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Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology


Dr Gregory White CA PhD (Corresponding Author)

Senior Lecturer, School of Accounting, Curtin Business School, Curtin University of
Technology, Perth, Western Australia.

Dr. Alina Lee PhD (Second Author)

Postgraduate Manager, Associate Professor, School of Accounting, Curtin Business School,
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. Mailing address as above.

Professor Greg Tower CPA PhD (Third Author)

Director of Research, School of Accounting, Curtin Business School, Curtin University of
Technology, Perth, Western Australia. Mailing address as above.

Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

Purpose: to investigate the key drivers and level of voluntary disclosures in biotechnology

company annual reports.

Methodology/Approach: using an intellectual capital disclosure index score voluntary

disclosures in a large sample of listed biotechnology companies, and test the relationship
between voluntary disclosures of intangible firm value with traditional Agency Theory
variables. The relationships were tested statistically using correlation and multipleregression analysis.
Findings: The key drivers of voluntary intellectual capital disclosures were the level of

board independence, firm age, level of leverage and firm size. Multiple regression analysis
demonstrated that board independence, leverage and size had a significant relationship with
the level of voluntary intellectual capital disclosure. Separate regression controlling for
large-sized and small-sized firms demonstrated that voluntary intellectual capital disclosure
was only driven by board independence and the levels of firm leverage in large firms. The
small firms did not demonstrate this relationship.
Research limitations/implications: Implications of this research are that smaller
biotechnology companies managers are not motivated by external debt-holder demands to
make voluntary disclosures about intangible firm-value. In addition large biotechnology
companies, better able to establish independent board oversight, appear more effective at
driving voluntary intellectual capital disclosures; perhaps in response to greater demand by
owners. A limitation of this study is its Australian context and that data is analysed only
from 2005 financial year annual reports.
Originality/value: To our knowledge this is an original paper whose findings have
valuable implications for managing intellectual capital at the firm level. We clearly
demonstrate that disclosures about intangible firm value is being driven by traditional
Agency Theory Variables and more contemporary corporate governance issues, and that
small firms may be ignoring the importance of disclosing more about their intellectual

Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

The aim of this research project is to investigate the nature and extent of voluntary intellectual
capital disclosures which are made by biotechnology companies. This is done in the context of
Agency Theory (Jensen and Meckling, 1976), and traditional Agency Theory variables were
used to investigate potential drivers of voluntary intellectual capital disclosures by management
of these firms.
Biotechnology companies are a fascinating example of firms with intangible value. This
intangible value can include: a skilled workforce; highly collegial R&D oriented culture; public
benevolent motivations and outcomes; registered intellectual property; proprietary techniques
and IT applications; and, highly innovative strategic alliances.
Intellectual capital reporting about the nature of a firms intangible assets is an important way of
bridging the information gap which may exist between managers and firm owners (Eccles and
Mavrinac, 1995). This information gap is very likely to exist in young industries like the
biotechnology industry, and is the inspiration for a growing body of research on the importance
of firm intellectual capital disclosures (Mouritsen et al. 2004; Nielsen et al. 2006). There is a
global trend and demand for more useful and comprehensive non-financial information about
the operating activities of firms (Anderson and Epstein, 1996; GRI, 2006). Research has
demonstrated that companies in industries like the biotechnology industry need to bridge the
information gap between managers and owners, as this can be critical to future capital-raising
potential (Aboody and Lev, 2000; Barth et. al., 2001). In the study of Aboody and Lev (2000),
the importance of private information relating to R&D intellectual capital was demonstrated
since firm managers were shown to gain because of their inside-information about this
important knowledge commodity. More than half of the listed Australian biotechnology firms
today are actively engaged in R&D-only activities. This could mean that there is potential
within the Australian biotechnology industry for a net transfer of wealth to be occurring in
favour of firm management over owners.
The intellectual capital statement, the meaning of its contents and its interpretation, seems a
valid academic intellectual pursuit to build and transfer information about firm intangible value
from managers to owners. The essential nature of an intellectual capital statement is that it
attempts to disaggregate information that is not traditionally disclosed in a firms balance sheet.
A recent critical finding from the intellectual capital literature is the importance of a knowledge
narrative to explain how knowledge is more than a token valuable, and how a knowledge
management strategy and investments in knowledge resources make a difference to firm success

Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

(Mouritsen et al., 2005). It has been clearly demonstrated that non-financial disclosures can
positively impact upon management credibility, analysts understanding, and investors patience
over poor performance (Eccles and Mavrinac, 1995).
Firm failure to accept the importance of disclosing the value of their less tangible assets has
been associated with certain negative consequences, including: 1) investors with small
shareholdings having less access to information about a companys intangible assets than larger
shareholders; 2) opportunistic behaviour of firm managers if information about intangibles
remains private; and, 3) cost-of-capital may increase to non-disclosing firms because of risk
assessment by investors and banks who can only value the company with information about its
tangible property (Marr et al., 2003).
In contrast to the negative consequences of non-disclosure there are some compelling arguments
which justify non-disclosure of intellectual capital information, including: 1) the Transparency
Drawback of managers disclosing information which competitors can use strategically against
them (Depoers, 2000); 2) regulatory barriers imposed by potential legal claims if private
information becomes public; 3) prescriptive requirements of generally accepted accounting
practices; 4) national culture (Chaminade and Johanson 2003); and, 5) the risk-averse behaviour
of auditors when advising firms on annual report disclosures (Vergauwen and van Alem, 2005).
Internationally, some countries have regulating intellectual capital reporting initiatives, these
include: 1) Austrian legislation for intellectual capital reporting by all state-owned universities;
2) United Kingdom legislation for implementation of Operating and Financial Review
statements, repealed in early 2006 and now only a Business Review is required (Department
of Trade and Industry, 2006) ; and, 3) French legislation forming part of its Nouvelles
Rgulations conomiques for high market capitalization companies.
Countries setting voluntary guidelines, include the: 1) Australian Government Consultative
Committee on Knowledge Capital (AGCCKC, 2001; Gap Congress on Knowledge Capital,
2005); 2) Australian Code of Best Practice for Reporting by Life Science Companies
(AusBiotech and ASX, 2005) launched in September, 2005; 3) European Commission initiated
Measuring Intangibles to Understand and Improve Innovation Management (MERITUM)
Guidelines; 4) Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (DMSTI, 2003)
guidelines which have grown from the MERITUM project; 5) Japans Keizai Doyukai (Japan
Association of Corporate Executives) white paper on corporate social responsibility and Japans
Nippon Keidanren (Japanese business federation) Charter of Corporate Behaviour; and, 6) The

Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

Global Reporting Initiative sustainability report (GRI, 2006). The above summary of regulations
and guidelines is a synopsis from the first of Prof. Wai Fong Chuas reports on extended
performance reporting for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (Chua, 2005).
In Australia there is no legal or GAAP requirement for public companies to produce end-of-year
financial reports with information relating to intellectual capital, nor are they obliged to
committed disclosures on social, societal and environmental factors which may have a positive
impact upon reported earnings quality. The dearth of information traditionally supplied to equity
investors in these companies has prompted action from Australian regulators and biotechnology
industry lobby groups. Recently, the ASX launched the Code of Best Practice for Reporting by
Life Science Companies (AusBiotech and ASX, 2005) a joint initiative. The ASX Code of
Best Practice for Reporting by Life Science Companies is a list of suggestions purporting to
enhance ASX listing rules disclosure requirements.
A preliminary evaluation of the ASX/AusBiotech code of best practice and its guidance seem to
indicate that it may not fulfil its objectives. The first six pages of the code guidance are
preamble relaying ASX continuous disclosure requirements to the reader; pages seven to
eighteen contain the actual guidance and seven of those pages relate solely to the treatment of
information about intellectual property rights, regulatory filings, clinical trials and medical
devices. It would appear from the code that the types of continuous disclosure which are being
encouraged are highly-biased in favour of the type already disclosed best in the annual reports
and on the web-sites of these companies: 1) registered intellectual property; 2) product
technology already in late-stage commercialization; and, 3) clinical trial reports. Are regulatory
authorities in Australia are trying to send a message that relatively hard intangibles (Stewart,
2001) are less likely to be fully disclosed, and are therefore in need of regulatory backing?
A key driver of the research on intellectual capital disclosure is the premise that mastering
disclosure of soft intangibles like employee knowledge, customer relations, strategic vision
and intellectual property management is where companies may need help and also ultimately is
the key to uncovering an organizations value. These soft intangibles are the focus of
narrative in well-defined intellectual capital statements which elucidate the value of firm
intangibles using the three dimensions of human capital, organisational capital/internal relations
and customer/external relations (Mouritsen, Bukh et al. 2005).
In this study the 78-item voluntary intellectual capital (IC) disclosure index developed by Bukh,
Nielsen, Gormsen and Mouritsen (2005) was used to score IC disclosures by 102 listed

Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

biotechnology companies in their 2005 Annual Reports. The measure employed by Bukh et al.
(2005) disaggregates voluntary intellectual capital disclosures by firms into six dimensions: 1)
employees; 2) customers; 3) information technology; 4) processes; 5) research and
development; and 6) strategic statement. In this study a number of independent variables will be
used to examine the relationship between intellectual capital disclosure and a firms size,
including: board independence, ownership concentration, age of the company and leverage.
The 2005 Australian annual reporting period is an interesting starting point for any planned
longitudinal research on annual reporting disclosure practices since it will be the last before
harmonization and the application of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Hypothesis Development
The central research question which is being addressed by this project can be presented as
What is the nature and extent of intellectual capital disclosures by
biotechnology firms and what are the key drivers of voluntary disclosure by
firm managers about intangible firm value?
Traditional accounting disclosure papers focus almost exclusively on formulating research
hypotheses within an Agency Theory conceptual framework, with its overarching themes of
ownership, control, agency, opportunism and cost. This is an entirely appropriate theoretical
framework within which to develop our current set of hypotheses.
Agency theory, probably the central theory to all accounting theory, explains that separation of
ownership and control in companies creates a moral hazard where managers, as agents for
shareholder owners act for their own economic self-interest (Jensen and Meckling, 1976).
Positive accounting theory (PAT) is the branch of accounting theory which attempts to explain
the manager agents behaviour and accounting policy choice decisions. Considering the
economic consequences of particular decisions, with regard to incentive and reward schemes
put in place to motivate and reward them (Deegan, 2005; Watts and Zimmerman, 1986; Zeff,
1978). In the changing global reporting environment today, managers should understand and
address the important economic consequences of not making voluntary disclosures about the
firms intellectual capital base.

Size of the firm

Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

Large companies are often scrutinized by particular stakeholder groups and therefore positive
disclosure practices such as intellectual capital disclosure might be predicted if a firm is
attempting to minimize political costs. This study uses market capitalization as a proxy for
political visibility. In particular, work on the Australian oil and gas industry companies has
shown that size is a significant factor impacting voluntary intellectual capital disclosure (Singh
and VanderZahn, unpublished). However, for Danish IPO prospectuses size was not a
determinant for intellectual capital disclosure (Bukh, Nielsen et al. 2005). Bukh and others
identify an earlier study by Robb et al. (2001) that found prospective and historical nonfinancial disclosures in the annual reports were affected by size and international operations.

Ownership concentration
Another determinant of intellectual capital disclosure that will be analysed here is ownership
concentration. Ownership concentration is a measure of voting power distribution either to the
owners or the managers. Sometimes also measured as the proportion of management ownership,
it represents a motivation for non-financial disclosures to aid alignment of interests between
managers and owners. Low ownership concentration in firms is equated to manager control,
whereas high ownership concentration firms are equated to owner control. Research to date has
contributed conflicting accounts of whether ownership concentration is likely to be a
determinant of intellectual capital disclosure in firm annual reports. For example, a significant
relationship was demonstrated between ownership structure and voluntary segment disclosures
in diversified Australian firms (McKinnon & Dalimunthe, 1993), but Singh and VanderZahns
(unpublished) intellectual capital study confirms Craswell & Taylors (1992) study of voluntary
reserve disclosures, in that there was no significant association with ownership structure.

Board independence
The monitoring ability of the board will depend on its individual members ability to represent
the shareholders by assessing firm activities and controlling the behaviour of firm managers.
The percentage of independent directors on the board and the size of the board have both been
positively associated with measured levels of disclosure in past studies (Craven and Wallace,
2001; Jaggi and Leung, 2006).

Age of the firm

Bukh, Nielson et al. (2005) identify that company age has often been used in previous studies as
a proxy for risk. From this perspective it might be expected that younger companies with less
history will be more reliant upon non-financial disclosures. In other words, prospective
information about earnings will be more useful than limited historical data for investors to value

Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

the firm (Amir and Lev, 1996). In Bukhs study above, they did not find that age was an
explanatory factor for firm intellectual capital disclosures.

Firm leverage
Traditional agency theory also predicts that highly leveraged firms which have significant
obligations under existing debt covenants incur monitoring costs to reach equilibrium between
self-interested managers as agents for external debt-holders (Dhaliwal et al., 1982). The paper of
Watts and Zimmerman (1986) further explains that the more external financing that is employed
by an organization the more management will attempt to use different policies for their own
benefit. While Singh and VanderZahn (unpublished) find there is a significant positive
correlation between oil and gas firm leverage and intellectual capital disclosure they also review
two other papers with contrary results. A positive correlation between firm leverage and
voluntary segment disclosures was found by Bradbury (1992). No relationship was found
between the same two variables measured in New Zealand firms (Chow and Wong-Boren,
The research detailed above has led us to make the following null hypotheses:
HoSize: There is no significant association between the political visibility of
biotechnology firms and the level of voluntary intellectual capital disclosure
measured in the annual report.
HoOwnership: There is no significant association between the voting power
distribution amongst the top twenty shareholders in biotechnology firms and the level
of voluntary intellectual capital disclosure measured in the annual reports.
HoIndependence: There is no significant association between the level of Board
independence in biotechnology firms and the level of voluntary intellectual capital
disclosure measured in the annual report.
HoAge: There is no significant association between the age of the biotechnology firm
and the level of voluntary intellectual capital disclosure measured in the annual

Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

HoLeverage: There is no significant association between the level of responsibility to
external debt providers for biotechnology firm and the level of voluntary intellectual
capital disclosure measured in the annual report.
This paper uses a 78-item disclosure index developed by Bukh, Nielson et al. (2005). The
disclosure index is a method of scoring particular information disclosures using either a one for
yes and zero for no for each item. This categorical record is then converted into a percentage
index of disclosure for each company by dividing the sum of disclosures by the denominator of
total items measured. In the publication by Bukh, Nielson et al. (2005) intellectual capital
disclosures are divided into six categories: employee, customer, information technology,
processes, research and development and strategic statement, which are scored from 27, 14, 5, 8,
9 and 15 individual items, respectively - a total of 78 individual items.
Marston and Shrives review paper (1991) provides a clear outline of why disclosure indices are
a valid empirical method for data collection and measurement of information content in
company annual reports. The early work of Gray and others (Gray et al. 1984) has demonstrated
that scoring annual reports using the methods outline above can give valuable insight to the
level of particular disclosures. There are alternative methods for gathering intellectual capital
information from annual reports (Guthrie et al., 2004, Guthrie et al. 2000) and as a form of
content analysis are equally as valid as the use of a disclosure index. Guthrie and others identify
a number of studies in which intellectual capital information content has been measured in
company annual reports using alternative methods (Bozzolan et al., 2003; Brennan, 2001;
Guthrie et al., 1999, 2003; Olsson, 2001).
Originally data was collected for 102 companies, but after excluding duplicates and outliers, to
satisfy assumptions of normality for linear regression, the final sample of companies for
analysis was n=96. The raw data voluntary intellectual capital disclosure score for each item,
measured as a percentage of the final 96-company sample size, is presented in Appendix 1 for
reference. The cohort of companies had an average age of 12 years in operation from date of
incorporation to the end of the 30 June 2005 financial year; the youngest company had been in
operation for 13 months and the oldest was 47 years. Total revenues from the statement of
financial performance for the 30 June 2005 financial year averaged AUD$ 60 million; the
lowest revenue for a single company was AUD$ 54,000 and the highest was AUD$ 3.25 billion.
The largest employer company of the sample had a global workforce of just over 7,000; the
smallest employer company had just a handful of employees. Companies of the sample had an

Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

average market capitalization of AUD$ 158 million; the lowest for a single company was
AUD$ 1.7 million and the highest was AUD$ 6.34 billion. Share market data at the time of
writing of this paper revealed that all listed biotechnology stocks represented only about 3% of
equity market capitalization in Australia.
The approach in this study was to start with a valid instrument with a reasonably detailed item
checklist of potential intellectual capital disclosures. This instrument and a range of possible
independent variable data fields were constructed into a data collection worksheet. In total, five
research staff were employed to collect the data with any one individuals maximum and
minimum contribution being 13% and 36%, respectively. After the data collection worksheet
was reviewed, each research staff member was given two company annual reports to score. The
scoring of the initial reports from each individual was reviewed for consistency. If there was a
significant difference in the IC disclosure index without adequate explanation, the collection
worksheet was reviewed and that individual given another two reports to score. After some
consistency was achieved, individuals were given batches of ten reports to score and return for
data entry. Separate analysis of data from the 36% and 21% of the sample companies which
were collected by two different individuals showed similar correlation and relationships for the
regression model as for the whole sample (data not shown). This gives a high degree of
confidence in the overall result for the sample and reduces the likelihood that differences in
scoring method for any one individual collector are a contributing factor to the results in this
Since the annual reports are the main communication channel for Australian listed companies,
this study will focus on the intellectual capital disclosures in the 2005 financial year end annual
reports. Annual reports are widely distributed and publicly available, and the voluntary
disclosures made in the annual reports are at the discretion of management.

