Fabric Spreading - Types of Fabric Spreading - Requirements of Spreading Process
Fabric Spreading - Types of Fabric Spreading - Requirements of Spreading Process
Fabric Spreading - Types of Fabric Spreading - Requirements of Spreading Process
Fabric Spreading:
This is a preparatory operation for cutting and consists of lay ing plies of cloth one on top of the other in a
predetermined direction and relationship between the right and wrong sides of the cloth. The composition of
each spread i.e. the number of plies of each color is obtained from the cut order plan. Number of plies depends
Fabric spreading
up in steps, with all the plies in one step hav ing the
same length. A stepped spread is generally used when the quantities to be cut precludes the use of a flat spread.
The cut order plan details the colors and ply lengths for a stepped spread, if it is needed.
y pes 11/29/12
of Fabric Spreading | Requirements of Spreading Process - Textile Learner
4. Correct ply tension- ply tension must be uniform and as much less as possible.
5. Av oidance of distortion in the spread during cutting- poly thene sheets are used under the bottom ply
to resist friction of the bottom ply with the base plate of the knife.
6. Fabrics m ust be flat and free from any crinkle & crease- these cause defect in garments due to
v ariation in dimension.
7 . Checks and stripes should be matched.
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