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ra ctic e

This document is intended to provide requirements for qualification and

certification of the Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel. This
practice describes the minimum qualification requirements in compliance
with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.

2001 Edition
Revision 11, March 2001

*The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT)

Certification Practice (CP) Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety
Personnel (IRRSP) First Document (1A)

D 19

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.

Copyright 2001 by The American Society for

Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT)
All rights reserved.
Reproduction or transmittal of any part of this
book by electronic or mechanical means
including photocopying, microfilming,
recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system without the expressed written
permission from the publisher is prohibited.
Please direct all inquiries to ASNT, Technical
Services Department, PO Box 28518,
Columbus, OH 43228-0518
ISBN 1-57117-019-7
Revision 11, March 2001



The IRRSP Committee of ASNT is dedicated and responsible to promote radiation safety in the
industrial radiography industry.
This certification practice is intended to promote and preserve the professional integrity of
Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel (IRRSP) in the joint interests of those personnel
and the public at large.
This practice consists of three (3) parts as follows:

PART I - ASNT IRRSP Qualification and Certification Requirements

PART II - ASNT IRRSP Rules of Conduct
PART III - ASNT IRRSP Committee Complaint and Hearing Procedures

This certification practice establishes the individuals minimum required qualification.

Certification alone may not qualify the individual to conduct radiation safety duties. The
employers license document, license commitment correspondence referred in the license, and the
Code of Federal Regulations or the Agreement State Regulations may impose additional
requirements. Before assigning Radiation Safety duties to the personnel certified by ASNT or an
Agreement State Program (accepted by reciprocity), the employer must comply with such
additional requirements.
The Certified IRRSP individual shall not undertake the responsibility for radiation safety or
perform the radiation safety functions unless the individual is completely familiar with the License
and the applicable regulation requirements.
Inquiries related to this certification practice shall be directed to:
Chairman of the Certification Management Board
c/o Technical Services Manager
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.
1711 Arlingate Lane
PO Box 28518
Columbus, OH 43228-0518


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Foreword........................................................................................................................................... iii
Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel Certification Practice............................... 1
Preface..................................................................................................................................... 1
Definitions............................................................................................................................... 1
References ............................................................................................................................... 2
Part I ASNT IRRSP Qualification and Certification Requirements.................................... 3
1.0 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Qualification Requirements for ASNT Certified IRRSP......................................... 3
3.0 Examinations............................................................................................................ 4
4.0 Proctor Qualification and Selection and Written Examination Site Selection ........ 5
5.0 ASNT IRRSP Certification ...................................................................................... 5
6.0 Fees........................................................................................................................... 6
7.0 Statement of Requirements ...................................................................................... 6
8.0 Expiration and Renewal of ASNT IRRSP Certification.......................................... 7
9.0 Suspension, Revocation, and Expiration.................................................................. 7
Part II ASNT IRRSP Rules of Conduct................................................................................9
1.0 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................... 9
2.0 Rules of Conduct...................................................................................................... 9
3.0 Sanctions................................................................................................................. 10
4.0 Inspections.............................................................................................................. 10
Part III ASNT IRRSP Complaint and Hearing Procedures................................................ 11
1.0 Purpose and Scope...................................................................................................11
2.0 Complaints and Investigations ................................................................................11
3.0 Commencement of Hearing Actions .......................................................................12
4.0 Prehearing Procedures.............................................................................................13
5.0 Hearing Panel ..........................................................................................................13
6.0 Ruling ......................................................................................................................15
7.0 Reprimands, Suspensions, and Revocations ...........................................................15
8.0 Appeals....................................................................................................................16
9.0 Ancillary Matters.....................................................................................................16
10.0 Actions Against Noncertified Individuals Claiming ASNT Certification ..............16
Appendices ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix 1 IRRSP Candidate Performance Review (Practical Examination)...................17
Appendix 2 Allegation/Complaint Form............................................................................ 19
Appendix 3 Training Subjects Radiographer.................................................................. 21
Appendix 4 IRRSP X-ray Training Subjects ..................................................................... 23

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Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel

Revision 11
This ASNT IRRSP Certification program is
intended to promote and preserve the
professional integrity of the ASNT IRRSP
Certified individual in the interest of the public.
This program consists of three (3) parts as

Part I ASNT IRRSP Qualification

and Certification Requirements,


Part II ASNT IRRSP Rules of

Conduct, and


Part III ASNT IRRSP Complaint

and Hearing Procedures.

CAVEAT: While ASNT IRRSP Certification

may establish the individuals credentials,
certification alone does not qualify the
individual to conduct radiation safety duties.
The employers license documents and/or
Federal, State, or local laws or regulations may
require additional training and qualification of
the ASNT certified individual before the
individual undertakes responsibility for radiation

Agreement State. For the purpose of this
program, means any state with which the
Atomic Energy Commission or Nuclear
Regulatory Commission has entered into an
effective agreement under subsection 274b
of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, covering
the categories of source, by-product, and
special nuclear material.
Adjudication. The disposition of a formal
complaint in accordance with Part III of this
Censure. A reprimand issued as a result of

Certificate. The document issued by ASNT to

an individual who meets the qualification
and examination requirements of this
Chairman. The chairman of the ASNT CMC
IRRSP Subcommittee, or in the absence
thereof, the vice chairman of the ASNT
IRRSPAdvisory Committee.
Certification Management Council (CMC).
Formerly known as the Certification
Management Board (CMB), this is a council
of ASNT that manages certification issues.
Complainant. The individual or the
organization that files a formal complaint
alleging unauthorized practice by an ASNT
Certified IRRSP individual.
Committee. The ASNT CMC IRRSP
Conference of Radiation Control Program
Directors (CRCPD). A consortium of
Agreement and Non-agreement State
radiation control program directors
representing the interests of the states
regarding regulatory and other matters.
Ethics Subcommittee. Those ASNT CMC
IRRSP Subcommittee members who are
assigned to review formal complaints.
Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety
Personnel (IRRSP). Those individuals
performing tasks related to industrial
radiography radiation safety and those who
are responsible for the safe handling and use
of radiation producing equipment or
materials. Personnel who train others or
supervise the administration of a radiation
safety program are included in this
Interested Party(ies). The Complainant and the
Respondent and/or their designated

