-2730 531 2.8
Familiarity Familiarity is the audience's knowledge of the source
through exposure (Sameen, 2013). Familiarity with the celebrity is a
continuous variable which reflects the direct and indirect level of
experience of the consumers with the product (Alba and Hutchinson, 1987,
quoted by Robert et al., 1994). The target market must be aware of the
person, and perceive him or her as empathetic, credible, sincere and
trustworthy. 2.9 Purchase intention Purchase intention refers as the
behavior of a consumer to a future purchase decision for a particular
good or service (Espejel et al., 2008 as cited in Hodza, et al., 2012).
Purchase intention can be measured through intrinsic motivation,
extrinsic motivation and Consumers attitude. This conceptual paper
measures the impact of celebrity endorsement through the television
advertisement on the intrinsic motivation of purchase intention. 2.10
Intrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation is defined as Internal desires
to perform a particular task, people do certain activities because it
gives them pleasure, develops a particular skill, or its morally the
right thing to do. According to Teo et al., (1999, p. 26). Intrinsic
motivation refers to the reason why we perform certain activities for
inherent satisfaction or pleasure. Deci et al., (1999) has suggested
that when individuals intentions or behaviors are prompted by
intrinsic motivations such as enjoyment, they will be more willing to
persist in such intentions or behaviors in the future. 2.11 Sources of
intrinsic motivation Intrinsic factor is related to physical product
characteristics where it includes perceived quality, risk and value.
2.12 Perceived quality Perceived quality is a critical element for
consumer decision making. According to Jin and Yong, (2005) consumers
will compare the quality of alternatives with regard to price within a

category. Consumers prefer intrinsic attributes over extrinsic

attributes in the formation of perceived quality judgments, and use the
latter only if they do not feel competent to evaluate a product on its
intrinsic attributes (Grunert, 1986 and Steenkamp, 1989). the consumer`s
expected quality evaluation will determine the consumers intention to
buy only in relation to the perceived costs associated with the product,
where costs can be both monetary and other costs. 2.13 Perceived Risk
According to Zeithaml and Bitner (2003), perceived risk will typically
influence early stage of consumer buying process. Besides that, Dowling
and Staelin (1994) define risk as a consumer perception of uncertainty
and adverse consequences of engaging in an activity. 2.14 Perceived
Value Price value is the utility derived from the product due to the
reduction of its perceived short term and longer term costs. Dodds and
Monroe (1985) proposed that the relationship model of price, quality and
perceived value and mentioned that perceived value is an important
factor in consumers purchasing decision process, and consumers will
buy a product with high perceived value. Dodds and Monroe (1985) and
Zeithaml (1988) contended that consumers will evaluate what they give
and what they get in their subjective perception when they are buying a
product/service. 03. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESIS Figure 1:
Conceptual framework (Source: Developed for study purpose) Hypothesis of
this study are: H1: Celebrity endorsement of Lux has positive
relationship with intrinsic motivation of purchase intention created for
Lux in MNDS of Batticaloa district. H2: Trustworthy celebrities of Lux
have a positive relationship with intrinsic motivation of purchase
intention created for Lux in MNDS of Batticaloa district. H3: Attractive
celebrity endorsers of Lux have a positive relationship with intrinsic
motivation of purchase intention created for Lux in MNDS of Batticaloa
district. Celebrity Endorsement Intrinsic Motivation International
Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 4, Issue 1,
January-February, 2016 ISSN 2091-2730 532 H4: Expertise
celebrity endorsers of Lux have a positive relationship with intrinsic
motivation of purchase intention created for Lux in MNDS of Batticaloa
district. H5: familiar celebrities of Lux have a positive relationship
with intrinsic motivation of purchase intention created for Lux in MNDS
of Batticaloa district. 04. METHODOLOGY 4.1 Study Setting and Data
Collection This study was carried out in the MNDS of Batticaloa
district. Primary data were collect through closed-ended structured
questionnaires measured with five point Likerts scale. The targeted
sample is 200 customers from general public who are using Lux in
MNDS of Batticaloa district. 4.2 Methods of Data analysis In the
research process to analyze the collected data, statistical package for
social science (SPSS16.0) has been used in this study. 4.3 Methods of
Data Evaluation Univariate analysisUnivariate analysis is carried out
for evaluating the attributes of dimensions and variables individually
based on the response in the questionnaires. For this purpose, mean
values and standard deviation of the dimensions and variables are taken
into consideration. Table 1: Decision Criteria for Univariate Analysis
Range for Decision Criteria Decision Criteria Decision Attribute Xi <
(3-Z x) Xi < 3 Low Level (3-Z x) Xi (3+Z x) Xi = 3 Moderate
Level Xi > (3+Z x) Xi > 3 High Level (Source: developed for study

