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United States v. Hood, 615 F.3d 1293, 10th Cir. (2010)

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United States Court of Appeals

Tenth Circuit

August 17, 2010


Elisabeth A. Shumaker
Clerk of Court





No. 09-4156




(D.C. No. 1:07-CR-00078-DS-1)
Jill Wichlens, Assistant Federal Public Defender (Raymond P. Moore, Federal
Public Defender, on the brief), Denver, Colorado, for Defendant-Appellant. *
Stephen J. Sorenson, Assistant United States Attorney (Carlie Christensen, Acting
United States Attorney, with him on the brief), Salt Lake City, Utah, for PlaintiffAppellee.
Before TYMKOVICH, SEYMOUR, and HOLMES, Circuit Judges.

HOLMES, Circuit Judge.


We GRANT Mr. Hoods motion to substitute Assistant Federal

Public Defender Jill Wichlens for Assistant Federal Public Defender Vicki
Mandell-King, but note that Ms. Mandell-King argued this matter before us.

Defendant-Appellant John McAllister Hood was convicted after a jury trial

of possession with intent to distribute fifty grams or more of actual
methamphetamine in violation of 21 U.S.C. 841(a)(1). Before trial, Mr. Hood
had sought to dismiss the indictment against him based on the governments
destruction of evidence, but the district court denied his motion. After the jury
rendered its guilty verdict, Mr. Hood also challenged a document filed by the
government, called a Notice of Intent to Enhance Punishment pursuant to 21
U.S.C. 851 (Enhancement Information). The Enhancement Information was
supposed to notify Mr. Hood of the governments intention to seek enhanced
penalties for certain prior drug convictions. Mr. Hood challenged the
Enhancement Information on the grounds that it contained incorrect information
as to the court and place of conviction for one of his prior drug convictions. The
district court rejected Mr. Hoods challenge to the Enhancement Information,
granted the governments motion to correct the error contained therein, and
sentenced Mr. Hood to life imprisonment pursuant to 21 U.S.C.
841(b)(1)(A)(viii) and 851.
Mr. Hood now appeals, arguing: (1) the district court should have
dismissed the indictment against him because the government destroyed
potentially exculpatory evidence, which deprived him of due process; (2) in the
alternative, the district court should have imposed sanctions on the government


for such destruction; (3) the district court should not have sentenced him to life
imprisonment because the Enhancement Information contained a non-clerical,
prejudicial error; and (4) based on Mr. Hoods statements about defense counsel
at his sentencing hearing, the district court should have inquired sua sponte into
Mr. Hoods relationship with defense counsel to investigate a possible conflict.
We exercise jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1291 and AFFIRM.
I. Background
Officers from the Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force, a multijurisdictional unit based in Ogden City, Utah, arrested Stacy Wilbert on
September 14, 2006. Ms. Wilbert had been working for police as a confidential
informant, but they discovered she had continued to use and sell
methamphetamine. Upon her arrest, Ms. Wilbert gave officers permission to
search her home, where they discovered thirteen bags of methamphetamine that
weighed a total of 32.2 grams. Ms. Wilbert then identified Mr. Hood as her
supplier and agreed to call Mr. Hood to arrange for a drug deal. 2 In order to
avoid causing Mr. Hood to become suspicious, Ms. Wilbert informed the officers
that she would order the same amount of methamphetamine from Mr. Hood that
she always purchased from him. R., Vol. III, Pt. 1, at 147 (Jury Trial, dated

Numerous recorded conversations took place between Ms. Wilbert

and Mr. Hood, but the computer files containing the recordings were accidentally
erased. Although Mr. Hood challenged the destruction of that evidence in his
pre-trial Motion to Dismiss, he does not challenge its destruction on appeal.

Apr. 29, 2009). This regular amount, id., was a quarter of a pound, or
approximately 113 grams.
Mr. Hood arrived at Ms. Wilberts home carrying a backpack. Officers
took the backpack from him, whereupon he stated I am fucked. Id. at 109.
Inside his backpack, officers found a large amount of white crystal substance that
a presumptive field test identified was 542 grams of methamphetamine. The
drugs were contained inside of five plastic bags. Mr. Hood admitted to officers
that he was a large scale dealer and that he had several Mexican connections.
Id. at 112; accord id. at 153. He also admitted that he owned the
methamphetamine found in his backpack.
An officer later combined the drugs from the five plastic bags found in Mr.
Hoods backpack into a separate bag and sent that bag to the crime lab for testing.
At the crime lab, the drugs were found to have a net weight of 526 grams.
Testing also revealed that the drugs were 90.6% pure methamphetamine, meaning
that out of the net 526 grams, 476.5 grams were pure methamphetamine. The
government does not dispute that the five plastic bags later were destroyed. The
drugs that law enforcement obtained from Mr. Hood were released later to a K-9
unit and then subsequently returned for use in his prosecution. 3