Revision 11, March 2001

Institution recognized by ASNT. Those

government or private institutions that are
licensed by the USNRC or an Agreement
State for isotopes and by appropriate
jurisdictional authorities for X-ray devices to
conduct industrial radiography, or whose
training programs have been reviewed and
accepted by the NRC or an Agreement State
as meeting the intent of the body of
knowledge described in Appendix A of
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
Part 34. Programs accepted by one
regulatory entity shall be accepted by ASNT
as satisfying the intent of training within the
jurisdictional boundaries of other regulatory
entities for the purpose of complying with
the qualification criteria stated in Part I,
paragraph 2.0 of this program.

Sanction. The revocation or suspension of an

ASNT IRRSP Certification, or the censure
of an ASNT certified individual by the
Ethics Subcommittee.
Suspension Period. The temporary removal of
certification as a result of adjudication until
the reason for suspension has been
satisfactorily rectified.
Unauthorized Practice. A violation of this
Practice, which may include but is not
necessarily limited to the IRRSP Rules of


Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10,

Part 34, (Licenses for Radiography and
Radiation Safety Requirements for
Radiographic Operations).


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Regulatory Guide 10.6, Proposed
Revision 2, October 1984, (Guide for the
Preparation of Applications for the Use of
Sealed Sources and Devices for
Performing Industrial Radiography).


United States Nuclear Regulatory

Commission Notice to Employees, NRC
Form 3 as referenced in 10 CFR Part 19 or
equivalent Agreement State Regulations.

Non-agreement State. Any State not meeting

the criteria of an Agreement State.
Person. An individual, partnership, corporation,
limited liability company, limited liability
partnership, association, or government body
or agency.
Respondent. The ASNT Certified IRRSP
individual against whom a formal complaint
is filed.
Revocation. The voiding of certification as a
result of adjudication.
Ruling. The decision of the Ethics
Subcommittee as a result of adjudication
proceedings on a formal complaint against
an ASNT Certified IRRSP individual.

Revision 11, March 2001

Part I
ASNT IRRSP Qualification and Certification
1.0 Purpose and Scope




ASNT Certification of Industrial

Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel
(IRRSP) is applicable to those individuals
who perform or supervise industrial
radiography utilizing radiation producing
equipment. It is offered in either or both
of the following categories:

Isotope Radiation Safety Practices


X-ray Radiation Safety Practices

ASNT certification is by the examination

method and consists of a written portion
administered by ASNT and a practical
portion administered by an institution
recognized by ASNT. The written
examination consists of two (2) categories,
isotope and X-ray, which are offered
individually or together.
The ASNT IRRSP Certification is
evidence that the individual:

Has satisfied the training and

experience requirements of this
program (paragraph 2.0).


Has successfully completed a written

examination for Radiographer and a
practical examination (IRRSP
candidate performance review Appendix 1) administered by an
ASNT-recognized institution for


Has agreed to abide by the ASNT

IRRSP Rules of Conduct.

for assuring compliance with

regulatory and license requirements.

2.0 Qualification Requirements for

ASNT Certified IRRSP

A candidate must submit a fully completed

ASNT IRRSP application accompanied by
the required fee. The application provides
for the documentation of work experience,
training, and the successful completion of
a practical examination administered by an
ASNT-recognized institution. ASNT may
verify, by telephone or in writing, the
accuracy of statements made on the
application prior to the issuance of a


The candidate must acknowledge and

agree to abide by the ASNT IRRSP Rules
of Conduct.


To be considered eligible for ASNT

IRRSP Certification, the candidate must
have the following minimum documented
training and experience:

The ASNT IRRSP Certification Program

provides certification of:

Radiographer - any individual who

performs or personally supervises
radiographic operations and who is
responsible to the licensee/registrant

Forty (40) hours of formal classroom

instruction in the radiation safety
topics described in Appendix 3 of
this document for RAM or
RAM/X-ray. Forty (40) hours of
formal classroom instruction in the
radiations safety topics described in
Appendix 4 of this document for
X-ray only. Such training can be
provided by an institution recognized
by ASNT. For candidates who have
received training under earlier
editions of Reference A, annual
refresher training may be used to
accrue the 40 hours.

Revision 11, March 2001


Individuals qualified by a regulatory

body shall be recognized by ASNT
upon submittal of proper

shall contain at least ten (10)

questions in each of the
following topics:


A minimum of three hundred twenty

(320) hours of active participation in
performing gamma radiography for
RAM only certification, a minimum
of one hundred sixty (160) hours of
active particiation in performing Xray radiography for X-ray only
certification, and a minimum of three
hundred twenty (320) hours of active
participation in performing gamma
radiography and a minimum of one
hundred sixty (160) hours of active
participation in performing X-ray
radiography for RAM/X-ray
combination certification.
Experience must be acquired under
the control of a license granted by the
USNRC or Agreement State for
isotopes, or by a jurisdictional
authority for X-ray.

