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Traffic Monitoring Guide

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Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001

May 1, 2001
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Highway Policy Information

Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001


This document summarizes the recommendations in the Traffic Monitoring Guide
(TMG). The complete guide should be referenced as needed to understand the technical
analysis behind these recommendations.
Actual implementation will vary from agency to agency. Each State or local
highway agency has its own traffic counting needs, priorities, budgets, geographic, and
organizational constraints.
These differences cause agencies to select different
equipment for data collection, use different collection plans for obtaining traffic data, and
emphasize different data reporting outputs. However, all highway agencies collect the
same basic types of data, and each can benefit from using a similar basic data collection
Traffic monitoring has a long tradition and each agency has an established legacy
program. The TMG offers suggestions to help improve and advance current programs
with a view towards the future of traffic monitoring. A basic program structure for traffic
monitoring is presented. The guide provides specific examples of how statewide data
collection programs should be structured, describes the analytical logic behind that
structure, and provides the information highway agencies need to optimize the framework
for their particular organizational, financial, and political structures.


The basic recommended program design consists of:

portable short duration counts, and

permanent continuous counts.

The short duration counts ensure geographic diversity and coverage. The
continuous counts help the agency understand the time-of-day, day-of-week, and seasonal
travel patterns and allow development of the mechanism needed to convert short duration
counts into accurate estimates of annual conditions. Adjustments to short duration count
data are normally required to remove temporal bias from data used for annual average
daily traffic (AADT) computation.
The TMG recommends that the short count data collection consist of a periodic
comprehensive coverage program over the entire system on a 6- year cycle. The coverage
plan includes counting the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) sample
and universe sections on a shorter 3-year cycle to meet the national HPMS requirement.
The coverage program is supplemented with a special needs element where
additional counts are performed as needed to meet other more specific data needs. The


Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001

special needs program represents many different operations and may include the

pavement design counts performed to provide data for pavement design,

maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, and reconstruction
traffic operations counts performed to provide inputs to traffic control
studies (e.g., the creation of new signal timing plans)
traffic counts for other special purpose studies.

The specific requirements (what is collected, when and where it must be

collected) for these and other special needs studies change from agency to agency. The
ways in which agencies balance these all- encompassing needs against their limited traffic
counting budgets lead to the very different data collection programs that exist around the
The TMG recommends a coverage program structure for both volume and vehicle
classification programs. Substantial amounts of classification data are needed to better
understand truck travel on highways. Highway agencies should collect classification data
(which also supply total volume information) in place of simple volume counts whenever
possible. The TMG recommends that State highway agencies initially aim to take 25 to
30 percent of their short duration coverage counts with classification counting equipment.
Agencies that can exceed this figure are encouraged to do so. The ability to meet or
exceed this goal depends on agency perspective and is a function of the equipment
available and the nature of the road system. Classification data are difficult to collect in
many urban settings because of safety or equipment limitations. Therefore, a city may
decide to collect considerably less than 30 percent of its counts as classification counts.
Access to data collected from continuous counters is necessary for all highway
agencies. Considerable benefit can be obtained by sharing these data collection
resources. Agencies should work together to reduce duplication in the number and
location of permanent, continuous data collection devices. Agencies should share the
data they collect (e.g., a State DOT should use seasonal and day-of-week information
collected at permanent sites operated by a county or city as part of developing adjustment
factors for a specific urban area). A single count location can supply information for
many purposes (e.g., permanent, continuous weigh- in- motion scales supply weight,
classification, and volume data). Opportunities to share data exist not only among
agencies but within agencies. Ensuring that planning, operations, maintenance, and
construction groups share the data they collect can substantially increase the availability
of traffic monitoring data while reducing the overall cost of data collection.
A key source for urban traffic data will be the traffic surveillance systems used for
traffic management and control. These systems, currently being installed, expanded, and
improved as part of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) program offer highway
agencies the ability to collect continuous traffic monitoring data at high volume locations.
Access to these data requires proactive efforts by the traffic monitoring groups, as
archiving and analysis of surveillance data are traditionally less important to the
operations groups that build, operate, and maintain these ITS systems. Without proactive

Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001

efforts by the traffic monitoring groups, the benefits of ITS data can be lost because
operations groups spend their scarce resources on operational improvements rather than
on the archiving and analysis software needed to convert surveillance data into useful
traffic statistics.
The TMG recommends that each agency improve the quality of reported traffic
data by establishing quality control processes for traffic data collection and processing.
Subjective editing procedures for identifying and imputing missing or invalid data are
discouraged, since the effects of such data adjustments are unknown and frequently bias
the results. Each highway agency should have formal rules and procedures for their
quality control efforts.