As such,

information that is disclosed by other means, such as on the company web-site, is not included
in this study.
Measure of Intellectual Capital disclosure (Dependent variable)
The 78-item disclosure index originally developed by Bukh, Nielson et al. (2005) to measure
intellectual capital disclosures in Danish company IPO prospectuses is used in this study. The
percentage of the disclosure index as a total is calculated in accordance with the following
formula which was presented in the above publication.
Score = ( di/M) x 100%


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology


Score = Disclosure index dependent variable (ICDIndex, in this study)

di = expresses item i when the items value is 1 with disclosure and 0 when there was no
M is 78 which is the total number of items being measured.
Bukh, Nielsen et al. (2005) refer to support for the conclusion that an extensive list of items
scored in this fashion can be ranked equally since an extensive list of items results in gradual
equalization (Firth, 1979), and other studies have found in cases like this that weighting
produces little difference in the final results (Chow and Wong-Boren, 1987).
Measures of independence, age, ownership concentration and leverage (Independent
Factors affecting firm disclosures were identified through Agency Theory. Variables used to
capture each independent variable are discussed below.

The independence of the board of directors of the biotechnology companies was measured by
the number of independent directors on the board in the 2005 financial year as a percentage of
total number of directors of the company. This data was available from the second item in the
Australian companys corporate governance statement, and is a mandatory annual report
disclosure required by the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) listing rules (Structure the board to
add value).

The age of the companies were measured in months from the date of incorporation to the end of
the 2005 financial year which for most of the companies was 30 June 2005. Only six of ninetysix companies in the final sample had a year end date other than 30th June 2005.

Ownership concentration
The ownership concentration in each company was measured as the percentage of total shares
on issue that were held by the twenty largest shareholders. This was measured shortly after the
end of the 2005 financial year.



Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

The level of external financing of the companies was measured by the ratio of total liabilities
over total assets at the end of the 2005 financial year.
Measure of size (Control variable)
There is no definitive measure of political visibility but size has been used as a proxy for
political visibility in a number of empirical studies, and measures of size which have been
applied include total assets, total sales and in the case of this study market capitalization
(Astami & Tower, 2006; Bowen et al 1981; Watts & Zimmerman, 1986).
Table I provide a description of the dependent, independent and control variables measured and
analysed in this study.
take in Table I
Data analyses
The data collected for this study was analysed through the use of bivariate correlation and linear
regression analysis using SPSS version 14.0 software. Backward regression analysis is used to
test the hypotheses. The main regression model is:
ICDIIndexj =

j + 1%Top20Shj + 2LnLeveragej + 3LnAgej + 4Ln%Indepj +

5LnMarkCapj + j

%Top20Sh = percentage of shares owned by the 20 largest shareholders of the company at 2005
year end;
LnLeverage = natural log of total liabilities over total assets of the company at 2005 year end;
LnAge = natural log of the age of the company in months from the date of incorporation to the
last day of the companys 2005 financial year;
Ln%Indep = natural log of the percentage of Board directors that were independent in the 2005
year; and
LnMarkCap = natural log of the market capitalization of the company at 2005 year end.
j = the coefficient on the intercept term;
j = the coefficients 1 through 5 on the independent and control variables; and
j = the error term.


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

Descriptive statistics
Table II reports the descriptive statistics for the study. The mean (median) level of intellectual
capital disclosure for the Australian biotechnology firms studied is 14.96% (median 14.10%)
with the maximum and minimum level of disclosure for individual firms being 38.5% and 1.3%,
respectively. Individual item measures are recorded in Appendix A.

The intellectual capital disclosure index is the sum of the firms disclosure in six areas, namely
employees, customers, information technology, processes, research development and strategic
statement. The mean levels of disclosure for the six measures of voluntary intellectual capital
disclosure was 2.96%, 1.44%, 0.15%, 1.67%, 3.99% and 4.78%, respectively. Intellectual
capital disclosures relating to employees, research and development and strategic statement are
the highest and customer and information technology items scored lowest. It is interesting to
compare our results with those of the Danish pharmaceutical and research IPO prospectuses
(Bukh et al., 2005) where the mean disclosure index of intellectual capital was 27.6% for n=7.
In this study, another industry group equivalent that was studied also had a high index compared
to the current: IT and technology companies in Bukh et al. (2005) were 33% for n=17. The
nature of prospective information in the IPOs releases might explain the difference. Of the 96
Australian companies in the sample, 87 recorded no information technology IC, 31 recorded no
customer IC, 30 recorded no processes IC, 26 recorded no employee IC, but only 10 recorded
no research and development IC and 8 recorded no strategic statement IC.