1. Fundamentals

3.0 Examinations

Examinations for ASNT IRRSP

certification shall consist of two parts, as
3.1.1 A written examination, administered
by ASNT covering the principles,
regulations, basic equipment
operation, and safety procedures
applicable to the type of radiation
producing equipment for which
ASNT IRRSP Certification is sought.
The content of questions on the
examination will be determined by
the State of Texas Bureau of
Radiation Control or ASNT, as
appropriate. The following
requirements apply to the written
a. The test must be designed to test
an individuals knowledge of the
topics described in Appendix 3 or
Appendix 4 of this document, as
appropriate. For the
Radiographer qualification, it

Revision 11, March 2001

2. Instrumentation
3. Rules and Regulations
4. Operating and Emergency
5. Equipment
A score of seventy (70) percent is
required for successful
completion of the examination.
b. It shall be in multiple-choice
c. It shall have test items drawn
from a question bank containing
psychometrically valid questions
based on the material in
Appendix 3 and Appendix 4 of
this document.
d. The examination shall be
composed of randomly selected
questions from a population of
questions in compliance with
NRC Agreement States,
Radiation Control Requirements
and Industry Guidelines.
3.1.2For the Radiographer category, a
practical examination (IRRSP
candidate performance review Appendix 1) administered by an
institution recognized by ASNT and
licensed by a regulatory authority to
conduct industrial radiography, which
requires the candidate to adequately
demonstrate ability to safely operate
the radiation producing equipment
for which ASNT IRRSP certification
is sought. The institution recognized
by ASNT may be the applicants
licensed employer or another licensed
organization meeting the definition of
institution recognized by ASNT.
The candidate must provide a
document evidencing the successful
completion of the practical
examination on a form similar to that

of Appendix 1. The document must

be certified by an RSO of the
institution recognized by ASNT and
notarized by a certified Notary
Public. Where practical proficiency
has previously been submitted and
accepted under application pursuant
to paragraph 2.0 of this part,
additional documentation is not required.

Written examinations will be offered at

locations and times as approved by the
ASNT Technical Services Manager.


A written procedure shall be developed

and approved to assure that examination
questions are protected from wrongful




Examination sites shall conform to an

appropriate, professional classroom
environment. Preferred examples of
examination sites are offices of the federal
or state government, colleges or
universities, or meeting rooms at
contemporary motels or convention


Where examination sites are to be paid for

by ASNT, ASNT Technical Services shall
make financial arrangements.

On a case-by-case basis, the IRRSP

Radiographer Certification will be
administered in other languages to provide
a limited certification.

4.0 Proctor Qualification and Selection

and Written Examination Site

Training (video or classroom) in the

administration of examinations from
ASNT Technical Services. The initial
training shall include an examination
containing at least fifteen multiple choice
questions and such individuals shall pass
the examination with a minimum score of
80%. ASNT Technical Services shall be
responsible for maintaining a list of
eligible Senior Proctors. Senior Proctors
shall be notified of any procedural changes
or retrained as deemed necessary by
ASNT Technical Services. Proctors shall
be retrained every three years or whenever
there are significant changes to the

Senior Proctors and Assistant Proctors

shall be ASNT NDT Level III, ACCP
Level III, past or present CMC members,
or ASNT staff, hold ASNT Authorized
Examination Center credentials, past or
present National Board Members or other
persons duly authorized by the IRRSP
Committee, or employees of the NRC,
Agreement States, or other jurisdictional
authorities. They shall also be current
ASNT members and have at least a 3-year
membership in ASNT before proctoring
their first examination except employees
of the NRC, Agreement States, ASNT
staff, ASNT Examination Center
employees, Electronic Examination Center
employees, or jurisdictional authorities.
Proctors shall not be employed by the
same company, agency, or corporation (or
a wholly-owned subsidiary of such) as any

5.0 ASNT IRRSP Certification


Both the written examination and the

practical examination(s) where applicable
must be successfully completed to be
considered for ASNT Certification. The
written and practical examinations
appropriate for the category of radiation
safety producing equipment must be
successfully completed within six (6)
months of each other. ASNT IRRSP
certification will not be conferred until all
examination requirements have been


Candidates who fail to successfully

complete the written examination may reapply and must re-submit an updated
application accompanied by the required

Individuals proctoring examinations, shall

have received initial ASNT IRRSP Proctor

Revision 11, March 2001


Candidates who satisfy the requirements

for certification will be notified in writing
by ASNT that they are ASNT Certified
IRRSP individuals. This written
notification is evidence that the individual
has met all the eligibility requirements of
this program and has successfully passed
the examinations for the qualification level
and category of radiation producing
equipment identified on the written
5.3.1The individual will be provided a
wallet card that identifies the
individual as ASNT IRRSP Certified,
the level of certification, the
category(ies) of radiation producing
equipment for which the certification
is applicable, and the expiration date
of the ASNT IRRSP Certification.
Only holders of current ASNT
IRRSP Certifications are to refer to
themselves as ASNT IRRSP


Any application or certification shall be

considered null and void if the applicant or
certified individual is prohibited from
acting as a Radiographer or Radiation
Safety Officer by a regulatory agency at
the time the application is submitted.
Information regarding such individuals is
expected to be provided by regulatory
agencies in an expeditious manner.

6.0 Fees

The fee schedule shall be approved by the

ASNT Executive Committee.
Applications not accompanied by the
correct fees will be returned. A portion of
the application fees, as approved by the
ASNT Executive Committee, may be
refunded to those applicants who fail to
qualify for the ASNT administered


The fee(s) for ASNT administered

examination(s), less an administrative fee
determined by the ASNT Executive
Committee, will be refunded to those
applicants who are unable to attend as
scheduled, provided the applicant gives

Revision 11, March 2001

ASNT notice of his/her inability to attend

the scheduled examination at least fifteen
(15) business days prior to the
examination date.