The measurement of traffic volumes is one of the most basic functions of highway
planning and management. Traffic volume counts are the most common measure of
roadway use, and they are needed as input to most traffic engineering analyses. While
several traffic volume statistics are used in traffic analyses, two are of primary interest for
the design of statewide traffic monitoring programs: annual average daily traffic (AADT)
and average daily vehicle distance traveled (DVDT). Because DVDT is computed by
multiplying the roadway segment AADT by the length of that segment, the primary goal
of most traffic monitoring programs is to develop accurate AADT estimates, which can
then be expanded to estimates of trave l. To achieve this goal, the recommended traffic
monitoring program consists of two basic components, a continuous count program and a
short duration count program.

Continuous Count Program

All highway agencies should have access to data collected from continuous
counters. These data are needed to understand temporal (day-of-week, month) changes in
traffic volume. However, not all agencies need to operate these devices. Agencies
should work together to ensure that enough data are collected and shared to allow
calculation of accurate seasonal adjustment factors needed to convert short duration
traffic counts into estimates of AADT. The TMG provides considerable guidance on
how to structure continuous count programs, how to determine the appropriate number of
counters for adjustment factor development, and how to apply those factors.

Short Duration Counts

The short count program is designed to provide roadway segment-specific traffic
count information on a cyclical basis. The TMG recommends the collection of 48-hour
periods with counters that record hourly data. To compute AADT, the volume data from
the short counts must be adjusted to annual conditions. The adjustments include:

Traffic Monitoring Guide

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axle correction (for counts taken with single axle sensors)

day-of-week (for counts taken for less than one week)
month (to account for volume changes from month to month).

Since AADT is desired for the current year, growth factors need to be computed
and applied to counts not taken during the current year. Also, count s of less that 24-hour
duration, usually taken as a last resort and not recommended in the TMG, must be
adjusted to represent a full 24-hour period.
Short Count Program Design
Highway agencies perform short duration counts for a variety of purposes,
includ ing meeting federal reporting needs (HPMS), supplying information for individual
projects (pavement design, planning studies, etc.), and providing broad knowledge of
roadway use. The short duration counting program can be most efficient if these various
data collection efforts are coordinated so that one count session meets multiple needs. To
produce that efficiency, the TMG recommends the following steps to program design:

Divide the road system into homogeneous traffic volume segments,

determine the count locations needed to cover the system over a maximum
cycle of six years.
Determine the count locations required to meet the HPMS needs.
Determine the count locations and data collection needs of specific
projects that will require data in the next year or two. This entails working
with the offices that will request these data to determine their data needs.
Overlay the counts1 on maps of the highway system including the location
of functioning continuous counters.
Determine how counts can be combined to make best use of available
counting resources.
Schedule the counts to efficiently use the available data collection crews
and equipment.

This program design is intended to reduce count duplication and increase the
efficiency of the data collection staff.
HPMS Counts
Of particular importance to all highway agencies is the collection of the HPMS
sample and universe section traffic data. Volume data from the HPMS are used to
apportion Federal-Aid funds. Significant portions of these funds are allocated by each
State highway agency to lower jurisdictions, highway districts, or local agencies.

Included in this effort should be all vehicle classification and WIM counts, since these counts should
also provide total volume data.


Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001

Consequently, each highway agency has a direct financial interest in the validity of data
submitted to the FHWA under the HPMS.
In addition, the outcome of many studies based on the HPMS data affect highway
agencies. The HPMS data are used in a number of key analytical tools, including the
HPMS Analytical Package, the Surface Transportation Efficiency Analysis System
(STEAM), the Highway Economic Requirements System (HERS), and the ITS
Deployment Analysis System (IDAS), as well as a host of State-specific planning and
performance modeling systems.
The HPMS traffic data collection requirement was initially designed as a
statistical sample of highway sections to meet federal data needs. The HPMS data
collection system evolved into a combination of a universal count program for the
National Highway System and other principal arterials (that is, every HPMS roadway
section must be counted) and a statistical sample for the remaining highway systems.
Each State highway agency is responsible for reporting traffic data to the HPMS
as specified in the HPMS Manual. To support the HPMS reporting requirement, each
NHS, principal arterial, and sample section must be counted at least once every three
years. Note that the HPMS covers roads on and off the State highway systems.
In addition, each State should maintain cyclic count coverage data on all arterial
and collector roadways covered by the HPMS sample so that those sections can be
accurately assigned to HPMS volume strata. This is necessary to expand the HPMS
sample counts into accurate estimates of statewide VDT.
State highway agencies may not need to physically count all HPMS sample or
universe locations. In some cases, States rely on local governments to collect and report
these data. In other cases, procedures such as ramp balancing can be used to estimate
traffic volumes on roads where portable counts cannot be safely performed. Regardless
of how these data are collected, the State highway agency is responsible for the quality,
completeness, and accuracy of all submitted HPMS traffic data.


This edition of the TMG significantly departs from the vehicle classification
recommendations in previous editions. The new recommendation follows the same basic
design as the volume count program previously described. It consists of a coverage count
element supported by a continuous count program.
One reason for this change is that the statistical sample previously collected met
only a single objective efficiently, the estimation of the average percentage of travel by
truck type by functional class of roadway. It did not meet the data collection needs of
many other users and did not supply sufficiently accurate data on the percentage of trucks
operating on HPMS sample sections.


Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001

This change in data collection methodology has other implications. The new
approach acknowledges that many uses other than statewide travel estimates must be met.
To meet these needs it is necessary to be able to estimate annual average truck travel.
Therefore, the TMG recommends a strong continuous classification count program. The
continuous classification count program is specifically aimed at providing users with a
better understanding of time-of-day, day-of-week, and seasonal variation in truck
To apply the knowledge of truck volume variation, the TMG recommends new
procedures to create and apply factors from the continuous classification count program
to the short duration classification counts being collected. The TMG recommends that
seasonal and day-of-week adjustment factors be developed for three or four broad vehicle
classifications. These factors are similar to those currently applied to traffic volume
counts, but recognize that truck travel patterns are very different from those of passenger
vehicles. The factors are needed to create accurate estimates of annual truck traffic.

Short Duration Classification Counts

The objective of the short duration classification count program is to ensure that
highway agencies have valid truck volume information for all highways under their
jurisdiction. This means that agencies need to count truck volumes on all arterial and
major collector roads. A specific emphasis is placed on the collection of classification
data on the HPMS sample segments, since these data are used in many nationally
significant analyses. At the same time, structuring the coverage program on the HPMS
sample provides a geographic ally diverse set of roadway locations to address most other
needs. Additional needs would be covered under the "special needs" criteria.
The basic data collection recommendations follow:

Highway agencies should collect classification counts rather than volume

counts whenever equipment and staffing limitations allow. As a rule of
thumb, 25 to 30 percent of the volume counts should be classified.
Each agency should perform at least one vehicle classification count on
each route each year.
For roads that change character and/or sustain significant truck volume
changes over their length, one count should be taken on each segment of
that roadway each year. 2
Where practical, these counts should be performed at existing HPMS
standard sample sections.

The classification counts should cover a 48-hour monitoring period and, if

possible, should use the standard FHWA 13 vehicle categories. In some locations,
equipment limitations prevent the collection of the 13 FHWA categories. This usually

This and the previous bullet are intended to ensure that sufficient measurements of truck volumes are
taken on each important route with a bare minimum of a single count