The mean LnMarkCap of the companies was 10.24 or an absolute value of AUD $158 million
with the largest company in the sample having a market capitalization at 30 June 2005 of AUD
$6,342 million and the smallest AUS$1.8 million. The mean LnAge of the companies was 4.64
or an absolute value of 145 months or 12 years, the oldest company was 47 years and the
youngest was 1 year at the 2005 financial year end. The mean Ln%Indep of the companies was
3.38 or an absolute value of 46% with a maximum level of board independence measured at
80% and minimum 0%. It should be noted that the average level of board independence was low
considering an ASX Corporate Governance Requirement for a majority of independent
take in Table II


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology


Correlation matrix analysis

Table III presents the Pearson bivariate correlation matrix. The significant and positive
relationship between ICDIndex and Ln%Indep (r =0.238, p = 0.020) is consistent with the
expectation that firms with a larger number of independent directors conduct more thorough
monitoring and analysis of managers activities and serve a more effective watch-dog function
over the presentation of non-financial information in the reports. The positive correlation
between ICDIndex and LnAge (r = 0.249, p=0.014) is consistent with the proposition that
biotechnology firms which have been incorporated for a longer period of time will disclose
more voluntary intellectual capital information. It might be expected that with a mean age of
only 12 years the 96 sample companies on average would be more reliant on intellectual capital
disclosures than older companies. This finding does not support the proposition that nonfinancial disclosures will be more useful as a tool for younger companies to inform market
participants about their future permanent income prospects (Amir and Lev, 1996).
A significant correlation is also found between ICDIndex and LnLeverage (r=0.207, p= 0.043),
supporting the notion that the more highly leveraged firms may provide greater disclosure of
information to minimise their agency costs of debt (Dhaliwal et al., 1982). This paper
corroborates the findings of Singh and VanderZahn (Curtin University, unpublished) in the oil
and gas industry where a significant positive correlation was demonstrated between leverage
and the levels of voluntary intellectual capital disclosure. Although less applicable to the current
scenario, but also related to voluntary disclosure: Bradbury (1992) found a positive correlation
between firm leverage and voluntary segment disclosures.
Significant and positive correlations between independent and control variables are noted.
LnMarkCap is positively and significantly correlated with LnAge which is entirely expected
(r=0.227, p=0.026). Multicollinearity is not a concern in this study as the maximum Pearson
correlation values are below the critical value of 0.8 (Hair, et al., 1995; Greene, 1999).

take in Table III

Multiple Regression Analysis Results
Table IV presents the results of the multiple regression analysis based on the following General
Linear Model.


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

ICDIIndexj = j + 1%Top20Shj + 2LnLeveragej + 3LnAgej + 4Ln%Indepj + 5LnMarkCapj + j

The results of backward linear regression analysis between ICDIndex and the independent
variables in the above model indicate that coefficient for LnLeverage (p=0.059) is moderately
significant when compared with ICDIndex. This finding is consistent with expectations,
supporting the hypothesis that highly leveraged firms disclose more voluntary intellectual
capital information because it may reduce monitoring costs and agency costs of debt to balance
the opposing needs of managers and debt-holders (Dhaliwal et al., 1982). Supporting the board
independence hypothesis, the regression results show that there is a very significant relationship
between Ln%Indep and ICDIndex (p=0.030). The significance of this result indicates that the
structure of the board in these biotechnology companies is a factor in determining the level of
intellectual capital disclosures. As outlined in the hypothesis section earlier the structure of the
board is of vital significance to assessing firm activities and controlling managers behaviour.
So it appears that the level of board independence in biotechnology companies is an important
determining factor in the firms levels of voluntary intellectual capital disclosure (Craven and
Wallace, 2001; Jaggi and Leung, 2006).
take in Table IV
The most significant result of the regression is that the relationship of size (LnMarkCap) and
ICDIndex was demonstrated to a high level (p<0.000). To further investigate the effect of size,
the dataset was separated into large and small firms. Firms whose LnMarkCap is equal to or
above the mean are considered large, while firms that fall below the mean are small firms. A
backwards regression was conducted to identify the relationship between the independent and
dependent variable. The General Linear Model used is:
ICDIIndexj = j + 1%Top20Shj + 2LnLeveragej + 3LnAgej + 4Ln%Indepj + j

The results shown in Table V indicate that the model proposed is only relevant for large
biotechnology firms. Board independence (Ln%Indep) and leverage (LnLeverage) were both
statistically significant only for the companies with LnMarkCap greater than or equal to the
mean, indicating that an increase in board independence and leverage is associated with an
increase in the disclosure of intellectual capital items in the annual report for large firms only.
take in Table V