purpose) Where; Xi = mean value of a dimension/variable, = standard

deviation, Z = value of the 95% confidence limit and X = standard
error of the mean Independent Variable and Dimensions X1 = Mean Value of
Trustworthiness X2 = Mean Value of Attractiveness X3 = Mean Value of
Expertise X4 = Mean Value of Familiarity X5 = Mean Value of Celebrity
Endorsement Dependent Variable and Dimensions X6 = Mean Value of
Intrinsic Bivariate analysis- Bivariate analysis used to measure the
magnitude and direction of the relationship between impact of celebrity
endorsement and intrinsic motivation of purchase intension created for
Lux in MNDS of Batticaloa district. The decision would be taken based on
the amount of correlation coefficient (R) and its significance level
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume
4, Issue 1, January-February, 2016 ISSN 2091-2730 533 05.
DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 5.1 The Level of Celebrity Endorsement
through Television Advertisements Table 2: Overall Dimensions and Values
of Independent Variable HL: High level, ML: Moderate level, LL: Low
level (Source: Survey data) Trustworthiness Trustworthiness has high
level at its individual characteristic in influencing the celebrity
endorsement for Lux through television advertisements in MNDS of
Batticaloa district (Mean X1 = 3.8933, where X1> 3.060, see Table: 2).
In addition, most of the respondents expressed the common opinion
regarding the dimension of trustworthiness (SD = 0.43540).
Attractiveness Attractiveness has high level at its individual
characteristic in influencing the celebrity endorsement for Lux
through television advertisements in MNDS of Batticaloa district (Mean
X2 = 4.5238, where X2>3.068, see Table: 2). In addition, most of the
respondents expressed the common opinion regarding the dimension of
attractiveness (SD = 0.49151). Expertise Expertise has high level at its
individual characteristic in influencing the celebrity endorsement for
Lux through television advertisements in MNDS of Batticaloa district
(Mean X3 = 4.0525, where X3>3.064, see Table: 2). In addition, most of
the respondents expressed the common opinion regarding the dimension of
expertise (SD =0.46321). Familiarity Familiarity has high level at its
individual characteristic in influencing the celebrity endorsement for
Lux through television advertisements in MNDS of Batticaloa district
(Mean X4 = 4.4083, where X4>3.064, see Table: 2). In addition, most of
the respondents expressed the common opinion regarding the dimension of
familiarity (SD = 0.46477). Celebrity Endorsement Celebrity Endorsement
also has high level at its individual quality of independent variable
(Mean X5 = 4.2195, where X5>3.053, see Table: 2). In addition, most of
the respondents expressed the common opinion regarding the variable of
celebrity endorsement (SD = 0. 37911). This independent variable
includes four dimensions which are trustworthiness, attractiveness,
expertise, and familiarity. These dimensions show high level of
influence in influencing the celebrity endorsement for Lux through
television advertisements in Description Dimensions Independent Variable
Trustworthiness (X1) Attractiveness (X2) Expertise (X3) Familiarity (X4)
Celebrity Endorsement (X5) Mean 3.8933 4.5238 4.0525 4.4083 4.2195
Standard Deviation (SD) 0.43540 0.49151 0.46321 0.46477 0.37911 Coefficient of Variance 0.190 0.242 0.215 0.216 0.144 Maximum 5.00 5.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 Minimum 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.54 Number of data 200 200

200 200 200 Standard Error of Mean 0.03079 0.03475 0.03275 0.03286
0.02681 Z Value at 95% confidence 1.960 1.960 1.960 1.960 1.960 Lower
Limit of Mean (3-1.96x) 2.940 2.932 2.936 2.936 2.947 Upper Limit of
Mean (3+1.96x) 3.060 3.068 3.064 3.064 3.053 Decision Attribute HL HL
HL HL HL International Journal of Engineering Research and General
Science Volume 4, Issue 1, January-February, 2016 ISSN 2091-2730 534 MNDS of Batticaloa district. They have the mean value
3.8933, 4.5238, 4.0525 and 4.4083 respectively (see Table 2). In
addition, most of the respondents have expressed the common opinion
toward the dimensions of celebrity endorsement for Lux through
television advertisements in MNDS of Batticaloa district (Standard
Deviation is 0.43540, 0.49151, 0.46321 and 0.46477).
Lux has focused on wide promotions most of which has been short lived. Apart from tagging
itself as a beauty brand made for the stars, it has even designed short term promotions for sales.
One of the famous ones being:
The Lux Gold Star Offer This was one of the popular promotions which offered gold coins
in few selected soaps.
Star Bano Aish Karo This offer gave a chance to few lucky winners who got a chance to live
a day like Aishwarya Rai with gift offers worth Rs.50,000 from Shoppers Stop and beauty
makeover by Michelle Tung and Neeta Lulla sarees (Aishwarya Rais favorite stylist and
designer). The bumper prize was dinner date with Aishwarya Rai herself and later in 2009 the
same offer changed into a dinner date with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan
Har Star Lucky Star- This came at the time when Shahrukh Khan was aired in Lux
advertisements when the brand had finished 75 years of stardom. In this offer, selected lux soap
packets had stars printed with number 75 inside the wrapper. The lucky winners got the
opportunity to avail free supply of Lux soaps for a year.