Traffic Monitoring Guide

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occurs in high volume, multi- lane situations where vehicle speeds are highly variable,
such as congested urban areas, or where traffic signal systems cause vehicles to
accelerate or decelerate while being counted. At these locations, highway agencies are
encouraged to use any truck classification equipment that can accurately classify trucks,
even if that means using a different (usually simplified) classification scheme. If unable
to classify under the 13-class scheme due to equipment limitations or safety issues, the
TMG recommends the use of four (or three) classes based on total vehicle length.
To meet these guidelines, many State highway agencies will need to increase the
number of classification counts they conduct. As old traffic counting equipment is
replaced, the new equipment should be capable of classifying as well as counting. For
statewide monitoring purposes, highway agencies should attempt to collect classification
data whenever possible, given equipment limitations and the need for efficient staff and
equipment utilization. The goal for every highway agency should be to collect enough
data to provide a valid estimate of truck volume on each route. These estimates should
be based on actual traffic counts conducted on the roadways in question.

Permanent, Continuous Classification Counts

The continuous classification count program has one major goal, the creation of
factors needed to estimate annual average daily truck volume from short duration
classification counts. To accomplish this goal it is necessary to measure day-of-week and
seasonal variation in truck traffic and to apply the knowledge to short duration counts.
Truck volumes vary significantly by time of day and day of week as illustrated by
Figures 1 and 2.
Sufficient continuous counters are needed to measure each of the different truck
volume patterns found in a State or region. This means that continuous counters should
be placed on different functional classes of roads and in different geographic locations. It
is especially important to be able to measure the differences in truck volume patterns
between roads that carry primarily local truck traffic and those that serve through-traffic.
A good rule of thumb is that the continuous classification count program should
be roughly the same size as the traditional continuous volume count program (the ATR
program). In fact, the design of the continuous count program is very similar to the
design of the ATR program. While the recommended continuous count program requires
a significant number of count locations, it is important to note that continuous classifiers
also serve as ATRs. Thus it is possible to use the classification counters in place of
ATRs at the same time they are used to supply continuous classification data. Such a
step significant ly reduces the number of continuous counters an agency needs and
reduces unnecessary duplication.


Traffic Monitoring Guide

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Percent of Daily Traffic




Rural Cars
Business Day Trucks


Through Trucks
Urban Cars




9 1 0 1 1 1 2 13 14 1 5 1 6 17 18 19 2 0 2 1 22 23 2 4
Hour of Day

Figure 1: Basic Time of Day Patterns




Traditional Car
Recreational Car


Typical Truck
Through Truck












Day of Week

Figure 2: Typical Day of Week Travel Pattern


Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001

Factoring of Short Duration Classification Counts

For many years highway agencies have developed and applied adjustment factors
to short duration volume counts in order to estimate annual average volumes. Annual
average estimates of truck volumes are key inputs to pavement design analyses, trend
analyses, revenue studies, accident analyses, and a variety of other studies of high
importance and visibility to highway agencies. Therefore, highway agencies must
develop adjustment procedures that allow accurate estimation of annual average truck
volumes from short duration counts. The definition of trucks in this analysis applies to
the longer wheelbase mostly cargo vehicles not to pickup trucks or vans.
Research has shown that truck volumes, like car volumes, vary by time of day,
day of week, and season, but truck volumes follow patterns that are significantly different
than those of passenger vehicles. Therefore, applying the adjustment factors already
computed for volume induces bias in the computation of annual truck volume estimates.
What each highway agency needs are adjustment factors specifically designed to convert
short duration truck volume counts into estimates of annual average daily truck traffic
These factors and factoring procedures need to be developed by each State
highway agency. The development of truck factor procedures is a new endeavor and as
such it will take time to mature. The TMG suggests a factoring approach that uses the
nature of the roads freight traffic and, if needed, geography to categorize roads into
factor groups. The recommended roadway characterization includes identifying whether
the truck traffic on that road is predominantly locally oriented or that road carries large
through truck movements. Roads with mostly local truck traffic tend to have travel
patterns that are heavily oriented toward business day travel (that is, few trucks at night
and on weekends.) Roads that carry heavy through- movements have higher weekend and
nighttime truck volumes.
Geographic stratification for the truck factor groups is suggested for States in
which economic activity changes significantly from one part to another. For example, if
the southern half is heavily agricultural, while the northern half is heavily oriented toward
manufacturing, these two geographic areas are likely to have different seasonal trucking
Table 1 presents a suggested grouping scheme for the creation of truck factor
groups. A key recommendation on the development of truck factors is to create factors
for only three or four broad categories of vehicles. The suggested classes for factoring

passenger vehicles
single- unit trucks
single combination trucks (trucks and tractors with a single trailer)
multi- trailer trucks.