The drugs were mistakenly released to the K-9 unit. The secretary
for the Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force was notified that the case against
Ms. Wilbert had terminated and that she was the only defendant connected to the
drugs. The secretary in turn notified the Ogden City Police Department that the

On August 8, 2007, a federal grand jury charged Mr. Hood by a singlecount indictment with possession with intent to distribute fifty grams or more of
actual methamphetamine in violation of 21 U.S.C. 841(a)(1). Mr. Hood
thereafter filed a Motion to Dismiss and/or For Other Relief for Destruction of
Evidence and Request for Hearing on September 12, 2008. He argued in relevant
part that the government impermissibly combined the drugs from each of the five
bags into one container and destroyed the bags. As a result, he contended, he was
unable to test the amount of pure methamphetamine seized from him. Mr. Hood
also argued that the officers in the Ogden City Police Department destroyed the
chain of custody as to the methamphetamine when they released the drugs to a K9 training unit. He alleged that those actions violated his due process rights under
California v. Trombetta, 467 U.S. 479 (1984), and Arizona v. Youngblood, 488
U.S. 51 (1988).
The district court held an evidentiary hearing on the motion and received
post-hearing memoranda. It denied Mr. Hoods motion to dismiss, holding that
Defendant fail[ed] to establish what the apparent exculpatory
value of the destroyed evidence is or that the destroyed
evidence would exculpate him. Field tests and Crime lab
reports establish the presence of methamphetamine and witness

evidence was no longer needed and could be destroyed. Rather than being
destroyed, the drugs were released for K-9 training; the drugs were useful for
training purposes because they had been identified as a particular quantity of
methamphetamine. Subsequently, officers became aware that they needed the
evidence for Mr. Hoods case and the drugs were returned.

testimony establishes Defendants possession. . . .

At most, Defendants position amounts to an argument
that the destroyed evidence would be potentially useful.
However, the Court finds that Defendant has not presented any
evidence of bad faith and, therefore, has failed to meet his
burden of establishing that the government acted in bad faith
as required under Youngblood.
Suppl. R., Vol. I, at 73 (Mem. Decision & Order, dated Jan. 13, 2009) (footnote
omitted). The case proceeded to trial.
Mr. Hoods trial commenced on April 29, 2009. At trial, Mr. Hood argued
that there was a reasonable doubt as to whether he possessed fifty grams or more
of methamphetamine. He theorized that police had added the methamphetamine
found in Ms. Wilberts home to that found in his backpack to total fifty grams or
more. At the close of the governments case, Mr. Hood moved for a judgment of
acquittal, which was denied. In denying that motion, the district court held that I
think the evidence is clear . . . that what was retrieved from [Ms. Wilbert] and
what was retrieved from the defendant was separated, and I see no reason not to
allow this matter to be submitted to the jury. R., Vol. III, Pt. 2, at 298 (Jury
Trial, dated Apr. 30, 2009). Mr. Hood presented no witnesses and the jury
adjudged him guilty of the single-count indictment.
Well before trial, on January 4, 2008, the government had filed an
Enhancement Information, notifying Mr. Hood that he could be subject to
increased punishment due to two prior drug convictions. Those prior convictions


were identified as follows: (1) conviction of the illegal possession/use of

controlled substance, a third-degree felony, obtained in Salt Lake Third District
Court, Salt Lake County, case number 981900910; and (2) conviction of the
illegal possession/use of a controlled substance, a third-degree felony, obtained in
Davis County Court, case number 061700272.
One of Mr. Hoods arguments on appeal arises from the governments
incorrect identification of the court and place of conviction in case number
981900910. That undisputed error came to light in the following way: After Mr.
Hoods conviction in this case, the Probation Office prepared a Presentence
Report (PSR). The PSR concluded that the 851 enhancement dictated that a
mandatory minimum sentence of life imprisonment be imposed upon Mr. Hood.
He objected to that conclusion, challenging the Enhancement Informations
reference to his conviction as being obtained in Salt Lake Third District Court,
Salt Lake County, case number 981900910. Mr. Hood explained that
Case Number 981900910 in the Third Judicial District Court,
Salt Lake County, is the matter of State of Utah v. Michael
Royce Jackson, a Class C Misdemeanor, Criminal Trespass
matter. . . . [In] the Second Judicial District, Ogden District
there is a case entitled State of Utah v. John M. Hood, Case
No. 981900910, for which further investigation is being
conducted. However, the designated case specifically set forth
by the government in its notice is not an appropriate predicate
offense for a life sentence pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 851.
Suppl. R., Vol. IV, at 79 (Def.s Position as to Sentencing Factors, filed July 9,

