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The Deconstructive Angel

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The Deconstructive Angel

(Meyer H. Abrams, 1912-)

Critical philosopher and cultural historian. Abrams received HA, MA and Ph.D.
from Harvard and has taught since1945 at Cornell, He is known for the
editorship of The Norton Anthology of English Literature, for his contribution
to literary history and history of ideas in The Mirror and the Lamp (1953) and,
to the delight of the literature students, for A Glossary of Literary Terms
(1971). Abrams writings display well his breadth of knowledge, as
exemplified in the following essay (1971), a response to "a tendency in
contemporary American criticism toward ideological monism as well as to
deprecating the usefulness of knowledge of the intellectual tradition of East
and West (the so called canon) and questioning the virtues of pluralistic
humanism. "
It is often said that Derrida and those who follow his lead subordinate all
inquiries to a prior inquiry into language. This is true enough, but not specific
enough, for it does not distinguish Derrida's work from what Richard Rorty
calls "the linguistic turn" which characterizes modern Anglo-American
philosophy and also a great part of Anglo-Americanl iterary criticism,
including the "New Criticism," of the last half-century. What is distinctive
about Derrida is first that, like other French structuralists, he shifts his inquiry
from language to ecriture, the written or printed text; and second that he
conceives a test in an extraordinarily limited fashion.
Derrida's initial and decisive strategy is to disestablish the priority, in
traditional views of languages, of speech over writing. By priority I mean the
use of oral discourse as the conceptual model from which to derive the
semantic and other features of written language and of language in general.
And Derrida's shift of elementary reference is to a written text which consists
of what we find when we look at it to "un texte deja ecrit, noir sur blanc. " In
the dazzling play of Derrida's expositions, his ultimate recourse is to these
black marks on whitepaper as the sole things that arc actually present in
reading, and so are not fictitious constructs, Illusions, phantasms; the visual
features of these black-on-blanks he expands in multiple dimensions of

elaborately figurative significance, only to contract them again, at telling

moments, to their elemental status. The only things that are patently there
when we look at the text arc "marks" that are demarcated, and separated
into groups, by " blanks;" there are also "spaces," "margins," and the
"repetitions" and "differences" that we find when we compare individual
marks and groups of marks. By his rhetorical mastery Derrida solicits us to
follow him in his move to these new premises, and to allow ourselves to be
locked into them. This move is from what he calls the closed "logocentric"
model of all traditional or "classical" views of language (which, he maintains,
is based on the illusion of a Platonic or Christian transcendent being or
presence, serving as the origin and guarantor of meanings) to what 1shall
call his own graphocentric model, in which the sole presences are marks-onblanks.
By this bold move Derrida puts out of play, before the game even begins,
every source of norms, controls, or indicators which, in the ordinary use and
experience of language, set a limit to what we can mean and what we can be
understood to mean. Since the only givens are already-existing marks, "deja
ecrit," we are denied recourse to a speaking or writing subject, or ego, or
cogito, or consciousness, and so to any possible agency for the intention of
meaning something ("vouloir dire"); all such agencies are relegated to the
status of fictions generated by language, readily dissolved by deconstructive
analysis. By this move he leaves us no place for referring to how we learn to
speak, understand, or read language, and how, by interaction with more
competent users and by our own developing experience with language, we
come to recognize and correct our mistakes in speaking or understanding.
The author is translated by Derrida (when he's not speaking in the
momentary shorthand of traditional fictions) to a status as one more mark
among other marks, placed at the head or the end of a text or set of texts,
which are denominated as "bodies of work identified according to the "proper
name' of a signature." Even syntax, the organization of words into a
significant sentence, is given no role in determining the meanings of
component words, for according to the graphocentric model, when we look at

a page we see no organization but only a "chain" of grouped marks, a

sequence of individual signs.

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