Traffic Monitoring Guide

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States that have few multi- trailer trucks should reduce further to three categories
by consolidating the single combination and multi- trailer truck categories.
Table 1: Example Truck Factor Groups 3


Interstates and arterial major through-truck


Interstate and arterial major truck routes

Other roads (e.g., regional agricultural

roads) with little through-traffic

Interstates and other freeways serving

primarily local truck traffic

Other non-restricted truck routes

Other non-restricted truck routes

Other rural roads (e.g., mining area)

Other roads (non-truck routes)

Special roads (e.g., recreational, ports)

The use of urban or rural breaks may be necessary due to the differences in
patterns and volumes at these locations. In many States, such a break may not be
considered appropriate.
The aggregated classification scheme for factoring short duration classification
counts is recommended for several reasons. In many States, the volumes in many of the
FHWA 13 vehicle categories are very low and highly variable. When volumes within a
vehicle class are low, the factors computed for those vehicle categories become very
unstable and inaccurate. The factors and estimates can change drastically based on a few
vehicles. Aggregating vehicle classes allows the factoring process to keep the majority of
truck volumes (by class) high enough to provide stability to the factors produced. 4 The
aggregation also reduces the computational process to create and apply the factors, since
computing factors for 13 classes would become a very cumbersome process.

Other Recommendations
Calibration and Quality Control
A key component of the vehicle classification program is the establishment of
quality control procedures including the calibration and testing of equipment used to

These are strictly examples. Each State highway agency should select the appropriate number and
definition of truck groups based on its economic and trucking characteristics.
It is also possible to account for seasonal variation by counting multiple times during the year at a
single location and this is appropriate for sites where a high degree of accuracy is needed or where truck
adjustment factors are not considered highly reliable.


Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001

collect truck volume data. Each State must periodically calibrate, test, and validate the
performance of its classification equipment to ensure that the equipment is operating as
intended. This includes testing new classifiers received from the manufacturer. The
quality control program should include a short field test whenever a classifier is placed in
traffic to ensure that the counter is working correctly.
Use of Multiple Classification Schemes
The classification schemes that can be collected are a function of the data
collection equipment used and of road conditions.
Many States use different
classification equipment in different operating conditions and are confronted with the
task of dealing with different classification schemes at different points in their roadway
Each State highway agency must understand the different classification
schemes they use and develop conversion rules. For example, if the State uses the
FHWA 13 classes but also utilizes length categories from inductance loops on urban
freeways, it must develop appropriate length-based classification rules to make both
schemes compatible.
To understand how different classification schemes relate to each other, the
highway agency needs to periodically perform specific studies to determine the make-up
of the different classification schemes. In the example above, WIM data that contain
both axle spacing and overall vehicle length information can be used to determine how
vehicles categorized with the FHWA 13-category scheme are placed within the vehicle
length categories.


The new TMG recommends changing the focus of the truck weight data
collection program from collecting data at a random number of locations to adjusting the
number of locations to fit the level of variability in truck weights. This is done in
recognition of the major cost and difficulties involved in collecting accurate truck weight
data. The objective of the new program recommendations is to ensure that each State
collects accurate truck weight data to meet agency needs. This is accomplished by:

defining truck weight roadway groups (so that each road within a group
experiences truck weights per vehicle type that are similar to those of
other roads within that group)
collecting weight data from at least six sites within each group
collecting data on the day-of-week and seasonal changes in vehicle
weights that occur within each group
paying specific attention to the calibration of the WIM equipment used for
that data collection.

While structuring a truck weight program similarly to the volume and

classification data programs would be preferable, (i.e., a few continuous count locations
supported by a large number of geographically-dispersed short duration counts), the cost

Traffic Monitoring Guide

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of weight data collection and the limitations in available equipment make such a design
unrealistic. Instead, the program recommends collecting data at a relatively small
number of locations designed to be representative of much larger groups of roads. The
truck program design is similar to the continuous count elements for volume and vehicle
classification. One major difference for the truck weight data collection program is that
most of the weight monitoring sites need not operate continuously. The program is
designed to ensure that current operational WIM sites become the base of the program.
This base can be modified as needed to form the groups.