In response, the government filed a Motion to Correct Clerical Error, in

which it sought to amend a clerical mistake in the Enhancement
Informationviz., to change the court and place of conviction in case number
981900910 from Salt Lake Third District Court, Salt Lake County to Second
District Court, Weber County. Id. at 84 (Mot. Correct Clerical Error, filed July 9,
2009); see also id. at 86 (Position of Party with Respect to Sentencing Factors,
filed July 13, 2009). The government argued that Mr. Hood had been given
reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard under 851 because he had been
given a copy of his criminal history record on August 24, 2007, and this copy
contained the correct court and place of conviction in case number 981900910.
Moreover, after its filing of the Enhancement Information, on August 5, 2008, the
government had provided a copy of the relevant police report in that case to Mr.
Hood. As a result, the government believed that [t]he defendant was, without
question, well aware of the conviction intended to be used for the enhancement
and amendment to eliminate the clerical error [wa]s appropriate. Id. at 130
(Govt Resp. to Def.s Sentencing Mem., filed July 20, 2009).
At Mr. Hoods sentencing hearing, defense counsel did not dispute that Mr.
Hood had received an accurate copy of his criminal history record and the police
report from case number 981900910, but argued that the incorrect court and place
of conviction in the Enhancement Information was not a clerical error that could
be corrected under 851(a)(1). The court disagreed and granted the

governments motion to correct the error. Toward the conclusion of that hearing,
defense counsel noted that in challenging an Enhancement Information, it was
possible to challenge the underlying convictions themselves as to whether or not
the defendant is the individual who was charged and convicted and whether or not
they were represented by counsel and adequately protected by [sic] their
constitutional rights. Suppl. R., Vol. VII, at 113 (Sentencing Hrg, dated July
22, 2009). However, defense counsel declined to raise such a challenge, stating
that I have conducted that investigation and have intentionally elected not to
raise that motion. Id.
The district court proceeded to sentence Mr. Hood to a term of life
imprisonment under 21 U.S.C. 841(b)(1)(A)(viii) and 851, and to 120 months
supervised release. This appeal timely followed.
II. Discussion
Mr. Hood raises four challenges to his conviction and sentence. We
address each in turn.
A. Youngblood Challenge
Mr. Hood does not deny that he had methamphetamine in his backpack on
September 14, 2006. Rather, he argues that the district court should have
dismissed the indictment against him because the government destroyed
potentially exculpatory evidence. More specifically, Mr. Hood challenges law
enforcements destruction of the plastic bags found in his backpack, law

enforcements combination of the individually bagged methamphetamine into one

aggregate amount of drugs, and its decision to send the methamphetamine to the
K-9 training unit.
According to Mr. Hood, without that evidence, he was unable to pursue
effectively his defense that he did not possess fifty or more grams of
methamphetamine, but possessed a lesser amount. 4 As he argued at trial, Mr.
Hood theorizes on appeal that if some of the bags alleged to have been found in
his backpack had already been at Stacy Wilberts house, and if the bags properly
attributed to him contained less than 50 grams of actual methamphetamine, he
could not have been convicted of violating 21 U.S.C. 841([b])(1)(A)(viii).
Aplt. Reply Br. at 2.
Mr. Hood contends that, had the evidence at issue not been destroyed, he
would have been able to test the contents of each bag recovered from his
backpack before it was commingl[ed] and that he needed fingerprint analysis
of the bags. Aplt. Opening Br. at 19. He sets forth several hypothetical
mathematical equations to demonstrate that it is at least possible that all of the

The amount of drugs with which Mr. Hood was charged and
convicted, fifty or more grams of actual methamphetamine, is significant under 21
U.S.C. 841(b)(1)(A)(viii). That section provides that if a person possesses with
intent to distribute fifty grams or more of methamphetamine, such person shall
be sentenced to a term of imprisonment which may not be less than 10 years or
more than life and [i]f any person commits such a violation of this
subparagraph . . . after two or more prior convictions for a felony drug offense
have become final, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory term of life
imprisonment without release. 21 U.S.C. 841(b)(1)(A)(viii).

