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IKRPG Errata Jan 2016

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There have been various errata and rule changes made to abilities, weapons, armor, and other aspects of the Iron Kingdoms RPG such as changes to stormblades, mounts, crafting, and seductions.

Abilities for stormblades, mounts, crafting, blessings of war, telekinesis, and other rules have been modified in the errata. Prices for goods like coal and requirements for abilities have also been altered.

Some of the frequently asked questions cover subjects like wearing multiple armors, mounts and spells, weapon specializations, injuries, converting weapons to mechanika, ability score modifiers, and boosted attack rolls with weapons.

January 2016

Iron Kingdoms
Full Metal Fantasy
Roleplaying Game:
Core Rules
p. 146. Stormblade Abilities

the POW of the attack and add any modifiers granted by abilities or
spells. A mounts attack and damage rolls cannot be boosted.

p. 237. Blessings of War

Replace the word gains in the first sentence with gain.
Replace the word attacking in the second sentence with

Replace Gunfighter with Close Shot.

p. 245. Telekinesis

P. 159. Abilities

Telekinesis is not an upkeep spell.

Add the following ability:

Close Shot

p. 249. Coal
Replace the coal price entry with the following:

Prerequisite: None

Coal, 20-pound bag: 3gc

The character does not suffer a 4 penalty on ranged attack rolls

with a storm glaive while engaged.

Coal, 50-pound bag: 5gc

p. 166. Return Fire

Remove the prerequisite for Return Fire.

p. 176. Craft (Intellect)

In the roll results table, replace the header Common Item
with Value of Goods.

p. 192 Seduction
In the Seduction target numbers table, replace all instances
of the intimidating character with the seducing

p. 193. Streetwise
Remove the fifth row of the Streetwise target numbers table.

p. 214. Mount Attacks

Replace the second paragraph with the following:
Attacks made by a mount are melee attacks and are resolved using the
riders PRW+ Riding skill. If the attack hits, use the mounts STR as

Coal, delivery of 1,000 pounds: 60gc

Coal, delivery of 2,000 pounds: 100gc

p. 264. Rifle Grenades Callout

Replace the last sentence of the callout with the following:

A character firing a rifle grenade suffers 1 on his attack roll.

pp. 266267. Pistol, Magelock

Replace the text of the special rules section with the
Magelocks are capable of firing light metal-cased ammunition in
times of need, but Gun Mages seldom deign to do so. It is impossible
to empower nonrune shot ammunition with spells, no matter what
sort of firearm fires it.
It costs 5 gc for blasting powder, a rune-scribed bullet, and the
metal casing for each round of rune shot ammunition. Due to the
high cost of ammunition, most gun mages pour their own rune
shots (see Craft Rune Shot, p.160).

When a Gun Mage fires a rune shot from a magelock pistol, the
magelock is considered to be a magical weapon.

p. 357. Exemplar Career

p. 268. Rifle, Magelock

p. 361. New Abilities

Replace the text of the special rules section with the following:
Magelocks are capable of firing light metal-cased ammunition
in times of need, but Gun Mages seldom deign to do so. It is
impossible to empower nonrune shot ammunition with spells, no
matter what sort of firearm fires it.
It costs 5 gc for blasting powder, a rune-scribed bullet, and the
metal casing for each round of rune shot ammunition. Due to the
high cost of ammunition, most gun mages pour their own rune
shots (see Craft Rune Shot, p.160).
This weapon requires two hands. When a Gun Mage fires a rune
shot from a magelock rifle, the magelock is considered to be a
magical weapon.

p. 283. Clockwork Capacitor

In the second paragraph of the fabrication rules, replace
arcane turbine with clockwork capacitor.

p. 297. Alternative Methods of Delivery

Replace the fourth sentence of the callout with the following:
When fired from a military rifle, a rifle grenade has a range of 60
feet (10), no extreme range, and the same AOE and effects as the
standard grenade type. A character firing a rifle grenade suffers
1 on his attack roll.

p. 301. Forager Light Laborjack Chassis

Remove the top row of the Foragers damage grid.

p. 333. Combat Encounter Building

In the first cell of the first column of the table, replace the
number 12 with 21.
In the second cell of the second column, replace the number
26 with 36.

Iron Kingdoms
Full Metal Fantasy
Roleplaying Game:
Kings, Nations, and Gods
p. 94. Voltaic Halberd
A voltaic halberd has an attack modifier of 1 (two-handed).