Recent Advertisements
Katrina Kaif has been roped in to become the brand ambassador of Lux lately. In the most
recent advertisement of July,2012 which stars both Katrina Kaif and Shahrukh Khan in the
campaign. They endorsed two variants of the Lux soap Lux Peach and Cream and Lux
Strawberry and Cream. The fragrance of the new Lux soap stands for love and sensuality and
the ad uses the slogan Bekaboo. The ad was made to be promoted at the time when both
Shahrukh Khans and Katrina Kaifs movie was about to be released.

Lux Soap advertisements - Iconic Campaign that lasted the

test of Time
One of the longest running campaigns the world over, Lux, an international venture of Levers
Brothers, featured Hollywood stars in most parts of the world. Lux entered India in 1929 and while its
early advertisements would feature Hollywood actresses, they would eventually be replaced almost
completely by local stars.

The very fact that right from Devika Rani onwards every film star from Indian film industry has been
starring in the advertisement , has perhaps made it a must-do thing. Every aspiring starlet has been
making it her career goal to appear in the Lux ad. In that sense it has become a kind of a benchmark
for success and a way of announcing her arrival in the industry.
Devika Rani may have been one of the foremost stars of early talkies cinema but in 1941 the
distinction of being the first Lux model went to her contemporary, Leela Chitnis.

Lux can be seen as one of the earliest forms of celebrity endorsements. The vast majority of actresses
who appeared in the Lux advertisements were drawn from the Bombay film industry. As a product,
however, that reached the entire country, regional advertising was critical to the success of Lux. Thus
well known stars of Bengali, Tamil, and Telegu cinema also regularly found place in Lux
advertisements in Filmfare.

A Lux appearance would be predicated not just on a lead

appearance but on glamorous and iconic performances of different kinds. All the leading "vamps" of
the Bombay film industry appeared in the advertisement as well.
In this sense the campaign highlighted and awarded female performance of all kinds. Diverse stars
jostled for attention in the world of Lux, featuring known and bankable actresses but also those who
appeared in fleeting iconic roles or remained on the margins of success.

The Lux campaign was a product of complex negotiations between advertisers and the industry,
between stars, their publicists or agents, secretaries and producers. Its success was predicated on the
fact that it was mutually beneficial to all these players.

Stars actively solicited the Lux campaign. At a time when film journalism was not as prolific as it
became later, Lux was probably one of the best ways for the stars to get publicity outside of big urban
cities and towns. Levers advertised throughout the year and its adverts traveled all over the country,
printed not just in magazines but on soap wrappers, boxes, in posters and on billboards. Like
autographed postcards, Lux with its signed endorsements could be seen as a form of circulating star
portraiture but with a much wider reach.

Moreover the stars looked their best in these pictures as their portraits were taken by skilled
photographers. Worked on by equally skilled artists, in later years they involved stylists and makeup
artistes to create the glamorous star persona of Lux. Lux campaign was the company acknowledging
that the actress had become a star and the star saying thank you.

This prolific campaign was possible because stars did not get paid for an appearance in the initial
years. For the film producers, the campaign worked as free publicity for their new productions. By the
late fifties the advertisements would feature information about the name, production credits and
costume of the current film that the actress endorsed.

By the 1970s Lux seemed to have lost its exclusive edge with competition from various other brands.
Photographic advertising would eventually turn other kinds of faces into celebrities, but Lux toilet sap
continued to remain faithful to its cinematic subjects.

The cultural life of the soap would however

be constantly updated. Finding a space outside the pages of magazines to a presence in cinema trailers
and television, Lux had become a key brand sponsoring beauty and fashion contests by the 1990s. One
thing has not changed however: The Lux campaign continues to be predicated on the aura of the
female star and its one-time attempt to change this using Shahrukh Khan in a bathtub of petals was not
very successful.

5.tideTides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the
gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the Earth.
The times and amplitude of tides at a locale are influenced by the alignment of the Sun
and Moon, by thepattern of tides in the deep ocean, by the amphidromic systems of the
oceans, and the shape of the coastline and near-shore bathymetry (see Timing). Some
shorelines experience a semi-diurnal tide - two nearly equal high and low tides each day.
Other locations experience a diurnal tide - only one high and low tide each day. A "mixed
tide"; two uneven tides a day, or one high and one low, is also possible.[1][2][3]
Tides vary on timescales ranging from hours to years due to a number of factors. To make
accurate records,tide gauges at fixed stations measure the water level over time. Gauges
ignore variations caused by waves with periods shorter than minutes. These data are
compared to the reference (or datum) level usually calledmean sea level.[4]

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