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

Biotechnology companies are a fascinating example of firms with intangible value. Some of the
more interesting intangible assets which make these firms special are: a skilled workforce;
highly collegial R&D-oriented culture; public benevolent motivations and outcomes;
developing intellectual property; proprietary techniques and IT applications; and, highly
innovative strategic alliances.
The results of this research project, investigating the intellectual capital disclosures of
Australias youthful biotechnology industry are informative for the preparers of non-financial
information in these organizations. If they can be summarised generally, the statistical analysis
demonstrated that there are significant differences in the key drivers for intellectual capital
disclosures by listed biotechnology firms in Australia. More specifically, the firm leverage,
board independence and firm size were determinants for the level of voluntary intellectual
capital disclosure that these firms were making in their 2005 year end annual reports. Prior
research has demonstrated that the quality of communication with capital markets is important
to firms because managements interpretations and those of capital markets can vary
significantly (Eccles and Mavrinac, 1995). The voluntary disclosures that are contained within
formalised intellectual capital statements and other disclosures should be valuable information
for capital markets. There has even been some very recent progress in research which advises
stakeholders in methods of interpretation for the information contained within firm intellectual
capital statements (Nielsen et al., 2006). What meaning can be attributed to the content of
intellectual capital disclosures is otherwise outside the considerations of this paper.
This investigation has demonstrated that Australias biotechnology companys generally
disclose less about intellectual capital in their annual reports than could be expected from the
results of prior research (Bukh et al., 2005). There is strong positive correlations between the
level of voluntary intellectual capital disclosures and board independence, firm age, firm size
and the level of leverage. There was no correlation between disclosure practice and the level of
ownership concentration indicating that institutional shareholders may not be lobbying
management and the board for greater accountability. The relationship between the above
correlations was further investigated in the large and small biotechnology companies and it was
discovered that board independence and leverage were only determinants of intellectual capital
disclosure in large biotechnology firms. This is an interesting result in the light of Bukh et al.
(2005) recent findings for Danish IPO prospectuses. Danish IPOs measure on average 2-fold
more intellectual capital disclosures in the IT, pharmaceuticals and research industry group than
was recorded here for Australian biotechnology company annual reports. Direct comparison of


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

the statistical measures formulated in Bukh et al. (2005) is probably not valid because of
significant differences in the objectives of annual reporting voluntary disclosures (measured
here) and the capital-raising voluntary disclosures in a prospectus. A reasonable expectation
would be that management motivation for voluntary intellectual capital disclosures in a
prospectus is likely to be much stronger than for the relatively conservative annual reporting
process of firms investigated during this study.
Another contributing fact to the higher levels of disclosure in prospectuses might derive from
considering regulatory concessions allowed for the IPO process. The low ICDIndex score in this
study are consistent with the findings of Singh and VanderZahn (Curtin University,
unpublished) for the Australian oil and gas industry.
These results clearly indicate that Australian biotechnology firms as a whole are organizations
which do not disclose intellectual capital information well. The emphasis is on disclosure of
information about strategy and research and development activity, and in organizations which
rely heavily on highly-educated and skilful employees there is comparatively little disclosure of
employee-related items. This might partly be explained by a desire that the firms have to protect
this intangible knowledge base from the attention of potential rivals, and takeover or poaching
The overall implications of our findings are that smaller biotechnology companies managers
are not motivated by external debt-providers demands to make voluntary disclosures about
intangible firm-value. In contrast external debt-providers were demonstrated to bring pressure
upon the management of large biotechnology companies. Predictably, large biotechnology
companies boards were better able to establish board independence which was shown to link
back to more comprehensive intellectual capital reporting.
Because this study has been conducted exclusively with Australian biotechnology companies it
is important to emphasize the potential impact any Australian regulation may have had upon the
financial reporting process which was analysed. In the introduction above we discussed the
usefulness of the new ASX AusBiotech, Code of Best Practice for Reporting by Life Science
Companies, which was launched late in 2005. The requirements of this Code have not affected
the current study because of its release date, but more importantly appear restricted in their
application to mandatory continuous disclosure of material items as required by the ASX
Listing Rule 3.1. In this study we have examined annual report disclosures so these guidelines


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

would not affect the comparison of our findings with other studies. The Introduction to this
paper identifies that regulation of Intellectual Capital reporting is still relatively rare; to the
authors knowledge mandatory disclosures are required only for Austrian public-sector
universities and French high-market capitalization companies.
It is important to stress that this study has been conducted on a company annual reporting period
for one year. A future longitudinal study is planned to discount the possibility that the results
collated for this paper were subject to error because of sampling from only one financial year.
Future Research
An interesting recommendation for further research would be to investigate some of the other
drivers of intangible value for biotechnology and research and development intensive firms. For
example, can effective firm-level intellectual property management practices be correlated with
high-level voluntary intellectual capital disclosures? In other words, how do particular
intangible assets management practices contribute to a firm culture of open, honest and
informative reporting of intangible value? It will be fascinating to find out.
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Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology

Table I. Description of all dependent, independent and control variables measured and
analysed during the course of this study

Variable Description


The original 78-item disclosure index measured as a composite of

employee, customer, information technology, procedures, research and
development and strategic statement measures (Bukh, Nielsen et al. 2005).