Add Divine Might (p. 361) to the Exemplar Abilities.

Add the following ability:

Divine Might
Prerequisite: STR 6
The character can wield two relic blades at a time.

No Quarter Presents:
Iron Kingdoms Urban
P. 4. Guttersnipe
Remove the Sling skill.

p. 69. Bone Shaker

Replace the text of the spell with the following:
When this spell destroys a living or undead character, the
spellcaster can have the destroyed character immediately make a
full advance followed by a normal melee attack. The destroyed
character is then removed from the table. The destroyed character
cannot be targeted by free strikes during this movement.

p. 16. Cephalyx Drudge
A cephalyx drudge has 12 vitality points.

p. 97. Pistol Wraith Spellslinger

Remove the second sentence in the Notes section.

Iron Kingdoms
Unleashed Roleplaying
Game: Core Rules
p. 104. Gatorman Race
Add Skilled to the list of archetypes.

p. 120. Bone Grinder Career

Replace the starting spell Arcane Bonds with Spirit Lash.

p. 121. Brigand Career

Add Great Weapon 4 to Brigand Military Skills.

Replace the first line of the voltaic halberds special rules

with the following:

p. 156. Beast Handler Ability

This weapon can only be used two-handed and has Reach.

This character can reroll failed Animal Handling skill rolls. Each
failed roll can be rerolled only once as a result of Beast Handler.

In the last sentence of the special rules, replace storm

glaive with voltaic halberd.

p. 177. Assault Kommando Career

In the starting assets section, replace assault shield with
combat shield.

Replace the ability text with the following:

p. 165. Return Fire Ability

Remove the prerequisite for Return Fire.

p. 240. Shaman: Devourer Wurm Spells

Battle Rage is a COST 2 spell.

p. 241. Warlock: Circle Spells

p. 333. Skirovik Mountain Goat

Aggravator is a COST 3 spell.

Add the following to the special rules:

p. 241. Warlock: Farrow Spells

Add Feast of Worms to the COST 4 spells.

A character with Trained Rider (Skirovik mountain goat) can

perform charge attacks while mounted on a Skirovik mountain
goat. This is not considered a Cavalry Charge, and a Skirovik
mountain goat cannot make impact attacks.

p. 241. Warlock: Swamp Spells

p. 333. Ulk

Warpath is a COST 2 spell.

Battle Rage is a COST 2 Spell.

Warpath is a COST 2 spell.
Add Dark Guidance to the COST 4 spells.

p. 241. Warlock: Trollkin Spells

Warpath is a COST 2 spell.

Add the following to the special rules:

A character with Trained Rider (ulk) can perform charge attacks
while mounted on an ulk. This is not considered a Cavalry Charge,
and an ulk cannot make impact attacks.

p. 432. Warpwolf, Feral

Add Stone Strength to the COST 2 spells.

Replace the warpwolfs right claw stats with the stats for
its left claw.

Add Force Hammer to the COST 4 spells.

p. 433. Lunar Warp

p. 242. Spell Descriptions

In the second column of the table, replace 1 STR with 1 SPD.

Add the following spells:

p. 447. Combat Encounter Building

Dark Guidance

In the first column of the table, replace the number 12 with 21.


While in the spellcasters control range, friendly characters gain

an additional die on their melee attack rolls this turn.
Force Hammer 4 10 12 No Yes

Instead of suffering a normal damage roll, a non-incorporeal

character Force Hammer hits is slammed d6 directly away from the
spells point of origin regardless of its base size and suffers a POW 12
damage roll. Collateral damage from this slam is POW 12.

p. 245. Dominate Undead

Dominate Undead is an offensive spell. It is not an upkeep spell.

p. 247. Harvest
Harvest is an upkeep spell. It is not an offensive spell.

p. 248. Influence
Influence is an offensive spell.

p. 274. Weapon Training

Add the following:
A warbeast does not suffer attack modifier penalties with the
weapons included in its warbeast profile that it has been trained
to use. A warbeast trained to use other weapons has a MAT equal
to its PRW.

p. 288. Bull Snapper

Replace the page reference with p. 396.

p. 288. Swamp Horror

Elasticity is a RNG 6 spell.