7.0 Statement of Requirements


As evidenced by signature on the

application form, a candidate for
certification acknowledges and subscribes
to the following:
If certified by The American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT), I
agree to abide by the ASNT IRRSP Rules
of Conduct as interpreted by ASNT for the
period of the certification. I acknowledge
that ASNT IRRSP Certification is not a
personal or property right to which I am
entitled, but it is recognition that is granted
by ASNT on the basis of my
qualifications, successful completion of
examinations, and my willingness to abide
by and be governed by the ASNT IRRSP
Rules of Conduct for the term of
certification. As such, I agree that ASNT,
upon written complaint, notice, and
hearing, may censure me or suspend or
revoke the ASNT IRRSP Certification in
the event of determination by ASNT that I
have violated the rules governing the
ASNT IRRSP Certification.
I further agree that certification, which
may result from this application, arises
solely pursuant to the requirement set forth
by ASNT and does not constitute any form
of license issued by Federal, State, local
regulatory, or governing body. I further
acknowledge that any requirement for
ASNT IRRSP Certification is within the
sole discretion of any government
authority, public or private employer who
specifies this status as a condition of
employment or other qualification.
I hereby attest that all entries on this
application are true and correct, and no
information that might be detrimental to
my certification has been withheld. ASNT
may make any inquiries necessary to
determine my qualifications for
certification. I agree to abide by the

decision of ASNT relative to the granting

of the ASNT IRRSP Certification, as
applied herein.

8.2.1Forty (40) hours of training as

outlined in section 2.0 within
12 months prior to recertification or
at least eight (8) hours of annual
classroom refresher training by an
institution recognized, or accredited,
by ASNT covering basic radiation
safety principles and equipment
operating and emergency procedures
for radiation producing equipment for
which renewal is sought. To satisfy
the required number of training
hours, participation in training by the
trainee or the trainer will be

The following liability release also appears

on the application form and must be
acknowledged and subscribed to by the
In consideration of the acceptance and
processing of my application for ASNT
IRRSP Certification, I release and forever
discharge The American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT), its
Directors, Officers, members, and
employees from any and all liabilities,
claims, demands, or causes of action
whatsoever, which now exists or which
may arise as a result of my activities or
actions as indicated by the ASNT IRRSP
Certification granted to me.

9.0 Suspension, Revocation, and


8.0 Expiration and Renewal of ASNT

IRRSP Certification


ASNT IRRSP certification shall be valid

for five (5) years from the date of the
written successful examination completion
date, unless suspended or revoked for
Applications for renewal of ASNT IRRSP
Certification must be in accordance with
sections 2.0 and 3.0 of this part, which
includes written and practical
examinations. However, in lieu of the
training requirements of section 2.0, the
following requirements shall apply for

ASNT IRRSP Certification is deemed no

longer valid when:

the NRC or an Agreement State has

taken final action prohibiting an
individual from acting as a
Radiographer or


the certification has expired, or


the certification is suspended by

ASNT, or


the certification is revoked by ASNT,



the certification is requested to be

terminated by the certified individual.

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Part II
ASNT IRRSP Rules of Conduct
1.0 Purpose and Scope

The following ASNT IRRSP Rules of

conduct are applicable to those individuals
who possess a current ASNT IRRSP
Certification. These rules of conduct are
considered necessary to protect the health
and safety of the ASNT IRRSP Certified
individual, other workers, and the general
public from the effects of ionizing
radiation. These rules of conduct are also
considered necessary to maintain the
integrity of the ASNT IRRSP Certification


Wear and maintain personnel radiation

monitoring devices as required by the
employers radiation safety procedures.


Maintain accurate knowledge of current

personal radiation exposure and not
exceed the required limits without written
authorization from the employer as
permitted by the regulations.


Accurately complete and maintain, in a

timely manner, the required radiation
safety documentation.


Always perform radiation surveys using

the required instrumentation, and properly
identify, control, and monitor the radiation
areas and high radiation areas in the
manner stated by the employers radiation
safety procedures.


Maintain current ASNT IRRSP

Certification, when required, and not
represent himself/herself as ASNT IRRSP
Certified without a current ASNT IRRSP
Certification for the radiation producing
equipment required to use.

2.0 Rules of Conduct

The ASNT IRRSP Certified individual
agrees to:




Maintain high standards of skills and

knowledge of radiation safety and
implement them in accordance with the
USNRC or Agreement State regulations
for isotopes or appropriate jurisdictional
authority regulations for X-ray devices and
the employers radiation safety procedures.
Assume responsibility for radiation safety
for the radiation producing equipment,
only after completion of the required
training and experience as stated by the
employers operating and emergency
procedures for the radiation producing
equipment used.
Promptly inform the employer and/or
proper authority of any activity that
causes, or may cause, the violation of the
employers radiation safety procedures or
the USNRC or Agreement State
regulations for isotopes or the appropriate
jurisdictional authority regulations for
X-ray devices.

2.10 Never misuse the ASNT IRRSP

2.11 Avoid conflicts of interest involving
radiation safety with his/her employer and
promptly disclose all such unavoidable
circumstances to the employer and the
proper authorities.
2.12 Refuse to accept gratuities or bribes that
are associated with performance of
radiation safety duties.
2.13 Never falsify or misrepresent his/her, or
any other industrial radiography persons
radiation safety qualifications and never
knowingly allow others to falsify or
misrepresent his/her radiation safety

Minimize and maintain radiation

exposures as low as reasonably achievable.

Revision 11, March 2001

2.14 Neither associate with or knowingly

participate in a fraudulent or dishonest
radiation safety venture and never perform
radiation safety duties in a fraudulent

4.0 Inspections

All licensed activities are subject to

inspection by the representative of the
appropriate regulatory authority (NRC or
Agreement State). In addition, any worker
or worker representative who believes that
there is a violation of applicable statutes,
the terms of employer s license or
registration regarding radiological working
conditions in which the worker is engaged,
may request an inspection by contacting
the office of the applicable regulatory
authority, as directed by the NRCs Form 3
or similar agreement state document. The
request must set forth specific grounds for


Rules of Conduct paragraphs 2.1 through

2.8, are considered an employers license
or registration conditions. Allegations or
complaints filed with the ASNT will be
evaluated by the Technical Services
Manager. If found to be in violation of
one or more paragraphs from 2.1 through
2.8, the allegation/complaint will be
forwarded to the appropriate regulatory
body for inspection. Persons filing the
allegation/complaint may follow the NRC
or Agreement State rules and request an
inspection by the regulatory authority prior
to filing the allegation/complaint with

2.15 Refuse to falsify any radiation safety

documents and refuse to sign such
documents for which he/she does not have
personal knowledge.
2.16 Refuse to testify or issue statements or
arguments on radiation safety matters
unless they are founded on adequate
knowledge of the facts and technical
2.17 Never operate radiation producing
equipment or perform radiation safety
duties while under the influence of legal or
illegal mood altering substances.