following propositions could be true: the drugs he brought in his backpack, when
combined with the drugs found in Ms. Wilberts home, could have totaled 526
grams; the combination of the purity levels of all the drugs could be 476.5 grams
of actual methamphetamine; and the amount of actual methamphetamine Mr.
Hood carried in his backpack could have been less than fifty grams. He states
that [t]hese hypotheticals are plausible but unprovable, given the negligent
gathering and handling and ultimate destruction of the evidence in this case.
Aplt. Reply Br. at 5. Mr. Hood therefore contends that the governments
destruction of potentially exculpatory evidence violated his due process rights
under Trombetta and Youngblood. However, we disagree.
We begin, as always, by explicating the applicable standard of review. As
we stated in United States v. Smith,
We review a district courts determination that the government
did not destroy potentially exculpatory evidence for clear
error. The inquiry into allegations of prosecutorial bad faith
presents a mixed question of fact and law in which the
quintessential factual question of intent predominates. The
burden is on [the defendant] to show bad faith.
534 F.3d 1211, 122324 (10th Cir. 2008) (citation omitted) (internal quotation
marks omitted).
The district court did not clearly err in concluding that Mr. Hood cannot
establish a due process deprivation under the standards set forth in Trombetta and
Youngblood. Addressing the former, we noted,


For [the] destruction of evidence to rise to the level of

affecting a defendants Due Process rights under California v.
Trombetta, the evidence must both possess an exculpatory
value that was apparent before the evidence was destroyed, and
be of such a nature that the defendant would be unable to
obtain comparable evidence by other reasonably available
United States v. Pearl, 324 F.3d 1210, 1215 (10th Cir. 2003) (internal quotation
marks omitted); accord United States v. Bohl, 25 F.3d 904, 90910 (10th Cir.
1994). In Youngblood, the Supreme Court extended Trombetta to provide that, if
the exculpatory value of the evidence is indeterminate and all that can be
confirmed is that the evidence was potentially useful for the defense, then a
defendant must show that the government acted in bad faith in destroying the
evidence. Bohl, 25 F.3d at 910 (internal quotation marks omitted); accord
Smith, 534 F.3d at 1224; United States v. Beckstead, 500 F.3d 1154, 1158 (10th
Cir. 2007).
Mr. Hood cannot satisfy either test. Initially, Mr. Hood has conceded that
the destroyed evidence was only potentially exculpatory, thereby eliminating any
claim he may have had under Trombetta. Moreover, Mr. Hood cannot succeed
under Youngblood because, even if we assume that the evidence was potentially
exculpatory, Mr. Hood conceded in his Reply Brief and at oral argument that the
officers did not act in bad faith in destroying the evidence. 5 Consequently, his

Although Mr. Hood had argued before the district court that the
officers had acted in bad faith under a conspiracy theory, he now maintains that

Youngblood challenge must necessarily fail. [U]nless a criminal defendant can

show bad faith on the part of the police, failure to preserve potentially useful
evidence does not constitute a denial of due process of law. Youngblood, 488
U.S. at 58; accord Snow v. Sirmons, 474 F.3d 693, 716 (10th Cir. 2007).
Mr. Hood attempts to salvage his claim by contending that we should hold
that bad faith is not required in this case pursuant to Justice Stevenss
concurrence in Youngblood. Justice Stevens provided a sixth vote in Youngblood,
but he only concurred in the judgment. Specifically, he declined to join in the
Youngblood majoritys opinion, reasoning that it announces a proposition of law
that is much broader than necessary to decide this case. 488 U.S. at 60 (Stevens,
J., concurring). In particular, Justice Stevens objected to the majoritys
determination that law enforcements failure to preserve potentially useful
evidence does not amount to a due process violation, unless the defendant can
show that law enforcement acted in bad faith. See id. at 6061. He wrote, [i]n
my opinion, there may well be cases in which the defendant is unable to prove
that the State acted in bad faith but in which the loss or destruction of evidence is
nonetheless so critical to the defense as to make a criminal trial fundamentally
unfair. Id. at 61.
Mr. Hoods reliance on Justice Stevenss concurrence is unavailing for two

the officers acted negligently and us[ed] less than best practices and admits that
they did not act in bad faith. Aplt. Reply Br. at 2.