Truck Weight Roadway Groups

The TMG recommends that each State define its roadway system into truck
weight roadway groups, so that each road within a group experiences truck loading
patterns (in terms of vehicle weights per vehicle, not total tonnage using the roadway)
similar to those of other roads within that group. Further, it recommends using the
characteristics of the freight moved on the roads to help create the roadway groups. This
can be accomplished by understanding the type of commodities carried, the vehicles
used, and the freight movement function performed by each road. (For example, does the
road serve primarily as a through-truck route? Does it serve as a farm to market road?
Does it provide access to specific types of heavy industry or mining areas? Does it serve
conventional urban/suburban development patterns?)
Small, reasonably homogenous States (e.g., Rhode Island, Vermont) may only
need one or two truck weight groups. For example, they might have roads with a large
percentage of through-trucks versus roads that are primarily used for local freight
movements. Large, diverse States (e.g., California, Texas) may have several different
truck weight groups.
States are encouraged to adopt truck weight groups that:

can be easily applied within the State

can provide a logical means for discriminating between roads that are
likely to have very high load factors and roads that have lower load

The truck weight groups need not be the same groups that are used to create
vehicle classification factoring. However, the information developed from the vehicle
classification groups will be a great help in the development of the truck weight groups.
The truck weight groups should follow the vehicle classification groups as much as
possible. However, since the number of WIM sites will be much lower than the number
of permanent classifiers, the number of truck weight groups will be lower.
The truck route grouping process should, as much as possible, incorporate
knowledge about specific types of heavy trucks, so that roads that carry those heavy
trucks are grouped together, and roads that are not likely to carry those trucks are treated
separately. For example, roads leading to and from major ports might be treated

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separately from other roads in that same geographic area because of the high load factor
that is common to port facilities. These specialty roads should be treated just as
recreational routes are treated when continuous volume count information is collected
(that is, as an important but special case).

Recommended Number, Length, and Location of Counts

Vehicle weights within each truck weight group should be measured by a number
of WIM sites 5 located within the group. For most truck weight groups, a minimum of six
sites should be monitored.
At least one of the WIM sites within each group should operate continuously
throughout the year to measure temporal changes in the loads carried by trucks operating
on those roads. Where possible, more locations within each group should be monitored
continuously to provide a more reliable measure of seasonal change. The proper number
of additional continuous sites is primarily a function of the States ability to supply the
resources needed to monitor those sites and the need to monitor differences in seasonal
weight characteristics. 6
The remaining WIM sites should be monitored for no less than 24 consecutive
hours to account for time-of-day differences in vehicle weights. Data collection sessions
of longer than 24 hours are encouraged whenever practical. In particular, when inground weight sensors are being used and the data collection electronics can be safely left
to operate without on-site staff, a minimum of one-week counts are recommended at all
measurement locations that are not being operated continuously.
Given the recommended data collection design, the size of any States weight data
collection program will be a function of the variability of the truck weights (the number
of weight groups created) and the accuracy and precision desired to monitor and report on
those weights (the more count locations measured within a weight group, the better the
highway agency will understand the weights present on that group of roads.)
For a small State that has only two basic truck weight road groups, the basic
recommendation would be for a minimum of about 12 weighing locations and two to four
continuously operating weigh- in- motion sites. The number of locations can be further
reduced by data-sharing agreements with neighboring States to collect joint vehicle
weight data.

The exception would be for a specialized road. Just as recreational routes are often monitored with a
single permanent counter location for volume factoring, a specialty truck weight road like that leading
to a port may be monitored with a single WIM site.
If the data collection shows that a group of roads has a very stable seasonal pattern, then relatively few
continuous counters are needed to monitor the pattern. However, if the State has little data on seasonal
weight patterns or if previous data collection has shown the pattern to be inconsistent within that group
of roads, a larger number of continuous counters may be needed.