3.0 Sanctions

Violations of the foregoing rules of

conduct by a current ASNT IRRSP
Certified individual may result in
sanctions by the ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee, as described in Part III,
paragraph 7.0.

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Part III
ASNT IRRSP Complaint and Hearing Procedures
1.0 Purpose and Scope

This procedure is intended to provide fair

notice and hearing when an allegation or
complaint is filed with ASNT against an
ASNT IRRSP Certified individual and
describes the handling of, and disposition
of allegations/complaints of unauthorized
practice and requests for information on
ASNT IRRSP Certified individuals.


This procedure shall be published and

made available for public guidance. The
ASNT CMC IRRSP Subcommittee
(committee) may adopt changes to this
procedure. Changes will be published in
the official journal of ASNT, Materials
Evaluation, and made available for public
guidance in an expeditious manner. If
requested, a copy of this procedure will be
furnished as part of the application for
certification or at any other time, free of



The Committee shall publish in the official

journal of ASNT, Materials Evaluation, at
least annually, the results of adjudications
resulting in revocation of ASNT IRRSP
Certifications. The Committee may
publish the results of lesser sanctions
imposed against individuals if it is
determined that such publication is
necessary and appropriate for the
protection of the public or the integrity of
the ASNT IRRSP Certification Program.

authorizing the release of information

regarding unpublished sanctions.

Any publication, or release of authorized

information, on sanctions imposed shall
include only the name of the respondent,
the sanction imposed, and a summary of
the record as deemed appropriate by the
Committee. Responses to inquiries for
current certification status shall only
confirm or deny that the ASNT IRRSP
Certification is current at the time of the


ASNT will exchange information

regarding certified individuals with the
NRC and other independent certifying
bodies and/or Agreement States or other
jurisdictional authorities. Additionally
ASNT will permit periodic review or
assessment of this certification program
and the associated records by the NRC,
Agreement States or other jurisdictional

2.0 Complaints and Investigations


The Committee will respond expeditiously

to a written or electronic inquiry from any
person as to the current ASNT IRRSP
Certification status of an individual.
Furthermore, the Committee will respond
to requests for information regarding
unpublished sanctions imposed against
individuals to others who provide written
consent, signed by the individual, against
whom sanction has been imposed,

Any person who has reason to believe that

an ASNT-IRRSP Certified individual has
committed an unauthorized practice may
submit a written allegation or complaint to
the ASNT Technical Services Manager.
Such written allegation/complaint shall be
substantially in the form set out in
Appendix 2, and shall contain the name(s)
and address(es) of the person filing the
allegation/complaint and the name of the
ASNT-IRRSP certified individual
(Respondent) alleged to have violated
ASNT Rules of Conduct. It shall also
contain a clear and concise description of
the alleged violation and a statement
indicating the interest of the person(s)
filing the allegation/complaint.

Revision 11, March 2001

2.1.1Upon receipt of the allegation/ complaint, the Technical Services

Manager shall make a preliminary
determination of the Rule(s) of
Conduct alleged to have been


2.1.2 If the alleged violation is determined

to be against the Rules of Conduct
paragraphs 2.1 through 2.8, the
Technical Services Manager shall
forward the allegation/complaint and
other pertinent information to the
appropriate regulatory authority with
a copy to CMC Chairman.
2.1.3If the alleged violation is determined
to be against the Rules of Conduct
paragraphs 2.9 through 2.17, the
Technical Services Manager shall
forward the allegation/complaint and
other pertinent information to the
CMC Chairman for assignment to the
ASNT IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee.

Upon receipt of a report of noncompliance

or enforcement action from a regulatory
body (NRC or an agreement state), against
ASNT IRRSP Certified personnel, the
Technical Services Manager shall verify
the currency of the certification and
identify the certification number and the
expiration date on the report. He shall
then forward the report to the CMC
Chairman along with a completed
allegation/complaint form. The Technical
Services Manager shall forward to the
Respondent a copy of the
allegation/complaint, as applicable, and
shall advise the Respondent of
Respondents right to submit an answer
within the time limit specified in
Section 3.0. Upon receipt of the
Respondents answer or expiration of the
answer period, whichever is earlier, the
Technical Services Manager shall then
distribute to the CMC Chairman and
ASNT IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee copy
of the allegation/complaint and
Respondents answer, along with the report
of noncompliance or enforcement action
by the regulatory body.

Revision 11, March 2001


After the members of the IRRSP Ethics

Subcommittee have reviewed the
documents submitted to them, the
subcommittee may, upon majority vote,
dismiss the complaint in whole or in part
for insufficiency. Such Subcommittee
action may be taken at a meeting or by
mailed letter ballot addressed to the ASNT
Technical Services Manager. Dismissal
for insufficiency shall be subject to the
right of the ASNT Technical Services
Manager to amend or supplement the
allegation/complaint unless the
Subcommittee expressly votes for final
dismissal without right to amend or
supplement. Following the
Subcommittees action, the ASNT
Technical Services Manager shall give
notice of the Subcommittees action to the
interested parties in writing.