reasons. First, at the risk of stating the obvious, Justice Stevens was not speaking
for a majority of the Court in Youngblood. Indeed, no other justice joined his
concurrence. We have never applied Justice Stevenss view as controlling
precedent. And we see no tenable basis for doing so here.
Second, even if we could accept the proposition that law enforcement bad
faith is not required in cases where the loss or destruction of evidence is so
critical to the defense as to render the trial fundamentally unfair, we would have
little difficulty concluding on the facts before us that this is not such a case. Mr.
Hoods defense turned in large part on the theory that the police had corruptly
conspired to add the methamphetamine found in Ms. Wilberts home to that found
in Mr. Hoods backpack in order to subject him to the enhanced criminal penalty
associated with possession of fifty or more grams of methamphetamine. To be
critical to that defense, the lost or destroyed evidence would have to be, at the
very least, favorable to Mr. Hood (e.g., reveal Ms. Wilberts fingerprints on the
destroyed plastic bags). But, as Mr. Hood concedes, it was not apparent whether
the evidence would favor the government or the defendant. Aplt. Reply Br. at 7.
Furthermore, Mr. Hood had ample opportunity to advance his defense theory
before the jury in other ways. As the government details in its brief, defense
counsel extensively cross-examined witnesses regarding whether the drugs
obtained from Mr. Hood and Ms. Wilbert were kept separate or (illicitly)
combined. Mr. Hoods counsel challenged the handling of evidence and the chain

of custody, and also vigorously argued the conspiracy theory before the jury.
Thus, the jury was fully apprised of the nature of Mr. Hoods defense, thereby
reducing, or perhaps even eliminating, any prejudice that might otherwise flow
from the absence of the destroyed evidence. Cf. Youngblood, 488 U.S. at 59
(Stevens, J., concurring) ([A]lthough it is not possible to know whether the lost
evidence would have revealed any relevant information, it is unlikely that the
defendant was prejudiced by the States omission. In examining witnesses and in
her summation, defense counsel impressed upon the jury the fact that the State
failed to preserve the evidence and that the State could have conducted tests that
might well have exonerated the defendant. (emphasis added)).
Moreover, on the question of fundamental fairness, as Justice Stevenss
Youngblood analysis suggests, our overriding concern [is] with the justice of the
finding of guilt and a States failure to turn over (or preserve) potentially
exculpatory evidence therefore must be evaluated in the context of the entire
record. Id. at 60 (Stevens, J., concurring) (internal quotation marks omitted).
The record here indicates that the jury would have had little, if any, basis to adopt
Mr. Hoods theory. As the government has argued, There was strong evidence
that Stacy Wilberts drugs and Hoods drugs were handled entirely separately,
never commingled, and that no conspiracy was hatched to add drugs to those
carried by Hood. Aplee. Br. at 30. Furthermore, there was evidence in the
record that Mr. Hood regularly distributed methamphetamine to Ms. Wilbert in

quantities in excess of fifty grams and that, when Mr. Hood was arrested, he was
bringing Ms. Wilbert the regular amount, R., Vol. III, Pt. 1, at 147, of
approximately 113 grams. Consequently, even if we could be guided by Justice
Stevenss concurrence, on the facts of this case, we would conclude that the loss
or destruction of evidence was not so critical to the defense as to make a
criminal trial fundamentally unfair. Youngblood, 466 U.S. at 61 (Stevens, J.,
In sum, we hold that the district court did not clearly err in rejecting Mr.
Hoods claim that his due process rights had been violated under Trombetta and
B. Civil Spoilation Claim
In the event that we were to conclude (as we do) that there was no due
process deprivation, Mr. Hood argues in the alternative that the district court
should have imposed some other sanction on the government for the spoilation of
evidence. He urges us to apply the civil spoilation standard under which a court
may impose certain sanctions even in the absence of bad faith. See Henning v.
Union Pac. R.R. Co., 530 F.3d 1206, 121920 & n.6 (10th Cir. 2008) (A
spoliation sanction is proper where (1) a party has a duty to preserve evidence
because it knew, or should have known, that litigation was imminent, and (2) the
adverse party was prejudiced by the destruction of the evidence. (internal
quotation marks omitted)). Mr. Hood contends that the district court should