p. 332. Duskwolf
Add the following to the special rules:
A character with Trained Rider (duskwolf) can perform charge
attacks while mounted on a duskwolf. This is not considered a
Cavalry Charge, and a duskwolf cannot make impact attacks.

p. 458. Appendix A: Creature Templates

Add the following template:

Description: Whether because of their regenerative capability,
magical endowment, or sheer orneriness, some creatures are just
harder to kill than others.
Stat Modifiers: +6 vitality points or +2 vitality points to the
Physique, Agility, and Intellect life spiral aspects
Ability Modifiers: A creature with this template gains the
Tough ability.
Tough When this character is disabled, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6,
the character heals 1 vitality point, is no longer disabled, and is
knocked down.
Skill Modifiers: None.
EP Modifier: +3
Notes: None.

Iron Kingdoms
Unleashed Roleplaying
Game Adventure Kit
Longchops Character Sheet
Longchops PRW is 4.

Zochas Character Sheet

The P+S of Zochas Sacral Blade is 10.

Rulebook, p. 8. Blood Rites

Replace the second instance of Veteran with Epic.


No Quarter Issue #48

p. 64. Priest of Cyriss Career
Replace the starting Military Skills with the following:
Starting Military Skills: Hand Weapon 1 or Great Weapon 1
Add the following to the bottom half of the table.
Military Skills: Hand Weapon 2, Great Weapon 2

Frequently Asked
Q: Can a character wear more than one suit of
armor at a time?
A: No.

Q: Are mounts considered separate characters

for the purposes of spells like Fortify and
Boundless Charge?

Q: Can Protectorate weapons described as

being magical in a Menite characters hands be
turned into mechanika?
A: No. However, a Protectorate warcaster can bond with a
magical weapon as if it had the Bond runeplate.

Q: If a Man-O-Wars STR is reduced from the

damage table, can it still wield a weapon with
a STR requirement it no longer meets?
A: No. The character must meet any prerequisites of a
weapon to wield it.

Q: Can warcaster armor have additional runes

inscribed on its rune plates?
A: No.

Q: Does a character suffer both the 4 firing

while engaged penalty and the 4 firing into
melee penalty if he fires while engaged?

A: No.

A: No. A character suffers the firing into melee penalty only

when he shoots into a melee he is not a participant in.

Q: Does a character with Weapon Specialization

ignore penalties for things like a target in melee
or attacking a non-prone target while prone?

Q: If a character spends a feat point to perform

Heroic Dodge, at what point is the damage
halved? Is halved damage rounded up or down?

A: No. Weapon Specialization only allows a character to

ignore penalties that are native to the weapon.

Q: What happens when an incapacitated

character is damaged by an attack?
A: The incapacitated character immediately suffers an
additional roll on the Injury Table.

Q: Can magelock weapons be made into

A: No.

Q: Do effects modifying a characters PHY also

modify his ARM for the purpose of Flesh of Steel?
A: Only permanent changes to a characters PHY modify
his ARM for the purpose of Flesh of Steel.

Q: Can a Stormsmith spend a feat point to boost

Stormsmithing rolls for lightning strikes? Does a
Stormsmith benefit from Genius when making
Stormsmithing rolls for lightning strikes?
A: Yes to both.

A: A character performing a Heroic Dodge halves the

amount of damage exceeding his ARM, rounding up.

Q: How many attacks can a character firing a

chain gun make when aided by an assistant?
How much ammunition does this expend?
A: He can make d3+3 attacks for six rounds of ammunition.

Q: Does a warlocks starting beast begin the

game fully trained?
A: Yes. The starting warbeast begins the game fully trained and
equipped with any weapons listed in its warbeast profile.

Q: Does a warlock need to force a warbeast to

run or perform a charge?
A: No. A warbeast can run or charge normally.

Q: Are the guns mounted on a troll blitzer

considered part of the blitzer for the purpose
of boosting attack and damage rolls?
A: Yes. A blitzer can be forced to boost attack and damage
rolls with its slugger.

Q: What base size are characters in bastion and

Man-O-War armor?
A: Characters in bastion and Man-O-War armor are
medium-based characters while wearing armor.
Contents and Game Rules 20012015 Privateer Press Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press, Iron Kingdoms, Unleashed, Monsternomicon, Immoren, Full Metal Fantasy,
warjack, warcaster, No Quarter, and all associated logos and slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to photocopy and retain electronic
copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for noncommercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained therein or preserve all
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