3.0 Commencement of Hearing Actions


Unless the ASNT IRRSP Ethics

Subcommittee has dismissed an allegation/
complaint for insufficiency, pursuant to
paragraph 2.3, within one (l) month of
receipt of the allegation/complaint, the
ASNT Technical Services Manager shall
set a date for a hearing by the ASNT
IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee and shall
notify the Complainant, the respondent,
and the ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee. The notice shall set forth
the time and place of the hearing, with due
regard for the convenience of the
interested parties and their representatives;
shall provide the Respondent a copy of the
allegation/complaint; shall identify a
return date for the respondents answer
(not to exceed forty-five [45] days); and
shall be sent at least forty-five (45) days in
advance of the date set for hearing.
Mailing of the allegation/complaint and
notice of hearing shall be by certified mail,
return receipt requested (restricted


The Respondent may file an answer by

mailing or delivering it to the ASNT
Technical Services Manager within the
time specified. The Respondent shall be

deemed to have the allegation/complaint

admitted to if an answer is not filed within
the time specified.

The ASNT Technical Services Manager

may postpone, or change the time and/or
date of, a hearing at the request, for good
cause, of either the interested parties or the
ASNT IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee.
Notice of a change shall be promptly
given to the Complainant, Respondent,
and the ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee. Notice must be given by
certified mail, with return receipt
requested. Should notice not be received
by the interested parties or the ASNT
IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee within one (l)
week prior to the originally scheduled
hearing date, no such change may be made
without consent of the interested parties
and the ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee, except for extraordinary

not constitute a waiver of any claim or

defense, or be binding on the interested
parties until approved by the ASNT IRRSP
Ethics Subcommittee. The ASNT IRRSP
Ethics Subcommittee, by majority vote,
may approve or disapprove the proposed
ruling. Approved proposed rulings
constitute final adjudication. Disapproved
proposed rulings shall result in a hearing
before the ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee Hearing Panel.

4.0 Prehearing Procedures



The ASNT Technical Services Manager

shall conduct a prehearing conference with
the interested parties and record any
agreements as to issues, admission of
facts, or any stipulations. The prehearing
conference may be conducted in person,
by telephone, or by mail as deemed
expedient and appropriate by the ASNT
Technical Services Manager. A written
report of the prehearing conference will be
provided to the interested parties and the
ASNT IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee prior
to the hearing date. The prehearing
conference may be waived at the request
of, or with the consent of, the interested
Should the prehearing conference result in
a proposed ruling, with or without
sanction, which would dispose of the
allegation/complaint in a manner that is
satisfactory to the interested parties, the
ASNT Technical Services Manager shall
submit the proposed ruling, in writing, to
the ASNT IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee for
its concurrence. Proposed rulings shall be
signed by the interested parties and shall

Should all the interested parties agree to

adjudication of the formal complaint based
on written records (such as affidavits,
admissions, stipulations, or other
documents that they specify), the ASNT
Technical Services Manager shall submit
documents to the ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee for its consideration and
ruling. Such documentation shall be
accompanied with a request, signed by
both parties, for adjudication without
hearing. The ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee may deny requests for
adjudication without hearing if it
determines that the public interest and/or
rights of the interested parties require a
hearing. Should the ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee agree to the request, it shall
adjudicate the formal complaint without a
hearing and issue a ruling based on the
agreed upon documentation.

5.0 Hearing Panel


The hearing panel shall consist of at least

three (3) members of the ASNT IRRSP
Ethics Subcommittee and its presiding
officer shall be appointed by the Chairman
of the Committee. The presiding officer
shall control the hearing and may establish
any reasonable rules of conduct not
provided in this procedure which are
necessary to ensure that a fair and
impartial hearing is conducted.


Hearings shall be private, unless the

members of the panel unanimously agree
that the public interest would best be
served if the hearing were open to the


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The ASNT Board of Directors, through its

designated members, staff, or counsel, has
the right to participate in any hearing. The
committee, through its designated
members, staff, or counsel, has the right to
participate in any hearing.

applied in civil cases need not be

strictly followed.
5.8.2Irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly
repetitious evidence shall be excluded.
5.8.3Generally recognized rights of
privilege properly invoked by a
witness shall be given effect.

When a written allegation/complaint is

filed by a member of the committee, that
member shall not be a member of the
hearing panel, or have a vote in any ASNT
IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee action
regarding the allegation/complaint and
shall only act in the status of Complainant.

5.8.4When the rights of the interested

parties will not be prejudiced and the
hearing will be expedited, all or part
of the evidence may be received in
written form.

The Respondent shall be afforded

reasonable opportunity to defend
himself/herself on the merits of the
allegation/complaint and shall act only in
the status of Respondent.

5.8.5Documentary evidence may be

introduced in the form of copies or
excerpts if the original is not
available or is voluminous, provided
that upon request of an interested
party, and when possible, the
interested party shall be given the
opportunity to compare the copy with
the original or to examine the
complete document from which the
excerpts have been taken.

A record of all testimony, documents, and

other evidence submitted or offered at a
hearing shall be recorded in a verbatim
manner. ASNT will maintain transcripts
and exhibits for a period not to exceed
three (3) years after the completion of the
hearing. Any interested party shall have
access to the transcript and to all exhibits,
and shall, upon paying the cost for
duplication thereof, have the right to
copies. Copies of transcripts and all
exhibits shall be made available to
interested regulatory authorities upon their
written request.

5.8.6Notice can be taken of judicially

cognizable facts and of generally
recognized technical or scientific
facts within the panels specialized
knowledge, but the interested parties
shall be given an opportunity to
contest any fact notice of that has
been so taken.

The presiding officer may adjourn,

continue, or order recesses in any hearing
upon the request of any interested party or
panel member.
The panel shall adhere to the following
with respect to the admission of evidence
at a hearing:


5.8.1It is intended that the panel will

permit full development of all
relevant issues and will permit
evidence to be introduced if it is a
type commonly relied upon by
reasonably prudent people in the
conduct of affairs. For those reasons,
and except as otherwise stated in this
procedure, the rules of evidence as
Revision 11, March 2001

5.8.7Objections to evidentiary offers may

be made and shall be so noted in the


The presiding officer shall take all

reasonable measures to obtain the
testimony under oath from all interested
parties and witnesses.