have imposed sanctions by excluding government evidence concerning the

quantity of drugs. . . . Had the court done so, Mr. Hood would likely have been
convicted of a lesser-included offense, one that does not carry life imprisonment.
Aplt. Opening Br. at 35; see also Aplt. Reply Br. at 916.
Although Mr. Hood argued in his Reply Brief that this claim was raised
before the district court, defense counsel filed a supplemental authority pursuant
to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 28(j), indicating that this Courts
discussion of plain-error review in United States v. Wardell, 591 F.3d 1279,
129798 (10th Cir. 2009), may be helpful to the Courts resolution of this issue.
Operating with commendable candor, defense counsel then conceded at oral
argument that this claim was not raised below. Accordingly, we review it for
plain error. See Wardell, 591 F.3d at 1297.
Under that rigorous standard, Mr. Hoods argument fails. Id. When
applying plain-error review, we may reverse a district courts ruling only if [the
defendant] demonstrates (1) error (2) that is plain and (3) that affected [his]
substantial rights. If these three elements are met, then we may, in our discretion,
correct an error that seriously affects the fairness, integrity or public reputation of
judicial proceedings. Id. at 129798 (first alteration in original) (internal
quotation marks omitted). Even if we assume arguendo that it was error for the
district court not to apply the civil standard governing the spoilation of evidence
and not to sanction the government for such spoilation, Mr. Hood cannot

establish that such error is plainthat is, obvious and clear. Id. at 1298. [W]e
do not deem an error to be obvious and clear unless it is contrary to current wellsettled lawthat is, to the current law of the Supreme Court or the Tenth
Circuit. Id. (quoting United States v. Taylor, 514 F.3d 1092, 1100 (10th Cir.
2008)). Mr. Hood has cited to no case applying this civil discovery doctrine to
the criminal context and, as a result, he cannot prevail under plain-error review.
C. Error in the Enhancement Information
In his third claim on appeal, Mr. Hood contends that the district court
should not have sentenced him to a mandatory term of life imprisonment because
the governments Enhancement Information contained what he believes to be a
non-clerical, prejudicial errorviz., the Information lists the incorrect court and
place of conviction for one of his predicate prior drug convictions. Accordingly,
Mr. Hood argues that the error could not be corrected prior to sentencing, in the
way that a clerical mistake may be amended under 21 U.S.C. 851(a)(1). The
error, he contends, resulted in his failure to identify the particular conviction
upon which the Enhancement Information relied and Mr. Hood urges us to
conclude that the district court erred by enhancing his sentence. We find that any
error was harmless.
We review de novo the legality of a sentence, including the adequacy of an
information filed under 851. See United States v. Gonzalez-Lerma, 14 F.3d
1479, 1484 (10th Cir. 1994), overruled on other grounds by United States v.

Botero-Ospina, 71 F.3d 783, 787 (10th Cir. 1995); accord United States v. King,
127 F.3d 483, 487 (6th Cir. 1997). Section 851 provides in relevant part that
No person who stands convicted of an offense under this part
shall be sentenced to increased punishment by reason of one or
more prior convictions, unless before trial, or before entry of a
plea of guilty, the United States attorney files an information
with the court (and serves a copy of such information on the
person or counsel for the person) stating in writing the
previous convictions to be relied upon. Upon a showing by the
United States attorney that facts regarding prior convictions
could not with due diligence be obtained prior to trial or before
entry of a plea of guilty, the court may postpone the trial or the
taking of the plea of guilty for a reasonable period for the
purpose of obtaining such facts. Clerical mistakes in the
information may be amended at any time prior to the
pronouncement of sentence.
21 U.S.C. 851(a)(1). A district court cannot impose an enhanced sentence
unless the Government complies with 851(a)s requirements. United States v.
Balderama-Iribe, 490 F.3d 1199, 1204 (10th Cir. 2007).
Mr. Hood asserts that [t]he question in this appeal is whether the
identification of the wrong court and location is a clerical error capable of
correction, or if it is such that the Information was insufficient to enhance Mr.
Hoods sentence to life imprisonment. Aplt. Opening Br. at 37. In other words,
Mr. Hood posits that if we are unable to conclude that the error in the
Enhancement Information is a correctable clerical error, we must determine that
the Enhancement Information cannot provide the basis for his life sentence and,
accordingly, declare that sentence to be fatally infirm. Our decisional options,


