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Fierce 5

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"Fierce 5" Novice Routine
I decided to design "Fierce 5" because I wasn't completely satisfied with any of
the other novice programs that are so popular. In my opinion they all had a fla
w or two (slow progression, high volume, low enough volume people lose interest
and most of them lack what I'd consider proper balance), albeit small inadequaci
es in most cases.
Fierce 5 is comprised of 5 simple workouts (supersets combined) that should take
just over an hour to complete including stretching and warmups. You will be wor
king out 3 nonconsecutive days a week and alternating between workouts A & B. Ex
: Mon-A, Tues-Rest, Wed-B, Thur-Rest, Fri-A, Sat-Rest, Sun-Rest, Mon-B... etc. E
ach week you'll add 5 lbs to all of your upper body lifts* and 10lbs to all of y
our lower body lifts.
*Reverse flies will increase 5lbs per month and should never increase over 15lbs
per hand if using DBs, leg curls (if subbed) will increase 5lbs per week and ab
work increases in reps (try adding a few reps each week.) If you are unable to
increase weight in these increments due to equipment limitations then, for that
exercise only, increase weight every other week. For the exercises in the 5 rep
range add 1 rep per set during the weeks you aren't increasing weight. For exerc
ises in the 8-15 range add 2 reps per set during weeks you aren't increasing wei
This is a question I'm repeatedly asked so here is a progression example:
Monday-Squat-200, Bench-150
Wednesday-RDL-200, Incline-100
Friday-Squat-200, Bench-150
Weekend of rest
Monday-RDL-210, Incline-105
Wednesday-Squat-210, Bench-155
Friday-RDL-210, Incline-105
Workout A
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Pendlay Rows 3x8
Face Pulls 3x10
Calf raises 2x15/Tricep pressdowns 2x10 Superset
Workout B
Front Squat 3x5
Overhead Press 3x5
Romanian Deadlift 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8
Ab work 2x15/Bicep curls 2x10 Superset (I don't care what ab work you do)
Acceptable Substitutions
Face Pulls-Reverse Flies
Tricep pressdowns-overhead extensions, skull crushers... etc. (basically any tri
cep isolation exercise)
Lat Pulldowns-Any form of pull/chin up. You'll need a dip belt to add weight. (Y
ou need a pull from above your head)
Overhead Press-Incline Bench
Pendlay Rows-Any horizontal pull to the chest with a wide grip and elbows at 45
degrees. NOT BOR. See FAQ.
Bench-Decline bench, dips (leaning forward) You'll need a dip belt to add weight
Front Squat/RDL-You have to swap both for a Deadlift and a leg curl. This isn't

an either or kind of substitution.

Front Squat-Paused back squats
Warmups- Before your compound lifts (Squat, Bench, Rows, Front Squat, Incline, R
omanian Deadlift and Lat Pulldowns) you should do at least one warmup set. As mo
nths roll by you'll begin adding more weight to the bar and you'll need to incre
ase the number of warm up sets for some exercises. Ex: For a 135lb squat you mig
ht do 1 warm up set of 95lbs, but for a 315lb squat you might warm up with 135,
225 and 275. Warmups are used to get your muscles ready to work; they should not
fatigue you. This means if your work set is 50lbs, your warmup set should be do
wn around 25 or 30lbs.
Stretching routines: These aren't a must, but will assist you in staying healthy
and injury free. They don't take very long at all and are dynamite when it come
s to improving and maintaining your mobility. I do them directly before each wor

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