The percentage of shares owned by the 20 largest shareholders of the

company at 2005 year end.


The natural log of total assets/total liabilities of the company at 2005 year


The natural log of the age of the company from the date of incorporation to
the last day of the companys 2005 financial year.


As a proxy for corporate governance effort: The natural log of the

percentage of Board directors that were independent (Independent
directors/Total directors) in the 2005 year.


As a proxy for size: the natural log of the Market Capitalization of the
company on the last day of the companys 2005 financial year.


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology Companies

Table II. Descriptive Statistics of Dependent and Independent Variables

Std. Error of Mean
Std. Deviation








































































































































# There were too few biotechnology firms measuring IT disclosures to make ICDIit a valid measure.


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology Companies

Table III. All Companies - Pearson bivariate correlation matrix of independent and dependent
Correlations All companies (n=96)

Sig. (2-tailed)
































Sig. (2-tailed)




Sig. (2-tailed)



Sig. (2-tailed)



Sig. (2-tailed)





Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology Companies

Table IV. All Companies - Backwards regression analysis of all biotechnology firms.
General Model Equation: ICDIIndexj =

j + 1%Top20Shj + 2LnLeveragej + 3LnAgej +

4Ln%Indepj + 5LnMarkCapj + j



















Summary: N=96, R2 = 0.230, Adj R2 = 0.205, F = 9.151, Sig=0.000


Drivers of Voluntary Intellectual Capital Disclosure in Listed Biotechnology Companies

Table V. Backwards regression analysis of firm size.
General Model Equation: ICDIIndexj =j + 1%Top20Shj + 2LnLeveragej + 3LnAgej + 4Ln%Indepj

+ j

Above mean large firms

Below mean small firms



















Model Summary:





Adj R









Australian Listed Biotechnology Companies



Appendix A Raw Data Collected for n = 96 Companies

Employees (27 items)


Employee expenses by number of employees


Recruitment policies of the firm


Separate indication firm has a HRM department,


division or function



Job rotation opportunities


Employee breakdown by age


Career opportunities


Employee breakdown by seniority


Remuneration and incentive systems



Employee breakdown by gender





Employee breakdown by nationality


Insurance policies



Employee breakdown by department


Statements of dependence on key personnel


Employee breakdown by job function


Revenues per employee


Employee breakdown by level of education


Value added per employee


Rate of employee turnover


Comments on changes in the number of employees



Comment on employee health and safety


Number of customers


Employee absenteeism rate


Sales breakdown by customer


Discussion of employee interviews


Annual sales per segment or product



Statements of policy on competency development


Average purchase size by customer


Description of competency development programs


Dependence on key customers



Description of customer involvement in firms operations


Description of customer relations


Education/training of customers

and activities

Education and training expenses


Education and training expenses by number of

Customers (14 items)

Page 29

Australian Listed Biotechnology Companies



Ratio of customers to employees


Value added per customer or segment



Absolute market share (%) of the firm within its industry


Rel. mkt share (not expressed as percentage) of the firm


Market share (%) breakdown by country, segm, prod



Information Technology (IT) (5 items)


Environmental approvals and statements/policies


Research & Development (R&D) (9 items)


Statements of policy, strategy and/or objectives of R&D



R&D expenses



Ratio of R&D expenses to sales


R&D invested into basic research


Description of investments in IT


R&D invested into product design and development


Description of existing IT systems


Details of future prospects regarding R&D



Software assets held or developed by the firm


Details of existing company patents



Description of IT facilities


Number of patents and licenses etc.



IT expenses


Information on pending patents


Strategic statement (15 items)

Processes (8 items)

Information and communication within the company



Description of new production technology



Efforts related to the working environment.


Statements of corporate quality performance



Working from home


Information about strategic alliances of the firm



Internal sharing of knowledge and information



Objectives and reason for strategic alliances



External sharing of knowledge and information



Comments on the effects of the strategic alliances



Measure of internal or external processing failures


Description of the network of suppliers and distributors



Discussion of fringe benefits and company social


Statements of image and brand



Corporate culture statements


Page 30

Australian Listed Biotechnology Companies



Statements about best practises



Organisational structure of the firm



Utilization of energy, raw materials and other input goods


Investment in the environment


Description of community involvement


Information on corporate social responsibility and


Description of employee contracts/contractual issues


Page 31

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