however, are not so narrowly circumscribed. Even if we were to conclude that

the error in the Enhancement Information was more than a correctable clerical
error (i.e., non-clerical), we still would be free to conclude that such an error was
In Gonzalez-Lerma, for example, we effectively endorsed and applied a
harmless-error analysis. 14 F.3d at 1486. There, the Enhancement Information
contained an incorrect date of conviction, did not specify the place of conviction
other than specifying the state in which the conviction occurred, and did not
provide a case number. Id. at 1485. We determined that the incorrect date was a
clerical mistake that could be amended any time prior to the pronouncement of
sentence under 851(a)(1). Id. at 1486. As for the omitted information
regarding the precise location of the conviction and the case number, we
determined that, despite those omissions, the governments Enhancement
Information provided sufficient notice to the defendant of its intent to enhance his
sentence based on the prior conviction. Id. We said that 851 was enacted to
fulfill the due process requirement that a defendant receive reasonable notice and
opportunity to be heard relative to the recidivist charge even if due process does
not require that notice be given prior to trial on the substantive offense, and
determined that the defendant had received sufficient notice and an opportunity to
be heard. Id. at 148586 (internal quotation marks omitted). The government
had allowed defense counsel to explore the contents of the judgment and the

defendant had not challenged his prior conviction, but rather had challenged the
timing of the Enhancement Information and its specificity. Id. at 1486. We
applied harmless error review and declined to adopt a hyptertechnical approach
to 851. Id.
We also applied a harmless-error analysis in United States v. LopezGutierrez, 83 F.3d 1235, 1246 (10th Cir. 1996), which involved a decidedly nonclerical error. In that case, the district court had failed to comply with 851(b)
when it did not ask the defendant whether he affirmed or denied the previous
conviction. Id. We concluded that the error was harmless: the defendant did not
allege any prejudice caused by the omission, and the defense counsel had
conceded the fact of the previous conviction during a pre-trial motion. Id. at
Accordingly, our precedent indicates that even if we find that an error is
non-clericalviz., not an error subject to correction under 851(a)(1)s express
termswe nonetheless may conduct an inquiry into whether any such error was
prejudicial. See also United States v. Severino, 316 F.3d 939, 944 (9th Cir. 2003)
(The clerical error provision, which allows the government to correct clerical
mistakes in an information before sentencing, does not raise the inference that no
other mistakes are permitted. . . . If the error is deemed to be clerical, the
government may simply correct it by filing an amended information without
showing that defendant was not misled. If the error is non-clerical, however, the

information is deemed defective unless the government shows that defendant

could not reasonably have been misled to his prejudice as to the identity of the
prior conviction. (footnote omitted)).
Applying these principles here, we conclude that even if we were to accept
Mr. Hoods contention that the Enhancement Informations error regarding the
court and place of conviction was not clerical, we would still reject his challenge
to the Enhancement Information on harmless-error grounds because he was not
prejudiced. 6 Mr. Hood has not disputed that he received a copy of the relevant
police report for that conviction as well as a pretrial report that accurately
recounted his criminal history. Moreover, although the Enhancement Information
identified the wrong court and location for the relevant conviction, it did include
other correct identifiers like the proper case number. Significantly, at the time
Mr. Hood filed his objections to the PSR, he expressed (through counsel) his
actual knowledge of a conviction associated with his name that had all of the
same information found in the Enhancement Information and, in addition, had the
correct court and location of conviction. In other words, at the time he filed his
sentencing objections, Mr. Hood was aware of facts that would have allowed him
to reasonably infer that the conviction of which he had knowledge was the same
conviction listed in the Enhancement Information, notwithstanding its flawed

Although Mr. Hood argues that the error was not harmless, he makes
no attempt to explain how he was harmed and we are convinced by the
governments argument that he did not suffer any prejudice.

description there. And finally, at the sentencing hearing, defense counsel

explicitly declined to contest that Mr. Hood was in fact the person who had
suffered the at-issue conviction listed in the Enhancement Information. Because
Mr. Hood had sufficient notice of the prior conviction upon which the government
sought enhancement as well as an opportunity to be heard, the Enhancement
Informations incorrect identification of the court and place of conviction would
be at most harmless error. We therefore affirm the district courts enhancement
of Mr. Hoods sentence. 7
D. The Courts Duty to Inquire Into Relationship With Defense
In Mr. Hoods fourth and final claim, he argues that the district court sua
sponte should have inquired into Mr. Hoods relationship with defense counsel to
investigate a possible conflict based on Mr. Hoods statements about defense
counsel at his sentencing hearing. 8 This argument can gain no traction. As

Because we affirm the district courts enhancement under

841(b)(1)(A)(viii) and 851, we need not address Mr. Hoods contention that he
does not qualify for career-offender status under the Guidelines.