5.10 Witnesses shall be subject to cross

5.11 The ASNT IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee,
at the request of the Respondent, shall
issue a ruling dismissing the
allegation/complaint, if a hearing is not
held and completed within one (1) year
from the date of the issuance of a formal

complaint, unless the Respondent has

requested or consented to the delay.

individual and the employer shall receive

written notification of any ASNT action.
Actions shall be based on one of three
severity levels, as follows:

5.12 The presiding officer shall advise the

Respondent of any substantive
communications between ASNT IRRSP
Ethics Subcommittee, the ASNT Technical
Services Manager, and the panel
concerning this matter between the time a
formal complaint is issued and ruling is
entered or the complaint is finally
adjudicated. If the communication is in
writing, a copy shall be provided. If oral,
a written summary shall be provided.

7.1.1Severity Level III - involves the least

significant unauthorized practice or
violation of Federal, State, local
regulations, or company procedures
where persons or property are not at
risk. This includes instances of
careless disregard or other indications
of willfulness and requires action to
prevent recurrence. Repetition of
minor violations, which demonstrate
a disregard of rules or contribute to
unsafe practices, may be considered
in this category. Violations in this
category shall result in a formal
reprimand. The reprimand shall
describe the nature of the violation
and any subsequent action that may
result if the violation is repeated.

6.0 Ruling


After the hearing, the panel shall adopt

findings of fact and conclusions, and issue
a written recommendation to the IRRSP
Ethics Subcommittee dismissing the
allegation/complaint, imposing sanctions,
or taking other action that the panel may
determine to be appropriate. The
concurrence of a majority of the panel is
necessary for the issuance of a ruling. The
presiding officer shall deliver the ruling,
including findings and conclusions and
any dissenting opinion on the part of panel
member(s) so desiring, to the ASNT
Technical Services Manager. The ASNT
Technical Services Manager shall
distribute copies thereof to the interested
parties, including appropriate regulatory
authorities, other than members of the

7.1.2Severity Level II - involves an

unauthorized practice or violation of
Federal, State, or local regulations, or
company procedures that are deemed
to have put individual persons or
property at risk and require action to
prevent recurrence. These may result
in suspension of the certification.
The suspension shall be for a
minimum of thirty (30) days to a
maximum of one hundred eighty
(180) days or as otherwise imposed
by the jurisdictional authority
involved. Notification of suspension
shall describe the nature of the
violation, any subsequent action and
duration of the suspension.
Suspension shall require surrender of
the certification to ASNT for the
duration of the suspension.

Rulings for Suspension or Revocation will

be executed only after actions taken by the
NRC, Agreement State, or jurisdictional
authority are received by ASNT. The
regulatory bodies are expected to provide
this information in a timely manner.

7.1.3Severity Level I - involves a

significant unauthorized practice or
violation of Federal, State, or local
regulations, or company procedures
that are deemed to cause or threaten
to cause serious bodily injury or
property damage or where continued
use of radiation producing equipment

7.0 Reprimands, Suspensions, and


Upon a determination by the IRRSP Ethics

Subcommittee that an ASNT IRRSP has
committed an unauthorized practice, the
ASNT IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee shall
determine the appropriate action. Both the

Revision 11, March 2001

by the individual is considered to

represent a danger to individuals or
the public. A severity Level I
violation is grounds for revocation of
the certification. Revocation shall be
for a minimum of one (1) year or as
otherwise imposed by the
jurisdictional authority involved and
shall require surrender of the
certification to ASNT.

9.0 Ancillary Matters


Any ASNT employee or agent directly

engaged in the performance of advocacy
functions before the ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee shall not participate in, or
advise on any decision, recommended
decision, or ASNT IRRSP Ethics
Subcommittee review, except as witness or
counsel at a hearing.

7.2. A petition for reconsideration after

suspension or revocation shall be
considered only upon showing of good


Any person appearing at a prehearing

conference, a hearing, or any posthearing
proceeding, has the right to be represented
by counsel.

8.0 Appeals

10.0 Actions Against Noncertified

Individuals Claiming ASNT


When a ruling imposes sanctions, other

than a sanction to which the Respondent
has consented, the Respondent may appeal
to the ASNT CMC to vacate or reduce the
sanction. The appeal shall be in writing.
The right to appeal shall expire unless
exercised within sixty (60) days after
service of the ruling on the Respondent.
The ASNT CMC shall consider the appeal
on the basis of the allegation/ complaint,
the answer thereto, and the transcript of
the hearing. It may, but shall not be
required to, order a hearing on the appeal.
If, in the opinion of the CMC Chairman, a
hearing is required, a new panel not
comprised of the original hearing panel
shall be appointed and a hearing shall be
conducted in accordance with
paragraph 5.0 of Part III of this document.
The decision on the appeal is final and no
further appeal will be accepted.

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10.1 Allegations that an individual, who does

not possess a current and valid ASNT
IRRSP Certification, is representing
himself/herself as having ASNT IRRSP
Certification are to be directed to the
ASNT Technical Services Manager in
writing. Such allegations are to identify
the name and address of the offending
individual and any documentary evidence
of the misrepresentation. Such allegations
will be investigated by the ASNT
Technical Services Manager and, if
substantiated, shall result in the ASNT
Technical Services Manager directing the
offending individual to cease that practice
and advise the offending individual that
necessary action may be taken in a court
of competent jurisdiction to obtain
injunctive relief and other appropriate

Appendix 1
IRRSP Candidate Performance Review
(Practical Examination)

Indicate to which of the following the practical examination applies:



Name of IRRSP Candidate:

Radiographic Location:
Radiation Source:


Exposure Device Serial No.:

Survey Meter Model No.:

Serial No.:

Exposure Device Model No.:

Serial No.:

RSO or other Authority Administering Examination:

Calib. Due:

Please Print Name


Was the candidate radiographer wearing a film badge (TLD) and



Were other individuals working within the restricted area wearing film
badges (TLDs) and dosimeters and alarm rate meters?