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A large State with diverse trucking characteristics could have 10 or more distinct
truck weight groups, and therefore 60 or more WIM sites, with a corresponding increase
in the number of continuously operating WIM locations. Most States will have far fewer
weight groups, at least as a starting point. The number of weighing locations in a State
should fall somewhere between the extremes of 12 and 90 locations.
The truck weight monitoring locations cannot be selected in a random or even
semi-random manner due to equipment and site selection considerations. Instead, the
TMG recommends that each State start with its existing WIM sites and add sites as
needed. A plan should be developed to establish the criteria for site selection.
When data collection at existing sites becomes inappropriate, because of
pavement failure surrounding the WIM sensors or failure of the WIM equipment itself, or
because weight data is no longer needed at that site, the plan should guide the decision to
remove or maintain that site. At sites where data are still desired, the equipment should
be reinstalled after any necessary pavement repair/rehabilitation takes place. Where a
site is no longer necessary, the WIM equipment should be moved to a different site where
either vehicle weights are not known or additional data are needed.
Highway agencies should collect WIM data at a variety of locations. This
includes moving at least some data collection activity to new roads or new locations
whenever the opportunity presents itself. In this fashion, insight can be continuously
gained on the truck weight patterns found throughout the State. However, this desire for
better geographic distribution of data collection sites must be balanced against equipment
and resource limitations and the need to ensure that each site selected for WIM data
collection has the physical attributes (flat, strong pavement in good condition with
constant vehicle speeds) that allow for accurate WIM system operation.

Data Aggregation and Reporting

The collection of data without effective processing of the data and reporting of
information to users reduces the value of the program. States need to improve the
processing and analysis of their collected WIM data either by making use of appropriate
software or developing it. The TMG contains specific recommendations for the
development of load summary tables from the collected WIM data. The Vehicle Travel
Information System (VTRIS) package developed by the FHWA allows easy analysis of
current WIM data.
For each of the truck weight groups, State highway agencies should develop
estimates of:

average gross vehicle weights (GVW) by vehicle class

axle load distributions by type of axle (single, tandem, tridem, etc.).

These summaries should then be made readily accessible to users so that this
information gains widespread use. Widespread use will translate into more agency-wide

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support for the data collection activity and better transportation decisions. Of particular
interest to many highway agencies will be the need to produce these types of loading
estimates for the new AASHTO Pavement Design Guide currently under development.

Need for Calibration

Heavy emphasis is placed on the calibration of WIM data collection equipment.
Quality information is more important than the quantity of data collected. It is far better
to collect small amounts of well-calibrated data than to collect large amounts of data from
poorly calibrated scales.
All equipment at WIM sites should be carefully calibrated before the actual
collection of data. In addition to periodic re-calibration of continuously operating WIM
equipment, highway agencies need to perform ongoing quality control functions for the
data collected and processed. When questionable data are observed, the performance of
that equipment must be investigated, and, if necessary, repairs made and new calibration
efforts undertaken.


Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001




3-axle tractor with a 2-axle semi-trailer

Average Daily Traffic
Annual Average Daily Traffic
Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Archived Data User Service
Advanced Rural Transportation Systems
American Society for Testing and Materials
Advanced Traveler Information System
Advanced Traffic Management System
Automatic Continuous Traffic Recorder
Automatic Vehicle Classification
Bridge Management System
Clean Air Act Amendments (1990)
Congestion Management System
Continuous Vehicle Classifier
Commercial Vehicle Operations
Daily Vehicle Distance Traveled
Equivalent Axle Loading
Environmental Protection Agency
Equivalent Single Axle Loading
Federal Highway Administration
Geographic Information System
Global Positioning System
Highway Performance Monitoring System
International Roughness Index
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (1991)
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Long Term Pavement Performance
Monthly Average Daily Traffic
Metropolitan Planning Organization
National Highway System
Other Freeways and Expressways
Other Principal Arterial
Pavement Management System
Present Serviceability Rating
Permanent Traffic Recorder (another name for ATR)
Strategic Highway Research Program
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
Traffic Monitoring Guide
Travel Volume Trends
Truck Weight Study


Traffic Monitoring Guide

May1, 2001


Vehicle Distance Traveled

Vehicle Miles Traveled
Vehicle Travel Information System


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