Mr. Hood stated that there are some reasons that we didnt talk
about at trial that I felt were pertinent. I asked [defense counsel] about some of
these things and he advised me different [sic] or did it in a different manner.
Suppl. R., Vol. VII, at 102. Mr. Hood also referred to the fact that the defense
presented no witnesses on his behalf at trial, saying [a]t my trial, we didnt call
any witnesses on my behalf, not one. Ive asked [defense counsel] that. He says
that it wasnt necessary. I dont understand that. Id. at 104. Mr. Hood also
noted that the defense did not present any expert witnesses. He later stated that I
should have taken the stand at my trial. I never did that. I was advised not to do

the government rightly states, there is no statutory or case law suggesting the

that, which I think was a gross injustice. I should have been able to testify and
speak on my behalf. Id. at 105. Mr. Hood also said that I asked [defense
counsel] several times to have the evidence tested. I believe that is a right of
mine. [Defense counsel] said no numerous times. I also asked him for a bench
trial. . . . He told me no. Id. at 107. He continued,
I asked [defense counsel] if he could beat this case. He told
me that were going to throw the dice up and not throw the
dice down. You know, had I known that was the case, I might
have worked with the government on a deal. I dont know.
Now Im looking at life. I just feel like that [sic] these things
were not handled properly. For reasons why, I dont know.
[Defense counsel] did very well in his motions to suppress and
his evidentiary hearing.
Id. at 108. Mr. Hood then began to explain further the legal arguments in his
motion to dismiss, but the court interrupted him, saying,
Were not here to reargue these matters. The Court has made
rulings, Mr. Hood. . . . I agree with you, I think [defense
counsel] has done an exceptional job to bring to the Courts
attention those matters that need to be brought to the Courts
attention. [Defense counsel] has appeared in my court many
times and I have found him to be very, very competent in
every respect.
Now if there is any error, if there is anything shown to
the appellate court that is wrong in your behalf, those matters
will be reviewed and you will receive further consideration.
But Im not here to retry this case. . . . I dont know all thats
gone on behind the scenes, but I do know that [defense
counsel] has brought to the attention of the Court those
evidentiary matters that were pertinent to this case and the
Court has made rulings. . . .
. . . Were not here retrying the case.
Id. at 10809. Mr. Hood indicated that he understood and that he had nothing
further to say.

duty Hood advocates. To the contrary, the cases suggest that district courts
generally do not have a duty sua sponte to inquire into the attorney-client
relationship. Aplee. Br. at 50. A district court has no such duty, particularly
when it is presented only with the unsworn, unsupported, and at times
contradictory, allegations of the defendant at his sentencing hearing. Cf. United
States v. Meacham, 567 F.3d 1184, 118788 (10th Cir. 2009) (holding that the
district court did not abuse its discretion in denying, without an evidentiary
hearing, a motion for a new trial based on counsels alleged refusal to allow
defendant to testify on his own behalf; discussing the fact that the claim regarding
counsels refusal was unsupported by an affidavit or testimony under oath);
United States v. Stark, 507 F.3d 512, 516 (7th Cir. 2007) (in holding that a trial
court is not required to question a defendant sua sponte to ensure that he
knowingly and intelligently has decided not to testify, stating that [c]riminal
defendants and their lawyers often do not see eye to eye. If a district court were
compelled to inquire into every potential conflict it thought it had spotted, there
would be a risk of multiple, unnecessary proceedings, some of which might even
imperil the attorney-client relationship. More is needed before this kind of
judicial duty arises.); United States v. Van De Walker, 141 F.3d 1451, 1452
(11th Cir. 1998) (rejecting argument that there is a per se requirement that a
district court inquire into decision of criminal defendant not to testify, and
discussing concerns about intruding into the attorney-client relationship or

influencing the defendants choice); United States v. Robinson, 913 F.2d 712, 716
(9th Cir. 1990) (holding that the district court did not err in failing to make
further inquiries into the defendants complaints about counsel when the
defendant made no motion for substitution of counsel). We decline to impose this
duty upon district courts or to interfere unnecessarily in the attorney-client
relationship. In so holding, we emphasize that we do not suggest that Mr. Hood
is unable to raise these issues in a collateral ineffective-assistance-of-counsel
claim. He remains free to do so.
III. Conclusion
For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM Mr. Hoods conviction and


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