Was the restricted area posted with CAUTION RADIATION AREA



Was the restricted area properly controlled to prevent unauthorized



Was the high radiation area posted with CAUTION (or DANGER)


Did the candidate have a calibrated and properly operating survey



Was the utilization log properly completed?


Did the candidate have sufficient knowledge of safety rules as ascertained

by oral inquiry?



Revision 11, March 2001

Appendix 1 (continued)

Did the candidate properly survey the entire exposure device and source
tube (isotope) or area (X-ray)?


Was the radiation producing equipment stored properly and kept locked
to prevent unauthorized removal or use?


Was the storage area posted with CAUTION (or DANGER)

RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL sign (isotope only)?


Did the candidate have ready access to operating and emergency

procedures and regulations for protection against ionizing radiation?


Were there any items of concern other than those listed on this form?
(If any, explain in Remarks.)



The candidates performance was:

Unsatisfactory, needs additional training
Unsatisfactory, further activities prohibited
If applicable, instruction provided
RSO or other Authority Initials/Date

If applicable, describe corrective actions resulting from failure of the candidate to properly
perform during this review.
Conducted By:


Certified By (RSO):


The above IRRSP Candidate Performance Review was sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence by:


State of:
Notary Public:
County of:
Commission Expires:

Revision 11, March 2001


day of

, 20

Appendix 2
Allegation/Complaint Form
Record the name and address of the person filing the allegation/complaint (Complainant) and the
name and address of the person who is alleged to have committed the violations (Respondent).
Identify the rule(s) alleged to be violated. Document as clearly and precisely as possible a description
of the issues of fact(s) and date(s) involved. Describe the relief sought and the interest of the
Complainant in the matter. This allegation/complaint will be considered as stated in the ASNT
Complaint and Hearing procedure. Both Complainant and Respondent will receive a copy of the
ASNT IRRSP Complaint and Hearing Procedures and will be advised of further proceedings leading
to resolution of the complaint. Please forward the completed form and any supporting documentation
ASNT Technical Services Manager
ASNT IRRSP Ethics Subcommittee


Zip Code:
Identify each rule alleged to have been violated and the facts supporting the allegation/complaint

(e.g., Employer/Licensee, Co-worker, Subcontractor, etc.)

Attachments may be used to support the description of issues of fact. Evidence that is presented for
a hearing must be supported under oath by testimony or affidavit.

Complaint Filed By:

(signature of Complainant)


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Appendix 3
Training Subjects Radiographer
Training provided to qualify applicants in accordance with paragraph 2.3.1a of Part I
of the program shall be presented on a formal basis. The training shall include the
following subjects and is considered to satisfy the requirement for both X-ray and
gamma ray radiography.
I. Fundamentals of Radiation Safety
A. Characteristics of radiation (X-ray and gamma ray)
B. Units of radiation dose and quantity of radioactivity
C. Significance of radiation dose (hazards)
1. Radiation protection standards
2. Biological effects of radiation dose
3. Case histories of radiography overexposure
D. Levels of radiation from sources of radiation
E. Methods of controlling radiation dose:
1. Working time
2. Working distance
3. Shielding
II. Radiation Detection Instrumentation
A. Use of radiation survey instruments
1. Operation
2. Calibration
3. Limitation
B. Survey techniques
C. Use of personnel monitoring devices
1. Film badges
2. Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs)/ optically stimulated luminescence
dosimeters (OSLs)
3. Pocket dosimeters/ electronic pocket dosimeters
4. Alarms and rate meters
D. Radiation protection program and ALARA procedure
III.The Requirements of Pertinent Federal and State Regulations
IV. Radiographic Equipment to be Used
A. Remote handling equipment
B. Operation and control of radiographic exposure devices for sealed sources
(including pictures of dummy models of source assemblies)
C. Storage and transport containers and source changers
D.*Operation and control of X-ray equipment
E. Collimation devices
The length of formal training shall be forty (40) hours, which may include periodic
quizzes and laboratory instruction.
V. Case Histories of Accidents in Radiography

Not applicable to isotope-only applicants. Where X-radiation certification is not pursued, X-ray
training is not required.


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Appendix 4
IRRSP X-ray Training Subjects
Training provided to qualify applicants in accordance with paragraph 2.3.1a of Part I
of the program shall be presented on a formal basis. The training shall include the
following subjects and is considered to satisfy the requirement for X-ray
I. Fundamentals of Radiation Safety
A. Characteristics of radiation
B. Units of dose
C. Significance of radiation dose (hazards)
1. Radiation protection standards
2. Biological effects of radiation dose
3. Case histories of radiography overexposure
D. Methods of controlling radiation dose
1. Time
2. Distance
3. Shielding
II. Radiation Detection Instrumentation
A. Use of radiation survey instruments
1. Operation
2. Calibration
3. Limitation
B. Survey techniques
C. Use of personnel monitoring devices
1. Film badges
2. Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs)/ optically stimulated luminescence
dosimeters (OSLs)
3. Pocket dosimeters/ electronic pocket dosimeters
4. Alarms and rate meters
D. Radiation protection program and ALARA procedure
III.The Requirements of Pertinent State Regulations
IV. Radiographic Equipment to be Used
A.*Operation and control of X-ray equipment
B. Alarms, interlocks, and warning devices
The length of formal training shall be forty (40) hours, which may include periodic
quizzes and laboratory instruction.


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